Category:Legal-Pre-Filed Exhibits
MONTHYEARML16081A3252016-03-21021 March 2016 NRCR12001 - NRC Staff Prefiled Hearing Exhibit List (Revised) ML16078A4172016-03-18018 March 2016 ENTR20726 - Entergy Track 2 Exhibit List ML16078A4122016-03-18018 March 2016 NRC000236 - Crack Growth Rate Comparison - Eason Pathania Model to MRP Model- Excel Spreadsheet ML16078A4132016-03-18018 March 2016 NRCR11001 - Exhibt List NRC Staff Prefiled Hearing Exhibit List (Revised) ML15321A0352015-11-17017 November 2015 NYS000582 - Diagram of Strength Vs Amplitude by Dr. Richard T. Lahey ML15315A0132015-11-11011 November 2015 ENTR00726 - Track 2 Hearing Exhibit List ML15309A2212015-11-0505 November 2015 NRCR10001 - NRC Staff Track 2 Exhibit List ML15309A1712015-11-0505 November 2015 RIVR14001 - Riverkeeper Tailored Track 2 Exhibit List ML15309A1292015-11-0505 November 2015 ENT000726 - Entergy Track 2 Hearing Exhibit List ML15313A4602015-11-0404 November 2015 NYSR25001 - Corrected Page 24 to Exhibits List Relevant to Track 2 Contentions ML15309A1552015-11-0404 November 2015 NYSR25001 - NYS Revised Tailored Exhibits List Relevant to Track 2 Contentions ML15307A1152015-11-0303 November 2015 NYSR24001 - State of Ny Revised Hearing Exhibits List ML15307A8112015-11-0303 November 2015 NRC000230 - Corrections to Prefiled Testimony NRC000168 and NRC000197 ML15302A4672015-10-29029 October 2015 ENTR16001 - Entergy Revised Exhibit List ML15252A4442015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS000563 - Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Systems, USNRC Technical Training Center, Reactor Concepts Manual, Pages 4-1 to 4-28 ML15252A5792015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS Updated Exhibit List ML15252A5752015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS000573 - Supplemental Reply Statement of Position of the State of New York and Riverkeeper, Inc. in Support of Contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5 (Public, Redacted) (September 9, 2015) ML15252A5112015-09-0909 September 2015 RIVR13001 - Riverkeeper Updated Exhibit List ML15252A5092015-09-0909 September 2015 RIV000164 - NUREG-1740, ACRS, Voltage-Based Alternative Repair Criteria: a Report to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards by the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on a Differing Professional Opinion (2001) ML15252A5062015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS000570 - Supplemental Reply Statement of Position of the State of New York and Riverkeeper, Inc. in Support of Contention NYS-26B/RK-TC-1B (Public, Redacted) (September 9, 2015) ML15252A5042015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS000568 - Supplemental Reply Statement of Position of the State of New York in Support of Contention NYS-25 (Public, Redacted) (September 9, 2015) ML15252A4432015-09-0909 September 2015 NYS000566 - Figure 1 for Supplemental Reply Testimony of Dr. Richard T. Lahey ML15261A8302015-09-0404 September 2015 ENTR00615 - Entergy'S Statement of Position Re Contention NYS-25 (Embrittlement) - Redacted ML15222A9152015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000648 - M. Mitchell, Chief, Vessels and Internals Integrity Branch, Response to Non-Concurrence Regarding Safety Evaluation for Topical Report MRP-227, Pressurized Water Reactor Internals Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines (Undated) ML15222B1242015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000680 - Curriculum Vitae of Barry M. Gordon ML15223A4542015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000207 - Regulatory Information Conference Presentation Slides, Recent Materials Inspections of PWR Reactor Internals (Mar. 2015) ML15223A6752015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000227 - Gary Stevens Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15223A7792015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000224 - IP3 FSAR Rev. 04 Chapter 16 ML15222B1692015-08-10010 August 2015 ENTR00031 - Curriculum Vitae of Alan B. Cox ML15222A8482015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000637 - NUREG-1874, Recommended Screening Limits for Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) (March 2010) ML15261A8342015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000698 - Entergy'S Revised Statement of Position Regarding Contention NYS-38/RK-TC-5(Safety Commitments) (Aug. 10, 2015)Redacted ML15261A8322015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000678 - NL-07-140, Letter from F. Dacimo, Entergy, to NRC Document Control Desk, Reply to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Renewal Application (Nov. 28, 2007)Redacted ML15223A3452015-08-10010 August 2015 ENTR15001 - Entergy Hearing Exhibit List (Ent Exhibit List) ML15223A3932015-08-10010 August 2015 NRCR00104 - on Yee Statement of Professional Qualifications (Revised) ML15222B1262015-08-10010 August 2015 ENT000687 - NRC, Safety Evaluation Report, Topical Report on ASME Section III Piping and Component Fatigue Analysis Utilizing the Westems Computer Code (WCAP-17577, Revision 2) (Undated) ML15223A3862015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000222 - IP3 FSAR Rev. 04 Chapter 3 (2011) (Excerpt) ML15222B1612015-08-10010 August 2015 ENTR00186 - Curriculum Vitae of Mark A. Gray ML15223A3702015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000220 - Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group (PWROG) Presentation Slides, Industry and NRC Coordination Meeting Materials Programs Technical Exchange: Clevis Insert Bolt Update, (June 2014) ML15223A8052015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000169 - Indian Point, Unit 2 Technical Specifications (Excerpt) ML15223A2722015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000226 - Jeffrey C. Poehler Statement of Professional Qualifications ML15223A7872015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000196 - NRC Staff'S Initial Statement of Position on Contention NYS-25 (Reactor Vessel Internals) ML15223A7832015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000228 - Indian Point Unit 2 Technical Specifications 3.1.4 ML15223A9452015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000223 - IP3 FSAR Rev. 04 Chapter 14 (2011) ML15223A6122015-08-10010 August 2015 NRCR20101 - NRC Staff'S Revised Statement of Position Regarding NYS 26B/RK-TC-1B ML15223A4512015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000206 - Indian Point, Unit 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Rev. 25, Chapter 14 - Safety Analysis (2014) ML15223A2692015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000183 - NRC Inspection Manual, Inspection Procedure 71013, Site Inspection for Plants with a Timely Renewal Application (Sept. 25, 2013) ML15223A6712015-08-10010 August 2015 NRCR00147- NRC Staff'S Revised Statement of Position on State of New York and Riverkeeper'S Joint Contention NYS-38/RK-TC5 (Revised) ML15222B1702015-08-10010 August 2015 ENTR00184 - Curriculum Vitae of Jack R. Strosnider ML15223A7022015-08-10010 August 2015 NRCR900001 - NRC Staff Pre-filed Hearing Exhibit List (Revised) ML15223A7812015-08-10010 August 2015 NRC000226 - Jeffrey C. Poehler Statement of Professional Qualifications 2016-03-21
[Table view] |
ENTR00031 Revised: August 10, 2015 RESUME Alan B. Cox EDUCATION B.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 1977 M.B.A., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 1999 EXPERIENCE April 2015 - Iepson Consulting Enterprises, Inc - Consultant Present Provide support to clients for license renewal projects. Activities include supporting NRC license renewal inspections, reviewing technical documents including responses to NRC requests for information, performing independent review of license renewal applications.
2001 - 2015 Entergy License Renewal Services - Technical Manager, License Renewal Project manager and technical lead for license renewal services supporting both Entergy and non-Entergy license renewal projects. Served as Entergy representative on various license renewal industry groups including the Nuclear Energy Institute License Renewal Task Force. Served as expert witness on license renewal contentions in Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hearings.
1996-2001 Entergy Operations - Supervisor, Design Engineering Responsible for nuclear steam supply systems including supervision of engineers responsible for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 license renewal project. Served as member of expert panel responsible for review of license renewal application. Also provided design engineering support for plant modifications, corrective action tasks, major projects and plant operations associated with Arkansas Nuclear One.
1993-1996 Entergy Operations - Senior Staff Engineer Provided design engineering support for plant modifications, corrective action tasks, major projects and plant operations associated with Arkansas Nuclear One. Principal mechanical engineering reviewer for improved Technical Specifications for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.
1990-1993 Entergy Operations - Technical Assistant to Plant Manager Provided technical support associated with management of Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.
Served as Entergy representative on the Babcock and Wilcox Owners Group steering committee.
1986-1989 Arkansas Power & Light Company - Manager, Operations Responsible for the day to day operations of Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.
1977-1986 Arkansas Power & Light Company - Engineer At Arkansas Nuclear One, served in various capacities associated with the operation of Unit 1 and the startup and operation of Unit 2. Included assignments in plant performance monitoring, outage planning and scheduling, reactor engineering, and operations technical support. Qualified as shift technical advisor for both units of Arkansas Nuclear One.
- Formerly registered as Professional Engineer in Arkansas
- Previously held reactor operator and senior reactor operator licenses at Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 PROFESSIONAL
- Member, American Nuclear Society (ANS)
AFFILIATIONS August 2015 Page 1 of 1