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Entergy Prefiled Hearing Exhibit ENT000276 - Federal Register, Vol. 68, No. 193, Dept. of Homeland Security, FEMA, Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Reasonable Assurance Finding for the Indian Point Energy Center
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/2003
From: Paulison R
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML12089A514 List:
RAS 22118, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01
Download: ML12089A521 (1)


ENT000276 Submitted: March 29, 2012 57702 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 193 / Monday, October 6, 2003 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND has established the Bureau of Land stock tanks to enhance their use by SECURITY Managements Grand Staircase- Chiricahua leopard frogs and renovation Escalante National Monument Advisory to remove bullfrogs and other non-Federal Emergency Management Committee. native predators. Currently, within the Agency The Purpose of the Committee will be Agreement area, Chiricahua leopard to advise Monument Managers on frogs are only known to occur in a few Radiological Emergency science and management issues and the locations, including three populations Preparedness: Reasonable Assurance achievement of objectives set forth in on the Magoffin property. These three Finding for the Indian Point Energy the Grand Staircase-Escalante National populations on the Magoffin property Center Monument Management Plan. exist solely due to the extraordinary AGENCY: Federal Emergency FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: efforts of the landowners to establish Management Agency (FEMA), Steve Cohn, National Landscape and maintain them prior to listing of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Conservation System (171), Bureau of species. Thus, they are excluded from Directorate, Department of Homeland Land Management, 1620 L Street, NW., the baseline for the purposes of this Safe Security. Room 301 LS, Washington, DC 20240, Harbor Agreement (Agreement). The telephone (202) 785-6589. Applicants, in cooperation with the ACTION: Notice.

Service, have prepared the Agreement to Certification Statement


On July 25, 2003, FEMA made provide a conservation benefit to the a finding of reasonable assurance that I hereby certify that the establishment species and allow for the take of the there is adequate offsite preparedness of the Grand Staircase-Escalante species. Based upon guidance in the for the Indian Point Energy Center in National Monument Advisory Services June 17, 1999, Final Safe Buchanan, New York. Committee is necessary and in the Harbor Policy, if an Agreement and public interest in connection with the associated permit are not expected to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:

Secretary of the Interiors individually or cumulatively have a Vanessa E. Quinn, Chief, Radiological responsibilities to manage the lands, Emergency Preparedness Section, significant impact on the quality of the resources, and facilities administered by human environment or other natural Nuclear and Chemical Hazards Branch, the Bureau of Land Management.

FEMA, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, resources, the Agreement/permit may be DC 20472; (202) 646-3664; Dated: September 26, 2003. categorically excluded from undergoing Gale A. Horton, National Environmental Policy Act Secretary of the Interior. review. The Malpai Agreement qualifies SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On July as a Low Effect Agreement, thus, this

[FR Doc. 03-25195 Filed 10-3-03; 8:45 am]

25, 2003, FEMA made a finding of action is a categorical exclusion. The BILLING CODE 4310-DQ-P reasonable assurance that appropriate Low Effect determination for the measures to protect the health and Malpai Agreement is also available for safety of communities surrounding the public comment. This notice is DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Indian Point Energy Center can be taken provided pursuant to Section 10(c) of and are capable of being implemented. Fish and Wildlife Service the Act and National Environmental A link to the full text of the document Policy Act regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).

transmitting the finding to George Notice of Permit Application and Safe DATES: Written comments on the Pataki, Governor of New York, is Harbor Agreement Between the Fish application should be received by available at and Wildlife Service and the Malpai November 5, 2003.

Dated: September 29, 2003. Borderlands Group ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to review R. David Paulison, AGENCY: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the application, Agreement, and Low Director of the Preparedness Division, Interior. Effect determination may obtain copies Emergency Preparedness and Response, ACTION: Notice of availability and 30-day by writing to the Regional Director, U.S.

Department of Homeland Security. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box public comment period.

[FR Doc. 03-25216 Filed 10-3-03; 8:45 am] 1306, Room 4102, Albuquerque, New BILLING CODE 6718-06-P


The Malpai Borderlands Mexico 87103, or by contacting the Group (Applicant) has applied to the Field Supervisor, Arizona Ecological U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Services Field Office, 2321 West Royal DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR for an incidental take permit pursuant to Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, Arizona Section 10(a)(1)(A) of the Endangered 85021-4951 (602) 242-0210. Documents Office of the Secretary Species Act (Act). The Applicants have relating to the application will be been assigned permit number TE- available for public inspection by

[UT-030-02-1610-DE-24-1A] 073684-0. The requested permit, which written request, by appointment only, is for a period of 50 years, would during normal business hours (8 to 4:30)

Establishment of Advisory Committee authorize the take of the Threatened at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management Chiricahua leopard frog (Rana Arizona Ecological Services Field (BLM), Utah State Office, Interior. chiricahuensis). The proposed take Office, Phoenix, Arizona.

ACTION: Notice of establishment of the could occur as a result of conservation Written data or comments concerning Grand Staircase-Escalante National measures implemented on the the application and Agreement should Monument Advisory Committee. approximately 1 million acres (404,700 be submitted to the Field Supervisor, hectares) identified in the application U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona


This notice is published in and associated documents in Cochise Ecological Services Field Office, 2321 accordance with Section 9(a)(2) of the County, Arizona and Hidalgo County, West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Federal Advisory Committee Act of New Mexico. Conservation measures Phoenix, Arizona 85021-4951. Please 1972, Pub. L.92-463. Notice is hereby consist of stock tank development and refer to permit number TE-073684-0 given that the Secretary of the Interior restoration, including modification of (Malpai) when submitting comments.