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Request for Additional Information, License Amendment Request to Correct Non-Conservative Values in Battery Terminal Voltage and Specific Gravity Values in Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/2011
From: Lynnea Wilkins
Plant Licensing Branch IV
To: Mccutchen E
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Wilkins, L E, NRR/DORL/LPL4, 415-1377
Shared Package
ML110840192 List:
TAC ME4974
Download: ML110840201 (1)


REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEBRASKA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT COOPER NUCLEAR STATION DOCKET NO. 50-298 By letter dated October 29, 2010, (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML103080079), Nebraska Public Power District requested an amendment to Facility Operating License No. DPR - 46 for Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS), and Appendix A, technical specifications (TSs), of the facility operating license. The proposed changes would revise the battery acceptance criteria in CNS TS Surveillance Requirement (SR) and TS Table 3.8.6-1. Specifically, the proposed license amendment request (LAR) would revise the acceptance criteria in the CNS TS SR and TS Table 3.8.6-1 by revising the battery terminal voltage while on float charge and specific gravity acceptance criteria to ensure that the Division I and II safety related batteries can perform their safety functions and will remain operable during postulated design basis events.

The NRC staff has reviewed and evaluated the information provided by the licensee and has determined that the following information is needed in order to complete its review of the relief request.

The following request for additional information pertains to the proposed changes to the direct current (DC) battery terminal voltage while on float charge and specific gravity acceptance values in the TS SR and TS Table 3.8.6-1:

1) In its LAR, the licensee proposed revising the battery terminal voltage acceptance criteria for the Division I and II safety related batteries. However, the associated battery charger output voltage acceptance criteria in TS SR were not proposed to be revised. Provide justification for not proposing a revision to the corresponding TS SR for the battery charger.
2) Describe how the manufacturer quantified a capacity of 96% of rated from an average specific gravity of 1.205.
3) Provide the technical justification for the proposed Category B specific gravity limit of 1.200.
4) Please state if CNS is using a nuclear qualified version of electrical power systems design, simulation, and analytic (EDSA) software.
5) Provide a summary of the analysis that shows how CNS found that the DC systems were capable of meeting requirements for safe shutdown and for maintaining the plant in a safe shutdown mode as well as meeting the requirements for station blackout and Appendix R.