ML22208A064 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cooper |
Issue date: | 07/26/2022 |
From: | James Drake NRC/RGN-IV/DORS |
To: | Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) |
Drake J | |
References | |
IR 2022004 | |
Download: ML22208A064 (5) | |
See also: IR 05000298/2022004
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This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection
and copying at and at the NRC Public Document
Room in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, and Requests for
Information Request
July 26, 2022
Notification of Inspection and Request for Information
Cooper Nuclear Station
NRC Inspection Report 05000298/2022004
Inspection Dates: October 3 - 7, 2022
Inspector: Jim Drake
A. Information Requested for the In-Office Preparation Week
The following information should be sent to the Region IV office in hard copy or electronic
format ( preferred), in care of Jim Drake, by September 26, 2022, to facilitate
the selection of specific items that will be reviewed during the inspection period. It has not
yet been determined if the inspection will be onsite or conducted remotely. The inspector
will select specific items from the information requested below and then request from your
staff additional documents needed during the inspection period (Section B of this enclosure).
We ask that the specific items selected from the lists be available and ready for review on
the first day of inspection. Please provide requested documentation electronically if
possible. If requested documents are large and only hard copy formats are available, please
inform the inspector(s), and provide subject documentation during the first day of the
If you have any questions regarding this information request, please call the inspector as
soon as possible.
On October 3, 2022, a reactor inspector from the Nuclear Regulatory Commissions (NRC)
Region IV office will perform the baseline inservice inspection at Cooper, using NRC
Inspection Procedure 71111.08, "Inservice Inspection Activities. Experience has shown
that this inspection is a resource intensive inspection both for the NRC inspector and your
staff. The date of this inspection may change dependent on the outage schedule you
provide. In order to minimize the impact to your onsite resources and to ensure a productive
inspection, we have enclosed a request for documents needed for this inspection. These
documents have been divided into two groups. The first group (Section A of the enclosure)
identified information to be provided prior to the inspection to ensure that the inspector is
adequately prepared. The second group (Section B of the enclosure) identifies the
information the inspector will need upon commencement of the inspection. It is important
that all these documents are up to date and complete to minimize the number of additional
documents requested during the preparation and/or the inspection.
We have discussed the schedule for these inspection activities with your staff and
understand that our regulatory contact for this inspection will be Brenda Kilpatrick of your
licensing organization. The tentative inspection schedule is as follows:
Preparation week: September 26, 2022
Inspection period: October 3-15, 2022
Our inspection dates are subject to change based on your updated schedule of outage
activities. If there are any questions about this inspection or the material requested, please
contact Jim Drake at (817) 200-1558. (email to:
ISI/Welding Programs and Schedule Information
1. A detailed schedule (including preliminary dates) of:
1.1. Nondestructive examinations planned for ASME Code Class Components
performed as part of your ASME Section XI, risk informed (if applicable), and
augmented inservice inspection programs during the upcoming outage.
1.2. Examinations planned for Alloy 82/182/600 components that are not included in
the Section XI scope (If applicable)
1.3. Welding activities that are scheduled to be completed during the upcoming
outage (ASME Class 1, 2, or 3 structures, systems, or components)
2. Copies of ASME Section XI Code Relief Requests and associated NRC safety
evaluations applicable to the examinations identified above.
2.1. A list of ASME Code Cases currently being used to include the system and/or
component the Code Case is being applied to.
3. A list of nondestructive examination reports which have identified recordable or
rejectable indications on any ASME Code Class components since the beginning of
the last refueling outage. This should include the previousSection XI pressure test(s)
conducted during start up and any evaluations associated with the results of the
pressure tests.
4. A list including a brief description (e.g., system, code class, weld category,
nondestructive examination performed) associated with the repair/replacement
activities of any ASME Code Class component since the beginning of the last outage
and/or planned this refueling outage.
5. If reactor vessel weld examinations required by the ASME Code are scheduled to
occur during the upcoming outage, provide a detailed description of the welds to be
examined and the extent of the planned examination. Please also provide reference
numbers for applicable procedures that will be used to conduct these examinations.
6. Copies of any 10 CFR Part 21 reports applicable to structures, systems, or
components within the scope of Section XI of the ASME Code that have been
identified since the beginning of the last refueling outage.
7. A list of any temporary non-code repairs in service (e.g., pinhole leaks).
8. Copies of the most recent self-assessments for the inservice inspection, welding,
and Alloy 600 programs.
9. Copies of the procedures for welding techniques and NDE that will be used during
the outage.
Additional Information Related to all Inservice Inspection Activities
1. A list with a brief description of inservice inspection entered into your corrective
action program since the beginning of the last refueling outage. For example, a list
based upon data base searches using key words related to piping such as: inservice
inspection, ASME Code,Section XI, NDE, cracks, wear, thinning, leakage, rust,
corrosion, or errors in piping examinations.
2. Provide training (e.g., Scaffolding, Fall Protection, FME, Confined Space) if they are
required for the activities described in A.1.
3. Provide copies of the applicable editions of the ASME Code (Sections V, VIII, IX, and
XI) for the inservice inspection program and the repair/replacement program.
4. Provide names and phone numbers for the following program leads:
Inservice inspection (examination, planning)
Containment exams
Snubbers and supports
Repair and replacement program
Site welding engineer
Information to be Provided to the Inspector(s) at the Entrance Meeting (October 3,
Inservice Inspection / Welding Programs and Schedule Information
1. Updated schedules for inservice inspection/nondestructive examination activities,
including planned welding activities, and schedule showing contingency repair
plans, if available.
2. For ASME Code Class welds selected by the inspector from the lists provided from
section A of this enclosure, please provide copies of the following documentation for
each subject weld:
Weld data sheet (traveler).
Weld configuration and system location.
Applicable Code Edition and Addenda for weldment.
Applicable Code Edition and Addenda for welding procedures.
Applicable welding procedures used to fabricate the welds.
Copies of procedure qualification records (PQRs) supporting the weld
procedures from B.1.b.v.
Copies of welders performance qualification records (WPQ).
Copies of the nonconformance reports for the selected welds (If
Radiographs of the selected welds and access to equipment to allow
viewing radiographs (if radiographic testing was performed).
Copies of the preservice examination records for the selected welds.
Readily accessible copies of nondestructive examination personnel
qualifications records for reviewing.
3. For the inservice inspection related corrective action issues selected by the inspector
from section A of this enclosure, provide copies of the corrective actions and
supporting documentation.
4. For the nondestructive examination reports with relevant conditions on ASME Code
Class components selected by the inspector from Section A above, provide copies of
the examination records, examiner qualification records, and associated corrective
action documents.
5. Copy of (or ready access to) most current revision of the inservice inspection program
manual and plan for the current interval.
6. For the nondestructive examinations selected by the inspector from section A of this
enclosure, provide copies of the nondestructive examination procedures used to
perform the examinations (including calibration and flaw characterization/sizing
procedures). For ultrasonic examination procedures qualified in accordance with
ASME Code,Section XI, Appendix VIII, provide documentation supporting the
procedure qualification (e.g., the EPRI performance demonstration qualification
summary sheets). Also, include qualification documentation of the specific equipment
to be used (e.g., ultrasonic unit, cables, and transducers including serial numbers) and
nondestructive examination personnel qualification records.
Codes and Standards
1. Ready access to (i.e., copies provided to the inspector(s) for use during the inspection
at the onsite inspection location, or room number and location where available):
Applicable Editions of the ASME Code (Sections V, IX, and XI) for the
inservice inspection program and the repair/replacement program.
Copies of the performance demonstration initiative (PDI) generic procedures with the latest
applicable revisions that support site qualified ultrasonic examinations of piping welds and
components (e.g., PDI-UT-1, PDI-UT-2, PDI-UT-3, PDI-UT-10, etc.).