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Letter from Senator Connors and Assemblyman Rumpf and Pelt, to Commissioner Mauriello, Oyster Creek Generating Station - Tritium - Additional Request Regarding Briefing
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/06/2009
From: Connors C, Rumpf B, Vanpelt D
State of NJ, US SEN (Senate)
To: Mauriello M
NRC Region 1, State of NJ, Dept of Environmental Protection
Download: ML093200629 (1)


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~DAIINIEL M. VAN PEFLT (3)240-026G Mayý 6,2009 Honora:i:H ble :Mark N. M~atirillo, :Comm issiwi~ter**:- .:: 3:i:: i!i !ii::::i.: ..

New Jersey Denpartmnt of Envirotnnitual Prot.  :.  ::ion P.O, Box 402 Trenton, New Jr*e*y 0..625-0402 REP:- OYSTER C'REEKNUCL EA4R::GkNEkA TING STA TION- TRITT'UP -. 41MT710-NAL %EQUEST REGANDtNG I$IUFING

  • Trasmite~dVvieasimile Io 609-292-7695'*~

Dear. Commhissioner Mlaluiel Ia:

ON April 21 our Delegation wrote toiy~ou r~equesting a report andior briefingregadi thtdicoer of iritiur in a cable vault atthe Oyster Cm~ek Nuclear Generating Facility, ssnsyurD atmnt' SixTVestgationisopeed Since that timc. new infor-mation has surfaccd that u Delegation would like exa"nin~d: aSpartbf aiiy investigation. that i3 o n~ducted and inchludfd in the re~q stinz buitefing.

Ayoae tlyawa Ir ., various ma-dia outlets irt late April reportedthAPt triri M:.CUZIn conaMinaior was disco-vered nma copcr~etevault near the Facility'ýs turbine., Thi3 incident led to our first t o your Depa-tinenit. A little moric.

tnweklater there were reports fl at radioactive tritium has conta niatoefo-ji moanitoring wells a h'aiiy o h purpose of'add-rcs-sint, inquliries dimetctd %oour offce by- 7on:ertmed re-Sidents, wet w;ould like to knwwhy the mriiurr wa~s discovered in thec conicr-ete vault before the monitoring wells, Furthermore-, it iS our undtrstandirtg that f1ollowing, the

-ornfirr ]on of the positive results fromt the existing woll, inure 'tsigwlshad t' edgt ute eiebt h source and extent of the lcak. Morcover;' fromn follo-wingý mnedia accounts, it appears that the level of tri-iiumn discovereýd in.

tbe groun~d wýýater -onitoring xells'rmay be at leve~ls substantially higher than those initially discovered in flhe pineý vaidis, Wke are c.oncerned that this may, suggest tha, the initial tcesting my hav beem nl fiin toefLivl eec ek nel AcoriglyIth is is an issue we, would like theý Depari ,tmettoann.

Acqotdi~ ~ ~ S elyr oýaMTC ClT HER1 COJ 44 Senhator- 9' Disuic;t AN E-R'UMýPF Assem;blyvman - 9 Distn~ct.

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