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American Society of Mechanical EngineersSection XI, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection (Iwe), & Repair & Replacement Programs - Summary Reports (NIS-1 & NIS-2) for Cycles 6 & 6R Operation, Part 3 of 3
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/2007
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML072560558 (595)


{{#Wiki_filter:FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date May 4, 2006 N*rnl=

1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-007 P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Address Reoeir/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3342 (8" TVA N/A N/A (Old ID R-219) 2006 Installed No support) 1-478452-3271 (24" TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-083) 2006 Installed No support) 1-47B452-3272 (24" TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-189) 2006 Installed No support) I
7. Description of Work Modify supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt Z Other 1:1 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

"as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

WO# 03-013931-007 Page 3 of 3 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Request for Relief I-ISI-18 for Inservice Inspection of Snubbers is applicable to this WO.

ADolicable Manufacturer's Data Resorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xt. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Au orization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , ISI Program Engineer Date ,20 20 , Owner or Owner's Desaonee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAI*A and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period. c8 -I/.-O5 to 0(6-2"7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissions ALLI,3*1-- Insoector's Sionature National Board State. Province. and Endorsements Date 0G--20 20 0T U1C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date October 10, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-008 Address Reeair/ReDlacement Oroanizabion P.O No.. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur,NameAL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3276 TVA Bergen Power N/A Old ID R-102 2006 Installed No 42452** 1-SNUB-74-5086 42453** 1-SNUB-74-5087 1-47B452-3277 TVA N/A N/A Old ID RHR-1-H-157A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3286 TVA Bergen Power N/A Old ID R-94 2006 Installed No 42459** 1-SNUB-74-5088 42454** 1-SNUB-74-5089
7. Description of Work Install / modify RHR supports.
                                  "Snubbers tested and installed in WO 04-712226-000 (5086), 04-712227-000 (5087), 04-712223-000 (5088),

and 04-712225-000 (5089).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U1C6R

WO# 03-013931-008 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Request for Relief 1-ISI-18 for Inservice Inspection of Snubbers is applicable to this WO.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Resorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed 1:511ý ISI Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Desianee. Title Date 6" // 20 _ ,,_ CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA8941A and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 10-07-05 to 0(-20-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. A Inspector's Sionature

                                               ~Commissions                                                  Alltwo'(3013L Nationat Board. State Province. and Endorsements Date                    0( 0-W              2007 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 12, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 .N 5Ih345 Work Order (Wnt n9:-ni.31,i-nnQ Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-476452-3287 (24") TVA N/A N/A (Old ID H-9) 2006 Installed No 1-47E452-3288 (24") TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-174) 2006 Installed No 1-47E452-3289 (24") TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-188) 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3290 (24") TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-106) 2006 Installed No 1-479452-3291 (24") TVA Bergen Power N/A (Old ID RHR-1-R-081) 2006 Installed No 42422

___ 1-SNUB-074-5101

7. Description of Work Modify supports.
                                 **Snubber final installation and testing performed in WO# 06-722454-000.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 1I Exempt 2 Other F1 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-009 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Request for Relief 1-ISI-18 for Inservice Inspection of Snubbers is applicable to this WO.

ADolicable Manutacturer's Data Resorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section X!. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ISI Program Engineer Date 20 Owner or Owner's Desionee Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of .A"L3AKjA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 08-12.-OS to o 3 1-0 7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

           -    r                                                          Commissions                            ALMI(o"13L Insoector's Sionature                                                                 National Board. Stale. Province. and Endorsements Date                     0T-731             20 0-7

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 13, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-010 Address Reoair/Reelacement Oroanizalion P 0 No . Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3292 TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-H-8) 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3293 TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-H-7) 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3294 TVA N/A N/A (Old ID RHR-1-H-6) 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3295 TVA Bergen Power N/A 1-SNUB-074-5090 2006 Installed No 42462** (Old ID RHR-1-R-80)
7. Description of Work Modify supports. **Snubber final installation and testing performed in WO# 04-712133-000.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic IZ Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt 0 Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UJIC6R

WO# 03-013931-010 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Relief Request 1-lSI-18 for Inservice Inspection of Snubbers applies to this Work Order.

Aoolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed - Program Engineer Date 6' ',9 , 20 ( Owner or Owner's Desionee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA,.WiA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 07- Z5 -OS to 06-2.2 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ___Commissions _ A,_ _i__________. _ InsDector's Sianature National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date OG - 2 2007 U1C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date October 4, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 ot 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-011 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroaraization P 0 No Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3297 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3299 TVA Bergen Power N/A 2006 Installed No 42456 1 -SNUB-074-5091 1-47B452-3300 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3301 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No (Open ended) 1-47B452-3302 TVA Bergen Power N/A 2006 Installed No 42379 1-SNUB-074-5106 1-47B452-3308 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3318 TVA Bergen Power N/A 2006 Installed No (Open ended) 42405 1-SNUB-074-5096 42423 1-SNUB-074-5097
7. Description of Work Modify supports. Snubbers installed and tested in WO 04-712140-000 (5091), 04-720886-000 (5106),

04-712141-000 (5096), and 04-712142-000 (5097).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8Y2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-011 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Relief Request 1-ISI-18 for Inservice Inspection of Snubbers applies to this Work Order.

Aolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed C. we e Program Engineer Date 6X I ', 20 62 Owner or Owner's Oesionee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA*A A - and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period _ _-_s .__.4 to O1..3-30C7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

             .-- _____-          ____-_-____                                 Commissions                           AULLo *'F  f   1IL Inspector's Sionature                                                                 National Board State. Province and Endorsements Date                   a% 3                  2 0"7 20

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 29, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-012 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3303 TVA N/A N/A No old SI ID 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3304 TVA N/A No old ISI ID 2006 Installed No 41742 (1-SNUB-074-5102) 42141 (1-SNUB-074-5103) 1-47B452-3305 TVA N/A N/A No old ISI ID 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3306 TVA N/A No old ISI ID 2006 Installed No 42504 (1-SNUB-074-5092) 1-47B452-3307 TVA N/A No old ISI ID 2006 Installed No 42455 (1-SNUB-074-5104) 42460 (1-SNUB-074-5105)
7. Description of Work Modify supports.

Snubbers installed.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 1/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

'as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

WO# 03-013931-012 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aohicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be atlached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed * -t* "*-,-a--- -.----. , ISI Program Engineer Owner or Owners Desronee. Title Date _ _ _ ," _ _ _ _ ,20 626 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of '-VV ,. * ' and employed by HSB CT of I I

                                                    - Connecticut                                                        have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period                  -       * .'._C).C.*)

2-* to *,,-p *,, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions , -- Insoector's Sionature National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date 20~ UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 30, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-013 Address Reoar/fReolacement Oraanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3309 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-R-017 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3310 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-H-141 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3311 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-H-140A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3312 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-NO-ID 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3313 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-HO-140 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Modify supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt Z Other E] Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-013 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoolicable ManuLacturer's Data Renorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificat 'o*uthorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ,ISI Program Engineer Date . T "S I ' 20 Owner or Owner's Desionee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAtI and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9-2( -OS to 9 -0.*-0 (0 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Commissions 4L4. Inspector's Sinature National Board. State. Prownce. and Endorsements Date 9-O20 20 o0,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 29, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-014 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3314 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-R-16 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3315 TVA N/A RHR-1-R-15 2006 Installed No 42458 (1-SNUB-074-5093) 1-47B452-3316 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No (Open-ended)
7. Description of Work Modify supports.

Snubber installed.

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

'as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

We# 03-013931-014 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoohicable Manufacturer's Data ReDorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A SignS Program Engineer Date , 20 611? Owner or Owner's Desionee Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA13AVA and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9 .- 2-c* to o 9- 0i -O(,* , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

           --*_    _---0'0.__                                               Commissions                                     A__ A(,,

Insoector's Sionature National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date oQ-ol 20 o4,


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date October 10, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-015 P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Address ReDair/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3319 TVA N/A N/A Old ID H-312 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3320 TVA N/A N/A Old ID H-354 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3321 TVA N/A N/A Old ID H-313 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Modify supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 5

Other Eli Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-015 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Acohtcable Manutacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed J** 2 *C'- S Program Engineer Date -" .. 20 Owner or Owner's Desianee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSER VICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of " , .,,.,, r. t",* , and employed by HSB CT of

                                                    ' Connecticut                                                         have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period               ,.                 ,,    ,-             to         C       iA, C-' -Z,,)i                           , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions '"IS - (2.{-*:' tnsoector's Sionaturea National Board. Slate. Province. and Endorsements Date I~ ý 20 _


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 1, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 ot 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-017 Address Reoaar,'Reolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System
  • System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3327 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3328 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3330 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B452-3332 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Modify supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-017 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aooeecable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed wn T20Program Engineer Date Owner or Owner's Desianee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period &A3 ,,,. -,,Z , . to . - - 2 0..c2_3' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XA. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions Hc, s-Insoector's Sianature National Board. State. Province and Endorsements Date - I 2020 (_') (,ý-N

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1 Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 9, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51345 Work Order (WO) 03-013931-018 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B452-3258 TVA Bergen Power N/A RHR-1-R-041 2006 Installed No 42376 (1-SNUB-074-5081) 42377 (I1-SNUB-074-5082) 1-47B452-3259 TVA Bergen Power N/A RHR-1-R-101 2006 Installed No 42364 (1-SNUB-074-5083) 1-47B452-3262 TVA N/A N/A RHR-1-R- 11 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Modify supports.
                                .Snubbers installed.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E1 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E1 Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-013931-018 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoors to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed -:--------..ISI Program Engineer Date _ _ _ __ 20 Owner or Owner's Desianee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of . and employed by HSB CT of

                                             '"Connecticut                                                            have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period           a -. ?v'- , ("k) 5                        to      3 -        -'                                  , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. D InsDeto's 2ionature Commissions -- t N National Board. Stale. Province. and Endorsements Date  ! -\( 20 C)C->

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date February 7, 2006 Na-e 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 IlCN *1413 Work C'rde*r ('WOI 03-014,R17-002 Addr... ReDa r/R'eolacement Oroanization P 0 No. Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 071, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xt Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B456-2068 (2") TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Install new support (anchor) on 2" RCIC System.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt Z 0

Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. Ul C6R

WO# 03-014817-002 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed - ISI Program Engineer Date -- Z/ 9 ,20 6 Owner or Owner's Desionee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of . and employed by HSB CT of

                                                . 'Connecticut                                                           have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period              ,-          -- ýa)C.) 4l,               to        'a-                                            ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. LA+/-lD ~ Insoector's Sionature Commissions *- -- - -'*"[iz National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date  ;,, 9 20 CN UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date October 19. 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address 2 Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51413 Work Order (WO) 03-014817-005 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanizabon P O No . Job No.. etc

3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P 0 Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 071, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components
7. Description of Work Modify/remove RCIC piping supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 11 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt 0 0

Other Mi Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


WO# 03-014817-005 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoli~cable Manutacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xt. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed

  • O'Io. SI Program Engineer Date _ __ __ _ __ _ _ ,20 61" Owner or Ownerfs Desionee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of " _* N" and employed by HSB CT
  • of
                                                   ' Connecticut                                                         have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period I ., *                              .Z) ..            to                                                        and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions lc-D eS2ectors Sinatret o National Board. Slate. Province. and Endorsements Date 20 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date February 18, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51413 Work Order (WO) 03-014817-006 Address Reoar,rReolacement Oroar~izatior, P 0. No . ob 'Jo etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 071, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B456-2058-06 TVA N/A N/A New drawing 2006 Installed No 1-476456-2110 1-47B456-2058-07 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No

.1-47B456-2058-08 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No 1-47B456-2058-12 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2006 Removed No

7. Description of Work Modify / remove supports (2" diameter piping).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt 0 5

Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


WO# 03-014817-006 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aotlicable Manutacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed J ,-ISI Program Engineer Date ,20 Owner or Owner's Desionee. Trtle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of "e-_'_.,,__,_.-,_-'_'. ____ and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period __ //E___"_ T to 37:,,/0 4, , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                                   )et's                                    Commissions                             satns t.,ZCom        .e tosoector's Sionature        61                                                        Natoioal eoard. State Province. and Endorsemnents Date       _____                     __20         27e-UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 7, 2007 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order iWO) 03-015682-002 Address ReoairiReolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam (MS) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-FCV-1-156 Hancock N/A N/A N/A 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Replaced top works (Bonnet, stem, disc, and bolting) for t-FCV-1-156. Existing body was not replaced.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt 11 Other Mi Pressure psi Test Temp. °F NOTE. Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


WO# 03-015682-002 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test performed by 1-SI-3.3.1.C.

Aohlicable Manufacturer's Data Reeoods to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of A~thorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed . L.,4 ' , ISI Program Engineer Date ", 20 0o Owner or Owner's Desionee Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ' ta . and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period k( -- Q-) .Z (-' to " - 2..O( , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions * - k0a ( CL'- Insoector's Sionature National Board State. Province and Endorsements Date _____ 2_ oq UI C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNERS REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 28, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order IWO) 03-015762-001 Address ReDair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 075, Core Spray (CS) System / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 16 casing nuts (1") for Nova Machine N/A N/A Core Spray Pump lB 2006 Installed No 1-PMP-075-0033 Products
7. Description of Work Install 16 nuts (1") on pump casing.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic I] Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt []

Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. X II in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-015762-001 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing performed per 1-SI-3.3.6 on 9/14/06.

AoolIcable Manufacturer's Data Reoorls to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Q-- QlA).e.,.-- , ISI Program Engineer Date P_5 ,__ 20 -- O or Owner's Desianee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAB.t¶ A - and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0- o(0- o0. to op- 215-0(0 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 24 *Z-~-~j Insoector's Sionature

                                                 -                            Commissions                                   AL4L' National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date                c0-Z20O                 20 0(a,


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 28, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WOl 03-015762-003 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 075, Core Spray (CS) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda 6, Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 16 casing nuts (1") for Nova Machine N/A N/A Core Spray Pump 1D 2006 Installed No 1-PMP-075-0042 Products
7. Description of Work Install 16 nuts (1") on pump casing.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure [a Exempt E]

Other F1 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-015762-003 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing performed per 1-SI-3.3.6 on 9/14/06.

ADnolcable Manufacturer's Oata Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of A~thorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ' ,&ISIProgram Engineer Date 5 T-Ii,

                                                                                                                          .             ?             ,            20 L__

Owner or Owner's Desionee Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of _ LJ _ __A and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 10-07.-o4 to 09-z"-O0( , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XA. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Insoector's Sionature Nationat Board State. Province. and Endorsements Date 20 06 Date 20 O(a

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 7, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decaturt AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-016657-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No .Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 074, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B3 1.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) . Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-FCV-074-0052 Walworth N/A N/A RHR Loop I 2006 Corrected No Throttle Valve
7. Description of Work Perform Weld Buildup to repair degraded body and disc rib guides and reweld skirt to disc.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic IZ Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 2 Exempt El Other [] Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81,.2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UI C6R

WO# 03-016657-000 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing done in WO# 04-713492-000 (1-SI-3.3.8.A)

Aoolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached Valve testing performed by 1-SR- (RHR I) and 1-SR- I). CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed b..I// 0'I',l, ( , ISI Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Desianee. Title Date "V IJ L, ' D ,20 6) CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid cqmmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of . I . and employed by HSB CT of l-artaord, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period -a -,. -2 -)i= to "--.  ?('( and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions S . Insoector's Sionature National Board. Slate. Province. and Endorsements Date --- ( 20Ca7 U1 C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date December 20, 2003 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-001 Address Reoar/Reolacernent Oroanization P o No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment/ ASME Cede Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Cede Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-1A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 1, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder I stiffener Girder 1, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-1B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 1, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 1 stiffener Girder 1, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 1 and Ring Girder 1).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-001 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-001 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt El Other Z Pressure psi Test Temp. °F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date December 20, 2003 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-001 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P.O. No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 1 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 1 and Ring Girder 1).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 Other E1 Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-001 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed e ISI Program Engineer Date ______ _'"_._ , 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAm1A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 1l 03 to (36- 16-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4 L L Commissions ALl OIb5 BL Inspector's Signature National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Date O(o- I( - 20 07 UttIL6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 26, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-002 Address Reoair/Reoiacement Oraanization P 0. No.. Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment/ ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177

.5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda

6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-2A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 2, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 2 stiffener Girder 2, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-2B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 2, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 2 stiffener Girder 2, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 2 and Ring Girder 2).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-002 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-002 (below waterline) 8 Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic 11 Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt E] Other 2 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. ,as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1 Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 26, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 ot 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-002 Address Heoair/Heolacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of. Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 2 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 2 and Ring Girder 2).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 11 Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt E Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) intormation in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-002 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed - ISI Program Engineer Date ,20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION t, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of AILAZAM" and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period II-- 14-0o to 0(-I(P-o-7 . and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

           -"____________________Commissions                                                                    AL lto I(3 8L.

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date O10- 'fa 20 O7 U1C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 26, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet. 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-003 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section Ill, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-3A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 3, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 3 stiffener Girder 3, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-3B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 3, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 3 stiffener Girder 3, below waterline) _ _ plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 3 and Ring Girder 3).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-003 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-003 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt []

Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81,% in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UICR6


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 26, 2004 Nlame 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-003 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 3 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 3 and Ring Girder 3).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic fl Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt E Other Ei Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U IC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-003 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ISI Program Engineer Date / ,- 20 69 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAJ.At4A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 01- 0(o.-03 to O(o-- I(o -07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

              -- _       _       _         _        _      _      _        Commissions                             AL,01(63BL Inspector's Signature                                                                  National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date                       0(0- 16           200-U11C61 ,

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 rName 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-004 Address ReDair,'Reolacement Oroantzation P.O No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-4A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 4, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 4 stiffener Girder 4, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-4B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 4, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 4 stiffener Girder 4, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 4 and Ring Girder 4).

Pmeservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-004 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-004 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt LI Other Z Pressure psi Test Temp. oF See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-004 Address RenaWr/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No . Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 4 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 4 and Ring Girder 4).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure EL Exempt 0 Other DI Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-004 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Daa Reports tosbe attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of AL*Asl*A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period (I- t4.-03 to (-t(--07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                '        -                                               Commissions                            AL CO1W6L Inspector's Signature                                                               Nalional Board, State, Provtnce, and Endorsements Date                      No-116.           20 07 U I C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-005 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P 0 No . Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-5A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 5, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 5 stiffener Girder 5, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-5B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 5, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 5 stiffener Girder 5, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit I Torus (Bay 5 and Ring Girder 5).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-005 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-005 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [] Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure EL Exempt E]

Other E Pressure psi Test Temp. oF See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-005 Address ReDair/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 5 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 5 and Ring Girder 5).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 2 Other E] Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-005 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed 151Program Engineer Date _ _ _ _.20 L09 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA,1Ar.A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period -Itl- 03 to 06- 14.-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

              '-'___-_-.,_                             __2--__

____ Commissions A,,O 1 31L Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 06-I( 20 07 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 21, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-006 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur. AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment/ ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-6A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 6, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 6 stiffener Girder 6, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-6B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 6, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 6 stiffener Girder 6, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 6 and Ring Girder 6).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-006 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-006 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic Li Nominal Operating Pressure [] Exempt El Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 21, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Ntame P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-006 Address Reeair/Reolacement Oroanzatlion P.O. No Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Des. Crit. BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 6 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 6 and Ring Girder 6).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt ED Other 0I Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81,Vin. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UI C6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-006 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed - - ISI Program Engineer Date 6'* '*" 204? Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAGAtVIA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 11-24-o 3 to O(o-(7-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4 S - Commissions ALt,. O 3 6L Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date Ora-IT 20 07 U1C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 28, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-007 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P o No Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment /.ASME Cede Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section Ill, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-7A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 7, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 7 stiffener Girder 7, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-7B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 7, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 7 stiffener Girder 7, below waterline) I _ plates, attachments, etc I I

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 7 and Ring Girder 7).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-007 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-007 (below waterline).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt El Other 2 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 28, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-007 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment/ ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 7 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping L L .1.. A I. U

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 7 and Ring Girder 7).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria U IC6k

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-007 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test per WO 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , ISI Program Engineer Date '2/0 , !20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA8A"A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ll-ZO-03 to o*-16-o7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

              -.               -. .aag_.

P- Commissions AL 06a OI 3L Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province. and Endorsements Date 0( -1e 20 o~F - 111IC6 k


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 28, 2004 Name 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-008 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT t-B-8A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 8, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 8 stiffener Girder 8, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT !-B-8B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 8, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 8 stiffener Girder 8, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 8 and Ring Girder 8).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-008 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-008 (below waterline).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic 11 Nominal Operating Pressure EL Exempt [E Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp.

See Remarks NOTE Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81,"4in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Ut C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 28, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-008 Address Reoair/Reoiacement Oroanization P 0 No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 8 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 8 and Ring Girder 8).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-008 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, per WO 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed

  • eSProgram I*

Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Engineer Date 6 '* ,20 _ CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAMA, and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period l I- ,4-)3 to O1- 18-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _____ -______'_,__U__Commissions ALto I(o3 BL Inspector's Signature ttational Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Date 06I-18 2007 U I C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section X1

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-009 Address Reoarr/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III.Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-9A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 9, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 9 stiffener Girder 9, above waterline) plates, attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-9B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 9, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 9 stiffener Girder 9, below waterline) plates, attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 9 and Ring Girder 9).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-009 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-009 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic Eli Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt LI Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp.

See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-009 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No Jo0 No . eOc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 9 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 9 and Ring Girder 9).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt 0 Other MI Pressure psi Test Temp.

NOTE. Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8112 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-009 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed i SI Program Engineer Date ,20 62 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAt1!A , and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 11-20-03 to C(C 07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4 (A Commissions All-(*.. 36L Inspector's Signature National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date 4- 1? 20 07 Ut C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BEN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-010 Address ResairiReoiacement Oraanization P.O No.. Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-10A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 10, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 10 Girder 10, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-10B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 10, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 10 Girder 10, below stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 10 and Ring Girder 10).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-010 (above waterline) and W 0 #03-017628-010 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt LI Other S Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8'.o in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-010 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P 0 No.. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment/ ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 10 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 10 and Ring Girder 10).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other M] Pressure psi Test Temp.

NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8!'., in. X II in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-010 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in.the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed S1 Program Engineer Date 20 620 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAGAr4A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 12-02-03 to C-"17- O7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissions A.L IOlI3 6OL Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date O(-I7 20 07 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-011 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No . Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA.BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section 11,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-1i1A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 11, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 11 Girder 11, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-1 1B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 11, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 11 Girder 11, below stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 11 and Ring Girder 11).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-011 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-011 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt El Other 1Z Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. 11lC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-011 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P.O. No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 11 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 11 and Ring Girder 11).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other DI Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

U 1C6 R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-011 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed SIProgramEngineer Date ,20 6__2 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAA* "A " and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 11-U.-03 to 06-14-O7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. A4 , -cLL .-- O ' Commissions AL IOI(g 3 OL Inspector's Signature National Beoard, State, Province. and Endorsements Date 0(0-_160 20 07 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 22, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-012 Address Reoair,'Reolacement Oroanizalion P.O No. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede Section I1l,Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-12A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 12, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 12 Girder 12, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-12B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 12, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 12 Girder 12, below stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 12 and Ring Girder 12).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-012 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-012 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt [1 Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp.

See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. LTIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 22, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 ot 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-012 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 12 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 12 and Ring Girder 12).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt E Other MI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/z in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-012 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed S Program Engineer Date _ __ ___ __ ,20  ? Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAIS AMA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period I2- io- 03 to 016- 17-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ _--- _ _ Commissions &Lk0I(0 3 1L Inspector's Signature National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date O(No- Q 20 07 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-013 Address Reoatr/Reolacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-13A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 13, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 13 Girder 13, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-13B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 13, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 13 Girder 13, below stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit I Torus (Bay 13 and Ring Girder 13).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-013 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-013 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt []

Other 10 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UlC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 13, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-013 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 13 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 13 and Ring Girder 13).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 11 Other 11 Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-013 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Owner O ' Dsiige ProTramiEngineer Date # "% ,20 6ý9 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA.a, A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 12-l(-03 to O(v- r 07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4ra L Q Q Commissions AtOab3mL Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Prownce, and Endorsements Date 0-1'7 2007 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-014 Address Reoair/Rerlacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition. 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-14A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 14, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 14 Girder 14, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-14B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 14, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 14 Girder 14, below stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 14 and Ring Girder 14).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-014 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-014 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt E] See Remarks Other ED Pressure psi Test Temp.

See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-014 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No . Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 14 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 14 and Ring Girder 14).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt E Other FI Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-b17394-014 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section X1. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Des0gne, Te P aDate 2wners 9 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of AL48A 1/A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 12-17-03 to G-1'7-o" , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

             -                                                            Commissions                          ALIO06I36L Inspector's Signature                                                                  National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date      -O                  - I?          2007 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date May 4, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-015 Address Reoaer/Reolacement Oroeanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Code Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-15A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 15, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 15 Girder 15, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-15B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A - Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 15, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 15 Girder 15, below stiffener plates, waterline) I attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 15 and Ring Girder 15).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-015 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-015 (below waterline).

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic 1:1 Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt El Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U 1C)R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI 1 Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date May 4, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-015 Address ReoaidReolacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 15 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on supports for rams head, quencher, and vent system and on rigid struts for main steam relief piping

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 15 and Ring Girder 15).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt 0 Other RI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. Ut C6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-015 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ISI 5, Program Engineer Date /20 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA I'AIA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 12-31-* o3 to O6- 18-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

            -4_,Ce.-*.Q_2JInspector's signature Commissions                                ,LIk(o 3I6.L National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date                       O(o-             2007 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-016 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P o. No . Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class MC equivalent 1177
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code Section III, Class B 19 65* Edition, Winter Addenda, 67 Cede Case 1330 (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 92 Edition, 1992 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

PSC INT 1-B-16A Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 16, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 16 Girder 16, above stiffener plates, waterline) attachments, etc PSC INT 1-B-16B Pittsburgh 17001 N/A Misc. new/modified welds 1968 Installed Yes (Torus Bay 16, Ring Des-Moines on Ring Girder 16 Girder 16, below stiffener plates, waterline) I attachments, etc

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 16 and Ring Girder 16).

Preservice VT-3, visual exam, following coating reapplication per WO # 03-018473-016 (above waterline) and WO #03-017628-016 (below waterline)

8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure EL Exempt El Other 1Z Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See Remarks NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 20, 2004 Name 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-017394-016 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System Systems 001, Main Steam and 064A, Primary Containment / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Torus Bay 16 TVA N/A N/A Misc. new/modified welds 2003 Installed No on Rams head and vent system support plate

7. Description of Work Restore welds on Unit 1 Torus (Bay 16 and Ring Girder 16).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt 0 Other Fl Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-017394-016 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applcable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached This modification adds welds to the surface of the containment pressure retaining boundary. This is considered a minor modification which is subject to pressure test per IWE-5221. The pressure test requirement is satisfied by 1-SI-4.7.A.2.A-F, Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test, performed under Work Order 04-715898-000.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Ao ýA ISI Program Engineer Date _ _ _ ' _ ,20 40 P Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAGA"I1A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ...01-05-24 to O0(-t7-o? , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 4\ Inspector's Signature Commissions A/ Lgo"IL National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date O - tI C_6


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 15, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN 51415 Work Order (WO) 03-017684-020 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive (CRD) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition,* N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B468-292 TVA N/A N/A None 2006 Installed No
7. Description of Work Modify support (2" diameter RHR piping attached to CRD support).
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic 11 Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt IE 0

Other R Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

WO# 03-017684-020 Page 2 of 2 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Aoolicable Manufacturer's Data Reoorts to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of.Aujthorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ( 4{.,.'(./") O ISI Program Engineer Date fL* 9Ci6'.) ,j ,20 4 Owner or Owner's Deslonee Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAtV'*A and employed by HSB CT of Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0- 1C-*'*-CI, to 0Q-i *-,r ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions A-L 4-- Inspector's Sianature National Board. State. Province. and Endorsements Date op- i 200(, 2-

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 7, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 51112-02 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-004 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P 0 No . Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 008, Miscellaneous Turbine Connections / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Valves) ASME Section III Class 1 1995 Edition with 1996 Addenda Class 2 (less N-stamp)
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case *N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Valve Flowserve AW520 N/A TVA Mark # 2004 Installed No 1-SHV-008-0575 47W400-3525

7. Description of Work Install new valve, 4" Main Steam supply to Miscellaneous Turbine Connections, for cobalt reduction.
                                 *Cede Case N-416-2 utilized.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt []

Other MI Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UI C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-020376-004 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Old valve was previously removed per WO 95-022282-002.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Section XI Pressure test performed by WO 04-713482-000 (using procedure 1-SI-3.3.1 .C). CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificatept ithorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed '* ( - 15, Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Designee. Title Date -. : Z 9 ,20 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of r ) .X. 4 r.A and employed by HSB CT of Ha'rtford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S - 07D) - 2 C')C*-. to -, " 2,C'*)* ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measuresaescribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions I -A anspec-or0s Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date _ _ _ _ 20C IUt C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 17, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 51112-01 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-015 Address ReDair!Reolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda**
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Main Steam piping to off- TVA N/A N/A None 1974 Removed No gas preheater (2") Main Steam support (2") TVA N/A N/A None 1974 Removed No Pipe Cap (2") weld TVA N/A N/A None 2005 Installed No MS- 1-018-040

7. Description of Work Removed existing Main Steam piping to off-gas preheater and one support. Installed pipe cap.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic I] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure Z Exempt []

Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See notes. NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-020376-015 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks ASME Section XI Pressure test performed by 1-SI-3 3 1.C *-Code Case N-416-3 utilized Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section Xl.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate ofAutfyrization No N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ( i ,.-'- L/f/l*J 2 ,ISI Program Engineer Date - L"4'I K? ,20 07 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAL3,AMA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period i 0-06--c'.5 to 0" 1)3tr-07 ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Cede, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                -_______-____,                             ____Commissions                                            AL.O k 6-36L" Inspector's Signature                                                                   National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date                      OJ-36             20 6-1 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 17, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 51112 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-016 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P O No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda*
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board No. Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Main Steam piping to off-gas TVA N/A N/A None 2006 Installed No preheater (2") welds MS-1-018-001, 002, 003, 005, 006, 011 through 025, 030 through 037. and 046 through 049

7. Description of Work Installed 2" diameter Main Steam piping to off-gas preheaters.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic [E Nominal Operating Pressure Z Exempt LI Other E] Pressure psi Test Temp. 'F See notes.

NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U l C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-020376-016 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks ASME Section XI Pressure test performed by 1-SI-3.3.1 .C. **Code Case N-416-3 utilized.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (.4,iL -ta"-D IS[ Program Engineer Date 'U )) ,20 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA,*KA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0I-. t1.8-"7 to 07-Z6--0-7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _- _--- _ _ Commissions &L(o)16,3 BL-inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date al-( -6 20 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 6, 2007 Nare 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Narame P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN #51112-01 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-017 Address Reoair/ReDiacement Oroanizalion P 0 No . Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47W405-8-H1 TVA N/A N/A H1 2007 Installed No 1-47W405-8-H2 TVA N/A N/A H2 2007 Installed No 1-47W405-8-H3 TVA N/A N/A H3 2007 Installed No 1-47W405-8-H4 TVA N/A N/A H4 2007 Installed No 1-47W405-8-H5 TVA N/A N/A H5 2007 Installed No
7. Description of Work Install supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt "

Other LI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. 1If C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-020376-017 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed --- - -" Program Engineer Date 1 6, 20 d 2 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of .. *V'JV,_

                                                 ,        ".        and employed by                                           HSB CT                                      of
                                                  = T= T.-*

Haltfdrd, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period t *C-P--r .-* C"-Ž "-) to I- &- 'Lc.c1* ' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions L4Sf-g;-% Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 0a UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 18, 2007 Name 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-280 1 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 51112 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-028 Address Resair/Rernlacement Oraanization P 0 No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Valve) ASME Section Itt 1995 edition, 1996 addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

I-FCV-001-0057 (3") Flowserve BC 460 N/A N/A 2006 Removed old No Installed new Main Steam Drain Piping TVA N/A N/A N/A 2007 Installed No (2" and 3")

7. Description of Work Removed and replaced existing 2" and 3" piping and valve.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure ED Exempt El see remarks Other Ml Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U1C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 18, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 51112-01 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-028 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Valves) ASME Section III 1995 edition, 1996 addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xt Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-FCV-001-0168 (2") Flowserve 01BFL N/A N/A 2006 Removed Old No Installed New 1-FCV-001-0169 (2") Flowserve 04BFL N/A N/A 2006 Removed Old No Installed New 1-FCV-001-0170 (2") Flowserve 03BFL N/A N/A 2006 Removed Old No Installed New 1-FCV-001-0171 (2") Flowserve 02BFL N/A N/A 2006 Removed Old No I I_ Installed New
7. Description of Work Removed and replaced existing 2" valves.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic 11 Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt El see remarks Other DI Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 03-020376-028 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks ASME Section XI pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1 .C. Code case N-416-3 utilized.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Valve testing performed in 1-SR- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , e. ; ISI Program 1,51..._ Engineer Date J L- / i ,20 67 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of A/ilJTI- and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Oa,.-16, -.o0 to 0T-30-4c7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ______Commissions /AL.Io13QL Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province. and Endorsements Date O7-3 Z_, 20 0-UI1C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 19, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0- Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN #51112-01 Work Order (WO) 03-020376-029 Addre.s RenairReolacement Oroanization P 0 No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-47B400-2034 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2007 Removed old No (3") Installed new 1-47B400-2035 TVA N/A N/A Old ID 2007 Removed old No (6") HPAS-1-H-7 Installed new 1-47B3400-2036 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2007 Removed old No (3") 1 1 Installed new 1-47B2052-1 through -8 TVA N/A N/A N/A 2007 Removed old No (2") 1 1 1 1 1 1 Installed new
7. Description of Work Replaced supports.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt 0 Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 812 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. 71C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-020376-029 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

  . Type Code Symbol Stamp              N/A Certificate oLAuthorization No.           N/A                                                  Expiration Date         N/A Signed        -- tA,,        --"      t       "LW          , ISI Program Owner or Owners Designee, Title Engineer           Date             Y"       "f           I'                       ,20    6 7 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of       W                                           and employed by                                            HSB CT                                      of Ffartford, Connecticut                                                  have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period               I- k       - Z,            12C 6       to             - k           C..IT                        , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and ta                         corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions S - \ Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date ýi- k 20 C-ýý UlC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 19, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-021369-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanizahion P 0 No . Job No.. elc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 073, High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Serial Board Other Year Built Removed, (Yes Component Manufacturer No. No. Identification or or No)

Installed Bolting for 16" HPCI suction Nova HT# 8992181 (studs) N/A N/A 2003 (studs) Installed No spool piece HT# 224772 (nuts) 2004 (nuts)

7. Description of Work Replaced bolting (1" diameter) for HPCI pump suction spool piece.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 10 Exempt E]

Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UI C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-021369-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing performed by 1-SI-3.3.9.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (JA ,L~d- .,,4 ,. ISIProgramEngineer Date T o',L- (- 20 07 Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAOAKA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0a-Ua-06 to O7-3 .-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ___-___ _.. ___ Commissions AwtOiGUL Inspector's Signature National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date 01- 31 20 0-? UI C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date May 19, 2007 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-023415-000 Address Reoair/Reolacemenl Oroanization P.O. No. Job No eMc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 010, Boiler Drains and Vents (BDV) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-CKV-010-0507 Powell S/N 60409 N/A 2-1/2" Swing Check 1974 Installed No (tack weld) Valve
7. Description of Work Tack welded valve disc nut to disc stud.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Li Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other [I Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A 'F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

tJ 1C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-023415-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks 1-SI-3.2.3 (valve inspection) performed on 11/16/05. 1-SI-3.2.11 (valve cycling) performed on 2/28/07.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed (I, 4Cýf SI Program Engineer Date //l 9 20 o0 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of "_ ,,._.and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period - ". &  : to 5- ,,, ,,..0C"j , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions -- .- Inspector's Signature National Eoard, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 UJtC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 12, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-023424-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 010, Boiler Drains and Vents (BDV) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Studs and nuts for bonnet Nova Machine Win. Powell N/A 2-1/2" Swing Check 2005 Installed No of 1-CKV-010-0512 Products Fig-3061-A Valve

7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts on bonnet of check valve. Original studs and nuts were lost during disassembly.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E] Exempt Z (Open-ended)

Other fl Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A 'F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-023424-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed 1 Program Engineer Date / 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ,,JJ ' . ,, and employed by HSB CT of Hartfdrd, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period I( -. k - ,, . to ,,*--p' ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. I t sAYtkD _. Commissions -tOY-L Inspectorjs Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date tii. I _*'* 20 ýýG ti IC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 12, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name P. O. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-023426-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanizatmon P.O. No. Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 010, Boiler Drains and Vents (BDV) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Studs and nuts for bonnet Nova Machine Wm. Powell N/A 2-1/2" Swing Check 2005 Installed . No of 1-CKV-010-0513 Products Fig-3061-A Valve

7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts on bonnet of check valve. Original studs and nuts were lost during disassembly.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 11 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt [] (Open-ended)

Other El Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-023426-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed o---2SI Program Engineer DateTe 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ""*J1" .. J. K4 .* . and employed by HSB CT of HIartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period , c,* ,, - ,.7..C*_ to - .,. - .... *')(r-) ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions V -s - I ( -* Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 2 Q C_ 3 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date January 12, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-023428-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 010, Boiler Drains and Vents (BDV) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Studs and nuts for bonnet Nova Machine Wm. Powell N/A 2-1/2" Swing Check 2005 Installed No of 1-CKV-010-0515 Products Fig-3061-A Valve

7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts on bonnet of check valve. Original studs and nuts were lost during disassembly.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt Z (Open-ended)

Other nl Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A 'F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 2 of 2 WO 03-023428-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Valve testinq in accordance with 1-SI-3.2.3 and 1-SI-3.2.1 1.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ( ,.6,,xL, L..J' 1-,ISIProgram Engineer Date , 2 07 - Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAMA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period tO- 51-o S to 01-3 1-al1 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. 3Commissions ALLo01i6-L Inspectors Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 67- i% 20 01 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date April 7, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 03-024089-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 073 (HPCI) ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Studs and nuts for bonnet CHAPMAN N/A Model L151A Later Installed No of 1-CKV-073-0505 Studs and nuts for bonnet Removed of 1-CKV-073-0505

7. Description of Work Replaced studs and nuts on bonnet of check valve 1-C KV-073-0505.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure 10 Exempt [E 5

Other 0I Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UI C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 03-024089-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing done by 1-SI-3.3.9 in WO# 04-713495-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Valve testing performed by I-SI-3.2.3 and 1-SR- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Aul orization No, N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed "I6 ISI Program Engineer Date J"L 3- f 20

  • 7 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAE tIAM, and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period Oz -Oa?-o( to 01- 31-07 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XL.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                   "*rr*                       i~                        Commissions                        ALl           ,

Inspectors Signature National Board, State, Provnce, and Endorsements Date 01--31 20 0( U [ C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. wner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 9, 2004 Name 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # N/A Work Order (WO) 04-710288-000 Address Reoair/ReClacement Oroanization P.O No Job No.. elc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 075, Core Spray (CS) System / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B31 .1.0 19 67 Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-FCV-075-0002 Walworth Company N/A N/A Model No 5202WE 2004 Installed No
7. Description of Work Replaced bonnet fasteners, (7/8" diameter studs and nuts), that were lost after disassembly.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 13 Other [] Pressure psi Test Temp.

NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710288-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed per procedure 1-SI-3.3.6 per W.0. 04-713487-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section XI. Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed I Program Engineer Date / , 20 (5' Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of AL&VAMA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period o7-t3--o4- to 07-02-017 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissions ALLO%6313L Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 07-0 2 20 07 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date September 9, 2004 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 . of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # N/A Work Order (WO) 04-710290-000 Addres Reoair/Reotacement Oraanization P.O. No.. Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur. AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 075, Core Spray (CS) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code USAS B3 1.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-FCV-075-0011 Walworth Company N/A N/A Model No 5202WE 2004 Installed No
7. Description of Work Replaced bonnet fasteners, (7/8" diameter studs and nuts), that were lost after disassembly.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 1:1 Pneumatic [] Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt []

Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710290-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed per procedure 1-SI-3.3.6 per W.O. 04-713487-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed *Program 1 Engineer Date 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALAUAKA, and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 07- 14-'4 to O7-OZ-O7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissions A01AO11631R Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date O-7-o2. 2007 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date October 24, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609- 2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710595-000 Address ReDair/Reslacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Bergen Power ADH-2002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-001-5079 1791 N/A 1-47B400-88 N/A Installed No 4 4 1 4- I 4 4-

7. Description of Work Installed new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure 11 Exempt EL Other 0 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710595-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection per 1-SI-4.6.H-1 and functional stroke testing per 0-SI-4.6.H-2B will be performed as required by plant Technical Specifications, in lieu of Cede requirements, as stated in Request for Relief 1-ISI-18.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section X!. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. -N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , ISI Program Engineer Date /6 -- / 20 :_6" Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALA.;::.AttAr and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9-26 --0C,- to lLi-O(- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Cede, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

         -'L.          ,-*     "                                          Commissions                                        /-\L4,,

Inspector's Signature National Board, State. Prownce, and Endorsements Date i 1- 14 20 O(, U I C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date December 20, 2006.

Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710617-000 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number 1-SNUB-001-5087 Bergen Power N/A N/A 1-47B400-104 N/A Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number 1-SNUB-001-5087 (size HSSA- 10, 3578 N/A 1-47B400-104 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10)

7. Description of Work Remove old snubber and install new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure LI Exempt LI 0

Other E Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710617-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection per 1-SI-4.6.H-1 and functional stroke testing per 0-SI-4.6.H-2B will be performed as required by plant Technical Specifications. in lieu of Code requirements, as stated in Request for Relief 1-ISI-18..

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed * -*-<..___.L,- a-., ISI Program Engineer Date /._i/.. C) 20 __ Owner or Owners Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of nJ X gt.I. and employed by HSB CT of Harlord, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 2 ;- ,,Z2I* (" !*. to _t _ D , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

\ý\  L     A1~ 3          Inspector's Signature Commissions                              1O
                                                                                                              -IGLI National Board, State, Prorince, and Endorsements Date      I   ,_>- <,



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 30, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710618-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section X1Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-001-5088 Bergen Power N/A N/A 1-47B400-105 N/A Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-2002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-001-5088 (size HSSA-20, 1792 N/A 1-47B400-105 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-20)

7. Description of Work Remove old snubber and install new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt El Other Z Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710618-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection per 1-SI-4.6.H-1 and functional stroke testing per 0-SI-4.6.H-2B will be performed as required by plant Technical Specifications, in lieu of Code requirements, as stated in Request for Relief 1-ISI-18..

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of-Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed C.4 , j-r,, ISI Program Engineer Date AVGU3 I > ,20 o Owner or Owners Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of

  • LAL*.AM A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 02- 2-3 O-as to 0 8- i - O(o , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                  ' C*               "-
  • Commissions AL4(o Inspectors Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 8 -3i 20C U 1C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date June 19, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710629-000 Address Reoair/Reoiacement Oroarnization P.O No. Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Feed Water System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5033 Bergen Power F91517-2 N/A 1-47B415-19 2006 Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-t 002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5033 (size HSSA-10, 3570 N/A 1-47B415-19 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10) j

7. Remove old snubber and install new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 11 Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other E] Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710629-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks None.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed e , 151-ý ISIProgram Engineer Date "_-__ _ _ _ _ ,20 6 " Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of A/A,3.f'.1J\ and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 02- '..?.- ;4 to OC.L-26 --&*& , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's. Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

                 -       -                      .,L
                                                 -. *obQ.-                  Commissions                                 AL '*

Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date C* -Z/r 20 C'G UI C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 10, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710640-000 Address Reoarr/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Reactor Feedwater System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs.or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year. Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5034 Bergen Power 89-G15199-1A N/A 1-47B415-20 N/A Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5034 (size HSSA-10, 3587 N/A 1-47B415-20 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10) 1

7. Description of Work Removed old snubber and instaledl new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt EL Other Z Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710640-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection performed by t-SI-4.6.H-1. Functional stroke testing performed by 0-SI-4.6.H-2B as required by plant Technical Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached Specifications, in lieu of Code requirements, as stated in Request for Relief 1-1SI-18.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XA. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed .. , ISI Program Engineer Date JU 0 20 C 7 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, h9 lding a valid corptmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ' .and employed by HSB CT of I-Tartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 2 - ,&-'_.(' .*,!.-73 to -- Z - 9) (2, C_'t, -- I and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes. any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions I\ * '* (.Ži'( ( Inspector's Signature National Board, State, ProvAnce, and Endorsements Date ("- t , . 20o UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date June 15, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-710769-000 Address Reoair/Reclacement Oroani.ation P 0 No Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 001, Main Steam (MS) System / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-TW-001-0012 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2007 Installed No
7. Description of Work Add weld metal to existing weld on Thermowell.
8. . Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure ED Exempt E]

Other [] Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-710769-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by procedure 1-SI-3.3.1 .C in WO 04-713482-000. Code Case N-416-3 utilized.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed IS], S Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Date 6 "* 20 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of ALABAJA and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 0Z-a1 - 01. to o0(-IS-O7 , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commissions AL401636L Inspectors Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date NO-IS 2007 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 10, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-711310-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Reactor Feedwater System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5037 Bergen Power F91517-2 N/A 1-47B415-23 N/A Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5037 (size HSSA-10, 3589 N/A 1-47B415-23 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10)

7. Description of Work Removed old snubber and installed new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt EL Other 2 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.

U1 C6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-711310-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection performed by 1-SI-4.6.H-1. Functional stroke testing performed by 0-SI-4.6.H-2B in lieu of Code requirements, as Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached stated in Request for Relief 1-1S1-18.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section Xl. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed el/)' l, ISI Program Engineer Date J __ 0 ,20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of I______, _ ________._ and employed by HSB CT of Ha1rtfoid, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 2 - I. -(- = n-- to " - , - , N , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code. Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in L any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. I, Inspector's Signature Commissions ' I (_." ,-. National Board, State, Province. and Endorsements Date k1-ý

                         .                    20   Q)

Ut C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 10, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-711329-000 Address Reoair/Reolacenment Oroanization P.O No . Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Feed Water System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5038 Bergen Power G151991A N/A 1-47B415-24 2006 Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5038 (size HSSA-10, 3586 N/A 1-47B415-24 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10)

7. Removed old snubber and installed new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 1:1 Exempt EL Other [D Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-711329-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection performed by 1-SI-4.6.H-1. Functional stroke testing performed by 0-SI-4.6.H-2B in lieu of Code requirements, as Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached stated in Request for Relief 1-ISi-18.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed . ("/j., '*/- , 1SI IS[dJ Program Engineer Date T-JL I 1110 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of NLAZAt'A and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 02-2..-OS to '07-I7-O- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions AL to t 8L Inspector's Signature National Beoard, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 017- t7 20 6"7 UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date July 13, 2006 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet I of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-711330-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P.O No.. Job No . elc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Feed Water System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. " Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board
  • Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5042 Bergen Power Unknown N/A 1-47B415-48 2006 Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5042 3585 N/A 1-47B415-48 2006 Installed new No

7. Remove old snubber and install new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt 0 Other [] Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-711330-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Inspection and testing per 1-SI-4.6.H- 1 and 0-SI-4.6.H-2B were performed in accordance with Request for Relief 1-ISi-18.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section Xl. Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No N/A Expiration O, Date N/A

                  ,ý-ý Sinned nr Owncr's Designee, Title INPC Date          6                     _           _/_            ,206(o Fra EnINSERIC O

P CRIFIAT CERTIFICATE OF INSER'IICE INsPECTi0r'.! I, the underoigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National.Board of Boiler artd Pressuie Vaesel Insp;eciors and the State or Province of .. VCTE* and employed by" HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period / - o 3- to 7 Y/a!&- , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken correcdve measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions "'TAl 3i '7t"

                         ,      Inspector's Signature                                                                   National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date     Date                                     20 20 C:1 61 t)I-C6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 3, 2007 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 2 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Work Order (WO) 04-711382-000 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanizathon P 0 No.. Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 003, Reactor Feedwater System / ASME Code Class 1 equivalent (Supports) Design Criteria BFN-50-C-7107
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67 Edition*, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No)

Snubber Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5043 Bergen Power F93502 N/A 1-47B415-52 N/A Removed old No Snubber Bergen Power ADH-1002- Support number BFR-1-SNUB-003-5043 (size HSSA-10, 3584 N/A 1-47B415-52 2006 Installed new No part no. 2510-10)

7. Description of Work Removed old snubber and installed new snubber.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure El Exempt EL Other 0 Pressure N/A psi Test Temp. N/A °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 2 of 2 WO 04-711382-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Visual inspection per 1-SI-4.6.H-1 and functional stroke testing per 0-SI-4.6.H-2B performed as required by plant Technical Specifications, in lieu of Code requirements, as stated in Request for Relief 1-ISI-18..

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed O te20 Owner or Owners Designee. Title Program Engineer Date A-eU CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of y and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period A - .. , *" t2-to - , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions -k C,- \ Y(._,'-( (7-Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date , ) 20Q-1 UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 17, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-000 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oraenization P 0 No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition. N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/3427 General Electric Old H1720 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0826 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3827 General Electric Old A3468 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2524 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3423 General Electric Old A3370 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0082 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4227 General Electric Old A3016 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2532 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3823 General Electric Old A2955 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0782 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4627 General Electric Old A3011 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0991 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "A".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic E Nominal Operating Pressure , Exempt El Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 17, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-000 Address Reoair[Reolacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Red Drive (CRD) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4223 General Electric Old A3205 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0364 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5027 General Electric Old A3342 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1344 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4623 General Electric Old A3200 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0825 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5427 General Electric Old A3365 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0884 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5023 General Electric Old A3199 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1502 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "A".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 01 Exempt LI Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-000 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by procedure 1-SI-3.3.1 .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed S Program Engineer Date 6 20 -._ i Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of and employed by HSB CT of HIartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period _,) . -.2X,*,.i to q - - -, (. .. " and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report In accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions Kk - ý,c-_*'*(L Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 10 20 UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 144 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alteinate Form for Single Ch.rmbo.', Completely Shop-Fabricnted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rulos, Section ViII, Diviaion 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Compaany, P.O. Box 780, Wnijgt.,_ 4 .f.C.
2. Manufactured for _-----ale.,aS__ AbDVP
3. Location of Installtion
4. Type .LP-ri_.c._ _. (Year Built) 7_7 (loriz. or vart. tank) WMfor's Sarihl No.) (CRN) (DrnwinU No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19*4-.- and Addenda to _.3.-j.__ and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Spocial Service per UG-120(d) z.; PerT.hi.SDatnR tpo jnt - e._P.eam&iks.S th, Manufacturers' Partial Data Roports proprl yidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have bean furnished for the following items of the report: I_1/A Nom Corr.

6. Shell:MatI. SA-106 Gr. B .Thk. 55 in. Allow.. ..- in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth.-- ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. R.T. -JUA- - Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. - - F Timo -- hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth NoJldi. P* - umfor~me.d R.T. (Spot. Perti A. or Full) No. of Courses -- B.H a s:() M ae i l deA-.Ubl. Sngl. Lap. Butt)

8. Heads: () Material A2 3 (b) Material SA-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Loual on Mrin. Corr. Cro".'n KnuctJ. EllipaC Conicel Hamiiph. Fist Sid. to Prcigure (Top. Sottom. End.) ThI. Aliow. eDaie Raedius Ratio Apex Ancle Radiu Diem. IConvex or Concave) (a0 -Top_ 2.5" _7_._23_0.._EI-athhead-_ (b) BttOm 2.5-7 Flathead If removab!e, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. N Size,. No.)

9. Ccnstructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -,- F. Min. temp. (when less than -- 20 F) - - F. Hydrostatic, proumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number iOfDle Size -- _ Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nrom. Reinforcement Haw (inlet. Outlet. Drain) No or Size Type Mail. Thk. Matil. Attacheld Lcetlio., __G as2.o r-L -1L _. - 5 Si._ itElng 3045 -106 1.]3. 0 o iB(1.+/-te-- _.Non BolJ0DJ' .t ss 44lio ) tmn.

         -at* _E rt Ai . .__9 _'                              S pljt                .mg_* .* _.
12. Supports: Skirt __NO_. Lugs ....... Legs . Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) INo.) (Describe) lWhere and how)
13. Remarks: -Colpl ete-nech an-i ca4AssembJl.yit N..o-"We-ded-Joi-ats; ethoughA-Differenti al Pressure Exs.ists_ on each side of.-..heInterna.lLPi-ston, the Accumulator Cylinder is .Hydrostatically- tested .with the Piston-emoved-

_--_-TeHydro.Test pressure is based.-on..the.-.higher- design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statemetts made in this report are correct and that all details of design.Imaterial, construction, and workmanshin of this vessel conforrtrrto the ASMN Code for Pressure Vessels, Secti drl'V FOivit;on 1. Date 9_-2-77 . ......... -Signeda .General.

                                                         .          . .          Eectric
                                                                               .(M anufacturer). Co..       .k_/         b..                    (Representative)
  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No .                          10             n572..... .....               expites          L..Une 10       ..       . ........          1ivol CERTIFICATE             OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                General Electric Company .......                                              at Wilmington, N.C_..                                    _

I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N , Carol na , i . and employed by Dept of. Labor .- . have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . . 9-2 . . . 1977 and state that, to tne best ot my knov,'.lede and helhef, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the lnsýpector nor his employer makes any warranzt, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel doscribod in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector rlor h'jý et )toyr!rshall be liable in any manner for any personal inrury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisingJ ,v'n t .;rq this micr*r'.vte inspection. Sinned " ""/) Jff'.. a*-/-) Date 9-2-77 Commiss,oJC 723. PA. ,Cl 766, Ohio

                                       * ',i.*t.' . *.iN                                                                                     0 r'board. State. Province wii1 NU.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 112 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Charmber, Cornp!otaly Shon-Frbricted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Ruleo, Scction VIII, Division 1 1.Manufaclured by G_.Qeneral Electric Company, P.O. Box W g

2. Manufactured for . .S ame as Abonye
3. Locatio;o of Installition
4. Type er-etic.L__ A2524

_.(MU gr's Serial No.) (CRN)

                                                                                                  -1.0.5D631._    3                                                                                                         (Drawing No.)

_N/!R. (Nol'l Brd No.) (Year Built) .19.7.7 (H-ariz.. o vert. lank)

5. The chemical and phy:,ical properties of all parts meet the reaulrements o. material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanrhip conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19-7 and Addenda io and Code Case Nos.

a_____ -- (Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) A s..PEcr__.TJhi _Data Repnrt S - ee._.emarksBelow. Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propfqrl Aide'ntified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have boer, furnished for the following items of the report: A__ Non. Corr. 3

6. Shell:M;tl. _5A-106 Gr. B Thk. .55 in. Allow .... in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. _3_ft 2. I in.

(Sp6c. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. (Welded, / Db, Sngl, L-ea p, Bunt)

Lap, Bun)R.T.._N,/A ffSpot or -Full) Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Girth No d R.T. - (Spot, Porli 1,or Full) No. of Courses -- (Wulded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Eutt)

8. IHeads: (a) Material _ SA-18-F0_4 (Spec. No.. Grade)

(b) Material SA-1_2-F304 (Spec. No., Gradoe Loc;ahon Min. Cotr. Crown Knuckie Ellipse Conical Hemispl. Flat Side to Pesstuse (Top. Bortom. Ends' Allow. Radius ladius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Con:cve) (al -Top ý_Thk.5"__*0 Ft d_ S2.ttom 7,230 Flathed__ 1f removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ."500-l 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Sp w. No.hGrd Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 00, F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number URI-Size -- - Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose . Diem. Nom. Reinforcement How orget. O.,tlot. Dreri) No. or Sie " Type Mil. ThIk. Mall. Artached Locat:on Ca_-, PorL 1 -Z5" Split Fnffif4hg 104- N5n_*n, Rnti1 1tm. WLa Iter__E.orj-l__ 97LSp] j I F] . 30455 1.300 None Bi ftBI ps

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where -and how)
13. Remarks: ConpleteNechan.c4a! AsePmhly with NO Weldedr Joints

- A thDOU_ g ih__ rential__ires ssur*_-Exs-i-_tson _eacLh__*ideftheJntnterna.L l neAcc ,nriu]_atorCylinderisHydros-tati*pressurei-s_*ba s-ed _on-th e-4hgh er-des-i g n-p res su rpe. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta' a f des . - erial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor to the A N% Tbeneral ode for Pressure Vessels, S 'tio 9t ?Jsiozt_1 Date Date 10-.2.6-7. 10-----26-7--7, . Signed Si. E Co.,_ 1ectric C1-- b 0-ri-- -- -___"___-_ 7ianufacturerl (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                    .             72                              expires V              _une-120,                                   7P CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made          by     General Electric Company                                               at _Wji_       ington__,_N.C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and:or the State or Province of '_Carol- na_                                     __ and employed by Dept of Labor_--. have inspected the to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warlanty,
 -expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no his em fyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or proporty damage or a loss of any                                                             Q kind arising           n' / co°p              dve'1*his inspccticn.                                   C             iA                                          .

Signed -" , _* *ný&pector}

                                                  .                        . Date                        commissio          n73            PA. rrC] 766              .rohiea INat'/Board. Sidrte. Prey-nee and No )


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 246 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANr UFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PR.ESSURE VESSELS (Alternrtto Form fcr Single Chamber, Complcttily Shnp-Fabrictod Vesssls Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Ssction VIII. Division 1

1. Manufacturodby General Electric _Company P.O. Box 78 limington; N.C
2. Manufactured for ___SaMle..a sAbovp_____
3. Location of Install tion ..........
4. Type _e r ti c a .... H0082 .... .. .


                                                                                               .       _05.. D.ol38-PPI--

(Drawing No.)

                                                                                                                                                  ._!_ CYear Buit) 7-7 (Nat'i Drd No.)

(Clorit. or vert. tank) (Migr's Sorial No.)

5. The chernical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
      .1-9274 ,ind Addenda to _-Y75. ___ and Code Case Nos.

(fear) (Date) Special Servica par UG-120(d) As Per ThJiLsD.ata_epoLrt.._-.Se.eRema_.rks._Bel owv Manufacturers' Partial Data Reporti prop,,rlydentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Ir/yA Nom. Corr. 3

6. Shell: MatI. SA- 1.Q.6.Gr. ý Thk. * Allow .... in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. Ift2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. J_/!_ASeaml esS_. R.T. _NA._ Efficiency -- '-/oH.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (WAelded, Obl, Srg), Lap. B utnl (Spot or Full)

Girth __oI*.O1ed ing__Per-f ormecL_ IWelded, DbI. Sngl, Lap. Bun) R.T. -- (Spot. Pan i. ofull No. of Courses --

8. Heads: (a) Material _.SA _8-2.._F_30_4 (b) Ma:erial SA-182-F3-04 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Mn. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse conic.: Hernisph. Flat Side to Pre-scoe (Top. aorieo . Ends) Thk. Alio w. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radwue Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a) lop 2. 5" __ 23.__l*.he&d (b) Bottom 2.5- 7ik30_Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500- 13 Bol ts-ASI'E-SAl93-B7 for Spl i t Flanges (4) (,Mtoerial. Spec. No .Grd Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 400 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None. Size - - _ Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dism. No,-. Reinforcement How PrIet. Outlet. Drae;h No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. Mati. Artachod Location G._ 2or- _ 5..'.. Split_F.l ng_304559 75'" _L_060 . Nnnp Rolt&sA 4]__Rttm. WterPorL1 _ 7"___Sp_it_El ng. 3(0 455-_* OO-300 nnnP ol ts _)-J ap

12. Supports: Skirt No..-. Lugs Legs . Other _ _.Attached (Where and how)

Yees or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe)

13. Remarks: - Iompl e te.-lechan-ca ]_Assembly--wLth--oa--elded-oi nts.

-- Ith6ugh A Differential Pressure Exsists on .each side of A-he Internal-2is-ton, t_.-the AccumlUlator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston -removed.-

    ,_-The Hydro Test pressure is based .on the higher design pressure--.______

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details'jf deyi 2nmn* criaf, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforri.,to the A5%i.ode for Pressure Vessel s. S e(o, IVl. f 1. Date 1.3-77. Signed uonera/ e ric uCoVe..... by /i,Ž"-io viRepresontative) 1" - ( Manutactu rer "U" Certificate of Authorizeton No. 10 ,572 --.. .. . .expires J rne 10, - .. . - 19..'78.. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company at Wilmington, N.C....... I. the undersigned, holdcing a valid cn--nnisý.,on issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province ol N*. Ca -o I na and emnloyed by Dept of Labor have inspected the to the best of my knowledge and behet. the Manufacturer lias constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this rertificate neither the inspector nur his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the iress'Jre vessel described in the Manufarturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspclor nor his ern;ioyer shall tie liable in any manner for any personal injury or properly damage or a loss of any kind risinifNpin -r co-, ".ed .',* '11's inspecion. . ./ Sigid , &~ )ticp,,r. 1 -2;(L-** i/MatP

                                                    *)                           Date                            Comm-si,,WC723 /eodrd.                      1!.C1766.

PA. Stale. Pruyince endOhio. No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 147 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (A!tem,4te Form for Single Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Onlyl As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rulas, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vprr-irl ____A532 10_5D_6l_8G001 N/R (Year Built) 1977.
                 -1ia z. or vert. tank)         (Mfgr's Serial No.)               (CRN)                     (Drawing No.)                (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requrrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1_9-1_/4- aend Addenda to SW75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Dote) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Mall. _,_A-_-06 Gr.B .Thk. 55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8._70 in. Lgth. J ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec- No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. ,. IA_Se.a.*lels R.T. __N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Obl. Sng!, Lap, Sun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No 14eldi*ng Performied R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Weldcd. Obi, Sngt. Lap. BuDtt (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material $a-182F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spcc. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Mn. Corn. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Henmisph. Fitt Side to Preuture (Top. Bottom. Ends) Thk Allow. Radius Radius Ralio Apex Artole Radius Diam. (Convex or Con ,sve) (a) Top -_ L. D. athFlead..1 (b) Bottom 2.5 /Z FI rhe. tf removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -900-1 - Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp.

3 00-...0,0._ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Non Size -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose iarn. Norn. Reinfocarment Now 0091e.Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. Marl. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75 Split Flng. 30455 1.060 Nnnp Boit. (4).Bottom. Water Port i.7- Split F.9 075- T.3O0 None BELItr _q (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NQ Lugs - Legs __ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No. (NoAss lqmbr il (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wt Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side oft.h. Int.ernal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically teSt wi-tht__e press P* qron r ve d. based on the higher design The Hydro Test pressure is CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detaipof. dt *n.ý rterial, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to tho ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sec 4,.i .sy g 1. Date 11-01-77 Signed Ceneral Electric Co. by/._1CCS(:L - (Manufacturer) (Fteprosaentative "

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                 10 .572                                 expires                    June            10,                   1978 T

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Co. at Wilmlinton. N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid com'nission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of . N. C'rnrl ina - and employed by - Dept Of Labor have inspected the

                                                                                                 , , o n.                                                   .    . .       -. A               . r..
                                                                                                                                                                                        . . O'.e p re s s u r e v e s s e i a e s cr iru u t, t ii i.1       o,,u [a .,u , 6, Da ;a; to the best of my               knowledge         and     belief,    the     Manufacturer     has       constructed       this    pressure          vessel    in   accordance            with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inpecaror               his epnlivg7 shall be 3iable in any manner for any personal injury or property d3mage or a loss of any                                                                  0 kind arising                o~onn',4d with )y95 inspection."                                                                                                                6 Signed         ._.                        J/    Z
                                                          ./..*,                 Date .-        - -

__-.._723,PA, Commissions A C176 _, OHIO at1 Board. State. Proivnce a.nd No.1

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 247 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessselo Only) As Required by the Provisions of the AS,.M2 Code Rules, Section VIII, Divlsion 1

1. Manufactured by _X__n.alElectric Company _.,. __Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation --
4. Typo .__ert ticnL... H0782 3. AD-6-3 8G001 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 4,74-and Addenda to (Tear)(Date) S 75 and Code Case Nos.

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Irispectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: NA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mal. I .B ,'h .55 in. Allow. _
                                                                        *.                                     in.Diam.          8.70           in.Lgth.      3._. ft           2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. __NJ /._SJaml.*.Si_ R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. F Time -- hr (Welded. Dul. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth __NlaWp.e ng _erTformed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Oul. Sngl. Lap. Butn) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3 4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spac. No.. Grade) (Sp~c. No., Grade)

Location lMin. Corn. Crown Knucide Ellipse Conical Hemiaph. Flat Side to Prossure (Top, Dorrom. Ends) Thk. Allo. Radius Radiua Ratio Apex Angle Radius Dirm. )Corr.x or Conaeval (a) Top 2._5"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (b) Bottom 2. 5Tr. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - 51)71 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Sp3c. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /,. .. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test prossure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NonLizo z_ --- Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspnction Openings:

Purpose Diarý Norm. Reinforcanern He

       )nlot. Outict. Drain)   No.      oe Site                 Type                        Mat].                 Thk.                   Mal.                  Attached            Lucaion Gas Port               1 .75                           Split 'Fln.                   304                                    None                   Rnl rs             (4)__B-ttom.

Water Port 1 97' Solit Flng. 05"L--- U3n -- Nn p P---.--

12. Supports: Skirt '_ Lugs - Legs Other __Attached (Yei or no) (No.) No.) ((escri ) )Where end heyo )
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly withN o Welded Joints.

IAltho g*h A Differential Pressure Exists on each side oTlnt erna Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,i-th -theRist on -r-emi' L4d' Th_e Jydro TeStpressure is based on T-De~her g press,,r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details /if de , mrerial, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Serf0'vll'Tvi Date 11-.5-77 Signed (Menufaciurer) crrc Cob*/_____,_____t bvoner.a`LLY (7' (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                 10.572                                  expires                     June 10.                ,         1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                         General Electric Co.                                               at                          Wilmington.                   N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid comr-iission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and.or the Slate or Province of N_._J'a r In.. and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the

                             -: vr = n77:: .                            -         D!!-!.           ! Qn                                   1i                   7                   t h-.

to the best of my know!edge and belief, the Ma.nufaciurer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Secticn VIll, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrcnty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his empl,?y., shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar,sing frnio/on . Wth) S inpnct,on. v. Signe~d ... If 1"" ,ur; t Z,.~'

                                                     . 4     .'    .          . Date                   ~'Lnimisinl5I~s o-                 jjcy    i.J*
                                                                                                                                          .1 1~ LI or
1. 1 S~e:e. Pfovrnce' end No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 354 OF 397 FOPRM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Al*ernate Form for Single Chrmbar, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by ths Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _*.D"LanlCCtrio Cormpny. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Typo _e'r 09___6l38Q
                                                          ..                                                                                  01_.IJR                             (Year Built)         197T (lHoriz. or vart tank)             (?ATgra' Serial No.)                  (CRN)                         (Drawing No.)                    (tlt'l Bid No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 2..- and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Msnufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnishad for the following itorns of the report: NIA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. *A10"r' h .55 in. Allow, __ in.bDem. 8.70 in.L3th. h t-*.. 2.38 in.

(Spoc. No.. Grede)

7. Seams:Long.__* i{ SeamIleS-l R.T. NIA Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp. -- F Time.--. _hr (Woaled, Dbl, Sn(l. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No ljeld.ingflerfa.Tm*ed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- Welded, ODbl, Sn l. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial. or Full)

8. Hoeds: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spoc. No., Grade)

Lo~at;on Min Corr. Crown Knuckle tllipse Conicel Hemisaph. Flat Side to Pretsura (Top. eartoa., rnds)l ThL. Allow. Radius Radius Rati3 Apex Angle Radium Diem. (Convex or Concacve (a) Top 2 5" F In thePd (b) Bottom 2. 5" 20-- Fl. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .5. 0-' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Meaterial, Spec. No., Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi et max. temp. ___ nn . F.

32 0 0 Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or comb;nation test pressure psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .- Nonnc ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose Daým. 14Or. How (Inlet, Outlet. Oreanl No. or Size Type Met]. Thk. MalI. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flnzt 30 .55 i. 0U5 NoUneP Bei-ts-0 Rntom. i'iter Pa rtl.97'___ Split F 0i.-5 N at- RnI rq (4) Trp

12. Supports: Skirt UoNO _. Lugs
                                            -.                      Legs _ __ Other                     .         ..


                                                                                                                                                     .Attached (Yes or no)               lNo.l1    .         N                                                                                               (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Comolete Nlechanicai Assembly witl" No Welded Joints.

AlthoughA_ _~g .. ~Differential ~ "d Pressure. . d . . ... __L' ... x-s-ts 'st1on___ .. on eac---s-ide . ... of.. e In e~ a the.....Inen Piston__,_ the Accumulator Cylinder is HFdrostaticallv tested _th. the-is t on --e-e-d ____The.ILtvdroil:est..pressure is based on the hýlier design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WVe certi'y that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details)of deslmn, mrterial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel confo.r to the ASME Coda for Pressure Vessels. Secti (rWV,.isi 1. Date 2929 -_77.. Signed GcnaIEle L rric__-Co., by/,,I.,preantative, Im" nutaciurer) -- '(R',p -o*'aiv -

  "U" Certificate of Authori.ation No .....                                  ]0,5.2..............                           expiras            /           Junei0,,,                            1978 CE11TIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                   .          Conerrl Elec: t ric                         Co...                        at.................llingt.onN;__C.___..

I. the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Piovince of N. - C:irnlit.a . - and employed by Dept .0' ].Lhor . have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .' 1-9, *7 . - . . pr ss r .. . 1 .1 .. .. . . .. . to the best of ny knov.ledge and behof, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Dvision 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. conce.i' ing the prrs!itro vessel described in the Mantifacturors' Da'a Report. Furthermore, neither the Insperictor nor his cp!oyor shall he lidble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind animrig f.*.v,. citr:,?.tvd '.itt 1 this inspection. Siptirdd . ... "(IS,'tJu

                                                                         ....         D           /                        commissions                   N*'

7oar.SA. Board. Staee PoI.;C1766, aO110 Pro.vincel and No.) "

I.. PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 97 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.Manufacluredby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _'e.r r I r I _; 03-64___ 1..6_i __00! N/R (Year Built) 1979 NoriL. or vart tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) {CRNI (Drawing No.) (Natl Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1q'71, and Addenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos. --

ea r (Date) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Special Service per UG-120(d) Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/,A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell-Mail. SA=16 Qr (Spec. No., Grade)

Thk. .55 in. Altow., in.Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3__ft 2.38 in.

7. Seams: Long. NIA Sep*a..9-lssR.T. N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. ._..zF Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Bunti (Spot or Full)

Girth No 1Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Walded. Db". Sngl. Lap, Bunl) (SpoL Partial, or Full) Heads: (E) Material S.p18 o3.N (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) LocaVon MP,. Cnn. crown Kn.uciia Ellipse Conical Hnirriph. Flat Side to Prearsurc (Top. Botton. Erdll Thk. Ailow. Radius Radius Retim Apea Angla Radius Diem. Icomrax or Conc.ivel (a) Top 2.5" 5 (b) Bottom 2.T5 " F1 at-heAd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) %5n-1 - Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 210D psi at max. temp. .4f. F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .Non ize -- Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dim. Nomi. Reinforcmient Now (ICnst OuTitt oDra;n No. c Size Tyv. Mal. Thk. Matl. Ait,.cead Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split FIng. 30455 1.060 Nrnp Rnflt-.,; (4) Bottorm. Water Port 1.97" Split Flng. 30455 ._ Nne Rolls (4) TNp

12. Supports: Skirt .,-2-.. Lugs - Legs - Other _ Attached.

(Yes or no) INo.)l lN 01 Assmbl uribat oWl de ons (Where arndhow)

13. Remarks: Complete NIechanical a Assembly wth o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston" removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det a of des" aatm atfrial, construction, and workman this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sci nion n *l Date 1/4/79 Signed CPnPr.i1 Flectric CO. b nm 4L-(Manufacturer) (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                         10. 572                              expires                  June 10.                        19 81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                     General Electric Co.                                       at                         Wilmington, N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of N. Canrol irna and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on ' 1/2 19,Zl9-rn.and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VillI, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. Concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers" Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no irspf,27er shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising Signed -' "__Z/_.nn;"wiih'7,

                                       ,             t* inspection.   .Date .l_24_               . C          ssions NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohi spNatoo                                                                                  8    rd. State, Province and No.)                o it I $I                                         1his torm rI001 17) may tr   neiOfrom I'.      Order Dept.. ASME. 3-45 E. 47th St.. Now York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG2 PAGE 18 OF 19 FOPA U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by tho Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII. Division 1

1. Manufactured by _ e!.
                                                 -         1 Electric               Company.           P.O.        Box 780,             Wilmington,              N.C.
2. Manufactured for _amc as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VVer__tICal__

I-I l H3440_5_6 G00 N/R (Year Built) L978 (-orie. or vart. tank) (Mfgr's SerIl U0o.1 (CRi11 (Orawing' No.) (Net'! Bid No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURIE VESSEl. CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division I 19-7 and Addenda to Yor-)

S' 75 (Date) and Code Case Nos. Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks- Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: E I/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:,Matl. -SA-__0o6_Gr. B .Thk. 5 5 in. Allow. - in Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3.ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Sea:ms: Long. .S.._K atl_*s_, R.T. NI/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. F Time (Wetdcd, Dbl, Sn9t , Lap. Burt) (Spot or Full)
  'Girth         N* W'                      ,_P..eF.fco.T,_ ed                                                     R.T.              --                    No. of Courses           --

(Welded, Dbl, Snrl. Lao. Butt) (Spot. Parial. or Full)

8. Heads,: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Gra:le)

LocatioI l.i r. Corr. Crown Knruýdo Ellipse- Conical He'hsl:. Fiat Side to Pressure (Top. Bottom. Ends) Th'r.. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Ar,;le Rad;ius Dair. (Coine or Conr,.a*a (a) Top 2.5" __ _ _a 7. t__eI___ p ari zri r bth (b ) Bo t t o m 2. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) i 11 Bolts-AS.B-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec- No.. Gr., Size, No.1

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. &Of F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number --- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose D:am. Nora. Feair eorremcnz How Onlrt. Outlet, Main) No. or Size Type Mail. "Th.. MaiL Attached Location Gas Port 1 ,75 Split Flng. 30455 1.0 NoneP Belts-, i) I ioBt or. Water Port i 97 Split Flng. 30-'55 - Rl tq 4-__T-

12. Supports: Skirt N_.__JO Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.)

aNo.) IDeINcr (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Nechanical Assembly witn f o Welded Joints.

- Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side oI_ _n DLP__sto the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested it*_ the P~iston removed. __.The_ayArdo Test pressure is based on the higher deslgn pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail, f de/sin, . terial, construction, and

   ,vorkma            )T,         is vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Se fio                                         ll"isif          1.

Date "fl/IU// __ Signed Ganer,]E i-C o* .. by Eec-tepr4 (Manufecturer) . a (Repr eent alive)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                      10.. 5712                            expires                     J,.une 10.                   , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                              General Electric                         Co.                    at                            'llm.ngton               ,N     C I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors rnd,'or the State or Province of -----                            n-C--nlia---                and employed by D1e t Of Labor                                  have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on -                                                   -        470                       19 Z_._, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the .Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this ceruifirate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expresed or Implicd, conccrning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector                 him.                    rshall behll .ble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind a in                                               withtI       inspection.

Signed .C. ,LY -'e Data ._ALLOL./ Commissions .- V2 3,PA, ,WCl 76_6-._YIlTO (ln.*poctor. INalt' Board, State, Province arid No.) W7n6) lThis form (trO 117) may be obtained toom the Order Dept. AkSME, 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 222 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Codo Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by GeneralElectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type --]-- L0,2, ... - I_05Di138G001 N/R (Year Built) 1977 Horiz. or vert. tankl (Mfgr' Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requrrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 J...7-.4- and Addends to -_S175 and Code Case Nos. --

(YearI (Datea Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors hove been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Matl. _,ik-..0. Gr. B .Thk. 55 in. Allow. -_ -- in. Diam. 8.70 in._Lgth. 3_ft ____.8 in.

ISpec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. 1_NLA ._Saýle....l R.T. N /A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Obl. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth _NO (lin*gPerfojrmed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses __-- IWelded, Obl, SngI. Lap.Bu tt (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa 182F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F30b, (Spac. No.. Grade) (Sp3c. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Ciown Knuckle Etlipse Conical Hernliph. Flat Side to Pressure (rop. Bottom. Enos) Thk. Allow, Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Angle Radius Diem. IConvex of ConcAvel (a). Top 2.5" (b) Bottom 2. 5r2 0thp. _ Fl If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _ 5f)n-i 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /0Q. F. Main. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test prossure 200 psi.

10. Safety Va!ve Outlets: Number -Nan ize --- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Norm. Reinfofcement How Itnlet, Outlet. Drain) NO. or Size Type MetI. Tthk. aitl. .ched tA Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 l. OUb NTne BnnL-R01(4) Bottom. Water Port 1 97- Split Flng. 30455 I . U-O None BRl rsq 4)_Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NQ- Lugs - Legs Other ____ Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. l*escribe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w1th No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side fthIn Pitral Piston, the Accumulator Cgylinder is Hydrostatically tested with.-r-hePistomr-emved. Th eHycdýr-o__riE__tpressure is based on the higher design press,,,,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai L of design, naterial, construction, and wcrkmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S lAidp*-~ lJDivisi, 1. Date .1.121177_ Signed - _G_.aErq1 le-Ct171*] .cC oQ_ b , .Lt--U'Icý "U" Certificate of Authorization No. - (Menufecturer) Q.- , 7-* expires JuneIRepreentative) 10, , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmlinton, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid comrmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of . N-. larlixt-a- and employed by Dept Of Labor hove inspected the Data.. l .- o.n. .-, and . to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Date Report: Furthermore, neither the Inspecto5 or P ejryttvyer shall be liable in any manner for eny personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisini4Pzori to -- w v'ibiis w~"iil inspection. Signed .. C,. J/-/_...,, .. -. Date 11/21/77 Commissions NC 723.PA. WC1766, 01110

                                                                                                                                        ... ll Hosid. Stale. Province and No.1

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 324 OF 397 FO1lM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornste Form for Sing!o Chwn'tber, Complotcly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Roquirod by tha Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Scction VIII, Division 1

1. Menufeciurod by _GnEal];.ectric Comjpany, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Samne as Above
3. Location of Installation __ _
4. Type _..,cric,.-- r..ca6l-.1L_00l 0884 . _L _ (Year Built) 197 (Horiz. or vora. tank) (MI~r' Serial No.) (CRN) (Dra,'ing No.) (Nat'l BSd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURIE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section ViIl. Division 1 an74.

ld Addonda to SGI7 5 -and Coda Cas Nos.________________________ Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per. This Data Report - See Remarks Below

         -anufecturers' Parnial Data Reports proper!y identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report:                             t!A Nom.                     Corr.
6. Shell:Matl. _,A-106--G .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Gradte)

7. Seams: Long.__1h/JLScaD1lS..a..R.T. N/A Efficiency %H.T.Tomp. "-- F Time -- _hr (Weldad, Dbl. Sngl, Lr.p. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No 1l.inlg_PeTrfome._ed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Weldod. Dbi. StgI. Lap, Bull) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material _ ,S;-182-F304 (b) Material S. -182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade)

LDcuelion Min. Corr. Crown Kr..*zdg EIlipse Conical Hersaph. Flat Side to P-.rwr (Top, Bo.otn. Endll Thk Allow. RRdiul adiut Retieo Apex Angle Rios Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5" - 423 F5'h . (b) Bottom 2. 5"' /,L. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastening:;) .. 0-I ' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .4nn F. F.Ain. temp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -.1.ti Eize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose 0.em. Non. Reinforcemernt How 1.':t. OileLt Dannl No. or S.26 Type Mall. 7hL Mall. Arrachd Loaetion Gas Port 1 9-7

                                        *75                    plit          n.           0 5                   04      _          one__              Bnts_                 _ntBtom.

M ter Port 1 . 91r Sp1it Flng. 30155t I'-UYNocn P Ralt (

12. Supports: Skirt -...NO-. Lugs Legs Other__ Anached (Yes or no) Jhoe.) No..I (ecri ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wIth o Welded Joints.

_Although.A Differential Pressure Exists on eahsi e.of theInternal "i-ston. ____t.heAccumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically teste*dwith the_Piston_remoed. _helydro..TIeot _prressure is based on- te -highe-- gn pressr CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details o do. gn, rp terial, construction, and wvorkrnanshý elbis ,,'eytsel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Srcti I*l iso.' 1. . Date .... ___9-- Signed - ....._ Gner al...Elec (Manufacturer) ti CQo .. b,]  ;---.-i!It.'t tewelientelbvel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. -i0,572 expires .. J../_ une..Q,.. , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by .. _. General, Electric Co._ . - at ... i i.-ington..C,_ I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by tho National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of . N... Carolina .- and employed by -D)opt ..Of Labeol_ have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manu'acturers' Data Report ot - ..... /oi', ., .... 19 -_, and state that. to tne Oest Of my knowienge and Dohet, the Nanutacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, D:vis'on 1. By signing thýis certificata ncitheer the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, oeprossed or implied, concirning tha pressur-! vessel described in the Minnufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his empk!.ryer shrill he liable in any rnanner Signed 6, 2/ kind arising, .?onjz"r cn,/.,'.rli  %',).s'ri5 insprection. Dte/23.A. for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any Y 7 m o,,i.s.. in 7 I .C-) WC1766, 011O 0 e'-" Dht'e/ 0 t, t'l Iueoad. State. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 22 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternnto Form for Single Chambor, Completely Shop-Fabricatcd Vessels Only) As Roquired by thtv Provisions of tho ASME Codo Rules, Section VI:I, Division 1

1. Msnufacturcd by Q_.c, -_T.Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufacturod for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _XVcx.Ica* . 2uit)1978
  • _J..)_613.gQL. XJL (eer (M"ori.. or Vrat. tcnk) lMfgr's Sorial No.) ICRN) (Drawing No.) INt1' Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Ruies. Section VIII, Division 1 1- j.4* and Addenda to S' 5 and Code Case Nos. --

Spocial Service pcr UGr120(d ) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Non. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. -0,A--1-06 B'-Thk- 5_5 in. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lg3h.__ ft

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .ih/JL;e*FJ]

(Weldod, Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Bun) R.T. NIA (Spot or Full) Efficiency --  % H.T.Temp. F Time -- hr Girth NQ e4ldfing oeC_r~med R.T. -- No. of Courses (Weloed. Dbl. Sngl. La Buni) (Spot. Panial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa F30'4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spot. No., Grade)

Location M#im Con. Crown Knuclde Ellipse* Conical Hernispli. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, Bottom. Ends) ThL. Mtlow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle FtHd,ue Diem. iconvex or Concavel (a) Top 2.5" _____ _ 23Q __-.1R* J_ ha._ (b) Bottom 2.35 1.23U If removable, bots used (describe other fastenings) .- q _ Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 1ifl.0 F. Mim. temp. (when less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._.oni:Size -- _Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nlozzlos and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Fon. Reinforcement How fn;r. Outlet. Dibl*,) 14o. or Site Type Melt. "Trhr Mrtt. A ntrched Location Gas Port. 1 .75" Split Flng. 3-0455 Nnnp Ron t.s.. (4) ýttom. Water Port 17Y Split FinT 30s55 TBoj1

                                                                                                               ,                                                 s4      4 -I4_c p.
12. Supports: Skirt N0 Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. ( (Where and how)
13. Peomorks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wofit'h Welded Joints.

___A hough A Differential. Pressure Exists on each side of theteir- al Piston_. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested I-,itiJrhPPJstDarl__e ,d The JIydXo_Test pressure is based on the -i-Fher design presstrP CERTIFICATE OF CC74PLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all detai f dZtn, m construction, and Ilerial,

   ,vorkmanrsboof this vessei conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels Se iio*'.'                                                    i s h 1.

Date . /0//78 Signed ,,pnpral Lectric n,. byL. b . " ....... (ttanutscturir) I(Reprosentative)

 "U"     Cortificate of Authorization No.                         10-._._..,.-22                          expires.                    June 1.0                    .__      1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO-Vessel made by                       General Electric Co.                                             a-                         Wiatzinf                           o     C.

i' the mndetsigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler znd Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of _-N C.rr 1-i n,4

                                                    ..-                                and employed by IŽept Of Labor                                        have inspected tho pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on                                                       5-S/10                          19   28._. and        state that.

to the best of my knowledge and boliif. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASM.E Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this cortificato neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrenw, oxprcssed or iniplicd, concerning the pressure vessel describod in the Manufacturers' Dta Report. Furthernmore, rteit;rcr the Inspector nor his c "ro r sh.ll o liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisn ,cr*f/t'/ud witl !Ais inspection. Signed Dat**-__511.L.__ _ Commis;sions Dale Co ,ArA._3 i 'lt1_723 c17t6 ,n No-1 0

                                                                                                                                                 " t,d State,.'Prov.ince 6nd No.)-

I nm(iseco torm (E001 17) may bo obtirIned from the Order Dopt., ASPMC, 345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 10017 fhl,


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-001 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No . Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive (CRD) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/5031 General Electric Old A5470 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0813 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4231 General Electric Old A3379 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0649 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3831 General Electric Old A4696 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0592 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3039 General Electric Old A3650 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0431 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3439 General Electric Old A3256 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0748 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3839 General Electric Old A3667 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H1699 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "B".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic LI Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt f]

Other n] Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8Y2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number ol sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-001 Address Reoair/Reolacemenl Oroanization P.O No.. Job No.. etc,
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification ot System System 085, Control Red Drive (CRD) / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4635 General Electric Old A3305 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0664 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5443 General Electric Old A3548 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1894 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5043 General Electric Old A3474 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2575 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4643 General Electric Old A3581 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0319 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4243 General Electric Old A3664 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0314 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3843 General Electric Old A3641 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H1 104 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3443 General Electric Old A3662 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2554 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "B".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic Li Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other 11 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-7 11886-00 1 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed bv procedure M-Suf-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-lA Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed orOnre Tt20l Program Engineer Dale Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of

  • l*4s _ _ and employed by HSB CT of H-artford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period .U ZZ,* j', 2S to - Z
                                                                                                                           ,.(        " :T-               , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions A" S*' , ýt( (iC-Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date (C) --( 20 C--: U I C6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 24 OF 397 FORM U-1A MIANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altern~t.e Form for Singla Chamber, Crimplotely Shop-Fobricated Vosssls Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Scetion VIii, Division 1

1. Manuf3ctured by General Electric Copan780, i ingto iL
2. Manufe!tured for S..]._

a.mpa-.. bDVP

3. Locatio' of Instahtion
4. Type Mer.t~i-c.aJl_ H0813 _D6---__)I .- / ___ (Year Built)

_97-7 (dHoriz. or ven:. lank) (ifgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of al! parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform toASME Rules, Section VII:, Division 1 1914- and Addenda ti S___. and Code Case Nos. -

0,0ea8 (Date) Spacial Ser-vice per UG-120(d) As Per This fa~t&_2.por_t_- Sae RenaxkscBeelo.. Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop pny identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Ii i Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. Gr. B Thk.. ,rib .. in. Allow. .... in. Diam. 18.70 in. Lgth. .3__ft 3.8 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _P_Serl.ess....... R.T. .J _ Efficiency -  % H.T. Temp.
                                                                                                                                %-                        -=-       F Time --                 hr
                               ,V ded, lbl. Sngl,.Lap, Burt)                  ISpot or Full)

Girth ___.oaLd*_ljdngPg ri-Imedtj rf - R.T. No. of Courses. - (Welded, Dbl, Snol. Lap. butl) (Spot. Panti 1,or Fu!l) B. Heads: (a) Material SA- 18?- F04 (b) Material SA-182-,E304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade! LocKtion M, n. Corr. Crown Knuckie Elip.e Conical Hkmispph. Flat Sid. to Pe*mir~e (Top. Bonom,. Er.dl) Thi. Allow. Rad ui Radrul Ratio Apex Angle Rd,ud DiOjem. (Convex or Concave) _a)5_ 7 _2a3qO__FlatI;iaad _ (b) BOttOm 51r__ 7__230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-AS'E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Meteril, Spec. N G Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. LU __ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NQI.e Size -- ._Location ---
11. Nozz!e; anrd Inspection Openings:

Purpý,se D-em Nlom. ,ainrnl c r.arno HoW Onlet. Our,o. Drain) No. or.S,,e Type Ma&l. Thk Mail. Anached Ltcaio., _GasErt.._. 75"'i Sp.liLtFIng3* 45 1 L060 None _- oLts_ 4_B) R tm. _ka-tie r Eo r-t-1 -_lil0n _ , " S FI n]j - _L-30.0 NoneP Boltsa _4) op

12. Supports: Skirl __o_._ Lugs __-_Legs .... Other __Attached (Yes or no) (No.
  • No.) (Des-cribe) (Whore and how)
13. Remarks: -- Comp-le~te-Necha*44;a]-Akse ]J*,Li-thNoWeldedcLaia AT h.ughA..lDifferenti al-Pressure.E-xsist-s. on each -side of .the _Internalpi-s.ton,

__ _eW Accumulator Hydrostatically. tested v:ith the Piston.. emoved-T-heHydro.Test pressure .is based on-the higher. design pressure...-..-- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE W.Ve certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of design., .naterial, construction, and Sect " C1 1,- ;*,ion 1. workmanship Date of this vessel conforrqnoe the 8.7 2 2 - 7 7 Signed n r,raen / e t fori Pressure Code lir l Hetrc C obyVessels. Co.__ ) . ) I Date

                .... 8-2.
                          ..      -..       Sig...                   .            (Manulaclurerl .ilepresontetive)
   "'U" Certificate of Authorization No ... _10a572Z                                      ........                  expires    .. Jne .10......                            ..         _.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by . General El ectric Company .. at Wilmington, N.C... I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N . Carol i na and.employed by Dept of Labor... have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Reuort on 8-22 19 77 . and %.atrntht. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division I. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspictor nor his, vipployer shlall be liable in any manner for any personal in;ury or property damage or a loss of any kind aisii r o, ' or i..,m( erhCl ,y)ih this inspection. -A. C Signed * ,K S./l;" ,L-" Date 822-77 CommssAoC. 723, PA. 1,IC1 766 Ohio u-,,r i N aIt' oard. Sltte. Prov in ce and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 197 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altemato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabriczted Veasals Only) As Required by the Provisicns of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _Ganral1.lectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same. as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type .Vr'lza] -i'7'O'6-49 j..._ 6.* !_C00l N/R (Yerr Built) 1977 0"oriZ. or vert. trnk) (tfgr'e Serial No.) (CRI) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l 8rd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requtrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 I J.-,L and Addenda to SI 7..> and Code Case Nos. --

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Repons properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shall:Matl. _$,A--40 ThThk._ .55 in. Allow,. in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 2.38 in.

(Spoc. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA Sea ,IS- R.T. N/A Efficiency-- % H.. Temp. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Fu.ll]

Girth -.No W deing.. Er.f.*_*s~ed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (VWelded. Dbi. Sngl, Lap, Bur'l ISpot. Parial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Materia; Sa-182-F3 04 (b).Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec, No.. Gradel Location MW Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical He~riiph. Flet Side to Pressure, (Top. Bortom, End.) Thk. A;o.n. Radius Red us Ratio Ape. Angle Rjd.s DiOn. (Convex or Concave)

(a) Top 2.5" __ 7 Eha ad (b) Bottom 2.5" F/ n.t:U d F-If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings; - Sn -1 Bolts-AS>HESAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Materiel. Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /,n0 F. Min. temp. (when 3200 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumetic, or combination test pressure p6i.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .E.bion.ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose CDan. Nom. Renforcoment How 0ntel Outlet. reani) No. o: Size Type atl. Thk. Mail. AnZ:hed Location Gas Port 1 .75'" STlit FlnS 3455 1.060 Nnn Bn t.q (4) F.Bnttom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 3U455 1i. In NonnetBnIts -q 4-42LT O__

12. Supports: Skirt .0.__

N._ Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No. INo.l felicw (m ) (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly withrio Welded Joits

__ .houglA Differential Pressure Exists on each sthe-lnte-r-na1_P:i!_týon, the Accumulator C*ylinder is Hydrostatically testedstiit thcp. ... e ____The_ ~dro'-_Tges.*_p~ressure is base-d on the gher design pfessr_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai(lof dateriel, construction, and workm l.lhii,. i*isvessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessals, Sz-li C*,lDjIvi;on 1. Date -- '- , Signed Ceoner.l Electric iMnufaclure)S Co. b I (Representative)

  "U'" Certificate of Authorization No.                           10,572                              expires                  June           10,                1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                      at                         Wilmlngton.._IL,.__.G, I, the undersigned, hold~rig a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and:or the State or Province of -.- ,,- C.arn !i nnA-                             and employed b ' Dept Of Labor                                   have inspected the pressure vassel oescrioeo in thfis Manuiaciurers" Deie Fcpuri ur, _                                          ,_-1.                           .* 77      .77 ..         .

to the best of my knob',ledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section V!ill. D0visicn 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his e.mplnyor makes eny warranty, expressed or implied, ccnce.ning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nflr his err*ntyer shell he liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ,rising ni 'i co ".d "i(,'., inspoction. Signsd . 7 /7 ,:..-I.).'.., Date 11-10-77 Commissions 1,y; 723.PA. WC1766, ol11e

                                                                                                                           ..   .lt' [I;.aid. StAt.. Pfov,'lC" o0,-   1"

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 258 OF 397 FORM U-1A MA'UFACTUERa' DATA REPORT FO1 PRESSUJRE VESSELS (Altrniate Form for Single Chember, Comnplotely Shop-Fabricatod V05ae8s Only) As- Roquired by the Provisions of the ASNME Coda Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.Manufacturodby General Electric Co_2a-ny, P.O. Box 780, 4ilmin~gon. N.C.

2. Manufactured for _
  • m.._AbNme
3. Location of Install tion
4. Type ._Ver.tica-L -. 11-0. 25D6_138 --- _G J _--J (Year Built) 9-7 (Horiz. or vert. tan") )Mtlr's Soeria No.) ICRN) lorawing No.) lNal'i Brd No.)

S. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. Tho design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 12Z4 and Addenda to =._5.____ and Cods Case Nos. - (Year) (Dale) Special Service per UG-120ýd) sPP-i ThisDa_tti..a_Repo rt - SeaRenma--aks .B..elow Manufacturers' Parlial Data Reports propprly ider.tified and signed by Commissionod Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of ths report: Kr7A Nom. Corr.

6. Sholl:Matl. 5A-10 Gr. B Th.. __ _in. in. A.ow .. n.Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. . 3 .ft

(Spoc. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long".JA-"ar.S l-sPs----.R'..rT. 1 L.. Efficiancy 001 or Full
                                                                                                               --        %H.T. Temp.           =_=_F
                                                                                                                                                --             Time      --          hr (Woied.oDbl, Sngl. Lap. Bull)

Girth No_ _ealdinng._£enfornto I d R.T. No. of Courses I (Welded. Dbl. Sngl, Lap, Bun) (Spot, Pari a ,or Fulli B. Heads: (a) Material ___ 2--_.E04 (bMMaterial  ?.SA-182-F3 04 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Lnca:aon MWn. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Hemisph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, Botton. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radut Ae~d:uL RaIio Apse Angle Radius Diamo. (Convex or Concave) (a) 2 ________--U 20 -. P aI..d. (b) Bottom 2. 7.230 F_]atbe-ad Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)" 500-I 3 Bol ts-ASME-SAI 93-B7 for Spl i t F] angqes (4) (Material, Spac. N Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preurnatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nole.Size - - - Location -- -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Di.rn Norm. Reinforcement How (Inlet, Outlet. Drain) No. or Size ' Type Matl. ThkK Mill. Attached Location _Gas_ _ 5',..Spl.Lf1ncL_304 55_ -L-]60 _ None_ Rnl t1_s ( Q R tm. Laier ._orA __9_ ___30_4_5U5___l.3E0. .M__3fi0i onkeTop

12. Supports: Skirt -.NO-. Lugs .... Legs ___ Other Atlached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Oescribe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: .Coimpleeht Jpechan4ca.l-Asse-r -y--w,4it_-oa-JWelded-.JointsS Al thou.ghADi fferenti al Pressure. Eyists_-on each side of.-+/-he -InternaLPlis-ton, e-.Accumulator. Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested -removed.-

TheHydro_Test pressure is based..on the-higher. design pressure.,-- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made In this report are correct and that all detail of design. inaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel coriforrrýto the AME .Cede for Pressure Vessels, S cti PV*lpivis!on 1. Date 9-1 6-77 Signed I Eectri c Co.

                                                    . enera/ l[.'n.taciurerl                                      b b--
                                                                                                                           /.Z       L')II      ,VC       &


   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                       .. 10. 572         .............            expires         -une 10, .g19                                      __ ..           "-

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Cornpny._ __. at Wilmington, N.C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of Ni. Carolina and employed by Dept of Labor. . have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Mianulfct1irers' Data Report on 19 . . . anti stltrn thmt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Mranufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this cerllficate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector hi er*ip, 'r sh$1'1 be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising: qirths . , inspection. Signed Date Commissi, 723, PA. WC1766. Ohio.. (Nat B1oard. Sdtate.ProinCle arnd No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 132 OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT. FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by rGeneal Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for General Electric Co.I San Jose, Ca. (NEBG)
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vprt-iC1 C0431 105D613 G001 N/R (Year Built)J19, 9 O-oriz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) 1Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 and Addenda to S and Code Case Nos.

SpecialServicperUG-120(d) (Date) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been fumished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatL. SA_-1. Gr.B Thk. .55 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8. 70 in.Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A Seamless R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time --z..._hr (Welded. Dbi. Sngl, Lap, Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Weldifng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses.-- (Welded, Obi. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material S8-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-304 (Sl:>ec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

LocItno Min. Corr. Crown Knudde Ellipea Conical Hornisph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. flottom. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratvo /.xApeAngle Radius o(arm,. lcorvex (a) Top 2 .5"7 -_T_ ( - Bottom -2.5" 2-.-55te if removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-1,1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Solit Flanges (4' w(Materiel. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

    . Constructed for max. allowable working pressure..                             2100             psi at max. temp.                hfQ            F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F)            --                 F. Hydrostatic, proumatic, or combination test pressureQ200                                           psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Nion._ize -- - Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Clam. Nosh Reinforcement How grist. Ouelt. DraIn) No. or Size Type Mai. Thk. MaIL Anac-hed Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 I. UbU Nn n Bp-Anlt--, (L4)__t*tom. Water Pot 1 .97- Split Flng. 30455 1.3u0 Nnl. cn (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs .Legs __ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Where and how
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w Hi o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnterna! Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Pist-on retroved. Thp Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made In this report are correct and that all detail f desip mat iel, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se io V I is n Date 3-22-79 Signed Cpnergl F) ectric Co. by IManufecturer) (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                            10-572                               expires         /          June        10.              , 19--8-1--

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Bosrd of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectora and/or the State or Province of N. C"i.nn..a and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 3-22 19 L9.- and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel In accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel dcscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspecto n 'sp plis** be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising o,57n /with

                                            .          ITeinspection.

Signed .. ;__. **e.-,A,___ - Date 3-22-79 Commissions NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohic n p*ct I8 B-oard. oi State. Province and No.) Si. Ne~ York. N.Y. 100t7 (tflal ThIs form 1E001171 ma~' be obleiriaj from the Order Dept.. ASMt. 3-55 E. 47th fine) This form IE00117) M a Y be obt a ineJ from th a Ord a( Dept.. AS ME. 345 E. 47th SL, New York. N.Y. 10,017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 312 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricatod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Gen er-a] Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vertical 48 105D_6_38G00! NJ R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vort. tank) IMfgr's Surial No.) (CRNI (Drawing No.) (Net'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requfrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 oQr-Land Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. --

FYear-) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data .Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnishLd for the following items of the report: .. N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl., .5c.__.5 in. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 ft 238 in.

(Spoc. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N /A Qean.L _eS. R.T. NIA Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girtl) Nn Wecs1PIng Perfo-r'ied R.T. No. of Courses --

              ,                               lWe!ded,

( Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Burt) (Spot, Pertial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-132-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Location M;n. Comrr Crown Knuciie Ellipse Ccrnc~a; Hemisph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, Dona-r. Endsl The. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Ape x Angle Radius Diam. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5"7 _ _ _ ___2.__ (b) Bottom * 'TF1 t heqd Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) S- n- -1 Bolts-ASME-SAl93-E7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. _ 1fc.4.J.D__ F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -.NoNJnize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

PuIPoc3 CD.." . Hon. Reinforcemeni Now Cnlt.. Outlet. Drainl No. oe Size Type Mail. Thk. Mail. Ant= ihed Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.06U Nnnp Bnilts, (4)L Bntom. Water Port i1.9-7TT Split FIng. 30-45-----53 Nnn5tR __(4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs -_ Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No. (,eac ,I.l (Where and how)
13. Remarks: CoMplete Mechanica1 Assembly wIth io Welded Joints.

Althqugh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side ofrthe...I..ernl Pi ton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,. .

h. .. . d..

Th~e $_dJo__Jes$t pressure is based on the Iihi er design press _ _ _ _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all details, rratorial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Date 9- 20-7 7 Signed Cnera_]_ E.Lect~ri Co- by/ . le.r".. I. e . ( Ma nuf act ur earrpaoP I tej e}

   "U"' Certificate of Author;zation No.                                   10,5 7 2                                   expires                    Jttne_10,                      , 1978.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by ___ General Electric Co. at ___ ____Wiminzon j__N_C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of .N...*.* rn L a. -a_and employed by .M_- Dpt (0f L.abor have inspectod the

     .......         ..   ..    .  ..     .          .    .. ..     .........                   Re r     t on                                                  iq -    7.and       sat"       thpt to the best of my know-,lecge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Rlepott. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his erm.!cyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisir *orrgor corý/./cd w1tlhis inspection.                                            Q"0/,.)/6                                                                                     T Signed..*--fA                   /'./"
                                           ' insi.;iiorl .....                        Dateo/'"i            i.         Commissions N ý1.1'l    ' 723.1'A.            WCo766i          , ndHTo Unnia, Stlao Province" and No.)-

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 34 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vesseol Only) As Required by the Provisions of tho ASME Code Ru!as, Section ViI, DOvision 1

1. Manufn.ctured by __l*talI Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manutactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _e r1699-T(oris. or vart tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) 15 0-DI k 3D.38QQ01 (Drawing No.)

N/ R tNatl 5rd No.) (Yer Built)"

5. The chemical end physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of mstarioi specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The dcezign. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VI:I, Division 1
       -9.1.4.- end Addenda to                    S 75             and Code Case flos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Msnufecturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been Itimished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr. __

6. Shell:Matl. -SA-=.!6 .*rJThk. .55 in. Allow. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lth. 3 __ft 2._3S In.

(Spac. No., Grade)

7. Seems: Long. N/ASamte.S.,,_R.T.
                                       .-.                            N/A                 Efficiancy                    % H.T.Temp.                            Time ._=.._Z._hr (Walded, Obl., L."p, But)           (Spot or Full)

Girth No WelIng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses__-- (Welded, Dbl. Sngl, L-a. Butt) (Spot. Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material - _a-!82-F30 4 (b) Material Se-182-F304 (Spoc. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locetion Min. Corr. Crown Knuclda Ellipso Conical Nvrriii;p,. Fia: Side to Pre'sure (Top. Sonarm. Ends) ThL Allow. Radius FIRliue Ratio Apex An*ila Raduvs 0=m. , co ne OrC~ncae's$ (a) Top 2.5" 7_2_____athad__ (b) Bottom 2 _]_the _2. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5nn-1i i Bolts-ASKE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Matarial. Spnc. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Cor,§fttctsd for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. _____


                                                                                                                                                 ... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F)               --                  F. Hydro~tatic, pr'eurnatic, or combination test presssur2*0 (                                            psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.on.ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purp:*se Diemr Nom. RNirro.ernerit How tniet. Outlet Draln) No. or Size Type Mall. ThiL Maid. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 .- 060 Nnn P gI t- ( _ntom. WAter Po0t . 7 Split F . 3 55 3U q (4) Tn

12. Supports: Skirt .

N._]._O. Lugs -. Legs _--.Other Attached (Yes or no) (No., (No.) "ssmb eycriTtr% (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with £o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side f _thPeInternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wjtýt the P"'rton rg=ed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressr*,, CFRTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We ce-ify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dets ff/desiin, m erial, constiuction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, bS ticii (I[,' XaivsioJi1. L ' Date 5123/78 Signed *tirfl._.... (.ianuf trerv /

  • i.eaprsents ti-e)
  "U" Certificate of           Authorization No.              ____19,572                                  expires                      June       10_                  1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO I Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                          at                            Wilmington, N. C.

I, the undersigned, ho!ding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of N. C.,gr 'linri and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .5/213 197Z--, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprossed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Deja Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his em )o"r shall be liable in ay manner for any personal irjrury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisn mn con e cldwith " inspection. Signed Sine '"7~~~2'.) ns or~)' Dat 5/37 Commissiors ns_[ae5/si (Ný,tMl ord~

                                                                                                                                           .          i~, WC1 tae.PoviA, Sat,   Province   andOHI) n e66,   No.)

(1178) 'This form (EO0117) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New Yo'k. N.Y. 1DO17 I

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 198 OF 397 IORM U-IA I,1sA.NUFACTU--F.S' DATA REPOnT FO' PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Forin fcr Sinn!o Chrmbcr, Completely Shop.Fabricntod Vo.-.oI3 Only) As Roquired by tho Provisions of tho ASME Code Ruleo. Soction VIHI, DIvision 1 I Manufctured by Genr El.e.ct.ric Company .P.Q. BD>x 7'.0., .Wilrnington.H.L.C.

2. Manufacturod for ... Same asAbove_
3. Location of lInstcli-tion
4. Tyro .. .. _0_ ... l Dl N. . iLertica .r.Nor a Bui.1)-19.7,7 Vlo'z. or ve."-, tor,k] (%1(iIr'& Ser;al No.) (CAN) (Drb-inj} NO.l P4311 Rd No.)
5. The chemical end physical propfrties of all parts moet the requiremlents 0d materiol speoifications of the ASME COILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. T:;o dusign. constrticIion. and workrmn.nhip conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Divisicn 1 1974. and Addc.ndo to S-'-1 ...... and Codo Caso Nos.....--

("Oct)} (Da:el Spoecial Service pr UG-120(d) . .. AsPer._Thi s.Data_.Repcr L -_See.RenarksBel ow Manufacturc.:s' Panial Data Reports propnrly idcatifiod end signed by Comniissionod Inspoctors hver been furnished for the following items of the report: - _._ri7A -- Ve G 'Nom. Corr.

                             .-            -l        G_. r ... _ Thk. ----                                   in. Alow.                                 inm.                 8.            .7 . .

0Lgh._ _ _it (Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _.N /A--S ea mless.. R.T _A . Efliciency --  % H.T. Temp. _-__F Time ,-hr r,', do/d d. (01;.. Sngl, Lap. Butn) i.pot o. Full)

GinhNo. lý.eldinq"(,Viollod. Per frned D*'% ' Snjl,..-... Lap. Bun)(S R.T. p oP ti! rFul No. of Courses -

8. Heads: (aI) Matorial -ISA=1827 . Q-1 -------

lSpeý7 No.. Gredoo

                                                                                                          -_                         --          (Ib) Material__S-                                              0_

(Spec. No., Grade) Lor.irOn M.- Cor. Crown Krn,.rlU ElIipa Conic.s: HI*rnifh. Flat Sid. to Ptv-iJ/ tTc,. *,n '.Erd $) 7hl. Alo w. Arld l,, Bad;.. Hei;o .p.. .,on'. Rad 1,u, D,.m . Convex or Core.-l..

             .1) P-.-.--                    .              .5" (a)        TOt..                            .2.5"i                  "                                                                                                                                 . 230.-Flathead B_.3_(ol     s E                            9t2.0                                     h ea;_

___t If nmovable. bolts used (dcscribo other fastenings)

  • 500- 13 Solts AS:',E-SAI 9 3-S7 forSjpli t Fl anges (4)

(,MltpriaI. Spec. 14 -13'd Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. aIlowzblo working pressure 21.4J00 psi at M.q, tompX. "IU F. Min. temp. (whon less than -20 F) -Z- __ F. Hydrostatic. preumalic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Numbcr None Size Z-- . Location _ ......

1). N*otals and Inspection Openings: Puan U .- Non ti-nfo~c..r, How lrt.!at, ae. 0osol Ho or S.,. Type tMli. "rk. Mgt. Ateched Lc,:,on

                                                                                                                             ....0 4 5 5 .....l. 0                          .. None _                                                 _4                .
     . .Ga s .P o r t __.... 75___Bolts                               . ....-ttn     Spl. it..Flng ..

Water .Port. 1 .97". Split Flng. .. 30455... 1.30' . one .. .. Bolts ..(.._np

12. Suoporis: Skirt ...No Lugs Legs. . . Other .. Atteschod lYos of no) (No.1 (No.) (.coibvl (Where and howl
13. Remarks; _. Col.,pl e te .echni ca I -Assemb ly._ witb .Ao Wec Ida -Join ts.

Al though A Di fferenti al Pressure Exsists on each  :;ide of the Internal Piston, the Accumula tor C','l inL':r is Hvdrostati cal ly tes 1. - with the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher . ....ign pressure. ... CERTIFICATE OF COM.PLIANC:- I','e certify that tlhc 9t.tcmonls maoe in th:.. ,,port are correct and that .l1 ':r s, ( iresjn. rrmltcrial, construction, and wvurkmrnwslip of this vesscl ccnlui n' 10 the AIME fohlc for Pressure Vessole.*. r/i'ri Drte . 9-9-77 Sion.d . enera lectric Co. . - '--U.-

   "U" Certificate of Autwri:at,ul, Nnun                                 N,-.              10.572                                         ..            es ......                              10, CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECT, .. J Vessel nddl, b)                        Gen1erdl                  Electric Co";'..ny                                            *.                            l.:!I'.:,fo,                      tl.........                                ...

I. :', uun uils,,::,1., hol~lin; ,'1 ..*I, L.'lll',, .'l .. e t hry y 1e N.jtiol l U*[. 1o. I 3ci.r andt Pr,'..!.urn Vessel (nspl' A:d.."1 the. Sl.l" e or Prjt).,,r. of . .r. ol. "1n-, -,nd vnlli,loy,,k I.v. "1. Of L aJb. hnvoJ inspec:tt tile

             ;:.           :,,:      .i'.;-:.; 1".. :..',-       ;:,,:             ;    ,    ,,q;:;s.
  • S_0. {,' * . o,1C,'., I I 1ý) 77. i,......

u.d * . ,, , Ij ltu btr't Of flt..'- ' r.&t and llif t1e lis C!,!i'ttrt ' iS ptrsr.,uie V'sU 3 inl a(rCold3rln U wY fh A:T 1i,, I ViII. I, l l u' i:% 1h;'

                                                                           .        .'utl .C                           itli.fl' l     nf'.l tuei It- 1l' :                    .,c nor hi, oni'       I     uy!.pt'.t      ; any             ivtrcrtfy A   ofli:7iiI'll'.

Il Cooll  ;.:iquI; tin Iilr (.l!ii iIS~~l it li..., M,- 'S Daita Riwiuit Fur-ttiniinenro. etsIi llolud If thl., I~rI 16" tAOi~ll"lYon,.i . (Ilftl ill liy noiniiiir fui ally g'i':.l V orn property ILionnlot or a foss of iny 1:, .). . . - . :, Ill,:;

   ,;...l.                ".
                                 ;"" (      k
                                                     ,../     :';.

i, 99,,- . . .. C 799 "N, r. pJ, A. ,.oC21.,(d\

                                                                                                                                                                                                  / ini ..... S p..      lrcn ...

jm l *I


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG6 PAGE 54 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _Gene*ral Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type __Lrtica.l H1894 I5J638G9-1 N/R(Year Built) 1-919 loriz. or verlt tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 M- and Addenda to -S* 7_5 and Code Case Nos. --

rYear) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) k Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matt. _&$"-&-LT-- Thk.
  • 5.5 in. Allow. -_ in. Diem. 8. 70 in. Lgth. 3.. ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Se .alaSS. R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Obl, Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Velding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. ObI, Sngl. Lap. Bun) (Spot. Partial. or Full) (N) Materidl Sa-182- S.,Heads: e)4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec- No- Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location Mn. Crsrr. & . Knuckoa Ellipse Henrigph. FIa Side to Pressure (Top. Bonomn.Endsl Thk. Allow. R4e6- Radius Retio Ape- Angi. Radius Diarr. (Convex or concjve) (a) Top 2. 5" (b) Bottom 2.5F t If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .-n -1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (L) p2100 (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.1

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure psi at max. temp. AoN F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 Iess than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Non. ize -- Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dim. Norn. Rainforcenmert How Olntel.Ojllet. Drainl No. or S-ze Type Mell. ThL Mat. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 Nnnn nt-1 s R.UbU (4) Bottom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 30455 1.3m Nrnp Bnlrsq (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt .- _NO.. Lugs - Legs - Other Attached (Yet or no) (No.) INo. (g I (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly to Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested i=thd. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of desig ate iac truction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Se nnI Date 2--779 Signed ,,pnpril FEectric Co. by , I*-preet e ----

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                              (auc/72                        expires                    June 1.                        19_.eL CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                     General Electric Co.                                      at                           Wilmington- N. C.

1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N (fqrnI i n n and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 2-7 19 ..793, and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this cer'"ificato neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector ih Z .. .r shah be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind erisin .o,, wilhsinspection. Signed .mio i2-7-79 Dsate Commis sio NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohi o-? et'l Board. State, Province and No.) 1176) This form IEOOt 17) ma't be obtaoned ftrom the Order Dept . ASME. 345 E. 47th SL. N,,w York. N.Y. 1001.7

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 187 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT rOa PRESSUflE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Sing!e Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricetod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by ___e_ .j Electric Comoany. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _--VPrI r.1_ A 57 '5D638G0l N/R (Year Built) 1977 Oioriz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Sericl No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requfrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VillI, Division 1 192-7L-(Year) and Addenda to 75 S'(Date) and Code Case Nos. --

Sp(cialServic) per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly idcntified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Co.r.

6. Shell:Matl. A---I 0 X--G6_.GT .Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in Lgth. 3- ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. NIA S.,a* .t.a,. 5 R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. IF Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl, Srrgl. Lap, Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth ._.* oilP ing. PexQrrmed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl. Sngl, Lap. But-) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Materiel Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

LecIation Minr Corr. Crown Knuckie Ellipse Conical Hi.nrisph. FIat Side to Press.,.re (Top. Botiom, Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ralio Apex Angle Radius DiOm. (Convex or Conemret (a) Top 2.5" ___,29_ 7_ Flathe (b) Bottom 2. 5". Fl hea If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .50-1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4nJf . F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydros'atic, preumatic, or combination test pressura3 200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .on ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diarn. Nor. Reinforcement H"o (Inlet, Ou;tet, Drain) too. or Size Type Maol. Thk Mull. Atsch*¢d Location Gas Port 1 .75r S lit Flng. 30455 1.06U Nnn RnIr.(4) tom. Water Port 1 .9-7 Split Fln. 3055 -. JUL Nnne RnIrq (4) Tp

12. Supports: Skirt .J10 Lugs Legs Other ___Attached (Yes or no) INoo.) (.) (N)cribe) (Whore and how) t
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wit h No Welded Joints.

____Alth_ qgh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side f ethelnte._nal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with.._.thePis-.Qt n eoed* The iyd .J._- T.e$st pressure is based on the higher esgn pressirp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detatsf desigin, mrerial, construction. and workm ofthis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S tio ! i~visio. Date 1i-10-/7 Signed Cen.alF.Ie-ctric Co. b

  • l eprosentetive8 (Manufacnurer)
  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                              10,5 72                                expires         T          June 10.                        , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                         General Electric                       Co.                    at                         I 41mDia,*,                n.N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of ..... N-..Ci.rnl inn...... and employed by _Jep Of__Labor ave inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 1--- 19 .. and stita that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressre vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressod or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not, his empjiyef shall he liable in any manner for any personal irjury or property deanage or a loss of any kind arising fr~crii ciconn', with I is insipection. Wl6 11 Signed . - (* .-I,,,(to/F'"

  • v/ .,, -;/ -Date
                                                                                     .. 11-10-77
                                                                                           .              Commissions Nt J             72,I3\'A.
                                                                                                                                        ' I.[rl~ard. State.    ',C176r ,_OaIn Provinc:e   and No.)-  O

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 48 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altemate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fbricatod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cods Rul*a, Siction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General EJ_&_ric Co-panv. P.O. Box 780, Wilt-ington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Sane as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VP r-frnl CL03-LL9 *03D.GL. .N/R (Year Built) 1979 lHorIZ. or ver. tank) IMfagr' Serial No.) )C N' lDrwing No.) INst'l Brd No.)
5. The chomical and physical properties.of all parts meet the requirements of material sp-ecifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSE'L CODE. The design. cor.struc,;cn, and workman~hip conform to ASh'E Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1JuLL and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos.

Special Service per UG-120(d) As This Der a .. i-.ort - See PRe-.arks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: \/!A Nom. Corr

6. Shall: Mail. -SA-*.- -".rx B Thk. 55 in. Allow. __ in. Daem. 8. 70 In Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in (Spec. No.. Grade)
7. Seams: Long. _*L._eale*sS R.T. '. -'A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp.-. F Time (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth N* Welding Periori-med R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, ObI, Sngl, Lsp, Bitt) iSpot. Pa-1tal, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F30 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grad:l (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Cor. Crowr, Kr.-*e Cmc. co'.,e1 H '- aph. FlaI Side to Pr.ura (Top. eottrom. Ends) Thk. Allow. Redlua 5a4;.g flta:o A-eo A 'oa Pa ..,. O"d,.. (Ccnr@e or concave) a) _ Top 2.5'"_ ___2 F1athead (b) Bottom 2.'.. U Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - 5n(-- i Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Solit Flanges (4) (Matol;Ial Spec. No.. G-r.. S .. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp. fn Lf -. F. Min. temp. (when 32 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure' 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._NanE.izo -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dia,. Nhon. Airdn i re't Ho. Onlet.Oo;rot. Drain) No. or Site Type Mi. Th L MArT. Anisctrd Locstio,. Gas Port 1 .75 Split Fl-. 304D5 l. Obu __ Bnn t Bnc.lq (4) B..tom. Water Port .97" Split FTnA. 3C-.5-- N nT Ba I* (4) Tinp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs Other - Attached (Yea or no) (No.) (No. (Whers end how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Asse7.bly wWIn .* welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each si-e of the InterMAl Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested - the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the hig'ier deslgn pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this reoort are correct and that all det f d s . mal 4al, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ci '. qo& Date 1 16 /79- Signed C(npr'ne Flecrtric Co. b (Manufa.cturer) iRopresenetsvel "U" Certficate of Authorization No. 10 572 expires Jun.e 10, 19i81i. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. - at 11'Iington. No C. I.the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by tho National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of a N- rinin' "{nA and employed by De t Of Labor - have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Oats Report on -1/6__ and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed thispressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certel~cats neither the Inspector ncr his amp!cyer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Re>port. Furthermore. neither the Inpector nor*s e~-a , allbe liable in a*y manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising ,ior "lh thig pection. Signedt/cat Date i r oState. Proaynrc and No.)

,,tti7Al, Tn,i T        fnrm IF001 t17 mnow            oined from the Order Dept ASME. 3.45 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 1Cr:'7
                                                       .....    ...... t ......       i ,- w*  ..   ........        ..      .      .        .   *..* .   .  .....                                 .   .   .

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 30 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPC.'RT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Slngle Chamber, Cornlptaly Shop-FabricAtcd VAszols Only) As Requlred by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 1, Manufactured by r.nernI.,ýe;.iC._Cgo_.,. PQ. 780,_..:_'1nton, NC.

2. Manufactured for .. *.-.,e ____, __oe
3. Location of Installation 4 4.Type VIr, t-IC - " 0D].r3rC0__ 13 1-1 (Year Built) 1979 (Horiz. or vcrt. t *nk) {Mfgr'e Se-ill Po I ICRNI ' N3'1 ( ,:': ard No.)

B. The chemical and physical propertiesof a.d parts meet the requTraments of mr:erial .;*ýocifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. T*e dos;g*. construtiion. and vcrkmanshp conform to A5ME Ruler, Section VIii, Division 1 1924-- and Addenda to S'(0o:&. 75 end Code Case Not. -- (Yomr) Special Service por UG-120td) As Per T1'h-.s late Rez-'rt - S-ae -Remarks Lelow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prcperly identified and signed by Commi3s;oned Inspoectors have been furnished for the following Items of the report: . /A

                                                    -Nom.                         Corr.
6. Shell:Matl. _.,!.40DrE-_ B.0L_-._Thk. .55 in. Allow. ___8.i..D:s. 8,70 in.Lgth. 3.._.ft 2.38 in.

(Spa:. ho., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N 5-._ .i..R.T. -N_/A es*;.- Efficiency H.T. Temp. F Time hr

(,v'eed. Obl. Sngl, Ls;. 6,*1) (Spot or Pull) Girth 1e~diZg -N R.T. No. of Courses (Weldsa. pO. Srrgl , (Spot Partial. orFull) 0, Aeads: (a) Material S 2-F30b) Material ISP61- h 0., GfAd1) tSpe*. No.. rade) LoctIon Min. Conr. Crown Kncts Drcp6 Co'ocj MWr'a H Ir F ii Side to Prissaurs ITop. Bottom. Fr~dsl Th. A o.,. . Re"ý i;u .t r. Z A,*4. A- .r Ps: .m 0. - fco'o @. ofrCorcave) (e) (b) Top Bo tto-- 2.T5" 2.-5" - __7___'An_______

  • I Flathead__.

If removable, bol:t used (describe other fesienlnga) -5nr-i I3 Bolts-AS..-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

9. Constructed formax. allowable work;ng pressure 2100 (hte:.' a..So"'. No.. Gr.. Saze. No.)

psi at max. temp. 4(.n F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) F. Hydrortatic, preumahic. or combination test pressure3200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Ou,!ete: Number Non ize -- Location .......
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nhoii inH o.I.e - How trnlet, Outlet. Dr;r)n P N:. or Six Ty *o Mr91 ThL Ikv Atrhed Lo .tion Gas Port 1 75" 5r *it-Fln. 3 . W rP 1_97W Split Fing. 3-ý55 -- 1733D X ' .o RB 1.. (4) Tinp

12. Supports: Skirt NOQ. Lugs Leogs Other ..---- Attached (Yes or no) (No.) INo]0e. IcVr-tý , (Where end how)
13. Remarks: Cc.p1e.ete ..e:,.ancal Asse-.bly .:n .. .'elded

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on, a li v Ce oef th s tt -ed__.wie t Lj,ý p IntiernaPi_ p_r sq e _ _ zo d _, t he Acc u mu l a t o r- -* i - d e r i s Hy d r o s t a tiT The Hydro Test pressure is based on t-e-, er ces1-$n oressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in th;s report are correct and the' al' te: .5 of desf- mae ial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pres0ure Vesse;;. S zt,. { 7" , sonr. Date 1/1617.L9 Signed El cwro!).- _____

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                    5*972                           expirs                          J.,ne 10.                            19_..
                                                                                                                           ./I CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Voesel made by                    General. Electric Co."                                             at ........                         -

I, the undersigned, ho!ding a valid comm;ss~cn issued by the Nat,onal Board of Boier and Pressure Vessel Inspectors end/or the State or Province of .__N. C;;rn I t n. and employed by Dep t Of Labor - ave inspected the procsure vessel described in this Mianifaczturers' Data Report on -/Ilru 19 , a4 nd state that. to the best of my knrow!edge and be'.ef. the Manuacturer hcs construcited tn~a pres& vessel in accordance with t.SME Code, Section ViII, Division 1. By s:;ng'1 thia certir.cee na-tnOr the Inspect3r ncr his ampioyer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied. concerning the pressure vessel des:;ited in the Manuflture"s' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector n?  ;',;o> ýr shel toelie'e in 6ny mjnn.r for any pesjcnla in.ury cr rrce"ty damage or a Ioss of mny kind aril'ng- *'Y*..**/di,,;'=ne;n A I'67 lnl"7*ý ...... . kindp1/16/.79 C misins .';.-l 723, Pa. P:oc n1766Ohi Signed ~ '~f ~Date Co..Tai6adSt5Po,~e~~~ Tp,& c to,,EI ) rr'gr be otlseral '!,i t" O'do' C.zt . ASYE 345 E. 471-, Sr.. Nevý York. N.Y. *:v/il7

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 94 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Cornpletcly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules. Section VIII, DivIsion 1

1. Manufactured by Gelcneral .E.lectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington. N.C.
2. Manufactured for Sale as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type - rJ c l tPir HI 104 I05D_631G0_QL N/R (Year Built) 197 7

(-oriL. or vert. tank) (Mfgrs Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'Il Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all pals meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME ESOLER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19-27-4-.. and Addenda to S' 75 (Data) and Code Case Nos. --

(Y'ear) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/I Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-106 Gr.B ,Th. .55 in. Allow. - In.Diam. 8.70 In.Lgth. 3..t 2.38 In.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N* A .Samlt-S.R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T.Temp.. Z--.F Time._ _

(Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full) Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. DbI. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial. or Full) Heads: (a) Material a (. F384 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spac, No., Gradel (Spec. No.. Grar Location MIM Corr. Crown Knu.cde Eilp*a Cortica HeaniaP. Fla Side to Promfurs (Top. Sono'n. Enrs) ThkL Altow. FRdwIs Rediu Ratio Ap.cA t. A..$a fi u - tC.or0,x or Concavc (a) Top 2. 5" D.- Flathead (b) Bottom -_ 2. 5-++. F17 nrho'U If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5nn-* , Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Conftthicted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tamp. /lnf F. Min. temp. (when 2

les.s than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure A0 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nani;ize -- _Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoae Diern. Norm rr'aorcarentnr How Uori Outlet. Drla } No. or Size Type Mael. Thk. Maru. Anachtcod Loc:arot Gas Port 1 .75" Spit Flng. 30455 1.00 -nnP _B*ist, (4) Pttom. Water Port 1 97T Split Flng. 30455 . JOOl oe W

12. Supports: Skirt 140 Lugs Legs - Other Attached (Yea or no) INo.) (*e tribe (No.

(Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly vitn No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on eacn side of tre ntrl Piston the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically testeo with the Pisron removed. Thp Hydrn Test pressure is based on the hicher oesign pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dte f d s._ nr terial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to theCe'Pnr~l ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sti I'. iisi 1. Date 542.3LZS/7* . Signed E]ectric_ Co. b (Manufacturar - (Representativel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10.572 expie June 10, 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO9 Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N. (rnl "I,, and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 5123__ 19 78.-.. and state that. to the best of my knowledge end belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no0 his plo r hall bi, i ble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any Signed kdnd arisnf* - or

                                /    nne
                                       ,._..,        ith                    Date Data         2              Caspection.

5,12 3,78 Commissions 11__72 .PA,_W_ýL766, I~l'l Board, State, Province and 11HIO


{Inlsp ecto r 0 r/6) This form (EOC1171 may be obtained from the Order [kpL. A.SME. 345 E. 47th SL. New York. NY. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 138 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURIERS' DATA REPORT FOP PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternaite Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricnted Vos-cls Only) As Requirod by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, WilmingtQn. N.C.
2. Manufactured for .___ame.*.aS .Ahnov
3. Location of Install tion
4. Type Verti.c._ _AZ.5.__.__ _ _R___ . 8 (Year Built) 197-7 (eoriz. or vort. tank) (Mfgr'e Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Ord No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Secticn VIII. Division 1

_191Z... and Addenda to _S-7_5_ ___ and Code Case Nos. - - (Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) __ As, Per Thi s Da ta Repnrt - .Pe Remr rk S Re.ow. Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rIy identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: I'/ A Nom Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. .SA-106 Gr. B Thk. .55 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3_ ft 218.3 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long._IlIASR[Ie..s.__R.T. _ /-A - Efficiency --  % H.T. Tmp. -n- F Time -- hr (Waedd. Obl, Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Fu!l)

Girth No l.dAinn P2..a ornedl R.T...... (Spot.L Pari*?a or Full) No. of Courses -- (Weaded, D l, Sngl. Lap. Butt) 8

8. Heads: (a) Material SA-I12-_E304 (b) Material SA182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec- No., Grade)

Loc..titn M~n. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Con;cal Hem;aph. Flat Side to Premsurs (Top Boarom. Ends) ThL Allo- Radius Redwus Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convexor cocmA.el (a.Top 2.5" __7_ 2-3DFl.atpad. (b) Bottom I 7,ir230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for.) Split Flanqes (4) IMoter,,l. G S Ne.

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. teip.4 0 0 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. proumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.

No0n]* Size -- Location - - -

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dam. Noe. Rainformernent How Inlh!.. Oullat. Drain) No. or S.e Type Mall. Thk. Mail. Attached Loclt;on rL _L _75'.' 7as._o iLFa no -3045_ _1I0 60 None _ n*o

                                                                                                                                                                   ]_ts_( 4 )              _ttm.

Wa_t~er orIL__1g9 '_' Sp]iftE lni__31_45_5__ 1L 00 _None Bolt, (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt __No.__ Lugs .... Legs Other __Attached (Yes or no) INO.) INo.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: -Complete-lechiani ca-LJ-Assemb-l-ywi-th-N.o-h.e-2-decJ-2o-i IS-A-lt-ogh- A -Differential Pressure Exs.ists on each..side. of.-the -nternal__i.&s-ton.,

Jthe Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the -Piston Test pressure is. based on. the higher design pressure.-.-. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We c3rtify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detailslof d sign, .raterial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor to the A ME f ode for Pressure Vessels, Section. I/ltDivisjon 1.

                  -: -77 ...

BaeDae92-77nbenerai Siqned en r / lectric Co .. .. y 2--/

                                                                                                                          . byecC.              .*     : -'4         __   ____   _       _

Dat "2" {qnd(Manufacturer) - lRepreaentative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             .10.572.............                        expires           June 10,                                    9      78.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Colmpany ...... at Wi~nlington,.N. ..... .. I, the undersigned. lolding a vaid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and-Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or P'ovince of N, Carol i na and employed by Dept of. Labor .. have inspected the pressure vessel descrlbt'd in this Manufacturers' Duta Report on 9-2 .......... 19 77 ., and state that. to the best ot my knoledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII., Dvs;on 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers" Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor is.rmnyioyer .hAll be liable in ally manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisnog frrrrj ., trl this inspection.

                                            ".,.,t9                                                7            Comi0sioC 723                        PA. 1.WC1766, Ohio l r Board. Stal., Pruvince and No.)

iNu I

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-002 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oraanization P 0. No . Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identitication ot System System 085, Control Red Drive (CRD) / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4215 General Electric Old A3582 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H 1877 Installed 1-ACC-085-71814619 General Electric Old A3579 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1888 - Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4615 General Electric Old A3477 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1663 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5019 General Electric Old A3467 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1897 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5419 General Electric Old A3175 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0930 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "C".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt EL Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used. provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U1C6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 ot 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P, 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-002 Address Resair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0, No. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P, 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive (CRD) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/3023 General Electric Old A3437 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0740 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3419 General Electric Old A3186 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A1525 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3415 General Electric Old A3179 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0788 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3819 General Electric Old A3178 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1997 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3815 General Electric Old A3389 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1475 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4219 General Electric Old A3180 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0796 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "C".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic [] Pneumatic IZ Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt LI Other LI Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. U1C6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-002 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by procedure 1-SI-3.3.1 .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Apphrcable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI.

  ' Type Code Symbol Stamp                N/A Certificate of Authorization No.          N/A                                                     Expiration Date         N/A Signed elOe                                    -OnD         il Owner or Owner's Designee. Title Program Engineer             Date                            6         '/                    ,20    _,,_

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of *L.a.,4\'. and employed by HSB CT of iartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S) - -2,c)

                                                                             ,      *..       ý to                    7 - ,               .'                , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. I P Commissions toC ST& Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 _____ UIC61R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 152 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Comp!3tely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _Gcnial Electric Compalny. P.O. Box 780, W.1ilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _V*ar tLl H0740 ICRN) , OS(Drawing ff38G001 No.) N/RBrd No.)

(Nat'l (Year Built) 1977 (-onz, or vert. tank) (Mfpr'B Serial No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meit the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1974 and Addenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufrcturors' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. SheII:Matl. _A=-&6 CrB ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3_ft 2.38 in.

(Spec- No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/ASeaIO.eaS R,T. lL&A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time--.- hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Wl1r&ing.- (Welded, Performed Dbl. Sngl, Lap. Burt) R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (SpoL Partial, or Fulil)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa 182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec- No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuzkle Ellipte Conical Hzrniph- Flat Sido to Pre'cure (Top. Bonorn. Erwdsl Thk. Alrow. Radius Radius Ratio Apa. Angle Rodus MODm. (Corov0oO Concaval (a) Top 2.5"7r _-_- ___.;_a.__ ,_+_H8_ Fl;_ (b) Bottom 2 5" If removable, bolts used (describe other fasteninga) c-n 1 '- Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4nn F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _...nNize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dis- Non. Reirorcmernnt How 0n0"., Outlelt. Dain) No. or Size Type M [l. Thk. Mail. Attached Locetion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 i.ObO Nn P Bo3-s___ 4) tom.

      -Water Port 1 .97                                   Split Flng.              30455            -     ITU                Nonp                 Bnrt            __(I iTop
12. Supports: Skirt .NQL_.__. Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) Ie ho.) IoN (Pe~crebons (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Nechanicai Assembly wt o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side te n rnal Piston.,- t-fliAccumulator Cylinder is Hvdrostatically tested HIP P--Z t-rnT rPnrn17P The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,,,r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det o- n' m e~al, construction, and workmDnsh t of)tis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S eztig*J),,ivisio*.1. Dale Signed Cpner~a IPl 'r Co._ b4 __ _________,,.,__,_ (Manufacturer) '._.. (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10.572                               expires                     June 10                 ,        1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                      General Electric Co.                                       at                           Wilmington,                  N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid comnission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and,'or the State or Province of - C;; rn 1ina..t and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 11-01 19 Z-.7 and stato that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed 'his pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel duscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his e nplq)er shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or prope."i damage or a loss of any k nd eisins }nJPI cor p#'.'ted wit. ,is inspection. O Signed ,-* fK (I/Inapaclor)

                                          *-.I ..     /                  Date' i.L-01=7_ Commissions NC_.723,PA,AWCI.76T6__OHT..                                              O NaI'l erdrrr. State, Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 84 OF 397 FOIMAU-1A MPNUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Form for Single Chamber, CompioIely Shop-Fabticated Vosseis Only) As RPeqiiired by the Provisions of the ASM-E C-da Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manuaoc'ured by .General Electric Company, P.O. Bxx70W..mingtri ,__]c.......
2. Manufa'-tured for -SalmP. as A a.v.P
3. Location of lnstallplion
4. Type _Verti ca] _ .AI-5.Z5_ __ _I---__-_ý-._O ._-(Year Buil -t 9-7 Itoriz. or vert. tan ) (Mfgr'sSerial Ijo.) (CRNl ( No.) (Nai'l Brd Nc;.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all pens meet the requirements of materiol specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE
              .-.-an            VESSEL CODE.       1_ The design, construction, and workmanship        - ___         conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
      .U..        and Addenda to                   -S_7_   ..... _and Code Case Ncs.

(Year) (Cate) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Pper_TisDat a_fl.porI -e ee-Rmax.zsBe.2 ow Manufacturers' Partisl Data Reports properl identified and signed by Commissioned Inspoctors have been furnished for the following items of the report: AU)_ Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Matl. SA- _10 Gr.13 .Thk. .55 in. Allow. .. in.Diam. 8..7Q_ in._Lh. 3 .2.- 3.8 in.

(Sper No.. Gra'a)

7. Seams: Long. _I'.ASeaImle.P.S__ R.T.-*/A-_- Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Iwae:ded. ,bl. Sngl, Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth N -1_.*'*ie~adg__2.P rOfcme~d

  • R.T. --. _ _ No. of Courses (Woldod. Dbl. Sngl. Lp, Bun) (Spot, Parli l, or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material -SA-182-E3 A.4 (b) Material =A-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Gradel (Spec. No., Grade)

Loc.Aon Mn. Cor,. Crown Knuchie Elhpae Conical Homisph. Flat Side to Presue (Top. Bonom. En ) Th5. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radus Diem. (Convea or Concave) (a) (1"o _2.-5 _______________ ___ ._L_._230 __E]_a1the~ad__ (b) Bottom 2.5i 7.230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Spl it Flanges (4) (Material.Spec.N Gr Size No)

9. Constructed for max. allowabte working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp..nOQ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure .3--2-"" psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None. Size - . _ Location -_-_ -
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpoea D*am. Norn. Reaorcement How Olnhti. Ou:iet. Lre;nl "o 0" Sire Type Mail. Thk. Mail. Alached Location GGas-Pn-,- P 7.55'Z1 _30455_ _l060 -None Bn.ts&_ 4.B.olttm. B __aei i __ Spl it tl.n.g i30455___ l.QO__ .N onB.oLts__( _ _ap

12. Supports: Skirt -_NO . Lugs . Legs .... Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: -CompleteM4echan-i-ca1_A.&emblywwithU __Lo.WeldeCd.Joi nts
     .Al though .A Differential Pressure Exs.ists on each side ofi. the, th-e Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the P.iston-removed-
.. The Hydro Test pressure is based-on the higher design pressure...-...

CERTIFICATE OF CO-IPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dctails */,/iiesign. Mrtret.-- c0,)Ti~yuction, rnd/ workmanship of th.s %E-snl conform to the AM M *.ode for Pressure Vessels, Secti'oi.5,¶. Date -Aug. 31,1 9 7 Signed 7 Genera Ilectric Co. by .. "','/./-: IManufacturer) IRep s-entative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                            .10.,572 ...........                     expires       Jurne 10, ,.9                                 ..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company . at Wilmington, N.C ....... 1, the undersigned. holding *a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Piessure Vessel Inspectors andor the Sate orPicvrnceof . Carolina and eniploycd by Dept Of Labor 7 have inspected the Airiviirqf c' 7I to the best of my knowledgqe and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, uxpressed or implied, cnicernin.1 the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nir hi.- enrr"'.r shall P-,inable in any mariner for any personal injury or property d:amage or a loss of any kind ar n rig, , cr. n "1'1 A nsr ction. Sigr,'*e . ,'.(L.-.-. DateAug. 31.,197mm AsoIC 723 PA. WC1766, Ohio.. ihsi., ru,'lu ' , al'I d. Stio . Province anrd No )

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 102 OF 397 FORM U-1A MAN"UFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSU,'IE VESSELS (Alzernnto Form for Single Chamber, Complutoly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Roquircd by the Provisions of thn ASME Codrj Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby GnerIal Electric Compa n _.0. Box 7_,O _Wl1mingto"_tLj-C.
2. Manufactured for Sain_.as__Above
3. Location of Installjtiofn
4. Type .Aerticae 110788 __ - _--- . -_- R (Year Built) .1 9-7 (Horiz. or veri. tank) lMfgr'e Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Ord No.)
5. Tho chemical and physical propert;cs of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 i94.Z_

NYear) and Addenda to ._S.5_ and Code Case Nos. -- (Data) Special Service per UG-120ed) _sre ThJi&bDaita...P~ orLt_- _!SeeRemaxks..Se-ow' Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprl identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: [,'A

6. Shie11: N4al.I Nom.

Th 5. Corr. in. Allow. .. in. Diam. 8 70 in. Lgth. 3_._ f, - 8 - n (Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _'/._ Seail] P .Q.R.

(We-1ded. Cs!. S.,rI. Lap. 9i,1 _ PT. VA orFll Efficiency (Spot or Ful8)

                                                                                                                      --      % H.T. Temp.           --        F Time          --          hr Girth ... i,_..dang. P.erforr:!:e                                                                            R.T. __                                 No. of Courses          - -

I;,olded. D0 s. Sng. L*p. Bun) (Spot. Part I. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material _SA- 8218.2_= 4 (b) Material - A-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locaiton MK. core. Crown Krrackla Eli;p.e Conical Herrrsph Flat Side to reOp.Bortorn, Endsl ThL A![Gw. Padius Redou Reio Apax Anigl Radius Dia-. (Convox or Concave) (a) *-6-* -2.5T Z3_0 F1 _ .7_____________ eated~ (b) Bottom 2.5* 7.230 Flathead-If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanqes (4) (Material, Spec. N°.Gr Size. No.)

9. Constricted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. h00 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) - - F. Hydrostatic, prournatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NOne Size -- - Location --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Frt p< ao Dirm. Norm. Reinforcernent How (,lel Oui.e6. Drawl No. or Ste Type Mill Thk. Mctl. Artached Locat;on

        .Gas... Port.L__.____J5                            Spli-tFI ng-30455____D60                                                  None_                  Bct_s_(4 )                  Rn tm.
      ._*at eri               t .1_°. 72_._S pi                           E~og *3055                               3.Q0 _ _i r1e ___ BRol ts4 I                                         _T)ap
12. Supports: Skin _, NO - Lugs.. ... Legs Other ,_Atlached (Yes or no) (No ) (No.) IDescribe) (Where and how)
13. Rcrnarks: -Comptl ete..ects M1 thou-gh A Differential Pressure. Exs-ists.on each side of the .InternalR~is-ton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the .Piston--removied_

The Hydro Test pressure is based..on..the..higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - We certify that the statemerts made in this report are correct and that all deta'i'/t -aa-nstruction* pesig*Kn< and workmanshio of this vessel conforrto the A Code for Pressure Vessels, Sp4q ". ,D 4lsio..//.

                                                                                                                                              ?(ll                  .     .

Date _8-31-7 .. . S.gned Genera IElectric Manutaclrrel al Co ...... byQ_-L _5.c,"z/_/i% Roprae.OntatiVel */§O._

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No. . 1.0 .,572 ......                                                       expires . June 10................

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company at WiIlmington, N.C. I, the undersrgned. holding a valid urommission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province ot N. Carol ina and employed by Dept Rf Labor .7ýave inspected the

                                 -. ;.   . ....     . .... .. ... , ,.,i           -,o a   ivp   ,r     rid
                                                                                                         ',u                       .   ...                 ."     . ,iin             titudih, to the best of my knowlddle and bhlief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section Vill. Division t. Sy signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty.

expressed or implied. concerning the prevsure vessel doscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither thre lniq),cto;.pr fh.; r;*r'#y'er shatJ be hacble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any ktn d a r ;sh -'u n of ted i iiiq s in s p e ctio n ih SgndDate 8-31-77 ConirnissionJC 723 PA. WC1766 . Ohio

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 114 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington. N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type __H 1997 105Q-638_1 N/R (yelar Built) _.19_79 (Horiz. or verL tank) IMfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Division 1 and Addenda to S'_75 and Code Case Nos.

Special `Lme~r_)(Date) Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr. 8

6. Shell:Matl. 2.A.=--1-.LG .B..Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth.. 3.. _.._fi in.

(Spec. No., Grade) 7.' Seams: Long. N N/ Sea*less R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) ISpot or Full) Girth Nn W1eldng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material $_-182-F 34 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Coer. Cro~wn Knucide EMPa Coni*atl Hi nisph. Flat Side to Ptansurs (Top. Boto.. End.l Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diam. (Comvex orConcavea (a) Top 2.57 - 37"238 Flathead (b) Bottom /2..STr F1 2 th Pa d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ,5nn-11 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp.
  • f00 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure3 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -hNon. ize -- Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Noem. Reinforcemant How Onret.Ot..eL D.ainl No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. M lrl. Atlached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split F)ng. 30455 l.ObU Nnnp BRnl t---, (4) Bnttom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 30435 1.300 Nnn o -.z (4) Tnp

12. Supports:Skirt- __NO. Lugs - Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (()encribe) lWhere and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica1 Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with t~he Piston removed. The Hydro Test Pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that ail de Is o al, Construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. cti n 'on Date 2-14-79 Signed C(ne*l, Flptrric Co. b4 r __._

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                            10 572                             expires                        (RJune10pe               iv) 19          .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmngton. N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of N - CLrn i.._._.3-_ and employed by _DP.e t:0f Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on __ .__ 2-_1_4 1979. and state that, to the best- of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector p r h55 ear6.oyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisin .- m"7n)'; cted, 1h this inspection. Signed Date 2-14-79 Commissions NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohic lnspector) 'That'i Bio;rd. Stiale. Province and No.) I176) tTrh,,foil (001117 may be oh(a,ned from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St._ New York. N.Y. 10017

  ,-.                                                                                                                     PEG PKG NO. 030 9 29-ABF490IjG4 PAGE6OF302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only)

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by - General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington. N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type VIr
  • 1 l0iD6138G501 NJR (Year Built) 1978 DHoriz. or vert. ltank) (Mfgr' Serial No.) !CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'I Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIIIo Division 1 IL, . and Addenda to St 75 and Code Case Nos. --

IDale) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been fumished for the following items of the report: - N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA 06 Gr. B Thk. .55 in. Allow. - in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3.-.ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seems: Long. NesSR,T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp."-- . (Welded. ObI, Sngl Lap, ButtI (Spot or rull)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded. Db i. Segl. Lap, Butt) (Spot Partial. or rullI

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No, Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Co". Crownn Knuckle llip.l Con,,ic.l Heispl*. Flat Side to Pleeiura (Top, Botto*. EndIl Thk. low. lfi*aud Radius RAtio Apox Angile Radius DOim'r. (Convex or concevol (a) Top 2 ,5" .7._. _ __ ____. _: __L (b) Bottom "2.5* . . lathend tf removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Materia. Spac. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

  .. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure                              2100              psi at max. temp.               L.0               F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) F. Hydroitatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Di04. Normn. Ra nforne.n How ofne. Outlet. Wi nra)No. or Size Type Mstf. Thk. Mat. Attached Location Gas Port i .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.ObU Nn " B(lt ) R4nt-tcm. Water Port 1 .97Tr Split Flng, 3045 " T.300 N e . EI tn( (4 ) Tnop

12. Supports:Skirt*NOLugs -- Legs -Other "_. _._Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (9 b (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witn Ho Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with t *h piston removed. The Hydrno__* t pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai of d _ n, m eriel, construction, and workmansh'/ ~fyvessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ti I , visio'1. - Date Signed Gpnpral Electri-c Co. bl _-C-(Manufacturer) (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                         10,572                                  expires                  June 10                        . 19 81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel made by                    General Electric                      Co.                      at                         Wilmington,                  N. C.

1,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of N_ flrol inn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 7/5 . 19 -7, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no97his emp)yr ,,yshall be ,iable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisino oI nnewith ift. t1 nspection.. 7/5/78

                                                                                     .....                                                                     66.       H1 Signed
  • onste, Date Commissions .u.__-2, Bordd/_//_Sa .Pr Prinince and-'-o-.)

and o.)

                                                -" ' '---- Vfr 117) manaybe obtained from the Order Dept. ASME. 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 78 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR rRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Cl:arnber. Completely Shop-Fnbricmed Vessols Only) As Required by tho Provisions of the ASME Coda Rules, Saectin V:I, Division 1

1. Manufrcturod by General ElectricCompany.P.O..Box 780, ,I*_ i gtQ n.*_LU_
2. Manufactured fIr -_ Silea--Sa e.
3. Lccation of Install lion .__
4. Type _VertC.j]:._L _ H0796__ "1P5079638_c0°--,LR __ _ (Year Built) 77 (Horiz. or veri. tank) l).!fgr'` Setral NTO.) (CWIN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the raquirrm-rnts cf material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. Thr, design, construction, and workmpnsthip conform to ASME Rules. Sectiun VIII, Division 1 L9_4-7 and Addenda to -S'5'____ and Code Case Nos. - -

(Yea) IOato) Special Service per UG-12oid) ___.PS-eP-_Thisita.-.RO-..zS eaor123keeemarks-iJl.ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rly I identified and signed by' Commissioned I,-spectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: *li/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Mail.

(Spf-c. No., Grade) Thk. ,55 in. Allow.... -in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth.__3__.f 2.3 in.

7. Seams: Long. _L/a*_SP-E, .&-_ R.T. .- .N/_, Efficiency - _ % H.T. Temp. -=- F Time -- hr W;a~ded. 0D). Sngl. Lap. Sur.) ISpot or Ful!l Girth J'O1f1d1 e flcing-.. exri ri-orne d R.T..

(Spot, Panial. or Full) No. of Courses (We*:ed, Dat.Srigl. Lap. Dun)

8. Heads: (a) Material S A- 1P19-Fi4 (b) Material SA- 182- _3EA4 ISpec. No.. Grade) (Spoc. No., Grade)

Loceaton Mitn. Coar. Corv, Knuclle Ellipse Cortical Heonapr. Flit Side to Pr*ssure

             'Top. Boroi,. Ends)l            1:l             Allow.'. Red;-            Rad;s        RiGo     Ape. Angle          R.:i..           D,.m.          (Convex or Conc.a.e)

(a) Top_- 2.-5L .___ 2 _ FIba ead (b) 3o6ttom .. 7 2 D.3 Flathead if removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASH'1E-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material S N G Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure - 2100 psi at max. temp. 40- F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, Location or combination
                                                                                                               -p--          test pressure 32MO                            psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pu.po>5 OiDs". Norn,. RanforcernenI 1Ow Olnlet.Outr!t. Drainl No o0 Sue T,'pa Mail. Thk. Mal51. Atlachcd Location sPorL__l --I-_S l t_.F-l nq - 10455__-I -060 eoit-s4 _}4_B1 otn. _ 4ater_2cr-t"l .* 7 Spl. t30F.n _30 5 _ _ 0- UoLone s t *___Tap

12. Supports: Skirt -...0_- Lugs ..... Legs ...... Other ___.Attached lYes or no) (No.) (No.) (Descrbe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: PCmole te-:.'echan-i ca IAs.sembJ-1y.-.i b-toWelided-Join-ts
        ,l though. A-Di fferenti a] Pressure Exsi s ts. on eaCh. s i de of. the Internahl.Pi ston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston-removed..--

The HydrolTest pre-ssure is based on the higher design pressure...... CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statemer* s made in this report are correct and that all details,, d sggn,%I'a,,o,,, , uction, ano workmanshlp of this vessel confor %to the A ME. ode for Pressure Vessels. Sec)(ct."';l.v,,Sion,.L,.,Afi.'1I Date . .3177 Signed ectric Co......b

                                                                                  ,INmnuacturer)                           b, be)                      I.t te   e a "U" Certificate o! Authoriza:on No.                               .10 , 572        .e..                .      aspires . June              1,       -.              .... .-. 19        778.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electtric Company at Wilmington, N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a %,wld commission issued by the Nationil Bo*ard of Beo;1, and Pressure Vessel Inspectors end:or the Stlate or Province of tl . Carol i na and employed by Dept of Labor have inspected tile pressure vessel described in this Mianll llArrt P ot-nnrl nn 8-31 i q77 . And Ttetn thor, to the best uf my knuwiedge and belief. thi Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this clertificale neioher the Inspt'cior nor his employer maker any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manuifacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. noithor the )nspector/.,)r I-.* ., pI'r sll ie I-atle in any manner for any personal in)ury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising 1.1 ,h.r.i:,tr s inspecton. "G W Oi Sined C .- . -' .F I,,*pIG) Date 8-31-77 ComnissioI723, PA. tidl I na d. .0lalo.I 'C1766 u-nc andOh 0 d No.) .

PEG PKG PAGE 49 OF NO. 146 030929.ABF490HG 7 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Aftemrnte Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 Manufacturedby -Genpral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington._N.C. Manufactured for Same as Above ...... Location of Installation -1979 -

   *Type        Vprrira]                  J1877                                                     0        6.                           K-NTR                       (year Built)9 Nonrz. or vert tankl         (-MFgr-'Serial No.)              (CRNI                         (Drawing No.)                (Nat'l  Brd No.)

The chemical end physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division I a.*- and Addenda to Ii-040-(Data) S 75 - end Code Case Nos. -- Spacial Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N-h -A S. Shell:Mat. q is,- -r D Nom. Cr ý,Thk. Corr. 5*In. Allow. - In. Diam. 870 in. Lgth. -3__t 2.38,1n. (Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A ,PaPIf.P2S5 R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- JF Time"-- r...J (Welded. ObI. Sng(, Lap, Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth NO WelU41ny Perforined R.T. No. of Courses__ (Welded. Dbl. Sngl, Lap, Butto (Spo PaTtial. or Fulol

8. Heads: (a) Materiel Sa-l82-F3 a 04 (b Spot.rParao Ful0l (Spec. No., Grade) (b)Material .... .12Q Grade)

Loc:tion Min. Con Crovn Ktnuckde Ellipee Caiw. Hmniot. Fill Side to Praeaurt Rop. Boatoi. Endl) Thk. AJlove. Aadiul tlaidu Betlo Ape. A"igf Ruadiu Dm. (Co..#e oe conecA,#) (a) Top 2. 25" 1 a (b) Bottom ... fthe-d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -_ 5011-1 1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.) 9 tttrutad for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . f rL.) F. Min. temp. (when i than -20 F) -- F. Hydrowtetic, preumatic, or combination test pressur&32Q0 . psi.

10. *afety Valve Outlets: Number Nan ize _._-- Location - - --- -
11. Nozzlers and Inspection Openings:

Purpoa 4rnm. won. Rownlo'cearna How Soutlet, O. Drein) No. o SIze Type M ii. Thr Meid. Afitsctho tocatio Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flna----- 5 . nnp R l (4 B tom. Water PotI 97-r Split Flng9 i. one .. Bnl r-( __'

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs Legs - Other Attached _

(Ye tor no) (No.) (No.- (Alely% el d (W here and how)

13. Remarks: - Complete )Iechanical Assembly witNo Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each Side of rhe Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,, 1th the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,,,- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all de i of dIesib . met ial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. ctil n I 'on Date Signed C_ nerl Flp ri Co. b.....

 "'U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10,572                                    expires                       June           10,                     1981 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby                         General Electric Co. _                                          at                -            Wilmington.                      N. C.

I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors snd'or the State or Province of N- C-rol irn - and employed by -Dept O Labor . have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 2 . 29, and state that, to tho best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer maken any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufaciurers' Oa'a Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer s3..beo liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar nnectzd-$t-wihis inspection. Signed e 2~14Date Commissions N79,PA. W26 i TINEfldta" roic and No.) 7his lom 'ED01171 may a 0 A-0 .1 ýOm 1 0 r0or -opt. t. ý. .. .11h at.. 1,16W r Of.. - . - 2_

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 72 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabric-ated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules. Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _C eT.ra Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, lWilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _VY-tial_ ---. 8* 105D613SGC0_0 1  ;/R (Year Built) 1979 HorLz. or vart. tank) 0tl1gr's Serial No.) (CR14) (Drawing No.) iNat'l Brd No)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1 9 4.-- and Addenda to ' .5 and Code Case Nos.

(Yesr) (Dote) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Renarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/IA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl._RA-_ 06 _r Thk. 55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. -_8._70 in. Lgth. 3_ft 2.38 in.
                        ",)Spec. No.. Grade)
7. Seams: Long. N/A Spa leas.s R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- Time -- _ h_

(Welded, Obl, Snpl. Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full) Girth No leld ing__Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

   - ,                              . (Welded. Dbl. S ngi.Lap. Sut1)                                                       ISpot. Partial, or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material S-182-F3 04 (b) Material Sa-lS2-F30_ _

(Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) Locilon Mn. Cnr. Cro-.n r KnucJde . Il.cpae Ha'ilai Feli Sde to PiaI*.wr (Top, Bottom. Ends) ThL. Allow. ladla Rad.ue PFlro Ape. Radius Dom-n. (Cornvex of Con.cave) ( Top . 2.5' __5" F A (b) Bottom 2.5Trr .F he3 If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .50O-i]' Bolts-ASME-SA.193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. Lnn F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number __Non..ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpois Diam. No-. Retiino'cne'r Hmo (inlet Otlet. ODain) No. or Site Type Mail. Tnk. M ra AacC*ae Loclt;on Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln*. 3045 --I-. Nlnn BRol t (4) ntom. Water Port 1 .97 Split Flng. 30455 1.n37300 rqnP (4)

12. Supports: Skirt_ .No... Lugs - Legs -- Other _ Attached (Yeaorno) (No.) 'NO. l (Aseqicriq)welded Joints. (her a how)
13. Remarks: Complete Nechanica Assembly witn .o Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston.

the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,,it- -the Piitpnn rernoved. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design oressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that alt details of des',in, materiai91 struction, and workman hi o[ tis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Section V,- Date L-1 Signed Gpr'lp Fflpcrrric Co. by lFWanufacltuer) l: ena-i "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10-572 expires . June 10, . 81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Co. at WilmJington_ N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of , - Cg.rn I i n; - and employed by - Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on _ _-_ 19 9, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By s'gning this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning !he pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furtnermore, neither the Inspector nor,*is eWplr)r,,shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising f *'&:n-.'ith Ior sonspac'tuon. i3 2-7-7 9 Signe (.- Date 2-7-79 Commissions NC 723, Fa. WC1766, Ohi S dNawt-'";,d" Svare. Provnce and NO I 1176) It7)Tn,sfo'. I E00t 17) "-a, Ud Ot~e'lO'd fIr" tMIheOrdea, Dnet . AS &I'E 345 E 4 Tlrr SL~.t, a Yolk. NY. I o.77

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 118 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type VPrf-ir'ol HI3 '1.05D6!38G_0_L N/R (Year Built) 19 7 8 (Horiz. or vart tank) (Wfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical propcrties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
        .92.      and Addenda to                  S_ 7.5          and Code Case Nos.                    --

(Year)IDate) Special Service per UG-120d)_ As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatL SA-!06 Gr.B .Thk. .55 in. Allow.__ in.Diam.-8.70, in.Lgth. 3_ ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Gradel

7. Seams: Long. NIA]Sea .,S-.;R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded, Db4, Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth NO Nelding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses _- (aveIded, Dbi. Sngl, Lap, Burt) (Spot. Partiol. or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Sper- No., Grade) Locarton M,n. Cor. Crown KnucrckJ Ellipse conr;r.ul Homisph. Fiat Side to PesNure (Top. Bonomr.Ends) Thk. Allw. R-,;., Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Dism. (Convex or Concsve) (a) Top 2.5" __ _ Flathead (b) Bottom 2.5"-r /.Fl .h If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 500fl- '1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spc.c No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. a'lowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 41)(71 F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -,N*on ize --- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

purpose ."- "Nom. Reinforcement How InletL Outler. Drm;nl No. o Sare Type Marl. Thk. Marl. Aitachad Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.U6- Nnn L4 (4nJ.

                                                                                                                                                                                ) _Bnttom.

Water Port 1 .97" Split FlnR. D NInm n045- 4A&) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugss -. Legs- Other
  • _Attrched (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (De~crl ,l (Where and how) 13'. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with rjo Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested th the Piqton removed. Thp 14vdro Tcst nressure is based on the higher design press,,,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that alldetails of desiqgY.Maieriel, c (st-ion, and workmans~io~f this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section Vill, v 1.¶l1 y Date V8/ - Signed Cener1 El ectric CO. by -

                                                                       -(f.anufaclurer)                                            V      -(Representative)
  "U"     Certificate of Auwhorization No.                         n.572                                  expires                     JJune          10                 ,19.8 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                          at                            Wi~mln~ton. N. C.

1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of ---- N- Cnrol "in . and employed by Dert Of Labor v,*einspected the pressure vossel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on _ _ _/8 - - 19 -- ,a and state that, to the best of my knowiedge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implicd, ccnrerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector,* h L em br shall lýe liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kir-d arisin *.*m,. co . v .ed vvjtffiis inspection. 6/8/78 SignedS-n -- Z 7 'y'_ _/, Dale 6//8 Commissions -V&:766., OHIfO (Nat'l Boaid. State. Province and No.) 111761( *LeLThio rmIol11myb bandfomteOdrDp. SE 4 . 7hS.N Yr.NY 01 (Ir76) This form (ED0`117) may be obts:ned from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th SL, New York, N.Y. ID017 0

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 60 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altemato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manu facturedby General Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type .Ve-ical.. .Hl8.

9 7 'O5.p_6i 8GO0Q1 N/R (Year Built) 1..97.9 O-loriz. or ver. tank) (Mfgi's Seria No.) ICRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
       .19_7.4. and Addenda to (Year) Service                         S' 75            and Code Case Nos. --

Special per UG-120(d) (Date) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-1.06 Gr'* B Thk. .55 in. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3__ft 2.38 in_

(Spar. No.. Gradal 7:. Seams: Long. N/A Seamles.s..R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Obl, Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full) Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbi, Sngl. Lap, But" (Spot. Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material S- -182-F 34 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No,, Grade)

Location Min. Chn'. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical HIemisph. Flat Side to Preissure (Top, aorb,. Endl) ThI. Allow. Radius Radius Retio Apeo Angle Radius Dism. (Convex or Conc.ave) (a) Top 2.5" q thpla (b) Bottom 2. 5" F.1 t h P3D-If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _Ofl-1 '1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) 9 o r e o aM2100p aterial. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working max. temp. 00. F. Min. temp. (when 20 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number No. ize -- Location -------
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Pur pose D-'ar No r.. Reinfocerirnant Ho 0VneLOutlet DOrenI No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. Mau. Atneched Localtion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fl 30455

                                                                                     )g.              lO.UbO             Nnnp                     Fn lts            (4)      RBottom.

Water Port 1 97" Split FYn. 30455 .I73900 NonP Rnr z; (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NiO0 Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yeas or no) (No.) INo. I(Whcribel (Where end how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witnh No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested witththe Piston removed. The Hvdro Test Dressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of desi9 oateria . 9) tion, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sec Vill ) 3dnV1 I Date 2/7/79 Signed Cenerl EecftricF] 170- by (Manufacturer) C O ,.__. by tve)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10.572                              expires                   June 10.                            .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wi*=in . N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of ___...__.C arn Iina and employed by Dept Of Labor *_ e ye inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on -_ - _1 -_ 19 .9. and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vil, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implicd, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector *r his amr loer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisinV. 1 d w', do;.A is inspection. ged Sine .Date -1DaaComsson . Commissions NC 723, Pa. wC1766, Ohi, Ni frd. Stleal. Province and Nu.) (1176) This form $0001 171 may be olrened from the Order Dapt.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGI PAGE 63 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altern2to Form for Singlo Chember, Completcly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Req-uired by the Provisions of the ASf.E Code Rules, Soction Vill, Divisionll 1.NManufacturedby _*CUQe .a_.] Electric Company, P.O. Box. 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type __.,-LticaL _ H0930 . ._.l.3O.OQ NJR (Year Built) 1977 (H-loriz. or Vert. tan'! (PMfgr's Serial .No.) (CRm) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Bid No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIIi, Division 1 3-974- and Addenda to S '17 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) SpecialSorviceperULG120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N//A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl .__c _-.A.06_G.l._BThk. 55 in. Allow. __ _in. Diam. 8. 70 in. Lgth. 3_ft 2.38 in (Spec. No., Grcdo)
7. Seems: Long..IN1, Q1at._l.._ R.T.._NL . Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. 0Db.Sngl, Lap, Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth FefoX*Ja..1 R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spse. Nn.. Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Crown KnuckJe Ellipse Conic.l HIem;iph. Flat Side to Pree;ue (Top. Bontxn. Endol Thk. Allow. Radius Radium Rttio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Concavel (a) Top 2 .- 5 Tr-- t head (b) Bottom 2. 5r n t- head If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) fnl-1 I Bolts-ASME-SA193--B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spoc. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp.

32 0 0 n00-----_ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.

10. Safoty Valve Outlets: Number NanEize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Piirpone DMan. Non. Reinforcernent How (Inlet. Outlet. Cuailn) No. or Sino Type Mail. Thk. Mail, A'tached Loctlion Gas Port 1 75" Split Fing, 30455 1,.0O No n ,r I (4) Bottom. W1a ter Port 1 .S97- Split Flng. -Nnp Bal ts (4) Trp

12. Supports: Skirtd N_ Lugs _ Legs___ Other __Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (*eacrib*) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly xztno Welded Joints.
          . _qhouh             ADifferential Pressure                                              on eac-h--i                     _xsts                                  Piston.

the Accumulator Cylinder is Hvdrostatica l v testd th.

   -Thhel.ydro_.Test__pres.sure                                  _is    based       on     t~e       1zjBher          des'gi          press~u*                  ______--         __-

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details Pf dcvign, material, construction, and workmany o otlthi,,essel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section Vill,/Division 1. Date Signcd - General.. Elec-triC._Co. by,..*L/2 -'"-' - (Manufacturer) \ lRepresentative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No. _. .0 p57 2-                                                           expires ___-               June           .Q.                1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                    __Genetral EI1at               ec      t     Co.                                                _cWilmingto n                   N. C.

I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilr and Pressure Vessel Inspectors arnd!or the State or Province of . . N... C-rolina ... and employed by D)ept Of.tor . have inspected the pressure vessel descited In trins manutacturers' Uala leporl on . / lU.y?,._, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the tManufacturers" Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his emplphyr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fr!,r o/ conn-i.J.:A with t, inspection. 0,/. Signd.. ..... L_ Date /*'/1'7.Commissions *,c 7231PA. WC1766, _OHI Ins-I.c'tor)/ I atI1oerd. State, Piovince-end No.)


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-003 Address Reoeir/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No . Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive (CRD) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4631 General Electric Old A3392 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0887 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3431 General Electric Old A3658 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0747 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3031 General Electric Old A3473 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0849 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3435 General Electric Old A3585 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0973 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3835 General Electric Old A3266 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0866 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4235 General Electric Old A3368 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0454 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "D".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt LI Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-003 Address ReDair/Reolaceme,, Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive (CRD) / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B3 1.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4239 General Electric Old A3475 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0653 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5047 General Electric Old A3661 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1918 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4647 General Electric Old A3476 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1538 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4247 General Electric Old A3586 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1376 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3847 General Electric Old A7360 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0353 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3447 General Electric Old A3294 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0979 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3047 General Electric Old A3543 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2501 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators in Bank "D".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic EI Pneumatic [I Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other 0 Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-003 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by procedure 1-SI-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Cede, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed 15S ProgramEngineer Date 6 _,20

  • Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of *"j . ,_, .. and employed by HSB CT of Haýford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S '. C,,*_.C*CX. to - ' -
                                                                                                                           -(     J*                      , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. InspecQ t orsignatu Inspector's Signature

                                                     ,                                             " IS -NeCommissions toatn National eoard, State, Province, and Endorsements Date                                        20 a        CL UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 42 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA RP.O,"T FOR P-ESSURE VESSELS (Alternato Form for Single Chember, Conipotely Shop-Febrkz.tod Vessels Only) As Roquirod by the Provisions of the ASt,,E Coda Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 1.Manufacturedby GeneraI Electric ComPany_._P;QQ..__O 7___6QtOn _.)Ld

2. Manufactured for -.Samneasb _V.e.___
3. Location of Inst3llation
4. Type _Aertic.a __H08.87___ - ___ ._f5D.6T8.G.D.od0 lNL (Year Built) 197-7 Crroriz, or ve-i. tank) (iMgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Mat'l Drd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the ri:quirements of mate;ial specifications of the ASME BO;LER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, S3ction Vill, Division 1 19 Z4._ and Addenda to _15__.... end Coda Case Ncs. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) ____A.5Pe _This __DataP-pOrL SeEte maflksB.1-l Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proporl identified and signed ty Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: __ f'_A Nom __ Corr.

6. Shell:Mal. SA-106 Gr. B Thk._.__ in. Allow. in. Diem. _.70 in. Lgth. 3._lt 22..-38 in.

(Spec No.. Gredel

7. Seams:Long. (Vý,ofded. II/A Dbl.

S Sogl. e*_ Lap, Bun)R.T.__{t/A (Spot or Full)-*' -- EEfficie.ncy -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Girth No Wedformeid ____________ R.T. __-._ _ No. of Courses -- (Welded, Sngl. Lop, 8uil tbi. {Spot, Pani I, or Full,

8. Heads: (a) Material .- -F (b Material SA-2-F304 ISppc. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locton Mm. Cart, Crown KnuckJa Eliap. Cornical H e*-nj*,. Flat Side to Pretsure (Top. Bottom. Endfl Thk. Allo.. Rad,u RPadius a halo A*e. Angle larm. (Convex or Concave) (a) _-Too 2.5"____ _ ____ _ _ 230 tb d (b) Bottom 25 7.230- Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-1 3 Bol ts-AS:- E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) IMator'a Spec. N4. Grd Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2_Q100 psi at max. temp. 400 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure .w psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size -- _-Location --
11. Nozzles and Inzpection Openings:

Purpose DO ' n Non. R.,ntotcentin Ko.. (Inler. Outlet. Crain) Na. or Site Typa Marl. Thk. iAMall. Atterr hqJ Location _Ga.sPor_L__l__ -. S plitFlng....30455 ..-.- 1.060 ..... one___ BO.Lts_ (4.Rttm. _UL~t erPor_L .2Z"iS pl t.FElng._30455 -1.300..._!Lone.__ BDo.Lts__4L

12. Supports: Skirt l.O.__ Lugs -. Legs .... Other ..... .... Attached.....___

(Yes or no) lNo.) No.) (Dosc,.ta) (Where end howl

13. Remarks: --C~om*.-ete ' 4_hcan4oa.l-Assembly.-wi th t~o Welded Joints AlthoughA Differential Pressure Exsists on each side of the Internal__Ps ton.
    --the Accumu-Iator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,.:ith the Piston -removed-The Hydro pressure is based on the hicher design pressure.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statemcnts made in this report are correct an,I tiat all (1lt1, 1.1t t fnll. ntalerial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor mto the AS ME fEc e for Prpu's E V.r*re ,s. S,,.., "';*t t Date 8- 2.2&4 -77_ 2 . .. . . . Signed Guen2ral lectric Co. rm IF*attl

                                                                                                                                        ,         .       ..- /,.,U,.L,

{lllrpreaala.*r tv el "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10a572 c,:,'. .C 10 ... CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company tJ,:, t. , C. Ct I. the undersigned, holding a vald cnnrnmsS,l, issit by the N .,,, h,. - 1 1. II , , r P,r's.,re Vessel Inspoctors and or the State or Province of N. Carol i Ila , ,. ... v - .  :. 'i L,tib t" havu inspoctird the pressure ve se' dp.,rriht',r in th,.- M.n,t..,-tr,'r fr,i, n. ,.rrt i,.... I 19 7 7 . And 0t11t,1 111.. to the best of my knowle-dge and bt'lel. I*l. MerlnldCtnnr'l tin.,. i InitntI, 1t,.% I -t"l'.r , Vys'.)!I in accordanco with ASME Code. Sectron VIII. Division 1. By signingt thrs r, t.ItA t In,,( tIr tillI,'i.).', t,, i, t,-'. ,-rlouy-, makr!; any wa:rlnty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vr.s;I.'l din...'rh,'I, nr tr,, '.t .rl I*,S ItfW0.11a F .l)i rr Finrtt iniorm orl. neither the Inspector nor his rLnploytr shall be larte rn any 11,.nr11. fnr , -,t y I,,'r',ninrinl 0ý Or V

                                                                                                                                                ,win                 l- -ty Itlrhl-aU. or a loss               of any kind a,,silý         ,,Y            .n'        ,,.       t....n ,,,ins,,,Ct ithins                                        ,          7.        .1ino,,             ..             3                                       . 011 0 Signed                                                                                 I             24          7 , r .......
                                                                     -.        lininninn.          r)                                                                             tI... I'.,r    ~      r andc    No

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG0 PAGE 30 OF 397 FO:-*Ar U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPO2T FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (AItorn*,te Form for SinClo Chnmber, Completely Shcp-FaCbricatcd Vosucis Only) As Rcqu'ired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vilt Division 1 1.Manufacturedb. General Electric Copany. P.O. Box 78U Wilming~to._*JLCL_

2. Manufactured for _Samea_&__AbovP
3. Location of Install tion 4.Typf.+_erti ca.l ___ _-l.-DS_ *8_0_1NI£ (Y0Jh Bui)i 1 9.77 cYear

{}loriz. or vort. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (6RN) (Drewing No.) (Ne'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, Fnd workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 197.4._ and Addenda to _$_IL .____ and Code Case Nos. - -

(Year) (Date) Special Service per U G-120(d) AsP~erIb1is ataRepanrt -_S e_Remfraks_Be&_ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propfeIX identified and signed by Commissionod Inspectors have been furnished for the nollowing items of the report: __ H A 6SA-lO Gr Nom. Corr. in. Lgth.__3.f1_Z._3 .&_in. 5

6. SheT:Mat_. _hk.. _ in. Allow ... in. Diem. 8.70 (Spoc No.. Grade)
7. Seams: Long. - s__R.f...A_ (S~pot (O'*eldco, Dol. E--ngl. Lop. Bun1) oA.rFeaullL)e or Full)

Efficioncy -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time - hr Girth _]JN)_AWeldig --Re r- foried R.T. -- No. of Courses:- (Weld6d, Ubl. Snql. Lap. Bull) (Spot P8rt Full 1.or3

8. Heads: (a) Material __SA-l_8i2=F304__ ISpec. No.. Grade)

(b) Material - A -182-F3.4 (Spec. No., Grade) Lor.cation hrip Corr. Crown KnrucUa Ell;pie Conical Hte iaph Flat Side to Peari'ure Relio Apex Angle Red;.. Drn. (Convex or Conero e) (Top. eororr. Enndal hlk Allow Redius Radius 2.-Sr 2 (a) -T. _p ___ 2 - Flat~head 2.35. .Z,2_30 (b) Bottom Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASM"E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. pec. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. b 0 ry F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -_- F. Hlydrostatiz, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size -- Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pripobe Da-'. Noýn. Raeirrforerent HNeo (Inlot. Outlet. Drcin} No or Sire Type t*ol TheL Mae. /.Itschod Location

      -_4_at.erP_or't_l                         97        __   .       _     ~J:t_E rng- _a3_0_55.____1_.

30A55.ing_33D4HI -30.0____Nne l-nnP~ ~~on____To i~

12. Supports: Skirt ..- NO Lugs .... Legs . Other__ ___ Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (Nu.) (Descrbhe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: ___Complete-. teechan4ca-As~semb-ly--ti-tb-No--.,e--ded.2-oi nt s A-the gh.A-Differential Pressure Exsists. on .each..side of-.the Internal Pis.ton,
    .h.e- Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically- tested with the Piston removed,-

_The.Hydro Test pressure is based on the. higher design- pressure... CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details-pf dc.sign,,material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor mto the ASME f ode for Pressure Vessels. Sectio. .f-CU'l3-s'ion1. Date 8-'-.. . . 7 Signed - Genera

                                                         -"IMonuftlcturall lectric Co, ....                             ires by uun 10 Represerntatvo' . _____L                 .    .

5 7 2 e i . J0 . . .. .

  " U " Ce rt ifi ca te o f A u t ho r iz at io n No           .    ..
                                                                     . 0                ..   ....               .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmade by General Electric Company at Wilmlington, N.C ........... I, the undersigned, holding P valid cornmisson issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N. Carol ina and employed by Dept of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel rPi,,r,h'rd in Ihis M.e.if.rr-r,r' ' rmtý ".-,rpor or! 8-22 9 77 . -t - to the best of my knowledge and belef. itie Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this Certifica'e neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nay his 7*rrpiryer shqll be table in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arrs,ng f:, r ., ted .ft this .inspection. . S,Lncd

     -- d
                   .                                                                D at 8-22-77                Comnmissi.- 4C   4 723        PA. WC1766.                  Ohio

(,Natr'Boiad. Stlel., Fiuv-,rce aiid No.) 3

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGI PAGE 212 OF 257 FOnM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Menufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V*- ir-,'l -__0 0_8__-L9_0 _J.*D_.38GO01 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSUREVESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 197L-r ye-a and Addenda to S75 and Code Case Nos.

Special Service perT(Date) UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/IA Nom. Corr. Shell:.Mat. --- A=3.06 Gr, B Thk

  • 55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Scams: Long. N/A, R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp..Z_ F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No ,Pl@ding Pexfoirred R.T. -- _ No. of Courses (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3014 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grada) (Spec. No.. Grodel Loation Min. co.-. Crown Knuckje tilipse Conical Hemsgph. Flat Side to Proasurs fTop. Bontomr.Ends) Thk. A-Jow. Radius padius Ratio Apo. Angle Radius Die, (Convex or' conc.veI (a) Top 2.5"_________

5TQ_ _______ .T_ f 1te~ Flathe;d-(b) Bottom 2.3 5T F.lUathe If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ____fl[ Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) IMaterial, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -4D-Ln) F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, prcumatic, or combination test pressure3 2 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._Noalize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nora. Re.nfoccarent How onlat Ot-ilet. Orain) No. or Size Type Mait, "hk. Mrtl. Anached Location Gas Port 1 .75 Split 55 .bU Nnnp RnotJ (4) lBttom. Water Fort 1. 97* Split Fln*. 3055 I.3u0 Nnnep Be). l (4 ) Top

12. Supports: Skirt NOQ_ Lugs -Legs-- Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.1 No.1 1,e cri b) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witn o Welded Joints.

AlthoughA Differential Pressure Exists on each side ofthe-ntern-al Pi=ton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wi_ the". P n.. remo .. pressure is based on the higher design pressre. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details f dea nn-rr terial, construction, end worV.manship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S tio4 , I. Date 5 -77 Signed Cenernl Flectric CO_ b . lMenufac reur) [rI (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10,572                                  expires-I/                 June 10                         , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                       General Electric Co.                                          at                     j.Wilmington, N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and;or the State or Province of ..                        Ca._cnl        La . and employed by Dept Of Labor                                           have inspected the
  ,rpssor, vpqtAl fsi:r.rih~d in this MenufactirArs' Data Report on                                                           ,'- .1_--.5_-197Z7. and state that.

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer lies constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector r hiý emj.loyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisingJ signcd_,'-f

             * - '-        "r ccoopn,,/fed r       wcr snpecloI   ..   ..    . . .

inis insp7c3lon. bateI1l-15 -7 7 Commissions 72r.SA. t "IB Pro.ince and1O fin d. Stat-e. Province and No.) - 1.

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 21 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR( PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternato Form for Single Chamber, Comnlotaly Shop-Fabrici'ted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASMiE Code Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by __!eRQ__a] Electric Connp_a~ny, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington . N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _Xcrrt.ica. -- 110973 05D6_8.001 NIR (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vort. torn) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CAN) (Drawing No.) (Nai'l Did No.)
5. The chemical and physica! properties of all parts meet the requrroments of ma'crial specifications of the ASME BOiLER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmansnip contorm to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 2-9-7 and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos.

a) (Date) Special Service per UG-120{di As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proper!y identified and cignod by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: /A Nom. Corr. 5

6. Shell: Matl. Gr..06B Thk. _ , .in. Allow.
                                             .r,                                                                -        in. Diem.             8.70 in. Lgth. ___ft                           2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NLAS.earil.._e5S R.T. NIA Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time .-.- _. hr (Welded. Obl, $ngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot or Fulli Girth No WelrIing I(Welded. PPJifQor_med Obl. Sngl. Lep. Bun) R.T. -- _ No. of Courses ____

(Spot Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182- F30 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (SpDe-No.. Grade) [Spec. No., Grade) Location Min Corr. Crown K-ucide EIl!i.e Coni:at Heria-ph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Bottom, End. I ThhL Allow. Radius Radius Raio Apex Angle Raa;U Diam. G IConvex or Conrcave) (a) Top 2. Sir"'17 1 q rIt Pa-d - (b) Bottom 2. 5" . Fl rhed If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _ )0l--1 ' Bolts-A\S>fE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No., Or., Size, No.) S. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. teonp. -_-400. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test prossuri3200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ..Non.lize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Oern. Nomn. Rainforcement How anlet. Outlet. DPlan) No. or Sias Type Mail. Thk. Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75 1Split Flng. 0455-----7.-- 0 onP Rol rs . 4.Bltom. Water Port 1 .9-7"r Split Fln 5 --- fT-300 'one Bol ) __T14L

12. Supports: Skirt N Lugs - Legs____ Other__ _Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No) (gosri I (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witNn No elded Joints.

lt~~~~~ A _ ____ No 9ded----_- with Welý __ __.ALboghADifferential Pressure Exlsts on each -ide of the Internal Piston. ___the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tes ted vith the Pis Lon remoyed-_. __ eH-dro--estipres-s.ure is based on-thiger desi-n preSSure. - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details f desinrh, matfirial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sectic Vll/)=-'.oni_. Date 10=-]217_ Signed .-- General Eicctric..Co, - by,/ ,,... . L. ... lKisnulacturer) (Resrisrentative, "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10.52.2) _ expires .... / Jl. ' .0 a ... ._1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by . _CeneralElectric._C.o.. _. -... at .......... .. ilminton. N.. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of f*oilrrlt and Ptsauro Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of - . N.. Carol.insa - and employed by 11'}1;---il.:t,;lirr itiove inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report oe . / 6 //7J" 19 .. '-", and state that,

  • tia t-;{' of ill'y aiu tit.i1ie'# luuirIicl.iurrt itas cu iiUcmtru i l
                                                                               , tiidirulu                                                        il    '*iu    Vi'bhui iii eccuruae e .win A,-SM,,E Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate noi:her the hnspectcr r:or his cmploynr nma"kos any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Na3nufua.tufois' D itleport.                                                         F            Furthormoro. noither the Inspector nor his eiltployer shall be liable in any manner for any pursonal injury or propllrty damntire or a loss of any                                                                                 3_

I ._ , )._. _ . .. ' .. . . , :. :.

4. ..

orpC*~ kind Signed. attints ].<in ,

                                  *..      . ,'l"
                                    -* .;tl/'t, '*".X    v
                                                  -e,'. Wird
                                                           /ji,,     SIIInspe~tloF D a te De)          4*'/ / i*/*"T~o  Crin      ml ,ion,        :!C ihiI 723 ,t1.t.,te l'A        It,'o~ne l,,deliI   No.It

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 90 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTUfIERIS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSUJE VESSELS (Alternto Form for Single Chamber, Complotnly Shop-Fnbricated Vessois Only) As Required by tho Provisions cf the ASME Coda Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured __ý.e.neral ElectricCoaoenL.0. Bx_7O._Wa]Ping~t.m,.CLC
2. M.ianufactured for .. .. S_,,_.e._asAbov
3. Location of Instal-tion
4. Type Ve~rti cat'o ___ 066 ___

j_ .i0-5 1.___D-6-13.0* I...(P Ya ot (.-loriz. or vert. tank) V.'i!gr's Serial No.) ICRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Bfd No.)

5. *he chomical and physic.l properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
      ].914...       and Addenda           to ___ _7 5____...                 and CodeaCese Nos.                         --                                            ____-__

(Year) (Dato} Special Service oar UG-120!d) -As.PerThis Da ep-oi.t Se - a e_2ema~rk.&-Ble ov Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprl cidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been f..,rn:shed for the foliowing items of the report: _ ,A

                          .5ML.SA-h                Gr._ BNomr. 5                                Corr.                                      8-70 38
6. Shell:Mad. AThk .55 in. Allow.... in.Dm. 8 0 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2. in.
                            )Sec. No.. Grade;
7. Seams:Long. ./_P_Sb.. (';ie ,Dol, Sngi, .es.s__R.T._,/A Lap. Butt) jSpot or Full) Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -=- .F Time -- hr Girlh *_Idlingar.fn prJied R.T. No. of Courses IWeleed. b nl.Sngl. Lap. Bu t,) (Spot. Parnil, or Full 3
8. Heads: (a) Material SA-182- F.fl4 (b) Material SA-82-F3_0_

(Spec. No., Grade) (Spec- No., Grade) Loc.tion M., Corr. Crown Knucli. Ellipse Conical H.-tt:sph. Fist Side to Pressure (Top. Bono,',. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Ridiiug Ratio Apex Angle Rrdwus D;am. (Convex or Concave) 70e-7 (b)-BOttom 2.5- _ ________7.230 11230-

                                                                                                                                                               -2T5 __F1&tbhad__.

Flathead Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) *500-13 Bolts-ASI.E-SA193-B7 for Srplit Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. N .0 Gr* Size. No.) S. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 400 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size -- _ Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pu',ot e DOs.. Non,. lenofntocernt HW linhet.Outle. Dt:r No. ot S:e Type Matt. Tihk. Matl. Attached Location _Gas_.Port. -. 75'i,'___Sp.it_.F1ng. 0455i ]_.-60____NJ ne_ RBoe!ts4A44_ t tm. __Water.Pr.o9. ] ._ _'Sp._li-tlng a_455. 1.a3.0 _ _None Ba]Lts&_(L_) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs ..... Legs Other _____ . l Atcached (Yes ot no) INo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where end how)
13. Remarks: - Complete .echan4 cal-Ass- ý--y-w-Ltb o__.e-deW-Joints-A!though A Differential Pres-sure Exsists on each. side of the.Internal__Pis-ton, te ,Accumulator Cvlinder is Hydrostatically tested vith the Piston -removed.--

The Hydro Test pressure is based.on..the. higher design pressure... CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We Cmlfy that the statemen-s made in this report are correct and that all details of design, material, construction, and

  %%orkma.shi' of r'is                          Iesset the A                 .NCrode for Pressure Vessels. Secton VIII, Division 1.

Date 8-31-77 SiGned e l ectric

                                                                           " " (M'an o3trjr)      r Co..

by . ... (Repro sentaiive)

  "u' Certifcate of AiI,tlc,*-:an No.                                  . .10     572         .           .......        expires        June         10 ..            ....           . 19 _78..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by CGneral Electric Company. at Wilmington, N.C. I. thie *indrrsig:n,?d. hiolding a vald commission issupd by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the Stte r(. rProvine of . Carolin.a and enployed by Dept of Labor have inspected the pi'-surt- vessel .bed initic Molr*if,*criors' Dn.ia RAnnrl nn 8-31 77 ed stte m -'.. to the best !of ny knowiedgu aid belie, the Manufacturer has construcled In~s pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. 0,.,s.on 1. By signing this crrificate noithat the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranrt. expressod or impled. roniiirning the pressure vessel d.'scribed in tl~e Mianufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the InlCtectot Lint stsS 'nii j,'-f'r s!*;ill bL?lia le in any r',3nner for any personal irilury or properly damage or a loss of any k,i t ..... u ', , t. , , , 9,; thrs ins* r,,:tO' S'lnnd(.: . /* .- !,r:::'.J' ~ate 83177 ".o,,,missi:r* C 723 r t rN PA. WC1766. 8'let St'. Ohio. t-trtr' e end No I

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 210 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Flequired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Divi!ion 1 1.Manufacturedby General Electric Co~many, P.O. Box 7SQ0_,*i]ing~ om, N.(.

2. Manufactured for Sa. P aeasAbhnvp
3. Location of nstallatio n
4. Tpe .VC'r.*.iC0,] }{4.54.-]--5]_W . 1=-R--/ (Year Puilt).. 9-7-7

('Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfors Serial No) (CRN) (Drawinir No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1 19.7.*_ and Addende to -Y75 and Code Case Nos.

(1'Yer) (Oste) Special Service per UG-120(d_ AS__er Thig ata Repnort - SPp Rema_.ks.Bej.o,, Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprlX identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N'//A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mail. 1 (Spec. No.. Grade)
                                                .          Thk.     ,5 5          in. Allow.                  in. Diam. A.. 70                   in. Lgth. -_ft          _2-38           in.
7. Soams:Long. _..A_Se__arD] .&.__. R.T. J1L/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr NVelded, DObl, Sngl. Lap. Bull) (Spot or Full)

Girth eld-ng. Pa cfo~ried-I.lD R.T. -- No. of Courses - _(Welded. Dol.Snpl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partiel. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material SA-182-Fl4(3._ b) Material SA-182-F _04 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location M.i Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Cnnrcal Hernisph. Flat Side to Pre.ftur (Top, Baorom, Ends) Thk. Allow. ked,us Radau.c Ratio Apex Angle Radrus Diern. (Convex or (a) .ThP TOP* . 2. 5"-72..f. 7-2-30_ .ate~..... Fla hlead_ (b) ottOm 7,230 -Fliatbhe a d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanqes (4) (Material. Spec. N .G. Size. No.)

9. Constr-cted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp.--rc' F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, proumatic, or combination test pressure 3-2-0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NOFnE Size -- Location - --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Putpose Diam. Nom. Reinforcement How nlie. OCutlet, Drain) No. orSilo Typa Mar!. Th. Mail. Atilched Location GasI.ThrLt_ 5 ,7__U p/l.i tF1n9g-230455 -__-0 fiOD___N me Bnal ts_4 I4 Rottm.

       - a-ter PortJ1-91i                                   S.. li A fln~g -3Da5.5~                            1.3Da0                  None                   fb-o ts- 44A               Ton
12. Supports: Skirt No_
                                 ...         Lugs     -    -. Legs              Other                                                Attached (Yesorno)                (No.)               INo.)                          (Describe)                                              (Where and how)
13. Remarks: -- C~o p-e-te2Iechan-calas-- *smb_1y--wi-th NCoeJ-ded-J-o-i-nts

..... thou.qgh.A Differential Pressure..Exs-ists.oareach-side of.theInternaLPiston, __.thePAccumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically-tested with-the Piston removed-

                          .                 pressure is based pressure.--...-.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail of dcign. rnaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrtO the ASME..ode for Pressure Vessels. Ii 1. Date ------ .Signed Thenera I.Eectric Co. S. It,//" (Msnufacturer) (Represaittalrvol "U"Certificate of Authorization No ...... 10 572........... expires Lune 10,. . 19__7&. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by. General Electric Company ... _. . at Wi lmington, N.C, I. the undersigned, holding a vaid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of rl. Carolina .k;- . and employed ty Dept of. Labor.* -/'..7. have inspected the pf,*su=, vo

                  ,         d'u-sc,,. t    -  r.- this,
                                                     . .      .a                   Da        .   . . 0-."-
                                                                                                      ..            ..        I    I         .        .s 1     1    ,. and stati      inat, to the best of my knowledge and belier, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Div,s,on 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty.

expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspiictor nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal inlurl or property damage or a loss of any kind kinda!.siipylftonn ur cornnrcti~t~ with Irits inspection. 9-9-777 Sig

                                                    ,Dae                                                      C.omm          sioV-;C       799 ,PA.U(          %21.60 (Nat) Itosd. State. Provirc'e and No.t 0hio.


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE.180 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Coda Rule3, Section VIII, Division 1

1. MNinufoctured by General ElectricCompany2, P.O.B 78_x _Li]rnjn QnL c
2. Manufactured for ___ Saineas3...._ yL
3. Location of In1stall1 tcn
4. Type ._erti C. _____H06_5_3 (Year Built) 19-,

(_.5D*.38_O_ 0(loriz. or vert. tonk) lMfgr'a Sorial1CRN)No.) (Orawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chomical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     ] 9 -.4- and Addenda to _SL75._____ and Code Case Nos.                                              --

(Yeaor) Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) ------ As2PerThi-s_[ataRepnrt SeepRemajksBInow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop0r )', identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Nom. Corr.

6. ShelI:M~ati. SAlO lS_'106 Gr.

G.r _B Thk.55 o. 55 in. Allow. __in. Diam. 8.770 in. Lgth. 3 ._t.2*.- in. (Spot. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. J_. ._SP[Il. e.&s._ R.T. _W_ Efficiency -  % H.T. Temp. - - F Time -- hr (We..ced. ObI. Sngl. Lop, Butrt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No 4Ee1d~ingP.r_0orrmed R.T. _ _ No. of Courses -- MWelded, Ubl. SngI. Lap. Bunt) (Spot partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material -SA-182-F _4 (b) Material SA-18.2- F3Q4 (Spoc. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grads)

Location Min. Corr. Crown KnuckJa Ell:pae Conical Henmisph. Flat Side to Pireute (Top. aonom. Endl) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Anglo Radius DiOam. (Convex or Concevae (a) -T_ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ 2 Ett&d (b) --Botton. 2_7 U13_0_jF tb_eea d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500- 13 Bo Its- ASME-SAI 93-B7 fo r S p l i t FI a nges (4) (Maa3rial. Spec. N, .Grd Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .

3 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure zMO. psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size -- Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspoction Openings:

Purposae D.m. Nom. Roanforraemat onow ntola.Outt,., Orain) No. or Si:e Type Mat(. Thk. Molt. Anached .oc.ation Gas oL __75 __S p i-t -304 55- l_L0____ t oane Boslt. Ro tm. _Mater-P _orl_91 Sp1 iiL.Eln g 30 5.5 1_Q. NoneelnIt S4 To

12. Supports: Skirt --- NO-. Lugs ...... Legs Other Attached _

(Yesor nol INo.) INo.) (Describe) (Where and howl

13. Remarks: *Comple-te-2echan4-cal Assembly with No-W'e-lded-Joi-nts

_A th--ghADjfferential Pressure. Exsists--on each-Side ejTn t ernaLPsi ocrv,

    .t.e Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically.. tested with the Piston removed.-

__T-heHyHd.roTe-st pressure is based on the-higher-des ign pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details 9f de rn, miterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrr to the A, M .. ,ode for Pressure Vessels, Sectiýr/,Vill!.visiqj 1. Date .9777 __._ Sined .. c CO. . b..b ., i/L... ',.; (Manufacturerl Lt./ (Rtepresentativol "U" Certificate of Authorizatlion No.. _10.572 .. ... xpires . June 10, . CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company... at Wi lnlington,N.C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bo.iler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and:or the State or Province of N. Carol ina and employed by Dept cf Labor. .. have inspected the pressure vessei orscribeco in tnis Manutacturers Data Report on . .;1- ... . - t 7 , and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vll. 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufa:turers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor h.s .ipl,)y1!rshall be liatile in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind a rising i r*ri r ci P. /J'1t: l': ( r this inspection. Silned - C. Z Date CommssoJC 7233 PA. ,',C1766, 0hio 1,1110t",I'll) lN ti Board. Stuos. Province and No.) 3

A PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG5 FORMA U-i A MAN4UFACTURERS' DATA PAV3XW"r11R4tRESSIU1Rs VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by -. P..e11 F.]ectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Saiime as Above
3. Location of Installation 97
4. Type __VePr-ticaI-l_ _..--= _ __B BlD5 _._3.8_G001 N/R (Year BuiltL 8 IHoriz. or vert. lank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat') 8rd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of ell parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1974_and Addenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) AS Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mall. __.A_106 Gr. B Thk. -55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3_ ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grada)

7. Seams: Long. .___N /A.3e aD._ .. RT.T A -*/ Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded, Obl, Sngl, Lap, Butn) (Spot or Full)

Gi;rt, tao Welding PerforMied R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Bun) (Spot, Partial. or Full) 8* Heads: (a) Material Sa-18 2 - F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location Min Corr. crc ,wn Knuckle Ellips. conical Harii . Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Bottom. Ends) Thk. Allow. R adiu Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diam. (Convex or Conoeve) (a) Top 2.5" 7.Tfl F] athead (b) Bottom 2.T /. 23U Pa d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .0f-1 Bolts-ASEfE-SA!93-B7 (Material, Spec. No., Gr.,.Size, No.) for Split Flanges (41

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2 100 psi at max. temp. -__470... F. Mi. temp. (when 3 2 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pneumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
                                                                                --      Location
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N]on.ize
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nom. . Reinforcement How (inlet. Oitlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Matt. Thk. Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fing. 30455 1.060 Nnn i Bn I tsc; . (4) E.nttom. Water Port .97 Split Flng. 304-55 Nnne RnI-T

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs__ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. c (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wite1No Welded Joints.

__lIhoghh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side oh _I e _lPiston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically teste wi the Piton removed. JThe-ayci T.eTs.tP_.pressure is based on the higher design press,.rp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai f des.n. . mat ial, construction, and workmarnshio 5of 9 s vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S tio 1.llvision Date Signed Cenepr..a!_l lecLr iC..C o b --. (Manufacturer) (Representative)

      "U Certificate of Authorization No. -                               10,572                                   expires                       Jn            0, CERTIFICATE OF SHOP                         iNSPECTION Vessel made by                                                                          .....              a, _General.Electric_Co, at          __        _           ilmjngton.N. _C
1. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of ...... Caro.]....... and employ*ed by _D-erpt 9-25.... (.SI.l.abor B78ansttth, have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on ..... 78 and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VlII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector norii s ,.ii,.,r shiall Ie liable in any ni.nncr for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising f r r nnr 4r',.with  ; inspection.

Signed .... -- ,4.8 .,V.. Date 9 2 Commissions N' 723.PA. WC1766, 01110 npacto) INnl Board. State. Province and No.) ItM761 Tlh; form toOt 171may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York, N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 177 OF 214 FORM U-I ANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR F ;SURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII. Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VPrtJr'1 H1538 .105D6138GO01 N/R (Year Built)197&

lHoriz. or veit. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Viii, Division 1 1 and Addenda to

_e2.&.. S 75 and Code Case Nos. W-ear) (Date) Special Service per UG-120{d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shelf:Matl. SA-]06 Gr-B iThk. -55 in.AJlow. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3..ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Sfe-Am.le R.T. N/A Efficiency -- _%H.T. Temp. - Time -- hr (W -elded,Obl, Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth Nn Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Waldad. Obl. Sngl. Lao. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Locatlon Mi. Corr. Crown Knudde Ellipe. Conica.l Hemiaph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Bo*tom. Endl) ThL. Allow. Radius Radiua Ratio Apex Ajngle Radius Dism. (Conmex of Concave) (a) Top 2.5" 7F1arhearl (b) Bottom 2.5" 7-73W '_ e if removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-1 I Bolts-ASKE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /innf F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, pr'eumetic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .Nn.. ize ---- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose 0irr. Nom. Reinforcemant How Onlat. O.Alst. Drain) No. o, Size Type Madr. Thk. Mall. AZm hed Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split FIng. 30455 1.U6u NnnL RnItrs (4) Bnttom. Water Port 7 Split. F Inn It (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs - Other Attached (Yeaorno") ( o.I (No.) (;)ae ri ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side f the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostaticaily tested with the piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higner design press,,,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta' s f d , ierial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se tio l, I isio'1.1 Date 6/19/78 Signed Gpnpranl Flecrric Co. by _*e/res.ntat.,

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                        109572                              expires                   June 10                             18 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                      General Electric Co.                                     at                         Wilmlngton.; N.                    C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or th,3 State or Province of N_ C.rnl i-nn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 6/1-9-- 1978 . and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector per hi5 employr shall be Ji, ble in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising. ~,4conP4*d with. t7 /nspection. Signed .6 __*' //2 .% __Date _ L;I19/78 Commissions _JN723-PkA. WCl7 66, OHO "nalip o)" (Net'l Board, State. Province and No.) 1106) This form JED01 17) may be obtained from the Order L'aPt., ASME, 3.45 E. 471h SL, Now York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 207 OF 214 FORM U-iA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR , t1ESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, CompletoIt Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules; Soction VIII, Division I

1. Manufactured by _neral Electri.c Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for - SAme as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V rtirc,. l J-f317 105D6138G061 N/R (Year Built)i]978 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1971- -ye-a and Addenda to F)(Date) S'75 and Code Case Nlos.

Special Service per UG-120{d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: . N!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mail._ S A-]06 Gr,.B Thk .55 in. Allow. In. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. ... ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N!LASe,aml*._.s _R.T. N/A Efficiency-- %H.T.Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No WeLdingPerformed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- IWaldbd, LbI, Sn!l, Lip. Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3 4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Cor". Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conic.l HeImisph. Fitt Side to Pressure (Top. Bot-.., Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radi uI Ratio Apex Angle F.xdi*e  :);an%. (Convn" or Concsw, (a) Top 2.5'" Top22 5 7 "-he-r U Flathead] (b) Bottom 2. 5" F1 at-hend If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . n.s - 11Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Materiel, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tamp. L0O 2 0 0
                                                                                                                                               . F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F)                             F. Hydroitatic, p'eumatic, or combination test pressured                                                   psi.
10. Safety Valve Out~ets: Number _Non.Size --- Location
11. Nozz;es and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nom. Reinforcsrnent FNow 0.,lc. Outlet Crain) No. or Size Type Maitl. ,k Mail. Anlcched Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.060___* e Bol t (4) Bottom. Water Port 1 .97" Split Flng. 304Z5 --I3U- Nonn BnL (41)t Thn

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs Other __Attached (Yesorrno) (No.) (No.) IOe cri b) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witTh No Welded Joints.

Althouzh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the TInternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design presstrp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta,*' q e c.,struction, and workmanshi of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sctio.* I ,iorn Date 620/ 78 Signed C(-n*,*-l Flp'triC Co. (Manufacturer)

                                                                                                               'b._i b       I (Rept aenltative)
  "U" Certificute of Authorization No.                            100572                               expires                    June 10                        , 19   8 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTI Vessel madeby                       General Electric                      Co.                     At                           IIilmington.               N. C.

I, the unders:gned, holding a vzlid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N_ C.aola"ina and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspet;ted the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 1./20 1S.°7 R_, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordanco with ASME Code, Section Vill, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel describ'td in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspectorypr his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisintg-{oom pco/,,ected witll s inspection. S,3ncd -_A*_' ," 2.. Date 6/20/_.8__ Commissions .NC__72.3-,A,__WC1766 OHIO Itnspecto r) ' Nat'BoaS d. State, Province and No.)- Ti frmlO~ t)ma b otind (m tt rdr op. AML35 . 7h 1.HWT~E.NY.JUJ 1776 00(6) Thil form (EO0117) maybe ob(sinedfromtho Order Dept.. ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. IN17

PEG PKG PAGE 61 OF NO.146 030 9 29-ABF490HG 7 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Atternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by tho Provisions of tho ASME Code Rules, SectlonVill, Division I Manufactured by ... eer*alElectric Company,. P. O. Box 780._Wilmington, N.C. M anufactured for Same as Above . . .. . . . .. . . ... .

i. Location of Installation .......

Type --Vp'rrlr, _C__ , . -~..D3J e1 GOD, N/R (Year ...... Built) 197.9 O-loriz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serisl No.) (CRNI (Drawing No.1 (Nat'l 8rd No.) 5, The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19 and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. -- _-. .. S Service per UGl120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly Identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: , !A Nom. Corr,

6. Shall:Matl. SA-306 Gr ,B ,Thk.- ,55 In. Allow. ..--In.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. _.* tt 2.38In.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A S e,1.P-95 R.T. N/A Efficiency - %H.T, Temp.

_Z - ._F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Bunt) (Spao or Full) Girth UNWling Performed -- R.T. -- No. of Courses (Welded, Dbi. Sngl. Lap. Burtl (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a)Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa 0 .

(Spec. No., Grade) (Spec, No., Grade) Looction Min cor,. Croe n Knucide Ellipse Cowiral Henhlph Fiwi Side to Prwe..sur (rop, Bottoem, Endsl Thk APJiO Radlus Radius Retio Ape.Angle Radius D nia. lconrea Or Conc..vs) (a) Top (b) Bottom 25 .. -- ' If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ._,_ %fl Bolts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spaec No.. Gr., Size, No.)

          )nsiructed for max. allowable working pressure                                  2100 -- psi at max. temp. .L                          On        - F. Min. temp. (when
      .ass than -20 F)                 --                 F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pre~sura3 2 D2Q                                           .      psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.on ize _ _-!- , Location -- -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

PDu toe Diem. No-r. Aefofeýnoar

  • How rnlet.Outlet. Drain) No. Six. Tyvp4 Mel ThL Mai,. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flni7 5- NnnT---._n'!f s (4) _An_ tom.

Wg Pot__1 97"T Split Fnh .. 4 Non BDLts_-(4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs N. Legs _ Other Attached -
13. Remars: - (YesComplete or no) N cha (Noia Assembly wT:'l~o' Mechanical1 Welded Joints. (Where and howW Alf-hnuinh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of theJ nternal Piston I the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wlrh the P~V-onia re Thp Hvdr6 Test pressure is based on the hgher design pressrp CERT1FICATE OF COMPUANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det 'a.If del i masteael, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels,. S cti n ...

Date 2z42... Signed - Gpn p-ral Flectric Co. bM imanuls.rairer (ReIisprettil "U" Certificate of Authorization No. ._ 10972 expires June 10. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP-INSPECTlo*t Vessel made by - General Electric Co. ____ at _ - mlnpton. N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and!or the State or Province of - N - C>rn1- an,3_- and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on _.l-4. 1979._, and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section Viii, Division 1. By signing this certifcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ori jxg,,nr 5a conneo 8 4h this inspection Signed 2 - 15 _- - Date 2,-:14-7.9 commissions PA._____ _______ hi T,. loerm ifool 11) te otlistred ,ofn thre cider Dspt. ASME. 3A$ E. 471h St.. New York N.Y. 10017 3

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 378 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTUFRMMS' DATA FREOtT FOR PESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completoly Shop-Fbricrtod Vossels Only) A3 Roquired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturad by udirl Electric Company, P.O. Box 760, Wilmingtoni N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type -Vertical.. _ __09_.7.__ 05J_)61.*_(.0 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vort. tenk} [Mf 0 r's Soeril No.) ICRN) (Drawing No.) (ljt'I Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmcnship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division I 19C2-L,-- and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:M~t1. RA,---106CGTrT. B Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.70 in. Lgth. .__ft 2.38 in.

(Spoc. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N.! Seaml*5sR.T.___NL/A Efficiency %H.T. Temp. -- Time -- hr q (Welded, Dbl. Snoi. Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Gir-h .*.o ild~ing. Pe!orfoxmed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

       - '                                    (Welded, Dbl. Sngl, Lap. Su"t)                                                     (Spot, Partial. or Full)

B. Heads: (a) Material a-182-F3 04 (Spec. No., Grade) (b) Material $a -182-F304 (Sper No.. Grade) Location M;n. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Hmnigph. Flat Side to Petlmlure (Top, Botionn, Endsl Thk Allow. Radiua Radius Reaio Apex Angle Radius Diam. (Convex of Concave) (e) Top 2.5" ____* _____ _h j ad-(b) Bottom 2. ,.S F 1 ithad_ If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5n -1 Bolts-AS",E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .____l'J]._.__ F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- _ F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .Non E~ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose D~am. Norn. Flianlwoceaenlt HNo-tnlu-, Outile. Drain) No. or Si:e Type Mail. Thk. Mau. Atnachod Localtiz.n Gas Port 1 .75"' Split Flng.30455 l.0buO Non Bo t- 4)L tom. Water Port 1 .9 7 rT Split Flng. 30455----3J Neap Bo1t.ts..4).__np.

12. Supports: Skirt -N.O- Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.1 No.) (,a(cribel (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica1 Assembly wItnhNo Welded Joints.

Al.houghA Differential Pressure Exists on eac Sh-sd ofthe-Internpa Piston _the. Accumulator Cylinder is lIydrostatfcia-1-Tytested with the Pist.on-r-em*yed heHydro Tes t. pressure is based on l:e h r e g pr ure. ._ _ _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai! I:f design. rrmterial, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Seitii)(..v~s,1. Date 6 7 7 - Signed _GntralElectric... _ b , 0 (Manufacturer) [ a 10 x rsJune__1Q............., (Repraeantativa) 178

  'U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                      l .57                                      expires                                       019                         78 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by .                          Cctral.             Electric                 Co.                       at                __ --Wilmington.N .                                           ...

I, the undersigned. holding a valid N. commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of andemployed by ],2p.t Of - have inspected the

                                                                                               ... 3.r n                        .i,,.-
                                                                                                                                                /07"?              I   '../-7... . 0
                                                                                                                                                                                      .,.,4 aea that pressure       v     t:S l              an, ,jcb..ur,,,.UlO       ,5U os
  • o *'rCa I ,,

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrant', expressed or implied. concernino the pressure vessel described in the Manufarturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his CrnyI kind arising,is e o)or zhnll be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any irispoclion. /

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -7 Signed . ..- (_ /7                                                                   Oale/

oe 6 Commissions Y¢ 723 .PA. WCl 766 01110 "h -, " "0Nat Board. State. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGI PAGE 162 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vossels Only) As R-equirod by thc Provislon; of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Qeneral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of !nstallation -
4. Type Vert c-aL___ 510_.] .____ ____D( i3G0_l N/R (Year Built) 19 7 7 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mtgr'e Serial Nuo.) (CGN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts moet the requrrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The des;0n, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Divis;cn 1 17LL and Addanda to -S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

F(Date) Special Service per UG-1201d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Belcw Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: MatL. A-_-A0L6Gr.E,Thk. .55 in. AlIow. - in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA KSeam).._PSS R.T. NIA Efficiency-- %H.T. Temp. -- Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth .No Wel ding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dol. Sngl. Lap. Bull) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa182-F3L4 1 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spac. No., Grade)

Location Mii, Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Hernhipii. Flat Side to Prmueure (Top. Seotorn. End%) Thk. Allow. Radius Radliua Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2. 5"_ F/l0hpd (b) Bo t t o m ' - _ 2 _.5"T / .; U tS If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -. 5n0- - Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Msterial, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -IJim.... F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, proumatic, or combination test pressure32 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._.Non .ize -- Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nor7n Reinforcement Now onlret Oýtvet Drain) No. or Size Type Mal. Thk. Matl. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split ln . -30455 1.Ob0 Nnnp BRnlts. k(4) Bottom. Water Port 1 .97r Split Flng. 30455 1.3U0 Nonex Bnto (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt. Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yesorno) (No.) (No. (*e cribhl (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wilti blo Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested Ith the_ ston-removed. The _hydIDaest pressure is based on the higher design press,,rp_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all data/s of; gn. Acterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S 9:tit'f/P)vyis' n 1. Date 11-U1-77 Signed Cenerl El ectrA Co. b -.J./,:LLtt i/4.._-, (Manufacturer) .'7 (Representative)

   "UL"Certificate of Authorization No.                       -     ID90.5 72                              expires     _              June 10.                        1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                      General E1ectric Co.                                           at                           Wilmin~ton, N. C.

I. the undersigned, holding a valid corntni.sion issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N*.. rnl nn. end employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel descritee mnthis Manufacturers' Data Repurt utt -_.n1 _- 7 .9 - 6;-_, .*t,- to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate nAither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufocturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nr his em lIpr shall bo liabie in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a ;ass of any 3 kind arising.X;,n S _g* ne ,* .___conrl*- witht4, J inspection. _,* Date _0 1l -7 _1Co m m issions _N ý _7 2 3 ,.PA ,_ _W C 76 6 ,. OH I O . ] Sig ned-.. ... 1..,4_-_ ',"pecor) .At'l Board. State. Province end No.)

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-004 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Red Drive / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4607 General Electric Old A3674 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0914 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3403 General Electric Old A3676 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0923 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3803 General Electric Old A3381 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A 1532 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4203 General Electric Old A3191 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1472 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3015 General Electric Old A3705 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1760 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3811 General Electric Old A3181 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0253 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "E"
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other 11 Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 18, 2005 110 1 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Add...s
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-004 Address ReDair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0. No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/421 1 General Electric Old A3268 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0234 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5015 General Electric Old A5012 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0924 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5819 General Electric Old A3351 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0673 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5423 General Electric Old A3257 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1707 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5827 General Electric Old A3547 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0817 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BW R-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "E".
8. Tests Conducted:' Hydrostatic E1 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt LI Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-004 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure testing was performed by procedure 1-SI-3.3. 1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed C*

  • S Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Date 6 ,/ 20 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignld, hot ting a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of - . and employed by HSBCT of Hartfbrd, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S.-  ;,2i--1, ZC 6L to * - T ,Sx '5. and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

"L                                                                          Commissions Inspector's Signature                                                                  National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Date        Q:)20 UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 360 OF 397 FO2'.1 U-'iA MANUFACTUREPS' DATA REPORT FOR PFRESSUR*E VESSELS (Alternato Form fcr Si:ngle Chambnr, Conmpletoly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASf,iE Code Rules, Section VI!I, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _.Ge _r9LF,_lectric Companvy P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type ___artcal____ 1`0914 IQ 5D_6]*3.8_Q_0__ 0P_1 _ (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) " (lfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Bid No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requrremonts of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 L93.- and Speoial Service(Year)Addenda per UG-120(d) Date) to S1 75_ and Code Case Nos.

As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspeclors have beon furnished for the following items of the report: N/1 Nom. Corr. 6, Shell:Matl.__._.A=I G*,_B__Thk. , 55 in. Allow. _ in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3J ft 2.38 in. (Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .__JL$_ R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Veldscd. Dbl. Snf1. Lap. Bunl) (Spot or Full)

Girth N* I-..liang Pe.Ur..rme-d R.T. -- No. of Courses. -- (Welded. Dbl. Sngt. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Pertial, or Full) B. Hecads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location Mmn. Cot,. Co-n Knuc;J. [Ilipee Conical Hernisph. rlat Side to Praseura (Top, Bortor. End;) ThL Allow. Radius Rld,ua Ratio Apex Ang:e Radiu. Diem. (Convey. or Concave ) (a) Top 2.5"2 (b) Bottom 2.5" F I ;; thead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ,. -] 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . t.fl.__ F. Min. temp. (when 32 00 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Non-_Size -- _Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Norn. Rainforcament How anlet. Outc-L Drain) tuo. or Size Type Matt. Thk. Matt Attached Location Gas Port 1 ,75' Split Flng . 045 5 1. O60 ljn ,, BoI ts___)LBoattom. Water Portt 1 . 9- F lng. *04 ..plit rQc,

12. Supports: Skirt NQJiQ..__ Lugs Legs . Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No rib ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica! Assembly -VtnM o Welded Joints.

___.Although_ADifferential Pressure Exi-ts on eac1Fsi-e of _thecInternaPisto$ ___Sthe Accumu-laror_ Cylinder is Hvdrost tca-fEll y-tested the .. Pist....-- Yed ... higher design press ure ThhJiydro.Jest~pressure is based on-the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail of design, n-eterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Secii -Vl7'.Visi~ n 1. - Date 10677 Signed _-_ -General ElctLricCoQ- _b______ (M*anufecu,e,) (Ropresentative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                              ".0,52.2........                         expires         /              June_ 0            ....             1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by ....                     Ceneral Eletric                      _C.o.      - .             at a

I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of . N. Cirnlinn. - . and employed by . JPKPL()f I.,.'l)OOr.have inspected the pressure vessel aescribed in this Manulzicturois' Data Report on _ . _/0/ .. ..-- -. 19 ,/., and state that, to the DOest of my Knowlrrngo and ,el-e), the ManufliCtlirer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with A.SME Code. Section VIii. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the prrssure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspoctor nor his enili,.ryur shall be hable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising e ml,Vccn,;n: tt.i. ý1 I h t, ninspoc tion. Corn nissiona C72 3. 'A . VC17 662 01 10 Spned L"

                    ' ~
                            *'2                Lf-
                               ~ " - ,.- p 0,o to) 'tl      ' .....            Date'              ," "
  • let7i3,Sa.

r4t'l B11510 state. P176nc andlNo.) Provmfce and No.) I IIr.,

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 300 OF 397 FORM U-1A M.ANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRIESSURE VESSELS (Alterneto Form for SinIla Chearbor, Complctoly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASIME Codo Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.Manufecturodby ._menaEectric Corpanv. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Typo __Ve_*rti-*cL - ....O-9.23 - 10 5ai_6_U QD__80 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vort. tank) (MIgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physiccl properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Division 1 l.9.7LL_- and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(earl (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propezly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors hove been furnished for the following items of the report: - X/A Nom. Corr. 3 8

6. Shell:M . , 6_ .Thk. in. Allow. - -in. Diem. 8. 70 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2. in.

i (Spec. No.. Giadal

7. Seams: Long. JKSeainle,_ R.T. 1,LA Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded. Dbil,Sngl. Lap, Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Performed oldIin~g R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbt, Sngl. Leo. Bun) (Spot. Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Materiel *Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuc;.t Ellipse Conical HcIrnisph. Flet Side to Pe"sure Crop.Bottom. Endsl) Tht. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radwu Dirm. (Convex or Conc.ave) (a) Top 2.5" Flathead (b) Bottom 2 4" 8U"nthead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5-

  • Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Material. Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi st max. temp. nnJ4..O.. F.. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._.oncSize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. No-. RPlinforcement How Onlat, OCtloT.Ora nl No. or Size Type Malt. TrhL Mall. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75'r Split Fing. 30455 I.Ob.u Unn* Pn I t (4)_to tom. Water Port 9r Split Fln9 30457- None Bo1ts

12. Supports: Skirt N__.0_Q...Q Lugs -_ Legs -_ Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.I INo. (Wecrihel (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w No0th Welded Joints.
 -Although                  A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Interna$L Piston.

the Accumu la-tor- COyIdirn - is_Hydrostat ic-- tet*-eddw h- the -Pis to removed. .D_ t esure is based on the ig p r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail- f nI ign, rVaterial, construction, and workmanship Date 9-=20-of this 7 7vesselSigned conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. bS ctio _._....General_Eifec_t~ric__Co_._ , '/,L _-/I.-.d;.L£--" Jii _._* _lanufacturer) V Re "U" Certificate of Authorization No ...... .. a.0 aturexpires _-/_ June .L___ , 1978o . CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by __General. E.ectric Co. . __ at -..J-ilrminýton*. N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid comrrission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of .. N CLsroLina..... and employed by I)L'UtL Of .ahor__. have inspected the p,,.ssurc vessel described in this Manufactrers' Data Report ot ..... . - 19 71 ., and state that,

  ;u i;,w [,ust of my Knowleoge ano Ohtlie, Ine Manufacturer has constructed' this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vill. Division 1. By signing this certifica:e neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty.

expressud or implied, concerning the pressure vessel doscrited in the Manufacturers' Dota Report. Furthermore, neither the his.pnltor nor his e ployet shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any k,nd arnsir*,l*lc, orirted ,'.'./this inspection. 4 . Slgnid (7 ,./k '-"2'/ Date ", '/7;.. Commissions N'C 723 PA, WC1766, 0111O.. oatd, Stlate. Province end No.) hi-suel.At*UtI (OJ 'Nti'l


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHGO PAGE 252 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURIERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotoly Shop-Fabricatod Vassels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Suction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilni ngo .LC.
2. Manufactured for Sa.-inp as boVP
3. Location of Installqtion
4. Type A e r.ti c a.[ --AT-13 Z_ ISLI38__._II_ (Year Built) . 2 (Mifgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (N t'Il Brd No.)
                 -oriz. or vert. tank)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSELCODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 12*A. and Addenda to S.-L5 - and Code Case Nos. -

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per JThi, Data Re,'port - SPrP Eemarks__Beojw' Manufac-turers' Partial Data Reports propprlyidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: //A Nom. _5 Corr. 3 3 8

6. ShoI:Mat(._SA-106 Gr. B .Thk .. _ in. Allow... . in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. _ ft. in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. R.T. JE- EtfSiacIan-sc _  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr V/.oladed, Obl, Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth _-No--eUIding_._erf-ormed. R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot. Parli 1,or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material _ A-..-._82_-Fn4 (b) Material &S_. (Spec. -2._m_.U0__ _ _

(Spec. No., Grade) No., Grade) Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipea Conical lmernirpJ Flat Side to Preauure (Top. Bonorn. End.) Thk. Allow. Rad,.u Radius Ratio Apo. Angle Radius, Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a Ot-P 2.5"- _L723_.__F__thed__ (bl

  • 7,23Q_PFla thlead 7__Z If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASHE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Maltrial. Spec. INoGr Size No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. - F. Min. temp. (when less than -20F -F- F. Hydrostatic, praumatic, or combination test pressure 1-2-0 psi.
10. Saflty Valve Outlets: Number N01n.e Size -- Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose D,em. Norn. Reinforcemnent How llir.l Outlet. Orini No. or S-ze Type Mall. Thk. Mall. Attached Location _Ga 9_Por L.__ 575" Splii t Fng 2l 455_i__l10 n on . litsj(41)Ro ttm. _Wa_terorLJ .971'iS piWt .Ig. rln 3045 _Pe Ro3 Bt__( 4) Tp

12. Supports: Skirt -- NO__- Lugs .... Legs -_ Other . ... Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: - omplete--2echan4ca--A&sembh y with 17-lthoughA Di fferentJ a L. Pressure..ExsUis.tson .each..side of..the-. InternaLPis.-ton-,

the Accumulator Cylinder-is Hydrostatically- tested with the Piston removed..- _.The Hydro Test pressure is based-on-the -higher- design pressure.-- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of degign, material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confornrrto the AME .Code for Pressure Vessels. Sect i r-yl)l/Oivisibn 1. Date 9-9-.77 Sined Genera I Electric Co..-- byi . _ __... . .

                 .. .          .. ......                        . . .                    anufacture r,                                                -              (Representative)
 "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                      1  0., 572            ......                       expires              urne 10                                       1..............

9--IZ. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company ...... at Wilmington,..N.C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of

   .......- ý     vc:;sc! dDzr;d n " '

N. Crol ina.

                                                             " . . . ...                  rC.o and employed by Dept         -

of Labor 19 have inspected the 7- o an s,-, ,e to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vill. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warraty ca ..- -...

                        ...... Ix^4..     .- ...    :...   *i.     -, ,.....e     ,,,   .. ,,A   ~l ..
                                                                                                   ,-4.:k,;h         .. th .,
                                                                                                                    ;n           A ,.,  ,ft.rt,,rnrn'       flr)nI- Flnnrf        Fi rrl-nrmmro           nritlrnr the Inspector nor his employerr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind aristirip hrjit or connccte.d with this inspection Signe'               .'Dat          .-     .,       -- '.        34.,--(Nat'[BDowd.                  9-9-77                  Commiss,o-                NC , 7 99 , PA.d.!C    State, P.2L60 wvinca andOhiiNo.)  o

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 52 OF 214 FO17,711 U-1A IArNUFCTUREIS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (A!tornato Form for Single Chamb er. Completely Shop-.Fabricated Vossl)1l Only) I As Rlcsirod by tho Provisionrs f t he ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 t

1. Manufactured by*,f*-lL .ttic Cam aMny, P.O. Box 7b0, Wil-nijrpon, N.C. .
2. Manufactured for ______-, p__as Abovee-
3. Locticon of Is:alation 4, Typo V* 1 ca 4/2 15. D-_6.31. 3ýW 01 IT./r T1T)978E T4-nriz. or vIr. lank) (Mfor'a Sewal No.) (CARN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Fd No.)
5. Thz chcrnical and physical properties of all p'nrs m evt the requirements of moterial spcciricszins of tha ASIAE DOttER.

AND PESSURE VESSEL COZE. 'The cir sign, construc tion, and worlmanship cunform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Divisio:in I 19.74-- and Addenda to S 75 ond Cede Caseo Nos. -

         *(YOzr                                    (Data)

Special Son,ice per UG-120ýd) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Belowt.-, Manufacturers' Partial D3.) feports properly id-ntified and Eigned by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnisl-.ed for

  ' the following items of the repo.-:                                      /A Corr.
6. ShellhMat.*t *SA..JQ__(___0 Norn.

Thk. 55 in. (Spec. Vo., Grade) Allow. _ n.*D'am. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. ft 2. 38 in.

7. Seams: Long. _/A  %,m1.CS.$ R.T. NI_/A Efic ency --  % H.T. Temp. F Time -- hr

(`Vldr'od, DuL.Sn31, Lr,p. Bun) (Spot or

   *Girth        1        e_1-L                f                                ll)                             R.T.                 ----               _         No. of Courses                 --              R_'_

W od . Dbl ,S r C,1. Lan *.Bu (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (0) Material Sa-1l2-F--04 (Spec. No., Grc*a) (b) Material a-E182-F304 (Spec. No., Grbde)l Lozation Miam coir. Crown Kriuckla EU,."a Con.icl Hau,1 ,),. Flat Side to Pro(jufn rro,. Iloooni, Eidcl T.KL Allow. Fi..ds Rai:iug Ret;O Ape. Argl Radius Oiam. (Convex cr Co.c.-e)t (a) __Top 2.5" 7____ ____lat__*__a ad .

(b) Bottom 2.5'

                                                                                              -5rt-13'Boltsi-AS-TrE-SAI93-B7                                         for Srlit                   Flanges    (4):

If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) (P.19tvrial, Spec. No., Gi., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. a;Ilowablo working pressure 2.00 psi at max. temp. . . r).0 F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 less than -20 F) -- F. Hyirootalic. pre umatic, or combination test pressurO O psi.
10. Sa'sty Vrlvo Outlets: Number Non ize _ Location
11. No-;cs ond Inspection Op-eninas:

iPrpoc a 0iJm. M16l. ThL. Mal. Attac~hed Lor.Caon Gas Port 1 .75it Flna T3104 55 1.Tnn P Ral ]t (_4 __r D.t t o, .

                 .,      Port 1 .97'                           Split F-n1z                    3: 45T573TU0-D                            None                       -Rnl.s r,             V)-In-P-
12. Supports: Skirt s _ Lugs s Legs - Oth er ,_" Alached (Yes or nd) (NO:1 (i1o.J Ofio~cdkl) ,, . (Whcre and hOw)
13. RFtm3rks: - Coplete Mlechanical As setnriby win fkOs~eiieo JointLs.

A*t.ogb,_gLA Differential Fressure Exists on each side o t n the Accunulntor Cylirtder is Hvdrostati-c--flyytested. Th7 nvc'ri-r t rressure is based on the hiiher design press,,_. CERTIFICATE OF COMFLIANCE Wo "certify thst the stotoments made in this report are correct and that ail det'3,: f , a const.ruction, and workmashOo is vessel conform to ihs ASME Cc~o for Pressure Vessels. So io I .) ion Date " Signed

                                            "                      EpopnIr,~~~IMenufociurer)

FI,_ j~pC .r. CC.. b*/-i----

                                                                                                                            ".,,, "       -              (RLcpr,?-.ontatiye)                         -
   "U'" Certificate of Authorization No. .                           10,572                                   expires                          June __IQ.                               19"78 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vos_,ol made by                      General Electric Co.                                                eat                            J4Ji.m.npo..                        N;_C..                  ..

L the undorsi£rod, holding a valid commission issued by the -National Board of Boiler and Prossuro Vessel Inspnctom atti.or the StIte or Province of X_-- rnr*- in*a,.. and employed by .De.* Of Labor arve irspe:ted the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers" D3ta Flepcrt on ___ l/ 19 /._. and st-te that. to tCo best of my knowlodgo and belief, the Mhinufacturer h3s construciod this pressure vessel in accordr.,'cO wi:h AME Code, S:"ction VIII. Divilon 1.U y signing this certificate nuither the Inspector nor his employer makes enly Werlar.Ty, expressed, or implicd. concerning the pres:ure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furhormore, nlitheh the Ins'octor ./is rmr,,) slitll be*,ae in any manno; for any personal injury or property damage or a los'; of .ny k!lld A';ri*sin"*g Signed ad j * °O*"' n" r( " f'- n1p0tien. l,npO-C~tI Date 5/26/78 Commissions q72or6...011. (,*.ll'jboowd. r'tsto. Piu-nce c.ft,d Na.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                        . 4 Trl,   I-      frml    A,% __      t._             4-      11,. n-. M....     --           -      ,   --    -      "--. V-1       " v   1r1r)17

PEG PKG NO. 030 9 29-ABF49OIG5 PAGE 22 OF 41 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of tho ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _.,feI~r*alicctric Con any. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for __ __._ ~eas Above
3. Location of Instalation _ -_____ _
4. Type -Vettical-(Noizn. or (,rtMtearrk) -MIr'-SarislNo.) (CRNI

_17_J_0 5_)_1.3 5Dl38G001 (Drawing No.) N/R INa-'l Brd No.) (Yoar Built) 1918.

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1.97-4-- and Addenda to S 75 __and Code Case Nos.

(Yeor) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A

6. Shell:Mall. _q_ -_n.06..G. -_Nom, Thk. Corr.
                                                                             .55 in. Allow.-                      in.Diam.            8.70 in Lgth.3                3       ft         2.38 in.

ISp;-C No,, Grzde)

7. Seams: Long. .__ 1A/S ep]s..s_%5 R.T. ._J/r Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. F Time _-_hr 6','erded. ObN,SnIl, Ltp. 1.-,rnl (Spot or Full)

Girth i .Yer O.prrndR.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbi, Snrgi. Lap, Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa!82-304 (b) Material S-182-T 04 iSpac. No., Grade) (Spee. No., Grade) Loutco, Mnm cCor. c.own Knuckjo Ellipse conicl ilmiph.. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, soro, E1"d11 Tlk. Allow. Radius Radiu. Rstio Apex Anrgl Radiut Diem. lCon-er or co.rvca ) (a) Top 2. 5r' J-ad (b) Bottom 2 5LrFl at*0--* e If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _- 'v Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flange (Matorial, Spec. No.; Or., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp. ..

32 I.fL*..... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure .00 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._ onoaSize --. "_Location .......

11, Nozzles and Inspection Openings: Pu'poaa _" - Mim. Nom" Re;nlorcement How llnlet., Dr';nl No. or 5;,o Type M li. Thk. Mltl. Arttched Loc.tion Gas Port 1 .75r SplitFlng,-O45 l.UbO Nonn _.B n t Water Port 1.9-7* Split FIng. 305 ---- a -4.n4 Top

12. Supports: Skirt _.JO___ Lugs Legs Other Attached lYss or ho) (No.) No.) r Where end how)
13. Remarks: ___o__gmplete lechanica1 Assembly Wlritbl( Welded Joints.

__. though A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of th jn __ the AccumulatorC inder is Hy d rostatiJa y testa withthePisnru eoyed The_ .L'yoIsp*_p.essgure is based on theh e gn pressr P _, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE W\e certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details' f do~sg/,-Jat/,al, construction, anc


v.'crkma r. 5offh)s vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se i M 'Al ion Date Signed .. . benOraL.,icC_ (Manu**ctured t(Representetive)

   "U" Certiricate of Authorization No. __                                 .10,5172                _              expires                     June 10.                           ,198 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by .                                                         .                                  at        .

I, the undeirsigned, holdirig a valid coninrission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspecto and'or the Slate or roý,vinec of ......N.. C:troLa _and employed by ,. P p.. KL0C1 _ o.." _ have inspected v pressure vessel describud in this Manifacturers' Data Repcrt on ............ 78. , and state th 18-21.. to the h,,st of my and holief, the ianulfucliirer has cnnsittcited this pressure vessel in accordance w

                                                         'Irwh.dge ASME,.Section %lilt, Division 1. Ry signing this certificate neither the Inspector rior his employer makes any warrar erwlres:.ed cir inpihed, c.nccttiing the piesssure erssvl clcscriled in tIhe Manufocturers' Data Report. Furthermore, net the Insect" rr 'ii;s i,mpli Y,,rsirAll Ie,, liilr. in airy nrarner for airy personal injury or propertly dainage or a loss of kind arisrcl .            * ,'q ..Ciiiri',     I . It             inspectron.

signted '_ < '- , -/:i ,z.'.U 1 , Date 8-21-78 commissions %'ii7 1A. 1%C1766. Oil

                                                                                                                                                  , l*oz
" "d'. 5tn , Province and Nc.

It 75 ' siri This toim, 1EO[ 17l may be obtained frcm the Order Dept.. ASME. 3,tS E. 47th St., New York, N.Y.

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 228 OF 397 FORM U-1A ,ISANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Cha-mber, Corr.pletoly Shop-Febricratod Vssels Only) As Required by the Provi3ions of the ASIME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company,_P.0.B0,__ 80_,Wj _ __
2. Manufactured for ... SaML~ a_.*O.VP
3. Location of Install tion
4. Type _Vernti ca-I _.If2_253 0Noriz. or vetl. tankr) lMlgr'a Serial No.) (CP.N)

(Drawing No.) _(Year (Nat'l lrd No.) Built) 9.7

5. The chemical and physical prcpeties of alt pnr t .s meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1

(Year) and Addenda to .. _S_1 5-Dalte)

                                                                   - and Code Case Nos.

Special Service per UG-120'd) As_PRe J_.SDR _aReport - -See REar-kSBe1loW Manufacturers' Partia! Data Reports prop rly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: IN/A Nee. _ Corr.

6. Shell:Mall. 105 Gr. B .T , in. Allow .... in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth.3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. 1o.. Gradel

7. Soams: Long.- _f/A. S_ ,P.l.le-£S- R.T.-NA. Efficiency - -  % H.T. Temp. - - F Time -- hr (Welded. Oct, Sngl. Lap, Butn) (Spot or Full)

Girth _Nhloe.Jdiag2 gar-f orJ-mad R.T. - -No. of Courses -- {Weldad. ubi. Sngl, Lap. Bunl) (Spoi. Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material S L*_.3..3-1 3 0*4 (b) Material ____2-__3_4 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) LO.aiiOt Mim. Corr,. Crown nuckle Ellipse conical Hemisph. Flat Side to Pre.oure (ToP. Borrom. Eids 7 lh. A11ow* RAduut Radius Ratio Ap.. Anagle Radius Diam. (Convex of Concave) (a) T.OP.---._ ._ -3_0_ _Fat he ii Wb 0ottom 2. 5 "J.230 2 Flathe d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500- 13 BOl ts-ASME-SA1 93-B7 for Split Flanqes (4) 2Matarial. Spoc. N.Gr Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. alluwable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. ' 00 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure M-0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NOfrlp Size -- _ Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspe--tirn Opaninos:

purpoe om,. . Nor. Ricinforco arrar HC lr..t. Outlel. Orel No. or Size Type Mail. ThrL Mall. Artacherd LoOation

       -Gas-Port- -... _                       75 _Sp             l_t      F.,1ng___3_455                        __l_56Q-N one0                                 .Bolt.s4-4..Rt                      tim.

_Wa ter__ro 1-._9 7" Sp -t Enrg _ 53H5 l_ Q0 NoneU Bolt s._(4TJ~ op

12. Supports: Skirt _.N0 . Lugs .... Legs _.... Other .. _ Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: __Coznpl ete -Mechani ca l-As~emby-,wi _ti- o-.Lelded-&oiznls 1Ithough A Di f ferenti al Pressure ts_-on each side of the Internal. _Pis.ton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically. tested with the Piston-removed-...
 -The Hydro Test pressure is based on -the pressure,.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detaie{of de!ion, material, construction, and wokmaMns f, Tiis vessel conforrto the A SMk f ode for Pressure Vessels, Sectiqr/.Dl Dvis(qn 1. Date -- Signed General Electric Co by' '.LL." ILlLL-*J,-*. lManulfcturerl y (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorntation No.                             10,572 ..                     ..               expires .une                 10             ....                19__7.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by Generaal El ectric Company at Wilmington, N.C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid Conmissonr issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andcor the State or Pruv,-re of ,. Carol ina and employzid by Dent of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel dcescribod in this ,...nLfdt'trers' Data Report on 9-13 1977 . and state that. to the best of my knuev, hdgl and belief, the fI'Arufacturcr has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section \'11. Division 1. Sy s-gning this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or iniphied. corrr'rrninp Ine piessure vessel dscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector n 5 , h . et (, shaI Le liable in any for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any layer kind 0iii sl iq Jcr /,i m,;1 -o,d %r,,* hS inspection S <ne(-.u '. '*4 / .. .....ot5 9-13-77 CommnssoinC723 OA. Staut,, INot 1`1oard. ICl766.Piuvnc;e aridOhio tNO.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 73 OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section ViII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _Gene 1l Electric Company, P.O. Box 780., Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation _.
                  . Type Vprtz                       __                                       _I05D6138G001                   .        /R(Year                      Built)  1979
              . -lorlL or  vwn, tank)     (Mfgr's Serial No.)              ICRN)                   (Drawing No.)              INatl) Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Division I l.q-Lr and F" Addenda_0(Date)to S'75 and Code Cate Nos. --

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissaioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report:. N/A Nom. Corr. S. Shall: Mall. ((!'*p No.. A- Grade) Gr- B -,Thk. 55_In. Allow. - In. Dlam. 8. 70 In.Lgth. 3_ _ft 2. 381In.

7. Seams: Long. N/A Sea* le,*- R.T. N/A ._Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. --- Tim_-.-FThe rz r (Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Burt (Spot or Full)

GIrth Not We[dng Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses - Sngl, Lap. Bun) Obi.-Welded. ('Spo. Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 _b__Mteria__Sa-182-____

(Spot- No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location MUl Co-. Crown Knuckle Ellipse CocA e HN*en*.il - FLO Side to Pesur T ( op. Bonor. Endel Thk. AJIo-. Padlus Readius RAJo Agwx Arnl. Ftediea DIe. (Conrvex o. Concvea I () Top 2.5" 2230..tFatead (b) Bottom 2.5*Tr /* 2- --T e If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _.5nn Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material, Sp*c. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 pSI at max. temp. Lfl.. F. Min. tamp. (when less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure200 . psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.on ize -- Location -- --------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoe D*aem T No,.. R1iio-ce omern How irdet Qutle. DraIn) No. o' Size ypa M*at. ThML MLt. Attachad Loca*t on Gas Port I .75" Split F N Wat r Portl .97" Split FIn.. 7304 T3'UO N~nn BRotlf__ (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt 'NO Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yet or no) lND.) (No.) e ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly Welded Joints.

Althouzh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the TnternaI._i*St.n the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,,._ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detpAA f d mat al, construction. and workma tship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sctiq n . is' n Date 2- 2 6 - 7 9 Signed Gpner~l Flpctric Co. (Manufactuerl l(Rapteentative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                           10.72                                expires      /e                       10.           -       19_

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vesselmadaby General Electric Co. at Wi1mington. N. C., I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Provincs of N_ ('arn]'inn - and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 2-26-- 197_9_, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector rur his employer 5h9 --. *a Iiable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a lcss of any kind eni ,ýonnected/*6hfy)ig inspection. C 9 Signed - Date 2-26-79 Commissions NC799, PA. WCLLOU Ohio llnaoe~ocrl(Nat'~f'l Board. Slate. Province and No.1 (0, This form (F001 17) may be oblained4 from the Orddw Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47h$St. New York. NY. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 92 OF 257 FOrM U-1A M`1ANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Sinle Chamber, Completoly Shop-FNbricatcd Vossols Only) As Riequired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VII, Division 1

1. Manufactured y General Electric Comgpany, P.O. BOX 780, -lJi ing1tQn,._N.C.
2. Manufactured for £mS]JP A- Ahrtvp
3. Location of Installytion
4. Type _VoLir_tj 4 Ca t . _0924 ._D_3.3 (Drawing No.)
                                                                                                                                         --(Nat'l N/R Brd No.)

(1 oriz. or ,.ort. tank) (MiF0r' Sera NO.) (CRN)

5. The chemical ano physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanshir conform to ASME Rules, Section VIl, Division 1 1974L and Addenda to 7.5 .. and Code Case Nos. - -

(Year) (Date) Sp'acial Service per UG-120(d) As Per ThiscD a.taRepnri - SP P,enar.LSR..a2 Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop fly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: FIZA Nom Corr. 2 3

6. Shell:Matl. _5A-106 Gr. B _Thk. .55 in. Diam. 8.70 3

in. Allow. in. Lgth. . .. ft_ , ._ 8 ... in. (Spec, No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N / __aIles R.T. - (Spot or F/A l Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Weld6d. Dbl. Sngi. Lap, Bunl) Full)

Girth q (Weclded.. er bl, ,Sngl. Lap. Bult') Bum)d R.T. -pPa~il orF l}) No. of Courses (spot.

8. Heads: (a) Material SA-12.-F304 (b) Material SA182- F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) tocation Min. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conicll Herninph. Flat Side to Pre,"sure (Top. Bottom. Ends) T"hIL Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Angle Radius Diem. (Convee or Concave)

(a) -To 2.-7-,230- 3 la-tha (b) ttOM 2 .FlateaLd 7230 If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (MeAerial. Spc. N ,G Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. '+L.rO F.. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydros-atic, preumatic, or Combination test pressure 320 psi.
10. Safety Val.,e Outlets: Number t.oIIae Size -- _ Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Norm. Reinfotrverrien How anlet. Ou;et. Drain) No. or Size Type M6ll. Trik. Mail. Atlachc.-j Locarion JGa*n Water rP _ L - 3 5 ' "_ _5SL_ P-orl Lt-E

                                                                 ..i~t _Eng bl___.       F1 _95  . 30 455_ _ __110-60                OO             None ton            _____loDi t 2L_          __*        _ t trn.
                                     ~9.97".P.oL' SpIlit F1                            ~304 5-                   L 1-       Oiane                                Riolts- 1) To.p
12. Supports: Skirt -- *.ND- Lugs --- Legs -- Other _ Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where end how)
13. Remarks: omplete e a-i lAsemb~y withUtoW ed-eL .ts Al thoughL_ DifferentJ.aL__irssjrae-Exs islts .on each..side ofthe -. internal.Pis-ton.

- T--,--*-,ccumu.latorCylinder-is-Hy.dr-os-taticaI ly. tested with the Piston -removed. 1 ne._y-diio T*.pýresureAs--based-on-the- higher- design pressure. - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct, and that all deta~id)of df'..Q./. atnrial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel conformto the AS ME ode for Pressure Vessels. S1ti4 ;/pvi .. n 1. Date nsp o0-1A t-7 Signed General Eeectr.Co........ bS .. i'l6O.,_.___,___._ Date 1.-1-. Siged Manufac-turer) "(Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization *No.                            1..__Q 522 .__expires                                       unc! l0,---.                                            __7..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by _.Gen~eral_ Elec tric __Co~ma_ny..... ... at Wi Imi ngto , N.C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Natiooal Board of Dolor and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of .t ,. CarolIi Ila..... and employed by Uetof t, --., -Labor.

                                                                                                                                                    -- ... 13 - have ninspected     s a e hthet
                                                                                                                                                            . IS 7'? ". and state tnat.

pressure vessei described in this ivianuiacturers' Dbat Fnepu i o ,,- .. .....---- ,7 1 to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neithnr the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vossel described in the Manufacturi'rs' Date Report. Furthermor0, neither the Inspector nor his em poyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or pirjpulty danago or a loss of any

                                                                                                                                                                                                     '4 kind arisinqI~ mX con $4r.ced wil]this inspection.                                       /'t               C m                   ....               ..                                             /o Sg- :-,lgneI  ..---.-I   ,)            J...../ ..    .....     -   Datc / " / /                   cor        s-'o*0IC2 rr)        lNrt r~ PA.           . WC1766 r., fti      . r' , n-old    . No I
                                                                                                                                                                                   . ahio..          "'

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 107 OF 257 FORMA U-1A M-iANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altemato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilming.on. N.C.
2. Manufactured for -- Same- a-, AL,'p
3. Location of Installtion
4. Type _ertic ar 10673 ICRN)
                                                                                               -   D(DrawingD6_38___

No.) I/R (Nat'l Brd No.) (Yoer Built) 19-7-7 (Horiz. or vert. tank) IMfor's Serial No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     .1M and Addenda to                      J5__.-_5            and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As PrJhi.s_. tzf Repnrt - SPp RpmArk-sBej]Ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propr y identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: VA Nom 5 Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. .- 106 Gr. B *Thk. . 55 in. Allow. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgt._3__ft 2_38_in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. J1 ].S.R.T.

lA 6Lded, Dol, Sngl, Lap. rSral p Butta J* tL . p or Full) Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Girth NO lIdinn*(Wold PP d.nomBdDbl. Sngl, Lap. Burt) R.T. (Spot. Panii'. or Ful!) No. of Courses --

8. Heads: (a) Material _SA-182-Fn.3 4 (b) Material SA-182-Fa3.Q __

(Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) LoxA1.oi Min. Corr. Crown Krnucnkl Eflip.. Conical he.-i$ph. Flat Side to PNeawurs (Top. ecno',,. Ends) ThL Atlo. Radius, Red-,u Ratao Ape. Angle Radius Dianm. (Connex or Concave) (a) lo 2.5" t 30_Ea-th

                                                                                                                                                              -- 1          ead (b) Bottom                          2575T-_____                                                                                              ,230          __Fla__ea4.d.

If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. N4 ., Gr Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4F. M. temp.(when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Size -- Location --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose DCim. Noe. Reinforceonent How (Inlie. Outiet. Drain) tNo. or Size Type Mail. ThL. Mail. Attached Location GaoP 0 r-t--L. _/ 7_5 _Sp_l_i/tF_I ng -_304 55 _ 6 0 on e BRl&sJ_ 4L).-- ottm. _Wate r2_or1-t1 __.9] __Sp*pIiLt F g._-L03045.5_ 1 30JNone _ B (4)Thp

12. Supports: Skirt JN0_ Lugs Legs __ Other __ Attached,
                             .YeC  or noI            (No.)           INo.)                          (Describel                                             (Where and how)
13. Remarks: a-Com.plet.e-Mechani cal Assembyb.-itht1_Weilded-J.oin-ts
  --     lt~hough-_A_..D i ff erent-i a l -Pressure .Exsi sts. on ..each_* side. of..the.-In ternaL-Piston,
  • .the_.Accumulator Cylinder._is..Hydr.ostatically tested .with-the-P-iston-.emoved.--

TheHydro -lest pressu'e_ais based -on-the-h i gher..des.i gn. pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct arid that all detail sf de*i6nL mr erial, construction, and workmanshp of this vessel conforr to the A M Efode for Pressure Vessels, Se tio i..Zll0vji Drkmanth f0thv-e-77seSigned _eneral ectric Co. by( -_*.1. Dat _________~i2. Sgnea (Manufacturer) (,~. Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                    .___0_.57.2                                     expires,                                            19      _78 .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby. General Electric Company ...... at Wilmington__N.C_ I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board o) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andsor the State or Province'of N.. Carol i na... and employed by Deptpf_ Labor____ have inspected the pressure vessei described in this Nianufacturers" D aa Reporn on . . / ""s%/ .. to ,-.. stat ute'. .no to the best of my knuwledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed t is pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Divis;on 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or imp',ed. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his em'ýnvyQr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or properly damage or a loss of any kind a,,siir ,, 2"

                      * ,rg              I "".                 Ins     itin/

Signed .... ',*,,..,sn DteI. / 5.11 7)I*1l*u "ommissioJJC 723 PA. rll_,r, . Sdlo.

                                                                                                                                                          !C1765,         Ohio Puovini.e ai*i NO.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 183 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FMh eRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type Vert--al 1-75D6138G701 N/R (Year Built) 1978 (eorin. or vwrt. tank) (Mfg~r'a"eriel No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l 8rd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1Lk - and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. --

ear (DsP h DRate) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: NIA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mati. SA-lO6 Gr.B ,Thk. .55 in. Allow__ in.Diam. 8.70 ln.Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(SEpc. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA Seamless R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H. Temp. - Time --_ hr (Welded, Obl, Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded, Obl, Sogl, La, Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-!82-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spic. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Co.. Clown Knuckle Ellpoe Conical Heartiaph. Flat Side to Preeure

            'rop. aortom, Er*dl         ThI      AlloIo.        Redlus      Redius      Ratio      Apex Angle         Radiul             Diem.         (Coer x or Cor-4.evel (a)        Top                    2.5"                                                                                                    3           Flathed (b)        Bottom                 2.55"                                                                                             /.hiU If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)                       '1     -ABolts-ASME-SA193-B7                                  for Split Flanges                (4 (Material. Spec. No., Gr., Size. No.)
9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /Lfno F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _N.o.n nize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpo. Oiem. Norn. Relnforcement How OJtiael Drain) Onlet. No. or Size type Miau. Thk . Mail. Atteched Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. n 455 l. U0U Nnn.$- Rn1Bn s (4) Bnt tom. Water Port .97" ,Split Flng. 30455 1.300 None_ - nlt-, (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs Other Attached.

IYes or no) (No.) (No.) "9 cr(He (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witn *o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tntiernal Piston, tbe Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Pimton removed. Thp Pvdrn Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail f e**,a, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se io I iti Date 6/20/78 Signed rnenerail Fler-lric Co. byi &  ;: Z( -- - C (Manufacturer) lRepresentative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                       10.572                                expires                     June 10                           198.1 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel made by                    General Electric                    Co.                   at                            Wilmington- N.                      C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of -- N- r..iral na__ and employed by De t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on - 19 .8., and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VilI. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Dats Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer ,016-e liable it, any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind r ,, onner C*i vjhi, s inspection. NC799 L6__ o. SindDate /2 78Commissions C9 PA. WC2L6 "TheCI BFfoard.State. Province and No.1 Ohio 0n76) 176 Ths form IEO01 17) may be obtained from the Order Dept, ASME. 345 E. d7th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 217 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternito Form for Single Chamber, Completoly Shop-Fabricated Vossols Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby G*__ eral Electric Company, P.O. Boy. 780, Wilmington,.N.C.
2. Manufactured for _ _ _Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 8 7
4. Type __Var r ical. HO 1 .l0.5D6138GO0__ N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (ltfg,'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

S. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1Q74..- and Addenda to S__75 and Code Case Nos. -- (Year)T (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors hevo been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatL. S.A.l6-L.i.,Thk. .55 in. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Seamless R.T._ N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F "Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap, But-&) (Spot or Full)

Girth No IJel]riing (Welded, PerfO Dbl, TredSnglI Lap, Butt) R.T. -- No. of Courses_ (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182F30 4 (b) Material Sa-!82-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

S&w;O, Min. cot. Crown Knucklae Ellipse cunicel Hemisph. Flet Sid., to Fire. ure (Top. Botnor. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Retio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convax or Concave) (a) Top 2.5" 7 . F1th d (b) Bottom 2.5' ./.5iU Fl atheAd If removable, bolis used (describe other fastenings) -500-]1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure - 2100 psi at max. temp. LinC F. Min. temp. (when 32 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
10. Safety Va;ve Outlets: Number NonFlIize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose N.rn Nonn. Reinforcemnent How rnlet, OuJtlet. D)cein) No. or Size Type Mani. Thk. Mail. Attachad Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Zln. U30455 l. Ube Nnnp Rol 1 t, (4) Bottom. Water Port i7-rr Split Flng. 3045 J'O nP R n1f (4) Tnp 1>. Supports: Skirt . NQ. __..._Lugs - Legs_- - Other Attached (Yes or noI lNo.) (No, (qa.ri VJ (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly t Welded Joints.
-      Althoqughh A Differential                               Pressure              Exists          on each sid__                       f the         ILnernal                    Piston.

the Accumulator Cylinder is -drostatically tested ,~i-rh_the__Pisaton removed. _Ihe_1JAyAd.Xo___L t pressure is based on the higher design presslr _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all detail "Sf desgei{r anerial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Seyio t-1 ll i,1. Date 11--15 -7 7 Signed ...... Genera.L.E.C._rr C o.._ by/._ (-epreaentative( (ManufaCluer)U(Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                              10.572                                    expires                       June         10             ,          1978 i

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at ._Wilmingon . C. I,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boi er and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of N.-.. L'JCnaln and employed by Dept- Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 7-.L. and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Date Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspectorr Ih,er ployer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar ( ,cad ý zis inspection. 7 Signed . kt-* *, "(Ipector Data 1-l5-7 Commissions -NýC..23,.PA, ThN a't Board. State, 4C1766.Province and OiiONo.) Thia form (EtOril1) me,.' b- o.aeined from the Odor Dept, ASME. 345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 110017


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August19, 2005 N-ms 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet I of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-005 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4639 General Electric Old A3299 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1673 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5039 General Electric Old A3227 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0248 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5439 General Electric Old A3364 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0903 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5843 General Electric Old A3375 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0882 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5447 General Electric Old A3559 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0348 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3459 General Electric Old A3226 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0897 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "F".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic 11 Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt LI Other LI Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in.. (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 19, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-005 Address Reoajr/Reclacement Oroanization P.O. No Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/5051 General Electric Old A3376 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1890 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4651 General Electric Old A3388 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2494 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4251 General Electric Old A3384 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2484 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3851 General Electric Old A3025 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0315 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3451 General Electric Old A3537 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0833 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "F'.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic. LI Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure G] Exempt []

Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-005 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.l .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , SI Program Engineer Date / 20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title 7 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State orProvince of * . , L and employed by HSBCT of

                                              - -?artlord,Connecticut                                                  have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period              S-- "D(2_                *._-          to                         2-IC C *---I                   and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. o.4.- -, Commissions VA " "(,- Inspectors SCgnature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 33 OF 257 FOR,'l U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOiT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricatsd Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VflI, Division I

1. Manufactured by _GU.neral Electric Corr._any, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for - Same as Above
3. Location of Installation . .
4. Type __n r t-i rn I H Q9_0.__ ]_5D.6I1T8G001- N_/7R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) Mfgr'$ Serial Nco.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nst'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts mer:t the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1-9.74-- an d Addenda to S 7.5 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Da'ol Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Renort - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. ShelI:Motl. _-$A=.1O6-Gr-.rlB--Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3.ft 2.38 in.

(Spoc. No.. Grade)

7. Scams: Long. -- N*A--SanL-,SS- . R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Wlded. Obf. Sn:l, Lap. Burn) (Spot or Full)

Girth No llOt-LtingZe-riforie~d R.T. -- _ No. of Courses --- (Welded. Ob!. Sng!. Lap. Bun) (Spot, Partial, or Fuel)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182F304 (b) Material Sa-1E2-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location M.. ctir. crown KnuckJe CIlipue ccn;cal Hýnivph. Flat Sida to Pfnufe (Top. Bono-. Ends; 1'k. Allo.. Radium Radius Ra.Iio Ape. AnGle Radiui Diam. IConvex or Concavel (a) Top 2.5' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (b) Bottom 2.5TF h e'nd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 5nn-1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowcble working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. I-O0... F. Min. tamp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _.on- ;ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Putpome Diom. Norn. Reinforcerent How Onlet. Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type MOtl. ThI. Mail. Anachod Lo,;etion Gas Port 1 .75- Split FIn . 30455 1 Water Port 1 97" Split FlTn. 0-55-- O None Bnl.I sop (t )

12. Supports: Skirt _.N_ Lugs - Legs __-- Other Attached (Yes or no) TNo.I INo. (leacrib Wl d (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with .o Welded Joints. A Differential Pressure-Ex-stson eaE--h e of theInterna.l Piston, -- theeACc'umlto 1 at0r Cylind er is Hvdros-ta*c-i - tes with the -isa-tonrem* Le TheIdroestpressueis based on the Iigher design press, e CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of design, material, construction, and workmanship of this vessei conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Secti 1 Date 10-12-77 . .....

                               . .    .. Signed ---                      GeneraL              eclLriCC.o, (Manufacturer)                            b       I ..               Re presentative)            o "U" Certificate of Authorization No..                                     10,.572                                expires       __.           June         l10      __     . 19o 7          .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by -. .enoral l-.,,ctric _Co. at ._iltingto _ C.... I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vassel Inspectors and or the State or Province of . N. N --arol ina . and employed by I)ept of l,.i_)or . have inspected the pressure vessel de,:cridrd in this Manu'acturors' Data Ruport on........ /),,' 197... and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer hae constructed thiS pressure vessel in eccordnce with ASME Code, Section Viii. Division 1. By signing this certficate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vossol described in the Manufacturers' Date Report. Furthermore, neither tho Inspector nor his employer shall bo liable in any manner for &ny pe(sonal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisii*n_ ronr* r coi*,.. . .. oj t" v..t. inspection n s 5 Signed. ... ' . .. asNIl at~*.rUc,a'd. State.'Pro-ince end No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 110 OF 302 FORM U-k' MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR -1ESSURE VESSELS (Alternate m for Single Chamber, Compl6tely Shop-h Aicated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by __Ge a] ectric Company, P.O. Box 780. Wilminpton, N.C.
2. Manufactured for . Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type VrtiralI b/73 105D6138G0001 N/R (Year Built) J328 (loriz. or vert. tank) (lMfgr's Sorial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Erd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of a!I parts mett the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Divisicn 1 1974 (Year) and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors heve been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A Non. Corr.

6. Shell: Mail..qA-1or Qr,B ,T.k. 5.5 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. ._ft 3. 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA .L:;.e a... ss.. R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl, Lea. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth -O Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses --- (Welded, Dbl. Sngt, Lap, Butt) (Spot, Pertibl,. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-82F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corn. Crown Knuclde Ellipse Conical Homlsph. Flit Side to Pressure (Top. Bottor Endsl Thk Allow. RFisius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diam. (Conscx or Concarve (a) Top 2.5" pad (b) Bottom 2.5TJu If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - 500-1 -1 Bolts-ASHiE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. "No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constricted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. l)
                                                                                                                                       /,I')         F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F)                --                F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3 2 0 0                                       psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Non. ize -- - Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pu'poss Dieta. Non. Rulnforcement How (Inlel, Outlct. Drain) No. or Size Type Matl. Thk. Mst]. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1. 06U Nonp Ronl ri ()BLoottom. Water Port__ .97" Split Flng. 30455 1..30 Nnnp BRntD (4L) Top

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (Where nd how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica. Assembly zttritjo Welded Joints.

__Althoub A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston. _the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. Thp Hydro Teqt nressure is based on the higher design press,,,. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detailH f de rdnA 71erial, construction, and workmansh vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se {l* v, : .or1. Date Signed (erner'l Flectric Co. by tVLA7 tP L r -,_-. (Manufacturer) (Roprccentetive)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10,572                                 expires                  June        10,                 19 81i        _

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at - Jlmington, N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and rressura Vessol Inspe--tors andlor the State or Province of N- C-rnl~ innr and employed by Dept of Labor have inspected the pressure vesset described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 7 5 19 7.8-, and state that, to the best of my knowledob and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector n" his er10l ycr shall he liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising 9jgn aedvytihis IScon inspection. Signed " 7 ____ IW.p4'cto)

                               ,(rlalol         ___

Date -- 51-N- Commissions 1.C -2.PA 3E .- -C1766, OHIO Board. Stlate. Province ant No.) (1,"?6) This form (ED0117) may be obloinad froin the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., Now York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 264 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singlo Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Ge1neal Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location cf Installation
4. Type le.tLi-c*_*a . H0248 . l5D63G 001_ N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Hc.riz. or vert. tent) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Bid No.)
5. The chomicel and physical properties of a'1 parts meat the requrrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. Thu design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1934- and Addenda to S 175 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Data) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mat].__SA4_0- r-.B.- ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. I in. Diam. -8._70 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec, No., Grede)

7. Seomars: Long. N S P=. .S__ R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. F Time -- _ hr (C,/'eded, Dbl, SngI. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth NJWe1d1indg...Pej f erformed R.T. -- (Spot, Partial, or Full) No. of Courses --

                                          .(Welded. Dbi. Sngl. tep. Bun)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) ISpec. No., Grade)

Location M;n. Co"-. Cown Knucde Ellipse Conical Henisph. Flat Side to Pressura (Top, Bottom, E ls) Thk. Allo-. Fadius Radius Ratio Apex Angle R~dius Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5 T2.--- Fla t h Pad-(b) Bottom 2. 5"F1. If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - 5nf-1 -1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. AO.. F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 less than -20 F) - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Nao.No.ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose Niar. Norm. Rein.orcement How 7 On:eL Outlet, Drain) No. or S:Za T y;e Mll. ThLk. Matl. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 I.06)0 Nnnrp B'RltC t- & LkY..Q.ottom. Water Port 1 .9-r Split Flng. 30455 -- I.3 Nnno Fn I t-s..(4)Top

12. Supports:Skirt NO Lugs - Legs -._ Other Attached.

(Yes or reo) No. I(N .l e l etscribe) (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica Assembly with No Welded Joints.
 .AAlthough                  A Differential                           Pressure             Exists            on     each         side         of     the         Internal                  Piston.

the Accumulator _._h.--theCylinder is Hydrostatically tested Piston removed. 1 Hye.Jlyro Test pressure is based on the higler design pressltrp. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail of.depsign, rp.aterial, construction, and reI. i workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. SeptF.Vy Ljjvisjr 1. . Date 9-1 6-7 7 Signed C]._E_._Ctric Co. b'/.**L-(-,-*-._..._-- (Manufecturer) (Ropresentativa)

  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                                 10,579                                   expires-                      June            10.                    ,  1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                           General Electric                            Co.                 -. at                                   ilnmington,                      N,      C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler end Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or Ihe State or Province of ____N-..*Croli-na.. and employed by _D?.Pt-Of Labor have inspected the p r -: ,. _e !'f d e"c i te 'J i rl , h i Y.r ,- _-_' .t e.rr s - t _-B e f o . _ _.-*ha*s.

                                                                                                                                  . .y,                              W77        . .an ,tsAt. that.

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has construe'tad this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Viii. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his en Dliyer shell be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind atlsinQ..ub'Im _. P, ~ ~~,4

                              /r cor !* ,ted with[Y- is inspec'ion.                               /./.1             *          *__        _,r          9           .        . '7          A      h~             5" SignedC.. __                ._Y/          .. J--.7/<...*        .                   Dale                       _ C/./'/
                                                                                                                     .ommisslons 1.                 Ii,..,    ,.r I.     .
                                /*',=         tlns l~ropn~         f                                     /                                                   aN.'l Board, State. Province and                 No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 227 OF 257 FORfV U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASIE Coda Rules, Section VIii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by GeneralElectric Company, P.O. - o-: 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of installation
4. Type -Ve* i ca] H0882 1.D6_3.U8.G001 R (Year Built) 1977

('oriz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requrrements of matesial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 eand Addenda to S' 75 and Ccde Case Nos. --

7YearT(Dale) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:.Mad, 6QDrB -Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3__ft 2.38 in (Spec. No., Grade)
7. Seams: Long. NLAS-eamle.,gs R.T.__N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, SnO1, Lop, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Wel ding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses__-- (Welded , , Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F 34 (b) Material S_ -!82-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Locution Mir Corr. Crown Knuckle Eihpse Conical H.nispph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Bottom. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Raibo Apex Angle R;dliu Dimrn. (Convex of Concavn) (a) Top 2,5" 7.2 Fat' heat__ (b) Bottom 2.5r /. Pl F thed If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . l00-l ( Bolts-ASME-S.U!93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 11 F. Min. temp. (when 3200 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure. psi.
10. Safet-y Valve Outle~s: Number .- NoJn.*ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diarm. Nom. Rehifircernont How Inlt. OCutlet. Drain) No. or Suze Type Mail. Tht Mal. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fing, 30455 1.060 Nnne BPRol t--., _L'Bottom. Water Port 1 . 97" Split Flg " 1"55-3"00 NnnP BoI t..(4 ( T*pTh

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs -- Other Attached (Yes or no) IN f%'oo. As l e' Iin) Wcrd (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witn *o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side ofth- exnalPi~ston, the Accumulator _yiinder is HvdrostaticalTy tested with."the The Hy dr.oTSt pressure is based on the higher sesign pressr, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai of dlsign, m.terial, construction, and workmanshi of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ti n-yliT(.-visiq'n 1. Date 11/21/77 Signed G en e 11E1ePCtric__CCQ._ b1 A_ _21 _ __ (Manufacturer) ' (Reprenentativa)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                            10,572                                  expires                    June 10,                     ,1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby                         General Electric Co.                                          at                        ._Wilmiieton,                N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and,'or the State or Province of N- *nrln and employed by D 3f Labor have inspected the prmnira vAnnPt drnrarihdrf in thin Man~tfacr.tirers' Dsta Renort on -November 21...... 19 2.73. and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vcssel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector rior nmpoyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any

     .in darising,(3 ,r or c0/',,"cted w,/" this inspection.                         11/21/77 Signed.-,_             --                                                 Daie .......-.               Commissions N('723.1'A,                      WC1766, oI 0 Ihls o      'ctorI)                                                                             Nbl'l Boa~d Stalo. P ovdhn        -n   N1 State      an   1Jvic No~I

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 78 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII. Division I

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V.rritrl C0348 1.O5j__]D$__00Q1 N/R (Year Built) ----979 (HoriL or veYt tank) IMlgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII. Division 1 le* and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. --

N-ear 6 (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

    . Shell;Ma_. 2A_-1_06 Gr.B 'Thk.                              .55 in. Allow. __                  in.Diam.           8.70 in.Lgth 3_ t                         2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA SeamleSs R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

   -   ,                                (Welded. Ob., Sngl. Lap, Butt)                                          (Spot Partial, or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material _a182 F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spae. No., Grade)

Loeiio~n Min. Cn." Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Flat Side to Pre"sure f'eop. Bottom. EndoI Thk. Allow. Radius Radus Ratio Apex Angle Radiue Diam. (Convex or Coneave) (a) Top 2.5 7..2 Flphed (b) Bottom --- 2. 5Lr Fl. the-If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _5 n-11 Bolts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp. . ,..0 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, praumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.oNnaize . Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nom. Reinforcement How ardet Outlet. No. owSize Type Mall. Thk. Mai. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split.Flng. 30455 1.bU0 Nnnp Bnlt-s, (4)ottom. 1 Water Port i 9-7T Split Flng. 30455 1. 3U0 Nnnp Rnl t-. (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yea or no) lNo.l INo.] (e cri ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wItnOf o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ih the Piton oved. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the. higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that alldet of desi es matefial,) construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. ctin.

                                                                                                                      'n         I is         "            .0 Date          ] /23/79               Signed                 Cenertl Electric Co.                            b (Manufacturer)                                                  (Representative)         1 "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10,572                               expires        f          June 10,                        19.8-CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                       General Electric                   Co.                     at                         Wilmington.                N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National- Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and;or the State or Province of -. __X..-CrnlTina                              -, and employed by              Dept Of Labor - have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on                                                                 1 239 79.,-and state that.

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor. s employ hall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising J ih Ihj05 1*/23/ 79/7 NC 723, Pa. WC1766. , Ohi Signed . *"**=*CIO,).. .. Date _ /___/'_Commissions l", t,' o r d aSta. Sc . Proirc Province and, No.)O.i 1176) 7h,$ foTm IE001 17) may be obtained I-on the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 59 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REFORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completcly Shop-Fabricetod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturod by _rlý]...G Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _il._er tic.a_. H0897 - 30 3D613 0.L_ _NR (Year Built) 1977 (Horic. or van. tank) {iPfgr'a Serial No.J (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l 8rd No.1
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, fnd workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Division 1 l and Addenda to S ' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

Cr'ear I(Dais) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Deta Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl..._SA-.6 GrT,._LBThk. ,55 in. Allow. __ in. Dism. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3.- ft 2.38 in.
                    * (Spec. No., Gradea
7. Seams: Long. .NJILA.Se-aIl_. es R.T. - .N/A Efficiency -- _%H.T. Temp. F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbr, Sngl, Lap. Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No , Pe rfoned R.T. -- No. of Courses --- (Welded, Obf, Sngl. Lap, Butnl (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec- No., Grade)

Locri;on Min. Co-r. Crown KnuckE Ellipse Conical Hemisph. Flat Side *o Prt-:ure

             -(rop. eonom, E-ndsl           Thk.         Allow.      Radius             Radius      Ape. Angle         Radius              Diem.         (Convex or ConC""e)

(a) Top 2.5'7 ' P I (b) Bottom 2.5'r 5-LiU ---- had....- Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5nn 1-1i Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4).0.0... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pr'eumatic, or combination test pressure3 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Noii*ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Norm. Reinforcement How Ollit Oullet, Drein) No. or Size Type Me'l. ThL Marl. Artached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 304(55_ _.B607 ntom. Water Port 1 .97 Split Flng. 30455 .3U is

12. Supports: Skirt (YesNOor noI Lugs (No.) - Legs __ Other INoJ (0e Attached (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanicai Assembly witth o Welded Joints.

gthouhA Differential Pressure Exists,. on each side .... .. .. o. o_ . .. ... . .. . . .. . . .... t s_ _.o.n __ .. .. i ea_ e of t e in-exn~al -P-ll$ ten _ the Accumulator C linder is HydrostaticalyTE&ytashteU t. the_ Pist.Q... Q.e.. The H\,dro Testpressure is based on theahigher esign pressr _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in thi3 report are correct and that all details, of qosign, rraterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Soction 'vllf/Divisi6n 1. Date ____0-2-7.7_L_ --Signed a .¶nral-ElectrlicC.o-ma'{nufacturer) b ,-- - -/i~*_

                                                                                                                                                    -(      ,-ftl (Ra pres-entative/

1 0 7 8 "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10, 512 - expires -- June L , 19 7_ CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by Gnera! Electric Co. at __ ___*Wilmini ton. N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of .....-. N.__.aro.ina. .- and employed by ._)ePt_ ('i" l'ýtt',),-r .- have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .1..... .. ')/- 7" and state that to the best of my knowledge and bellet, the Manutacturer has constructed tnhs pressure vess-i in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any, personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising frortD/o' c9 nnecte .,'*th thi th ction / Signed. d....~ i... ... Date I ,/a ,77 Commissions N% 723.PA. .WC]7665., .oH01.

                                       * .    .,P JtU')                                                                                    INat'l boed. Slate. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 20 OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 105_DQ_38.001 N/R Bul) i9_2 17(Year
4. Type _Vr-1.1zcal H1890 Oloriz. or verattank) 0,V1gr's Serial No.) (CRN) lDrawing No.) INar'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 7

19.9~ and Addenda to -_S'_75

            -L. TY-ear)(Date)                                           and Code Case Nos.                 --

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: NIA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. -_SA.1 r.BThk. .55 in. Allow. - in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3..ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/..A* Spaes R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded. Obl, Sngi. Lop. Bunl) (Spot or Full)

Girth NC) 1a ding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- Wieldd, Obl,, Lap. Bun) (Spot, Partiel, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182 r3e4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) . (Spec. No.. Grade) Location M'n. C- Crown Knuckle Ellip.e Conical HKerriiph. Flat Side to Prlesure (ToD. Bonorrn. End.) Thk. AllOw. lRdius Radriue Ratio ADes Angle Radius INhm. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5" 7-L Flnrhe d (b) Bottom 2. 5T -. U F.nthpri If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) cOn- 11 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp. Lnn F. Min. temp. (when 3200 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._NonJ ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dism. Norrr. Re.nforceroman How Onliet Outlert. Drlain) No. OrSt. Type Mail. Thik. Mait. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.0bu Nnnp B-Rnl Ltf---,B tom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 3045Y T . 3u0 Nonne BnIts..-_(4) Ton

12. Supports: Skirt N.o.1Q_ Lugs -_Legs Other -- Attached (Yea or no) (No.) (NO. (1lAs.embly

( IWhere and how) 1

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w tn % Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, ___th1e.Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested virt the Pie tnn removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det "If desi n male a), construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S ctio V . sion Date _2 L4-79 Signed C.anerl Fleptrric Co. bt . . ... (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                  10,572 (Manufaclurer) expires     _._/_          June10.                                       ..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issuod by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and!or the State or Province of -_...NC. x ar-li..a___ and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on ..

  • 2-1:_ 19 /2. , and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warran.ty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector ra~hi / shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any oPyyer kind arisirni /r7 Jcted.ygh this inspection. NC 723, Pa. IC1766 Oh Signed "*Z/-.--f-)* 5 '2.L&'____ou,_ Date 2-14-79 Commissions .C 73, Pa. PrC1in6, o.i
                                           'Inspecior)                                                                                  a'DietBoard. State. Province and No.1)5 Th.t    un iE00t I7l rna' b* ohtiared Ire, fu,                                          the  Order Dept. ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. Ne.. York. N Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 192 OF 257 FORM U-IA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-F:bricatod Vozsols Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIIl, Division 1

1. Manufactured by IcaeQrLf__ectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type .2 fl rtical_ -A2 4_94 -I._D6_l_3_8.QQQ_1 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (I'Afgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Draw;no No.) (Not'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1.9-._ and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Dole) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matd. ,A,_IJ.*6A_._B .Thk. .55 in. AI;ow.___ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 _ft 2.38 in.

(Spec- No.. Grad6)

7. Seams:Long..-_LA._SeaImaleSSLR.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp._zz._ Time -- "_hr (Weldod. Dbl. Snel. Lap, Bunl) (Spot or Full)

Girth We1 .ing Peryo_ Vo med R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbo.Sngl, Lap. But) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F]04 u_(b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spar. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locaticn Min. Curr. Crown Knuckle Ellipsa Conical Hemisph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Bottom. Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Rad;us Diem. (Convex or Con(.,a) (a) Top 2.5" _ __ .F- l ppd__ (b) Bottom 2.5 --. Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5.00 13 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.1

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .--- 00 __F. Min. temp. (when 3200 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N ize -- _Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoee Diem. No n. Raeinorcement How Onlnt.Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Matt. Thk. Mail. Attached Locstion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30-455T .6U N1nn Bonr iL4)__BDtt u n. Wa ter Partt .97-" Split Flng. 30455 1- Bolr r R 4) Tn

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs __ Legs _ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.1I No. (Iye.%Wre Jons (Where end howd
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welde Weranho
.AUShogh                    A Differential Pressure Exists on each                                                                     Lh              nternal Piston.
   -- the Accumul.a-.or-CylJin-der isHydrostatically-t-ste                                                                       *               -             j*

_.__..Tdhe__rH.oo_*_TSt_pressure is based on te ned*sgn pressirp. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dutails f de, ign. rnrerial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S cli V1I*."y*Itsit. Date 11-10-77 Signed Jr 17n. -P-b... . . (Manufactlurerl (Repraeentativel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 105122 expires June 10 , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wil inaon. N. C. 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of ...- Cro-r"lina and employed by _D.ept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufaclurers' Data Report on - 11-10 197Z7...-, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate noi:her the Inspector nor his empioyor makes any warranty, expressed or impiied, concerning the pressore vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector rpr his omnlo)yer shall te liable in any manner fot any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising.ri) corrlntrtd with fJ1 inspection. Stgned .... *. ,2. * ,........-. Date 1l~10- 77Commissions NC 7,23,1A. WC1766._0 1 011_ lin~pa ¢to tI ...... .. i.l Hn.' Sr, tae. Province and lo a

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 276 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURIERS' DATA REPOHT FOR PRESSULrE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamhsr, Completoly Shop.Fobricatod Vessels Only) As Roquirod by tha Provisions of tho ASME Cods Flulos, Soction Vlil, Division 1 1.Manufacturedb Genera. Electric Ccb.pany. P.O. B~x 780, _Mfimng.tDn. W.C.

2. Manufactured for _ _Saie._asAbove
3. Location of lnstallqtion
4. Type __ t ca L...... A2_ 84 -Q 06 :5D-&-f_11 D /_*(Year .R Built) 19.7-7 Iltoriz. or vort. tlnk) Miogr's Se.isl No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division I (Year)

I 9_Z7 and Addcnda to _SJ __ ( !8 __.. and Code Case Nos. -- Special Service porUG-120(d)1 L . P1r This rData Rep.ort- S*e Remark RB.-!-ow Manufacturcrs' Partial Data Reports proprl yidentilied and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: IN/A Nome.55 Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. . 10 .- G-, ftThk. -55 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. ft ._3kin.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. (V,' __N Jed, __SJL Doit. Sngl, Lap. B R.T. _Uot/A ap1.Bun') o Full)

(SýPct 0. u Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. --- F Time -... * Girth -No_WeldingPp.formid R.T. No. of Courses -- I,(Wuldod., Lbl. Sngl Lap. Bur.) (Spot, Parti , or Full)

8. Hbads: (a) Material .A. 1-82--130_4 (b) Matrial SA182-F304 (Spot- No., Grade) (Spec. No., Gredl)

Loc,-Ion Mi, Corr. Crown Knucldo Elhle. Conicel Han-aph. Flat Side to Pres.ore (Top, Botion,. ndsl thk. A;Iow. ladwis Radius Ratio Ape. Angle Radius D;arn. (Convex or} (a) o2237__ - Fathhead_ (b) ottom 2. _ 723__

                                                                                                                                                      ,230           FlaIa the__

If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Matereal. Spec. N r.GSize. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -- 001. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -_ - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number 1101'lP Size -- - Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nora. Reintorcoi.nent How finlet. Oulet. Drain) No. or Size TV;., Mail. Thtr. Mall. AtneChed Location _Gas__Port... _1_ _J 5" .S SotFi no* _30455_-_I _1560_ N_ np Bonl-ts_(s) tm.

      .Mater_Pororl                         9.7"___Sp1_Ltt Eln_                            -3455__ 2.O0. _ Nne                                               aollts_(4L) Jop
12. Supports: Skirt .. No--. Lugs ... Legs __ Other Attached (Yes or no) INo0.) No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: _Compl.ete_.lechanica.lA-setMily with NoWe1ded_Jn~ts
      .i the6ugh A-Di fferenti al..Pres sure Exs.istson ePachside of..-the. Internal. PiIstot.a..,

the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically. tested with the .Piston.removed..-

      . he Hydro.Test pressure is based .on-the.higher design pressure...

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detals of design. material. construction, and

    .orlkinanship of this vessel conform to the A IM ode for Pressure Vessels. S p                                                      livi~ion 1.

1titI/l Date .9-71G-7 7 g General lectricCo. -b L"'L -  ; ___ Sligned/. r (Representetivei "U" Certificate of Authorizaion No. 10.572 ....... expires uine 10, _ ... 19__Z8-. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company ....... at Wilmington, N.CQ...... .. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of '. Carolina .. and employed by Dept of. Labor...... have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers" Data Report on..... 19 ... ., and state that, tu tile best of my knowlecge and beliuhf the M~ianufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Sechon VIII. Division 1. By s,gnlng Ihis certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ermnloyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or properly damage or a loss of any kind alsing f-r,, .r rlticted r this inspectiono 5" S.ined - '- ItisoncrerV, ate at 4///7 723 PA. (Nat Deoiud. State, SommissioC vC1766,.Ohioo fvac and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 103 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manu'factured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type \,' r rrtca1 ___C0315

{Migr's Serial No.) ICRN) 1O5.DES(Drawing8G30-11 No.) N/R (Nat'l Brd No.) (Yeer Built)'.. 9 . (Horiz. or vert. tank)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19e7-4.. end Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. .*SBA.--O.z..-B.--'Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth." 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses - (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot. Partial. or Full) 8.'Heads: (a) Material S,-182-F304 u_(b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Loca*ion Mi. C t. Crown Knuckle Eaiapta Conical He.-niph. Flat Side to Preseure (Top. Borton. Endsl Thk Allow. Radiu Redius kz o Apex Angle Radius Dierm. )Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5" Flnrhpid (b)_ Bottom - ___2 5T-r -. Flathend If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .f50-1 1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spae. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure. 2100 psi at max. temp. 4.01f"1 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nkoin ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Non. Reintot ernt How Onre Oujtlet. Drnlri No. or Site Type Mail. Thk. Mot. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.UbU NrneP tYRn (4) ot-tom. Water Port 1 .97- Split Flng. 30455 -- 3U None RnIrq (4) Tp

12. Supports:Skirt _NO Lugs Legs Other ._Attached (Yea or no) (No.) INo.)

IDeNcri be I (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly WitnhNo Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with tle__.2iston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher desjT n pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of desig jhmnterialnS

  • ction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section Vill._ 1.I Date 2-7-79 Signed General Electric Co. by .

(Manufacturerd Represe atyete "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10 , 972 expires June , 801 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National'Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of (n.._.nCaoi Ja..... and emp!oyed by _.Det Of La bor - have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 2-7 19 7_a__, and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neilher the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, coPhcerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his em r shall be liable in any manner for.any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisina 'n on K,~b',with~it -,nspection. Signed a __ *Comm2-779issions L_77-79 NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohi4 S ged h'f...-CJ../2A~~Zf. -Dat 27 9 ommissions .............. "__.... ___ ..

                                /1     Inspealo00                                                                                  "TNalIr Board. State. Province and No.)

M'761 I,# VI This fnfr Irutrt7S may he obhainar

                                                  ..... ......
  • W wI 'I .... * .. .........


                                                                                               ... the .......
                                                                                                    ...... Order Dept           .v- ..... 345. ..C. 47th
                                                                                                                          *,.w .ASME                   ........ St m.....

New York. NY. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 48 OF 397 ro,"Im. U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REFO)1T FORl PRESSURE VESSELS (Altorna3te Form for Single Chanmh3r, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASN1E Code Rules, Section ViII, Division 1 1.-Manufactured by lE 1ec tr. cCoapalnyQ.0.BQxii7_h80, ,.nera on]Jl N.17 _ _n,

2. Manufactured for 3ni_..,&__A bov_ ._
3. Location of Install-tion _"_ . .... _ __.
4. Typz eLriti C&i
              ,'Horiz. or vnrt. tank)

_.1-o.8.33.. (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) _3 S6133G.0Q 5N (Dr5minU No.)

_I/R (Nat'l Ord No.)

(Year Built) -9.7-7

5. The chemical and physical properties cf all ps,-ts moot the requirements of m3tcrial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and worknanship conform to ASME Ruies, Section VI;., Division 1 19144 and Addenda to ._S 7_5. - and Code Case Nos. -

(eear) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) _ AsP.ris_ Data Repor~t - &SeJePemar"*Lse_ Iow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rl identified rnd signed by Commissioned Inspec--ors hays been furnished for the following items of the report: I1 At, Norm. Corr. 2

6. Shel::%a:.__5-106 -Gr. Q ..Thk.-.55 in._Allow... in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3L ft ..-38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. UA lq lM~e..d. DbI Snrl. .Lap. Bur)
                                                            - R.T.          Anm___

(Spot or Full) Efficiency --

                                                                                                                                     % H.T. Temp.            --         F Time --               .hr Girth         No Wn..elding).erPfprmTei (W.elded. Obl. Sngl, Lap, Burt)                                           R.T.         (PLP                             No. of Courses               -
0. Heads: (a) Material - !SA-I 8?-_34 (b) Material S-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spoe. No., Grade)

Loc.ation Min. Corr. Crown K.uckla Ellipiae Conic~el Henrnirp. rFla Sida to Pre isure (Top. Borro.-r. Enl) Thk. Alto-. Rediu. RadkI. RPai-: Apex An,~Ie kadJi. aimin. (Convex or Concave) (a) -T ) 2.5 -r 23DFaL W aahd (b)Bottom 275 7.2&- Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-1 3 Bol ts-ASi E-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) IMisterin)I Spec. N G, Sit. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -,vu F. Min. temp. (whon less than -20 Fl -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number HUOE! Size -- - Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Oiem. Noom. Reinforcement How Onlet. Outlet. Dra-n) No. or Size Type Mall. Tnk. Mail. Anachod LocetiCn 115' ýPor.*L pl-iFlng_30455__._L_60 -N nennl olt _Laottm. a__Lae r.r*t- .97 _ Sp]it F_1lnrg .130A5.5.-___l3 Lo1nen 0 BnltsI tT 4

12. Supports: Skirt -NO- Lugs . Legs Other .Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (Do.)

Describe) (Where end how)

13. Remarks: ---Comple-te-2echa nca1-As-semb]t-.:iLh-No-We-..ecdd-J. is AlethougKhADi fferentiaK-Pressure. Exsists. on each side of-the ..Internal-Pis-ton, tfiC.Accumulator Cylinder._is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed.--

TheHyd-roTest based on. the higher. design pressure,--- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det:,ilslof d9 sign. n').aterial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor rrto the A MNT ode for Pressure Vessels. Senid*-)Wlll.'-Pivisidn" 1. Date -- 87-25-:- 7.7. Signed General Lfectric Co ..... by.

l. .. t.arrufeturet
                                                                                    .         )                                       1                   (ROpresentarive)
 "U" Certificate of Authorization No..                         10,572 ...                        ....            e.pires June 10,                                                    9 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company                                                                      at    Wilmington, N.C.

I. the undersigned, holding a valid connmrnissin issued by the National Board of Boi:er and Pressure Vessol Inspectors and or the State or Province of N . Carolina and employed by Dept of Labor . have inspected the pressure vessel described ii this N inuff)ituerTs' Data Report on - 25 19 7 7 , and state that. to the best of my know!odge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section Vill, Division 1. By signinfi this certificate lrt.,iti the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied. co:icerning the pressure vessel doscribed in tVie hanifacturers, Data Report Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his CIn;npryer shallte liable in any nianner fur any 3 erscial injury or property damage or a loss or sny kind I !*i,.::..ngt r d v 'J/ i s rnspeO cton7 S.dn "

  • _/-tice 8-25-77 Com-nissioir,.723, PA. WC1766. Ohio
                               *,    Ii .                                                                                                       trr'[Boaed.      State. Irr:wvrnco and No I TIhS If.-    IF L'017l       -,   I   --         -   -.-..         ' 0(.    . -. D- -    A Crri    341 F.!7,,     5,    N -   Y~r     NY 10017


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit I Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-006 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oraanization P.O. No Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive/ ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B3 1.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Cede National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/3007 General Electric Old 3307 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0086 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3407 General Electric Old None N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0324 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3807 General Electric Old A3560 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1697 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4207 General Electric Old A3304 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New C0227 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3411 General Electric Old A3176 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H1473 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4611 General Electric Old A3657 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0921 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "G".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt EL Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-006 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P Oto. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive/ ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/5011 General Electric Old A3371 N/A N/A 1977 Removed] Yes New H0937 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5415 General Electric Old A3514 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0363 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5823 General Electric Old A3378 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1941 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5831 General Electric Old A3656 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1669 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5431 General Electric Old A3512 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0712 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BW R-6 water accumulators on Bank "G".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt [E Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-006 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed d, 151 Program Engineer Date 6,20 Owner or owner'a Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of and employed by HSB CT of H~rtford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S- Z--* 1_o _) ra to - -'7'T .. I7) "I , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures- described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. I V-\~ ýŽ lnspec~tor's Signature Commissions --ýk m National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date 20 UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHGO PAGE 294 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternote Form for Sin, 1le Chamber, Comp~otoly Shop-Fnbricle,d Vesscls Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Sdction ViII, Di;.ision 1 I. Manufactured by)a General Electric Cam ay. P,0. Bo.8_ _M lrnnon. N.C.

2. Manrufaciured for -S.MP e..as__ALsovp
3. Location of Installa'tion
4. Type _ertiCcaL_ . H0086 T5.)

M,.gr' SerSal (CRN) _lD-5i-3-8.- (Drwing hNo.) iZ-(N at')Brd 0lt/.R E No.) (Year Dult)- 1 9-Pltoriz. or vart. tank)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, arid workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1
     ]39.14_        and Addenda to                           __       and a.. Code Case Nos.               - -

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120:d) As__Per This Dlata-R eport. - See RerMa_Ks_Be]_.ow _ Manufacturers' Partial Dlta Reports prop ,rly identifi9d and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: r//A Norm Corr.

6. Sh8ll:Matl. SA-106 Gr. B Thk- ._55 in. Allow.... in. Diam. _._7 in. Lgth. 3. ft 2_.38. in.

ISpfc. No., Gru*e)

7. Seams: Long. A_/A-S ._-mLDe-s,- R.T.-J*A *_ Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (welded, Dbl. !ngl, Lap, BunI (Spot or Full)

Girth Nlo 'LiLediiag_2e-rf.ormed R.T. -- - No. of Courses -- (,velCod, Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Bun) (Spoat Patti, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material SA- 1 Fflý4 (b) Material SA182-F304 (Spec- Ijo.. Grade) (Spcc. No.. Grade)

Loca.on Min. Corr. Crown Knuickle Etipe Conical Heweph. Flat Side to Prprn*sure ((Top. eortom, Ends) Rad~uo Radzu Rarso Apex Angle Radius Dism. (Convex or Concave) (a) i~~2.5_ _2.t~ TlLk. 5" Allo..

                                                                                                                                       ...323-Ealea 2 3(1_El~at ked__

Ib) bottom 2. 7. 230 Fl ead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bo I ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Spl i t Fl anges (4) (Materiel. Spec. N ,Gr Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. ' _u

_ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preirmatic. or combination test pressure 3-200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Doi Norm. Reinfcorment How (nlet. Outlet. Dre;.r) No. cr S':e Ty.o Marl. ThL Mell. Atteched Locstior, _G aPs.r-t_ _J 755. i t-_ F_1 ng.3 _Q4 55_ 6_0Q___lo n Ro

                                                                                                                                                    &1l          4 ) Rottm.
      .__WtJer_1lortl _ £9_"___piE1__g- 3_0455                                                                .30 0             one_             _Jls__I)ITp
12. Supports: Skirt ...No.._ Lugs -. .Legs ____ Other Attched Aa______

(Yes or no) INo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)

13. Remarks: --Comp] ete__t4echani-cal-_Assemb3-ly-LthNo-Wae-1ded-.Ji nts A-lthough _each__side of.mthe InternaL.Pi toa, the Accumulator Cylinder-is Hydrostatical ly- tested with the Piston -removed-

_. The Hydro Test priessure_,is pressure,. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details. of d~eign, palaterial, construction, end workmanshipof thisese)confr~rtotheA M Code for Pressure vessels, S cti rr.VJl _9iviion1. D ate _ . -7 . S igned e n e r el. l e c t r ic C o . bC'- IManufaclurer) (Reprosentstivel "U'" Certificate of Authorization No . .10,572__ expires .. Lune_10, 19 78. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Company . at Wilmington,.N,C_.... I, the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province ot N. Carolina . and employed by Dept .of..Labor-..... have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Drata Rpnnrt n....a.... ..... ,-!'. to the best of rry knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Dwisicn 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ft -,V.oyer shall be hIrblc in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind anr~s~rW r,, or "'"rL:.t h this inspection.

                                <..     ......                                 ate                7/*/Commissio,ýC723, tPA . I-C 17 6 6,                            Oh io
                                                      ; , ;r                                                                   t           aid. State. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 91 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilrmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V icA1_i C0324 D 3 6 GO00 1 'I;/R (Year Built)197k9 N1oriz. or vart. tank) ('s Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.I (Na:'l erd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1
           ...-- and Addenda to                   S'   75             and Code Case Nos.                    __--

Near) (Oatel Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Rezarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!/A Nom. Corr. 6.AShell:Mat. - 6 Thk .5. 5 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3 f, 2.38 in. (Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA Sea*S,_255.. R.T. N/A Efficiency %H.T. Temp. .*..._F Time -- hr
                        . (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Bun)                 (Spot or Full)

Girth No Wbllding Perfor-,ed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses --

   -                                 .   (Walded. Oil. Srgl, Lap. Butt)                                                    (Spot. Partial, or Full)

B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F 384 (b) Material Sa-l82-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) Locstion M;n. Cr',. crown Kn dcje ElhI)o coruc..1 Han,'t&prr Fiat Side to Prersaure (Top. Booaon . Endol ThL Allo" RIadius Rbdius RitiO Ape. Ajr;ie ,adrrug Oi/,. Dim ..feo- or caonlcuel (a) Top 2.5" __7 _ 230 EaMbpri (b) Bottom 2.5T  ; thLd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) , 50- 13 Bolts-AS....-SA!,93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec- No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . I". F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number IN= ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diiam Nc- fleinomcwtrev H~o-Dntl., O ,Dmain) ptle No. or site Type M81t. Tilk. Mel. . Ana.hed Location Gas Port 1 75" Split Flng. 3045 4b . nn P 1Rnztq (4)sBotom. Water Port 1 7 Split Fng 30455 130nr (4) Tp

12. Supports: Skirt N* .. Lugs - Legs Other -_Attached (Yea or no) (No.) o)eocriel (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical1 Assembly witnho Welded Joints.

Althouph A Differential Pressure Exists on each side ofC th'.einternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically testea with 11e Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all de I of desgn., mterial, construction, and workmanshio this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S n ,"s; I 1. Date /3 7 9 Signed Cpnerql Flertric Co. b re e (Menur fnot,r,,) enadnor "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10,572 expires . June -10, ,19 8 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at ',Iilington. N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of L..- -,..qrxolIa..- n and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on -1'123 19 79., and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessol described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nchis emg.[oyr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising 5r" v.tl11,N ins pection.NC73,P.116, Signed Dale Commissions NC

                                                                                                                                           'C1766, 723,         Pa.                       Ohi covmc                                                                8   tndet     s              en    N
                                                                  .       ..      ........                      ,.,,.,         r!       AMF        Il,4   F 47tN St. New York. N.Y. 10017

f. PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 277 OF 302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Codo Rules, Section ViII, Division I 1.Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above 3, Location of Installation 4.Type Wp-tical H1697 05f,6138G001 N/R (Year Built) -1978 Piornz orverl tank) (Mfgra Serial No.) ICRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.9-7"l.eand Addenda to . 75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report : See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: INA Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-1O1_ Gr.B ,Thk. .55 In. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A Sea ,_nless R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.TTenp. (Welded. Obl. Sngl, Iap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth Nn I.:e(ling Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses --- (Welded, DbloSngl. Lap, Butt (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Materiel Sa-182F3U4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Loceaion MIn Ccrr. Crown Knuckle Ellps. Conical Hernlaph. Fiat Side to Pressure (Top. aorie.-n,Ends) Th. Allow. Rfadius Radius Ratio Ap*r Angle Radius Diare. {Corvex or concave) (a) Top 2.5" 1112 t hend (b) Bottom

  • I.3U p thpd tf removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .*fl-13 Bolts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. L.oo. F. Min. temp. (when 2

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumstic, or combination test pressureS 00. psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.fon .ize -- _ Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose D0rna' Nomn. Renforcame nt How OnraLOutlet. Dsal) No. or Size Type Madl. Thk. Mal. At.ached Locattion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln 055 'l.6O Non e. Rnlr L.nttom. (a...-4) Water Port 1 .9-7 Split Flng. 30455 1- 390 None oBl t Lq()TJP 12- Supports: Skirt .O Lugs - Legs - Other CAttached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.(Where nd how)

13. Remarks: -- - -Complete Mechanical Assembly with o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. Thp N-vrrn Tept nressure is based on the higher design press,,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail o de ,. erial, construction, and workmans ip~o*})Svessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se io [ýotV

                                                                                                                                    'isi      1.

Date ,i 'o/'o Signed reneral Elecrric Co. by ,lerXn4zatiV -JI? (Manufacturerl *Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                           10,572                               expires                             108.                , 19June 198L       -

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmcington. N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N- rrol inn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 7/13 19 7-.. and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer hcs constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector pr his emplo } shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising..m Sind! .ml'cont

ý ozDate wi th t( inspection . 7/./7
                                                                                  .//13/78             commissions             _ic-2.A.W1                       6,O         O

_ Dnapt_'C mo)aCn ll Board. Stale. Province and No.) r11,76) This form (EOOl171 may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG6 PAGE 85 OF 115 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required- by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. LocationVPr
4. Type of Installation tiral ..__a2 *2 7_._ ,_QM)L1_38G_ / (Year Built) _.1979 (oloz. ot vert. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII. Division 1 2

I_*$ L. and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. - OcarT (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr. 8-70 h.

6. Shelh:Mati..--SA-_.106 Gr, B Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 2.38 in.
  "N                      (Spec. No., Grade)
7. Seems:Long. N/A Seamless. R.T. NIA Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp.. -.- ___F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)
   ,Girth No W1elding Performed                                                                        R.T.              --                       No. of Courses           --

(Welded. Obl. Sngl, LapeBunt) (Spot. Partial, or Full) 82

8. Heads: (a)Material -1I -F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Location Min. Cor. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conrical Henisph. Flat Side to Prmsure (Top. Bottomn.Ends) Th Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radium Diem. (Convex or Coneave) ra) Top 2.5" '*7_r2n h (b) Bottom 2.55r/ FlnthepAd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5(nn.-j' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.) for Split Flanges (4)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . LfC F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydroslatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nonize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

purposa Diem. Note. Reinforcement Now Onlet Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Malt. ThL Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 i..UbU Nnnp BRol t (4) EBnttom. Water Portl .97" Split Flng. 30455 1.300 innp 1nltq (4) Topi

12. Supports: Skirt No._..._. Lugs Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.1 (*e crih) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the hig pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all doe of des' mat ral. construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, cti "ý,. io . Date _/L23/79 Signed Cpneral Flecrric Co. (Manufacturerl b (1Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                           10,572                              expires                     June          10         ,         19_8 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby                         General Electric Co.                                       at                           Wilmington.                   N. C.

1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of ___L*...Larnl ina___ and employed by Of Labor -pt have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on _____23 19 _19., and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vill, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector ý his em YJ'ypshall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any ri_-A Datee DateCommissions

                               - ,'-      .pecioro                                                                           -'T* ,'i Boird. State. Province and No.1
76) Thi, form (ED01t7) may be obtained from tho Order Dept.. ASIdF. 3.45 E. 4?th St. New York. N.Y. ID017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 82 OF 214 FORM U-IA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamher, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provln)ons of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vill, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company. P.O. Box 780. WilmingtanN.C. _
2. Manufactured for _ S*amp. Ahnyve
3. Location of lnrtallgition ____
4. Type ..Verc.*c IL. HV-47.3---- N 2 RG /R..., (Year Built) 1 9W7 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Naf'l Bid No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all ports meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 M9J4 - and Addenda to _-,L - and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Da*e) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Par This Data Rppnrt - ;PP RPmArks R)'Lc _ Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop ~ly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Nom. M 55 Corr.

6. Shell:Mat). SA-106 Gr. 3B Tm , in. Allowr . .. in.Diam* 8.70 in.Lgth.- ft 2.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. J!ASEamJS& R.T. JLA Efficiency %H.T. Temp. -F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl, Lcp, Bun) ()po0: or Fulil Girth Na WeldinI Pprfnr b.Sngl1,
                                           -(Welded,                 , Lap, Bun)                                R.T.      (o         t, or Full        No. of Courses           --

(Sot Psý ,o 8F

8. Heads: (a) Material SA-182-F.3n4 (b) Material SA-Y82-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. cowrn Knuckle EllipAA Conical Hiamiph. Flat Side to Pregsure T J op. Bortom. Ends) - rhk. AJ1ow. Rad.~u Radius Reiho Apea Angl. Rodlus Diem. (Comnex or Conctae) To 2.75"2h-a (b) Bottom II __.El*_t] _._23 aLd - If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500- 13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Sp i t Fl aneas (4) (Material, Spec. N .0 Brd Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
                                                                             -- _ Location                  -_-_ -
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ND-11a Size
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nonn. Rainforcemrnn How fnlet. OulieL Drainl No. or Size Typo MarL Tth.L Mtil. A.itched Location

               ... r. t__l ....           7Z__Sp"
                                                    .               jJ"ntIi-Fine...1f~

F455 a

  • 1.60 Nnnp Nn Rr)o I ts__1 __nttm.

Q~S4>4~tm _Water Port 1 __.97 .t3F1455 _1.1_300 None Bfolts-4

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yea or no) INo.) INo.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks:---Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Uelded Joints; A~tho_uwgh_A___D_*freal
        *,-                                                       Press.ure En~ists nn Parh s-ide-G+/- the__intexmna~l_.__st~on-,

e_.AccSuu atoS -_Cylinde-s--_ydr-o a a-I!y tested-with--te-P-istol--r*emoved.-

    *i      Dh yAM Jtest                   rPqcri                 ibs- ased-on-tbe-h4gher--Js-gn-pressure_                                                                           - .-

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements mcde in this report are correct and that all deta f d _n.Jr/§terial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrrLto the ASME rode for Pressure Vessels, S9 t.i Date -Sined uenera I lectric Co. b7 -J

                                                                                                                                    'Y       '1          --

Signe Nanufa ctur or) (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No..___X.52                                                                expires         u-n._ d 10-,19_-za-..
                                                                                                                                             .e CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Company                                                                    atWi1 m* on. NC I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of _N{___C.EO3i--L.-                                         and employed by Dept of Ll                          /ff 7ave inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on                                                                                     -         , and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector or his emp*,¥'p; shall I liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisir.g 5                  I'OT*,         w          is inspection.                                                    . 1 3                     W Signed                          ._ -61nspecto8                                 Dote(-5/c26/78- CommissiorJ723,__erd               (Not BtEoard, State.WCl Province6.,_0hio__

and No.) if76) Th.s form EOI0117)may be obrained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 3.45 E. 47th SL, New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG1 PAGE 74 OF 257 FORM U.1A MANUFACTUR1ERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabric-qtod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Coda Rules, Section VII., Division 1

1. Monufacturod by General Electric Co an/,__P.__ Box 780,_0il. 1-ng N.C-
2. Manufactured for _Saje..__.aS.A b.P
3. Location of Install tion 1._I( B
4. Type _*. ca_ H__ . (Year Built)19-7-7 (Horiz. or vCrt. tank) 1M0gr'aS erial No.) (CF114) !Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     ]_,92L and Addenda to ..ii7.5                                   and Code Case Nos.                    --

(Year) (Dat() Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per Thi_._Data Reprit -_ SeeRemark _F.eIow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items.of the report: MA Nom. _5 Corr. 03 t -

6. SheII:Matl._SA-105 Gr. B Thk..55 in. Allow..... -in. Diam. 8.7 -in Lgth. 3 ft .38 in.

ISpec- No.. Grsde)

7. Seams: Long. SL R.T. _WLA._ Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -=- F Time - m hr (Weolded, ObW,Snl, Lop. Bufl (Spot or Futl Girth ___No__ __gPexfor led R.T .... __ No. of Courses --

(Welded, bi, Sngf, Lap, Bunl) (Spot, Paniol. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material ___SA-1*_ 4 F*f__F (b) Materialf A-!82-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Lt.ocaion mi. Corr. Crowni Knuckle Eiiphe Corical Hernisph. Flat Side to Preiaure (Top, Botorni. Ends) Thk. Allow. RAdius Azad.u. Ratio Apex Angle Radius Dirnt. (Conrex or Concave} (a otP _ 2.51 __?a.s Fathpad (b) Bottom 2.5 7,230 _athead If removeble, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flangqes (4) (Material, Spec. Ný. Gr, Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure- 2100 psi at max. temp. 400 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3--U"-' psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nonle. Size - -- Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Ditm. Norm. Reintorcemnent How tnie. Outlet. Drain) No. ot Size Type Mail. ThlL Mail. Attached Location _G asso2.rL__ -1 5'"'__SplJiE.In g 30 45 5- __O f060___1N o nP B o.is2_ 4.LBo_ tin. _W aIr____P~ort1- ___9_7'__plitFlng._3.0455- 1 .3Q0.0 _on a __ _Bole-_t & Tp

12. Supports: Skirt -- NO-. Lugs ... Legs ... Other -Attached (Yes orno) bI leo.) INo.) (Describe) (Wiere end how)
13. Remarks: -CompleteMechan-ia. As-embs---t.-24o-l~eAlded-J*n Al though.A Differential Pressure Exsists on each.-side of._the Internal_-iston, T--e Accumulator Cylinder ,is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed-.-

__The. Hydro. Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure.--- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detaiJ of fcr.ipn,icnaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrto the AS Nir ode for Pressure Vessels. S k,'ll ' ivision 1. Date 10-12-77 Signed benelral ectric Co..... bJk 12,-1...LL/L1?LLC. No. . '0 Manufcture) expires e 10 (un.Represenitative)

  "'U"Certificate of Authorization CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General El ectric Company                                                           at Wli lmi ngton, N.C.

1, the undersigned, holding a valid comnmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N. Carolina and employed by Dept of Labor. have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manuficture~s' Data Renori on //-, lq' enr , o, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1, By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermo~e, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising bar n rr ',.r lI h this inspection. S. %t, Dale //- /- 7 7ComniissioiJ" 723 PA. IC 765, Ohio lhl~;r~l,,,,rl l~tuNott oard. Slutu. Iruv~rie ard No.) (I1"T6; ~I 7G1fir'm- lEOO 1 171 miaeyhe II fiS r rhn Orri-. 1)-i oll, Ir Ir~ . ArS FAL. 34, d7ll, SI. N-. York. NY. roor17

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 45 OF 257 FOR9M U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternatet Form for Single Chamber, Comp!etely Shop-Fobricated VGssels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cod- Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by . ral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _N.Prt_-i* c ___,09*__ CN 1_5_D__138_G0_01 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (H-riz. or veo . tanO) (Mtfgr's Serial N'o.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Srd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 l.-7.L- and Addenda to -_S 75 end Code Case Nos. -

(Y'eer) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the fol:owing items of the report: N/ A Nom Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. .. ,.A,-_.t06_r,___,hk. .55 in. Allow. _ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3__ in.

(Spec. No., Grada)

7. Seams: Long. . _A_.Seaml.s.s.. R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- _ hr (Welded. DoI. Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No WPlcd nglexfo_r_med (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lop. Bu"l R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Materiel Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location MW. Core. Crown Knuckle Elliple Conical Hemriph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, SO.toorn. End.l Thk. Allow. RadiuB Radius Raio p.AexAngle Radius Diem. (Convex or Concave) () Top 2. 5'~ __________________ .3 1-e~ (b) Bottom 2. 5r If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)

  • 5fl-] '* Bolts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) 9.Constructed formax. allowable working pressure 2100 (Materiel. Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.1 psi at max. temp. 4if. . F. Min. temp. (when 320 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pr-oumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safey Valve Outlets: Number .... &on.Eize -- _ Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. N on. Reinforcement How Outlet. Ora;n) No. or Sire Type Mall. Thk. Mail. Artached Location Gas Port 1 .75". Split Fl 30455 1.06U NnnR n1t- (4) ot-tom. Water Port 1 9Fr Split F.4 None Ban_ s (4 TopL

12. Supports: Skirt ._.QY Lugs Legs Other - Attached (Yee or no) (No.) (No.J (*)e scri (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with ,o Welded Joints.

___AlrhoughADifferential Pressure _Exists on eachT_ e of.Lh n.D1 Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is I}vdrostatically ftested Piso . .a..ed. T-h-e--Hvyr.o*o**--t preqssure is based on t-he ]ihe de-sig ppress,,re-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detailof deign.I terial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S ction Vll ivison 1. Date 10 77- _ Signed _ G aenraL Elect -ric__ bX _Ropresentati - e_ (Manufacturer) Jun Ropresentative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                            10Q,572-                              expires                               10-            .. ,       8......

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by ...... General _Electriim*.c__ Co. at ___ imin__[L, N. C I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of .... _Caroli£na1.. .. and employed by Dept Of l*abor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manutacturers' Vata Report on .... ..- /. _ / '_ ,- to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has construclec this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employor shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising ftTm A coniY"tn*d witt.iýis inspectionC 723.o]A. Signd / v ICommissions 723t r,"atll', finatd. Sil*t. WC1766r province-an-d O1110 No.)-

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 97 OF 257 FORIA U-1A rANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (A!tornate Form for Single Chambor, Completely Shop-Fabricnttd V'csel: Only) As Requirod by the Provisions of the ASME Coda Ru!e3, Section V)i1, Divi3ion 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. BOx ZO_,_JJI nO..'.-L_C_.
2. Manufactured for c.,__. ADPŽ .hvp
3. Locaticn of Install.tion
4. Type AlextA..*. L.

0"ioriz. or vert. tank) 10363 (Mfgr's Serial No.) _____D___]_8__ (Crf.N) TeaNr (Drawing No.)

                                                                                                                                       .l (Nat' Brd No.)

Built) 19.7-7

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Vii, Division 1 1974 and Addenda to ______and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) __ As PerThis.__ta1RPpnrt -ePp pmarks ReIewO Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propnrA,'identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: -__ Nom. 5 Corr.

6. Shell:MatI. 5A-l0G Gr. B Thki -. *- in. Allow. .. .. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth.__3__ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A R.T. _NA-. Efficiency %H.T. Temp. -- F Time __.____hr (Wvelded, Db!, Sngl. Lap, Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth .- [o W.1 ing_[_ fnr nPrH _ R.T. (pL-__________ No. of Courses -- i(Welded, bbl, Sngl. Lap, Butt) ISpot PartIl r Fll

8. Heads: (a) Material SA-182-F304., (b) Material 79-180-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Loation Mir. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Hmnlspr. Flat Side to Pressure (rop. Boano-. Endal Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Angle Rediu Dieam. (Convex of Cone.enel (a) -O pP 2757 ___ _22._D Flathead (b) Bottom - 7.230 Flathead If removable, bolts usud (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Spl i t Flanges (4) (Materiel, Spec. N Gr S::e. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. * . F.. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydroitatic, proumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nflfe Size -- Location - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diom. No,-r. Reinocarn~era How OnloL Cutlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Matl. Th. Mar]. Attached Location Gas ntr_2n . 25 itLEl FnQ__30455-5 _ 1fln Nonne _ QztS ) t.m, Wate WrP I_ -* __1 t1100 I'IU1na 045 None BDoLt& Th

12. Supports: Skirt ---NOcL._ Lugs Legs ___ Other Attached (Yes or no) TNoT) I (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Comp!le~te_ 1e aPinca-l-Assemb-ly-witb_ NO Weldead oints Al th OubADji .f-f-erentialr-essur-e_£.stisflnl .._eac-si de- of-thelnternalPiPton, te ,ccuu.I. a.tor_.Cy]_.fnde-r-i-sydr-os-tati ca.l-lytes.ted-with-the -is ton-removed-.--

h-yLe__ rD.e.*_presssu ra ej_& _baased-con-the-h4 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta/*sfesign.f(naterial, construction, and workmanshio .e tbis.,vessel confor to the ASMIfode for Pressure Vessels. S& c i,-qjvlg*sn vti I. Date -lb- Signed Genera Electric Co. b*____ M-1 __" Signd - -- Manufactur-er .Represantative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             1_0,5722                                       expires _-_    ,un_--0.                   .                          8_

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION GeneralI El ectric Comop-any at-___Qn, Vessel made by _e e c om_ an_ .. _ at 3WiIitin, __. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors anc'or the State or Province of na____ and employed by Dept QfLabor have inspected the prtussuro vessei described in this Manufacturers' Data Repon on _ -. 192* and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division I. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any a.erranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described anthe Manufacturers' Data Repolt. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal iniury or prcporty damage or a loss of any kind erisin *rrr c ected ý/,h this inspection. .i. lT S. Signed .- *_.* 4,- --r"- . " n pectr .Dae

                                                     ...........     . -a
                                                                        .       ... Dhio-o."     /- #,7Commissicn"                        723. PA,.WC?66--. S*te. Prownc a nd NO                  "

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 85 OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT.FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Aerni-te Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division I

1. Manufactured by necri Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for (ýeneral E ectric Co., San Jose, Ca. (NEBG)
3. Location of Installation 9 4.Type V'rtfarlr H1941 I 05D6138G001 N/R (Year Built)197_
              "oriz. or vart. tank)        IMfgr's Serial No.)            (CRNI                 (Drawing No.)            (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 q 7-2.- and Addenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos. --

Year) l(Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shefl:Matl. RA-l30 Cr. B k.Th -55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3_ t 2.38 in.

(Spec. N~o..Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N!A Sea-mless R.T. N/A Efficiency --- %H.T. Temp.___ . Time __- r (WVelded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welring- (Welded. Performed Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Bur) R.T. -- No. of Courses _- (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-18 2 -F304 (b) Material Sa-182-FI04 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Locirtion Mif. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipee corncal Honrapk Flat Side to Pressure r(op. Sortom. Endal Thk Allow. RAdius Radius Ratio Ape*x Agle Rldius . Oiarn. (Cowse or corncvel (a) Top 2.5" 7- Fl o head (b) Bottom -:-2.357r I---.U Flothpar If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .5 -n- ' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. Lnn F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressurs320Q . psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ...Non ,J ize -- Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose DOamn. Norn. Reinforcemntrd How aniet. Outletr Drain) No. ao Size Type Met. Th. MPtl. Atuichad Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.0bU Nnl P Bolt-sq (4) Bottom. Water Pot i1 97" Split Flng. 30455 .3U0 - Nnnp - R * . (4) Toip

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs -. Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.l (No.) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wi t*o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each Side of the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston renoved. Thp hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all de i" of siA;..materr , construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. ecti n . i/,on Date 3-7-79 Signed coneral Flpctric Co. b____________ (Menufacturer)l (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                         10.572                             expires                   June                               ,19 I

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Eoiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N C(nrnl in and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 3-7 19 7-.9._- and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nis p reqhallITbe lIible in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ari.sngX o.nn ,ilh th.tspection. Me. '. ') I "e, It 7y_ r & SignedDate -_______ Dte'i3 7 7 C oRison o." TNI State. Province and No.) Th;, forr (1001l17i mty be cb',ined ?ýom the Order Doet.. A.SME. 3.45 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 134 OF 302 FORM U MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOF IESSURE VESSELS (Altcmate rrm for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-F -ioricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vili, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby .anra Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation _
4. Typo __crt Hi 66_99 I05D6138G001 N/R (Year Built) _19_8 iodz. or vert. tank) (Mwfr'v Saeial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properlies of all parts meet the requirements of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1324- and Addenda to - S' 753 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Data) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: NIA Nom. Corr.

6. Shall: Matl.--A10 6 C.---,Th k .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3._ft 2.38 in.

(Spe-. No.. Grada)

7. Seams: Long._.*._N_/Sa _R.T...iLK.....

N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp.. Time -- _hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full) Girth _No 1elding PerforTn*e.d R.T. -- No. of Courses -- IWelded. Dbl, Sngl, Lop, Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full) Heads: (a) Material Sj-!82-F304 (. (b) Material -Sa-182-F304 (Sp.HdNo., Grade) (Spae. No., Grade) L ication pin. cocr. cro rn Knuckle Ellipse Con:cal Hemilph. Flat Side to Preseur, (Top. Borror, End.-) Thk. Allow. RIdius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (comnoxaor (a) Tcp 2.5" T75 7..239-1.2"U Flathead F7 theZd (bI Bottom If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _f500 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Mrterial, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. A lnn F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumetic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .NnSize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Porn. Reinforcement Hoe Onlest Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Mett. Thk. Mail. Attashed Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.0b0 Nnn( Bnlts Bn.tom. LTtVe Port l 7 9T Split Flng.3 0 NnnU FinITJ (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt _J.Q._ Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) 1 (Where and how) 1
13. Remarks: Complete Mfechanical Assembly w ftlh o Welded Joints.

_....Atou. A Differential Pressure Exists or, each side of the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. __Thepvdro Test Dressure is based on the higher design pressrp I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We cerify that the statements made in this report are correct and that ell deth*,l fd*__.p rr/terial, construction, and workmanshiplofthvessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sc 1 oi vj. 1. *si Date /5/7 Signed Ceneral Flirectric Co. bm -/,-'&Z (Manufacturer (Repre.sentative)

  "'U" Certificate of Authorization No.                        10,572                               expires                   June 10,                       , 19 1L CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel made by                      General Electric                   Co.                    at                          Wilnington, N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N.

                                                    %'_        rrnl -nq          and employed by D- -t of Labor                                   have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Dnta Report on -.                                                       ,-_            19 7._.8_, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vill, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspe-tor nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Dea Report. Furthermure, neither the Inspector-nor his                 lmooyershall be liable in any manner for any perrsonal injury or property damage or a ioss of any kind ari                 r. r      "ecrcd,'.       this inspection.
                                                                                             .- CommisL-ons N
                                                 .Date__a              Date       7 5 2          , , C17 66, OHIO Signed (I":prect I                                                                              otl Board. State. Provi.'.ce and No.)

This form (E001 17) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME, 345 E. A7th St., New York. N.Y. 10-17

PEG PKG NO.-030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 60 OF 397 FOWM U-1A MANUFACTU*ERS' DATA REPMnT FOR FREUSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singlo Chnrnber, Complctnly Shop-Fabric.-ated Vessels Only) As Floquired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Secltion Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Coinan .O.Bx__Q7_*_ Qy C .. L ngALo*__Ng.S
2. Manufactured for _SBa.inp__..AhnVP
3. Location of Install, tion
4. Type (H.eVtical riz. or vbrt. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN)

(Drawing No.) 00712_

                                                                                                                              -i (Na'l Ord No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts inset the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 9.Y-.!_ and Addenda to _SZ5__a-__ - and Code Case Nos. -

(Yoar) (Oc:6) Special Service per UG-120(d) __ As.PJn_ 1is ata._ReprL - S AsB.eehwm _Rep Mianufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnishod for the following items of the report: Ni/A Nom..55 Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. Cr.__-106 B Thk ..__ in. Allow .... in.Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. -.3_t _in. 2.38&.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seems: Long. _/_A.._S-.arless..- R.T.. A _ Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Cwelded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap. bu "tl (Spot or Full)

Girth ._ _Weldi.n.g_.erforened, R.T. - . No. of Courses -- (Welded, Ubl. Sngl. Lap. Sun) (Spot. Pert~.wFS

8. Heads: (a) Material Spar. tNo., Grade)

(b) Material SA 182- F304 (Spec. No.. Grode) Location Min. Corr. Cron KnucklJe Ellipse Conic...i He,n;o-pf, Flat Side to Prelssure (Toe . ao uomn, ,nd. Thk. Alow. Re .iu. Radius Raeio Ape. Ang!e Raid,.u; Dam. (Con".ea Concavei (a) -Top 2:57- 7-_23.0_ _Fthed (b) BOttom 2.5 7,230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ..500-13 Bol ts-AS",1E-SA!93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Se. IN GSize. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure __2100 psi at max. temp. 400e F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure j psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NOflE Size -- _ Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

pOm. s Dim. Rin oin.o c sne H-. Wnlrl.Outlet. Orain) No. or Size TyDe Matt. ThL. MA'J. Attached Lotcation B t- 41. - attm. __'WaterPzor__l .Z" ' Sp]LtEfng.-3DA55 L3K0__ *I___nPRD] ts (4J1_Top

12. Supports: Skirt ".NO- Lugs ..... Legs ... Other Attached (Yes or nol (No.) IN3.) (Describel (Where end how)
13. Remarks: -Compl ete.I'lechan icaI--AsseTbly with NoWeIedJoi nts Al--thou gh .A-DDifferential Pressure. on.each side of.the. Internal-._Pistori,
-"the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston-removed_
.... The.Hydro Test pressure is based-on the-higher design pressure.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details. -pf design. r9aterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confornto the A ME f ode for Pressure Vessels. Sech.'c fl_ýI/ ivislon 1. Date 8n2s 5 - 7t7 Signed nrbeneral Electric Co...... byL Date(isnufacturer) S/r (Reprosentative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                         10,572----------expires . JIne 0, .19                                                                              7.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company_ ... at Wilmington, N.C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid comrmnission issued by the National Board of Bo ler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of ,*. CaoI i na . and employed by Dept of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel desCribcd in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . . 8-25 . 19 7 7 , and state that, to tne oest or my knowldg,' and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this prcssure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section Vill. Divisun I. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. cnnccrning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturefs' Data Report. Furthermor,3. neithor the Inspector n5r hi.; e'll I ; slil. he liable in any manner for any personal injury of property damage or a loss of any kind arisinq f /r £,.,r f.:'tid val. Ithis inspection. Vrin 62 S-pnrd P .,/ Ui,,i Spnrd ".L-'. ' Date 8-25-77 Coi,nisor;JC723,'~.1,4.tre PA. Stat,'. 0oud. WC766,Province andGiio No.)


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 17, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-007 Address Resair/Reslacement Oroanization P 0. No.. Job No . etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B31. .1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/5035 General Electric Old A3089 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0751 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5435 General Electric Old A3677 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1530 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5835 General Electric Old A3536 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1959 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/5839 General Electric Old A3013 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1533 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4259 General Electric Old A3413 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1522 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3859 General Electric Old A3557 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1665 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water acc umulators on Bank "H".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other nl Pressure psi Test Temp. °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/ 2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIJC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 17, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur. AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-007 Address Reoajr/Reolacemernt Oraanizatiorn P 0 No Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/4655 General Electric Old A7025 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1336 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/4255 General Electric Old A3267 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0738 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3855 General Electric Old A3182 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0789 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3455 General Electric Old A3580 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0768 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3055 General Electric Old A3373 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0669 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "H".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 0 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure ED Exempt EL Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8V2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UtlC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-007 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1 .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manuiacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Autho ation No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed Program Engineer Date ,20 _ _ Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of * ,.. , 'I and employed by HSB CT of HI-rd,Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period ' 2.,-2C'"&'" A to * - ,and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has p'erform*exxaminations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Inspector's Signature h ~Commissions I Y tc) National Board. State, Province, and Endorsements Date (n,*- 20__ U IC6R


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE'182 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vill, Division I

1. Manufatured by ._G_ _2 Electric Compan* , P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V.ri .l HO/5 1.05D6138G0_2 _ N/R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or yert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRNI (Drawing No.) JNat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requ'rements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section Viii, Diviion 1 I 92..4- and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. -

(eear) Service Special par UG.120(d) (Date) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: hN!/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatI. - A--4-O6 r. B ,Thk *.55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8. 70 in.Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Sea1]._-5._ R.T. NIA Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- _ hr (Welded. Dbl, Sn0l. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No WF1d. e rg Perforaed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dbl. Sngl, Lap. Bunt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuclde Ellipse Conical Hemrisph. Flat Sidc to Prerrsurs (Top, Botom, Ends) Thk. Allow. Radiuc Rad;usr Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Concavea (a) Top 2.5" _Flathead (b) Bottom _2Q. 5'`r___ Fl_ Mhepacd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . lfl-l "* Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. _.4,0L.... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, proumatic, or combination test pressure 3 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ..-Non.*ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nom. Reinforcemert How (tr*ot Outlet. Drainl No. or Size Type Mail. T'hk M.l1. Amcchod Locaetion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.- Water Port 1 .97 Split Flng. 30455 i.3'00 t qo_ (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs - Other Atlached (Yes or no) INo.) (No. (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witth No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists. on each side of__the.Jne_.rlal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically) tested _l"fth -t.h e .......... d ___TLheilty~droie s!_presure t is based on the higher esign presstrp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Ve cermdfy that the statements made r n this report .recorrect t t all detai)iof easin, Aterial, construction, and edis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels SBtar o Biles Io1 Ve the und IT i*erig Date orProvSigned oC n 1rail lect-rir Coa b*_. C /Y ab r hv is etd h 1 0;72pMrnufacturer) D,-- expires / June (Representative)

10. ,_1978_.. ..
   "-U"Certificate of Authorization No.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. .at, imnin N. C. 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of 14- caro]i "a._ and employed by De_pe~t O.f Labor -have inspected the

.pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on                                                   11-1l0           _        _           1977,.        and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermoro. neither the Inspector nqr hi* eri rýp.kor shsll t^ liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising f'            /rconrp, w6i 'l/                   inspection.

Signed_._ " * (I s-ll Ctotl .

                                                                            .. Dt ii10-77 Commissions NC 723 PA INt FA          C17 6 6 0)IO Board. State. Province and No.)
                                                                                                                                               ,,   ý         c,           yi,     " v IM17
               .-.................                                                             ---            PEG PKG NO.                    030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 147 OF 214 FOR7MA U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Sinslo Chaimber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only)

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Cod3 Rules, Section Vill, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Ceneral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Saine as Above
3. Location of Installation 5 30
4. Type _..LP__t~ca.a..___ " .. ,.0,5D13G N/R (Yor Built)1978 (Hon '..or v0r1. tan'.l (Mfgr'a Serict No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (NaI'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of ail parts moet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, aid workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 9
       - L._ and Addenda to                     S' 75               and Code Case Nos.                   --

(Yearl (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A No60. Corr.

6. Shll:M~atl.. FA-!, Gr.B ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. _ in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. ___ft 2. 38in.

ISpac- No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. IASeaMIAC.S__ R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp...-'- .F Time .-- ir (Welded, Obi, Sngl. Lop, Butt) (Spot or Full) tGirth._no 1leditn, "" (Welded.

Performed Obi, Sngl. Lap. Butt) R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Spot. Parial, or Full)

8. Heeds: (a) Material Ma182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Sroc. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grads)

Location Mirt. Corr. crowvn Ke~ucua EN;pfe Coni' Hemiph. Flet Side in Pf=e?.ute (Top. Botorn, Ends) ThL Allow. Radius Radius Ratio ApeoxAngle Radius Dim. (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2. 5" ____hencd (b) Bottom 2.-5" 7. F th31tri If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .fl1-] Bolts-AS-M-S-A193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Materiel. Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4.
  • F. Min. temp. (when 2

less than -20 F) -- F. HydroSzetic, preumratic, or combination test pressure_ 00 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlats: Number ._UNon-ize -- - Location
11. Nozzlcs and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Norn. Reinforcemon* How Vnlt,. Outre. Dr0,inJ No. or Sile Type Metl. TI,k Mill. AftOch*d Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln,. 30455 1.0bU Nonn P Bn t-s. (4 tom.

         ,a t e r Port 1.T 9lit                              S.              F ln.                           -             -                                              I305q       (4       Tp
12. Supports: Skirt No Lvgs - Legs __ Other . Attached (Yes or no) INo.) . Al iZ' Welded (Where end how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested -wth the Piston removed. Th e.Bi-dro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressr,r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detairs ot d's~l'n. mi4 rial, construction, and workm h is vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sectic ",'j.i',sio l/1. Date U/I1I//_ Signed Cene.*ri Flectric Co. 'b .// -/L-'iL.'A iManufacturarl " (Representative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                10,572                                   expires            f            June 10.                           ,1 1981 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO/

Vessel made by General Electric Co. at i inpt-on N._C*_C I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel !nspectors and'or the State or Province of N_ C.rol inn- and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on _6J_/.9 1978-._,.. end state thalt to the best of my knowledge end belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this ccrtificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor hij employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind orisin(1A'o , r conlnhocted wilh.rrs inspection. ,n o Si[e~d r O, l'L e'L.L- - pecnDi 6/19/78. Commissions =N 723 ,PA._W_*I766. OHIO (Inspector) (Nat'l Board. State. Province end N-).) Trh. ~Fn

                                                               ,.      nnt:O' 151  ,n., h   ,lnI.,r~fel iromr,   fhn  (.r,,,      r*nr      A5A.,F    Saa* F 4711h St .        J,~w Yorfr   NY. ID0l17 This form (E001 Iýl may be obtained from the Order Dept ASME 345 E 47th St New York. N Y 10017

p.! PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 134 OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division, I

1. Manufacturadby *nlrajlectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington,:N.C.

2-Manufacturedfor G6eneral Electric Co., San Jose, Ca. (NEBG)

3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vi-r!'rtl H1959 . f5D6138G.Q N/R (Year Built)J197 Horz. or veil, tank) (Mfgr'e SeriaI No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

S. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 I.9_1L4_ and Addenda to SI 75 and Code Case Nos. -- Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: I/A Nom. Corr. _Shel:Mt_. _A.-06 Gr._BThk. -55_.- in. Allow. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. __3 t 2.38 In. (Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NA Seafless R.T. N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- Time_.._._,hr (Welded*. Db, Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl. SngI. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material $a-182-F304 (b) Material _ a-182-F304 (Sper,_No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) Loction Minr. Co. Crow. Knucide Ellipta con -c.l NeriahiI . Flat Side to Peaaure (Top.aia "ndn).i Th. Allow. Radius Rodius Ratio A4ee Radius Diem. (Convex or coe avqe) (a) Top 2.5" 7 3 F1litheprrd () Bottom 2,5" 1. U arhpnd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5nn-1-1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec-. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. Ll,0 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _.Non. ize -- Location
11. Noz2+/-es and Inspection Openings:

Purpo.o 04eri No'n. Ri.forcamara How reet. DOviset. Drain) No. orsize Ty"e Mal. Thk. MuPld. Anectied Locarbon Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.ObU N Bn a '4l r t _4) tom. Water Po t 1 9 Split Flng. J 0455' 1.3U0 **None- Ro t'q (4.) Top

12. Supports: Sirt No Lugs - Legs -. Other Attached (Yea or no) (No.) INo. Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Althoueh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston,

-     the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed, The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all detai W) f design material. construction, and workmanship of this vassal conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S on 1 Date __ 3-i3-79 Signed CPn'tPne Elecr'ic Co. by

                                                                                 " Manufacturer)                           /RRepre-sntative)
  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                            10,57 (nJun(- ce                         expires                                                 1 -_L--

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby General Electric Co. at Wilmington- N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of '111A.o and employed by De. t Of Labor _Ja:. have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 3-.3-_19 a9 and state that to the best of my knowledlge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Man*Jacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector W his e plqyer shall qe liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind nriz;in _ ¢ 7..4. ed i Afv l is inspection. NC 723, Pa . W C1766 , Ohi Signed . . ___ (Inapeclorl)ha' _"__ Date 1-11".-7C9ommissions 3, orSas

                                                                                                                                                          , Proa. nce and No.i rvneadN.
                                                       -     -_    frnni  171     -i   -, rhr~incd from the Order Dept.. ASME. 3.45 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. t0017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG3 PAGE 129 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR F-,.SSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Comp!.tely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.Manufacturedby . e. _ Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for - Same asAbove
3. Location of Installation
4. Typo VP'r'irf l -- 533 1_05 D6_1338G_0_I N/R (Year Built) 1978 (Horiz. or ver. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical proper:ies of all parts meet the reequirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIii, Division 1 I _7Ar-2and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos. _

Year b_(Dteel Special Service par UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Norm. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-!06 r.B Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

ISpec. No., Grade)

7. Sems:Long..IA enflehS,._, R.T.__NIA Efficiency 77 %H.T. Temp. z Time -- _hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, ButI) (Spot or Full)

Girth Nn .Peldng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses --- (Welded. Obi, Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (el Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material . a'182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) rotation Man. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellips. Conical Hemisph. Flat Side to Pre1aura (Top. Bottom. Endl Thk. Allow. Rad;ue Rbdwa A,,ax Angla Radiua Diam. (Convex or cocavel (a) Top 2.325" Fthead (b) Bottom 2." .i. F1*l r ehn(Id If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-1 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /Ln F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) - F. Hydrostatic, pr-eumaiic, or comb'nation test pressure200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Ncon.ize -- - Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose iarm. Horn. Reirforcement How Onlet. Outlet. Otainl No. or Size Type Mall. Thk. MalU. Attched Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.U6U Nnn P Bn.1 r. s (.4_B tom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 30455 -73UD Nonp loIr (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt O Lugs __ Legs -. Other '_Attached.

(Yes or nol (No.L (No.1 (se cri (Where and howl

13. Remarks: Complete Mlechanicai Assembly Uri 1O Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side nternal Piston the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatica y teste ith the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,r, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta' s f , rial, construction, and workman hi I this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S tic* ivsio 1. Datea 6/4/ Signed Genprnl Electric Co. b (Manufacturerl I- epresentalive)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10.572                                      expires                           June           10,                ,

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the Slate or Province of __ rn.._'nrcl J na and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 6114 19 7Z-,8, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Repo.t. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no his enplayer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ariringJt-7.n,*r' to 'eled hilv,7his inspection. Signed ,* , * (-r.* Date _6/4./_127S Commissions NM2123-,'A.-KCU.!5L-66, 0HIO l.. ,penor, -. al'" Board, State, Province arnd No.) lI1nrF* "This form IErn. 171

                                                      &*l* L*II*I
  • my b bntined fro*

V* i#* .... I .............. the "r,

                                                                                                            .l* * ..........

nrder ADMt

                                                                                                                                                      'Stg45 E 47th ,    S     New
  • 11* =I ........

l N Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ¶1017      7

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 171 OF 214 -I FORM U-lA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR Pv.-_SURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Crmpletely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of tho ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by QGneral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VPrri 2;1 __122 '.05D6138GO01. N!R (Year Built)lV9T&

(Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l 6rd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VII!, Division 1 1.93-4-_and Addenda to - ' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl._, A-_lO Gr.B ,Thk. .55 in. Allow, __ in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3.ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. R,T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Terr.p. -- F Time. -- r (Welded, DbI, Sngl, Lap. ru)i (Spot or Full)

Girth No We1rJng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lao. Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Fu:)

8. Heads: (a) Material $a FJ04 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. cor. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical Hienmiph, Fiat Side to Pressure (Top. Conom. Erndal ThL Aflow. Padius Rcdius R#Ulo Apex Angli R.dius Diem. (Conve. or Conc~eiv (a) Top 2.5' 7.30 Fathpa (b) Bottom 2.5 Flathend Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5.00- 1 Bolts-ASTE-SA.193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure , 200 psi at max. temp. Lfn F. Mir. temp. (whsn 3 2 less than -20 F) -- F. HydroStatic, pr-eumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Oudets: Number N..on.o ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Norm. Reinforeorent How (Inlet. Outlet. Drain) Ni. or Size Type Matil. ThV. MoI. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.0b NnnU BnI-q4.)Bottom. Water Port 1 .9 7 " Split Flng. 30455 1.300 Nnne -Bltq (4) Ton

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs -. Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (90escril (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wi1_ i Piston removed. Tho Hvrirn Test nressure is based on the higher design press 1 1 i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deal s de-' m ial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ctio III~s A oI,, Date .. 6422472&.. Signed Cpnprnl Eler'tr .C...,.. r br (Manufacturer) fRepreaentative)

   "U'" Certificate of Authorization No.                                10.572                                 expires                    June 10"s                        19
                                                                                                                                                                            .81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel madeby--                          General Electric                          Co.             _ at                               Wilmingteon, N. C.

1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors endfor the State or Province of N- Cirnl i'n " and employed by De t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on - 6/22 19 Z3_, and stat'e that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, roncerning the pressure vessel described in tho Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the l os r r emproE shall tip liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisinOitý'dr Co " dwh/if (s inspection. Signed .. $_i_,.- 24 Date _J_?-/- Commissions l/.C-..-P.A, WC1766., OHIO (Inspector) i*Na'l Board. State. Province and No.) St.. New York. N.Y. lCVt7 torm lEOOli7I may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 3.45E. 47th 11(761 l1f76) Thu This form (E001 17) may ba obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th Stý, New York. N.Y. 10017 7


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 165 OF 214 FORM UL-1i MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT Foi" t'"ESSURE VESSELS (Altemate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shot, 'h,l cated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rulh, hictilon VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company. P.Q. Bo:x "ij0 Wilmington, N.C
2. Manufactured for Same as Above l N.C
3. Location of Installation 4, Type VP t'r~  :-'H]* 19-D13 hil(i /R(erult_7..

4"o.i. or veprt'4tl 1lig' Serial No.) (CRN) (Drmwi"u IF,, NR (Year Built-'N9..rN

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirementa ,I lIIerial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship i*r% a sMecRules on the DS io 1 1974 ar nd Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. - "'lhnrm to ASME Rules, Section Vill, Division I (Date)

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Repii! - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Cou..llloned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shall:Mat), S-A-3.No.. GrdB ThIk. .55 in. Allow. In. Diale, 8.70 in.Lgth. _ft 2 .38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade) nLt....f

7. Seams: Long. Se ales _NLART. N/A Efficiency (Welded, Obi, Sngl, Lap. Burt) (Spot or Full) H.T. Temp. Time -- tr Girth No Welding (Weladed. Performed DbI. Sngl, Lap, Butt) R.T)..

R.T'. ..

                                                                                                                              , Patil                        No. of Courses No.rfFCursl)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b)aral, or Full)

(Spec. No., Grade) ( t'l,"I Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) Loctlon -Min. Corr. Crown Kincide Ellipse Conical (Toe, Boaom. Ends) Thk. AJIow. Redus Radius Ratio Apa A.,,,I, Hemisph. Flat Side to PNeaure Top 2.5" Radius Diem. (tco vex0o, C ,oca.) (8) 2.5"rr 72 F1 athead (b) Bottom /.- 1 nthe~xd If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _l(50-1 'A Bol t '- S -5A9-B A-"; Be frSltFlanges for Split (4)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at M'. ,, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combinstl ,n p. 4llo,1 F. Min. temp. (when 2

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nonn. ize -- - Location .... "41 pressur2*.0 psi.
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purposa Diem. Norn. Oinlet.Outlet. D*ain) N. or Size Type MUAl. Thk. Rirrforcement How Mad. SAtactad Loc~e.oo Gas Port 1 .75" St~lit Flnp~. 3C455 1.0th Water Port- l.9- Split Flng. 304355"35I (I NnneB RolBt-,; (4) oLttom. nnp RnIt- (4) Tnp 12- Supports: Skirt N Lugs.. Legs Other (Yesorno) (No.) (No. bAttached

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w(9t W,Lded Joints. (Where andhow)

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on eacli II,' the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tesl,.,Ie of the Tnternal Piston, The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher , with the Piston removed. LgTn press,,,,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCti We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all ,h.llS f rial" construction. end workmanshD" ofthis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, .i.,r. Date 6!LL79178 Signed rpnerql Elctric Co, (Manufacturer)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                              10 572  *   * *'--      -       . expire""        /.                  June          10en.fitve)

(RepI0, 81S_*__ CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECIIt N Vessel made by General Electric Co. , at-. _ Wl1rnnton, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Bo0 ,,f Boiler end Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of, N._ *rnl "inn and employed by i"'pt Of Labor have inspected ohe pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on I,/ vt . 19 7-., and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has construc:h,,,i Ibs pressure 19 7 n anodsane wthat ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Ins,,,,, pr S vessel in accordance with expressed or implied, concerning the pressurn vessel described in the Ma,,,, Wrenrs Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector kind aris:n2* rhis emp/oyer shall be liable knarsng['p.4tnc{dih49s df)on-ec with.4* inpcin in any manner for any person al ý'Iurers' inspection. tlr'y or Dt Rprort.damaege property Further or ore, ane a loss of any Signed , Date 6/-49/.7a-8 Comn,si, ,, .... .-. _WC1766. OHIO llnspector) sv rFt.,_ Psovnc MILO. _____________________________________________________________IN t'l Board, State. Province and No.1 This form (E00117) may be obtained from the O. i, t ASME. 345 E, 47th St. New York N. 10017 7

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 74 OF 302 FORM U-.. MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR . dESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type Vrirn'l Hi1336._ 105D6138G001 N/R (Year Built)_ 2-98 0-loris. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) tDrawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 3.7LLand Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. sA-116 Gr.B Thk. -55 in. Allow. - in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3_ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/IA .;eA la*_S--R.T._- N I/A Efficiency - %KmT.Temp.
                                                                                                                       %                         -irne--                          hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngi Lap. Bun)               (Spot or Full)

Girth No Wel'ng Perf0rmed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- [Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap, butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Rn-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Cor". Crow.n Knucide Ellipia Conical I . Flat Side to Preaure Di s. (Comvex wr Ccrzcave) rroo. Bottom. Ends) Thk. Allo. Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Angle aid,. (a) Top 2.5" 7.250 Flathead (b) Bottom 2 5Flthead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . no-i ' Bolts-ASHE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4nln F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non.nize -- _Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Noma. "eforcenent How Onet. Outlot. Drain) No. or Size Typa Mail. Thik1 Msail Attached Location lns Port I 75'" Split FIng. ZiU4b5.) .. UbU XT 10 1 tA N TZ t- #- 1 Water Port1W SplitFlg 30 5 '-5T-T3 UD0 N~n -Rlt 4 o

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) IN ocritel' (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnterna*iston* the Accumulator Cylinder is ydrostaticaily tested with the Piston removed. Thp ylvdro T~qt nressure is based on the hiiher design press,,_, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all de o aterial, construction, and workmans-p/ fA)L ,yessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S cti Divi n 1. Date _'__ __ Signed Gene ql lpectricr Co. b _ (Manufcurar/ (RepresentativeI "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10 572 expires June 10, , 1 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at - Wilmington. N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boger and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N- Crnn inm and employed by De t Of Labor - have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . 19 $ and state th'at. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers! Data Report. Furthermore, neither the InspeCtor or is em plyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar 0m~od *td wi -this inspection. 62/8 .,~fA ~ 7 6 OI Signed c Iorte Date 6/261/8 CommissionN, 713_ pA. w 1766, OHIO.)

                             !X         Impctor)                                                                                 -Natll    Board, State. Province and      No.)

ono/6 This form IE001 17) may be obtained from the Order De'r.. ASME. 34S E. 47th St.. New York, N.Y. 10017

  • PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGI PAGE 167 OF 257 FORi. UL.1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate rorrn for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricatad Vesc-el Onliy)

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Ruins, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _Gn _LE zetric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type r---r- ca].. H0--03 8 J.0DL6 13-8001 cool ------ LR (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz, or vort. tank) (hifgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19.71 and Addenda to '75 S(Date) and Cede Case Nos. --

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mal, SA- *_TrB .Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 _ft 2._38 in.

ISpec. No.. Grzde)

7. Seams: Long. ..ILL& qea]es.S. R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time --_ hr (Welded. Obl, Sngl, Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No 14,ding-Perf_*rx.ed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

                                         *(W ld3d, Dbl. Sngl. La. ButS)                                                (Spot. Partial, or Fuil)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3u4 (b2Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Gradel (Spec. No.. Grarie)

Location Min. co"n. Ctonv Knuckle Ellipse conical Heinsp'&. Flat Side to Pe.;use I'Top. Bortom. Ends) Thik Allow. Radius Radiue Ratio Ap.e Angle Readus D.iam. (Convex or Concter6 (a) Top 2.5" F1athead (b) Bottom 2.5Tr FI3haa& If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 5 0-1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Mater;/l. Spec. No., Or.. Sizd, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .L . F. Min. temp. (when 32 less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number No.n. ize -- Location -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dism. Norn. Reinfowceoeryt How, Drain) No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. 1I0S. Ansched Lrc,.tion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln. -5 5 IU'0 NnnP Bo I s..(4) Bottom. Water Port 1 97- Split FIng. 30455N Rnlr* (4) Trp

12. Supports: Skirt -No.0__ Lugs - Legs Other . -Attached (Yes or no) INoo.) "1o. s ITesa/ýV Welded Jot (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w-thNoW Althouc&h A Differential Pressure Exists on each side o.....t er.. ....iston the Accumulator _Cylinder is Hydrostatica lly te steq.. eS e--rL
  ..Th~e.J_*d~roJe-s-trLessure                                is based on the higher -esIgn                                           pressreP CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the sta'ements made in this report are correct and that all detai                                                 Ifd ýk      nmr' /terial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S 0-Date 11 77                          Signed                    apralJ _k.Ctl.                    .c                b..4k'Ill,.. Fo,                          ...                  .

(Manufacturer) ](ropretantalive)

  "U'" Certificate of Authorization No.                            1]0 572                                   Expires                     June 10.                         1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                         General Electric                       Co.                      at                            Wilmin             gt= na   N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boi!er and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of                        N..Carnli..n.

N- . and employed by D-ept Of Labor have inspected the I----;-A;.  ; . . ..- , __II__________2nd______1!= to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASM.E Code, Section Viii, Division 1. By signing this certificato neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his e TpLoyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or propert/ damage or a loss of any kind arising..*,, Signed,.._.4r or cotf/'c.ted wý9,7-his inspection. z Date 11-01-77 Commissions :NlC723,PA,.W*1766Q 011 57 llr~spectotl Dat all Bo rdt. Slate. Prov.ince edN.

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 96 OF 397 FORW U-1A MAANUFACTU.-iRS' DATA, R.:POCT FOR PAESSURE VESSELS (Afternnto Fcrm for Sin.!o Chamber, Complntoly Shop-Fobricnted Vesso!s Only) As Rcquircd by the Provisions of thq SM2*,i Code Rules, Section Vi!I, Divi3ion 1

1. Manufoctur.d by Ge. al Electric Compan.y ,P. 0. _Biox 7.0 Wijjming.tnaaA.. .C.
2. Manufac~ured for .- ,. S.L:ie_.]___nbAOVi--
3. Location of lnstallition
4. Tpo eti c .. 07.8.9_NR (Year Built) . 9.7-7 (HOn:. or von. tank) Pl.!jr's Serial No.) (CRtN) f0rawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and phyical pcportics of all parts meet the requirements of matcri3l specifications of the ASME BO!LER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Ru;es. Section Vill. Division 1 1-97.4-.

(Year) and Addenda to 5_'75....... and Code Ca-e Ncs. (Date) Special Service per UG-120ýd - .sPePr Thi-* lf.R-_epnr+/- - Se~ eRe arJ,_s_ae_low Manufccturers' Partial Data RPports prop r) identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the rcport: = 7___ A Nom. Corr.

6. She):M~atI _SA-]_§ _Gr_.JB_ Thk.__._5._in. A)ow.... -- in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. __3 ft -.2_.38 in.

(Spoc. No., Groiir

7. Seams: Long. IN!A.Sea":ijeS".-.. "RT. -LpA Efficiency --  %. H.T. Temp. --=..F Time -- hr (We ded. Dbl. Sr-gt. Lop, Adttl (Spot or Full)

Girth _11.'e_1di-ng_.erEormeniL R.T. No. of Courses I(Wo'*od, Dbl. Snpl. Lap. Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material _ .SA_-- 2._-__E3_1 (b) Material SA-l82-_E30 4 (Spec- No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Loc.alon Mir, Corr. Crown Kni-ckJ. EIpse Conical Henisph. Flat S,de to Prerasure (Top. Dootz.-n.Endl Tink Allo w. Asius RaJ.'a Re:io Ape. Angle eadlus Diam. {Convex or Concave) (a) 7Topp ___ -- ___7_U2_3D_ _ _Flatbeadc (b) Bottom -* 7.230 Flathead Ifremovable. bolts used 'describe other fastenings) "500-13 Bol ts-ASIE-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

9. Constructed for max. allcwab!e working pressure 2100 psi at (P.1,elorial.

t Spec. merx. temp. psi emp. mx. N Gr Sze N . Mitt. temp. (when Size. No.)


F. Mirn less than -20 F) - - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Numbei No"e Size -- .. Location ---
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

PuvfOt!o Oe-a. Norn. Rei.,forcement How inile Dut'r 1 . t'.rgij io. or S,:. Type 4a:t. lhik.. hletl. Anrrchac Location _G.*. Pet___ ... __p-_.iL.EIng- O3455-_._L_*60_--.Nonp Bnl.tZ 41 Rnt~tm _.Wete r__Port .1.._97 -S p~l~ttY_i t El g__30 __iiONge_ _B*Js_(__

12. Supports: Skirt No . Lugs L._egs . Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: -Complete 2.'echanical-Assemb-.y-*.Ltth-No__a'e-lded_-Joints
       -Althcough.A Differential..Pressure Exysists on each.side of the Internal_..Pi.s.ton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston-removed.--

The Hydro Test p;'issure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE CF COMPLIANCE We certify that the stctements made in this report are correct and that all detailsc,/.:7esi . ral:ria).struction, an workmaship of this vessel the Aý%.,.Code kr Prcssure Vessels, Sec/ * '!. Lripn/l. Date --8731-77 . 5,,-d LueneraI .Iectrlc Co.-. by)

                                                                               ,1.,anua,:1turer)                                                      (Representative)
     "U" Certificate of Au:horiza:.on No.                           10 ,572            .                . .      expires           ulneFI    10 ,       -.       ......     ...-      19 _7         .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General El ectric Company at Wilmington, N.C ..... I. the undorsigne., holding a valid coinmission issued ty tvie National Board of Boi!er and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province o! 'I, Carolina anq employed by Deptof Labor have inspected the I' p,essure vessel descnbed in tihts Manuf.jorut:s' Datd Report on -31 1977 . and state thit. to the best of my kov;le~lge and belief, the Manufdclurer hjs constructed this pressuru vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VliI. D~v:s.on 1. By sgnina tIs certmfca:e nei:her the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, eipresstd or impited. concerninq the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, noither the Insip'tor nar his enl,'c'y.t shail be hatbc in any manner for any personal injury or property dainaoe or a loss of any knd arw . -'..qr -/ Cr . ,..,t, i/i gr"lhthis in.;pectron.

                        . g:.,*,*or                                              Dale     8-31-77               CommisoC                723           PA-f.WC1766, Ohio (N,tl'I bongd. Siele. Pruv,,ico and No.)


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 108 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FO.I PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singlo Chainber, Completely Shop-Fabricatod Vesse!s Only) As Required by tho Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company PP._0. *1 7_OiiImin ~tOn.. N. C.
2. Manufactured for .S a]as a Abenvp
3. Location of lnstalltion
4. Type iVert*i.car__ _1107_68. __5D6N!R-1-05____ (Year Built) 19.7.7 (Hortz. or veit. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 197. and Addenda to ._5.._.15.__5 - and Code Case Nos. - -

('fear) (Date A Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per.ThI& Da-t.a__Repnrt - See.._..Relmarks Bel ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propp Il identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: IN Nom Corr. 3

6. Shell:Mail. SA- 106 Gr. B .Thk. .55 in. Allow. .. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. tt f

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. (Welded., t__LA -, Sngl, Lap. SSle_. R.T. -N(Spot Buu,1 A --or Full)
                                                                                  -        Efficiency                       % H.T. Temp.               -=-      F Time         - -        hr Girth .*J            el,.ding Per_.fnopImer                                                                 R.T.         -                             No. of Courses        --

(Welded. Dbl. Lap. Burtl (Spot, Partia, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material sA-isR- F'A4 (b) Material M OT18 (Spec. No., Grdel.) (Spec. No., Grade1 Location Min. Corr. cown KnuclJe Ellipta Conical Harnisph. Fitt Side to Premsure (fop. Bottom. Ends) Thk. AloW. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diam. (Con-ex or Concuave)

(a) ToD 27- 57.23D- .FlaJhbead-_ " (b) Bottom 2.5 -7,23QE Flathead I If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500- 13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) removble,(Material. Spec. N9.Gr. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 40 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number f.Ro.] Size - - _ Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Nom. Reintorfcarnent How Onlet.OuTlel.aDrin) No. or Silz Type Mall. Thk. Mall. Antschcd LocItion Gas (it R ___I__3 5 _Spli.Eng E _3O3Q455 1- 60___-,one___ RLtUs4* o _ Ro ttm. Water Pp.rt_- p3lL ] lg. 55_ 404955- _1S B010Jone4) To

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs _ Legs ___ Other ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Attached (Where_ andhow)

(Yes or no) (No.) INo.) Describe) (Where and howl

13. Remarks: _Cnmpl.te--Mechan4-ca.l--Assremnby-wi-th-.No-_led-2-oi nt s Al though
  • ferential fDi -ress ure. Exsilsts_.on eachLside - _oftheZnternal2 is&toin, th# Accumiul ator. Cyl Hydrostatical ly. tested wi th- the .P~iston.-remov-ed-The_.Hyd.r.o..Iest.-pressure . is based.-on-the. hi gher desi gn..pressure.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta s'of design. Taterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrmto the AIMI lfode for Pressure Vessels. Sectioil"Yli.,i/-rviison 1. Date .... Signed e... - .. .. by _ I , I' (z.ý. .!( lt_<-__-__ D. . ate .. . ..... nufac.urer) 'd

  • R epresenlative)
  "'U" Certificate of Authorization                 No..10.5                  .      -....-.                   expires     -_tej    ne. 10                                   1 --

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Wi.lmi ngtonN,.C....... I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Nat ional Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of Ni. Carol ina . and employed by Dept of Labor ...- have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manulacturers' Data Report on .. 92 . 19 .7.7 . and stale that. to Ine nest ot my knov',leogo ano Del:el, the Nldnutfacturer has *onstructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Sectinn VIII. Division 1. By s;,ning this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector no hiý,ern.-' shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising hr od " o/ * .(t d w it.(t hs inspection w,'-*c Signed C k.> ,'N Date 9-2-77 CommissionC 723,FPA at'loatd. W~lC766...0hio Stale. Pruvince and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 202 OF 257 FORM U-IA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altormate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fcbricated VosseIs Only) As Roquirod by the Provisions of the ASME Codo Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company. P.O. Box 78_j WgJlintglion, N.C.
2. Manufactured for )Sanleas_hAnvP
3. Location of Installation
4. Type .Ver-t-ic &1.-__

(Horiz. or vort. tank) Ho6 9 ( fgr's Sotrial No.) (C %N) _(l5D6138___ _N7____ (Orawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.) (Year Buiml) 9-7-7

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirement. cf material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19-7 and Addenda to =_15 ____ and Coda Case Nos. --

Ct'ear) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) A-. Per This DtaaReport -_Se__PRemarlksBel owr Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprl identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for tho following items of the report: r /Ad Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatI. SA-106 Gr. B Thk. .55 in.Allow ....- in.Diam. 8.70 -in.Lgth. 3.. ft 2 _._38_ in.

(Spec. No.. Grado)

7. Seams: Long. /A_ lef5.5_._ R.T. Efce% Temp. -- = F Time -- hr (Welded. DbI. S Butt) " (Sp ot o, Full)

Girth POI dilnq.2erfo Ci R.T. - 1 No. of Courses --

                                      -(Welded. Dbi. Sngl. Lap, Butn)                                                 (Spot. Partier or Ful4
8. Heads: (a) Material SA-I R?- FIfl" (b) Matcia! S-82-F304 (Spec. No.. Grcda) (Spec. N*., Grado)

Loat;on Min. Corr. Cfov,, Knuckle Ellp .a Conical Heririsph. Fiat Side to Pieucore (Top. Bottom. Ends) Thk. Allow. Rad,us Rediu. Rit; 0 Apeý Arlte Radius Diarni. lConvex or Concave) (b re Bottom T7 -p 23

2. 5 T"3 0 Flathd_ l a he d If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASrE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) lMe:eriet, Spoc. N*.h*r. Size, No.)
9. Constnrcted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tamp. ' zu F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number lQf.Me Size =- - Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pusrpose Diem. Horn. Foarot ceament How inlet. Outlet. Oain) Nj. or Size Type Mall. TUk, M106. Attached Localion _Gass_PoLrt_ Water Por _. 1- 75"__ S

                                         .97"               pitFI!ng*30455--

Split FlngL_5_ I..060_ l.0 UN NonepRo.lit B~l~ts__(4)sJ4) Rnt. Top

12. Supports: Skirt _UD-.___ Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) ('WVhere and how)
13. Remarks: Complete-tacbzan-i a-l-- 2spmbl-y-ith. lo-N W l ded-J-ints.
  • Ttou.gh_]_.Rr.essure___Exis.ts on eachSide of.. the-.Interna lP.itston,
 =neAccumu.l a tor- Cy.l i nder__.j& .Hydrostati ca 1 ly. tes ted wi Th the .P.i s ton-removed.--

Th-eLHy-drojlIest pre.ssuLre.isIJased-on-the--higher design pressure, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai.L, of t.elln, totril, construction, and workmanship o ths )essel confor'to the ASME.Code for Pressure Vessels, Sc£I ' j'V'I srrdn 1. Date - Signed ra 1ene lectric CI- Q..__ bq ,/'*.4 ltzspieenttcvl .


7piU Q,1 . .

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                       .10-572                                        expires     .Ln            10-------                                  9..7.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by _Geeral Electric Comoany at WIj mington, . I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of 0ele1' rid Presstire Versa, tn:ouctors and;or the State or Province of .N._Carol.ina...... and employed by Dept. of Labor have instpee thri pressure vessel described in this Manifacturers' Data Report on .I.V.... - t. . I 7.7i anti iteito triat. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressuro vessel in. acCodance ,%Aht ASME Code, Section Vill. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any WAtIatrv. Further ormeil. no,thier expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the M.*nuf*lturefs' Data Hotort the Inspector nw his emplo')-7shall be liible in any manner for any personal injury or proptrry daerin of a Ioeal Of 0iry kind arising ° -°nn'/wit vi* bb/ inspection. -r , r7 h Signed Z.7. _2 , ... Date 1 _-_7ommss rC 72 3 PA, C1766, ., ,hin Ni u . S t it , , ,,Sia N .. rn sp e & 'O t) 4 D a te

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-008 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No . Job No. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/3003 General Electric Old A3767 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1532 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2603 General Electric Old A3648 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0896 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2203 General Electric Old A3198 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1710 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1803 General Electric Old A3480 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0963 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/181 1 General Electric Old A3367 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1439 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1411 General Electric Old A3377 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1667 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank 'I.
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure [ Exempt E]

Other E] Pressure psi Test Temp. °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO1 04-711886-008 Address Resair.fReolacement Oroanizatron P 0 No. Job No etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Cede (Piping) USAS B3 1.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Cede Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/1011 General Electric Old A3432 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0941 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0619 General Electric Old A2956 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0834 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0219 General Electric Old A3363 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H1286 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0231 General Electric Old A3183 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0022 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0631 General Electric Old A3391 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0927 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "I".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic Eli Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure E Exempt []

Other F1 Pressure psi Test Temp. NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-008 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1 .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Cede Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed e, ISI Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Date ( / 20 457;2 CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Xy. I and employed by HSB CT of

                                      -- -      Raford, Connecticut                                                        have inspected.the components described in this Owner's Report during the period              S       --      - ,..Y( )Q <ý             to              -                   C.
                                                                                                                              - ZU`I..-       ?             , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions "* -. Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date - 20 C UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 62 OF 302 FORM. A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT F( PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-rabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VINl Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for - Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Verri 1&3 . 15Dl61381100._ R (Year Built) l9z.

(Horcz. or voet. tank) lgra-Sbi No.) (al (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nst'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE..The design, con'struction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 (Ye-ar} and Addenda to -.

(Date) and Code Case Nos. _ - Special Service p)r UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N /A Nom. Corr. 8.70 .3 2. 38 In.

6. Shell:Mad4.--2A-106 Gr--. ,Thk. ,55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. ______in. Lgth. 3.ft 2_ 38_In_

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. -. LA S~zm1ESS R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth Nn Welding Performed R.T. - No. of Courses --- (Welded. Dbl, Srgl, Lap. Burt) (SPOt Partial, or Full B. Heads: (a) Materiel Sa-18 2 -F334 (b) Material Sa-,82-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Speot No., Grade) Location Min. Corr. Cro-n Knucikeu Eilipas Conic&] H yisp. Fiat Side to Prae.a,e (Top. eOtOnr.Ends) Thk. Allow. Rad,us Radius Ratio Apex Aigls Radius Diam. (Convex or () Top 2. 5" 4.. 1thpear F__________________ (b) Bottom 2. 5"Fla thead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5n-11 Bolts-ASME-SA193-1B7 for Split Flanges (/ (Material. Spoc. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . )lf)....... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydro!,atic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3 2 0 0 psi.
                                                                         - Location
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .N.acn ize --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose ODim. No.n. Aei nflor..ment No-OnrIc.Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Type Meil. Tnk. Mail. Atlached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fng. 3045 .O Nnno 1Bnlts..L4). Etom. Water Port 1 .97 Split Flng. .iU---- Nrnc (.n..lst.L4_)

12. Supports: Skirt (YesNO or no) Lugs (No.I Legs (No.) Other '( ri, ) WedWhere _cAttached dnd hooit
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wJit . o Welded Joints.

__ thougih A Differential Pressure Exists on eacn side nf the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrorstatically tested with_-ha__m ed The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,rp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in, this report are correct and that alldetas2f. ~terial, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vesses, S xvFtc7I/,#si41 Date .6.,./7R Signed Cenpral Fectric Co. b "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 0 ar572 expires / June e_81 10 , 19_ . CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECT) Vessel made by General Electric Co. at - Wilmingtonn- N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessei Inspectors andlor the State or Province of -- N (',rnl inaL___ and employed by Dept Of Labor eave inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on -- and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprossod or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer al be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar*,a'A f',connectý4 wl,*h this inspection. .. /0/8...99.. .. ....... ...

                                                                       .Date . '// /__U// Commi-ssons                                      sI*/

State. r*" o-Lne*and No.) 1067 " T"his for m (.001 17) may be obtained from tif. Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St. New York, N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE'80 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FO7 PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single C-,mbor, Completely Shop-FabricAted Vessels Only) As Poquired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, ,'LiJmingt_o1.l, L._C.
2. Manufactured for ... Same._as_AhnvP
3. Location of.Install qtion
4. Type . .Le.rti.c.,*

(rloriz. or von. tank) __ f896 (M- gr's Serial No.) (CRN) __05D_._3E__ (Drawing No.) _N/R_ (Nat'l Bid No.) (Year Bunt) A 97-7

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of mattrial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     -1974        and Addenda to              S.LZ...             ._and Code Case Ncs.                      --

(Year) (Dale) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Peer This Data_ _elor_t_t__Ste mrks-Rel i, Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop Ilidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl.. G .55 in. Allow.. .. in. Diem. 8.70 in.aLgth .._ft 2.l 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _N/_A_Sieaai es.q R.T. J*/A.. Efficiency -  % H.T. Temp. -=- F Time -- hr (Weldd. DObl.Sngl. Lap, Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth __Jo_WJlding_Eejif ormird R.T. -- No. of Courses - (Wolded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Bun)

8. Heads: (a) Material SA.-1R2-0F04 (b) Material ._A 8-3 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Mh . Corr. Crown K.,uckta Ellipse Conical Hemisph. Flat Side to Presaure (Top. Ror*om. Endst Ths. Ar;ow. Radius Rod,u& Ratio Ape. Angle Rad,ud Diam. IConvex ot Conc.avi a) - - --- 5" ________________________________ !723O. FElathe.d (b) Bottom 2.51r7.230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Boa ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. N .. Gr Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -0 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test ptessure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N.QFLe Size -- Location -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nom. Rein!orcamont How Onle. OOD iot, Drain) No. or Suzo Type Ma:l. Tthk. MAIL Artiched Location

       -Ga*l;            Irt__L          -   7 5"__SpiL                    ng      3      4 55__              I_160____i Oneo         on           ____ B.0oI                               tim. r t1l 91 ___S~plitE1 r g- 3045.15.L 1.3~0. U--on.n - .B..olI 41T p

12. Supports: Skirt ..-- No- Lugs __ __ Legs.___. Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) INo.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete-tJlechan-.4cal--Asse mbly with No__WeJ-dedJoiants.
   -       th-ogh A. Di fferenti al. Pressure. Exs.ists. on each. side of_.the..InternalPis+/-on, thieAccumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed.--

___The Hydro Test pressure is based -on the higher design pressure- ....... CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta*l' of doj*L. raterial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor rrto the A ME f ode for Pressure Vessel;s. S ccti *. *. . *n 1. Date __10-12-77 Signed _General_ ectriccCo.._.. _ __ (Mannufctur-er) (Representativa)

  "'U" Certificate of Authorization No..                          0_572 ...                   -.  .        expires        . une ..10     ,. .......-....

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vesselmadeby General Electric Company at Wilmington, N.C.. ..... I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boi'er and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of tN. Carol ina and employed by Dept of. Labor_ .. have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data f1ennrt on .//."/ 197.2 . and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers" Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his einjilrry*r, k;ind artsing .fs(r , ingconr n ,tityrf it hall be liahle in any nianner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any th, inenpvc'on. 0. Sn/Ord S, e. , , J I /Da

                                                                                           .e CommissioJIC 723                     PA. Stoic.

(NdlIrBoard. WC1766. Ohio Pt,,vrnrc and No.)

                                                                                                                 -    . - . .I..1-.1ý .-.- 1.-.- L.-I                                   rl  7

PEG PKG PAGE 212 NO. OF 302 030929-ABF490HG4 FORM U-im MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR, .SESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII. Division 1 1.Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of installation
4. Type VPrrlrol HI/U l05D6l38G001 N/R (Year Built) 1 978 OilodL or vwt tank) (Mtge'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No-) (Narl Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all panrs neat the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division I 2_92L__ and Addenda to S_ 75 and Code Case Nos.

ye-Aý)_(D ate)I Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-106 Gr. B ,Thk. .55 In. Alow.__ in.Diarn. 8.70 in.Lgth. .. 3 _ft 2.38 in.

ISpec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Seamless RT. NLA Efficiency -  % H.T. Temp. .. ,zF Time --* _hr (Welded. Obl. Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Jr 1 .1hA4-~ Pnrr-f~ 11 r, (Welde"o Ubi. Sngf, Lap, Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full) S. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182- F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (b) Material Sa-182-F304 ISperc No., Grade) Min. Corr. C~own, Kr.utes Ellipd corisca Henmlsph. Flat Side to Pressur CTop.Bostom, Etndo) Thk. Alto.. Rodlus Rodiut Ratio Aoex Ahgie RAdius Dorm', (Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2 .5' _________ _______L3 F1 Atheatd (b) Bottom 2.5/___T FI ~t.he;1d tf removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) rnn-ii Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges ( IMaterial, Spoc. No., Gr., Size, No.) S. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. LQt0 F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressur 200 psi. 10, Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non ize _ - Location

11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Rom1. R einforceinet Now Oial. Outj(t Drain) No. oi Size Type Mall. Tht MPa. Alttched LOcatiOni Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fing. 30455 1.0bU - RnCl t-q (4)Lattom. Water Po t 1 .97" Split FlPN. 30455 3= 0 nnO e _ n It (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt N lLugs Legs - Other . Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. l(Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wat o Welded Joints.

AlhougiLA Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,r,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail f de.i*p, rn erial, construction, and workma 'mDo'4Jis vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S;ito , /tlvisio//1. I Date. /- Signed Genpral 1ecrtric Co. bZ -- ULP (Manufacturer) -j (Representative)

  "U" Certificate          of  Authorization      No.            10,572                              expires                   June        10.               ,       1 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIOd Vessel made by                       General Electric                    Co.          -         at                         W.lmin              ~tonr.         S.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of N_ lnrnl irin and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on - 7/10 19 78 and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vesse. described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector r his em ('zlypr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisingjetkm o09? rýd wii s inspection. Signed ,. -- ___7. ___./_-_ Date 7/10/78/ Commissions N OH 016 Inspecior) d. Stale. Province and No.) (t.1761 This form (EO0117) may be ottained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York N,Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 330 OF 397 FORMI U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA nEPORT FOR FRESSUIE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singie Chsmb.9r, Cornpleto!y Shop-Fabricatod Voseols Only) As Requirod by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Soction VIIi, Division 1 1.Manufacturedby _£cxl Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, llilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation HO 9 6 3
4. Type __V.Ctica_ . 6Ji8Q_0 NR ____ (Year Buit) 1977 (Horiz. or vil. tank) (Mtgr'a Sor;l No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet tho requrrements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1 (Ye ar0 and Addenda to

_..41& S(Date) 75 and Code Case Nos. -- SpecialSevice perUG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of tho report: N/A N om . C o rr. 8 .7 3 ft 2_ 3__ _

6. Shell: Mall..SA.106._QT-B Th .* 55 in. Allow. - in. Diem. -. 70 in. Lgth. 3 2.38_in.

(Spec. No.. G;edo)

7. Saams: Long.---i/AS*-amlA-,.S.S__R.T. _1LL/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp..- F Time -- hr (Welded. D0l. Seal. Lap. Suz"l (Spot or Full)

Girth J. nl eldini._-Le-r-ofrjmed R.T. -- No. of Courses

       . I                               (.'edcd, Dbl, Sngl. Lee. 8unt                                                    (Spot, Partial, or Full) 4
8. Heads: (a) Material _ Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Ea-!S2-F30 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Location Min. Co.r. Cown Knuckle Ellipse Corni:.l iVomisoh. Flat Side .o Pe-ssure (Top, totorn,. Ends) Thk. Allow. Rad,ue Radius Ratio Apoe Ang.e Radiu2 Diarer. (Convex or Con-..-e) (a) Top . 2.5" 2_L30 Flathead (b) Bottom 2.5"r *.23U If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) , rn0 Bolts-ASNE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Meteriol, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tomp. Oft.. ._. F. Min. temp. (when 20 0 less than -20 F) _-- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nonnize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Incpectior. Openings:

P P-ce Duri. . Nram. Reinforcenenri How gtntet, Outlet. Ora;nl No. or Size Typ.e Mat. Thk_ Mail. Arteched Loc.ion Gas Port 1 .7511 Split Flng. 3005- - 605 No!ijna) -_n I- W Pntom. _j:t-er Port 1 .97'r Split FIog. 0 5 -.- 3 0 NnBIe vs_4_Qop

12. Supports: Skirt _N .Q_. Lugs - Legs_-_ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) * (No.I m ([sencrif (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete  !.echanica1 Assembly wIth *o Welded Joints.
   -Alt1ou gh A .ifferential                 rnd-e        athe Pressure Eists*                       on each                                               tenl             Piston.

___the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatica lvtested with. theEPis*L*.n...... __The.lydro- Test. pressure is based on the hgher design pressure CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dWtails ff dr....*n. mlterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Secaoo Date ___9-.=9.-7 7_. Signed Ceaneral. Electri¢_C.Q__ by_ . ... ... entat _ (,MOnufacturer) l (Representative)

  "U'" Certificate of Authorization No.                               1045. 2                            -     erpires               --      -June-10.L        ---------- , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                        General...Elec t ric...Co. _.-

_.-... at . . . ... ll , o. _.C _ I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilor and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of ... \. C_-' and employed by Dc'pt 0l[. ].;,bor have irispectad the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .. - /-I T. Z.- -_ . "'. 1977, and state thztL to the best of my knowlerdge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in. accordance .with ASME Coda. Section ViII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranry. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel duJcribod in tho Mevnufocturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neitier the Inspector nor his einloynr shall be liable in aily manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind anrsis n t6 r conr ' ".1.l)6s inspection. t"itd Signed.S n- ,- ilt1-J,, .. Date /' "7,Commissions NC 723,1'A.Stetn,WC1766, INat"igoed, Prrwnci endOHTO No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 46 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Fcrrt for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only)

 .                              As Roqu'red by the Provisions of the AsmE Coda luios;,Soc;.on VI;I, Division I
   'i. Msnufacturedby ___iexrE].                                       tric Cotpjfly,                 P.O.           Box 780,           Wilmin            ton,         N.C.
  • 2. Manufactured for S"-ame as Above
  *b. Location of Installation
4. TFpo _-e'rt-ic--1 H14-39 I_5D.9_613 5C_1 G .. /R (Year uilt) 1978 (NuofiL or vert. trnk) (Mlgr't Serisl No.) (CRN) (Drawmng No.) (Nat'I Brd No.)

5t the cheimical and physical properties of tll parts meet the requirements of m3terial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL COCE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

         . (Yo~r) on-v Addenda to -

3_97-L- 75 (Date) end Codo Case Nos. -- Spocia) ServiceperUG.120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Dzta Reportsproperly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for aha following itsms of the report: J/A Nom. Corr. 5 5

6. thall:Mail. - Thk ._in. Allow. - in. Diem. 8.70 in.gth. 3._t_ 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Gra-e}

   ". Sermo: Long. -VNL-S.SeMlss_                                     R.T.      N/A               Efficiency                     % H.T. Temp.              --         F   Time        -- _hr (VW'lded. DbI. SnlI, Lan. B8n)               (Spot or Full)
        "ith-an 'e"ding Pefo                                   e_                                                    R.T.            --                        No. of Courses

_(Welded. Obl. Sngl. Lop. Butt) (SpoL Partial, or Full)

4. Heads: (a) Material $a-182-FJ A4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Sp<>. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)
                - =             Co,-r.        Crown          Krwu o     Elliptie        Conical       He1iiiprj             Flar            Side to Pt,_ wre (Convex or

__iTop. Bolrorr. Enlal "

           ~1 Top                                Thk.       Allý,..

2.5"________________.2 RAd-*u FIadris Belie Aoe%Angfle Radiiz Dirm.

                                                                                                                                                                     ~     aha b)--Bot tom                            2.5-                                                                                                    H____..________                      _  "

f'reinovablo, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .r50-1 Rol ts-AS-ME-S-.L93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Siz3, No.)

b. t'onstr.-td for max. c;o.,able working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. J0.I, F. Min. temp. (when 32 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi.
 "lb. ý;afey Valve Outlets:.Number Non ize                                      --       _Location 1"1. ?'0".ozles ndncpection Openings:

P rpce..  : i- . Non% in!ýccn

                    ',     n         N'o. or Sr.                Tyý                         m d.                    Th.                   Mail.                    A.rDechad         Lo::H on Lo:tton
  • Gas-Port 1. -75 W Slit Flng. 30-55 i.U60 NnPn Bn01tsq (Lo.ttom.
         .-Water Port i"                1        7                 Split F-ing.---                    5-R0                                                         Bnln t-          (4)     Tnp 2.- S                  irt..t
tS NO Lugs Legs Othor - Attached.

(Yes or no) (No.) (No. "sml (?.o: Wl ded (tWhere ar.d how) '13.:Rcmerkf:- Complete Mechanical Assemly w.t.h =o Welded Joints thQu cigh A Differential PressuirOt sts on each th..e Accumulator Cylinder - is _tes gdrostatiFalry t P T~he hydxn Jest pressure is based on thie higher desigcn press~lrfr CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We "ccltify thct the statements made in this report are correct and that all det " f d s*n, m Lmerial, construction, and

 /workmansfri                 Cf this vessel conform to the ASME Coda for Pressure Vessels. S cti                                             .i      isio     I

[)Data. LV2. Signed . tfl:.1E1 QlctX2.,CGD... b R (Manuacturerl /Ropor, ntative)

       '_U"Certificato of Authorization No.                                10      572                              expires                      June         10.              ,1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO V&.selmdodby                              General Electric Co.                                                   t...i*                               nton.            N. C.

1 , the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors fInd'or tha State or Province of . X Crnlnra.L___a and emplc'lcd bye--D *t Of Lalao .- have inspected the

  • pressure vessel deacribed in this Manufactuters' Data Report on _ 19_. and oate that, to tho best of my knov.1,dge and bliof. the fMianufacturer has constructed this pinssuro vassal in accordance with AS.ME Code, Se,-ion VIII, Div'sion 1; By' sgnrng this certificate neither tho Inspector nor his employer makes any warronry.

exprcssed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. noither 1ilin 5ns-,ect,*ao . shall..liable in any manner for any personal injury or proporty damage or a loss of any kItId arle co ,,. Ic.d ,, inspecton. 5.. Cm so Sig ned Datea~ - D.~47L 0 Sni~os_ I Do fd ct t6 Province anC No I Thin tolim ([00117) may be oh.irned aromthe Order Dop!.. ASMtE. 345 E. 47th St.. Now York, N.Y. 10017


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG3 PAGE 201 OF 214 FORM' A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT F' PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternato Form for Singl3 Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 1978 4.Type Vertir~n H1667 105D61 8GlO._L N/R (Year Built)

(Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Npt'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmannhip conform to ASME Rules, Section VIIl, Division I 274.

N-e-ar) and Addenda.(Date) to ' 75 and Code Case Nos. -- Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A N o n. Co rr. 8 .70 ft 2 .38 i'

6. Shell:Matl. A-l!06 Gr.B (Spec. No., Grade)
                                                        ,Thk.        .55       in. Allow.                  in.Diam.          8           in.Lgth.         3. ft       2.38      i.
7. Seams: Long. NIA SiAaless R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. . Time -- _hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Burn) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses _- (Welded. ObE.Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Fulil

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3 04 (b) Material Sa-82-F30/'

(Spec. No., Grade) (Spoc. No., Grade) Locairon vlin. Cort. crown Knuckle Ellia con;".l Herrisph. Flit Side to Prea.urs (Top,. eono,,. Enrds) Th. AJIow. Redius Radius Reudo Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Corwts.i) (a) Top 2.5" 7.2.3 _F1,qthe,-d (b) Bottom 2.5" 1.75 Flathend if removoble, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5131 Bolts-AS!,t-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. . m. F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pr'eumatic, or combination test pressure 2 00 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -Nzon.ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose larm. Noon. Reinforta'nern How Oriea. Outlet. Drain) No. or Size 'Type Mail. Thk. . Milt. Attchd Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 l.U0b Nnne Bnl tq (QLLnt-tom. Water Port 1 97" Split Flng. 3U455 "1.3I.Nnp" 0 Rnl t (4) T]p

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (*e cri (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with *o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically testec wirth the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design presslrpe CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai.f,//f.drial, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, aio 1 .. l Date 6126/7,R, Signed Cernertl Elertric Co. by______ IManufacturer) (Reprls,3ntative)

  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                         10,572                                  expires 0/                June l0,                        , 1981..       .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIOIJ Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington. N. r. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of - N -C -rl inn - and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected tne pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 6126 19 78--, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIii. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his omployer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer s3a be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisi f onnectw* this inspection. NC799, PA. W...6. Ohio S- Date .6/26/7.8-- Commissions N 1or Provi, n;,d No.) 01076) This form (E001 171 may be obttined from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017 f 0

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 68 OF 257 FORM U-1A mANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricatod Vessals Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manuoctu;'ed by Gerier 1 Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Typo _Ver cq1 aL - HO941 1.05.D( 1381G001 N]R ('r'oar Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mfor'a Serial1"o.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l 8rd No.)
5. The chomical and physical properties of allparts meet the requiroments of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, SectionVilI, Division 1 3-ýý-4-end (ear)- Addenda to s(Date) 75 and Code Case Nos. --

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. -- SA-_-0 "TB__Thk. .55 in. Allow. _ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3. ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grede)

7. Seams: Long. .11 IA._eam]* i3_. R.T. N/A __ Efficiency --  % H.T. Tomp. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded. Dbl. Srlgl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No. l dglo-dn r-med R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl. Lap, Bun) (Spot. Panial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material a-182-F304. 4(b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spac. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Crown Krniuclre Ellipse Conical Hernisph. Flat Side to Prenure (Top, Bono-r. Erids) ThM. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diarm. [Convex or Concave) (a) Top 2.5" El a thead (b) Bottom -- 2.5r /.heq3 F5* If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ctno-1 Bolts-ASME-SA-193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. .LQo F. Min. temp. (when 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _EcrioaSize -- Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose ODi-m. Nora. Reinforcement How Onlet. Outlet. Orein) No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1. on f nl n (4) attom. Water Port 1 .97" Split Flng. 'n-0-Rn No1 tns (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt N.. Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) -No.) INo.l ond (pecril)1 (Where how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly 1ithIO Welded Joints.

Althou1 h A -Differential Pressure Fx-ists on each side nterna ...t remov t.. the

         .    . .Accumulator
                     .......           .......       C'linder . is . Hodrostatlav         . .. . ..          ..     .

ef ttee tJ.* t. e.J

                                                                                                                          - .. es.. .                                 ._ .Pit.toon.                 ed .

hi ghe d esign press

                           ,e-HY-dXD- e 5 tP     --!r    rsSure is based on td l h*
                                                       .......                                                                                            pr s l -r CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details.,f design, m terial, construction, and workmar'*ip .t.*,,vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sectio VilliOivisioh 1.

Date __i__-I I' Signed .. Genera._ElectriC. .o-_ by -- - (Manufaclurer) IRepresentl tive)

   'U' Certificate of Authorization No.                                          ]O_______-expires                                           -     -         June          10_ ,             , 1978 CERTIFICATE                OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                            __ General .E.].ect.r.ic.Co ..... ..                                          at                                qiilminztonrL._h C .

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of N.- Ct.rolin ...... ,n and employed by -Dept Of I.,qo r.- :- have

                                                                                                                                                * ./,Ji-/,*                                 inspected the aeispce-h
           . w'*o=,*          - derscred     ýa            .i..u
                                                            ,,,                c     ,u,, S,,,,fDad gupuri U,,                                .     .' - _ /           _                 and state tnat.

to the best of my krowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed thi prosiure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his emplcyer shall be liable in any manner for an personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising fr,.n r connv',jd with is inspeztion Commissions NNC] 23. 667 01110 Signed. .. in Date

                                                                                                                /- ,,         Comssos                            2.P. .                   7      -6 n"'Iet o()                                                                                              (   all Board. State. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 66 OF 397 FORM 13-11A r.1-rIUFACTURET:S' DATA fEPO,>,T FO9 PRESSLURE VESSELS (Al:c;'nito Form for Single Chiniibnr, Com:nInl.j!v Vssels On!j) As Required by the Provisions co the ASNME Coda Rules, Soction VIll, Divisio:t 1

1. ,,anufecturec, by -General Electric Co-n -pany*,P-.*O.:_7*--.Wilinjngtr-i .(I
2. Monutacured for _Sane-as-Abav-e
3. Location of Ins'allstion
4. Type _-e r_ icaL U-o-3L _-_8 9jlO0I_ - /-f- - -/R (Year Built) 197.7 (Horiz. or v.on-. ank)i ,tMrLr'uS erialNo.) (C .iN) ( ,;ain No.) o (Na:'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts moot the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. consniuction, and workmrn.hip conform to ASMEFRules, Section VIII, Division 1
      ]921_4 and Addenda to                      S.Z5.... and Coda Case Nos.------

ffee, ) Dd:te) Special Service per UG-120(d) - As__Pei.JhisData._Repot - Sea _Pema.rks_.Be]-ow Manufacturers' P`rtial Data Reports proprl identifiod Lind signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: - A-- Nom 6 lG Corr.

                                                                                                  .           in. Diem. 8.70 2
6. She~llMa.._S,,- 106 Gr. B _Thk._.55 in. Allow .n.Lglh..3ft (Spe.c. No.. Grade)
7. Seams: Long. A. /-S-eal].eSs.

IW,-idcd. Dbl. Sngl. Lap. BunI) R.T. - t/*/A ISpot or Full) Efficiency - H.. Temp. --. F Time -- r Girth .. *I._.e d_ i ner.f.orl ed -- R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. ubl. Snpl. Lap, Bun) (Spot, PerilN, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material ._SA- R].E2'30A- (b) Material 1__82-F_4____0_-'_

[Spec. No.. Grcdl) (Spec. No., Grade) Locc~on P,,r Caort Crown Knuckle Ellipne Cerces1 Herniph. Flat S~d. to Pressure iTop. toanom.Endl TChi. Alow0. Radius Rtd,.u, Ratio A*e., Ar.i..e Rd.d;u. Oirn. (Convex or Con vasl (a) Thý .i251. -_F-1___ _ u~0 atbh-ead-(b)Bottom 2. 5n 7.230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-1 3 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Sp i t F1 anges (4) (2Materia, Spec. N ýGr* Size, No.I

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 pei at max. temp. '-400 d , F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure ' psi.
10. SaferOt Valve Outlets: Number NQP_.Size - - - Location -- -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Oiori No,a. Reinforcement How Wlinlt,Outl. D,.nin 1,0. or S,:. Type Mail. Thk. Mali. Atnached Loc.atio., _GasPrt -l.5 ,_S p IitFlng. 30 4 55 -L-050 _Nonp B .t2

                                                                                                                                                                 $o               4      -R n tt m.

_]a_*e _~o rh_ _.7'__S plitEFl.g-_30_A55__L_ iO/to n _ BnltS (4)[Top

12. Supports: Skirt _ o*-.

(Yes or no) Lugs ... . Legs ---- (No.) (No.) Other (Describe) Attached (Whero and howl

13. Remarks: -- £ompL e-te-,,'eh a nal -l- y h--_1.le ed-Joi-n Al thpu gh_.AOifferenti a.Pressure Exs ists ori each side of .the-_nterna.l_2isston,
          .te.Accumulator. Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston.-removed-

.__The.HydroTlest pressure is based.on the higher design pressure.--- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the sta'ements made in this report are correct and that all detaiIl ,'r)es'gn mater C-p."n, truction, and workmanship of this vessel con~orn'to the AM11 [ode lor Pressure Vessels. Sec, !I'.l' Date _.8-31-77 Signed .Meneral ectric. 2 . . . . .1. _Co.......v s et v, ' -; l

                 .. Certficat ofAh(Manufacturer)
  " 'U" C e rtific a te o f A u th o riza tio n N o . . I.          0 , 57 2                    . . . . e x p ire by    s       J u n e 10 ,             o       Z,     v
                                                                                                                                                                                 . 9 _      P__
  • CERTIFICATE OF.SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company ..... .at WilmingtonN.C..

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the Slate orProinceof ill. Carolina and employed by Dept of Labor.. have inspected the pressure vesscl described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 8-3l, . 197 7 , and state that. S C;,e,i ui wy Knuiviecle ano beliet. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressurc vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Sectlon VIII Division 1. By signing this ccrtificatc neith*cr the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied. ccnceoring the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the lnsp*.Ctnr nor hi-. orrployer shQll be hable in any nianner lor any p-rsonal injury or nroperty damage or a loss of any kind rinr.o;n.cintdejlthiS inspeectin. ~ a Sign,:d / 2*4. ,-:c*' Date 8-31-77 Comniiss,orýC 723 PA. .C1766,. Ohi Nit?I oear d. Stro. Pro-nncr, and No

                   * "   ,"
  • u.,*t,*,
  • PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3
  • PAGE 70 OF 214 FORM U-iA MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only)

As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Genera Electric Comnany, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for I Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 7

4.Typa V7ort-rcl IH1286 .05T6138000 (CRN) (Drawing No.)

                                                                                                                                    . N/R (Nat'l Brd No.)

(Year Built) 197 O-oriz. or vert tank) (Mfgra' Serial No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specificationa of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VilI, Divisior I 1.97.4 end Addenda to S' 75 and Code Cose Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shall: Mail. &A_-!0o Gr. Thk. .55 in. Allow. _ in. Diem. 8.70 in.Lgth 3 ft 2 38 in.

(Spic. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. NIA Sea .less.. R.T. NIA Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. =- -F Time -- _ hr MWolded, Dbl. Sngl, Lap, Bunt (Spot or Fuil)

Girth No t.e&dan 7 Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- SnI, La. Db).82elded, But,) (Spot. Parial. or Full B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3 4 (b) Material Sa-182-Fr o4 (Sp&ec. No.. Grac0) (Spec- No., Grade) Locxo, Min. ca". Crownr K,,,Cld Ellipse c, cargl Hernisph. Fiat Side to Preature (Tcp. Cone'* . Et,.Igl ,hL Ailo... P,adu Rarn RaIio A..

                                                                                                            ,      A.r.gý. Rdue                Pi ml.      Corn. x o corC     .o..e)

(a) Top 2.5" _ 7___30_F____h,_ (b) Bottom 2. 5 /.LU Fltheril Il removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) ,n -1 '1 Bolts-AS!-ME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material, Spoc. No., Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Congtitcted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 ps; at max. temp. LoC F. Min. temp. (when less than -20Fl -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Out!ets: Number No-n)ize -- -Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

purp*seo Dim. No-,. Reinflorc*ý-nert How Onrt. Outlet. Prrmt) No. or S;ze Ty,'. Meti. ThL Mail. Ait. od Location Gas Port 1 .75" pit FlnB. 30-4-55 1.0s Nn- PRC1 (4) RBsnBtom. Water Port 1 *9 Split Fing. 30455 -i3nn "RnI r (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs Other Atteched (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (p-.
                                                                                                      ,cn)el                                                (Where end how)
13. Remarks: Comolete Mechanical Asse'bly wftn .o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure E:xists on each side of _he Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hvdrostaticaiiv tested w'rh th Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the hizner design pressrrp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report cre correct and that alldeta i workmeLp "*J* f.,this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se rioef/,s'(o Vs1n fd rterial, construction, and 1. Date  : co/ Signed C-enpra;l *iertric CO. b'!

  • iManuface.rer) (Representative)
  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                        10      572                              expires                      June         10.                ,9 78 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIQN Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                          at                .             Wilningtnn:                 N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of N_ r-n'Linan and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Peport on 5/26 19 .M.., and state Ihat, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Viii, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector n his 5*mp shall b liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisin .. firn9 on -d wit s inspection. Signed Fi o lpetr __ - Date ..... 5/2.6/7 CommissionsN

                                                                                                                                     -Natec Roaed. State. Pro-nce anr No.)

lin/e) This form (E0l117) may be Obtained from t!'e Order Dept., A.SME, 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 120 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Flabricatad Vessals Only) As Relquired by the Provisions of tho ASME Code Rule's, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby - General Electric Company. P.O. Box 7_*_0_-ZQ 1mi_,toL,_
2. Manufactured for aSmp ea-., _Abo.vP
3. Location
4. Typo _VerticJ of Installation 02?2
                                                         .*                    ______                     _7I.05DD.3K*"001                             ZiRZW_            i_  (Year Buil) 7 (CRN)                        (DrawVing No.)                  (Nat'l Brd No.)

(-orit. or vort. tqnfl iMlgr's Serial No.)

5. The chemical and ph'sizal properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1924_. and Addenda to __12_5 _ end Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Datel Special Service per UG.120(d) - As_ Per This Data-Repnrt flPe - P . e_ otqt Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proprly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the repot A Nem. 55 Corr. 3 2

     .SShlhMat SA-106          .              Grae           .Thk .....             in. Allow.               ..        in. Diam.                 _.70 in. Lgth.-- _.._ft                   -.1R       in.

ISpec. n'o., CGote'le

7. Seams: Long. J1IA_Saar-mler.__ R.T. __N/.A - Efficiency --  % H.T.'remp. --- F Time -- hr (W;eldcd. Czl. Sngl. Lap. Bull) {S:pot or Full)

Girth N alding2arf rd -_ _ _ R.T. - No. of Courses -- S IWelded. bi. !ngI. Lop. Bun) (Spot. Fartilor FulIl B. Heads: (a) Material SA-l82-__F3..04 (b) Material SA-182- __04 (Spoc. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Locaton M.,n. Corr. Ciown Knvcild Elilpse Con;cal Hemnisph. Flat Side to Pressute (Top. e3oriom,Endl) Thk. Ai!o. Radius Raedius Rato Apex Angle I*ad;ua DOmnrn. (Convex or Con-ave) (a) -T p 2 2.5" _.________ ___._-_2_31_ 2.230 L&_-t Ii (b) Bottom 2.5- 7.230 FlLe.h d Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500- l13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) 2f~iatori'alI Spc N. Gr Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tcmp.- -40 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure _200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N0lO2 Size -- _Location - --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoee DM.. Nom. Reinforcement Mom Criel. Outlet, Oiemnl No. c' Ste ypa Mail. Thk. Moel. Attached Location _G s.-_o rL -___3.5 -- SpIii t FiI ng.. 30 455____L06O___one Q.Battm. _9aiemhrt_ 7 '--S p1L tF 1 no_4g 3D_455 .._L300 None Bo* itsi4 )Tap

12. Supports: Skirt -No -. Lugs .... Legs..... Other Attached (Yes or no) {No.) INo.) (Describe) (Where and howl
13. Remarks: bly with NO Welded Joints A.thou ghA*_[ifferential Pressure Exsists_ on each side of.. .thenterna__2istoa.,

_ t_-. Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatical ly. tested with the Piston-removed.- __ThelHydro Test pressure is based on the higher. design pressure .- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the s:a:ements made in this report are correct and that all details pf design, rnateria!, construction, and workmanship Dal, 9-2-77 of this vessel conforrrto the A.ME.Code Sgedbenera/ Electric for Pressure CO.--. Sectloli'.i.*'. kjvisi. n 1. Vessels, by/J.-'*Lf*IU*"- Dat.9...S... Signe. d IManufactucreJr) . . by (Represenetative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                               ._10*,572                 ure....             .    (xpires       .,ne            .10 -                        ..         _ .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company, ... at Wilmington, N.C. I. the undersigned. holdng a valid cmmisqion issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Piovn.:e of N'. Ca rol i na and employed by Dept of Labor. .. have inspected the P- - -'l,.U~~

                          -U~ -      --    -    .;iC.;-                                                                                  -..       .-   -        .   .o   7      fl, an    J           .3 to the best of my knovw!edge and belief. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Scti;on VIl. D:vwsion 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his empioyer makes any warranty, eapissid or implied. concerning the' pressure vessel doscribed in the Manufact'urers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither twe Inspoctor norhi t.s jl",ier                      shall.e liable in any manner for any personal injiry or property damage or a loss of any kind ofisn i'r'uji,;r 6r c,/.'.,'ed '                              ispection.

inilliS S (~'9 ' D'Itt 9-2-77 commissiorC723 f PA. WC1766, Ohio nafd. Stitm . Pruv,nce and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 384 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Form for Sing!le Chamber, Completely Shop-Ftbricated Vo..sets Only) As Requircd by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Monufactured by .Com.pany 0icopj__.
                                                                                                     )lect         Box 780,                   Vilmington,                       N.C.
2. Manufactured for ____ _n__ _ as__Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type --. Ae.rt--*-i ca-]-- HO9-*7 '5_D_6_385C01L _NLRm- (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or von. tank) PMlfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) iNat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meat the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND FRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The des;gn, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
        -94*21      and Addenda to -S'                      7.5 - and Code Case Nos.                            --

Year) (Dato) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Mtnufacturors' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report.: N/A Nom. Corr. 3

6. Sholl: MaI. -. n.A=)6__Gr *BTk. . 55 in. Allow. in. Diem 8.70 in. Lgth. ft 2.38_in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .J.._Se_.e.s.s R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time --- hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Su-., (Spot or Full)

Girth No WP1r __Ejrf.O_._ed _ng R.T. -- No. of Courses --

           ,                                 (Welded, Obi. Sngl. La. Butill                                                      (Spot. Parial. or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F30(Spec. No., 4u Grade) (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade)

Locatiun Mm. Co". Cown Knuckde Eli;pse conicrl Hanieph. FIMt Si;e to Pre..iure (Top. Botrom. En,ds) ThL Atio.. Radiius Rtdu Ratio Apai Angle R,,dius Diem. (conr,ýa o con,.U-1 (a) Top 2.5" -Jr- a______ (b) Bottom 2.5Sr 7a1 he'ad-- If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -- 5f-l -1"* Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Solit Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at may. temp.- O--.---

__n F. Min. tamp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 r) -- - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ._*O.NSize --- Location ........
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dim. Norn. Reintorcermnt How Ornet.Outlet. Dien) No. or Size Typo Mail. Thk. Mail Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln 30-455 1.U60 JBnJ None *s (A)_B ottom. Sr P;er t1 .97 Sp1 it Fng. 30T55___= 0B None B_4I__-T To

12. Supports: Skirt .. _JiO__ Lugs Legs _ Other Attached __

lYes or no) INo.I (No.) (pe (Whore and how)

13. Remarks: Corpjlete Mechanical Assembly WMl1,o Welded Joints.

_. Although A Differential Pressure E.1sts on each side of the.Intern~lPston the Accumulator Cylinder is Hvdrostat fca-teste 1h j the .--........ The 11y'dro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail, I dgsin, n. lterial, construction, and

    ,'orkmansb            of hJnvessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Socti° r'l;(':ivisin-*-,1.

Dat _. -. -.... Signed _ -__G.eneral . Electric Co_.... by'.T , /,I't r`/(<.(,,'7_ Ianutacturoil - (Rep-esentse tiveo "U" Certificate of Authorization No. JO,572--expires . June_-10 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Elec tric Co. ... at___ I. the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of -N.. C.arolina . and employed by _).Dpt Of Lbor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .. - - /*,/3--. 19 '7.., and state that to the best of my knovtedge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIli. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressod or implied. coticerning the pressure vessel doscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspoctor nor his em;:(rnr shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising_ fL,; conmp'" d.. in poclon_" n Sij,,ed I L Z, b;)0o ,"/ o n i.ate 2 3. PA. .C] 766 , 01110

                                   ,ip         C-                                   ateq.                                                      "./t' ltot a'l Boa,d. Statir.        Pro*inca and No I

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. 0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-009 Address Reoair/ReDlacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No . etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/0235 General Electric Old A3203 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2422 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0239 General Electric Old A3202 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2406 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0243 General Electric Old A3026 . N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0901 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1859 General Electric Old A3441 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1905 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2659 General Electric Old A5167 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A1531 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3059 General Electric Old A3882 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0956 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "J".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic IZ Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. _F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 22, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-009 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanizathon P.O No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/1455 General Electric Old None N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1911 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1855 General Electric Old A3372 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0951 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2255 General Electric Old A3645 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New COO 12 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2655 General Electric Old A3269 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0786 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "J".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt EL Other nI Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-009 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed IS1 Program Engineer Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Date ',20 C CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid conmmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of v't , ,, . and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S .Z (f.e .. to -2C(2.. " , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. ý_I.v t . L) __

                               "ý        A       %                        Commissions                              i'*ýYl     c(.*',

Inspectors Signature NaCsonal Board, State, Prownce, and Endorsements Date

  • 20 UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 186 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altunate Form for Single Chnmber, Completely Shop-Fabricatod Vessels Only) As Roquirod by the Provisions of ths AS.IE Code Ruls, Section VIII, Division 1 I.Manmifactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 7&Q_ im gon 4 C_._

2. Manufactured for S .
3. Locatior, of Instll lion
4. Type L*_c*C.iTC _ A2/22 __D--_8_G0____!R (Yer Buit)_.97 (Horiz. or vorn. tank) imfgrI Seriol NO.) . (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Bid No.) r" 9
5. The chemical end physical properties of ell parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, ard wor; manship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 I q 7_4 and Addenda to .,SLZ5 __- and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Dzte) Special Service per UG.120(d) - -A-s Per "This,[ta Reporit - Sie Remarks. Relo'4 Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop I idantifieciand signed by Commissioned Inspectors have bean furnished for

   'the folovl'ing items of the relp t'.                                               ..*.
6. Shell: Mall. SA- 106 Gr. B Nom. mThk. .

55 AllowCorr." . in. Diem. 8.70 in. Lgth. -3__ft -2_38 in. V-(Spec. No., Grdel

7. Seams: Long. _IV/A*Sa_*[de5S.Ss__ R.T. JLNA.. Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr N,to elded. Ohl,. Snsi. Lap. 0uzl) (Spot or Full)

Girth Iiding...Perforned R.T ..... No. of Courses -- (W eldrd,D bIl. Sngl. Lap. Bunt) (Spot Partial,

                                                                                                                                           ,             or Full)

B. Heads: (a) Material SA--_182_-F34 (b) Material SA-182-F.34 (Spec. No., Grede) (Spec. No., Grade) Locaron MA. Cor. Crown KýuCkUo Ellip.9 Conical Htrnlph. Flat Sid. to Pfreawo (Top. Snorn. Endol Thk. Allo-. Fadwl RadoUs Rr.o; Ap.. Angle F.RdiU Oem. (Con-o. or Concil (5IZL- P___ -_'b ______ ________ __ U2._3Q __EFatLP_.aI. (bi Bottom -*7 7.230 FlatAhea If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bo lts-ASME-SA193--B7 for Split Flanges (4) 2 ~(Material, Spec. NS ,.Grd Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number None Size - . - Location ---
11. Noc*les and Inspection Openings:

Purpose D;.m. Nomn. Roenforcement Ho-rinaor. Curle.. O'.1 No. rT. Sype Modl Trk. Mail. A,,chtd Locerion

      -GS-.s__.*L_.j --- 7.5 _-Sp ]..i.tE] ng.*_a0455--__]_J060____                                                                                         e                    J*-tS-J.U.---CLt tm.

B. iLa-erP* r l_-- 9Z S p..l _t_.]_Q g._ 0_A5.5_ IL.3120- iI[ neo _(4) I

12. Supports: Skirt -.Nn..__. Lugs ... Legs - - Other Attached (Yos or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: -- Complete2.lechai.ica-l-Assemb2.l-y- tboJe--c l-d-ed-Joizdr
      - -thou-gh.A~Df~ferentjia._P-ressure Exs.i stson each_ side of__the-*on, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically- tested with the Piston -removed.-

..- The Hydro Test pressure is based -on-the -higher- design pressure..--. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE V,'e certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of design, Fmaterial, construction. and workmanship of this vessel confor the ANME fode for Pressure Vessels. Sectiq*Jt*l,,1/ivicrn 1. Date, 9-9-77 Signed G~eterala lectr IC CO.--.- by/*.>,- 1'a/ iCU~tLt... ({. _ .. (M.. anufacturerd . e. ir. s r e 10 Representea eo)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.. a 572-...- -..                                                        expires                 Line 10, .--. -                                   - , 19-7L.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General El ectric Wilmington ,N.C., ____ I. the undersigned, holding a valid cornmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province o1 HJ, Carol ina and employed by Dpt. of Labor .. have inspected the w:essure vessel dcle.rrcit rf in this M n,f f,ýt.,r¢ Iat_ RDpa rt ........... ..9n.. .. ..... 19 .77.o - to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with AS;.1E Code. Section Vill. ODvision I. By signing this ccrtificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the NMonufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Insp'ctor nor his emplnyer shall be (able in any manner for any personral injury or property damage or a loss of any kind a,,sr-'X"f1M or ,./.,.,8-9-77

                              *. conIected           with this inspection.                                                                    NC 799 , Pt, %.:C,21,600hi ."
                                           ,'      u                             Date                                          s                     IN't Boerd' Stare. Pwuovme and No.)


                                                                                                                                                                                    ,      *<.V-t       i, Py     1rnnl7

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHGO PAGE 126 OF 397 FORM U-lA 1.Ar.UFACTU,,ERS' DATA REP.ORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotoly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Roquirod by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VlIl, Division 1

1. Manufacturcd b General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wi]ghiiingLto J..
2. Manufaciurcd for . am-_.a-s_.._..A VP
3. Location of Install tion
4. Type !Ve..rt cU*.__ _A2Ae_4____ _-6_].0 5D_GCOL_. ......... (Year Built) 197-7.

O'Horiz. or van. nek) (,..lgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.) I S. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1-92.-* and Addenda to 7_.. and Code Case Nos. - (Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - Spp Reaa _ ]o, Manufacturers Partial Data Reports prop identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished foRo fo!lowing .heth-items of the report:.. id/ n

                                                                                                  " "nd      b C            s      d            t              v b          furisedfo Nom                           Corr.
6. Shell:Matl. SA-106 Gr. B Thk. .551 in. Allow .. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. ._3__ft _2 .3.&8__in.

(Spec- No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _JJA-._SEa LnL1 S.._ R.T.-JJ/AA Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. - - F Time -- hr rYalded. Obl, Srgl, Lep. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth .1-JIdingl Pprifor R.T. No. of Courses-(Welded, .U) Srigl. Lap, Bun) (Spot. Partial. or Full

8. Heads: (a) Material .SA-182-_E3f4 (b) Material SA-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Ms. Ccit. Crown Kr'ucJe EDip-. Conical Herlniph. Flat Sid. to Pr*lsoa (Top. Botom,. E dsl ThV. Arow. Radio, Rad;u. Rao Apo. Angl. Fladiu. Dism. (Convex or Concavei (a) Top 2.5 A23f _latheatLpad F* (b) Botton 2.5 T- 7 M_223-01 Flathead I removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bol ts-AS1E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. N G Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. al!owable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp '. 40 F. n temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic. or combination test pressure 320 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number UO_1E! Size -- _Location - --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Cpenings:

Purpose 0,im. Nora. Re-itorcarnenl Hot r,"e*.Outl.t. Disint N.o. o Sq.o Type Thk. Ma1l. Atlachrd Locatio, _L-Ls_P.arL -- __7 5' _ pI_i_L_FI.ng_. 304 55 li060__l 1 on B oI .t.s4_ )--B-0t t M a..1t~er*Poir1 1 7 _ _S .. _El ng

                                                              $hl                           30455               1300JNnn                                        Bnlits 4)


12. Supports: Skirt __11_._ Lugs ..__ Legs ___ Other ___Attached (Yes or no) INo..) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: _CompleteMechan4-cal J.semnly-.,it.h--o.le1ded-Joints Al thQ.Lgh__A .if f-erenti al Pressure. .Exsi s ts. on de _of-thej nternaL _P_.s.1tn, eb.Accumul ator. Cyl i nder J.i s Hydrostatical ly_ tested wi th theI-P-i ston-r-emovedI.---

TheHy_dr.0__Test..pressure is based-on-the-higher-design-pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE V'e cerify that the aratements made in this report are correct and that all details cif design, rrMterial. construction, and work.manshiý yf this vessel confor to the ASMF .Code for Pressure Vessels. Sectiornq4/ / vlijsirn 1. Data 9277 ...... ___ -. .

                                    . Sgned .enraL.E/ectric
                                       -                                       lMsnufscturet)

Co.__... by ,i- lL.",'A/,'t l Repraaonatibvel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. __10 572........ . ei~pires . J ne .10 19_1. CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Conlpany .. at Wilmington, N.C,. I. the undersigned. hoiding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Provnce of 'I,. Carol i na and employed by Dept of Labor. . have inspected the pressure vessel des:ribed in this Marnufacturers' Data Report on9-2 . .... .. 1977. , and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with AS!.:E Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this cerificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impled. concurning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither CommissioA o,723, PA. the Inspector ncri his enfhloyer shimi.tte liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any k'dasin0 . ,nd

                                            ."h'sy," ii in.,pectonDat,                     9-2-77                                                             t.,C1765, Ohio I                              aoard.                                            (N81D                State. Piuvn* ce and No I

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 390 OF 397 FORM U-IA I'lANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chnmber, Completoly Shop-Fabric-ted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of th.o ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby CXeaQar*.,_E].ectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _._'enrtic, . HO901 , IQ5.D_6.38_Q00_._L_1 R (Year Built) 1977 (Horiz. or vert. lank) (Mgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nar' Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material spOcifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 l.L 4 ... end Addenda to--- S1 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Date) Special Service par UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufrclurers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for ___the forlowing items of the report: N/A '

                .     .Nom.                                                          Corr.
 '"6. Shell.Mat.          4A_-_]06rJL. ,Thk.                               55 in. Allow.         ___in.             Diam.          8.70          in.Lgth.       3               2.38        in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. 1{j . l'3l.].,5.._ R.T. NIA Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- _ hr (Welded. Dol, Srgtl. Lop, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No IAIdi ngF]aJ-.m__:;md R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Weldad, Dbl. Sng!. Lap. Butt) (Spot. Paetial. or Full)

8. Hea-ds: (a) Material _. -182-F34 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spoc. No., Gradee (Spec- No.. Grade)

Loc.sitin Mi,. Corr. C o,- Krnucl. E;Iipae Cor.icul HNnis ph. Flat Side to Pre&Aoro (Top, Uonýmn. EMOl ThL AlOw.. Rediu. Radiue R,Iio Apeis Angle fladius Di3m. (Conv 5x cr Conczv:r) (a) Top _5__-3 F1Pt-hpd (b) Bottom 2.I5-r7SU Fln ed5 If romoveble, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . -I_3 Bolts-ASME-SA\193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Malarial, Spec. No., Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi rt max. temp. 4.00____ F. Min. temp. (when 320 0 less than -20 Fl -- F. Hydrostatic, pireumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valye Outlets: Number .on ~ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Di.rn. Norn. Reinforcemn,.N Ho 1rrlet. Outle. DOainl No. or Site Type Marl. ThIL M.rl. Artschod Ltocariorn Gas Port 1 .751 S___it Flng. 30455---060 _NnBotom . Water Port Ilnn.97r Split 305 Y 1 _q r (4)_

12. Supports: Skirt -N,.0__ Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) No.F INo.J IQa cri (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witfn z.o Welded Joints.

E,-xists on each side of..the.. .te. *.na.l. .iston theth~oughA Actumul Differential~or~_]__qylinder Pressure is _llydrost y teiwiLh. thenPistnre Qsvd.- i _..dro.oT s.t.pressure__is based on t-- ige e* r s gnprcss-ure CERTIFICATE OF CO,\ePLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all detail f d sign. rpaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Seclio p-W) . . Data ___Q=_6= 7 _ Signed Cneral. lecLtricCo_,_ _b___ IMtanufacturar) e e tapreaolonatiyve "U" Certificate of Authorization No. _.10,572 expires __-- , ' ule 10_ , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co.a t __-WilmingtonqL. __ _ I, the undersigned, holding a valid commrssion issued by the Natioial Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and:or the State or Province of . . N. . Carolina .. and employed by P)ept of Lab-or.. hove inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . z./'.. X.....]._

                                                                                                                                        ,L                19"Z7-, and state that.

to the best of my know.vledge end belief. the Manufacturer has constructed &~is pressure vessel in accordanct with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neithor the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nop5 hi!srnplqy7rz shall rr lieblo in any manner for any personal injury or pruperty damage or a loss of any kind arisin o t, O.-./on r 'd wii; %J;',sr r p0ction. / C Signed . . .,4.4 _.'., Dt " Commissions WC1766, 011.O 1

                                       '     np,     r'tr                                                                                         BoId. Stee. Provinee end No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 7? OF 146 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT.FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Viii, Division 1

1. Manufactured by Electric Companyy, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington N.C.

2.2.Manufactured Manufcturedby forr ,E'G UeneralElectric" Coh, San Jose, Ca. (NEBO)

3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vprr1fra95 1.-9D6138G001 N/R (Year Buitt) -1929 CAoriz. or vart. tank) (Mfgr'l Serial No.) (CRN) (Orowing No.) (Nat'Il Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19=*4r and Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) (Datel Special Service pwr UG-120(d) As Per: This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Corirnisisiohied Inspectors have: been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A SNo m*.

6. Shetl:MatL. 2-l Gr.ThN 5 5 in. Allow.Corr.8. in. Diam. 8.700 in.t. - gt. 3 f 2.38
2. 8 in.r (Spec. No., Grade)
7. Seams:Long.N/A S _Pl.mesS.R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -'- F Timea. -.- .r (Va'lded. Dbl. Seag, Lap. Bunr) Spot or Full)

Girth Nn ¶TeIplding (Welded. Performed Obl. Sngl. Lap. Bun) R.T. -- No. of Courses (Spot. Panial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-$182- F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec- No., Grids)

Location Mir Co-r. Crso- K'uckdd Eli;pse Corlce1 H oiepk Fie. Side to Pree.ure (ToP. Bor-., End.) ThkL Allow. Radius Raid;u RAsro Ap.. Angle Radiua Di & . Con',,. or Coioc"al) (a) Top 2.5"d 7.23 () Bottom 2.51 I.3 Flt-heU If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 0s -13_I Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. - Ln F. Min. temp. (when 3

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 200 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Non.Eize =
                                                                            --        Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

r*ni.. O*tll.0,D.;n) NO . or S, Type M d4rl. *Thl. MtS. A .ctre,6d Locason Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 3045.5 I.Ubo .No-nR r.A;A4)'Xt._ntltom. Water Pot I1 97" Split Fln?.30455 -- NInr n0- sns 4.) ( Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NQ Lugs - Legs - Other Attached
13. Remarks: or no)

(YetComplete INo. Mechanical MNo. Assembly WI. o Welded Joints. (Where and how) Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side pf the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wiyth the P ~tonremoved, The Hydro Test pressure is based on the nigher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Wa certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all do it of e' ma rial, construction. and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, act n ** I o0 Date 3-7-79 Signed General Flectric CO. IManufacturarl /Representaivel "U" Certificate of Authorization No._.0.572 expires June 10. 19_8 . CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby General Electric Co. at Wilnminton, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of N_ Cnrl ')lrnn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 3-7 197_-..i_, and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Divis;on 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Ins*pector nhisn mpl)*,shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind orpetin kind, aii-n

  • Wt') inspection 3 'nmmionn NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohi 11 pec-.ot - . -__N 4;f E -oa r @to. Proýincs and No.)
       , A         ;                 ,                 1ý #                    oa^e 3-7-79                     Commissions
                                                                          .1   - -     I    -   '-  1 1..-       -r n),H-   11it. ASM       - 3.45£ 47th S, S     Nori York.. N.Y. `1007

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG1 PAGE 122 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alteanate Form for Single Chomber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VI:I, Division 1

1. Manufs turedby _ General Electric Corempany, P.O. Box 7810.ilthinon., N.C.
2. Manufactured for .Saff izbAhnvp
3. Location of Installrition
4. Typ
               *eirt~i~cL*[                    _ A153.1~                  _         ____                     _            -~5-D            &.         i .       /R                   , W(Year Built) - 97.
4. eriz. or Vert. tar, l (,?Afgr Serial No.) - (CRN) (Orawing No.) (Nat'fl Brd No.)
5. The chemical and ph,'sicrl properties of all parts mcet the requirements of material specifica'ions of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 (Year) and Addenda to _1Z5_31 197_L (Daea)_5 _ and Code Case Nos. -

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This ls ata Rpoprt. - See Remarks, Be-low Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rI identified and.signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished.for . the following items of the report:  ;-A.. Nomr Corr. SA-106 Gr. B .55 in. Allow.... in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 _ft _2 3.38 in.

6. Shell:Mal. .'Thk (Spec. No., Grade)
7. Seams: Long WAS~ afa1P SS. .T. Efficienc %____ ý

____em.__=_Fim y (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full) Girth No...aldin POrfn Pd R.T. No. of Courses -- lW elded. D bl.SnqI. Lao, Gutl) (Spot, Parl I, or Full E3

8. Heeds: (a) Material SA-132-?- F'l4 (b) Material __-1_ -30_

(Spec. Nr.. Grade) (Spae. No., Grade) Locirior Mr-in. Corl. Coen KnuOJa Ellipse Corý;cal Hemiaph. Flat Side lo Presure (Top, Bonom. Ends) Thk. Allowru. R ua Ill. di a Ratio Api. Angle Disrn. (Convex or Concave) (, Fo__ ____ 2.5' 7-2_0_ 2 E thad& Fa1 (b)BOttcm25 7.230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanqes (4) (Material, Spec. N .*.Grd Size. No.)

9. Constructed for mx. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 00d F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) - _ F. H-,drostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NfL2. Size -- _ Location ---
11. Noules and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Flori. Re.ntorc.&'cari How (Inlre" Owiler. Or.;nl No. or size Tyo0 Nc:e. ThiE Mad. Artachad Lo.-Ion a _G a.Pso* LL__.t- _75 __ialzeriorti__.__,9_7"__SpAitUE].rag.__.0A SpLi__-F.lng-__30455..l- 5 5___]1_00 060i0____Dnp None -

                                                                                                                                                                                     .Roltls Bolts2()_nttm.   (4)Top
12. Supports: Skirt .__No__, Lugs Legs _ _ Other Atleched lYe-s or nol (No.) INo.) (Describel (Whera and how)
13. Remarks: __Complet.e-2.lechan-.ca_ A~s-emhly-qi:-th. No-.Welded--Joints

_A though ADitf"ere-ntJ._Eressure -xs ists .on- of the Internal Piston, t -ccumul at.or. nder-i s..Hydr~ostati ca I ly. tes ted with the Pi s ton removed. - design pressure. ........ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report ate correct and that all deat{zoil d,,.;rn. nmA erial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel contorn'to the AM Clfode for Pressure Vessels. Secti " t. ",-,/./i Dat*c .1.0e 26-Z7_ Signed ene ra/ Electric C , - b/., ,..........

   "'U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          -_ tn..o-,Z                                          -     expires           ._: une       .10,     -7..              .        . 19      .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by _.Genear1 El ectric Co_..mafy___ I at W~imi ng ton _'. C and Pressuro Veastsl InS1,0ta I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and;or the State or Province of - N . .Carolina_ ...._ - and employed by DePt .9f. Labor -ha"o .. . .i ..* I"

                                                                                                                            ..        .-..w. ., -'//       .      -.       .        / / . aru             ,,        ,"

pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on

                                                                                                                                                                                                        *             .,It to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure veseol in acCnfdlI,'i his employer make a ns inri'*                 v            ty.

ASME Code. Section Viii, Division 1. Cy signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Repori Fu rlithrrl t"i r e.talr.! personal injury Or property amaUoO ors f lids a 'a tre Inspector nor his eMployer shall ba liable in any manner for any Li'nd arisingI ccted this inspac-ton. / .. (n - Signed-- ýý , " Lý_, * * (Inspect~~~r}

                                                                      -        -          Dsate         /                    corosioC',23                 IN~t'lf H   . ,*,d. 5lel10. V'l-.-lll'               I.

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 86 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOIT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Form for Single Chnmbor, Comp!etaly Shop-Fabrckatod Vessels Only) As Requirod by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VWI, Divi3fon 1 1.Manufacturedby General. Electric Comprany. P.O. BQ 70, Wilrn toNJLC..____

2. Manufactured for __ _Saml__alQa.S_,_A VP
3. Location of Install tion
4. Type.}Vet i l (Horiz. or ven. tar-ki He9 5_._

Mlfgr's Serial 140.) - _ _ _ _0_ CF"IN _15_D7I.6 (Drawing No.) B .3LRB._--I (Nail Brd No.) (Year Built) 9-7-7

5. The chemical and physical properties of all porfs meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1*A*_

(Yeerl and Addenda to _S_'75_ lOatel _ and Code Case Nos. -- Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per Thi O Qa9 ta_eporit - SPaP RPmaX-k_.s o,,,ow1 Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: A Nom Corr: 2.38. -

6. Shell:Matl. SA-_10o -r. B Thk. .55 in. Allow .... in.Diam. 8.70 in Lgth.L3_.ft in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. ._11/_(_Sean.1eS___ R.T. /A__ Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. - - F Time -- hr (Welded. Obl, Sngl. Ltp. Ben) MSpot or Full)

Girth-No WeldingPerfor.,_ed_ (Wldod. ubl, Srgl. Lap, Bun) R.T. S-(SpoL P rtI or Full) No. of Courses --

8. Heads: (a) Material _SA 18-E30n4 (b) Material SN-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade);On M.tJ Coat. Crown Knrd, -llip.. Conical H,-niph. Flat Sida to Prlesure (Top. Ctdtl ThI. All.j- Radius Rod- Rat;o Ape. Angle Radius Da.m. (Convax or Conc.Avel (a) 0T) 27.5" _ -.2321 __Ela_tb.eaLd__

     ,(b) Bottom                          E-*                                                                                                                      7. 230 Flathead If removable, bolls used (describe other fastenings) .500-13                                               Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) 2Materiel. Spec. Ng Gr, Size. No.)
9. Constructed for max. allow/able working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. '4U0 F, Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 32-00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N'tQ[f Size - - Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpo.a D- Norn. R nlnfor¢nent Ho' Onlet.Dutla(. Drain) ?J,. o, Site Type Mjitl. Trek. Mall. Attached Locriton Cia&2 PnrtL -15_S _. 060 None.____ 1 Or.L .9a_;7 '"_ S p.1_t_ JF1 Ing. __30.4 55.__ __nO__On-- N sltT

12. Supports: Skirt __.JO - Lugs - _ Legs . Other . . -.. Attached (Yes or noi (No.) (No) (Describe) (Where end howl
13. Remarks: ee1,ch an4.ca_.-Assemb l.y-v.i-th-JJLeIde HComl -jo n ts Ath~ou~g _A_ _ feren-t-.a , Pressu re-Ex-s{sts. on each .-side -oLfthe_jnterna.LP.s._ton1 Accumulator. Cylinder-is Hydrostatically.. tested .with- the. Piston-r-emoved-Ane*

_-The Hydro Test pressure_,is based on the higher design. pressure,_. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report a:e correct and that all detail of d .7gn.. rnTterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel confor to the A ME ode for Pressure Vessels, SeCti; V./D*ivsi, 1. Date .10-14-77 Signed __%enera. Llectric

                                                                             .. arnulacturel Co.--.._                                                     -


   "U"     Cer-tificate of Au:horizaion No...                 J0,572............                                       epires              June..          10 ,.                                      78 .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made- by General Electric Company at Wilmington,_.N..C .... I. the undersigned, holding a valid commiss,on issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of i. Carolina ,. and employed by Dept of Labor...- -have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . / C/ý 19-7... and state that. tu tire bust oi my knowieoge and Ocher, tne Manuiacturer has constructed this *pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section ViII. Division 1. By signing this certficate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concrirning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector not his errrJ)yer shall be hallpte in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arsino ,ro1r' r c4-n,'r ted witl.(hrs inspection. . / 3 Sn d , *,~

                                     "~~~~~~~i l~                 *     /    '               D'rte/' -' .)/*l'   " ,        tN CommrssooC 723ttBooed.                 I    PA. Ste         r766 , and State. Ptuwnce     Ohio. No.)

11 " - "-, II ý"' 1 1 7 i - . . I ý I I. . - 1. ý - -. 11, A - r)- -, L 'ý '.' , 1.1 1 "..' 1. . - 1 . . I- I r., ý I 1 7FIl

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 146 OF 146 FORM UI1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division I 1.Manufactured by E.neralElectric Company. P.O. Box 780 Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufacturedfor General Electric Co., San Jose, Ca. (NEBG)
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VPrt'fcql H11911 105D6138GO01 N/R (Year Built)197Q P-oN . Orveil, tank) IMfgr'a Serial No.) (ICN) - (ODawing No.) (Nat'J Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 I 92,.a--and Addenda WYNr ."



75 V'M1ate) and Code Case Nos. -- Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers" Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by-Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: - N/A Nom. Corr. 8.70 .3 2. 3

6. Shlh:Matl. .~106 GT. B_.Thk. .55 in, Allow. in.Diam. in.Lgth. __ 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A Seamp PSS5R.T. .. NIA Efficiency %H.T.Temp. . Tim aflmer2 .hr (Yielded, Obl. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded. Dbl. Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-I82-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grad@)

Locrdoý mif ccorr. Crvw- KrI d.:l Ellipee Concall Hem- .p. Flat Side to Pree,.use ('Too.Boc,%Eýnd) ThkL Allow. RAiu. Rdiu- Reaio Aa.. Anq1 Radius Diem. lCo*.wa or Concavel (a) Top 2.5" 7F234 _ ]_thead (b) Bottom 2."/Z F1gthPad 1f removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .fI-l' Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

9. CoMfor max. allowable working pressure 2100 atlerial. SpaC- No., Gr., Size. No.)
      .Constructed fr                  o       lwrpsi                                                      at max. temp.                JLo              F. Min. temp. (when 3      0 less than -20 F)           --                    F. Hydro-tatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure 20                                                 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nnn ize -- "_Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

PurpoI . Dirn.

                                         -                                                                   N                    nlooccar-nt Od.t. OWut *.,le       .~

H~o o, sq. Typ4 Mct. T`!, Matu. ArtaCted L ocation Gas Port 1 .75" Split 3455 1.Ub Nnn P BnILt L (4) enftom. Water Pot 1. 97" Split Flng. 3U455 30 NnnP n, .tq (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yea or no) (No.) lNo.} (ea (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wict o Welded Joints.

Althou~h A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Pistnn removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta*li f design m aterr 1. construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Se/ io V son 1 Date 3-13-79 Signed C,enerrl Flepr' c Co. by(,p. 0en v (Ma nufactured (Representative)

  "U"     Certificate of Authori:ation No.                          10 ,57                                expires                     June         10,                  19 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                     General              Electric           Co.                     at                             WITo I ngton-N.                    C.

I, the undersigned, ho!ding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of N C. rnl tnn and employed by. Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 3-13 19 79. and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Sectioe VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report- Furthermore, neither the Inspec¢or n his em o1r shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisi ~ 'rrv*~~dwir, Vii Inspection. nd-DC 31379 C o NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohi ln~n.¶-* Data3-1379 omm~lon TNtII*ord. S.tile Province and No.l I Xn si rd State Province and No I

                                                 'Tis, form (OOt 17) may be otusined fhorn t'.e Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 348 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURF.RS' DATA ]REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Sin0!o Chambor, Compfctely Shop-Ftbricntod Vessols Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. ,Menufacturod by G.CflcLrql&QEJtc Com2any. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location .-f Installation
4. Type .*V-rLica. _H0951 .,*_1(QQQ0 -N/R 105D (Yoar Built) 1977 Oiori.. or vrat. tenik) (Mf~r' Serial INo.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nai'l Erd No.)
5. Theochomical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of'the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, D;vision 1 2,9...2.4 cYesr) and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

Special Service pr UG-120(d) (08A*J As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors.have boon furnished for the following items of the report: N/A4 - Nom. Corr. h " 2. .

6. Shell:iail.._.,"]--06Q1*Z-,_D__-Thk. -55 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.70 in. Lgth.38 in.

(Spic No., Grade)

7. Seam%: Long. _I',/A S.eaml.eS.SR.T. N/ *A- Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. F Time -- hr (Welded, Dor.Sigl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth _.X1ind__. ng.EexfQscnmfAd R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap. 6utni (Spot, Partial, or Full) S. Heads: (a) Material - Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spoc. No., Grade) Loc.,n. Corr. C-own Knucki, Ellipse Conicel H-.nilph. Filt Stde to Pi"wsuoe (Top. Beottor,. Endls) Thk. Allow. Rod;ul Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius D -rn. (Convex or (al_ Top 2.5 __________________ (b) Bottom 2 5Wr F1 n t __ If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5()-1 3 Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spoc. No., Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 41().J)l. F. Min. tamp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 F) --- - F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
                                                                                     - Locaticn
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Nunber ._No* .Sizo --
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose 04,. Norn. Reinforcenmenr HoW Pnlit, Gullet. Den} No. cf Suze Typo MOl. ThL M Oall. Arttched Loca¶,on Gas Port 1 .75 .Split Flni 30455 10U None Bn1t-q (4) ortom. Eatjgr_ Port 1 .97"7 - Split Flng. 30-&55- 1.0 3 N one Bnol r (

12. Supports: Skirt -- NO. Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) IN0.eo.) c r s)
                                                                                                                       ,                                        (W here end how )
13. Remarks: Complete ,echanical Assembly ,,tnrt tro Welded Joints.

___*L gh A Differential Pressure Erxists on each side 15nt-the Accumulator Cylinder is HYdrostaticaiy testead - t.e.Pi..Qed _l e- Hydro Test pressure is based on theliigberdesignpressure__ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct end that all detail5lofdgPs.., material, construction, and v,.orkm snshi. of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sectiot-i .i -.(on 1. Date 9-77 Signed .£ ,(nura1-..LFcLriC-_C..CO. by.,' " ._____ tManutistu'ea) - Repr entetioel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. --- 10,572 -- expires /_ J.une__l0,.. . 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by........eneral.lectric Co. at - I, the undersigned. holdng a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of . N.... C.troli....- and employed by _. Of Laho." O have inspected th pressure vessel described in th,s Manufacturers" Dat Report on .-... . .. ,/-. . 19 7,7.. and staO that, to the boet of my knohvlidge and belief. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance wth ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer. shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or properly damage or a lo-s of any kind arising f on, t./.d'with 7r-0 nspocltion. Sioned / Date / , -/,-T/ Commissions &N$,723 ,'A. Wt,166., 01110 (.1h,$1 ,l ..... ... "IN It'ILiuad. State. Pioeince end No.1

PEG PKG rO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 265 OF 302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type Viart-.-31 LUUI'Z 1056138G03- N/R (Year Built) 1978 O-oriL or vra. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CP.N) (Orawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5, The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIIl, Division 1 and a Addenda to _ S'_7_5 and Code Case Nos. --- (Date) Special Service per UG-120(di As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly Identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items. of the report: N/A

      . .Sh.........                                  Nom.                       Corr.
6. Sholl:Mti. SA Gr.B Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ ir-Diem.
                                                                                                                   "           8. 70 in.L*gth.        .        I       ft.. ... 2.38 in.

(Specr No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A SeRnM-1ls R.T. NY A Efficiency %H.T.Tomp."- F "ime zhr (Welded, Dib, Srngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses__

                                             'Welded,bl. Sngl, Lop, Butt)                                             (Spot, Partial, or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spar- No., Grade)

Location Min. Comn. Crown Knucide Eilp". ConicAl HNenisph. Flat SIde to P,.w ,ge ('Too, Botto , Ends) Thk. AJIo0. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radwium Diam. (Conax of Co,.ceoj (a) Top 2.5" Fnthead (b) Bottom. 2.5 / F If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - - "t Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp.

3 2 lioQ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydroitatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 00 psi. 10, Safety Valve Outlets: Number onize -- '_ Location

11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Oi "... Norm. nalorcmrant Ho-v Ordet.Outhit. Drain) No. or Size Type mgrt. ThkI M t.BL AzAch:d Locstion Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fln5. 30455 i. UbO 14nne 'RB I4 fL. 4_BnJt-om. Water Port 1T9- Split F.n3. 3045 -Nnn qP R* 1t_ (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt N 0 Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yes or nol (No.I (No. (Ioe (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wit: No Welded Joints.

Athough A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston.

  • the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the P*ston removed.

The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai de . mI erial, construction, and workmanshJ of1 ,h essel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels,. S I isi' 1. Date D/13/I Signed Clenert) "l CO. Co"**erirb. (Manufacturerl .(Representative)l "U" Certlicate of Authorization No. 10,572 expires " June 10, , 1 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECT10O Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler end Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of N. fC ornl inn and employed by Dep t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on /'_ _ 19 /__0 and state that. to the best of my knowledge end belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, conc.rning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector n 9.,hi>~efnll'o~y~r shall in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind aris7ng3 w in sp ectio n . . . . . ./7o7. 8-

                                                                                                      .        c o m missi.n                                          -7 6 6 . O 1 O Signed                      (?      nspcBorm                                                                              n         il'             rd. State, Province and NO) 11176)                                           This form IE50117) may be obteined from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. t0017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 177 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altemato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section ViII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby Gpnczal Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V rtrn H0786 Nar Built) 1_9_77 (Y5e638G00 Hori.L or vart. tank) {Mfgr's Serial No.) .(CRN) (Drawing No.) (Net'l Brd No.)
5. The chemnicel and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII. Division 1 19J-4 and Addenda to S- 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Revort - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl...-qA-1 064r,.B .Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. . N!LA-Se_ 1 e_ s.s R.T. N/ A Efficiency -  % H.T. Temp. ___F Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No WelPI ng Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Weidod DbI, Sngl. Lap. Bun) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material - _182F30 4 (b)Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) [Spec. No., Grade)

Loc.tion Mn. Corr. Crown Knuckja Elhp$. Conical Hernilph. Flat Side to Perswure ('Top, Bono-, End.l Thl. Alilo . Radius Fi.dwr.d R.1io Apa. Angi. R.d~us Dim. (Convex or Conc..oe) (Wi Top 25'

  • Flatheand
     )b)         Bottom                      .5                                                                                                    ,-.jU          Fl, If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)                             . Sn0-      -   Bolts-ASME-SA_193-B7                              for Split              Flanges   (4)

(Material. Spac. No., Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4,('/('1 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, proeumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safely Valve Outlets: Number ..N*Ln.n*ize ---- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Oeam. Nonm. Reinlo'c-oner H"o Pu/e.oler.O Matrnl No o, Siee Type Mail. The. Mad. Arrschaed Lo.u.rlon Gas Port 1 .75" Split Fng. 30455 1.U06U R*,nn B..oltsqe.()._BaLtom. Water Port 17-r Split Flng 30455 T--" Nne r.- (

12. Supports: Skirt NQ Lugs - Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No I IN .cri ( (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Comolete Mechanical Assembly witnh[o Welded Joints.

Al*hough A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested _wihth the._P2Astni removed. Theo 14ro Test pressure is based on the hgher design pressurre CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details i. de ,g.f ma8' rial, construction, and workm hip of.his vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Seactioc ,'ll plviiov,.. Date _-_0-77 Signed CeneraL__ElrC Co. bal ,,,rriiZL.{t (_t. , (Aenutacturer l(Repreaentative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10.579                               expires                      TJune        10           ,        1978

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at .id1mi LO-Lotn, N, C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of -.IL.... fonl "inn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel descrioea in inis Manufacturers' Data Repori on ." ' 'a "."7 - . ..... a. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the Dressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector ino hisc a er shallibe hliable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising cor*n orr*n., red w.iiflyhis inspection. C S(igepeclOd ta Datee. I oafd. Province and No.)

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI I. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Namre 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 at 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-010 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No.. Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67T Edition, N/A Addenda, NJA Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/2607 General Electric Old A3588 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0731 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2207 General Electric Old A5052 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0651 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1807 General Electric Old A3185 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1 181 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1407 General Electric Old A3184 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1372 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3011 General Electric Old A3670 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0790 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2611 General Electric Old A3478 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1217 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "K".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic LI Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt EL Other nI Pressure psi Test Temp.

1 NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8 /2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl

1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga. TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P.O0. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-010 Address ReDair/Reolacement Oroanmzation P.O. No.. Job No etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive/ ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or . (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/2211 General Electric Old A3395 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A0988 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0223 General Electric Old A3383 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1495 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0627 General Electric Old A3353 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1477 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0227 General Electric Old A3187 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1695 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1031 General Electric Old A3009 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1668 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "K".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic E] Pneumatic E] Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other DI Pressure psi Test Temp.

NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form. .as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-010 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed C I ".._ - S I Program Engineer Date __ __.___. __20 .__ Owner or Owner's Designee. Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid coTmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of . I" and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period S:72-2-'. ")< to - t -- ? C"CZ[ , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed-examinations and taken corrective measures des-cribed in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section Xl. . By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions S " I.,*- -. - Inspector's Signature National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements Date <Q - &ý 20 Qý U 1C6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 54 OF 397 FORP, U-IA M'ANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOY1T FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Fcrmn for Singla Cho;nber, CompIr?;,cIy Shop-Fabricatod Vessols Only) As Reqtired by tho Provisions cf the ASME Coda Rule:, S-ction VIII, Division 1

1. Manufact..rod by General Electric Co:ilpny_,.O_..___ox_0. __ M0i'iilraingn JLC.
2. Manufactured for Sarre-..asP__Aovbe__.
3. Location of Install tIon _ (Year Built) 9
4. Type fti C.a_7--___Y

_i'e (Cdoriz. or vest. tank)


(,;'s Serial.No.) (CRN)


(Drowinp No.) (Nat'l Ord No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts moot the requirem,n'nts of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and wo:kmanship conform to ASME Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1 197._._ and Addenda to _..SZ. ___. and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) iDate) Special Service per UG-120jd) A_*&..Re*ri_ q n ._aRep-oert e Remamks Be]_ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop ,rl identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: II/A

                                                             .. Nor.                        Corr.
6. Shell: Mail. SA-10 n-.- BThk .5 5 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3_ ft

(Spcc. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. t Il/ .Sa,.e.7s&1.PIS _ R.T. _N/_A_

l;.' idled, C.b. Sagl. Lap. Bun) (Spot or Full) Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr Girth ___ J' PIdiignPerf.ormed - R.T .... No. of Courses (Welded, Dbl. Sngi, Lap. Bull) (Spot, ParliAl, or FutlI

8. Heads: (a) Material -A-1,2-4..F3 .... __(b) Material SA-182-F 404 ISpuc. No., Grodal (Spec. No., Gado)

Localion Mln. Corr. Crown KnuýckWe Ellipse Conical Ha.naph. Flat S~dc to Prictue (Top. Botom. Endsl 5 AlloMe. RRdiUs Radium Ratio Apax Angl. Radium Diem. (Convex or Concave) (a) ToP 2..51 7 -2230 (b) Bottom 2 _. __ -.- 230- Flat head If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, S po. G Size No.

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure _2l1 00 psi at max. temp. c-- - F. Mi. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- - F. Hydrostatic, preilmatic, or combination test pressure 3-2-0-0 psi.
10. SafeW Valve Outlsts: Number hone Size -- Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpcse Diem. NGm. Rc~nlor"emnur.i How

       ,ntel. O.l1.t Orlin)       No.      or 6ilo                T) p4o                        ?Ast.                     Thk.                   MAl.                      Atiach.d         LL,.-ariooi
                       ).&2ot__"L *'.Zl.._Sp._it. Fllno ~....30455_.                                                 .1 0O                      o       ......          Bol.tS.___4) __ottm.

Water2Eo'rtAl____Z' Sp.lJt_1_I-ng. 3045.5._- 1..3-00-..- Nona . Bolt s_.(43._To.p

12. Supports: Skirt -NoC- Lugs.. Legs - Other ...... . Attached (Yes otno) e mo.) (No.) (Describe) [lWhere and howl
13. Remarks: _. omplete_/.(echanrica-l--..Asseinb-ly-wi.ith...No Welded .Joi nts
   -- thoai',ghADifferential. Pressure. Exsists on each side of the Internal_.P.i.sltoo, Th. Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed-

__The.ydro Test pressure. is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details pf de.Sign, Material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel coniorn to the A MCode for Pressure Vessels. Svc.iu.rlV.ivi-mirt 1. Date ..8.-.2,5.-77. - Signed. eneral . Lectric Co. by (2-.: L ,' tj£ .... ...

                                                                                   "Manutfacturer)                                    v(                   lRopesonilativu "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                 10,572                                         expires v/jnc 10,                              .        .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General El ectric Company at Wilmi ngton, II.C.. I. the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Po(ilf-i and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N. Carolina and ernplo'ed by Dept of Labor hnvo inspected the re~s,_,' ,ues. ri*ciriihn in fhi; n*an,,.,'irrn t" . R',rrtrt on 8-25 to 7 7. and slate that. to the best of my knowledge and helief. the Manufeimtufet has conslrticti'd this (MIrsstie vtssel in accordance with ASME Code. Secton VIll. Division 1. E. signing this certificate neilther the InsliLtint nnF his employer makes any warranty. express,ýd or imphecl. cioncernir.g th-e pressure vesP-,.l doscribed in the Mar*iift'luiors' Data Rejiort. Furthermore. neither the Inspector rnpj li.s*eii)ir, yer sh -0 1 be liable in any manner for any lie,sonal inlury or pic,porty dantage or a loss of any kind anrsn fi <2r o.,n."'tied inspection Dates 8-25 irtSP 7 7 Cr 723 PA. .!C17 6 , Ohio Signed & l rt! -1.I t i and No.)

I.. PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 156 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOIT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornato Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fnbricetocd Vesels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASMiE Code Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1 1.lManufacturedby General ElectricCompany,. P.O. Box 7_80, Wi__lingj_ N.C.

2. Manufae-ured for ____Sa1DeasB..Abcve
3. Location of Install-tion _
4. Type .- eer*t*ic,.. H0651 1 Built)19-7-7
              *-eriz. or vert. tank)          (Mlfr'a Stara No.)                    (CRN)                   (Drawing No.)                   (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Ru!es, Section VIII, Division 1 91274 (Yozri and Addenda to S15 ____ and Code Case Nos..

(Date) Speci3a Service per UG-120(d) As Pe._ lhis_ ap ret.-_.S e__*em,--..B._.ow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propnrl y identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:pMai. 5L-106 Gr.

(Spec. No.. Grade) B Thk.. 55 in. Allow . in. Diam. 8.,70 in.Lgth. 3_ ft .238 in.

7. Seams: Long. _* .* 3.1 e-. q R.T. _ _,__.__ Efficiency - -  % H.T. Tep. _-----= F Time hr (Welded. DDI,Sngl. Lap, Butt) ISpot or Full)

Girth No. Welding P2aror-jnaed R.T. -_ No. of Courses (Walded. bl, Sngl, Lap. Bull) (Spot, Parti l, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material SA-_1.82_-F.304 (b) Material SA-_82-F304 ISpec. No., Grcde) (Spec. No., Grade) Loce:ion M~n. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipae Conical Henisph. Fiat Side to PrMc ure (Top. eanoom.Endi* ThkL ,Allow. Radius Radius Rel:o Ape. Angle Rad~us Diam. (Convex or Concave) (-VTo.p 2.5ST' 2_____3 _ aEl-aad-(b)BOttom 2.57 7 _230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Spl i t Fl anges (4) (Meterial, Spe. N .G Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. --- _ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 0"
                                                                                                                                                       .-                   psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Roloe. Size - - Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Puipo"a Diem. Norn. PFenlaorcement How Vnlt. Outlet. Drin. NI . o, Size Type Mail. Thk.. Mall. Altached Loc. i;on

       -.Gas.-.Por.tL.-L .- 75'Z.SpLi-t-F.lng2--0455........1...60                                                               -Nonp             .......Bo Lt-,4Q                        RaY...~t t M

_}la terPort 1_*9.7 .Sp]itf1rLig3___U455_ 1.3Q0_____one &11H4 ), Top

12. Supports: Skirt -- NO -. Lugs .... Legs ____ Other Attached lYesor no) iNo.) (No.I (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: .Compl ete -Mechan-i c(a.1_Assembly--4,Ldt.LhNo-We-l ded--Joi n-ts-.
-- k1though A Di fferential Pressure Exsi s ts,-on each 'sde of...thenterna__ston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically. tested with- the Piston-removed-The Hydro Test pressure is based on-the higher design pressure..-.----

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of depign, aterialI construction, and workmanship of this vessel conlorrmtto the Arc ode for Pressure Vessels, Secc;of_*ll/(/Divisfon 1. Date .9-_77 . .... Signed Genera1 E~ectric I.lanufacturer) Co. " 1 /

                                                                                                                                  .;.i .'.           Representative)
  "U"Certificate of Authorization No . .. 10.572                                                              expires          J     ne       10,. ....                        .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company at Wilmington, N.C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Province of N. Carolina and employed by Det of Labor have inspected the presaure vesscl described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on . - 19 77 . and statn that to the best of my know ledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIll, Divisnn 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makcs any warranty, expressed or iinplied. conceimnn the pressure vessel dnscribed in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither tfie Inspector ;.ort s *,n:.l;)koyef sh3l) be liabte in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind iuisip 0 /7/:j i 'I "T

                                                      ' ,z  this inspection Dat     9-7-"77              Comniissioi*JC 723                    PA.         WC1766, OhiO.

Sign , d -. /Z , .. to r)ir

                                                                                      .l   -                                                         P.tC166n.i (Notr8oatd. Siaro. Pio-nce end No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 58 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOWIT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altornote Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabrictod Vessels Only) As Required by tho Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1.Manufacturedby __Pe,.1X_ýJ._Electric _ CoQma'_y, P.O. Box 780, Wil-nington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for - ._ arne as Above
*3. Location of Installation .                         -
4. Typo .V_ II I 1 0._5D6138G001 N/0 (Year Built) L978 (Horiz. or vort. tank) (Migr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical r.nd physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIii, Division 1 19--*- and Addenda to S_ 75 and Code Case Nos.

(Year) 10ale) Special Service per UG-120(d) .As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed ty Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MatL. C-1_0
r. B Thk
  • 55 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3.* fi 2.38 in.

(Spec- No., Grode)

7. Seams: Long. ,NI&_Aean,* Qs. R.T. N./A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Obl, Sngf, Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No 3e,1dring. .er.fa'..ed '.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. DIl. Sngl. Lap.,.Outt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Loc*.aion Mir,. Corr. Crown

  • Knuctle Ellipse Con;lta Henispk:. Fiat Side to Presurwe (Top. Boatonm Etdsl Thk. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio ApOeAngle Radius Diam. (Convex oa Corne.ave) a) Top 2,.5"______________________

2.5 F5,ther (b) Bottom If removable, bolts used (describe oth er fastenings) .no-i"' Bolts-ASM-E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Malerial, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. h.0. F. Min. temp. (when 3 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -.No-nize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose ;iam. Nonk. Curcerneont No,' Onlart.Outlet. Drain) No. or Size Tyoe Meai. Th"t Matt. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split FlnR. 39-*55 1nltD t_ OM . __ater Port 1 97". Split Flng. O-55-_ T--N Rnltf (4) Tnp

12. Suppotts: Skirtn NO Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No. (Qet6criil t (Where end how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assemblv wItn Vo Welded Joints.

___Althoupg APDifferential Pressure Exists on each shdee__ _ aej. L F i s iston the Accumulator Cylinder is Hvdrostat-i- y tested _L the ..P tonn r -,ed. The eased ressure is on the h:ghardeszgn pressre. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE

    ,'oertify We               that the statements made in this report are correct and that alldeta s f                                             r            m earial, construction, anJ prkoma oftis         vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S criei                                                           . i .o (Manufacturer)                                                       (Rtepresenrtative)
   "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                               1.0.,& 72                             expires                    June___1.0,j                     , 1978 INSPECTION                             "

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP Vusselmadeby General Electric Co. at W *IJgo.n.n - N.-C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid conrmis5ion 'issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and!or the State or Province of _'ý_ n itIziaa and cmploy'cd by Depr Of Labor have inspected the. pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on O- _*19 ZB...,. and state that, to tho bost of my knowledge and be!cf, the Manufacturer h3s constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this ccrtificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, exprcssed or implied, concerning the pres."ure vessel denr.ribcd in the Manufacturers' Data Reporl. Furthermore, neither the Inspoctorr~h"Y " p II hall he liablo in any mannrot for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisipir, omr -on, ')*&'*o

                                                    - wl            inspection 1..          5/2678 Sinod                -.                                                         Date b/S.//                  Commissions            C..o.723r PA_.Cr.I766o at'"I' Board. Stalm. Prlo, inco a       .)11-O and .NO,l
                                  -- 7     In{*    OClar)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 153 OF 214 FORM U-li .,ANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR P, .SURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

i. Manufacturedby General Electric Coinpany. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V-prt. -l1 a Hr 72 H 105D613aGQ.L N R (Year Built)1978.

O-*oriL. or verl. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.1 (CRNI (Drawing No.) INat'l Bid No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the reduirements of malarial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 1ci1-L.and Addenda to _ " 75 and Code Case Nos. ---

Ye8ar-) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. ShelhMati. -].-06 Gr B Thk. .55 in. Allow. _ in. Diam. 8.70 In.Lgth. --.- 3ft 2.38in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seems: Long. .NA Seales.s.5_ R.T. N/A Efficiency %H.T.Temp. _. -- F Time -- _hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butl) (Spot or Full)

Girth No We7iin, Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot, Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa__ 82-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locjaon, Min. Corr. crown Knucke ElIlpse coancel H nisaL. Fliat Side to Pfiiure (Too, B*foln. Erndxl Thk. Allow. Redius RIadius Ratio Apex Angle R"d". 0Dirm (Con.ex or Coic..l) (a) Top 2.5" 7T' Flathead (b) Bottom 2.5" /E l qt-therid h If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) - 5rn(- I Bolts-ASýE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4 0n F. Min. temp. (when 2 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non ize --- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoce Diem. Norm. Reirornemervt How Ir*JelOutlet Or*ini No. or Size Type Mau. Thk. MtL. Atached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.050 Nnn' BRnl t-s (.4)Lntotom. Wat Pot 1 .97 Split Flng. 30455 IT300 Ro 1lt- -q (4_Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt NQ Lugs - Legs - Other Attached.

(Yes or no) (No.) (No. (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly w rit )o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each slae of the Tnternal Piston, the Accu ulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested th Piston isirh removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,re CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dets/osfeeael, construction, and workmans

  • f,4l;,vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Scti-, .,*,si .

Date * "' Signed .C, enernl Electric Co. - t.1 (Manufacturer) 1Repreaentative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10 572                               expires                   June 10,                       ,    1 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO*

Vessel madeby General Electric Co. at Wilmington, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N_ C1rnl inn and employed by Dept Of Labor have.inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on F/j9 19 ., and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector fo)hi, amp / shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any Signed -&bl_ Date -L1 /.978.. Commissions N__23,PA. WCI766, OHIO nopecto I (Nat'l Board. State. Province and No.) (V76) This form (ED0117) maybe obtained from the Order DePL, ASME. 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 72 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alturnate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fatr'cated Vcssels Only) As Roquirod by tho Provisicns cf the ASME Code Rules, Section ViII, Division 1

1. Manufccluredby General Electric Company. P.0. BQ*X _7 Mi))iington N.C.
2. Manufactured for .Same__ais__cAbaLp
3. Location of In-tall e ton
4. Type .2~ectica _ eo790 L_

or ve'r. trek) (? .'$;sSerial No.l teRN) 5___D6.___ Yut_- 19______7-7-___ 00oriz. (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd Ni.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of al! parts meet the requiremen:s of ma;orial specifications of the ASME BO!LER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 191A.1_ and Addendz to .S115__ _ and Code Case Nos. - -

(Near) (Dale) Special Service per UG-120(d)c As arThis._aata_RepoYt -___.__Re _LsBec.w Manufacturers' Panial Data Reports proprl Aidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: Nom, _ Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-106 GF. B Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3. ft 38. in.

(Spec- No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long.  !/ASeamiles_ R.T. N!_ A... Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. - - F Time -- hr (We,ded. Obl. Sngl. Lap. Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth .WoDe.ldi ng_P.e.rforimed R.T. No. of Courses - - (Welded. Dbl, Sngl. Lap, Burt)}rij S o or Fu--ll)

8. Heeds: (a) Material SA-I82-F 04 (b) Materia SA-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Locaiion M.n Corr. Crown Knucide Ellrpse Conical Heansph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Becjro. Eidfl Thk Allow. Rad.ui Radiur Rat;o Apei AnQl. Radfit Diarn. (Convai of Concavel (a) otL-t OP__ 57 ____ I2_ahe._Ftatd___ (b) Ottrn 2.5 ____ _7 0 Flathead If removable. bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500- 13 Bol ts- ASNE- SAI 9 3- B7 for S pl i t Fl a nqes (4) (Material. Spec. N9eGr, Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi a! max. temp. *-'40 F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) - F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3"-00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N1One! Size -" Location -_-_ -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpoca ODm. INora. Reinforcement How ffnieaLOurle: Orr;n) No orSize Type 1,arl Thl. Moll. A.ache&d Location

        -Gas__P           r'rL .- L. __-75'-'              Sp      L"-F.LF.1 ng-30455..._16                     --                   i06

_one - fo_.1 44) 3i".. -attm. _Ra.taerzori- .91__ p lit _I.ng_ ng 05 __. 3Q0 _n_ lone4)_ fo ___

12. Supports: Skirt .O.. Lugs.. Legs .... Other _Attached (Yes or no) lNo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: _Coizp1 e te.-Mech anica l.--A&sernl-y-wi~thNoWe]

Al though A Differenti al PressureExsists on each side of -the Internal-i-.ston,

... he Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed.-

__The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the a:a:ernents made in this report are correct and that all de ils. aesig mate"al.-5.struction. en worknanshin of this vessel confor to the A.M" fode for Pressure Vessels. Secl.. ,ll, ,i-Date 8-73f-77 S,Sgred General Efectric Co by : 6', 1 /;c (Manufacrurer) (Repreer ehtive)

  "U" Certificate of Authori.zaton No.                             10,572                                       x....epires    June 10............                                    __.&.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vusselmadeby General Electric Company at Wilmington, N.C.. ..... I. the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Bolder and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Provinceof o ,. Carol ina and employed by 0Dpt of Labor have inspected tho to the best of my knowledqe and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1 By signing this certificate neither the Instuector nor tis employer makes any warrenty, e'spress..d or in*pfed. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the lnsprlctor r 3,s etrrlnyfer shall be any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arsinrLjrcr (o' : lcj'Ath 4', this InSpectior, .0 Si*-,.d ',.. Ui8-31-77 ()..;1.,L Comniiss,orýC 723 PA. WCl1765, Ohio I: ',niic 'orJi Iti-Jri' B oard . S t ,lo. P rovin ce a nt N o .)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 100 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singl3 Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section Vill, Division I

1. Manufacturodby General Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type VPrtri rl H12e7/ 105D6138G001 N R (Year Built) ----.1978 0-ioriz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Natl Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 192*4. andAddenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MetI._-_ A-=4.J06--Gr, ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. _in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .NASeamplesa_5... RT. N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- r (Welded, 1bI, Sngl. Lap, Burt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No We1din, Performed R.T. __o_____,_r___ No. of Courses D b l, S n g l. Laa, ( W l d d Ob.Sg (Welded, p B uuttt)

                                                                          ,                                              S-pot, Partial, or Full)

Heads: (a) Material -r82-F304 (. (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellipse Conical He.laph. Fiat

  • Side to Pressura (Top. Boliom. Ends) ThL Allow. Radius Aadius Ratio Ap4m,Angle Radius Diare. (Convex or Corcave)

(a) Top 2.5"____________________ 72O FMh d (b) Bottom 722.5" F1 athead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -n*n-1 I Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 210D psi at max. temp. 417)() F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non.iz - Location ------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam, Nom. Relnforcement How Onlel O.Ueit. Drain) No.' or Size Type Mait. Thk. Mlr. Attached Locution Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flg. 30455 1.060 . NoneP BnI~ts&. (4 Battom. Water Port17.97 Split Flng. 30455J " . 3U0 Nonp -Bont s (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt ._NO .. Lugs Legs Other " Attached (Yea or no) (No.) (No.) (ec (Where nd how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with i o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is HydrostatTally testedreoved. The Eydro Test pressure is based on the higer desgn press,,rp" CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of de -"materia cd*sr ction, and workmanh p ,*t s vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, c- n VS Ion1 Date Signed Gcon.'ril Flpc by (Meanufacturer) .(Relpra ntativa)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                .10 572                                expires                    June 10,                     ,19 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                             at                           Wilmington,                N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of , N- Cnrnl inn                                           and employed by .- Dept Of Labor                                  have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on                                                                6/6                 19 .Z8, and state thaL to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signirtg this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer mekes any warranty, expressed or imlied conc1 in the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector i hi mpl                             all be Ii (a in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisin            m      conn
  • h th spection. OHI Signed - .____ Date 6Z /78 Commissions .NC.2B23A_,_16 IO N t Board. State. province and No..

I s atope)o (1i76) Thei form (EO0117) mey be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th SL. New York. N.Y. 10017


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 157 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessols Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturod by ,_en*nral Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufaclred for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _.rt2caL A0988 -3 5_M_8_G0_Q I N/R (Year Built) 1977 Tiorin. or vor. tank) (Mfgrf' Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 lL..-T-_and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) AS Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mall. B--.O6-.___u-,_.Thk. .55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grado)

7. Seams:Long. N/A eanles._. R.T. N/A Efficiency-~ %H.T.Temp.z Time -- hr (Welded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No We] iing Peprformed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

                                        "('aIded,Dl. Sngi, Lap, Butn)                                              (Spot. Partial. or Full)

B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-l82-F3 04 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Locsaion Min. Co*. Crown Knuckle Eltipse ConicAl Hemriisph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, Bottom. Ends) Thk. AJlos. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (Convex or Con.ava) (a) Top 2.5" __ad-230____lah R _ (b) Bottom 2.57. the1cd if removable, bolts used (describa other fastenings) -fn0_-1 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /,nl. F. Min. temp. (when lass then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Numbor .- Non ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose . Diam. Noma. Rairfuorcaesr Hoen Ontat.outlet. Orain) No. or Size Type Mail. Ihk. Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 3455 1. 06U Nnnp Plt s_(4)__ t- tom. Water Port 1 .97r Split Flng. 30455 --l.3-DO None _ B nl& .. (4) ronp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs __ Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) )No. I (IaNcci (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with o Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wite Piston removed. The ldrn Test pressure is based on the higher design pressre. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detsi f a terial, construction, and workmansh pof thi ve~ssel conform to the t;pnpra'l ASME Code for Press re Ve~sses S~ctio bt, -- if .iis 1. Z--II.&.t

                                                                                                                                                         -cO.ct Date11--77                   Signed;                                       Electric            o (Manufacturer)                                               (Rapre :nlaxive)
  "'U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                100572                             expires                   June 10                         1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                           at                         Wil minliton.              N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of _,JLCa-rnI -.. .i. and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the

p. .ssur. vassal dasc.. b. . :. .. ,i...U.... S' , . * ...r. .. 1 1-- ,-77 . . ..

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty,

 'expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Date Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his ompio -'pr hall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising !,*:* or.onne                   ý,*,.(rith ti0lspection.

Signed ____L_- Date 1- 7. Commissions .N.C 723..FA, WC1766,_ O110

           -Iall                                                                                                                        Bnard. St-le. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 135 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division I

1. Manufactured by _n__ a1 Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above I. Location of Installation
4. Type VorfrLl H1_U_5 105D6138G001 N R (Year Built)

(Hoiz. or vert tank) (Mfgr'c Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Secion VIII, Division 1 9.7 4 and Addenda to-(Tear) S(Dole) 75 and Code Case Nos. --

Special Service per UG-120dd) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A

6. She!l:Matl. .q-106 Gr.B Nom. ,Thk. Corr.
                                                                     .55 in. Allow.            -         in.Diam.          8.70 i                   3. ft 3.Lgth         2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A Se-,,I..a.s R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time _--_ hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) ISpot or Fu:l)

Girth No Wel ding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses

                                               'Welded, Dbl. Sngl, LapoButt)                                        (spot. Partial, or Full)

B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F3 04 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Lo,.at;on Min. Cort. Crown Knucrda Ellipsa Conical Ha -ni!ph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top, Bottom. Ends) ThL. Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Apex Anglh Radi,. Dilm. (Convex or Cont.aval (a) Top__ 2.53 Flathead (b) Bottom (Tb 2e tf or plit Fahnge.4 If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _500l13~ Boltic;-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max- allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. Lo0n F. Min. temp. (whern less than -20 F) F. Hydro!tatic, *raeumatic. or combination test pressure3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number onize -- Locaticn
11. Nozzles End Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dism. Nom. Rainforcement Now t fi nil. OrJflat. Orsin) No. or Size Type Mail. Inl. Mme. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75' Split F1ng. 3455 1.0bU None Bnltts..I . (4) LBocttom. Water Port 1 .97" Split Flng. 30455 1.3010 Nnne RntU (4) Top. 12, Supports: Skirt -_CLNO . Lugs - Legs - Other Attached (Where_ andh _w) (Yes or no) INo.) No.)(Oa~iblI (Where end howl

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witIV Welded Joints.

Although_ A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Interlna1.l__ston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed. The 1--ydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressi,,r, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta'f1 1. construction, and workm m hivp p.* his vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S *tio . sio 1. Date 01 , Signed Cenerpl Flectric CO. bn (Manufacturerd & (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10,5 7 2                             expires/                   June 10,                   ,1981 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                  . -et                             Wilmiripton; N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of 4 -'grn l inz and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 6/14 19 7-8-.-, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warraety, expresised or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector r hi Imper shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisni p. *on , e dvwitis inspection. Sighad Date .611*4/Z Commissions _1LF- "P2l"3 -* -- e (Irpe O) (Nat'l BOtd, State, Province an N'o.I (Vf76) This form E001 17) may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E. 47th SL, New York. N.Y. 10I17

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49ORHC- - PAGE 28 OF 214 FORI U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altcrnnte Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Flnquired by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Mnrintfrcturud by _ _a*i,_Q!etric Compa__y. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
.2. Manufactured for                                  Same as Above
'3. Location of Installation
4. Typo _er-icaL i *-z/ CR.._6_3._S]JR (Year Built)'- 978 (Horiz. or vorl. lank) (Mtgr's Serial No.d (CRN) (Drawing No.) [Nat'l Erd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of a!l parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASM.E Rules, Section VIII. Division 1
     ]_9-7 and Addenda to                      S 75                and Code Cose Nos.

(Yvuar (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned In--pectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr. 6.-ShielhMatl-.*A--06--r-,--B--B 'Thk.__.55 in. Allo___ in. Diarm. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3. It 2 38 in. (Spec. No., Gradoe

7. Scams:Long..- N-.-LAS.e.a.l11_,,.Q._R.T. N/A -Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. "-- F Time -- hr (Weldcd. Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Bunt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No lle .dingr.1X,._rred R.T. -- -No. of Courses --- (Welded, Dbl. Snal. Lap. Dut) (Spot, Partial. or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-!82-F304 (b) Material S-182-F304 (Spec. Nio., Gradoe t(pec. No., fradoo Location MUn. Coat. Cromn K~nuckle Eil~p~a coni~cal sans;i,..

HRacu. Flat Side to Pre-sura (Top, Bottom. End,) ThL Ailon.. Radius. Rad.a Rs~i~o Ap,.. Anglzz Diam. (Conrve or Concave) (a) Top 2. 5"_FI___ ___ ____ (b) Bottom 2 Fla thead If removablo, bo:ts used (describe other fastenings) ,nru-1.' Bolts-ASMýE-SAJ93-B7 for Solit Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. nn/O.
                                                                                                                                             .__F.             Min. temp. (when less than -20 F)            --                  F. Hydroitatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3200                                                 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number -Non ize -- - Location -------
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purposa D:a' . Nomrn. Ririor'ce'nrerr How Ontet.OutleL Droin) No. or Size Type Mail. "hLr Mal. Attached Loc.atio'r SGas Port i .75"_ Split PFi. 30O4 55_ 1.060 Nnne BRnlst.- (..4) RoBnrttom. Water Port 1 . 9 7n SDlit Flng. 3045_5 L. _1U 70-

12. Supports: Skirt .

N._Q0_ Lugs - Legs - Other

  • _Attached (Yes orno (noo) (NO.. (De(cri ) (Where and howl
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica- Assembly with 'o Welded Joints.

.... Althou~gLh_ A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the _Internal Pisaton, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hysrtnt-cally tested .ith the Piston removed.

    "The Hydro                   st pressure is                       based on the higher design pressr.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta' f d st.., mrterral, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Seli'/f I ,ivisi , 1. Date 5/10/78 Signed Gpnpr__ _ 1)_L/ CWi. (Manufacturer) - (Rep,sentative)

   "U"    Certificate of Authorization No.                  __10..          572                          expires                    June 10                          , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIOL' Vessel made by                       General Electric                         Co.                  at                          Wilirni                 1L N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors end!or thu State or Province of                     N-                 and employed by Dept Of Labor                                      have inspected the pressuro vessel descric)ed in this Mnufacturers' Data Report on                                                              S/Tl0             19 7_&.. and state that, to the best of my knowIcdie and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIIi, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning tire pressure vessel dc::cribed in the Manufacturers' Date Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspoctor kin aisi*.*nor *cop*'I his emyv*r with       shall V7),s be liable      in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any inspection.           ....

Signed * ..*pctlArate

                                     -Inspeclo]                                      5/1 0/7            Commissions NC_723                   ,PA,_..C!]_6.._,_O0TtO
                                                               -                                                                 Nat'l board.       Slate . Province and No.)

10 W76e) This form (EO01 17) may be obtainod tram the Ordor Dept., ASME. 345 E. 47th St., Now York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 68 OF 302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PHESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vertfil ___.____J_ 5.D6138GO01 N/R (Year Built) 1978 (Hofz. or vert. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Ord No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section Vill, Division 1 1.9A.~and Addenda to S 5 and Code Case Nos. --

('ear) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Mat8,. A_.06 GrB ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. - in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth.3" ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N*iASe *=.e.s R.T. NI.A, Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. . Time -- _ hr (Wolded. Obl, Sngl, Lap, Bul) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Weldinng Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot Pretrial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F30U , (b) Material Sa-122-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Lo lion Mi,. Corr. Cown Knuclde EMpse con;"]l H.rlph- Fjin Side to Pres.ure (Top. Boto,. Endl) T"hk. ADloD . Rzdius Radius Rlrsio A". An;t. Radius Diem. (Convex or Coe tivel ( Top 2.5" Flatd.23 (b Bottcm 2.5" I.a.U F rtheadl If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (MAterial. Spec. No., Gr.. Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. I 0i1Lfl.. F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20F) -- F. Hydroitatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ....Non.*Size -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. No,,. Rainforc,-nenh How tnlst. Outl*t. Drain) No. or Size Type Mail. Thk. Mail. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30L55 0 N e R. I rcts W__B tom. Water Port 1 .97 Split Flng. 3045 175 Nnn P RnI1t-sr (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt .O. Lugs Legs _Other . ... .. Attached.

(Yes or no) (No.) (NoA.j les1 or Wle Joints. (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica Assembly Welded Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each of the Internal I Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested with the Piston removed.

Thp Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design presstrp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai fd , ri terial, construction, and workmanshLpo/, , I*7essel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Se i 'visib'n 1. Date / '0/" Signed Gpnerpl Flpctric Co. b -f,[7t" t (Manufactaurarl (Repreeentative?

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                    10,572                                 expires                     June         10         ,        19..8 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                              General Electric Co.                                          at                            Wilminlton. N.                      C.

I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N_ C,.',r'l Inn and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 6/26 197B.., and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Daia Report. Furthermore, neither the k Inspector*".0 rnor phis employer ', "e t bei liable shall in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any inspection. kind erisin. rc rected, this 6/26/78 Commissions .Nl_ 7 1 2 _Doer.Sae 7rin O.1 Signed _*._o_ v *- ( ,_,Nte (Inspec'too!" Commssn  ; orSiePolc~ dN . Iorm 11001 Ill may This form may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 5. 47th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017 (ti76l (*76; This (ED01 17) be Obtained from the Order Dept., ASME. 345 E. 471h SL, Now York- N.Y. 10017


PEG PKrG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 44 OF 302 FC,2;. uC U V ATA RF.iWOfT FOC 1 22.... "" VESSELS (M~or~n.t*o .. ,m, fc," " , i:.iu ' .*r, Cqnn l.,ltt;Ay Shop-I'...:i:-,,td V -'sols QOni,,} At R.oquircd by tho Provijions of th3frSS. Code rulex3. Sction V;;l, D:'jliion I 1.MNnufecturLd by _OQ-c; corn:nyj p.o. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufec;uredfor - Samne as Above
3. Locatiorn of lns;rtallation -_.
4. Type .V..tical r ",DR.lank

{Horz. g*'.ln Sw,,hl 140.} _.1 J-r;.r) 6_38 No.) QQ __NRa

                                                                                                              " Drawins;"                      (Na.t'l BItd No.)          (Yrear  Bt.ilt)9-7P, 4.T Neocr~z,    corvsrrr.tank)-~~shiiT

_w Irtl(ren

5. The cherr,ikal .nd physico! propries of 811parts most -ta rcquierements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PiESSUiE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and wcorkmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VI!, Division 1 319J2L-- and Addernda to ___.725 ard Cods Case Nos. --

Special Soricc per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remacks Below Matoufactjers"Partial Data Reports properly idientifie3d bnd signed by Commissioned Inspectors have bc&n furnishad for the fofio\v,,ino items of the rcpo;,: N/A Nom. Corr 3

6. ShaB:atl. -Th%. 5 in. Allow,. - in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. . ft 2.38 in (Spoc. No.. Grdr) .n.

RT. -N/A Efficiency -- 5 HT. Tsmp. -- _1 F Time --_ hr

7. Seams: Long.'-- ' - 'S-*a;nle"n i";Cload, D,OI.,nut. Lap. aun) lSpot or Fu!lI Girth -N,-ldlpgd. cPc rnU.*tjpe d R.T. -- No. of Courses (Wcldcd. Dbi. Snol. Lea. butt) (SpoLt Pertial. or Ful)
6. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material ( 1a 2-F3-04 (Spcc. No.. Grade} (Spoc. ho., Cree LoItat;Or f/r, Corr. Crown Knuckle ElIpse Conik l Harmiph. Flat Sita to Pressure

_Top, () T o ott , I'nd.) rtk. Allow. Rrdus Rodius Ratio Apex Angie R.,Ju2 Di;an. (Convex or Conca,:) _ 2. 5r (b) Bottom _2_51y T.74 F Iaa1 P P__ If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 50C. 13 Bolt s-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spoc. No., Or., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for ax. allowrab'o working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. -. 4- 2 fl. F. Min. tnmp. (whrn less than -20 F) F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressurt; 0 psi.
10. Safety Vrlve Outlets: Numbar N, cize -- .. Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Noz.los and Inspection Openinos:

Purpose Dae,. Nron. Prnta;r cwant Hcw nleo. Cut:ct. Cr.inl No. or Sqmr TyDo aitl. T *. . ,ott /,.htokl Lrcv n Gas Port 1 . 75T Split Fln. 3-0455 1. U6 InnF WatJ r Port l7Tr Split -L B1r, - - n

12. Supports: Skirt .JNL.. (Yes or no) Lugs . (No.) Legs pNo. . Other (Ooer Attached andb,,%)
13. Remarks: Complete echanica01 Assembly otio Welded cint (Wher nd ho

.__A1*Lhoueh A Differential Pressure Exists on each id the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested iti the Pf.stn remoed. Th Hy Test ressure is based on the higher design pressrerp CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correcl and that all dotp a f df.4'*.annerial, const,uction, bnd workmhan* h of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vesscls, S ctio, /.: jivisiX Date M M _78Signed . . npeaP._.Elpctric Co., b,..f'-&-&.*-*/ _,_ (Menu.fycturer) (Represmntat;-i)

  "U" CortifiL.te of Authorization No.                                   ] 0....                                  expires                         June 10                            19 8..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. at -',Wilmin .toa,. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commissioot issued by the National Board of Borier and Pressure VMsse! Inspectors arid'or the State or Province of _ N_ Carnlinn and employed by Deb-t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Cata Report on 6JŽ 19 Z.8, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASMtE Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate naither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or impji~d, concernrng the p;essure vessel described in tha Manufacturers' Data Report. Furtboi nore, no thor the lnspctope nor h; erploye, ,a sh.-lb/, liable in any manner for any personal p injury p

                                                                                                                                  " *or properte(Jn
  • n>.,oý X: . loss lso of ay 0,* h) . K-kin d trisin r'fro m ,n o '
  • n ' Ioo ti n a Signed -> _-, / /_,"i P. D to 6/26/78 Com NC 840
                                                                                                                                'ssio s'AWC2804                                             HIO 7)ora                        e obtind fr             m      iOndr D           A      Net. ard. bht.a. Province and No.1 (1.76)                                                  tt'is form tEO0tIl          may he obtained iffromthe Order Dept., ASME. 34S E. 47th St.. Ne"                            York. N.Y. 11C-017

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Narme 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-011 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O. No Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Namre P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/1035 General Electric Old A3642 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1739 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0635 General Electric Old A3207 N/A N/A 1979 Removed/ Yes New H1945 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0639 General Electric Old A3362 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1552 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0643 General Electric Old A3008 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0958 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2259 General Electric Old A3354 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0926 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1051 General Electric Old A3156 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1506 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "L".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic 11 Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt 11 Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITY As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Section Xl Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address

2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-011 Address Reoair/Reolacement Oroanization P 0 No . Job No.. etc
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Red Drive / ASME Cede Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/1451 General Electric Old A3341 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1478 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1851 General Electric Old A3366 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1379 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2251 General Electric Old A3665 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1423 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2651 General Electric Old A3654 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1543 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/3051 General Electric Old A3479 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2495 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "L".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic [E Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt [E Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. oF NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.


Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-011 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1 .A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manufacturers Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed , SI Procram Engineer Date ,20 Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid corpmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province and employed by HSB CT of l-brtord, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period , -L-- . (L.. - to -- - Z-c_-,,Y' , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. Commissions  % - Inspector's Signature National Board, State. Province, and Endorsements Date G &ý 20 .IL UIC6R

PEG PKG PAGE 253 NO. OF 302 030929-ABF490HG4 FORM U. MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR ESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fuoricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division I

1. Manufacturedby General Electric Company. P.O. Boy 780. Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for - Same as Above
3. Location of Installation 4.Type Vert1nol H1739 18G0 N/R 009 (Year Built) 1.7.

(Noriz-or vet tankl (Mlgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drewing NO.) INal'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 19(Year) 7 4 -and Addenda to S' 75 (Date) and Code Case Nos. -

Special Service per UG-120fd) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports propedy identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr. . 873 t 6 Shelf:Matl. _SA-lO6 Gr.B Thk. .55 in. Allow. .in.Diam. .70 in.Lgth. f 2.38 In. (Spec. No., Grade) 7 Seams: Long. N/A S-emes R.T. N/A Efficiency -- _%H.T.Temp. zz." Time -- hr (Wel6ed, Obl, Sngl. Liap,Butt) (Spot or Full) Girth.J&D I lelrinrR' Perforned R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Obt, Snrl. Lo.p Butt) (SpoL Partial, or Full)

8. Hesds: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locationr M, rL Co,' Crownr Knuckle Ellipse Corricg HemisPkr flat Side to rraýuars (Top,.Bottom,. Ends) TILk ""o.. Radius Rife.ue eRaio Ape. A-916 Radlus Diem. (Convex or Corcavel (a) Top 2,5" 7:230 F]therd (b) Bottom -- 2.5"T , F the-pad If removable, bolts used (derscribe other fastenings) -1.710-1 1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material. Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 0nf F. Min. temp. (when 2

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressur 00 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Sa.nTonize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose oiwn. Nom-. R&lntfearnare Mo. (rlet.Oullet. Drain) No. or Size -. type MAUi, lhk. Mil. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.0bu Nrnp*B*Il t L4L..B tom. Water Por t 1.9 t Flng. 30155 -L 0 Nnnp _ Rni1*.-* (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt 1 Lugs - Legs - Other Attached lYes or no) (No.) INo. (WhWre and how.
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with Welded Joints.

AAlthough A Differential Pressure Exists on each sile ,f t nternal Pi~ston II the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ith thP T~na

       - ... lPvrlrn-
                -. ;I-        Tpcl t-np-zi~rrr                Jis based on the hipher design press,,.. -

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detajls f d ... n.-\e rial, construction, ond workmens ol his vfssel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S Date 7/J 1!7 Signed Genpral Co. - b.t blect-ric XL.+/-*L ,,.... - .

                                                                       "Meanuleclurer)                         (.,f                  (Reprosentatival "LU Certificate of Authorization No.                            10.572                             expires                               108                       19.LL..


  • Vessel made by General Electric Co. at Wilmington. N. C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued 'by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of -- N-- Carol ina.r. and employed by De t Of Labor have in-pected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on//.3 and State that, to the best of my knowledge and be!ief. the Manufecturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section ViII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, oxprpssed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer 1-.l1 liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kindsaise,- f .T - ,-* L_ n spcon NC799, PA. WC2L6On .Ohcti.

Sined ie.e~.r ,3Z Com- ,-ms'sn Ba"ird. Stele. PiovInL.e and No.) This form (EDO1 7) may be oblrneO from the Order Dept.. AWME. 345 E. 47th St.. New York. N.Y. 10017


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG7 PAGE 120 OF 146 / FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Ahtemate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _ r *alectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for G eraltElectric Co., San Jose, Ca. (NEBG)
3. Location of Installation 4.Type VYrti*ril _194 5 105D6138G001 N/R (year Buitt)1 9 79 0-loriz. or aert. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'I Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section VIII, Division 1 l.CeL7.. and Addenda to S' 75 end Code Case Nos. -- (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been fumished for the following items of the report: K/!A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. A,-106 Gr.B .Thk. .55 in. Allow. - in. Diem, 8.70 in.Lgth. .3_.. t 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. NLA Sepamle]s.s_. R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp.'- Time. -.- _..r (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded. Sngl. Lap. Bun) IbI, (Spot, Partial,or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182 F384 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuceia Ellipse Conical HnispA. Fat Sid. to Pressure (Top. Boatiom.Ends) Thk. Allow. Radius Radius ARrtio Ape. Angle RAei.6 O Diemn. Con'v. or Concavel (a) Top 2.5" 7.p230 thead b)- Bottom T.5- 7.23U F tlh-epd tf removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-1 -1 Bolts-ASKE-SA193-B7 for Solit Flanges (4) (Matarial. Spec. No.. Or., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. /,... F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pr'eumatic, or combination test pressure .Q 3

_ psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Pfrpo" Diem. Norn. ainfrcrent Few Onlea Outlet, Drain) No. or Size Type Matt. Thk. Met. AAhcrad Locartion 5 Gas Port 1 75" Split Flng. 30-4-5 5 . Nnne Rnl (4)Bf Bottom. _ rFot 1. 97" Split Fng .30455 T.30 - Nnnp RI _t- (4) Top

12. Support:Siurt NQ Lugs - Legs - Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Where and howl 13, Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly t Welded Joints.

___hg4hr A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested ,'th the Pisron removed, The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai f design., material, construction, end workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Septio V  :)n I Date 1-s 3-79 _ Signed C(,eneril Electric Co. byt l(apr:essntauv (Manufacturer) (Representative)

    "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                                     10,572                                expires                   June&2. 10,.1...        .

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel madeby General Electric Co. at Wilmlngton- N. C. I,the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors end/or the State or Province of N C nrnl inA and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data PFport on "'-1 " 19 72- and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expres3ed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector n h'isimpil *or~ hall be liable in any m3nner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisingJ.f o'nn '/vththi*I. spectaon. NC 723, Pa. WC1766, Ohic Signed *----=-.*-*_ - - Date 3-13-79 Commissions .. a. St e P .. . ed rnspecto-)I_'At'l oard Sý`ta. Province and No.) New York, N.Y. ¶0017 II (l0151 (7~ I This form IEDOl 171 may be obruned Irom Iha Order Capt. ASME. 3.45 E. 47th St. This form IE00117) rnny be obtsined from the Order Cept- ASME.3,15 E. 47th St., Now York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 218 OF 302 FORM A MANUFACTURERS' DATA nEPORT F( `)RESSURE VESSELS (Altemato Form for Slnolc Chambiwr Completely Shop-rabticbted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the AStAE Coda Rules, Section VII. Division 1

1. Manufactured by _enQX*t r __Lectric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactued for .. _me as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type __tic.a]_ H1552 I._5_D3_3_.Q._ N/R (Year Built) 1978 lioris. or vert tank) (Mfgr's Sbrial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Ord No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts moot the rcquirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 lW14- and, Addenda at)(Date)to S'75 and Code Case Nos. --

Spacial Service per OG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and cigned by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. SheS:Ma l-._-&A-1 06-fi,.,Thk. .55 in. Allow. in. Diem. .70 in.Lgth. J ft 2.38 in.

(Spec No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .1_JA.kS-c aleas-R.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T.Tomp.-. _F Time -- hr (Weld*d. Obl, SngI, Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth RortIJ.1dnp ,*e~fQrmed R.T. -- No. of Courses --- IWelded, D ,Sg. iLp. Butt) (Spot, Partial. or Full) B. Heads: (a)Material Sa-182-F3 04 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) {Sp .c.No., Grae ) Location Min. Cowr. Crown Knuckle Elltispe Conica-l Her ilpk. Flat Sid* to Paccijue (Top. Eonon.,Enside Thk Allow. Radius Readius RRr~i Apee Alngle Radiut Diem. (Cornvt, or Ccnt.rAO (a) Top 2.5" ___ __r (b) Bottom --- 2 5T r t d If removable, bolts used (describe other fasteningsi _.5 -1 3 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (1 (Material, Sptc. No.. Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psiat may.. temp. . fL F. Min. temp. (when 20 0 less then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, peeumatic, or combination test pressura psi.
10. Safety Vclve Outlets: Number Nnnize -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

P- ,e D' . Nofrf Rlntrrforempnt How ontit. ODJllst.Oraini Io. or Sizo typt tlAil. Thk. Mail. Atbarhbd Lcation Gas Port 1 .75' Split Flng. 30455 I. abe. 1snnp t .( L4_Br-tom. Water Portt .97" Split F4 5 53--- T3U0I

                                                                                                              -. -lY                        .ILr* Ron &
12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no: INo.) lNoj l~e cnit*) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wItON No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wirh the Piston remioved. oTest pressure is based on the hghr design pressr CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certi'y that the statements made in thIs report are correct and that all dcti f d .. er construction, nd workirnshti. of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure VesselS, Se S ic v*i iv 1.-- Date 1110178' Signed Cpneipral Prl'tric Co.- b____________ (Manulcrclufel If (R - cptosantatiral "U" Cerific.te of Authcrization No. 10 579 expir6s June 10 , 19 . CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. - at - Vlminzton. N. C. 1, the undersigned, hoiding a valid commission issued by the Nat;onal Board o! Boiler anl Pre*sure Vessel Inspectors andlor the'State or Province of -- -.Carol in.R- and employed by _1e.p._ Of( Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on __QZ.0 1978._, and stale that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufccturer has constructed this pressure vessel in eccordencg with ASME Code, Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any wnrranrry, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel dosciibed in the Manufocturcrs' Dota Report. Furthermore, nuither the Inspector nor his employer shall ', liable in any manner for any personi injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisip n,"'2o.-nected/.ir*,is inspuiion. Sipned _ ...... Date 7/10/78. C missions rlC799, PA. WC2L60,._ 0, Ohio 1,7?61 This form IE0C 01i71 m.y Lt oblained troni the Otde r Dnpt.. ASME. 345 [. 47th St, trrev York, N..Y. ,017 t

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO - -- PAGE.396 OF 397 FORIM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricatcd Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufaclured by__een.ey ._lectric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N..C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type .__ V iJ09. h6_38G001 N R (Year Built) 1977

(,-loriz. or von. tank) (Mfgr'a Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical end physical properties of all paris meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 l_9J.4. and Addenda to S75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Data) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N./ A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:MMatI. ._,A=.]J*__T_,BThk. .55 in. Allow*. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3_ft 2.38 in.

(Spec- rio., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .. _.Seamle.S__ R.T. N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Wclded. Dbl. Srnpl. Lep. Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth En WJedcinq r-,ed R.T. -- No. of Courses --

              -  '(Wedad,                                       Dbi, Snld. Lap. Buill                                                 (Spot. Partial, or Full)
8. Heads: (a) Material Sa -182-F304-i (b) Material $a-182-F 304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Loc.ation Min. Corr. Crown Knuacje Ellipse Conical Hemioph. Flat Side to Pressure (rop. Bolton.L Endl Th"k. Allow. Radius Radius Relio Apex Angle Diam. (Convex or Conc.avel (a) Top 2.5" _ _ _ 171 at__ (b) Bottom 2.5'T

  • _ 171 hend If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _S(-3.-,. Bolts-ASME-SA.193-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. k o. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3 2 0 0 p.i.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number _Noa-cSize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end Inspection Openings:

PufrosA Diar. Nora. Rernforcerenant How Onlut. Outlet. Drain) No. or Size T"ype Marl. Thrk. Moll. Attached Location Gas Port 1 .75" Spi P3 5 1._0)0 __*terr Port 1.- . Sp1it Fl* -0p-5--- 300 Nn,_ hBlt- (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt .. N.O Lugs Legs -- Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) )*e crib: ) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly wlit ho Welded Joints.
      .A~I~hough                  A Differential                              Pressure Ex-sts on each Side                                          .ofthe.. nt.ernal...                       n..t
         . the .      Accumulator
                         . .....         .....            ................. is Cylinder                           Hvdros ta                        v h. te.tew-st..
                                                                                                                                - des-_ .... with       tcah the-Pis           ton... rerQA~e cd .

__Jye_ t__ressure is based on the hlgh design press,,r_ _ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detailf da1,'n, rnmaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Seciio"-Vij1 /Dvisin . Date 10_6-77 Signed _ _GeneraI. ElcctricCo,_ b _-_,__ _-- I.Menufaclurar) - lfirlpraesntatrva)

       "U"      Certificate of Authorization No.                                    10,5. _             ..             .exjires         __/__June                    10(     ...--,      1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by             -___           G__ener-alI-;lectric Co..                                              at ........                              .

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilhrr and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of N Carlina and employed by .... )DptCf , th.:ibor.. have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Uata Heport on ... ". and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VilI. Division 1. By signing this cortiticato neithur the Inspector nor his employor makes'any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the MAsnufacturers' Data Report. Furtlhormore. neither the Inspector nor his enrolq;,er shall be lihble in any minnor for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind r,*s,ng fim  ? noro*' .'t'ed wi I/),,is insp on,- / Signed <e../._.i'L&:2Z.. ....... Dea Commissions N C 723.1A. WC1 766, .01110

                                              *i        zt rlnri                                                        'iNoi'l                                   Board .Slta    . Pior.,ince  end No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 51 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Singbe Chrber, Completely Shop-Fabricad Vessels 01ly) As Required by the Provisions of the ASMiE Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Mi-,fAactured by G c._al Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Mir.,factured for Same as Above
3. Lo',,j,on of Installation
.4. Tyf,,,            Lr a               110926                                         1.05_D_.-._SG001                    NIR                    (Year Built) 1977 N-.oria. or verl. tank)        (Migr't Serial No.)              (CRN)                    (Drawing No.)              (Nat'l Brd No.)
 '5. Ths e,.hernical and physical properties of all parts meet the recut'remonts of material specifications of the ASME BOILER Ali') PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, end workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     .1rtj- and Addenda to                         S'75             and Code Case Nos.

tr~r}(Date) S.'Ial Service perUG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Mer,rufecturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the f(llowing items of the report: N! A Nom. Corr.

6. Sh,',t1:Mal. _SA-_]06 CTi._fl.BB,Thk. .55 in. Allow. in. Diem. 8.70 in. Lgth. _ 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

 "7. Se,,ms: Long.                   ZA S.eamle,_,.s* R.T.              N/A              Efficiency              --     % H.T. Temp. ___F                      Time       --_       hr (Wolded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap. Butt)           (Spot or Full)

Girth ED* Welr i-ng Per gromed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses _- (Welded, Obl. Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

  .*. He0s: (a)           Material                Sa-182-F304                                         (b)   Material        -    Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade)                                                                (Spec. No., Grads)

Lorution Mn. Corr. Crown Knuclde Ellip:o Con;col H.nisph. Flat Sid. to Pire-fure tTop., Endsl Thr- Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Axits Rediul Dirom. (Convee or Conosve) (a) Top 2.57`.230 Flathead (b) Bottom 2.5" T11iU-

      .Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)                                 -

5(0-l j Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Materiel. Spt c. No.. Gr.. Sire, No.) Conctructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 00 32 0 0 F. Min. temp. (when les3 than -20 F) -- _F. Hydrostatic, pr-eumetic, or combination test pressure psi. 1.0..Safrty Valve Outlets: Number Nonize .. -- - Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-

1. No?.zles end Inspection Openings:

Purposa Di0m. Norn. Reinforcement How It-m . Otvilr.. Drain) No. or Sivi Type Mail. Thk. Marl. Attachad Location

        --Gas Port                 1      .75"               Split      Fln.              0455              1.        0                               Rn tq B                (4) Bottom.

_W-at er Port 1 .97" Split Fing. 0-4 -BIot BoLs t -)_Tipo

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs Legs ____ Other _____ Attached (Yea or nol (No.) (No.) ([aecribI (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with lo Welded Joints.

A1thou. _ Au Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the-InternI Piston.

thr! Accumulator Cylinder-is Hydrosttica llv tested with---theiF-*tina-e-4 T.. a oThceu tr. design press,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certif'y that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detaUsl}of deign., rpaterial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Sectiqcn'-VlIIDivisbn 1. Date 10-12-77 Signed _ _ an'eraL__Electric -- Co..- by/- b > 1 a/ ' ..-. :/.- (Manufacturer) (Repr65entative)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                             10 ,57.2-                              expires _                  June 10             .          , 197.8.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by GeneralElectric Co. _ at .____ __qilminLt*__N. C. I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of ___I_".oliranat ... and employed by -D.ept Of 1,abor .- have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manu'acturers' Data Report on........... " . 19-7,7, and state that, to the best of my knowledge end belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this" pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expref.sed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his amq loyer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind aris.inga f,, - r cou(,s'ted jrttthis inspection. / Signod , Date 177 Commissions NC 723.PA. C1766, OHIO I(rpec1t 30 - (l'Ntl Boar d. State. Province and No

PEG PAGEPKG 176 NO. OF 302 030929-ABF49OHG4 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PHft Unc va... (Alternat irm for Single Chambor, Completely Shop bricated Vessels Only) As Required by th! Provisions of the ASME Code Rule., Section VItI, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _ .rigC Company. P.O. Bloy 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Sa_. as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type _V.P_.-tiiraLI H1506 0 3o_.161b GQ-0R (Yenr Euil)t 97 tHoriz. or ver. tank) (hfgr'l Serial No.) (CtN) (Drawing No.) (N 'IlBrd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of matorial specificatibns of the ASME BOILER AAD PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1974 and Addonda to S'75 - and Code Case Nos, (year)?ta)

Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers" Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors heve bean furnished for the following itoms of the report: N/1A 6 . h eI: _.S A a*I. _.._ Cx G r B Nom. ,Thk. Corr.

                                                                             .5 5 in. A l!ow ._                   _        in. D iam .

88 7 0 in. Lgth. 3 t 2 . 8 in. (Sp.c- No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N-_e.SRR.T. NIA Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. Time -- _hr

("oedld, DbI. Srgl. Ltp. BunI) (Spot or FuJi) Girth-NoJ LIP-ding P erfo _~ed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses --

                                          "l.'elded. Dbil, Sngl, Lap. Butt)                                                            (Spot, Por1it), or Full) I S. Heads: (a) Material                    -       S.a-182-F304                                                       (b) Mateial                    Sa-182-F304 (Spec:. No.. Grade)                                                                               ISpec. No., GrAdi)

Locatia.* Mim core. Crown Knuckle Bllpee Coomic.l Hewrisph. Fist Sid. to P,'uitsw (Top, eornom.FrIal Thk. AJlo.*'. rdius tldiuas fti=o Apex Angle adi.s u oiam. (CoMKo f Co"-) (a) Top 2. 5"- 2.5_ _ _ _ _ 73 yiat hez.d.

     ,bI          Bottom If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) __                                           n Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7                                            for Split FlanFes (Material, Spec. hIo., Gr., Size, 14o.)
9. Constructed for max. allowable work;ng pressure 2100 psi &t max. temp. . nL

() F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 7) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combinrition test pressure3200 psi.

10. Safety V .IveOutlets: Number .-- tD I:nLi7.e -- - Location
11. Nczzles and lnspection Openings:

PurpOs' D' Nom. Ro foicement How lioL Outlet. DOril) No. or Sze 7%pe Moil. Thk. ee'. Atieched Loctioe Gas Port 1 .75" Split Finp. 3D455 i.O 5 r.n Bnl tr -2i)_Bottom. Water Port 1 ,97- Split Flng, 3 T4_5-5'*-f 0 P _Pnlts 4) _Tn

12. Supports: Skirt No Lugs Logs Other Attached (Yes or no) (;'o.l (No. ((c'crit.) Whbre a*rd how)
13. Remarks: Coniplete Mechanical Assembly withio W.eldedciJoints.

Alt "ot h A Differential Pressure Exists on each sie oft n *ter PistonR_ 5 the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatfc a )y testeo -emoved. __T~he__ýLdx Test pressure is based on the higher esign pressur, CERTIFICATE OF corAPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and t all,atdcts- f d t4a. m oria, construction, end

        .kn;Mh of this ve.ssel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Sqt~iu                                                                       .i iSiq!:, 1.

Signed aLPEIe~c.tnic.. 1/- br/ i-u'ejna-*--- laci oilrcnitie rat U Certificate of Authoriza:ion No. _ nl.5_

                                                                                 -                         --               expires                       June 10                           ,

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPEC1,O* Vea;el made by General Electric Co. at Wi I minLon , C..... 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the Notional Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors ardtor the Stc'e or Prcvince of ._C._ 2olina.._.- -_ and employed by D-t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vesscl desctbed in this Manufacturers' Data Report on I /-I-- 7_-._,nand state that, tZ the best of m'y knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed thit. prfessure vessel in accordance with ASME Cude. Sect.on VIII, Di.'isicn A. By signing this certificate neithnr the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or impic:.J, coee:ning the pressure vessel described in the Manulacturefs' Data Repnrt. Furthermore, n.-.ilher the lnsptclcr ncr his ;rmlcy-ur shi:ll liable ir, any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar .*-it.. rr_ . nci -".;./ced

                                                                  !.' inspection.

ts '. S- n '. ".//.d._ 7/10/78. conini, ions b/ ,H.N

                                                                                                                                                   )C99,                               LD           U     O 1Date           "       ....
                                                                                                               ,.,.        Cnrmision                                 PA. WC2L6O0,.h10 h      I"       t                  in                                                    '.hrit,:ad-.S,'.

3 7o.1,*,.pi i a..

                                                                                                                                                                                               ,rid 11"7(1                                                 Th,.= fo,~    rn     001 171 n*a     t-.' rthis~neeh tu~        r ho O'da;tirDtt.. ASME. 345 E5.47th St.. Net.'. 'roil.. N.Y. 100'17

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 194 OF 302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIii, Division 1 1.Manufacturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VPrt-i-l H1478 105D6138GO01 N/R eBuilti197.8 (year Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mtgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (NatIl Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
           *-L. and Addenda to C.9                                    S 75             and Code Case Nos.                     --

(Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Matl. SA-!O6 Gr. B Thl
  • 55 in. Allow. - in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. 3 tf, 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N/A SeamleSS R.T. N/A Efficiency -- _%H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Bun) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. (_otNo. of CourPtses_, (Welded. Dbi. SngI. La p. Butt Spot Partial, or Full) B. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182 F304 (b) Material Sa-182-FS04 (Spc.. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) Lo-eto* Mit. Co.. Crown El.ipse Conic. . Ha aph. FLat Side ta Prtaý,e (Tco. Borro., Ends) ThL Ajlo-. RbdI,u P.&d;u. Rato Ape. Aigi. Radiiu DiOwn. lcoý O0CO.ceýel (a) Top 2.5" - 3:H8 8thead (b) Bottom 2.5" If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) _500 Bolts-ASME-S A193-B7 for Split FlangE (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. ,4M).. F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F). F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test preasure32 00 psi.
10. SafeTy Valve Outlets: Number Mon.ize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:


  • Oam. No-. tt nrflot HOw tnlet.OOulet OralnI No. or Size Type Melt. Thk. Med. AitacheO Lmmooývo Gas Port 1 .75) Split Flng. 30555 1.01U Nnnp nRolfL_(4 RBnttf Water Port 17-W Split Flng. 30455 I. 3MU Nnne Balts (4)_Top
12. Supports: Skirt 4 Lugs Logs -_ Other .... Attached (Yes or ncl (No.)()~rtq (Where aind howl
13. Remarks: Comolete INMechanica!

o) Assembly '1e'rio Welded Joints. Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side nf the Internal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wjit-. the Piston reMoved. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressir,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detai f d' n, m. erial, construction, and work this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ti I,, ' isi 1. Date Signed Cpnipr.C b _. -Z [Manufacturerl iRepreoentuativel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10 572 expires June 1 01 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO Vessel made by General Electric Co. at .W ilnington: N. C. 1, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of -_N - (-',rn1 i mg and employed by De t Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on - /i- 1978- and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII, Division 1. By, signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed cr implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor hs employer shp,17 liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind ar ýý* .* onnec e*,e'yhis inspection Dt7/1/7ý tnC799 PA WC2L6O Ohio Sgned ) 1 Jc . Date -L ..-t_ Commissions ~ld. . Provirrce arid NO.)

                                                                                                                                             -Boar' Sitar.                      h (1 76)                                 Or76      Tn s , 'm    iEDOoI?17!~ Ve    b Cot ared 4, c.-, the Oid.' Dept . ASME. 34t5 E. 47rh Sr . Ne-                      York. N.Y. 1o001

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 195 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type V- rt- H17q 105D6138G006 C001 N/R (Year Built)197_._

(HoriL or verlt tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) .(CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIll, Division 1 19724 and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) - As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports property identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. ShelI:Matd. SA-306 Gr.B ,Thk. .55 in. Allow. in.Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth._ 3_ft 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade) tI.

7. Seams:Long. N/A Seit' sR.T, N!A. Efficiency -- %H.T.Temp. -- F rime .._-._-_._hr (Welded. Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- _ No. of Courses -- (Welded. Obl, Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heeds: (a)Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No, Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Locartor MWit. Corr. Crown Kýudde Ellipse Conical Hrnisph. Flat Side to Preeure (Too. Botonm. Endl) Thk Allow. Radius Radius Ratio Ape. Angle Rdýul Dimrn. (Convae or Corcave) (a) Top 2.5" ______________ (b) Bottom 9.5"rr /. -- pI P If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -500-1 1 Bolts-ASME-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. AO. .' . F. Min. temp. (when 2

less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3 00 psi.

10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Non. ize --- -Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diam. Noon. Radnforcemaere How Ontet. Outlat Drain) No. or Sire Type Mtl. Thk. Mall. Attachad Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.060 No1e l--?- (4) Bottom. Water Po 7 Split Flog. 30455 30 9n. Rn 1-1ona (4) Tnp

12. Supports: Skirt __O Lugs - Legs - Other - Attached
13. Remarks: - (YesComplete or no) (No.) (No.i Astl MfechanicalAsmy wi~t" ri ) Welded Wedd0ons on. (Where and how)

_AJ.Ubough A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Tnternal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deta s *.*ral, f construction, and workmanshi'p of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S 0-io . i1. Date 6/ 0/73 Signed Genpral Flectric Co. b (Representative) (Manufacturra 0 "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10,572 expires June 10 , 19 81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Co. - at Wilmington _. , C.N C I, tho undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andlor the State or Province of N - Cr. lrnin and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on /120 197.2-., and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furhermore, neither the Inspector n)., his.,m vor shall be liable in any manner for any persona; injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arnsingjI" o con ;ed .withotl'4/nspction. Sipned SigdSte. *..6J~ I~-- /W Date 6l/7.2 Commissions Nr 723..PA. WC1766, OHIO iead No.) (I f76) This form (E,0117) may be obtained from the Order Dept. ASME. 345 E. 47th St, New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 230 OF302ag8 .1 of 4 FORM U--., MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR . dESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vesseli Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type Vertr1 _l H14Z3 105D6138G00! N/R (Year Built) 192a (HOOL or vert. tank) (fgr'es Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Net'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts' meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIIL Division 1 I 97LL and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

iWe41r) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. .U-1O6A Gr.. ,Thk. 55 In. All __o. in. Diam. 8.70 in.Lgth. _. ft 2._38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade) 7, Seams:Long. NL/SA -ePm]e,_jaR.T. N/A Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp,_-__..ZF T~ma.-- ._._hr (Welded, Dbl. Sngl, Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full) Girth Non e~ing Performed R.T. -- No.ofCourses -- (Welded. ObI, Sngl. Lap. Butn) (Spot. Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Saq-182-F30J4 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Localtio MIn. co"r. ctrl' Knuckle ElIlIpI Concral HeemiapP Flat Side to Preoea.ur (Top. Bottom, Ersel Thk. AjIo. Radiue Reidue Raio Apex Angle Redius Diem. . (CorNa. or colic.aye) ( Top 2.5" 7.230 F1t-head (b) Bottom 2.5" l.73O JrheUr]FL if removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -fl(l_)' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4' (Material. Spac. No.. Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. Q0n. F. Min. temp. (when 32 less then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressur& -00 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Nnnize -- Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dierm. Non. N oRrwfo,ýsre Ho. nret. OutlJet. Drein) No. w SLze Type MSid. Thk. MatL.Anale sdr Locetiot Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.U6U Nnnrc Bnot- (4) EBnttom. Water Port 17= Split F5Nnn- -nl #-q (4) Tsp

12. Supports: Skirt N Lugs __ Legs -Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No..) A b eocrit) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each s:de of the internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically testeQ with t-he Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design pressrp_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that thelstatements made in this report are correct and that all detali f d n -n.aterial. construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S i jvisf ni . Date 7_213/78 Signed enerrl Flpctric Co. b (Manufacturer) (Repreeentatvej

  "'." Certificate of Authorization No.                             10.572                                  expires                   June          10,                   i     81 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECT1O0 Vessel made by                        General Electric Co.                                            at                           Wilrmington, N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andior the State or Province of - N- CTrn 1 i{n;"; and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on 7-T1T']773 19718 , and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section Viii. Division 1.By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither the Inspector nor his employer ,I be 'iable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind antconn'e thio inspection.PA. 137 5 Signed Da te Commissions NC799, P.W26,Oi 8'llaloard.State. Prosrince and No.) 0r76? This form lm( OO 1171 my be obieined frorn the Order 0ept.. ASME. 345 E,47th St.. New York. N.Y 1D017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG4 PAGE 170 OF 302 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chmnber, Completely Shop-Fabricatod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division I 1.Manufacturedby Gen Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilminpgton, N..C.

2. MEnufectured for - as Above
3. Location of Installstion .

4.Type Vpe*-icra]l f4 105D6138G001 N/R (yeerBuilt)191_ IdoriL. Or vet.. lank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CAN) (Drawing No.) lNetlI Brd No.)

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requiremonts of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The decign, contdruction. and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Divi;;ion I L9.2_.-_4 end Addenda to S 75 and Code Case Noa. --

(Yearl beoee As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Special Service per UG-120(d) Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N!A

6. SheflI:Atl. Nom. Corr, 870 6._A-"-_O6._.L-B,Ihk. ,55 in. Allow. __ in. Diem. 8.7- in. Lgth. - 3 2. 38 In.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N_*LSP.2aflh1.Ms._R.T. N/A Efficiency_-- %H.T.Tomp. F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth .Illinj r1d nfexPPrfs7jcd R.T. -- No. of Courscs -- (Welded. DbI, Sngl, Lep, Butt) (Spot. Par,ial, or Full) S. Heads: (a) Material Ma182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182'-F304 (SpecNo., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade) L '.ozlir IA~n. Corr. Crown Knucide Eci;p& Conical HIonlpth. Flat Sid* to Prwura (Too. eortDT, Erdsl Thk. Ailow Radiu. Riedv. Rft;o ApeaxAngle RC;ius ODiem. (ConvexmrCo r*..vcl (a) Top 2.5" lthe (b) BottCm 2.5Tr IL*j


If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) 5l00-1i' Bolts-ASýIE-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4 (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.1

9. Constructed for max. allowvable working pressure 2100 psi at max. tamp. 41710 3 2 0 0 F. Min. lamp. (when less thbn -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatc, or combination test pressure pl.i,
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N..on. ize -- _Location
11. Nozzles end hIspection Openi.ngs:

Purpote Diem-. Norn. Reinlor*ement Hon, Wn:e. Outlet. OrAWnrNo. or Size Type MetL. ThL Macfi. Attached Loe tioco Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1.O06 Nnn

                                                                                                                                 -,                 PnI t.Lq_(4)__tBtom.

Water Po rt 1 .97" - Split Flng. -.1.355 30D0 Nn PIqJT.. J,*__

12. Supports: SJrti NO Lugs Legs -_-- Other Attached (Yes or no) lNo.l INo. I Ile cmi (Where end how)
13. Rernarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly witn No Welded Joints.

Althoug_h '. Differential Pressure Exists on each side of theTnternal Piston, the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested The Hyidro Test pressure is based on the higher design press,,rp CERTIFICATE OF COrtPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all deteys f s construction, end

      'orkrrsri? ohI this vessel conform to the ASKE Code for Pressure Vesseis, Ser'O lgo i Dat*ale'=            /58               Signed                          r.ui._l..Electric (Ifinuiactur   or)    'r CO, 17'          by.__-

Ip "r (Reprieentative) .at" . .

   "U" Cnrtificate of Authorization No.                              .0,572                          .expires                       June .10,                       .19 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vassei mad- by                         General Electric Co.                                -     at           .        .                                   JWi.1_i.Q..,

I, the undcrsigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pre-turq Vessel Inspectors and:or the State or Province of --.. _- 'LCr .linz..__.and employed by De t Of Labor have inspectcd the pressure vessel described in this ftanufecturers' Data Report on_ _ 10 1978... and stato that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer hcs constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Secticn VI\',, Division 1. By signing this centificsle rether the Inspector nor his emp!oyar makes any warranty, expressed or imp.icd. conceining the presT:ure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermote, rieither the hnspector nor his employer slhali be liable in .any mannor for ry personal iniury or property damage or a loss of any kind .rir .... 'ur"n c,*...Cnnocre,,*- thisinspoclon

                                                                  .     .C79                                                                  PA S;01 1-.;


                                                                                ~/1     0 7
                                                                                          /1 S          Commissions              '..-'-'s PA~          VI2L60, Ohio                  i

{1. 76) Th,is lolrm (i00i17 may t,' ot.te .. el rnomthe Order Dopt.. ASME. 34S E. 47th St.. Ne york. N.Y. 1001? Y

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 204 OF 397 FOI,M U-1A r-.1ANUrACTURE1S' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternat Form for Single Chamber, Complotoly Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As R,3quired by too Provisions of the ASME Code Rules. Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by General Electric Company, P.P0. Box 7ZU 14Wi_mgbca_ in] NC, ý ,
2. Manufactured for ..
3. Location of Install-lion
4. Type .er_titcA*L_ ,___*_____

(Horiz. or yent. tnk) (Mfgra Serial No.) (CRNI) ____ KE5l.T- -G (Drawing No.) O .__0R__o, (Nat'l Bid No.) (Year Built) 19.77

5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1
     .19_Land Addenda to _S_75__--._ and Coda Case Nos.                                                              --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) _ThisD _Pes ata Rppnrit - Ppp RPpma~rk s 2Jelow Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have boon furnished for the following items of the report: I',__A Nom. Corr.

6. .SA-106 Gr. B Thk..._-_5_5 in. Allow. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. _3_t 2.... 3_B..._in.

38 (Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. _lW/ Seamlese R.T.._NIA--- Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Weldead, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, eonu) (5pat or Full)

Girth -- Un- e 1.d.i_lg.-Peir£ (Welded,i r)l, S~ngl. Lap, Butt)(s R.T. (Sp oa P , FullI No. of Courses -- B. Haads: (a) Material SA-IR2z-_E3fQ4 (Spec. No., Grade) (b) Material SA- 182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) Locat.on Mim- Corr. Crown Knuck.J Ellipse Conical H.mirph. FlAt Side to Presaure (Top. Botlon, Ends) Thk. Al!ow. RadiuI Rat o,;us Rtio Apex Angle Radius DLiM. (Convex or Concave) (a) T-_ _.-p_2.5'__ ____E2a Laad (b) Bottom 7,230

                                                                                                                                                              /Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings)                             . 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SA193-B7                                              for Split FRanges (4)

(Material, Spec. NR .Grd Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 00 21....___. psi at max. temp. -t.* F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number RQf-.e. Size -- _Location - --
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purp;esa Diam. Nora. Reinforce.n,nc How (Inlet. Outloe Orin) Io. or Si:a Type Mael. ThI. Mat. AtBcho*d Locsti.n asPriLt - . __15 'l_" lLFi lng- .30455 1.0_Q___sone Rnl t& 4) Rnttm. Water Pn1rt_A 7" Sý] Flnt_.g__ 4_5____ 1_300 None Rolts 4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt --- NO--Lugs . Legs _ . Other __ __Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where end how)
13. Remarks: - mp-ae2eAechani.a1--Aseibly with NO W reldedJo-i.ts A th ou.gh__A_.Di fferentia 1 Pres sure..Exs ists. on .each-._s.ide_ ofthe._ LnternalPi-s2ton, h-Ae .Accumulator Cylinder._i s..Hydrostatical ly.. tested. with- the. -P.i ston.-removed.

-The-y.d.r.o._Test pressure based pressure-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details of design, material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrto the AIMEfCode for Pressure Vessels, Secti W/ DIvi~o, n 1. Date 9 .77 signed eneral L /ectric Co. - -. -by-_" Sign . . Manufact urerl .. Represeintative.

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No .                          ..10.572 .                 -....        .         expires       -      uune -10                                                        78..

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company_ . ...... at Wilmington, .N.C, I, the undersigned, holding a valid cnmmission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andsor the State or Province of N. Carol i na .... and employed by Dept of.. Labor . have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Mannifactitrers' Data Reporl on . 9-9 . ... 1977 ., and state that, to the best of my knowiedge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Cods., Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certdicate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind aw'.;inm*.fom..or connected v.ith this inspection. Sifned.. 7-" ....

  • l,,specto Date 9-9-77 Commissio nNC. .

799,PA. Nat'/Board. State, irC Prov.n. LnGhio e ndN . I 1- . *.,. I I- 7~- r .~ - . 1. *..... *..-.i -:r Y 1"i1


1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 1 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order (WO) 04-711886-012 Address ReDair/Reolacement Oroanization P.O No . Job No.. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31 .1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/3019 General Electric Old A3693 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2505 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2615 General Electric Old A3241 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1523 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2619 General Electric Old A4184 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0845 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2215 General Electric Old A3228 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1432 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/2219 General Electric Old A3694 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1194 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1815 General Electric Old A3678 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0606 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BW R-4 water accumulators with BW R-6 water accumulators on Bank "M".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic fl Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt [1 Other LI Pressure psi Test Temp. -F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 81/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items 1 through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.
  • as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria.



1. Owner Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Date August 23, 2005 Name 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Sheet 2 of 3 Address
2. Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) Unit 1 Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 DCN # 18883 Work Order IWO) 04-711886-012 Address Reowor'eolacement Oroanization P.O No.. Job No. etc.
3. Work Performed by TVA-BFN Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Name P. O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Authorization No. N/A Address Expiration Date N/A
4. Identification of System System 085, Control Rod Drive / ASME Code Class 2 equivalent (Accumulators) ASME Section VIII, 1974 Edition, Summer 1975 Addenda
5. (a) Applicable Construction Code (Piping) USAS B31.1.0 19 67* Edition, N/A Addenda, N/A Code Case N/A (b) Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 19 95 Edition, 1996 Addenda
6. Identification of Components ASME Code National Corrected, Stamped Name of Name of Manufacturer Board Other Year Removed, or (Yes Component Manufacturer Serial No. No. Identification Built Installed or No) 1-ACC-085-718/1819 General Electric Old A3712 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A0910 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1415 General Electric Old A3238 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0279 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1419 General Electric Old A3669 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H1519 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1015 General Electric Old A3235 N/A N/A 1978 Removed/ Yes New H 1664 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/0615 General Electric Old A3239 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New A2530 Installed 1-ACC-085-718/1019 General Electric Old A3673 N/A N/A 1977 Removed/ Yes New H0755 Installed
7. Description of Work Replace BWR-4 water accumulators with BWR-6 water accumulators on Bank "M".
8. Tests Conducted: Hydrostatic El Pneumatic El Nominal Operating Pressure 0 Exempt El Other El Pressure psi Test Temp. °F NOTE: Supplemental Sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1) size is 8'/2 in. X 11 in., (2) information in items I through 6 on this report is included on each sheet, and (3) each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets is recorded at the top of this form.

.as amended by additional quality assurance requirements found in Purchase Contracts and applicable Design Criteria. UIC6R

Page 3 of 3 WO 04-711886-012 FORM NIS-2 (Back)

9. Remarks Pressure test was performed by 1-SI-3.3.1.A per WO 04-713480-000.

Applicable Manutacturer's Data Reports to be attached ASME Section VIII U-1A Manufacturer's Data Reports for Accumulators are attached. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I certify that the statements made in the report are correct and this conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Section XI. Type Code Symbol Stamp N/A Certificate of Authorization No. N/A Expiration Date N/A Signed ",SIProgramEngineer Date '/20 _ _ Owner or Owner's Designee, Title CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersignel, hojding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of _ and employed by HSB CT of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during the period 9 -- 22 -2 -)L to * --92..( "a( , and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examinations and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code, Section XI. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection. L~'D ~?\ Inspector's Signature Commissions s L-i tr*' & National Board. State. Pro',nce, and Endorsements Date 20 L UIC6R

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 168 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTUR:ERS' DATA PEPORT FOR PRESSUqE VESSELS (Alternate Forin tor Single Chamicr, Comp!ctely Shop-Fabricatod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASM.E Coda Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1, Manufacturodby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 730, Wilmingto~nj,_N C

2. Manufactured for _ Sal1_ A._ab__*ov._
3. Location of installtlion
4. Type Vert_.i.c*_l ___ A2505 _- _505 - 5-D6138_Q L_N/_R.(Year Built) 497-7 IHoriz. or van. tank) %i.for'eSerial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) INct'I Brd No.)
5. The ch3micaI and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of miterial specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 1924*4 and Addenda to _S.__ and Coder Case Nos. -

(Ye3r) (Date) Special Service per UG-120fd) As Per ThisDhata Repnrt - pS Rpmarks RelowB.. Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: - /A Nom. 55 Corr.

6. Sholl:Matl. SA-l6 Gr. B ..Thk ... in. Allow . .. in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3,ft..ftt 2.-38 in.

(Spec. No., Grode;

7. Seams: Long. -N1/ASe3&mLleS_ RT._NLA Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. "- - F Time -- hr (Welded, Dol. Sngl, Lep, Butt) (Sýpot or-Full)

Girth _r'1OALId._lg_2er_£ormed (Wetded. Dbl. Sn01. Lap, Butt) R.T. -_ (Spot, Pat.lo _ Ful No. of Courses

8. Heads: (a) Materiel SA-.-2-F-304._ _____ (b) Material. SA-18-F3104 (Spec. No., Gradoa (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. Corr. Crown Knuckle Ellis'e Coni cal Hea isph. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. aorrorm.Erds) Thk. Allow. Rad~ua Radius Ratio Apex Antle Rod-us Diam. (Convex or Concave) (a) *IPP_ __ 7..2m, Flathead-(b) Bottom 5 230 Flathead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bol ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 (Material, S at N G~r Size, No.) for Split Flanges (4)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure -2100 psi at max . tamp*o.- F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure '-0 F psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NO[ Size -- _ Location ---
11. Nozz!es and Inspection Openings:

PrpoiC Dr,, Nom. Reinforcement How nielm.Ourler. Orrinl No. c Srze . Type Matt. Thk. Mail. Anrchad Lo.tion

       -Gas_.2nrIt- -                        3 5'-__Sp l.iiF] ng-                             -30455                    01 00         N on                    . Bots_             4        Rnttm. Portl .9Z_'___S pi l ng _Q_0A5 5 l_ 300_ onP*e B _ts 4) Toip

12. Supports: Skirt -- N'O ___Lugs .... Legs . Other Attached (Yesor no) (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how)
13. Remarks: _Complete_...echan-cal*-As-se i-el-y--w~ith-'Lo-We~ded--J-4n4ts

_Although-A-Differential Pressure Exs.ists on each .side of.._the...InternalPis-ton, the Accumulator Cylinder -is Hydrostatically. tested with the.-P-i.ston -emoved-The Hydro Test pressure-is based-on the higher, design pressure---- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail of design, material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASMF Code for Pressure Vessels. Secti rq--VIil Dvvis(6n 1. Date 9-97-77 Signed.Ger)era ectric CCo._. ... " SignNlAnuacturer (Re preaentaive)

  "U" Certificate of Authorization No... -10                                ,572                      _           expires         June. 10,                      .                   -9__ZB_.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General El ectri c Company ... at Wilmington, N. C.. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesse.l Inspectors and or the State or Province of N . Ca ro Ii na arid employed by De t of. Labor have inspected the pressure vessel descrbed in this MjnJfacturers* Data Report on . V 7 1977 ., and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VilI. Drvision 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concernin the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspeclor nWr h*S rrtrl)lrter shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising r. r-',.r :. y.pi l",d I 2

                                                         .      this inspelction.

Signed -7 S

                                        . .       ./
                                                "fl,,',I                            Date      9-7-77              CommissiujC 723          I      f Board.      'C1766, PA. Sltate.      Pruvinca andOhio No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF49OHG3 PAGE 123 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA IIEPORT FOR KiESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotuly Shop-Fabricotod Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASrAE Code Rulao, Soction VIII, Division 1 1.Manufecturedby General Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Locetion of Installation
4. Type Vprtirnl -- H_5 2 51D _l3.001 _ N/R (Year Built) -197-8 (Horizorr vert. tnk) (MIgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of materiel specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII. Division 1 1924- and Addenda to (Year) Service Special per UG-120(d) (Date)

S_75 end Code Case Nos. -- As Per This Data Report _- See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Norn. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. -Q*-06 r.,Thk_. .55 in. Allow. In. Diem. 8.70 in.l.gth. 3. ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. NIA S n leZaSR.T. N/A Efficiency  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time ____ hr (Welded, Dbl, SngL Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding Performed R.T. -- No. of Courses --- GWeldad. ObI, Sngf, Lap, Butt) (Spot, Partial, or Full) E. Haads: (a) Material $-182-'F3U4 (b) Materiel Sa-182-F304 (Spec, No.. Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade) Location Min. Cotr. Crown Knucele Ellipie Conical Hemitph. Flat Side to Proesure Oornvax (a) rlop. Bororn. Enda) Top ThI. 2".5" Allow. Radius Rauius Hatio Apex Angle Radiri Diara. 73 lrer or Center:) (b) Bottom 2.5n Z th-If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -5.f-1 1 Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressule 2100 psi at max. temp. (.IO0 F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F) -- F. Flydros',atic, proumatic, or combination test prossur,3200 psi.
10. S a 'cryV alvo O utlets: Num ber . _1Jn.zSize -- _Location . . . . . ...
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openilgs:

Purpose Diaem, Nor. Rbinfoicemert How toist. Outlet. Drain) No. of Size Type Mall. ThIL. hi ul. A .. ched Location Gas Port 1 .75" Split Flng. 30455 1 .U6U NnnP Bn 1s-- L(4) Bottom. Water Port i' 97" Split Flng. 30455 1.30UD0 nnp " f-lt (4) Trp

12. Supports: Skirt NO Lugs - Legs - Other Attached.

(Yes or no) (No.) INo. ADml " crifti) W(Whera and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanica1 Assembly with No Welded Joints.

___Althou*h A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the Internal Piston. the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested wthr the Piston removed. The Hydro Test pressure is based on the higher design presstrP. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all dmta' f e at rial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S etio Il'ys7on/*." Dote 6/14/ 78 Signed GenFe,. Electric C b .,., * ,-1 ..-..--- t ' (Manufacturer) 'I (Representative)

   "U" Certificate of Authorization No.                          10,572                              expires _                    June 10,                        19 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIONJ Vessel mode by                      General Electric Co.                                       at                           Wilminpton. N. C.

I, the undersigned, holding a valid t.ommission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of N- Carol ina and employed by Dept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report on .. _6/'14 19 7-&--, and state that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASM.E Code, Section VIII, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neithor the Inspector r hi", npt, r shaIi bq liable in any manner for any persunal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising, o0 on, wi

                                                'S'.d     )s inspection.

Signod 7-if-<?4A4'-_ Data 6//,4/7L8-- Commissions .NCJ23.P!A__QCi7 OHIO

                                "     lnapo G     ol                                                                             Io) t'0 board. Stain. Province and No.)

This form (Et00117 m-ay be obteined from the Order Dept.. ASME. 345 E. 47th St. New York. N.Y. 10017

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG1 PAGE 252 OF 257 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Compfatofy Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Rsquirod by the Provisions of tho ASME Code Rules, Section Vill, Division 1

1. Manufactured by .J lectric Compat.,. P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N1.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of instaeltion
4. Type .- _Ve.rt.dicl-*_ _Q 4 `5_. J,5_D_61_-,3_001 N/R (Year Built) 1977 (floriz. or vert. tank) (Mtgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASMAE BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction. and workm3nship conform to ASME Rules, Soction VIII, Division 1
        .'7-14.--and     Addenda to                 S    75           and    Code Case Nos.                --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signod by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Mat;. WI _r, B.Thk. .55 in. Allow. ___ in.Diam. 8. 70 in. Lgth. 3- ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams:Long. LNA Sea.l..S..SR.T. N/ A Efficiancy -- %H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Srgl. Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No ,,Z r.-ing R.T. -- No. of Coursa3 -- (Welded, Obl, Sngl, Lap, Burt) (Spot, Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grads) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Mi. Corr. Crown Knuckj. Ellipse Corti"l Hemiiph. Flet Side to Pre..ure (Top. eo*lo . End,) Thk. Allow. Radius Rsd;u% R.iio Apex Angle Radius Dism. IConvex or' (el Top 2. 5' _ ,- . F th (b) Bottom 2.r /.-.... Flt hpn Ifremovable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -.5l-] Bolts--ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No.. Gr., Size, Nc.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 40r)0 F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumetic, or combination test pressure ps;.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number N..o.Nnnza -- _Location
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Dism. Norn. Reinforcement Ilow 0nlet Ojnler. Neain) No. or Size Type ,.4s1. Thk. Matl. Artsc.ed Loc.,rion Gas Port 1 .75" Split F n5. 30455 1.060 NEne Bottom. Water Port 1 97r Split F 30 Ni-n I tB ,, (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirtn o Lugs Legs Other Attached (Yes or no) (No.) (No. (pescribl (Where and haw)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with No Welded Joints.
      .Althou.b             A Differential Pressure Exists on each side                                                                           _

the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested m.l tl pi-n rprpnx-d*. Tlrn Hvdrrn TPqt nre~sure is based on the higher design press,, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail f design. a erial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vassals, Se1 . ll..V.isiof,.0 Date 11/21/77 Signed n e (Manufacturer) r .Iac.I c.,Qo-.._ ia a b '7v/l'[(Reprementativo) "' L"-"/

  "U"     Certificate of Authorization No.                           10,                 e72                expires                    Junepreent                         1978v CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by                          General           Electric            Co.                     at    _i________C I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boilvir and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of                         N- C.rnl i na                  and employed by Dept Cf Labor                                       have inspected the pressure vessel described in thiz Mani farstiir*'                            r)fAt     ,aOnne nn NnvoP.mhPr 2.1                                     ,q777
1. - seta* tth n

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIll, Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nI,. his emp or shall beliable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arisin gf, on r0 witb g inspection. Signed -, , LL.'vi,* _- __Date -J./121/77Commissions ."I-723.PA, CI76 6, 01-1 O n,-lI o*speco,,-N"atI eoard. State. Province and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HG3 PAGE 40 OF 214 FORM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPOflT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber. Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessoel Only) As the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII Division 1 1.Manufactuiedby _.fleQgaerpnElecric Campany, P.O. Box 780, Wilnington, N.C.

2. Manufactured for _Same as Above

.-3. Location of Installation ____

4. Type _mamttic 11 n__ 2 _l5_D_G 1.38_001 NLR. (Year Built)978 (doriz. or vart. tank) (Mfgr's Serial No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical rnd physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19-74.- and Addenda to S' 75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service par UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. AA-06. B Thk. *55 in. Allow. __ in. Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3._f, 2. 38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. .**,NL .A$eamless...

R.T. N/A Efficiency-~  % H.T. Temp. ___F Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl. Sn0l. Lop. Sun) (Spot or Full) Girth N*Je.dingP .Fe..:r-red R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Dbl, Sngl. Lap. Butt) (SpOL Partial, or Full)

8. Heads: (a) Material Sa-182-F30U (b) Material . .$a-182--F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location Min. corr. Crown Knuckde Elhpee Corical H -n;ph. Fiat Side to Preo..ura (Top. Bottr rn. Ends) ThJt. Allow. Rad.ius Itasdu Ratio Apee Angle Radius Diar. (fConvez or Concanel (a) -- T-op 2.5" _lahead 712_0__ (b) Bottom 2 .5r I.L.rU Flarhead If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .50-l Bolts-AS-E-SAl93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Malerial, Spec. No., Gr.. Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4,no. F. Min. temp. (when 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure3 2 psi.


10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number .- no.nnize
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diarn. Nore . Raeinfrrefacnnent How Inlat. Outlet, Drrin) No. or Suo Typ" Moi. Thk. Matl. - Alut.hed Location Gas Port 1 75"-. Split Fln_. 3"55 1.-01 0 1(R)Tap Water Port 1 .97 "r Split Flng. 3 45"5---a-. -P1_rs *

12. Suprports: Skirt . tugs L*O... Legs Other " Attached (Yes or no) INo.) (No.1 _ secriqq? (Where and how)
13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly t ,io Welded Joints.

_.. LhAiolgh A Differential Pressure Exists on each side of the_1nt.rJa__nPiston the Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostat-cally testea The iydjoT.ULp.ressure is based on the h1 -Faes-gnpresstr,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that alldeta's f d. nerial, construction, and worlKma pfgr

                          ýi) is vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. S cli 4, ti* .isi 1.

Date _ _// Signed -*Qj b__ IManutfaciurer) (Reprasentatlve) _"U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10-1.5 expires June 10., I 78 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTIO(N* Vussel made by General Electric Co. at W,1mi .r.: N. C%. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and!or the State or Province of --.

  • C* r i*na.-- and employed by Duept Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers" Data Report on -_- 612 19 M8, and state that, to (Ith best of my knowledge and be!icf. the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section Vill. Division 1. By signing this certificato neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty.

exprcssed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel den.r.ribed in thre hJi1nufacturers' Data Report. Furthermoro. neither the Inspector n his en Ir wloy,'rhall be liable in any mannoe for any personal injury or property damago or a loss of any kind eri-irn f o/2 odos/*d ilh.t i m-pocton. Signed * ._Date 6/2/78 Commissions .'C723_.PA.WC1766? 0_010


lr, op ) -'I Boad. State. rto'inc "and No.)

03 PEG PKG PAGE 159 NO.OF 214 0929-ABF490HG3 I FORM U-, MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR , .ESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form for Single Chamber, Complotely Shop-Fabric-eted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Coda Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufactured by _n_ ra Electric Company, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type VPertfr,81 110512 1181300 N/R (Year BuillL9Z&L (Horiz. or vert. tank) (Mtgr's Se ralNo.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design. construction, and workmnanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Divisicn 1 a-nd Addenda to S'75 and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) PDate) Special Servico per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports proporly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors hrnve been furnished for the following items of the report: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell:Matl. SA-.06G.B .Thk. .55 in. Allow.__ in.Diam. 8.70 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2.38 in.

(Spec. No.. Grade)

7. Seams:Long. N!LA eaMJ*es R.T, NIA Efficiency -- %H.T. Temp. . Time -- hr (Welded, Dbl, Sngl, Lap, Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth No Welding erformed R.T. -- No. of Courses -- (Welded, Db!. Sngl. Lap, Butt) (Spot. Partial, or Full) 4 B. Heads: (a) Materiel Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F30 (Spec. No.. G~ada) (Spec. No.. Grade) Location Mir. Cory. Crown Knucile Ellipse Conical Nemispl. Flat Side to Pressure (Top. Botomn. Endsl Thl. Allow. Aidi0u Radius Ratio Apex Angle Radius Diem. (COnvex or Conc.ave) (a) (b) Top t om Bot 2. 5" 2.5 'F Flathea temltha If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) -lon-1' Bolts-ASME-SA193-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 4nn F. Min. temp. (when less then -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, pr'eumatic, or combination test pressure 2 0 0 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number Mon ize -- _Location
11. N'orzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose Diem. Nora. Reinforcement How ndet. Outlet. Dra;nl No. or Site Type Mad. Thk. MaI. ArracJhed Location Gas Port 1 .75" S.1itFln. 30455 1.U Nnnp TnI t- .0__nttom. Water Port 1 . 97- Split Flng. NInn By045IT3-0 q (4) Tn

12. Supports: Sk~rt NO Lugs __ Legs Other Attached.

(Yes or no) (No.1 (14.o) l wl(DeWcri el) J (Where and how)

13. Remarks: Complete Mtechanica1 Assembly with No Welded Joints.

Although A Differential Pressure Exists on each side ofennal Piston, tthe Accumulator Cylinder is Hydrostatically tested the Pi. r dth __The Hydro Test pressure is based on the -higher design pressfir n e CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all det Is f, d ARj,.--merial, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, S ctiiiisi 1. Date 91978 - Signed Gpener1 F.)-ectric Co. b* * /- _1__"_--_____- (ManutActurorl VRepre'entativel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. 10- 572 expires June 10 . , , 19i CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTI N Vessel made by General Electric Co. at - Wilmingfon_, N. C. I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vcssel Inspectors and/or the State or Province of N_ C('a-rnlina and employed by _De_2 Of Labor have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufacturers' Data Report ori - 61U.9 19 2-a, and state that. to the b33! of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code, SectiDa Vill. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nl,31is ertployefl l be liablen any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any Signed o_/

  • 4 tny,&1. Date 6119/.78.- Commissions Cq__2.3,P_A,__C._IT66.,_.OHIO (Ir.spoctord (Netl Board, State, Proince d No.)

This form (E00t17) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 3.45 E. 47th St., New York. N.Y. 10017 I?,-

PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE 114 OF 397 FORM LI-1A MAN4UFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (A!tornate Form for Sin2le Chambor, Completely Shop-Fzabricated Vessels Only) As Requited by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIII, Division 1

1. Manufacturedby General Electric CoMgRn.. P.O. xBex 78.0. ilming.ton. N.C.
2. Manufactured for .- _SEm.Pa,. Abo'e e
3. Location of Install-tion
4. Type H0606 _D-_7I-38_--OLJ__ R___ {(Year SuiIt) .19.7.7 (Horit. or vert tasiti lMfi*r Serial No.) (CRtI) (Drcwin. No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meat the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules. Section Vill, Division 1 191 and Addenda to Si_7 5___. and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per Thit s-ata RpnnrL - Slop RemaxrksB eow Manufacturers' Partial Data Repolts prop Irlyidentified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have boen furnished for the following items of the report: A Nom. Corr.

6. Shelf:Mad. SA-106 Gr. 8 Thkc . 55 in. Allow. in. Diem. -8.70 in. Lgth. 3__ft .2.38 in.

(Spec- 'o.. Grade)

7. Seams: Long. - t aan.egss R.T. A-/A Efficiency -- /% H.T. Temp. -- = F Time -__ hr (v ded. GOl.Sngl. Lap. Bur.) (Spot or Full)

Girth .O.di n- ý('WPPFrf_.fpr....eed e ldod,DLb l. Sngl. L ap. Blun) R.T. -- No. of Courses - (Spot. Peru i: 1o l

8. Heads: (a) Material .SA*]-2-_304_ ___ (b) Material SA-182-F304 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grade)

Location Min. Ccut. Crt*wn Knucle Ellipte cortcal Hemisph. Flat Side to Pressure fTop, Bonorn. Ernds) Thr. 4llo,. rled'us Radius Ratro Apex An ge0 Radiiu Oierr. (Convex or Concaie) (b) (a) "oBottom 2.5"7 2.5____23.0____E_ (b~ifttý(J 2i3Q.Fa~the_*d__ r,230230 Flthea Flathea.d if removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . 500-13 Bol ts-AS),E-SA193-B7 for Split Flanqes (4) lloablcworingpresure 210 (Material, Spec. N Gr Sire. No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowableworking pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. '0,1. F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number NOIze. Size - -_ Location - - -
11. Nozzles and Inspection Openings:

Purpose DOirn. None. Reinforceamrnt Hoe On!i.. Oulle., Miain) No. o, Size Type Marl. ThV- Mail. Attached Location _G7_rL J 25' lSp I i.tF- n g.23Q 455_9_ __Lf 0 Nnn 4)- RotRtin. W _e _ '1___SSPo" plitFj I 155__ 1.30 None 4)JTp

12. Supports: Skirt ___NOj__. Lugs -- Legs __-- Other - Attached (Yes or r _(

lNo.) (No.) (Describe) (Where end how)

13. Remarks: -aforp1ete-liechan-cal-Assemb-y wi th Lo We-ie d Ioint S Uthough A Differential Pressure. Exsis.ts.on- each.side. of-_the._InternaL--Pis-ton, i___eh..Accurmulater Cylinder is Hydrostatically. tested with the .Piston-.emoved.--

__ TheHydro Test pressure .is based-on-the higher- design pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details If design., material, construction, and workmanship of this vessel conformhto the AIME fode for Pressure Vessels. Se tio().fll)/())vision 1. Date _9-2-77 Signed .enera lectri c Co,. IM anufaclurer} )

                                                                                                     ---             by                                ,. C-  C1'._.

l oRepresent*tive)

  "      Cer-tificate of Authotiza:,on No.                         .0,572.            ......                expires        June 10,                                          19.7.

CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by General Electric Company at Wilmington, N.C, - I. the undersigned. hol-,ng a valid comnmssion issued by the National Boa,,rd of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and or the State or Prov%.ere of .ti C3romina andemploedby Dept of Labor - have inspocted the pressure vessel described in this Mariulfrctururs' Data Report on 9-2-77 . . 19 . and state that, to the best of my kn.'.de(!ge and belief. the tianufaCturer has constructed this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or imphed. ccrcernrnq the pressure vessel doscribed in thie Mantif.tcltrirs' Data Report. Furthermore. noither the Inshpector noy*/ hrS / rr,'r.'oyiorall

                                                .j,         bie leali     in any inanner for any personal inury or proporty damage or a loss of any kind arisingj,*.,ir lith      i .. . t... ~ ths inrs;pection S~gned                     &  ,        .Date'
                                      ,.,,..,crurl 9-2-77              comrnissir,,,JC 723      (N     Itt PA.d      ,.,Cl 766, State. Pron*ce end No.)


PEG PKG NO. 030929-ABF490HGO PAGE.306 OF 397 FORM U-1A MANUFACTUREERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Alternate Form fo. Single Chamber, Complatoly Shop-Fabriccted Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section VIl!I, Division 1

1. Manufecturod by Gneal Electric Com:pany, P.O. Box 780, Wilmington, N.C.
2. Manufactured for Same as Above
3. Location of Installation
4. Type __5Dýlcal AO910 D-6138G001 NLR (Year Built) 1 9 7 7 (Horiz. or vert. t.nk) WMfgr's Soral No.) (CRN) (Drawing No.) (Nat'l Brd No.)
5. The chemical and physical properties of all parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 19.*4- and Addenda to S'75_ and Code Case Nos. --

(Year) (Date) Special Service per UG-120(d) As Per This Data Report - See Remarks Below Manufacturers' Partial Data Reports properly identified end signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for the following items of the repo,-: N/A Nom. Corr.

6. Shell: Matl. --- AýJ-O 6r--LTB Thk. ,55 in. Allow. - - in. Diam. 8, 70 in. Lgth. 3 ft 2,38 in.

(Spec. No., Grade)

7. Seams: Long. N/A eaeS._S.....R.T. N/A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. IF Time -- hr (Welded. Db?, Sngl. Lop. Butt) (Spot or Full)

Girth ._no e__ ing

                         'e,;                                                                              R.T.                                        No. of Courses             --

iWelded. Dbl. Sngl. Lap, Butn) (Spot Farlial, or Full)

8. HFeads: (a) Material Sa-182-F304 (b) Material Sa-182-F304 (Spec. No.. Grade) (Spec. No., Grade)

Location MKn. Con. Crown Knuclie Ellipse Conieal He-niiph. Flat Side to Preeswui (Top. Bortorn. Ends) Thk. Alloy.. Re..iu$ Rad,us Ratio Apex Angle Radius D,.m. (convex of Ccnca*.el (a ) To p 2 . 5 "__Fa (b) Bottom 2. 5" 73T F1 n7 I If removable, bolts used (describe other fastenings) . lfl-i

  • Bolts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4)

(Mcterial, Spec. No., Gr., Size, No.)

9. Constructed for max. allowablewcrking pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. 400._ F. Min. temp. (when 32 0 0 less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic, preumatic, or combination test pressure, psi.
10. Safety Valve Outlets: Number ."NonE~ize - - Location -_- _-_-_-_-_-
11. Nou.sles end Inspection Openings:

Purpose Di0;.. Nor-. RtinlfOrcoernnt How Sniet Outlet, Drain) No. or S:za Typs Mail. Thk. Mai. Artashed Loczationt Gas Port 1 .75 Split Fling. 30455 1. UbO NonP Borl t-_(4 )_Bottom. Wa ter Po rt t 97 ' Split Flng. 30-T5-5--5 --- CM Nonp Rn I t S. (4) Top

12. Supports: Skirt _No.. Lugs - Legs Other Attached .

(Yes or no) (No.) (No.) IDe eni be (Where and howl

13. Remarks: Complete Mechanical Assembly with tNo Welded Joints.

lthough ADifferential Pressure Exists on eachi side oL the InternaL Piston, the Accumulator_ Cylinder is Hydrostat*a l with. the----- stn-*"-..m.e-*- _T~stpressure _heHyd is based on t-e- e r dsgn pressr CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all detail*'-'f d, gn, rr lterial, construction, and workman.h!P.o this..essel conform to the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels. Se toi* Di'si.).si 1. Date . .. .. Signed . G_ nera1.E_* fl1C.C-- .-- ------------ __________ iMenufacturer)l / (fepeentetive)

  "U" Curtificate of Authorization No.                                   10.572                                   expires         /             Jun.e 1_0,__                   , 1978 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION Vessel made by              -..         General Electric.                         Co.                       e                    _        Wilmington                    _N,_atC, I. the undersigned. holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors andor the State or Province of . N-....Cn"Lrn.iiha .-- and employed by                                                      Dy pt. (Of L.:bor                       have inspected the pressure vessel described in this Manufactururs' Data Renort on                                                .         7/--.2/                     .. 19 ,./.      and state that.

to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has construcied this pressure vessel in accordance with ASME Code. Section VIII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore, neither the h'sp,10tor nor his emo:-)yor shall bu liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind irisMU( 6,,7 , ' cnV$ ,,';,'td r.. , iAsinspection. Sigr 0 1 ....... Date . -'7/ Commissions NC 723.1A. .%,'C1.766, OIITO INat'l boerd. Stare. Prayvnce and No.)

PEG PKG NO. 0 30929-ABF490HGI PAGE 102 OF 257 FOM U-1A MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR PRESSURE VESSELS (Altomeate Form for Single Chamber, Completely Shop-Fabricated Vessels Only) As Required by the Provisions of the ASME Codo Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 byufacturdbyGeneral Electric Companm P.O. R(x 780, Wilmington. N.C..

          .iufactured for              -_Sameea-                  Ahrnvp atien of Install          ion e_V_0i.C.a.L                    __E0_2.79_____.__                               _        JOlDrewing  ] -3*_                  ___                   _(Year
                                                                                                                                                                      --      Built)  19.7-7 lNoriz. or vert. tank)           (Mfgr's Serial No.)                 )CRN)                                No.)           (Nat'l Brd No.)

a chemical and physical properties of elf parts meet the requirements of material specifications of the ASME BOILER

        ý'DPRESSURE VESSEL CODE. The design, construction, and workmanship conform to ASME Rules, Section VIII, Division 1 74and Addenda to _5_____                                     and Code Case Nos.                      -

iearl (Dotel

        )ecial Service per UG-120d). .                         As         Per Thi,            Data RPopnrt-                    Seep-Realr+c:sBanlw anufacturers' Partial Data Reports prop rly identified and signed by Commissioned Inspectors have been furnished for a following items of the report:                              WA Nom                       Corr.

Sell:Matl._.A-106 Gr. B 'Thk. .55 in. Allow .. in. Diam. -8. 70 in. Lgth. .3f1 23.3 in. (Spec. No., Grade) earns: Long.__A Elleasai R.T. A-4-.A Efficiency --  % H.T. Temp. -- F Time -- hr lWelded. Dbl, Sngt Lap, Bun) ffpot or Full)

      .-th       No ,I ldin (Welded.                 _Prfed_          ..... Bull) 0bl. Sngl, Lap,                                      R.T. (Spot.    -- partiat or Full)            No. cf Courses --

icads: (a) Material .__SA-I 22-_F104 (b) Material $A- IaZ_-_E30 4 (Spec. No., Grade) (Spec. No.. Grader Loc.aion Min. Corr. Cro..n Knuckle EllipLa Conical Hetmitlph, Fe'. Side to Proswurs (Top. Bottorn. Endsl Thk. Alow. Readus Radius Ritio Ape- AnIe Radius Diem. (Conveo or Contelve} otom

               *I                           2. 51'                                                                                                  -7_-2mE]la                t -Pad_

Bottom -- _2-. _5_r- __ 7.230 Flathead if re-.- able, bolts used (describe other fastenings) .500-13 Be1ts-ASME-SAI93-B7 for Split Flanges (4) (Material. Spec. 0 , Size. No.) Col. ted for max. allowable working pressure 2100 psi at max. temp. ________ F. Min. temp. (when less than -20 F) -- F. Hydrostatic. preumatic, or combination test pressure 3200 psi. Safety Valve Outlets: Number UDfLe Size - - Location - -- Nozzles end Inspection Openings: Puipole Diem. Nom. Reinforcement How (Ikiel. O'itnlu.Orall rio. or Siz; Type Mail. Th'. Mail. Aneched Lo".iJora _G a_s__rt 7 S75-_Sp ii LEIlng 004H55__1Uf 6Qn_ One Rn1 trs4 Iottm.

    .Maler__Eor*LJ                          .9 '              SpliLtFrLg.30a45                                 11300                None                         Bolt-,                       P Supports: SkirIN                    Q      Lugs               Legs            Other                                              Attached          .

flifes or not (No.) (No.) (Describe) (Where and how) Remarks: __ComD e-te-Jechan-ica! Asspemb-ly I*-t a-.Welded-Jo-in ts

    *.AI7thou..A Di ts_. cn, YtileT cuMu -ator_ Cyl i nder.i s. _Hiydros ta t.i cal .ly- tes.ted-wi-th---the-P.i s ton-removed.---

--TQe gher-des-i gn pressure. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE We certify that the statements made in this report are correct and that all details O+jdesign, rrterial,construction, and workmanship of this vessel conforrrto the AIMF.ode fcr Pressure Vessels. SectonI i. t"l. Date __I0_ z2 Signed enelfYI_ Electric CQ,___ _b.' _ _. ____ ____ (Manufac"t-ur ' -. (eproaentativel "U" Certificate of Authorization No. -_.10.5 2 expires __*J ne,-A 0 , i19 7 CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION VW nade by General_ Electric Cqmrpagy___ __at Jin ggtn_.,__.i C, I, . ,ndersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and'or the State or Province of A .CZ. rol jna.__ and employed by Dept of_/Lab__,__. have inspected the ii, , ,. ',. n; .e o,.ru h, iiitills a,,iuiacturers" Data Report on --//-..< 1If.-.. - , and state that. to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Manufacturer has constructed this pressue vessel in accordance with ASME Code, Section VII. Division 1. By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied. concerning the pressure vessel described in the Manufacturers' Data Report. Furthermore. neither ths Inspector nor his cr 1 {loy, er shall, be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind,* ,,is,-, / ,

          '..... ,> M 11-,f-/(.Li'
                                        . ' ,,,            A.,,i, hs inspection.

D.eo,/3.*/ 22 Commissio.C &723 LN__( Board,PA. WC1766,O...hio.. Stle. Province and No.) I I}}