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American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Owners Activity Report for Cycle 16 Operation
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 07/06/2011
From: Krich R
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML11189A112 (8)


Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street, LP 3R Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 R. M. Krich Vice President Nuclear Licensing July 6, 2011 10 CFR 50.55a ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Facility Operating License No. DPR-52 NRC Docket No. 50-260


American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Owner's Activity Report for Cycle 16 Operation The Tennessee Valley Authority is submitting the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Section Xl, Owner's Activity Report for Unit 2 Cycle 16 operation. The report is contained in the enclosure to this letter and is in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Case N-532-4, "Alternative Requirements to Repair and Replacement Documentation Requirements and Inservice Summary Report Preparation and Submission as Required by IWA-4000 and IWA-6000,Section XI, Division 1."

The report is an overview of the results from inservice examinations that were performed on components within the ASME Section Xl boundary, up to and including the Unit 2 Cycle 16 refueling outage, during the third inspection period of the third 10-year inspection interval.

The applicable provisions of the ASME Code require that this report be submitted 90 days from the end of the applicable outage, i.e., by July 7, 2011.

PLO printed on recycled paper

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 July 6, 2011 There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Tom Matthews at (423) 751-2687.

Respectfully, R. M. Krich


American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Section XI, Third 10-Year Inspection Interval, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs, Owner's Activity Report for Cycle 16 Operation cc (Enclosure):

Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

Enclosure Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Section XI, Third 10-Year Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs Owner's Activity Report for Cycle 16 Operation (See Attached)

FORM OAR-1 OWNERWS ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number BFNi4U2C16 Plant Browns Pery NclAq ln?,O 2990 200 r AL.fO-00_____________

Unit No, 2

Commercial service date March l,19?5 Refueling Outage no..-.

UJ218 Currentl Inspection interval T

.a.ispecten Thi.d Current inspection Penod Third Peinod IEdition an d Addends of Section Xi applicable to the inspection plans. 1995 Edition throuoh ¶996 Add n*d Date and Revision of Inspection plan


.qG Revisi onO43 03107t2011................

Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs:and replacements, idifferent than the inspection plan a.0i Edition throuoh 2003 Addenca Code Cases used: N-31 NW460 NW498.4 N-504-3 N-26 N-5324, N-552, N.SZ_.5?.i8.

N59&, N-623 N-624,N-652=*-

N-686-1 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE Icertify that (a) the statements made in ths repot are cor.rect;.(b) the examinations anditests meet the inspection Plan as required by the

ASME Code,.Secson Xi; and (c) the repalr/replacenent acvitiesand evaluations sUpporting the completion of.

L16 conform to the reuirements of Section Xfi.

i ~asiiinr sig e Date_ A ),

CERTIFICATE. OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I thewundersigned, holding a valid Commission issued by the National Board of Boile0rand PressureVessel Inspectorsand the State or Province of Te.nne~e and employed by HU CT of. Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report

'and. state that to the best of my knowledge erd belet,-the Owner has performed at acvities represented by this report in acco*dance with the reuirerneiet of Sectioh Xl:.

By signing this certi.ficate neither the. inspector nor his employer. rmakes any warranty, expressed or implied, conceming the examinations, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, end correcive measures descnbod'in this report. Furthermore, neither thelrnspeLcor nor his empioyer.

shall be.liable in a manner for any personal injury or property damage ora ioss of any kind a ising from or connected with this inspection.

Comison A £f7(

bate 122Z 1,LLL PageI of 5

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S.ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU2CI6 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.

2 Commercial service date 03101/1975 Refueling outage no, U2R16 Current in.spection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE.I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Category and Item Number Item Description.

Evaluation Description F-A,. Item. F1. t OB (RHR-2H-1 0)

EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE Significant corrosion on (No Corrective Measures Required.) Wail thickness support members.

readings of the tubesteel (4" x 4' x 0500") were taken on

[NOl U2RF16-002}

the affected support members.. Indications did not affect

........... the structural integrity of support.

B-M-2, Item B12,50 (2-FCV-74-53)

EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE Valve body has excessive (No Corrective Measures Required.). The grinding marks grind marks on body internal noted inside BFN-2-FCV-74-53, RHR SYSTEM I INBD Wall.

RECIRC LOOP VLV, are very likely the result of INOI U2RF16-003]

manufacturing. The grind marks on the internal valve body were initially 1985. Ultrasonictesting.

indicates that the measured minimum wall thickness is 2019 inches. The measured value still exceeds the calculated minimum wallithickness of 1.92 inches. As such, 8FN-2-FCV-74-53, RHR SYSTEM! INBD RECIRCOLOOP

_..........VLV, isacceptable.for continued service.

F-A. Item:F1;20C (RHR-241-371)

EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE Dual Spring can support.

(No Corrective Measures Required.) Field personnel took East spring can setting out the reading of spring support H-371. (east support) from the of range, R ange 7418 to bottom of what looks like a dual load plate. This was not 100on.A u

correct. What appeared t be a second load plate was setting 1212s pounds actually part of the spring that ensures the actual load plate

.setting 12125 pounds..

achieves good bearing and even load distribution to the

[NOI U2RF16-004]

spring. The spring setting taken from the bottom of the actual load plate was within the range documented on

.. _drawing 2-476452-722.

Page. 2 of'5

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU2C,16 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No, 2

Commercial service date 03/01/1975 Refueling outage no.

U2R16 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection peiod 3rd TABLE :2 ABSTRACT OF REPAIRIREPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES REQUIRED FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Item Description Date Repair/Replacement CodetClass Description.

of Work Completed Plan Number 1

Recirc pump seal replaced bolting 04106/2011 Work Order flange bolting 07-721332-000 (2-PMP-068-0060A)

NOI-U2RF16-005 3

  • CW pipe below.

basemetal repair 05/27/2010 Work Order C RHRSW pump 07-727522-000 room 3

14" RHRSW pump weld buildup on hinge 12/20/2009 Work Order discharge check valve pin. holes 09-720394-000


09-720395-000 (0:0CKV-023-0597)....

18"ý EECW pipe below base metal repair 107/2112010 Work Order C RHRSW pump 111155185 room 3

2D RHR room cooler re-brazed severaljoints 11/13/2010 Work Order (2-CLR-064-0071) and replaced.two 111633642 u-bends 3

1 ?". RHRSW pipe.

replacedsection of pipe 03/25/2011 Work Order near 2-SHV-023-0571 11177:1257 3

2C RHR HTX replaced pass partition 03/22/2011 Work Order (2-HEX-074-0900C) plate 1.11879971 2

RCIC Condensate replaced valve disc and 0411212011 Work Order Test Valve repaired cracked tack 1 12021768:

(2-FCV-071-0038) welds on, locking nut to disc 1

  • Recirc motor suppo.t re-design ofsupporto 04/03/2011 Work Order (2-SNUB-068-5008):

correct binding; no 112028940 snubber failure 2

"Main Steam'support repaired indication on 03/30/2011 Work Order (2-47B400S0002) support member It12083105

_N O IU2RF 16-007 Page.3 of 5


Unit No.

2 Commercial service date 03/01/11975 Refueling outage no.

U2R16 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd Summary of IWE Indications for U2CI6 The-summary table below is provided in.accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A) and

10 CIFR 50,55a(b)(2)(ix)(D)A Examination Category and Item Number Component Identifier Indication Description Mechanical DamagelAdhesion

[N01 U2RF16-O01]

E&A E1.301 MSB-2-1 Acceptability/Corrective.

Action Seal adhesion was sufficient to prevent water intrusion.: Damaged.

.p0ortions of the Moisture

'Seal Bamer (MSS) were removed and exposed liner.examined in these areas. Damaged portions of the MSB were

replaced, Inaccessible.

Area (Location and EValuation)

None I

Additional Samples None


4-EfA Ei,1II DW LNR-2-1A Localized pitting in liner below Moisture Seal Barrier (MSB).in areas excavated for seal replacement.

[NOI U2RF..16006]

Engineering accept-asis, Evidence of pitting was observed in the Steel Containment Vessel (SCV) liner in the area under tfie.MSB in areas excavated for repair.

Locaized piting has been preViously identified in this area. OUT readings in the area of the indications (pits) were evaluated.

The remaining plate thicknesses exceed the minirmum plate thickness docurented in calculation:


Damaged portions of the MS§ were replaced.

None None Page 4 of.5



2 Commercial service'date 03/01/1975 Refueling outage no' U2R16 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd ATTACHMENT A The following welds were calculated to have ASME Section Xt Code:examination coverage less than9 90 percent. TVA will submit a request for relief for these weld examinations in separateý correspondence..

WELD ID CONFIG Limitation apor N10-NV RPV Head to Nozzle.

UT Joint configuration of 86.2%

VE-11-019 RPV nozzle.


Pipe to Pipe UT Circ scan.limitation 85.5%

UT,11 -019 due to joint configuration,.

GR-2-09 Saddte to Pipe UTSinigle side access 75%

UT-i 1-024

due to joint configuration.

DRHR-2-03 kValve to Flued Head UT Joint configuration.


UT-i 1-033 DRHR-2-1 I Pipe to Valve UT Single side access 79A48%

UT-i11-040 DM weld.

RCRD,2-50 UT ESing e side access 53,4%

UT-i 1-ý043 DM weld..


6 f5