ML101900247 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry ![]() |
Issue date: | 07/07/2009 |
From: | Krich R Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML101900247 (13) | |
Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street, LP 3R Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 R. M. Krich Vice President Nuclear Licensing July 7, 2009 10 CFR 50.4 10 CFR 50.55a ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 Facility Operating License No. DPR-68 NRC Docket No. 50-296
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Summary Report for Cycle 14 Operation In accordance with paragraphs IWA-6230, "Summary Report Preparation," and IWA-6240, "Summary Report Submittal," of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Xl, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is submitting the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN), Unit 3, outage summary report for NRC review. The summary report is for Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement activities for BFN, Unit 3, Cycle 14 operation.
The summary report, provided in the enclosure, contains an overview of the inservice examination results for components within the ASME Section Xl boundary, up to and including the Unit 3, Cycle 14 refueling outage, during the second inspection period of the third ten-year inspection interval. The enclosure contains the Owner's Activity Report which contains Table 1, "Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions that Required Evaluation for Continued Service;" Table 2, "Abstract of Repair/Replacement Activities Required for Continued Service;" and a summary of ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE containment inspections.
printed on recycled paper
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 July 7, 2010 This report is being provided in accordance with ASME Section Xl and ASME Code Case N-532-4, "Alternative Requirements to Repair and Replacement Documentation Requirements and Inservice Summary Report Preparation and Submission as Required by IWA-4000 and IWA-6000,Section XI, Division 1."
TVA has determined that one weld received ASME Section Xl Code ultrasonic test (UT) examination coverage less than the required 90 percent. This weld is listed in Attachment A of the enclosure. TVA plans to submit a request for relief for this weld's UT examination coverage limitation by January 20, 2011.
There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact Terry Cribbe at (423) 751-3850.
Respectfully, R. M. Krich
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section Xl, Third Ten-Year Inspection Interval, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs, Summary Report for Cycle 14 Operation cc (Enclosure):
Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
Enclosure Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 3 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section Xl, Third Ten-Year Inspection Interval, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs Summary Report for Cycle 14 Operation (See Attached)
FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number BFNUWR14 Plant Browns Ferry NiMUMt0.r Pln.Q P.
B 2000f Decatur AL 35609!MM-2 Unit No.
Commercial service date March 1. 1977 Refueling OuLage io.
Cycle 14 Current Inspection Interval Third Ten YXer Ingpection Inteval (l1t. 2r, d Sud. einr)
Current Inspection Period Semond Pariod (let, 2rd. t-d)
Edition and Addenda of Section Xl applicable to the inspection plans 2001 Etalon thouugh 20,3 Addenda.
Date and Revision of inspection plan 2-3I-4. af Ravwsn O33 03*/1J2010 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs and replacements, ltdifferent than the inspection plan 2001 Efton throu 2003 Addenda Code Cases used: N-AM. N-52N. N.532 N-..52 N-!Si-.l N-*11.
N-- 4 N-R-I N.M_ N-RRS N-R9S (it appftabla)
CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made In this report are correct; (b) the examinations anti lets meet the inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code,Section XI; and (c) the repairfreplacement activitee and evaluations supporting the completion of IURR14 conform to e
uine Section )(1.
(W'" Cow*
-d~e, CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission Issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Tmnp= and employed by H of Hf have inspected the Items descried In this Owner's Activity Report and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report In accordance with the requirement of Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warrant, expressed or Implled, concerning the examinations, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, and corrective measures descnbred in this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable In anner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected wilh this Inspection.
- ,/,/,o IIn~ec~fs 81grSpeY Nwal Be, sawe Pwm~b arP 1 of 10ut Date Z/LLZia.
Page I of 10 41 -
FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3R14 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Category and Item Number Item Description Evaluation Description F-A, Item F1.20A Loose lock nut on strut.
EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE (3-47B452-1456) [NOI U3C14-002]
(No Corrective Measures Required.
The loose lock nut will not prevent the support from performing its design function. End attachments remained In place and provided adequate support for any expected loads. Lock nut was tightened to restore the support to Its original design
F-A, Item F1.10C As-Found variable spring can EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE setting out of range. Range 15564 (No Corrective Measures Required.
to 16450 pounds. As-found setting Spring setting is acceptable and within 14386 pounds.
design specified requirements.
(3-47B452-3044) [NOI U3C14-004j
__I r
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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3R14 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE (Continued)
Examination Item Description Evaluation Description Category and Item Number F-A, Item F1.40B Loose bolting on anchor studs 4 of EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE 16 connections.
(No Corrective Measures Required.
(RHRG-3-14-B) [NOI U3C14-005]
Loose nuts were identified on four of sixteen wedge bolts on the support base plate for the 3B RHR Heat Exchanger. The wedge bolts were not loose in the holes and there was no indication that the anchors pulled out of the concrete. The anchors with loose nuts were capable of carrying tensile load. Shear capacity of the anchors was not affected. The support was determined to be capable of performing its design function when subjected to design loads including short duration dynamic loads. The wedge bolts were tightened to restore the support to its original design condition.)
F-A, Item F1.40B Loose bolting at 1 of 3 locations.
EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE (RHRG-3-12-B) [NOI U3C14-0061 (No Corrective Measures Required.
The bolts in this configuration as shown on drawing 69-D-160-08 are loaded only in shear and their capacity Is not significantly affected by the loose nuts. The primary function of the nuts Is to ensure the bolts do not become dislodged. The connection remains capable of performing its design function In the as-found condition. The loose nuts were tightened to restore the support to its I original design condition.)
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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3RI4 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRED EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE (Continued)
Examination Item Description Evaluation Description Category and Item Number F-A, Item F1.40B Loose bolting at 2 of 3 locations.
(No Corrective Measures Required.
The bobts in this configuration as shown on drawing 69-D-160-06 are loaded only in shear and their capacity is not significantly affected by the loose nuts. The primary function of the nuts is to ensure the bolts do not become dislodged. The connection remains capable of performing its design function in the as-found condition. The loose nuts were tightened to restore the support to its original design condition.)
F-A, Item FI.10C As-Found variable spring can EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE setting out of range. Range 6289 (No Corrective Measures Required.
to 6666 pounds. As-found setting Spring load setting range on drawing 6011 pounds.
3-47B452-3033 was changed to 5822 (3-47B452-3033 [NOI U3C14-008]
to 6e66 pounds. Spring setting Is acceptable and within design specified
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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3RI4 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03101/1,977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd TABLE 2 ABSTRACT OF REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES REQUIRED FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Item Description Date Repair/Replacement Code Class Description of Work Completed Plan Number CODE CLASS I Damaged constant REPLACED BENT 3-30-2010 Work Order force support RODS (DCN 69860) 110779395 (3-47B400-114)
[aNOI U3C14-009]
CODE CLASS 1 Damaged deformed Replaced studs 4-8-2010 Work Order threads on one of 09-720146-000 twelve studs. Not service induced.
[NOI U3C14-0031 CODE CLASS 2 Snubber failed test Replaced snubber 3-12-2010 Work Order (3-SNUB-001-5041) 09-718078-000 CODE CLASS 2 Snubber failed test Replaced snubber 3-18-2010 Work Order (3-SNUB-001-5033) 09-719792-000 CODE CLASS 2 Snubber failed test Replaced snubber 3-23-2010 Work Order (3-SNUB-001-5017) 110761541 CODE CLASS 3 Valves damaged Replaced valves 3-22-2010 Work Order due to valve design (DCN 69226) 07-722382-006 (3-FCV-023-34 and 3-FCV-023-40).,
CODE CLASS 3 Valves damaged Replaced valves 3-25-2010 Work Order due to valve design (DCN 69226) 07-722382-008 (3-FCV-023-46 and 3-FCV-023-52)
CODE CLASS 3 Pin hole leak in Replaced U-bend on 7-29-2009 Work Order copper cooling coil cooling coil 09-719736-000 (3-CLR-064-0068)
CODE CLASS 3 Pin hole leak in pipe Replaced section of 2-26-2010 Work Order butt weld piping 10661559 (EECW pipe near 3-RTV-067-0301A)
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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNL Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Current inspection interv J3R14 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no. 14 al 3rd Current inspection period 2rd Summary of IWE Indications for U3C14 The summary table below is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(D).
Examination Component Indication Acceptabillty/Correctlve Inaccessible Additional Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples Item Number (Location and Evaluation)
E-A E1.30 MSB-3-1 Moisture seal Engineering accept-as-is.
None. Entire None barrier (MSB)
Conditions noted do not MSB was reportable Impact structural integrity inspected.
indications or leak tightness of the VT-3 consisting of a 1" Steel Containment Vessel examinations diameter pitted (SCV). The conditions conducted of area in the liner at identified are expected liner in areas the MSB with a based on the age and where portions maximum depth of service conditions of the of MSB 1/16", damage to SCV. None of the excavated for the concrete at conditions noted were repair. No edge of seal, suspect. No detrimental evidence of separation of the flaws have been moisture seal from the liner, observed. There is no Intrusion or
[NOI U3C14-001]
Indication that an adverse reportable condition exists that may indications be present in inaccessible found.
E-A El.11B PEN 3-X-223 Scratches and Engineering accept-as-Is.
None. 100% of None mechanical The Indications noted are the flange damage 1/32" or consistent with damage surface was less In flange caused by use of the inspected.
hatch for access and
[NOi U3C14-011]
transfer of tools and equipment and not due to any degradation mechanism that could challenge structural integrity or leak tightness of the SCV. Minor surface indications consisting of scrapes, dings, dents, etc.
are expected based on the age and service conditions of the SCV.
None of the conditions noted are considered suspect and do not Impact the structural Integrity or leak tightness of the SCV.
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FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3R14 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd Examination Component Indication Acceptability/Corrective Inaccessible Additional Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples Item Number (Location and
. Evaluation)
E-A E1.11 B PEN 3-X-200A Pitting 1/64" or less Engineering accept-as-ia.
None. 100% of None in flange surface.
The indications of pitting the flange
[NOI U3C14-011]
noted on the flange surface was surface are consistent Inspected.
with the age and service condition of the penetration. The pitting noted is existing pitting and not new pitting resulting from active corrosion on the flange surface. The upper mating surface of the flange was in good condition. The condition noted was not due to any degradation mechanism that could challenge structural integrity or leak tightness of the SCV.
E-A El.1lB DWFLG-3-1 Pitting 1/32" or less The Indications of pitting None. 100% of None on drywell head noted on the flange the flange flange and o-ring surface are consistent surface was
- grooves, with the age and service inspected.
[NOI U3C14-012) condition of the penetration. Pitting on the lower flange of the drywell head is a known condition and has existed since restart of Unit 3. The upper mating surface of the Drywall Head was in good condition. The condition noted was not due to any degradation mechanism that could challenge structural Integrity or leak tightness of the SCV.
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.. I -! I
FORM OAR-I OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3R14 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/0111977 Refueling outage no. 14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd Examination Component Indication AcceptabIlity/Corrective Inaccessible Additional Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples Item Number (Location and Evaluation)
E-A El.11B PEN 3-X-1 B Dents and punch Indications on Drywell None. 100% of None marks on flange Equipment Hatch the flange surfaces.
Penetration r3-X-1 B surface was
[NOI U3C14-013]
sealing surfaces Inspected.
consisting of dents 1/4" long and 3/32" wide with depth to 1/32" located In a line between the 11 and 12 o'clock position of the removable equipment door and multiple dents of no appreciable depth from the 3 to 9 o'clock position, lines of multiple dents at the 7 and 8 o'clock position, and 3 punch marks located at the 6 o'clock position on the equipment door fixed flange were observed during the performance of a VT-3 examination of the flange sealing surfaces.
The indications on the flange surfaces are consistent with routine removal of the equipment door and usage of the equipment hatch for movement of personnel and equipment Into the drywell during outage periods. The condition noted was not due to any degradation mechanism that could challenge structural integrity or leak tightness of the SCV.
I Page 8 of 10
FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3R14 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03101/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd Examination Component Indication Acceptability/Corrective Inaccessible Additional Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples Item Number (Location and I
I-E-A E1.11B PEN 3-X-1A Dents, scratches, and light pitting on flange surface.
[NOI U3C14-014]
Indications on Drywall Equipment Hatch Penetration 3-X-1A fixed flange sealing surface consisting of dents 114" long and 1116" wide with depth less than 1/64" located in lines at the 4, 7, and 8 o'clock positions, dents 1/2" long and 1/8" wide with a depth of 1/64",
a 1/8" diameter dent with a depth of 1(32", and a scratch across the outer o-ring sealing surface 1" long and 1/8" wide with a depth of 1132" between the 6 and 7 o'clock position were observed during the performance of a VT-3 examination of the flange sealing surfaces.
Light pitting in the inner o-ring sealing surface from the 5 to 8 o'clock position was also noted.
No active corrosion was noted or expected due to the location of the Hatch.
The indications on the flange surfaces are consistent with routine removal of the equipment door and usage of the equipment hatch for movement of personnel and equipment into the drywell during outage periods. The condition noted was not due to any degradation mechanism that could challenge structural integrity or leak tightness of the SCV.
None. 100% of the flange surface was inspected.
None Page 9 of 10
FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU3RI4 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
3 Commercial service date 03/01/1977 Refueling outage no.
14 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 2rd ATTACHMENT A The following welds were calculated to have ASME Section XI Code examination coverage less than or equal to 90 percent. TVA will submit a request for relief for these weld examinations in separate correspondence.
CONFIG Limitation I
Report DRHR-3-21 Elbow to Valve single side exam 53.75%
R-024 Page 10 of 10 I.,