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American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Owners Activity Report for Cycle 10 Operation
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/2015
From: Polson K
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15028A403 (8)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Alabama 35609-2000 January 27, 2015 10 CFR 50.55a ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-33 NRC Docket No. 50-259


American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Owner's Activity Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Cycle 10 Operation The Tennessee Valley Authority is submitting the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN),

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Section Xl, Owner's Activity Report for BFN, Unit 1, Cycle 10 Operation. The report is contained in the enclosure to this letter and is in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Case N-532-4, Repair/Replacement Documentation Requirements and Inservice Summary Report Preparation and Submission, Section Xl, Division 1.

The report is an overview of the inservice examination results that were performed on components within the ASME Section Xl boundary, up to and including the BFN, Unit 1, Cycle 10 refueling outage, during the third inspection period of the second 10-year inspection interval. The applicable provisions of the ASME Code require that this report be submitted 90 days from the end of the applicable outage. The BFN, Unit 1, Cycle 10 refueling outage ended on October 29, 2014. Accordingly, this submittal is due by January 27, 2015.


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 January 27, 2015 There are no new regulatory commitments contained in this letter. Should you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact J. L. Paul, Nuclear Site Licensing Manager, at (256) 729-2636.

Respectfully, K. J. Poison Vice President


American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section Xl, Second 10-Year Inspection Interval, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs, Owner's Activity Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Cycle 10 Operation cc (Enclosure):

NRC Regional Administrator-Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

Enclosure Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit I American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section Xl, Second 10-Year Inspection Interval, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inservice Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs, Owner's Activity Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Cycle 10 Operation See Enclosed

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number BFNU1R10 Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, P.O. Box 2000. Decatur, AL 35609 Unit No.

1 Commercial service date August 1. 1974 Refueling Outage no.

Refueling Outage 10 (i applicable)

Current Inspection Interval Second Ten Year Inspection Interval (Im. 2nd. 3rd. otrier)

Current Inspection Period Third Period (lst. 2nd, 3rd1 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to the inspection plans 2001 Edition through 2003 Addenda Date and Revision of inspection plan 1-SI-4.6.G, Revision 0032 09/19/2014 Edition and Addenda of Section Xi applicable to repairs and replacements, if different than the inspection plan 2004 Edition, No Addenda Code Cases used: N-460, N-504-4 N-528-1. N-532-4, N-552, N-586-1. N-613-1. N-648-1. N-686-1, N-695, N-702 (id applicable)

CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made in this report are correct: (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code, Section XI: and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting the completion of U1 R10 conform to the 7 -ements of Sectional.

(rdfhng rogte nurnbes)

CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I. the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Alabama and employed by HSB Global Standards of Hartford, Connecticut have inspected the items described in this Owner's Activity Report and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report in accordance with the requirement of Section XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty. expressed or implied, concerning the examinations.

tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, and corrective measures described in this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.

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? 74,A li 7[ 41-i~lqZ -7 L Inspetors 5ig National Board, State, Provinne and Endorsements Date

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU1R10 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.

1 Commercial service date 08/01/1974 Refueling outage no.

10 Current inspection interval 2nd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE 1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Category and Item Number Item Description Evaluation Description F-A, Item F1.20A Loose structural bolting identified on EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE Rigid Strut (1-47B452S0183) baseplate (No Corrective Measures Required.)

[NOI U1RIO-0011 Although the baseplate bolt was loose, it is still capable of carrying its full shear load capacity and only its tensile capacity was affected. Sufficient capacity in tension to sustain the additional tension load from the loose anchor bolt remained. As such, the baseplate connection containing the loose bolt and its pipe support are acceptable for service. The loose bolt was tightened under Work Order 116239248 and re-examined.

F-A, Item F1.40C Cracked washer on Reactor Pressure EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE Vessel (RPV) Stabilizer (No Corrective Measures Required.)

(RPV-STAB-1 -1 H-IA) [NOI U 1 R1 0-002]

The washer dimensions are 10-1/2" X 10-1/2" X 1/4" thick with a 5" diameter hole in the middle of the washer to accommodate the stabilizer rod. The washers are AISI 1095 material with a Brinell surface hardness of 302 minimum. The washers design function is to transfer load between the disc springs to the remainder of the structure in bearing. The washer plate being cracked will not prevent the washer plate from performing this design function. Therefore, the stabilizer support remains fully capable of performing its intended design function of allowing thermal growth of the RPV while transmitting lateral forces from the RPV to the shield wall and the star truss system.

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU1R10 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.

1 Commercial service date 08/01/1974 Refueling outage no.

10 Current inspection interval 2nd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Examination Category and Item Number Item Description Evaluation Description F-A, Item FI.20B Displaced and loose anchor bolting EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE identified on Rigid Hanger (No Corrective Measures Required.)

(1-47B455-2134) [NOI U1RIO-004J A loose nut and displacement of baseplate and anchor bolting was found at High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) support (1-47B455-2134). The shank of one anchor was visible between the wall and baseplate. The support baseplate did not sit flat on the concrete wall.

There are gaps along the underside edges of the plate around the perimeter of the plate. There did not appear to be any wear marks or distortions on the support between the baseplate and the attachment to the HPCI pipe which would be an indication of severe loading. The support remained fully qualified for the condition described.

The support was re-examined after baseplate was aligned and loose nut tightened under Work Order 116248564.

FORM OAR-1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU1R10 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.

1 Commercial service date 08/01/1974 Refueling outage no.

10 Current inspection interval 2nd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE 2 ABSTRACT OF REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ACTIVITIES REQUIRED FOR CONTINUED SERVICE Code Item Description Date Repair/Replacement Class Description of Work Completed Plan Number 3

BFN-1-CKV-067-0638, North Replaced North Header 10/17/2014 114719826 Header Supply Back Flow Supply Back Flow Check Valve Check Valve.

2 BFN-1-FCV-001-0084, Replaced gamma (RT) 10/31/2014 116244842 Main Steam Stop Valve plug due to hole in weld.

NO. 3


1 Commercial service date 08/01/1974 Refueling outage no.

10 Current inspection interval 2nd Current inspection period 3rd Summary of IWE Indications for UIRIO The summary table below is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(A) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(D).

Examination Component Indication Acceptability/Corrective Action Inaccessible Area Additional Category Identifier Description (Location and Evaluation)

Samples and Item Number E-A, E1.30 MSB-1-1 Loss of Adhesion MSB indications were the result of The indications identified did None Moisture Seal

[NOI U1R10-003]

mechanical damage and did not not affect the ability of the Barrier penetrate the full depth of the seal.

moisture seal barrier to (MSB)

Damaged areas were excavated, prevent intrusion of moisture exposed Drywell liner below the against the inaccessible seal was examined (VT-3), and seal areas of the steel sections re-poured.

containment vessel below the MSB. Therefore, no adverse condition exists and evaluation of inaccessible areas is not required.

E-A, El.11 PSC EXT 1-B-7 Gouge in Torus A gouge 3/8" x 5/16" x 5/16" was The indication was found in None Torus Exterior exterior surface identified in the exterior surface an accessible area through (Bay 7)


Torus Bay 7. The Torus is which tools and equipment constructed from 3/4" plate. The are transported. The depth of the gouge exceeded 10%

mechanical damage nominal wall thickness and required identified is a result of the engineering evaluation. The location area being accessible and of the gouge is in an area through used for access to various which tools and equipment are components located on top of transported. The indication is the Torus. This damage consistent with mechanical damage mechanism is not applicable caused by impact of a tool or piece to an inaccessible area of equipment during transport. The where access is precluded or indication was evaluated in does not provide a suitable Calculation CDQ0999970114 that path for tool and equipment concluded the indication was transport. Therefore, there is acceptable and within all applicable no indication that an adverse Code requirements. This location condition exists that may be will be re-examined during the Unit present in an inaccessible 1 Refueling Outage No. 11 in area.

accordance with IWE-2420.

E-A, E1.11 DW HD-1-1 Pitting in lower Indications consisting of pitting were The condition noted was not None (Lower Flange)

Drywell Head noted over the entire surface of the due to any degradation flange sealing o-ring grooves with pits from 1/32" mechanism that could surface to 3/32" in depth at various locations challenge structural integrity


on the flange surface and between or leak tightness of the steel the o-ring grooves. Pitting on the containment vessel (SCV).

lower flange of the drywell head is a None of the conditions noted known condition and has been are considered suspect and addressed by DCN 68136. To do not impact the structural compensate for the surface integrity or leak tightness of condition of the lower drywell head the SCV. Therefore, there is o-ring grooves and surfaces, a no indication that an adverse square ethylene propylene diene condition exists that may be monomer (EPDM) gasket in lieu of present in inaccessible areas.

o-rings was implemented. This New gaskets were installed in gasket design has been effective in accordance with improving Local Leak Rate Test maintenance procedures and results as demonstrated by the as-the Drywell Head tested in found leak rate test performed prior accordance with the to removal of the Drywell Head for Containment Leak Rate U1R10.
