ML092660614 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry ![]() |
Issue date: | 09/21/2009 |
From: | Krich R Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML092660614 (13) | |
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 September 21, 2009 10 CFR 50.55a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 Facility Operating License No. DPR-52 NRC Docket No. 50-260
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section Xl, Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs - Summary Report for Cycle 15 Operation In accordance with paragraphs IWA-6230, and IWA-6240 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, the Tennessee Valley Authority is submitting the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 outage summary report. The summary report is for Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement activities for Unit 2 Cycle 15 operation.
The summary report contains an overview of the inservice examination results that were performed on ASME Class 1 and 2 components up to and including the Unit 2 Cycle 15 refueling outage during the third inspection period of the Third 10-year inspection interval.
The enclosure contains the Owner's Activity Report which contains Table 1, "Items with Flaws or Relevant Conditions that Require Evaluation for Continued Service," Table 2, "Abstract of Repair/Replacement Activities Required for Continued Service," and a summary of ASME Section XI, Subsection IWE containment inspections. This report is being provided in accordance with ASME Section XI and ASME Code Case N-532-4.
TVA has determined that three welds received ASME Section Xl Code ultrasonic testing examination coverage of less than 90 percent. These welds are listed in Attachment A of the enclosure. TVA will submit a request for relief for these weld examinations in separate correspondence by March 1, 2010.
Printed on recycled paper
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 September 21, 2009 There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter. If you have any questions regarding these reports, please contact Dan Green at (423) 751-8423.
Respectfully, R. M. Krich Vice President Nuclear Licensing
ASME Section XI Outage Summary Report for Unit 2 Cycle 15 Operation cc (Enclosure):
Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
Enclosure Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers,Section XI, Third Ten-Year Inspection Interval Inservice Inspection, System Pressure Test, Containment Inspection, and Repair and Replacement Programs Summary Report for Cycle 15 Operation (See Attached)
FORM OAR-I OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT Report Number BFNU2C15 Plant Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, P.O. Box 2000, Decatur, AL 35609-2000 Unit No.
2 Commercial service date March 1, 1975 Refueling Outage no.
Cycle 15 (If applicable)
Current Inspection Interval Third Ten Year Inspection Interval (1st, 2nd, 3rd. otter)
Current Inspection Period Third Period (19t, 2nd, 3rid)
Edition and Addenda of Section XA applicable to the inspection plans 1995 Edition throuqh 1996 Addenda Date and Revision of inspection plan 2-SI-4.6.G. Revision 037 09/01/2009 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to repairs and replacements, if different than the inspection plan 2001 Edition throuoh 2003 Addenda Code Cases used:
N-323-1, N-460, N-498-4. N-504-3, N-526. N-532-4. N-552, N-577, N-586-1. N-598, N-623, N-624, N-652, N-658, N-686, (it applicable)
CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made In this report are correct; (b) the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Cod ection XI; and (c) the repair/replacement activities and evaluations supporting the completion of U2C15 conform to requirements of Section Xl.
(refueling outage number)
Signed Date ID 5
S Owner or Owner's Designee, lilfe CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Province of Tennessee and employed by HSB CT of Hartford. Connecticut have inspected the Items described in this Owners Activity Report and state that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed all activities represented by this report In accordance with the requirement of Section XI.
By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the examinations, tests, repairs, replacements, evaluations, and corrective measures described in this report. Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in a manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this Inspection.
Commissions y a a/
m e
- eto'
- &naur National IIa* State. province and Endorsements Date_
.?A 7 1, Page 1 of 10
FORM OAR-I OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT TABLES Report Number BFNU2C15 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
2 Commercial service date 03/0111975 Refueling outage no.
'Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE E x.Examination Category and Item Number tem, Description Evaluatibon Description F-A, Item Fl,.1IOB Excessive corrosion on structural EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE mnember and cracked tack weld onv (No Corrective Measures Required.'
ashim.(2-47B452S01 13) [NOI.
General uniformsurface corrosion on the belly of the support no evidence of localized attack, galvanic corrosion, or pitting was identified. Cracked*:him.
tack weld was previously identified in N01 U2C10-014 there was no growth of the cracked tack weld since U2C1 0' and has sufficient remaining weld to, meet thedesign function of the Support.
F-A, Item F1.40C Misalignment of support member, EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE deformed/bent VS can rods, and (No Corrective Measures Required.
deformedibent cotter pin.
The misalignment will not prevent the (RHR2-H344IE)
NOIU2C15-support from performing its design 002) function. There is no binding in, either snubber due to the in plane nature of Ithe misalignment. The deformed/bent, variable sprng~ (VIS) can rods will perfor* the required design function due to the margin in the allowable load for the 1/2" rod of 2720 pounds and the as found tension of 130 pounds in calculation CDQ2074880774, Rev 3).
The cotter pin is not a structu~ral member and would not prevent restrict or prevent supportfunction.
F-A, Iteml Fl.100
.As-Founld variable spring can EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE setting out of range. Range 9984 (No Corrective Measures Required, to 10234 pounds. As-found setting Spring setting is acceptable and within 9620 pounds.
design specified requirements.
Calculation CD02074870467, tNO U2I 5'I3 Revision 5 was updated to, reflect the new spring etn.
,:Page 2 of 10
OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT, TABLES Report Number BFNU2C15 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
2, Commercial serviceidate 03/01/1975 Refueling outage no.
15 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspectionperiod 3rd TABLE 1 ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE (Contiinued)b Examination Item Description, Evaluation Description Category and Item N um ber:
F-A, Item F 1.40C Constant force (CF) support can6 housing dented.
[NOI U2CI5-004]
'EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE (No Corrective Measure~s Required.
Identified damage was cosmetic in, nature and had no adverse effect on the function of the enclosed spring.
The dent in the cover was 1-118" deepý.
The dista'nce from the cover to the spring is approximately 2". This indication was previously identified in LJ2010 in ISI Report Number R-170, dated 4/18;1999 and:was originally reported during U2C8 in VT Report R-0145 dated 1016/i 994 and IR Number BFN-U-94001 70.)
F-A, Item Fl.40C Loose nuts on can 'housing, constant 'force (CF) support can' housing dented, loose jam nuts on upper and lower rod assemblies, and bent lever plate.
[NOI U2C15-005]
EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE (No rective Measures Required.
The loose nuts on the ~can housing have no structural function in the, design of the support. The dent in the can housing 'was cosmetic in nature and had no adverse effect on the function of the enclosed spring. The dent in the cover was. 1/8" deep. The
- distance from. the. cover-to the spring is approximately 2'. There was no indication of ~disengagement of any retaining nuts. The jam niuts" were loose less than 118 of a turn. The bent
'structural member (lever link) was
- discussed with the current ve'ndor.
'The member is subject to. tensile loads:
only and can be expectedto perform its function adequately with the slight bend. To ensure the lever link will continue to' perform2 its design function, the vendor of the constant support hanger recommended inspection, of the lever link welds that is the most common failure mode of the lever link.
A magnetic particle examination was performed on the lever link; no indications were noted. I Page 3 of 10
- TABLES, Report Number e
BFNU2C15 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
2 Commercial service date 03/01/1975 Refueling outage no.
.1.5' Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd TABLE I ITEMS WITH FLAWS OR RELEVANT CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE EVALUATIONS FOR CONTINUED SERVICE (Continued)
Examination Item Description
ýEvaluation Description.
Category and Item Number_
F-A, Item FI.40C Missing rtaining ring, misaligned
ýEVALUATED ACCEPTABLE retaining ring,and missing cotter (No Corrective Measures Required.
The function of the missing co2tter pins (2-47B408S*064) is to keep the 2-12" diameter pins in,
[NOl U2I 15-006]
place, but provide no, structural component to the suppoirt. The missing' I
cotter pins were replaced under Worbk,
'rde'*709-71 6066-000. The vendor was contacted regarding the function of the retaining rings. These rubber o-,
rings keep the load coupling form being lost during shipment and may be removed. The mnissing or misaligned retaining rings have no design functoon.)
B-Ktem8 1i.0.20 PIT indications on welded EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE attachment at toes of weld on pipe (No Corrective Measures Required.
Work. Order 09-716011-000 was (2-4B408O043IA)initiated to clean the welds around th'e
[N1(2-47B4 5007]-IA pipe side of the welded.attachment S[NOU2: 5-007]
- i iiand re-examine. No indications were noted when re-examined after cleaning.)
dF-A, ItemFl*.408 Missing washer at two locations EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE and corrosion oning gi
.der (No Corrective Measures Required, No assembly.
gaps were noted on either side of the (RPV-SUPP-2-l) [NO0 U2C1 5020]
ASTM A490 bolts where the missing washers were noted. Neither of the bolts in the affected locations was reported to be loose. Any potential galling or brinnelling created by initial installation already exists and replacement of the washers at this point would offer no significant improvement in he surface condition.of the connected parts or the turned element. The ring girder was last inspected U12CI 0(1999) The support has experienced general uniform corrosion as a result of being wetted as water stains are present. There is no 'evidence of accelerated attack.
Field measurements taken after the corrosion was removed indicated
__________________________________________________minimal loss of material.)
Page 4 of 10
TABLES Repor Number.
BFNU2C15' Uni No 2
Commerc'id,%servicedt 03/01/11975" Refueling 'outage no.-1 Curreýnt 'inspection interýaI 3rC'urret in.spection period 3rd TABLE 1i ITEMS WIT F'TLWS O RELVANT, COoNDITINS T HAT REQUIRE
- i: :
,Description' EvaluIatio*n Desc-ription-, '
Categbdry and:
Item Numbter F-A,: ItemF Fl
A DefodY airier"plat and EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE
,.broke~n bolte'drohnnection.
(No corrective Mea~sures Required, 640.0SO0,39)The retainerplat an'd its bolting are, (2-7B40S039 24'no rdieith performing a structural function in either pipeý support 2-47B4OOSO039 or its miscellaneous steel framing: therefore corrective measures are not required.
There wore no reported indticafions related to the bearing plate, Although not required, the damaged bolt was replaced by Work Order 09-716861 -
Fý-A; Itle:m-F'l.200 As:;sFoundvar'iable sp'rin'g ic
-.EVALUATED ACCEPTABE setting out of range.
'(Corrective Measures Required. The (2-47452S234)as-found. setting was within the U2C1 5..
working range of the support,
[NOI Maximum downward movement due to a seismic displacement results in a load outside the range of the spring.
During the time in w~hich the support was in service there was no, seismic.
'condition that could cause.the.
maximum downward movement, The spring support was re-set by VIV 09-716928-000. Additional, supports to fulfill IWVF-2340(a) requirements:.
Adjacent Supports 47B452S0233, 2-478452S0235; Additional Supports-2-47B452S0232,2-4:7B452S0236:)
F-A,, Item Fl 20C, As-Found. variable sprigcan EVALUATED ACCEPTABLE setting out of range.,
(No Correcive Measures Required.
ý(247452S233)As-found reading on one of the dual (N1 247B 520 131) cans of variable support was outside Nthe coldsetting range setting. Thermal movement is downward. ~The maximum downward movement c9nsiderng seism*ic displacement is also within the working range. No tbirrective measures are required.since he~support would~perform its initended funtio'~in in the as-found condition.)
Page S 'of 10
FORM OAR-I OWNEýR'S., ACTIVITY REOR TABLES4 Rýeport~Nuber BFNU2CI5' Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
2 Commercialse cdate 03/01/1975' ling outage.. no...., 15, C*urrent inspectid inpte.rlval 3rd Current inspectiOjbpe*riOJod
- Code Class, De'scription Qf Work, Com.plete~d P.lanNumber CODE CLASS 2 Physical damage
- STEPSTD 06/15/2009
End deformation of FABRICATED
.4-712r 0-00 threads in one stud'
.STUD REPILACED location. Not service inducied..
CODE CLASS-I1 Physical damage to STUDS/NUTS 06/03/2009 "Work. Order,.
-threads on 4' studs.
REPLACED 07-71 738-00o Not service induiced.
(2-FCV-o75-6026j CODEGLASS 2..
igh rag frceit i
onSNUBBER 04/20/20.09 Work Order iS n'. bfdue to dry REPLACED 6
g,-qrease and service inauced vibration.
- CODECLASS'J 1'Physical damage to..
BOLTS 0610 5/2009W Wr Order "heads of 4 bolts.
REPLAE 097701-0
-Not service induced.:
[NOI U2C15-021]
(C D bolting),______
Linear indication at RMVDSRFAE-01320 Worký Oder the N-1 04tweld INIAINBY9707-0 (safe-endto piping, MEPHAICAL-tee) tthe,N10
COECASI Linear indication in,
!OVERLAY' 06/03/20.09K Wor-Ode zinstrumentation line APP'0 fiDý 9765-0
,pipe to safe end wea t Ni1 2A nozzle NOI U2CI 50251 COD CASSI Vave failed to EELCD06/1;812009"
operate properly
'LE09-718047-,003 due t'Winternal mechanical joint, on,.
valve disc (2-PCV-,001 -0023 Page 60f 10
2 Commercial service date 0301/1975 Refueling outage no. 15 Current inspection interval 3rd Current.inspection period
, 3rd Summary of IWE Indications for U2C15 The summary table below is provided in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 5 0,55a(b)(2)(ix)(A) and 10 CFR 50.55a(b)(2)(ix)(D),
Examination Component Indication Acceptability/Corrective.
Inaccessible Additiohal Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples Itemr Number (Location and Evaluation)!
E-A El1,11 G)EN-VTE
ýMechiinicai Engineering accept-as-is*.
None None damage, dings, Conditions noted do not dents mior impact structufral integrity corrosion, itig, o leak tightness of the cracked tack welds.
steel containment vessel scrapes, gouges, (SCV). The conditions arc strikes, tool.
identified are expected marks, mrinor based ~on the age and surface indications, service conditions of the
'and punch marks, SCV. None of the "NOi:U2C-.5-8]
conditions noted were
[NOIl U2C1 5-suspect. No detrimental
[NOI U2C 15-1 i flaw have' been
[NOI U2C15-1) observed. There is no.
[NO! U2C-1522]
indication that anadverse
[NOI U2C-15-13]
condition exists that may
[N01 U2Cl5-14]
be present in inaccessibleI
[NOI U2C1 5-151 areas.
[NOI U12C1 5-161
[NOI U2C15-l81
[NOI U2C15-22J1
[NOI U2C15-231
[NOI U2C1 5-261
[NOI U2C1 5-271
[NOI U2CI 5-281
[NOt U12C15-321 ESA, ElA At GEN-VTE Localized pitting in En'gin~eering accept-as-is, None<
None liner below Evidence of pitting was DW LNR-2-1IA moisture seal observed in the SCV liner barrier (MSB) in the area under the MSB during seal removal in~ areas excavated forj
[NOI U2C15-191 repair. Localized pitting
[NO U2015-291 has been previously identified in this area.
Entire MSB excavated, VT-3 and UT examinationis perform~ed, damaged concrete repaired, and entire MSB1 I _
Page*7 of 10
-'BFNU2CI5 Plant Browns Ferry Unit No.
2 Commercial service date 031001/1975-Refueling outage noi 15 Current inspection interval 3rd Current inspection period 3rd Examination Component Iniain Aceptability/Corrective Inaccessbe
- Addiioa Category and Identifier Description Action Area Samples item Number (Location and Evaluation).
E-A E1.I1B DWOWFLG2,71 rMi norcor0sion Engineering *ccept-as-is,
- e.
Noe None arnd pitting on Conditions noted do not drywell head o*rng impact structural integrity grooves.
or leak tightness of the
[NOI U2G15- 033]
SCV. Theconditions identified are expected based on the age and service conditions of the SC None of the conditions noted were suspect. No detrimental flaws have been observed. There is no indication that an adverse condition exists that may be present in inaccessible,
E-ýA EI111B PEN 2--X-IA' Minor mechanical Engineering accept-as-is.
N6oe None PEN 2-X-1 8 damage.
C Oonditions noted do not.
[NO U2C1i55-034]
impact structural i*ntegrity
[NOI U2CI 5- 035]
or leak tightness of the Iscv. The conditions identified are expected based on the age and.
service conditions of the SCV. None of the conditions noted were suspect. No detrimental
.flaws have been observed: There is no
, indication that an adverse
'condition exists that may be present in inaccessible aras.
Page 8of 10.
Report Numbebr BFNUj2C15,l Plant BroWns Ferry Unit No.
- CommerciaJ service date 03/01f1975 Refueling outage no.
15 Current inspec*ion l
Current inspection period,:.
'Ex'amninatin PomiObnenht:
- Accepbility/Co r-ctive inacces si 'ble Additional Categoyad Identiifier
'Descripii'n Ation Area Sample's Item=Nie (Location and' E-A E1.112`.
SC, EXT'2-B-5
- Dikb:Escooaiohn "Co i
on N'one PSEXT'2-8-11 flaIking, and.go'uge.
impact.structural integrity
,PSctEXT 2B13
',in gs.ý
,orieak tghnof the' S[No 6
,SCV,,he'nditio'ns, Alde0i6Jd*are expected'
',basedobn.,fhe'age and, s~ervce'cornditions of the SCV',':None6f the
- conditiins~not.ed were suspect. No detrirm.ental ob6s~erved. No bare metal was observed. The doncditions were notediw in
'r eas identifled. f or coating.
irepair. Surfaces were re-examined after b ein.g prepared~for application of.
coating and were found:
acceptable. Following
~pplicati'on of coating all areas were acceptable.
There is no indication. that an a idverse condition' exists that may be present,
_____________________________in inaccessible areas;;,,_____________
Page 99,f -10
-BFNUC5 UiitNo..... 2 Commercial serice date 03/01119,75 Refuelingouta0ge no.15 Currentinspecýtin intevl 3rcd-.
Curre.ntinspection period 3rd ATT ACHMENT A The folowingwelds Were calcuCat6edto have ASME Section X1 Code examination coverageless than 90 percent., WAwill submit a request for relief for theseweld. examintionsin separate correspondence.
GR-2-.22 GR-2-35, iRWCU-2-003-`025
- ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.
i ia i n
- T....
, Pipe Saddlepto Pipe Isingle side exam
,I Pipe Saddle !t Pýipe. single side exam Pi, eto V-alve sin,leside exam 0%
5 50%v 50%--k
'ReOr~t R7.026 R-047 R-B74 I P66 '.100 of10.