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Encl 2 (Slides) 09/21/06 Memo W Ruland Re Summary of Sept 12, 2006, Meeting with Duke Power to Discuss Oconee ISFSI License Renewal (72-04, 50-269, -270, -287) (TAC L24101) (S118244)
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2006
Duke Energy Corp
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Hall J NMSS/SFPO (301) 415-1336
Shared Package
ML062700160 List:
TAC L24010
Download: ML062700558 (20)


PDuke OrEnergyaw License Renewal for Oconee Site-Specific Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)Presentation to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Rockville, MD September 12, 2006 P Duke ,rEnergy-Duke Representatives

  • Oconee Nuclear Site* Reene Gambrell -Regulatory Compliance" Bob Knight -Regulatory Compliance

-Steve Perrero -Reactor and Electrical Systems (ISFSI System Engineer)o Nuclear General Office* Gary Walden -Spent Fuel Management (Project Manager)* Jack Jenkins -Spent Fuel Management 2

P Duke DEnergy.Purpose" Provide Information to the NRC Concerning: " Duke's planned submittal of a License Renewal Application (LRA) for the Oconee Site-Specific ISFSI* Overview of approach m Schedule for submittal to the NRC" Obtain NRC Feedback" Status of NRC preliminary renewal guidance" Other considerations?

3 Duke Energy.,OverviewI" Background" Licensing Approach" Schedule* Discussion (Duke)(Duke)(Duke)(ALL)4 PkDuke Energy.Background" Oconee Reactor Operations

  • 3 reactors; 18 month cycle; 60 feed* 2 refuelings and 120 spent fuel assemblies per year" Oconee Wet Storage* Unit 1/2 pool (shared):

1310 storage spaces* Unit 3 pool: 817 storage spaces* 413 empty spaces established in each pool prior to refueling (Full Core Reserve plus diver clearance for upender repair)-Effective capacity is 10-11 years of reactor discharges" Oconee Dry Storage* 2 ISFSIs: Site-Specific and General 5 PkDuke aEnergy-Background e ISFSI Location 6

, Duke EEnergy.Background Phase 1 Phases 1-4 Horizontal Storage Modules (HSMs)(Site-Specific)

HSMs (Site-Specific and General)7 Ph Duke UEnergy-Backgrond e Current Status of Oconee ISFSIs Phase 1 Phase 2 Total (Site-Specific) 1990 1992 NUHOMS-24P NUHOMSO-24P 20 20 40 20 20 40 General License Phase 3a 1996 NUHOMSO-24P 8 8 Phase 3b 1999 NUHOMS@-24P 12 12 Phase 4 2001 NUHOMSO-24P 24 24 Phase 5 2005 NUHOMSO-24PHB 28 3 Total (General)

-- .72 47 Total (Both ISFSIs) .... 112 87 8 P Duke Energy.Background o Site-Specific ISFSI Licensing" March 31, 1988- Oconee ISFSI license application submitted to NRC;OReferences NUHOMS-24P Topical Report>NUHOMS-24P Topical Report submitted by NUTECH Engineers, Inc. (now Transnuclear, Inc.) on February 26,1988; accepted by NRC on April 21, 1989" October 25,1988- NRC issues Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact" October 1989- NRC Issues Safety Evaluation Report" January 29,1990- NRC issues license for Oconee Site-Specific ISFSI (SNM-2503) 9 P Duke Energy.Backqround

  • SNM-2503, effective January 31, 1990-20 year license expires January 31, 2010" Licensed capacity:

996.86 TeU (88 NUHOMS-24P storage units)" Enrichment limit: 4 % U-235" Burnup limit: 40,000 MWD/MTU" Decay heat limit: 0.66 kW/assembly 10 Duke Energy.Background

  • Horizontal Storage Modules (2 x 2 array)AND m"R~wmU 11 Duke Energy.Background
  • Dry Storage Canister (DSC)k I'BOTTOM , -.12 PkDuke dEnergy-Background
  • Dry Storage Canister (DSC)* 24 PWR fuel assemblies
  • Bottom shield plug (integral) with grapple ring* Top shield plug placed in DSC while in spent fuel pool* Welded cover plate(s)at top end of DSC 13 Ph Duke OEnergy-Background
  • DSC During Fabrication 7\, 14 SDuke.Energy.Backqround Too cm"ga.Transfer Cask14" 'Jmn MWt 15 Ph Duke OEnergy-Background
  • Transfer Cask and Trailer 16 P Duke 40Energy.Licensing Approach* 1 OCFR72.42 provides for license renewal* "Applications...

should be filed in accordance with applicable provisions of subpart B at least two years prior to the expiration of the existing license." (i.e. by January 31, 2008 for Oconee ISFSI)* "...the existing license shall not expire until a final decision ...has been made by the Commission."* Duke will request 40 year renewal term* Exemption from 1 OCFR72.42(a) needed?17 Duke Energy.Licensing Approach* "Preliminary Guidance for License Renewal for Site-Specific Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs)", March 2001" Specifies content determined to meet 1 QCFR72.42 requirements (nine specific topics)* Provides additional guidance for Aging Management Review process and Aging Management Programs" Precedent" Previous ISFSI license renewals (Surry and Robinson)" Duke Part 54 renewals for reactors 18 Duke Energy.,Schedule o Pre-Submittal Activities:

Funding approval; formation of project team 2 nd Qtr. 2007 Baseline Inspections 4 th Qtr. 2006 Aging Management Reviews; Environmental 1 st Qtr. 2007 Report Supplement Updated Time-Limited Aging Analyses; Aging 2 nd Qtr. 2007 Management Programs Draft application; Internal reviews (PORC, NSRB) 3 rd Qtr. 2007* Submittal to NRC: 4th Quarter 2007 o Required submittal date: January 31, 2008 19 9 Duke 1Energy.Discussion" Summary" Duke needs to continue operation of the Oconee Site-Specific ISFSI* Duke will submit license renewal application during 4 th Quarter 2007" Exemption request for 40 year renewal term (?)* Application will use the NRC Preliminary Guidance of March 2001 and earlier renewal submittals" Discussion" Closing Remarks 20