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Facility Comments on Draft NRC-Developed Aug. 2006 Exam (Written & Operating Tests) (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/18/2006
From: Caruso J
Operations Branch I
Sykes, Marvin D.
Download: ML062360291 (26)


RO Exam Conventions used: Original comment is in black text. Comments from lStpilot test that were not addressed to licensee satisfaction are in red text. NRC responses are in blue text. Double asterisks (**) leading the question number indicates that the question has been changed significantly - beyond a simple editorial change - and should be reviewed to ensure change has been made appropriately.

    • 1 Put them in EOP-2 or AOP-7C with RCPs tripped. Change answer to test the limit on 200 degrees F for controlled bleedoff. Incorrectly changed to in EOP-1 Revised question completely to test 200 degree limit on when to trip an RCP instead of the 250 degree limit - improved operational validity. Now testing loss of CCW and AOP-7C limit of 200 degrees.

9 Add TIC noun name (Letdown HX temperature controller). Indicate that no adjustment to SW flow was made to the on-service CC HXR. If one is taken off per the procedure, the one in service has its SW adjusted so that there is no change in temperature of CCW.

Will make changes as suggested for clarity and to reflect procedural requirements.

Changes made.

11 HS-100 is Pressurizer Pressure Select Switch, not spray valve controller.

Editorial in nature - make change as suggested for clarity - change made 15 Clarify terminology? No, it is clear. No changes made, the correct answer was not changed from CS to SI as requested. Additionally, C is correct.

The step for RAS is a continuous step, and you can go forward in the procedure which would allow resetting CSAS before RAS had actuated.

Suggest keeping Containment pressure at 5 PSIG.

Delete Containment Pressure dropped below 4 PSIG and Containment Pressure was 3.5 and slowly decreasing. Change increasing to rising. Add mode after recirc or recirculation. Change CS to SI in responses C and D.

Making this change will make some distracters implausible. Change to read if the operators had not reset CSAS at 0246.. . - added OK with 2ndchanges specified - change to SI system and add bullet on CSAS reset - changed as requested

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment

16. Revise. Incorrectly revised. The delta T across the SDC HXR has not changed since it was not in service prior to the accident. It is not clear what the reference point is for the initial delta T of the SDC HXR.

Unclear. What is the delta in the delta T? CC vs. CS, CCin vs. CCout, CSin vs.CSout? See validation 1 comment doc.

Clarify the lineup, comparison and delta-T. Put the timefi-ame at >30 minutes (after RAS) and testing SDC HX delta-T between injection and recirc phases.

Changes are OK as discussed. - Changes made as discussed

21. Add when after 100% power. Added In Q, change to ....status of AFW lube oil.. . Because of the 250 volt in the stem, one responder said he was thinking about other plant loads and was distracted.

Editorial change - will make to enhance / clarify the question - made change

23. C should reference CR and troubleshooting. IR should be replaced with CR in C and D to be consistent with current terminology.

In stem, 11 bus ground detection panel is also located in U2 cable spreading room-there is only one panel for both units. Change IR to CR.

Note that AOP-7J says IR not CR. Will make the editorial change for clarity.

Made change

24. First bullet should be 11 and 2 FOSTs Agree - made change as requested
25. Add nomenclature, move the numbers before the answer spaces in stem.

Nomenclature for CVs 2201,2202,2191, and 2192 are given as Discharge Isolation valve. 2191 and 2192 are waste gas discharge valves. As written we are asking to memorize valve numbers to obtain the correct answer. Suggest omitting the 2dblank. Numbers on blanks not moved.

Add Liq waste disch after RI-2201 in C. Move numbers to fi-ont of lines in Q stem.

Revise question. Need to revise this question to address concern in red. Note -

the nomenclature issue was addressed in the original pilot test discussion. If the comment appears again, the resolution was not accepted. 100% of the operators got the correct answer. Need to understand your concern. - Delete 2*lddata element. Changes made

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment

26. Where is blockage, there is no 12 SW discharge header. Could say 12A and B SRW HXR SW outlet is blocked, or 12 CC HXR SW outlet is blocked.

Revise - accept recommendation - 12 CC HXR SW outlet is blocked - changes made

    • 27. Third bullet should be AOP-7D. Similar to question #37?

Editorial change - changed AP-07D to AOP-07D - changes made.

Change question to test pressure response for standby air compressor rather than IA cross-connect actions to differentiate it from Q37 - Changes made

28. Change 1 bullet to the Purge Exhaust fan spuriously trips. As written, thought that it could come back on when power comes back on.

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - changes made

33. C and D should say Reduce setpoint on 1-PIC-4056 to pick up turbine load, reduce turbine load to 40 MWe, open the tie breaker, 552-23, then reduce load on the generator to 0 or slightly negative. And immediately open bus breaker, 552-
22. (These are the steps per procedure.)

Discussed with licensee. Decided to make the change as recommended. -

Changes made

34. Delete [ABB Automation.. ..I confusing and means nothing to the operators.

This terminology was extracted directly from SD-43 page 7. It does not match the terminology in SD-77 page 12. Both sets of terminology were provided in order for the operators to pick the terminology that they use in the control room.

We will delete the SD-43 terminology to clarify the question. - Changes made

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment

    • 35. Replace, evaporators have not been used for over 10 years. Wrote new Q.

Acceptable as is, but new question is a collection of T/F statements and could be answered correctly without the stem of the Q.

In stem, delete events. Also delete entering the waste receiver tanks.

Disagree - The question tests a related concept so it is not a collection of true /

false statements. The fact that the distractors stand alone does not - in and of itself - make it a collection of true/false statements.

Will revise the stem of the question such that it does not trigger a positive test for a collection of true/false statements. - Revised question as stated

37. Rephrase distracters C and D, they are awkward. No correct answer as written.

2059 will not allow PA to supply IA; it only isolates the plant air header.

Recommend rewording C and D to will shut to isolate the PA header.. .

Will make this editorial change as suggested to enhance clarity. This is a terminology issue, not a technical issue. - Changes made

38. Bullet one, change completing to performing Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - change made
39. 1 bullet, I inch instead of inches.

Will make this editorial change - typo - change made

42. Confusing and not operationally oriented. Tave should be Tc?

Disagree with question not being operationally oriented. The concept of reverse flow in an idle loop is clearly operationally oriented as well as being important.

This question has been used on many other NRC exams and is a relatively standard question that we expect operators to know. This appears to be a training deficiency at CCNPP. Tave is necessary for the question accuracy. Tcold is already stated in the question. No changes will be made to this question.

Negotiated that we would try to revise this question using word descriptions rather than arrows. Concern is that the changes in temperatures are very small (less than 1 degree) and would not be noticeable in the simulator. - Changes made as discussed.

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment

45. Which leaking component was isolated-instrument air or the leak into CCW?

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity. It seemed intuitively obvious that the leak is the CCW system leak. However, we will be happy to clarify the location of the leak. - Move bullet on IA to last - Changes made

49. Change 3.8% flow to 56% open. Valve position is on the controller, not flow -

3.8% flow doesnt have meaning to the operators.

Editorial change - will change the controller display to 56% - instead of 3.8% as stated in SD-45 page 3 1. - Also change FRV position to 5%. - Changes made CCNPP - Verify that 3.8% feedwater flow is equivalent to -5% FRV position in simulator.

56. Change k~d) in stem to CEAs.

Editorial change - will enhance clarity - changes made

57. Second and in stem should be an.

Will make this editorial change - typo - changes made

58. Remove preparing to conduct a reactor startup from stem.

Editorial change - will enhance clarity - changes made 59 Change 1st bullet to, the turbine has just been paralleled. 100 MWe is over when the Loss of Load Ch trip Byp would be cleared.

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - change made

61. Change to The Control Room was evacuated; we dont have separate control rooms.

Will make this editorial change - typo - change made

63. First bullet add of I- 131 to eliminate confusion on if that is gross activity.

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - change made

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment 66 (1) Revise, not RO level w/o reference. C is the correct answer. Change stem to say 133 inches withdrawn Revised Q has no correct answer. The misalignment happened at 0210 and has a one hour completion time. Either change B to 0310 or change the stem to read, which of the given statements reflects the latest time to align the CEA and still meet TS requirements.

(2) Correct answer should be at 03 10 (B).

Will make change as suggested. Although the question is technically correct as written, changing the time fi-om 0305 to 03 10 will enhance clarity and make it line up with the exact words in Tech Specs. - Changes made

68. (1) OK for requal, not for initial. Replace. Replaced question has no correct answer. CCNPP does not credit 12 HPSI as a replacement for either 11 or 13 HPSI. 11 HPSI would be required to be declared inoperable within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of 13 HPSI being declared inop per TS 3.8.1.b. Also, distracters A and D are identical. Memory level for RO??? Should give reference.

(2) Correct response is 1 1 must be declared inoperable when 13 is declared inoperable.

This issues was not apparent fi-omTech Specs. Will provide reference - Tech spec 3.8.1. Will need to further research this issue to understand issue with 12 HPSI pump. Please provide reference for your concern.

8/17 Discussed with licensee. The 12 HPSI pump is NOT credited for HPSI performance because it is mechanically aligned to the 11 loop (A train) but electrically powered fi-om the 14 vital bus (B train). Only the 1 1 and 13 HPSI pumps are credited for the HPSI design function. Note this issue is not explicitly listed in Tech Specs. The reference would be design documents that operators would not have but must know. - made changes as discussed.

69. (1) Change so C is the right response. The RCRO cannot perform any actions.

The RCRO still does not perform any actions. A. could be reworded Continue to observe NI channels and notify the FHS. B. (Observe nuclear indications and recommend the FHS slow the rate of CEA withdrawal. C.

Report the problem to the FHS and recommend stopping CEA withdrawal.

(2) See validation 1 comments.

Editorial change to improve clarity of distracters. The RO does not take the action directly - made changes

    • 70. (1) Change GTI to fuel assembly. State that more than 2 NIs are originally operable. Changed GTI to CEA. We dont put CEAs in the upender. CEAs

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment are in the fuel assemblies. Change to fuel assembly. Also, we often refuel with only 2 NIs operable, stem should state 3 or all NIs operable to avoid arguments over normal conditions and A.

(2) In C. Refueling floor is a BWR term. Make it Refueling Machine. Cant put a CEA in the upender w/o it being in fuel. Up ender should not be hyphenated.

Distracter D doesnt answer the question. Distracter D could be Containment Purge has been secured by the Operating Instructions.

Refueling floor is not a BWR term - this is a term used by many PWRs as well, although it may not be CCNPP-specific. Changed terminology to be site specific.

Distracter D answers the question by providing additional information. The (if any) in the stem makes D acceptable. It was our intention to determine if applicants recognize that moving a CEA is a core alteration. However, we have no objection to changing D as you request. Either way, the question should be acceptable.

Used the suggestions above and changed the question.

7 1. CCNPP in bottom part of stem-missing the second P.

Will make this editorial change - typo. - Changes made SRO Exam 78(3) Remove the 1. under References Provided.

Will hide the 1 . in hidden text so it is not visible in the question, only in the answer key version. - Change made

    • 79(4) Tc at 5 18 and 11 S/G pressure is 650 psia, SGIS should have actuated. EOP-0 states that TC should be stabilized where it is, not TBV/ADVs operated to maintain TC 525-535. EITHER CHANGE THE CONDITONS OF THE QUESTION, OR ASK WHY TEMPERATURE IS STABILIZED AT 5 18, AND A IS THE CORRECT RESPONSE. The EOP basis doc does not support A as being correct for step E.l as written in the Q.

Will further research and ensure question is corrected. We should discuss this further. - A and C (2) - delete Stabilize Tcold. Change stem to test the bases for the El .4 alternate action - add 1.4 into stem - changes made as discussed.

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment 80(5) In distracters A and B, delete Unit 1 before Auxiliary steam.

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - change made

    • 82(7) Bullets 1 and 2 and bottom part of Q stem should be 21 S/G instead of 11. D can be correct-B is already in a tripped condition.

Will make this change for the 21 S/G (unit 2 question) - will enhance clarity.

Disagree on contention that D is correct. We think that you must actually take action to place the channel in trip - not simply recognize that the channel is in trip due to a failure. The channel may not be in trip if the instrument signal failed low.

Request you obtain a definitive and binding determination from Operations Management on this tech spec interpretation prior to the exam. Please document this interpretation for the benefit of potential exam appeals.

    • 83(8) Control room indication pegs high at 50. In the stem state that traveling screen D/P is pegged high instead of 60. (Local indication only goes to 24).

Will change stem to pegged high at 50 in the control room. Take out water level bullet.

Cannot take out CW bay level because it makes B (1) and D (1) not plausible.

After discussing with licensee - elected to set Chesapeake Bay level at high tide +

4 ft and CW bay level at -1 ft. This makes B and D plausible while still providing the appropriate relationship between D/P and CW intake level with bay level.

Changes made as discussed.

    • 88(13) Confusing as written. Delete references to step M.

Need to discuss this suggestion. It needs to be clear that the operator have not yet reached step M in the procedure. - Clarify that a cooldown has been commenced in step L and had not yet reached step M which required blocking. - Changes made as discussed

2006 LO1 NRC Written Exam Consolidated Comments Question # Comment

    • 90(15) Delete the minus sign in -10 inches in the stem. No one gets how you can be movable but untrippable.
1. Tech Specs makes a clear distinction between unmovable and untrippable. This could occur if the CEA was mechanically bound but the running current was able to overcome the mechanical resistance and move the rod.
2. The pilot testers scored 75% on this question. Please make a convincing argument that this should be revised.

Change to 2 CEAs untrippable instead of all of group 5. Changed distracter D to add drive stuck CEAs into core if they do not trip

    • 91(16) 2nd bullet-TCB indication is not available at 1C43, remote s/d panel.

Need to research further. Why is TCB indication called out in Tech Spec 3.3.1 l?

Please discuss the details of this issue. Revise question - replace TCB indication with Pressurizer pressure indication 93(18) last bullet, change to say leak rate per the plant computer is.. ..

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - changes made 94( 19) Note is very confusing, please delete it.

Need to discuss this request. The note added to enhance clarity and prevent people from having to figure out which action is least restrictive. May need to brief applicants? - Deleted note 96(21) Delete OSM; just make it Shift Manager throughout Q.

Will make this editorial change - will enhance clarity - change made 99(24) 1st bullet, change 8/25 to 8/26 to ensure right multiplier is used.

Verify the suggested change. Review with facility after review is done.

Change verified - agree with facility - made change

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review Question # Comment 2 OK with editorial comments ... change L/D flow limiter to excess flow Comment accepted - editorial change made to terminology to improve clarity.

19 OK with editorial comments ... in distracters B & C change signal to actuated, feed to & in distracter C delete with no AFAS signal present Comment accepted - editorial changes made to the distracters to improve clarity of question.

22 OK 23 Needs re-write because:

0 11 & 14 DC busses are separated by distance & buildings and would not be affected by postulated pipe rupture Agree in principle 0 Operator would not automatically test for grounds on 14 Bus since it is only associated with the 1A DG and not tied to the same annunciator circuit as the 11 DC Bus Agree -

but.. .

Suggestion: Red LED lit for 11 bus, LED out for 21 bus, combinations of LED indications for + and - polarities in distracters, and correct answer to be negative ground on 11 bus, submit a CR to have the electric shop commence ground isolation (Operations does not perform ground isolation, it is done under troubleshooting by E&C).

Response: We agree to eliminate the common cause of the grounds (flooding) and test how to operate both ground detector circuits. K/A is ability to predict the impacts of a

[ground]. .. No bases provided for why the change is needed. Please provide a bases for the suggested change.

Will evaluate this test item further during the pilot test phase.

24 OK 25 Are candidates expected to know CFRs by #?

Response: There are some CFRs that are important and some that are not - depends on the CFR. All licensed operators should know the basic knowledge that radiation worker /

occupational exposure limits are contained in 10CFR 20 and accident limits are contained in 10CFR100. Holding a license implies that operators will operate the plant in accordance

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review with the code of federal regulations. The exact detail required depends on the level of the license. The IUA catalogue will provide some additional clarity regarding the expected level of knowledge of the code of regulations.

Suggest change last part of answer to:

A.& C. the fixed setpoint of 0-RI-2201 B. & D the Plant Computer Critical High alarm setpoint. (The valves are shut by the fixed setpoint, but the critical high value is set to alarm on the plant computer and is manual termination criteria.)

Response: The recommendation improves the question by making it closer to the WA. Accepted the recommendation and made the change. We have eliminated to the reference to 10CFR20 and 10CFR100.

26 OK 27 OK. Suggest change I/A header press to 80 psig so that B is not defendable.

Response: Change accepted improves the question.

28 Needs work in several areas:

0 When main exh fan trips the purge exh fan automatically trips which in turn automatically secures the purge supply fan.

Therefore, cntmt press would not increase. Could change second bullet to say the purge supply fan fails to trip.

Response: The failure of the automatic trip was implied by the stem. Changed to the stem to improve the question by making this failure more explicit.

Distracters A & C should say Spent Fuel Pool level increases Response: Changed distracters to better support site-specific terminology.

Distracters B & D7should say Refueling Pool level increases Response: Changed distracters to better support site-specific terminology.

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review 29 Distracters C & D should say 12 MG Set Response: corrected typo in distracters.

30 OK - interested in crew validation comments -

Response: Agreed - but ... If you have concerns about the question, it would be better if you communicated those concerns prior to crew validation so we can resolve them up front. We would like to address as many comments as possible before we administer the validation exam.

31 OK 32 OK 34 Re-write using 01-35, Sect 6.9.C. For example, A channel of 1-RI-1752 is found to be inoperable, what actions are required?

Response: There are no bases provided for changing the question. Will be happy to consider changes if bases for change is provided. The suggested revision [above] does not meet the WA. This is a somewhat focused WA. Will discuss further during pilot testing phase.

35 Borderline (we havent used the evaporators in over 10 years because of B-10 concerns) suggest modification of question to a scenario using a normal liquid waste discharge Response: The Boric Acid evaporators are not retired from service and could be used in the future. They part of the licensing bases for the plant. This issue was addressed by Telcon when the question was developed. However, we will be willing to consider any proposed replacement question that improves this operational validity of the question while still meeting the WA.

36 Question has several problems:

Question asks for correct automatic response ... correct answer is a manual action. Response: The stem stated (if any) -

which should psychometrically eliminate this concern.

However, we have made an editorial change to the stem to further clarify the intent and improve the question.

TSs allow (A.l) placing a CRS channel in trip OR

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review (A.2) suspend core alts immediately AND suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies within the containment immedi ate1y .

Response: The Tech Spec required action A.l appears to allow refueling to continue as long as the channel is placed in Trip within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

1. A.l appears to conflict with tech spec required action A.2 which requires an immediate suspension of core alterations - but A.l and A.2 are or-ed (implement A.l or A.2). This apparent conflict needs to be better understood. We need to understand the bases for why this is acceptable. Does this comport with Standard Tech Specs?
2. We do not provide the option of placing the affected sensor niodule in trip within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> as one of the choices.

If the applicant assumes this choice, then he/she makes an unwarranted assumption.

We will need to discuss this issue further to better understand the coordination of required actions A.l and A.2 in order to ensure the question is correct.

37 OK 38 OK 39 OK 40 OK 41 OK with editorial comments. 11 4Kv bus is located in the 27 Switchgear Room, 14 4Kv Bus is located in the 45Switchgear Room.

Response: Made changes as stated above.

42 Conditions specified are not in alignment with actual post trip conditions (ran it on the simulator). Tave would be 532, no delta T. Loop 12 temperature change is negligible (Th rose to 533, Tc lowered to 531.5).

Response: Changed stem to have RCP trip occur immediately after 2 RCPs are secured in EOP-0. This ensures sufficient

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review decay heat wiil exist in the core to provide adequate delta-temp for the question to work as written. This question will not work with delta-Temp = 0.

43 Change distracter D7from isolate 11 Chg Pp to locally vent 11 Chg Pp.

Response: Proposed change accepted improves the answer -

this is what the procedure actually requires.

44 OK 45 OK 46 Change in indicated pressurizer level will be pretty much negligible and letdown flow would change to maintain pressurizer level. See attached proposed question.

Response: We agree conceptually with the comment. However, the proposed replacement question does not fit with the WA (i.e. a failure in the pressure control system that causes an increase in PZR level). We will change stem to place letdown in manual so the letdown system does not change to compensate for change in level. We will also consider any other proposed replacement questions o r revision ideas. We can also consider replacing the WA and writing a new question if you can show how it meets the site-specific requirement for WA suppression. We will discuss possible options to improve this question during pilot testing phase.

47 OK- interested in crew validation comments, may not be operationally oriented enough.

Response: This question has been used on other (not CCNPP)

NRC exams and met operational validity requirements at those sites. It was first extracted from the INPO bank and I have personally used the question on several other NRC exams. It may have a high miss rate because it is not emphasized in training programs and requires some thought to answer.

48 OK 49 OK 50 OK

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review 55 OK 56 OK 61 OK 64 A couple of problems:

T.S. limit is 4 0 0 gpd for S/G tube leakage, admin procedures limit us to 50 gpd.

Distracter B should be PORV-402 Response: Agree with comments. Changed distracter from 7100 gpd to 40 gpd. Changed typo in distracter B as requested.

65 OK with editorial comments (Distracter B - get rid of the CRO~

Response: We dont see what difference this makes but we made the change as requested.

66 Make CEA heights CCNPP specific (ARO = 135). Requires use

& interpretation of TSs, Use of 3.1.4 w/o spec might be beyond RO knowledge level. Can see how it goes during Crew validation.

Response: Corrected error by making CEA heights 133 -

driving to 123. Will review test item performance at pilot test.

67 OK with editorial comments:

delete note in stem of question Change distracter B from transfer canal weir gate to transfer tube gate valve Response: Accepted changes - incorporated site specific terminology to improve question.

68 Needs work:

RO is not required to know FIN CRO responsibilities TS response is incomplete See proposed question.

Response: Clarification well taken. Accepted proposed replacement question with minor modifications. Please review our modifications.

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review 69 Needs work (may be a good SRO question):

0 Detailed knowledge of fuel handling procedures is required 0 Where does expected countrate come from? Not something our procedures address.

0 RCRO coordinates & transmits information. FHS directs operator action.

Response: We do not understand the bases for your objection.

The expected count rate comes from the 1/M plots as stated in FH-305 section 5.3.A. There are only a small number of responsibilities assigned to the RCRO. This is one of them and arguably the most important. You also proposed testing this same (or similar) knowledge in the suggested replacement question for #70 (distracter A). We should discuss this issue further to understand your concerns before deciding on the final version of the question.

70 In practice ... all answers are correct. Detailed knowledge of fuel handling procedures is required - see suggested replacement question #70 Response: We do not agree that all answers are correct. We will need to have a better understanding of your reasoning behind this statement. However, we will agree to change the question by replacing distracters A and B with your proposed new question distracters C and D. While A and B are valid distracters in our view, we also understand your concern that this requires detailed knowledge of the refueling procedure. The change will eliminate this concern while maintaining operational validity. The proposed change improves the original question.

71 Needs work:

Limit w/o PGM authorization is 2000 mrem vice 3000 mrem 0 Confusion over Ginna dose. Is it year old with results not received or is it supposed to be 2006 dose. If it is 2005 dose the TLD data should have arrived.

Change stem to state the maximum amount of ...

Get rid of ranges on distracters.

Acronym for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is CCNFP Response: We understand your concerns and have modified the question to (1)change the PGM authorization from 3000 to 2000 mrem, (2) change the date on the Ginna dose to 2006, (3) change the stem to read as requested.

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review However, we do not agree that getting rid of ranges on the distracters is appropriate. The intent of providing ranges rather than specific numbers is to ensure that the applicants do not receive inappropriate feedback when they determine the dose margin when their answer is not the same as the 4 choices.

When this happens, they continue to refine their calculation until they arrive at one of the 4 choices. This feedback is an artificiality of the multiple choice format and does not (in our opinion) provide the necessary degree of discrimination that is appropriate for the NRC exam.

We do understand your concern that the ranges may be confusing for some if they have not seen this format before the NRC exam. We will agree to brief the applicants on our use of ranges for single calculation questions in the 4-selection multiple choice exam format prior to the exam to eliminate the format confusion.

72 OK - Check during Crew validation Response: It appears you may have a concern regarding this question. We should discuss your concern prior to the validation.

73 OK with editorial change:

Change (2) of stem to the reason for cooldown to 4 1 5 Th prior to S/G isolation.

Response: We agree with the proposed change - it improves the clarity of the question.

74 OK 75 OK

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review Suggested replacement for question 46 Given the following indications with Unit-2 at 100% power:

Pressurizer pressure, PIC- 1OOX 0 PSIA Pressurizer level, LIC- 11OX 360 What is the cause of these indications?

A. Failure of PT-1OOX B. A leak in the reference leg for LT-1 10X C. A leak in the variable leg for LT-110X D. Loss of the instrument bus feeding LT-1lOX and PT-1OOX A is incorrect, level instrument would not be affected.

B is correct. These instruments share a common tap on the reference leg for LT-llOX and this would cause a low indication fro pressure and a high indication for level.

C is incorrect, this would cause a low indication for LT-11OX and does not affect PT-1oox D is incorrect, loss of power would cause indications to fail off scale low.

Ref. BGE DWG 62729 sh. 1 Learning objective: Given a failure of any RCS pressure, temperature or level instrument, predict the response of the system (heaters, spray,charging and letdown) to that failure.

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review Suggested replacement for question 68 What actions are required prior to taking 1A Diesel Generator out of service for maintenance with both units at 100% power?

A. Perform Operability verification of Unit-1 ZB train equipment.

B. Perform Operability verification of Unit-1 and Unit-2 ZB train equipment.

C. Perform Operability verification of Unit-1 ZB train equipment and verify 2A, 2B and the OC Diesel generators available to Unit-2.

D. Perform Operability verification of Unit-1 ZB train equipment and Unit-2 ZA equipment.

A is correct, per 01-49.

B is incorrect, but plausible if the applicant knows that the unit-2 DG powering CRVWCRETS is required to be operable, but doesnt know which train it is on.

C is incorrect but plausible if the applicant does not know that A. contains the steps to verify unit 2 DGs operable.

D is incorrect but plausible if the applicant knows that the unit-2 DG powering CRVWCRETS is required to be operable, and that A. contains the steps to verify this.

(May consider test starting a DG as a distracter, as this is no longer required)

2006 NRC RO Written Exam Review Suggested replacement for question #70 Q37900 1 1 .oo A core shuffle is in progress and the refueling machine is indexed over a core location with a fuel assembly grappled in the hoist box.

What condition would require core alterations to be stopped?

A. Count rate raises from 10 CPS to 15 CPS on an NI channel when a fuel bundle is inserted into the core.

B. Communications between fuel handling stations lost.

C. One channel of 4 available nuclear instrumentationchannels fails high.

D. Spent fuel pool ventilation exhaust filter is bypassed.


27977 Establish and maintain administrative and plant conditions to perform refueling operations and recognize any abnormal conditions adverse to nuclear safety requiring securing refueling operation.

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review Lfs Q4Y SUBfirn Question # Comment: Wasems comment BCHls response in BOLD OK - RCP Seal parameters should be stated in units of psia (not psig)

Corrected to psia Add boron stratification which is also in the basis - we should CCNPP does not have Core Spray discuss this point. I dont see Pumps. Containment Spray Pumps?

this listed in the bases (pg Corrected to Containment Spray 83/93, rtexi-to Insi -sentence, I EOP-5 Basis doc)

Volume added does not support 0 For B and D, change to conclusions of the stem (2300 gals locate source of in leakage addedB42.15 galdin = - 2.7 level to the RWT increase in RWT, stated increase is 3). Changed numbers Changed the words in answers State: The operators made a 2300 due to NRC comments -the 3 (78) gallon blended make-up to the new words may address this RWT Made this change concern.

Too many 0s in required RWT volume stated in distracter analysis on answer key ... should be 400,000 Changed to 400,000 0 RCS temperature, during heat-up, is monitored using Tc instrumentation if the RCPs are running, not Tave as stated in the stem. Changed to Tcold 12 S/G Pressure should be stated in units of psia (not PSID). Changed to 4 (79) psia MSIVs are not necessarily open at this time during the heat-up. The procedure allows them to be closed to support other plant activities (S/G blowdown, etc.). Added that MSIVs were open to the stem

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review This is way outside procedures-wi th only 1 SGFP available, OP-2 directs shifting to maidreheat steam prior to entry into Mode 1. Also, the AOP does not direct feeding with AFW Replace references to Unit 1 unless Main Feed will Auxiliary Steam supply with not be available.

Auxiliary Steam supply.

Discuss this comment Auxiliary Steam system is in further detail to common to both units. Change better understand made concern Second part of correct Start nt 4% reactor answer is incorrect. Should say power.

if SG level is approaching (-)50 inches - Change made Correct answer (D) is:

(1)Recluce reactor power to less than 1%

and allow S/G levels to slowly recover while attempting to restore main feedwater (2) Trip the reactor ifS/G level is approacltiizg (-)50 Correct the Typo for the dates Should reference T.S. in stem.

on C and D (too many 8s)

Change made changes made Could argue there is no correct answer since we do not place an NI channel in trip, we trip the associated RPS trip units.

Suggest replace with Place RPS trip units associated with OK NI channel.. ., This question has been significantly modified because it did not fit the WA. Review the new question when we arrive on site.

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review Dont particularly like the 0feet at omitted from B and D prior reference to 0 feet. Could have CW and/or SW pumps automatically Discussed - decided to leave it as ) but tripping as distracters.

added a tape measure reading of -10 ft to the concrete floor Discuss further OK - Do not really like this question though ... the CRS would not direct the ROKRO to place the unit in Cold 9 (84) S/D Understood that concern was over CRS directing - addressed concern Delete 11 SRW header was Remove references to DG loading idled in last bullet of stem, it 10 (85) concerns - discuss further - this has no meaning. - Need to appears to be in the lesson plan discuss further to understand Is a pretty loose fit to the WA at best.

Clearly specified in EOP-8 Basis doc

... page 25 11 (86)

Disagree with comment - will be glad to review any other proposed questions that fit the WA at the SRO level.

12 (87) OK 0 Pretty tough for a from memory question smco 13 (88)

Supported by explicit lesson plan objectives - will be happy to consider alternatives OK with minor editorial corrections (Supply breaker in first bullet of stem). Editorial changes made 14 (89)

Reword question ... (1) the restoration of power to 1YO1, ...

changes made

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review OK, but .. . How can CEAs be movable but untrippable?? No need to provide reason - we assert they are 0 Second sentence of correct answer has nothing to do with the question 15 (90) asked. It does not match any of the information given in the stem of the question (it is not given that a misalignment exists). True but I thought this added to the answer.

WE should discuss this further T.S. 3.3.1 1 is for Remote Shutdown Could rewrite distracter D to Instrumentation (there is no safe in say that Remote S/D the title). Needs to be corrected in stem instrumentation LCOs were

& distracters. Deleted the word safe moved to the Technical 0 Do not get the tie between 3.3.1 1 & Requirements Manual since SA-1-102. The LCOs for 3.3.1 1 there is no shutdown path 16 (91) associated with these LCOs.

encompass all the actions necessary for Remote Shutdown Instrumentation.

Would not expect someone to know This question has been what SA-1-102 is from memory. replaced as a result of Nicks Much better subject matter available comments. Will show you the for this WA new question on Monday.

State that no steam driven AFW pumps are available and D becomes the correct answer. Loss of offsite Stem incorrectly states the operators takes away main feed, losing completed EOP-1 this should state 2B DG takes out 23 AFW the operators completed EOP-0 pump. No other procedure changed to EOP-0 except EOP-3 directs using Implementation of EOP-8 would not unit-1 AFW for Unit 2.

necessarily be an incorrect answer. Change one of the 17 (92) EOP-8 would successfully combat this distracters to EOP-3) There casualty. Discuss further - believe may be something I do not answer is correct understand - need to Change stem to ask Which one of the discuss further with you.

following statements most correctly Another option: State that describes the required procedural 22 steam driven AF W pitmy transition from EOP-O?

is unavailable and replace EOP-8 with EOP-3. This keeps EOP-4 the correct answ e c 18 (93) OK

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review I think D is correct. At 96 power we would be Correct answer B - wording may be in Mode 2. (Critical data is confusing ... need to trip A Channel taken at by procedure) and restore either B or A within 48 We just couldnt go to Mode l9 (94) hours - changed words 1. OK - will discuss Distracter C ... prior after ?? further - I am OK with deleted the word prior making D correct but I need to understand your position in greater detail.

OK - is the candidate really expected to know, from memory, what a Type 2 20 (95) decision is? No - but it is not required to answer the question 21 (96) OK 22 (97) OK Individual would be fulfilling the role of the Interim Emergency DirectorRecovery Manager. -

changed title ERPIP-832, IEWPs 1 & 2 allow exceeding 25 REM only on a voluntary basis. The ED/RM cannot direct an individual to do so. May want to use 23 (98) authorize in distracters C & D7.

Changed direct to authorized 0 Units used for contamination limits at CCNPP are d p d 1 0 0 cm2 ...

distracters use d/m 100 cm2.

0 Changed to dpm (but the reason I used d/p was that was what your lesson plan used) 0 RCS level of 40 is not mid-loop (mid-loop is 37.5 in the RCS). Delete reference to mid-loop. Could be written as: RCS level is 40,in reduced inventory, with the reactor vessel head removed. Made change 24 (99) 0 Time after s/d, as stated, is 24 days, not 25 as specified in distracter analysis . ..

Change stem to reflect current date of 8/26/06 (to make it 25 days) fixed dates -but it didnt really matter for the answer,

2006 NRC SRO Written Exam Review 25 (100) OK