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Op Test Retake - NRC Comments on Draft Licensee-Developed Operating Test (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/2017
NRC Region 1
Exelon Generation Co
Shared Package
ML16326A203 List:
Download: ML17069A403 (1)


Summary of changes from NRC Submitted to Administered Plant 1:

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Initiating Cue changed to ensure CR called prior to operation.

Plant 2:

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Plant 3:

No changes Admin 1: STP the JPM was based on changed Rev which required minor changes for referenced procedure (WC-AA-111 ).

Admin 2: Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Tolerances added for acceptance criteria for Critical Step.

Added critical step for identifying below PDIL@ 1200 Admin 3: Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Reworded Task Standard to clarify actions required.

Admin 4: Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Admin 5: Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Sim 1:

Sim 2:

Sim 3:


Sim 5:

Sim 6:

Sim 7:

Reworded Task Standard to clarify actions required.

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Added critical step for power escalation.

Changed Cue for Alt Path initiation to allow for incorrect procedure choice.

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Changed a Cue to allow candidate to take incorrect action if he chooses.

Reworded Critical Step to allow candidate to take stabilizing action.

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Modified Initiating Cue to prevent leading candidate.

Reworded Task Standard to clarify actions required.

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Changed actions prior to Alt Path.

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Minor editorial changes (typos and rewording for clarity).

Changed Initiating Cue to force candidate to determine correct procedure sections.