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Letter Transmitting the Corrected May 2006 NPDES Monthly Report for the Perry Power Plant, Station Code 004, Point Representative of Discharge.
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/11/2006
From: Pearce L
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of OH, Environmental Protection Agency
Download: ML062260420 (4)


FENOC Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road Perry, Ohio 44081 Lamar W. Pearce 440-280-5382 Vice President, Nuclear July 11, 2006 PY-CEI/OEPA-0456L Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control Enforcement Section, ES/MOR P.O. Box 1049 Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049 Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the corrected May 2006 NPDES monthly report for the Perry Power Plant,, Station Code 004, "Point Representative of Discharge." The flow rate for 7/31/06 was not on the report (64.3 MDG). No violations occurred during this period.

If you have questions or require additional information, please contact Mrs. Liz Ryan at (440) 280-5536.

Enclosures cc: NRC Region III NRC Resident Inspector NRC Project Manager NRC Document Control Desk (Docket No. 50-440)

"MO'1 THLY REPORT FORM 4500 Name, Address City, County, ZIP: Station Code: Reported Date (Month Year): Application" 7/10/2006 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 004 May 2006 31B00016*GD Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Rd. Sampling Station Description PerryOH44081 Point Representative of Discharge in(l) - Enter I for Continuous, 2 for Composite, 3 for Grab Sample Reporting Lab: Analyst:.

in(2) - Enter frequency of sampling CCB 125 Liz Ryan i1) 3 3 3 3 1 (2)1 1 999 19991 i o t5o0 (01119)Total0o ,ooo11) (34044) (50050) (78739)

!Chlorine, Total pH Copper, Total Water Temperature Oxidants, Total Flow Rate i.orination/Brominat.

Residual S.U. Recoverable F Residual MGD Duration Day mg/li ug/mg/l i Minutes 01 AA - - 68.9 AH 90.4 T 51 02 03 AA AA--.

8.74 j _ _69 68 f AH AH I 92.8 86.4 95 90

..0..AA 8.71.6 A5 93.2 90 06 AA 68 AH 98.1 2 85 07 AA 69 AH 89.2 90 08 AA 68 AH + 76.2 - 90 09 AA 8.58 57 __90 AH 03.4 8

10 1o ~-AA ------ 64 ..--

79.9.- .. . . .... . ----------

11 AA 63 AH 85.3 77 12 - *A 8.51 __ 62 A 80 92 13 AA 68 AH 62.6 67 14 AA 68 AR 69.2 65 15 AA 70 AH 68.6 65 16 AA 8.77 69 AH 70.2 81 17 AA I 71 AR 66.2 75 18 AA_ 72 AH 65.7 85 19 -AA _ 8.6 70 AH 65.7 95 20 AA _72 AH 69.5 i 90 21 i 67.6 105 2 AA A -

72 3 AR 1H 68 105

.. 3 AA 8.49 -72 -A 53.8 105 24 1 11 71 -7 h-73 . 62.2 110 25 AA 75 AR i 63.5 60 26 AA 8.73 77 AH 60.2 55 27 8A73 75 AR 60.2

.u 28 AA .79A - ------- 62.8 110 29 t AA 80.6 i AH 58.1 110 30 1 AA - 8.67 __ __-78 AR - 40.4 - 105 31 1 AA 84 i A 64.3 110 TOTAL 0 77.77 5.3 2193.1 0 2257.7 2723 AVG 0 N/A 5.3 70.7452 0 72.829 87.8387 MAX 0 8.77 5.3 84 0 98.2 110 MIN 0 8.49 5.3 57 0 40.4 51 I certify under the penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the Information submitted and based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the Information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for subtng false Information, Including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

Date Report Completed: rter: Title of Reporter:

07/10/2006 *, / Vice President, Nuclear Form No EPA 4500 (8-Si (Generated by SWIMS) Page I of I Fcrnerly EPA SUR!

MONTHLY REPORT FORM 4500 Name, Address City, County, ZIP: Station Code: Reported Date (Month Year): Application: 7110/2006 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 004 May 2006 31B00016*GD Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Rd. Sampling Station


Perry OH44081 Point Representative of Discharge Reporting Code Result Date L4ddlitonal Remarks !Mdl 34044 05/01/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/02/2006 No bromination events this date t.

34044 05/03/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 1/ 2 oe 34044 05/04/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/05/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/06/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 050/06 )romination events this date 34044 05/08/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/0/2006 No broination events this date 34044 05/10/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/11/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/12/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/13/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/14/2006 Mo bromination events this date 34044 05/15/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/16/2006 *o bromination events this date 34044 05/18/2006 bromination events this date .o 34044 05/17/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 "05/1/2006 34044 05/22/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/16/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/2316/200 o bromination events this date 34044 05/20/2006 bromination events this date bO 34044 34044 i05/23/2006 0 -5/18/2006To bromination events

  • No bromination events this this date date 34044 34044 05/22/2006 Mo 05/24/2006 bromination events this date MO brom~ination i 1.

34044 05/25/2006 *O bromination events this date 34044 05/26/2006 *Io bromination events this date 34044 05/27/2006 Po bromination events this date 34044 34044 i 05/28/2006 No bromination events this date 05/29/2006 No bromination events this date

_______ L 34044 05/30/2006 No bromination events this date 34044 05/31/2006 No bromination events this date 50060 05/01/2006 Less than MDL ..05

.. .ess

-0060 05/02/2006 than MDL t.05 i o 50060 05/03/2006 Less than MDL .05 50060 05/04/2006 Less than MDL i .05

.05 05/05/2006 Less than MDL 50060 05/06/2006 Less than MDL 50060 05/07/2006 Less than MDL 5006C .05 05/08/20015 Less than MDL

r*eportng Looae Kesuiv. uate wwaluolial r.VIIIMIRM iImrUs

-%- fleporung I~ooe ~W5UI1 urne w~uomuu:wI .~e.,IwraM mua

.OWi 50060 05/09/2006 Less than MDL 1.05 50060 ]05/10/2006 Less than MDL .05 50060 05/11/2006 Less than MDL  !.05 50060 -.. 5-5./.12/

200.6 Less than MDL .05 50060 05/13/2006 Less than MDL 05 50060 05/14/2006 Less than MDL .05 5006o i05/15/2006 Less than MDL .05 05/16/2006 less than MDL i.05

].05 50060 50060 05/17/2006 less than MDL 50060 1 05/18/2006 Less than MDL 05 56006 05/19/2006 Less than MDL .05_____

56 _.- _

50060 05/21/2006 less than MDL 05 50060 05/21/2006 Less than MDL .05 50060 05/22/2006 than MDL - 1.05-ess 50060 05/23/2006 Less than MDL 1.05 50060 05/24/2006 Less than MDL .05 50060 05/25/2006 less than MDL .05 50060 05/26/2006 Less than MDL 1.05 50060 L 05/27/2006 than 1 -

50060 05/27/2006 Less than MDL 1'05 50060 05/28/2006 Less than MDL 1.05 50060 05/29/2006 Less than MDL 05 50060 05/31/2006 Less than MDL 10 50060 05/30/2006 Less than MDL ii 05 5006- 05 31 2 06-s--hn M---0--.......................