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Enclosure 2 of 04/05/2006 Summary of Public Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Fire Protection Program (TAC MC8826). TVA Handout on Fire Protection Program
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/2006
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Duvigneaud D, NRR/DORL/LPLII-2, 415-4010
Shared Package
ML061150350 List:
TAC MC8826
Download: ML061140197 (14)



Purpose of Meetina

  • Unit 1 Appendix R Inspection
  • Review Appendix R Licensing Basis
  • How BFN Meets Licensing Basis
  • Proposed Resolution 2

Toiics of Discussion

  • Description of BFN
  • BFN Fire Protection / Appendix R Licensing Basis
  • BFN Appendix R Program Methodology
  • Unit 1 Modifications
  • Approved Appendix R Exemptions for Units 1, 2 and 3
  • Principal Manual Action Types
  • Long Term Appendix R Compliance Program
  • Proposed Resolution
  • Discussion 3

Description of Browns Ferrv

  • All Three BFN Units are General Electric BWR 4 Reactors with Mark I Containments
  • Designed and Constructed Materially and Operationally Identical Including Systems, Components, Materials and Environments
  • All Units Shutdown March 1985
  • Unit 2 Restart 1991, Unit 3 Restart 1995
  • Unit 1 on Schedule to Restart May 2007
  • Unit 1 to be Restarted Using the Same Programs and Criteria as Units 2 and 3
  • Maintain Operational Fidelity with Units 213 4

BFN Fire Protection ,%


  • 1975 Browns Ferry Unit 1/2 Fire Recovery Plan
  • Appendix R Exemptions SE (October 1988)
  • SE for Units 1, 2 and 3 addressed the Safe Shutdown System Analysis for BFN including local manual actions for achieving plant shutdown per Appendix R (December 8, 1988)
  • Supplemental SE for Unit 2 addressed revised Safe Shutdown analysis for Unit 2 operation only (November 3, 1989)

- Appendix R Safe Shutdown program License condition added

- Permitted Changes to Approved Appendix R Safe Shutdown Program without prior NRC Approval if Change does not Adversely Affect the Ability to Achieve and Maintain Safe Shutdown in the Event of a Fire

  • Unit 2 Restart - Fire Protection Technical Specifications and Appendix R License Condition

BFN Fire Protection Program

  • License Amendment issued for Units 1, 2 and 3 to incorporate a Standard Fire Protection License Condition and Moved Fire Protection Requirements to Approved Fire Protection Report (April 1, 1993)
  • SE for Units 1, 2 and 3 Approved the Unit 2 and 3 Safe Shutdown Capability (November 2, 1995)

- SER Assumed Unit 1 in Defueled State

- Revised Program the Same as Approved for Unit 2

  • BFN Unit 1, 2 and 3 have Standard Fire Protection License Condition

- Permits Changes to Approved Fire Protection Program without prior NRC Approval if Change does not Adversely Affect the Ability to Achieve and Maintain Safe Shutdown in the Event of a Fire

- References Safety Evaluations dated December 8,1988; November 3; 1989; March 6; 1991; March 31; 1993 and Nvemhber 2, 1995 6

BFN Fire Protection Program

- In Accordance with Regulatory Framework that Established Scope of Unit 1 Project (December 2002)

- Regulatory Framework Approved by NRC (August 2003)

- Similar Modifications and Manual Actions Provided

- Same Shutdown Paths as Unit 2/3

  • BFN in Process of Completing Appendix R Modifications to Support Restart of Unit 1 in Early 2007
  • TVA to Approve FPR Changes Using Existing License Condition
  • Draft Unit 1, 2, 3 Fire Protection Report Submitted (February 27, 2006)

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BFN Fire Protection Proaram BFN Appendix R Program Methodology

- Identify required equipment to achieve safe shutdown (SSD)

- Identify cable routing

- Perform computer analysis to ensure availability of required SSD equipment for each area

- Identify failures

- Fire Induced Spurious Operations

- Perform modifications to make required SSD equipment available.

- Prepare manual action calculation to support development of Safe Shutdown Instructions

- Safe Shutdown Instructions prepared by Operations

- Validation of Safe Shutdown Instructions

- Install required emergency lighting 8

BFN Fire Protection Proaram

  • Unit 1 Modifications

- Suppression System in Unit 1 Reactor Building

- Detection System in Unit 1 Reactor Building and Board Rooms

- Appendix R o Cable Wraps- 6 o Cable Reroutes - 144 o Circuit Modifications - 26 o Instrument Loop Modifications - 9 o Mechanical Modifications - 1 o Emergency Lighting

  • Same Modifications as Previously Performed for Units 2 and 3 9

BFN Fire Protection Program

  • NRC Approved Appendix R Exemptions for Units 1, 2 and 3 (October 1988)

- Exemption from fixed fire suppression in the control rooms

- Exemption from automatic fire suppression in RHR pump / heat exchanger rooms

- Exemption from no intervening combustibles within a 20 foot separation space between redundant safe shutdown system components

- Exemption to allow water level to momentarily drop below the top of the core

- Exemption for Control Building fire detection and fixed fire suppression in fire areas for which alternate shutdown capability has been provided 10

BFN Fire Protection Program Principal Manual Action Types (1995 SE)

- Manual Scram and Vessel Isolation

- Initiate HPCI and RCIC systems

- Align Electrical Boards

- Start EECW pumps

- Close HPCI steam supply shutoff valve

- Isolate RWCU

- Manual Depressurization using MSRVs

- LPCI Injection for inventory control

- Initiate RHRSW system to remove decay heat

- Initiate Ventilation and Cooling of Control Building and Board Rooms

  • No new Manual Action Types Added for Unit 1
  • Quantity of Manual Actions Typical of BWRs 11

BFN Fire Protection Program

  • Long Term Appendix R Compliance Program

- Assessment of proposed modifications/design changes to determine impact on existing Fire Hazards and Safe Shutdown Analysis evaluated in accordance with Plant Modifications and Engineering Change Control (SPP-9.3, Appendix C)

- Changes to Fire Protection Report are prepared, reviewed and approved and impact on Licensing Condition evaluated in accordance with Management of the Fire Protection Report (FPDP-

- Self assessments, Nuclear Assurance audits and NRC Triennial audits review compliance with the Appendix R Licensing Basis

- Initial Appendix R compliance strategy (Unit 2) underwent significant revalidation due to Unit 3 and Unit 1 restart efforts

- Any Non-Compliance Issues are Documented in the BFN Corrective Action Program

  • BFN Three Unit Appendix R Program Consistent with Licensing Basis and License Condition 12

BFN Fire Protection Program

- Licensed Prior to January 1979 o Required to meet Appendix R III.G, III.J, 11.L and 111.0

- No commitment to Branch Technical Position (BTP) 9.5-1 "Guidelines for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants"

- Submitted Comparison to BTP for information with BFN Fire Protection Report (1992) o Provided to aid in review of BFN Fire Protection Report

- NRC SER found Unit 1, 2 and 3 Fire Protection Program and Fire Hazards Analysis Acceptable (March 31,1993)

- License Amendment issued for Units 1, 2 and 3 to incorporate a Fire Protection License Condition (April 1, 1993 and November 2,1995) o Permits changes without NRC approval if the change does not adversely affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire

  • BFN Three Unit Appendix R Program Consistent with Licensing Basis and License Condition 13

BFN Fire Protection Program

  • Proposed Resolution for Unit 1 Restart (Early 2007)

- Complete Unit 1 Appendix R Modifications

- TVA Approve FPR Changes Using Existing License Condition

- Restart Unit 1 with Same Fire Protection Program as Unit 2/3 o Maintain Operational Fidelity with Units 2/3

  • Evaluate Post-Fire Operator Manual Actions in Accordance with NRC Guidance to Industry (March 6, 2006 Federal Register Notice)
  • Evaluate Post-Fire Spurious Actuations in Accordance with Regulatory Issue Summaries 2004-03 and 2005-30 and Subsequent NRC Guidance 14