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References from Nine Milepoint Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 Site Audit - Radwaste Reports Sent to New York State
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2002
State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority
To: Leslie Fields
Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs
Fields L, NRR/DRIP/RLEP, 415-1186
Shared Package
ML043130490 List:
Download: ML043100223 (95)


Item 58 Reports to New York State showing the types and quantities of radwaste from Units 1 & 2 (2001, 2002, 2003)

,j /1' CODE (official use only)

I I I I I I RETURN BY MARCH 1. 2002 NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2001 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Radioactve Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordinabon Progrin REPORT FORM NOTE Fleaerefer to toe hstrucioni beore orw etng tis arm. Also, see Ptlic Auttcites Lrw. Secton 1854-d(1) and Part 502 ol Chater rofTite 27 NYCRR (Repcrng Regubbons) proided Wtrtis tam.


_Lcrsihg Apencyla lIcense No,).

New York State Depaent of Labor New York State Departonent of Health New York City Deparmerit of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormissin _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (3,6) 319- Ext. A/A' ... 7 eJ.z X 70, eo, Contact .7 _

g Trtb -

Faciliy Narne 7 /

Stree Address city County ta Zip Code B iNaeand princpalofce of fitlity ere LLRW is generated If dilerent from A(boe)

Street address City State lZi Code 3444, C

Preparer's Name

.I7 Title C1,IPCI Teo ad Extension Teleor* and Eidensim D Identiy, by issuirg autority and nurrber, perrits tWat authorize transfer of your LLRW tb a hlcnsed LLRW disposal lacilty

_suuhg Authortty Dslpoal Sne Locrtion DbpoaI Stbe Use Pernt Number FLCL O C Ac th c t code ta best decrbe yo u X E l FAaLfTY TYE CODE @*. / lRefar to the instn 'ons to detrn'ine the fity type code V-rat besl desabes yourx facBt. U e onty one code F l Brieflyde be e acivtes. procsses, or uses of radlbve materia! a resul inLLRWgewerabon atyvur IEty. ,< S/Aud 4s-, -c OfA' g a S2.%

r <<F S ' ALT-"/4.I S f o4 & VtS4 ' C

,SZwr 4

. _ Z. .0. 7 . _. _ . .b _ ,6,) _ A _- 7,,,_., _,

SIGNATURE OF PREPARER. 5, / - d-Z _.,e - DATE 2Zj__ p

ECTION IL INFORMATION ON LLRW * ' 4~sa ce'4v54 A. LLRW AS GEERATED B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Wusia Waste Sorption or Dnecripion vanagerret Chemnical Form Other Hard Treatnent Solidiffirabon Eted of Post-TreatInent Code .Mehod t Code Code Code Code Traent Volun tn')

- - a

¶23 4 5 6  ?

32 _ V _ _A_ 0 /1a 4 3Z / _ Xe _ _____

t 3 1i7/ _ _ _ __/

, 39 _ e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __r 10 40for SEC 1 of tLELRIVEA _ION REPORTFORM CODES for SECTION Il of the 2D01 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE RE-PORT FORM Ak LIMEAS ENERATED 2 WASTE 1A4AGEMENT H4 Reactve 721 None NETHM~ HS Pathogenic WASE DESCRIPTION COOE Transfer to Authorized Recirrent H6 Carcinogenic SOF:r-ATMORSOW17 (Choose the cateirtV that best WI 1ranster o Disposal Sile via H7 Other(describel COOE describes the waste H8 None Sorriton 20 Charcoa! W2 Transler to Disposal Site Directly 60 Speed tDri 21 Incanerator Ash W3 Transter - Other (describe) B. OSITEWASTETREATMENT 61 Celetorn 22 Soil tnterrn Slorate 62 Ftoor DrylSuperfine 23 Gas WA Placed in Storage betore TREATYIT CODE 63 Hi Dri 24 0O 2000 7I Corpachion 64 Sale TSorb 25 Aqueous Liquid WS Placed in Storage during 2000 T2 Supercoropaclon 65 Sale NDri 26 Filter Media WG Shipped lor Treatment prior to T3 Evaporatiortystatizaraon 66 Fbrco 2? Mechanical Filter Storage T4 Fluid Bed 67 Floroo X 29 Demolition Rubble Storame for Decar DryringCatcinalion 68 Solid ASorb 30 Cation Ion-exchange Media W7 Storage ftr Decay lOnly 15 WetOxidatlion 69 ChernsiJ3 31 Anion lon-exchange Maedia lirilted information required 16 Mernbrane Separaton 70 ChemnsO50 32 Mixed Bed ton-exchange Media See instruclionrs (ultrafittratlon. reverse 71 Chemsi 3030 33 Contaminated Equipment osmosis) 72 Dicaperl HP200 34 Organic Liquid (except oil) 3 CTERx-AL FOW CODE T7 Incineration 73 DicapertHP500 35 Glassware or Labware CI PaPer and Plaslic Te Scdiditicabon 74 Petroset 36 Sealed SourcelDevice C2 Glass t9 Adsorption 75 PetrosetU 37 Paint of Plating C3 Metats T10 Soning(Segregation 76 Aquasel 38 Evaporator Botorms, CA Metal Oxides TI I Macroencapsulation 77 Aquase 11 Sludges/Concentfales CS Inorganic Salts T12 Absorption 89 Other (describe) 39 Dry or Conpactilte t rash C6 Organic Sails 113 Deconlarninaton (paper. plastic, glass, eIc) C7 Nucteic Acids T14 Surlace Rerioval (scabbitng. Sol'oilottlv 40 Noncomnpactible Trash (metal CB Arnino Acids. Proleins. abrasive cleaning) 90 Cement 1 Enzymes T IS Dry Chemical Packing 91 Concrete (encapsulation)

A1 Animral Carcass C9 Carbohydrates. Sugars (lme) 92 Biturmen 42 Biological Maleria! lexcepl CID Lipids. FattyAcids 716 Size Reduction Isectioning, 93 Virnyl Chloride antrnal carcass) C1I Olher Idescribe) shredding. cutting) 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene 43 Actvated Material 717 SteamnRetorr 99 Other (describe) 44 Materiattha wil De 4 OTHER trAA CODE 71E Catalytic Extraction 100 None Required Incinerated HI tzgnitable Process 5S Other (describe) H? Corrosive 119 Dewalered H3 Toxic T20 Other (descrite)


k LLWF?AS GENERATED B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Wa waste Sorptlon or Describoif Managemef Chemical Form Other Hzard Treatmert Solidlficatton el"d Of Post Tretn'wnt Method Code Code Code Code T nattrtrt Volume (rnl) 1 2 3 4 5 6

.a 3Y IV/ C' WY _ _ _____

,3 3P ze,,< - ____ _____ __

3 8

9 C CODES for SECTION ll ol the 2DD1 LOW.LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM k UWR ASGEMIERATED 2 WASTE AGEMENT H54 Reactive T21 None MTHOD HS Pathogenic 1WASTE DECRPTtOH COOE Tran sier lo Aunorized Recigen! H6 Carcinogenic 6 SOt WATIO OR SoRPTIt5 (loose the category that best WI Transter to Disposal Site via H7 Other (describe) CODE describes Vte wasle Broker H8 None 20 Charcoal W2 Transler to Disposa! Site Directly 60 Speedi Dri 21 Incrneralor Ash W3 Transfer- Other (describe) B. CSnTE WASTE TRWATWENT 61 Celelcrn 22 Soil Iterren Storame 62 Floor Dry'Supertine 23 Gas WA thacedin Sbrage betore 5 TREATWNT CODE 63 HiDri 24 Ot 2000 T1 Corriason 64 Safe l Sorb 25 Aqueous Liquid WS Placed in Storage during 2D00 T2 Supercornpacteon 65 SaleNDri 26 Fifte Media W6 Shipped lot Treatrent prior to T3 EvaPoMraIOrslCrystallizalon 66 Fbrco 27 mechanica Fifter Storage 14 Fluid Bed 67 Fborco X 29 Derroilion Rubble Storage for Decav DryingtCalcination 68 Solid ASorb 3D Cation ton-exchange Media W7 Storage bil Decay lOnly TS Wet Oxidation 69 Chems 30 31 Anion Ion-exchange Media limiled inr'iatoon lequied 16 Merntrane Separation 70 Chensl B0 32 Mixed Bed lon-exchange Media See instructions.) (ultrafittration. reverse 71 Chenssil 3030 33 Contarnunated Equipment osrmsis) 72 Dicaperl HP2D0 34 Organic Liquid (except oil) 3 CHEMCAL POWit CODE T7 Incineration 73 DicapertHPSOO 35 Glasswareor Latware CI Paper and Plastic TB Soiddicatmn 74 Pelrosel 36 Seated Source/Device C2 Glass T9 Adsorption 75 Pelrosel II 37 Paint or Plating C3 Metals T10 Sorling)Segregation 76 Aquasel 3e Evaporator BotornOs C4 Meta! Oxides TII Ma1-roencapsulatlin 77 Aquase ll SludgesiConcentrales CS Inorganic Salts T12 Absorption E9 Other (describe) 39 Dry or Cornpacliblb Trash C6 Organic Salts 1 13 Decontaminaten (paper. plastic, glass, etc.) C7 Nuider Acids 114 Surlace Removal (scabbing. Solidicaton

'0 Noncompactible 7rash (meta' CB Aino Acids. Proteins. abrasive cleaning) 90 Cement component. et.) Enzymes T15 Dry Chemical Packing 91 Concrete lencapsulatton) 41 Anrnia! Carcass C9 Carbohydrates. Sugars (rime) 92 Bitumen 42 Biologica Malerial lexcept CIO Lipids, Fatty Acids 716 Sire Reduction Isectoning. 93 Vinyl Chloride aninal carcass) CII O.her ldescnbe) shredding, cutting) 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene 43 Actrated Material 117 Steamn Relorrm 99 Other (describe) 44 Materiat thaewill be 4 OtHER R2FsD CODE 11e Ca.a1yi: Extraction 100 None Required tncinerated HI Igniable- Process 59 Otner (describe) H2 Corrosive 119 Dewaaeted H3 Tox0r 120 Other (describe)


-,.7tA _,-: e~

C. ON-SrrE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION Contalner Uuismum Surface Deserklon Container Volume RWeb Levde Number of code (m) (mSV/hr Containers Broker Code Processor Code Tratment Code 9 10 II 12 13 14 I5

_ /3 o v )' /3 6____,_/__ __


,/3 /o .6 o / / %' , _ _ _ _

3/3 2&.s /00 _____ / g/o A/c?,v s /3  ;.'~ v ___ v __ 5// .__, ___/


/3 ____S _Y / _____/fe Is 3 O_ 0/- c/ _-_/__

"s 4 _ _ _ _ _ ... t ..& y _ _ _ _ _ /g / _ _ _ _ _ _

7 EFFECT CFYFAT&bCNT 12 NLUM8ER OF COTAINE1S Impact of treatmernt on volume may be shown in This information is requred for eadc%aste r you hays retponded 'OTHER lo any rns fewor percenlorrat.o Noleincreaseordecreaseby I Inlormaon, pease idenity column. Ine. and waste or l. and describe change in chemical and physca form descripbon(fbomA I) Useaddkonalpagesas BRROKEROCESSOR necessary I POST TREATMENTVOLUME INEOWATM~

Volume must be noted i crubic meters (n9j 13 BROKER CODE BCI NDL  : .7, -/,v 3, V 5-,,.ib, BC2 Radiac C. ON-=tTE CtAWR IFORyMTS)N BC3 Adio *eZc i3 2,i't *, f W '/  : AttC#

BC4 Teledyne S CONTAINER DESCRFTO COOE eCS US Ecology 1 Wooden Box or Crate BC6 Chem-Nuclear 2 Mela! Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastic Drum or Pai BCE Bionomics 4 Meta' Drum orPal BC9 Direct transler Zirc/,9 ,/,* 3: 5" *$'

5 Metal Tank or Liner BC1D Olhertdescribe) 6 Concrete Tank or Liner BC1I None 7 Potyetnylene I ank or Liner E Fiberglass Tank or Liner 14 PROCESSO CXE 9 Demineraltzer Pl GTS Duralek 10 Gas Cylinder P2 NSS 1I Bulk, Unpackaed Wasle P3 DSSI J~. IiiA/IW 2O V .5 F~Cl7.J 1?2 Unpackaged Components P4 Clrem Nuclea', IL 13 High-Inlegrity Container PS Alaron 14 Fiberboard Drum Pf Ouadrex. IN 19 Otherldescribe) P7 Pemrafix. FL P6 AlG. IN 10 CONTAINER VOIME PS ATG. WA Volume must be noted mcubic PI Other (describe).

meters irr(


Surlace raiation must be noted in mSvf/r


C.ON.SITE CONTINJER INwORMAPON D. BROKERJPROCESSOR INFORKATION Co~sta~n~ Maxmum Surface Veicrlioii Container Volume Rac~ation Larvl Numbef of code (mn) (mSythr) Conlriners Broker Code PrOceSsOr CoD& Treatirrent Code 9 20I 12 13 14

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 /0" ' _ _ _ _

1'. / Z '

3 4


12 EFFECT F TRATKNlT 12 NLIlKEROFCONTAJNERS tmpeci of treament on votlne may be shown in This inormabon is required br each waste trxm r you rhtne mspondedOTHER to any Fequnt for percentorratio Noleincreaseoridecreaseby I briotmilon please idenbtly column, ine. and waste or 1. and describe change in chemical and physical form descnpton (Irom A-1) Use addtronal pages as D. BRAEMPROCESSOR necessary P0S7TREATkENTVV UMLE Vokjme must be noted incubic meterS (mi) 13 BROKERCOOE BCt NDL en" /"'/, 2 Z & S 'S*'a/

BZ2 Radia:

ON-WE CONTAER IHF lTK*9 BC3 Adco BC4 Teledyne IONTAINER DESCR)ION CODOE BCS US Ecology I rooden Box or Crste BZ6 Chem-Nuclear 1

2 WWt Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastlc Drum D!Pal BS3 Bionornics 4 MetalDrumor Pal BCS Direci transfer 5 Metal lank or Liner BZ10 Other(descnbe) 6 Concrete lank or Liner BC1I None I Polyethylene I ank o Liner E Fiberglass lank or Liner 4 PROCESSORCODE 9 Deminera!izer Pt GlS Duratek 10 Gas Cylinder P2 NSSt It Bulk. Unpakaged Waste P3 DSSt 12 Unpa:kaged Components P4 Chem Nuclear. IL 13 HighIntegrty Container PS Alaron 14 Fiberboa-d Drum P6 Ouadrex. T1 19 Other (iescvibel P7 Permafix, FL PS ATG. TN tC NTAINERVOULL P9 AG. WA Volume must be noted in cubic P1D Otner Idescrite) meters I(d' t5 TRATIMENTCOOE AXIMJ k SURFACE RADATY)N LEVEL See codes B 5 Suraxe ra iauon must be noted in mSan


-> z 110L.5 .0 s,;,_ 1-7--10 -;1;7-- z:-

ZTRstcFnrePCP TRFTATFWT F. OTHFR CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC CHARACTERISTICS Source Material U Source Weight of Source Effed of Total PoatTrentlnent Mat"Ifil Materia Total SNM Maximujm granus SNMd in any Treartment Volume hj' code (VrMS) SNU Code (grams) shipment frarna) 2 . ,26 -3') -'

/0___ ,,7tg 7 /Jr6-4' a 7496-i-) 776

~ 6 ~ ~ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

E PCGT-PROCESSOR SNM3 Uranium enrichet in the G. DPOSL AJND STORAGE TREATMENT isotope 233 orinIhe 0?ERMTION isotope 235 2? ULRWWCLS Inyou have reponded SNtN Any matenra artificialy Class of radioactive waste 'OTHER to any r*tit for 1B EFFECT OF TREAT1i'NT enriched by any of the as described in sections Irnomadce, please identify See mnstructons for B-7 foregoing 61.55 and 61.56 of Title 10.

column. ne, and waste Code of Federal Regulations.

lt T0JTALPOCT-TREATMENT 21 TOTALSNM as in eh'e-l on January 260 descrpt.on ItromA-1) Use VLU14 Weight must be noted in 1983. art.a-hed following additional pages as necessary.

Volume must be noted in cutbi grams(g) instructions meters ir9) AS Class A stable 22 IUXtttM GRAH6 SSZ INAN' AU Class A unstable F. OTHER CTkRACTERSTlCS SHIPMENT B Class 8 Self-explanatory C Class C It SOURCE MATERIAL OWE Source Matens - Ente, one cow 23 CHELATE CODE ver line Use a separate line lot CAI EDTA eact lre ol source malena' CA2 OTPA transterred CA3 Carbolic Acid N'J Natural Uranium CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids OU Depleted Uranium CAS Cfr;c Act UO Uranium Ores CAS Gluciic Acid NI Nalura' Thonum CA7 Other (describe)

T0 Thorium Ores 24 VOLLUE OF LlRW 1i WErTtOF SOURCE Volurre olLLRWcontainingchelating PATERIA. agents t m' )

Weight must be noted in grams Ig) 25 K TOG Of ULRW Weight of LLRW cantaning chelating 20 SU CODE agents fIg)

Special Nuclear Matenal earts one ot the oltlowing 28 WEMAT %CWIATES SNMiPlutonrum Weght s ss mtnan1%need not be SNM2 Uraiiurn233 reported


- -i.i-PROCESSOR TREATUMENT I F.OTHER CHARACTERISTICS CARACTERSTIC CHARACTERISTICS Source Material SNU Source Weighit dSource 3ted of Total IPcet-Trestri-ent Uutbeds mstedaw Total SNV Maximum grams SN11 In any frostrnitnt Volume ~ii') Code (grams) M1 Code 1grarnt) shixment fgnams) 4-3 5

R t3 Uranium enriched rnthe . D6POSAL AND STORAGE E. P;T.PAZ6SSOt TREATW-Wt isotope 233 or in the KDR~MATIZ1N isotope 235 2? UL.RWCLASS Ityou hrfe renponded SIOM Any maleria artificially Classof rarinedtive waste 'OTHER lo wry reruetifor Is EFFECT OFTREATU NT enriched by any of the as described insections hkdoonatin. please identify Seeinctruons bi r7 toregoing 61.55and61.56of Iitle 10.

Code of Federal Regutat ons. column. ine. and waste it TOTAL PcSTTREATWNT 21 TOTALSNM as in effect on January 26. cdnocnplion(from A.1I Use YOLtME Weight must be roted in 1983. allached following additional pages as necessary Volume must be niobd incubic grarmclg) instructrons melers (rr@j AS Class A stable 22 MAX"M GRANS StNW ItKY AU Oass Aunstable F. OTHER CARXCTEICS SHrTM 6 Oass '

Settesxplnalory C Ctass C 15 SO*CrE ATERL CODE Sowce Matenia - Enterone code. 23 CHELATE CODE rert ne Use a separale line hor CAt EtTA each typeofsource ma eriat CAW DTPA transferred CA3 Cartotic Acid ./4,63 *Y rIL NU Natural Uranium CAA Hycroy -carbolic Acids o4u 6,Zf DU Depleted Uranium CA5 Cdrc Acid UO Uranium Ores CA6 Glucnc Acid At iz NT Natural Thonum CA7 Other ides&:ibte) 10 I horiumOres 24 VOLUME OF LlRW it WEtSH7 O SORCE Volume of LLRW containing chelating MATEImAL agents (ml")

height must be noted in grans (9) 25  % IGHTOF LU.W Weighitof U.RW conta ning chefalng 20 SNM CODE agents (kg)

Specia' NuceaS Matrenal means one o' thefollowing 2t %EtGHT%Y CHELATE5 SNkitl Plutornrunr Weights less Ihan 1% need not be SNM2 Uraniumu233 reported

ECTION IL INFORMATION OH LLRW (conL) 4IER CHARACTERISTICS (cont) (cont G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORMATION Waste Wlth Chelktin Agent Volume and Weiht of LLRW Chelatel Weight % Dispositon Dispoeael Sb Storage Sfta Code Volume frm) .Wedgt0 Cbd LLtW Clan CC Codo 2 __7 s7 DS/l=

. / __Z) _S/

X5-lX /

4-3 Zs'

________ _ _ _ Z2_

H LLRW NOT MEETING DISPOSAL FACILITY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA I you ha"e responded 0TME~r to arry request for Informnation, ple~se iderntly coltinn, Ine, and vwrte ULRW Clm F.=rd Codc Volumyn (ml flBSd Radortuclk!" descriplon (treanA-1) Use addibordpagpoisasnecessary.

.- - - IL 1. t- .-

21 DSPOSN CODE and dispose as non- 30 STORAGZE SIE 32 HAZARD COOE 01 Directiy to disposal radioactrve St On sne See codes B' D2 1teatrment pnor to D5 Irearrnentlfi site S2 Radiac dlsposal storage S3 NOL 33 VYOtiA D3 Treaomentrelumed for 09 Other (describe) S4 A~cD Volume must be noted in storage S5 Other (describe) cubc meters (rn?

D4 lrealnenUnodisposal 2n D6SPOEALStTE (decontamrinalton and DS1 Bniwet SC H. u.RWWrTTH 34 ACThtlY feuse) DS2 Clive, UT UHACCEPTABLE Altrvdy must be reponed mn D5 Sloragelrno trea'ment DS3 Richland. WA OWWAL CPrTEI~A Meogaecqueiets (iA6q)

D6 Hold tardecay on srte DS4 Other (describe) and dispose as non- 31 LL.RWCLASS 35 RAD ESXUDCS radioa:lve See codes G.27 As applcable lo H-3 07 hold fordecay of site


I CHARACTERISTICS (cont) (cord G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORYATION lste Wh Cbelbtn Apert Volume and Weight of LLRW bet!Welght j Y.

j Dhpoeltifon Dispozt Site Storag Site bde Volume tr_) we____ LIRW__ Class Co -Codecode

_ _ _ _ _ _/ ,49-/ Z _ __ _ - A5 Jdr 4 /

E5 6

H LLRW HOT KEETING D(SPOSAL FACILIIY ACCEPTANCE CRITERUA Wyou V bum taponded 0THER toany reqLeetfoe linformatlon. please idenhify cclurrn, I nee.&nd wiade LLRW Cin Hard Code Vohme (ms) p(Bql Radonudidk descrpboni(frtwm A-) UserAdditiorrolpaginac necessay.

I I I__

28 0SP Tr)ONCODE and dispose as non- 30 s01RfAMs WE 32 HAZARD COOE DI Dirctt to dsaoSal radioactive SI Onsiv See codes 614 02 I reatmenliprior to D6 TrearmenVolttste S? Radia:

dtsposa! storage S3 NOL 33 VOLLRE D)3 TreatmenL'returned to- D9 Otner (describe) SA Arico Volume must be noted in storage SS Otnei diescribe) cubc meters Imr) 4 Treatmentuno disposal 29 DOCGALSrrE ldecontamination and 05 Banmvex SC R ULRWVMiH 34 ATMITY reuse) DS2 Dye. UI LIMCCEPTARTE Actvity must be reported Ni DS Storazelne trea ment DS3 Richland. Wt cxs1cSAL C8OTEtRA MegaBecquerets (MBa)

D6 Hold for decay on site DS4 Other (describe) and dispose as non. 31 LLRW CLASS 3 ARADpItCHDES rad.oa:tnre Seecoocs G il As eppykacs e LcH3 r7 Hold otIdecay oil slte


. Ch'WTEJRSWITH SURFACE RADAT OH LEVELS GPEATER TAhN2mSvhrln r(mAIt U as Volume on_) _A_________ud __(lq)



4 4So ,1r.~~ e~"724Z -

A. 2X1 DISPciALTOTALS _______________ __

Claa..e D twpowed at Bmw all. SC I D*ostodd: tOlva, UT l~"

>s R:lddi, WrA I Clsa A - olu t AL. fty. Vdume E At') (MJ% Vme On) t D S7UTarALS BY CLASS Via Brokeu/ 1 -7 ;7) 27 / *3LS) Vdolume-A AdM+y.A Via Brokert Vdurnt 4 Adtyu 4 Processor Direl Transle_

Via BrmkerJ Vduimet Aceyhy-C ProCe55ar ..

Direct 7 ransfer _

TALALCLASSES TorAs ACT 1 7"?'4TFZll I StCas T = _____ ___ _ Vdume _ ____ bn a____

VTAl Act" -

On Ste _

Ol.Site OnSte .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A t 3 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ .5__

a ss c V___meC AdMty_-_C

-_e lMvI St .

707AL ALL CLASSES S - 3 0366)I

CTION 11.INFORMATION ON LLRW (contQ MCONTAINERS WiTH StRFACE RADIATKtN LEVELS GREATER TWNi 2mSykh, (2COmR1ht L- t a r Youm n)kieby Vciumelby) I _____ Rf ud)de (M3a) __ _.




- --------.--- I rlats.. lhnosd at ERam tdlSC I bso ed ad? UT I Dtwosod ts:RFslmm WA _

-. z__ _ -_ _ _ _- _ -_ __ _ _ _ _ , *- _ -_- *--I _ _ _ _

a"s A Vdvume ) Acoy (VW VOlume bw) A ( me TOq BYCMASS SMOTALS Via Brokerl Vdt0*

Yr A AAb -A Psocem or __ __3_

CIM D~fcI Via Transier Brokver .__9_____/, _______ _________________

Vdusrre.C Acffty .-

Processor Direct Tra tstef . . . -

TOTALS r' ) V 2.P .z9 2 /.63 (s) r __ __

l TOTALAL CLASEMSUW tDGSte O n St e ____ _____ _____ ___

CUss C Vokimec.C Adhty.C SO~lte ______________ __________Mr _____________ ____________



  • - E Radonucddes mean eacn indvidua; radionudide ifknovwn. o, at a minimnum, a!I radionucddes Mnaf have been or would have to be idenbtfd on disposal ste manifests H-3. C-14, Tc-99, and 1-129 must be Identified where present A.1 Listhe radonucides contained in the LLRW disposed of during 2001 (see response to Secton III-A) Use additional sheds as necessary.

Padionucllde Act Y(IB Radlonulkie Actlytty (MqN Radonudide Actftty (VBqo 14- /{ Z Zt21142 > S) /3/t

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6i'/ 6 v) 2 7.9 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _

S z.. 7 A- ' 3 . __


I.s9- 6G-- ,.& 6) 4-6 9-69(6 ) A--,23_? _2_ _ _

/4//- 59 3 )Z, L/3) /%-23f9 /0_ __2_

All - _ _ /) 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

Total achity for all radionuclides listed above TOTAL ACTIVIT Tota! ac tyshould equal bta flor LLRW disposed of, as reported inSecton III-A -.-/?P , e,-, . I I, any odt radionudides l;sed in Table A-1 have half-ffves of less than 90 days, please explain v-y mese are not being held for decay and eventual dsposaf as A I non-radioative wasle lolV&t . _

8.1 UtIt radionucdde contaned inthe LLRW being held In sto2ag for ~e on shte as of December 31. 20)01 Lise *ddttona sheets as rrecissay.

Rad~lonuctlde Racliorudidie Radionveilde Radionuclide Rxdonuciki, RadlonueCkid

./V 6' t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

EI2ILst6  ;,ul contained intheLLRW benq held Instorsve for decy Tstte asof Decemnbe 31,2D01 Use addlional sheels a inecssary.

Radloonucllde Radionucilde Radlonuclide Radionuclide Radlonudlide Rdonuclclde A' 411 V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C.1 A On see - List radonudides conti-ied in LLRW in knterbt cto2Z on ske as o' Decenber 31. 2001 Use addttional sheeft as MY.

FRdlonuclide Actlytty (lIk Radionudide Acettvy (Bq Radionudcie AdMV (Il84 AL-3 SA~z-) ,-,3 Ja-6) _____ S .6 (3'

__3 _90_ // cK1z) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_______ 3 /*66z) *sL;1 -3v t . 57?6s) ______ -___3____/s G__-_58 / 'et3 ) 6?-/W S vo s') .___

('- Gc /1,0 /? -.  ;?A' >?36 36)Ia) )

__ -__9 I,$ FZefz) 2 /.96v) 6~- ) _ _

TOTAL ACTIVITY To~al actvity for a1 radionuclides listed above:

Tola aizlly should equa toal for LLRW stored on site, as reported. -:b3 1) mq C2 Off s0te - List icanuddes contined in LLRW in kftetm s*torage off he as of DeoaT6e 31, 20D1 lstdde lona he as necry.

Radionucide Adty PIBS Radlonicle ktmt fMBq Rdonudcde ActV PI84 1,0/A1& R Total ativity for all radionudides listed above: TOTAL ACTIYITY MBq Total acivity should equal totalfor LLRW being stored off site, as reported lI any of te radiontdides Isted in Table C., or C-2 have haff-lves of less tan 90 days, please explain why tese are no, being held for decay and eventual C5 drsposal as romadtoadlpe waste 4/ 6A/d

SECTIONV. STORAGE FACILITY INFORMATION NC">=: I your facility manages LLRW by storage for decay only, you only need to corrmete the Condensed Form for Decay in II ,e Only.


.1 Bnefly describe your on-site LLRW storage facilites. Include falities you have for storage of speal LLRW forms such as freezers, shielded areas for hgh-radiatbon-level wastes or bermed storage areas for liquid wastes, and estmate the storage capacity for each

_ rc ~ A-At7

  1. <n o/{ o>l wzs c-a ,c<ZzO~o S 4*v r / ,Avl .' tc i

___ia A-/r < zrZ. &',o'r S S <

'-/r-c 4 z &b,,/ f' 2 , 20t /& ,5 A2 Total Storage Capaity: '/-49 rrr' A3 Estimated maxirmum volume of LLRW hed instorage for decay al any one bme: C; m3 mDNo. Skipto C.

B Do you have any plans for increasing your on-site storage capacity? C' m Yes. Complete this secdon.

Describe such plans and indicate your expected new storage capaty.

l OFF-SrE STORAGE FACILITIES I Of-ste storage facility ntorrmabon. Use additional pages ir necessary. 4 47 PRease indicate if of-site strage is for strage for decay or interim storage 0] Stbage for decay 0] Intenim storage Name of fatity.

Address Contat and prlone number NOTE. Please answer the following question btsod on LLRW requfring disposal at kensed LLRW dspogl fWcilles, n LLW heldh torgfor decy. Do OT USE DEsDrS S ETERWs AS uM-rrEn CONlri OR EIT ESTlIIAED STORAGE TIME FOR LLRW REQUIRING DISPOSAL D Based on your anticied LLRW generaion rate and your articipated capacity lo store waste as of NOTE: Answer mcmlbe In moths December 31, 200,1 HOW MANY MONTHS could you continue to produce and store LLRW on ste it access 1oicensed LLRW disposa facilities were no boner available? 2____ mrttS

SECTN)N V1 FUTURE LLRW GENERATION URE LLRW GENERATION THAT VMLL REQUIRE DISPOSAL Ywj l C-2' AcIttvty (UBq) Volume (m j Radlonudide, 2002 A __ _ _ _ _ ) _ _ _ _ _ g B

______ .<g _______ $ t-y6,-6e,,s ^ r/.-63s -S 7.

S99 e* 1 /W / 2Y C ____ ____ __ tS 23 23 A ________ Go__ .___ vs Sv'o2 Tc TadB ;7. &f/g s)

C _

2003 A Eo -ellelC7) s- Yoa3 ,


_ lrJU , - pD7 t 200 A /4 B St t5 -6') .

C TciW __ __ _ ____

(' TA 0 Packaaes Greater than 2 mSv at Contact 2001 Package Number 99-001 99-002 99-003 99-004 99-005 99-006 99-007 99-008 Waste Class A A -A A A A A A Volume (m3) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 WeIght (kg) 63 93 100 91 91 95 95 60 Dose Rate (mSv) 4 4 20 3 2.6 3 6 2.5 Processor GTS GTS - GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS mCI mi_________lM§$ , mb, m8 mCI >' mCi , mCi _______ mCi , mCi H-3 1.71E2-02 .it.OIf.

19 i8E2E - 4.31E-02  ; 6.70E-02 4,EO 4.38E-02 1 7.50E-02 3 3.33E-02 Ii.2S,.'00 C.14 O.OOE200 . b 0 OOE+00 .0-#O.dt 0.00E+00 .:OEt 9.002-02 .3~3tO 7.71E-02 , 9.31E-02 E4I4A.' 0 1.562-01 ' 7.052 Fvn-54 1.95E -01 .t~ft62 13E201 f,5t82 1.09E-02 _d'tj:a, 2.36E+00 . 2.06E200 2.39E+00 2 4 10E ,00 .2Eb1.85E.00 USE4Oi Cr-S1 o.0OE-00 .6.C400 0. 00E.oE00 +p 0.00200 ,O2EO 0.001E+00 '609jb0 O.OOE-00 .0 00 00200 0.00200 :O POa

e-55S 3.7611-001i314.E Fe5 .640O4120 02 4.1011-00 ;j5'2*-

~~6 2 2.09E-01

.9~I... ~P,bOd1X .wOAOOEW9X0 itj-7,e &,X f 0020


.OOE-00 ,bO Oi0E-00 jjbO4OO 0.00E-00 .O+ ,ME,=OOEO O ~O0.00E-00 >.tE0  :.o a.OEO Fe-59 9.85E-01 .A1EO1 I 072+00 .,96EO1 5.49E+00 2:O3E f O.OOE20 i.0.C00 O.OOE2.400 O.OOEOO.o.

0pb O O.OOEE'00 0.00N Co-58 8.51 E-01 .30 9.28E-01 :,§.;i 4.74E200, .IJt. 9.83E-01 .6 li 9.20E-01Oi Etdi 9.97E-01 l.7tE00, 7.702-01 Co-60 4.87E201 5.312+01 1jfidk, 2.71E-02 W40O.O4 5.07E401 ;;1 3 4.36E-01 f 5.14E*01 ?i9415 8822+01 3.97E-01 1.47 O0 Ni-59 1.36E-02 :5, 40i 1.48E-02 ;.%48gb 7.57E-02 8 .

6. 0.00200 O 0.00E200 4O.O0 E00 OO.0E400 O.OOE*00 Ni-53 2.60E-01 '82E O 2.83E-02 O.. C 1.45E+O ; 4.44E-01 , 3.80E-01 j4 4 . '1 4.SOE-01 7,41 7.72E-01 3.48E-01 Zn-65 0.001+00 AIZC~0E~0 0.002400 .0 O.6 0 0+0~~0~~ .00 %5dMVO. 0.0b0W~d00E0 0.002+-00 OO0E0200 O.COdt4oo Sr-90 2.56E-02 ,9..,7 2.79E- Y'bf

. 02.43-01 , 1 5; , 1.022-01 8.74E-02  : 1 03E-01 '1 . 1.77E-01 '.S5 7.99E-02 2.t,2 0 Nb-94 4.33E-01i.'l~t EO 4.72E-01 ,,tb1 2.42E200 0.002+00 ;.002'00 O: E..

0020 - ,'0 .... 00 0 E40C 0.00E,00 O.o o Tc-()g 1.93 E-03 :~E 2.102 03 jI?.7t;02 1.082-02 ~.~1 7.20E-03 Z2 0 6.172-03 .~:jg,' 7.30E-03 1,252-02 ~3O 620 :020 Ag-i 0m O.OOElnO t0t0020 O.OOE+00 .6.00% ,O O.OOE+00 d;>O.F4. °.°0E "00 .A.OC O OO ,,00 0.E000 00 ~O.OOE-00

'0Eot 0.0200 0.OOE4 Cs-134 O.OOE-00 .o.6o; DO O.OE 00  ; 0 0Odd,0O 8332-01 j,,dE'.O _7.202-01 2-,.0olt 8452-01 'S E3 1.45E-00 J3b'o 6.532-01 2.i2 0 Cs-137 6.95E+00 . ,it02 7.58E+00 ZMd >. 3.87E+01 fi4E . 1.232+01 4,55_C02 1.062+01 `192*62 1.25E+01 '!.'883,01 2.15E401  : 9.68E*00 A.5,E302 Ce-144 9.31 E-01 440l 1.012E00 3;74Gi S.19E+00 1262 3.46E-01 Ji:2R 3.03E-01 7 t0i 3.51 E-01 V61 .02E-01 :23 2.71 E-01 ,1.0OEo41 Pu-238 1.01E-03 IA7%4U-02 1.10E-03  ;, 7O2 5.64E-03 :O§ 1 2.34E-04 8 2.01E-04 ^ ,7M " 2 37E-04 4 072-04 1.832-04 Pu-239 5.41 E-04 [;,M Mb 5.60E-04 0t,02 2.87E-03 .O.EOt 2.102E04 1;ZYO:3 1.80E-04 2.13E-04 , 00 3.652-04 1.6 3 Pu-241 2.162-02 1,$7Bt'dl 2.36E-02 J;763E', 1.21E-01 '4,4 00 1.38E-02 '5 b. 1.152-02 140E-02 i.6 O1 2.40E-02 1.08E-022,8.01

.4.0 E-O1 Am.241 1.772-03

_ 7__

1E,6 1~ -A #_ 2O 1.93E203 1 9.85E-03

_ _ _ _ __7E_i 1.92E-04

_ _ _ __4 1.65E-04 1.65 -04 I.1 1.95E-04 1.952-0 4 3.34E-04 t. 02J4E1.50E-04 ;5E Cm242 1.02O;-04 117204 ' j 5.97E-04 t 2.42E-05 5S3N 2.16E205 , 246E-OS 4.22E-05 1.902-05 "j Cm-243 5.41E-04 2. 5.90E-04 .,D 0 3.02E203 .G'12 8.39E-OS 7.20E-05 8.5iE-05 1.46E-04 ,0

-  ; ____O_ Ot.43E' 6.57E-05 Total 8.25E001 OS7EOO1 .'3,2tb631 4.59E-02 t;7J.h'O4 6.82E+01 E 5.88E+01 21 0 .E 6.92E01 ' 1.19E+02 4,3§E',0 5.35E,01 J.EO 03

99_009 99-010 99-011 99-012 99-013 99-014 GS-15 GS-17 GG-1I A A A *A A A A A A 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 95 95 95 77 100 100 364 364 91 3 4 3 2 4.6 20 9 3 7 GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS mCi mCi mCi ,; , q' ; mCi mCi M mCi . mCi ZMaA'T-- mCi 7 TM mCi  : MBq 4.38E-02 1.62E,0 5,02E 1 8E+04.382-02 1 .2V4O

. 2.36E-02 7 32-0l 5.72E-02 9.50E-02 3 O 0 OOE OC 0 * '0.OE,0O 6.16E-02 '2.26E' 00 9.13E-02 3.382+00 1.05E-01 .E+09.14E-02 b.3. 4.93E-02 . 4t. 1.19E-01 72Et0 r 0002E00 MtYM 1.35E-01 S'4SOb 6.75E-02 5E,+ 1.29E-01 :4:772.o0 2.39E-00 8.8349'01 2.74E200 C;1.01t.02 2.40E400 8,801 1.29E+00 -;77 1 3.13E#00 J'Aj -d2 1.09E +02 "M4031 5.70E201 .2,13 2.85E01 10E 3.37E-00 1.2SE4o2 OOOE+00 0.005+00 O.OOE00 : 'Oi OC O.OOE0 O 0.0 E740 0002.O 00,E O. b E,+ O.OOEOO0 Ot 0.OOE020 0 0 .0 O.W0 E+WY00 0 '1 0t0 O.OOEo00a ,' od6Vi O.OOE-00 'ObdE+

O.OOE *00000.0 +00 O.OOE400 -. + O.OOE100 ; 0 P- 0.002E001, 1b.b0d2t0 O.O 2+00 q.008,4 2.09E+01 4.47E-01 2.24-01 ;7'p02. O.ooE+0200 U.W2+oo oo0E 0000 0.OE 0OE+200 bC, o cdOqi 00E400 O.OOE+0000 0 000C00 00.d0 O.OOE.02- o 00 o0.0OE0 0 9.97E-01 :3.6lstb1.0E 1 14E+00 2401' ;7 9.992-01 .35ooEo1 5.392-01 OoE+OE 1.304-00 A.~4- d1 474E*00 :7 d 00+00 O.00E-00 0D02+Oo 1402.00 '5.18E+01 s14E201 1.90E+03 S.90E*01 "2 18EM3 5.15E-01 f.tE.+O3 .. 2.782.01 A.3fE+Of 53 672E-01 271E-02 .W4 7592.02 4 3.792E02  ;.l8 72.0 803 E-E O.oOE+00 O.OoE0 OC OE  :;d;WUC O.oOE-o0002400 . O.OOE0002b00 000.0 o , o.ooE0ooAC C 7.57E-02 77OO- 20 2.02E-01 20020 1021 E001.WOO 1704700000o0 4502.01 3167r.+Ot 51.E-01 E4 512-01

&'.is .125djol 2.43E-01 8 588E-01 1.45E-00 3S'z*.I 7.502E00 ,+o *602 3.75E2+00 :.3EO0 6.34E-01 1.46-52401 O.OOE-0010 o0.oo0 + 0.WE002 00OD0E 00O.OOE+0 00 0.00-00 '"b*0t 000OE+00 oo EE+000 00 0. 3 0O.OOE+0200 0 t+ o.0oE+.002+00 8-O1 _ _ M1.1.35E01 1 .4., 9S t'C .26E-02,

_EO O.OOE400 E0,00OE-0 1.03E-01 .3.81E40 .190E-01 '.4G00 1.042E-01 3°_oO 5.59E-02 , .6lE.02 1.52E-01 5&dQE;o 1 3219 ' §2E66t' 32062-02 1~ O 1.632-02 soa ;i,1.462-01SE 1.-d 0002.37E-00 0.d0*0lO 0.0021-00 ,,.10 0002.30E-00 :.dasIEj 0.024E00 3.10E-00 2.425600 C O1000E200 O 0.002E00 '. s4O2 0.00E-00 1.002EO+

7 30E-03 2710P-al 0.002+001 0.0O0+d0 4

8 372-03 7.312-03 _.18b1 39.5E2-03 1082-02 1.91202 a 9.56-034.54E-03 1032E-02 ' 3.11E-01 0.00E-00 .0,00jdt.O 0002E400 'O.OMdE4d 0002400 00200 AM82.00 000E 00 0IPE020~ 0002E00 d."O02400 0.00E400 0.d24..~06 0.002400 0.005+00, O.t0+0 8 45E-01 3.132E401 9.68E-01 846E-20213 E-1301 4.57201 3 .26E102 .J0 E1 1 22. 1.1E1 4.40+

1.259E01 4.632402 1.442.E-01 (e.:8502 1.25E+01 4;4 E42 0.77+0E0 .00 .02 1.4201

.54E-04E1 0 3.87E 03 13,4O 2.52E-014126E.01 4862402 1.762401 .0.5lE;02 3.512E-0 1.309+01 4032-01 3.52E-201 tsltt~1. 1.90E-0201 2.OS0 4. 92-1 E-O 5.9E-01 . 1 5.322E00 2E.a 1 TA22 4.95E-01 2.372-04 83.772-03 2.722-04 10 - 2.382 04 ~ {-~ 1.262 04 4


.. 3.102-04 120 5.2-03 ~ 5 42220 .7-4 iE0 3.4-04 1220 2.132-05 7.88E264 2.442-04 AMS03-63 2.13204',.j1.15204,44420203 2.78E-04 2.87-3:22G ~2b.20 .6-. 020 0-04 .122 1.40E-021 5.1811,61 1.602-02 .A2-I1.402-02 100 7.552.031:t;2-2~~% 1.832-02 77. 1.1212E-01 -4.4ttL 3.26E+00 1 J1j42 1.63E.00 -903r4al 1.97202 '729E-0?

1 952-04 7.222-03 2.232-04 ~S-~ 1.952 04 ~'~- 1.052 04 SO32.54E-04 .94 39.852-03 2.142 04 Me§-021 1.072-04  ;'Vtt 03 2.742 04 1E1 -02 2.462-05 9.10-04 2.822-0  :-1.,04t-03 2.462-.05 .§A.bt2T4 i.33E-OS 4Z043.212E-05 1~t 5.97E-04 .jE O~ .002+00 O0400 0002+00 700;'ti 3462.05, 128E-03 8.51E-05 3.15E0 9.762-05 .41E03 8.52E-05 .3,ftt3 4.60E-05 . . 1.11E-04 1i.- 3.02E-03 J.32 t 0,002.00 . 00 O.OOE00 ',.0024 120E-0 4.44E-03 6.92E2-01 2.565403 7.95E+01 &.;4E+O3 6.93E+01 2.5C4d3 3.74E201 lT.38tEb3 9.05E+01 .3i35E03 4.59E+02 110E 0o48.77E+02 '3.;25O4 4.38E+02 162 +09.75E201 '3.51 E+03

GN-1 1 GN-09 GG-07 GL-09 GL.11I H-29 U1-00-013 U1-01-001 U1-00-010 A A A .A A A A -A A 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.5 5.5 5.5 91 364 364 91 91 123 5112 5112 5112 5 6 7 4 63 30 60 8 GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS GTS CNCF CNCF CHCF mCI "K t mi mCI M 4XCI Mc M { mi M0 ~ mci m ij~ mC 4.3-2120

'T .... , mCI xt 020 .0*O00~000~d .6E-02 9.0'-W ~i 4.93E-21 181+/-dI-02 02 ~ 5.67E-00 ~20425.62&~0l '~0~30.040O 0E0o 1.03E-01 3.81 E:00 1.35E-01 3Sg.'10 40'0 1.69E-01 15.25560O 5.14E-02 1.O401.03E-01 ~3~~00.00E100 0,600EO 8.95E2100 1.94E~0 '74 1.21 E-03 4420 2.69E+00 9.95E01 5.70E-01 f2Aje4d3 7.12E,01 .-2'05403 1.35E-00 .S,'IOE+01 2.692400 V905V~If' 1.18E-01 *-43.7Et~2 O.OOE+00 AM40'+0 0.002400 0,Gql,00 0.00E-00 0.D0E0110 0 OO1200, 0,002400 0.00E+00 .. ,0A O .00E+00 0. OAS:1d 000E-00 ,O0A,00t4d 0.00E-00, '.0.0611A00 0.G000 A0.00!60 6.20E-01 '~2§0 1.05E*04 :3'89~05 9.43E*02 3.49E*04 O0E*001 0,00t-40O 4 472.01 ' i'xspsd S.59E-Oi .lqlE+Ill 0002E00 00dO110 0.00E+0 00J.A t040d 2.26E-00 *8EWK7oj 7.48E-01 '4271.*d 1 8IE-01 0-VE~O2 4.G0E401 1.7OEio3 O02~OE 0.01 0.00 0.0E 0 .O0td~O 0.00E4-00' 6.o06'.b 0.00E.0 Aond .00 O.0EA00 0 Q160 6.02E-Oi lt~o1 0002E400 ,O:040~f 1.07E-02 '-IX403 2.20E-01 8.14E400 112E-001 4.148401 000OE-00 'fl.0084d 00 2+.OE00 -,'.60~ob 5.62E-O1 2.bM~6, 1.12E*00 -4l 4+ 5.1B2.01 '19PO 1.72E+00 ~E0i5.16,E-02 "I ki.V44 5.582+00 '2.0,5E402 5,79E-01 I2,148~.03 7.59E.02~'2ZtjE4O4 9.48E*02 .1.51,tQ4 2.90E-01 t.1~35.79E-01 12!l~ 2.932401 lbV 7.67E-02 ';284E~d4 1.76E~04 P.8E405 2- 1E 03 1.104E405 0,OOE+001 0.O0~tO0 2-022-01 Z41:00 2.53E-01 UON~id 0.00E-00 Ad0E400 O.00E400 000OE40 8.18E1-03 ~~31 3.83E-02 1142too 8.28E-01 'J50E4.01 0002E-00 0.0 OE*00 S07E-01 I t889-01 7.50E*00 ,~~7M*02 9.37E-00 3.412t2 2.54E-01 046L4b 5.07E-01 11 8'+06bj 1520 9.9021-00 t:t~62 2.15E-02 '7' O~ 1.372+01 'S.07E402 0002E+001 00G0E.0 000OE-00 Oio+b 0.00E*00 A'W~~ 0.002EO Cidt~0'0 0.00E-00j ~OO~tt.bO 0020 00$( ME0200* 0~f0000 ,00M'060 0.00E400 0.002+00 1.162-01 4.29rv00 3 262-02 ;i2 0 4.0SE-02 5.82E-02 .~~~o1.162-01 .4.2~00 1.54E-02 3.06E-01 43it2.992.00' 1?1lIA42 2.30E2.00 _5.51E+01 0.00E4.00 0.005,.00 0002+00 000200 -O-.0Q4~ 0.00E-00,Abt~ 000E-00 :t~00V.0 2.612-01 D:60,rO 00024*00 ,,OOt4Wj 0.002+00 A0Od~r0 0.00E.00 0.OOE400 8.23E-03 3.05e-01 1912E-02 .?701 2.39-02,.K84t~Ot 4.112E-03 8.232-03 65; 01 1.1E-03 -~429r02 1.392+01 ~,~0 .35E+02 5bOE4O~ .00E-00 000E.00 0002E.00 0.005,#00 000OE-00 .0,66t*00 0002E+00 60.+6t00 0.00E-00 ',00d~+60 0002E-00 20-O~bt00 0.00E-00 .dor+00 0.002+00, '05~0 7.60E+00 28¶2Sit02 O.00400 b.OOE4.00 9.522-01 3,528+01 1.382+01 -63.t1i02 1i72E+01 UGE+.2 4.7620E- 7E01 9.S2E-01 . .0200 OTJ0P{b0 0.00E-00 __d:OE400 0.00E~0 0t0 0 .0200o.0E 1.41 E*01 5.222+02 2.52E-01 9.9Wt202 3.152+01 '1d1.9iM~ 7.062+00 .2,61502 1Al1E-01 4.182400 05~24.082+011Oi~ 3.99E+02 I .46E+001 4.01 E+02 1.48E404

~4E.1 02+1 3.92-1 1.332.01 4ka~d2 1.981201 ~j+e~t 3.962-01 .424f5.622-01 I 2.46E+01 ~1~~~3.53E-02 II M4041 7,6520 .820 2.67E-04 9, -,3 6.752-04 'rB M 8.44E-04 -i1E~ 1.342 04 4 32.672-04 958OWW 6.092-04 'l2S2o 4.402 03 4.27E-02 1 8 O.00E400 . O E0 240E-04 8.889-6i 4.122-04 1,-.t~l82 5.162-04 .11021.20E 04 "44'4E~.3 2.402-0 0. 92-04 i'3 2503i20, 1.57E-02 ~.8`1 -01 3.26E*00 Jij~f~02, 4.072+00 ,.Jr '4d2 2.2-210 0002000E.0 7.872 03 ~2.01Eibl 1.57E-02 'M~leI.bT 1.30E-02 ~ 1220 '14t1220 4E0 020 .0.0 2.1 92-041 8.l0t-03 2.142-04 z.1,2-031 -2.6,7E-04 ',.gt0 1.102-04 ~4,10Xt-13 2.1921-04 5J(0~ I ' I1.06E-3 ~

- _ IE6-4t0 -51+C~. 0 -

2-03 03 00 2t~ A7I-O~

0 2.222-02, 8,1E.61 9672-02 A.58E.00 2772-051 1.02t-03 0.002+00 O0O.OD .00E+00 0 2+00 1.392-05,j ~~'E 2.772-0 _.O-0'10 W:o~ 6.482-05. O.OO 020E 566E'400 0.0E 0 0. 0 0.002+00 0.6012400 9.592-05 3.555-03 0.00E-00 '0.05E+t,00 0002+*00 o.00~~4Db 4.792-05 11.7t-b3 9.59E-S0:5 s50 3 262E-04 f.12l-2 0.00E1-00 .00E+00 O000 F--0E00 0 OOE-00 0.O02+00 7.80E-01 2.B[5DE.0 8.77E-02 , -64 1.10E-03 4.0SE5O64 3.90E-01 i,.4g1~O3 7.80E-01 . ft08*0~ 4.97E-01 T.W4~b3 9,372+02 'S: 41~4 3.012404 i.ji5E$06 5.44E-03 2.012E+05

Ul-01-002 Ul-00-016 Ul-01-010 UI -0105 U1-01-008 U1-01-009 U1-00-020 U1-O0-019 U I 011I A A A A A A A A A 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5112 5112 5112 5112 5112 5112 5112 5112 5112 30 13 40 80 10 4.5 120 220 10 CP4CF CNCF CNCF CNCF CNCF CNCF CNCF CNCF CNCF mCi M~q mCi ',Mq mCi .'M'2 mCi . : mCi mCi -, iq' mCi _ mCi mCi Maq 49E*O1 1.6 +0) 4A76+00 *.+702o 4.31E+01 .1.59E4' 4.302'01 1nbE 3 1.30E+0 4biE+01 672E-01 ,;2:40"di O.OOE00 .6.0b0PO 2.07E401 '7.1dE402 243E01 8.99E*02 1.31E201 4,85E+20 1.51E401 :9.8540 1.56E-02 5.7W E03 5.87E+01 ..2;17tS.'T 429E.00 5tE

d3.72E+2.00 S E 2.33E200 "8. 62POf 7.36E+01 2. 2E-0' 4.81E 00 i.78E&02 OOOE DO 0o.O+0o _0O.OOE-0*0 AWE4Od _ 59E*03 ,5.88t+04 O.OOE+W00 P.E.00aE60 . 00 O
20,O O.OOE dtO.OOE 00 0d0 0

.0.,OOE 1.78E-01 'T.S9t+02 OGOEo 00 .OOEO 724E402 . 2.668E+04 8.04E*01 . 8.95E203 3.51 Q;0.

097tS3 3.23E-03 0 1.97E+02

i. '12E,,0 1.9921i,02 36+/-03 6.77E203 20+0S 368E+03 .i;3 0o 2.02E+02 i.042+0 1.27E_00 4.706_401 1.26E+00 .4:0t~Oi 153E201 .5tM0i2 5.73E;00 .121!b2 4.4E-01 3.61E-01 ,. 1.4 1.592_01 , 2 6.41 E 0 W' 4.79E-01 1.77E'401 3.14E*01 1.169+03 600E 00 O.WE*W.O: O 1.79E203 6.;622+b4 3.61E2+01 34 1 1 00 0 .0t 2.08E2 4.44E*Q1 1064t4o3 350E201 1.30E403 2.04E200 ',7A15E1ifl 1.12203 i,4A.4S4.d 1.53E+02 , 1.98E-01 2.OOE+01 7:'AS< 3.58E,02 113EE44 1.18202 .',37 2.47E+01 s:lE402 1 21E+03 4.48214+04 1.29 1 04 5.45+03 2 3.97E+02 .1:4 4 3.44E402 f2'2f 0 1 .22E+04 ,4-C.+6.4E*03 4 .:38toE5 4.50E*02 '1.67E04 5s60E-02 *2.07E+00 6 47E-02 ll9&A 0 6.66E-01 .2.4E, 2I5 1E-01 _00.2§E+/-o 1.83E-02 .76 d 1.59E-02 ^'88E4-1 9.1 6E+ wo 3.15E-01  :.1t17E40I 2.06E-02 7.62E-01 1.45E.01 5.37402 1.6Ej0 U4 o0 1.73E+02 A&40k03 635211-01i~ 4.76E-00 i7.'24.132400 :,T,'?i*t2 3.10E+02 f1+48.15E'01 ;~iE~35.34E-00 1t:98E+02 0OOOE00 O.OOE+0O O.OoE200 0l:.00*00 1.19E1s022 :4.46+. O.OOE-00 d.o'0It,0 O.ooE+00 t'0o00o .o E-00 dd0t.0 1.40E-02 . ;t,0 od O02E-00 ,o.60EI.00 0o OEi00 .O.0E+OO 2 35E200 8.812+01 2.57E-01, 0.51 00 2.28E200 .8.44E+bC1 2.28E+00 _.8S4E0l 6.88E-02 .t*+C0 3.56E-02 2 1.75E 00 1.11 E 00 .A4.'9 1E.28E00 4;74E401 OOOE 00 O.ooE0o00 O..0E+O .0.00M*OO OOOE+00 &O.00>cd .OoE-O0 -0.00f 000.00E C 0E.400 000E+00 0'bX0O O.OOE.00 6:ddE od .'OOE*OC ;O.=o:a0 o.OOEo00 O.OOEo00 1.07E402 3.96E+03 1.17E401 4.332.02 1.02E402 .3AE 03 1.02E+02 ,. 7 3.082'0 j. 60.500 .5.E4iE 0.OOE.00 000&E$ 5sE'1'.,7G$3

.0 575E.01 2,13E0 1.07E.01 3.968+02 O.O0E*O Ot+00 1I752.02 .5. E, 2..49d0 49EE01 '01, 2.53E 000 23.E2E~01 93pE, 1.13 1.13E+01 B, 1.182O01 If 2E.&4 ',3;tSE 1.472'01 14 0 OOE+00 O.020 O.0E000 0 i0E0+.0C 0.0+/-E O.OOE 002.0oo o.60EME00 O.OOE-00  :, ;o+od O.OOE+00 0002 _o0 M O.OE-00 d.O.WO.oO 50200 0.00E+OO O.0E+2 0.00E00 3.17E.02 4.17E+04 3.42E201 11.21*+03 3.04E*02 .1t2E.04 3.03E-02 .AJ2S+C4 9.16E0 ,;;9E-.k+,0 4.74E00 -.T 2.88E 2,5,2 4 1.4802 1.71E02 4.332103 3.14E402 1.16E+04 2.07Er0O 7..ft2021 3.17E+02 .A7~ O 3.102+02 A 5Et04 912.100 5OC3:Nt46 4.76E200:1'.o 3.05E+01 1 ; 3E40f 1.03E'02 ' I3:87E-02 Ede 1 ' .92E 03 3,39E-02 1.25t+00 3.69E-03 sJ 372-Oi 3 242-02 f. 3.24E-02'. 120E, C 9.79E-04

  • 02td2 5.07E-04 ; 1 7.83E-02 E 1-02 -0' 5.92E 01 1.83E-02 6.77E-Ol 2.26E-02 8.36E-01 2.47E-03 A9l14E.02 2.16E-02  : .7;Eb1 2.16E-02 .j.f 9E-Oi 6.53E-04 :Zt.42t021 3.38E-04 ; 1:2E$ 5.56E-02 2206E4O 1.07E-02 -'196M.0 1.22E-02 4.51E-01 OOE0+00 0.OOE+OO 1.02E400 .3.177S4Ol 9.22E200 -.3.4fEo02 9.21EE00 ,A3,4tEd( 2.78E-01 -...

'01 1.44E-01 :5.33E,+O.OOE00',06E+00 4.45E#00 t;SF_02 5.20E'00 1.92E+02 1 76E-02 6.51E-01 1.92E-03 7 1 02 1.68E202 . 1.-02 02 ,:6. 2E-C1 5.08E-04 , 8E r 2.63E-04 735d~ 0.OOEOO -'00E;0 8.31 E-03 307,O 9.47E-03 3.50E-O1 0.00E'00 0.002400 0.000 0f0E0 0000 E40Ed000200

.5,b.00'b00 000.00 00E00 0.002+ 00 06 00200 O4O 0.20090200 0200 .oEo O.OOE0000 0.0 OO OEOO l_0O'.ocEOo O.OE-OE -..oo0C4 O.OOE+OO .0d00 0.0 0d6.400 00.E 00 O.OOE000 'O0.002 O.WEOC00 ,0& 0 283E+03 l.O5Ez05 1.48E 03 l*47E O4 294E204 .1.0§EC 9.79E2.03 :-3:2EMo5 6.64E*0. 245~I:0 5.94E2+02 "_.20E 4 2.03+04 _7B40+ 1.09E,04 '4.-3Et4 1.27E*03 4712.04

U.1-01-012 01-l1109 01-1113 01-1025 01-1031 00-1076 Totals A A A A A A Containers 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.4 3.4 5.S >2 mSv/hr 51 12 5112 5112 2450 2450 2205 at ccontact 3 5 4.5 450 500 a ClNCF Barn!well Barntrell Barn well Barnwell BarnIwell 3.25E+00,~~j k 3.5511-0 wr 6.29E-00>:t~t O=OE+001,b&UMb100 O.OOE-00 .... i .66E.100 8wtt5 2.92E402 -M^idgff4,04 4.20E-O00gy~v5 9.135POC O^~~tt.1EWasiio 10EO .. &B72EO § .OEC MNtc 1.79E,103 r {.*§j'k 1.26E*01 2 2.34E-01 !A:8tlkt4U O.OOE-00 514,OV¢ OOO 00E.OO >0),0406,F O OOE-0 tOt_ 1.24E-02 r¢ 2.29E:403.?4'A086OtjdA 2.46E -02,f.91lt1.FO 3.82E-02 ¢, 4i+03.31 E-02 ,.2&b 6.70E404 {'OG46E0I;iSEC 1.3402^-9t,315EO ... rtB 4.18E-O 01i >-; 9.80E-01 t t,18.45E-O1 > Ci .701., 53El .it 1.66E-01.88X:3.4+2 ,

2.3+1,^',t*tR.62 2.92EPO1 i-lAt. l9E-01 *§jeObt+6 6.35E0 oEis229EO >, 3.02E.& gOI C 3.34E403 1 7FOkfo 38E0i; ; 5.5*0 +.,E 2.69E @01 Pqs~i .5 03J~yME,~ 27E0 i.0> 1.52E*01 ,f52.;9.27 E-03 )4E' 3.3 0 iittWg9.22E-02 4,'i~a7.96E+02 >2,@§M40, 5.69E +04 .4<3.,it3.95E*04 ; jSEiiU6.29E-02 ,3> .7 E*OS .'7Eb I -G 1.80E-Oi02t(t 4.22E-02 3.64E-Oi~%'19 4.1 1E *01 152s, 2.863E-01 1kT6dt 1b 2.18E-01 16.' ttB8.24 E+01 -, S%,0 1.672E-01 .87E ttt0j *OC 1.09....e33E-01

,2E -'AMPM.sE, 3.775E +00 'j 1.]'391,2+03.62E1O >,9%04 4.95E-O2 13XXB:WC* .834E4,01 ,_.h.6'i O.OOE *OCAq90 .Sgi .OO111 C .OOE+00 0toK, O.OOE 00 ar e0O.OOE O .OOE00Crt&.C 6.017E+00i22VO

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jD¢XOoEoc.k/4 zeo2

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... r, 6.0140E01 DEd 4D+¢ 22E+0 '.,0S0; .0E0<IMt' 4.3+1t.';C ff ,0 42E0 2 42E04.i0

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t'.9E-010,<t~~, 7 .5EOt o1 3E+

O.OE +00 , O.OOE+O ooEt t¢%, 6.40E-01

.2-020,2jtE?I V.8E02 5,06L1 l .5-Ot7 .O 0 t~ O.OOE *00 .49E-020tf9^.d27 OqOgi -1;...> $,


.A4&OC,OO~~  ;-bt2 2O50OE+U02 3fOOE+01 5 .20E-04;'s,2.j,E!t2364 ttt; O.28E-E.01  ;%6 .OrO.t -tkbt7 j 4.4Ovtt.iCE4 OOEO ^.;§. O.OOE+W02. 9.03E-03 4S!m.25E402 ;X.>E 2.4711401 2.71 Ev 3C - 13E0' 2.8¢ 1.37E0 .,§>91E+01 r1(,OETtO 1.5E+3.7 2 ,.3.49E400 ,^lE+0


.. 8E0 E0 .

CODE (oficial use only)

RETURN BY MARCH 1, 2003 NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENrT AUTHORITY 2002 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Radioactive Waste Policy and Nudear Coordination Program REPORT FORM NOTE Please refer to the Instuctions before completing ttis fan. Also, see Public Authorties Law, Section 1854-dl1) a.d Part 502 of Chapter )a of Tite 21 NYCRR (Reporting Regulations) provided with this form.

FOR THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2002 Please Type or Print Legibly

-Place mailing label from front intne space to the right.

  • Mark any corrections inthe table below. Place Mailing Label Here SECTION L GENERATOR INFORMATION A I Updated Generator Information Licensing Agencylies License No(s)

New York State Depatrtent of Labor New York State Department of Health New York City Depattment of Health __.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DPR-63 Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (315) 349-4982 Ext Contact Skip Taylor Tie Supervisor-Radwaste Unit 1 FacilityName Nine Mile Point Nucler Station Unit 1 StreetAddress 348 Lake Road City Oswego County Oswego State NY lZipCode 13126 B IName and pnncipal citoce of fadity where LLRW isgenerated Ifdifferent from A (above)

Street address City County State lZpCode IPrepare s Tim Carroll e Technician C Telephone and Extension D Identify, by issuing acuhoity and nurnber, permits that authorize transfer of your LLRW to a lcensed LLRW disposal faWVty.

Issuing Authority Disposal Site Location Disposal Shte Use Permit Number South Carolina DHEC Barnwell, SC 0004-31-02-X FACILITY TYPE CODE Al - Refer to the instrctions to determine the f typpe code thV best describes your faciy. Use only one code

__n - - - - -- 4- -- 4- T- - . -

F I Briefly describe the ativities, processes, or uses of radioaive rnateriat that resut inLLRW generation a' your faclity. FrI VLsIgI WVdE VVCdtCLI I I U-U:: I in plant systems. Dry active waste from operation and maintenance activities and plant modifications.


SECTION 11.INFORMATION ON LLRW A. LLRW AS GENERATED B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Waste Waste Sorption or Description Management Chemical Form Other Hazard Treatment Solidification Effect of Code Method Code Code Code Code Treatment Waste Volume (m3) 2 3 4 S 6 7 e 132 WI C4 H8 T19 None 38.5 2 3 3 39 W2 C4 H8 T21 3 39 WI C4 H8 T21 40 Wi C4 H8 T21 s 32 WI C4 H8 T21 _

6 24 WI C4 H8 T21 7 38 Wi C4 H8 T21 a 32 W5 C4 H8 T19 None 11.0 9 32 W5 C4 H8 T19 None 5.5 10 CODES for SECTION 11of the 2002 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM A LLRWASGENERATED 2 WASTEMANAGEMENT H4 Reactive T21 None METHOO H5 Pathogenic WASTE DESCRPT0N CODE Transfer to Authorized Recipient H6 Carcinogenic 6 SOLDtFCATiON OR SORN Choose the category that best W1 Transfer to Disposal Site via H7 Other (describe) CODE describes the waste Broker HS None Sorptlion 20 Charcoal V;2 Transfer to Disposal Site Directly 60 Speedi Dri 21 Incinerator Ash W3 Transfer - Other (describe) B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMEKT 61 Celetom 22 Soil Interim Storaqe 62 Flor Dry.'Superfine 23 Gas W4 Placed in Storage betore 5 TREATMIENT CODE 63 Hi Dri 24 ai 2002 T1 Corrpaction 64 Safe 7 Sorb 25 Aqueous Liquid W5 Placed in Storage during 2002 72 Supercompacthon 65 Safe NDri 26 Filter Media W6 Shipped for Treatment prior to T3 Evaporation/Crystallization 66 Florco 27 Mechanical Filler Storage T4 Fluid Bed 67 Florco X 29 Demolition Rubble Storaqe for Decay Drying/Calcination 68 Solid ASorb 30 Cation ton-exchange Media W7 Storage for Decay (Skip T5 Wet Oxidation 69 Chemsit 30 31 Anion ton-exchange Media to hem G30) T6 Membrane Separation 70 Chemsi! 50 32 Mixed Bed ton-exchange Media (ultrafiltration, reverse 71 ChemsDl 3030 33 Contaminated Equipment osmosis) 72 Dicaperl HP200 34 Organic Liquid (except oil) 3 CHEMICAL FORM CODE T7 Incineration 73 Dicapert HP500 35 Glassware or Lsbw are C1 Pape, and Plastic T8 Solidification 74 Petroset 36 Sealed SourceJDevice C2 Glass 79 Adsorprion 75 Petroset it 37 Paint or Plating C3 Metals T10 SortingrSegregation 76 Aquaset 38 Evaporator Bottors? C4 Metal Oxides T1 1 Macroencapsulalion 77 Aquaset li Sludges/Concentrates CS Inorganic Salts 712 Absorption 89 Other (describe) 39 Dry or Compactible Trash CB Organic Salts 713 Decontamination (paper, plastic, glass. etc.) C7 Nucleic Acids 714 Surface Remova' scabbing. Solidficalion 40 Noncornpactible Trash (metal CB Amino Acids, Proteins. abrasive cleaning) 90 Cement comtponents, etc.) Enzymes T15 Dry Chemical Packing 91 Concrete (encapsulabon) 41 Animal Carcass C9 Carbohydrates. Sugars (lime) 62 Eiturnen 42 Biolorgica! Material (except C10 Upids. Fatty Acids 716 Size Reduction (sectioning, 93 Vinyl Chloride anirma carcass) C11 Other (describe) shredding, cutting) 94 Vinyl Ester Slyrene 43 Activated Material 717 Stean Reform 99 Other (describe) 44 Material that wil tbe 4 OTHER HAZARD CODE T18 Catalytic Extraction 100 None Required Incinerated Hi Ignitable Process 59 Other (describe) H2 Corrosive T19 Dewatered H3 Toxic 720 Othe! Idescribe)


C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION Container Maximum Surface Description Container Volume Radiation Level Number of Code (MI) (mSvlhr) Containers Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code 9 10 11 12 t3 1I i5

. 13 5.5 80 7 BC10 P10 T17 2 13 5.5 20 1 BC11 T21 3 2 36.2 1.5 4 BC10 P1 T7

- 2 36.2 3.0 3 BC-10 P1 T13 5 13 5.5 400 1 BC10 P10 T17 6 2 2.7 0.001 6 BC10 P1 T7

, 4 0.2 25 14 BC-10 P1 T2 13 5.5 700 2 BC11 T21 13 5.5 20 1 BC1I T21 10 11 .

7 EFFECT OFTREATMENT 12 NUMBEROFCONTAINERS Impact of treatment on volume may be shown in This information isrequired for each waste If you have responded OTHER to any request for percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by l fom Informnaion, please identify column. line, and waste or I, and describe change inchemical and description (from A-1). Use additional pages as physica! form.

D. R neessary.

POsT.TREATuENTVOLuME WFRMATi)ON Volume must be noted incubic meters (nrj. 13 BROKERCODE BC1 NDL Col 13 Line 1,5 Studsvik BC2 Radiac Cot 13 Line 3,4.6,7 GTS Duralek C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION BC3 Adco EC4 Teledyne 9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE BC5 US Ecology 1 Wooden Box or Crate BC6 Chem-Nuctear 2 Metal Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastic Drum or Pail BCE Bionomics Col 14 Line 1,5 Studsvik 4 Metal Drum or Pail B^9 Direct transfer S Metal Tank or Liner BC10 Other (describe) 6 Concrete Tank or Liner BC11 None 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner 8 Fiberglass Tank or Liner 14 PROCESSOR CODE 9 Demineralizer P1 GTS Duralek 10 Gas Cylinder P2 NSS 11 Bulkh Unpackaged Waste P3 DSS 12 Unpackaged Components P4 Chern Nuclear, IL 13 High-Inlegrity Container PS Alaron 14 Fiberboard Drum P6 Ouadrex. TN 19 Other (describe) P7 Permafix, FL PS ATG, TN 10 CONTAINERVOLUME P9 ATG,WA Volume must be noted incubic P10 Other (describe) meters (n93.


Surlace radvation must be noted inmSvlhr.


E. POST-PROCESSOR TREATMENT F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Source Material SNM Source Weight of Source Effect of Total Post-Treatment Material Material Total SNM Maximum grams SNM in any Treatment Volume (m') Code (grams) SNM Code (granms) shipment (grams)

__ _17 _ ___ ___1___ __ __ 7.1 6:11 6.5 None 0 None 0 0 2

  • 5.5 None 0 SNM1 1.73E-3 1.73E-3 3
    • None 0 SNM1 8.74E-5 6.64E-5
    • None 0 SNM1 4.50E-6 1.62E-6 s 7:14 0.8 None 0 SNM1 1.22E-3 1.22E-3 6 /00 0.16 None 0 None 0 0 7
    • None 0 SNM1 8.52E-5 8.52E-5 e 11.0 None 0 SNM1 5.04E-3 2.96E-3 5.5 None 0 None 0 0 11 PfOST4-ROCESSOR SrJM3 Uranium enriched in Ile G. DlSPOSALfAND STORAGE TREATMENT isotope 233 or in the NFORUATON isotope 235 27 LLRW CLASS If you have responded SrAu Anymaleriatardificiafly Class o0radioactive waste *OTHER-fo any request foe 16 EFFECTOFTREATMENT enriched by any of the as described in sections See instructions for f-7. Information, please identify foregoing 61.55 and 61.56 of Title 10.

columnn line, andwaste Code of Federal Regulations.

17 TOTALfPOST-TREATMENT 21 TOTALSNM as in effect on Januay 26. description (from A-1). Use VOWME Weight must be noted in 1983. attached following additional pages as necessary Volume must be noted incubic grarnslg). instructions.

meters (in). AS Cass A stable 22 MAXIMUM GRAMS SHM INANY AU Class A unstable F. OTHER CHARACTEPZTICS SHIPMENT B Class B Self-explanatory. C Cfass C 1 SOURCEMATERIALCOOE

  • /L5*,., /A Source Material - Enter one code 23 CHELATE CODE 4

per lineUse aseparate line for CAI EDTA each IyPe of source rratena! CA2 DTPA transferred CA3 Carbolic Acid NU Natural Uranium CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids DU Depleted Uranium CA5 Citric Acid UO Uranium Ores CA5 GflucinkAcid NT Natura Thorium CA7 Other (describe)

TO Thorium Ores 24 VOWMEOFLLRW 19 WEIGHT Of SOURCE Volume of LLRW containing chelating MATERIAL agents (rrt I.

Weight must be noted in grams (g). 25 WEIGHT OF LLRW Weight of LLRW conlaining chelating 20 SNM CODE agents (kg).

Special Nuclear Materia! means one of the following: 26 WEIGHT %CHELATES SNM1 Plutonium Weights less than 1%need not be SNM2 Uranium-233 reported. -


F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (cont) G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORMATION Waste With Chelating Agents 1 Volume and Weight of LLRW Chelate . Weight % Dispos'tion Disposal S'e Storage Site Code Volume (TM) Weight (kg) Chelates LLRW Class Code Code Code 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3c

, _ C D2 DS1 2

_ _ _ _ _ _ B DI DS1 3

A D2 DS2

, A D2 DS2 B D2 SS1 A D2 DS2 A 02 DS1

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ B D5 _ _ _ _ Si s A D5 Si


H. LLRW NOT MEETING DISPOSAL FACILITY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA If you have responded 'OTHER7 to any request for Activity information, please identify colunr, line, and waste LLRW Class Hazard Code Vodume (in') (MBq) Radionuclides A-1). Use add tiona! pages as necessary.

desription (forom 31 32 33 34 35


.I 2t DtSPOSmoNCODE and dispose as non- 30 STORAGESITE 32 HAZARD CODE D1 Direclly to disposal radroa:tive Si On site See codes B-t.

D2 Treatment prior to DE Trealzenvoi-site S2 Radiac disposa! storage S3 NDL 33 VOLUME D3 Treatinentireturned for D9 Osher (describe) S4 Adc Volume must be noted in storage S5 Other (describe) cubic meters (rd).

D4 Treatmenuno disposal 29 DSPOSA!. SJTE (decontamrination and DS1 Barnwert SC L LtRWWITH 34 ACTIVIT DS2 Clive. UT UNACCEPTABLE Activity must be reported in reuse)

D5 Storagelno treatment DS3 Richland. WA DISPOSAL CRITERIA Mega~ecquerels (MBq).

D6 Hold for decay on site DS4 Other (describe) and dispose as non. 31 LLRW CLASS 35 RADIONUCLtDES radioactive See codes G-27. As applicable to H-3.

D7 Hold lor oecayofV site


L C0~(TAJNERS WTH SURFACE RADLATION LEVELS GREATER THMmSv/r(20OmMih LLRW Class I Volumeirr') J Activityby Radionuelide (MBq)

See Attached Spreadsheet I




Classes I Disposed at: Barnwell, SC Disposed at Clive. UT Disposed at Richland,WA Class A Volume (In') Activity (MBq) Volume (In') Activity (MBq) Volume (r'r) Acvty (MBq) SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Via Brokerl ~A7- A Volune -A Actyllyy-A Pr ESoessor 1 .44 5.1 7E4 5.48 4.99E3VdreAA Direct Transfer Class B Via Brokerd .4O 8 Volume -8 Activity .B Processor 0J.483C I 39 Direct Transfer 5.5 8.98E5 Class C Via Broker/ Volume -C Activity.C Processor 2 = 3.8EO[


Direct Transfer TOTALS 9.62 5.82E6 I TOTALALLCLASSES VOWUE ACTrIIY B. 2002 ITERIMSTORAGETOTALS Classes Placed In interim Storage during 2002 Placed In interim Storage before 2002 SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Class A Volume (rri) Adity (MBq) Volume (m) Actlvity (UBq) Volume -A Activty-A On Site 5.5 2.72E5 5.5 2.72E5 Of Ste 84.1 2.51 E5 84.1 2.51 E5 Clas B Volume - B Actiity B OnlSe 11.0 2.5OE7 11.0 2.50E7 Class C Volume -C Activty C Of She TOTALS VOLUME ACiMTy TOTAL ALL CLASSES 100.6 2.55E7 A J.



LLRW Class Volume (ms) I Activity by Radionuclide (MBq)

See Attached Spreadsheet 5 *1 SECTION IlIl. LLRW


-1 A. 2002 DISPOSALTOTALS q I Classes l Disposed at Barnwel, SC Disposed at Cive, UT Disposed at Richland, WA Class A Volume (in') Activity (lBq) Volume (nm!) Activity (Maq) Volume(ff) Activity (MIBq) SUBTOTALS BYCLASS Via Broke 3.39 7.96E5 Volume -A Activity-A Processor . .9.

Direct Transfer 10.31 8.53E5 Class B Via Broker/ Volume-B Activity .-

Processor DirectTransfer 5.98 2.29E6 Class C Via Broker/ Volume-C Activity-C Processor Direct Transfer 2.20 3.48E6 TOTALS 8.87 8.01E5 TOTALALLCLASSES V VOLUME ACTIVITY (18.49 l6.62E6 B. 2002 HiTERIU STORAGE TOTALS Classes Placed InhIterim Storage during 2002 Placed InInterim Storage before 2002 SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Class A Volume (rm) Activity (MBq) Volume (nm) Activity (MBq) Volume-A Activity* A On Ste Class B Volume -B Activity- B On Site or Ste_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Class C Volume - C Activity -C ctlSue _._ _I ._


Waste Class A A A B A B Dose Rate (mSv) 80 20 30 20 10 700 mCi OXIVIMB7i mCi 1EM,'*t6; mCi '44iWl , mCi 1iM t mCi Z;t mCi ,

H-3 0.002+00 0106Et0d O.OOE+00 1.11o oEip.00 O.OOE200 i,0166E+Ob 3.12E+00 ' 0.00E+00 J,,dQO,,t O.OOE+O0 1 0%E; C-14 4.02E+02 149EOg4 3.24E+02 , <948E+01 T5iEi3 22.81 E+0

  • EZ 12+01 ti...

s.jo4 7.36E+01 Cr-51 O.OOE+00 f60E ,, 0.0021+00 PtOb O 0.002,0.OOE+00 0.0000 0ooE+400 O.d 0~oo6 O.OOE+00 i4,%bCEO Mn-54 1.01E2+04 ' 4.26E+03 1,Po4;0,d 1.98E+03 zjO , 1.132+03 5 4Fl4 1.15E+03 Z a 1:822+04 Fe-55 1.42E+04 4V2;25 1.15E+04 WWZ%.Sb02~ 3.36E+03 . 1.76E+04 E 2.03E+O' 3E> 2.70E+0' td Fe-59 O.OOE2400 ,.O'O~b, 0.00+00 O.OOE+00 i 06*O00 1.09E+02 .'"AC 0,3 4 fmObUO 0.OOE+OC O.OOE+OO dObdb Co-58 0.00E+00 lE+O6 0.00E+00 gO0E~0 0.00E400 'rOtJ~pO 4.73E+01 , 2.31 E+01 ' 9.25E+02 FI4- ;O4 Co-60 1.012+04 jsW3t.%. 8.16E+03 . ,C06 2.38E+03 . 3.872+03 ;,li 32d0 1.44E+03 o5 5.OOE+04 8 Ni-59 0.002400 1'0tROEtO O.OOE2400 9IOQ.Ob, O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+000

<,:'tOATb bat0,0'gd O.OOE+O0.§1-0 Wod Ni-G3 1.22E+02 1FOd 9.82E201 , 0'3 2.87E201 1I06E,3 2.14E+02 . 1.73E+01 , 2.33E+03 1XEI Zn-65 0.002+400 OVQr.d.0fl 0.OOE+00 .002+00 Obdb ~,0YE. O0.OOE+00 Oofd

.OOE+00 O.OOE400 Sr-90 1.14E+00 , 1.09E+ 00A 061 4.79E-01 i %b7 2.48E+00 $ ,1 2.76E-01 t~fldi 8.90E+00 -

Nb-94 O.OOE+00 RN0o TO0 O.OOE+00 ,.of 00E+00 o 6, o.OOE+400 ad(0tjp O.OOE+00 E B O.OOE200 Tc.99 0.00E2+00 ~ .002+00 f5&~l5d O1~ 6 O0.00+0 bo 0 0iE4 O.OOE+0000 Tc 99OOEO Bt00Stt OOEO &L so~aWf'dt 00E0E0+00 o.OOE+00 00 fl0b1O 0.02

.X O.OOE+oOO, ,06 ¢B°o Ag-110m 1.15E+02 , 0.OOE+00 1-p0 -T O.OoE+00 O.OOE+00 t 1.43E+01 4M R 2.49E+02 Sb-124 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 Mf l .OOE+00 E 0.002+00 . O.OOE+00 O.OOE+W00 1 J44o Cs-134 0.002E00 WThMOboE O O.OOE+00O 0O.OOE200 tIrI j 4 0.002+00 0.00.0OE+O00&bO

  • 06w 0 OOE+*.O Cs-137 1.59E+02 ' 1.52E+02 ,2 6.68E+01 3 1.13E+03 7.%Wt~b41 3.85E+01 3 5.37E+03 f 9 EM, Ce-144 0.002+00 9.872+01 4.322+01 '.Ji6O2'+Q,

)OQ0OO ObOOO)O 1.46E+02 5'.OE+?03 2.53E+01 7.92E402 ,

Pu-238 O.OOE+00 eKo.:'oEj o O.OObOO -Wb,,tO',O-OO

,OOCb P280.0+0$,'OOb 0020 O.OOEO.OE+O obdo 0.002+400 1.8E0 *ff*zR

~ 118-1 43Y ~ O.OOE+OO 00240 'W-t#Et

62d1t5OM8 2.4-1Pt~ 2.842-01 1j,5%Qpf Pu-239 O.OOE+00 N,'0%dVOb O.OOE+OO .6tOb~ l O.OOE2400 f O',Obd 8.14E-02 O.OOE+00 ..dE!i6o 1.23E-01 _b2d-;

Pu-241 0.002+00 0.0020 O.OOE+O 0.002C00 O.OOE tOd 5.342+00 E+OC B 0.002+00 . 7.952+00 t42 Am-241 0.02+00 J O.OOE+OO4O3Oo.002R O.OOE+00 iQd~4iO 4.54E 01 Sir8E, 0.002+00 Q2002,6O 9.992-01 ,

2.182-02 I,8;O, 2.15E-02 , 9.390 i EI 1.72E201 OAd0 5.562-03 , 3.142+00 E Cm-243 0.00E+00 O bE O.OOE+00 O.OOE+O0 , 7.33E-02 .i O.OOE+00 f&C%0 1.56E201 ;L il Total 3.52E+04 0 2.46E+04 , 7.95E+03 L# t 4~ 2.43E+04 $ A lO. 4.80E+03  ? S 3.482+05 ' t

.Tld _ _ .8+ .

IZIZLZZ I B A A A B 400 20 10 20 500 mCI ' mCi ,.6I2 mCi , mCi ioMlB$A mCi Jb 7.49E+00 O.OOE.O00 . $ 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 VVr6o09 O.OOE+00 !^#'QtJOQ 4.54E+01 Jlo~Z 8.97E+01 l 8.97E+01 5 TQO3 1.04E+02 ,2V_. 3 O.OOE+00 0O.dtW O.OOE+00 _ O.OOE +o00t5.dEt O.OOE+00 MOr$l O 1.74E203 _

4.86E+03 ,V9'EO$ 4.52E+02 §M027 6.+02 5.16E+02 , 2.75E+04 IMUe 3.10E+04 D,.5El;.6 1.59E+03 i8E. 3.12E+03

  • 2.88E+03 , 2.37E+05 0.6 O.OOE+400 o.ooE400 O.OOE+00 , 0.002+00 tiiO1Ol°.li 2.75E+03 A W.rM O.OOE+00 ! O1t 1.18E+01 m O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 W ' , 2.45E+03 gr=,.

2.752+04 51~E~idE 1.13E+03 2.232+03

+j8gb,4B' 2.14E+03 . 4.48E+04 ,

2.41E+01 ,21W,02 0.00E+00* #mPQUgOi O.OOE200 0,6E110 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO ,

0.14E+02 Mf60+E 1.37E+01 ;A W 2 2.71E+01 t .t 2.71E+01 M ~ 12.06E+03 4' 4 O.OOE+OC t o 0.002+00 O 0.002+00 , u4o6 O.OOE+00 1.140E+02-0

3. 16GE +OO V Wji,'r0t02 ~o+ofY d;:

1.GSE-01 ;'A>0,;.;E{0 .23E+0 >b6~


3.23E-01 gEot .0+0 ;.tlS+6 3.20E-01 ~ ~ 4.4E+024 1.29E+01 MMMM-12g -

O.OOE+0O0 ftp00+0 O IdO O.OOE+OO jg.ot,0 O.OOE+00 ti'0~d O.OOE+OO 1meQfp i O.OOE+0O 1sA Ojb o 0.OE+00 dO6ET tI 0.00+00 O.OOE+00itEA26 0b6E0p O.OOE+0O0

.50E+00 MJ2o 9~O+O\wta. O.OOE+0O0 .ti O.OOE+OO X.t .9E0 t$f O.OOE+00o~oOMZ40+/- ooooac,.dt O.OOE+OO00te O.OOE+OO f . ^11+00d 1t07E+02 fAVIN M O.OOE1+OO 9.,hy'WOfkoO O.OOE+OO Zom'i6bag O.OOE+OO U.PA00p O.OOE+OOfm-t6.M;". O.OOE+O0 OVgt~Et 8.23E+03 ;~:5g M~x 2.3t +t1 -DM-plVSX 45E+01 4.47E+01 %W-UiMtj 7.6E0 t 8 O.OOE+O0FO. .~¢60EtOb1.42E+01 go-Ampo 2.72E+01 .oiM 61>r~. .6E0 1.13E+03 COARR.YP,6 6.36E1-02 g§it~g OOEO .O+Og 6,:&¢ .O+OQ -S 4.05E-01. wi3tst 4.29E-02 3Z.ML0~592,,6 O.OOE2+OC tjDEodAfg O.OOE1+O0~JOX "gOQto O.OOE+OO Vd', 0 1.75E-01 IMtW848S~

5.8EO1,,tl~'af5S O.O+Ci;Ed,~yO O.OOE+O 40,0 ¢ ,0O.OOE+O00 § ,......

1.13E+1401o 2.8-1,t,^$4toO.OOE+O00~t-'EO O.OOE+OO %OV, d,,~dOd, O.OOE+OO0 1.43E+OO R"Mitx116WE11 1.85E - 02.97E-'&1j0t3,a5.O-t.t4 3.4E0 3*tt--j24.30E o.,.,t,86 00 ' ...............t5w6 5.84E-0 a2j~~'%.8'o

.OO+OitoWitd O.OOE+O ~~008 PZ0-0 O.OOE+OOIW,, O.OE+00 2.23E-01 MMY;S 7.23E+04 JW;H-s67,04 3.29E+03 , ,410 6.20E+03 ,,,%X0 5.72E+03 $*g2~t 3.28E+05 WEp

I I A A 25 20 mci 2.77E-01

$O"Wb" -7.0-clOE+00 MIA-MIM 3.10E+01 7.55E+01 0.00E+000401-001.0 O.OOF-+00 ta"Mm"'A 1.20E+02 1.07E+03 3.7OE401 2.69E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.77E+00,,K40W,-,TO 0.00E+oo G.57E+021riflv5Tb4 1.90E+03,fXvf45t63 5.83E-02j.r-,,U0rTm O.COE40011*91n, 'data 1.01E+01 INI't-W1,402 2.28E+010911-02 O.OOE+00 PROM"M 0.00E+oo WIN 1.17E+00 6.74F:400 OM O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00, 1.63E+01 O.OOE+00 INqd,M'O. O.OOE+00_$=,,_LM6 I 0.00F-+Oo IM. ,

9.39E+02 Wfj 8.69E-03&ftdV 6.21E402 400 O.Oor- Ur fft_%T,00

-03 JUNIN 5.19E O.OOE400 9.27E-02 d O.OOE+00

.,b o.ooE+oo 1.37E-01 %Q0 O.OOE+00 MKia-016b 7.34E+03

SECTION IV. RADIONUCLIDE INFORMATION FOR WASTE DISPOSED, HELD FOR DECAY, AND STORED NOTE: Radionucides mean each individual radiontclde i known, or, at a rrninirum, all radionuclides that have been or would have to be identified on dispsa! she malffests. H-3, C-14, Tc-99, and 1-129 must be identified where present A. is!the radionuddes crntained in tie LLRW disrosed of durixo 2002 [see resmnse tI Sedin 111-A[se adfiflnnalsheetsna nA-tcssrv Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activty (MBq)

H-3 4.01E2 Cs-137 3.65E5 C-14 3.76E4 Ce-144 9.72E3 Mn-54 7.53E5 Pu-238 6.91EO Fe-55 2.71E6 Pu-239 4.77EO Fe-59 4.03E3 Pu-241 2.16E3 Co-58 3.04E3 Am-241 2.60E1 Co-60 1.80E6 Cm-242 9.03EO Ni-59 8.92E2 Cm-243 5.OOEO Ni-63 4.22E4 Sr-90 3.40E2 Ag-11Om 5.14E3 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTIVITY Total acviy should equal total for LLRW disposed of, as reported in Section III-A. I 6.62E6 If any of the radiroucides Esled inTable A-1 have haflives o' less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual disposa! as A.2 nr-radioactive waste.

None B.1 I List the rafionucdides ntained inthe LLRW being held Instorage for decay on shte as o!Decermber 31. 2002. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide None 1n.2 t eratdacie;rontained l inthe LLRW b2ing held instorage for dec yoff sit as of December 31. 2002. Use additional shees as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuc ide Radionucdide Radionuclide Radionuclide None

C.1 1I On site - Lis' rasionurliies ontained in LLRW in interim storaae on site nf IPmhpr 11 n MP addfinml chn*"

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Actirty (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (Msq)

C-14 9.36E3 Zn-65 4.22E3 Pu-241 7.12E2 Cr-51 6.44E4 Sr-90 1.06E3 Am-241 8.99E1 Mn-54 1.73E6 Ag-11Om 2.07E4 Cm-242 2.80E2 Fe-55 1.89E7 Sb-124 3.96E3 Cm-243 1.40E1 Fe-59 1.02E5 Cs-137 5.18E5 Co-58 1.25E5 Ce-144 9.41E4 Co-60 3.58E6 Pu-238 2.55E1 Ni-63 1.63E5 Pu-239 1.01E1l Total actvity for all radionuclides rfsted above: 1 Total xcvity should equal total for LLRW stored on srte, as reported.

TOTAL ACTIVITY MBq J C.2 I Off site - Lit radionucEdes contained inLLRW ininterim storuae off site as of December 31, 2002. Use additional sheets as nrzo _.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Actty (MBq)

H-3 1.05E1 Sr-90 5.52E1 Am-241 9.46E-1 C-14 4.47E3 Tc-99 3.09EO Cm-242 1.47e-1 Mn-54 2.35E4 Cs-1 34 2.70E2 Cm-243 2.74E-1 Fe-55 1.08E5 Cs-137 6.74E3 Co-58 2.87E2 Ce-144 1.38E3 Co-60 1.04E5 Pu-238 3.28E-1 __

Ni-59 2.16EO Pu-239 1.97E-1 Ni-63 1.38E3 Pu-241 3.79eO Total activity for at radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity should equa! total for LLRW being stored off site, as reported. 2.5()E5 MBq If a.y rofthe radionudides fsted inTable C-1 or C-2 have halfflives of less 1han 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual C.3 disposal as non-radioactive waste.


SECTION V. STORAGE FACILITY INFORMATION NOTE: If your facility manages LLRW by storage for decay only, you only need to complete the Condensed Form for Decay in Storage Only.


- Y A.1 I Briefiy describe your on-she LLRW storage faclities. Indude fazTuies you have for storage of special LLRW forms such as freezers, shielded areas for high-radiation-level lwastes, or bermed storage areas for Squid wastes, and estimate the storage capacity for each.

Storage facility consists of 2 concrete pits at Unit 1 and 3 concrete rooms at Unit 2 with sufficient storage capapcity for Unitl and Unit 2 for 20 years.

A2 Total Storage Capadty !360 M3 A.3 Estimated maximum volume of LLRW held instorage for decay at any one time: 55 m3 li No. Skip to C.

B Do you have any plans for increasing your on-she storage capacity? DJ Yes. Complete this section.

Descibe such plans and indicate your expected new storage capacity.

OFF-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES C Off-site storaoe facTity information. Use additiona pages i necessary Please indicate if oft-site storage isfor storage for decay or interin storage. li Storage for decay DIIInterim storage N Studsvik Processing Facility GTS Duratek Address: Erwin, TN Oak Ridge, TN ContactandplhonenuLber Dave Schlosser 423-735-6300 Dennis Hennen 865-220-1632 NOTE: Please answer the following question based on LLRW requiring disposal at licensed LLRW disposal facilities, not LLRW held instorage for decay. DONOTUSEDESCRFrrVETERMSSUCHAS UMITED, COtlONUOUS, ORfINDEFwrEX ESTIMATED STORAGE TIME FOR LLRW REQUIRING DISPOSAL D Based on your anticpated LLRW generation rate and your ankcpated capacity to store waste as of NOTE: Answer mustbe In months.

December 31, 2002. HOW MANY MONTHS could you continue to produce and store LLRW on site i access to lensed LLRW disposal facilities were no longer available? 240 none's

SECTION VI. FUTURE LLRW GENERATION FUTURE LLRW GENERATION THAT WILL REQUIRE DISPOSAL yew class Acfivity (MBq) volum(M Radionucrides 200 A 1.85E7 60 H-3, C-14, Cr-51, Mn-54, Fe-55, Fe-59, Co-58, 5.55E6 5 Co-60, Ni-59, Ni-63, Sr-90, Tc-99, Ag-11 Om C 4.00E7 5 Cs-137, Ce-144, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, ioa 6.41E7 70 Am-241, Cm-242, Cm-243.

20O4 A 1.85E6 60 Same as 2003 B 5.55E6 5 C 7.00E8 5 Tobl 7.07E8 70 2005 A 1.85E7 60 Same as 2004 B 5.55E6 5 C 4.00E7 5 Tou 6.41E7 70 200 A 1.85E6 60 Same as 2005 B 5.55E6 5 C 7.00E8 5 T&al 7.07E8 70 2007 A 1.85E7 60 Same as 2006 B 5.55E6 5 C 5.55E6 5 Total 6.41E7 70

Z,/V/ / 2ct3



Radioazlive Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordination Program 17 Columbia Circle I I I I I I Albany. NY 12203-6399 tIrwadmin@NYSERDA.ORG NOTE: Please refer to the Instructions before completing this form. LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE FOR THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1st THROUGH DECEMBER 31st REPORT FORM PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY

-Place mailing label from postcard inthe space to the right

  • Mar. any corrections inthe table below Place Mailing Label Here (Leave Blank If Submitting Electronically)

SECTION 1. GENERATOR INFORMATION A Updated Generator Information ENTER 4-DIGIT GENERATOR ID (can be found on the mailing label on annual postcard) 0072 ENTER REPORTING YEAR 2003 Licensing Agencylies License No(s).

New York State Department of Labor New York State Department of Health New York City Department of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission DPR-63 Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (315)349 -2749 Ext. Contact Thomas Paeno Title Radwaste Manager Facility Name Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 Street Address 348 Lake Road City Oswego County Oswego State NY Zip Code 13126 B Name and principal office of facility where LLRW is generated if different from A (above)

Street Address City County State Zip Code C Preparer's Name Tim Carroll Title Technician C Telephone (315) 349 - and 4116Extension

D Identify, by issuing authority and number, permits that authorize transfer of your LLRW to a licensed LLRW disposal facility:

Issuing Authority Disposal Site Location Disposal Site Use Permit Number South Carolina DHEC Barnwell, SC 0004-31-03-X FACILITY TYPE CODE Type in the appropriate letter and number fo, the appropriate code OR choose one from EACH DROP-DOWN MENU BELOW. Refer to the E instructions to determine the facility type code that best describes your facility. Choose only one code consisting of a letter and number.

Choose a Letter: A. Nuclear Power Plant Choose a Number: 1.Boiling Water Reactor F Briefly describe the activities, processes, or uses of radioactive material that result inLLRW generation at your facility.


Processing waste water for reuse inplant systems. Dry active waste isgenerated from operation and maintenance activities and from plant modifications.

This Repori Form has been submitted by lhe preparer listed initem l(C) above. Insubmitting this iorm, preparer hereby cerifies DATE: 228I4 N 3' 5 that the information set forth istrue to the best of the prepare.'s knowledge.

SECTION 11.INFORMATION ON LLRW CODES for SECTION 11of the LOW-LEVEL A. LLRW AS GENERATED RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM Waste Waste Chemical Form Other Hazard Note: It you respond 'other' to any item, please provide an explanation on Description Management Code Code the Attachment Sheet provided in Section VIl.


  • 1 2 3 I 4 1 WASTE DESCRIPTION CODE Choose the category that best describes the waste.

1 321 WI C4 H8 20 Charcoa!

21 Incinerator Ash 2 22 Soil 32 Wi C4 HB 23 Gas 3 24 Oil 39 Wi C4 H8 25 Aqueous Liquid 26 Filter Media 4 27 Mechanical Filter 40 WI C4 H8 29 Demolition Rubble 30 Cation Ion-exchange Media 5 31 Anion Ion-exchange Media 59 Wi C4 H8 32 Mixed Bed Ion-exchange Media 6 33 Contaminated Equipmen:

32 W5 C4 H8 34 Organic Liquid (except oil) 35 Glassware or Labware 7 36 Sealed SourcelDevice 37 Paint or Plating 38 Evaporator Bottomsl Sludges.'Concentrates 39 Dry or Compactible Trash (paper, plastic, gtass. etc.)

40 Noncompactible Trash (metal components. etc.)

41 Animal Carcass 42 Biological Material (except animal carcass) 10 43 Activated Materia!

44 Material that will be Incinerated 59 Other (describe) 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 CHEMICAL FORM CODE 4 OTHER HAZARD CODE METHOD C1 Paper and Plastic HI Ignitable Transfer to Authorized Recipient C2 Glass H2 Corrosive W1 Transfer to Disposal Site C3 Metals H3 Toxic via Broker C4 Meta! Oxides H4 Reactive W2 Transler to Disposal Site CS Inorganic Salts H5 Pathogenic Directly C6 Organic Salts H6 Carcinogenic W3 Iransfer - Other (describe) C7 Nucleic Acids H7 Other (describe)

Interim Storaqe C8 Amino Acids, Proteins, H8 None W4 Placed in Storage before Enzymes current reporting year C9 Carbohydrates, Sugars W5 Placed in Storage during C1D Lipids, FattyAcids current reporting year C11 Otner (describe)

W5 Shipped for Treatment prior to Storage Storage for Decay

%%7 Storage for Decay (Only limited intormation required See instructions.)


Treatment Code Sorption or Solidification Code Effect of Treatment Post-Treatment Volume (M )

S 6 7 8 T19 NONE 11.0 2

T19 NONE 6.8 3

T21 4

T21 .

S T19 NONE 5.5 7

10 11I B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT 5 TREATMENT CODE 6 SOLIDIFICATION OR SORPTION CODE Solidification T1 Compaction 90 Cement T2 Supercompaction Sorption 91 Concrete (encapsulation)

T3 Evaporation/ Crystallization 60 Speedi Dri 92 Bitumen T4 Fluid Bed Drying/ Calcination 61 Celetom 93 Vinyl Chloride T5 Wet Oxidation 62 Floor DryfSuperline 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene T6 Membrane Separation 63 HiDr 99 Other (describe)

(ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis) 64 Safe T Sorb 100 None Required T7 Incineration 65 Safe NDri TE Solidification 66 Florco 7 EFFECT OF TREATMENT T9 Adsorption 67 Florco X Impact of treatment on volume may be shown in T10 Sorting.!Segregation 68 Solid A Sorb percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by 8 Ti 1 Macroencapsulation 69 Chensi 30 or9, and describe change inchemical and T12 Absorption 70 ChemsO 50 physica' form.

T13 Decontamination 72 Dicaperl HP200 T14 Surface Remova; (scabbing, 73 Dicaperi HP500 8 POST-TREATMENT VOLUME abrasive cleaning) 74 Petroset Volume must be noted incubic T15 Dry Chemical Packing (lime) 75 Petroset It meters (').

T16 Sze Reduction (sectioning. 76 Aquaset shredd~ng. cutting) 77 Aquaset II T17 Steam Refomm 89 Other (describe)

T18 Catalytic Extraction Process T19 Dewatered T20 Other (describe)

T21 None



Container Container Volume Maximum Surface Number of Description Radiation Level Containers Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code Code in)(mSvlhr) 1 21 rcso 9 1QCt 12 13 14 a 7 5.5 20 2 BC10 P10 J T17 7 3.4 600 2 BC10 ] P10 j T17 2 72.5 1.7 7 BC-10 P1i T7 2 36.3 . 0.3 3 BC10 P1i T13 2 27.2 0.001 2 BC10 P10 T20 7 5.5 30 1 B010 P10 T17 81 _

1 _

10I i:l __ ____ -

C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION 10 CONTAINER VOLUME 14 PROCESSOR CODE Volume must be noted incubic meters (m'). P1 GTS Duratek 9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE P2 NSSI I Wooden Box or Crate 11 MAXIMUM SURFACE RADIATION LEVEL P3 DSSI 2 Meta! Box Surlace radiation must be noted in mSvlhi. P4 Chem Nuclear, IL 3 Plastic Dnurr. or Pail P5 Alaron 4 Metal Drum or Pai: 12 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS P6 Ouadrex. TN 5 Metal Tank or Liner This information is required for each waste form. P7 Permafix. FL 6 Concrete Tank or Liner P8 ATG TN 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner 0. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION P9 ATG. WA E Fiberglass Tank or Liner P10 Other (describe) 9 Derninera!izer 13 BROKER CODE 10 Gas Cylinder BC1 NDL 15 TREATMENT CODE 11 Bulk, Unpackaged Waste BC2 Radiac See codes E-5.

12 Unpackaged Components BC3 Adco 13 High-Integrity Conrainer BC4 Teledyne 14 Fiberboard Drum BC5 US Ecology 19 Other (describe) BC6 Chem-Nuclear BC7 SEG BC8 Bionomics BC9 Direct transfer BC10 Other (describe)

BC11 None


E. POST-PROCESSOR F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS TREATMENT INFORMATION F TE HRCEITC Source Material SNM Effect of Total Post-Treatment Source Weight of Source Total SNM Maximum grams SNM in any Treatment Volume (in3) Material Material SNM Code (grams) shxipment (grams)SMi n Code (grams) (grams) shipment (grams) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6:1 66.2 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 8:1 0.8 NONE 0 SNM1 4.78E-4 3.22E-4 12: 41.6 NONE 0 SNMI 5.41E-5 1.48E-5 10: 11.2 NONE 0 SNM1 5.88E-6 _ 3.52E-6 5

- NONE 0 NONE 0 0 7 NONE 0 SNM1 2.42E-5 2.42E-5 10 11 E. POST-PROCESSOR TREATMENT F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS 20 SNM CODE 21 TOTAL SNM INFORMATION Special Nuclear Matena! means one Weight must be noted in 18 SOURCE MATERIAL CODE of the following: gramsig).

16 EFFECT OF TREATMENT Source Material C Enter one code oer See instructions for E-7. line. Use a separate line for each type of SNIM1 Plutonium 22 MAXIMUM GRAMS SNM INANY source material trarsferred SNM2 Uranium-233 SHIPMENT 17 TOTAL POST-TREATMENT NU Natural Uranium Setlf-explanatory.

VOLUME DU Depleted Uranium SNM3 Uranium enriched inthe Volrne must be noted incubic UO Uranium Ores isotope 233 or inthe meters (m3 ). NT Natural Thorium isotope 235 TO Thorium Ores SNM4 Any material artiricially enriched by a-y of the 19 WEIGHT OF SOURCE MATERIAL foregoing Weight must be noted in grams (g).


F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORMATION Waste With Chelating Agents Chelate Volume and Weight of LLRW %Chelates LLRW Class Disposition CdDipslStCoe Disposa Site Code Storage Site Code CeteWeight Code Volume (i') Weight (kg) 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 3X 3 . A D2 DS2 2

A D2 DS2 3

___A D2 DS2 4

_ _ _A D2 DS2 _ _ _ _

s D2 DS4 6

. A D2 DS2 S5 7

10 i I_ __ _ _ __ __ _

3 CHELATE CODE G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE 28 DISPOSITION CODE 29 DISPOSAL SITE CAI EDTA Di Directly to disposal DS1 Barnwet, SC CA2 DTPA 27 LLRW CLASS D2 Treatment prior to disposal DS2 Clive, UT CA3 Carbolic Acid Class of radioactive waste D3 Treatmentlretumed for DS3 Richland. WA CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids as described in sections storage DS4 Other (describe)

CA5 Citric Acid 61.55 and 61.56 of Title 10, D4 Treatmentino dsposal CA6 Glucinic Acid Code of Federal (decontamination and 30 STORAGE SITE CA7 Other (describe) Regulations, as in effect on reuse) S1 On site January 26,1983, attached D5 Storagelno treatment S2 Radiac 4 VOLUME OF LLRW following instructions D6 Hold for decay on site and S3 NDL Volume of LLRW containing AS Class A stable dispose as non-radioactive S4 Adco 3

chelating agents (m ). AU Class A unstable D7 Hold for decay off ste and S5 Otrier (describe) e Class B dispose as non-radioactive 5 WEIGHT OF LLRW C Class C DS Treatment/off-site storage Weight of LLRW containing D9 Other (describe) chelating agents (kg).

6 WEIGHT % CHELATES Weights less than 1%need not be reported.


31 32 33 34 35 32 HAZARD CODE See codes 8-4.


Volume must be noted in cubic meters (m).

34 ACTIVITY Actfvity must be reported in MegaBe-querels (MBq).

I I I I 35 RADIONUCLIDES As applicabe to H-3.

4 I +

___________ ___________ A __________ .1.


LLRW Class Volume (ml) Activity by Radionuclide (M8q) 35 37 3 See attached I

Containers > 2 mSv Waste Class A A A A A Volume (m3) 5.5 5.5 3.4 3.4 5.5 Dose Rate (mSv) 10 20 250 600 30 mCI i mCi MMCI 5m mCi MBg mCI $, 'Mi t mCI _____

C-14 6.1OE+01 - 7.55E+01 .c79SX03 E+01 +01 2 2.34E.00

  • 2.15E+01 .

Mn-54 7.23E+02 .:88Ef04 9.31E+02 t3;4 l 56E404 s 77S 3.15E04 k- 1.60E+03 ,

Fe-55 2.13E+03 .V$-SOV8§ 2.57E+03 '1&93E'40 1.32E+04 e 2.72E+04 , 2.11 E+03 2 8 2 Co-58 2.77E-01 .; 2E03 O.OOE+00 X0<E;OO 1.56E+03 17S 4 3.1I E+03 'E!T d5 2.34E+O I E Co-60 1.52E+03 Y frts 64 1.86E103 .r B;88E+/- 4 1.32E+04 2.72E404 TE&W b4, 2.56E+03 J4?E-'

NI-63 1.85E+01 - '.854dZ 2.28E+01 1.28E+02 7 2.65E+02 . 3.37E*01 5 Sr-90 5.48E+00 0.O3>02 6.71E+00 A8,¢ 2.40E-01 .{88E+d 5.12E-01O g.i V.. 5.52E-01 Ag-11Om O.OOE+00 M0 , 1.36E+01 2.0S.22 1.08E+02 - O4'tP3 1.26E+02 '>-4 ;8E 3 1.66E+0 1 ,

Cs-137 7.65E+02 tm4,8041 9.35E+02 4 0. 4 3.37E+01 'S} O3 7.21E+01 g #73 1.58E+02 ,

Ce-144 4.70E+02 im.s.74A04 5.30E+02 i,;0 i. t 1.74E+01 ' 3.72E+01 , f EW03 1.41E+01 Pu-238 0.002+00 ,, ,OO.OO 002.00 E+0 '4..0154d 1.08E-02 0,WEI4 2.32E-02 8Ei,. 4 .15E-03 ,,54Ei Pu-239 O.OOE+00 'OEO0 0002+00 .>,OO+00 9.25E-03 . 1.98E-02 ,Sfte3y 1.43E-03 _________0 Pu-241 O. 0 00 ;0OE. 5.74E-O1 i 2 I2E.) 1.23E+00 s4 O1s2. 8.09E-02 EJ Am-241 O.W E+W00 f O.OOE++00 02.64b Sd 5.26E-03 f i i95a-1 1.12E-02 r 4.58E-03 m.<<t9'61 Cm-242 9.81 E-02 3O 1 .04-01 802y8O R I .87E.03 92j5O 3.97E-03 i 4t'OI 7.50E-03 ,Th,',

Cm-243 0.00E+0 ,OO,*EO O.OOE+00 4OA'dDOo 1.10-03 LgK4-'O'1E2 2.35E-03 $'TR tOA 1.192-03 Total 5.73E+03,- 2.12E*O 6.95E+03 ,. 75 4.39E+04 it;62 ,0 8.952+04

.3 7 .4 6.54E+03 I E,-+O



A. DISPOSAL TOTALS FOR THIS YEAR Classes Disposed at: Barnwell, SC Disposed at: Clive, UT Disposed at: Richland, WA SUBTOTALS BY CLASS 3

Class A Volume Im3) Activity (MBq) Volume (iM ) Activity (MBq) V (tvy)M ) Volume -A I Activity -A Via Broker 2.600 485000.000 58.300 51100D0.000 . 60.900 II 5595000.000 1

Processor Direct Transfer 0.000 0.000 Class B Volume -B Activity -B Via Broker/

Processor 0.000 0.000 Direct Transfer l . l 0.000 0.000 Class C l l Volume -C Activity -C Via Broker /

Processor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _000 Direc Transfer 0.000 0.000 TOTALS 2.600 485000.000 58.300 5110000.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL ALL CLASSES VOLUME ACTIVITY 4 4 60.900 5595300.030 60.900 5595000000

E. INTERIM STORAGE TOTALS Classes Placed in Interim Storage during this year Placed in Interim Storage before this year SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Class A Volume (m3) Activity (MBql Volume (m'l Activity (MBq) Volume- A Activity. A On Site 0C003 0.000 Off Sde 5.500 242000.000 5.500 242000.000 Class B Volume. B Activity. B On Site 0.003 0oo00 Of Sne 0.000 0.000 Class C Volume C Activity . C On Site _ 0.000 0.000 Off Ste 0.000 0.000 TOTALS 5.500 242000.000 0 000 0.000 TOTAL ALL CLASSES 5.500 242000.000 TOTAL ALL CLASSES 5.500 242000.000

SECTION IV. RADIONUCLIDE INFORMATION FOR WASTE DISPOSED, HELD FOR DECAY, AND STORED NOTE: Radionuclides mean each individual radionuclide if known, or, at a minimum, all radionuclides that have been or would have to be identified on disposal site manifests. H-3, C-14, Tc-99, and 1-129 must be identified where present.

lA1 List the radionuclides contained in the LLRW disposed of during this year (see response to Section III-A). Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (M.1Bq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

H-3 3.03D C-14 55B0.000 Mn-54 1850000.000 Fe-55 1760000.000 Co-58 175000.000 Co-60 1680000.000 N-63 16300.000 Sr-90 482.000 Ag-110m 9160.000 Cs-137 69200.000 Ce-144 40200.000 Pu-238 1.490 Pu-239 1.210 Pu-241 75.100 Arn-241 1.280 Cm-242 8.040 Cm-243 0.253

___ __ __ I___ Total Activity inMBq 5606012.403 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW disposed of, as reported in Section Ill-A.

A.2 If any of the radionuclides listed inTable A-1 have half-lives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual disposal I as non-radioactive waste.

B.1 Lisi the radionuclides contained inthe LLRW being held in storage for decay on site as of December31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide B.2 I List the radionuclides contained inthe LLRW being held instorage for decay off site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide C.1 I On s ite B List radionuclides contained inLLRW ininterim storage on site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MVq)

_ _ _ _ _ I __ I __

Total Activity inMBq 0.000 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW stored on site, as reported.

'.2 IOff site B List radionuclides contained in LLRW in interim storage off site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

C-14 795.000 Mn-54 59200.000 Fe-55 78100.000 Co-58 866.000 Co-60 94700.000 N-63 1250.000 Sr-90 20.400 Ag-11Om 614.000 Cs-137 5850.000 Ce-1t4 522.000 Pu-238 0.154 Pu-239 0.052 Pu-214 0.299 Am-241 0.169 Cm-242 0.278 Cm-243 0Q.044 Total Activity in MBq 241919.396 otal activity for all radionuclides listed above:

  • otal activity should equal total for LLRW being stored off site, as reported.

C3 If any of the radionuclides listed in Table C-1 or C-2 have half-lives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual I disDosa! as non-radioactive waste.

SECTION V. STORAGE FACILITY INFORMATION NOTE: If your facility manages LLRW by storage for decay only, you only need to complete the Condensed Form for Decay in Storage Only.

ON-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES A.1 Briefly describe your on-site LLRW storage facilities. Include facilities you have for storage of special LLRW forms such as freezers, shielded areas for high-radiation-level wastes, or bermed storage areas for liquid wastes, and estimate the storage capacity for each.

Storage facility consists of 2 concrete pits at Unit 1 and 3 concrete rooms at Unit 2 with sufficient storage for Unit 1 and 2 for 20 years.

A.2 Total Storage Capacity: 4360 m3 A.3 Estimated maximum volume of LLRW held in storage for decay at any one time: QM3 B l Do you have any plans for increasing your on-site storage capacity? 2 No. Skip to C.

Describe such plans and indicate your expected new storage capacity.

OFF-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES C Off-site storage facility information. Use additional pages if necessary.

Please indicate if off-site storage is for storage for decay or interim storage. O Storage for decay 3 Interim storage Name of facility: Studsvik Processing Facility Address: TC Runion Road Erwin, TN Contact and phone number Ron Leonard 423-735-6300 NOTE: Please answer the following question based on LLRW requiring disposal at licensed LLRW disposal facilities, not LLRW held in storage for decay. Do NOT USE DESCRIPTIVE TERMS SUCH AS UNLIMrTED, CONTINUOUS, OR INDEFINITE.

ESTIMATED STORAGE TIME FOR LLRW REQUIRING DISPOSAL D Based on your anticipated LLRW generation rate and your anticipated capacity to store NOTE: Answer must be in months.

waste as of December 31, HOW MANY MONTHS could you continue to produce and store LLRW on site if access to licensed LLRW disposal facilities were no longer available? 240 months

SECTION VI. FUTURE LLRW GENERATION 2003 FUTURE LLRW GENERATION THAT WILL REQUIRE DISPOSAL Year Class Activity (MBq) Volume (M3) Radionuclides 2004 A 1850000.000 60.000 H-3, C-14, Cr-51, Mn-54, Fe-55, Fe-59, Co-S5B, Co-60, Ni-59, Ni-63, B. Sr-90, Tc-99, Aq-110m, Cs-137, Ce-144, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, 5550000.000 5.000 700000000.000 5.000 Am-241, Cm-242, Cm-243.

Total 707400000.000 70.000 2005 A 18500000.000 60.000 Same as 2004 5550000.000 5.000 40000000.000 5.000 _

Total 64050000.000 70.000 .-

2006 A 1850000.000 60.000 Same as 2004 2006 B 5550000.000 5.000 C 7000000.000 5.000 Total 707400000.000 70.000 2007 A 18500000.000 60.000 Same as 2004 B__

5550000.000 5.000 C 40000000.000 5.000 Total 64050000.000 70.000 2008 A 1850000.000 60.000 Same as 2004 B 5550000.000 5.000 -

C 700000000.000 5.000 _

Total 707400000.000 70.000

SECTION VII. ATTACHMENT SHEET FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Table will automatically expand as information is entered)

Column 1, Line 5 - Sewage sediment Column 13, Lines 1,2,6 - Studsvik Processing Facility Column 13, Lines 3,4,5 - GTS Duratek Column 14, Lines 1,2,6 - Studsvik Processing Facility Column 15, Line 5 - Assayed by processor and released for burial in sanitary municipal landfill.

Column 27,29, lIne 5 - Original waste assayed by processor and disposed in sanitary municipal landfill Column 30, Line 6 - Interim storage at Studsvik awaiting processing Note: Discrepancies between total activity of waste shipped from Nine Mile Point and total activity of waste buried by processsors is due rounding errors in compiling the data.

CODE official use only)

I I I I. I RETURN BY MARCH 1,2002 NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2001 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Radioactive Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordination Program REPORT FORM NOTE Please refer to the Instructionsbefore completing this form. Also, see Public Authorities Law, Section 1854-d(l) and Part 502 of Chapter A of Title 21 NYCRR (Reporting Regulations) provided with this form.


New York State Department of Labor New York State Department of Health New York City Department of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NPF-69 Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (315) 342-5337 Ext - nt ctTitle Sirlavlor eneral Su ervisor acilneiie ;ont LLC. LU r2..

Street Address PO Box 63 City County State Zip Code 0swego _Oswego NY 13903 B I Name and principal office of facility where LLRW is generated if different from A(above)

Street address P0 Box 63 City . County State ZI' Code 3444Z Lycoming oswesoNY h893 Preparer's Name Title C Skip Taylor eneral Supervisor Telephone and Extension 315-349-4982 D Identify, by issuing authority and number, permits that authorize transfer of your LLRW Ioa licensed LLRW disposal facility.

Issuing Authority Disposal Site Location Disposal Site Use Permit Number State Of South Carolina Barnwell. SC . 0408-31-02-X E FACILITY TYPE CODE Al Refer to the instructions to determine the facility type code that best describes your facility. Use only one code Power Generation Facility that uses Nuclear F I Briefly describe the activities, processes, or uses of radioactive material that result inLLRW generation at your facility. fuel to generate steam to generate electrictv SIGNATURE OF PREPARER: Skip Tavlor Co wDATE: / I

SECTION 11. INFORMATION ON LLRW A. LLRW AS GENERATED B.ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Waste waste Sorption or Description Management Chemical Form Other Hazard Treatment Solidification Effect of Post-Treatment Code Method Code Code Code Code Treatment Volume (M) 2 3 6 7 9 26 WI C4 H8 T21 2

33 WI C4 H8 T21 3

32 W2 C4 H4 T21 32 W3 C4 H4 T21 38 W5 C4 1H2 121 32 W5 C4 H4 T1I 39 W3 4 H8 T21 40 W3 C4 H-8 T21 32 W4 C4 H4 T21 -

C0 CODES for SECTION I11 of the 2001 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM A. LLRWASGENERATED 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT Ht Reactive T21 None METHOD H5 , Pathogenic 1 WASTE DESCRIPTION CODE Transter to Authorized Peciitien H6 Carcinogenic 6 SOLIDIFICATION OR SORPTION Choose the cateaory that best WI Transfer to Disposal Site via H7 Other (describe) CODE describes the waste Broker HB None 20 Charcoal W2 Transfer to Disposal She Directly 60 SpeediDri 21 Incinerator Ash W3 Transfer - Other (describe) S. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT 61 Celetom 22 Soil Interim Storage 62 Floor DrylSuperfine 23 Gas W4 Placed In Storage before 5 TREATMENT CODE 63 Hi Dri 24 Oil 2000 Ti Compaction 64 Safe T Sorb 25 Aqueous Liquid W5 Placed in Storage during 2000 T2 Supercompaction 65 Safe N Dri 26 Filter Media W6 Shipped for Treatment prior to T3 Evaporation/Crystallization 66 Florco 27 Mechanical Filter Storage T4 Fluid Bed 67 Florco X 29 Demolition Rubble Storane for Deca DryingtCalcination 68 Solid A Sorb 30 Cation Ion-exchange Media W7 Storage for Decay (Only T5 Wet Oxidation 69 Chemsil3o 31 Anion Ion-exchange Media limited information required. TB Membrane Separation 70 ChemsilSO 32 Mixed Bed Ion-exchange Media See instructons.) (ultratiltration, reverse 71 Chemsil 3030 33 Contaminated Equipment osmosis) 72 Dicaped HP200 34 Organic Uquid (except oil) 3 CHEMICAL FORM CODE T7 Incineration 73 Dicaped HP500 35 Glassware or Labware C1 Paper and Plastic TB Solidification 74 Petroset 36 Sealed Source1Device C2 Glass Tg Adsorption 75 Petroset 11 37 Paint or Plating C3 Metals T10 Sorting/Segregation 76 Aquaset 38 Evaporator Botlomsr C4 Metal Oxides T11 Macroencapsulation 77 Aquaset It SludgeslConcentrates CS Inorganic Salts T12 Absorption 89 Other (describe) 39 Dry or Compactible Trash C6 Organic Salts T13 Decontamination (paper, plastic, glass, etc.) C7 Nucleic Acids T14 Surface Removal (scabbing, Spltidi 40 Noncompactible Trash (metal CS Amino Acids, Proteins, abrasive cleaning) 90 Cement components, etc.) Enzymes t15 Dry Chemical Packing 91 Concrete (encapsulation) 41 Animal Carcass C9 Carbohydrates, Sugars (lime) 92 Bitumen 42 Biological Material (except CID Lipids, Fatty Acids T16 Size Reduction (sectioning, 93 Vinyl Chloride animal carcass) C11 Other (describe) shredding, cutting) 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene 43 Activated Material T17 Steam Reibrm 99 Other (describe) 44 Material that will be 4 OTHER HAZARD CODE Ti B Catalytic Extraction 100 None Required Incinerated 1-11 Ignitable Process 59 Other (describe) H2 Corrosive T19 Dewatered H3 Toxic T20 Other (describe)


C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION Container Maximum Surface Description Container Volume Radiation Level Number of Code (i) (mSvlhr) Containers Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code 00,1 , 14 1 ,

_ 1.63 68500 2 BCIO Pi T_21 2

13 3.41 38 -_I CIO P1 T1 3

13 555 30.0 6 BCI I P1 121I 4

13 5.83 40.0 3 BC1I Pi 1 13 .55 1.5 1 BCI1 P1 1 13 5.83 25.0 3 BCII P1 121 13 3.41 45.0 3 BC11 P1 T21 13 5.83 25.0 6 BC11 PS 121 13 67.2 0.52 2 BCI I Pi T21 35.84 1.001 2 BCI I P8 '21 13 3.51 38.0 13903 BCII P1 1 7 EFFECT OF TREATMENT 12 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS Impact of treatment on volume maybe shown in This information isrequired for each waste If you have responded 'OTHER' to any request for percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by I lorm. Inlormation please Identity column, line, and waste or 1, and describe change in chemical and description (from A-1). Use additional pages as physical form.


8 POST-TREATMENT VOLUME INFORMATION Volume must be noted Incubic meters (d). 13 BROKER CODE BC1 NDL col. 2 lines 3,4,5 - transfer to processor BC2 Radiac for volume reduction and disposal.

C.ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION BC3 Adco BC4 Teledyne 9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE BC5 US Ecology 1 Wooden Box or Crate BC6 Chem-Nuclear 2 Metal Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastic Drum or Pail BC8 Bionomics COL. 13 lines 1.2 - WMG broker, Duratek for burial 4 Metal Drum or Pail BC9 Direct transfer S Metal Tank or Liner BCt0Olher (describe) 6 Concrete Tank or Liner BC11 None 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner 6 Fiberglass Tank or Liner 14 PROCESSOR CODE 9 Dernineralizer pl GTS Duratek 10 Gas Cylinder P NSSI II Bulk, Unpackaged Waste 2 DSSI 12 Unpackaged Components - Chem Nuclear, IL 13 High-lntegrity Container P Alaron 14 Fiberboard Drum 5 Ouadrex, TN 19 Other (describe) IT Permafix.FL P ATG,TN 10 CONTAINERVOLUME 8 - ATG. WA Volume must be noted incubic FPMD Other (describe) meters (m?).


Surface radiation must be noted inmSvibr.


C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION Container Maximum Surface Description Container Volume Radiation Level Number of Code (m) (mSvfhr) Containers Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code 2 35.84 1.4 1 BC1I 9 T 2 '.69 9.4 4 _ BC1I Pi TI 13 5.83 18.0 6 BC1I BC10

. m 7 EFFECT OF TREATMENT 12 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS Impact of treatment on volume maybe shown in This information is required for each waste If you have responded 'OTHER to any request tor percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by I form.

Information please identify column, line, and waste or 1,and describe change in chemical and description (from A-1). Use additional pages as physical form.


POST-TREATMENT VOLUME INFORMATION Volume must be noted incubic meters (d). 13 BROKER CODE BC1 NOL col. i4 lines 3 - stored on site for 2001 BC2 Radiac C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION BC3 Adco .

BO4 Teledyne 9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE BC5 US Ecology 1 Wooden Box or Crate BC6 Chem-Nuclear 2 Metal Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastic Drum or Pail BC8 Bionomics 4 Metal Drum or Pail BCO Direct transfer 5 Metal Tank or Liner BOlD Other (describe) 6 Concrete Tank or Liner BC11 None 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner 8 Fiberglass Tank or Liner 14 PROCESSOR CODE 9 Dernineralizer pl GTS Duratek 10 Gas Cylinder p NSW.

11 Bulk. Unpackaged Waste 2 DSSI 12 Unpackaged Components F Chem Nuclear, IL 13 High-Integrity Container P Alaron 14 Fiberboard Drum S Ouadrex, TN 19 Other (describe) PI Permalix, FL P ATG, TN 10 CONTAINERVOLUME 8 ATG WA Volume must be noted incubic PMO Other (describe) meters (mn?).


Surtace radiation must be noted in mSvthr.


E. POST-PROCESSOR TREATMENT F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC CHARACTERISTICS Source Material SNM Source Weight of Source Effect of Total Post-Treatment Material Material Total SNM Maximum grams SNM in any Treatment Volume (m') . Code (grams) SNM Code (grams) shipment (grams) 4 10.53 n/a SNM1 1.29E-03 1.254E-03

_ SNIV13 4.449E-02 1.582E-02 3


= a

.- _== =

E. POST-PROCESSOR SNIVi3 Uranium enriched in the G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE TREATMENT isotope 233 or In the INFORMATION isotope 235 27 LLRW CLASS It you have responded SNM4 Any material artificially Class of radioactive waste 'OTHER' to any request tor 16 EFFECT OF TREATMENT enriched by any of the as described in sections Informationplease identify See instructions for 5-7. foregoing 61.55 and 61.56 of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. column, line, and waste 17 TOTAL POST-TREATMENT 21 TOTAL SNM as In eftect on January 26, description (from A-1). Use VOLUME Weight must be noted In 1983. attached lollowing additional pages as necessary.

Volume must be noted incubic grams(g). Instructions.

meters (m?). AS Class A stable 22 MAXIMUM GRAMS SNM IN ANY, AU Class A unstable F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS SHIPMENT B Class B Sell-explanatory. C Class C iS SOURCE MATERIAL CODE Source Material - Enter one code 23 CHELATECODE oer line, Use e seoarate fine to CAI EDTA each tvoe ofsource material CA2 DTPA transferre CA3 CarbolicAcid NU Natural Uranium CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids DU Depleted Uranium CA5 Citric Acid UO Uranium Ores CA6 Glucinic Acid NT Natural Thorium CA7 Other (describe)

TO Thorium Ores 24 VOLUMEOFLLRW 19 WEIGHTOFSOURCE Volume of LLRW containing chelating MATERIAL agents (n' ).

Weight must be noted In grams (g). 25 WEIGHT OF LLRW Weight of LLRW containing chelating 20 SNMCODE agents (kg).

Special Nuclear Material means one of the following: 26 WEIGHT % CHELATES SNMI Plutonium Weights less than 1%need not be SNLt2 Uranium-233 reported.

Section 11(Cont)


LLRW Volume (rii) Activity (MBq)

A 5.55 ' 3 1.13E +05 A 5.55 5.77E +04 A 5.55 2.05E +05 A 5.55 7.14E +04 A 5.83 1.44E +06 A 5.83 t167E +05 A 5.83 7.7E +05 A 5.83 1.01 E +06 A 5.83 6.36E +05 A 3.41 3.22E +05 A 3.41 7.29E +04 A 3.41 3.26E +05 A 5.83 3.12E +05 A 5.83 2.13E +05 A 5.83 2.09E +05 A 5.83 _ 4.33E +05 A 5.83 9.73E +05 A 5.83 9.40E +05 A 5.83 8.45E +05 A 5.83 8.45E_+05 A 5.83 2.95E +05 A 5.83 2.51 E +05 A 5.83 1.87E +05 A 5.83 1.89E +05 A 2.69 5.81 E +03 A 2.69 1.79E +03 A 3.51 1.40E +05 A 2.69 1.27E +03



Waste With Chelating Agents_________I Volume and Weight of LLRWl .

Chelate T Weight % Disposition Disposal Site Storage Site Code Volume (m) l Welght(kg) Chelates LLRW Class Code Code Code

. . B Dl DSI 2 = C Dl DSI _-

, AU D5 DS4 4


_ = AU D2 DS4

.7 II

_ = =-

H. LLRW NOT MEETING DISPOSAL FACILITY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA If you have responded OTHER to any request for Activity information,please identify column, line, and waste LLRW Class Hazard Code Volume (M) (MBq) Radionuclides description (from A-1). Use additional pages as necessary.

4. - -. ' col 29, line 3 stored on site col 29, line 5 sent to Duratek or ATG for processing /burial

- -0000 28 DISPOSITION CODE and dispose as non- 30 STORAGESITE 32 HAZARDCODE DI Directly to disposal radioscaive Si On ste See codes B-4.

D2 Treatment prior to DS Trealmentlolf-she S Radiac disposal storage 2 NOL 33 VOLUME D3 Ttealmentfreturned for 09 Other (describe) S Adco Volume must be noted in storage 3 Other (describe) cubic meters (r?).

D4 Tteatmentfno disposal 29 DISPOSALSITE S (decontamination and DSt Barnwell. SC H. LLRWWITH 34 ACTIVITY reuse) DS2 Dive, UT UNACCEPTABLE Activity must be reported in D5 Storagelno treatment DS3 Richland, WA . DISPOSAL CRITERIA MegaBecquerels IMI3q).

DS Hold Icr decay on ste DSt Other (describe) and dispose as non- 31 LLRW CLASS 35 RADIONUCLIDES radioactive See codes G-27. As applicable to H-3.

D7 Hold for decay outshe

SECTION IV. RADIONLICLI DE INFORMATION FOR WASTE DISPOSED, HELD FOR DECAY, AND STORED NOTE: Radionuclides mean each Individual radionuclide Ifknown, or, at a minimum, all radionucjides that have been or would have to be identified on disposal site manifests. H-3, C-I 4,Tc,99, and 1-129 must be ldentifiedvthere present.

A. List the radionuclides contained Inthe LLRIW disposed oburlng 2001 (see response to Section 111-A). Use additional sheetes necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Co-60 S.63E08 ____________.72E03 Pu-238 9.73E02 Zn-65 S.54E05 Fe-59 3.12E03 Pu-239 1.85EOO

~Mn-54 9.96E06 Zr-9S 8.51EOO Sb-124 5.04E02 Cs-137 7.28E03 TC-99 1.18EO3______ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ce-144 9.81E01 Cr-51 3.88E04__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C-14 6.88EO4 AP-I11Om 1.I2E04_______________

Ni-63 .97E07 Pu-24 1 .25E02__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ni-59 2.95E05 Am-241 3.7E-01 _________ _______

Fe-55 ~ 5IEO8 Cm-242 4.22E01 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sr-90 8.95EOI b-94 1.22E03__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

lo-.58 1.07E05 6-243 1.37E01 ________ _______

Total activity for all radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity should equal total for LLRW disposedof, as reported inSection II11 -A. 11.8E9j IIf any of the radionud ides listed InTable A-1 have hal-l-Oves of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual disposal as A.2 non-radioactive waste.I R-A I List the radionucjlides enntained inthe LLRW beino hold In storace for derav on she of Dlecember 31. 2001. Use additional sheets as neeessarv.

RaincieRadionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide H Lsttheradoncliescontained Inthe LLRW being hold Instorage for ecay off she of December 3 2001. Use additional sheets as necessary.

8.21 RaincieRadionuclide Radionuclide' Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide

CA I On site -Ust radionuclides contained in LLRW in Interim storaae on siteas ol December 31. 2001. Use additional shoots as ne essary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Co-60 1.7E06 Fe-55 1.71E06 Ae-I lm 3.64E03 Zn-65 .19E05 Co-58 1.06E04 Pu-241 7A4E03 Mn-54 2.28E05 Sr-90 1.99E02 Au-1 99 2.46E-02 Cs-137 4.49E04 H-3 1.94E03 Sb-124 I.8E03 Ce-144 2.08E03 Fe-59 I.76E04 C-14 6.22E03 Sr-89 5:77E-08 Ni-63 1.22E05 Tc-99 1.78E03 Ni-59 1.1 OE04 r-51 1.89E04 TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

MBq Total activity should equal total for LLRW stored on sitpas reported. A.E06 C.2 Offsie -List radionuclides contained in LLRW in interim storage off sileas of December31, 2001. Use additional sheets as necessary.

'Radionuclide Activity 4MBq) Radionuclide Activity (M ~q Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Total aclivity for all radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTiVITY M~q Total activity should equal total for LLRW being stored off sitpas reported.

If any of the radionuclides listed inTable C-1 or C-2 have half-lives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual C.3 disposal as non-radioactive waste.

i-CODE (official use only)

RETURN BY MARCH 1,2003 NEW YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2002 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE Radioactive Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordination Program REPORT FORM NOTE Please refer to the Instructions before completing this form. Also, see Public Authorities Law, Section 1854-d(l) and Part 502 of Chapter A of Title 21 NYCRR (Reporting Regulations) provided with this form.


-Place mailing label from front In the soace to the right I215) `i-74:z2 NPF-Ou IIRL Ot" tU ~7_liIRT 1-0AHAN

-Mark any corrections in the table below DIRECTOR OP OPERATIONS HINE lHILE POINT NUJCLCAR P.1tiER '_TATiIWI UNI SECTION 1. GENERATOR INFORMATION W LAlr' ROAD, P.O. BO C2 LV~COHIHlG HY 13063 A IUpdated Generator Information Licensino Aaencv I les License No(s\.

New York State Department of Labor New York Stale Department of Health New York City Department of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NPF-69 Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (315) 349-2749 Ext. Contact Title Thomas Paeno Radwaste Supervisor y Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC 2 Street Address P.O. Box 63 City County State Zip Code Lycornine Oswerwo .NY 13093 Name and principal office of facility where LLRW is generated if different from A (above)

Street address City County State 2ip Code Z

Preparer's Name Title C Mikke Sciortino Technician C Telephone and Extension 315-349-7056 D Identity, by issuing authority and number, permits that authorize transfer of your LLRW to a licensed LLRW disposal facility.

Issuing Authority Disposal Site Location -Dlsposal Site Use Permit Number State of South Carolina Barnwell, SC 0408-31-03X EFACILITY TYPE CODE A 1 Refer to the instructions to determine the facility type code that best describes your facility. Use only one code F I Briefly describe the activ-ties, processes, or uses of radioactive material that result inLLRW generation at your facility. Power Generation facility that uses Nuclear fuel to generate steam to generate electricity. Processing waste water for re-usc in plant systems. Dry active waste from operation and maintenanc activities nd riant modifications.

SIGNATURE OF PREPARER;1fN-. v 1 11JK IDATE: -('- - I f (C,

SECTION 11. INFORMATION ON LLRW A.LLRW AS GENERATED B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Waste waste Sorption or Description Management Chemical Form Other Hazard Treatment Solidification Effect of Post-Treatment Code Method Code Code Code Code Treatment Volume (M) 2 i 33 A 5 6 C 26 W2 C4 H8 T19 _ None 2

32 W2 C4 H8 T19 None-Noe-3 32 W3 C4 HS T21 _ - -_

4 20 W3 C4 H8 T21 -...-

38 W3 C4 HS T2l _

6 26 W3 C4 HS T21 -- _ __-

7 40 W2 C4 HS T21 26 W2 C4 HS T21 ------ ------ ------

.39 W3 C4 H8 T21_

40 W3 C4 HS _-. T21 40 W2 C4 H8 T21 .-_-_

CODES for SECTION 11 of the 2002 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM A. LLRWAS GENERATED 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT HA Reactive - T21 None METHOD H5 Pathogenic WASTE DESCRIPTION CODE Transfer to Authorized Retioien H6 Carcinogenic 6 SOUDIFlCATION OR SORPTION Chocosthe Calepory that bes$ W I Transfer to Disposal Site via H7 -Other (describe) CODE describes the wasil Broker H8 None Sortion 20 Charcoal W2 Transler to Disposal Site Directly 60 SpeediDri 21 IncineratorAsh W3 Transfer - Other (describe) B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT 61 Celetom 22 Soil Interim Storane 62 Floor Dry/Superfine 23 Gas WA Placed in Storage before TREATMENT CODE 63 Hi Dri 24 Oil 2002 TI Compaction 64 Safe T Sorb 25 Aqueous Liquid WS Placed in Storage during 2002 T2 Supercompaction 65 Safe N Dri 26 Filter Media W6 Shipped for Treatment prior to T3 Evaporation/Crystallization 66 Florco 27 Mechanical Filter Storage T4 Fluid Bed 67 Florco X 29 Demolition Rubble Storage for Deca Drying/Calcination 68 Solid A Sorb 30 Calion Ion-exchange Media W7 Storage Ibr Decay (Skip T5 Wet Oxidation 69 Chemsll3o 31 Anion Ion-exchange Media toitem G30) T6 Membrane Separation 70 Chemsil5O 32 Mixed Bed Ion-exchange Media (ultrafltration, reverse 71 Chernsil 3030 33 Contaminated Equipment osmosis) 72 Dicaperl HP200 34 Organic Liquid (except oil) 3 CHEMICAL FORM CODE T7 Incineration 73 Dicapert H P500 35 Glassware or Labware C1 Paper and Plastic TE Solidification 74 Petroset 36 Sealed SourcelDevice C2 Glass T9 Adsorption 75 Petroset 11 37 Paint or Plating C3 Metals T10 Sorting/Segregation 76 Aquaset 38 Evaporator Bottoms/ C4 Metal Oxides T 1I Macroencapsulation 77 Aquaset 11 SludgeslConcentrates CS Inorganic Sans T12 Absorption 89 Other (describe) 39 Dry or Cmpeactble Tiash C6 Organic Salts T13 Decontamination (paper, Flastickgass. etc.) C7 Nucleic Acids T14 Surface Removal (scabbing. Solidificatisn 40 Noncompactible Trash (metal Ca Amino Acids, Proteins. abrasive cleaning) 90 Cement components, etc.) Enzymes T15 Dry Chemical Packing 91 Concrete (encapsulation) l Animal Carcass C9 Carbohydrates, Sugars (lime) 92 Bitumen 42 Biological Material (except C10 Lipids. Fatty Acids T16 Size Reduction (sectioning, 93 Vinyl Chloride animal carcass) C11 Other (describe) shredding, cutting) 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene 43 Activated Material T17 Steam Reform 99 Other (describe) 44 Material that will be 4 OTHER HAZARD CODE T1E Catalytic Extraction 100 None Required Incinerated HI Ignitable Process 59 Other (describe) H2 Corrosive T19 Dewatered H3 Toxic T20 Other (describe)


C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION Container Maximum Surface Description Container Volume Radiation Level Number of Code (m3) (mS/hr) Containers Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code

  • n . I _ 1 1 . 44 2 67.20 7 BC11 P1 T21

. 2 35.84 0.7 4 BC11 P1 T2 1 3

- 2.52 26 1 BC1l P1 T2 I 5 5.87 30 1 BC11 P1 T21 13 5.55 120 1 BC11 P1 T21 13 5.83 50 7 BC11 P1 T21 7_.

13 3.41 800 1 BC11 P1 T19 13 5.83 50 1 BC11 P1 T19 9

13 5.83 150 11. BC11 Plo T21



7 EFFECT OF TREATMENT 12 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS Impact of treatment on volume maybe shown in This information isrequired for each waste If you have responded OTHER' lo any request for percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by I torm. Information please identify column, line, and waste or 1. and describe change inchemical and description (from A-1). Use additional pages as physical form.


8 POST-TREATMENT VOLUME INFORMATION Volume must be noted incubic meters (m3). 13 BROKER CODE BC1 NDL Co] 2, lines 3, 4. 5, 6, 9, 10: transfer to BC2 Radiac processor for Volume Reduction /


9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE BCS US Ecology 1 Wooden Box or Crate BC6 Chem-Nuclear 2 Metal Box BC7 SEG 3 Plastic Drum, or Pail BC8 Bionomics Col 14. line 9: to Studsvik for processing.

4 Metal Drum or Pail BC9 Direct transfer 5 Metal Tank or Liner BC10 Other (describe) 6 Concrete Tank or Liner BCll None 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner 14 PROCESSOR CODE 8 Fiberglass Tank or Liner 9 Dermineralizer Pi GTS Duralek 10 Gas Cylinder -P2 NSSI 11 Bulk. Unpackaged Waste P3 DSSi 12 Unpackaged Components P4 .Chem Nuclear. IL 13 High-Integrity Container P5 Alaron 14 Fiberboard Drum P6 Quadrex. TN 19 Other (describe) P,7 Penrmafix,FL P8 ATG, TN 10 CONTAINERVOLUME P9 ATG, WA Volume must be noted incubic P10 Other (describe) meters (rn3.


Surface radiation must be noted in mSvhr.


E. POST-PROCESSOR TREATMENT F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Source Material SNM Source Weight of Source Effect of Total Post-Treatment Material Material Total SNM Maximum grams SNM In any Treatment Volume (m3) Code (grams) SNM Code (grams) shipment (grams)

____ 25.17 N/A N/A SNMI 1.95E-3 1.945E-3

    • 14.17 N/A m1 = . .

E. POST-PROCESSOR SNM3 Uranium enriched inthe G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE TREATMENT isotope 233 or in the INFORMATION isotope 235 27 LLRW CLASS It you have responded SNM4 Any material artificially Class of radioactive waste OTHER' to any request for 16 EFFECT OFTREATMENT enriched by any of the as descrIbed in sections Informabon please idenfly Seeinstructtons for B.7. foregoing 61.55 and 61.56 of Title 10, Code ol Federal Regulations, column, line, and waste 17 TOTAL POST-TREATMENT 21 TOTAL SNM as ineflect on January 26, description (trorn A-1). Use VOLUME Weigh: must be noted in 1983. attached following additional pages as necessary.

Volume must benoted in cubic grsams(g). instructions.

metess (in?). AS Class A stable 22 MAXIMUM GRAMS SNM IN ANY AU Class A unstable

  • E.1 Per processor F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS SHIPMENT B Class B Sell-explanatory. C Class C reduction is 24 to 1.

18 SOURCE MATERIAL CODE Source Material - Enter one code 23 CHELATECODE per line. Use a separate line to CA1 EDTA each type of source material CA2 DTPA **E.2 Per processor transtered CA3 CartaolicAcid NU Natural Uranium CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids reduction is 4.53 to 1.

DU Depleted Uranium CAS Citric Acid UO Uranium Ores CA6 Glucinic Acid NT Natural Thorium CA7 Other (describe)

TO Thorium Ores 24 VOLUMEOFLLRW 19 WEIGHTOFSOURCE Volume ot LLRW containing chelating MATERIAL agents (m3 I.

Weight must be noted In grarrs (g). 25 WEIGHT OF LLRW Weight of LLRW containing chelating 20 SNMCODE agents (kg).

Special Nuclear Material means one of the lotowin;: 26 WEIGHT % CHELATES SNMi Plutonium Weights less than 1%need not be SNt12 Uranium-233 reported.


F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORMATION Waste With Chelating Agents Volume and Weight of LLRW Chelate Weight % Disposition Disposal Site Storage Site Code Volume (m3) l Weight(kg) Chelates LLRW Class Code Code Code

_ __ __ ____ _2R 2a 30

.____ _ _ B DI DSI N/A

_ = - Au D5 DS4 N/A

_ Au DI DS1 N/A

, = As D1 DSI N/A

. _ Au D2 DS4 N/A

_- . As D2 DS4 N/A t =

_ =


H. LLRW NOT MEETING DISPOSAL FACILITY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA If you have responded 'OTHER to any request for Activity Inlormationplease Identify column, line, and waste LLRW Class Hazard Code Volume (rn3) (MBq) Radionuclides description (from A11). Use additional pages as necessary.

Col 29, line 2: Stored on site.

Col 29, Lines 5, 6: Sent to Duratekl or

.. I., Studsvikl for processing I burial.

28 DISPOSITION CODE and dispose as non- 30 STORAGESITE 32 HAZARDOODE Dl Directly to disposal radioactive St On she See codes 54.

D2 Treatment prior to D8 Treatnenl I eo-sile S2 Radiac disposal storage S3 NDL 33 VOLUME D3 Treatrnent/returned tor D9 Other (describe) S4 Adco Volume must benoted in storage S5 Other (describe) cubic meters (m3).

D4 Treatment/no disposal 29 DISPOSALSITE (de.ontamination and DS1 Barnwell, SC H. LLRWWITH 34 ACTIVITY reuse) DS2 Clive, UT UNACCEPTABLE Activity mustbe reported in DS Storage/no treatrment DS3 Richland, WA DISPOSAL CRITERIA MegaSecquerels (MI3q).

D6 Hold lor decay on ste DS4 Otier (describe) and dispose as non. 31 LLRW CLASS 35 RADIONUCLIDES radioactive See codes G-27. As applicable to H-3.

D7 Hold for decay off site



LLRW Class Volume (m31 Activity by Radionuclide M~ai 34 37 31 Au 5.83 1.70E+05 Au 5.83 1.29E+05 (Continued on Au 5.83 6.43E+05 supplemental pap-e)



A. 2002 DISPOSAL TOTALS Classes Disposed at: Barnwell, SC Disposed at: Clive, UT Disposed at: Richland, WA Class A Volume m3) Activitv (MBo) Volume (m3) Activit MBM) Volume (m3) Activity (MBa) SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Via Broker/ '6.05 (DK) 3.33E+6 (DK) 24.49 (DK) 1.83E+0.5 (DK) Volume -A Activity -A Processor 1.56 (SV) 2.22E+06 (SV) 9.39 (SV) o.13E+06 (SV) n;-H 17.25 2.93E+6 78.74 1.683E+7 Via Broked Volume B Activity *B Processor . .

Direet Tran sfer 3.41 1.04E+07 3.41 1.04E+07 Via =rokerl Volume-C Activity C Processor Direct Transfer 48.27 1.89E07 33.88 8.31E06-TOTAL ALL CLASSES VOLUME ACTIVITY 82.15 2.72E+07 B. 2002 Interim Storano Toales Classes Placed in Interim storage during 2002 Place In Interim Storage Before 2002 S MtrASR' hv Clpl:

r- " A Volume (n,31 Activtv Mno) Volume 1m3T Aetivilv IMBot Volume - A Activity. A

_ _i_.

_ 50.18 1.S6E+06 _ _ 50.18 1.86E+06 r- a Volume- B Activitv- B no cit1Tl C. Volumo - C Activitv - C TOTAtS 50.18 1.86E+06 VOLUME ACTITY TOTAL ALL CLASSES TOTAL ALL CLASSES 50.18 I 1.86E+06

SECTION 11: Information on LLRW (Continued)

1. Containers with surface radiation levels greter than 2mSv/hr (200 mR/hr).


LLRWN Volume (nm3) Activity by Radionuclide (mBq)

(36) (37) (38)

As 5.83 3.37E+06 Au 5.83 3.58E+05 As 5.83 2.01E+06 As 5.83 7.48E+05 Au 5.83 3.20E+05 Au 5.83 2.21E+05 Au 5.83 4.95E+05 Au 5.87 5.86E+05 B 3.41 1.04E+07 As 5.83 7.65E+05 Au 5.83 6.72E+05 Au 5.83 3.71E+05 Au 5.83 6.73+05 Au 5.83 1.44E+05 Au 5.83 5.37E+05 As 5.55 1.58E+06 As 5.83 1.10E+06 As 5.83 1.37E+06 Au 2.52 1.27E+05

SECTION IV. RADIONUCLIDE INFORMATION FOR WASTE DISPOSED, HELD FOR DECAY, AND STORED NOTE: Radionuclides mean each individual radionuclide Ifknown, or, at a minimum, all radionuclides that have been or would have lo be identified on disposal site manifests. H-3, C-14, Tc-99, and 1-129 must be identified w here present.

A.1 Lis the radionuclides contained inthe LLRW disposed oburing 2002 (see response to Section 111-A). Use additional sheets necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Au-199 2.37E-31 Co-58 1.46E+05 Nb-95 9.02E+02 Co-60 6.72E+06 H-3 4.54E+02 Sb-125 2.29E+04 Zn-65 2.21E+06 Fe-59 1.07E+05 Sb-124 1.1 OE+04 Mn-54 3.10E+06 Zr-95 8.03E+02 1-129 1.1 OE+02 Cs- 137 4.90E+04 Tc-99 9.57E+03 Ce-144 1.56E+03 Cr-51 8.56E+04 C-14 3.56E+04 A-1 lOim 4.97E+04 Ni-63 1.72E+05 Pu-241 7.20E+03 Ni-59 1.84E+02 Am-241 3.28E+04 Fe-55 1.44E+07 Sn-1 13 2.61E+03 Sr-90 2.52E+02 Ae-1 10 5.74E+02 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity should equal total for LLRW disposed of, as reported in Section 111-A. I 2.72E+07I Ifany of the radionuclides listed inTable A-1 have half-lives of less than 90 days. please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual disposal as A.2 Inon-radioactive waste.


.1 I List the radionuclides contained inthe LLRW belno hold Instoraoe for decay on she of December 31. 2002. Use additional sheets is necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide N one_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2? List the radionuclides containedin the LLRW beinahold Instncle for deRcay of she of December31 .2002. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide NoeNone________________ _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

cI] On site List radionuclides contained in LLRW in interim storaoe on site as of December 31. 2002. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (M~q) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Co-60 5.30E+05 Co-58 5.76E+04 Zn-65 1.17E+05 H-3 7.16E+01 Mn-54 3.48E+05 Fe-59 4.96E+04 Cs- 137 2.17E+02 Cr-51 7.74E+04 .

C-14 1.32E+03 A-l Om 1.75E+04 Ni-63 9.85E+03 Au-199 3.89E+02 Nb-95 2.17E+02 Sb-124 2.75E+03 .-

Fe-55 6.76E+05 TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW stored on site as reported. l.88E+06 MBq I Offt site-List radionuclides contained in LLRW in interim storate oft site as of December 31. 2002. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

None Total aclivity for all radionuclides listed above: TOTAL ACTIVITY Total activity should equal total for LLRW being stored off site as reported.

It any of the radionucrides listed in Table C-1 or C-2 have half-lives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual C.3 disposal as non-radioactive waste.


SECTION V. STORAGE FACILITY INFORMATION NOTE: If your facility manages LLRW by storage for decay only, you only need to complete the Condensed Form for Decay In Storage Only.

ON-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES A.1 Briefly describe your on-site LLRW storage facilities. Include facilities you have for storage of special LLRW forms such as freezers, shielded areas for high-radiation-level wastes, or bermed storage areas for liquid wastes, and estimate the storage capacity for each.

Concrete Pits at both Unit I and Unit 2 have sufficient storage capacitv for twenty (20) years at current processing rates.

A.2 Total Storage Capacity: 124Ej5 j3r A.3 Estimated maximum volume of LLRW held instorage for decay at any one lime: 22 3

_7 No. Skip to C.

B Do you have any plans for Increasing your on-site storage capacity? No . CJYes. Complete this section.

Describe such plans and indicate your expected new storage capacity.

OFF-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES C storage facility information. Use additional pages if necessary. None =Of-site Flease indicate Koff-site storage is for storage for decay or interim storage. L Storage for decay

. Interim storage Name of facility:


Contact and phone number.

NOTE: Please answer the following question based on LLRW requiring disposal at licensed LLRW disposal facilities, not LLRW held In storage for decay. DO NOT USE DESCRIPTIVE TERMS SUCH AS UNLIMITED, CONTINUOUS, OR INDEFINITE ESTIMATED STORAGE TIME FOR LLRW REQUIRING DISPOSAL D Based on your anticipated LLRW generation rate and your anticipated capacity to store waste as of NOTE: Answer must be In months December 31, 2002. HOW MANY MONTHS could you continue to produce and store LLRW on she if -

access to licensed LLRW disposal facilities were no longer available? 240 months

SECTION VI. FUTURE LLRW GENERATION FUTURE LLRW GENERATION THAT WILL REOUIRE DISPOSAL I Year T Class Activitv (Ma'l 7 Volume (m3) l Radionuclides 2003 A 3.7E7 120 Co-60. Zn-65. Mn-54. Cs-137, Ce-144. C-14, Ni-63.

. 1.5E7 3.71 Ni-59. Fe-55, Co-58. Sr-90. H-3. Fe-59, Sr-89. Tc-99.

C 2.22E10 1.7 A!-l lOIm. Pu-241. Am-241. Cm-242. Pu-239.

Total 2.23E10 125.41 Pu-23O. Sb-124 2004 A 3.7E7 120 Distribution of nuclides is not expected to change 1.5E7 3.71 sienificantlv.

CO. C 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Total 5.2E7 123.71 Note: Numbers assume volume reduction for DAW, 2005 A 3.7E7 120 no volume reduction for Bead Resin or Powdered B 1.5E7 3.71 Resin.

C 0 0O Total 5.2E7 123.71 2006 A 3.7E9 120 Note: Volume reduction methods will be used for 1.5E7 3.71 all waste when fiscally prudent.

C 2.2E10 1.7 Total 2.23E10 125.41 2007 A 2007_._A_ 3.7E7 120 B 1.5E7 3.71

,C 0 0 .

Total 5.2E7 123.71

Boovr & 2oc,3



Radioactive Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordination Program 17 Columbia Circle I I I I I Albany, NY 12203-6399 lIrwadmin@NYSERDA.ORG NOTE: Please refer to the Instructions before completing this form. LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE FOR THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1st THROUGH DECEMBER 31st REPORT FORM PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY

-Place mailing label from postcard Inthe space to the right

-Mark any correions inthe tabe below Place Mailing Label Here (Leave Blank If Submitting Electronically)

SECTION 1.GENERATOR INFORMATION A Updated Generator Information ENTER 4-DIGIT GENERATOR ID(can be found on the mailing label on annual postcard) 0352 ENTER REPORTING YEAR 2003 Licensing Agencyries License No(s).

New York State Department of Labor New York State Department of Health New York City Department of Health U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NPF-3 Your Facility Email Address Phone No.: (315)349 - 2749 Ext. Contact Thomas Paeno Title Radwaste Opertions Manager Facility Name Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Street Address 34B Lake Road City Oswego County Oswego State NY l Zip Code j 13126 B Name and principal office of facility where LLRW isgenerated If different from A (above)

Street Address City County State l Zip Code Preparer's Name Tim Carroll Title Technician C Telephone and Extension C (315)349-4116

D Identify, by issuing authority and number, permits that authorize transfer of your LLRW to a licensed LLRW disposal facility:

Issuing Authority Disposal Site Location Disposal Site Use Permit Number South Carolina DHEC Bamwell 04D8-31-03-X FACILITY TYPE CODE Type inthe appropriate letter and number for the appropriate code OR choose one from EACH DROP-DOWN MENU BELOW. Refer to the E instructions to determine the facility type code that best describes your facility. Choose only one code consisting of a letter and number.

Choose a Letter: A. Nuclear Power Plant Choose a Number: 1.Boiling Water Reactor F Briefly describe the activities, processes, or uses of radioactive material that result inLLRW generation at your facility.

Processing waste water for reuse inplant systems. Dry active waste isgenerated from operation and maintenance activities and from plant modifications.

This Report Form has been submitted by the preparer listed initem l(C) above. Insubmitting this form, preparer hereby certifies DATE: 3130104 that the information set forth is true to the best of Ihe preparer's knowledge. I

SECTION II. INFORMATION ON LLRW CODES for SECTION II of the LOW-LEVEL A. LLRW AS GENERATED RADIOACTIVE WASTE REPORT FORM Waste Waste Chemical Form Other Hazard Note: Ifyou respond other' to any Item, please provide an explanation on Descrption Management Code Code the Attachment Sheet provided In Section VI.

Code MethodCoeod A. LLRW AS GENERATED 1 2 3 4 i WASTE DESCRIPTION CODE Choose the cateQory that best describes the waste.

32 WI C4 H8 20 Charcoal -

21 Incinerator Ash 2 22 Soit 32 Wi C4 H8 23 Gas 3 24 Oil 39 WI C4 H8 25 Aqueous Liquid 26 Filler Media 4 27 Mechanical Fiter 32 Wi C4 H8 29 Demolition Rubble 30 Cation Ion-exchange Media s 31 Anion Ion-exchange Media 38 Wi C4 H8 32 Mixed Bed Ion-exchange Media

  • 33 Contaminated Equipment 38 WI C4 H8 34 Organic Liquid (except ol) 35 Glassware or Labware 7

6 36 Sealed Source/Device 37 Paint or Plating 38 Evaporator Bottorns/

Sludges/Concentrates 39 Dry or Compactible Trash (paper, plastic, glass, etc.)

40 Noncompactible Trash (metal cornponents, etc.)

41 Animal Carcass 42 Biological Material (except animal carcass) 10 43 Activated Material 44 Material tha wil be Incinerated 59 Other (describe) 11 2 WASTE MANAGEMENT 3 CHEMICAL FORM CODE 4 OTHER HAZARD CODE METHOD C1 Paper and Plastic H1 Ignitable Transfer to Authorized Recipient C2 Glass H2 Corrosive WI Transfer to Disposal Ste C3 Metals H3 Toxic via Broker C4 Metal Oxides H4 Reactive W2 Transfer to Disposal Ste CS Inorganic Salts HS Pathogenic Directly C6 Organic Salts H6 Carcinogenic W3 Transfer- Other (describe) C7 Nucleic Acids H7 Other (describe)

Inierim Storaqe C8 Amino Acids, Proteins, H8 None W4 Placed inStorage before Enzymes current reporting year C9 Carbohydrates, Sugars W5 Placed in Storage during C10 Lipids, Fatty Acids current reporting year C11 Other(describe)

W6 Shipped for Treatment prior to Storage Storane for Decay W7 Storage for Decay (Only limited information required. See instructions.)

B..ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT Treatment Code Sorption or Solidification Code Effect of Treatment Post-Treatment Volume (m3) 6 7 a T19 NONE - 116 2 T19 NONE 11.4 T21 NONE 145 T19 NONE 7.6 T21 NONE 17.4 6 T19 NONE 17.4 7

10 I1I B. ON-SITE WASTE TREATMENT 5 TREATMENT CODE 6 SOLIDIFICATION OR SORPTION CODE Solidificaton Ti Compaction 90 Cement T2 Superrornpaction Sorotion 91 Concrete (encapsulation)

T3 Evaporation/ Crystallization 60 Speedi Dri 92 Bitumen T4 Fluid Bed Dryingl Calcination 61 Celetom 93 Vinyl Chloride T5 Wet Oxidation 62 Floor DrytSuperline 94 Vinyl Ester Styrene T6 Membrane Separation 63 Hi Dri 99 Other (describe)

(utrafiltration, reverse osmosis) 64 Safe T Sorb 100 None Required T7 Incineration 65 Safe N Dri T8 Solidificaton 66 Florco 7 EFFECT OF TREATMENT T9 Adsorption 67 Florco X Impact of treatment on volume may be shown in T1D SortingSegregation 68 Solid A Sorb percent or ratio. Note increase or decrease by 8 T11 Macroencapsulation 69 Chemsil 30 or9. and describe change in chemical and T12 Absorption 70 Chemsil 5O physical form.

T13 Decontamination 72 Dicaperl HP200 T14 Surface Removal (scabbing, 73 Dicapert HP500 8 POST-TREATMENT VOLUME abrasive cleaning) 74 Petroset Volume must be noted in cubic T15 Dry Chemical Packing (lime) 75 Petroset II meters (m3).

T16 Size Reduction (sectioning, 76 Aquaset shredding, cutting) 77 Aquaset 11 T17 Steam Reform 89 Other (describe)

T16 Catalytic Extraction Process T19 Dewatered T20 Other (describe)

T21 None


C. 6N-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION D. BROKERJPROCESSOR INFORMATION Container . Maximum Surface Description Container Volume Radiation Level Number of Broker Code Processor Code Treatment Code Code C e(mSvlhrs g 10 1 12 13 14 1s 7 5.8 - 255 23 BC10 PlO T17 2

7 3.8 10 3 BC10 P10 T17 3

2 72.5 0.4 2 BC1o P1 T7 4

7 3.8 1040 2 BC10 P10 T17 7 5.8 30 3 BC10 P1 T3 6.

7 5.8 50 3 BC10 P10 T21 8 .

11 =.

C. ON-SITE CONTAINER INFORMATION 10 CONTAINER VOLUME 14 PROCESSOR CODE Volume must be noted in cubic meters (mn). P1 GTS Duratek 9 CONTAINER DESCRIPTION CODE P2 NSSI 1 Wooden Box or Crate 11 MAXIMUM SURFACE RADIATION LEVEL P3 DSSI 2 Metal Box Surface radiation must be noted inmSvjhr. P4 Chem Nuclear, IL 3 Plastic Drum or Pal P5 Alaron 4 Metal Drum or Pail 12 NUMBER OF CONTAINERS P6 Ouadrex, TN S Metal Tank or Liner This information is required for each waste form. P7 PerrnafLx. FL 6 Concrete Tank or Uner P8 ATG.TN 7 Polyethylene Tank or Liner D. BROKERIPROCESSOR INFORMATION P9 ATG. WA B Fiberglass Tank or Liner P10 Other (describe) 9 Demineralizer 13 BROKER CODE 10 Gas Cylinder BC1 NDL 15 TREATMENT CODE 11 Bulk, Unpackaged Waste BC2 Radiac See codes B-5.

12 Urnpackaged Components BC3 Adco 13 HighIntegrity Container BC4 Teledyne 14 Fiberboard Drum BC5 US Ecology 19 Other (describe) BC6 Cher-Nudear BC7 SEG BCB Bionomics BC9 Direct transfer BC10 Other (describe)

BC11 None



TREATMENT INFORMATION F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS Source Material SNM Effect of Total Post-Treatment Source Weight of Source Treatment Volume (m3) Material Material SNM Code TotamSNM Maximum grams SNM in any

- Code (grams) (grams) shipment (grams) t 1i6 1 29 20 21 22 13: 9.9 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 2

13: 0.9 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 17: 8.1 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 8:1 0.9 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 5

44: 0.4 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 6 - NONE 0 NONE 0 0 7


9 10 11 E. POST-PROCESSOR TREATMENT F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS 20 SNM CODE 21 TOTAL SNM INFORMATION Special Nudear Material means one Weight must be noted in 18 SOURCE MATERIAL CODE of the folowing: grams(g).

16 EFFECT OF TREATMENT Source Material c Enter one code Der See instructions for B-7, line. Use a separate line for each t"e of SNM1 Plutonium 22 MAXIMUM GRAMS SNM INANY source material transferred. SNM2 Uraniurn-233 SHIPMENT 17 TOTAL POST-TREATMENT NU Natural Uranium Self-explanatory.

VOLUME DU Depleted Uranium SNM3 Uranium enriched in the Volume must be noted in cubic UO Uranium Ores isotope 233 or in the meters (m'J. NT Natura! Thorium isotope 235 TO Thorium Ores SNM4 Any material artificially enriched by any of the 19 WEIGHT OF SOURCE MATERIAL foregoing Weight must be noted In grams (g).


F. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS (cont.) G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE INFORMATION Waste With Chelating Agents Chelate Volume and Weight of LLRW CoeWih hlts LLRW Class coSe CdDipalStCoe Disposal Site Code SteCode Sitoagde Code Volume (m') Weight (kg) 23 24 2s 26 27 28 29 30

_ _AU D2 DS2 2

4 . AU D2 DS2 3

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AU D2 DS2 4

s AU D2 DS1 5

6 . . AU D2 DS2

_ .. AU D9 DS2 S5 7

10 3 CHELATE CODE G. DISPOSAL AND STORAGE 28 DISPOSITION CODE 29 DISPOSAL SITE CAI EDTA D1 Directly to disposal DSI Bamwell, SC CA2 DTPA 27 LLRW CLASS D2 Treatment prior to disposal DS2 Clive. UT CA3 Carbolic Acid Class of radioactive waste D3 Treatment/returned for DS3 Richland, WA CA4 Hydroxy-carbolic Acids as described in sections storage - DS4 Other (describe)

CA5 Citric Acid 61.55 and 61.56 of Ttle 10, D4 Treatmentino disposal CA6 Glucinic Acid Code of Federal (decontamination and 30 STORAGE SITE CA7 Other (describe) Regulations, as in effect on reuse) S1 On site January 26, 1983. atached D5 Storage/no treatment S2 Radiac 4 VOLUME OF LLRW following instructions. D6 Hold for decay on ste and S3 NDL Volume of LLRW containing AS Class A stable dispose as non-radioactive S4 Adco chelating agents (m3). AU Class A unstable D7 Hold for decay off ste and S5 Other (describe)

B Class E dispose as non-radioadtive 5 WEIGHT OF LLRW C Class C D8 Treatment/off-site storage Weight of LLRW containing D9 Other (describe) chelating agents (kg).

5 WEIGHT %CHELATES Weights less than 1%need not be reported.


LLRW Hazard Code . Volume (i ) Activity Radionuclides 31 LLRW CLASS Class (MBq) See codes G-27.

31 32 33 34 3s 32 HAZARD CODE See codes B4.

33 VOLUME Volume must be noted in cubic meters (mi).

34 ACTIVITY Activity must be reported in Mlega~ecquerels (Maq).

35 RADIONUCLIDES As applicable to H-3.


LLRW Class Volume (m3) - Activity by Radionuclide (MBq) 36 3 36 I See Attached Sheets II

Packages >2 mSv Waste Class A A A A A A Volume (m3) 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 Dose Rate (mSv) 13 10 . 12 10 13 6 mCi MBq mCI MBq mCi Maq mCi Maq mCi MBq mCi MBq H-3 2.28E-01 8.44E+00 2.28E-01 8.44E+00 2.14E-01 7.92E+00 2.28E-01 8.44E+00 2.31E-01 8.55E+00 2.28E-01 8.44E400 C-14 4.09E+00 1.51E402 1.99E+00 7.36E+01 5.02E+00 1.86E+02 2.66E+00 9.84E+01 2.16E+00 7.99E401 1.80E+00 6.66E+01 Cr-51 1.85E+02 6.85E+03 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 9.35E201 3.46E203 5.57E+01 2.06E+03 2.92E+01 1.08E+03 7.38E+01 2.73E+03 Mn-54 1.08E+03 4.OOE+04 4.65E+02 1.72E+04 1.08E+03 4.00E+04 6.53E+02 2.42E404 4.76E+02 1.76E404 4.90E+02 4.24E+04 Fe-55 2.10E+03 7.77E+04 1.03E+03 3.81E+04 2.51 E+03 9.29E+04 1.38E+03 5.11 E+04 1.07E403 3.96E+04 9.27E+02 7.53E+04 Fe-59 1.57E+02 5.81E+03 1.62E+01 5.99E+02 6.65E401 2.46E+03 4.89E+01 1.81E+03 2.12E+01 7.84E+02 5.02E+01 1.86E+03 Co-58 1.38E+02 5.11E+03 3.702+01 1.37E+03 1.39E+02 5.14E+03 1.04E+02 3.85E+03 4.71E+01 1.74E+03 8.16E+01 8.56E+02 Co-60 1.56E+03 5.77E+04 7.62E+02 2.82E404 1.89E+03 6.99E+04 1.02E403 3.77E+04 8.10E+02 3.00E+04 6.88E+02 5.322+04 Ni-63 3.05E+01 1.13E+03 1.49E+01 5.51E+02 3.75E+01 1.39E+03 1.99E+01 7.36E+02 1.61E+01 5.96E+02 1.34E401 4.96E+02 Zn-65 3.10E+02 1.15E+04 1.94E+02 7.18E403 4.72E+02 1.75E404 2.60E+02 9.62E+03 1.85E+02 6.85E+03 1.63E+02 6.032+03 Sr-90 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE+200 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE+000 0.002400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Zr-95 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 0.002+00 O.OOE00 O.OE+00 Nb-95 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.002400 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 0.00+00 O.OOE+00 Tc-99 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 0.002+00 0.00E400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO Ag-110m 3.45E+01 1.28E403 2.03E401 7.51E402 7.20E+01 2.66E+03 3.31E+01 1.22E+03 2.66E401 9.84E+02 1.922+01 7.10E+02 Sn-113 O.OOE400 O.OOE00 0.00E00 O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Sb-124 1.03E+01 0.00E+OO O.OOE200 O.OOE200 3.96E+00 1.47E+02 5.872+00 2.17E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.20E+00 1.55E+02 Sb-125 O.OE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 Cs-134 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 0.00E+00 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 0.002+00 O.OOE+200 0.002+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE00 Cs-137 6.74E-01 2.49E+01 3.28E-01 1.212+01 8.262-01 3.06E+01 4.39E-01 1.622+01 3.54E-01 1.31E+01 2.96E-01 1.43E+03 Ce-144 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+200 0.002+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.36E+02 Total 5.61E+03 2.08E+05 2.54E+03 9.41E404 6.37E403 2.36E+05 3.58E+03 1.33E405 2.68E+03 9.93E+04 2.51 E+03 9.30E+04

Packages >2 mSv A A A A A A A 5.8 5.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 15 12 1.5 10 10 1040 255 mCI MBq mCi MBq MCI MBq mCI . Mq mCi MBq mCi MBq mCi MBq 2.25E-01 8.33E+00 2.11E-01 7.81E400 1.25E-01 4.63E400 1.24E-01 4.59E+00 1.24E-01 4.59E+00 1.93E-01 7.14E400 1.79E+01 6.62E402 6.19E+00 2.29E+02 5.79E+00 2.14E+02 3.50E-01 1.30E+01 1.89E+00 6.99E+01 3.OOE+00 1.11E+02 2.49E+01 9.21E402 1.22E+01 4.512402 3.46E+01 1.28E+03 2.01E401 7.44E+02 1.12E+00 4.14E+01 9.91E+00 3.67E+02 9.52E+00 3.52E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 1.36E+03 5.03E+04 1.14E+03 4.22E+04 1.12E402 4.14E+03 4.98E+02 1.84E+04 6.69E+02 2.48E+04 1.43E+04 5.29E+05 6.75E+03 2.50E205 2.96E+03 1.10E+05 2.72E+03 1.01E+05 1.68E+02 6.22E+03 8.87E+02 3.28E+04 1.41E+03 5.22E+04 3.31E+05 1.22E+07 1.62E+05 5.99E+06 6.28E+01 2.32E+03 3.80E+01 1.41E+03 2.48E+00 9.18E+01 2.06E+01 7.62E+02 1.982401 7.33E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE400 1.26E+02 4.66E403 7.462401 2.76E403 4.54E+00 1.68E+02 3.21E+01 1.19E403 4.40E+01 1.63E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.28E203 8.44E404 2.111203 7.81E+04 1.29E+02 4.77E403 6.89E+02 2.55E+04 1.09E+03 4.03E+04 9.95E+04 3.68E406 4.88E+04 1.81E+06 4.622+01 1.71E+03 4.32E+01 1.60E+03 2.61E+00 9.66E+01 1.41E+01 5.22E+02 2.24E+01 8.29E+02 1.01E+03 3.74E404 4.95E+02 1.83E+04 4.11 E402 1.52E+04 3.51 E +02 1.30E404 2.56E+01 9.47E+02 8.63E+01 3.19E203 1:48E402 5.48E403 1.84E+05 6.81E+06 8.24E+04 3.05E406 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 0.00E4O0 0.00E+00 6.332-01 2.34E+01 3.10E-01 1.15E+01 O.OOE400 O.OOEO0 0.002+00 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 0.002EOO O.OOE +00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.002+00 .O0E+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+200 0.002+00 O.OOE00 5.80E-01 2.15E+01 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE0+0 O.ooE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE2400 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.07E201 2.25E+03 5.17E+01 1.912+03 5.64E+00 2.09E+02 1.51E+01 5.59E+02 2.89E+01 1.07E+03 8.06E+02 2.98E+04 2.98E+02 1.10E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 0.002+0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE2400 0.00+00 0.002+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.84E400 2.16E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 2.65E+00 9.81E+01 1.89E+00 6.99E+01 O.OOE200 200 O.OOE O.OOE+00 O.OOE02 O.OOE00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 .OOE+O O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 1.01E+00 3.74E+01 9.47E-01 3.50E+01 5.73E-02 2.12E+00 3.08E-01 1.14E+01 4.91E-01 1.82E+01 5.42E+00 2.012+02 2.66E+00 9.84E+01 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.56E-01 1.32E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.35E+03 2.72E+05 6.56E+03 2.43E+05 4.52E+02 1.67E+04 2.26E+03 8.35E+04 3.45E+03 1.28E+05 6.31E+05 2.33E+07 3.01E+05 1.11E407

Packages >2 mSv A A A A A A A 55.8 .8 . 5.8 ' 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 106) 78 105 101 10 255 30 mCi MBq mCi M~q mCi MBq mCi MBq mCI MBq mCi MBq mCi MBq 4.50E-01 1.67E2.01 3.73E-01 1.38E401 4.49E-01 1.66E+01 4.53E-01 1.68E+01 4.46E-01 1.65E401 4.50E-01 1.67E+01 1.91E+01 7.07E+02 4.04E+01 1.49E+03 5.11E+01 1.89E403 8.68E401 3.21E+03 2.35E+01 8.70E402 1.77E+00 6.55E+01 8.96E+01 3,32E+03 O.OOE400 O.OOE*00 O.OOE+00 0.002+00 .OOE00400 O.OOE+00 0.0E4OO O .OOE+ 00 .OOE+

00. 0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 9.74E-01 3.60E+01 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 2.83E403 1.05E405 6.01E403 2.22E405 9.30E403 3.44E+05 2.94E+03 1.09E205 2.54E+02 9.40E403 1.14E+04 4.22E+05 4.66E402 1.72E+04 2.02E+04 7.47E+05 2.55E+04 9.44E*05 4.30E404 1.59E406 1.21E404 4.482405 8.47E+02 3.13E404 4.47E+04 1.65E4.06 4.68E403 1.73E2405 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE00 O.OOE-00 O.OOE+00 3.87E401 1.43E+03 2.10E400 7.77E+01 1.23E+02 4.55E+03 9.19E-01 3.40E+01 1.13E402 4.18E+03 1.40E*02 5.18E403 2.64E*02 9.77E403 1.18E402 4.37E203 1.09E+01 4.03E402 3.56E402 1.32E204 1.82E400 6.73E401 1.52E+04 5.62E+05 1.92E+04 7.10E405 3.26E+04 1.21E+06 9.OOE+03 3.33E+05 6.53E+02 2.42E204 3.372+04 1.25E+06 1.23E+03 4.55E404 3.01E+02 1.11E+04 3.82E+02 1.41E+04 6.48E+02 2.40E+04 1.76E+02 6.51E+03 1.32E+01 4.88E+02 6.69E+02 2.48E+04 6.52E401 2.41E+03 1.26E*04 4.66E+05 3.37E+03 1.25E+05 6.25E403 2.31E+05 1.84E203 6.81E+04 9.05E+01 3.35E+03 5.95E403 2.20E405 1.34E402 4.96E403 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 0.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+OO O.OOE*00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+oo O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.O+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOEE00 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE+000 0.00E400 O.OOEOO O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+OO O.OOEOO O.OOE+00 4.99E401 1.85E403 6.43E401 2.38E+03 1.01E+02 3.74E+03 8.86E201 3.28E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.19E202 8.10E203 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE00 O.OOE+0200 0.002400 O.OOEO00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 0.002400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.0E0200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.002E00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.002400 O.OOE+00 1.932-01 7.14E+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE0 0..OOE+000 O.OOE+00 0.0000 0.002+001 0.0012400 O.OOE+00 1.13E+02 4.18E+03 1.60E401 5.92E202 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 6.63E+00 2.45E+02 8.40E+00 3.11E+02 1.43E+01 5.29E+02 3.88E+00 1.44E+02 2.90E-01 1.07E+01 1.47E+01 5.44E402 4.29E200 1.59E+02 O.OOE+00 0.002400 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 0.00E+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 5.13E+04 1.90E206 5.47E+04 2.02E+06 9.23E204 3.41E+06 2.63Et04 9.74E+05 1.87E+03 6.93E+04 9.73E404 3.60E+06 6.62E+03 2.45E+05

Packages >2 mSv A A A A A A Al 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 30 30 30 40 _ 30 15 25 mCi MBq mCi MBq mCi MBq mCi MBq mCi MBq mCI MBq mCi MBq 2.21E*01 8.18E+02 2.21E401 8.18E+02 2.18E-01 8.07E+00 4.53E-01 1.68E+01 4.07E-01 1.51E401 4.48E-ol 1.66E401 4.53E-01 1.68E401 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE00 O.OOE400 5.13E400 1.90E+02 1.53E+01 5.66E402 8.66E*00 3.20E202 1.49E+01 5.51E+02 1.89E+00 6.99E+01 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 0.0012*00 0.002O0 1.24E-01 4.59E+00 3.28E402 1.21E+04 5.73E+00 2.12E402 5.42E+01 2.01E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.38E+02 1.99E404 5.32E202 1.97E+04 6.64E+02 2.46E+04 2.99E+03 1.11E+05 2.40E+03 8.88E+04 1.99E+03 7.36E404 3.23E402 1.20E404 5.41E+03 2.00E*05 5.40E403 2.00E+05 2.13E+03 7.88E404 7.84E+03 2.90E*05 1.00E404 3.70E405 7.31E+03 2.70E+05 9.70E+02 3.59E+04 1.03E+00 3.81E+01 9.55E-01 3.53E+01 1.61E+00 5.96E+01 3.53E+02 1.31E+04 1.62E402 5.99E403 1.05E+02 3.89E+03 6.67E200 2.47E+02 2.07E+00 7.66E401 1.97E+00 7.29E+01 1.41E+01 5.22E+02 2.05E.02 7.59E403 1.18E+02 4.37E+03 9.13E401 3.38E403 3.29E401 1.22E403 1.42E403 5.25E+04 1.42E+03 5.25E+04 1.76E+03 6.51E+04 5.84E+03 2.16E+05 5.95E+03 2.20E+05 5.55E203 2.05E+05 7.22E+02 2.67E+04 7.56E+01 2.80E.03 7.55E+01 2.792403 3.81E*01 1.412E03 1.14E+02 4.22E203 6.38E+01

  • 2.36E+03 1.11E+02 4.11E+03 1.41E+01 5.22E+02 1.541+02 5.70E403 1.52E+02 5.62E+03 2.15E+02 7.96E+03 6.84E+02 2.53E+04 9.89E402 3.66E+04 9.56E+02 3.54E+04 1.93E202 7.14E403 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOEE00 O.OE'00 0.00E400 0.0021+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE00 O.OOE*00 O.OOE*00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 1.24E+01 4.59E202 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E4OO O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.49E+00 1.66E+02 0.00E+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO O.0E0+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+OO 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE2400 0.00E00C O.0+0 0 .OOE +00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE2400 0.00400 O.OOE00 3.73E+01 1.38E+03 3.06E401 1.13E+03 2.84E+01 1.05E+03 4.22E+01 1.56E203 1.78E+00 6.59E+01 O.OOE00 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 1.12E401 4.14E402 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0O O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.18E-01 8.07E+00 2.062-01 7.62E+00 3.03E-01 1.12E401 1.762401 6.51E+02 2.84E401 1.05E403 7.68E+00 2.84E+02 O.OOE400 O.OE400 1.85E+01 6.85E+02 1.84E+01 6.81E+02 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.28E+00 4.74E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 .0.00E+00 4.97E+00 1.84E+02 4.97E+00 1.84E+02 8.30E-01 3.07E+01 2.52E+00 9.32E+01 3.09E401 1.14E+03 2.44E+00 9.03E+01 3.11E-01 1.15E401 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 7.65E+03 2.83E+05 7.63E+03 2.822+05 4.87E#03 1.80E205 1.84E+04 6.83E+05 1.98E+04 7.32E+05 1.62E+04 6.012+05 2.27E+03 8.382404

Packages >2 mSv A A A A 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 s0 25 50 50 mCi MBq MCI MBq MO MBq mCi MBq 4.07E-01 1.51E401 4.07E-01 1.51E+01 4.07E-01 1.51E+01 3.05E-01 1.13E+01 6.30E+00 2.33E402 4.87E400 1.80E#02 3.77E+00 1.39E+02 4.70E+00 1.74E+02 O.OOE00 O.OOE400 O.OOE200 O.OOE0O O.OOE00 O.OE+00 O.OOE+000 O.OOE+00 1.40E+03 5.18E404 1.27E+03 4.70E*04 9.26E*02 3.43E+04 9.83E202 3.64E+04 7.33E+03 2.71Ei05 5.66E+03 2.09E+05 4.37E+03 1.62E+05 5.42E+03 2.01E+05 4.23E+01 1.57E+03 4.62E+01 1.71E+03 3.58E+01 1.32E+03 1.95E+01 7.22E+02 6.68E401 2.47E403 7.54E+01 2.79E403 4.85E401 1.79E403 2.90E+01 1.07E+03 4.34E*03 1.61E+05 3.35E+03 1.24E+05 2.59E+03 9.58E+04 3.22E+03 1.19E+05 4.64E+01 1.72E403 3.59E401 1.33E+03 2.78E201 1.03E+03 3.46E+01 1.28E+03 1.44E+03 5.33E+04 1.35E+03 5.00E+04 9.91E+02 3.67E+04 8.45E+02 3.13E+04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE+40 O.OE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OOE200 O.OOE+O0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE00 O.OOE*00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE400 O.OOE400 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE0+0 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE0+0 O.OOE+00 4.16E401 1.54E+03 4.47E+01 1.65E203 3.55E+01 1.31E+03 2.95E401 1.09E+03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.0E0+OO O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 , O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 O.OE0+0 0 O. E00+00 1.33E+00 4.92E+01 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 .OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 0.OE+00 2.25E+01 8.33E202 1.74E+01 6.44E+02 1.34E+01 4.96E+02 1.682+01 6.22E+02 O.00E+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE200 O.OE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+0 0.002+00 O.OOE+00 1.47E+04 5A52+05 1.19E+04 4.39E+05 9.04E+03

  • 3.35E405 1.06E+04 ...3.92E+05



A. DISPOSAL TOTALS FOR THIS YEAR Classes Disposed at Barnwell, SC Disposed at Clive, UT Disposed at: Richland, WA SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Class A Volume (in') Activity (M~q) Volume (m0) Activity (M8q) Volume (m') Activity (MBq) Volume -A Activity -A Via Broker/ 49981900.00 Processor 0.900 33600000.000 19.360 16381900.000 20.260 0 Direct Transfer 0.000 0.000 Class B Volume-B Activity -B Via Broker/

Processor 0.000 0.000 Direct Transfer 0.000 0.000 Class C Volume -C Activity -C Via Broked Processor . . 0.000 0.000 Direct Transfer 0.000 TOTALS 0.900 33600000.000 19.360 16381900.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL ALL CLASSES VOLUME ACTIVITY 20.260 49981900.00 0

B. INTERIM STORAGE TOTALS Classes Placed inInterim Storage during this year Placed In Interim Storage before this year SUBTOTALS BY CLASS Class A Volume (m') Activity (MBq) Volume (m') Activity (MBq) Volume - A Activity - A On Ste 0.000 0.000 Oft She 17 .400 . 1170000.000 . 17.400 1170000.000 Class B Volume

  • B Activity B On Ste 0.000 0.000 OH Ste 0.000 0.000 Class C Volume
  • C Activity - C On Site 0.000 0.000 Onr Ste 0.000 0.000 TOTALS 17.400 1170000.000 0.000 0.000 TOTAL ALL CLASSES 17.400 11700DO.000


Radionuclides mean each individual radionuclide if known, or, at a minimum, all radionuclides that have been or would have to be identified on disposal site manifests. H-3, C-14, Tc-99, and 1-129 must be identified where present.

List the radionuclides contained in the LLRW disposed of during this year (see response to Section Ill-A). Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

H-3 3280.000 C-14 15400.000 Cr-51 34300.000 Mn-54 . 2730000.000 Fe-55 26200000.000 Fe-59 50300.000 Co-58 85500.000 Co-60 11100000.000 Ni-63 169000.000 Zn-65 9500000.000 Sr-90 34.900 Zr-95 471.000 Nb-95 204.000 Ag-1Orm 80500.000 Sn-1 13 428.000 Sb-124 2960.000 Sb-125 6250.000 Cs-137 6440.000 Ce-144 957.000 Total Activity inMBq 49986024.900 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW disposed of, as reported in Section III-A.

A.2 l Ifany of the radionuclides listed inTable A-1 have half-ives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual disposal

  • I as non-radioactive waste.

All waste disposed of consists of mixed fission products. Radionuclides with half-lives less than 90 days can not be separated from the waste, and aare disposed of with the other mixed fission products.

I B.1 I List the radionuclides contained in the LLRW being held in storage for decay on site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide 8.2 Lis? the radionuclides contained in the LLRW being held In storage for decay off site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

U Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide Radionuclide CJ1 IOnBsite List radionudides contained inLLRW in Interim storage on site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

Total Activity in MBq 0.000 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW stored on site, as reported.

C.2 lOff site B List radionuclides contained in LLRW in interim storage off site as of December 31. Use additional sheets as necessary.

Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq) Radionuclide Activity (MBq)

H3 41.400 C-14 494.000 Mn-54 118000.000 Fe-55 572000.000 Fe-59 3760.000 Co-SB 5560.000 Co-60 339000.000 Ni-63 3640.000 Zn-65 118000.000 Ao-1 10m 4060.000 Cs-137 1760.000 Total Activity in MBq 1166415.400 Total activity for all radionuclides listed above:

Total activity should equal total for LLRW being stored off site, as reported.

C.3 l If any of the radionuclides listed inTable C-1 or C-2 have half-lives of less than 90 days, please explain why these are not being held for decay and eventual I disposal as non-radioactive waste.

SECTION V. STORAGE FACILITY INFORMATION NOTE: If your facility manages LLRW by storage for decay only, you only need to complete the Condensed Form for Decay in Storage Only.

ON-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES A.1 Briefly describe your on-site LLRW storage facilities. Include facilities you have for storage of special LLRW forms such as freezers, shielded areas for high-radiation-level wastes, or bermed storage areas for liquid wastes, and estimate the storage capacity for each.

Storage facility consists of 2 concrete pits at Unit 1 and 3 concrete rooms at Unit 2 with sufficient storage capacity for Unit 1 and 2for 20 years A.2 Total Storage Capacity: 4360 m3 A.3 Estimated maximum volume of LLRW held instorage for decay at any one time: f m3 B Do you have any plans for increasing your on-site storage capacity? El No. Skip ltoC.

I ~Ii[ Yes. Complete this section.

Describe such plans and indicate your expected new storage capacity.

OFF-SITE STORAGE FACILITIES C Off-site storage facility information. Use additional pages if necessary.

Please indicate if off-site storage is for storage for decay or interim storage. j Storage for decay A Interim storage Name of facility Studsvik Processing Facility Address: TC Runion Road Erwin, TN Contact and phone number: Ron Leonard 423-735.6300 NOTE: Please answer the following question based on LLRW requiring disposal at licensed LLRW disposal facilities, not LLRW held in storage for decay. Do NOT USE DESCRIPTIVE TERMS SUCH AS UNLIMrrED, CONTINUOUS, OR INDEFINITE.

ESTIMATED STORAGE TIME FOR LLRW REQUIRING DISPOSAL D Based on your anticipated LLRW generation rate and your anticipated capacity to store NOTE: Answer must be in months.

waste as of December 31, HOW MANY MONTHS could you continue to produce and store LLRW on site if access to licensed LLRW disposal facilities were no longer available? 240 months

SECTION VI. FUTURE LLRW GENERATION 2003 FUTURE LLRW GENERATION THAT WILL REQUIRE DISPOSAL Year Class Activity (MBq) Volume (m') Radionuclides 2004 A 37000000.000 120.000 Co-60, Zn-65, Mn-54, Cs-137, Ce-144, C-14, Ni-63, Ni-59, Fe-55, B 15000000.000 3.710 Fe-59, Co-58, Sr-90, H-3, Sr-89, Sr-90, Tc-99, Ao-1IOm.


Total 52000000.000 123.710 2005 A 37000000.000 120.000 Same as above B

15000000.000 3.710

  • C Total 52000000.000 123.710 2006 A 3700000000.000 120.000 Same as above B 15000000.000 3.710 C

Total 3715000000.000 123.710 2007 A 37000000.000 120.000 Same as above B 15000000.000 3.710 C

Total 52000000.000 123.710 2008 A 37000000.000 120.000 Same as above B 15000000.000 3.710 C


  • 52000000.000 123.710

SECTION VII. ATTACHMENT SHEET FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Table will automatically expand as information is entered)

Section lIc Rows 1, 2,4 Column 13 Studsvik Processing Facility Section Hlc Rows 3, 5 Column 13 GTS Duratek Section lIc Rows 1,2, 4 Column 14 Studsvik Processing Facility Section llf Row 6 Column 28 Not processed by year's end - In interim storage awaiting processing in 2004 Section Ilf Row 6 Column 29 Studsvik Porcessing Facility