NL-04-1204, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports

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Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports
Person / Time
Site: Hatch, Vogtle, Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/2004
From: Stinson L
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML042120270 (27)


L M. Stinson (Mike) Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Oflice Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5181 Fax 205.992.0341 A SOUTHERRN July 28, 2004 COMPANY Energy to Serve YourWorldd Docket Nos.: 50-321 50-348 50-424 NL-04-1204 50-366 50-364 50425 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports And Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with the provision of Section 50.90 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), Southern Nuclear (SNC) is submitting a request to amend the Technical Specifications (TS) for Edwin 1.Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP), Units 1 & 2, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP), Units I & 2, and Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP), Units I & 2.

The proposed amendment would delete the TS requirements to submit monthly operating reports and occupational radiation exposure reports. The change is consistent with NRC-approved Revision I to industry/Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Standard Technical Specification Change Traveler, TSTF-369, "Removal of Monthly Operating Report and Occupational Radiation Exposure Report." The availability of this TS improvement was announced in the Federal Register on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) as part of the consolidated line item improvement process (CLIIP).

Enclosure I provides a description of the proposed change and confirmation of applicability. Enclosure 2 provides the existing TS pages marked-up to show the proposed change. Enclosure 3 provides the proposed revised TS pages. Enclosure 4 provides the List of Regulatory Commitments.

SNC requests approval of the proposed license amendment by July 31, 2005, with the amendment being implemented within 60 days from receipt of approval.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL 1204 Page 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, a copy of this application, with enclosures, is being provided to the designated Alabama and Georgia State Officials.

Mr. L. M. Stinson states he is a Vice President of Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY L. M. Stinson Sworn to andsubscribedbefore ine this _ _ day of (W,/_' . 2004.

N'otao, Pulyi

M) commission expires
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1. Description and Assessment
2. Proposed Technical Specification Changes (Mark-Ups)
3. Proposed Technical Specification Changes (Clean)
4. List of Regulatory Commitments cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. B. Beasley, Jr., Executive Vice President (w/o Enclosures)

Mr. H. L. Sumner, Jr., Vice President - Plant Hatch (w/o Enclosures)

Mr. J. T. Gasser, Vice President - Plant Vogtle (w/o Enclosures)

Mr. D. E. Grissette, General Manager - Plant Farley Mr. G. R. Frederick, General Manager - Plant Hatch Mr. W. F. Kitchens, General Manager - Plant Vogtle RTypes: CFAO4.054; CHA02.004; CVC7000; LC# 14073

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-04-1204 Page 3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatorv Commission Dr. W. D. Travers, Regional Administrator Mr. S. E. Peters, NRR Project Manager - Farley Mr. C. Gratton, NRR Project Manager - Hatch Mr. C. Gratton, NRR Project Manager - Vogtle Mr. C. A. Patterson, Senior Resident Inspector - Farley Mr. D. S. Simpkins, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch Mr. G. J. McCoy, Senior Resident Inspector - Vogtle State of Alabama Mr. K. E. Whatley, Department of Public Health, Division of Radiation Control State of Georgia Mr. J. L. Setser, Department of Natural Resources

ENCLOSURE I Edwin I.Hatch Nuclear Plant Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports And Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Description and Assessment


The proposed License amendment deletes the requirements in Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.1 for an annual report on occupational radiation exposures and TS 5.6.4 for a monthly report of operating statistics and shutdown experience.

The changes are consistent with NRC approved Industry/Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Standard Technical Specification Change Traveler, TSTF-369, "Removal of Monthly Operating Report and Occupational Radiation Exposure Report," Revision 1.

The availability of this TS improvement was announced in the Federal Register on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067), as part of the consolidated line item improvement process (CLIIP).


OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT Consistent with the NRC-approved Revision 1of TSTF-369, the proposed TS changes include:

TS 5.6.1 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report Deleted TS 5.6.4 Monthly Operating Reports Deleted As addressed in the safety evaluation published in the Notice of Availability for TSTF-369, SNC is proposing to adopt "Changes to Section 5.0, Administrative Controls."

Specifically, TS 5.6.1 includes a requirement for an annual Occupational Exposure Report (ORER). As discussed in the model safety evaluation, the information needed by the NRC regarding occupational doses is provided by licensees in reports required by 10 CFR part 20. The data from the part 20 reports are sufficient to support NRC trending programs, radiation related studies, and report preparation. According to the model safety evaluation, the NRC has determined TS 5.6.1 can be deleted, and the ORER will no longer be required to be submitted by the licensee.

Also as addressed in the safety evaluation published in the Notice of Availability for TSTF-369, SNC is proposing to adopt a part of NRC-approved Revision 4 to TSTF-258, "Changes to Section 5.0, Administrative Controls." Specifically, TS 5.6.4 includes a requirement to include in the monthly operating reports any challenges to pressurizer power operated relief valves or pressurizer safety valves (for pressurized water reactors) or safety/relief valves (for boiling water reactors). The NRC model safety evaluation addressed the removal of requirements to submit monthly operating reports in those cases where the TS includes a requirement to address challenges to relief and safety valves (i.e.,

if a licensee had not yet adopted the associated part of TSTF-258).

The proposed changes are consistent with the option described in the Notice of Availability published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) and the related documentation for both TSTF-369 and the limited portion of TSTF-258 included in this application. As addressed in the safety evaluation published in the Notice of Availability for TSTF-369, the removal of TS 5.6.1 and TS 5.6.4 resulted in various editorial and formatting changes such as the renumbering of TS sections. In this submittal, these changes do not require renumbering of TS sections nor do they revise technical or administrative requirements.



The background for this application is adequately addressed by the NRC Notice of Availability published on June 23, 2004 (60 FR 35067) and TSTF-369.

4.0 REGULATORY' REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE The applicable regulatory requirements and guidance associated with this application are adequately addressed by the NRC Notice of Availability published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) and TSTF-369.


SNC has reviewed the safety evaluation (SE) published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) as part of the CLIIP Notice of Availability. This verification included a review of the NRC staff's SE and the supporting information provided to support TSTF-369. SNC has concluded that the justifications presented in the TSTF proposal and the SE prepared by the NRC staff are applicable to FNP, HNP and VEGP and justify this amendment for the incorporation of the changes to the plants' TS.


A description of this proposed change and its relationship to applicable regulatory requirements and guidance was provided in the NRC Notice of Availability published on June 23, 2004.

6.1 Verification and Commitments As discussed in the model SE published in the Federal Register on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) for this TS improvement, SNC makes the following regulatory commitment (1.)

and verification (2.):

1. SNC is making a regulatory commitment to provide to the NRC using an industry database the operating data (for each calendar month) that is described in Generic Letter 97-02, "Revised Contents of the Monthly Operating Report," by the last day of the month following the end of each calendar quarter. The regulatory commitment will be based on use of an industry database (e.g., the industry's Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) program, currently being developed and maintained by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations). This regulatory commitment will be implemented to prevent any gaps in the monthly operating statistics and shutdown experience provided to the NRC (i.e., data for all months will be provided using one or both systems (monthly operating reports and CDE)).
2. Each site does not have different reactor types or both operating and shutdown reactors.


7.0 NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION SNC has reviewed the proposed no significant hazards consideration determination published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) as part of the CLIPP. SNC has concluded that the staff's findings presented in that evaluation are applicable to FNP, HNP, and VEGP and the evaluation is hereby incorporated by reference for this application.

8.0 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION SNC has reviewed the environmental evaluation included in the model SE published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067) as part of the CLIIP. SNC has concluded that the staff's finding presented in that evaluation are applicable to FNP, HNP, and VEGP and the evaluation is hereby incorporated by reference for this application.

9.0 PRECEDENT This application is being made in accordance with the CLIIP. SNC is not proposing variations or deviations from the TS changes described in TSTF-369 (and the limited portion of TSTF-258) or the NRC staff's model SE published on June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067).


Federal Register Notice: Notice of Availability of Model Application Concerning Technical Specifications Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process, published June 23, 2004 (69 FR 35067).


ENCLOSURE 2 Edwvin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Joseph Al. Farley Nuclear Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports And Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Proposed Technical Specification Changes (Nlark-Ups)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

Dad afme measyrement,.nma exp totng 4 otal dm e need ot be ocounted for. bIthe actregat whol body dc e receved fron exterrj Isour sshoL ma1r work f notiony. The raport shal be su/mitted 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report

-NOT E-----------------------------

A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the (continued)

HATCH UNIT 1 5.0-1 8 Amendment No. 203

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (continued) format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and the Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Mo thly dperatira Rerts /

eted. ,gSuti repo4f of o rating tatistics nd shtdown perie e, md ing docu nenta n of challe ges to t e main team fetyfre ef valv s, shall e supfnitted n a m nthly b sis no I er tha the 1t5 of each montollowin the c fendae onth overe y the r port.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1) The Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.1.
2) The Minimum Critical Power Ratio for Specification 3.2.2.
3) The Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.3.


HATCH UNIT 1 5.0-1 9 Amendment No. 239

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental ODerating Report

- ------------------------------- NOTE--------------------------------------------------------

A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the (continued)

HATCH UNIT 2 5.0-1 8 Amendment No. 444

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReDort (continued) table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and the Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 MoAhly 0'eratifX Re D'rts Dle 4 outiAe rep s of o eratin gdtatistic and sh tdown xperie md ne, ding doc fnent on of chall ges to t e mai team afety/re ef valv s, shall e su itte on a m nthly bsis no I er tha the 15 of ea mont followin the c lenda month overen bythe rport.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1) The Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.1.
2) The Minimum Critical Power Ratio for Specification 3.2.2.
3) The Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.3.


HATCH UNIT 2 5.0-1 9 Amendment No. 482

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report K I U

INU II _-------_________________

A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the radiological environmental monitoring program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.


Farley Units 1 and 2 5.6-1 Amendment No. 446- (Unit 1)

Amendment No. 437- (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report IkIT' I


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit in the previous year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit.

The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1. Reactor Core Safety Limits for THERMAL POWER, Reactor Coolant System highest loop average temperature and pressurizer pressure for Safety Limit 2.1.1,
2. SHUTDOWN MARGIN limit for MODES 2 (with kenl < 1), 3, 4, and 5 for LCO 3.1.1,
3. Moderator Temperature Coefficient BOL and EOL limits and 300 ppm and 100 ppm surveillance limits for LCO 3.1.3, (continued)

Farley Units 1 and 2 5.6-2 Amendment No. 1-54 (Unit 1)

Amendment No. 443 (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM),

and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.


Vogtle Units 1 and 2 5.6-1 Amendment No. G6 (Unit 1)

Amendment No. 74 (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (continued)

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in a format similar to the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, the submittal shall specify the releases of gaseous and liquid radioactive material from each unit and of solid radioactivity from the site.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Mowthlv eratiW Re rts Bouti qrep/s of o lratins a i tican s 1tdw ~xerine ir udi

/cu, enta} nf Wchall hes tseth prfu!ieyoe 11erat prlief v lzs or p'esrir saf ty va ved shall sbiitted Sbe oW aMOr~ basso I r tf hejh of e6 mo 11l~ 9 thaenr ro~oe~b (continued)

Vogtle Units 1 and 2 5.6-2 Amendment No. 96 (Unit 1)

Amendment No. 74 (Unit 2)

ENCLOSURE 3 Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Joseph M. Farlcy Nuclear Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports And Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Proposed Technical Specification Changes (Clean)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 Deleted.

5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the (continued)

HATCH UNIT 1 5.0-18 Amendment No.

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (continued) format of the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and the Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Deleted.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1) The Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.1.
2) The Minimum Critical Power Ratio for Specification 3.2.2.
3) The Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.3.


HATCH UNIT 1 5.0-1 9 Amendment No.

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 Deleted.

5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50,'Appendix 1,Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in the format of the (continued)

HATCH UNIT 2 5.0-1 8 Amendment No.

Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (continued) table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and the Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Deleted.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1) The Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.1.
2) The Minimum Critical Power Ratio for Specification 3.2.2.
3) The Linear Heat Generation Rate for Specification 3.2.3.


HATCH UNIT 2 5.0-19 Amendment No.

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 Deleted.

5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the radiological environmental monitoring program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.


Farley Units 1 and 2 5.6-1 Amendment No. (Unit 1)

Amendment No. (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, for units with separate radwaste systems, the submittal shall specify the releases of radioactive material from each unit.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit in the previous year shall be submitted prior to May 1 of each year in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit.

The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Deleted.


a. Core operating limits shall be established prior to each reload cycle, or prior to any remaining portion of a reload cycle, and shall be documented in the COLR for the following:
1. Reactor Core Safety Limits for THERMAL POWER, Reactor Coolant System highest loop average temperature and pressurizer pressure for Safety Limit 2.1.1,
2. SHUTDOWN MARGIN limit for MODES 2 (with ken < 1), 3, 4, and 5 for LCO 3.1.1,
3. Moderator Temperature Coefficient BOL and EOL limits and 300 ppm and 100 ppm surveillance limits for LCO 3.1.3, (continued)

Farley Units 1 and 2 5.6-2 Amendment No. (Unit 1)

Amendment No. (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 5.6 Reporting Requirements The following reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.4.

5.6.1 Deleted.

5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station.

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the operation of the unit during the previous calendar year shall be submitted by May 15 of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analyses of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program for the reporting period. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM),

and in 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Sections IV.B.2, IV.B.3, and IV.C.


Vogtle Units 1 and 2 5.6-1 Amendment No. (Unit 1)

Amendment No. (Unit 2)

Reporting Requirements 5.6 5.6 Reporting Requirements 5.6.2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (continued)

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include the results of analyses of all radiological environmental samples and of all environmental radiation measurements taken during the period pursuant to the locations specified in the table and figures in the ODCM, as well as summarized and tabulated results of these analyses and measurements in a format similar to the table in the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In the event that some individual results are not available for inclusion with the report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted in a supplementary report as soon as possible.

5.6.3 Radioactive Effluent Release Report


A single submittal may be made for a multiple unit station. The submittal should combine sections common to all units at the station; however, the submittal shall specify the releases of gaseous and liquid radioactive material from each unit and of solid radioactivity from the site.

The Radioactive Effluent Release Report covering the operation of the unit shall be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.36a. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents and solid waste released from the unit. The material provided shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in the ODCM and Process Control Program and in conformance with 10 CFR 50.36a and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.1.

5.6.4 Deleted.


Vogtle Units 1 and 2 5.6-2 Amendment No. (Unit 1)

Amendment No. (Unit 2)

ENCLOSURE 4 Edwin 1. Hatch Nuclear Plant Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports And Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports List of Regulatory Commitments

ENCLOSURE 4 List of Rctjulatorv Commitments The following table identifies those actions committed by Southern Nuclear Operating Company in this document. Any other statements in this submittal are provided for information purposes and are not considered to be regulatory commitments.


SNC will provide to the NRC X Within 60 days using an industry database the from receipt of operating data (for each NRC approval of calendar month) that is proposed license described in Generic Letter 97- amendments.

02, "Revised Contents of the Monthly Operating Report," by the last day of the month following the end of each calendar quarter. The regulatory commitment will be based on use of an industry database (e.g., the industry's Consolidated Data Entry (CDE) program, currently being developed and maintained by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations). This regulatory commitment will be implemented to prevent any gaps in the monthly operating statistics and shutdown experience provided to the NRC (i.e., data for all months will be provided using one or both systems (monthly operating reports and CDE)).