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E-mail from Mendiola to Jackson, 02-24-04, Davis-Besse Restart Status Update
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/2004
From: Anthony Mendiola
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Diane Jackson, Mohammed Shuaibi, Weaver D
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML041480287 (4)


, Anthony Mendiola - Fwd: 02624-04pm DB Restart Status Update ___ Page

_ 1lX -

,3f5 29J-From: Anthony Mendlola/iV42-'

To: Deborah Jackson; Doug Weaver; Mohammed Shuaibi Date: 02/25/2004 6:56AM


Fwd: 02-24-04pm DB Restart Status Update Here is the latest version of the update. I will update this information after I get an update from the Residents.

Thanks, Tony CC: Card Lyon; John Stang; Jon Hopkins; William Ruland F  ; . .1-

Anthony Mendiola 24-O4pmn DB Restart Status Update Page 1 From: Randal Baker To: DB0350; Geoffrey Grant; James Caldwell Date: 02/24/2004 6:55PM


02-24-04pm DB Restart Status Update Attached please find the Daily DB Restart Status update.

Thanks, Randy Baker 630 829 9838 Rill DRP Branch 4

Anthony Mbndiola 24-04pm DB Restart Status Update.wpd I_ Page 1 SE INOMN - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DAVIS-BESSE R~RAT SAU This information Iscurrent as of 4:30 pm (EST) on February 24, 2004.

The plant Is InMode 3 maintaining Normal Operating Pressure/Normal Operating Temperature.

(NOP/NOT - 5320F1/2155 psig). The licensee expects to maintain the plant Inthese conditions until restart.

LICENSEE ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO RESTART The licensee iscurrently tracking outstanding activates that need to be completed prior to restart

[Mode 2/13. There are approximately 16 restart Items.

  • Corrective Actions: 7
  • Condition Reports: 1
  • Field Work: 5
  • Post Maintenance Tests: 2
  • Surveillance Tests: 1 NRC ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO RESTART The 0350 Panel completed deliberations on a restart decision and presented an afternoon briefing to Jim Caldwell, Jim Dyer, and Sam Collins on February 23, 2004.

Below Is a simplified time line that describes the significant NRC and licensee activities and milestones that are necessary for NRC to authorize restart.

These tentative dates are predicated upon the licensee successfully completing NRC pre-restart activities and demonstrating acceptable operating performance.

Key Agency decision points are annotated with asterisks (¢) In the timeline below.

The outcome of each decision point could materially alter the timing and substance of the rest of the schedule.

The details of these activities are described In three internal NRC documents: the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel Process Plan, the Davis-Besse Restart Communications Plan and the Davis-Besse Restart Punch List.

Panel Issues restart recommendation to Jim Caldwell Panel briefing for Commissioners' TAs Jim Caldwell Issues draft Order to licensee (for affirmation/hearing 5,


LIcensee affirms conditions of Order and declines hearing Finalize restart authorization letter and Order (letter to be signed by Jim Caldwell; will authorize restart and transmit the Order - Order to be signed by Jim Dyer)

Implement Restart Communications Plan (1-day Enforcement Notification)

Issue restart authorization letter and Order


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/uurIurIyMnaio:a u--U4pm U Iesrarr taus Update.wpd Page 22 SE _I OFFICIAL USE OW0 A* Implement restart Inspection plan CHALLENGES THAT THE LICENSEE IS CURRENTLY ADDRESSING The licensee Is evaluating repairs to a nonisolable steam leak from a normally closed/capped 1-inch manual vent valve from the Steam Generator 1.

LICENSEE ACTIVITIES FOLLOWING RESTART AUTHORIZATION The following sequence of events were taken from a licensee Level 1 schedule.

NRC approval for restart Enter operational Mode 2 (reactor startup)

Reactor critical - Zero power physics testing Enter Mode I (greater than 5% power)

Readiness and effectiveness review prior to synch to the grid Synch to the grid Readiness and effectiveness review prior to exceeding 50% power Reactor at 100% power SENS NICI AL USE 0