IR 05000346/2004002

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Memo to Lipa from Hills, Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station DRS Input to Integrated Report 50-346/04-02
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/2004
From: Dave Hills
To: Christine Lipa
FOIA/PA-2004-0140, IR-04-002
Download: ML041450361 (6)



0 LISLE, ILLINOIS 60532 February 22, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Christine Lipa, Chief Branch 4 Division of Reactor Projects FROM: David Hills, Chief IRA!

Mechanical Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUBJECT: DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION DRS INPUT TO INTEGRATED REPORT 50-346/04-02 Attached is the report input for Davis Besse Nuclear Power Station, Inspection Report 50-346/04-02. This report input documents completion of an inspection to review and close URI 50-346/02-014-06 -Question Regarding Licensee Compliance with Code Relief Valve Requirements. I have reviewed this input and have determined it is ready for distribution to the licensee and dissemination to the publi Attachment: Input to Inspection Report 50-346/04-02 CONTACT: M. Holmberg, DRS (630) 829-9748 DOCUMENT NAME: ML040540581.wpd receive mo a copy of this document. Indicate In the box: 'C' * Copy without attachmentfenclosure 'E' * Copy with attachment/enclosure 'N' No copy OFFICE Rill N RIII IN I NAME MHolmberg:tr DHills DATE 02/18/04 02/22/04 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY A"'

Cover Letter X Input below, no findings of significance were identifie Title Page Inspector: M. Holmberg, Reactor Inspector SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Modify second paragraph as follows:

The inspections were conducted by resident and inspectors based in the NRC Region III office. Inspector-Identified and Self-Revealed Findingqs None. Licensee-Identified Violations None. OTHER ACTIVITIES 4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems (71152)

.1 (Closed) URI 05000346/2002014-06: Question Regarding Licensee Compliance with Code Relief Valve Requirement In November of 2002, the NRC identified a concern for potentially inadequate over-pressure (OP) protection for the containment air coolers (CACs), decay heat removal (DHR) coolers, emergency diesel generator jacket water (EDGJW) heat exchangers and associated system piping. For example, the NRC had questioned the use of locked open valves between the relief valve and the Code components requiring relief protection with respect to meeting the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code requirements for positive controls and interlocks on stop valve On January 23, 2004, the inspectors completed an on-site inspection of this concern focused on the location of the system relief valves to ensure OP protection was provided for the CACs, EDGJW heat exchangers and DHR coolers under operating/design basis conditions. The inspectors discussed the specific requirements and system configurations associated with OP protection with NRC staff in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and no concerns for Code compliance were identified. Specifically, the inspectors confirmed that:

The EDGJW coolers and CACs were not Code stamped vessels and thus did not have component level design requirements governing OP protection. The

OP protection for the CACs was provided by pressure relief devices for the service water system in which the CACs were installe * The DHR coolers were Code stamped vessels, which had component level OP protection requirements from the original design Code (ASME Code,Section III and Section VIII, 1968 Edition). The inspectors confirmed that the configuration and location of the system OP protection devices was consistent with these requirement * For the component cooling water, service water and decay heat removal piping systems which contained these components, the applicable design Code was the ASME Code,Section III, 1971 Edition. This design Code contained specific requirements associated with the location, capacity and types of relief protection required. The inspectors confirmed that the configuration and location of the system OP protection devices was consistent with these requirements for the piping sections containing these component For these systems and components, the licensee had not produced a written document that explicitly identified how the applicable OP protection requirements from the design Codes were implemented. The inspectors were concerned that without an explicit written OP protection record, changes in plant operating lineups or system components could render the Code OP protection strategy ineffective and result in damaged equipment. Based upon this observation, the licensee implemented corrective actions (CR 04-00582) to document the OP protection strategy for these systems and components in controlled safety-related calculation The inspectors did not identify any normal or emergency operating system configurations or lineups that would result in isolating the CACs, EDG JW coolers and DHR coolers from OP protection devices, without considering these components and associated piping systems inoperable. Further, no deviations from applicable Code requirements were identified with respect to location of relief protection devices for these components. This URI is closed.

4OA6 Meetings

.2 Interim Exit Meetings An interim exit meeting was conducted for:

Closure of URI 50-346/02-014-06 with Mr. B. Allen on January 23, 2004

KEY POINTS OF CONTACT Licensee B. Allen, Plant Manager J. Grabnar, Manager, Design Engineering P. Mahoney, Design Engineerin LIST OF ITEMS OPENED CLOSED AND DISCUSSED Open None Closed 50-346/02-014-06 URI Question Regarding Licensee Compliance with Code Relief Valve Requirements.

Discussed None LIST OF DOCUMENTS REVIEWED 40A2 Problem Identification and Resolution Condition Report 04-00161; CAC Outlet Valves; dated January 6, 2004 Condition Report 03-10371; Various Containment Air Cooler Related Equipment; dated December 1, 2003 Condition Report 03-06837; Various; dated August 22, 2003 Condition Report 02-07640; No ASME Code Review Documented; dated October 8, 2002 Condition Report 02-06860; Various Heat Exchangers; dated September 27, 2002 PCAQR 88-0737; ASME Code Relief Protection; dated September 20,1988 SE-95-0056; Removal of Containment Air Cooler Relief Valves; dated July 3, 1995 OS-020 Sh 1; Operational Schematic Service Water System; Revision 64 OS-020 Sh 2; Operational Schematic Service Water System; Revision 33 OS-004 Sh 1; Operational Schematic Decay Heat Removal Low Pressure Injection System; Revision 36

OS-004 Sh 2; Operational Schematic Decay Heat Removal Low Pressure Injection System; Revision 04 OS-021 Sh 1; Operational Schematic Component Cooling Water System; Revision 31 OS-021 Sh 2; Operational Schematic Component Cooling Water System; Revision 21 OS-021 Sh 3; Operational Schematic Component Cooling Water System; Revision 9 OS-041 Sh 1; Operational Schematic Emergency Diesel Generator Systems; Revision 19 DB-OP-06316; Diesel Generator Operating Procedure; Revision 12 DB-OP-06012; Decay Heat and Low Pressure Injection System Operating Procedure; Revision 16 DB-OP-06016; Containment Air Cooling System Procedure; Revision 13 DB-OP-06262; Component Cooling Water System Procedure; Revision 7 DB-OP-02000; RPS, SFAS, SFRS Trip, or SG Tube Rupture; Revision 12 EWR 02-0343-00; Containment Air Cooler Upgrades; dated June 7, 2003 UFSAR Change Notice 97-073; Code Discrepancies; dated July 31, 1992 Specification No. 7749-M-400; Technical Specification for Containment Air Cooler Units; dated February 22, 1977 Specification No. 1024/1069; Heat Exchangers for Auxiliary System Service; dated November 14,1968 Specification No. M-200; Piping Classes; Revision 6 Drawing M-033; Decay Heat Removal System and Emergency Core Cooling Systems; Revision 21 Drawing M-033B; Decay Heat Removal Train 1; Revision 43 Drawing M-033C; Decay Heat Removal Train 2; Revision 19 Drawing M-0368; Component Cooling Water System; Revision 31 Drawing M-036; Component Cooling Water System; Revision 15 Drawing M-041; Service Water System; Revision 18 Drawing M-041 C; Service Water System for Containment Air Coolers; Revision 24

LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ADAMS Agencywide Document Access and Management System ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers CAC Containment Air Cooler CCW Component Cooling Water CR Condition Report DHR Decay Heat Removal EDGJW Emergency Diesel Generator Jacket Water OP Over-pressure URI Unresolved Item