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Revised Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel (Additional Attachments Incorporated)
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/2004
From: Grobe J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2005-0261, IMC 0350
Download: ML040711241 (20)


March 11, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, IMC 0350 Oversight Panel /RA by C.

Lipa Acting for/



The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held August 27.

Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the IMC 0350 Panel; the Program Effectiveness Inspection Plan (02-11); and the Action Items List.


As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII K. Coyne, NRR D. Thatcher, NRR DB0350

MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station IMC 0350 Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, IMC 0350 Oversight Panel



The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held August 27.

Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the IMC 0350 Panel; the Program Effectiveness Inspection Plan (02-11); and the Action Items List.


As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Dyer, RIII J. Caldwell, RIII K. Coyne, NRR D. Thatcher, NRR DB0350 DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML040711241.wpd To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box:"C" = Copy without enclosure "E"= Copy with enclosure"N"= No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII NAME RBaker/dtp CLipa /RA C. Lipa Acting for/JGrobe DATE 03/11/04 03/11/04 03/11/04 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

MEETING MINUTES: Internal IMC 0350 Restart Panel Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DATE: August 27, 2002 TIME: 1:00 p.m. Central ATTENDEES:

S. Bloom J. Hopkins B. Bonser J. Jacobson L. Collins B. Jorgensen B. Dean T. Mendiola M. Farber S. Thomas Agenda Items:

1. Reports from Staff Status of TI 2515/145 and IP 7111.08 This agenda item was rescheduled.

Site Activities (RIO)

The SRI briefed the panel on site activities. The containment vessel has been cut and runways for movement of the reactor vessel heads in and out of containment are being installed. Problems are still being experienced with the operation of the polar crane.

The current schedule shows removal of the old reactor vessel head from containment on August 29, movement of the new head into containment on August 30, and welding of the containment vessel September 7 - 11.

Reactor coolant pump work and containment air cooler refurbishment are ongoing. The containment dome is being stripped and repainted.

Review of Action Items (panel)

The Action Items list was reviewed and updated. During the meeting, one new action item was generated.

ACTION: Provide report input on Framatome inspection of records for the new vessel head Licensing Issues/ Actions (DLPM) - status sheet The status of the green and yellow ticket items was discussed. No comments have been received on the draft 2.206 petition. The 14 day comment period ends August 30.

NRR is reviewing the control of proprietary and predecisional information related to the Kaptor/Markey response and the FOIA. Also, an additional (5th) box of information will be transmitted on the Tauzin/Gillmor request.

RIII received a letter from NIRS. The letter has been sent to the EDOs office to be ticketed.

Status of Public Communications (panel)

The communications plan is under development. Revision 0 has been distributed for comment. This agenda item will be changed to Communications Plan.

2. IMC 0350 Panel Business Inspection Schedule Three inspection plans will be reviewed by the panel next week for approval.

The System Health inspection was discussed. The inspection will be two-part. The first part will be an in-depth review of the service water system and will be similar to an SSDI.

This part will be 5-6 people for 2-1/2 inspection weeks. The second part of the inspection will include the six stars and a review of all five of the licensees latent issues reports and a review of 4-5 system readiness reports. This part of the inspection will conclude around November 8, approximately 2 weeks after the licensees schedule shows completion of the last latent issues report. There will be two separate inspection reports generated from this inspection. The dates of the inspection are planned as follows:

9/16 - preparation 9/23 - onsite 9/30 - RIII 10/7 - onsite The program compliance inspection will be staffed with 4 people. The dates of the inspection are as follows:

9/9 - onsite 9/30 - onsite 10/7 - onsite The management and human performance inspection will be staffed with 5 people. The onsite weeks will be 9/9 and 9/30.

An inspection for restart readiness and to closeout any open issues was also discussed.

This inspection is not currently planned or staffed. Also, a follow-up inspection related to the hot particle issue will likely be required.

T. Mendiola briefed the panel on preliminary results of the NRR inspection work at Framatome to review the records and work to qualify the Midland head. There were no major findings.

Process Plan This item was not discussed. The panel requested that the process plan be reviewed in detail in an upcoming meeting.

Restart Checklist This item was not discussed.

Licensee Return to Service Plan This item was not discussed NRC/Licensee weekly calls The weekly call will be held tomorrow.

3. Utilization of the Web Page A number of items will be put on the web page this week related to the 7/16, 8/15, and 8/20 public meetings. An electronic version of the non-technical root cause has been requested from the licensee for easier input to ADAMS and onto the website.
4. Future Activities/Plans/Meetings Upcoming 0350 Panel Public Meeting The panel discussed the dates for the September, October, and November public meetings. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 17. The Oak Harbor high school has been reserved.

Six-week look ahead schedule Brian Sheron and Rich Barrett are tentatively scheduled for a site visit September 18 or 19.

Next Panel Meetings: Thursday, August 29 and Tuesday, September 3

5. Discuss how to handle public or staff comments, questions, allegations, and concerns received by phone, fax, letter, email, or at public meetings.

No new issues were discussed.

IMC 0350 Panel Action Items Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 1 Review the need for a full core S. Thomas Complete. Email to DB0350 5/23 offload (May 21) 2 Develop slides for 0350 portion C. Lipa Complete of ACRS meeting (May 21) 3 Invite Casto/Bateman to panel to B. Dean Complete 5/23 See internal meeting discuss review of root cause minutes (May 21) 4 Develop operational history C. Lipa Due 6/18. Additional action added 6/18 -

package for Davis-Besse T. Mendiola B. Dean to ask L. Portner for OCA (May 21) B. Dean correspondence with Kaptur. Complete with one exception - NRR to provide basic licensing information DONE 7/23. Need to capture PPR history from late 1990s.

Completed and sent out 7/30 5 Followup with State of Ohio after R. Lickus Complete 5/23 See internal meeting May 23 meeting w/licensee minutes (May 21) 6 Review AIT procedure to see if it C. Lipa Complete 5/23 should be used for AIT followup (May 21) 7 Communicate with the licensee M. Johnson, T. Complete 5/23 See internal meeting regarding the need for updated Mendiola, D. minutes risk assessment (May 21) Pickett 8 Setup location for June 12 0350 S. Thomas Complete 5/23 See internal meeting meeting (May 21) minutes 9 Provide draft restart checklist to C. Lipa Will bring back draft checklist for June 18 the panel (May 16) meeting. 6/18 - will bring back on 6/20.

6/25 - Christine is working on marked up version. 7/2 - Still working bring back 7/11.

7/16 Discussed - still finalizing. 7/18 Discussed - will email draft to Dyer for review. He has reviewed. Dean to share with NRR and DRP to prepare letter to licensee. Discuss draft on 7/30 - Grobe to discuss with licensee per 0350. 8/6 -

Discussed 8/13 S. Collins and J. Johnson have reviewed - ready for concurrence copy. 8/22 - Complete 10 Send second RAI to licensee T. Mendiola NRR to have call by 6/18. Draft responses (May 16) already received. 6/18 - call has not been held. 6/20 - hope to have call today. 6/25 -

Issued RAI, licensee will respond by 7/12, preliminary responses look to be adequate. 6/27 -Complete 11 Decide if umbrella charter J. Grobe Complete 5/23 should go on the web page (May 16)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 12 Prepare information request for T. Mendiola Complete LLTF (May 23) C. Lipa 13 Send licensee building block S. Thomas Complete plans (3) to Lipa, Pickett (May 23) 14 Issue Meeting Notice for 6/12 C. Lipa Complete - on website meeting (May 23) 15 Discuss expectations for 6/12 C. Lipa Complete. J. Grobe to discuss again meeting with licensee J. Jacobson w/licensee 6/11 (May 23) J. Grobe 16 Read licensee return to service Panel Complete plan in preparation for 6/12 meeting 17 Develop 6 week look ahead C. Lipa Complete.

schedule 18 Slide on Checklist to discuss J. Grobe Closed not completed.

with licensee 19 Send 3 plans to HQ C. Lipa Complete - all 6 plans sent to RIII and NRR 20 Obtain history of Byron, J. Jacobson Complete. All performed ILRT Braidwood, Palisades, and Pt.

Beach containment mods and leak test requirements 21 Set up next meeting/bridge line L. Collins Complete for 6/12 22 Confirm that transcriber will be C. Lipa Complete ready at 3:00 PM 23 Request licensee to provide S. Thomas Complete speaker phone for internal meeting 6/12 24a Discuss making information Panel Discuss by June 30, after safety related to HQ/licensee calls significance assessment complete. 6/27 -

publicly available Invite Bateman to panel mtg. To discuss what else is needed to closeout the CAL (i.e. quarantine plan). 7/2 - NRR not yet ready to discuss. 7/16 - See if procedures have changed on CAL closeout - does JD need to send letter? 7/18 - Discussed - is there an applicable regional procedure?

8/6 - Discussed. Need to determine the final approach on the core removed from the head and the final approach on the head before the quarantine can be lifted.

8/22 - Revisit action item after letter sent to licensee confirming plans with old vessel head (head may be onsite longer than originally anticipated)

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 24b Discuss making information Panel 6/27 - Complete. Publicly available info related to the Congressional contained in the request will remain request publicly available (6/27) publicly available. Non-public information will remain non-public.

25 Determine containment testing T. Mendiola 6/18 update - Provide licensees regulatory required (PSB) path to Tech staff. 6/25 - Tech staff determined ILRT required unless relief is requested. 6/27 - phone call scheduled with licensee today, letter from PM to follow. 7/9 - Need letter to file that is publicly available and letter from licensee.

7/16 -Expect letter by 8/2. 8/6 - Discussed

- Sands to determine if letter received.

8/13 - Letter from licensee received. Item closed.

26 Provide licensee with inspection Panel 7/16 - pending 7/18 - J. Jacobson working schedule - will follow issuance of restart checklist.

Est due date 8/2 to include scheduled and TBD inspections. 8/22 - System health dates now set - will likely send out schedule next week. 8/27 - Discussed -

on track to send out next week.

27 Brief J. Dyer on Kaptur visit, J. Grobe Briefing on Kaptur visit and June 12 June 12 meetings, risk analysis C. Lipa meetings held. Kaptur visit canceled.

S. Burgess Risk briefing planned for 6/20. Complete 28 Request S. Long to participate in Panel Complete 6/20 internal call.

29 Interface with K. Riemer J. Grobe 6/25 - Discussed with Ken. DRS will regarding perform a transportation BI approx. 3rd inspection/assessment of week in August. 6/27 - Complete licensees head disposal plan 30 Request copy of current version T. Mendiola 6/20 - Chairmans office sent to J. Grobe of Kaptur/Markey letter from the to review changes.. 6/25 - Closed, letter Chairmans office yet to be issued.

31 Provide proper storage for C. Lipa 6/25 - Sensitive info may not be sent to Tauzin/Gillmor documents at RIO. 6/27 - Sensitive info will not be sent RIO to RIO. Complete 32 Determine with EDOs office if T. Mendiola 6/20 - no input yet from EDOs office.

6/12 UCS letter should be a 6/25 - Grobe spoke with Rosenberg, will green ticket (6/18) pursue green ticket with due date of 7/12.

Associated FSAR letter is due out 7/7.

6/27 - no date yet from EDOs office. 7/2 -

Green ticket due to EDOs office 7/24.

7/16 - Complete. Tracked on T. Mendiolas correspondence list.

33 Discuss with NRR staff who will B. Dean 6/20 - Update received from B. Bateman coordinate the review of on plan for NRR review. 6/25 - see panel documentation for the licensees meeting minutes for update. 6/27 -

head replacement plan (6/18) Complete

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 34 Discuss with licensee regulatory S. Thomas 6/20 - Issue discussed. Licensee can assurance manager about participate. Panel proposed Wednesdays having a weekly 0350 status call at noon (central). 6/25 - first call will be set (6/18) up for 7/3. 6/27 - first call will be set up for 7/10. 7/2 - Complete 35 Review Web page design for S. Bloom 6/25 - Bloom discussed with OCIO, no ease of use (6/20) changes recommended at this time.

Complete 36 Discuss proposed date of next S. Thomas 6/25 - 7/16 is good. S. Thomas left 0350 panel meeting with message with Stucker. B. Dean and J.

licensee (7/16). If acceptable, Grobe need to determine who will chair the contact Oak Harbor HS (6/20) evening meeting. 7/9 Complete.

37 Attend 7/8 meeting in Columbus, C. Lipa 7/9 - Complete.

OH (6/20) 38 Discuss making internal panel Panel 6/25 - will determine by 7/11. 7/16 - Close.

meeting minutes public (6/20) Panel decision to make minutes public after a restart decision is made.

39 Discuss strategy on risk T. Mendiola 6/25 - Complete assessment with HQ senior managers (6/20) 40 Present results of preliminary S. Long Planned for 7/2 panel meeting. 6/27 - will risk assessment to the panel delay to 7/11 mtg. 7/16 - discussed S.

(6/20) Long to return for 7/25 meeting with written materials. 7/18 - Discussed - need Steve, Sonia, Mike to attend 7/25 panel and discuss what is left to be done and the level of effort required. Grobe to attend meeting in NRR 8/14 to disc w/ LT. 8/6 -

Close to item 60.

41 Discuss with M. Kotzalas and M. T. Mendiola 6.25 - Complete Landau the development of a communication plan (6/20) 42 Call the licensee to determine if D. Pickett 6/27 - Complete. Licensee is on schedule.

the letter on how the code will be applied to verify the N stamp is on schedule (6/25) 43 Add to the agenda for 7/2 - C. Lipa 6/27 - Add to agenda for 7/9 or 7/11. 7/9 revisit head replacement Discussed NRR proposal. 7/16 - Put on inspection plan (6/25) next Tuesdays agenda.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 44 Update communications plan Panel Due 7/26. 6/27 - need to hold (6/25) brainstorming session. 7/16 - Add Laura Gerke and Mindy Landau for brainstorming this week. Comm plan draft update by end of next week. 7/18 - Brainstorming session held during panel meeting and assignments generated - drafts due 7/23.

Grobe will work on 8/5-6. 8/6 -Meeting held 8/6 and Jan Strasma is revising. Plan to be operational in 2 weeks. 8/13 - Plan updated and sent out for comment. 8/22 B. Jorgenson working on comm plan - will coordinate with Tony. 8/27 - Revision 0 issued for comment.

45 Send letter to licensee outlining D. Pickett 7/9 - Closed to item 25. Memo to file will the staffs position on be generated that is publicly available.

containment testing (6/25) 46 Revise Charter to reflect current C. Lipa 6/27 - Revised charter is in typing. 7/9-composition of the charter (6/25) Charter revised. Complete 47 Develop integrated list of D. Pickett 6/27 - Complete licensing actions associated with restart (6/25) 48 Request briefing for panel on C.Lipa 7/2 - Complete. Briefing scheduled for status of allegations in mid-July 7/11 panel meeting.

(6/25) 49 Update six-week look ahead and C. Lipa 7/9 - Complete. This is now a regular maintain weekly updates (6/25) agenda item.

50 Call L. Myers to discuss the J. Grobe 7/2 - Complete.

licensees plan for the C. Lipa Management and Human Performance Excellence Building Block (6/27) 51 Send email to M. Weston C. Lipa 7/9 - email sent and response received.

regarding agendas for future No dates or agenda set yet. Complete.

ACRS meetings (6/27) 52 Discuss with B. Bateman the T. Mendiola 7/9 - Closed. Licensee to submit need for a relief request for the D. Pickett appropriate relief requests.

Midland head regarding no RT for lifting lug area (6/27) 53 Email information to B. Bateman J. Jacobson 7/9 - Closed. Licensee to submit about lifting lug area of the appropriate relief requests.

Midland head (6/27) 54a Review TSP amendment and D. Pickett 7/9 - Discussed. Will wait for response advise the panel on the need for from licensee. 7/16 - Discussed - added a TIA on Davis-Besse (7/2) action item 54b. 8/6 - Sent to the licensee on7/22 and a response is due by 8/22.

8/22 - Discussed - need to check if response has been received. 8/27 -

Received response - DRS is reviewing -

will fax to NRR for 54b.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 54b Initiate correspondence w/NRR T. Mendiola 7/18 - Memo will be sent to Hannons to evaluate generic implications group. 8/6 - Discussed - not yet issued.

(7/16) 8/13 - Discussed - need info from 54a first.

55 RIII enter TSP issues recent EICS/DRS 7/9 - Complete.

letter into AMS (7/2) 56 Review 6/12 meeting transcript D. Pickett 7/9 - Complete.

(7/2) 57 Obtain documents to support D. Pickett 7/16 - Discussed. Need code vessel head replacement reconciliation package,Section III QA inspection. (7/9) index,Section XI QA index. Est completion 8/2. 8/6 - Discussed - Sands to check if documents have been received. 8/13 -

Information has been received. Item closed.

58 Discuss with J. Strasma C. Lipa 7/16 - Closed contacting interested Not Completed stakeholders about 7/16 meetings (7/9) 59 Respond to 7/3 UCS letter (7/9) Panel 7/18 - Closed. Will track on T. Mendiolas list.

60 Hold meeting to discuss effort Panel 7/18 - Discussed. Meeting will be held needed to assess risk (7/11) after 7/25 risk briefing. Sched for 8/14 w/IIPB/DIPM/DSSA and RIII 2EDT/1CDT.

Jack-Steve Long update dift cases. 8/22 -

Meeting held - item closed.

61 Invite Steve Long for meeting on Panel 7/16 - Closed to 40.

7/25 (7/11) 62 Brief new allegations or status of EICS/ DRP/ 7/16 - Put on Agenda one time per week.

significant allegations one time DRS Closed.

per week (7/11) 63 Risk briefing notes for panel Steve Long 7/16 - Closed to 40.

(7/11) 64a Discuss with NRR/OGC to Mendiola 8/6 - Discussed. 8/22 - Discussed -

determine which process for normal process to be used. Item closed.

licensee request - 50.55a?.

(7/25) 64b. Discuss with licensee and NRR Mendiola 8/20 - Discussed NRR talking with the to ensure common licensee. 8/22 - Item closed. The six understanding of which relief licensing action that are required are all on requests/amendments are the restart checklist.

required for restart.(7/30) 65 Respond to questions on nozzle Jacobson due 8/16 - AITS. 8/22 - Discussed - need leaks (7/30) to check status of AITS. 8/27 - Complete -

sent info to OI on 8/22.

66 Followup w/ Ohio CAC on their Lipa/Lickus 8/6 - Discussed - will complete this week concerns (7/30) Roland called 8/8.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 67 Determine risk approach and RIII 8/6 - Discussed. Mtg with Dyer on 8/7 whether revision is needed to Closed 8/8.

TIA (7/30) 68 Set up bridge/meeting room for Lipa Closed 8/8.

8/14 risk discussion(7/30) 69 Determine visual aids for 8/20 Vika/Margie 8/13 - Discussed. 8/22 - Discussed - any public meeting (7/30) feedback on visual aids? 8/27 - Discussed

- no feedback received yet.

70 Discuss interface with LLTF Grobe 8/6 Complete. Grobe to bring back issues (7/30) to review and disposition under action item 72.

71 Discuss review and Sands 8/6 - Invite to 8/13 mtg. 8/13 - Discussed.

documentation of the Technical Dean S. Coffin to provide feeder to Lipa Root Cause and determine if the Panel regarding conclusions due 8/30 draft. 8/22 action is in NRRs work Lipa - Discussed - NRR will email draft for management system. (8/6) review/ need to determine how final input should be sent from NRR to RIII. 8/27 -

Discussed draft input and process for formal transmittal from NRR to RIII.

72 Review LLTF observations and Lipa/Collins 8/13 - Discussed. Items reviewed for determine appropriate closeout. allegations. No new allegations identified.

(8/6) Review for safety issue/ Info related to ongoing investigations will AMS/OI/new items. be forwarded to OI. 8/22 - Discussed -

need to keep this item open as a reminder to consider outstanding LLTF items.

73 Send feedback form on IMC Lipa 8/6 - Generate feedback after panel 0350 procedure to IIPB (8/6) Mendiola meetings reduced to once per week.

74 Matrix strategy for UCS and Lipa 8/13 - Discussed. 8/22 - Discussed -

other requests. (8/8) matrix is being developed will send out for review when ready.

75 LLTF equipment issue do we Lipa 8/13 - Complete. CL discussed with Art have them all. (8/8) Howell.

76 Ctmt access - security Lipa/Belanger 8/13 - Discussed - writeup requested.

adequately reviewed. Request 8/22 - Input received from DRS on 8.19.

write up from Creed, etc. (8/8) Item closed 77 Determine attendance @ Grobe 8/13 - Discussed - will not attend panel licensees R.O.P. (8/8) meeting this time. 8/22 - Discussed - will attend future meetings. Item closed.

78 Weekly newsletters (8/8) Lipa 8/22 - Discussed - Bruce has the lead.

Daily updates will also continue. 8/27 -

First 0350 weekly newsletter is planned for distribution on thurs.

79 Monthly status Vika 8/13 - Discussed - working to have first Newsletters (8/8) Panel newsletter available at 8/20 meeting. 8/22

- Discussed - need to check with Vika.

8/27 - Draft of first Aug. newsletter will be available next week.

Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 80 Start internal web page (8/8) Lipa - Margie 8/13 - To be discussed. 8/22 - Discussed.

Effort on hold - benefit vs. resource burden 81 Check transcriber cost versus Wendoll - 8/13 - Complete. Checked other other suppliers (8/8) check transcription services - cost is reasonable.

82 Circle back with LLTF to put Grobe their observations into context (8/8) 83 Verify results of ongoing Panel research related to the technical Coffin root cause evaluation has not changed NRC/DE conclusions (8/13) 84 Update website with appropriate Hopkins 8/22 - complete meeting information for 8/15 meeting. John discuss with Sally (8/13) 85 Send letter/action plan to the Dean (DE) 8/22 - Discussed - NRR will send draft to licensee regarding actions Hopkins RIII by 8/30. 8/27 - Discussed - letter required to be completed to being drafted and should be ready next close CAL item related to week.

quarantine (8/20) 86 Follow up with State of Ohio Lickus 8/22 - Discussed - need to check with Inspector (8/20) Roland 87 Determine if State of Ohio Lickus 8/22 - Discussed - No precedent for participation with 0350 panel has outside NRC to be on 0350 panel. Item been discussed (8/20) closed.

88 Develop draft proposal on how Burgess 8/27 - Working to a due date of 8/30 to to assess significance/respond present to the panel next week.

to TIA (8/20) 89 Provide report input on R. McIntyre Framatome inspection of records for the new vessel head (8/27)

November 6, 2002 INSPECTION PLAN DAVIS BESSE PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS Inspection Report 50-346/2002-11 Inspection Objectives This inspection is being conducted as a part of the NRCs Manual Chapter 0350 activities. The primary inspection objectives will be to:

6. Evaluate the licensees implementation of the Program Effectiveness Building Block in their Return-to-Service Plan.
7. Verify the licensees review of the Boric Acid Corrosion Control Program, Inservice Inspection Program, Corrective Action Program, Plant Modifications Program, Reactor Coolant Unidentified Leakage Program, and Operating Experience Program adequately assesses the ability of the programs to support restart and normal operation of the Davis Besse Plant.
8. Evaluate the current scope and application of the licensees self-assessment program to those programs associated with the Item 2 above.
9. Assess the effectiveness of the licensee's program for monitoring degradation of the reactor coolant system boundary, risk-significant piping system boundaries, and the containment boundary.

Onsite Inspection Dates: September 9-13, 2002 September 23 - 27, 2002 2 additional weeks of onsite inspection will be identified based upon the licensees schedule for completing the program reviews.

Site Contacts: Neil Morrison, Program Effectiveness Plan Owner, (419) 321-7707 Dale Miller, Regulatory Affairs, (419) 321-7264 Prepared By: ___/RA/___________________________________

K. G. OBrien, Senior Reactor Engineer Approved By: ___/RA/___________________________________

J. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel Reviewed By: ___/RA/____________________________________

C. Lipa, Chief, Reactor Projects Branch 4

Inspection Plan Details I. Inspectors: K. G. OBrien, Senior Reactor Inspector L. Collins, Project Engineer N. Shah, Resident Inspector, Braidwood J. Jacobson, Senior Mechanical Engineer M. Holmberg, Senior Reactor Inspector Other inspectors may be added as needed based upon specific program areas being reviewed.

II. Inspection Activity Schedule Preparation: In Region III Office, August 19-23, 2002 Onsite Inspection: Week 1 - September 9 - 13, 2002,

[Boric Acid Corrosion Control Program, Corrective Action Program, and Self Assessment Program Reviews]

Week 2 - September 23-27, 2002

[Boric Acid Corrosion Control Program, Corrective Action Program, and Self Assessment Program Reviews]

Week 3 - To Be Determined

[Inservice Inspection Program, Operating Experience Program, and Self Assessment Program Reviews]

Week 4 - To Be Determined

[Plant Modification Program, Reactor Coolant System Unidentified Leakage Program, and Self Assessment Program Reviews]

Exit Meeting: To Be Determined Inspection Report Input Preparation:

Inspection report inputs should be developed during the first week following each inspection visit. Completed inputs should be provided to the lead inspector by the close of business Friday of the week following each onsite inspection visit.

A draft report will be completed for management reviewed, comment, and concurrence by approximately 3 weeks following the last week of onsite inspection.

III. Applicable Inspection Procedures and Other Guidance:

The inspectors will employ a variety of inspection procedures and other relevant guidance depending upon the specific program area being reviewed. Specific inspection procedures to be utilized will include:

IP 71111.08, Inservice Inspection IP 71111.17, Permanent Plant Modifications IP 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems IP 73051, Inservice Inspection - Review of Program IP 73052, Inservice Inspection - Review of Procedures IP 93812, Special Inspection IP 95001, Inspection For One Or Two White Inputs In A Strategic Performance Area IP 95002, Inspection For One Degraded Cornerstone Or Any Three White Inputs In a Strategic Performance Area IP 95003, Supplemental Inspection For Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone, Multiple Degraded Cornerstone, Multiple Yellow Inputs, Or One Red Input In addition, the inspectors will consider the guidance of Generic Letters 88-05 and 97-01, Information Notice 86-108 and Supplements, Bulletin 82-02, and others as a part of the inspection effort.

Because of the nexus of individual program shortcomings, revisions, and the subsequent assessments to many of root and contributing causes for the reactor vessel head corrosion event, each of the program assessment reviews will incorporate aspects of IPs 95001, 95002, and 95003, as appropriate.

IV. Inspection Requirements The inspection will focus on evaluating the depth, completeness, and accuracy of the licensees assessment of the health of the selected programs which contributed to the reactor vessel head corrosion event.

The NRC staffs inspection efforts will include independent assessment of the licensees conclusions based upon risk-informed samples of relevant materials [condition reports, procedures, program outlines, recent program changes, plant modifications], walkdowns of plant equipment and surveillance results associated with the inservice inspection efforts, and interviews with responsible licensee staff and management. The depth and breadth of these efforts will be guided by the referenced procedures.

Specific inspection requirements will include:

A) Review and evaluate the licensees Building Block program plan and applicable parts of the licensees Return-to-Service Plan, Restart Action Plan, and Restart Action Process. The effort should address the applicable root and contributing causes.

B) Review and evaluate the methodology and acceptance criteria used to identify programs for Phase 1 and Phase 2 reviews.

C) Review and evaluate a sampling of completed Phase 1 program reviews for depth and completeness.

D) Review and evaluate 6 of the 7 Phase 2 program effectiveness assessments for depth and completeness. The reviews will consider the:

 proper application of the guiding review procedure;

 identification and resolution of issues documented in the prior root and contributing cause evaluations;

 identification, assignment, and inclusion in applicable programmatic procedures of critical roles, responsibilities, and interfaces;

 identification and application of appropriate programmatic performance assessment criteria and feedback mechanisms, and;

 independent assessment of the identification and resolution of past issues develop by or associated with the program.

E) Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the licensees Inservice Inspection Program including the attributes of IPs 71111.08, 73051, 73052, and other related procedures.

V. RITS and Level of Effort Docket No. 05000346 Report No. 2002-11 Approximately 90 to 100 hours0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br /> of direct inspection effort is anticipated for each week of onsite inspection [3 inspectors

  • 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> / week]. Generally, individual inspection effort should be charged to IP 93812 with an IPE code of SEP for preparation efforts, ER for inspection efforts, and SED for documentation efforts. Inspection efforts associated with the assessment of the inservice inspection program should be charged to the base line program inspection procedure of 71111.08 with IPE codes of BIP, BI, BID, as appropriate.

VI. Findings The safety significance of inspection findings will be determined through MC-0609, Significance Determination Process, with additional information from the Risk-Informed Inspection Notebook for Davis Besse.

VII. Documentation The report will be prepared in accordance with MC 0612, Power Reactor Inspection Reports. Please review Appendix B, Threshold for Documentation, in the above document to ensure consistency within the agency.