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NRC Usace, NOAA Fisheries Meeting, November 3, 2003, Southeast Regional Office, NOAA Fisheries (Encl.2)
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/2003
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML033220249 (10)


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NRC USAGE-,-:,NO \A Fisheries I-I

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November 3, 2003 Southeast Regional Office NOAA Fisheries 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 1 I

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ParticiDants NRC - - -USACE - -NMFS David Matthews Carol Bernstein Roy Crabtree tI Division Director Section Leader Regional Administrator (RA)

John Tappert Richard Morgan Buck Sutter iI Section Chief Chief, Southern Section Dep RA i

Antonio Fernandez Georgia Cranmore I

I Attorney Asst. RA Protected Resources Michael Masnik David Bernhart Project Manager Team Leader i

Bob Hoffman

.________________________________ _______________________________ Fishery Biologist Eric Hawk Fishery Biologist Cheryl Scannell

_________________________________ ________________________________ Attorney 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 2

2 Meeting Agenda The NRC License Renewal Process w Hatch Nuclear Plant Biological Assessment 6 Development of Biological Opinions Modification of Biological Opinions

BNear Term License Renewals and Early Site Permits in Southeast Region 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 3

- I

  • - - - Expected Outcomes : X

.. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.

. j Agreement with the Hatch proposal and a commitment for a timely review w Commitment to solicit comments from the Federal agency on draft Biological Opinions Develop a mechanism to make minor changes to Biological Opinions in a timely manner b Obtain a commitment for timely consultations for near term reviews 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 4

NRC License Renewal Process 40 year license authorized by AEC i b First renewed license issued in 2000

About 1/3 of all licenses have been renewed or i

are under review

- Environmental impact statement developed for each review

'6 Timely consultation critical to schedule

-~31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 5

'ach N'uclear Plant Biological A - - - ,A ^ z I

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& Current Status t Proposed Solution

'& Schedule 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 6 I; ..-. _ - ,

eopment of..Biloial Oinions

  • Background

-St. Lucie

-Crystal River

"& Challenges Proposed Solution 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 7

- ~~~~~~~~~mmumf-Modfication o Bol ica O in s .

6 Background

- Crystal River I Y Challenges Y Proposed Solution AL.

31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 8

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- X >:Near Term Actions::0 t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y I I Plant Name Type Action Location Site J Farley - Unit 1 License Renewal Dothan, AL Chattahoochee, River Arkansas Nuclear One - License Renewal Russeliville AR Unit 2 Arkansas River Browns Ferry - License Renewal Decatur, AL Units 1,2 and 3 Tennessee River Grand Gulf - 2 Units Early Site Permit Port Gibson, MS Mississippi River

- I 31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 9 i i. , -.

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& Agreement with the Hatch proposal and a commitment for a timely review

& Commitment to solicit comments from the Federal agency on draft Biological Opinions

'6 Develop a mechanism to make minor changes to Biological Opinions in a timely manner r

& Obtain a commitment for timely consultations for near term reviews r

31 October 2003 NRC-USACE-NMFS Meeting 10