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Update 5 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/07/2003
From: Byrne J
GPU Nuclear
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML032660132 (40)


GPU Nuclear, Inc.

C U NUCLEAR Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Route 441 South Post Office Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057-0480 Tel 717-948-8461 5928-03-20167 08/07/2003 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555




Dear Sirs:

Enclosed are the revised pages associated with Update 5 of the Post-Defueling Monitored Storage Safety Analysis Report (PDMS SAR) for TMI-2. The last revision of the PDMS SAR was issued as Update 4 on August 10, 2001. Update 5 revises the PDMS SAR to reflect the current plant configuration and administrative processes. The revised pages are indicated on the list of effective pages, which should be kept in the front of the binder containing the PDMS SAR. Also included are binder sleeves for Update 5. Changes made from Update 4 to Update 5 of the PDMS SAR are identified by bold face type within the document, and a bold line vertically drawn in the margin adjacent to the portion actually changed.

GPU Nuclear will issue the next revision of the PDMS SAR no later than 24 months from the date of this submittal.

5928-03-20167 08/07/2003 Please contact Adam Miller of TMI-1 Regulatory Assurance at (717) 948-8128 if you have any questions regarding Update 5 to the PDMS SAR.

Sincerely, James J. Byrne GPU Nuclear, Vice President, TMI, Unit 2 JJB/awm cc: USNRC TMI-2 Region I Inspector USNRC TMI-2 Project Manager NRC Regional Administrator, Region I Ten (10) Copies to DCD File 03055



August 12, 2003 UNIT 2 PDMS Safety Analysis Report Instruction Memorandum UPDATE 5 -

CORRECT ADDRESS IF NECESSARY RETURN TO: Debbie Marshbank, Procedure Distribution Control, South Office Building Please update your Unit 2 PDMS SAR Update 5 with the Attachments as instructed below. Also, please sign the acknowledgement at the bottom of this memo and return to Debbie Marshbank at the address shown above.

Remove Insert Section Page No Update Page No Update PDMSSAR 1' page of 4 IT page of 5 Cover Page document document Effective Pages 1 - 16 4 1-16 5 Chapter 1 1.4-3/4 4/4 1.4-3/4 4/5 Chapter 3 3.1-23/24 2/2 3.1-23/24 5/2 Chapter 6 6.0-1 3 6.0-1 5 Chapter 7 7.2-21/22 2/2 7.2-21/22 2/5 7.2-23/24 2/4 7.2-23/24 5/5 7.2-25/26 4/4 7.2-25/26 4/5 Chapter 10 10-i 4 10-i 5 10.4-1 4 10.4-1 5 10.5-1/2 4/4 10.5-1/2 4/5 10.5-4 4 10.54 5 Additional Instructions/Comments These replacement pages are the revised pages associated with Update 5 of the PDMS SAR.

NOTE: Also included in this package are binder sleeves for Update 5.

(Signature) (Ext. No.) (Date)


TMI-2 POST-DEFUElUNG MONITrORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT Lit of Effectve Pages Page #Upate Date TC-1 4 8/01 l-i 4 8/01 1.1-1 2 8/97 1.1-2 2 8/97 1.1-3 2 8/97 1.1-4 2 8/97 1.1-5 2 8/97 1.1-6 4 8/01 1.2-1 4 8/01 1.2-2 2 8/97 1.2-3 4 8/01 1.3-1 2 8/97 1.3-2 2 8/97 1.3-3 2 8/97 1.3-4 2 8/97 1.3-5 2 8/97 1.4-1 4 8/01 1.4-2 4 8/01 1.4-3 4 8/01 1.4-4 S 8/03 1.4-5 2 8/97 1.4-6 2 8/97 1.4-7 2 8/97 1.4-8 2 8/97 1.4-9 2 8/97 1.5-1 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUELING MONrrORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effecive Pages Page # Update #Date 2-i 2 8/97 2-i* 2 8/97 2.1-1 4 8/01 2.1-2 2 8/97 2.1-3 2 8/97 2.1-4 4 8/01 2.2-1 2 8/97 2.3-1 2 8/97 2.4-1 2 8/97 2.4-2 3 8/99 2.4-3 2 8/97 2.4-4 2 8/97 2.4-5 2 8/97 2.4-6 2 8/97 2.5-1 2 8/97 3-i 2 8/97 3-* 2 8/97 3-iii 2 8/97 3-iv 2 8/97 3-v 2 8/97 3-vi 2 8/97 3-vii 2 8/97 3-vfii 2 8/97 3-ix 2 8/97 3-x 2 8/97 3-xi 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUELUNG MONITORED STORAGE SAF0ErY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effecive Pages Page # UDIat 3-xii 2 8/97 3-xii 2 8/97 3.1-1 2 8/97 3.1-2 3 8/99 3.1-3 2 8/97 3.1-4 2 8/97 3.1-5 2 8/97 3.1-6 2 8/97 3.1-7 4 8/01 3.1-8 2 8/97 3.1-9 2 8/97 3.1-10 3 8/99 3.1-11 2 8/97 3.1-12 4 8/01 3.1-13 3 8/99 3.1-14 2 8/97 3.1-15 4 8/01 3.1-16 4 8/01 3.1-17 2 8/97 3.1-18 2 8/97 3.1-19 2 8/97 3.1-20 4 8/01 3.1-21 4 8/01 3.1-22 3 8/99 3.1-23 5 8/03 3.1-24 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUEJUNG MONITORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages PEa # VWpda1I Date 3.1-25 2 8/97 3.1-26 2 8/97 3.1-27 2 8/97 3.1-28 2 8/97 3.1-29 2 8/97 3.1-30 2 8/97 3.1-31 2 8/97 3.1-32 2 8/97 3.1-33 2 8/97 3.1-34 2 8/97 3.1-35 2 8/97 3.1-36 2 8/97 3.1-37 2 8/97 3.1-38 2 8/97 3.1-39 2 8/97 3.1-40 2 8/97 3.1-41 2 8/97 3.1-42 2 8/97 3.1-43 4 8/01 3.2-1 2 8/97 3.2-2 2 8/97 3.2-3 2 8/97 3.2-4 2 8/97 3.3-1 2 8/97 3.3-2 2 8/97 3.4-1 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUEULNG MONITORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages pane # -twi# Date 3.5-1 2 8/97 3.5-2 2 8/97 3.5-3 2 8/97 3.6-1 2 8/97 3.7-1 2 8/97 3.7-2 2 8/97 3.7-3 2 8/97 3.7-4 2 8/97 3.7-5 2 8/97 3.7-6 2 8/97 3.7-7 2 8/97 3.7-8 2 8/97 3.7-9 2 8/97 3.7-10 2 8/97 3.7-11 2 8/97 3.7-12 2 8/97 3.7-13 2 8/97 4-i 2 8/97 4-ii 2 8/97 4-iii 2 8/97 4-iv 2 8/97 4.0-1 2 8/97 4.1-1 2 8/97 4.1-2 2 8/97 4.1-3 2 8/97 4.1-4 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03


4.1-5 8/97 4.2-1 8/97 4.3-1 8/97 4.3-2 8/97 4.3-3 8/97 4.3-4 8/97 4.3-5 8/97 4.3-5a 8/97 4.3-Sb 8/97 4.3-6 8/97 4.3-7 8/97 4.3-8 6/95 4.3-9 6/95 4.3-10 6/95 4.3-11 6/95 4.3-12 6/95 4.3-13 6/95 4.3-14 6/95 4.3-15 6/95 4.3-16 6/95 4.3-17 6/95 4A-1 8/97 4A-2 8/97 4A-3 8/97 4A-4 8/97 4A-5 8/97 Update-S 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUEUNG MONITORED STORAGE SAFErY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages Mbe# VA=u Date 4A-6 2 8/97 4A-7 2 8/97 4A-8 2 8/97 5-i 2 8/97 5-* 2 8/97 5-*ii 2 8/97 5-iv 2 8/97 5-v 2 8/97 5-vi 2 8/97 5-vii 2 8/97 5.0-1 2 8/97 5.1-1 2 8/97 5.1-2 2 8/97 5.1-3 2 8/97 5.1-4 2 8/97 5.1-5 2 8/97 5.2-1 2 8/97 5.2-2 2 8/97 5.3-1 2 8/97 5.3-2 2 8/97 5.3-3 2 8/97 5.3-4 2 8/97 5.3-5 2 8/97 5.3-6 2 8/97 5.3-7 2 8/97 5.3-8 2 8/97 Update5 8/03


5.3-9 2 8/97 5.3-10 2 8/97 5.3-11 2 8/97 5.3-12 2 8/97 5.3-13 2 8/97 5.3-14 2 8/97 5.3-15 2 8/97 5.3-16 2 8/97 5.3-17 2 8/97 5.3-18 2 8/97 5.3-19 2 8/97 5.3-20 2 8/97 5.3-21 2 8/97 5.3-22 2 8/97 5.3-23 2 8/97 5.3-24 2 8/97 5.A-1 2 8/97 5.A-2 2 8/97 5.A-3 2 8/97 5.A-4 2 8/97 5.A-5 2 8/97 5.A-6 2 8/97 5.A-7 2 8/97 5.A-8 2 8/97 5.A-9 2 8/97 5.A-10 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUELING MONITORED STORAGE SAFET1Y ANALYSIS REPORT Lis of Effective Pages Pagm # Update Date 5.A-11 2 8/97 5.A-12 2 8/97 5.A-13 2 8/97 5.A-14 2 8/97 5.A-15 2 8/97 5.A-16 2 8/97 5.A-17 2 8/97 5.A-18 2 8/97 5.A-19 2 8/97 5.A-20 2 8/97 5.A-21 2 8/97 5.A-22 2 8/97 5.A-23 2 8/97 5.A-24 2 8/97 5.A-25 2 8/97 5.A-26 2 8/97 5.A-27 2 8/97 5.A-28 2 8/97 5.A-29 2 8/97 5.B-1 2 8/97 5.B-2 2 8/97 5.B-3 2 8/97 5.B-4 2 8/97 6-i 2 8/97 6-ii 2 8/97 6-rn 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUELING MONIORED STORAGE SAFErY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective PAes Pagn # Update Date 6-iv 2 8/97 6-v 2 8/97 6-vi 2 8/97 6-vii 2 8/97 6-vili 2 8/97 6-ix 2 8/97 6-x 2 8/97 6-xd 2 8/97 6-xi* 2 8/97 6.0-1 5 8/03 6.1-1 3 8/99 6.1-2 2 8/97 6.1-3 3 8/99 6.1-4 3 8/99 6.1-5 2 8/97 6.2-1 3 8/99 6.2-2 2 8/97 6.2-3 2 8/97 6.2-4 2 8/97 6.2-5 2 8/97 6.2-6 2 8/97 6.2-7 3 8/99 6.2-8 2 8/97 6.2-9 2 8/97 6.2-10 2 8/97 6.2-11 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEPUELiNhG MONITORED STORAGE SAdETY ANALYSIS REPORT Lis of Effective Pages Eag.e # Dat 6.2-12 2 8/97 6.2-13 2 8/97 6.2-14 2 8/97 6.2-15 2 8/97 6.2-16 2 8/97 6.2-17 2 8/97 6.2-18 2 8/97 6.2-19 3 8/99 6.2-20 2 8/97 6.2-21 3 8/99 6.2-22 3 8/99 6.2-23 2 8/97 6.3-1 2 8/97 6.3-2 2 8/97 6.3-3 2 8/97 6.3-4 2 8/97 6.3-5 2 8/97 6.3-6 2 8/97 6.3-7 2 8/97 6.4-1 2 8/97 6.5-1 2 8/97 6.5-2 2 8/97 6.5-3 3 8/99 6.5-4 3 8/99 6.5-5 2 8/97 6.5-6 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

ThMI-2 POST-DEFUEULNG MONIUORED STORAGE SAFdETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages Page # UpdaD # Date 6.5-7 2 8/97 6.5-8 3 8/99 6.5-9 3 8/99 6.5-10 3 8/99 7-i 2 8/97 7-i 2 8/97 7-iii 2 8/97 7-iv 2 8/97 7-v 2 8/97 7-vi 2 8/97 7-vii 2 8/97 7-viii 2 8/97 7.0-1 2 8/97 7.1-1 2 8/97 7.1-2 2 8/97 7.1-3 2 8/97 7.1-4 4 8/01 7.1-S 4 8/01 7.1-6 2 8/97 7.1-7 2 8/97 7.1-8 2 8/97 7.1-9 2 8/97 7.2-1 2 8/97 7.2-2 2 8/97 7.2-3 2 8/97 7.2-4 2 8/97 Updated-8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUEING MONITORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages Page # pdae Date 7.2-5 2 8/97 7.2-6 2 8/97 7.2-7 2 8/97 7.2-8 4 8/01 7.2-9 4 8/01 7.2-10 2 8/97 7.2-11 2 8/97 7.2-12 2 8/97 7.2-13 2 8/97 7.2-14 4 8/01 7.2-15 2 8/97 7.2-16 2 8/97 7.2-17 2 8/97 7.2-18 4 8/01 7.2-19 2 8/97 7.2-20 4 8/01 7.2-21 2 8/97 7.2-22 5 8/03 7.2-23 5 8/03 7.2-24 5 8/03 7.2-25 4 8/01 7.2-26 5 8/03 7.2-27 2 8/97 7.2-28 4 8/01 7.2-29 2 8/97 7.2-30 2 8/97 Update-5 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUEUNG MONITORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages Page #Uate D 7.2-31 2 8/97 7.2-32 2 8/97 7.2-33 2 8/97 7.2-34 2 8/97 7.2-35 2 8/97 7.2-36 2 8/97 7.2-37 3 8/99 7.2-38 2 8/97 7.2-39 2 8/97 7.240 2 8/97 7.2-41 2 8/97 7.2-42 2 8/97 7.243 2 8/97 7.244 2 8/97 7.2-45 2 8/97 7.2-46 2 8/97 7.2-47 2 8/97 7.2-48 2 8/97 7.2-49 2 8/97 7.2-50 2 8/97 7.2-51 2 8/97 7.2-52 2 8/97 8-i 1 6/95 8-li 1 6/95 8.1-1 2 8/97 8.1-2 2 8/97 Update-S 8/03

TMI-2 POST-DEFUElING MONrIORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT List of Effective Pages Page #VW= Date 8.1-3 2 8/97 8.1-4 2 8/97 8.1-5 2 8/97 8.1-6 2 8/97 8.1-7 2 8/97 8.1-8 2 8/97 8.1-9 2 8/97 8.1-10 2 8/97 8.1-11 2 8/97 8.1-12 2 8/97 8.1-13 2 8/97 8.2-1 2 8/97 8.2-2 2 8/97 8.2-3 2 8/97 8.2-4 2 8/97 8.2-5 2 8/97 8.2-6 2 8/97 8.2-7 2 8/97 8.2-8 2 8/97 8.2-9 2 8/97 8.2-10 2 8/97 8.2-11 2 8/97 8.2-12 2 8/97 Chapter 9 Deleted 10-i 5 8/03 Update-5 8/03

TM-2 POST-DEFUELING MONUIORED STORAGE SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT list of Effective Pages Page # Update Date 10-11 (Deleted) 4 8/01 10.0-1 2 8/97 10.1-1 2 8/97 10.2-1 4 8/01 10.3-1 4 8/01 10.4-1 5 8/03 10.5-1 4 8/01 10.5-2 5 8/03 10.5-3 4 8/01 10.5-4 5 8/03 Update-5 8/03

TABLE 1.4-1 (Cont'd)

DRAWING REFERENCES TITLE DWG. NO. I DELETED Turbine Building Basement Plan - East Side 2051 Turbine Building Basement Plan - West Side 2052 Turbine Building Ground Floor Plan - East Side 2053 Turbine Building Ground Floor Plan - West Side 2054 Turbine Building Operating Floor - East Side 2055 Turbine Building Operating Floor - West Side 2056 Turbine Building Section B-B 2057 Turbine Building Sections A-A and C-C 2058 Turbine Building Sections D-D and E-E 2059 P&ID Symbol Identification 2001 Electrical Symbol List 3001 Reactor Building Ventilation and Purge 302-2041 Fire Protection 302-231 Radwaste Disposal Miscellaneous Liquids 302-2045 Radwaste Pumps Seal Water 302-2492 Sump Pump Discharge and Miscellaneous Sumps 302-2496 Building Air Intake, Exhaust, and 302-2219 Radiation Monitoring 13.2 KV One Line Diagram 206201 480 Volt Unit Substation 206202 480 Volt Unit Substation 206203 480 Volt Unit Substation 206204 120V Regulated Voltage System 3009 1.4-3 UPDATE 4 AUGUST 2001

TABLE 1.4-1 (Cont'd)


DC One Line Diagram 3010 480V USS 2-38, 2-48 One Line Diagram E013 Reactor Building Portable Power Distr. Center 2-E21-011 Reactor Building Portable Power Distr. Center 2-E21-012 Power Distribution Key Diagram 3015 Power Distribution Panel Schedules 3016 Miscellaneous Power Panel Schedules 3017 Sh. 1 Miscellaneous Power Panel Schedules 3017 Sh. 2 Miscellaneous Power Panel Schedules 3017 Sh. 3 Auxiliary Building Heating and Ventilation 302-2042 Fuel Handling Building Heating and Ventilation 302-2343 Instrument Air Supply 302-2012 Sht. 1 Compressed Air Supply 302-2012 Sht. 2 PDMS SAR FIGURES TITLE PDMS SAR FIG. NO.

General Area Map 2.1-1 Site Topography 5 Mile Radius 2.1-2 Extended Plot Plan 2.1-3 Flood Water Surface Profiles 2.4-1 Details of Effluent Discharge System 2.4-2 Reactor Building - General Layout 3.7-1 Reactor Building Personnel and Equipment 3.7-2 Access Openings Detail 1.4-4 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003 10 CFR 50.100 - Revocation, Suspension, Modification, of Licenses and Construction Permits for Cause Article 50.100 provides that the Commission may revoke, suspend, or modify a license or construction permit for any material false statement or for other reasons specified in Article 50.100. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. 10 CFR 50.101 - Retaking Possession of Special Nuclear Material Article 50.101 establishes that the Commission may cause the retaking or possession of special nuclear material upon revocation of a license. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. 10 CFR 50.102 - Commission Order for Operation after Revocation Article 50.102 establishes that the Commission may, by following the requirements of Article 50.102, order operation of a facility whose license has been revoked. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. 10 CFR 50.103 - Suspension and Operation in War or National Emergency Article 50.103 establishes that the Commission has, upon declaration of war by the Congress, certain rights regarding the suspension and/or operation of nuclear power plants licensed by the Commission. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. 10 CFR 50.109 - Backfitting Article 50.109 defines backfitting and defines requirements the Commission must meet regarding backfitting. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. 10 CFR 50.110 - Violations Article 50.110 establishes actions the NRC may take regarding violations of any provision of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or Title II of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, or any regulation or order issued thereunder. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. "Article 50.111 - Criminal Penalties" Article 50.111 defines which articles of 10CFR Part 50 are subject to criminal sanction as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. No exceptions are taken to the provisions of this article. "Article 50.120 - Training and Qualifications of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel" As described in TSCR No. 79 Revision 2, TMI-2 complies with the systems approach to training as defined by 10 CYR 50.120 for non-licensed personnel.

3.1-23 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

3.1.2 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA The Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 2 was designed and constructed in accordance with the 70 general design criteria as listed in Appendix A of 10 CFR 50 dated July 11, 1967. A discussion of each criterion, demonstrating how the principal design features or design bases meet these criteria, is presented in Section 3.1.1 of the TMI-2 FSAR.

The general design criteria in Appendix A were revised by the AEC on July 15, 1971. The design and purchase of many Three Mile Island Unit 2 components were completed prior to the issuance of these revised general design criteria. These revised criteria, as they applied to the original design of the plant, are addressed in Section 3.1.2 of the TMI-2 FSAR.

During the PDMS period, fulfillment of many of the general design criteria in Appendix A of 10 CFR 50 are not necessary or appropriate; departure from the criteria are identified and justified herein. Other of the criteria are applicable only to a very limited degree. Criteria which address such requirements as containment, quality standards, and natural phenomena are examples of hose criteria which apply only to a limited degree during PDMS. Since the plant was originally 3.1-21 .UPDATE 2 - AUGUST 1997 designed and constructed in accordance with these criteria and since neither the accident nor activities during the recovery period significantly degraded the plant with respect to the capabilities required during PDMS, the facility, as it exists, is designed and constructed to standards which far exceed the requirements for PDMS. Each of the general design criteria in Appendix A of 10 CFR 50, as revised on January 1, 1987, and the necessary and appropriate degree of applicability during PDMS is discussed in the following sections. Criterion I - Quality Standards and Records Structures, systems, and components important to safety shall be designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to quality standards commensurate with the importance of the safety function to be performed. Where generally recognized codes and standards are used, they shall be identified and evaluated to determine their applicability, adequacy, and sufficiency and shall be supplemented or modified as necessary to assure a quality product in keeping with the required safety function. A quality assurance program shall be established and implemented in order to provide adequate assurance that these structures, systems, and components will satisfactorily perform their safety functions. Appropriate records of the design, fabrication, erection, and testing of structures, systems, and components important to safety shall be maintained by or under the control of the nuclear power unit licensee throughout the life of the unit.

Discussion Due to the unique condition of TMI-2 during PDMS, the specific requirements of Criterion I are not applicable; however, the intent of Criterion I has been addressed recognizing that the degree of quality assurance necessary to assure that the required capabilities are maintained during PDMS is far less extensive than that which was originally required for TMI-2. A quality assurance program has been established and will be maintained commensurate with the functional requirements of PDMS. The Quality Assurance Plan for PDMS is referenced in Section 10.1. Criterion 2 - Design Bases for Protection against Natural Phenomena Structures, systems, and components important to safety shall be designed to withstand the effect of natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, tsunami, and seiches without loss of capability to perform their safety functions. The design bases for these structures, systems, and components shall reflect:

(1) Appropriate consideration of the most severe of the natural phenomena that have been historically reported for the site and surrounding area, with 3.1-24 UPDATE 2 - AUGUST 1997



This chapter describes those systems and facilities which have been deactivated for PDMS. There are two categories of deactivated systems and facilities: 1) deactivated systems and facilities with passive PDMS functions and 2) deactivated systems and facilities.

The first category consists of those systems or facilities which have been deactivated but provide the passive function(s) during PDMS of contamination control and/or containment isolation. No effort will be expended to maintain the design functional capability of these systems and facilities.

However, the passive function(s) of the affected systems or facilities will be maintained throughout PDMS to provide reasonable assurance that TMI-2 can be maintained in the PDMS condition with no risk to the health and safety of the public. The passive function of containment isolation will be maintained as required in the PDMS technical specifications section, primary containment isolation. The passive function of contamination control will be maintained by adherence to the requirements of the TMI Radiation Protection Program and 1000-PLN-7200.04 (PDMS Quality Assurance Plan).

The second category consists of those systems and facilities which are deactivated because they serve no active or passive function during PDMS. No maintenance is required and no attempts will be made to preserve or maintain these systems and facilities.

Tables 6.1-1, 6.2-1, and 6.3-1 provide a listing of those facilities and systems which will be deactivated during PDMS. These tables also provide other relevant status information for the listed facilities and systems.

Equipment, components, and parts may be removed from systems and facilities designated as deactivated, and used for other purposes, provided their removal does not adversely affect the PDMS function of the system(s) or facilities involved. This may include complete system dismantlement, component removal for use elsewhere, and possible conversion of portions of systems for other uses.

Similarly, equipment, components, and parts may be removed from systems and facilities designated as deactivated with PDMS passive functions provided, the passive function is not compromised or provided, decontamination activities have negated the need for the passive function of contamination control.

A detailed original design description of deactivated facilities and systems may be found in the TMI-2 FSAR and/or system operating description books.

6.0-1 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003 Evaluation The communication system will remain in an operational condition during PDMS to provide the following capabilities:

a. Communications throughout Unit 1 and Unit 2.
b. Communication for identification of fire, injury, and flood. Alarms are generated from the TMI-1 Control Room.
c. Communication for evacuation of normally unoccupied areas. Some of the areas identified may be used for storage of equipment and thus require occasional ingress and egress.

7.2.6 PDMS SUPPORT SYSTEMS The operational systems discussed in this section provide the necessary measures to support PDMS activities. Although they do not directly ensure protective functions, their operation is necessary to carry out anticipated operation, inspection, surveillance, and maintenance activities through PDMS. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System PDMS Function The Auxiliary Building Ventilation System will be maintained in an operational condition to support PDMS activities. When in operation, this system performs the following functions:

a. Provides esh, filtered, heated air in sufficient quantity to maintain room temperatures compatible for personnel and equipment.
b. Minimizes the spread of contamination by providing air flow from clean areas to potentially contaminated areas and to the exhaust.
c. Filters exhaust air.

The system will also operate to provide fieeze protection, as necessary, for liquid systems inside the Auxil Building. System Description The Auxiliary Building Ventilation System is a forced-flow heating and ventilating system consisting of supply and exhaust subsystems, with exhaust BEPA filter train 3 , which provides 3

A local differential pressure indicator is installed across each HEPA filter. These indicators are routinely checked on a monthly surveillance when the ventilation system is in service. During PDMS, the ventilation system may be out of service for extended periods of time. No checks will be performed on the HEPA filters when the ventilation system is shutdown. The surveillance of the HEPA filters will be resumed when the system is returned to service.

7.2-21 UPDATE 2 - AUGUST 1997

once-through ventilation with no recirculation. The discharge dampers of the supply and exhaust fans are closed when the ventilation system is not operating. The PDMS configuration is shown on GPUN Drawing 302-2042. Evaluation During PDMS, Auxiliary Building ventilation and air handling equipment provide a filtered pathway during system operation to meet industrial and radiological requirements. Sources of contamination have been minimized (e.g., fuel removed, fuel pool drained, layup of deactivated systems); therefore, spread of potential contamination during PDMS has been greatly reduced. Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System PDMS Function Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System will be maintained in an operational condition to support PDMS activities. When in operation, this system performs the following functions:

a. Provides fresh, filtered, heated air in sufficient quantity to maintain room temperatures suitable for personnel and equipment.
b. Minimizes the spread of contamination by providing air flow from clean areas to potentially contaminated areas, and then to the exhaust.
c. Filters exhaust air.
d. Maintains the lower elevations (328', 305', and 281') of the Fuel Handling Building separate from the operating deck, which is maintained at a slightly negative pressure by the Unit 1 ventilation system.

The system will also operate to provide freeze protection, as necessary, for liquid systems inside the Fuel Handling Building. System Description The Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System is a forced flow heating and ventilating system consisting of supply and exhaust subsystems, with exhaust HEPA filter train3 , which provide once-through ventilation with no recirculation. The operating deck and Fuel Handling Building truck bay are separated from the remainder of the Fuel Handling Building and are ventilated by the Unit 1 ventilation system. The PDMS configuration is shown on GPUN Drawing 302-2343. Evaluation During PDMS, FHB ventilation and air handling equipment provide a filtered pathway during system operation to meet industrial and radiological requirements. Sources of contamination have been minimized (e.g., fuel removed, fuel pool drained, layup of deactivated systems, covers installed on spent fuel pools); therefore, spread of potential contamination during PDMS has been 7.2-22 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

greatly reduced. Air Intake Tunnel Ventilation System The Air Intake Tunnel will be maintained only as a supply pathway for screened air to plant ventilating systems during operation. It consists of a cylindrical intake tower with screens and baffles, a 100,000 gallon sump, and an underground tunnel leading to the plant ventilation systems. The PDMS configuration is shown on GPUN Drawing 302-2219.

During PDMS, the Air Intake Tunnel provides a supply pathway for ventilation systems operation to meet industrial and radiological requirements. Compressed Air Supply System PDMS Function Portions of the original plant Instrument and Service Air Systems will be utilized during PDMS to provide compressed air to operational pneumatic devices in the following systems:

a. Waste Disposal - Liquid
b. Auxiliary Building Ventilation System
c. Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System
d. Control Building Ventilation System
e. Service Building Ventilation System
f. RB Purge System
g. RB Breather System System Description The Compressed Air Supply System consists of two air-cooled air compressors, air dryer, receivers, and the piping and valves required to distribute compressed air to operational pneumatic devices. The major components, piping, and valves of the original plant Instrument/Service Air Systems have been incorporated as part of the Compressed Air Supply System. Two 7.2-23 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

air-cooled air compressors and associated air dryer are used to supply air to the modified systems in place of the original water-cooled compressors. The Compressed Air System will be operated continuously to support operations. Evaluation The Compressed Air Supply System primarily utilizes the portions of the original plant Instrument/Service Air System, which are required to store and distribute air to pneumatic devices supporting PDMS. Since cooling water will not be available during PDMS to cool air compressors, air-cooled air compressors have been used. Building Inleakage Waterproofing System PDMS Function During PDMS, the TMfI-2 building waterproofing systems serve to direct roof rainwater into the site stormwater drainage system and prevent groundwater from entering buildings through joints, penetrations, and cracks. System Description The plant waterproofing systems consist of:

a. Building roofing systems
b. Basement waterproofing from groundwater.
c. A cork seam monitoring system (see Section

The building roofs, except for the Auxiliary and Reactor Buildings, are a built-up system of asphalt, felts, and insulation on both concrete and steel decks. Rainwater is directed via roof slope to roof drains which carry the rainwater to the site stormwater drainage piping. All runoff is collected in a retention basin which can be monitored prior to discharge into the Susquehanna River.

All basement walls are poured concrete. To prevent groundwater inleakage, the following were performed:

a. All penetrations through basement walls were sealed.
b. Expansion joints between building foundations were sealed with waterstops, cork filler, and epoxy sealant.
c. Construction joints were keyed to deter water seepage through them.

7.2-24 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003 Evaluation In preparation for PDMS, various building seams, link seals, and major cracks have been repaired to the extent practical to minimize expected inleakage from storms and high groundwater levels. The inleakage rates and flowpaths experienced to date do not affect plant equipment required for PDMS.

Additionally, the Sump Pump Discharge and WDL system are operational to transfer accumulated water to minimize potential spread of contamination due to localized flooding. Sewers PDMS Function The basic function of the sewage collection system is to transport sewage from TMI-2 structures to the Sewage Treatment Plant. The PDMS configuration is shown on GPUN Drawing 302-151. System Description Sewage from the temporary personnel access facility (TPAF) in the Turbine Building is routed to the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) which serves both TMI-1 and TMI-2. The major operational portion of the Sewer System is underground gravity flow piping that provides for the transport of sewage from the Unit 2 support facilities to the STP. Evaluation The Sewage Treatment Plant will process sewage from the TPAF. The majority of TMI-2 sewage piping is underground below the frost line. The original plant sanitary waste/sewage system is deactivated. Domestic Water System PDMS Function During PDMS, portions of the existing domestic water system will remain operational to provide domestic water services required during PDMS. System Description The domestic water system is maintained as a modified operational system. Unit 2 is supplied with domestic water from Unit I which is then distributed to Unit 2 support facilities. Domestic water is provided to the radwaste seal water unit in the Auxiliary Building, to the TPAF in the Turbine Building, and to several outbuildings. The PDMS configuration is shown on GPUN Drawings 302-158 Sht. 4.

7.2-25 UPDATE 4 - AUGUST 2001 Evaluation Since personnel access into the plant will be infrequent, only one source of domestic water is required in the Turbine Building. The Auxiliary Building header supplies domestic water to the seal water unit. Unit I and Unit 2 support facilities will remain operational; therefore, domestic water will continue to be supplied. Control Room Ventilation System PDMS Function The Control Room Ventilation System will be maintained in an operational condition to support PDMS activities. This system provides fresh, filtered, heated or cooled air in sufficient quantity to support personnel occupancy and equipment protection. System Description The Control Room Ventilation System consists of one supply fan (AH-C-16B) running in a forced ventilation mode during normal year round conditions. The supply fan will primarily recirculate the control room air as it is heated/cooled. A small amount of fresh air (outside air) will be force supplied by bypass booster fan (AH-C-16X). Exhaust fan (AH-E-35) will return control room air to the suction of supply fan (AH-C-16B). A small amount of the control room air will be "exhausted" out of this recirc mode, primarily by exfiltration dampers in the control room and via the kitchen and toilet fans. This provides for a small amount of air change per day.

Control Room air temperature is monitored by a sensing bulb located in the Control Room return air duct. The sensing bulb provides signals to a local temperature controller which controls heating or cooling as conditions dictate. Two steps of heating are available for freeze protection and two stages of cooling are available from the 10 ton air conditioner which also reduces Control Room humidity.

Neither cooling or heating functions will operate unless supply fan (AH-C-16B) is running and satisfying a flow switch in the supply air duct.

Additional outside air can be provided by performing special operations If the chiller malfunctions and/or additional cool outside air is desired. Evaluation During PDMS, Control Room ventilation and air handling equipment provides a filtered pathway for active operation to meet industrial and radiological requirements. The Control Room Ventilation System is maintained operational for the maintenance and surveillance entries into the TMI-2 Control Room and in response to off-normal conditions.

7.2-26 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003




10.5 ORGANIZATION 10.5-1 10.5.1 GPU Nuclear Cognizant Officer 10.5-1 10.5.2 GPU Nuclear Ombudsman 10.5-2 10.5.3 TMI-2/SNEC Oversight Committee 10.5-2 10.5.4 Manager, PDMS 10.5-2 10.5.5 Organizational Commitments 10.5-2 FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 10.5-1 GPU NUCLEAR ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 10.5-4 10-i UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

10.4 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM l TMI-1 maintains a Radiation Protection Program which meets or exceeds standards for protection against exposures to radiation and radioactivity at the TMI site. There exists only one Radiation Protection Program for the TM! station. The Program l encompasses both TMI- 1 and TM-2 and is under the authority of AmerGen, the TMI- 1 License holder. The implementation of the Radiation Protection Program ensures that the facility will be managed and maintained during PDMS in a manner which minimizes risks to employees, contractors, visitors, and the public from exposure to radiation and radioactivity at the facility. The implementation of the program also ensures a I radiologically safe working environment for employees and visitors at TMI-2.

10.4-1 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

in l% flP(.AM7ATTAWV The organizational elements responsible for the PDMS phase of Tvfl-2 are shown on Figure 10.5-1. The specific responsibilities are discussed below. Additionally, the PDMS Technical Specifications prescribe specific requirements for staff qualifications, training, and the review and audit of TMJ-2 activities.

As part of the sale of TM1-1, GPU Nuclear entered into an agreement with AmerGen for TAI-2 services. Under this agreement and as a contractor subject to GPU Nuclear's ultimate direction and control, AmerGen will provide all services, materials and equipment required to maintain TMI-2 in Post-Defueling Monitored Storage (PDMS). Services provided by AmerGen will meet all the requirements of the Safety Analysis Report, Technical Specifications and Quality Assurance Program. Services include:

  • Management services;
  • Operations, maintenance and testing;
  • Radwaste operations;
  • Quality Assurance;
  • Radiation controls and health physics;
  • Environmental controls;
  • Security;
  • Safety;
  • Administrative services, including logistical support, information technology support and procurement services;
  • Engineering and Licensing;
  • Warehousing and housekeeping;
  • Support services required in connection with the performance of routine corrective and preventative maintenance;
  • Interface with the NRC as necessary in connection with inspections, audits, site visits or meetings;
  • Maintain required NRC licensing documents for TMI-2; and
  • Prepare regulatory correspondence for GPU Nuclear signature or file on behalf of GPU Nuclear, to the extent permitted under applicable NRC regulations, all documents required In connection with PDMS of TMI-2.

Figure 10.5-1 also shows the AmerGen organization which will provide the above services.

10.5.1. GPU Nuclear Cognizant Officer The GPU Nuclear Cognizant Officer has the overall responsibility for the management of TMI-2 during PDMS.

10.5-1 UPDATE 4 - AUGUST 2001

10.5-2 GPU Nuclear Ombudsman An Ombudsman is provided by GPU Nuclear as part of the company's employee concern program. The Ombudsman reports to the Vice President GPU Nuclear Oversight, and if necessary has access to the GPU Nuclear Board of Directors.

This individual is accessible on a confidential basis, if desired, to anyone in the company or its contracted employees having a nuclear or radiation safety concern he or she considers is not being adequately addressed. The Ombudsman is empowered to investigate such matters, identify any needed action and seek its resolution. The Ombudsman will reply to the individual who raised the matter.

10.5.3 TMI-2/SNEC Oversight Committee Independent oversight is provided by the TMI-2/SNEC Oversight Committee which serves to independently assure that the TMI-2 structures, systems and components are maintained so as to protect the health and safety of the workers, the public and the environment and to enable effective and efficient dismantlement and decommissioning in the future. The committee is sponsored by the Vice President GPU Nuclear Oversight.

10.5-4 Manager, PDMS The Manager, PDMS has the first-level management responsibility for maintaining the TMI-2 PDMS condition. The Manager, PDMS is directly responsible for the operations and maintenance activities associated with the TMI-2 PDMS.

10.5.5 Organizational Commitments TMI-2 License Amendment and Technical Specification Change Request No. 78, submitted to the NRC on April 6, 2000, requested organizational and administrative changes that will exist following the sale of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station to AmerGen. Attachment 3 to that submittal listed a number of commitments for TMI-2 and a general commitment to list the commitments in the PDMS SAR. The listing, as issued in TMI-2 Technical Specification Amendment No. 54, is as follows:

1. The GPU Nuclear Cognizant Officer will have overall responsibility for TMI-2. A description of responsibilities and qualifications for this position will be addressed in the PDMS Quality Assurance (QA) Plan.
2. A GPU Nuclear employee or third party contractor will be permanently assigned at the TMI site.

10.5-2 UPDATE 5 - AUGUST 2003

GPU Nuclear Board of Directors GPU NUCLEAR CORP. Vice President I GPU Nuclear ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Oversight I

I I GPU Nuclear Chief Nuclear Officer I I I I GPU Nuclear Ombudsman GPU Nuclear I Cognizant Offcer I

--T K I I TMI-2/SNEC Oversight Committee I I I I GPU Nuclear Organization AmerGen Organization I I I

VP TMI Director Nuclear Unit 1 Oversight MAROG Director Work IEZ TMI Nuclear Management Oversight (TMI-2 matters)