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Facility License R-80, Docket 50-157: Request for a License Amendment to Withdraw NRC Authorization to Operate Cornell Triga Reactor
Person / Time
Site: 05000157
Issue date: 06/24/2003
From: Aderhold H
Cornell Univ
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
Download: ML031820242 (43)


U Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences Howard C Aderhold Director Corneil University Ward labomtwy Ithaca, NY 14853 Eail: hcal Telephone: 607-255-3481 Far. 607-255-9417 U. S. Nuclear R egulatory Commission ATTN: Documcwnt Control Desk Washington, D(C20555


Facilit y License R-80; Docket 50-157: Request for a License Amendment to withdraw NRC authorization to operate the Cornell TRIGA Reactor


Letl:er from Cornell University to Document Control Desk, U.S. NRC, dated 8/13/2001

Dear CommissiiDner:

June 24, 2003 The Board of Tirustees of Cornell University voted on May 25, 2001, to accept the recommendationn of President Hunter R. Rawlings to close the Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences and to decommission the nuclear reactor associated with the Center.

Consequently, ("ornell hereby requests that its Facility License R-80 be amended so as to withdraw U.S IN Tuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorization to operate the subject reactor.

On July 1, 2002! the Cornell TRIGA Reactor ceased to operate as a user facility and since that time the TI IGA has been used solely for operator requalification and for reactivity measurements,; all at powers of less than 10 watts.

In support of the eRequest for License Amendment, the following actions and changes to the license and 1to the Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A of the license are proposed:

1. Change the portion of section 2.B.2 of the license, " possess and use" to "possess but not use
2. Delete C I. in its entirety.
3. Change the portion of section C. 2. of the license, "as revised through Amend1' pent No. 8" to "as revised through Amendment 13".
4. Propose s changes to Technical Specifications are attached herewith.
5. A propq fed revision to the Operator Requalification Program is attached herewiti 1.

(In items 4 Emd 5, text deletions are marked by strikethroughs, and text additions are in italics.)

In support of th e subject request the following safety issues are addressed:



1. Assurance that the reactor will remain subcritical.

On 4/22/2003 reactivity measurements showed that 83 fuel rods were required to achieve criticality, cold clean, with all control rods withdrawn. For assurance that the reactor is maintained in a subcritical state, all fuel rods have been removed from the B, C, and D rings of the TRIGA grid plate with no more than 46 fuel rods stored in the E and F rings of the grid plate. With this configuration the shut down margin is 34.00$. Of a total of 122 fuel rods at Cornell, the remaining 76 fuel rods (nineteen (19) fuel rods stored in each of four (4) approved storage racks) are located in the reactor pool. For further assurance that the TRIGA will be maintained in an inoperable state, Cornell will disconnect power to the control drive units.

The fuel rods at Cornell are handled with a long flexible handling tool provided by General Atomics. When not in use the handling tool is stored in a locked room, the door of which is equipped with an intrusion detection system described in the Cornell Physical Protection Plan.

2. Adequate operating staff.

The present operating staff consists of two Senior Reactor Operators and one Reactor Operator, which is sufficient to handle equipment maintenance and surveillance requirements specified in the Technical Specifications.

3. Radiation protection.

Radiation monitoring equipment, with the exception of the Argone-41 monitor, will be maintained in accordance with the revised Technical Specifications. Radiation monitoring of personnel will continue with film badges and pocket dosimeters.

4. Physical security The physical security of Ward Lab is maintained by the Cornell University Police as specified in the Physical Protection Plan for Ward Lab. The number of surveillance and inspection tours by the Cornell Police has been increased since 9/11/01.

Cornell University appreciates your assistance in considering this request and is hopeful of an expeditious approval. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, Mr. Howard C. Aderhold Laboratory Director

3 cc:

Dr. John Silcox; V.P. for Physical Sci. and Engr, Cornell University.

Mr. Charles R. Fay; V.P. for Research Administration, Cornell University.

Mr. Daniel Hughes, Project Manager, Non-Power Reactors, U. S.N.R.C.

Mr. Thomas Dragoun, Regional Administrator, U.S.N.R.C. Region I.

Mr Thomas J. McGiff, Radiation Safety Officer, Cornell University



TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 DEFINITIONS........................................................................ I 2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LR{IMTNG SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS 4 2.1 Safety Limit Fuel Element Temperate..4 2_ Limiting S .............................................

S S 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION .................................. 6 3.1 Reaefiity ...................................................... 6 3.2 Steady Stat Ope.rin ......................................................... 6 3.3 Pulse Operation ..................................................... 7 3.4 Measuring ..................................................... 7 3.5 Safety Channels and Contel Red Drop Time...............................

3.6 Release of Argon 11 ...................................................... 9 3.7 t n ventila System... ... 10 3.8 Limitations on Experiments ....................... 10 3.9 Fuel .................................................................... .

3.10 Reator Pool Water . ..................................................... 11 4.0 SUR VEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................................ 13 4.1 Fuel.................................................... 13 4.2 Control Rods ..................................................... 13 4.3 Reactor Safety System ..................................................... 14 4.4 RadiationMonitoringEquipment ....................................... .... 14 1.5 Maintenance ..................................................... 11 4.6 Reactor Pool Water................................................ .... 15 4.7 Special Nuclear Materials .................................................... 15 5.0 DESIGN FEA TURES .................................................... 16 5.1 Reactor Fuel.................................................... 16 5.2 Reactor Building ..................................................... 17 5.3 Fuel Storage.................................................... 17 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS .......................................... ..... 18 6.1 OrganizationandResponsibilitiesofPersonnel .........

. ........... ...... 18 6.2 Review and Audit ................................................... . 21 6.3 Procedures.................................................... 22 6.1 REmere of Propesal forocer e s ...................................... 23 6.S Emerrencv Plan and Procedures........................ 24 6.6 OperatorRequalification....... .. .......... 24 6.7 Physical Security Plan......................................................... 24 iii


Page 6.8 Aetion To Be Taken in the Event a Safety Limit Is Exoye ded ................................................... 4 6.9 Action To Be Taken in the Event of a Reportable Occurrence............... .................................................... 25 6.10 Plant Operating Records ................................................... 25 6.11 Reporting Requirements........................... ......... 26 26..................


1.0 DEFINITIONS The following frequently used terms are defined to aid in the uniform interpretation of these specifications.

Channel Calibration: A channel calibration is an adjustment of the channel so that its output responds, with aeeeptable range and accuracy, to known values of the parameter that the channel measures.

Channel Check: A channel cheek is a qualitative verification of aeceptable perfoemance by observation of chanel behavior This verifleation shall include comparison of the chanel with expeted valuSes, or oerw independent channels or methods of measuring the same varable.

Channel Test: P ehannel test is the introducioa of an iput signal into a channel to verify that it is operable.

Control Rod. Standard: A standard control rod is one having rack and pinion, electric motor drive, and scram capability.

Control Rod. Transient: A transient rod is one that is pneumatically operated and has scram capability.

Engineered Safety Features: Engineered safety features are features of a unit, other than reactor trip or those used only for normal operation, that are provided to prevent, limit, or mitigate the release of radioactive material.

Experiment: An experiment is (1) any apparatus, device, or material placed in the reactor core region (in an experimental facility associated 7 ith the reactor, or in line with a beam of radiation emanating from the reactor) or (2) any income operation designed to measure reactor characteristics.

Experimental Facility Experimental facilities are the beamports, thermal column, pneumatic transfer cystems, cental thimble, rotar-X specimen rack, and the incore facilities (inlauding single elemenA positions, and the seven element position).

FSR: The "Final Safeguards Report to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for the Cornell University TRIGA Reactor" (CURL-2), May 1961 plus Supplement No. 1 as revised in March 1983.

Hexagonal Section: A hexagonal section is a part of the upper grid plate that can be removed for insertionos V pAto 5.0 in. in diameter- after relocation of the six B ring elements and removal of-the central thimble.

kdependent Experiments: Independent experiments are those not cennected by a mechanical, chemical, or electriOal link.

Measured Value: The measured value of a parameter is the value as it appears at the output of a measuring channel.

Measuring Channel: A measuring channel is the combination of sensor, lines, amplifiers, and output devices that are connected for the purpose of measuring the value of a process variable.

Movable Eper-iment: A movable experiment is one dt may be moved in or near the core or into and out of the reactor while the reactor is operating.

Non secured Experiment: Non secr experiments are those that should not move while the reator-is eperating, but are held in place ;ith less restraint than a secured experiment.


AI Neomal Mode Operation: Norma mode operation is operation with a stainless steel clad high hydride themocouple fuel element in the ore.

Operable: A system or component is operable when it is capable of performing its intended function in a normal manner.

Operating: A system or component is operating when it is performing its intended function in a normal manner.

Pulse Mode: The reactor is in the pulse mode when the reactor mode selection switch is in the pulse position. power, is increased on periods less th-an _ see by motion of thea

-nthismdereacto eontrel Md.

Reactor Safety System: The reactor safety system is that combination of measuring channels and associated ircuit'y that is designed to initiate reactor scram or that provides information that requires manual protective aetion to be initiated.

Reactor Secured: The reactor is secured when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) reactor shutdown (2) electrical power to the control rod circuits is switched off and the switch key is in proper custody (3) no work is in progress involving incore components, experiments, or installed control rod drives Reacthur-gtsdoA%: The reactor is in a shutdown (sub critial) cdon when the negative reativity of-the cold, clea coeiqAl tc or greater-thain the shtonmargn Reportable Occurrences: A reportable occurrence is any of the conditions described in Section 6.9 of these specifications.

Research Reactor: A research reactor is one primarily d supply neutrons or ionizing radiation for experimental purposes.

Restricted Mode Operation: Restricted mode operation is operation with one aluminum clad lew hydride thermocoupe fuel element in the B ring and no stainless steel clad high *ydride I ithennocouple feel clement in the core.

Ring: A ring is one of the five concentric banks of fuel elements surrounding the central opening of the core. The rings are designated by the letters B through F, with the letter B used to designate the innermost ring vSafe r afifigi: A saft chne iss aJ ssss measurin sseham insssthe r-aete saft __stem.sJVi Secured Experiment: A secured experiment is an experiment held firmly in place by a meehanioal device or: by gravit providing that the weight of the exper-iment is such that it cannot be moved by a forcee of less than 601b.

Secured Experiment With Movable Parts: A secured experiment with movable parts is one that contains parts that are intended to be moved while the reactor is operating.

Amendmn nt No. 9 2

Shutdown Marin: The shutdown margin is the minimum shutdoen reactivity necessary confidence thAt the retor can be made sub cr-itical by means of the control and safcty sy from any permissible operating condition, and that the reactor will remain sub critical, wi eperater-aefien-Standard Therooouple Fuel Element: A standard thermocouple fuel clement is a standaird fuelkelenmeiA-containing Qieheathed r thrmociuples imbedded in the fuel clement.

Stead State Mode: The reactor is in the steady state mode whea the r-eactor mode scecti On SV4t6h i6iR-either-the manual or- autmatic posfi-.

True Value: The true value of a parameter is its exact value at any instant.

Amendment No. 9 3

2.0 SAFETY LIMITS AND LIMITING SAFETY SYSTEM SETTINGS Apicheability: is specification applies to the fuel element temperature.

Objetfive: The objective is to define the maximnum fuel element temperature tha can be permitted with confidene that no fuel element cladding damage will result.

Specification: The temperature in a stainless steel clad, high hydride fuel element shall not exceed 1,000 GC under any conditions of operation. The temperature in an aluminum cladI low hydride feel element shall not exceed 530 VOunder any conditions of operation.

Bases: The important process vaniable for a TRIGA reactor is the fuel element temperature. This parameter- if well suited as a single specification, and it is readily measured. A loss in the integ t of the fuel element cladding could arise from an excessive buildup of pressure between the fuel moderator and the cladding. Thc pressure is caused by the presence of fission product gases and dissociation of the hydrogen and zirconium in the fuel moderator. The magnitude of this pressure is determined by the fuel Thc safety limit for-the high hydr-ide (r fucl elements is based en data presented in the '"Hazafds RepoA for_ the Oregon St rt 250 kW"TRIGA MAK H Reactor," General Atomc Report GAA 6499, June 1965, first paragraph of Section 4.7, which indicates that the stress in the cladding (resulting from the hydrogen pressure from the dissoeiation of the zirconium hydride) will remain below the rupture stress proUded the tempernaue of the fuel does not exceed The temperatuire a which phase tFansitions that may lead to cladding failre in aluminuma clad low hydride fuel elements is reported to be 530 C6; references: "Tcehnical Foundations of TRIGA, "GA 71 (1958). pp. 63 72; also in "Hazards nalysis forTthe Oregon State University 250 I klW TRIGA Mark II Reacter," (June 1965), section 4.7. There is also extensive eperating experience with aluminum elad low hydride fuel; for example, with the Michigan State University TRIGA, wh4;-icsh was -icensed froma 1971 to 1981 to operate with a mixed corze of stainess steel clad high hydride and aluminum clad low hydride elements at 250 kW and up to 2$ pulses.

2.2 Limiting SafeQ. C. SCste.

Applioability: This specification applies to the trip setting for the fuel element temperature channel.

Obetgfive: The objective is to pre; nt th safetAlimit froem being exceeded-.

Specifications: For a cor-e compsed of stains stelad, high hydride fuel elements, limiting safety system settings apply aeoerding to the location of the standard theeocouple fuel element as indicated in the following table:

Amendmet No. 9 4

Location Limiting Safety System Settings B r-ing 60000 C ring 55500 D ring 1800 0 E ring 380 06 For-a cor-e conftainfing an aluminum clad low hydr-ide thermocouple fuel element (i.e., for-restricted mode operation) the limiting safety system setting for that element shall be 230 0 -f wit the elemenft located in the B ring.

_ae: Por-stainless steel clad, high hydr-ide fuel elements, the limiting safety system settings r-epresent-values of the temperature, which if exceeded, shall cause the reactor safety system to initiate a reactor scram. Beeause the fuel element temperature is measured in a single fuel element designed for this purpose, the limiting settings are given for different locations of that element in the core. It is assumed that the maximum fuel temperature is produced in the B ring.

For the stainless steel clad, high hydride fuel elements, the margin between the safety limit of 1,000 0&

and the limiting safety system setting of 600 C6 in the B ring was selected to assure that conditions would not arise whih would allow the fuel element temperature to approach the safety limit. The safety ma of 400 V allows for differences between the measured peak temperature and calculated peak temperature encountered in pulse operation of TRIGA reactors and for uncertainty in temperature channel calibration.

During steady state operations, the equilibrium temperature is determined by the power-level, the physical dimensions and properties of the fuel elements, and the parameters of the coolant. Beeause of the interrelationship of the fuel moder-ator- temper-ature, the power- level, and changes in r-eactivit r-equired-to-increase or maintain a given power level, any unwarranted increase in the power level would result in a relatively ,lo inces i. the fuel mo.derator_ temperatre. The mri between the maimium setting and safety limit would ensure the reactor being shut down before conditions could result that might damage the fuel elements.

For the aluminum clad, low hydride element the margin of 300 C between the safety limit of S C and the limiting safety system setting of 230 PC in the B ring was selected to assure that conditions would not ar-ise which would alloev the fuel element temperatre to approeach theI safety limit. The margin is large enough to allow for differences in properties of all aluminum I clad, all stainless steel clad, and mixed cor-es and for-uncertainty in temperaur-e channel ealibreaion.

Amendment No. 9 5

3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION Applicabilitv: These specificatiens apply to the reactivity condition of the reactor, and to the reactivity worth of control rods and experiments, and to both modes cf reactor operation. Reactivity limits on experimefns are specified in Section 3.8.

Objectives: The objectives are to ensure that the reactor can be shut down at all times and to ensure that the fuel temperate safety limit will not be e-xceeded-.

Specification: The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions exist:

(1) The reactor is sub critical by more than 0.50$ when in the cold, xenon free condition, and (a) the highest worth control rod is fully vithdrawn, (b) the highest worth non secured experiment is in its most positive reactive state, and (o) secured experiments with movable parts are eaoh in their most feaetive state.

(2) The reactivity with all control rods fully withdrawn is known to be less than 4.00$ when the reactor is celd and xenon free and no experiments that affect reactivity are in place.

(3) When operating in restricted mode operation, the reactivity with all control rods fually witdrsvaw is less han 2.00$ with- vor witout experients in place.

Base: The shutdown ed by Specification 3.1 (1) is necessary-so that the reactor can be shut-down from any operating condition and remain shut down after cooldown and xenon dcoay, even if one contrel rod (including the transient control rod) should remain in the fully withdr-awn position.

The values ehosen are intended to limit the fuel temperature to <1,000 C for the stainless steel clad fuel in th event of inadverent or accidental pulsing of the r-eacteor.

The value chosen for (3) is intended to limit the temperature of the aluminum clad element to I e4530'C in the event of inadvestft or-accidental pulsing of the reactor.

3.2 Steaft State Opercation A bs _ig+ i ap t e ot e at h steady state p A levels.

Objectives: The objecti.e arc to prev .ent the fuel tempeftue safety limit from being exceeded durinig steady state operations and to prevent inadvertent pulse operation of the reactor whe it is at high steady state pewer4level.

Amendment No. 9 6

(4 The feaeter- she4l not be eser-ate d in the steady state mode at oewer- levels above 500 k-W.


When operating in r-estritd mod operation, the reactor shall not be operated at steady i stoae power levels above -200=.s vv Mv wwIkU


.S, . ._vv,_ ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(2) The reactor shall not be operated in the operated in the steady state mode at power levels above 10 k-W unless, in addition to the conditions of Section 3.1, the transient rod is thly withdrawnA.

Bases: The Cornell TPJGA Hazards Analysis (Supplement 1, 1980) is based on power levels up to 500 At power levels of 10 kW or below, the steady state fuel temperature is smail compared to the temptwaer rise caused by a pulse of 3.00$ or less.

When our-test proegr-am for initial oper-ation above 100 kW power-was conducted in F-ebruary March 1981, thermocouple measurements showed that at 200 IcW the B ring fuel temperature I for the all stainless stee clad high hydride core was 160 Bc. En when allowing for differences I resulting from the substitution of an aluminum clad low hydride element, the fuel temperature l at 200 kW will be farf below the safety limit4 of 53 0 BC.

3.3 Pulse Operationi-Applicability: These specifications apply to operation of the reactor in the pulse mode.

Objective: The objective is to prevent the fuel temperature safety limit from being exceeded during pulse moedc operation-.

Spcoifications: The reactor shall not be operated in the pulse mode unless, in addition to the requirements of Section 3. 1, the following conditions exit:

(1) The transient rod is set such that the reactivity insertion upon its withdrawal is equal to or less than (2) The steady state pewer-leoe ef the reactor is not greater than 10 kW.

(3) YThen operating in restricted mode operiation, the reactor shall not be operated in pulse motde. I The pulse mode circeuit shall be disconnected to assure that pulsine is not pDossible with the I

ke oerte switch. 4i Bases: These reantn'l itv lu:es limit the fuel temperature to 4 1,000 V-.Speeil4eeAien I4I(2), s s intended to

__-1; 11A - - V-

-- -- L;AL

-1 prohibit pulsing from a high--SIeady --IA state power level so that

_i , lov- - --- _- s

--- -i--


  • --1 fina

-r peak tempI. enAtR~e :cedte safety-limit. Pulse mode operation ouia resuit m temperatures Ine I aluminum clad low hydride- element mhat exoeeadthe limiting safety system setting of 230!GI Applicahlmth: Asffl z

This speitfication applies to the reactor measuring hannels.

Amendment No. 9 7

Objective: The objective is to require ___e_ . I h _:11 I .t that suficient mrormanon is available to inc operator to ensure

.r=_:__. :_r__v:_

safe operation of the reactor.

Seecifications: The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditic s-afe- met:

I) -t em-ea .suring channels described in the following table are operable and the information is dlisplayed mi the control room.

Minimum Number- R~equfredi Menimcr-inc, iThrrnnnl] lnprrhlta clnrrtini Fuel elemen temperat1e 1 B 1th modes Reactor power level 2 Steady state Reactor power- level PuRlse mode Startup count rate I During reactor startup Area radiation monitors Both modes B

Continuous air radiation monitor 1 Both modes Ewhaust plenum radiation monitor 1 Both modes n'

I-T- I TrL I oounft.

I nc- neutroni countfl rate'onf tne~ strnim rniinri 1S irreatrr tflanf 0'6s_ws Bases: The fe! temperature displayed at the console gives continauous infnnaion on thLe process variable, which has a specified safety limit.

The neutron detectors ensure that measurements of the reactor power level are adequately covered.

The radiAtion monitors provide infomation to operating perAsonel of any impending orAexisting daner from radiation so that there will be sufficient time to evaouate the facility and take the necessary steps to pre.vent the spread of radioactivity to the surrounding environment.

The specification on the sta+tp channel count rate is Ainteded to ensure thAt sufficient neutrons are available in the cor-e to pr-ovde a signal a the outpt of the startup channel during approaches to-cr-iticality.

3.5 Safgty Channels and C-ontrol ReodDrpTm Apvlieabilitv: This specification applies to the reactor safety system channels and to rod drop times.

Objectives: The objectives are to require the minimum number of reactor safety system channels that must be operable in order to ensure that the frel temperature safety limit is not exceeded, and to ensure r-romrt shutdonwn in the event of a scr-am sinar.

r Sgneciflations: The reactor shall not be operated unless the following conditions are met.

  • t Inlieu of information display, high level alarms audible in the control room may be used.

Amendment No.9 8

I1. I H+


rI es -XiJf f I

syste 7y;s +AbleA shaels described in the following table are op erablc:

Mmi~if um Safety System Channel rumvcr - . I ueziufrea Or Interlock Operable Function Operatine Mode Fuel element temperature I Scram Both modes Reactor-power-level 2 Scram Steady stae moede Manual buffon I Scram Both modes interlock 1 Prevent control Reactor startup rod withdrawal when neutron count rate is less than 1/sec Standard control red position interlock I Prevent withdrawal Steady state mode of the transient satety or shim eon trall rain are net r ._ :_

r-ally finser ep (2) The drop time ef a standard convtrol rod from the fully withdrawn%position of 90%,1 of full! raeativity insertion is less than 1 sec.

(3) When operating in restricted mode operation, one reactor power level scram trip point shall be set at 200 kcWW.

Bases: The fuel temperature scram provides the protection to ensure that if a condition results in which the lii4ting safety system setting is exceeded, an immediate shutdown Awil occu to keep the fuel tenpeatue below the saf, limt. The power;level scam is, provided as added protection against abnormally high fuel temperature and to ensure that reactor operation stays within the licensed limits.

The manual scr-am allows the operator to shut dow nsthe system if an unsafe or abnormal condition ocurs.

The interlock to prevent startup of the reactor with less than 1 count/sec indicated on the startup channel ensures that sufficient, neutronsare available to ensure proper-starup of the revacto The control rod position interlock will prevent the withdrawal of the transient rod in the steady state mode to prevent inadvertent pulses The powver level scram trip peint specified for restricted mode operation is an added protection against fuel temper-ature exceeding the safety limi~t for alumignum clad low hydr-ide fuel anfd I ensures that the reactor power will not exceed 200 kW 3.6 Release of Psen 11 Avnn1;4 i This applies; the- eosef the facility exhaust system to unrestricted areas.

Objeoiv Theeobjective is tocnsure thateexposures tothepublioeresulftigfromnthcr-eleaseof Ar-41 generated by r-eactor- oper-ation wVi not exceed the limits of 10 CFR 20 for unestricted areas, the ALAA (as low as is reasonably achievable) levels of Appendix I to 10 CFR 50 and the levels of ANS Std. 15. 12.

Amwadment No. 9 9

Spccification: Releases of Ar 41 from the reactor bay exhaust plenum to an unresticted environment shall not exeeed 32 Ci/year.

Bases: The Cornell TPIGA Hazards Analysis (Supplement 1, 1980) shows that the release of 32 Ci/year of AP11 would r^esut in no more than mrem/year-1 exposure t in the un+esfiricted area and-this is only 2% of the allowable relcases tat would meet 10 CF 0 requiremets.

3.7 Ventilation System

Ameility Thi seeii ti;onrApplie Ae the oprain _+1 _-atr of the AVee eAiaie exhus nsyse+A Objective
The objective is to ensure that the ventilation exhaust shutdoen system is operable to mitigate the consequences of the possible release of an unconfolled amount of radioactive mater+ials toA unrestricted areas resulting from reactor operation.

Spcoifications: The reactor shall not be operated unless the ventilation system (including its shutdown mode) has been shown to be operable. Pn exception may be made for periods of time not to exceed 2 days to peJ t repairs to te system. During suc periods of repai (1) the r-eactor- shall nt be operated in the pulse mode and (2) the reactor shall not be operated with experiments in place *vhose failure could result in the release of radioati.e gases or aerosols.

Bases: The specifications governing operation of the reactor while the ventilation system is undergoing repair_preclude the lke-ihoo of;fue Al clement failue during such times. It is shown in Section 7. of FSAR that, if the reactor were to be operating at Ml steady state pover, feel element failure wvould not

+te occur even if all the reactor tank water were to be lost immediately.

VVV LmtationXW]s on EV Vr-imea;s, Applicabilitv: This specification applies to experiments placed in the reactor and its experimental facilities.

Objectives: The objectives are, in the event afan experiment failure, to lirit reactivity excursions that might cause th fuel temperature to exceed the safety limit, to prevent damage to the reactor, and to prevent excessive release of radioactive materials.

Specifications: The reactor shall not be operated vAth experiments in places that do not meet the follwing specifications:

(1) The reactivity worth of any individual exper-iment shall net exceed 2.00$-.

(2) Pny experimnent with a raeativit worth greater-than 1.00$ shall be securely fastened (as defined in Section 1, Secured Experimnent).

(3) The tot of absoltse vales of the positive reactivity worth of all exper-iments in the reactor-shall be less Omn 3.00$.

r -- - I-.- 4- - r!1..

-- .r--~-

(4)- ui two or more expeniments m tne reactor are iteireiatea so tnat operation or itature et one enn

, other (s). II ,- s efr_ suoh induoe a reactnvt:

_ e~- affettint -- the chanee in -- .____the 1-_1 __ _ of- the

  • *sum

_--- - _ -_..__ reaotiities

- absolute . _ __ _

experiments shall not xce e 2.00$.

Amendment No. 9 10

(5) The rate of planned reactivity addition in any experiment shall be less than 0.07$/sea, except that if the total associated reactivity addition is less than 0.10$, nc limit on the rate shall be imposed.

(6) The estimate of reactivity worth of an experiment shall be based insofar as possible on experimental infrmation. If the stimated worth is gater than 0.0$, the actu worth shall be measured and recorded at the time of insertion of the experiment; if the actual value significantly exceeds the estimate, the experiment shall be removed pending review and re approval.

(7) No experiment shall be conducted that causes local boiling of the core water.

(8) No experiment shall be conducted that causes intefferenee with conftrol rods or shadowing of reactor confro minstmentation.

(9) The experiments to be performed have been classified, reviewed, and approved, and are performed, in compliance wvt rules and procedures set frth in Section 6. (Criteria for fueled, corrive explosive, radioactivity releasing, and otherwise hazardous experiments are discussed there.)

(10) When operating in r-estricted mode operation, the specifications (1) thro-ugh (9) above shall apply with tivo additional restrictions; I (a) the reactivity worth of any individual experiment shall not exceed 1.00$, and (b) the total of absolute values of the positive reactivity worth of all experiments in the reactor shall be less than 2.00$.

Ra se:--Speeifieaeiens 38(l)}di-,eug 3.8(6) afe iconservatively ohosen to limit unintentional and intentional reaunr;y aeaoinns to maximum values Mat are Wess mEan~an aaamon mPat

_S_ A. A- i t -- - - - - - J - - t t . .- - - -- A couia cause tIe - I ,Aet-ief e iperature to rise above the limiing safety ter se4 piSA(*SS)va&e.Thie-temperature rise for a 2.00$ insertion is Imown and is Imown not to exceed the LSSS. The additional limitations for retrctd oe oper-ation are coesen to limit the temperature excursion in a pulse initiated by possible malfunctions in experiments.

Objective: Theeobjective is topr-event the useof damaged fuel in the Cornell TPIGA.

t-h-P Amh CA-F fl;_ TRTA eee length or-a laer-al bending greater- than it8 in. shal be considered to be damaged and shall not be used in the cor-e for-furh-fer-operation-.

Bases: The above limits on the allowable distortioun oef-a -fuellellement have been shown to correspond to strains that are considerably lower-than the strain expected to cause rupture of a fuel element and have-te n nroess blA affler tETRIGA reactor.

3.10 Reactor Pool Water Aplicabilit: This specification applies to the water-eanm+ iined in the Cornell TRIGA feaetefneat.

Amendment No. 9 11

Objective: The objective is to set acceptable limits on the water quality, temperature, conductivity, and level oft rerthe -^ pool wate.n Speeifioations: The Cornell TRIGA shall be placed ini thle sudw condition if--

(1) the water temperature exceeds 130 F (2) the water conductivity is greater than 5 umho/cm except that during maintenance it may exceed that level for no longer-than I wccks.

(3) the water level above the core is below 18 1/2 ft., as measured from the top of the core.

Bases: The water temperature of the reactor pool is limited by the resin used in the mixed bed deienizer.

High water conductivity over a prolonged period indicates possible corrosion, demineralizer degradation, or slow leakage of fission products.

A r-eaeter pool level of 18 1/2 R. is adequate to provid'ing shielding during power-operatlions.

3.11 RestRieteA od- O -ation hydride thermocouple clement in the B ring and no stainless steel clad high hydride thermocouple 4 element in the core.4 Objective: The objective is to define the conditions under which restricted mode operation of the 4 reactor is permtted and the additional restrictions and specificationas whih that moc requires arc to be in foree. 4 4

Svecifications: Restricted mode operation shall be the only permissible mode of operation when nc operable stainless steel clad high hydride thermocouple element is available for use in the core.

When an operable stainless steel clad high hydride thermocouple element is available for use in the core, restricted mode operation shall not be used except that during tests of the cladding integrity and sm s f the worth of that element which require reactor operation without that element in the core the restricted mode shall be used.

Bases: The specifications of conditions under which restricted mode operaticn shall be used limit use of that mode to situations in which operation without a stainless steel clad thermocouple I element in the core is necessary for brief periods for test purposes or for continuity (though at a redueed scale) of programs using the reactor. The limits and restrictions required under the l restricted mode make it extremely unlikely that temperatures approaching the safety limits of any element in the core could occur.

A-menidment No. 9 12

4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Fuel Applicability: This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the fuel elements.

Objective: The objective is to ensure that the dimens ;ions of the fuel elements remain vithin acceptable limits the integrity of thefuel elements is maintained.

Specification: The standard-fuel elements shall be visually inspected for corrosion and mechanical damage and measured for length and bend a intervals separated by not more than 500 pulses of fmagnitude equal to or less than a pulse insertion of 3.00$, or following the exceeding of a limited safety system set point. Elemaents from the B, C, D, , and F rings op-s approximately 13 of the core shall be iaspeoeW annually, but not to exceed 14 months. The selection of elements each year shall be such that the entire core shall be inspected at 3 year intervals, but not to exceed 38 months.

Bases: The most severe stresses induced in the fuel elements result from pulse operation of the reactor, during whi differential expansion betwecn the fuel and the ladding ours and the pressure o te gases vithin the elements increases sharply. Corrosionmay resultfrom impurities in the pool water.

4.2 Control Rods A mhebinhjvf This .'ecification applies thria .ef i_- the - and_standard-eentrel reds.

Obecotive: The objective is to ensure the integrity of the control rods and to ensure that their worth are within prescribed limits.


(1) The raeaivit worth of each control rod shall be determiined annually-, but at intervals not to exceed 14 months, or following a change in core configuration unless the control rods have becn previously calibrated for the particula core configuration.

(2) Control rod drp times shall be dete4ined anuAly, bA ua intervals not to exceed 11 months.

(3) On each day that pulse mode operation of the reactor is planned, a functional perfonrance cheek of the transient (pulse) rod system shall be performed.

(1) Semiannually, at intervals not to exceed montV, the transient (pulse) rod drive cylindes and Vlith assoiated air supply system shall be inspeoted, cleaned, and lubricated,-as necessary.

(5) The control rods shall be visually inspected annually for corrosion and mechanical damage at intervals not to exceed 14 months.

Bases: The reactivity worth of the control rods is measured to ensure that the required shutdown margin is available and to provide a means for determining the reactivity wvorth of experiments insetdith cere. Experieneewith a TRIGA reactor over more than 10 years gives assurance that measurement of the r-eactivi* worth on an annual basis is adequate to ensure no significant changes in the shutvdow margin.

The visual inspection of the control rods and measurement of their drop times are made to detenmine whether the control rods are capable of perfornimig properly.


1.3 Reactor Safety System Aupliabilit; This specification applies to the sueillance req emes fo the mneasuing channels of the reactor safety system.

Sneflaton *s:.

(I) A channel test of each of the reactor safety system channels shall be performed before each day's operation or before each operation extending more than 1 day.

(2) A channel check of the fuel elemenft temper-ature measuring channel shall be performed daily-whenever the reactor is in operation.

(3) A channel cheek of the power level measuring channels shall be performed daily whenever the reactor is in operation.

(4) A channel calibration of the reactor power level measuring channels by the calorimetric method shall be performed annually, but at intervals not to exceed 11 months.

(5) A channel calibration of the temperature measuring channel shall be performed semiannually but at in-teRrvalIs not to exceed S months when the rveator is operated in steady state mode only-,and at the beginning of each 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> operating period when the reactor is used in the pulse mode. This calibration shall consist of introuing electric potentials in place of the thwnermcuple inpu to the ehannels.

(6) Acoeptance criteria for checks, tests, and oalibrations shall be those specified in approved checelists or written procedures.

Bases: The daily tests and channel checks will ensure that the safety system channels are operable. The requireu peneant uiiaDrutuons ana vefnneationts wu pcrrru any iung wnnm Un~f uO eUnarn;lS 10 De S


4A Radiation Monitoring Eguipment Applicability: This specification applies to the radiation monitoring equipment. required by Section 3.4 of these spcoifications.

Objectives: The objectives are to ensure that the radiation monitoring equipment is operable and to verify that alarm settings are within previously prescribed limits.

Specification: The alarm set points for the radiation monitoring instrumentation shall be verified monthly. daily during periods when the reactor is in operation. Acceptance criteria shall be those specified in approved checldists or written procedures.

Bases: Surveillance of the equipment will ensure that sufficient protection against radiationis available.

4.5 Maintenance A-lvi3iabiAli: This specification applies to the surweillance requirements following maintenance oef control or-safety system.


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Soecifieation: Following maintenance or modifieatien of a control or safety system or component, it shall be verified tht the system is prable aitin specified limits before being ret ned tose i.

Bases: This spceification ensures that work on the system or component has been properly canried cut And That the y;stem or component has been properly reinstaled or reconneeted befoe reliance for safety is plaeed en A-.

4.6 Reactor Pool Water Applicability: This specification applies to the water contained in the Cornell TRIGA reactor pool.

Objective: The objective is to provide surveillance of reactor primary coolant water quality, pool water level, temperature, and conductivity.

Specifications: Duringperiods when fuel is stored in the reactorpool, the reactorpool water level and conductivity shall be checked monthly. During periods when the reactor is in operation, the following shall be checked daily:

(1) the water level in the reactor pool shall be maintainedat a level thatprovides no less than 10feet of water over the top of the core.

(2) the temperature of the reactor pool water (2) the conductivity of the reactor pool water shall be maintainedat no greaterthan 5 micromhos/cm.

If the reactor is shut down for extended maintenance, the conductivity of the reactor pool water shall be measured and recrded ever; 20 days.

Bases: Surveillance of the reactor pool will ensure that the water level is adequate before raeaet-r opeatien.for shieldingpurposes and Water temperature must be chekled to ensure that the limit of the deionizer will not be exceeded. water conductivity must be checked to ensure that the demineralizer is performing properly and to detect any increase in water impurities.

4.7 Special Nuclear Materials Applicability: This specification applies to the surveillance requirements for the sealed plutonium source material.

Objective: The objective is to ensure that leakage from sealed plutonium sources does not exceed allowable limits.


(1) Each plutonium source shall be tested for leakage at intervals not to exceed 6 months. In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within 6 months before the transfer, the sealed source shall not be put into use until tested.

(2) The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 uCi of alpha contamination on the test sample. The test sample shall be taken from the source or from appropriate accessible surfaces of the device in which the sealed source is permanently or semi-permanently mounted or stored. Records of leak test results shall be kept in units of microcuries and maintained for inspection by the Commission.


(3) If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 uCi or more of removable alpha contamination, the licensee shall immediately withdraw the sealed source from use and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired by a person appropriately licensed to make such repairs or to be disposed of in accordance with Commission regulations. Within 5 days after determining that any source has leaked, the licensee shall file a report with the Director of the Office of Inspection and Enforcement, NRC, describing the source, the test results, the extent of contamination, the apparent or suspected cause of source failure, and the corrective action taken. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Director of the nearest NRC Regional Inspection and Enforcement Office listed in Appendix D to 10 CFR 20.

(4) The periodic leak test required by this condition does not apply to sealed sources that are stored and not being used. The sources excepted from this test shall be tested for leakage before any use or transfer to another person unless they have been leak tested within 6 months before the date of use or transfer.

Bases: Surveillance of the sealed plutonium source material will ensure that the total-body or individual organ irradiation does not exceed allowable limits in the event of ingestion or inhalation of the probable leakage from the source material.

5.0 DESIGN FEATURES 5.1 Reactor Fuel Applicability: This specification applies to the fuel elements used stored in the TRIGA reactor ee-e grid plate and approved in-poolfuel storageracks.

Objective: The objective is to ensure that the fuel elements are of such a design and fabricated in such a manner as to permit their use safe storagewith a high degree of reliability with respect to their mechanical integrity.


(1) The high-hydride fuel element shall contain uranium-zirconium hydride, clad in 0.020 in. of 304 stainless steel. It shall contain a maximum of 9.0 weight percent uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 20%. There shall be 1.55 to 1.80 hydrogen atoms to 1.0 zirconium atom.

(2) For the loading process, the elements shall be placed in a close packed array except for experimental facilities r-for single posifiens eceupied by cont;ei rods and a neutrcn sta_ p seurce. For the storage process, no fuel shall be stored in the B, C, and D rings of the reactorcore. All otherfuel shall be stored in approved-inpool storage racks.

(3) The low-hydride aluminum-clad h ee fiuel elements that can be used enly in restricted Naode operation. shall contain uranium-zirconium hydride, clad in 0.030 in. of aluminum.

It shall contain a maximum of 8.5 weight percent of uranium which has a maximum enrichment of 20%. There shall be a ratio of approximately 1.0 hydrogen atoms to each 1.0 zirconium atom.

Bases: These types of fuel elements have a long history of sueeessful use in TPIGA reactors.


Amendment No. 9 5.2 Reactor Building 16

Applicability: This specification applies to the building that houses the TRIGA reactor facility.

Objective: The objective is to ensure that provisions are made to restrict the amount of release of radioactivity into the environment.


(1) The reactor shall be housed in a closed room designed to restrict leakage when the reactor is in epemaien. spentfuel is being handledexteriorto the reactorpool or when the facility is unmanned-rF

.. _n Spent fuel is being handled exteFior to a cask.

(2)The minimum free volume of the reactor room shall be 100,000 ft3.

(3) The building shall be equipped with a ventilation system capable of exhausting air or other gases from the reactor room at a minimum of 30 ft. above ground level Bases: To control the escape of gaseous effluent, the reactor room contains no windows that can be opened. The room air is exhausted through an independent exhaust system, and discharged at roof level to provide dilution.

5.3 Fuel Storage Applicability: This specification applies to the storage of reactor fuel at times. when it is not in the reaetor- eoe. in approved in-pool storageracks and in the TRIGA reactorgridplate.

Objective: The objective is to ensure that fuel that is being stored will not become supercritical and will not reach unsafe temperatures.


(1) All-Fuel elements shall be stored in approved in-pool storageracks will be in a geometrical array where the keff is less than 0.8 for all conditions of moderation.

(2) Allfuel elements will be removedfrom the B, C, and D rings ofthe TRIGA reactorgridplate. Ofthe remainingelements, no more than forty six (46) will be stored in the E andF rings.

(3) Irradiated fuel elements and fueled devices shall be stored in an array which will permit sufficient natural convection cooling by water or air so that the fuel element or fueled device temperature will not exceed 460 TC for aluminum cladding or 600 TC for stainless steel clad fuel elements.

Bases: Seventy six (76) fuel rods are stored in thefour New fuel is stored in the shipping containers in a looked room called "Isotope and Fuel Storage" room. Irradiated fuel is stored in 19-position fuel element storage racks, which rest on the bottom of the reactor pool foundation. or which are located in fuel element storage rack pits designed into the reactor pool foundation. The fuel element storage racks containing 19 fuel elements cannot form a critical array. Irradiated fuel storage is described in FSR, Section 5.3.4. The forty six (46) fuel rodsstored in the E and F rings of the reactorgridplate cannotform a criticalarraysince the shut down margin with all control rodsfully withdrawn is 34.00$.


6.0 Administrative Controls 6.1 Organization and Responsibilities of Personnel a) The TRIGA Reactor located in the J. Carlton Ward, Jr. Laboratory of Nuclear Engineering shall be an integral part of the Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences of Cornell University. The reactor organization shall be related to the University structure as shown in Chart I.

b) The Vice Provost for Physical Sciences and Engineering shall be responsible for the appointment of responsible and competent persons as members of the Ward Center-Safety Creaittee TRIGA Reactor Decommissioningand Decontamination (D&D) Oversight Committee and as Director of Ward Center. In making these appointents, he or she shall consult with the 3ard Center Advisory Board.

c) The Ward Laboratory (including but not limited to the TRIGA Reactor) shall be under the supervision of the Center Director, who shall have the overall responsibility for safe, efficient, and competent use of its facilities in conformity with all applicable laws, regulations, terms of facility licenses, and provisions of the Ward Center Safety Coerittee TRIGA ReactorDecommissioningand Decontamination (D&D)

Oversight Committee. He or she shall also have responsibility for maintenance and modification of Laboratory facilities. He or she shall have education and/or experience commensurate with the responsibilities of the position. He or she shall report to the Vice Provost.

d) The Reactor Supervisor shall serve as the deputy of the Center Director in all matters relating to the establishment and enforcement of rules and procedures. He or she should have at least a bachelors degree in a physical science or engineering discipline, or equivalent knowledge and experience, and shall possess a Senior Reactor Operator's license. He or she shall have had at least two years of reactor operating experience and have a demonstrated competence in supervision. He or she shall be appointed by the Center Director with the approvals of the Vice Provost and the Ward Center Safety Commnittee TRIGA ReactorDecommissioning and Decontamination(D&D) Oversight Committee, and shall report to the Center Director.

e) The Responsible Person on Duty shall be responsible for enforcing all applicable rules, procedures, and regulations while he or she is on duty, for ensuring adequate exchange of infomation betWeen operating personnel when shifts change, and for reporting all malfunctions, accidents, and other potentially hazardous occurrences and situations to the Reactor Supervisor and/or Center Director.

Responsible Persons shall possess a Senior Operator's license, shall be appointed by the Center Director with the approval of the Center Safety Committee TRIGA ReactorDecommissioning and Decontamination(D&D) Oversight Committee, and shall report to the Reactor Supervisor.

I)The Reaetor Operator shall be responsible for the safe and proper operation of the reactor, under the direction of the Responsible Person on Duty. Reacto-r OpeAtors shall possess an OperaMtr's or Senior Operator's license and shall be appointed by the Center Directcr.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 18

J) The University Radiation Safety Officer (URSO), or his/her deputy, shall (in addition to other duties defined by the Director of Environmental Health and Safety) be responsible for overseeing the safety of Ward Center operations from the standpoint of radiation protection. He or she shall be appointed by the Director of Environmental Health and Safety with the approval of the University Radiation Safety Committee. He or she shall report to the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, whose organization is independent of the Ward Center organization, as shown on Chart I.

g) The Director of Ward Center, with the approval of the Ward Center Safety Committee TRIGA ReactorDecommissioningandDecontamination(D&D) Oversight Committee, may designate an appropriately qualified member of the Center organization as Ward Center Radiation Safety Officer (WCRSO) with duties including those of an intra-Center Radiation Safety Officer. The University Radiation Safety Officer may at his or her discretion, and with the concurrence of the Center Director, authorize the WCRSO to perform some of the specific duties of the URSO at Ward Center.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 19


Line. ofAuthorfy: B Line ofAppointment Responiwbility:

................... ...0 Li"i of PolIJc responsibilzgy:

Chart I. - Organizational Structure TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 20

6.2 Review and Audit a) There will be a Ward Center Safety Committee TRIGA ReactorDecommissioningand Decontamination(D&D) Oversight Committee which shall review TRPGA reaeteo laboratory operationsassociatedwith decommissioningand decontaminationof the TRIGA reactorand to assure that the feaetei facility is operated and used in a manner within the terms of the facility license and consistent with the safety of the public and of persons within the Laboratory.

b) The responsibilities of the Committee include, but are not limited to, the following;

1. Review and approval of rules, procedures, and proposed Technical Specifications;
2. Review and approval of all proposed changes in the facility that could have a significant effect on safety and of all proposed changes in rules, procedures, and Technical Specifications, in accordance with procedures in Section 6.3; 3._Reiew and appr.eval of exper-iments using the reaetor in aecordance vvit pr-ecedres and criteria in Section 6.4;
3. Determination of whether a proposed change, or test er experiment would constitute an un-reviewed safety question or change in the Technical Specifications (Ref. 10 CFR 50.59);
3. Review of the operation and operations records of the facility;
4. Review of abnormal performance of plant equipment and operating anomalies;
5. Review of unusual or abnormal occurrences and incidents which are reportable under IOCFR 20 and 10 CFR 50;
6. Inspection of the facility, review of safety measures, and audit of operations at a frequency not less than once a year; and
7. Approval of appointments of Responsible Persons.

c) The Committee shall be composed of:

1. one or more persons proficient in reactor and nuclear physics,
2. one or more per-sons proficient in ehemist-y or chemicial engineeng,
2. one person proficient in biological effects of radiation,
3. one person proficient in geological sciences,
4. one person proficient in civil and environmental engineering,
5. the Center Director, ex officio,
6. the University Radiation Safety Officer or his or her deputy, ex officio, and,
6. a member of the Executive Committee of the War-d Center A sr Board or-his or her- deputy-,

ey. effeiand,

7. the Reaoter Supervisor, ex officio.
7. one personfrom the University Office ofPlanning, Design and Construction or his or her deputy,
8. one personfrom the University Office of EnvironmentalHealth and Safety or his or her deputy,
9. onepersonfrom the Division of University Relations or his or her deputy, IO.the Vice Provostfor PhysicalSciences and Engineering, ex officio.

The same individual may serve under more than one category above, but the minimum membership shall be Bevet ten. At least four members shall be faculty members.

d) The Committee shall have a written statement defining its authority and responsibilities, the subjects within its purview, and other such administrative provisions as are required for its effective finctioning. Minutes of all meetings and records of all formal actions of the Committee shall be kept.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 21

4 e) The chairman of the Committee shall be the Vice ProvostforPhysicalSciences andEngineering.

elected by the Cmmnittee from its memfber-s, except that the Center-Direeter-or-Reactor- Supervsor-shall-not serve as chairman. A quorum shall consist of not less than a majority of the full Committee and shall include the chairman or his or her designee.

f) The Committee shall meet a minimum of three times a year.

6.3 Procedures a) Written procedures, reviewed and approved by the Ward Center Safety Committee TRIGA Reactor D&D Oversight Committee shall be followed for the activities listed below. The procedures shall be adequate to assure the safety of the reactor, persons within the Laboratory, and the public, but should not preclude the use of independent judgment and action should the situation require it.

The activities are:

1. Startup, operation, and shutdown of the reactor, including (a) startup checkout procedures to test the reactor instrumentation and safety systems, area moniters, and continuous air mnitors, and (b) shutdown procedures to assure that the reactor is secured before operating personnel go off I.Installation or removal of fuel elements, control rods, and other core components that significantly affect reactivity or reactor safety.
1. Preventive or corrective maintenance activities which could have a significant effect on the safety of the reactor or personnel.

2E Periodic inspection, testing or calibration of auxiliary systems. or instrumentation that relate to reactor operation.

b) S ubstantive changes in the above procedures shall be made only with the approval of the Gentei-Safety Gormiaee, TRIGA D&D Oversight Committee, and shall be issued to the epeiating laboratorypersonnel in written form. Temporary changes that do not change the original intent may be made by the Responsible Person on Duty with the concurrence of the Reactor Supervisor eF Center Director. If the two parties disagree on the change, the change shall not be made. The change and the reasons thereof shall be noted in the log book, and shall be subsequently reviewed by the Genter Safety Committee TRIGA D&D Oversight Committee.

c) Determination as to whether a proposed activity in categories (1), and (2) and (3) in Section 6.2(b) above does or does not have a significant safety effect and therefore does or does not require approved written procedures shall require the concurrence of:

1. the Center Director, and
2. at lease one other member of the Center. Safety TRIGA D&D Oversight Committee, to be selected for relevant expertise by the Center Director. If the Director and the Committee member disagree, or if in their judgment the case warrants it, the proposal shall be submitted to the full Committee, and
3. the University Radiation Safety Officer, or his or her deputy, who may withhold agreement until approval by the University Radiation Safety Committee is obtained.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 22

Determinations that written procedures are not required shall be subsequently reviewed by the Center Safety Gennittee "TRIGAD&D Oversight Committee. The time at which determinations are made, and the review and approval of written procedures, if required, are carried out, shall be a reasonable interval before the proposed activity is to be undertaken.

d) D etermination that a proposed change in the facility does or does not have a significant safety effect and therefore does or does not require review and approval by the full Center Safety Cemmittee D&D Oversight Committee, shall be made in the same manner as the proposed activities under (c) above.

6.4 Review of Proposals for-Eper-iments I -22 I- -

prrposae4fr experiments involvingt A .e reacorAsnal BcFreweWe %]flrespect to safety in

.- -- A r . _

accordance with the procedures in (b) below and on the basis of etenia in (c) below b)-Pr-eeedures+

1. The experimenter shall describe the proposed experiment in rtten faor in sufficient dail fo consideration of safety aspects. If potentially hazardous operations are involved, proposed procedures and safety measures including protective and monitoring equipment shall be deser-ibe&-
2. If the experimenter is a student, approval by his or her research supervisor is required. If the experimenteF is a staff member, his or her own signature is sufficient.
3. The proposal is then to be submitted to the Center Director for safety review. (In the absence of the Center Director, the Vice Provost may designate another Center Safety Coffuittee member- to act.) Safety approval requires the approval of the Center Director and at least one other person selected by him or her from the Aembership of the Center_Safety C tee. If the wAo individunals agree, approval is granted. If they disagree, or if in their judgment the ease warrants it, the proposal will be referred to the full Center Safety Committee.
4. Review and ounersignature by the Univer-s iy Radiation Safety Officern or hs or her-deputy, who shall, if he/she deems it appropriate, indicate on the form that the experiment (or portions thereof) cannot be performed except while he or!she is present-.
5. The scope of the experiment and the procedures and safety measures as described in the approeved proposal, including any amendments or conditions added by these reviewing and approving it, shall be binding on the experimenter and the operating personnel. Minor deviations shall be allowed only in the manner described in Section 6.3b above.
6. Tansmrssion to the Reactor- Superaseo- for scheduling.

e) Criteria that shall be met before approval can be granted shall include:

1. The experiment must fall within the limitations given in Section 3.8.
2. It must not involve violation of any condition of the facility license or of Federal, State, University, or Center-r-egulations and proedures. The possibility of an un reviewed safety question (10 CER 50.59) must be examined.
3. In the safety review the basic criterion is that there shall be no hazard to the reactor, personnel er-publiet
4. Each experiment is reviewed vith respect to the following factors:

(a)pressur~e change (b)temper-atue ehange (d)ehange of state of sample during irradiation (e)chemieal reactions (including corrosion)

-TRIGA Teeh. Spees. §6 A Effien &dnent#fl2 23

(f) leakage of radioactive material (double encapsulation is sometimes required)

(g~r-adiation le.els and per-sonnel exposure upon r-emoval of sample (h)intemnal and external radiation hazards to personnel in proposed operations subsequent to sample-removal (i) radiation levels in arccssible area0 durng r-eactor operation (e.g., for beam experiments)

() adequacy of proposed measures to safeguard against aecident during experiment (k0adcquacy of proposed emergency procedures O4needed) to supplement standard emaer-gency procedures in the event of aecident (I) number of reator-oper-ations personnel required (m)number and type of radiation monitors required (n)rcactivity effects (normal and accidental)

(o)Other re.evant facto-rs not included above

3. No explosive material as defined in Title 19, Parts 172 and 173 of the Code of Feder-a Regulations is permitted within the reactor bay.

6.5 Emergencv Plan and Procedures An emergency plan shall be established and followed in accordance with NRC regulations. The plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Center Safety Committee Oversight Committee, prior to its submission to the NRC. In addition, emergency procedures that have been reviewed and approved by the Center Safety Committee Oversight Committee, shall be established to cover all foreseeable emergency conditions potentially hazardous to persons within the Laboratory or to the public, including, but not limited to, those involving an uncontrolled reactor excursion or an uncontrolled release of radioactivity.

6.6 Operator Re-qualification An operator re-qualification program shall be established and followed in accordance with NRC regulations.

6.7 Physical Security Plan A physical security plan for protection of the reactor plant shall be established and followed in accordance with NRC regulations.

- - . - __ - - I . - - - . . -- P. - - .. - I 43.6 Aetien I e Be I aKefl HI i fie b'Veffi A Safew UfrAWs Exegede-d In the event a safety limit is exceeded:

a) The r-eactor- shall be shut down and-*eaewr _ operation shall not be r-esumed until authorized by the Branch Chief-, E; .A_. A..

and Non-T ower-Reactors Branch, NRC. 4 b) An immediate report of the occurrence shall be made to the Chairmn of the Center Safet.

Committee, and reports shall be made to the NRC in aeoordance with Section 6.11 of these speeifieatiens.

e) A report shall be made to include an analysis of the causes and extent of possible resultant dEamage, I efttiacy et eorre 3tiwe aet ;ion, and recfommendations er measus to pre.vent or

_AA s N +1UA_^1~:: _r ft:""vX "1¢ pFuvUBlllty U1 tvU"PP¢ilt ae. Ths report shl be submitted to the Ce ter. Safety

@.. P CommIttce tfr revie .W and a suitabIe similar renort sutmItted to the NRC when

,I . I. . Jr_ t autnonA_ on to resume operaAtin ei mAe reactor is sOUznt.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 24

6.9 Action To Be Taken In The Event Of A Reportable Occurrence a) A reportable occurrence is any of the following conditions:

1. a acetual safety system setting less eonservative than specified in Section 2.2, Limiting Safety System Settings;
2. operatin in evilatien of a limrtifng oenditiose fs ferperatin (Secion 3.0);
3. incidents or conditions that prevented or could have prevented the performance of the intended safety functions of an engineered safety feature or the reactor safety system;
1. release of fission products from the fuel;
5. an uncontrolled or unanticipated change in reactivity greater than $0.50;
2. an observed inadequacy in the implementation of either administrative or procedural controls, such that the inadequacy has caused the existence or development of an unsafe condition in connection with the operation of the reactorfiuel handlingand/or the decommissioningand decontamination of the reactor;
3. an uncontrolled or unanticipated release of radioactivity.

b) In the event of a reportable occurrence, the following actions shall be taken:

I. The retor shall be shut down at onee. The Reacter Supefisor shall be notified and correetive action taken before operations are resumed; the decision to resume shall require approval following the procedures in Seetion 6.3.

1. A report shall be made to include an analysis of the cause of the occurrence, efficacy of corrective action, and recommendations for measures to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence. This report shall be submitted to the Center Safety Committee TRIGA D&D Oversight Committee for review.
2. A report shall be submitted to the NRC in accordance with Section 6.11 of these specifications.

6.10 Plant Operating Records a) In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, in 10 CFR 20 and 50, records and logs shall be prepared and retained for a period of at least 5 years for the following items as a minimum:

1. normal plant operation, including power levels:
2. principal maintenance activities;
3. reportable occurrences;
4. equipment and component surveillance activities;
5. experiments performed with the reactor;
6. all emergency reactor scrams, including reasons for emergency shutdowns.

b) The following records shall be maintained for the life of the facility:

1. gaseous and liquid radioactive effluents released to the environs;
2. offsite environmental monitoring surveys;
3. fuel inventories and transfers;
4. facility radiation and contamination surveys;
5. radiation exposures for all personnel;
6. updated, corrected, and as-built drawings of the facility.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 25

41 6.11 Reporting Requirements All written reports shall be sent within the prescribed interval to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555, Attn: Document Control Desk, with a copy to the Regional Administrator, Region I.

In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, and in no way substituting therefore, reports shall be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as follows:

a) A report within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by telephone and telegraph to the NRC Operation Center and Region I, of;

1. any accidental release of radioactivity above permissible limits in unrestricted areas, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury, or exposure;
2. any violation of a safety limit;
2. any reportable occurrences as defined in Section 6.9(a) of these specifications b) A report within 10 days in writing to the NRC Operation Center and Region I of;
1. any accidental release of radioactivity above permissible limits in unrestricted areas, whether or not the release resulted in property damage, personal injury or exposure; the written report (and, to the extent possible, the preliminary telephone and telegraph report) shall describe, analyze, and evaluate safety implications, and outline the corrective measures taken or planned to prevent recurrence of the event;
2. any violatien of a safety limit;
2. any reportable occurrence as defined in Section 6.9(a) of these specifications.

c) A report within 30 days in writing to the Branch Chief, Events Assessment, Generic Communications and Non-Power Reactors Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555 of; X any significant variation of measured values from a corresponding predicted or previously measured value of safety-connected operating characteristics. occurring during operation of the

2. any significant change in the transient or accident analysis as described in the FSR.

_dA renArt within 60 daRy after criticmlit: fthe reactor in writina to the NRC (heration Center and

-.1 Region A,resulting frome a reeipt of a new facility lise or an amendmnt to the license authorizing an increase in reactor power level er the installation of a new core, describing th.e.

measured values ef the operating onFditions or ehafaeteristics of the reactor under the new eenditiens.

d) A routine report in writing to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555 and Region I, within 60 days after completion of the first calendar year of operating and at intervals not to exceed 12 months, thereafter, providing the following information:

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 26

3. a brief narrative summary of operating experience (including experiments performed), changes in facility design, performance characteristics, and operating procedures related to reactor safety occurring during the reporting period; and results of surveillance tests and inspections;
4. a tabulation showing the energy generated by the reactor (in megawatt-hours);
5. the number of emergency shutdowns and inadvertent scrams, including the reasons thereof and corrective action, if any, taken;
6. discussion of the major maintenance operations performed during the period, including the effects, if any, on the safe operation of the reactor, and the reasons for any corrective maintenance required;
7. a summary of each change to the facility or procedures, tests, and experiments carried out under the conditions of 10 CFR 50.59;
8. a summary of the nature and amount of radioactive effluents released or discharged to the environs beyond the effective control of the licensee as measured at or before the point-of such release or discharge;
9. a description of any environmental surveys performed outside the facility;
10. a summary of radiation exposures receive by facility personnel and visitors, including the dates and time of significant exposure, and a brief summary of the results of radiation and contamination surveys performed within the facility.

TRIGA Tech. Specs. §6-Amendment #12 27

ProposedRevision Cornell University Ward Laboratory OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM Revised and Approved June 16, 1992 I. Purpose The purpose of the Operator Re-qualification program is to meet the requirements of IOCFR55.59 while recognizing (in the spiit of !OCFR55.59(r)(7)) the special nature of a university research reactor, which has a limited scale of operation and a small staff the recent decision to permanently cease reactor operations. Therefore, the program is revised to reflect the change in operatingstatus by removing sections related to reactor manipulations. This is a continuing program of documented retraining and evaluation of licensed operators and senior operators; while the program's schedule is moderately flexible, it will be completed on a biennial cycle.

II. Overview of FacilityActivities With the permanentshutdown of the Cornell University TPJGA reactor, the scope of routine duties and tasks to be performed by a licensed Reactor Operators/SeniorReactor Operator (ROIRSO) at the Cornell University Ward Center for Nuclear Sciences (CU-WCNS) must be reduced to reflect the amended license conditions. Accordingly, ROISRO participationin facility activities at the CU-WCNS under POL license status shall include the following:

a) Maintenance, monitoring, and surveillance of t he TRIGA pool utilizedfor the interim storage of spentfuel elements.

b) Review of the proper use of the Fuel Handling Tool; as described in the General Atomics MaintenanceManual, GA-2555, in particular, sections 2.4 and 5.1, and Cornell University TRIGA Operating Procedures, OP-400, "Fuel Handling and Transfer Operations".

c) Annual review of Operations, Surveillance, and Health Physicsprocedures.

d) Annual review of the NRC approved Emergency Plan (EP) and Emergency Procedures (EPIPs)for Ward Laboratory.


e) A nnual review oft he operation, maintenance, and calibration requirements of the Area Radiation Monitors (ARMs) and the Continuous Air Monitors (CAMs) and Security Alarm System.

fi Review of changes to all CU-WCNS procedures, applicable regulations, and license amendments.

Im. General Conduct of Program Each biennial cycle of the program will include: (1) a pre-examination study and review phase consisting of individual study by licensees; (2) a written examination of a scope of level equivalent to examinations previously given here by examiners from the Operator Licensing Branch of the NRC; ( 3) systematic observation and evaluation o f operators during reactivity manipulations and simulated emergencies; and (4) for any operator displaying a deficiency in any category, accelerated retraining by tutoring and individual study, followed by re-examination or re-observation, in the deficient categories. A severe deficiency will result in suspension of the operator from licensed duties, with resumption of such duties only after retraining and satisfactory demonstration of competence.

The re-qualification cycle will be scheduled over two years in a manner that meets NRC goals of continuing competence and re-qualification of operators and at the same time avoids undue interruption of operating and other activities Onenieensed) for which members of the small staff of a university research reactor are responsible.

All licensed operators and senior operators will participate in each biennial cycle, regardless of the outcome of previous evaluations, with the sole exception of the Reactor Supervisor (see Section IV, Special Conditions).

The individual responsible for the re-qualification program will be the Reactor Supervisor.

Written records will be maintained of study materials, examinations, observations, evaluations, and training schedules.

IV. Details of Program I.Study and Written Examination Under the amended POL conditionsfor the CU- WCNS TRIGA reactor, operationof the reactor is not recognized. Licensed authorized activities for the ROISRO shall necessarily be limited tofuel handling activities. Accordingly, in each biennial cycle, the study phase and written examination for reactor operator and senior reactor operator licensees will include material from each of the following categories and shall conform to the requirements of 10CFR55.59(c)(2).


A. Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics B. Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls C. Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems These categories have been chosen to be in conformance with NUREG-1021 (Rev.6), NRC Examiner Standards, which reflect written examination guidelines for non-power reactors.

In keeping with the scale of operations and the limited size of operating staff, the biennial written examination will be scheduled in the fall of every other year and may be administered in section over a period not to exceed two weeks. The sequence will be: (1) the individual responsible for the requalification program will select and organize study materials and plan tutoring; (2) after a suitable study and review phase, all operators will be given the closed-book written examination; (3) the examinations will be graded and evaluated by the Reactor Supervisor; (4) an overall score of 70% is the minimum passing grade for the requalification exam; (5) any operator passing the requalification exam but receiving a score of less than 80% in any category will be required to undergo accelerated tutoring in such areas; (6) any operator scoring less than 70% overall shall be prohibited from performing licensed duties and must undergo accelerated tutoring and re-examination in all categories in which he scored below 70% before being considered for permission to resume licenseed duties. Such permission shall be given only after (i) his overall score after re-examination is 70% or greater and (ii) his resumption of licensed duties has been approved by the Reactor Supervisor. If a re-examination is required, it will be administered in the same manner as a normal requalification exam.

I. Reactiv.tytw langrlpulacns On a semiannual basis, the operating experience of each licensee will be reviewed with regard to the number of control manipulations he has performed or directed over the previos sixmonthi pefiod. These contol manipulations will eonsist the applibe reactivity marepulations specified in 10 C-FR 55.59()(3)(i), wvhih include reator-start ups, shutdowns, or other control manipulations which demonstrate skill and/or familiarity ith raeatfivt eentroel systems and prM rs. The purpose ef the enal re will be to assure that no less than ten such manipulations are completed by each licensee in a distributed fashion over each biennial requalification period.

3. Oeprertor Performance and Evaluatio Not less than twice each year, the performance and competence of each licensee will be observed and evaluated during a setof reatiity manipulations. The manipulations wi11 include a minimum of fe of the mniulaionas s peeified i n 1 0 CFR 5 5.c5(a)(2) 3

through (I13), as applicable to a univer-sity research raeator-. The observations will include a discussion of the licensee's actions and responsibilities during simulated emergency conditions. if an actual emergen oecun, the action of the operator on duty will be evaluated regardless of direct obsenr.ation.

Any operatr whose evaluation indicates a signtf;ar deficiency in manipulative skill, in lmvo.ledg of operaing or emergency prcedures, or V- i- ations re-sponding t emergency conditions will be prohibited from peffoiming licensed duties and will be required to undergo tutoring and re observation before being considered for penmission to resume licensed duties. Re evaluation at a sAtisfateory level and approval of the Reacto SupervAsor shall be required before resumption is permitted.

The evaluations of the licensee's performance will be included in his files.

4. Retraining Study Materials A complete set of study and reference materials will be provided for use by the licensees during their retraining program. It will be the responsibility of the Reactor Supervisor to review regularly the contents of these reference material to ensure that they are adequate and that they accurately incorporate changes in procedures, facility license and technical specifications, and facility design characteristics. Furthermore, whenever such changes are made, all licensed operator shall be informed of the changes in timely manner. These materials shall include a minimum of the following items:
1. A suitable general reference text on reactor physics.
2. Copies of the operating procedures.
3. Copies of the Technical Specifications.
4. Copies of emergency procedures.
5. Copies of the facility license and amendments thereto.
6. A summary description of facility characteristics.
7. Building and control drawings for the facility.
8. Copies of 10CFR20, 50 and 55.
9. Reference material on health physics principles and techniques.

V. Special Conditions

1. The Reactor Supervisor will be considered as having met the requirements of all evaluation portions of the re-qualification program because he will have participated directly in conducting all aspects of each biennial re-qualification program. The Reaeteo Supervisor will be required to perform the manipulations specified in Section fi.3 of the re qualification program.
2. An operator whose license is due for renewal while he is in a re-qualification program will be provided with a letter of certification indicating that he is currently enrolled in the re-qualification program. The letter of certification will indicate the anticipated date when that re-qualification program will be completed for the individual.


3. All licensed facility personnel who do not participate in facility operation for three or more months will be given an oral examination on facility and procedure changes and perform a reactivity manipulation and complete a minimum of six hours of on-shift functions under the observation of the Reactor Supervisor (or a senior operator designated by him) before being reassigned regular operational duties at the facility provided he is up to date on the biennial written examination. The results of the oral and performance examination provide the basis for re-certification of competence to the NRC as required by 10CFR55.53(f).
4. Successful completion of the initial NRC licensing examinations may be used to satisfy the licensee's biennial retraining requirements if appropriate. Such an individual's retraining program would be started with the next study phase and written examination scheduled at least 6 months after the licensee's initial licensing date.

VI. Records The following records will be retained at the facility for a period of five years:

1. Copies of retraining study materials and schedules.
2. All question sheets and graded papers for examinations and required reexaminations which were taken by each licensee during each of the re-qualifications periods.
3. The evaluation and summary review record of examinations and reexaminations of each licensee.
4. Summaries of control manipulations for each licensee.
4. The record of observations and evaluation completed when observing the operating competence of each licensee.


ProposedRevision Cornell University Ward Laboratory OPERATOR REQUALICATION PROGRAM Revised and Approved June 16, 1992 I. Purpose The purpose of the Operator Re-qualification program is to meet the requirements of 10CFR55.59 while recognizing On te spirit of 10GFWS.59(e)(7)) the special natu of a university research reactor, which has a linmited scale of operation and a small staff the recent decision to permanently cease reactor operations. Therefore, the program is revised to reflect the change in operatingstatus by removing sections related to reactor manipulations. This is a continuing program of documented retraining and evaluation of licensed operators and senior operators; while the program's schedule is moderately flexible, it will be completed on a biennial cycle.

II. Overview of Facility Activities With the permanentshutdown of the Cornell University TRIGA reactor, the scope of routine duties and tasks to be performed by a licensed Reactor Operators/SeniorReactor Operator (ROIRSO) at the Cornell University Ward Centerfor Nuclear Sciences (CU-WCNS) must be reduced to reflect the amended license conditions. Accordingly, ROISRO participationin facility activities at the CU-WCNS under POL license status shall include thefollowing:

a) Maintenance, monitoring, and surveillance oft he TRIGA pool u tilizedfor the interim storage of spentfuel elements.

b) Review of the proper use of the Fuel Handling Tool; as described in the General Atomics MaintenanceManual, GA-2555, in particular,sections 2.4 and 5.1, and Cornell University TRIGA Operating Procedures, OP-400, "Fuel Handling and Transfer Operations".

c) Annual review of Operations, Surveillance, and Health Physicsprocedures.

d) Annual review of the NRC approved Emergency Plan (EP) and Emergency Procedures(EPIPs)for Ward Laboratory.


e) A nnual review of the operation, maintenance, and calibration requirements of the Area Radiation Monitors (ARMs) and the Continuous Air Monitors (CAAs) and Security Alarm System.

O)Review of changes to all CU- WCNS procedures, applicable regulations, and license amendments.

III. General Conduct of Program Each biennial cycle of the program will include: (1) a pre-examination study and review phase consisting of individual study by licensees; (2) a written examination of a scope of level equivalent to examinations previously given here by examiners from the Operator Licensing Branch of the NRC; ( 3) systematic observation and evaluation of operators during reactivity manipulations and simulated emergencies; and (4) for any operator displaying a deficiency in any category, accelerated retraining by tutoring and individual study, followed by re-examination or re-observation, in the deficient categories. A severe deficiency will result in suspension of the operator from licensed duties, with resumption of such duties only after retraining and satisfactory demonstration of competence.

The re-qualification cycle will be scheduled over two years in a manner that meets NRC goals of continuing competence and re-qualification of operators and at the same time avoids undue interruption of operating and ether activities (non licensed) for which members of the small staff of a university research reactor are responsible.

All licensed operators and senior operators will participate in each biennial cycle, regardless of the outcome of previous evaluations, with the sole exception of the Reactor Supervisor (see Section IV, Special Conditions).

The individual responsible for the re-qualification program will be the Reactor Supervisor.

Written records will be maintained of study materials, examinations, observations, evaluations, and training schedules.

IV. Details of Program l.Study and Written Examination Under the amended POL conditionsfor the CU-WCNS TRIGA reactor, operationof the reactor is not recognized. Licensed authorized activities for the ROISRO shall necessarily be limited to fuel handling activities. Accordingly, in each biennial cycle, the study phase and written examination for reactor operator and senior reactor operator licensees will include material from each of the following categories and shall conform to the requirements of 10CFR55.59(c)(2).


A. Reactor Theory, Thermodynamics, and Facility Operating Characteristics B. Normal and Emergency Operating Procedures and Radiological Controls C. Plant and Radiation Monitoring Systems These categories have been chosen to be in conformance with NUREG-1021 (Rev.6), NRC Examiner Standards, which reflect written examination guidelines for non-power reactors.

In keeping with the scale of operations and the limited size of operating staff, the biennial written examination will be scheduled in the fall of every other year and may be administered in section over a period not to exceed two weeks. The sequence will be: (1) the individual responsible for the requalification program will select and organize study materials and plan tutoring; (2) after a suitable study and review phase, all operators will be given the closed-book written examination; (3) the examinations will be graded and evaluated by the Reactor Supervisor; (4) an overall score of 70% is the minimum passing grade for the requalification exam; (5) any operator passing the requalification exam but receiving a score of less than 80% in any category will be required to undergo accelerated tutoring in such areas; (6) any operator scoring less than 70% overall shall be prohibited from performing licensed duties and must undergo accelerated tutoring and re-examination in all categories in which he scored below 70% before being considered for permission to resume licenseed duties. Such permission shall be given only after (i) his overall score after reexamination is 70% or greater and (ii) his resumption of licensed duties has been approved by the Reactor Supervisor. If a re-examination is required, it will be administered in the same manner as a normal requalification exam.

2. Reactivity Manipulations On a semiannual basis, the operating experienee of eaeh licensee Aill be reviewed with regard to the number of control manipulations he has performed or directed over the previous six month period. These control manipulations vill consist the applicable reactivity manipulations see in 10 CFR 55.59(c)(3)i, which inelude reator- sta4n ups, shutdowns, or other control manipulations which demonstrate skill and/or familiarity ith reactivity control systems and procedures. The purpose of the semiannual review

.ill b to assure that no less than ten such manipulations arc completcd by each 1iaznlc in a distributed fashion over each biennial requalifieation period.

3. Operator Performance and Evaluation Not less than twice each year, the performance and eompetenee of eaeh licensee wilA be observed and evaluated during a set of reactivity manipulations. The manipulations

.ill include a m nimu of five of the manipulations specified i an 1 0 CER 5 S.45a{(OM 3

through (13), as applicable to a university' researh reator-. The observations will- inc lude a discussion of the licensee's actions and responsibilities during simulated emergency conditions. If an actual emergency occurs, the action of the operator on duty will be evaluated regardless ofdireet observ.ation.

Any operator whose evaluation ndicates a signfcant deficiency i manipulative s6lil,in lkowledge of operating or emergency procedures, o in actions r responding to emer-gency conditions w.ill be prohibited from performiing licensed duties and will be required to undergo tutoring and re observation before being considered for permission to resume licensed duties. Re evaluation at a satisfactory level and approval of the Reactor Supervisor- shall be required befrem r-esumption is permitfted-.

The evaluations of the licensees performanee will be included in hAs files.

4. Retraining Study Materials A complete set of study and reference materials will be provided for use by the licensees during their retraining program. It will be the responsibility of the Reactor Supervisor to review regularly the contents of these reference material to ensure that they are adequate and that they accurately incorporate changes in procedures, facility license and technical specifications, and facility design characteristics. Furthermore, whenever such changes are made, all licensed operator shall be informed of the changes in timely manner. These materials shall include a minimum of the following items:
1. A suitable general reference text on reactor physics.
2. Copies of the operating procedures.
3. Copies of the Technical Specifications.
4. Copies of emergency procedures.
5. Copies of the facility license and amendments thereto.
6. A summary description of facility characteristics.
7. Building and control drawings for the facility.
8. Copies of 10CFR20, 50 and 55.
9. Reference material on health physics principles and techniques.

V. Special Conditions

1. The Reactor Supervisor will be considered as having met the requirements of all evaluation portions of the re-qualification program because he will have participated directly in conducting all aspects of each biennial re-qualification program. The Reaetef Supevisor-will be required to perform the manipulations specified in Section 1. ef the re qualificatien pro-gam.
2. An operator whose license is due for renewal while he is in a re-qualification program will be provided with a letter of certification indicating that he is currently enrolled in the re-qualification program. The letter of certification will indicate the anticipated date when that re-qualification program will be completed for the individual.


3. All licensed facility personnel who do not participate in facility operation for three or more months will be given an oral examination on facility and procedure changes and perform a reactivity manipulation and complete a minimum of six hours of on-shift functions under the observation of the Reactor Supervisor (or a senior operator designated by him) before being reassigned regular operational duties at the facility provided he is up to date on the biennial written examination. The results of the oral and performance examination provide the basis for re-certification of competence to the NRC as required by 10CFR55.53(f).
4. Successful completion of the initial NRC licensing examinations may be used to satisfy the licensee's biennial retraining requirements if appropriate. Such an individual's retraining program would be started with the next study phase and written examination scheduled at least 6 months after the licensee's initial licensing date.

VI. Records The following records will be retained at the facility for a period of five years:

1. Copies of retraining study materials and schedules.
2. All question sheets and graded papers for examinations and required reexaminations which were taken by each licensee during each of the re-qualifications periods.
3. The evaluation and summary review record of examinations and reexaminations of each licensee.
4. Summaries of control manipulations for each licensec.
4. The record of observations and evaluation completed when observing the operating competence of each licensee.