Information Notice 1995-17, Reactor Vessel Top Guide and Core Plate Cracking

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Reactor Vessel Top Guide and Core Plate Cracking
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/1995
From: Grimes B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-95-017, NUDOCS 9503030304
Download: ML031060283 (18)







All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for boiling water

reactors (BWRs).


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information

notice to alert addressees that significant cracking has been observed in the

weld regions of the reactor vessel top guide and core plate in an overseas

BWR. It is expected that recipients will review the information for

applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to

avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in this information

notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written

response is required.

Description of Circumstances

During the 1994 inservice inspection of the Wuergassen BWR in Germany, significant cracking was visually observed in the reactor vessel top guide and

core plate. The cracks were circumferentially oriented along the weld regions

and were located in the rim areas of the top guide and the core plate (see

figure in Attachment 1). The top guide and the core plate were made of

niobium stabilized austenitic stainless steel (SS) (equivalent to American

Iron and Steel Institute Type 347 SS) and were post-weld heat treated during

fabrication. The Type 347 SS material had a relatively high carbon content

and a minimum niobium-to-carbon ratio. Samples of this material had passed a

standard sensitization test. Significant cracking was also found in the core

shroud, which was made of the same material. The root cause of the observed

cracking is still under evaluation.


Early in 1991, minor cracking not associated with a weld was observed in a

cross beam of the top guide in a domestic BWR (Oyster Creek). Subsequent

monitoring and assessment of the cracking showed that the structural integrity

of the top guide was maintained. The cracking observed in the overseas BWR is

considered significant because it was the first time cracking was found in the

ring weld regions of the reactor vessel top guide and core plate.




$6 NotIre. 95-01r+ WIj/ ,


IN 95-17 March 10, 1995 On November 22, 1994, General Electric (GE) issued Rapid Information

Communication Services Information Letter No. 071, "Top Guide and Core Plate

Cracking," which discussed the cracking event reported in the overseas BWR.

The overseas BWR had accumulated approximately 13 years of hot operating time

and the average conductivity of the reactor water during the worst five fuel

cycles had been 0.22 microsiemens per centimeter [0.56 micromho per inch].

Althouyh the overseas BWR was not a GE BWR and the GE-design BWRs have several

different configurations of the top guide and core plate assemblies, there are

similarities in the designs. For example, GE noted that welds existed in GE

BWRs (domestic BWRs) in areas that were cracked in the overseas BWR. In the

overseas non-GE BWR, Type 347 austenitic SS was used for fabricating the top

guide and the core plate, instead of Type 304 austenitic SS, which was used in

domestic BWRs. GE has tested Type 347 SS for its resistance to intergranular

stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). On the basis of tests, GE has concluded

that sensitized Type 347 SS has a susceptibility to IGSCC equivalent to that

of sensitized high carbon Type 304. When Type 347 SS is not sensitized, it

has a susceptibility to IGSCC equivalent to that of Type 304L SS that is not

sensitized. GE concludes that domestic BWRs with a similar amount of hot

operating time may expect cracking to occur in the top guide and the core


The BWR Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP), by letter of January 3, 1995, reported the GE evaluation of the safety significance of this cracking event

as it pertains to domestic BWRs. The nonproprietary portion of the BWRVIP

letter is given in Attachment 2. A BWRVIP report for all internals, discussing IGSCC susceptibility ranking, safety consequences, inspection

scopes and methodologies, flaw evaluation, repair strategies and mitigation of

degradation is expected in the latter half of 1995.

The NRC staff will monitor the inspections of top guides and core plates in

the industry. The staff is evaluating the safety implications of cracking in

these areas to determine whetner additional generic communication is needed.

Related Generic Communications

On September 30, 1993, the NRC issued Information Notice (IN)93-79, "Core

Shroud Cracking at Beltline Region Welds in Boiling-Water Reactors," in

response to the discovery of cracking of the core shroud welds at Brunswick

Unit 1 plant. Following the additional, discovery of core shroud cracks at

Dresden Unit 3 and Quad Cities Unit 1 in 1994, the following additional

generic communications were issued: 1) IN 94-42, "Cracking in the Lower

Region of the Core Shroud in Boiling-Water Reactors," on June 7, 1994;

2) Supplement 1 to IN 94-42 on July 19, 1994; and 3) Generic Letter 94-03,

"Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Core Shroud in Boiling Water

Reactors," on July 25, 1994.

IN 95-17 March 10, 1995 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Project Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: W. H. Koo, NRR E. M. Hackett, NRR

(301) 415-2706 (301) 415-2751 T. A. Greene, NRR

(301) 415-1175 Attachments:

1. Figure, "Location of Cracking in

Top Guide and Core Plate"

2. Letter from BWR Vessel and Internals

Project to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Request for Information Regarding the Impact

of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking,"

January 3, 1995

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  1. 4'z~~sse#1? J1&/ s

Attachment 1 IN 95-17 March 10, 1995 Guide









Core Plate Rim

Support Ring 0-.

Not t Scale

Figure 1. Location of Cracking In Top Guide and Core Plate

WV Attachment 2 B3WRVI~ wwrovgrMarch IN 95-17

10, 1995 BWR Vessel & pages

Internals Project _ Issue Management and Resolution

January 3, 1995 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, D.C., 20555 Attention: Document Control Branch

SUBJECT: Request for Information Regarding the Impact of BWR

Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking

In response to a request for information on the subject, the BWRVIP

is providing the

information in this letter on relevant design aspects of BWR core plates

and top

guides and the impact that recently discovered outer ring cracking

could have on the

safety performance of these components.

In order to provide this response on an expedited basis, the information

below has

not been reviewed by all BWRVEP utility members. GE has based

the information

presented here on top level drawings, such as reactor assembly drawings, in most

cases. There may be cases where field modifications occurred during


which are not shown on the reactor assembly drawings. Any such


would improve the component condition relative to that reported

here, so the

information here is expected to be conservative. However, individual

utility reviews

of plant-specific configurations may reveal some minor differences

from the

information presented here.


The safety function of the core support plate is to provide lateral support


positioning for the control rod guide tubes, which in turn support

all but the

peripheral fuel assemblies, such that control rods can be inserted

and the core can be

cooled following an accident. While there may be minor differences

in core plate

designs from plant type to plant type and plant to plant, the design

characteristics of

importance relative to the ring weld cracking issue are essentially

the same for all

plants. A description of a typical core plate follows. The core plate

consists of a 2 inch thick circular plate with CRD guide tube holes about 11 inches

in diameter. A

cylindrical rim is welded under the plate (full penetration), and

the rim-plate

structure is reinforced underneath with a gridwork of beams

and bars. The core

plate is secured to the core plate flange of the shroud by multiple

(from 36 to over 70,

depending on the plant) preloaded stainless steel studs (see example

in Figure 1).

There is aligner pin hardware, which provides some lateral restraint

between the


Reply To: J. T. Beckham, Jr., BWRVIP Chairman, Southern


Nuclear Operating Co., 42 Inverness

Center Parkway, Bifmingham, AL 35242 * (205) 877-7279

  • Fax: (205) 802-0393

K ' Attachment 2 Januarv 3, 1995 IN 95-17 USNRC March 10, 1995 Page 2 pages

core plate and shroud, but the discussion here is focused on the presence of the

preloaded studs.

The preloaded studs provide a large compressive load holding the core plate in

place relative to the shroud. Friction between the core plate ring and shroud flange

is sufficient to prevent lateral motion of the machined surfaces during a seismic

event. The friction factor of a stress corrosion crack in the ring weld would be

significantly higher, so even assuming through-wall cracking of the ring weld, the

core plate would maintain its full design capability to resist displacements due to

vertical delta-P and seismic loads and due to lateral seismic loads.


Review of GE documents indicates that there are five basic top guide configurations.

Table 1 lists the US BWRs under each configuration. The configurations are

described in terms of their lateral support capability, which is the key issue for top

guides. Sketches and descriptions of each configuration are provided in

attachments, as follows:

Attachment I: BWR/2 Attachment 2. Aligner Pin Assemblies Only (BWR/3,4)

Attachment 3: Aligner Pin Assemblies Plus Reinforcement Blocks (BWR/3,4)

Attachment 4: Aligner Pin Assemblies Plus Wedges (BWR/4,5)

Attachment 5: BWR/6

Potentialfor Vertical Displacement

In considering a seismic event, vertical seismic plus operating delta-P loading would

not overcome the weight of the top guide. Based on recent TRACG analyses for a

loss of coolant accident (LOCA) event, LOCA delta-P loads would not overcome the

top guide weight. While time has not permitted a rigorous analysis of combined

seismic plus LOCA vertical loads for all plants, it is expected that such a combination

will not overcome the top guide weight For example, recent TRACG results for a

BWR/4 show a LOCA delta-P of about 1 psi. This represents an upward load of

about 25% of the top guide beam weight Therefore, a vertical seismic acceleration

of about 0.75g would be required to overcome the top guide weight For plants with

hold-down bolts, there would be even more margin against top guide vertical


The discussion above applies to an intact. as-designed top guide. If complete ring

weld cracking were assumed, the top guide assembly would still react to vertical

loads as a single, effectively intact component, because there are about 200 welded

pins connecting the top plate to the bottom plate through the beam connections.

januarv 3,1995 YAttachment 2 USNRCL IN 95-17 Page 3 March

Page 3 10,

of 1995

7 pages

Therefore, the ring weld cracking raises no new concerns relative to vertical top

guide displacement.

Potentialfor Lateral Displacement

The top guide provides lateral support for the fuel during a seismic event, transferring the load from the fuel to the shroud. The means by which the lateral

load is transferred to the shroud depends on the plants top guide configuration, described in the Attachments. Likewise, the impact of ring weld cracking depends

somewhat on the top guide configuration. Each configuration is addressed below.

BWR/2 Plants (Attachment 1)

The BWR/2 top guides are supported laterally by four vertical aligner pin

assemblies plus eight lateral support brackets. The brackets are welded to the

shroud and are sized to be within 1/16 inch of the top guide ring. Ring weld

cracking does not degrade the capability of this combination of lateral supports.

The lateral support brackets are welded to the shroud with intermittent fillet welds;

the associated creviced geometry could be SCC susceptible. However, there are no

applied loads during operation, and the fillet weld residual stresses are considerably

less severe than the residual stresses associated with weld geometries like the ring

weld. It is extremely unlikely that enough of the redundant lateral support

components would be sufficiently cracked to allow top guide displacement during a

seismic event.

BWR/6 Plants and BWR/4,5 Plants with Wedges (Attachments 4 and 5)

The BWR/6 equivalent of the top guide, commonly called the grid, is quite different

in design. The grid is integral with the upper shroud (comparable to the portion

above H3). The grid/upper shroud assembly is bolted to the lower shroud with

about 80 preloaded studs. The mechanical joint transfers the fuel seismic load from

the grid into the shroud. There is no grid weld comparable to the ring weld in the

top guides. Thus, the subject cracking is not an issue for BWR/6.

For some BWR/4s and all BWR/5s, lateral support wedge assemblies were added

between the top guide and shroud to increase the seismic structural margin of the

top guide. These wedges, numbering between 24 and 32 around the top guide

perimeter, provide mechanical lateral restraint to supplement that of the aligner pin

assemblies. Ring weld cracking does not degrade the capability of this combination

of lateral supports.

The mating piece of the wedge assembly attached to the shroud is fillet welded, so

there is some limited potential for SCC. However, it is extremely unlikely that

3' 19Attachment 2 January 3, I995 pN 95-17 USIRC iMarch 10, 1995

Page 4 pages

enough of the redundant lateral support components would be sufficiently cracked

to allow top guide displacement during a seismic event.

BWR/3 Plants and Remainingi, BWR/4 Plants (Attachments 2 and 3)

The BWR/3 plnts and those BWR/4s not addressed above were designed such that

the aligner pin hardware reacts the lateral seismic loads. Reinforcing blocks added

in some plants increase the seismic loading capacity of the aligner hardware, but that

arrangement still relies on the structural integrity of the aligner hardware welded to

the shroud.

For these plants, ring weld cracking has a small, acceptable impact on the top guide

margin preventing lateral displacement. The evaluation below discusses the impact

of ring weld cracking, and then proceeds through several levels of hypothetical

component degradation and system responses to show that even for extremely

unlikely worst case scenarios safe shutdown would be achieved.

If the weld in the top guide ring were cracked:

The top guide beams attach to the outer ring assembly by pins in the top and bottom

plates, which are connected by the ring containing the suspect weld. The load from

fuel movement during a seismic event is transferred to the beams, then to the top

and bottom plate via the pin connections. If the ring weld were completely cracked, the full load would have to be transferred through the pin connections to the bottom

plate, then to the aligner pin hardware and finally to the shroud (in the case where

there are no supplemental restraints like wedges). The load path from the fuel to the

shroud bypasses the outer ring, if it were fully cracked, as long as the pins to the

bottom plate remain intah. There are typically around 100 pins connecting the

redundant beam structure to the bottom plate, so it is expected that, while some pins

might shear, loads would redistribute and the overall structure would stay intact

Therefore, cracking in the ring would have an acceptably small impact on the top

guide's ability to transfer the seismic load to the shroud.

Alignment pin hardware integrity:

The cracking of the ring weld indicates, as expected, that the environment in the top

guide region is aggressive. It is possible that the aligner pin hardware could

experience SCC. However, the likelihood of SCC being extensive enough that

seismic loads could cause top guide lateral motion is quite low, for several reasons:

1. The aligner pin hardware is welded to the top guide and shroud with fillet welds

or partial penetration groove welds. While some aligner brackets have crevices, most aligner pin hardware have welds all around, precluding crevice SCC. The

amount of connecting weld is typically sufficient so that the pin is the highest

stressed part of the alignment hardware during a seismic event. Thus, some SCC

Januarv 3, 1995 Attachment 2 IN 95-17 USNRC March 10, 1995 PageS pages

could be tolerated before the connecting welds would have the highest stresses, and even more SCC could be tolerated before the welds would separate by shear.

2. The aligner hardware is redundant; there are four aligner pins in the top guide.

For any given direction of seismic acceleration, three or four aligners would carry

some of the top guide load. Thus, there would have to be significant degradation

in most or all of the aligner hardware sets to allow top guide movement

3. For plants with vertical aligner pins, the arrangement of the aligner pin hardware

is such that for any direction of seismic acceleration, one or two sets of alignment

pin hardware would be partially or fully blocking top guide movement, even if

cracking had occurred. The top guide bottom plate and some beams would have

to deform around the alignment pin hardware during the seismic event, which

would limit displacements.

4. For plants with horizontal aligner pins, the hardware is attached by unareviced

fillet weld arrangements. Fillet welds generally develop smaller shrinkage

residual stresses than partial or full penetration welds like the ring weld and

shroud welds. Thus, the likelihood of SCC at these connecting welds is lower

than for the ring weld. A VT inspection of the alignment pin hardware at

Brunswick 1 was conducted when the shroud cracking was discovered (H3 was

extensively cracked) and no cracks were observed at the bracket fillet welds.

5. For plants with reinforcing blocks, the blocks are attached to the top guide, providing additional bracing on either side of the shroud bracket which engages

the aligner pin. If the aligner pin hardware attached to the top guide were to fail, the reinforcing blocks and intact shroud bracket would prevent top guide

motion. However, if the shroud bracket welds failed, the top guide could move

to the extent described in (3) above.

If the aligner pin hardware were cracked:

If several sets of aligner pin hardware were significantly cracked (quite unlikely)

and a design basis seismic event occurred (very unlikely), the remaining alignment

pin hardware fillet weld ligaments might separate by shear. For those plants with

hold down bolts, the bolts would have to fail before the top guide could move

laterally a significant amount. In some plants, the core spray sparger brackets

welded to the shroud would contact the top guide after limited displacement In the

extreme case, the top guide could move 4 to 5 inches before contacting the shroud.

Control rod insertion has been tested successfully for fuel channel static

displacements of up to 1.2 inches at the center of the channel length. This condition

has conservatively been extrapolated to a top guide displacement of 2.4 inches for

shroud repair discussions. Considering that the top guide displacement and control

rod insertion would be occurring during a dynamic seismic event, it is reasonable


January 3, 1995K> Attachment 2 USNRC IN95-17 Page 6 March 10, 1995 pages

expect that fuel motion would allow insertion more readily than would a static

situation. Dynamic tests of rod insertion with fuel motion have shown that

comparable insertion results could be achieved with dynamic fuel displacement

about 2.5 times the static displacement This information supports engineering

judgment that control rods would insert with a top guide lateral displacement of six

inches, which is greater than the displacement of the top guide contacting the


If the top guide displacement occurred and control rods did not insert:

While the cumulative likelihood of the combination of events which must occur to

reach this condition is extremely unlikely, the outcome is still safe shutdown. If

control rods did not insert, standby liquid control would still be available. Failure of

control rods to insert is covered in plant Emergency Operating Procedures, and

operators are trained to respond to such scenarios. There is no scenario, including

any involving loose parts, where failure of top guide hardware, top guide

displacement or failed control rod insertion would disable the standby liquid control



All 36 operating US BWRs have core plates with hold-down bolts. Core plate ring

weld cracking has an insignificant impact on core plate displacements under delta-P

and seismic loading.

The top and bottom plates of top guides are connected in a redundant way so that

ring weld cracking has an insignificant impact on the top guide response to vertical

loads, whether or not hold-down bolts are present.

Twenty BWRs have lateral support configurations where ring weld cracking has an

insignificant impact on top guide lateral load capability.

Sixteen BWRs have top guides where lateral loads are reacted by alignment pin

hardware. For these, ring weld cracking can have a small, but acceptable, impact on

top guide lateral load capability.

A number of additional hypothetical top guide component failures and associated

system responses are evaluated, with the conclusion in all cases being that safe

shutdown would be achievable.

Januarv 3, 199s

Attachment 2 USNtmc


IN 95-17 Page 7 7March 10, 95

7 pages

The BWRVIP is using this information to incorporate appropriate

core plate and top

guide inspection and, if needed, evaluation/repair guidelines

into the overall vessel

and internals program, and will update the NRC on continuing

development and

implementation of this program.

If you have any questions, please contact Vaughn Wagoner, Technical Chairman of

the BWRVIP Assessment Subcommittee, at (919) 546-7959.

Sincerely, ACr

Carl Terry, Executive Chairman

BWRVIP Assessment Subcommittee

c: D.S. Brinkman, NRC Senior Project Manager

J. T. Beckham, Jr., BWRVIP Chairman

S. LaBruna, BWRVIP Vice Chairman

R.A. Pinelli, BWROG Chairman

KP. Donovan, BWROG Vice Chairman

BWRVIP Assessment Subcommittee Members

Attachment 3 IN 95-17 March 10, 1995 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED


Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

95-16 Vibration Caused by 03/09/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Increased Recirclation for boiling water reactors.

Flow in a Boiling Water


95-15 Inadequate Logic Testing 03/07/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

of Safety-Related Circuits for nuclear power reactors.

95-14 Susceptibility of Con- 02/28/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

tainment Sump Recircula- for nuclear power reactors.

tion Gate Valves to

Pressure Locking

95-13 Potential for Data 02/24/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Collection Equipment to for nuclear power reactors.

Affect Protection System


95-12 Potentially Nonconforming 02/21/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Fasteners Supplied by for nuclear power reactors.

A&G Engineering II, Inc.

95-11 Failure of Condensate 02/24/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Piping Because of 'rosion/ for nuclear power reactors.

Corrosion at a Flow- Straightening Device

95-10 Potential for Loss of 02/10/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Supp. 1 Automatic Engineered for nuclear power reactors.

Safety Features


95-10 Potential for Loss of 02/03/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Automatic Engineered for nuclear power reactors.

Safety Features


95-09 Use of Inappropriate 01/31/95 All holders of OLs or CPs

Guidelines and Criteria for nuclear power reactors.

for Nuclear Piping and

Pipe Support Evaluation

and Design

OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit

IN 95-17 March 10, 1995 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

/s/'d by BKGrimes

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Project Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: W. H. Koo, NRR E. M. Hackett, NRR

(301) 415-2706 (301) 415-2751 T. A. Greene, NRR

(301) 415-1175 Attachments:

1. Figure, "Location of Cracking in

Top Guide and Core Plate"

2. Letter from BWR Vessel and Internals

Project to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Request for Information Regarding the Impact

of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking,"

January 3, 1995

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


  • See previous concurrences


NAME WHKoo:wk:adl RAHermann JRStrosnider Tech ED

DATE _ 01/09/95 I01/09/95 01/09/95 J01/18/95 OFC





01 2// a




j01/26/95 I1*OECB:DOPS


02/21/95 f1*C/OECB:DOPS


02/27/95 OFC w1prsp

NAME mes


IN 95-XX

March xx, 1995 On September 30, 1993, the NRC issued Information Notice (IN)93-79, "Core

Shroud Cracking at Beltline Region Welds in Boiling-Water Reactors," in

response to the discovery of cracking of the core shroud welds at Brunswick

Unit 1 plant. Following the additional discovery of core shroud cracks at

Dresden Unit 3 and Quad Cities Unit 1 in 1994, the following additional

generic communications were issued: 1) IN 94-42, "Cracking in the Lower

Region of the Core Shroud in Boiling-Water Reactors," on June 7, 1994;

2) Supplement 1 to IN 94-42 on July 19, 1994; and 3) Generic Letter 94-03,

"Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Core Shroud in Boiling Water

Reactors," on July 25, 1994.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Project Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: W. H. Koo, NRR E. Hackett, NRR

(301) 504-2706 (301) 504-2751 T. Greene, NRR

(301) 415-1175 Attachments:

1. Figure, "Location of Cracking in

Top Guide and Core Plate"

2. Letter from BWR Vessel and Internals

Project to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Request for Information Regarding the Impact

of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking,"

January 3, 1995

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrences DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DOPS SEC\TOPGUIDE.INF


NAME WHKoo:wk:adl RAHermann JRStrosnider Tech ED

DATE 01/09/95 01/09/95 01/09/95 j01/18/95 OFC *OECB:DOPS _ *C/OECB:DOPS *OECB:DOPS *C/OECB:DOPS

NAME TGreene RDennig RKiessel AChaffee

DATE 01/26/95 ]01/26/95 j02/21/95 102/27/95 OFC ID/DOPS

NAME BGrimes


IN 95-XX

January xx, 1995 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Project Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: W. H. Koo, NRR E. Hackett, NRR

(301) 504-2706 (301) 504-2751 T. Greene, NRR

(301) 415-1175 Attachments:

1. Figure, "Location of Cracking in

Top Guide and Core Plate"

2. Letter from BWR Vessel and Internals

Project to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

"Request for Information Regarding the Impact

of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking,"

January 3, 1995

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

/9: *-


  • 'Zo nrovinuo cnncurrences 714 J


NAME WHKoo:wk:adl RAHermann JRStrosnider Tech ED

DATE 01/09/95 01/09/95 01/09/95 01/18/95 OFC *OECB:DOPS *C/OECB:DOPS " POECB:DOP

TGreene RDennig JSh KRKiessel Of


DATE 01/26/95 01/26/95 / // l I


NAME AChSffle]~ I BGrime29efiA

DATE tr /rL'\95 / /95 I -'t---- --- -- ---

' - --- nrnn



IN 95-XX

January xx, 1995 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Project Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: W. H. Koo, NRR E. Hackett, NRR

(301) 504-2706 (301) 504-2751 T. Greene, NRR

(301) 415-1175 Attachments:

1. Figure, Location of Cracking in

Top Guide and Core Platen

2. Letter from BWR Vessel and Internals

Project to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Request for Information Regarding the Impact

of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring Cracking,"

January 3, 1995

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


  • See previous concurrences


NAME WHKoo:wk:adl RAHermann JRStrosnider Tech ED

DATE 01/09/95 01/09/95 01/09/95 01/18/95 OFC OECB:DOPS CWAP OECB:DOPS C/OECB:DOPS

NAME TIreene >v Renld RKiessel AChaffee

DATE 1 /Z(/95 l/> ,/95 / /95 / /95 OFC D/DOPS

NAME BGrimes

DATE / /95 OFFICIAL a ______COPY



Office of Nuclear React;r Regulation

Technical contact(s): William H. Koo, NRR, (301) 504-2706 Edwin M. Hackett, NRR, (301) 504-2751 Attachments:

(1) Letter from BWRVIP to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Request for

Information Regarding the Impact of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring

Cracking," dated January 3, 1995

(2) List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See Drevious concurrences


NAME WHKoo:wk:adl RAHermann JRStrosnider Tech ED

DATE [ 01/09/95 01/09/95 101/09/95 / ///95 OFC C/OECB:DOPS C/OECB:DOPS D/DOPS

NAME RDennig AChaffee BGrimes


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/ /95 . .__.

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cycles wX0.22 pS/cm. indicated that the subject eirseas BWR t not a GE

BWR, but the designs the top guide and core plate ae similar. GE also

noted that similar ids existed in GE BWRs (domestic BWRs). In domestic BWRs

Type 304 austenit stainless steel (SS) was used for fabricating the t

guide and the cae plate, instead of Type 347 austenitic stainless sta1 which

was used in th overseas non-GE BWR. GE has tested Type 347 SS for ts

resistance to intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). B ed on the

tests GE --- that Type 347 stainless stee has a susice ti ity to IGS5%?

equiv~alent to that of Type 304L stainless steel en no seni ze and is

equivalent to high carbon Type 304 stainless steel when sens zed. As stated

in the subject RICSIL, GE expects that azOhfa, cracking ma occur in the top

guide and core plate of the domestic BWRs which have a siilar amount of hot

operating time. GE indicated that there are several diferent configurations

of the top guide and core plate assemblies in the GE esigned BWRs. The BWR

Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) by letter of anuary 3, 1995jreported /

GE's evaluation of the safety significance of th cracking event pertaining

to the domestic BWRs. The non-proprietary por on of the BWRVIP's letter is V

provided in the attachment.

The NRC staff will closely monitor the in ections of top guides and core

plates in the industry. The staff is e luating the safety implications of

such cracking and will determine if a itional generic communication is

necessary. N

This information notice require no specific action or written response. Ifi

you have any questions about e information in this notice, please contact

(one of) the technical cont (s) listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical ntact(s): William H. Koo, NRR, (301) 504-2706 Edwin M. Hackett, NRR, (301) 504-2751 Atta en ns: -

(1) etter from BWRVIP to U.S. ulatory Comm ssion,"Request for

Information Regarding the I of BWR Core Plate and Top Guide Ring

Cracking," dated January 3, 1995

(2)List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • see previous concurrences I t


NAME WHKoo* RAHermann* {~osnider Tech ED

DATE 01/09/95 01/09/95 ,/ I , , X__


NAME AChaffee GMarcus BGrimes

DATE / I / / / j/


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