IR 07100022/2011004

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Forwards Facility Biweekly Status Rept for 871022-1104
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim, 07100022
Issue date: 11/12/1987
From: Blough A
To: Wiggins J
NUDOCS 8802240402
Download: ML20149L711 (7)


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NOV 121987 Docket No. 50-293 MEMORANDUM FOR: James T. Wiggins, Chief Reactor Projects Branch No. 3 FROM: Allen R. Blough, Chief Reactor Projects Section 3B SUBJECT: PILGRIM STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 22 -

NOVEMBER 4, 1987 Enclosed is the Pilgrim bi weekly status report from the NRC Resident Office at Pilgri The resident inspectors and four region-based specialist inspec-tors monitored activities at the plant during the report perio These status reports are intended to provide NRC management and the public with an overview of plant activities and NRC inspection activitie Subsequent inspection reports will address many of these topics in more detai Orig 1ral Signr d Ey Allen R. Blough, Chief Reactor Projects Section No. 3B Enclosure:

As stated 8802240402 871112 sk PDR ADOCK 05000293 R PDR





Memorandum for James T. Wiggins 2


g 13@

cc w/ enc 1:

W. Russell, RI W. Kane, RI W. Johnston, RI T. Martin, RI S. Collins, RI T. Murley, NRR 'u i R. Starostecki, NRR  ;

F. Miraglia, NRR l S. Varga, NRR l B. Boger, NRR  !

D. Crutchfield, NRR J. Partlow, NRR l C. Rossi, NRR L. Shao, NRR F. Congel, NRR R. Wessman, NRR W. D. Paton, OGC, NRC R. Bird, Senior Vice President-Nuclear, BECo K. Roberts, Station Manager, BECO Paul Levy, Chairman, Department of Public Utilitie!.

Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Plymouth Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Carver Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Duxbury Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Marshfield Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Kingston J. D. Keyes R. Boulay Plymouth Civil Defense Director Senator Edward P. Kirby Representative Peter Forman S. M. Pollard M. Conyngham M. R. Jeka K. R. Anderson The Honorable E. J. Markey M. D. Ernst, Committee on Energy, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Public Document Room (POR)

Local Public Document Room (LPOR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2)





, Memorandum for James T. Wiggins 3 bec w/ enc 1:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

A. R. Blough, ORP L. Doerflein, DRP J. Wiggins, DRP R. Fuhrmeister, DRP PA0 (2)

RI:DRP RI:0RP ABlough/mjd , JWiggins 11/ /87





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ENCLOSURE PILGRIM STATUS REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 22 - NOVEMBER 4, 1987 1.0 Plant Status Currently the plant is in the cold shutdown mode with all 580 fuel assem-blies in the reactor vessel. Reinstallation of the reactor vessel inter-nal components and the vessel head was completed during this report period. As of 9:00 a.m. on November 4, 1987, the licensee was in the process of preparing for the reactor vessel hydrostatic tes .0 Facility Operations Summary The plant has been shutdown for maintenance and to make program improve-ments since April 12, I?8 The reactor core was completely defueled on Februa ry 13, 1987 to facilitate extensive maintenance and modification of plant equipment. The licensee completed fuel reload on October 14, 198 Reinstallation of the reactor vessel internal components and the vessel head was also subsequently complete .0 Items of Special Interest Boston Edison's Submittal of Pilgrim Restart Plan In August 1986, the licensee was requested to submit a restart program to the NRC documenting BECO's formal assessment of their readiness for restart, including detailed provisions for assuring that outstanding issues would be satisfactorily resolved before restart, The Pilgrim Restart Plan was submitted to the NRC on July 30, 198 Additional appendices to the Restart Plan which provided detailed plans and a status summary were submitted on October 26, 198 Submittal of the plan does not constitute a request for restart, and future updates of the plan are expecte The licensee has also submitted the description of its proposed Power Ascension Program for NRC review. In the near future, the NRC will transmit copies of the Restart Plan to local public libraries for public review. As updates to the Plan are received, they also will be made publicly availabl OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PIL BI-WEEKLY STATUS RPT 11/6 - 0004. /12/87


Enclosure 2 NRC will review the Boston Ed' son pla The NRC review process will contain provisions, including a meeting in the area of the plant to receive public comments on the plan. These comments will be considered by NRC in reviewing the plan c.nd in planning NRC inspection activitie NRC Restart Assessment Panel Meeting On October 29, 1987, members of NRC management from Region I and the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) visited the site and discussed restart inspection plans with the NRC resident staff. The NRC Assessment Panel meets periodically to coordinate the planning and execution of NRC inspection and licensing activities related to Pilgrim. The panel is chaired by the Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects, NRC-Region Duxbury Public Forum On October 29, 1987 Mr. Samuel J. Collins, Deputy Director of the Division of Reactor Projects, Dr. Ronald Bellamy, Chief. Emergency Preparedness and Radiological Protection Branch, Mr. James Wiggins, Chief, Projects Branch 3 of NRC Region I and Mr. Bruce Boger, NRR, Assistant Director for Region I Reactors of NRR participated in a public meeting sponsored by the Duxbury Board of Selectmen, the Duxbury Emergency Response Plan Committee, and the Duxbury Citizan's Committee on Nuclear Matters. The meeting was held at Duxbury High School auditorium to provide local residents the opportunity to ask Boston Edison, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the NRC questions about Pilgrim Station and emergency plinning. The meeting lasted about three hour Steam Testing of High Pressure Coolant Injection and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Systems During this inspection period, the licensee conducted full pressure steam testing of High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) a r.d Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) system turbines by utilizing temporary oil-fired auxiliary boilers as a source of non-nuclear stea The licensee identified minor steam leaks during the testing and made appropriate repair Both HPCI and RCIC systems were overhauled during the outag The full pressure steam testing is part of a post-maintenance and system operability chec OFFICIAL RECORD COPY PIL BI-WEEKLY STATUS RPT 11/6 - 0005. /12/87

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] Enclosure 3 l

l Inappropriate Materials Found in Control Room In early October, the licensee found non-technical reading matarial and


a card playing machine in the control room. The materials were in an obscure location, and neither NRC personnel nor licensee management had l observed them in use. Nonetheless, the existence of such materials in j the control room is a concern. Licensee management is in the process of i assessing the significance of the problem and formulating corrective action The inspectors and NRC management are follovira the licensee's corrective actions. If any significant findings develop, they will be

discussed in future status report .0 Emergency Notification System (ENS) Report l During this period, the licensee made one ENS report to the NRC pursuant l to 10 CFR 50.72:  !

On October 23, 1987, the licensee concluded that portions of the Intake ,

Structure at Pilgrim containing safety-related electrical conduit are not -


seismically constructed. Butidings and structures which house safety-related equipment are required to be designed and constructed to with- ,

stand the design basis earthquake. The licensee previously identifiec

! that seismic category I conduit associated with the salt service water system were routed through structures of indeterminate seismic desig An engineering evaluation of the structures was performed and could net support their seismic adequacy. The licensee has ir.itiated a plant design change to reroute: the condui The inspectors are continuing to monitor licensee actions in this are .0 NRC Staff Status During the Perio_d



The inspection staff at Pilgrim during the report period consisted of the following:

Clay Warren ---

Senior Resident Inspector (Shoreham)


Jeffrey Lyash ---

Resident Inspector i Tae Kim ---

Resident Inspector During this report period the resident inspectors and the Deputy Director of the Division of Reactor Projects (Region I) conducted a exit interview with licensee management to discuss the results of inspection

50-293/87-45 which covered the period of September 15 - October 26, 1987.

j The licensee's discovery of nontechnical reading materials and a card ,

playing machine in the control room was discussed in detail at that t meetin ,

i L



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,' Enclosure 4 In addition to the resident staff, four regional specialist inspectors were onsite during the week of November 2, 1987 to review: 1) continuing licensee's actions in response to the November 19, l'984 order modifying the license with respect to required improvements in the radiological control program, 2) adequacy of emergency preparedness group staffing and training effectiveness and 3) operator training on major modifications j implemented during the outag The results of these inspections will be i documented in NRC inspection reports 50-293/87-43, 50-293/87-48, and i 50-293/87-51, respectivel l l