IR 05000264/1977003

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Insp Rept 50-264/77-03 on 770809-11.No Noncompliance or Deviations Identified.Areas Inspected:Emergency Planning, Including Review of Emergency Plan & Implementing Procedures & Interviews W/Licensee Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Dow Chemical Company
Issue date: 08/24/1977
From: Essig T, Grant W
Shared Package
ML20136C633 List:
FOIA-85-483 50-264-77-03, 50-264-77-3, NUDOCS 8508200276
Download: ML20136H355 (4)




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Report No. 50-264/77-03 Docket No. 50-264 License No. R-108 h

Licensee: Dow Chemical U.S.A.


1803 Building, Midland, MI 48640 Facility Name: TRIGA Inspection at: TRIGA Site, Midland, MI Inspection conducted: August 9-11, 1977 G0,


YY Inspector:

W. B. Grant


dd!Ek Approved by:

T. H. Essig, Chief


Environmental and Special Projects Section Inspection Summary


Inspection on August 9-11, 1977 (Report No. 50-264/77-03)

A eas Inspected:

Emergency Planning, including a review of the Emer-gency Plan and implementing procedures; interviews with licensee personnel; visits to emergency support groups; reviewed training of support groups and results of quarterly evacuation drills. The inspection involved 15 inspector-hours on site by one NRC inspector.

Results: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.

8508200276 850725


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Persons Contacted

  • 0. Anders, Reactor Supervisor
  • R. Langner, Chairman, Radiation Safety Committee T. Quinn, Reactor Operator K. Kelly, Reactor Operator

"""""d R. Olson, Senior Radiation Safety Officer D. Barsten, Industrial Hygienist


P. Heitzig, Fire Chief, Dow Chemical D. Ducommun, M.D., Medical Department, Dow M. Graham, R.N., Medical Department R. Westjohn, Chief, Plant Security N. Olney, Day Captain, Plant Security J. Weed, Plant Protection, Communications

  • denotes those present at the exit interview.


Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures The emergency plan adopted by Dow Chemical was updated on April 15, 1977. The plan was submitted to NRR on that date and according to a licensee representative, Dow has been notified by the NRC that the plan is acceptable. The inspector reviewed the licensee's emergency plan and it appears to contain the major elements of emergency preparedness discussed in the proposed American National Standard " Emergency Planning for Research Reactors" (draf t No. 4)

(ANS-15.16, N17.2, dated April 1976). The licensee also has pro-cedures for implementing the emergency plan which are included in the plant's overall emergency plan and the medical department's


"First Aid for Radiation Victims".

No items of noncompliance were noted.


Coordination with Support Agencies The inspector visited the licensee's Health Physics, plant pro-tection fire and medical departments and discussed the arrange-ments made to provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

Discussions with representatives of those departments showed that there was close coordination between them and the reactor staff.

  • No items of noncompliance or deviations were noted.




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Facilities and Equipment First aid supplies, radiation survey monitoring equipment, and


supplied air respiratory protection equipment were examined for maintenance and operability. All equipment appeared to be main-tained in a ready state.

The inspector found that the radiation survey meters in the reactor control room were operable and had been calibrated.

The reactor room is equipped with a continuous air particulate monitor


that has audible and visual alarms which are monitor'ed by the


reactor operators and also at the Plant Protection Communications Center.

No items of noncompliance were noted.


Medical Arrangements


In case of injury, personnel would be transported to the medical department which is approximately half a mile from the reactor facility..According to licensee representatives, transportation to the medical department would be provided by a fire department ambulance. The inspector visited the medical department and found it contained facilities for decontamination of injured personnel and procedures for retaining contaminated liquids.

According to licensee personnel, the medical staff would provide medical assistance to an injured contaminated person and the health physics staff would provide decontamination assistance.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.




Drills and Training


The inspector discussed with licensee personnel the quarterly evacuation drill which is conducted in accordance with emergency plan. Records were reviewed and it was noted that the last drill took place on July 1,1977. Records indicated that any weaknesses recognized during the drills are followed up and corrected.

The inspector reviewed documentation procedures and interviewed ten employees to verify that training in the emergency plan had been conducted. According to licensee representatives, training sessions are held at least annually and include lectures and


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discussions in radiation safety, evacuation procedures and the use of self contained respiratory protection equipment. According to licensee representatives, training has been provided for approxi-mately 80 plant protection personnel, 40 firemen, and 20 medical department pertannel.



No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview

- ~ ~py The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Para-


graph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on August 11, 1977.

The inspector summarized the purpose and the scope of the inspection and the findings.











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