DCL-2014-500, 2013 Annual Report on Discharge Monitoring
ML16049A366 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 02/28/2014 |
From: | Cortese K Pacific Gas & Electric Co |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of CA, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Bd |
Shared Package | |
ML16048A230 | List:
References | |
CAC MF4019, CAC MF4020, DCL-15-142, DCL-2014-500 | |
Download: ML16049A366 (81) | |
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyop Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Electric Company Avila Beach, CA 93424 Pacific Gas and PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 IElectronicC1WQS WebSubmission Application February 28, 2014 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7906 In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the 2013 Annual Report on Discharge Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant is provided. This letter and accompanying annual data summary tables and plots are attached to the CIWQS application submittal.
Facility Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant Address: P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Person: Bryan K. Cunningham Job
Supervisor, Environmental Operations Phone Number:. (805) 545-4439 WDRINPDES Order Number: Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 Type of Report: (check one) QUARTERLY ANNUAL 0]
Quarter:. (check one): Ist 0n 30 4,"
0] 0]
Year: 2013 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)
Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice): IX] No (there are no violations to report) 0] Yes Note: Reference "Review of Compliance Record and Co*tv Actions" Seto U?25 A- (~L 1
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g):
a) Parameter(s) in Violation:
b) Section(s) of WDRINPDES Violated:
c) Reported Value(s) d) WDPJNPDES UimitlCondltion:
e) Dates of Violation(s)
(reference page of report/data sheet):
f) Explanation of Cause(s):
(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed) g) Corrective Action(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed)
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 ORWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons diretl responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my know~ledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.
Sincerely, Name: Kenneth W. Cortese
Manager, Chemistry and Environmental Operations- Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2014509/jlk/bkc
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 4 cc: Hardcopv Print-Out of CIWOS ADplication Submittal:
Thomas Hipschman Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4125 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
sluewunooa BupaoddnS peoipD~y pus )no WIUJd IejRUIqnS UOlge3llddy qeM SOMIO) eSMR PDF Report Summary: Anbnual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 subm~tted by Kenneth Cortese (No Title) on 02/28/2014.
Facility Name: PG&E DIABL.O CANYON POWER PLANT Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboad Office: Region 3 -Central Coast Case Worker, Anthony Bonllla, Peter Von Langen Report Effective Dates: 01/01/2013 - 12131/2013 No Discharge Periods Diablo M4-001 I~I I I t JlabwO M-0OID L 4 I
- )lablo M4-001F I I t JialaDo M-UO1G
& 4- I
)lablo M-0O1H
- )iablo M4-0011 01/01/2013 - 12/3112013
- )iablo M-001J _______________________________ __________ ______________
3iablo M4-001K )1/0112013 - 12/31/2013
.)iabio M-O01L __________ ______________
- iablo M-001M _________ _____________
- iablo M-001N______________________________________ ______
)Iablo M-001P
- )tablo 14-O02 _______ ______
- Iablo 14-003 __________ ______________
- iabio 14-004 ______________
)labio M4-005
- )iablo M-O08_________ _____
)iablo tM-009_______ ______
- )iablo M4-013
- )la blo 14-015 __________
- )iabio M4-016 )1/01/2013-12/31/2013
- )labiotM-017 )1/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
.)iabio M-iNF _________
Self-Determined Violations No Violations Entered Attachments Page 1 of 3
Attachment 2 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appen:dlx-1 NPDES 02/28/2014 51524 bytes Discharoe PointS.pdf Attachment 3 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-2 Tebular 02/28/2014 140601 bytes Summaries of Monitorlnqp~ff Attachment 4 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-3 Graphical 02/28/2014 492054 bytes Summaries of M4onitorino~odf________
Attachment 5 - 2013 DCPP Annuai Rpt Appendix-4 Summary of 02/28/2014 70147 bytes
,WMp Monitorlno.pdf ______________________ ________________
Cover Letter (Uploaded File)
Data Summary Analytical Results No Analytical Data Measurements Available / Reported Calculated Values No Calculated Data Measurements Available I Reported Certificate I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assur that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I certify that I am Kenneth Cortese and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT. I understand that I am submitting the following report(s):
- Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 (due 02/28(2014)
I understand that data submittedl In this report(s) can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, If required.
I am also aware that my user ID, password, and answer to a challenge question constitute my electronic signature and any information I Page 2 of 3 II II
- I I I [ I
Indicate I am electronically certifying contains my signature. I understand that my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my handwritten signa-ture. I certify that I have not violated any term in my Electronic Signature Agreement and that I am otherwise without any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my pass word and challenge question answers have been compromised now or at any time prior to this submission. I understand that this attestation of fact pertains to the Implementation, oversight, and enforcement of a federal environmental program and must be true to the best of my knowledge.
Name: Kenneth Cortese
No Title Page 3 of 3 I I I I
.. . AT THE' : -
2013... ..
PG&E Letter ;No. *DCIL-2o14-509
.2i013Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring
- at the Diabllo Canyon Power Plant ,
A,. ! Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent~i.=i.: . .::=.
- 1.
1Monitoring Data .* "::.
- i!2. Facility: Operatng an~d Mainte~nantce Manual:
3.:Laboratories Used to Monitor Comp*liance
- 4. ;Revie~wof Complia~nce Record andl Corrective Actio~ns* 2 B. Monlitoring of Receiving Water 1.; Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon .".i ' .5
- 2. In-Situ Bioassay ... "
5 C. Sdium Br~o.mide Treatment Program D., Elrrata *-.. i *" ,
- APPENDICES ; : :i:i!i: .i!:*.: : :
,Appendix. 1 :NPDES Discharge Poi~ntsi
- ;i~! !: :: :, i
-Appendix.2 - :TabularSummaries..of Influent and. E'ffluent MonriI toting: : :i
- i SAp p~endib.3:- ..Graphical Su*mmaries of Infiu~enttand Effluenit Moi nitoring" Appendix; 4-... Summary of RWMP Monitoring for 201 3- ,i.:
I I I I I [ i
201i3 Annual ,Summary Report On Discharge Monitoring -
- i at'the , -
Diablo Canyion Power:Plant: . ".
This annual summary r~eport follows :the format used !in quarterly monitoring..reports:. Analytical results below therespe~ctive analytical detection limit (ND or non-detect) areplotted as a ~eo" value in acrdance with' ELAP- guidance. Results between the analytical detectio*n limit and reporig (quantiain) limitds are plotdat th value and shown as .DNQ'inh the taibular su-mmaries asis done for CIWQS rports.: Less-than results are typical~y reported to express an average, of values that incl!ude non-d~etects. and at least one positive result.:
These iless-thanr iesults !are plotted conservatively at the value. During 2013, discharges occurred from all discharge paths except .0011i, 001K 016, and 017 . * " "':* .. . .... "*,
CaliforniaOcean Plan Table B substances that were not analyzed for have not been added ;to the dischiarge.
stream., The substa*nces listed in Table: B fin ithe *California Ocean Plan,were each analyzed for and, reported in.
the permit renewal application ~and app~lication Updates for Diablo"Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted fin October*.1994, January 2001.i an~d April '201 ii: Thiere have been no clia~nges: in activities: coniducted at the iplant that"would have signlificantly affected th~e results previously re~ported in the abov~e referenhced dbocument.tS SBMMARY OF MONITORING PROGRAM *:.i ::.::: ' ,.
A.. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent :i :.i. .:.;
'1." Monitoring.Data :i::i:.:.*. !
- a. Appendix 1provides a list of discharge path names for ease of refe~rence. Appendix 2 conitains:
m ronitoring data in tabular~form.: Appendix !3:contains monitoring ~dsafain graphial form....
- 008, 009,.013, anhdO015. Results a*re listed :below.* iNo dischar'ges thatresulted in adequate sample quantities occurred from pathway 016, and no discharge occurred frm pathwray 0*1.7 d uring2013:."
00, no-etc - D1. mg/I) N;::
... ,*"008* non-detect -:ND'(1: .4 mg/I),
- :009 *.no0n-detect ;ND(1.44 mig/l):.;:Y .::,'*'
- ' ..
- 01:3 7.:5mg/I : " ;!:: : :::. , . ."i: .. : "
-. :~~~015!non-detect ND)(i .4:.mg/I)i.:
- c. InOctober, Discharge 001 D-(Liquid Radioactive !Waste Treatment System) annual :grab samples .for lithium, boron,; and h*ydraz.:ine eeibicollected and !analyzed.: .The riesults iwere DNQ(0.048)rmg/I, 277
- m g I, alnd N D(3 ) m g/I, re sp e cti v ely. : :i *: '; * .: . .. .. *: ,; * : , .
- 2., FacilityOper~ating and Maintenance Manual .i:.,.J :'** *:-.
- Pacific Gas and ElectricCom*pany (PG&;E) m*aintainis
- a multipl~e volume "PlantManual: at :DCPP that:
co.ntains: pro.edures used *for oper'ation .and:maintenan*ce actiVitie~s at~ithe plant,: including those acbtivitie*s that relate to wastewate~r handling, treatment, isamplinig, analysis and discharge. ""
Plant :proced~ures are. prepar:ed land r~evie~wed by DCPP: Staff. and aiPproved by liant*:Management. The facility conducts biennlal internal audits that review'NPDE$ :procebdures, contained ,in the plant manuaL.
Ongo~ing reviews.of plant ;procedures, are coniducted to assur-e that :the manual !remains valid, *currenit, and complete for the facility;... . .. . . . . " ' *. .. :
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor*Compliance
- The following laboratories by appropriate were tests/analyses agenicies forthe used durin~g 20*13 formonitoring performed. As part compliance.e of the on-going The annual laboratories are certified certification process, these laboratories take part in annual penformance evaluation 'testing.
- a. PG&E Chemistry Laboratory, DCPP,.Avila 'Beach, California (EPA Lab # CAO01036)
'b. Aqulatic. Bioassay Consulting Laboratories, Ventura,, California (EPA Lab # CA01907)
- c. ALS Environmental (formerly Columbia Analytical Servic:es), Kelso, Wash1ington (EPA Lab # WA0035)*
'd. TestAmierica, Inc., *Earth City, Missouri (EPA Lab # M0*00054)*
-e.. Abalone Coast Analytical, .San Luis 'Obispo, 'California (EPA Lab #CA02661).
- f. QOilfieid iEnvironmental :and Co*mpliance! Santa Maria;, California'(EPA Lab # CA02438)
-g. E. S. *Babcock &Sons, inc.,. Environment{al La*borabtories,. Riverside, California (EPA Lab # CA001I02)
- h. !BSK Associates,. F~resno, California (iEPA*Lab # CA00079). .
S4. R:eview of Compliance R*ecord. and Corrective Actions :
- a. Circulating. Water Chlorination/Bromfination Mon~itorinig :
The 2013 quarterly NPDES reports .discuss chlorination cyclesl when* disc harge: monitoring was
.interrupted. Th~ese* events' arie is~tedl below, .with* brief, descrip~tions of thei* cause antd re~siective'
- correctiVe action. .When these monitoring :interru*ption*s occurred, .engi~neering evaluations were iperformed (as :approved by the. CCRWQCB Janu~ary !3, 1-994;* PG&E* Letter No. DCL-94.002):..
'...Detailed descriptions of thiese evaluations ar~eincluded in th~e respectivie quarterly reports. The evaluations concluded that discharge chlorine~limits were not exceeded :during these events.
- ". .... . Chlorination Cycle T . . . . .... . " ' . . .. ".. . . . . .... . .. .
! Date ;* Monitoring i Cause Correc.*¢b*tive Acti~on
__ _ __ _ _ nterruptions . 'i ;: ... " * .I . .. .' i.. ... , .. .
05102/1*3to* urn~it 2 * *Sample tubing'foulied lwithl* : *sample tuibing* cleaned....
- 05/09/131 43 Readings .biological; growth.." l .. .. .- ,
- 2/10/13 to *Un~it 2
- Sample tubing union blocked*;*....* =***tb**cae....
- 12/11113 4 Readintgs. with' bio-f0uling' debr~is. ample tubng clae.
'1*2/19/11: Unit 1:-I Sample piping flow to monitor i Upstream sample
- ..". .2 Readings . l blocked by debris,.""*. pip~ing back-flush~edl.
- ":i
.. 01.. unitSample piping. maintenanc..e '... Engineering evaluation'*only
- 12/30/13 Unt"2 iecig nadlvertently performe dduring. completed.
2..Readings. .chemical njection cycles. ________________..... _
- b. Closed Cooling Water Release's - ..
- During 2013, maintenance activities that required; draining of closed :coo~ling .watersystems were perfbrmed., and are. summarized, below. PG&E rec.e~ived co0ncurrence :from t~he CCRWQCB in
- resPonse to letters dated J~uly. 19,*1.995* (p'G&E -Letter DCL-
- 95-!156).:*May 23,1-996 (PG&.E Letter DCL-
!96-522),iand* May' 1.9,1997 *(PG&E:L~etter DCL-*97-533) riegarding* the us~e of glutaraldehyde and.
- isothiazolin to con*trlmicm(robiological growth and cor[)irosio in DCpPP' sfreshwaterclosed cooling..water
- systems. An~ydrainage from these systems is discharg~ed at a flow-r~ate such that :the chronic toxicity
?level is' below the No-Oibservable Effect Cnc~nentr~ation" (NOE-C) at= NPDESDischarge 001.-
The. volumeS-Of
-cooling water (SC*W)*,coolingand water drained intak~e in!2013from coolingwater i(lOW)ithesystems
.component'are pr cooling w*a~ter (.COW),.
esente'dbelow.* The service glutaraldehyde .(Glut).and isothiazoline ,(1so) concentrations preseted in." the.table are system
- .- .*.~~~cncentrtions, .not conlce~ntrations' at thie ipointt o0fdischarige .to rec~eiving water .............
' ..: ..... .Volume: Glut: *iso T;*
otsl .! R..,_d&
eason &
Date. S*ystem (mg/I)
- -" (ma/I)' S*uspended rae Cmet
.. .... [ (gallon ) ( ___,_. __,., Sol;*:ids(m _I , . ngire'.l s ... ...
.01109/20*13 IUnit 2.lOWI "33,0501 <..**i50 5. ;.<*2.0* .il ". < 1*i.4 *Routine Maintenance
- 02/20/2013 i; Unit 2 COW *11,000 '195 0.0;..,... n/a .=..,.. n/ta.. .Routine Maintenan!ce.
.03/02/201 3:. Unit 2 SOW* i 33,220: <.i
.50!i *0.4 .:*.24*.7,*. ~ *1.41.
<i Roi Butine* Ma1intentance
- 03/o6/2013 .iUnit lISOW *33,360 .<50 -6.2 .... <*2.0i <1"*.4, .. RoutineaMaintenance 04/.17113
- Un~it ilW "1:21. :<*50 3...
30 n.,
._:/ai.... n/,:'ai ..- RoUtineMaiqtehnnce
.05/23/131 .. Unit-2 COW ;.,3*,1100 -151: 0.*
.*0'* <
.*:2.0* .. <..4*IA** -:RoUti.neMainte~nance
.06/t11/13. :unit. 2 sOW: 33,3!0 <.
- 50 :8.011'.:i .<I2.0!* <I'A.
- i;;:i R~outine Maintenance
' i~~~07/!08/1i3" Unit 110IW 1iii2"'* i0'.0 :i~
..'76:1;= n....
ha:i... :n/a ;RoutineaMaintenan~ce S:07/08/13; Unit2 lOW 1 ... 00 0.0 " 6.5 n/
.. ra.; i *n/al : Routine Maintelnance
.07,/21/13* .*Unit 2 lOW. 10 0...
.0* 6":*.
621 n/a-*'.., -n/*/ ;:Routine Maintenance.
0~i8/20/13* :Unit I i~SOW ;*i33,t1* 0: '.o*0 ":.3:* <
- 2.0!: <1.4*:i*A Rouitine Maintenan~ce
,..11/04/13 .. unit 2=lOW: 3,309. 0.0 ' 8.6;. n'.:!/a?:. . " .n./a . .Routine Mainte~nance
.*11/05/13* .unit 110!W: 3,326 0.0Q 8...84* n/ii:*iai..!: . n/a.: .Routine Maintenancel c.* Sample Analy~sislssues : .. :.
- 1. During the second quarter of 2013,. an i~sslue wa.s. identified thataffected! the .accrac;y of analaysis.
- .for *metals in :the monthly: samples from DiScharge 00.1 ,.and~quarterly samples *from 'the lntake. The.
iide.ntifie~d issuel impacts cne~d .over intol thethird quarter,. Oompensatory actions includied Semploying an= E LP-Certifled vendoliaboratory to analyz eor .re-analive Intak~e and Discharge 001
- samples: for corriparisori of the results. .The iroot cause o(f te issue was *identified during. method
- .:~optimization that wasperfo~rmed wt th.e a sistanice of a-.specialist from"the instrmrtent "
m anufacturer, Methodcs and. respect~ive pr~cedures were corrected, to p~revent recurrence. Vendor.
. " :~lab r~esults were averaged with fhe D~iablo OCanyon !labora~tor *analsis res~ults for* reporting duinH'g S"the :period affected. The pertinen~twvndor ;laboratory reports were. included as attachments in the
--respective 6-month;;median' results at isiicharge 0'01, wic.h* are the mos~t conservative d.* Exceedances ~ .i :."!.:. :i ii*i
' ':*1. O*n March 22, 2013,. a !I0-inutie injection sYStem itest (test) o*f-sodiumn ~hypochiorite (chlorine) and
.. '. .seawaiter .conduit chemical .tre'atm~ents do niot :occur. 'The *system test was run during unit: start-up*
- : ~activities .atlthe end *of-the 2R-17 refueliing outage, and immediately following r-eturnto service of
- . ~~~circulating .water pump 2-2.' The actilvity was,sinte~ndedto verifyaccTeptabl!e residual oxi~dant
,. . 6x20-minutes per *unit/cndUit daily treatment r;egime.(Reference Section 0.). Fobllowing a-test
.* " " ~~inje~ction,, the subsequent :routine treatmentj for the affected* unit- is tpicall~y skipped -toensuren~o.
more than; 2-hours of conduit chemical injection is completed duridng a.calendar day*.
- Following the -test injection, the next routine chemical. injection for Unit 2 was not skipped; whi*ch re*Sulted in 2-hours and
- 10-miinutes o*fconduitl t~reatment ;for Unit 2 during the, calendar day. This sUbsequently cUs.ed'*2-hous :and ,!O-miln~ues of detectable residual ox(idant,(chlorine) atthe
.. , *:i* =.,1~3 . , *..
Unit 2-oUtfal Ifor the same'calend~ar day. *This exceeded the 2-hou~rs per/day per/unit permint imitR for 001 discharge residual chlorine. *Exceedance of the detectable *total r~esidual chlorine (TRC) time-limit was discovered on. March f23, 201i3; and thle Central Coast Regional Water :Quality.
- Control Board was :subsequently notified via telephone messagel the Same day. Exceedanice of plant outfall residual chlorin~e concentration liimits: did not occur* as a result of th~e event.
Imm edia~te actiontstaken inclUded vedrficatiori'the~ chemical iojection system~s was functibningl normally,, a ndexceedance of the 2-hOUr detectable-chloidne limit for Unit 2 was not ca.used by systemf malfunction. SYstemf oiperabilityand functio~nality was confirmed satisfactory, and the:
S incident cause determined tO be an inadvertent, system operator :erro.r. An enhanced operator*
guide was placed on the local control panel .for the 'intake sodium =hypochlorite~and sodium bromide injection SYStem to reduce the pot e.ntial for recurrence o0f-a similar unit condUit treatment error.
Additional procedural guidance for system operations: was also developed and implemented.
12, Qn November'29, 2013, a value of 99-ppb for Tdtali Residual Chlorine (TRC*) was discovere'd onl
. ..the Unit~il outfall monitor for thie 00:00(midnight) ch~emical treatment cycle. The value resulitd in
.an exceedence of the 89-ppb calculated OceanPlian imirfit fo~r TRC discharge during a 20}-minute cooling water condUit chlorination treatment.: The. event was not an exceedence of the NPDES perit limit fo1r TRC of 200o-ppb' Regionali Water Quality control Board staff (von Langen) ws notified via voice-mail message .on the same day,. with~in thie 24-hour reporting reqUir'emtent.
An *event investfigation indicated cause of the high unit~i residual chlorine was occl'usion ~of an Sintake :chemicaltreatment system pump-skid injection line. T*rain-B of the intaike inJection system is usdatraeyt.eie ukclrn n rmn ceiast h - Ui )ad22(nt2
- *cooling water conduits. "l-li occlusion, 'identified :in the 2-2 conduit injectioni line, resUlted in
- . accuomulation of concentrated chemical in the shared 'upstream piping of 'pump skid Train-B,'and
- ! subsequent inadequate freshwater'flusho0f the piping fotllowng tihe 2-2;:conduit ch~iemicailtreatment c.onducted fat 21:001 on 11128113. The iaCcumulated ichemi~cal was then injected inito ;the 1-2. con~duit
- ..at the start'of the midnight ch1emical treatment forUnit 1', resulting in an initial significan~t.....
S concentr.ation of residual oxi~dant in the. seawater conduit, iand.subSequent TRC Spike; at the Unit *I outfa~ll. system: Train-B .injections were shut :down until ;the 2-2 line-was evaluated fand cleared.
Corrective actions incluided replacement ort!f an in-line chec~kvalve found to; be p~artially degraded,
- and :cleaning of the ch~emical line terminal injection port found oc~luded vWih chemical precip~itate.
e.e O:verflowRelease.,. : .. . . ..
i1.=:On August:8, 2013, it was discovieredl th*at thie-septic tank for pla~nt ~site Building-I123 was
.=*. overflowing, .andleffluent hlad miigrPated lacross* the a*djacent roadway and~ do*'*. he :emba~nkm~ent
- leading to the Plant intak~e Cove. The flow ofwater was stopped whien arunining toilet fou~nd inside
- .. the building was subsequent~ly shut-off*. ,An :es~tim~ate of 50-60..gallons of water may have reached
- the embankment leading to the Cove,. The volume of~waterwhich may have migrated through the ri.p-rap armor placed on the embankmen~t could :notbe estimaited, ,itis likely however that-all te-Swater was completely absorbed by th~e dry soils and fillimmiediately adjacentf the radway and
- RegiOnal Waiter QualityControl Boaird staff were: notified. the morning the spilI was. discovered.
Overall, :less than 1i,000 gallons-of Wateriimay have ov erfiowied the-septic tank .before-the ruinning
- fixture was shiut-o0ff, most being abso0rbed into the s.o~ilS. and: filldirectly beneath and ,adjace~ntthe'
'building.-'The efflujent r*elease~d ,was pibmarily cleain :fresh wat~eras the septic tank had been emptied two days prior to the event, and~the building has limited and infrequent use.. The toilet was evaluated and parts replacedi and si~gns h~ave been installed in :the buildin~g's bathrooms to.pr~mptl
.users-to.check all water use fixtures 'after :actuating *to help rduce the potential for inadvertent run-ons to the Septic tank. :No NPDES limits were edxceeded due~to :this event.
- f. Bypasses
- 1. O~n :Septemb~er 2:8, 2013,.:it was discover~ed that operation: of thbelUnit 2 lturbine bUi~lding sump .pump
- 2.2:-was causing leak-o~fffrom the pum~p shaft casing to splash over into th'e:.clean side. ofthe" sump, ireleasing .somfe wastewater overboard" prior to .normal ro;uting thr'ough the oily Water separator (OWS) system. *This was a.n inadvertent partial bypass for pathway 001F.* Based on
.operator rounds and system .monitorinig, it is..estimatedi that the splash over had occurred during sump pu~mp obperaitions fo)r up to two days:... ** ..
T*he sum*,system *pump~s routinely operate for approximhately, 20-miinutes 3-times each: operating Was *estimated at approximately 1-*gplm. Therefore, .the.maximum volume released overboard vtia '.
- the partial pathway bypas's .wasestim*ateld at 250-gallons.* !Following discovery of the .issue, c.hemistry samples wiere tken, 'and,dpump'2-2,was shut-down pending troubleshoot]ing and rep~air.:
-Samp~le anialyisis deter~mined .the effluent Tss .was 38.8 mg/I an~dO&G ~was negative. Regional
- Water* Quality Cotrol Board_ staff-wer~e notifed* of the event.the same day: itwas discovered*.
,Correctivte actions included repair of a degraded: pump discharge check *valve that was contributing' to a higher.thani no~rmala leak-off rate ifrom ithe Pump sh~aft casing, and adjustment* of the :shaft:
- casing pipe so th~at,leak-off ports would no0t be directed toward .the concrete :partition .which Sseparat~es the.clelan, side compartmenrt: of the 'sum p fro~m the dirt compartment . No NP*DES limits~
were exceeded for pathway~O01 F due to this event. -*
-B.. Monitoring of Receiving Water. -
1., E:ological Studies at Diablo0Canyon i""!...:*. ='
Marine ecological monitoring was continued dunng;2013under the* Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a :lette~r .frobm the. Cenra*l Coast Region~al *Water Qual'ity Contr~ol EBoar~d I(CCRWQCB): dated Decemnber 9,1998gS, a nd!as detailed in ailetter ro~m PG&E dated January 8, ,1:999 S(DCL-99-503), This program ilncludles tasks frm the Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP)iwith iadditional.
- stations antdincreasled sampling frequencies*.Thi's program replaces the EMP and theThermal Effects.
Monitoring Program :(TEMP). .several o0ne-year:-on~lytasks outlined in the above letters were completed in.
1;i999 ,and wer~e not requested to *be :performed ini201*3. Resultsof201*2 RWMPF data weresub~mi~tt~edtothe CCRWQCB on April 27,:2013. A table in Appendix 4.s~ummarizes.rquirements and ,completed :monitoring tasks for 20:13,*. .. .. ... .. .. . . . ..' . ,;
- 2. In.Siitu Bioassay.=::.. * .
Result-s of the Mussel Watch Program are reportedlto th~e CC*RWQCiBdirectly by the Californi~a Department of Fish: and 'Game (C*DF&G) in the agenicy's p~eriodic report for thiS program.
C. :SodiUm Brmrfide Treatment Program DCPP continued an integrated sodium bromide. anid. "foul' relea~se coating" strategy-to control macrobfouling :in
- the Circulating Water System i(cws). Both cir~culating water conduitS: of'each Unitfcani~be chemdically treated*
simultaneously. 'The treatment program. consists'of six 20-mihute injecUions: (at 4-hour initervals)o0f a blend =of generic sodiuml bromide and sodium hypochlorite inrto the plant seawater intake Conduits. EaCh injection!
- attempts :to: achiJeve a tar~get co~ncentration. of 200 parts per* blillion (ppb) Total Residu~al Ox<idalnt. (TRO) at'the
- inlet .waterbox of the main *steam condensers.. Disch*arge .TRO, measureld at the plant outfall, remained below NPDESS limitation*s With except Of a single eqlUipmentt related incident that ocurredin November (Refer~ence Section A.4.d*. exceedances Item. 2). Typically:,, discharge :TRO values, were between 20; ppb and.50 ppli; in conhjunctio-n with the cheimical trea~tment,, untreated plortions iof the CO~oling ~water system were previously"
- 5.-
six tlimes a.,dayofthroughou.t
!Bothi-condUits Unit I1were:thetreated with qiuarters first thr'ee simultaneous injections=
of 201:3 of sodium wi'th brief bromide interrptions and* sodium in Jnuary,i hypochiorite February, March, .
April,.:June, an~d September for main~tenance activities. The simultaneous treatmen*tcontinued during the !fourth quarter of 20'13 withan interrup~tiont at the end of October ifor a scheduled seawater tunnel cleaniing curtailment,.
- and one aldditional brief interruption in December for scheduled maintenance activities. I!n addition, injectons to the 1-2 conduit were secured, in: late N ovember and early Decem ber due to operational .oncerns wi*thth intake cemi~cal-syste~m equipment *(Referenc~e :Sectio~nA.A4d. ecce~edences: itemt 2).. ..
bothconduits of Unit2 were treated with simultaneous injections: ofsodium ibromide and: sodium hypochlorite
- six times a dayuthrough most of January with one brief interruption for maintentance activities. on Janruary 22,
- 2013 sodium bromide was terminated in .preParationfor the 2R17.refueling outage,;and at th*eend :o~f January the remarinin~g Unit 2 sodium ihypochloite injections*were.termin~ated. -Simultaneous injections of sodium hgypochlorite :and sodiUm bromide:were restored as eachl Unit: 2 circuLlatin~g wate~r pump wasrstored ito s.ervice ne~ar thie end of 2R:17 .(after mid-March). There were brief interruptions in: treatment: near the end of March,
.June, July, September, and Octber for mainte~nance -actvties. In addition,, injectons to the 2-2 conduit were
- secured late November and earlyDecember due to operational concernswith the intake chemical system.
,equipment (lReference.Secton A.4i.d:, exc~eedences item 2).*. ......
D.: Errata ':
Two :repo:rting errors* have been :identified!in the: e~lecbtro*nic' 4th quarter :20133discha~rge self-monitoring report:
...:(eSMR) ithat wa~s sublm~itted; via :CIWQS, The units :for analysis re.sultsofiAmmonia, Total :(as N) at; location~s
- M-00;1 and M-INF (only)-were incrrectly reported as HglL.. The correct units for both these results are* mglL.
Annual Discharge. Monitoring Report
.. iI: .- *i.ii.. ,*NPDES-DISCHARGE POINTSi:I_ ii. :'...i "
.. .... DISCHARGE NUMBER"""" .. ............. DESCRIPTION i..........
.... "... .. 001* .i ,,. i.".. . Once-Thoug~h Coolingi water ... i
.. . i ....... . .. 00.1.A . .i,. i .Firewater System si .*, ...
- ,i-.,... 001 OtB,... .... !:-.1 Auxiliary Salt Water Cooling System .
,.-:*:,i.i*.001'i 0]C : .. '.. : :--ii . _. ,. ...... iDischargeeD e~leted;,..i... ..
"" ' ... ... .. ..001 D " .. " ... , : :.... L iquid Radioactive W aste ...
____________________ Tr'eatment *System
.. i ..i,*. .i:_00.1 !E . i~: ,:... .iii~~!**.Service CoolingiW ater System :.i_
- ,.~z
- *": ... ....... 0.01 F ... ......... " '... ..... TUrbine Building :.Sum p " ,...
.. 001 G .... :."i*' Make-Up Water System Waste:
001. H CondenSate"Demineralizer......
..... i .... .......... ............
. . .. .. . . .. . .. ,. :* ... .. . . .. . . ..Re ge ne ra nt. ... . . . .. . .
..... -:" 00i1 ..... i* Seawvater Evaporaitor Blowdown:"
. ... ... 0 01 J :- '.... Condensate Pumps' Di~scharge*
................ :.... ,0!IKi*::! i ..... . ...H eader Overboard .........:.L
............. 001 K..... ...... ...... C:ondensri' Tub~e Sheet Le.ak.....
" ' " *.,i.
- Detection Dbump Tank Overboard
.01.. 0.....L.. i; Steam Generator BIoWdown
- . . "001 MI ....... "! Wastewater Holdinigan~d Treatmenit
_______" _______.. ________System ... ... ". ...... , -
0,.- N
'01 , .. iSanitary WastewaterTreatment; ..
" . .i:: . :i!* . iSystem 003 Intake Screen ....ah .
i.. :iii..i/
i .... *00".4 .. .Bio Lab and Stor~mWater Runoff ,
- ii 0015, 008, 009*, 013, 014, 0Q15:..*:* ~*i: .. Yard :Sto*rmDrains, 006,007,.0.10,
," , 01:1, , 0!2:., ::.
- i " Storm Watei~:, r Runoff .:..
.................... 0 16. ...... .... i~~i Bio L~ab Seawater Supply Pump '
.... ....... ..... ...... _______...._ "___ ValveD raini . ..
... . ....01.7 ' ..... :,::* ':.Se~awater.Reverse Os~mosis iSystem. .
. . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. . ... . ... . . . I . . . . . . . ... .. .. ... . . . . . . . .. . .... .... ........ . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . I. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..
Annual Discliarge'Monitorirng Report APPENDIX 2
2013 Annual Summary Report on Dischtarge Monitoring
- at the Diablo Canyon Po0wer Planl:,::
.*.Month 1.1211.; low .-,-av! .- =-u~ i,.h. .low: ... avg:.o.- high .. ,_avg.- ....... .. lU~ow:. .-aVg
'JAN 55.7 5L8: 53.5 7*3.9* 70.1 :71.8 184 18.3s 2486 2486 2486.
'FEB. 3.54 50.6 -51.9 71.8 ,67.0) 70.1 18.6 1"8.1 2486 i1239: i1347 PR 54.9 ;48.8 "51.0 75.1 67.0 :695.3 18.4 =18.3 .486* 2i8*6 24186 JUL 5:6.3 51,7; 53.9 ;74.7 ... 62.5 7.50 :!8.7::16.6 ;2486* 1882. 2440'
- .AUG .55.8 53:.1 54.3 74.7 '7:1.7 -72.8; 19.0 1-8.6 2486 12486 .2486:
SE *6.4*
5~* 51.9' 54.-1 76.0 7.3 73.0 -19.6: 8.-,9* 2486 2486 *2486 NOV -57;9 54. 5s*6.2. ,76.5 728 74.8 18.8- 18.IiS6 248~6 .1891 2446
- DEC: 5*8.4 53.6: 55.4 '77.2 7/2.3 74*3. 1J9.3 :.g. ;2486 :2486: 2*486 T:he Influ~ent ad Effluent 'high" and. "iow" temperture valu.es correspond to thehfighest and lowetdaily gverge valuegforthatmonth, The Infinent high
- and low t .merture does nt necssri*rorespond to the same day as the :Effluent hfigh aid 10owemhperature for ]tha-ronth The "avg' temierature for Infiuent and Effluentis the averagefor the entire month. The Montl Det ¶ig" i"tehgeiDla o ajftemnhbsdo al vrg ilafluent and Emfuent temperature values. The, avg" tempieadtUre is calculated fromi Im*fment and Eflluent monthly avg valneS.. ".. ... ..
DISCHARGE 001 ....
., Month*. ...... b ~h .... low ,-. :..avg ..........
- - h'ih .. ] o. . .-avg..
- JAN 64 42 49 4 - " ,51,8 :283! 464.
-FEB .87 32 : :56 :230- 132 -,87 MAR ,79 :19 ,45 -. 4*75 :163 320 AP:,Rp 50' <10 28s 547, 432* '16
- MAY 57 S o<1 i35 648 418 .. 569.
JULN "41' 14
- 28 :576 1*97. 464
/JUL 43. <1!0 14 634: "475 -608.
"OCT 29 <10 15 ;662 ,250 581.
NOV 99 <10 24. 706; 504: 645
,includes :a time-based limit (iper,,the Ocean *Plan) ,whtichdepen~ds on th~e legth of the~resective chlrination cycie.
[ [ i I I I I I [ ll i l l I I
2013 Annual SummaryReport on Disch~ar ge Monitorinig Diablo Canyon Power Plantf
' ~DISCHARGE 001 ,
METALS(monthly aVg. ug/i) ":
SMonth ...... nfiuent. Effluitent. ........ Influent... iEffluent: ...... nfluenit i.Effluent
- I...fuluent. EfflUent IAN DNQ(7 :DNQ(7). DNQ(6) DNQ(6) DNQ(9). D!NQ(9) DN,(, ) ND(S
- FEB 11! 1*i0 ND(S*) : "'ND(S'). -DNQ(9)., :DNQ(8) N() NDS
- JUN ND(S ND,,(S)* ND(S)ii ND(S) <10- ;DNQ(.5). 4.9 36 JUL* ND(S). ND(S) DN.Q(6)I '.DNQ(5) " 10: ",DNQ(5). ND(S D*NQ(S)
- AuG ' DNQ(S) ND(S) .DNQ(4) DNQ(S). <10i !:DNQ(S) DNQ(S): DNQ(S)
OCT* ND(S) ND*(S) DNQ(9), ::DNQ(9). ND()*. ND*(S) ND(S)' ND(S)
DEC ND*(S), Ni'D(S) DNQ(7). DNQ(7)I ND(S) -ND3(S) ND(S) ND..(S) 6-month median limit:: .. '..... 10..
! " -,, ... * "l! ... .. .-. : .30." . . - .. 70 '.. .
be ~reported qUarterly. by permit. mlnfient zinc iS analyzed monthly anud reported. quar~terl!y, but only requir~ed a~nnually by permit (ug*) 6-Mo. Med.
,.' Parameter . ': Influent . ..Effluent .. ,Limit,
- admiiumf C .030:: .021
' .. Ci yauide . ND'(3):. ND(i3) 30:
):. ha
.df . DNQ(0.O0.0) ND(0.0.09) 1*0 er'cury::
M*.. DNQ(0.00027); DNQ(0,00023) "0.2
" .:' ,Silver ... ~ND(O.O0*t) ": D(0..004) " 2,.9
'Titanium: * :ND(0}.4)::' ', . ND(0.4) .none
- -" 'P."henalic Com.pound*s .i': .D(3.031)- ND(*.0;31) .150'
- . :.*'Pbenoiic.Compo(unds ':. N:*D(0.567)* ' ND(O.56) "10:
- Results foranialysis of
- 8target comnpound. 'The sum of the 8detectl0n limits Is3.&031.
. Month .'. .. Influent '..:...Emunent...,.
FEB .*.
.APR.. :DNQ(91)" ' DNQ(95).;
.:":JUL : .' :260-: . 24.1)
- AUG: :.. .:
- SEP .*
6-mouth' median" limit: 3,060 Page2of6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY pH (averages)
Discharge: 001 002 003 004 001 P Month Influent Effluent JAN 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.7 FEB 7.9 7.8 8.1 7.9 8.4 7.6 MAR 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.7 7.5 APR 8.1 8.1 7.8 8.0 8.2 7.8 MAY 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.6 JUN 7.8 7.8 7.7. 8.0 7.6 7.5 JUL 8.0 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.8 AUG 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.6 SEP 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.9
- 7.6 OCT 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.6 NOV 8.0 7.9 8.1 .8.0 8.1 7.7 DEC 8.0 8.0 . 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.7 DISCHARGE 00IF SUSPENDED GREASE & OIL (rag/I) SOLIDS (mg/I)
Month higlh ave high ave JAN 'ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
FEB ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MAR ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
APR ND(I.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MAY ND(1.4) NID(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
JUN ND(I.4) ND(1.4) <5 <5 JUL ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
SEP <5.0 <5.0 10 10 OCT DNQ(2.I) DNQ(2.I) <5 <.5 NOV ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(2) ND(2)
DEC ND(1.4) NDII.4) 5 5 limit: 20 1S 100 30 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
DISCHARGE 001N (Monthly Summary of Weekly Data)
Month high 'low avg. high low ave high 'low avg JAN '5.0 ND(I.4) <5.0 15 5 9 IND(0.1 ) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
FEB 5.9 DNQ(l.8) <5.0 24 11 17 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
MAR <5.0 ND(l.4) <5.0 16 9 13 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
APR <5.0 NID(I.4) <5.0 15 *ND(3) 8 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
MAY DNQ(4.2) ND(I.4) DNQ(2.5) 17 4 10 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) "N D(0.1)
JUN DNQ(3.0) ND(I.4) DNQ(I.5) 22 5 14 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
JUL DNQ(I.5) ND(I.4) DNQ(1.4) 10 6 8 ND(0.1) ND(0.I) ND(0.1)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) 21 6 12 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
SEP DNQ(1.5) ND(1.4) DNQ(I.4) 26 6 16 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
OCT DNQ(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(I.4) 18 *4 9 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
NOV 18.7 NDOl.4) <5.0 16 6 11 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
... DEC DNO*I.5) NDf0.72} DNO(0.72) 4 .. ND(3) 3 DNO(0.11 DNO(0.1) DNQ(0.1) limit: 20 15I - 60 3.0 - 1.0 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily.Maximum limits.. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
Page3of 6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ugfh) 001D 0011 00L O 001F Month As Cd Cr Cu Ag Cd ,,Cr Cu Ag Cd Cr Cu As Cd Cr Cu JAN ND(S') ND(S) ND(S) 12 ND(S) ND(5) 46 44 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) NDt(S) ND(S) DNQ(9) DNQ(9)
FEB MAR APR ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(5) IS 36 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) 12 MAY JUN JUL ND(S) ND(S) "ND(S) *ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) 46 28 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 12 AUG SEP OCT ND(5) NDt(S) ND(S) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(S) 16 26 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S') ND(S) ND(S) 13 NOV DEC limit; none Note: G01D, 001H and 001L analyses performed on quarterly composites.
00IF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
DISCHARGE 0011D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/h) 00lD 001 H 001L 001F 1
Month Hq Ni Pb Zn Ha* Ni Pb Zn H , Ni Pb Zn Ha Ni Pb Zn JAN DNQ(0.079)DNQ(7) ND(S) 170 DNQ(0.13) 28 DNQ(5) 17 .DNQ(0.1I) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(0.12) 12 ND(S) 31 FEB MAR APR ND(0.05O) ND(S) ND(S) 90 ND(0.050) 12 DNQ(S) DNQ(6) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) 11 ND(S) 29 MAY JUN JUL DNQ(0.094) ND(S) ND(S) 33 ND(O.050) 21 <10 <10 ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) 29 AUG SEP OCT ND(O.050) ND(S) ND(5) 75 ND(0.050) 1S 12 DNQ(7) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.0S5) DNQ(7) 13 15 NOV DEC limit: none Note: 00lD, 001H and 001L analyses performed nn quarterly composites.
00lF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
Page4of 6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Averages (rag/I)
Month 001D* 001G 00111 0011 0013 001K 001L O01M O01P 002 003 JAN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
FEB <5 DNQ(3) DNQ(3) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) 7 5 MAR <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) ND(2) 7 DNQ(O) 6 APR <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 18 DNQ(2) 5 MAY <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(3) <5 JUN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(3)
JUt <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(4) ND(2)
AUG <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 ND(2) DNQ(2)
SEP <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 DNQ(2) 6 OCT <5 ND(2) NqD(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(2) 17 NOV <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) <.5 <5 DNQ(3)
DEC <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 8 <5.
Limit: "30 30 30 30l 30 30 30 30
- 30 30
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Monthly averages are flow weighted.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and O001Kduring 2013.
Blank spots for other discharge points indicate that no discharge occurred during that particular month.
GREASE & OIL Averages by Month (mg/I)
.Month 001D* 001G 001H 001I O01J 001K 0OIL 001M 001P 002 003 004 JAN <5.0 ND(].4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4; FEB DNQ(2.9) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
MAR DNQ(3.9)
APR 5.9 ND)(14) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4; MAY <5.0 ND(1.4)
JUN DNQ(I.7) ND(1.4)
JUL <5.0 NI(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4*
AUG <5.0 "
SEP DNQ(4.2)
OCT <5.0 ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) -- ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4; NOV DNQ(4.7)
DEC ND(1.4) ND(I.4)
Limit: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Averages are flow weighted and calculated and reported monthly, though only required quarterly.
- Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2013.
Page5of 6
2013 Anniual Summary Report:on DischargeMonitoring at0the Diabi0.CanYon :Power Plant *.
(oxicity units, tu5 land tuj.
- cURoN~IC Test '6-Monthu Month. ... . Result . .. ,Median* . . . . ..... Result. q.......
- MAY+
J+) 0.00 0.00 1.:00:
- Thiis pari.meter is monitoreld for+theState Ocisa Planfinstead ofthe
.PDES Permit.t A vale of 1.0 indicates nochro+nic toxici~ty.
.Pairam~eter - ~ R lesult *" .... L~miti:
Percent Moistiure . .. .. :! i *...i .. . . .. None ...
- Totali!ieldahl Nitrogeni '+ "37000 mg/kig +None:.
Nitrate (N ' *D(1 80)/ Nonel+
TOtal Phosphorous ' :25000 mg/k, No*Ine
.Oilndcns . ND:;:(0.10) % Nmone
+Boron "' +'i+i0015+...+:mg/kg Nolne
.Ca.dmium :. +lmg/kg 1.0 "" 0XlSTLC Chromium .. 10 mg/k lox XSTL*C Nicke . .i+'].m*Ik
- 10XS
- TLC.
Nikel*ry : i mg/kg~o* : l.o!X STL Note..A'unuai sa mples werecolec¢+!ted ' n*0 tober... .. .......
- STL =+.Solu.e Th~resh*old Limit :Co.Cnce.ntriion Page 6of6
- *..-... + +.. . . * *. . . . . . . .. . , +. .+ + . , +, + .. , . .. ,. . . * . . . . -. * - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 INFLUENT Temperaur ('F) 90.0T 80.0+
70.0 60.0 A jBO.0 4 .1.
4 -
30.0 20.0 4 I-.--'
II. ;0.0 10.0 3(
0.0 -- A,,
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Flow (MOD) 3000 2500 a
~2000 11500 x i~ii
' I DEC DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Monthly D*t TC(F) 25 20
= _- - -- _-- a. ..
ii 15
- 10*
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Residual ug/I
--t-AmI 120 100 80 20 0 - I -I---" ; "
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the reporting limit.
DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Used, pounds per day 900 800 700 L~J 600 a
~ 500 A.
~u C
400 200 100 0
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Coppgr(monthly average. up/I)
"--*p- n'a-uWmat'a" pemuq *. L I 12 10 8
4 2
04I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-mouth media. limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart (this is also the analytical reporting limit).
The daffy maximum Hlmt for Coplper is 50 ug/l.
DISCHARGE 001 Nickel (monthly average,uglI) 35 F m m Il B
--. I- Oisacau. Pevnk Limt 25
-.--- B *LeM 20+
- 15.
10 A A 5.
0 I A A Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2013 Note: The unalyte was not detected at or above the detection Hlmt for values plotted at zero, The 6-month median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart.
The daily maximum limut for Nickel is 100 ugil.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Zinc (monthly average, ug/h) 80 60 -,0- ogfhanine* m 50
-- 4--A akciRaahgUn 30 20 m
I-0JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001 Chromium (monthly average, ug#I) 18 16 -ga..1Mam and A*~~a Rapambi LbS 12" 14t'
- f - --
6 2
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-month median limit and the analytical reporting limit are the same ( 10 ug/l) and are plotted on this chart.
The daily maximunm limit for chromium Is 40 ug/L. February and March chromium results were affected by an analytical method Issue described In, Summary of Monitoring Program section A.4.c.l.
These reslts did not cause esceedances of the 6-month median limit or the daily maximum limit.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant pH 8.6 I
7,0JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN I*;*I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Several data points on this chart overlap.
Discharge 001ug/I)
Ammonia (as N, 150O*
2600 { - 6-orth Medl-s LIR II
'9 1000 "
I I!I a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
lafluent and Eftluent values overlap at three points on this plot.
Page6of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE O01F 05£&Grease (Maximum, ragI) 25.0 20.0 15.0 (
0 & L&*
m L, 10.0 -
5.0 '
- T V* T 0.0.) . " . V"
" t I *.
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection lUmit.
DISCHARGE 001F Suspended Solids (Maximum, mg/I) 120 t00 80+ -- ikdby.vwm. U.m*
I IIII ] f I *h 60 40+
. . . . . . . * . A A II JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Maximum values are plotted.
Page 7 of'1.5 I
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant I
DISCHARGE O01N . ,..u Oil 8 Grease (mg/I)-..-, m,,
25 -----Avwap 20~y~d -- UJ 15I Sm m i ol mm *m-0 ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Daily minahnm and monthly average values overlap at eight points on this plot DISCHARGE 001N *l Suspended Solids (mgdl) .,- d 70 Am, E*o 10""¢ 0 iii**,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Note: There is no limit for daily maximum values. The average values are below the monthly average Minkt.
DISCHARGE 001N Seffleable Solids (rmi/)
2.5 -r- mymmn*Lm 0.5 0 , -- -A -- -A -- A- A A- -
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Valnes plotted at zero were below the detection Ilnilt High, average, and low values overlap at twelve points on this plot PageS4 ofi15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diabio Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D IucsdmIu Quaredy Metl (ugd) 25 Iulvnfm 10 15 10 JAN APR MAY JUN
¸2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001D QuadmrfyM Mtals (ug/d) 180 160 140 IL~I Imlinci 120 L~r+/-~i 60 n
APR MAY JUN 2013 JUL AUG SEP OCT Note: The anolyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
1NOV DEC Page 9 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001F Queftefy Metals (asgjI 10 9
8 Iucadmml 7 IwtrIiiwnIm 6 IL~oiu 4
3 2
t 0
JAN FEB MIAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The sualyte was not detected at or above the detectloa limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001F QuartellyMetals (ug/l) 60 lu iia lls 40 FIW 30 20 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note:The anlyte was not detected ator above the detection limit for values plotted atzero.
Page 1lofl15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001H QuarterlyMetals (ug7)
! !~
!~amhm 45 l~bonam 40 35 30
- ,20 15 10 5
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 NOte: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection Hlmt for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001H QuarterlyMetals (ug/1) 30 T 25 ENickall ULead 20 L!~J 10 -
5-0-I DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 2013 Note: The amalyte was not detected at or above the detection Uimit for values plotted at zero.
Page 11 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 0011 20 18 16 14 12 8~
6 4.
2 0
- The amalyte was not detected at or above the detection Eimit for valnes plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001L Quwley Meal (ugtJ 14-12-10 S8 .
2 0 I I I 1 I I I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above She detection limit for iraluar plotted at zero.
Page12 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS so (Average, m g/)
30 --- - --- -- " m - .
20 -- *-- w10
~16 m 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
35 25 -..- u~d ** ~
S20 .*-m 10 5
0 -A -A * . ., * *.
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOUIDS 35-- -- Arq L (0 &0) 300t 25---w 20 10 0
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection Hlmt.
Page13of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mgIJ 16 14 12 ieIm 10 mwiH 6
4 2
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection n~mitL Less than values are plotted at the value.
QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mg.4)/
16 14 12 10 -'elM 4
2 0- - I- I. .. --
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection Ulmit QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE
- UU U U
( Average, mg/I 16 14 12 m 10 1 N I 4
2 0 I ! I I I I ' I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY (6-Month Median) 6.00-5.00 24.00
-..- S-.o Heis Ac. Limt
.,3.oo "R2.00 l1.oo 0.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Page 15 ofl15
Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 4
OF RWMP MONITORING FOR 2013 RWMP 1st Survey 2nd Survey 3rd Survey 4th Survey Stations/ Completion Completion Completion Completion Study Surveys Stations/ Stations! Stations! Stations!
per Year Dates Dates Dates Dates Horizontal Band Transects 14 I 4x Mar 08 Jun 13 Sep 18 Dec 16 Vertical Band Transects 5 I 4x Feb 08 May'29 Aug 21 Dec 06 Benthic Stations 8/I4x Mar 19 May 10 Aug 28 Nov 25 Fish Observation Transects 12 I 4x Mar 29 Jun 25 Sep 11 Dec 09 Bull Kelp Census .*/lx n/a n/a n/a Oct 17 Temperature Monitoring 24 / ** Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
- Diablo Cove census.
- Temperature measured throughout the year at 20 minute intervals (14 intertidal and 10 subtidal stations).
aElectric SPacific Gas and 5 Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant R.a. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 Electronic CIWQS WebSubmission Application February 26, 2015 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 1-7906 In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the 2014 Annual Report on Discharge Self-Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) is provided. This letter, and accompanying annual data summary tables and data plots, are attached to the ClWQS application submittal (eSMR). Annual State DMR Forms are additionally incorporated in the CIWQS electronic data submittal (eDMR).
Facility Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant Address: P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Person: Bryan K. Cunningham Job
Supervisor, Environmental Operations phone Number: (805) 545-4439 WDRINPDES Order Number: Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 Type of Report: .(check one) QUARTERLY ANNUAL 0] IEI Quarter: (check one): let 2 nd 3 rd 4th
[] [] 0]
Year: 2014 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)
Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice): [] No (there are no violations to report) El Yes Note: Reference "Review of compliance Record and Corrective Actions" Section
PG&E Letter DCL-201 5-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g):
a) Parameter(s) in.Violation:
b) Section(s) of WDR/NPDES Violated:
c) Reported Value(s) d) WDR/NPDES Limit/Condition:
e) Dates of Violation(s) (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(reference page of report/data
f) Explanation of Cause(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed) g) Corrective Action(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed)
PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.
Sincerely, Name: Kenneth W. cortese
Manager, Chiemistry and Environmental Operations- Diablo Canyon Power Plant 201 5505/j1kbkc
PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 4 cc: Hardcopy Print-Out of ClWQS Application Submittal:
Thomas Hip schman Senior Resident Inspector U.S: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX "76011-4125 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-000
CIWQS Web Application Submittal Print Out and Attached Supporting Documents eSMR PDF Report Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 submitted by Kenneth Cortese (No Title) on 02/26/2015.
Facility Name: PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboard Office:Reg on 3 - Central Coast Case Worker: Peter Von Langen Report Effective Dates: 01101/2014 - 12/31/2014 NO Discharge Periods 3ablo M-001 3iablo M-001D liablo M-001F jiablo M-001G liablo M-001H jiablo M-001l 31/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 ;lent Seawater Evaporators no longer in
liablo M-001J____________ _________________
liablo M-001K 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 *lant Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection
____________________ump Tank no longer inlservice.
3ablo M-001L liablo M-001M liablo M-O01N liablo MV-O1IP liablo M-002 Eia blo M-003 E)ablo M-004 liablo M-005
-ablo M-008 iablo M-O09 liablo M-013 liablo M-015 li~ablo M-016 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 ]io Lab Seawater Supply Line Valve Box not rained during 2014. No effuent
__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________i____ harched.d iablo M-017 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 *eawater RO System Blowdown Line not
_____________________________________________________________ ___irained___d__in___raine4duDios201.rDishargerareluuse liablo M-INF Self-Determined Violations No Violations Entered Attachments Page 1 of 3
Attachment 1 - 2014 DCPP Annual Report Overview Section.pdf 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at 02/26/2015 109604 byt~es'
__________________________________________Diablo Canyon Power Plant Attachment 2 - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-i NPDES D)CPP NPDES Permit Order 90-09 Discharge Points Table 02/26/2015 60764 bytes Discharaes.pdf - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-2 Tabular Data. Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring 02/26/2015 140549 bytes pdf _________________________
Attachment 4 - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-3 Graphical Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring 02/26/2015 491739 bytes Data.pdf - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt AppendixT4 RWMP Summary of Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) 02/26/2015 70242 bytes Summary.pdf Activities___________ __________
Cover Letter (Uploaded File)
PEDCL2015505 2014 NPDES Annual Discharge Monitoring Report.pdf ... 02/26/2015 746747 bytes Data Summary Analytical Results No Analytical Data Measurements Available / Reported Calculated Values No Calculated Data Measurements Available / Reported Certificate I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I certify that I am Kenneth Cortese and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I understand that I am submitting the following report(s):
- Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 (due 02/28/2015)
I understand that data submitted In this report(s) can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, if required.
I am also aware that my user ID, password, and answer to a challenge question constitute my electronic signature and any information I Page 2 of 3
Indicate I am signature.
handwritten electronically certifying I certify that I contains have not my signature.
violated I understand any term that mySignature in my Electronic electronicAgreement signature isand thethat legal equivalent I am of without otherwise my any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my password and challenge question answers have been compromised now or at any time prior to this submission. I understand that this attestation of fact pertains to the implementation, oversight, and enforcement of a federal environmental program and must be true to the best of my knowledge.
Name: Kenneth Cortese
No Title Page 3 of 3
PG&E Letter No. DCL-2015-505 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OVERVIEW 1
OF MONITORING PROGRAM 1 A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent 1
- 1. Monitoring Data 1
- 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual 1
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance 2
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions 2 B. Monitoring of Receiv ing Water3
- 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon 3
- 2. In-Situ Bioassay 4 C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program 4 D. Errata 4 APPENDICES Appendix 1 - NPDES Discharge Points Appendix 2 - Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 3 - Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 4,- Summary of RWMP Monitoring for 2014
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant OVERVIEW This annual summary report follows the format used in quarterly monitoring reports. Analytical results below the respective analytical detection limit (ND or non-detect) are plotted as a "zero" value in accordance with ELAP guidance. Results between the analytical detection limit and reporting (quantitation) limits are plotted at the value and shown as 'DNO' in the tabular summaries as is done for CIWQS reports. Less-than results are typically reported to express an average of values that include non-detects and at least one result greater than the respective reporting limit (RL). These less-than results are plotted conservatively at the RL. During 2014, discharges occurred from all discharge paths except 0011, 001K, 016, and 017.
California Ocean Plan Table B]substances that were not analyzed for have not been added to the discharge stream. The substances listed in Table B in the California Ocean Plan were each analyzed for and reported in the permit renewal application and application updates for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted in October 1994, January 2001, and April 2011. There have been no changes in activities conducted at the plant that would have significantly affected the results previously reported in the above referenced documents.
OF MONITORING PROGRAM A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent
- 1. Monitoring Data
- a. Appendix 1 provides a list of discharge path names for ease of reference. Appendix 2 contains monitoring data in tabular form. Appendix 3 contains monitoring data in graphical form.
- b. Annual oil and grease analyses were performed in October on Stormwater/Yard Drain Discharges 005, 008, 009, 013, and 015. Results are listed below. No discharges that resulted in adequate sample quantities occurred from pathway 016, and no discharge occurred from pathway 017 during 2014.
005 DNQ(2.6) mg/I 008 non-detect - ND(1 .4 mg/I) 009 DNQ(2.5) mg/I 013 non-detect - ND(1.4 mg/I) 015 non-detect - ND(1.4 mg/I)
- c. In October, Discharge 001 D (Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System) annual grab samples for lithium, boron, and hydrazine were collected and analyzed. The results were ND(0.050 mg/I), 273 mg/I, and ND(0.003) mag/I, respectively.
- 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) maintains a multiple volume Plant Manual at DCPP that contains procedures used for operation and maintenance activities at the plant, including those activities that relate to wastewater handling, treatment, sampling, analysis and discharge.
Plant procedures are prepared and reviewed by DCPP Staff and approved by Plant Management. The facility conducts biennial internal audits that review NPDES procedures contained in the plant manual, as
- well as procedure implementation adherence by responsible workgroups. Ongoing reviews of plant procedures are conducted to assure that the manual remains valid, current, and complete for the facility.
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance The following laboratories were used during 2014 for monitoring compliance. The laboratories are certified by appropriate agencies for the. tests/analyses performed. As part of the on-going annual certification process, these laboratories take part in annual performance evaluation testing.
- a. PG&E Chemistry Laboratory, DCPP, Avila Beach, California (EPA Lab # CA01 036)
- b. Aquatic Bioassay Consulting Laboratories, Ventura, California (EPA Lab # cA01907)
- c. ALS Environmental (formerly Columbia Analytical Services), Kelso, Washington (EPA Lab # WA00035)
- e. Abalone Coast Analytical, San Luis Obispo, California (EPA Lab # CA02661)
- f. E. S. Babcock & Sons, Inc., Environmental Laboratories, Riverside, California (EPA Lab # CA001 02)
- g. BSK Associates, Fresno, California (EPA Lab # CA00079)
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions a: Circulating Water Chlorination/Bromination Monitoring The 2,014 quarterly NPDES reports discuss chlorination cycles when discharge monitoring was interrupted. These events are listed below, with brief descriptions of the cause and respective corrective action. When these monitoring interruptions occurred, engineering evaluations were performed (as approved by the CCRWQCB January 13, 1994; PG&E Letter No. DCL-94-002).
Descriptions of these evaluations are included in the respective quarterly reports as applicable.
The evaluations concluded that discharge chlorine limits were not exceeded during these events.
Unit and Number ofj Date Readings Affected jCause Corrective Action 03/11114 to Unit I Faulted circuit board 03/19/14 13 Readings in discharge monitor.Cictborreled 04/07/14 to Unit 2Losapefo.Fwrsted 04108/14 5 ReadingsLosapefw.Fwrsted 05/14/14 to Unit 2 Quality control check result > Monitor calibrated.
05/21/14 0 Readings upper acceptance limit.
07/21/14 to Unit 2 Monitor upper flow Flow block replaced and monitor 08/01/14 30 Readings block biofouling. recalibrated.
07/3014 to Unit 1 Monitor upper flow Flow block replaced and monitor 08/06/14 7 Readings block biofouling. recalibrated.
7 10/15/14 to Unit 1 Monitor sample valve 10/16/14 6 Readings inadvertently mispositioned Valve repositioned.
11/17/14 to Unit 2 Moio apefo sltd Temperature element mount 11/20/14 21 Readings during repair of temperature repair completed.
element mount in same pipe.______________
11/26/14 to Unit 2 Mntroe-epnig oio eairtd 12/03/14 0 Readings Mntroe-epnig oio eairtd 2
- b. Closed Cooling Water Releases During 2014,and performed, maintenance activities are summarized that required below. PG&E receiveddrainingconcurrence of closed cooling water from the systems were CCRWQCB in response to letters dated July 19, 1995 (PG&E Letter DCL-95-156), May 23, 1996 (PG&E Letter DCL-96-522), and May 19, 1997 (PG&E Letter DCL-97-533) regarding the use of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolin to control microbiological growth and corrosion in DCPP's freshwater closed cooling water systems. Any drainage from these systems is discharged at a flow-rate such that the chronic toxicity level is below the "No Observable Effect Concentration" (NOEC) at NPDES Discharge 001.
The volumes of cooling water drained in 2014 from the component cooling water (CCW), service cooling water (SCW), and intake cooling water (ICW) systems are presented below. The*
glutaraldehyde (Glut) and isothiazoline (Iso) concentrations presented in the table are system concentrations, not concentrations at the point of discharge to receiving water. The dates/drain-events highlighted with an asterisk (*) Were inadvertently omitted from the table provided in the 1st Quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report, and is listed in the Errata section of this rep*ort.
Volume Date SysemnTota Glut Iso Ttl Ol&Reason Grels& &
at Sytm (gallons) (rag/I) (mg/I) SusenddeGeas
_________ _________ _____Solids (mgll) .(mgf,), Cmet 01/08/14 Unit 2 SCW 50 0.0 8.2 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 01/21/14 (*) Unit 2SCW 33,110 0.0 8.2 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 02/08114 Unit I ICW 1,;150 0.0 2.8 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 02/11/114 Unit I SCW 9,500 0.0 7.2 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 02/14/14 Unit 1 CCW 831 174 0.0 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 02/25/14 (*) Unit 1 CCW 25 n/a n/a 164 - n/a Routine Maintenance 04/115/14 Unit 1 ICW* 14 0.0 1.9 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 04/15/14 unit 2 lCW 14 0.0 1.8 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 04/16/14 Unit I CCW 3,800 153 0.0 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 05/14/14 Unit I SCW 550 0.0 8.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 06/08/14 Unit I ICW 14 0.0 1.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 06/24/14 Unit 1 SCW 33,100 0.0 8.3 < 2.0 Negative Routine Maintenance 10/08/14 Unit 2 SCW 5,100 0.0 7.9 6.5 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 10/16/14 Unit 1 SCW 10 0.0 6.9 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 11/09/14 Unit 2 lCW 3,321 0.0 6.5 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance
- c. Sample Analysis Issues
- 1. One sample taken for the 2014 second quarter was mistakenly incorporated into the third quarter metals composite sample for Discharge 001 H. This unused sample aliquot from the Unit I Condensate Regeneration System obtained on 06/24/14 was inadvertently added to the discharge pathway composite being prepared for third quarter analysis. The presence of this sample aliquot in the 001 H composite is reflected on the ClWQS application submittal Attachment 1 Worksheet I for Unit 1 Location 001 H. It is unlikely the single inadvertently added aliquot significantly impacted the composite sample metals constituent analysis.
B. Monitoring of Receiving Water
- 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon Marine ecological monitoring was continued during 2014 under the Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a letter from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) dated December 9, 1998, and as detailed in a letter from PG&E dated January 8, 1999 3
(DCL-99-503). This program stations and increased includes sampling tasks from frequencies. Thisthe Ecological program Monitoring replaces Program the EMP (EMP) and the with Effects Thermal additional Monitoring Program (TEMP). Several one-year-only tasks outlined in the above letters were completed in 1999 and were not requested to be performed in 2014. Results of 2013 RWMP data were submitted to the CCRWQCB on April 29, 2014. A table in Appendix 4 summarizes requirements and completed monitoring tasks for 2014.
- 2. In Situ Bioassay Results of the Mussel Watch Program are reported to the CCRWQCB directly by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDF&W) in the agency's periodic report for this program.
C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program DCPP continued an integrated sodium bromide and "foul release coating" strategy to control macrofouling in the Circulating Water System (CWS). Both circulating water conduits of each Unit can be chemically treated simultaneously. For the first half of 2014, the treatment program consisted of six 20-minute injections (at 4-hour intervals) of a blend of generic sodium bromide and sodium hypochiorite into the plant seawater intake conduits. In July 2014, DCPP returned to the use of a proprietary NALCO sodium bromide mix (Acti-Brom) to replace the generic sodium bromide to enhance marine biofouling control effectiveness. Each injection attempts to achieve a target concentration of 300 parts per billion (ppb) Total Residual Oxidant (TRO) at the inlet waterbox of the main steam condensers. Discharge TRO, measured at the plant outfall, remained below NPDES limitations. Typically, discharge TRO values during treatment were between 20 ppb and 50 ppb.
In conjunction with the chemical treatment, untreated portions of the cooling water system were previously painted with a non-toxic "foul release coating" to reduce or prevent attachment of fouling organisms.
Both conduits of Unit 1 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a dlay through January with a brief interruption for maintenance activities. Unit 1 injections were secured in early February for the scheduled 1R18 unit refueling and maintenance outage. Simultaneous
- injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite were'restarted in mid-March, and continued through June 2014 with brief interruptions in late March, and May for maintenance activities. Biofoufing treatment continued with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite from July through the remainder of 2014 with brief interruptions in August, and October for equipment maintenance activities. Injections were also secured in early December for several days for a Unit 1 tunnel cleaning.
- Both conduits of Unit 2 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a clay through most of the first half of 2014. Injections were shut down for several days in January for a scheduled seawater conduit cleaning. Simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite resumed after the cleaning and continued through June with brief interruptions in February, March, and May due to maintenance activities. Biofouling treatment continued with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite from July through August with two brief interruptions in August for maintenance activities.
Acti-Brom injections were secured in mid-September in anticipation of the scheduled 2R1 8 unit refueling and maintenance outage. Sodium hypochlorite injections continued through the remainder of September for microfouling control in the Unit 2 main steam condenser. Unit 2 chemical injections were secured from early
'October to early November for the 2R1 8 refueling outage. Both conduits of Unit 2 were treated with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite six times a day from early November throughout the remainder of 2014, with one brief interruption in early December for equipment maintenance activities.
D. Errata Three quarterly r'eporting errors have been identified while compiling and verifying data for this annual report.
In the 1 st quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report in the Overview section, item 3, a Unit 2 SCW closed cooling system drain/release on January 21, 2014 was inadvertently left out. The data is included in the summary table above. The amount of wastewater released was 33,110 gallons.
In the ist quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report in the Overview section, item 3, a Unit 1 CCW closed cooling system drainlrelease on February 25, 2014 was inadvertently left out. The data is included in the summary table above. The amount of wastewater released was 25 gallons.
In the 4th quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report (eSMR) that was submitted via ClWQS, the annual result for 001 N chromium was inadvertently left out of the data tables. However, the data was incorporated in of the same report. The value was 6.2 mg/kg.
Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 1 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT NPDES DISCHARGE POINTS DISCHARGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 001 Once-Though Cooling Water 001 A Firewater Systems 001 B Auxiliar Salt Water Cooling System 001 C Discharge Deleted 001 D Liquid Radioactive Waste 001 E Service Cooling Water System 001 F Turbine Building Sump .
001 G Make-Up Water System Waste 001 H "Condensate Demineralizer Regenerant 001 I Seawater Evaporator Blowdown 001 J Condensate Pumps Discharge Header Overboard 001 K Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection Dump Tank Overboard 001 L Steam Generator Blowdown 001 M Wastewater Holding and Treatment System 001 N Sanitary Wastewater Treatment System 001 P Seawater Reverse Osmosis System Blowdown 002 Intake Structure Building Floor Drains 003 Intake Screen Wash 004 Bio Lab and Storm Water Runoff 005, 008, 009, 013, 014, 015 Yard Storm Drains 006, 007, 010, 011, 012 Storm Water Runoff 016 Bio Lab Seawater Supply Pump
___________________________Valve Drain 017 Seawater Reverse Osmosis System
_________________________Blowdown Drain
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 TEMPERATURE (DEG F) FLOW (MGD)
INFLUENT EFFLUENT DELTA T Month high low avg high low avg hiigh avg high low avg JAN 57.7 54.6 56.1 76.1 72.9 74.8 19.5 18.7 2486 1862 2398 FEB 55.6 52.2 54.0 73.2 63.1 70.5 18.4 16.5 2486 1279 1571 M*AR 56.7 52.3 54.6 75.4 63.5 69.9 19.1 15.3 2486 1279 1929 APR 53.6 50.0 51.5 71.8 68.3 69.8 18.4 18.3 2486 2486 2486 MAY 53.9 49.2 51.5 72.1 65.7 69.6 18.4 18.2 2486 2486 2486 JUN 54.9 51.5 53.1 73.4 66.8 71.4 18.6 18.3 2486 2486 2486 JUL 59.8 53.6 56.8 79.0 72.4 75.5 19.4 18.7 2486 2486 2486 AUG 59.9 54.7 57.2 79.0 66.0 74.8 19.4 17.6 2486 1937 2449 SEP 59.4 55.2 57.5 78.3 70.7 76.3 19.7 18.7 2486 2486 2486 OCT 66.4 56.5 61.0 84.8 74.5 79.5 19.2 18.5 2486 1239 1417 NOV 61.8 59.1 59.9 79.7 73.4 77.4 19.0 17.5 2486 1471 2313 DEC 63.8 57.0 61.4 82.8 67.3 79.3 19.0 17.8 2486 1862 2392 limit: -- 22 2760 The Influent and Effluent "high" and "low" temperture values correspond to the highest and lowest daily average value for that month. The Influeut high and low temperature does not necessarily correspond to the same day as the Effluent high and low temperature for that month. The "avg" temperature for Influent and Effluent is the average for the entire month. The Monthly Delta T "high" is the highest Delta T for a day of the month based on daily average Influent and Effluent temperature values. The "avg" temperature is calculated from Intluent and Effluent monthly avg values.
Month high low avg high low avg JAN 39 0 24 576 0 504 FEB 68 <20 37 576 240 301 MAR 60 <20 35 533 228 403 APR 41 18 30 576 504 546 MAkY 42 <10 22 634 262 562 JUN 35 15 22 677 590 638 JUL 35 <10 7 763 619 716 AUG 35 <10 21 864 598 776 SEP 51 15 25 850 691 773 OCT 48 <10 24 691 312 394 NOV 64 <10 38 720 374 627 DEC 55 16 27 749 180 652 Note: The residual chlorine limits in Permit CA0003751, Order 90-09, is an instantaneous max of 200 ug/1, and includes a time-based limit (per the Ocean Plan) which depends on the length of the respective chlorination cycle.
Page 1 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring" at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 METALS (monthly avg. ug/I)
CHROMIUM COPPER NICKEL *ZINC Month Influent Effluent ' nfluent ,'Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent JAN ND3(5) NI)(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(6) N1D(5) ND(5) ND(S) NB(S)
FEB ND(5) ND(S) *DNQ(8) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S), ND(5)
MAR ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(7) DNQ(7) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S)
APR ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(9) *DNQ(9) ND(5) ND(S) ND(5) DNQ(7)
MA*Y ND(S) ND(S) BNQ(7) BNQ(6) ND(5) N'D(S) ND(S) NB(.S)
JUN ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) DNQ(5) ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) ND(5)
JUL ND(5) ND(S) DNQ(8) DNQ(7) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(S)
AUG ND(S) NP(S) DNQ(6) DNQ(6) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(S)
OCT ND)(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) ND)(S) ND)(S) ND)(S) 10 ND(S)
NOV ND(S) ND(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(5) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) ND(S)
DEC ND)(S) ND(S) DNQ(7) DNQ(7) ND(S) ND(S) ND)(S) ND(S) 6-month median limit: 10 - 10 - 30 -70 Note: Influent results presented only for comparison to effluent. Influent Cr, Cu, Ni, are analyzed monthly, but are only required to be reported quarterly by permit. Influent zinc is analyzed monthly and reported quarterly, hut only required annually by permit.
~(ug/h) 6-Mo. Med.
Effluent Parameter In fluent Effluent Limit Arsenic 1.40 1.40 30 Cadmium 0.032 0.036 10 Cyanide ND(0.9) ND(0.9) 30 Lead 0.097 0.098 10 Mercury 0.00072 0.00074 0.2 Silver DNQ(0.006) DNQ(0.007) 2.9 Titanium 5.1 3.6 - none
- Phenolic Compounds ND(3.031) ND(3.031) 150 (non-chlorinated)
- Phenolic Compounds ND(0.567) ND(0.567) 10 (chlorinated)
- PCB's NlD(O.0679) ND(0.391) none
- Results for analysis of 8 target compounds. The sum of the 8 detection limits is 3.031.
- Results for analysis of 6 target compounds. The suns of the 6 detection limits is 0.567.
- Detection limits shown~are the sum of individual detection limits for 7 target compounds.
.AMMONIA (as N) (ug'i)
,Month Influent Effluent JAN 120 130' FEB MAR APR 240 .210 MAY JUN JUL DNQ(61) DNQ(63)
AUG SEP OCT 250 260 NOV DEC 6-month median limit: 3,060 Page2of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY pH (averages)
Discharge: 001 002 003 004 001P Month lfment m Effluent JAN 8.0 8,0 8.0 8.0 8.1 7.8 FEB 8.0 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.8 MAR 7.9 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.9
.APR 8.0 8.0 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.7.
MAY 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.8 7.8 JUN 8.1 8.1 8.0 7.9 7,9 7.7 JUL 7.9 7.8 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.8 AUG 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 8,0 7.7 SEP 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.7 OCT 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 NOV 8.0 - 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.8 DEC 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.0 8,1 7.7 DISCHARGE 001F SUSPENDED OIL & GREASE (mg/I) SOLIDS (rag/I)
Mot , igh av high avo JAN ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
FEB DNQ(3.3) DNQ(3.3) DNQ(4) DNQ(4)
MAR ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
.APR ND(l.4) ND(l.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
MAY ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
JUN ND(1.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
JUL DNQ(I.4) DNQ(1.4). ND(2) ND(2)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
SEP ND(L.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
OCT ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
NOV DNQ(2.4) DNQ(2.4) DNQ(4) DNQ(4)
DEC ND(l.4) ND(Il. 1 DN!2) , DNO(2'l limit:. 20 15 100 30 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
DISCHARGE OO1N (Monthly Summary of Weekly Data)
Month high low avg high low avg high low avg JAN DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0o72) 12 DNQ(3) 6 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
FEB DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 33 ND(2.57) 13 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
MAR DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0,72) 16, 5 12 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
.APR DNQ(I.29) DNQ(0.72) DNQC0,92) 19 ND(2.57) 12 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(O.I) DNQ(0.1)
MAY DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 8 4 6 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0,1)
JUN DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 6 ND(2.57) 3 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
JUL DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 14 5 7. DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQI0.1)
AUG** DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 8 3 5 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
SEP DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 13 4 8 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
OCT 10.7 DNQ(0.72) <5.0 46 .5 24 0.1 DNQ(0.1) <0.1 NOV DNQ(2.4) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 26 DNQ(2.6) 11 . DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
DEC NDI0.72) NDI0.72) NDlO,72"J 23 14 18 0.2 DNO(0J1l <0.1 limit: 20. - 15 - - 60 . 3.0 -1.0 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
Page3of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/I)
O0ID OOIH 001L OOlF Month Ag Cd Cr Cu An Cd Cr
- Cu An Cd Cr Cu An Cd Cr Cu JAN ND(S) ND(S), ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) IS1 41 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 16 10 FEB MAR APR ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) 14 <10 ,<10 40 65 ND(S) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) 20 12 MAY JUN JUfL. ND(S) ND(S) 67 ND(5) ND(S). ND(S) 32. 33 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ,ND(S) ND(S) ND(5S) I AUG SEP OCT ND(0.05) ND(O.2.) )ND(S) DNQ(3.7) ND(S) ND(S) 58 51 ND(S), ND(S) ND(S) <10 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 56 NOV DEC limit: none Notes GO1D, OOIH and GOIL analyses performed on quarterly composites.
001F analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, META.LS (avg. ug/l)
G01D O01H
- 001L 00lF Month H5 Ni Ph Zn Hg, Ni Pb Zn Hg Ni Pb Zn - HI Ni Pb Zn JAŽJ DNQ(0.093) ND(S) ND(S) 75 ND(0.0S0) 14 23 DNQ(8) NDC0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(D.OS0) ND(S) 12 13 FEB MAR APR* DNQ(0.053)DNQ(5) DNQ(S) 77 ND(0.050) 28 26 19 ND(0.0S0) ND(S') ND(S) 11 ND(0.050) (4 10 37 MAt'
.JUN JUL ND(0.0S0) 46 ND(S) 69 ND(0.0Sfl) 17 15 12 ND(0.0S0) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) ND(S) DNQ(9) 25 AUG SEP' OCT NID(0.091)DNQ(4.9) 2.2 DNQ(86) ND(0.050) 28 16 <10 ND(O.0s0) ND(S) ND(S) <10. ND(0.050) ND(5) 12 32 NOV DEC limit: none Note: O01D, O01H and 001L analyses performed on quarterly composites.
00lF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
Page 4 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Averages (rag/I)
.Month 001D* 001G 0lit1H1 O 001 OJ 001K 001L ' OG00M 001P 002 003 JAN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 ND(2) ,-DNQ(3)
FEB <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MLAR <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) 5 ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(4) 10 APR .<S ND3(2) ND(2) ND(2) t)NQ(2) ND(2) DNQ(2)
MAY <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) Nb(2) DNQ(3) <5 DNQ(2) NDff(2)
JUN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 <5 16
.JUL <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) 15 DNQ(2) 5 AUG <5 ND(2) DNQ(3) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(4) DNQ(2)
SEP <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) ND(2) 8 oCT <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(3)
NOV <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 12 DNQ(2) ND(2)
DEC <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) 8 5 10 Limit: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30-
- Discharges from 001D are hatched. Monthly averages are flew weighted.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2014.
Blank spots for other discharge points indicate that no discharge occurred during that particular month.
GREASE & OIL Averages by Month (mg/I)
M_._nth O01D* OO1G 001H 0011 001J 001K 001L 001M 0OlP 002 003 004 JAN DNQ(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
FE*B <5.0 ND(l.4)
MAR <5.0 APR DNQ(I.4) ND(i.4) N13(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4)
MIAY DNQ(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)
JUN <5.0 ND(1.4)
JUL DNQ(I.4) ND(l.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
AUG ND(1.4)
SEP <5.0 OCT DNQ(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
NOV 5.2 DEC <5.0 ND(1.4) ND(1.4)
Limit: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 .15 15 15
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Averages are flow weighted and calculated and reported monthly, though only required quarterly.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011! and 001K during 2014.
Page S of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diabio Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING (toxicity units, tun and tuj)
ACUTE *CI{RONIC Test 6-Month Test Month Result Median Result JAN 0.00 0.00 1.00 FEB MAR APR 0.00 0.00 1.00 MAY JUN JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 AUG SEP OCT 0.00 0.00 1.00 NOV DEC 6-month median limit: 0.26 5.1
- This parameter is monitored for the State Ocean Plan instead of the NPDES Permit. A value of 1.0 indicates no chronic toxicity.
DISCHARGE 001N ANNUAL ANALYSES Sludge Parameter Result Limit Percent Moisture 99% None Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 89000 mg/kg None Ammonia (N) 2500 mg/kg None Nitrate (N) ND(120) None Total Phosphorous 15000 mg/kg None pH1 7.2 None Oil and Grease ND(I I0000) None Boron DNQ(160) None Cadmium ND(I.8) 0 X STLC*
Copper 420 mg/kg 10 X STLC Chromium 6.2 mg/kg 1lOX STLC Lead DNQ(7.3) 10OX STLC Nickel 8.1 mg/kg lox STLC Mercury ND(0.30) 10X STLC Zinc 650 mg/kg 1OX STLC Volume 2.3 tons Note: Annual samples were collected in October.
- STLC = Soluhle Threshold Limit Concentration Page 6 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHAR*GE 001 INFLUENT 90.0T 80.0 4 70.0 60.0 30.0 2O.0 If---A4w---
AuI 10.0
LJ o.o04 I i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Temperature ('F) 90.0" 70.0 60.0 U-3O6.O-20.0 +
[ I I I i 0.0 ] I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Page 1 of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Flow(MGD) 3000 25O0 m im
~1ooo i
500 I--Aw"-AI 0 + I I ! I II1!
- Monh Delt T('F) 25 20-II v
- i. Is
- A A'i
--. ll-- Uml 5+
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine R.,ak~uul, ug.?
8O --. A,
--... lg 70 30 20 10 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the repordag_ Ibilt, DISCHARGE 001 Total/Chiorin. Used, pounds per day 6000 .,-m*
8.00 *~
- 600 I00 0
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 ___ ______
Co°pper(--othl average u l) --- -u" - "__
12 10 8
4 2
0i I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The aunlyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valaea plotted at rero.
The 6-mouth median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart (this Is also the analytical reporting limit).
The daily maimum limit for Copper is 50 u/l.
DISCHARGE 001 Nickel (monthly average, ug/0)35-301 I -.
,---- DI-4e.-
bkAgpPunlt UIlt bn~aa 20- --4--- Icdhpct g 5 Inl I B B 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sop Oct Nov Dec 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-momth meia liit (the moat consrvatve limit) is plotted on this chai The daily maximum limit for Nickel Ii 100 uA Page4of)1
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 zbic (monthly averag, mg/I) 80 840 .-. e- ~*l*llu 10 A -- -- -- a o . a a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note:. The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valnes plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001 Chromium (monthly average, ug/I) 12 401 Note:" The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valnes plotted at zero.
The 6-month median limit and the analyticl reporting Eimit are the same (10 ag,/) sad are plotted on this chart The daily maalmnm limit for chromium is 40 ug/I.
Page$of i$
fi ¸ m
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant 8.3 8.2 3.1 8.0 7.0
- a. 7.8 7.7 76&
7.5 7.4~
JAN 2014 Note: Several data points on thks chart overlap.
Discharge 001 Ammonia (as N,ugfl) 35OO 3
Um-- - - - - - --- -n -l 28000 "-- ' 6UflI danLn
- --4--- Eluent
=S 1500 1000 500
- 0. I I I I ,, ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection imnit for values plotted at zero.
Influent and Effluent values overlap at four points on this plot.
Page 6 of !S
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001F OM &Grease 25.0 JAN FEB MiAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limft.
DISCHARGE 001 F Suspede soli (Malximum, togil) 120 80
.--el-O.Iyiaxi mi LU.
'----- andpleu Rmout I*kuU 60 40 20 I
0JAN T FEB MAR" T APR I MlAY JUN JUL T¥ AUG I SEP -OCT TNOV DEC 2014 Note: Madiman values are plotted.
Page 7 of)5$
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant
- Modl~y Aweag. UsO DISCHARGE oN &Guase (mgA O01N -0.k-- Daly U.m.,Lum
-4. Avm'a 25 -U-.--AmIyU, utape a UmR 20 15 5...
E--- 4 -- ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Daily maximum and monthly average values overlap at tea points on this plot.
70 --.-- Avm. I 50
~40 230 20 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: There is no limit for daily maximum values. The average values are below the monthly average limit.
DISCHARGE O01N SedU.mb~e Solid (mli) 3.5 2.5 I-...--OlD ad,ndsumLi I 3 ,I--Am 1'
-A JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
High, average, and low valuta overlap at twelve points on this plot.
Page 8ofl5
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 D Quarted Meta (ug4) Iuc~adndumI 9O nChnmthum 8O 70 60 40" 30 20 10 0
NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection ikmit for value plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001D Quart/y Mfetal (ug4) 90 70 i~zInci 60 Lu~rJ~
40 30 20 10 0 -iI -
j]LI I I I I 1-I,-
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: T"be anlyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page 9of15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE O0tF Quarterly Metals (ugl) 60 70 I~mvadhr nchromhau 60
= 40 30 20-10-0 Ik JAN I ;
I, APR m
I NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detectso limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001F Queflry Metals (ug4) gO nuMdj 70
=40 30 20 10 0
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE OO1H Quarerly Metal. (ugA 90 lICadmumi 80 ISQ1TnIumU 70 60
~60 t40 30 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE OO1H QuartW, Metas (ag/i) 90*
80 IENicIol 70 muLead 60 ILir
= 40 30-20-10 0-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The snslyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page)11 of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001L Qua fly Metal (ug*
90 80l 70 I IUCadmumi 60-I IUChron~umI Lcope
= 40-30 20-10 0 I I I II I I I I 1l II JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection lii for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 0011 Quaflsri Metas (ug4 80-70+
=40- Fiircu I.N*m 30O aLoad 20-10-0 I. I ]
I l I I I II I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page12of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOUDS (Av.,ug, ,n4J 35
', 20--*--too i 15 -e-o*
10 C
2014 Note: Poiatsoa chart amy overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the deteetlon limit.
MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS 3-(Ave.g, mA 20 j-4-U 1J i' 15--
-- N 10 5m JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Points on chart umy overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
,---U----MeeAw~age Uimk (00IP& US) 10- -.-4-U-OO 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were behow the detection limIt.
Page 13 of IS$
p 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Averg,,,,4) 16 m l m m m m m m m l m 14 12 m001H1 10 I moiD I 6
4 2
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zer were below th~e detection limit Less than value are plotted at the value.
QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Awerag,mg) 16 14 12-10 1u1tL -- I I8.
2-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
( Average, rag/I) 16 14*
12 m-oi' 10 m.41 6
2 0 I I I I I 1 I ' I' l I l JAN FEB MAR APaR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection Eimit.
Page 14-ofl15
w 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY (8,Month Median) 6.00 5.00 E4.00 SChronic Bioassay Results 6.--mo. Median Acuta Limit
Ž,3.o00 -*-Acute Bioasay Reut
- -i-tm-hoic Limit o*2.00 --4,--Acute 6-month Median I- 1.00 C1 0.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Pagel15ofl15
m w Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 4
OF RWMP MONITORING FOR 2014 RWNMP 1St Survey 2nid Survey 3rd Survey 4th Survey tuySurveys Stations.) Completion Stationsl Completion Stations/ Completion Stations) Completion Stations/
per Year Dates Dates Dates Dates Horizontal Band Transects' 14 14x Feb 26 June 13 Aug 12 Dec 23 Vertical Band Transects 51 4x Jan 30 May 29 ., Aug 11 Dec 22 Benthic Stations 8/14x Mar25 June 18 Aug 12 Jan 02, 2015 Fish Observation Transects 12 14x Apr 14 Aug 21 Sep 10 Jan 02, 2015 Bull Kelp Census *I/ x n/a n/a n/a Oct 01 Temperature Monitoring .. 24/I* Jan-Mar ,, Apr-Jun JuI-Sep Oct-Dec
- Diablo Cove census.
- Temperature measured throughout the year at 20 minute intervals (14 intertidal and 10 subtidal stations).
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Diablo Canyop Power Plant P.O. Box 56 Electric Company Avila Beach, CA 93424 Pacific Gas and PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 IElectronicC1WQS WebSubmission Application February 28, 2014 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7906 In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the 2013 Annual Report on Discharge Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant is provided. This letter and accompanying annual data summary tables and plots are attached to the CIWQS application submittal.
Facility Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant Address: P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Person: Bryan K. Cunningham Job
Supervisor, Environmental Operations Phone Number:. (805) 545-4439 WDRINPDES Order Number: Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 Type of Report: (check one) QUARTERLY ANNUAL 0]
Quarter:. (check one): Ist 0n 30 4,"
0] 0]
Year: 2013 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)
Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice): IX] No (there are no violations to report) 0] Yes Note: Reference "Review of Compliance Record and Co*tv Actions" Seto U?25 A- (~L 1
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g):
a) Parameter(s) in Violation:
b) Section(s) of WDRINPDES Violated:
c) Reported Value(s) d) WDPJNPDES UimitlCondltion:
e) Dates of Violation(s)
(reference page of report/data sheet):
f) Explanation of Cause(s):
(If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed) g) Corrective Action(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed)
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 ORWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons diretl responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my know~ledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.
Sincerely, Name: Kenneth W. Cortese
Manager, Chemistry and Environmental Operations- Diablo Canyon Power Plant 2014509/jlk/bkc
PG&E Letter DCL-2014-509 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 28, 2014 Page 4 cc: Hardcopv Print-Out of CIWOS ADplication Submittal:
Thomas Hipschman Senior Resident Inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4125 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
sluewunooa BupaoddnS peoipD~y pus )no WIUJd IejRUIqnS UOlge3llddy qeM SOMIO) eSMR PDF Report Summary: Anbnual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 subm~tted by Kenneth Cortese (No Title) on 02/28/2014.
Facility Name: PG&E DIABL.O CANYON POWER PLANT Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboad Office: Region 3 -Central Coast Case Worker, Anthony Bonllla, Peter Von Langen Report Effective Dates: 01/01/2013 - 12131/2013 No Discharge Periods Diablo M4-001 I~I I I t JlabwO M-0OID L 4 I
- )lablo M4-001F I I t JialaDo M-UO1G
& 4- I
)lablo M-0O1H
- )iablo M4-0011 01/01/2013 - 12/3112013
- )iablo M-001J _______________________________ __________ ______________
3iablo M4-001K )1/0112013 - 12/31/2013
.)iabio M-O01L __________ ______________
- iablo M-001M _________ _____________
- iablo M-001N______________________________________ ______
)Iablo M-001P
- )tablo 14-O02 _______ ______
- Iablo 14-003 __________ ______________
- iabio 14-004 ______________
)labio M4-005
- )iablo M-O08_________ _____
)iablo tM-009_______ ______
- )iablo M4-013
- )la blo 14-015 __________
- )iabio M4-016 )1/01/2013-12/31/2013
- )labiotM-017 )1/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
.)iabio M-iNF _________
Self-Determined Violations No Violations Entered Attachments Page 1 of 3
Attachment 2 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appen:dlx-1 NPDES 02/28/2014 51524 bytes Discharoe PointS.pdf Attachment 3 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-2 Tebular 02/28/2014 140601 bytes Summaries of Monitorlnqp~ff Attachment 4 -2013 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-3 Graphical 02/28/2014 492054 bytes Summaries of M4onitorino~odf________
Attachment 5 - 2013 DCPP Annuai Rpt Appendix-4 Summary of 02/28/2014 70147 bytes
,WMp Monitorlno.pdf ______________________ ________________
Cover Letter (Uploaded File)
Data Summary Analytical Results No Analytical Data Measurements Available / Reported Calculated Values No Calculated Data Measurements Available I Reported Certificate I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assur that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, Including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I certify that I am Kenneth Cortese and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT. I understand that I am submitting the following report(s):
- Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2013 (due 02/28(2014)
I understand that data submittedl In this report(s) can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, If required.
I am also aware that my user ID, password, and answer to a challenge question constitute my electronic signature and any information I Page 2 of 3 II II
- I I I [ I
Indicate I am electronically certifying contains my signature. I understand that my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my handwritten signa-ture. I certify that I have not violated any term in my Electronic Signature Agreement and that I am otherwise without any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my pass word and challenge question answers have been compromised now or at any time prior to this submission. I understand that this attestation of fact pertains to the Implementation, oversight, and enforcement of a federal environmental program and must be true to the best of my knowledge.
Name: Kenneth Cortese
No Title Page 3 of 3 I I I I
.. . AT THE' : -
2013... ..
PG&E Letter ;No. *DCIL-2o14-509
.2i013Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring
- at the Diabllo Canyon Power Plant ,
A,. ! Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent~i.=i.: . .::=.
- 1.
1Monitoring Data .* "::.
- i!2. Facility: Operatng an~d Mainte~nantce Manual:
3.:Laboratories Used to Monitor Comp*liance
- 4. ;Revie~wof Complia~nce Record andl Corrective Actio~ns* 2 B. Monlitoring of Receiving Water 1.; Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon .".i ' .5
- 2. In-Situ Bioassay ... "
5 C. Sdium Br~o.mide Treatment Program D., Elrrata *-.. i *" ,
- APPENDICES ; : :i:i!i: .i!:*.: : :
,Appendix. 1 :NPDES Discharge Poi~ntsi
- ;i~! !: :: :, i
-Appendix.2 - :TabularSummaries..of Influent and. E'ffluent MonriI toting: : :i
- i SAp p~endib.3:- ..Graphical Su*mmaries of Infiu~enttand Effluenit Moi nitoring" Appendix; 4-... Summary of RWMP Monitoring for 201 3- ,i.:
I I I I I [ i
201i3 Annual ,Summary Report On Discharge Monitoring -
- i at'the , -
Diablo Canyion Power:Plant: . ".
This annual summary r~eport follows :the format used !in quarterly monitoring..reports:. Analytical results below therespe~ctive analytical detection limit (ND or non-detect) areplotted as a ~eo" value in acrdance with' ELAP- guidance. Results between the analytical detectio*n limit and reporig (quantiain) limitds are plotdat th value and shown as .DNQ'inh the taibular su-mmaries asis done for CIWQS rports.: Less-than results are typical~y reported to express an average, of values that incl!ude non-d~etects. and at least one positive result.:
These iless-thanr iesults !are plotted conservatively at the value. During 2013, discharges occurred from all discharge paths except .0011i, 001K 016, and 017 . * " "':* .. . .... "*,
CaliforniaOcean Plan Table B substances that were not analyzed for have not been added ;to the dischiarge.
stream., The substa*nces listed in Table: B fin ithe *California Ocean Plan,were each analyzed for and, reported in.
the permit renewal application ~and app~lication Updates for Diablo"Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted fin October*.1994, January 2001.i an~d April '201 ii: Thiere have been no clia~nges: in activities: coniducted at the iplant that"would have signlificantly affected th~e results previously re~ported in the abov~e referenhced dbocument.tS SBMMARY OF MONITORING PROGRAM *:.i ::.::: ' ,.
A.. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent :i :.i. .:.;
'1." Monitoring.Data :i::i:.:.*. !
- a. Appendix 1provides a list of discharge path names for ease of refe~rence. Appendix 2 conitains:
m ronitoring data in tabular~form.: Appendix !3:contains monitoring ~dsafain graphial form....
- 008, 009,.013, anhdO015. Results a*re listed :below.* iNo dischar'ges thatresulted in adequate sample quantities occurred from pathway 016, and no discharge occurred frm pathwray 0*1.7 d uring2013:."
00, no-etc - D1. mg/I) N;::
... ,*"008* non-detect -:ND'(1: .4 mg/I),
- :009 *.no0n-detect ;ND(1.44 mig/l):.;:Y .::,'*'
- ' ..
- 01:3 7.:5mg/I : " ;!:: : :::. , . ."i: .. : "
-. :~~~015!non-detect ND)(i .4:.mg/I)i.:
- c. InOctober, Discharge 001 D-(Liquid Radioactive !Waste Treatment System) annual :grab samples .for lithium, boron,; and h*ydraz.:ine eeibicollected and !analyzed.: .The riesults iwere DNQ(0.048)rmg/I, 277
- m g I, alnd N D(3 ) m g/I, re sp e cti v ely. : :i *: '; * .: . .. .. *: ,; * : , .
- 2., FacilityOper~ating and Maintenance Manual .i:.,.J :'** *:-.
- Pacific Gas and ElectricCom*pany (PG&;E) m*aintainis
- a multipl~e volume "PlantManual: at :DCPP that:
co.ntains: pro.edures used *for oper'ation .and:maintenan*ce actiVitie~s at~ithe plant,: including those acbtivitie*s that relate to wastewate~r handling, treatment, isamplinig, analysis and discharge. ""
Plant :proced~ures are. prepar:ed land r~evie~wed by DCPP: Staff. and aiPproved by liant*:Management. The facility conducts biennlal internal audits that review'NPDE$ :procebdures, contained ,in the plant manuaL.
Ongo~ing reviews.of plant ;procedures, are coniducted to assur-e that :the manual !remains valid, *currenit, and complete for the facility;... . .. . . . . " ' *. .. :
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor*Compliance
- The following laboratories by appropriate were tests/analyses agenicies forthe used durin~g 20*13 formonitoring performed. As part compliance.e of the on-going The annual laboratories are certified certification process, these laboratories take part in annual penformance evaluation 'testing.
- a. PG&E Chemistry Laboratory, DCPP,.Avila 'Beach, California (EPA Lab # CAO01036)
'b. Aqulatic. Bioassay Consulting Laboratories, Ventura,, California (EPA Lab # CA01907)
- c. ALS Environmental (formerly Columbia Analytical Servic:es), Kelso, Wash1ington (EPA Lab # WA0035)*
'd. TestAmierica, Inc., *Earth City, Missouri (EPA Lab # M0*00054)*
-e.. Abalone Coast Analytical, .San Luis 'Obispo, 'California (EPA Lab #CA02661).
- f. QOilfieid iEnvironmental :and Co*mpliance! Santa Maria;, California'(EPA Lab # CA02438)
-g. E. S. *Babcock &Sons, inc.,. Environment{al La*borabtories,. Riverside, California (EPA Lab # CA001I02)
- h. !BSK Associates,. F~resno, California (iEPA*Lab # CA00079). .
S4. R:eview of Compliance R*ecord. and Corrective Actions :
- a. Circulating. Water Chlorination/Bromfination Mon~itorinig :
The 2013 quarterly NPDES reports .discuss chlorination cyclesl when* disc harge: monitoring was
.interrupted. Th~ese* events' arie is~tedl below, .with* brief, descrip~tions of thei* cause antd re~siective'
- correctiVe action. .When these monitoring :interru*ption*s occurred, .engi~neering evaluations were iperformed (as :approved by the. CCRWQCB Janu~ary !3, 1-994;* PG&E* Letter No. DCL-94.002):..
'...Detailed descriptions of thiese evaluations ar~eincluded in th~e respectivie quarterly reports. The evaluations concluded that discharge chlorine~limits were not exceeded :during these events.
- ". .... . Chlorination Cycle T . . . . .... . " ' . . .. ".. . . . . .... . .. .
! Date ;* Monitoring i Cause Correc.*¢b*tive Acti~on
__ _ __ _ _ nterruptions . 'i ;: ... " * .I . .. .' i.. ... , .. .
05102/1*3to* urn~it 2 * *Sample tubing'foulied lwithl* : *sample tuibing* cleaned....
- 05/09/131 43 Readings .biological; growth.." l .. .. .- ,
- 2/10/13 to *Un~it 2
- Sample tubing union blocked*;*....* =***tb**cae....
- 12/11113 4 Readintgs. with' bio-f0uling' debr~is. ample tubng clae.
'1*2/19/11: Unit 1:-I Sample piping flow to monitor i Upstream sample
- ..". .2 Readings . l blocked by debris,.""*. pip~ing back-flush~edl.
- ":i
.. 01.. unitSample piping. maintenanc..e '... Engineering evaluation'*only
- 12/30/13 Unt"2 iecig nadlvertently performe dduring. completed.
2..Readings. .chemical njection cycles. ________________..... _
- b. Closed Cooling Water Release's - ..
- During 2013, maintenance activities that required; draining of closed :coo~ling .watersystems were perfbrmed., and are. summarized, below. PG&E rec.e~ived co0ncurrence :from t~he CCRWQCB in
- resPonse to letters dated J~uly. 19,*1.995* (p'G&E -Letter DCL-
- 95-!156).:*May 23,1-996 (PG&.E Letter DCL-
!96-522),iand* May' 1.9,1997 *(PG&E:L~etter DCL-*97-533) riegarding* the us~e of glutaraldehyde and.
- isothiazolin to con*trlmicm(robiological growth and cor[)irosio in DCpPP' sfreshwaterclosed cooling..water
- systems. An~ydrainage from these systems is discharg~ed at a flow-r~ate such that :the chronic toxicity
?level is' below the No-Oibservable Effect Cnc~nentr~ation" (NOE-C) at= NPDESDischarge 001.-
The. volumeS-Of
-cooling water (SC*W)*,coolingand water drained intak~e in!2013from coolingwater i(lOW)ithesystems
.component'are pr cooling w*a~ter (.COW),.
esente'dbelow.* The service glutaraldehyde .(Glut).and isothiazoline ,(1so) concentrations preseted in." the.table are system
- .- .*.~~~cncentrtions, .not conlce~ntrations' at thie ipointt o0fdischarige .to rec~eiving water .............
' ..: ..... .Volume: Glut: *iso T;*
otsl .! R..,_d&
eason &
Date. S*ystem (mg/I)
- -" (ma/I)' S*uspended rae Cmet
.. .... [ (gallon ) ( ___,_. __,., Sol;*:ids(m _I , . ngire'.l s ... ...
.01109/20*13 IUnit 2.lOWI "33,0501 <..**i50 5. ;.<*2.0* .il ". < 1*i.4 *Routine Maintenance
- 02/20/2013 i; Unit 2 COW *11,000 '195 0.0;..,... n/a .=..,.. n/ta.. .Routine Maintenan!ce.
.03/02/201 3:. Unit 2 SOW* i 33,220: <.i
.50!i *0.4 .:*.24*.7,*. ~ *1.41.
<i Roi Butine* Ma1intentance
- 03/o6/2013 .iUnit lISOW *33,360 .<50 -6.2 .... <*2.0i <1"*.4, .. RoutineaMaintenance 04/.17113
- Un~it ilW "1:21. :<*50 3...
30 n.,
._:/ai.... n/,:'ai ..- RoUtineMaiqtehnnce
.05/23/131 .. Unit-2 COW ;.,3*,1100 -151: 0.*
.*0'* <
.*:2.0* .. <..4*IA** -:RoUti.neMainte~nance
.06/t11/13. :unit. 2 sOW: 33,3!0 <.
- 50 :8.011'.:i .<I2.0!* <I'A.
- i;;:i R~outine Maintenance
' i~~~07/!08/1i3" Unit 110IW 1iii2"'* i0'.0 :i~
..'76:1;= n....
ha:i... :n/a ;RoutineaMaintenan~ce S:07/08/13; Unit2 lOW 1 ... 00 0.0 " 6.5 n/
.. ra.; i *n/al : Routine Maintelnance
.07,/21/13* .*Unit 2 lOW. 10 0...
.0* 6":*.
621 n/a-*'.., -n/*/ ;:Routine Maintenance.
0~i8/20/13* :Unit I i~SOW ;*i33,t1* 0: '.o*0 ":.3:* <
- 2.0!: <1.4*:i*A Rouitine Maintenan~ce
,..11/04/13 .. unit 2=lOW: 3,309. 0.0 ' 8.6;. n'.:!/a?:. . " .n./a . .Routine Mainte~nance
.*11/05/13* .unit 110!W: 3,326 0.0Q 8...84* n/ii:*iai..!: . n/a.: .Routine Maintenancel c.* Sample Analy~sislssues : .. :.
- 1. During the second quarter of 2013,. an i~sslue wa.s. identified thataffected! the .accrac;y of analaysis.
- .for *metals in :the monthly: samples from DiScharge 00.1 ,.and~quarterly samples *from 'the lntake. The.
iide.ntifie~d issuel impacts cne~d .over intol thethird quarter,. Oompensatory actions includied Semploying an= E LP-Certifled vendoliaboratory to analyz eor .re-analive Intak~e and Discharge 001
- samples: for corriparisori of the results. .The iroot cause o(f te issue was *identified during. method
- .:~optimization that wasperfo~rmed wt th.e a sistanice of a-.specialist from"the instrmrtent "
m anufacturer, Methodcs and. respect~ive pr~cedures were corrected, to p~revent recurrence. Vendor.
. " :~lab r~esults were averaged with fhe D~iablo OCanyon !labora~tor *analsis res~ults for* reporting duinH'g S"the :period affected. The pertinen~twvndor ;laboratory reports were. included as attachments in the
--respective 6-month;;median' results at isiicharge 0'01, wic.h* are the mos~t conservative d.* Exceedances ~ .i :."!.:. :i ii*i
' ':*1. O*n March 22, 2013,. a !I0-inutie injection sYStem itest (test) o*f-sodiumn ~hypochiorite (chlorine) and
.. '. .seawaiter .conduit chemical .tre'atm~ents do niot :occur. 'The *system test was run during unit: start-up*
- : ~activities .atlthe end *of-the 2R-17 refueliing outage, and immediately following r-eturnto service of
- . ~~~circulating .water pump 2-2.' The actilvity was,sinte~ndedto verifyaccTeptabl!e residual oxi~dant
,. . 6x20-minutes per *unit/cndUit daily treatment r;egime.(Reference Section 0.). Fobllowing a-test
.* " " ~~inje~ction,, the subsequent :routine treatmentj for the affected* unit- is tpicall~y skipped -toensuren~o.
more than; 2-hours of conduit chemical injection is completed duridng a.calendar day*.
- Following the -test injection, the next routine chemical. injection for Unit 2 was not skipped; whi*ch re*Sulted in 2-hours and
- 10-miinutes o*fconduitl t~reatment ;for Unit 2 during the, calendar day. This sUbsequently cUs.ed'*2-hous :and ,!O-miln~ues of detectable residual ox(idant,(chlorine) atthe
.. , *:i* =.,1~3 . , *..
Unit 2-oUtfal Ifor the same'calend~ar day. *This exceeded the 2-hou~rs per/day per/unit permint imitR for 001 discharge residual chlorine. *Exceedance of the detectable *total r~esidual chlorine (TRC) time-limit was discovered on. March f23, 201i3; and thle Central Coast Regional Water :Quality.
- Control Board was :subsequently notified via telephone messagel the Same day. Exceedanice of plant outfall residual chlorin~e concentration liimits: did not occur* as a result of th~e event.
Imm edia~te actiontstaken inclUded vedrficatiori'the~ chemical iojection system~s was functibningl normally,, a ndexceedance of the 2-hOUr detectable-chloidne limit for Unit 2 was not ca.used by systemf malfunction. SYstemf oiperabilityand functio~nality was confirmed satisfactory, and the:
S incident cause determined tO be an inadvertent, system operator :erro.r. An enhanced operator*
guide was placed on the local control panel .for the 'intake sodium =hypochlorite~and sodium bromide injection SYStem to reduce the pot e.ntial for recurrence o0f-a similar unit condUit treatment error.
Additional procedural guidance for system operations: was also developed and implemented.
12, Qn November'29, 2013, a value of 99-ppb for Tdtali Residual Chlorine (TRC*) was discovere'd onl
. ..the Unit~il outfall monitor for thie 00:00(midnight) ch~emical treatment cycle. The value resulitd in
.an exceedence of the 89-ppb calculated OceanPlian imirfit fo~r TRC discharge during a 20}-minute cooling water condUit chlorination treatment.: The. event was not an exceedence of the NPDES perit limit fo1r TRC of 200o-ppb' Regionali Water Quality control Board staff (von Langen) ws notified via voice-mail message .on the same day,. with~in thie 24-hour reporting reqUir'emtent.
An *event investfigation indicated cause of the high unit~i residual chlorine was occl'usion ~of an Sintake :chemicaltreatment system pump-skid injection line. T*rain-B of the intaike inJection system is usdatraeyt.eie ukclrn n rmn ceiast h - Ui )ad22(nt2
- *cooling water conduits. "l-li occlusion, 'identified :in the 2-2 conduit injectioni line, resUlted in
- . accuomulation of concentrated chemical in the shared 'upstream piping of 'pump skid Train-B,'and
- ! subsequent inadequate freshwater'flusho0f the piping fotllowng tihe 2-2;:conduit ch~iemicailtreatment c.onducted fat 21:001 on 11128113. The iaCcumulated ichemi~cal was then injected inito ;the 1-2. con~duit
- ..at the start'of the midnight ch1emical treatment forUnit 1', resulting in an initial significan~t.....
S concentr.ation of residual oxi~dant in the. seawater conduit, iand.subSequent TRC Spike; at the Unit *I outfa~ll. system: Train-B .injections were shut :down until ;the 2-2 line-was evaluated fand cleared.
Corrective actions incluided replacement ort!f an in-line chec~kvalve found to; be p~artially degraded,
- and :cleaning of the ch~emical line terminal injection port found oc~luded vWih chemical precip~itate.
e.e O:verflowRelease.,. : .. . . ..
i1.=:On August:8, 2013, it was discovieredl th*at thie-septic tank for pla~nt ~site Building-I123 was
.=*. overflowing, .andleffluent hlad miigrPated lacross* the a*djacent roadway and~ do*'*. he :emba~nkm~ent
- leading to the Plant intak~e Cove. The flow ofwater was stopped whien arunining toilet fou~nd inside
- .. the building was subsequent~ly shut-off*. ,An :es~tim~ate of 50-60..gallons of water may have reached
- the embankment leading to the Cove,. The volume of~waterwhich may have migrated through the ri.p-rap armor placed on the embankmen~t could :notbe estimaited, ,itis likely however that-all te-Swater was completely absorbed by th~e dry soils and fillimmiediately adjacentf the radway and
- RegiOnal Waiter QualityControl Boaird staff were: notified. the morning the spilI was. discovered.
Overall, :less than 1i,000 gallons-of Wateriimay have ov erfiowied the-septic tank .before-the ruinning
- fixture was shiut-o0ff, most being abso0rbed into the s.o~ilS. and: filldirectly beneath and ,adjace~ntthe'
'building.-'The efflujent r*elease~d ,was pibmarily cleain :fresh wat~eras the septic tank had been emptied two days prior to the event, and~the building has limited and infrequent use.. The toilet was evaluated and parts replacedi and si~gns h~ave been installed in :the buildin~g's bathrooms to.pr~mptl
.users-to.check all water use fixtures 'after :actuating *to help rduce the potential for inadvertent run-ons to the Septic tank. :No NPDES limits were edxceeded due~to :this event.
- f. Bypasses
- 1. O~n :Septemb~er 2:8, 2013,.:it was discover~ed that operation: of thbelUnit 2 lturbine bUi~lding sump .pump
- 2.2:-was causing leak-o~fffrom the pum~p shaft casing to splash over into th'e:.clean side. ofthe" sump, ireleasing .somfe wastewater overboard" prior to .normal ro;uting thr'ough the oily Water separator (OWS) system. *This was a.n inadvertent partial bypass for pathway 001F.* Based on
.operator rounds and system .monitorinig, it is..estimatedi that the splash over had occurred during sump pu~mp obperaitions fo)r up to two days:... ** ..
T*he sum*,system *pump~s routinely operate for approximhately, 20-miinutes 3-times each: operating Was *estimated at approximately 1-*gplm. Therefore, .the.maximum volume released overboard vtia '.
- the partial pathway bypas's .wasestim*ateld at 250-gallons.* !Following discovery of the .issue, c.hemistry samples wiere tken, 'and,dpump'2-2,was shut-down pending troubleshoot]ing and rep~air.:
-Samp~le anialyisis deter~mined .the effluent Tss .was 38.8 mg/I an~dO&G ~was negative. Regional
- Water* Quality Cotrol Board_ staff-wer~e notifed* of the event.the same day: itwas discovered*.
,Correctivte actions included repair of a degraded: pump discharge check *valve that was contributing' to a higher.thani no~rmala leak-off rate ifrom ithe Pump sh~aft casing, and adjustment* of the :shaft:
- casing pipe so th~at,leak-off ports would no0t be directed toward .the concrete :partition .which Sseparat~es the.clelan, side compartmenrt: of the 'sum p fro~m the dirt compartment . No NP*DES limits~
were exceeded for pathway~O01 F due to this event. -*
-B.. Monitoring of Receiving Water. -
1., E:ological Studies at Diablo0Canyon i""!...:*. ='
Marine ecological monitoring was continued dunng;2013under the* Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a :lette~r .frobm the. Cenra*l Coast Region~al *Water Qual'ity Contr~ol EBoar~d I(CCRWQCB): dated Decemnber 9,1998gS, a nd!as detailed in ailetter ro~m PG&E dated January 8, ,1:999 S(DCL-99-503), This program ilncludles tasks frm the Ecological Monitoring Program (EMP)iwith iadditional.
- stations antdincreasled sampling frequencies*.Thi's program replaces the EMP and theThermal Effects.
Monitoring Program :(TEMP). .several o0ne-year:-on~lytasks outlined in the above letters were completed in.
1;i999 ,and wer~e not requested to *be :performed ini201*3. Resultsof201*2 RWMPF data weresub~mi~tt~edtothe CCRWQCB on April 27,:2013. A table in Appendix 4.s~ummarizes.rquirements and ,completed :monitoring tasks for 20:13,*. .. .. ... .. .. . . . ..' . ,;
- 2. In.Siitu Bioassay.=::.. * .
Result-s of the Mussel Watch Program are reportedlto th~e CC*RWQCiBdirectly by the Californi~a Department of Fish: and 'Game (C*DF&G) in the agenicy's p~eriodic report for thiS program.
C. :SodiUm Brmrfide Treatment Program DCPP continued an integrated sodium bromide. anid. "foul' relea~se coating" strategy-to control macrobfouling :in
- the Circulating Water System i(cws). Both cir~culating water conduitS: of'each Unitfcani~be chemdically treated*
simultaneously. 'The treatment program. consists'of six 20-mihute injecUions: (at 4-hour initervals)o0f a blend =of generic sodiuml bromide and sodium hypochlorite inrto the plant seawater intake Conduits. EaCh injection!
- attempts :to: achiJeve a tar~get co~ncentration. of 200 parts per* blillion (ppb) Total Residu~al Ox<idalnt. (TRO) at'the
- inlet .waterbox of the main *steam condensers.. Disch*arge .TRO, measureld at the plant outfall, remained below NPDESS limitation*s With except Of a single eqlUipmentt related incident that ocurredin November (Refer~ence Section A.4.d*. exceedances Item. 2). Typically:,, discharge :TRO values, were between 20; ppb and.50 ppli; in conhjunctio-n with the cheimical trea~tment,, untreated plortions iof the CO~oling ~water system were previously"
- 5.-
six tlimes a.,dayofthroughou.t
!Bothi-condUits Unit I1were:thetreated with qiuarters first thr'ee simultaneous injections=
of 201:3 of sodium wi'th brief bromide interrptions and* sodium in Jnuary,i hypochiorite February, March, .
April,.:June, an~d September for main~tenance activities. The simultaneous treatmen*tcontinued during the !fourth quarter of 20'13 withan interrup~tiont at the end of October ifor a scheduled seawater tunnel cleaniing curtailment,.
- and one aldditional brief interruption in December for scheduled maintenance activities. I!n addition, injectons to the 1-2 conduit were secured, in: late N ovember and early Decem ber due to operational .oncerns wi*thth intake cemi~cal-syste~m equipment *(Referenc~e :Sectio~nA.A4d. ecce~edences: itemt 2).. ..
bothconduits of Unit2 were treated with simultaneous injections: ofsodium ibromide and: sodium hypochlorite
- six times a dayuthrough most of January with one brief interruption for maintentance activities. on Janruary 22,
- 2013 sodium bromide was terminated in .preParationfor the 2R17.refueling outage,;and at th*eend :o~f January the remarinin~g Unit 2 sodium ihypochloite injections*were.termin~ated. -Simultaneous injections of sodium hgypochlorite :and sodiUm bromide:were restored as eachl Unit: 2 circuLlatin~g wate~r pump wasrstored ito s.ervice ne~ar thie end of 2R:17 .(after mid-March). There were brief interruptions in: treatment: near the end of March,
.June, July, September, and Octber for mainte~nance -actvties. In addition,, injectons to the 2-2 conduit were
- secured late November and earlyDecember due to operational concernswith the intake chemical system.
,equipment (lReference.Secton A.4i.d:, exc~eedences item 2).*. ......
D.: Errata ':
Two :repo:rting errors* have been :identified!in the: e~lecbtro*nic' 4th quarter :20133discha~rge self-monitoring report:
...:(eSMR) ithat wa~s sublm~itted; via :CIWQS, The units :for analysis re.sultsofiAmmonia, Total :(as N) at; location~s
- M-00;1 and M-INF (only)-were incrrectly reported as HglL.. The correct units for both these results are* mglL.
Annual Discharge. Monitoring Report
.. iI: .- *i.ii.. ,*NPDES-DISCHARGE POINTSi:I_ ii. :'...i "
.. .... DISCHARGE NUMBER"""" .. ............. DESCRIPTION i..........
.... "... .. 001* .i ,,. i.".. . Once-Thoug~h Coolingi water ... i
.. . i ....... . .. 00.1.A . .i,. i .Firewater System si .*, ...
- ,i-.,... 001 OtB,... .... !:-.1 Auxiliary Salt Water Cooling System .
,.-:*:,i.i*.001'i 0]C : .. '.. : :--ii . _. ,. ...... iDischargeeD e~leted;,..i... ..
"" ' ... ... .. ..001 D " .. " ... , : :.... L iquid Radioactive W aste ...
____________________ Tr'eatment *System
.. i ..i,*. .i:_00.1 !E . i~: ,:... .iii~~!**.Service CoolingiW ater System :.i_
- ,.~z
- *": ... ....... 0.01 F ... ......... " '... ..... TUrbine Building :.Sum p " ,...
.. 001 G .... :."i*' Make-Up Water System Waste:
001. H CondenSate"Demineralizer......
..... i .... .......... ............
. . .. .. . . .. . .. ,. :* ... .. . . .. . . ..Re ge ne ra nt. ... . . . .. . .
..... -:" 00i1 ..... i* Seawvater Evaporaitor Blowdown:"
. ... ... 0 01 J :- '.... Condensate Pumps' Di~scharge*
................ :.... ,0!IKi*::! i ..... . ...H eader Overboard .........:.L
............. 001 K..... ...... ...... C:ondensri' Tub~e Sheet Le.ak.....
" ' " *.,i.
- Detection Dbump Tank Overboard
.01.. 0.....L.. i; Steam Generator BIoWdown
- . . "001 MI ....... "! Wastewater Holdinigan~d Treatmenit
_______" _______.. ________System ... ... ". ...... , -
0,.- N
'01 , .. iSanitary WastewaterTreatment; ..
" . .i:: . :i!* . iSystem 003 Intake Screen ....ah .
i.. :iii..i/
i .... *00".4 .. .Bio Lab and Stor~mWater Runoff ,
- ii 0015, 008, 009*, 013, 014, 0Q15:..*:* ~*i: .. Yard :Sto*rmDrains, 006,007,.0.10,
," , 01:1, , 0!2:., ::.
- i " Storm Watei~:, r Runoff .:..
.................... 0 16. ...... .... i~~i Bio L~ab Seawater Supply Pump '
.... ....... ..... ...... _______...._ "___ ValveD raini . ..
... . ....01.7 ' ..... :,::* ':.Se~awater.Reverse Os~mosis iSystem. .
. . . .... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. . ... . ... . . . I . . . . . . . ... .. .. ... . . . . . . . .. . .... .... ........ . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . I. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . ..
Annual Discliarge'Monitorirng Report APPENDIX 2
2013 Annual Summary Report on Dischtarge Monitoring
- at the Diablo Canyon Po0wer Planl:,::
.*.Month 1.1211.; low .-,-av! .- =-u~ i,.h. .low: ... avg:.o.- high .. ,_avg.- ....... .. lU~ow:. .-aVg
'JAN 55.7 5L8: 53.5 7*3.9* 70.1 :71.8 184 18.3s 2486 2486 2486.
'FEB. 3.54 50.6 -51.9 71.8 ,67.0) 70.1 18.6 1"8.1 2486 i1239: i1347 PR 54.9 ;48.8 "51.0 75.1 67.0 :695.3 18.4 =18.3 .486* 2i8*6 24186 JUL 5:6.3 51,7; 53.9 ;74.7 ... 62.5 7.50 :!8.7::16.6 ;2486* 1882. 2440'
- .AUG .55.8 53:.1 54.3 74.7 '7:1.7 -72.8; 19.0 1-8.6 2486 12486 .2486:
SE *6.4*
5~* 51.9' 54.-1 76.0 7.3 73.0 -19.6: 8.-,9* 2486 2486 *2486 NOV -57;9 54. 5s*6.2. ,76.5 728 74.8 18.8- 18.IiS6 248~6 .1891 2446
- DEC: 5*8.4 53.6: 55.4 '77.2 7/2.3 74*3. 1J9.3 :.g. ;2486 :2486: 2*486 T:he Influ~ent ad Effluent 'high" and. "iow" temperture valu.es correspond to thehfighest and lowetdaily gverge valuegforthatmonth, The Infinent high
- and low t .merture does nt necssri*rorespond to the same day as the :Effluent hfigh aid 10owemhperature for ]tha-ronth The "avg' temierature for Infiuent and Effluentis the averagefor the entire month. The Montl Det ¶ig" i"tehgeiDla o ajftemnhbsdo al vrg ilafluent and Emfuent temperature values. The, avg" tempieadtUre is calculated fromi Im*fment and Eflluent monthly avg valneS.. ".. ... ..
DISCHARGE 001 ....
., Month*. ...... b ~h .... low ,-. :..avg ..........
- - h'ih .. ] o. . .-avg..
- JAN 64 42 49 4 - " ,51,8 :283! 464.
-FEB .87 32 : :56 :230- 132 -,87 MAR ,79 :19 ,45 -. 4*75 :163 320 AP:,Rp 50' <10 28s 547, 432* '16
- MAY 57 S o<1 i35 648 418 .. 569.
JULN "41' 14
- 28 :576 1*97. 464
/JUL 43. <1!0 14 634: "475 -608.
"OCT 29 <10 15 ;662 ,250 581.
NOV 99 <10 24. 706; 504: 645
,includes :a time-based limit (iper,,the Ocean *Plan) ,whtichdepen~ds on th~e legth of the~resective chlrination cycie.
[ [ i I I I I I [ ll i l l I I
2013 Annual SummaryReport on Disch~ar ge Monitorinig Diablo Canyon Power Plantf
' ~DISCHARGE 001 ,
METALS(monthly aVg. ug/i) ":
SMonth ...... nfiuent. Effluitent. ........ Influent... iEffluent: ...... nfluenit i.Effluent
- I...fuluent. EfflUent IAN DNQ(7 :DNQ(7). DNQ(6) DNQ(6) DNQ(9). D!NQ(9) DN,(, ) ND(S
- FEB 11! 1*i0 ND(S*) : "'ND(S'). -DNQ(9)., :DNQ(8) N() NDS
- JUN ND(S ND,,(S)* ND(S)ii ND(S) <10- ;DNQ(.5). 4.9 36 JUL* ND(S). ND(S) DN.Q(6)I '.DNQ(5) " 10: ",DNQ(5). ND(S D*NQ(S)
- AuG ' DNQ(S) ND(S) .DNQ(4) DNQ(S). <10i !:DNQ(S) DNQ(S): DNQ(S)
OCT* ND(S) ND*(S) DNQ(9), ::DNQ(9). ND()*. ND*(S) ND(S)' ND(S)
DEC ND*(S), Ni'D(S) DNQ(7). DNQ(7)I ND(S) -ND3(S) ND(S) ND..(S) 6-month median limit:: .. '..... 10..
! " -,, ... * "l! ... .. .-. : .30." . . - .. 70 '.. .
be ~reported qUarterly. by permit. mlnfient zinc iS analyzed monthly anud reported. quar~terl!y, but only requir~ed a~nnually by permit (ug*) 6-Mo. Med.
,.' Parameter . ': Influent . ..Effluent .. ,Limit,
- admiiumf C .030:: .021
' .. Ci yauide . ND'(3):. ND(i3) 30:
):. ha
.df . DNQ(0.O0.0) ND(0.0.09) 1*0 er'cury::
M*.. DNQ(0.00027); DNQ(0,00023) "0.2
" .:' ,Silver ... ~ND(O.O0*t) ": D(0..004) " 2,.9
'Titanium: * :ND(0}.4)::' ', . ND(0.4) .none
- -" 'P."henalic Com.pound*s .i': .D(3.031)- ND(*.0;31) .150'
- . :.*'Pbenoiic.Compo(unds ':. N:*D(0.567)* ' ND(O.56) "10:
- Results foranialysis of
- 8target comnpound. 'The sum of the 8detectl0n limits Is3.&031.
. Month .'. .. Influent '..:...Emunent...,.
FEB .*.
.APR.. :DNQ(91)" ' DNQ(95).;
.:":JUL : .' :260-: . 24.1)
- AUG: :.. .:
- SEP .*
6-mouth' median" limit: 3,060 Page2of6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY pH (averages)
Discharge: 001 002 003 004 001 P Month Influent Effluent JAN 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.7 FEB 7.9 7.8 8.1 7.9 8.4 7.6 MAR 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.7 7.5 APR 8.1 8.1 7.8 8.0 8.2 7.8 MAY 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.6 JUN 7.8 7.8 7.7. 8.0 7.6 7.5 JUL 8.0 7.8 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.8 AUG 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.6 SEP 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.9
- 7.6 OCT 7.8 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.6 NOV 8.0 7.9 8.1 .8.0 8.1 7.7 DEC 8.0 8.0 . 8.1 8.1 8.1 7.7 DISCHARGE 00IF SUSPENDED GREASE & OIL (rag/I) SOLIDS (mg/I)
Month higlh ave high ave JAN 'ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
FEB ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MAR ND(1.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
APR ND(I.4) ND(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MAY ND(1.4) NID(1.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
JUN ND(I.4) ND(1.4) <5 <5 JUL ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
SEP <5.0 <5.0 10 10 OCT DNQ(2.I) DNQ(2.I) <5 <.5 NOV ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(2) ND(2)
DEC ND(1.4) NDII.4) 5 5 limit: 20 1S 100 30 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
DISCHARGE 001N (Monthly Summary of Weekly Data)
Month high 'low avg. high low ave high 'low avg JAN '5.0 ND(I.4) <5.0 15 5 9 IND(0.1 ) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
FEB 5.9 DNQ(l.8) <5.0 24 11 17 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
MAR <5.0 ND(l.4) <5.0 16 9 13 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
APR <5.0 NID(I.4) <5.0 15 *ND(3) 8 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
MAY DNQ(4.2) ND(I.4) DNQ(2.5) 17 4 10 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) "N D(0.1)
JUN DNQ(3.0) ND(I.4) DNQ(I.5) 22 5 14 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
JUL DNQ(I.5) ND(I.4) DNQ(1.4) 10 6 8 ND(0.1) ND(0.I) ND(0.1)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) 21 6 12 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
SEP DNQ(1.5) ND(1.4) DNQ(I.4) 26 6 16 ND(0.1) ND(0.1) ND(0.1)
OCT DNQ(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(I.4) 18 *4 9 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
NOV 18.7 NDOl.4) <5.0 16 6 11 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
... DEC DNO*I.5) NDf0.72} DNO(0.72) 4 .. ND(3) 3 DNO(0.11 DNO(0.1) DNQ(0.1) limit: 20 15I - 60 3.0 - 1.0 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily.Maximum limits.. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
Page3of 6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ugfh) 001D 0011 00L O 001F Month As Cd Cr Cu Ag Cd ,,Cr Cu Ag Cd Cr Cu As Cd Cr Cu JAN ND(S') ND(S) ND(S) 12 ND(S) ND(5) 46 44 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) NDt(S) ND(S) DNQ(9) DNQ(9)
FEB MAR APR ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(5) IS 36 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) 12 MAY JUN JUL ND(S) ND(S) "ND(S) *ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) 46 28 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 12 AUG SEP OCT ND(5) NDt(S) ND(S) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(S) 16 26 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S') ND(S) ND(S) 13 NOV DEC limit; none Note: G01D, 001H and 001L analyses performed on quarterly composites.
00IF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
DISCHARGE 0011D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/h) 00lD 001 H 001L 001F 1
Month Hq Ni Pb Zn Ha* Ni Pb Zn H , Ni Pb Zn Ha Ni Pb Zn JAN DNQ(0.079)DNQ(7) ND(S) 170 DNQ(0.13) 28 DNQ(5) 17 .DNQ(0.1I) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(0.12) 12 ND(S) 31 FEB MAR APR ND(0.05O) ND(S) ND(S) 90 ND(0.050) 12 DNQ(S) DNQ(6) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) 11 ND(S) 29 MAY JUN JUL DNQ(0.094) ND(S) ND(S) 33 ND(O.050) 21 <10 <10 ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) 29 AUG SEP OCT ND(O.050) ND(S) ND(5) 75 ND(0.050) 1S 12 DNQ(7) ND(0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.0S5) DNQ(7) 13 15 NOV DEC limit: none Note: 00lD, 001H and 001L analyses performed nn quarterly composites.
00lF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
Page4of 6
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Averages (rag/I)
Month 001D* 001G 00111 0011 0013 001K 001L O01M O01P 002 003 JAN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
FEB <5 DNQ(3) DNQ(3) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) 7 5 MAR <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) ND(2) 7 DNQ(O) 6 APR <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 18 DNQ(2) 5 MAY <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(3) <5 JUN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(3)
JUt <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(4) ND(2)
AUG <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 ND(2) DNQ(2)
SEP <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 DNQ(2) 6 OCT <5 ND(2) NqD(2) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(2) 17 NOV <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) <.5 <5 DNQ(3)
DEC <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 8 <5.
Limit: "30 30 30 30l 30 30 30 30
- 30 30
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Monthly averages are flow weighted.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and O001Kduring 2013.
Blank spots for other discharge points indicate that no discharge occurred during that particular month.
GREASE & OIL Averages by Month (mg/I)
.Month 001D* 001G 001H 001I O01J 001K 0OIL 001M 001P 002 003 004 JAN <5.0 ND(].4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4; FEB DNQ(2.9) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
MAR DNQ(3.9)
APR 5.9 ND)(14) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4; MAY <5.0 ND(1.4)
JUN DNQ(I.7) ND(1.4)
JUL <5.0 NI(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4*
AUG <5.0 "
SEP DNQ(4.2)
OCT <5.0 ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) -- ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4; NOV DNQ(4.7)
DEC ND(1.4) ND(I.4)
Limit: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Averages are flow weighted and calculated and reported monthly, though only required quarterly.
- Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2013.
Page5of 6
2013 Anniual Summary Report:on DischargeMonitoring at0the Diabi0.CanYon :Power Plant *.
(oxicity units, tu5 land tuj.
- cURoN~IC Test '6-Monthu Month. ... . Result . .. ,Median* . . . . ..... Result. q.......
- MAY+
J+) 0.00 0.00 1.:00:
- Thiis pari.meter is monitoreld for+theState Ocisa Planfinstead ofthe
.PDES Permit.t A vale of 1.0 indicates nochro+nic toxici~ty.
.Pairam~eter - ~ R lesult *" .... L~miti:
Percent Moistiure . .. .. :! i *...i .. . . .. None ...
- Totali!ieldahl Nitrogeni '+ "37000 mg/kig +None:.
Nitrate (N ' *D(1 80)/ Nonel+
TOtal Phosphorous ' :25000 mg/k, No*Ine
.Oilndcns . ND:;:(0.10) % Nmone
+Boron "' +'i+i0015+...+:mg/kg Nolne
.Ca.dmium :. +lmg/kg 1.0 "" 0XlSTLC Chromium .. 10 mg/k lox XSTL*C Nicke . .i+'].m*Ik
- 10XS
- TLC.
Nikel*ry : i mg/kg~o* : l.o!X STL Note..A'unuai sa mples werecolec¢+!ted ' n*0 tober... .. .......
- STL =+.Solu.e Th~resh*old Limit :Co.Cnce.ntriion Page 6of6
- *..-... + +.. . . * *. . . . . . . .. . , +. .+ + . , +, + .. , . .. ,. . . * . . . . -. * - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 INFLUENT Temperaur ('F) 90.0T 80.0+
70.0 60.0 A jBO.0 4 .1.
4 -
30.0 20.0 4 I-.--'
II. ;0.0 10.0 3(
0.0 -- A,,
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Flow (MOD) 3000 2500 a
~2000 11500 x i~ii
' I DEC DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Monthly D*t TC(F) 25 20
= _- - -- _-- a. ..
ii 15
- 10*
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Residual ug/I
--t-AmI 120 100 80 20 0 - I -I---" ; "
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the reporting limit.
DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine Used, pounds per day 900 800 700 L~J 600 a
~ 500 A.
~u C
400 200 100 0
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Coppgr(monthly average. up/I)
"--*p- n'a-uWmat'a" pemuq *. L I 12 10 8
4 2
04I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-mouth media. limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart (this is also the analytical reporting limit).
The daffy maximum Hlmt for Coplper is 50 ug/l.
DISCHARGE 001 Nickel (monthly average,uglI) 35 F m m Il B
--. I- Oisacau. Pevnk Limt 25
-.--- B *LeM 20+
- 15.
10 A A 5.
0 I A A Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2013 Note: The unalyte was not detected at or above the detection Hlmt for values plotted at zero, The 6-month median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart.
The daily maximum limut for Nickel is 100 ugil.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Zinc (monthly average, ug/h) 80 60 -,0- ogfhanine* m 50
-- 4--A akciRaahgUn 30 20 m
I-0JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001 Chromium (monthly average, ug#I) 18 16 -ga..1Mam and A*~~a Rapambi LbS 12" 14t'
- f - --
6 2
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-month median limit and the analytical reporting limit are the same ( 10 ug/l) and are plotted on this chart.
The daily maximunm limit for chromium Is 40 ug/L. February and March chromium results were affected by an analytical method Issue described In, Summary of Monitoring Program section A.4.c.l.
These reslts did not cause esceedances of the 6-month median limit or the daily maximum limit.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant pH 8.6 I
7,0JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN I*;*I JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Several data points on this chart overlap.
Discharge 001ug/I)
Ammonia (as N, 150O*
2600 { - 6-orth Medl-s LIR II
'9 1000 "
I I!I a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
lafluent and Eftluent values overlap at three points on this plot.
Page6of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE O01F 05£&Grease (Maximum, ragI) 25.0 20.0 15.0 (
0 & L&*
m L, 10.0 -
5.0 '
- T V* T 0.0.) . " . V"
" t I *.
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection lUmit.
DISCHARGE 001F Suspended Solids (Maximum, mg/I) 120 t00 80+ -- ikdby.vwm. U.m*
I IIII ] f I *h 60 40+
. . . . . . . * . A A II JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Maximum values are plotted.
Page 7 of'1.5 I
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant I
DISCHARGE O01N . ,..u Oil 8 Grease (mg/I)-..-, m,,
25 -----Avwap 20~y~d -- UJ 15I Sm m i ol mm *m-0 ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Daily minahnm and monthly average values overlap at eight points on this plot DISCHARGE 001N *l Suspended Solids (mgdl) .,- d 70 Am, E*o 10""¢ 0 iii**,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Note: There is no limit for daily maximum values. The average values are below the monthly average Minkt.
DISCHARGE 001N Seffleable Solids (rmi/)
2.5 -r- mymmn*Lm 0.5 0 , -- -A -- -A -- A- A A- -
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Valnes plotted at zero were below the detection Ilnilt High, average, and low values overlap at twelve points on this plot PageS4 ofi15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diabio Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D IucsdmIu Quaredy Metl (ugd) 25 Iulvnfm 10 15 10 JAN APR MAY JUN
¸2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001D QuadmrfyM Mtals (ug/d) 180 160 140 IL~I Imlinci 120 L~r+/-~i 60 n
APR MAY JUN 2013 JUL AUG SEP OCT Note: The anolyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
1NOV DEC Page 9 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001F Queftefy Metals (asgjI 10 9
8 Iucadmml 7 IwtrIiiwnIm 6 IL~oiu 4
3 2
t 0
JAN FEB MIAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The sualyte was not detected at or above the detectloa limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001F QuartellyMetals (ug/l) 60 lu iia lls 40 FIW 30 20 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note:The anlyte was not detected ator above the detection limit for values plotted atzero.
Page 1lofl15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001H QuarterlyMetals (ug7)
! !~
!~amhm 45 l~bonam 40 35 30
- ,20 15 10 5
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 NOte: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection Hlmt for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001H QuarterlyMetals (ug/1) 30 T 25 ENickall ULead 20 L!~J 10 -
5-0-I DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 2013 Note: The amalyte was not detected at or above the detection Uimit for values plotted at zero.
Page 11 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 0011 20 18 16 14 12 8~
6 4.
2 0
- The amalyte was not detected at or above the detection Eimit for valnes plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001L Quwley Meal (ugtJ 14-12-10 S8 .
2 0 I I I 1 I I I I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above She detection limit for iraluar plotted at zero.
Page12 of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS so (Average, m g/)
30 --- - --- -- " m - .
20 -- *-- w10
~16 m 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
35 25 -..- u~d ** ~
S20 .*-m 10 5
0 -A -A * . ., * *.
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOUIDS 35-- -- Arq L (0 &0) 300t 25---w 20 10 0
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection Hlmt.
Page13of 15
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mgIJ 16 14 12 ieIm 10 mwiH 6
4 2
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection n~mitL Less than values are plotted at the value.
QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Average, mg.4)/
16 14 12 10 -'elM 4
2 0- - I- I. .. --
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection Ulmit QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE
- UU U U
( Average, mg/I 16 14 12 m 10 1 N I 4
2 0 I ! I I I I ' I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
2013 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY (6-Month Median) 6.00-5.00 24.00
-..- S-.o Heis Ac. Limt
.,3.oo "R2.00 l1.oo 0.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2013 Page 15 ofl15
Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 4
OF RWMP MONITORING FOR 2013 RWMP 1st Survey 2nd Survey 3rd Survey 4th Survey Stations/ Completion Completion Completion Completion Study Surveys Stations/ Stations! Stations! Stations!
per Year Dates Dates Dates Dates Horizontal Band Transects 14 I 4x Mar 08 Jun 13 Sep 18 Dec 16 Vertical Band Transects 5 I 4x Feb 08 May'29 Aug 21 Dec 06 Benthic Stations 8/I4x Mar 19 May 10 Aug 28 Nov 25 Fish Observation Transects 12 I 4x Mar 29 Jun 25 Sep 11 Dec 09 Bull Kelp Census .*/lx n/a n/a n/a Oct 17 Temperature Monitoring 24 / ** Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec
- Diablo Cove census.
- Temperature measured throughout the year at 20 minute intervals (14 intertidal and 10 subtidal stations).
aElectric SPacific Gas and 5 Company Diablo Canyon Power Plant R.a. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 Electronic CIWQS WebSubmission Application February 26, 2015 California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central Coast Region Attn: Monitoring and Reporting Review Section 895 Aerovista, Suite #101 San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 1-7906 In accordance with Order 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751, the 2014 Annual Report on Discharge Self-Monitoring at Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) is provided. This letter, and accompanying annual data summary tables and data plots, are attached to the ClWQS application submittal (eSMR). Annual State DMR Forms are additionally incorporated in the CIWQS electronic data submittal (eDMR).
Facility Name: Diablo Canyon Power Plant Address: P.O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Person: Bryan K. Cunningham Job
Supervisor, Environmental Operations phone Number: (805) 545-4439 WDRINPDES Order Number: Order No. 90-09, NPDES No. CA0003751 Type of Report: .(check one) QUARTERLY ANNUAL 0] IEI Quarter: (check one): let 2 nd 3 rd 4th
[] [] 0]
Year: 2014 (Annual Reports for DCPP are Jan-Dec)
Violation(s) (Place an X by the appropriate choice): [] No (there are no violations to report) El Yes Note: Reference "Review of compliance Record and Corrective Actions" Section
PG&E Letter DCL-201 5-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 2 If Yes is marked (complete a-g):
a) Parameter(s) in.Violation:
b) Section(s) of WDR/NPDES Violated:
c) Reported Value(s) d) WDR/NPDES Limit/Condition:
e) Dates of Violation(s) (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(reference page of report/data
f) Explanation of Cause(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed) g) Corrective Action(s): (If "YES", see overview section of attached report)
(attach additional information as needed)
PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 3 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. The results of the influent and effluent monitoring presented are the observed results of the measurements and analyses required by the monitoring program, and is neither an assertion of the adequacy of any instrument reading or analytical result, nor an endorsement of the appropriateness of any analytical or measurement procedure. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
If you have any questions or concerns, or require additional information, please contact Bryan Cunningham at (805) 545-4439.
Sincerely, Name: Kenneth W. cortese
Manager, Chiemistry and Environmental Operations- Diablo Canyon Power Plant 201 5505/j1kbkc
PG&E Letter DCL-2015-505 CRWQCB Central Coast Region February 26, 2015 Page 4 cc: Hardcopy Print-Out of ClWQS Application Submittal:
Thomas Hip schman Senior Resident Inspector U.S: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Diablo Canyon Power Plant 104/5 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX "76011-4125 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-000
CIWQS Web Application Submittal Print Out and Attached Supporting Documents eSMR PDF Report Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 Summary: Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 submitted by Kenneth Cortese (No Title) on 02/26/2015.
Facility Name: PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Order Number: R3-1990-0009 Waterboard Office:Reg on 3 - Central Coast Case Worker: Peter Von Langen Report Effective Dates: 01101/2014 - 12/31/2014 NO Discharge Periods 3ablo M-001 3iablo M-001D liablo M-001F jiablo M-001G liablo M-001H jiablo M-001l 31/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 ;lent Seawater Evaporators no longer in
liablo M-001J____________ _________________
liablo M-001K 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 *lant Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection
____________________ump Tank no longer inlservice.
3ablo M-001L liablo M-001M liablo M-O01N liablo MV-O1IP liablo M-002 Eia blo M-003 E)ablo M-004 liablo M-005
-ablo M-008 iablo M-O09 liablo M-013 liablo M-015 li~ablo M-016 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 ]io Lab Seawater Supply Line Valve Box not rained during 2014. No effuent
__________________________________________________________________________________ ______________i____ harched.d iablo M-017 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 *eawater RO System Blowdown Line not
_____________________________________________________________ ___irained___d__in___raine4duDios201.rDishargerareluuse liablo M-INF Self-Determined Violations No Violations Entered Attachments Page 1 of 3
Attachment 1 - 2014 DCPP Annual Report Overview Section.pdf 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at 02/26/2015 109604 byt~es'
__________________________________________Diablo Canyon Power Plant Attachment 2 - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-i NPDES D)CPP NPDES Permit Order 90-09 Discharge Points Table 02/26/2015 60764 bytes Discharaes.pdf - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-2 Tabular Data. Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring 02/26/2015 140549 bytes pdf _________________________
Attachment 4 - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt Appendix-3 Graphical Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring 02/26/2015 491739 bytes Data.pdf - 2014 DCPP Annual Rpt AppendixT4 RWMP Summary of Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) 02/26/2015 70242 bytes Summary.pdf Activities___________ __________
Cover Letter (Uploaded File)
PEDCL2015505 2014 NPDES Annual Discharge Monitoring Report.pdf ... 02/26/2015 746747 bytes Data Summary Analytical Results No Analytical Data Measurements Available / Reported Calculated Values No Calculated Data Measurements Available / Reported Certificate I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
I certify that I am Kenneth Cortese and am authorized to submit this report on behalf of PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant. I understand that I am submitting the following report(s):
- Annual SMR ( MONNPDES ) report for 2014 (due 02/28/2015)
I understand that data submitted In this report(s) can be used by authorized agencies for water quality management related analyses and enforcement actions, if required.
I am also aware that my user ID, password, and answer to a challenge question constitute my electronic signature and any information I Page 2 of 3
Indicate I am signature.
handwritten electronically certifying I certify that I contains have not my signature.
violated I understand any term that mySignature in my Electronic electronicAgreement signature isand thethat legal equivalent I am of without otherwise my any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my password and challenge question answers have been compromised now or at any time prior to this submission. I understand that this attestation of fact pertains to the implementation, oversight, and enforcement of a federal environmental program and must be true to the best of my knowledge.
Name: Kenneth Cortese
No Title Page 3 of 3
PG&E Letter No. DCL-2015-505 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OVERVIEW 1
OF MONITORING PROGRAM 1 A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent 1
- 1. Monitoring Data 1
- 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual 1
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance 2
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions 2 B. Monitoring of Receiv ing Water3
- 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon 3
- 2. In-Situ Bioassay 4 C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program 4 D. Errata 4 APPENDICES Appendix 1 - NPDES Discharge Points Appendix 2 - Tabular Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 3 - Graphical Summaries of Influent and Effluent Monitoring Appendix 4,- Summary of RWMP Monitoring for 2014
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant OVERVIEW This annual summary report follows the format used in quarterly monitoring reports. Analytical results below the respective analytical detection limit (ND or non-detect) are plotted as a "zero" value in accordance with ELAP guidance. Results between the analytical detection limit and reporting (quantitation) limits are plotted at the value and shown as 'DNO' in the tabular summaries as is done for CIWQS reports. Less-than results are typically reported to express an average of values that include non-detects and at least one result greater than the respective reporting limit (RL). These less-than results are plotted conservatively at the RL. During 2014, discharges occurred from all discharge paths except 0011, 001K, 016, and 017.
California Ocean Plan Table B]substances that were not analyzed for have not been added to the discharge stream. The substances listed in Table B in the California Ocean Plan were each analyzed for and reported in the permit renewal application and application updates for Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) submitted in October 1994, January 2001, and April 2011. There have been no changes in activities conducted at the plant that would have significantly affected the results previously reported in the above referenced documents.
OF MONITORING PROGRAM A. Monitoring of Plant Influent and Effluent
- 1. Monitoring Data
- a. Appendix 1 provides a list of discharge path names for ease of reference. Appendix 2 contains monitoring data in tabular form. Appendix 3 contains monitoring data in graphical form.
- b. Annual oil and grease analyses were performed in October on Stormwater/Yard Drain Discharges 005, 008, 009, 013, and 015. Results are listed below. No discharges that resulted in adequate sample quantities occurred from pathway 016, and no discharge occurred from pathway 017 during 2014.
005 DNQ(2.6) mg/I 008 non-detect - ND(1 .4 mg/I) 009 DNQ(2.5) mg/I 013 non-detect - ND(1.4 mg/I) 015 non-detect - ND(1.4 mg/I)
- c. In October, Discharge 001 D (Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System) annual grab samples for lithium, boron, and hydrazine were collected and analyzed. The results were ND(0.050 mg/I), 273 mg/I, and ND(0.003) mag/I, respectively.
- 2. Facility Operating and Maintenance Manual Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) maintains a multiple volume Plant Manual at DCPP that contains procedures used for operation and maintenance activities at the plant, including those activities that relate to wastewater handling, treatment, sampling, analysis and discharge.
Plant procedures are prepared and reviewed by DCPP Staff and approved by Plant Management. The facility conducts biennial internal audits that review NPDES procedures contained in the plant manual, as
- well as procedure implementation adherence by responsible workgroups. Ongoing reviews of plant procedures are conducted to assure that the manual remains valid, current, and complete for the facility.
- 3. Laboratories Used to Monitor Compliance The following laboratories were used during 2014 for monitoring compliance. The laboratories are certified by appropriate agencies for the. tests/analyses performed. As part of the on-going annual certification process, these laboratories take part in annual performance evaluation testing.
- a. PG&E Chemistry Laboratory, DCPP, Avila Beach, California (EPA Lab # CA01 036)
- b. Aquatic Bioassay Consulting Laboratories, Ventura, California (EPA Lab # cA01907)
- c. ALS Environmental (formerly Columbia Analytical Services), Kelso, Washington (EPA Lab # WA00035)
- e. Abalone Coast Analytical, San Luis Obispo, California (EPA Lab # CA02661)
- f. E. S. Babcock & Sons, Inc., Environmental Laboratories, Riverside, California (EPA Lab # CA001 02)
- g. BSK Associates, Fresno, California (EPA Lab # CA00079)
- 4. Review of Compliance Record and Corrective Actions a: Circulating Water Chlorination/Bromination Monitoring The 2,014 quarterly NPDES reports discuss chlorination cycles when discharge monitoring was interrupted. These events are listed below, with brief descriptions of the cause and respective corrective action. When these monitoring interruptions occurred, engineering evaluations were performed (as approved by the CCRWQCB January 13, 1994; PG&E Letter No. DCL-94-002).
Descriptions of these evaluations are included in the respective quarterly reports as applicable.
The evaluations concluded that discharge chlorine limits were not exceeded during these events.
Unit and Number ofj Date Readings Affected jCause Corrective Action 03/11114 to Unit I Faulted circuit board 03/19/14 13 Readings in discharge monitor.Cictborreled 04/07/14 to Unit 2Losapefo.Fwrsted 04108/14 5 ReadingsLosapefw.Fwrsted 05/14/14 to Unit 2 Quality control check result > Monitor calibrated.
05/21/14 0 Readings upper acceptance limit.
07/21/14 to Unit 2 Monitor upper flow Flow block replaced and monitor 08/01/14 30 Readings block biofouling. recalibrated.
07/3014 to Unit 1 Monitor upper flow Flow block replaced and monitor 08/06/14 7 Readings block biofouling. recalibrated.
7 10/15/14 to Unit 1 Monitor sample valve 10/16/14 6 Readings inadvertently mispositioned Valve repositioned.
11/17/14 to Unit 2 Moio apefo sltd Temperature element mount 11/20/14 21 Readings during repair of temperature repair completed.
element mount in same pipe.______________
11/26/14 to Unit 2 Mntroe-epnig oio eairtd 12/03/14 0 Readings Mntroe-epnig oio eairtd 2
- b. Closed Cooling Water Releases During 2014,and performed, maintenance activities are summarized that required below. PG&E receiveddrainingconcurrence of closed cooling water from the systems were CCRWQCB in response to letters dated July 19, 1995 (PG&E Letter DCL-95-156), May 23, 1996 (PG&E Letter DCL-96-522), and May 19, 1997 (PG&E Letter DCL-97-533) regarding the use of glutaraldehyde and isothiazolin to control microbiological growth and corrosion in DCPP's freshwater closed cooling water systems. Any drainage from these systems is discharged at a flow-rate such that the chronic toxicity level is below the "No Observable Effect Concentration" (NOEC) at NPDES Discharge 001.
The volumes of cooling water drained in 2014 from the component cooling water (CCW), service cooling water (SCW), and intake cooling water (ICW) systems are presented below. The*
glutaraldehyde (Glut) and isothiazoline (Iso) concentrations presented in the table are system concentrations, not concentrations at the point of discharge to receiving water. The dates/drain-events highlighted with an asterisk (*) Were inadvertently omitted from the table provided in the 1st Quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report, and is listed in the Errata section of this rep*ort.
Volume Date SysemnTota Glut Iso Ttl Ol&Reason Grels& &
at Sytm (gallons) (rag/I) (mg/I) SusenddeGeas
_________ _________ _____Solids (mgll) .(mgf,), Cmet 01/08/14 Unit 2 SCW 50 0.0 8.2 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 01/21/14 (*) Unit 2SCW 33,110 0.0 8.2 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 02/08114 Unit I ICW 1,;150 0.0 2.8 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 02/11/114 Unit I SCW 9,500 0.0 7.2 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 02/14/14 Unit 1 CCW 831 174 0.0 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 02/25/14 (*) Unit 1 CCW 25 n/a n/a 164 - n/a Routine Maintenance 04/115/14 Unit 1 ICW* 14 0.0 1.9 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 04/15/14 unit 2 lCW 14 0.0 1.8 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 04/16/14 Unit I CCW 3,800 153 0.0 < 2.0 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 05/14/14 Unit I SCW 550 0.0 8.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 06/08/14 Unit I ICW 14 0.0 1.6 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 06/24/14 Unit 1 SCW 33,100 0.0 8.3 < 2.0 Negative Routine Maintenance 10/08/14 Unit 2 SCW 5,100 0.0 7.9 6.5 < 1.4 Routine Maintenance 10/16/14 Unit 1 SCW 10 0.0 6.9 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance 11/09/14 Unit 2 lCW 3,321 0.0 6.5 n/a n/a Routine Maintenance
- c. Sample Analysis Issues
- 1. One sample taken for the 2014 second quarter was mistakenly incorporated into the third quarter metals composite sample for Discharge 001 H. This unused sample aliquot from the Unit I Condensate Regeneration System obtained on 06/24/14 was inadvertently added to the discharge pathway composite being prepared for third quarter analysis. The presence of this sample aliquot in the 001 H composite is reflected on the ClWQS application submittal Attachment 1 Worksheet I for Unit 1 Location 001 H. It is unlikely the single inadvertently added aliquot significantly impacted the composite sample metals constituent analysis.
B. Monitoring of Receiving Water
- 1. Ecological Studies at Diablo Canyon Marine ecological monitoring was continued during 2014 under the Receiving Water Monitoring Program (RWMP) as requested in a letter from the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) dated December 9, 1998, and as detailed in a letter from PG&E dated January 8, 1999 3
(DCL-99-503). This program stations and increased includes sampling tasks from frequencies. Thisthe Ecological program Monitoring replaces Program the EMP (EMP) and the with Effects Thermal additional Monitoring Program (TEMP). Several one-year-only tasks outlined in the above letters were completed in 1999 and were not requested to be performed in 2014. Results of 2013 RWMP data were submitted to the CCRWQCB on April 29, 2014. A table in Appendix 4 summarizes requirements and completed monitoring tasks for 2014.
- 2. In Situ Bioassay Results of the Mussel Watch Program are reported to the CCRWQCB directly by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDF&W) in the agency's periodic report for this program.
C. Sodium Bromide Treatment Program DCPP continued an integrated sodium bromide and "foul release coating" strategy to control macrofouling in the Circulating Water System (CWS). Both circulating water conduits of each Unit can be chemically treated simultaneously. For the first half of 2014, the treatment program consisted of six 20-minute injections (at 4-hour intervals) of a blend of generic sodium bromide and sodium hypochiorite into the plant seawater intake conduits. In July 2014, DCPP returned to the use of a proprietary NALCO sodium bromide mix (Acti-Brom) to replace the generic sodium bromide to enhance marine biofouling control effectiveness. Each injection attempts to achieve a target concentration of 300 parts per billion (ppb) Total Residual Oxidant (TRO) at the inlet waterbox of the main steam condensers. Discharge TRO, measured at the plant outfall, remained below NPDES limitations. Typically, discharge TRO values during treatment were between 20 ppb and 50 ppb.
In conjunction with the chemical treatment, untreated portions of the cooling water system were previously painted with a non-toxic "foul release coating" to reduce or prevent attachment of fouling organisms.
Both conduits of Unit 1 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a dlay through January with a brief interruption for maintenance activities. Unit 1 injections were secured in early February for the scheduled 1R18 unit refueling and maintenance outage. Simultaneous
- injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite were'restarted in mid-March, and continued through June 2014 with brief interruptions in late March, and May for maintenance activities. Biofoufing treatment continued with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite from July through the remainder of 2014 with brief interruptions in August, and October for equipment maintenance activities. Injections were also secured in early December for several days for a Unit 1 tunnel cleaning.
- Both conduits of Unit 2 were treated with simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite six times a clay through most of the first half of 2014. Injections were shut down for several days in January for a scheduled seawater conduit cleaning. Simultaneous injections of sodium bromide and sodium hypochlorite resumed after the cleaning and continued through June with brief interruptions in February, March, and May due to maintenance activities. Biofouling treatment continued with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite from July through August with two brief interruptions in August for maintenance activities.
Acti-Brom injections were secured in mid-September in anticipation of the scheduled 2R1 8 unit refueling and maintenance outage. Sodium hypochlorite injections continued through the remainder of September for microfouling control in the Unit 2 main steam condenser. Unit 2 chemical injections were secured from early
'October to early November for the 2R1 8 refueling outage. Both conduits of Unit 2 were treated with simultaneous injections of Acti-Brom and sodium hypochlorite six times a day from early November throughout the remainder of 2014, with one brief interruption in early December for equipment maintenance activities.
D. Errata Three quarterly r'eporting errors have been identified while compiling and verifying data for this annual report.
In the 1 st quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report in the Overview section, item 3, a Unit 2 SCW closed cooling system drain/release on January 21, 2014 was inadvertently left out. The data is included in the summary table above. The amount of wastewater released was 33,110 gallons.
In the ist quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report in the Overview section, item 3, a Unit 1 CCW closed cooling system drainlrelease on February 25, 2014 was inadvertently left out. The data is included in the summary table above. The amount of wastewater released was 25 gallons.
In the 4th quarter 2014 discharge self-monitoring report (eSMR) that was submitted via ClWQS, the annual result for 001 N chromium was inadvertently left out of the data tables. However, the data was incorporated in of the same report. The value was 6.2 mg/kg.
Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 1 DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT NPDES DISCHARGE POINTS DISCHARGE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 001 Once-Though Cooling Water 001 A Firewater Systems 001 B Auxiliar Salt Water Cooling System 001 C Discharge Deleted 001 D Liquid Radioactive Waste 001 E Service Cooling Water System 001 F Turbine Building Sump .
001 G Make-Up Water System Waste 001 H "Condensate Demineralizer Regenerant 001 I Seawater Evaporator Blowdown 001 J Condensate Pumps Discharge Header Overboard 001 K Condenser Tube Sheet Leak Detection Dump Tank Overboard 001 L Steam Generator Blowdown 001 M Wastewater Holding and Treatment System 001 N Sanitary Wastewater Treatment System 001 P Seawater Reverse Osmosis System Blowdown 002 Intake Structure Building Floor Drains 003 Intake Screen Wash 004 Bio Lab and Storm Water Runoff 005, 008, 009, 013, 014, 015 Yard Storm Drains 006, 007, 010, 011, 012 Storm Water Runoff 016 Bio Lab Seawater Supply Pump
___________________________Valve Drain 017 Seawater Reverse Osmosis System
_________________________Blowdown Drain
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 TEMPERATURE (DEG F) FLOW (MGD)
INFLUENT EFFLUENT DELTA T Month high low avg high low avg hiigh avg high low avg JAN 57.7 54.6 56.1 76.1 72.9 74.8 19.5 18.7 2486 1862 2398 FEB 55.6 52.2 54.0 73.2 63.1 70.5 18.4 16.5 2486 1279 1571 M*AR 56.7 52.3 54.6 75.4 63.5 69.9 19.1 15.3 2486 1279 1929 APR 53.6 50.0 51.5 71.8 68.3 69.8 18.4 18.3 2486 2486 2486 MAY 53.9 49.2 51.5 72.1 65.7 69.6 18.4 18.2 2486 2486 2486 JUN 54.9 51.5 53.1 73.4 66.8 71.4 18.6 18.3 2486 2486 2486 JUL 59.8 53.6 56.8 79.0 72.4 75.5 19.4 18.7 2486 2486 2486 AUG 59.9 54.7 57.2 79.0 66.0 74.8 19.4 17.6 2486 1937 2449 SEP 59.4 55.2 57.5 78.3 70.7 76.3 19.7 18.7 2486 2486 2486 OCT 66.4 56.5 61.0 84.8 74.5 79.5 19.2 18.5 2486 1239 1417 NOV 61.8 59.1 59.9 79.7 73.4 77.4 19.0 17.5 2486 1471 2313 DEC 63.8 57.0 61.4 82.8 67.3 79.3 19.0 17.8 2486 1862 2392 limit: -- 22 2760 The Influent and Effluent "high" and "low" temperture values correspond to the highest and lowest daily average value for that month. The Influeut high and low temperature does not necessarily correspond to the same day as the Effluent high and low temperature for that month. The "avg" temperature for Influent and Effluent is the average for the entire month. The Monthly Delta T "high" is the highest Delta T for a day of the month based on daily average Influent and Effluent temperature values. The "avg" temperature is calculated from Intluent and Effluent monthly avg values.
Month high low avg high low avg JAN 39 0 24 576 0 504 FEB 68 <20 37 576 240 301 MAR 60 <20 35 533 228 403 APR 41 18 30 576 504 546 MAkY 42 <10 22 634 262 562 JUN 35 15 22 677 590 638 JUL 35 <10 7 763 619 716 AUG 35 <10 21 864 598 776 SEP 51 15 25 850 691 773 OCT 48 <10 24 691 312 394 NOV 64 <10 38 720 374 627 DEC 55 16 27 749 180 652 Note: The residual chlorine limits in Permit CA0003751, Order 90-09, is an instantaneous max of 200 ug/1, and includes a time-based limit (per the Ocean Plan) which depends on the length of the respective chlorination cycle.
Page 1 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring" at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 METALS (monthly avg. ug/I)
CHROMIUM COPPER NICKEL *ZINC Month Influent Effluent ' nfluent ,'Effluent Influent Effluent Influent Effluent JAN ND3(5) NI)(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(6) N1D(5) ND(5) ND(S) NB(S)
FEB ND(5) ND(S) *DNQ(8) DNQ(6) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S), ND(5)
MAR ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(7) DNQ(7) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S)
APR ND(5) ND(5) DNQ(9) *DNQ(9) ND(5) ND(S) ND(5) DNQ(7)
MA*Y ND(S) ND(S) BNQ(7) BNQ(6) ND(5) N'D(S) ND(S) NB(.S)
JUN ND(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) DNQ(5) ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) ND(5)
JUL ND(5) ND(S) DNQ(8) DNQ(7) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(S)
AUG ND(S) NP(S) DNQ(6) DNQ(6) ND(5) ND(5) ND(5) ND(S)
OCT ND)(S) ND(S) DNQ(5) ND)(S) ND)(S) ND)(S) 10 ND(S)
NOV ND(S) ND(5) DNQ(6) DNQ(5) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) ND(S)
DEC ND)(S) ND(S) DNQ(7) DNQ(7) ND(S) ND(S) ND)(S) ND(S) 6-month median limit: 10 - 10 - 30 -70 Note: Influent results presented only for comparison to effluent. Influent Cr, Cu, Ni, are analyzed monthly, but are only required to be reported quarterly by permit. Influent zinc is analyzed monthly and reported quarterly, hut only required annually by permit.
~(ug/h) 6-Mo. Med.
Effluent Parameter In fluent Effluent Limit Arsenic 1.40 1.40 30 Cadmium 0.032 0.036 10 Cyanide ND(0.9) ND(0.9) 30 Lead 0.097 0.098 10 Mercury 0.00072 0.00074 0.2 Silver DNQ(0.006) DNQ(0.007) 2.9 Titanium 5.1 3.6 - none
- Phenolic Compounds ND(3.031) ND(3.031) 150 (non-chlorinated)
- Phenolic Compounds ND(0.567) ND(0.567) 10 (chlorinated)
- PCB's NlD(O.0679) ND(0.391) none
- Results for analysis of 8 target compounds. The sum of the 8 detection limits is 3.031.
- Results for analysis of 6 target compounds. The suns of the 6 detection limits is 0.567.
- Detection limits shown~are the sum of individual detection limits for 7 target compounds.
.AMMONIA (as N) (ug'i)
,Month Influent Effluent JAN 120 130' FEB MAR APR 240 .210 MAY JUN JUL DNQ(61) DNQ(63)
AUG SEP OCT 250 260 NOV DEC 6-month median limit: 3,060 Page2of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY pH (averages)
Discharge: 001 002 003 004 001P Month lfment m Effluent JAN 8.0 8,0 8.0 8.0 8.1 7.8 FEB 8.0 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.8 MAR 7.9 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.9
.APR 8.0 8.0 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.7.
MAY 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.8 7.8 JUN 8.1 8.1 8.0 7.9 7,9 7.7 JUL 7.9 7.8 8.2 8.2 8.1 7.8 AUG 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 8,0 7.7 SEP 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.7 OCT 8.0 8.1 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.7 NOV 8.0 - 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.8 DEC 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.0 8,1 7.7 DISCHARGE 001F SUSPENDED OIL & GREASE (mg/I) SOLIDS (rag/I)
Mot , igh av high avo JAN ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
FEB DNQ(3.3) DNQ(3.3) DNQ(4) DNQ(4)
MAR ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
.APR ND(l.4) ND(l.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
MAY ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
JUN ND(1.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
JUL DNQ(I.4) DNQ(1.4). ND(2) ND(2)
AUG ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(3) DNQ(3)
SEP ND(L.4) ND(I.4) ND(2) ND(2)
OCT ND(I.4) ND(I.4) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
NOV DNQ(2.4) DNQ(2.4) DNQ(4) DNQ(4)
DEC ND(l.4) ND(Il. 1 DN!2) , DNO(2'l limit:. 20 15 100 30 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
DISCHARGE OO1N (Monthly Summary of Weekly Data)
Month high low avg high low avg high low avg JAN DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0o72) 12 DNQ(3) 6 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
FEB DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 33 ND(2.57) 13 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
MAR DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0,72) 16, 5 12 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
.APR DNQ(I.29) DNQ(0.72) DNQC0,92) 19 ND(2.57) 12 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(O.I) DNQ(0.1)
MAY DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 8 4 6 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0,1)
JUN DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 6 ND(2.57) 3 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
JUL DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 14 5 7. DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQI0.1)
AUG** DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 8 3 5 DNQ(0.I) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
SEP DNQ(0.72) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 13 4 8 DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
OCT 10.7 DNQ(0.72) <5.0 46 .5 24 0.1 DNQ(0.1) <0.1 NOV DNQ(2.4) ND(0.72) DNQ(0.72) 26 DNQ(2.6) 11 . DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1) DNQ(0.1)
DEC NDI0.72) NDI0.72) NDlO,72"J 23 14 18 0.2 DNO(0J1l <0.1 limit: 20. - 15 - - 60 . 3.0 -1.0 Note: "high" limits based upon Daily Maximum limits. "avg" limits based upon Monthly Average limits.
Page3of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, METALS (avg. ug/I)
O0ID OOIH 001L OOlF Month Ag Cd Cr Cu An Cd Cr
- Cu An Cd Cr Cu An Cd Cr Cu JAN ND(S) ND(S), ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) IS1 41 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 16 10 FEB MAR APR ND(5) ND(S) ND(S) 14 <10 ,<10 40 65 ND(S) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) ND(5) ND(S) 20 12 MAY JUN JUfL. ND(S) ND(S) 67 ND(5) ND(S). ND(S) 32. 33 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ,ND(S) ND(S) ND(5S) I AUG SEP OCT ND(0.05) ND(O.2.) )ND(S) DNQ(3.7) ND(S) ND(S) 58 51 ND(S), ND(S) ND(S) <10 ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) 56 NOV DEC limit: none Notes GO1D, OOIH and GOIL analyses performed on quarterly composites.
001F analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
DISCHARGE 001D, H, L, F, META.LS (avg. ug/l)
G01D O01H
- 001L 00lF Month H5 Ni Ph Zn Hg, Ni Pb Zn Hg Ni Pb Zn - HI Ni Pb Zn JAŽJ DNQ(0.093) ND(S) ND(S) 75 ND(0.0S0) 14 23 DNQ(8) NDC0.050) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(D.OS0) ND(S) 12 13 FEB MAR APR* DNQ(0.053)DNQ(5) DNQ(S) 77 ND(0.050) 28 26 19 ND(0.0S0) ND(S') ND(S) 11 ND(0.050) (4 10 37 MAt'
.JUN JUL ND(0.0S0) 46 ND(S) 69 ND(0.0Sfl) 17 15 12 ND(0.0S0) ND(S) ND(S) ND(S) ND(0.050) ND(S) DNQ(9) 25 AUG SEP' OCT NID(0.091)DNQ(4.9) 2.2 DNQ(86) ND(0.050) 28 16 <10 ND(O.0s0) ND(S) ND(S) <10. ND(0.050) ND(5) 12 32 NOV DEC limit: none Note: O01D, O01H and 001L analyses performed on quarterly composites.
00lF analyses performed quarterly on a composite of weekly samples.
Page 4 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Averages (rag/I)
.Month 001D* 001G 0lit1H1 O 001 OJ 001K 001L ' OG00M 001P 002 003 JAN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 ND(2) ,-DNQ(3)
FEB <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(2) DNQ(2)
MLAR <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) 5 ND(2) DNQ(3) DNQ(4) 10 APR .<S ND3(2) ND(2) ND(2) t)NQ(2) ND(2) DNQ(2)
MAY <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) Nb(2) DNQ(3) <5 DNQ(2) NDff(2)
JUN <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 <5 16
.JUL <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) 15 DNQ(2) 5 AUG <5 ND(2) DNQ(3) ND(2) DNQ(2) DNQ(4) DNQ(2)
SEP <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) DNQ(3) ND(2) 8 oCT <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) <5 DNQ(2) DNQ(3)
NOV <5 ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) ND(2) 12 DNQ(2) ND(2)
DEC <5 ND(2) DNQ(2) ND(2) 8 5 10 Limit: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30-
- Discharges from 001D are hatched. Monthly averages are flew weighted.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011 and 001K during 2014.
Blank spots for other discharge points indicate that no discharge occurred during that particular month.
GREASE & OIL Averages by Month (mg/I)
M_._nth O01D* OO1G 001H 0011 001J 001K 001L 001M 0OlP 002 003 004 JAN DNQ(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
FE*B <5.0 ND(l.4)
MAR <5.0 APR DNQ(I.4) ND(i.4) N13(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4)
MIAY DNQ(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4)
JUN <5.0 ND(1.4)
JUL DNQ(I.4) ND(l.4) ND(1.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
AUG ND(1.4)
SEP <5.0 OCT DNQ(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(1.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4) ND(I.4)
NOV 5.2 DEC <5.0 ND(1.4) ND(1.4)
Limit: 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 .15 15 15
- Discharges from 001D are batched. Averages are flow weighted and calculated and reported monthly, though only required quarterly.
Note: No discharges occurred from 0011! and 001K during 2014.
Page S of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diabio Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING (toxicity units, tun and tuj)
ACUTE *CI{RONIC Test 6-Month Test Month Result Median Result JAN 0.00 0.00 1.00 FEB MAR APR 0.00 0.00 1.00 MAY JUN JUL 0.00 0.00 1.00 AUG SEP OCT 0.00 0.00 1.00 NOV DEC 6-month median limit: 0.26 5.1
- This parameter is monitored for the State Ocean Plan instead of the NPDES Permit. A value of 1.0 indicates no chronic toxicity.
DISCHARGE 001N ANNUAL ANALYSES Sludge Parameter Result Limit Percent Moisture 99% None Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 89000 mg/kg None Ammonia (N) 2500 mg/kg None Nitrate (N) ND(120) None Total Phosphorous 15000 mg/kg None pH1 7.2 None Oil and Grease ND(I I0000) None Boron DNQ(160) None Cadmium ND(I.8) 0 X STLC*
Copper 420 mg/kg 10 X STLC Chromium 6.2 mg/kg 1lOX STLC Lead DNQ(7.3) 10OX STLC Nickel 8.1 mg/kg lox STLC Mercury ND(0.30) 10X STLC Zinc 650 mg/kg 1OX STLC Volume 2.3 tons Note: Annual samples were collected in October.
- STLC = Soluhle Threshold Limit Concentration Page 6 of 6
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHAR*GE 001 INFLUENT 90.0T 80.0 4 70.0 60.0 30.0 2O.0 If---A4w---
AuI 10.0
LJ o.o04 I i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Temperature ('F) 90.0" 70.0 60.0 U-3O6.O-20.0 +
[ I I I i 0.0 ] I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Page 1 of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 EFFLUENT Flow(MGD) 3000 25O0 m im
~1ooo i
500 I--Aw"-AI 0 + I I ! I II1!
- Monh Delt T('F) 25 20-II v
- i. Is
- A A'i
--. ll-- Uml 5+
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 Total Chlorine R.,ak~uul, ug.?
8O --. A,
--... lg 70 30 20 10 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the repordag_ Ibilt, DISCHARGE 001 Total/Chiorin. Used, pounds per day 6000 .,-m*
8.00 *~
- 600 I00 0
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 ___ ______
Co°pper(--othl average u l) --- -u" - "__
12 10 8
4 2
0i I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The aunlyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valaea plotted at rero.
The 6-mouth median limit (the most conservative limit) is plotted on this chart (this Is also the analytical reporting limit).
The daily maimum limit for Copper is 50 u/l.
DISCHARGE 001 Nickel (monthly average, ug/0)35-301 I -.
,---- DI-4e.-
bkAgpPunlt UIlt bn~aa 20- --4--- Icdhpct g 5 Inl I B B 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sop Oct Nov Dec 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
The 6-momth meia liit (the moat consrvatve limit) is plotted on this chai The daily maximum limit for Nickel Ii 100 uA Page4of)1
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 zbic (monthly averag, mg/I) 80 840 .-. e- ~*l*llu 10 A -- -- -- a o . a a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note:. The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valnes plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001 Chromium (monthly average, ug/I) 12 401 Note:" The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for valnes plotted at zero.
The 6-month median limit and the analyticl reporting Eimit are the same (10 ag,/) sad are plotted on this chart The daily maalmnm limit for chromium is 40 ug/I.
Page$of i$
fi ¸ m
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant 8.3 8.2 3.1 8.0 7.0
- a. 7.8 7.7 76&
7.5 7.4~
JAN 2014 Note: Several data points on thks chart overlap.
Discharge 001 Ammonia (as N,ugfl) 35OO 3
Um-- - - - - - --- -n -l 28000 "-- ' 6UflI danLn
- --4--- Eluent
=S 1500 1000 500
- 0. I I I I ,, ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection imnit for values plotted at zero.
Influent and Effluent values overlap at four points on this plot.
Page 6 of !S
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001F OM &Grease 25.0 JAN FEB MiAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limft.
DISCHARGE 001 F Suspede soli (Malximum, togil) 120 80
.--el-O.Iyiaxi mi LU.
'----- andpleu Rmout I*kuU 60 40 20 I
0JAN T FEB MAR" T APR I MlAY JUN JUL T¥ AUG I SEP -OCT TNOV DEC 2014 Note: Madiman values are plotted.
Page 7 of)5$
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant
- Modl~y Aweag. UsO DISCHARGE oN &Guase (mgA O01N -0.k-- Daly U.m.,Lum
-4. Avm'a 25 -U-.--AmIyU, utape a UmR 20 15 5...
E--- 4 -- ,
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Daily maximum and monthly average values overlap at tea points on this plot.
70 --.-- Avm. I 50
~40 230 20 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: There is no limit for daily maximum values. The average values are below the monthly average limit.
DISCHARGE O01N SedU.mb~e Solid (mli) 3.5 2.5 I-...--OlD ad,ndsumLi I 3 ,I--Am 1'
-A JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
High, average, and low valuta overlap at twelve points on this plot.
Page 8ofl5
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001 D Quarted Meta (ug4) Iuc~adndumI 9O nChnmthum 8O 70 60 40" 30 20 10 0
NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection ikmit for value plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001D Quart/y Mfetal (ug4) 90 70 i~zInci 60 Lu~rJ~
40 30 20 10 0 -iI -
j]LI I I I I 1-I,-
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: T"be anlyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page 9of15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE O0tF Quarterly Metals (ugl) 60 70 I~mvadhr nchromhau 60
= 40 30 20-10-0 Ik JAN I ;
I, APR m
I NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detectso limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 001F Queflry Metals (ug4) gO nuMdj 70
=40 30 20 10 0
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE OO1H Quarerly Metal. (ugA 90 lICadmumi 80 ISQ1TnIumU 70 60
~60 t40 30 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE OO1H QuartW, Metas (ag/i) 90*
80 IENicIol 70 muLead 60 ILir
= 40 30-20-10 0-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The snslyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page)11 of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant DISCHARGE 001L Qua fly Metal (ug*
90 80l 70 I IUCadmumi 60-I IUChron~umI Lcope
= 40-30 20-10 0 I I I II I I I I 1l II JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection lii for values plotted at zero.
DISCHARGE 0011 Quaflsri Metas (ug4 80-70+
=40- Fiircu I.N*m 30O aLoad 20-10-0 I. I ]
I l I I I II I JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: The analyte was not detected at or above the detection limit for values plotted at zero.
Page12of 15
2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOUDS (Av.,ug, ,n4J 35
', 20--*--too i 15 -e-o*
10 C
2014 Note: Poiatsoa chart amy overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the deteetlon limit.
MONTHLY TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS 3-(Ave.g, mA 20 j-4-U 1J i' 15--
-- N 10 5m JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Points on chart umy overlap. Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
,---U----MeeAw~age Uimk (00IP& US) 10- -.-4-U-OO 10 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Points on chart may overlap. Values plotted at zero were behow the detection limIt.
Page 13 of IS$
p 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Averg,,,,4) 16 m l m m m m m m m l m 14 12 m001H1 10 I moiD I 6
4 2
0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zer were below th~e detection limit Less than value are plotted at the value.
QUARTERLY OIL & GREASE (Awerag,mg) 16 14 12-10 1u1tL -- I I8.
2-JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection limit.
( Average, rag/I) 16 14*
12 m-oi' 10 m.41 6
2 0 I I I I I 1 I ' I' l I l JAN FEB MAR APaR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Note: Values plotted at zero were below the detection Eimit.
Page 14-ofl15
w 2014 Annual Summary Report on Discharge Monitoring at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY (8,Month Median) 6.00 5.00 E4.00 SChronic Bioassay Results 6.--mo. Median Acuta Limit
Ž,3.o00 -*-Acute Bioasay Reut
- -i-tm-hoic Limit o*2.00 --4,--Acute 6-month Median I- 1.00 C1 0.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 Pagel15ofl15
m w Annual Discharge Monitoring Report APPENDIX 4
OF RWMP MONITORING FOR 2014 RWNMP 1St Survey 2nid Survey 3rd Survey 4th Survey tuySurveys Stations.) Completion Stationsl Completion Stations/ Completion Stations) Completion Stations/
per Year Dates Dates Dates Dates Horizontal Band Transects' 14 14x Feb 26 June 13 Aug 12 Dec 23 Vertical Band Transects 51 4x Jan 30 May 29 ., Aug 11 Dec 22 Benthic Stations 8/14x Mar25 June 18 Aug 12 Jan 02, 2015 Fish Observation Transects 12 14x Apr 14 Aug 21 Sep 10 Jan 02, 2015 Bull Kelp Census *I/ x n/a n/a n/a Oct 01 Temperature Monitoring .. 24/I* Jan-Mar ,, Apr-Jun JuI-Sep Oct-Dec
- Diablo Cove census.
- Temperature measured throughout the year at 20 minute intervals (14 intertidal and 10 subtidal stations).