DCL-08-505, Facility Emissions and Throughput Data for Inventory Year 2007 (Annual Air Emissions Report) and Associated Facility Reporting Requirements

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Facility Emissions and Throughput Data for Inventory Year 2007 (Annual Air Emissions Report) and Associated Facility Reporting Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/20/2008
From: Langdon K
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
To: Carlson D, Elliott M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, San Luis Obispo County, Air Pollution Control District
DCL-10-083, DCL-08-505
Download: ML11166A270 (28)


  • Pacific Gas Electric and Company Diablo Canyon Power Plani P0. Box 56 Avila Beach. CA 93424 800.545,6000 PG&E Lctter DCL-2008-505 Certified Return Receipt 07007-0220-0004-6736-0055 FIebruary 20, 2008 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

County of San Luis Obispo 3433 Roberto Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7126 Attention: Dean Carlson / Mark Elliott Diablo Canyon Power Plant (CPP F ciI .ty Emissions and Throughput Data for Inventory Year 2007 (Annual Air Emissions Report) and As sociated Fac iIity po rting R iremlents In response to APCD letters dated Febr nuary 5, 2008 and February 6, 2008, DCPP is submitting the F:acility Emissions and Throughput Dal a Report for Inventory Year 2007 (Enclosure 1). Requested emissions data has been provided in A] ICD Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 32, or equivalent fiacility generated forms. Additionally, (liesel Fuel use int tormation fbI portable emissions units operated in accordance with APCD Permit-to-Operate (PTO) 1065- 4 and facility gasoline dispensing data has been provided.

If you have any questions or concerns I*egarding the enclosed report, or requiire additional information, please contact Tom Esser of Imy staff ai (805) 54 5-3326.

Sincerely, Kenneth Langdon Director - Overalioms Services 2008505/twe/Ikir Enclosure

PG&E Letter DCL 2008-505 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

February 20, 2008 Page 2 bcc wv/enclosure: TWEsser (104/5/3B)

Environmental Central Library (104/5/1 A-B) bce w/o enclosure: BKCunningham * (104/5/534)

BCHinds * (104/5/517)

  • Circulate one copy with distribution as lollows: BC1-inds, BKCunningham S:\enveng\corresl)ondence\outgoing\2008 doc\2008 complcte\DCL2008505 Supporting electronic data filed @:


Enclosure-I APCD Forms (1-2-4-32) & Supporting Information 2007.doc Portable Unit Emissions Information PTO 1065-4 2007.doc Tesoro ULS Diesel-Fuel MSDS 10-25-2007 Revision (JB Dewar).pdf Industrial Paint & Solvent VOC Emissions APCD Form-3 2007.doc Waste Disposal DCPP (Solvent and Paint) 2007.xls

PG&E Letter DCL-2008-505 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

February 20, 2008 ENCLOSURE 1 2007 AIR EMISSION INVENTORY REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Data Certification, APCD Form-I Emissions Inventory Information - Fuel Combustion (Stationary Devices), APCD Form-2 Emissions Inventory Information - Stand-By/Backup Generators, APCD Form-32 Emissions Inventory Information - Permitted Diesel-Firecl Portable Units Supporting Data for Facility Diesel Fuel Oil Sulfur Content and Heat Value (16-Pages)

Emissions Inventory Information - Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Emissions Inventory Information - Other Solvents and Organic Compound Sources, APCD Form-4 Emissions Inventory Information - Industrial Paint and Solvent Use, APCD Form-3 (3-Pages)

Including - Facilit), DisposalRecords for Paint and Solvent Related W'astes

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO DATA CERTIFICATION FORM For Inventory Year - 2007 Please fill in all space and retain a copy for your records. Completed forms may be faxed. Print your name and sign this form in the spaces provided. Submit completed forms by clue (late to avoid fines or penalties.

A. Please print clearly.

Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP)

Contact Name Bryan K. Cunningham Title I Supervisor, Environmental Operations Mailing Address P.O. Box 56 104/5/534 City, State ZIP Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Phone (805) 545-4439 Fax (805) 545-3459 Equipment Address 9 Miles Northwest of Avila Beach City, State ZIP Avila Beach, CA 93424 Facility ID (see cover letter) 2321 Type of Business Electric Power Generation B. Is trade secret data included? Yes[] No [X]

If ves, attach explanation.

C. Are there any NEW sources of criteria pollutants: oxides of nitrogen, oxides of Yes [X] No [ ]

sulfur, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)'? If yes, describe in box below.

D. Are there any emission sources no longer in service? Yes [ ] No [X]

If yes, write permit number in box below.


Added one new portable emission unit.

, Portable Diesel-Fuelcd Compressor, Yanmar Ingersoll Rand Model 41R1 8T. Permit 1065-4.

Under California Health and Safety Code sections 40701 and 42303, the 1)istriet has the right to request data needed to estimate polluitant emissions. Consequently, you are obligated to provide all requested data hy tile die d(ate. This data is also requested under the authority of the Air Toxics Ilot Spots program. The data may be ise(l to determine permit renewal fees. lailure to provide complete data by the due (late may result in fines or penalties.

I, Kenneth Langdon (Clearly Print Name), certify that the data provided above and iii all tile attachments is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: _ - -- 7/- Date: -

I'llectionic copies uScia S ion i foirms are lO~ated on out WVEB site.

envotoy cng)01 Revised 01116/07

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 FUEL COMBUSTION Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Use this form to report all stationary combustion devices. Do not report stand-by or backup generators on this form. List each item separately, unless identical. Do not include mobile equipment such as loaders or trucks. Please fill in all spaces and include supporting data where requested. Retain a copy for your records.

Annual nit u of Heat Content Sulfur Unit of 6

Device No. Device Description Equipment Rating 1

FlTpcul Measure Yearly Hour uunit volume )

t 4t Content( 5 Measuret Fuel Used (4) Use (7) (Bu/ni vlue onen-) Mesu DA-18 Auxiliary Boilcr 0-2 8 1.816 mm BTU/hour CARB No.2 0 Gallons 0 138,608 BTUigallon 0.0316 Weight %

ULS Diesel Fuel (I) For boilers, heaters, kilns, flares, and related equipment give the design heat input (mn BTU/hr). For internal combustion engines, specify horsepower (lip).

(2) Examples: natural gas, fhel eas. landfill gas, diesel fuel. fuel oil, If fuel oil is burned, specify grade (example: fucl oil No. 2).

(3) Ifa device burns more than one fuel. use a separate line for each fuel.

(4) Include units of measure 'therms, mcf, nmucf, gal, regal, bbl, or rabbl). Be sure that your units of neasure are correct!

(5) This form is incomplete without an accompanying, recent analysis of the sulfur content. Omit for natural (utility) gas-fired sources.

(6) Express sulfur content in gr/dscfor lbhnnicf for gasses and weight %/vol for liquids.

(7) The total number of hours the unit has been run for the current year.

Eng002.doc Revised 813,12006

,AIR CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO POLLUTION EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventor' Year - 2007 STAND-BY/BACKUP GENERATORS Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Use this form to report all Stand-By and Backup Generators. List each device separately. Please fill in all spaces and include supporting data where requested. Retain a copy for your records.

Unit of Y'early Maintenance Meter 4 6 Device No. Device Description Equipment Rating Fuel Tvpe(j) Annual Fuel Use Measuret ) Hour Use(5) Hours( t Reading(7)

DA- I Emergcncy Diesel Generator I-I 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 10,249 Gallons 78.2 73.8 2394.9 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-2 Emergency Diesel Generator 1-2 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 6,042 Gallons 46.1 41.5 2 04.4" ULS Diesel Fuel I ________I ______ I_____

DA-3 Ernergency Diesel Generator 1-3 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 9,371 Gallons 71.5 71.5 2456.0 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-4 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-1 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 8,637 Gallons 65.9 65.3 1732.7 ULS Diesel Fuel 6 DA-5 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-2 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 3,827 Gallons 292 2S,7 1936.3 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-25 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-3 3,630 horsepower CARB No.2 5,085 Gallons 38.8 38.2 1313.2 ULS Diesel Fuel CARB No.2 DA-6 Security Diesel Generator 449 horsepower ULS Diesel Fuel 735.5 Gallons 64 61 832 Emergency Operations Facility (EO F) GARB No.21 NA Eeror 162 horsepower ULS No. 2 30 Gallons 15.4 14.5 NA Emergency OprtosEegnyDiesel Generator 12hreoerULS Diesel Fuel 3 ______

832.7 (1) For internal combustion engines, specify horsepower (lip) or design heat input (rmm BTUIihr).

(2) Examples: natural as, propane gas, diesel fuel, ftel oil. If fuel oil is burned, specify grade (example: fuel oil No. 2).

(3) Ifa device burns more than one fuel, use a separate line for each fuel.

(4) Include units of measure (therns, tcfl mminc gal, rigal, bbl, or mbbl). Be sure that your units of measure are correct!!!

(5) The total number of hours the unit has been run for the current calendar year.

(6) The number of hours the device has been used for maintenance.

(7) The end of year hour meter reading from the device.

Eng032.doc Revised 11/4/05

Emissions Inventory Information for Permitted Diesel-Fired Portable Units Pacific Gas & Electric Companv. Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP)

The following table lists the operating hours and fuel consumption during 2007 for permitted diesel-fired portable emissions units located at DCPP. The units are operated under SLO APCD Permit-To-Operate (PTO) 1065-4.

Unit Identification 2007 2007 Hours of Operation Diesel-Fuel Added (in aallons)

Ingersol Rand XP375 Compressor 101.8 201 Butterworth Model 61ODT Pressure Washer 3.1 15 MQ Power Model DCA-150SSVU Generator 64.8 125 Ingersol Rand Compressor-Yanmar 41R18T 25.0 41

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT - SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY EMISSION INVENTORY INFORMATION Supporting Data Diesel Fuel Oil Sulfur Content and BTU Values DCPP Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) burn only CARB Ultra Low Sulfur (ULS) red-dyed diesel fuel oil in accordance with conditions of APCD Permit-To-Operate (PTO) 919-2, and to meet the requirements of Title 17 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 93115.5.

Representative analyses of the fuel burned in the EDGs during 2007 are attached. These analyses indicate the sulfur content of fuel added to the EDG fuel tanks was less than 0.001%.



Copy 03/01/2007 Receipt of BP West Coast Products ULS Dyed CARB Diesel.

Test Summary Report for DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample 5-24-2007.

Test Summary Report for DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample 11-27-2007.

If operated, the DCPP Auxiliary Boiler would burn CARB ULS diesel fuel. The estimated heat content (BTU) value for the fuel provided on APCD Form-2 was calculated using the attached Technical Bulletin provided by BP/AMOCO/Atlantic Richfield.



BP Technical Bulletin - Heat Content of Burner Diesel Fuel.

The DCPP Security Diesel Generator, Facility Diesel-Fired Portable Units, and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Diesel Generator burn CARB Ultra Low Sulfur (ULS) clear highway diesel #2 fuel oil supplied by the JB Dewar Company. JB Dewar provided a supplier specification sheet (MSDS) for delivered fuel indicating the sulfur content to be 0.0015% by weight (maximum).



Copy 02/01/2007 Receipt of JB Dewar Petroleum Products (Gasoline and LS/ULS Diesel #2).

Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. Diesel Fuel #2 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 10/25/07.

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June 6, 2007 TEST


REPORT for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)

DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample Date/Time Sample: 5-24-07 (0900)

Item Parameter Units Method of Analysis Test Results

1. Viscosity at 40'C Centistokes ASTM D-445-74 2.073
2. API Gravity Degrees, API ASTM D-287-82 40
3. Flash Point OF ASTM D-93-85 139 Water-and-Sediment Volurne-% AS-T-M-D-4-7 64-3-8 OMIT 47 Glear-and3nr4ght A$-TM-D-4476-82 OMI-T AS-T-M-Geler AS-T-M-D-4-500 OM4T
7. Particulate Contamination mg/liter ASTM D-2276-78 1,9
8. Cloud Point OC ASTM D-2500-66 -18
9. Carbon Residue on 10% bottom Weight % ASTM D-524-76 0.08 10 Ash Weight % ASTM D-482-74 <0.001
11. Distillation Temperature OC at 90% ASTM D-86-78 314.8 distilled
12. Sulfur Weight % ASTM D-2622-82 1 <0.001
13. Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM D-130-75 lB 2
14. Cetane Number ASTM D-613-81 54.6 3
15. Oxidation Stability mg/i 00 ml ASTM D-2274-03 0.1
16. Hydrocarbon Types in Petroleum Volume % ASTM D-1319-03 Aromatics 19 Products by Fluorescent Indicator Olefins 2.9 Absorption Saturates = 78.1
17. Wear Scar (avg). Lubricity, 60°C Micron ASTM D6079-04 460 0 99
18. Thermal Stability, 90min., 150 C  % Reflectance ASTM D6468-06 1 The analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D-1 552-76 or ASTM D-2622-82.

2 ASTM D-976 may be used as provided inASTM D-975-81. (Pleaseperform D-613 ratherthan D-976).

3 Parameters included to aid in determining fuel quality. Not required by Tech Specs.

Chem 2007_0524 (OPAJAFF7).doc Page 2 of 2

December 7, 2007 TEST


REPORT for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)

DCPP 1/2 DFO Composite Sample Date/Time Sample: 11-27-07 (0930)

Item Parameter Units Method of Analysis Test Results

1. Viscosity at 401C Centistokes ASTM D-445-74 2.421
2. API Gravity Degrees, API ASTM D-287-82 38.4
3. Flash Point OF ASTM D-93-85 157
4. Water-and-Sediment Volume-% AS-TM-D-1-796-83 OMIT 6-, Glear-and-Bright AS-TM-D-41-76-82 OMIT 6; AST-M-Goler ASTM-D-1-500-87 OMIT
7. Particulate Contamination mg/liter ASTM D-2276-78 0.9
8. Cloud Point °C ASTM D-2500-66 -10
9. Carbon Residue on 10% bottom Weight % ASTM D-524-76 0.07 10 Ash Weight % ASTM D-482-74 <0.001
11. Distillation Temperature 'C at 90% ASTM D-86-78 320.1 distilled
12. Sulfur Weight % ASTM D-2622-82' <0.001
13. Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM D-130-75 1A 2
14. Cetane Number ASTM D-613-81 53.3
15. Oxidation Stability mg/100 ml ASTM D-2274-033 0.2
16. Hydrocarbon Types in Petroleum Volume % ASTM D-1319-033 Aromatics = 18.8 Products by Fluorescent Indicator Olefins = 4.7 Absorption Saturates = 76.5
17. Wear Scar (avg). Lubricity, 60TC Micron ASTM D6079-044 425
18. Thermal Stability, 90min., 150'C  % Reflectance ASTM D6468-063 99 1 The analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D-1552-79 or ASTM D-2622-82.

2 ASTIM D-976 may be used as provided in ASTM D-975-81.

3 Parameters included to aid in determining fuel quality. Not required by Tech Specs.

4 If lubricity exceeds 520 micron initiate an AR to procurement services as the diesel fuel exceeds the procurement specification of 520 micron.

Chem 20071127 (OPAJCLG7).doc Page 2 of 2

Lip Techinicail B.Rullefiii 41111 HEAT CONTENT OF BURNER AND DIESEL FUELS The "heat content" or Heat of Combustion of distillate fuels is correlated to the API Gravity (i.e. fuel density) and is influenced by sulfur content. Although heat of combustion best can be determined experimentally, usually it is estimated by calculation.

Gross heat of combustion is the more commonly used, It Is the l'eat released by the combustion of the fuel with all of the water formed condensed to a liquid state. Net heat of combustion is the heat released by combuslion of the fuel with the water remaining in the vapor state.

The calculated values in this table may differ from determined \Elues by up to 6-1 Btu's per pound.

Calculated* Heat of Combustion For High Sulfur (Off-Road) Distillates Gravity, Density @ 60 HLknt~nLCrntlrni,,.sfl nisl'q¢*allnn.


'API Lb/Gal. Nct 7.547 I 75,384 143,499 25 7,499 134,796 142,942 26 142,392 7.452 13.'4,215 27 7.405 133,640 141,848 28 141,310 7.359 133,072 29 140,778 7.313 132,511 30 140,252 7/.268 131,956 31 139,732 7.224 131,407 32 139,218 7.180 130,864 33 138,709 7.137 130,327 34 138,206 7.094 129,797 35 137,709 7T051 129,272 36 137,2.17 7.009 128,752 37 136,730 6.968 128,239 38 136,249 6.927 127,731-39 135,772 6.887 127,288 40 135.301 6.847 126.731 41 134,834 6.807 126,238 42 6.768 125,751 134,372 43 133,915 6.730 125,269 4,1 6.692 124,792 133,463 45 133,015 6.654 124,320 46 6.617 123,853 132,572 I' 47 48 6.580 6.543 123,390 122,932 132,134 131,699 49 6.507 122,479 131,269 50 130,843 6.472 122,030 51 6.437 121,585 130,422 52 6.402 121,145 130,004 53 129,591 6.367 120,709 54 6.333 120,277 129,181 55

  • Assuming 0.25 wt% sulfur. Fuels of higher sulfur content can be adjusted down by 5 Btu's per 0.01% sulfur, and used within fuels of lower sulfur content can be adjusted upward by the same factor. Linear Interpolation can be the range of this table.

F 6n BP fuels, contact:

1w li 'g eclnical Service n'o: I -, 00.2 4 l-5 2 5 5

' te Aefi a.. omp-nlex J5 est IVNi, e Road "AIoi;6Q563-8460 (AM00.0, "IM-XiMV/ S-1, '19pr



J SINCH 1933 75 PRADO ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 3059 P.O. BOX 3059 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-3059 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-3059 PI.I-,%:s iv,".e yC~ir .t,t>N,lilt ri~Lt 9( o 5 3ii c'O tie" I*~

(805) 5,13-0180 In mcUftnRATTV FAX (805) 5413-8537 1-800-549-OILS (6457) NUMBER DSTRIUORO PTROLEUM PRODUCTS ACCOUNT' UIVBER: '.  :; , DATE ' .. A.


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Material Safety Data Sheet Diesel Fuel#2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

N F'I/, -,flldhl HMIS III:

PHYSIVEAL0 0 = Insignificant, 1 = Slight, 2 = Moderate, Spec.ifi I lazard TESO RO 3 = High, 4 = Extreme SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name Diesel Fuel#2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Synonyms MSDS Number 888100004790 Version 2.0 Product Use Description Fuel Company Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.

300 Concord Plaza Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216-6999 Tesoro Call Center (877) 783-7676 Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 (Emergency Contact)

SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Regulatory status This material is considered hazardous by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

Signal Word WARNING Hazard Summary Toxic Potential Health Effects Eyes Eye irritation may result from contact with liquid, mists, and/or vapors.

Skin Skin irritation leading to dermatilis may occur upon prolonged or repeated contact. Liquid may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts if large areas of skin are repeatedly exposed. Long-term, repeated skin contact may cause skin cancer Ingestion Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Do NOT induce vomiting. This material can irritate the mouth, throat, stomach, and cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and restlessness Aspiration hazard if liquid is inhaled into lungs, particularly from vomiting after ingestion. Aspiration may result in chemical pneumonia, severe lung damage, respiratory failure and even death.

Target Organs Kidney, Liver, Skin, Eyes, Central nervous system Inhalation Vapors or mists from this material can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs, and

IMATERIAL SAFETY I)ATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel#2-Low (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 2 of' 10 can cause signs and symptoms of central nervous system depression, depending on the concentration and duration of exposure.


Fuels, dieoel, No 2; Gasoll - unspecified 68476-34-6 100%

Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.75-1%

Nonane 111-84-2 0.75- 1%

1,2,4-Trhmethylbenzene 95-63-6 1 - 5%

Xylene 1330-20-7 1 - 5%

Sulfur 7704-34-9 15 ppm maxiurn SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation Move to fresh air. Give oxygen. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately.

Skin contact Take off all contaminated clothing immediately. Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention immediately.

Eye contact Remove contact lenses. Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention.

Ingestion Do not induce vomiting without medical advice. If a person vomits when lying on his back, place him in the recovery position. Seek medical attention immediately.

Notes to physician Symptoms: Dizziness, Discomfort, Headache, Nausea, Disorder, Vomiting, Lung oedema, Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneLmonitis., Liver disorders, Kidney disorders.

SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Form Liquid Flash point 51.7 - 82.2 'C (125.1 - 180.0 'F)

Suitable extinguishing media Carbon dioxide (C02), Water spray, Dry chemical, Foam, Keep containers and surroundings cool with water spray.

Specific hazards during fire Fire Hazard. Do not use a solid waier stream as it may scatter and spread fire.

fighting Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water spray.

Special protective equipment Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit. Use personal for fire-fighters protective equipment.

Further information Exposure to decomposition products may be a hazard to health. Isolate area around container involved in fire. Cool tanks, shells, and containers exposed to fire 2/10

IMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel#2-Low (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 3 of 10 and excessive heat with water. For massive fires the use of unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles may be advantageous to further minimize personnel exposure. Major fires may require withdrawal, allowing the tank to burn. Large storage tank fires typically require specially trained personnel and equipment to extinguish the fire, often including the need for properly applied fire fighting foam.

SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Evacuate nonessential personnel and remove or secure all ignition sources.

Consider wind direction; stay upwind and uphill, if possible. Evaluate the direction of product travel, diking, sewers, etc. to contain spill areas. Spills may infiltrate subsurface soil and groundwater; professional assistance may be necessary to determine the extent of subsurface impact. Ensure adequate ventilation. Use personal protective equipment.

Environmental precautions Carefully contain and stop the source of the spill, if safe to do so. Protect bodies of water by diking, absorbents, or absorbent boom, if possible. Do not flush down sewer or drainage systems, unless system is designed and permitted to handle such material. The use of fire fighting foam may be useful in certain situations to reduce vapors. The proper use of water spray may effectively disperse product vapors or the liquid itself, preventing contact with ignition sources or areas/eqUipment that require protection. Discharge into the environment must be avoided. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.

Methods for cleaning up Take up with sand or oil absorbing materials. Carefully shovel, scoop or sweep up into a waste container for reclamation or disposal - caution, flammable vapors may accumulate in closed containers. Response and clean-up crews must be properly trained and must utilize proper protective equipment (see Section 8).

CERCLA Hazardous substances and corresponding RQs:

Naphthalene 91-20-3 100 lbs Xylene 1330-20-7 100 lbs Nonane 111-84-2 100 lbs SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Handle and open container with care. Use only intrinsically safe electrical equipment approved for use in classified areas. Do not smoke near areas where material is handled or stored. Remove all sources of ignition. Emergency eye wash capability should be available in the vicinity of any potential splash exposure.

Advice on protection against Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Ground and bond containers fire and explosion during product transfers to reduce the possibility of static-initiated fire or explosion.

Special slow load procedures for "switch loading" must be followed to avoid the static ignition hazard that can exist when higher flash point material (such as fuel oil) is loaded into tanks previously containing low flash point products - see API Publication 2003, "Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out Of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents."

Dust explosion class Not applicable Requirements for storage Keep away from flame, sparks, excessive temperatures and open flame. Use 3/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur #2-Low Diesel (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 4 of 10 areas and containers approved vented containers. Keep containers closed and clearly labeled. Empty product containers or vessels may contain explosive vapors. Do not pressurize, cut, heat, weld or expose containers to sources of ignition. Store in a well-ventilated area. This storage area should comply with NFPA 30 "Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code". Avoid storage near incompatible materials. The cleaning of tanks previously containing this product should follow API Recommended Practice (RP) 2013 "Cleaning Mobile Tanks In Flammable and Combustible Liquid Service" and API RP 2015 "Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks".

Advice on common storage Keep away from food, drink and animal feed. Incompatible with oxidizing agents.

Incompatible with acids.

Other data Emergency eye wash capability should be available in the near proximity to operations presenting a potential splash exposure.

SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Guidelines List Components CAS-No. Type: Value OSHA Z1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 PEL 10 ppm 50 mg/m3 Xylene 1330-20-7 PEL 100 ppm 435 mgrm3 ACGIH Diesel Fuel 68476-30-2 TWA 100 mng/m3 Naphthalene 91-20-3 T'WA 10 ppm 91-20-3 STEL 15 ppm Xylene 1330-20-7 TWA 100 ppm 1330-20-7 STEL 150 ppm Nonane 111-84-2 TWA 200 ppm Engineering measures Use adequate ventilation to keep gas and vapor concentrations of this product below occupational exposure and flammability limits, particularly in confined spaces. Use only intrinsically safe electrical equipment approved for use in classified areas.

Eye protection Safety glasses or goggles are recommended where there is a possibility of splashing or spraying.

Hand protection Gloves constructed of nitrile, neoprene, or PVC are recommended. Consult manufacturer specifications for further information.

Skin and body protection If needed to prevent skin contact, chemical protective clothing such as of DuPont TyChem, Saranex or equivalent recommended based on degree of exposure.

The resistance of specific material may vary from product to product as well as with degree of exposure.


IATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Paige 5 or 10 A SSulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Respiratory protection A NIOSH/ MSHA-approved air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridges or canister may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are or may be expected to exceed exposure limits or for odor or irritation. Protection provided by air-purifying respirators is limited. Refer to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, ANSI Z88.2-1992, NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic, and the manufacturer for additional guidance on respiratory protection selection. Use a NIOSH/ MSHA-approved positive-pressure supplied-air respirator if there is a potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known, in oxygen-deficient atmospheres, or any other circumstance where an air-purifying respirator may not provide adequate protection.

Hygiene measures Avoid repeated and/or prolonged skin exposure. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking, or using toilet facilities.

DO NOT use gasoline, kerosene, solvents, or harsh abrasive skin cleaners to clean skin. Waterless hand cleaners are effective. Promptly remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Consider disposal of contaminated clothing rather than laundering to prevent the formation of flammable vapors which could ignite via washer or dryer.

SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Form Liquid Appearance Clear, straw colored Odor Characteristic petroleum (kerosene) odor Flash point 51.7 - 82.2 'C (125.1 - 180.0 'F)

Thermal decomposition No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

pH Not determined Freezing point Not applicable Boiling point 149 - 371 °C(300 - 700 OF)

Vapor Pressure < 34.47 hPa at 37.78 °C (100.00 OF)

Relative Vapor Density >1.0 (Air = 1.0)

Water solubility Negligible Percent Volatiles 100%

SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Conditions to avoid z Avoid high temperatures, open flames, sparks, welding, smoking and other ignition sources. Keep away from strong oxidizers. Viton  ; Fluorel Materials to avoid Strong oxidizing agents Peroxides Hazardous decomposition Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and noncombusted hydrocarbons (smoke).

products Diesel exhaust particulates may be a lung hazard - see Section 11.

Thermal decomposition No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

Hazardous reactions Keep away from oxidizing agents, and acidic or alkaline products.


MATERIAL SAFETY I)ATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-(ow Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Pagc 6 of 10 S Sulfur Diesel (ULSO))

SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Carcinogenicity NTP Naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

IARC Naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

OSHA No component of this product which is present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1

% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA.

CA Prop 65 WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.

naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

Skin irritation Irritating to skin.

Eye irritation Irritating to eyes.

Further information Studies have shown that similar products produce skin cancer or skin tumors in laboratory animals following repeated applications without washing or removal. The significance of this finding to human exposure has not been determined. Other studies with active skin carcinogens have shown that washing the animal's skin with soap and water between applications reduced tumor formation.

Positive rnutagenicity results have been reported.

Repeated over-exposure may cause liver and kidney injury Components of the product may affect the nervous system.

IARC classifies whole diesel fuel exhaust particulates as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). NIOSH regards whole diesel fuel exhaust particulates as a potential cause of occupational lung cancer based on animal studies and limited evidence in humans.


Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - 68476-34-6 Acute oral toxicity:_L050 rat unspecified Dose: 5.001 mg/kg Acute dermnal toxicity:-LD50 rabbit Dose: 2,001 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity,, LC50 rat Dose 7.64 mg1I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation. Classitication: Irritating to skin.

Result: Severe skin irritation Eye irritation,: Classilication: Irritating to eyes.

Resu~lt: Mild eye irritation Naphthalene 91-20-3 Acute oral toxicity: LD5O rat Dose: 2,001 mng/kg Acute dermal foxicity:_LD50 rat Dose: 2,501 mg/kg Acu~te inhalation toxicityJLOSO rat Dose 101 mg/I Exposure lime: 4 Ih Skin irritation.-Ctassification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Mild skin irritation 6/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel #2-,ow (ULSD) Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 7 or110 I Eye irritation:.Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Mild eye irritation Carcinogenicity: N 11.00422130 Nonane 111-84-2 Acqut, ral,.Ioxiciýty LDS0 mouse Dose: 218 mng/kg Acute inhalation toxicity..LC50 rat Exposure time: 4 h 1,2,4-Trirnethylbenzene 95-63-6 Acute inhalation toxicity: LC50 rat Dose 18 mg/I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation; Classification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Skin irritation EVe irritation Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Eye irritation Xylene 1330-20-7 Acute oral toxicity: LDS0 rat Dose: 2,840 mg/kg Acute dermal toxicity_,LD50 rabbit Dose: ca, 4,500 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity:-LC50 rat Dose: 6,350 mg/I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation: Classification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Mild skin irritation Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation and dermatitis, due to degreasing properties of the product.

Eye irritation -Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Mild eye irritation SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Additional ecological Keep out of sewers, drainage areas, and waterways. Report spills and releases, as information applicable, under Federal and State regulations.


Naphthalene 91-20-3 Toxicity to algae:

EC50 Species Dose: 33 mg/I Exposure time: 24 h 1,2,4-Trimnethylbenzene 95-63-6 Toxicity to fish.

LC50 Species Pimnephales promelas (fathead minnow)

Dose: 7.72 mg/I Exposure time: 96 h Acute and prolonned toxicity for aquatic invertebrates:

EC50 Species: Daphnia Dose: 3.6 mg/I Exposure time: 48 h


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (IS) and Ultra Low Page 8 of 10 I Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Disposal Consult federal, state and local waste regulations to determine appropriate waste characterization of material and allowable disposal methods.

SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION CFR Proper shipping name DIESEL FUEL UN-No. 1202 Class 3 Packing group III i TDG Proper shipping name DIESEL FUEL UN-No. UN1202 Class 3 Packing group III IATA Cargo Transport UN UN-No. UN1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III ICAO-Labels 3 Packing instruction (cargo 310 aircraft)

Packing instruction (cargo Y309 aircraft)

IATA Passenger Transport UN UN-No. UN1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III ICAO-Labels 3 Packing instruction 309 (passenger aircraft)

Packing instruction Y309 (passenger aircraft)

IMDG-Code UN-No. UN 1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III IMDG-Labels 3 EmS Number F-E S-E Marine pollutant No SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATI"ON/


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (1,S) and Ultra Low Page 9 of 10 1 Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

OSHA Hazards Toxic by ingestion Severe skin irritant Moderate eye irritant POSSIBLE CANCER HAZARD TSCA Status On TSCA Inventory DSL Status All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL list.

SARA 311/312 Hazards Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard Fire Hazard PENN RTK US, Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law (34 Pa. Code Chap. 301-323)

Components CAS-No.

Nonane 111-84-2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Xylene 1330-20-7 Naphthalene 91-20-3 Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - unspecified 68476-34-6 MASS RTK US. Massachusetts Commonwealth's Right-to-Know Law (Appendix A to 105 Code of Massachusetts Regulations Section 670.000)

Components CAS-No.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 Xylene 1330-20-7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Nonane 111-84-2 NJ RTK us. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act (New Jersey Statute Annotated Section 34:5A-5)

Components CAS-No.

Nonane 111-84-2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Xylene 1330-20-7 Naphthalene 91-20-3 Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - unspecified 68476-34-6 SARA III US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title IIISection 313 Toxic Chemicals (40 CFR 372.65) - Supplier Notification Required Components CAS-No.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 Xylene 1330-20-7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 California Prop. 65 WARNING! This product contains a chemnical known to the State of California to 9/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Pagc 10 of 10 Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) cause cancer.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Further information The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.

Prepared by GWU mbH Birlenbacher Sir. 18 D-57078 Siegen Germany Telephone: +49-(0)271-88072-0 Revision Date 10/25/2007 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 46, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 111,282,319, 1051, 1052, 1057, 1064, 1072, 1074, 1174, 1376, 1609, 1617, 1626, 1636, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1759, 1763, 1764, 1859, 1866, 1876, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1988 10/10


Please fill in all spaces and retain a copy for your records. The data listed below will be used to estimate the community cancer risk under the Air Toxics Hot Spots (ATHS) program.

A. Enter the total number of gallons of gasoline or methanol/gasoline mix sold or dispensed during the emission year. Do NOT include diesel. If not known, enter the number of gallons of gasoline loaded into your tanks.

26,517.4 gallons B. Enter the operating hours per clay and the number of (lays per year that your facility is open for gasoline sales.

operating hours per day 24 clays per year 365 C. Type of Phase II vapor control system: vacuum assist [ ] balance [X] other [ ]

Manufacturer of Phase I1vapor control system: Trusco Tanlk Inc. (Supervault)

D. Accurately determine the following distances. This form is incomplete without this information. If any of the distances requested below are known to be greater than 600 feet, list

"> 600."

Distance from the nearest nozzle to:

the closest home, apartment, mobile home, or long-term care facility:

>600 feet the closest off-site work site (businesses, motels, schools, offices, and restaurants, and any co-located work site, such as a restaurant or mini-mart, where employees are not direct service station employees):

>600 feet

,AIR CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO POLLUTION EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 OTHER SOLVENTS AND ORGANIC COMPOUND SOURCES Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Report emissions from other sources of volatile organic compounds. Be sure to use the correct units of measure. Do not use this form for surface coating operations. Please fill in all spaces and retain a copy for your records.

Device ID Emitted.. Description of Process in Which Per Year(2 )

UsedAmount Amount to Waste (per year)3 VOC 4 )


T Annual AnnualdVOCs Emitted/)

t t O

(optional) Material is Released (Ib/yr)

A B C D nxample I Roensotve used in plating line to remove oil from rtw stock 650 oal 250 ga] 7.0 lb/igal 2.00 lbiyI None (n/a) 4 1-Total VOCs emitted None (n/a) lbiyr List acetone-based solvents and products separately.

Include appropriate unit.; - tons, gallons, barrels, pounds-(3) Includes only otl'site disposal or recycling. Include a summary ofthe materials sent off site including date, vendor, and amount shipped.

(4) Units must be consistent with (2) and (3)

(5) Annual VOCs Emitted = (A minus 13)quantity times C: example: 650 gal - 250 gal = 400 gal, 400 gal x 7.0 lb/gal = 2.800 lb Eng004.doc Revised 112-102

EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 INDUSTRIAL PAINT AND SOLVENT USE Company Name: Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyIDiablo Canyon Power Plant Contact Initials: TWE List paints and all solvents used for cleanup and thinning for commercial, industrial, and institutional coating operations and applications. Please list acetone separately. Find the VOC content of the materials from the MSDS or your paint supplier. Calculate emissions. Please fill in each column and retain a copy tor your Records.

Be sure to use the correct units of measure.

Type of Coating or Solvent Amount Used Amount VOC VOCs Chromates (gal/yr) Recycled Content Emitted (yes/no)


_____________________ -I EPOXY SELF-PRIMING SURFACE ENAMEL 1.81 0.19 0.6 0.98 No COMSTOCK P~Ivc 2

  • "* lý:NC'100'1111ý,ILISII'ýtill[SOIV('111.(IOC

Type of Coating or Solvent Amount Used Amount VOC VOCs Chromates (gal/yr) Recycled Content Emitted (yes/no)

(gal/yr) (lb/gal) (Ib/yr)

FSX ENGINEERED SILOXANE 4.00 0.13 1 3.88 No LATEX FLAT INTERIOR FINISHES PRO MAR 1.00 0.00 0.8 0.8 No PRIMER LATEX A-1 00 EXTERIOR FLAT PAINT 1.00 0.00 1.22 1.22 No PAINT KIT, BLACK 0.25 0.00 0.6 0.15 No PAINT KIT, GRAY LT 2-PART FAST CURE 20.25 0.75 1.5 29.25 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE, HAZE BLUE 0.75 0.00 1 0.75 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE, KELLY GREEN 2.25 0.25 0.6 1.20 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 4.00 0.13 1 3.88 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 700B90000 0.75 0.19 1 0.56 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 700C0000 23.10 1.63 1 21.48 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE CURE 7.25 0.00 1 7.25 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE RESIN 26.31 1.81 1 24.50 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE RED 4.63 0,25 1 4.38 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE ORANGE 4.63 0.25 1 4.38 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE WHITE 8.00 0.50 1 7.50 No SETFAST ACRYLIC WATERBOURNE TRAFFIC 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 No MARKING TM226 SIERRA METALMAX S37 5.00 0.00 0 0.00 No THINNER BUTYL ACETATE 21.76 1.00 7.34 152.40 No TRAFFIC ZONE VINYL HANDICAP BLUE, 8509 & 3.00 0.00 1.34 4.02 No 8508 ULTRAPRIME 2790 1.50 0.00 1.77 2.66 No ULTRASATIN 2730 8.50 0.00 0.74 6.29 No Total VOCs Emitted(Ib/year) = 448.37 Do you use a booth in your coating operation? Yes[X] No[ ]

If yes, please provide the filter efficiency of your filters. 96.9 - 98.3%

(A)Atacht a sumtitf,'dt ofd(isp'osal rcor'ds yen iivying v'endor and datcs/votuines disposed.

(2) (Aiunottit used - Aii~toti to Waistc) X \OC C'ootenit =gOCc emitted 5

(3) Indicate whether each product contains chiroliales (colllpollIlds conlaining Ci ). Sce NSDS. Include copy o1 MSDS for alt products containing ctrolntes Page 2 o1"2 P~tc PNO()Itt~utI~titt~t~v~t 2nI~ d Icvis:ct1/2I,/0

Air Pollution Control District of San Luis Obispo County Emissions Inventory Information For Inventory Year 2007 Disposal Records for Paint and Solvent Waste 2007 DCPP Paint and Coatings Related Waste Disposal Waste Stream Description Date Quantity Manifest U.S. EPA California Waste Receiving Facility Shipped (Pounds) Waste Code State Waste Profile Code 1st Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 3/20/2007 968 001484039JJK (L3) None 352 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 3/20/2007 2.141 001484040JJK (L2) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 2nd Quarter Paint, Latex Paint & Water 5/312007 479 001484043JJK (L4) None 291 EC8995 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge* 5/3/2007 205 001484045JJK (L2) D001. D018 343 EC8987 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge" 5/312007 1.528 001484045JJK (L3) D001, F003 343 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 5/3/2007 446 001484045JJK (L4) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 5/312007 292 001484048JJK (L3) None 352, 513 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 3rd Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 8/23/2007 1,072 001484070JJK (L4) None 352 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge** 8/23/2007 1,624 001484071JJK (L2) D001.1F003 343 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 8/23/2007 1,865 001484071JJK (L3) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 4th Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 11/8/2007 498 001484118JJK (L3) None 352,513 H42657 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge* 11/8/2007 807 001484119JJK (L2) D001, F003 331,461 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 11/8/2007 977 001484119JJK (L3) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility V%1as~e pain- related materials disposed incJudes unused new paint lel over, from coating jobs perfortmed during 2007. as well as oft-specfircalion and expired shelf-life coallng products that were no' used tor coating operations during 2007 Page 1 of 1


  • Pacific Gas Electric and Company Diablo Canyon Power Plani P0. Box 56 Avila Beach. CA 93424 800.545,6000 PG&E Lctter DCL-2008-505 Certified Return Receipt 07007-0220-0004-6736-0055 FIebruary 20, 2008 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

County of San Luis Obispo 3433 Roberto Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-7126 Attention: Dean Carlson / Mark Elliott Diablo Canyon Power Plant (CPP F ciI .ty Emissions and Throughput Data for Inventory Year 2007 (Annual Air Emissions Report) and As sociated Fac iIity po rting R iremlents In response to APCD letters dated Febr nuary 5, 2008 and February 6, 2008, DCPP is submitting the F:acility Emissions and Throughput Dal a Report for Inventory Year 2007 (Enclosure 1). Requested emissions data has been provided in A] ICD Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 32, or equivalent fiacility generated forms. Additionally, (liesel Fuel use int tormation fbI portable emissions units operated in accordance with APCD Permit-to-Operate (PTO) 1065- 4 and facility gasoline dispensing data has been provided.

If you have any questions or concerns I*egarding the enclosed report, or requiire additional information, please contact Tom Esser of Imy staff ai (805) 54 5-3326.

Sincerely, Kenneth Langdon Director - Overalioms Services 2008505/twe/Ikir Enclosure

PG&E Letter DCL 2008-505 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

February 20, 2008 Page 2 bcc wv/enclosure: TWEsser (104/5/3B)

Environmental Central Library (104/5/1 A-B) bce w/o enclosure: BKCunningham * (104/5/534)

BCHinds * (104/5/517)

  • Circulate one copy with distribution as lollows: BC1-inds, BKCunningham S:\enveng\corresl)ondence\outgoing\2008 doc\2008 complcte\DCL2008505 Supporting electronic data filed @:


Enclosure-I APCD Forms (1-2-4-32) & Supporting Information 2007.doc Portable Unit Emissions Information PTO 1065-4 2007.doc Tesoro ULS Diesel-Fuel MSDS 10-25-2007 Revision (JB Dewar).pdf Industrial Paint & Solvent VOC Emissions APCD Form-3 2007.doc Waste Disposal DCPP (Solvent and Paint) 2007.xls

PG&E Letter DCL-2008-505 Air Pollution Control District (APCD)

February 20, 2008 ENCLOSURE 1 2007 AIR EMISSION INVENTORY REPORT FOR DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT Data Certification, APCD Form-I Emissions Inventory Information - Fuel Combustion (Stationary Devices), APCD Form-2 Emissions Inventory Information - Stand-By/Backup Generators, APCD Form-32 Emissions Inventory Information - Permitted Diesel-Firecl Portable Units Supporting Data for Facility Diesel Fuel Oil Sulfur Content and Heat Value (16-Pages)

Emissions Inventory Information - Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Emissions Inventory Information - Other Solvents and Organic Compound Sources, APCD Form-4 Emissions Inventory Information - Industrial Paint and Solvent Use, APCD Form-3 (3-Pages)

Including - Facilit), DisposalRecords for Paint and Solvent Related W'astes

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO DATA CERTIFICATION FORM For Inventory Year - 2007 Please fill in all space and retain a copy for your records. Completed forms may be faxed. Print your name and sign this form in the spaces provided. Submit completed forms by clue (late to avoid fines or penalties.

A. Please print clearly.

Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP)

Contact Name Bryan K. Cunningham Title I Supervisor, Environmental Operations Mailing Address P.O. Box 56 104/5/534 City, State ZIP Avila Beach, CA 93424 Contact Phone (805) 545-4439 Fax (805) 545-3459 Equipment Address 9 Miles Northwest of Avila Beach City, State ZIP Avila Beach, CA 93424 Facility ID (see cover letter) 2321 Type of Business Electric Power Generation B. Is trade secret data included? Yes[] No [X]

If ves, attach explanation.

C. Are there any NEW sources of criteria pollutants: oxides of nitrogen, oxides of Yes [X] No [ ]

sulfur, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs)'? If yes, describe in box below.

D. Are there any emission sources no longer in service? Yes [ ] No [X]

If yes, write permit number in box below.


Added one new portable emission unit.

, Portable Diesel-Fuelcd Compressor, Yanmar Ingersoll Rand Model 41R1 8T. Permit 1065-4.

Under California Health and Safety Code sections 40701 and 42303, the 1)istriet has the right to request data needed to estimate polluitant emissions. Consequently, you are obligated to provide all requested data hy tile die d(ate. This data is also requested under the authority of the Air Toxics Ilot Spots program. The data may be ise(l to determine permit renewal fees. lailure to provide complete data by the due (late may result in fines or penalties.

I, Kenneth Langdon (Clearly Print Name), certify that the data provided above and iii all tile attachments is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: _ - -- 7/- Date: -

I'llectionic copies uScia S ion i foirms are lO~ated on out WVEB site.

envotoy cng)01 Revised 01116/07

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 FUEL COMBUSTION Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Use this form to report all stationary combustion devices. Do not report stand-by or backup generators on this form. List each item separately, unless identical. Do not include mobile equipment such as loaders or trucks. Please fill in all spaces and include supporting data where requested. Retain a copy for your records.

Annual nit u of Heat Content Sulfur Unit of 6

Device No. Device Description Equipment Rating 1

FlTpcul Measure Yearly Hour uunit volume )

t 4t Content( 5 Measuret Fuel Used (4) Use (7) (Bu/ni vlue onen-) Mesu DA-18 Auxiliary Boilcr 0-2 8 1.816 mm BTU/hour CARB No.2 0 Gallons 0 138,608 BTUigallon 0.0316 Weight %

ULS Diesel Fuel (I) For boilers, heaters, kilns, flares, and related equipment give the design heat input (mn BTU/hr). For internal combustion engines, specify horsepower (lip).

(2) Examples: natural gas, fhel eas. landfill gas, diesel fuel. fuel oil, If fuel oil is burned, specify grade (example: fucl oil No. 2).

(3) Ifa device burns more than one fuel. use a separate line for each fuel.

(4) Include units of measure 'therms, mcf, nmucf, gal, regal, bbl, or rabbl). Be sure that your units of neasure are correct!

(5) This form is incomplete without an accompanying, recent analysis of the sulfur content. Omit for natural (utility) gas-fired sources.

(6) Express sulfur content in gr/dscfor lbhnnicf for gasses and weight %/vol for liquids.

(7) The total number of hours the unit has been run for the current year.

Eng002.doc Revised 813,12006

,AIR CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO POLLUTION EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventor' Year - 2007 STAND-BY/BACKUP GENERATORS Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Use this form to report all Stand-By and Backup Generators. List each device separately. Please fill in all spaces and include supporting data where requested. Retain a copy for your records.

Unit of Y'early Maintenance Meter 4 6 Device No. Device Description Equipment Rating Fuel Tvpe(j) Annual Fuel Use Measuret ) Hour Use(5) Hours( t Reading(7)

DA- I Emergcncy Diesel Generator I-I 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 10,249 Gallons 78.2 73.8 2394.9 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-2 Emergency Diesel Generator 1-2 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 6,042 Gallons 46.1 41.5 2 04.4" ULS Diesel Fuel I ________I ______ I_____

DA-3 Ernergency Diesel Generator 1-3 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 9,371 Gallons 71.5 71.5 2456.0 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-4 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-1 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 8,637 Gallons 65.9 65.3 1732.7 ULS Diesel Fuel 6 DA-5 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-2 3,630 horsepower CARB No. 2 3,827 Gallons 292 2S,7 1936.3 ULS Diesel Fuel DA-25 Emergency Diesel Generator 2-3 3,630 horsepower CARB No.2 5,085 Gallons 38.8 38.2 1313.2 ULS Diesel Fuel CARB No.2 DA-6 Security Diesel Generator 449 horsepower ULS Diesel Fuel 735.5 Gallons 64 61 832 Emergency Operations Facility (EO F) GARB No.21 NA Eeror 162 horsepower ULS No. 2 30 Gallons 15.4 14.5 NA Emergency OprtosEegnyDiesel Generator 12hreoerULS Diesel Fuel 3 ______

832.7 (1) For internal combustion engines, specify horsepower (lip) or design heat input (rmm BTUIihr).

(2) Examples: natural as, propane gas, diesel fuel, ftel oil. If fuel oil is burned, specify grade (example: fuel oil No. 2).

(3) Ifa device burns more than one fuel, use a separate line for each fuel.

(4) Include units of measure (therns, tcfl mminc gal, rigal, bbl, or mbbl). Be sure that your units of measure are correct!!!

(5) The total number of hours the unit has been run for the current calendar year.

(6) The number of hours the device has been used for maintenance.

(7) The end of year hour meter reading from the device.

Eng032.doc Revised 11/4/05

Emissions Inventory Information for Permitted Diesel-Fired Portable Units Pacific Gas & Electric Companv. Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP)

The following table lists the operating hours and fuel consumption during 2007 for permitted diesel-fired portable emissions units located at DCPP. The units are operated under SLO APCD Permit-To-Operate (PTO) 1065-4.

Unit Identification 2007 2007 Hours of Operation Diesel-Fuel Added (in aallons)

Ingersol Rand XP375 Compressor 101.8 201 Butterworth Model 61ODT Pressure Washer 3.1 15 MQ Power Model DCA-150SSVU Generator 64.8 125 Ingersol Rand Compressor-Yanmar 41R18T 25.0 41

AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT - SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY EMISSION INVENTORY INFORMATION Supporting Data Diesel Fuel Oil Sulfur Content and BTU Values DCPP Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) burn only CARB Ultra Low Sulfur (ULS) red-dyed diesel fuel oil in accordance with conditions of APCD Permit-To-Operate (PTO) 919-2, and to meet the requirements of Title 17 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 93115.5.

Representative analyses of the fuel burned in the EDGs during 2007 are attached. These analyses indicate the sulfur content of fuel added to the EDG fuel tanks was less than 0.001%.



Copy 03/01/2007 Receipt of BP West Coast Products ULS Dyed CARB Diesel.

Test Summary Report for DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample 5-24-2007.

Test Summary Report for DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample 11-27-2007.

If operated, the DCPP Auxiliary Boiler would burn CARB ULS diesel fuel. The estimated heat content (BTU) value for the fuel provided on APCD Form-2 was calculated using the attached Technical Bulletin provided by BP/AMOCO/Atlantic Richfield.



BP Technical Bulletin - Heat Content of Burner Diesel Fuel.

The DCPP Security Diesel Generator, Facility Diesel-Fired Portable Units, and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) Diesel Generator burn CARB Ultra Low Sulfur (ULS) clear highway diesel #2 fuel oil supplied by the JB Dewar Company. JB Dewar provided a supplier specification sheet (MSDS) for delivered fuel indicating the sulfur content to be 0.0015% by weight (maximum).



Copy 02/01/2007 Receipt of JB Dewar Petroleum Products (Gasoline and LS/ULS Diesel #2).

Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co. Diesel Fuel #2 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 10/25/07.

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June 6, 2007 TEST


REPORT for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)

DCPP #2 DFO Composite Sample Date/Time Sample: 5-24-07 (0900)

Item Parameter Units Method of Analysis Test Results

1. Viscosity at 40'C Centistokes ASTM D-445-74 2.073
2. API Gravity Degrees, API ASTM D-287-82 40
3. Flash Point OF ASTM D-93-85 139 Water-and-Sediment Volurne-% AS-T-M-D-4-7 64-3-8 OMIT 47 Glear-and3nr4ght A$-TM-D-4476-82 OMI-T AS-T-M-Geler AS-T-M-D-4-500 OM4T
7. Particulate Contamination mg/liter ASTM D-2276-78 1,9
8. Cloud Point OC ASTM D-2500-66 -18
9. Carbon Residue on 10% bottom Weight % ASTM D-524-76 0.08 10 Ash Weight % ASTM D-482-74 <0.001
11. Distillation Temperature OC at 90% ASTM D-86-78 314.8 distilled
12. Sulfur Weight % ASTM D-2622-82 1 <0.001
13. Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM D-130-75 lB 2
14. Cetane Number ASTM D-613-81 54.6 3
15. Oxidation Stability mg/i 00 ml ASTM D-2274-03 0.1
16. Hydrocarbon Types in Petroleum Volume % ASTM D-1319-03 Aromatics 19 Products by Fluorescent Indicator Olefins 2.9 Absorption Saturates = 78.1
17. Wear Scar (avg). Lubricity, 60°C Micron ASTM D6079-04 460 0 99
18. Thermal Stability, 90min., 150 C  % Reflectance ASTM D6468-06 1 The analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D-1 552-76 or ASTM D-2622-82.

2 ASTM D-976 may be used as provided inASTM D-975-81. (Pleaseperform D-613 ratherthan D-976).

3 Parameters included to aid in determining fuel quality. Not required by Tech Specs.

Chem 2007_0524 (OPAJAFF7).doc Page 2 of 2

December 7, 2007 TEST


REPORT for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Power Plant)

DCPP 1/2 DFO Composite Sample Date/Time Sample: 11-27-07 (0930)

Item Parameter Units Method of Analysis Test Results

1. Viscosity at 401C Centistokes ASTM D-445-74 2.421
2. API Gravity Degrees, API ASTM D-287-82 38.4
3. Flash Point OF ASTM D-93-85 157
4. Water-and-Sediment Volume-% AS-TM-D-1-796-83 OMIT 6-, Glear-and-Bright AS-TM-D-41-76-82 OMIT 6; AST-M-Goler ASTM-D-1-500-87 OMIT
7. Particulate Contamination mg/liter ASTM D-2276-78 0.9
8. Cloud Point °C ASTM D-2500-66 -10
9. Carbon Residue on 10% bottom Weight % ASTM D-524-76 0.07 10 Ash Weight % ASTM D-482-74 <0.001
11. Distillation Temperature 'C at 90% ASTM D-86-78 320.1 distilled
12. Sulfur Weight % ASTM D-2622-82' <0.001
13. Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM D-130-75 1A 2
14. Cetane Number ASTM D-613-81 53.3
15. Oxidation Stability mg/100 ml ASTM D-2274-033 0.2
16. Hydrocarbon Types in Petroleum Volume % ASTM D-1319-033 Aromatics = 18.8 Products by Fluorescent Indicator Olefins = 4.7 Absorption Saturates = 76.5
17. Wear Scar (avg). Lubricity, 60TC Micron ASTM D6079-044 425
18. Thermal Stability, 90min., 150'C  % Reflectance ASTM D6468-063 99 1 The analysis for sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D-1552-79 or ASTM D-2622-82.

2 ASTIM D-976 may be used as provided in ASTM D-975-81.

3 Parameters included to aid in determining fuel quality. Not required by Tech Specs.

4 If lubricity exceeds 520 micron initiate an AR to procurement services as the diesel fuel exceeds the procurement specification of 520 micron.

Chem 20071127 (OPAJCLG7).doc Page 2 of 2

Lip Techinicail B.Rullefiii 41111 HEAT CONTENT OF BURNER AND DIESEL FUELS The "heat content" or Heat of Combustion of distillate fuels is correlated to the API Gravity (i.e. fuel density) and is influenced by sulfur content. Although heat of combustion best can be determined experimentally, usually it is estimated by calculation.

Gross heat of combustion is the more commonly used, It Is the l'eat released by the combustion of the fuel with all of the water formed condensed to a liquid state. Net heat of combustion is the heat released by combuslion of the fuel with the water remaining in the vapor state.

The calculated values in this table may differ from determined \Elues by up to 6-1 Btu's per pound.

Calculated* Heat of Combustion For High Sulfur (Off-Road) Distillates Gravity, Density @ 60 HLknt~nLCrntlrni,,.sfl nisl'q¢*allnn.


'API Lb/Gal. Nct 7.547 I 75,384 143,499 25 7,499 134,796 142,942 26 142,392 7.452 13.'4,215 27 7.405 133,640 141,848 28 141,310 7.359 133,072 29 140,778 7.313 132,511 30 140,252 7/.268 131,956 31 139,732 7.224 131,407 32 139,218 7.180 130,864 33 138,709 7.137 130,327 34 138,206 7.094 129,797 35 137,709 7T051 129,272 36 137,2.17 7.009 128,752 37 136,730 6.968 128,239 38 136,249 6.927 127,731-39 135,772 6.887 127,288 40 135.301 6.847 126.731 41 134,834 6.807 126,238 42 6.768 125,751 134,372 43 133,915 6.730 125,269 4,1 6.692 124,792 133,463 45 133,015 6.654 124,320 46 6.617 123,853 132,572 I' 47 48 6.580 6.543 123,390 122,932 132,134 131,699 49 6.507 122,479 131,269 50 130,843 6.472 122,030 51 6.437 121,585 130,422 52 6.402 121,145 130,004 53 129,591 6.367 120,709 54 6.333 120,277 129,181 55

  • Assuming 0.25 wt% sulfur. Fuels of higher sulfur content can be adjusted down by 5 Btu's per 0.01% sulfur, and used within fuels of lower sulfur content can be adjusted upward by the same factor. Linear Interpolation can be the range of this table.

F 6n BP fuels, contact:

1w li 'g eclnical Service n'o: I -, 00.2 4 l-5 2 5 5

' te Aefi a.. omp-nlex J5 est IVNi, e Road "AIoi;6Q563-8460 (AM00.0, "IM-XiMV/ S-1, '19pr



J SINCH 1933 75 PRADO ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 3059 P.O. BOX 3059 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-3059 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93403-3059 PI.I-,%:s iv,".e yC~ir .t,t>N,lilt ri~Lt 9( o 5 3ii c'O tie" I*~

(805) 5,13-0180 In mcUftnRATTV FAX (805) 5413-8537 1-800-549-OILS (6457) NUMBER DSTRIUORO PTROLEUM PRODUCTS ACCOUNT' UIVBER: '.  :; , DATE ' .. A.


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Material Safety Data Sheet Diesel Fuel#2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

N F'I/, -,flldhl HMIS III:

PHYSIVEAL0 0 = Insignificant, 1 = Slight, 2 = Moderate, Spec.ifi I lazard TESO RO 3 = High, 4 = Extreme SECTION 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name Diesel Fuel#2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Synonyms MSDS Number 888100004790 Version 2.0 Product Use Description Fuel Company Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.

300 Concord Plaza Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216-6999 Tesoro Call Center (877) 783-7676 Chemtrec (800) 424-9300 (Emergency Contact)

SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Regulatory status This material is considered hazardous by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

Signal Word WARNING Hazard Summary Toxic Potential Health Effects Eyes Eye irritation may result from contact with liquid, mists, and/or vapors.

Skin Skin irritation leading to dermatilis may occur upon prolonged or repeated contact. Liquid may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts if large areas of skin are repeatedly exposed. Long-term, repeated skin contact may cause skin cancer Ingestion Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Do NOT induce vomiting. This material can irritate the mouth, throat, stomach, and cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and restlessness Aspiration hazard if liquid is inhaled into lungs, particularly from vomiting after ingestion. Aspiration may result in chemical pneumonia, severe lung damage, respiratory failure and even death.

Target Organs Kidney, Liver, Skin, Eyes, Central nervous system Inhalation Vapors or mists from this material can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs, and

IMATERIAL SAFETY I)ATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel#2-Low (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 2 of' 10 can cause signs and symptoms of central nervous system depression, depending on the concentration and duration of exposure.


Fuels, dieoel, No 2; Gasoll - unspecified 68476-34-6 100%

Naphthalene 91-20-3 0.75-1%

Nonane 111-84-2 0.75- 1%

1,2,4-Trhmethylbenzene 95-63-6 1 - 5%

Xylene 1330-20-7 1 - 5%

Sulfur 7704-34-9 15 ppm maxiurn SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation Move to fresh air. Give oxygen. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. Seek medical attention immediately.

Skin contact Take off all contaminated clothing immediately. Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. If skin irritation persists, seek medical attention immediately.

Eye contact Remove contact lenses. Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention.

Ingestion Do not induce vomiting without medical advice. If a person vomits when lying on his back, place him in the recovery position. Seek medical attention immediately.

Notes to physician Symptoms: Dizziness, Discomfort, Headache, Nausea, Disorder, Vomiting, Lung oedema, Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneLmonitis., Liver disorders, Kidney disorders.

SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Form Liquid Flash point 51.7 - 82.2 'C (125.1 - 180.0 'F)

Suitable extinguishing media Carbon dioxide (C02), Water spray, Dry chemical, Foam, Keep containers and surroundings cool with water spray.

Specific hazards during fire Fire Hazard. Do not use a solid waier stream as it may scatter and spread fire.

fighting Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water spray.

Special protective equipment Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit. Use personal for fire-fighters protective equipment.

Further information Exposure to decomposition products may be a hazard to health. Isolate area around container involved in fire. Cool tanks, shells, and containers exposed to fire 2/10

IMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel#2-Low (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 3 of 10 and excessive heat with water. For massive fires the use of unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles may be advantageous to further minimize personnel exposure. Major fires may require withdrawal, allowing the tank to burn. Large storage tank fires typically require specially trained personnel and equipment to extinguish the fire, often including the need for properly applied fire fighting foam.

SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Evacuate nonessential personnel and remove or secure all ignition sources.

Consider wind direction; stay upwind and uphill, if possible. Evaluate the direction of product travel, diking, sewers, etc. to contain spill areas. Spills may infiltrate subsurface soil and groundwater; professional assistance may be necessary to determine the extent of subsurface impact. Ensure adequate ventilation. Use personal protective equipment.

Environmental precautions Carefully contain and stop the source of the spill, if safe to do so. Protect bodies of water by diking, absorbents, or absorbent boom, if possible. Do not flush down sewer or drainage systems, unless system is designed and permitted to handle such material. The use of fire fighting foam may be useful in certain situations to reduce vapors. The proper use of water spray may effectively disperse product vapors or the liquid itself, preventing contact with ignition sources or areas/eqUipment that require protection. Discharge into the environment must be avoided. If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.

Methods for cleaning up Take up with sand or oil absorbing materials. Carefully shovel, scoop or sweep up into a waste container for reclamation or disposal - caution, flammable vapors may accumulate in closed containers. Response and clean-up crews must be properly trained and must utilize proper protective equipment (see Section 8).

CERCLA Hazardous substances and corresponding RQs:

Naphthalene 91-20-3 100 lbs Xylene 1330-20-7 100 lbs Nonane 111-84-2 100 lbs SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Handle and open container with care. Use only intrinsically safe electrical equipment approved for use in classified areas. Do not smoke near areas where material is handled or stored. Remove all sources of ignition. Emergency eye wash capability should be available in the vicinity of any potential splash exposure.

Advice on protection against Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Ground and bond containers fire and explosion during product transfers to reduce the possibility of static-initiated fire or explosion.

Special slow load procedures for "switch loading" must be followed to avoid the static ignition hazard that can exist when higher flash point material (such as fuel oil) is loaded into tanks previously containing low flash point products - see API Publication 2003, "Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out Of Static, Lightning and Stray Currents."

Dust explosion class Not applicable Requirements for storage Keep away from flame, sparks, excessive temperatures and open flame. Use 3/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur #2-Low Diesel (ULSD)Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 4 of 10 areas and containers approved vented containers. Keep containers closed and clearly labeled. Empty product containers or vessels may contain explosive vapors. Do not pressurize, cut, heat, weld or expose containers to sources of ignition. Store in a well-ventilated area. This storage area should comply with NFPA 30 "Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code". Avoid storage near incompatible materials. The cleaning of tanks previously containing this product should follow API Recommended Practice (RP) 2013 "Cleaning Mobile Tanks In Flammable and Combustible Liquid Service" and API RP 2015 "Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks".

Advice on common storage Keep away from food, drink and animal feed. Incompatible with oxidizing agents.

Incompatible with acids.

Other data Emergency eye wash capability should be available in the near proximity to operations presenting a potential splash exposure.

SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Guidelines List Components CAS-No. Type: Value OSHA Z1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 PEL 10 ppm 50 mg/m3 Xylene 1330-20-7 PEL 100 ppm 435 mgrm3 ACGIH Diesel Fuel 68476-30-2 TWA 100 mng/m3 Naphthalene 91-20-3 T'WA 10 ppm 91-20-3 STEL 15 ppm Xylene 1330-20-7 TWA 100 ppm 1330-20-7 STEL 150 ppm Nonane 111-84-2 TWA 200 ppm Engineering measures Use adequate ventilation to keep gas and vapor concentrations of this product below occupational exposure and flammability limits, particularly in confined spaces. Use only intrinsically safe electrical equipment approved for use in classified areas.

Eye protection Safety glasses or goggles are recommended where there is a possibility of splashing or spraying.

Hand protection Gloves constructed of nitrile, neoprene, or PVC are recommended. Consult manufacturer specifications for further information.

Skin and body protection If needed to prevent skin contact, chemical protective clothing such as of DuPont TyChem, Saranex or equivalent recommended based on degree of exposure.

The resistance of specific material may vary from product to product as well as with degree of exposure.


IATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Paige 5 or 10 A SSulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Respiratory protection A NIOSH/ MSHA-approved air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridges or canister may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are or may be expected to exceed exposure limits or for odor or irritation. Protection provided by air-purifying respirators is limited. Refer to OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, ANSI Z88.2-1992, NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic, and the manufacturer for additional guidance on respiratory protection selection. Use a NIOSH/ MSHA-approved positive-pressure supplied-air respirator if there is a potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known, in oxygen-deficient atmospheres, or any other circumstance where an air-purifying respirator may not provide adequate protection.

Hygiene measures Avoid repeated and/or prolonged skin exposure. Use good personal hygiene practices. Wash hands before eating, drinking, smoking, or using toilet facilities.

DO NOT use gasoline, kerosene, solvents, or harsh abrasive skin cleaners to clean skin. Waterless hand cleaners are effective. Promptly remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Consider disposal of contaminated clothing rather than laundering to prevent the formation of flammable vapors which could ignite via washer or dryer.

SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Form Liquid Appearance Clear, straw colored Odor Characteristic petroleum (kerosene) odor Flash point 51.7 - 82.2 'C (125.1 - 180.0 'F)

Thermal decomposition No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

pH Not determined Freezing point Not applicable Boiling point 149 - 371 °C(300 - 700 OF)

Vapor Pressure < 34.47 hPa at 37.78 °C (100.00 OF)

Relative Vapor Density >1.0 (Air = 1.0)

Water solubility Negligible Percent Volatiles 100%

SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Conditions to avoid z Avoid high temperatures, open flames, sparks, welding, smoking and other ignition sources. Keep away from strong oxidizers. Viton  ; Fluorel Materials to avoid Strong oxidizing agents Peroxides Hazardous decomposition Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and noncombusted hydrocarbons (smoke).

products Diesel exhaust particulates may be a lung hazard - see Section 11.

Thermal decomposition No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.

Hazardous reactions Keep away from oxidizing agents, and acidic or alkaline products.


MATERIAL SAFETY I)ATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-(ow Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Pagc 6 of 10 S Sulfur Diesel (ULSO))

SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Carcinogenicity NTP Naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

IARC Naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

OSHA No component of this product which is present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1

% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA.

CA Prop 65 WARNING! This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.

naphthalene (GAS-No.: 91-20-3)

Skin irritation Irritating to skin.

Eye irritation Irritating to eyes.

Further information Studies have shown that similar products produce skin cancer or skin tumors in laboratory animals following repeated applications without washing or removal. The significance of this finding to human exposure has not been determined. Other studies with active skin carcinogens have shown that washing the animal's skin with soap and water between applications reduced tumor formation.

Positive rnutagenicity results have been reported.

Repeated over-exposure may cause liver and kidney injury Components of the product may affect the nervous system.

IARC classifies whole diesel fuel exhaust particulates as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). NIOSH regards whole diesel fuel exhaust particulates as a potential cause of occupational lung cancer based on animal studies and limited evidence in humans.


Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - 68476-34-6 Acute oral toxicity:_L050 rat unspecified Dose: 5.001 mg/kg Acute dermnal toxicity:-LD50 rabbit Dose: 2,001 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity,, LC50 rat Dose 7.64 mg1I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation. Classitication: Irritating to skin.

Result: Severe skin irritation Eye irritation,: Classilication: Irritating to eyes.

Resu~lt: Mild eye irritation Naphthalene 91-20-3 Acute oral toxicity: LD5O rat Dose: 2,001 mng/kg Acute dermal foxicity:_LD50 rat Dose: 2,501 mg/kg Acu~te inhalation toxicityJLOSO rat Dose 101 mg/I Exposure lime: 4 Ih Skin irritation.-Ctassification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Mild skin irritation 6/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel Sulfur Diesel #2-,ow (ULSD) Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Page 7 or110 I Eye irritation:.Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Mild eye irritation Carcinogenicity: N 11.00422130 Nonane 111-84-2 Acqut, ral,.Ioxiciýty LDS0 mouse Dose: 218 mng/kg Acute inhalation toxicity..LC50 rat Exposure time: 4 h 1,2,4-Trirnethylbenzene 95-63-6 Acute inhalation toxicity: LC50 rat Dose 18 mg/I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation; Classification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Skin irritation EVe irritation Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Eye irritation Xylene 1330-20-7 Acute oral toxicity: LDS0 rat Dose: 2,840 mg/kg Acute dermal toxicity_,LD50 rabbit Dose: ca, 4,500 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity:-LC50 rat Dose: 6,350 mg/I Exposure time: 4 h Skin irritation: Classification: Irritating to skin.

Result: Mild skin irritation Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause skin irritation and dermatitis, due to degreasing properties of the product.

Eye irritation -Classification: Irritating to eyes.

Result: Mild eye irritation SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Additional ecological Keep out of sewers, drainage areas, and waterways. Report spills and releases, as information applicable, under Federal and State regulations.


Naphthalene 91-20-3 Toxicity to algae:

EC50 Species Dose: 33 mg/I Exposure time: 24 h 1,2,4-Trimnethylbenzene 95-63-6 Toxicity to fish.

LC50 Species Pimnephales promelas (fathead minnow)

Dose: 7.72 mg/I Exposure time: 96 h Acute and prolonned toxicity for aquatic invertebrates:

EC50 Species: Daphnia Dose: 3.6 mg/I Exposure time: 48 h


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (IS) and Ultra Low Page 8 of 10 I Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

Disposal Consult federal, state and local waste regulations to determine appropriate waste characterization of material and allowable disposal methods.

SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION CFR Proper shipping name DIESEL FUEL UN-No. 1202 Class 3 Packing group III i TDG Proper shipping name DIESEL FUEL UN-No. UN1202 Class 3 Packing group III IATA Cargo Transport UN UN-No. UN1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III ICAO-Labels 3 Packing instruction (cargo 310 aircraft)

Packing instruction (cargo Y309 aircraft)

IATA Passenger Transport UN UN-No. UN1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III ICAO-Labels 3 Packing instruction 309 (passenger aircraft)

Packing instruction Y309 (passenger aircraft)

IMDG-Code UN-No. UN 1202 Description of the goods DIESEL FUEL Class 3 Packaging group III IMDG-Labels 3 EmS Number F-E S-E Marine pollutant No SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATI"ON/


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (1,S) and Ultra Low Page 9 of 10 1 Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)

OSHA Hazards Toxic by ingestion Severe skin irritant Moderate eye irritant POSSIBLE CANCER HAZARD TSCA Status On TSCA Inventory DSL Status All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL list.

SARA 311/312 Hazards Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard Fire Hazard PENN RTK US, Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law (34 Pa. Code Chap. 301-323)

Components CAS-No.

Nonane 111-84-2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Xylene 1330-20-7 Naphthalene 91-20-3 Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - unspecified 68476-34-6 MASS RTK US. Massachusetts Commonwealth's Right-to-Know Law (Appendix A to 105 Code of Massachusetts Regulations Section 670.000)

Components CAS-No.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 Xylene 1330-20-7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Nonane 111-84-2 NJ RTK us. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know Act (New Jersey Statute Annotated Section 34:5A-5)

Components CAS-No.

Nonane 111-84-2 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 Xylene 1330-20-7 Naphthalene 91-20-3 Fuels, diesel, No 2; Gasoil - unspecified 68476-34-6 SARA III US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title IIISection 313 Toxic Chemicals (40 CFR 372.65) - Supplier Notification Required Components CAS-No.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 Xylene 1330-20-7 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 California Prop. 65 WARNING! This product contains a chemnical known to the State of California to 9/10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel #2-Low Sulfur (LS) and Ultra Low Pagc 10 of 10 Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) cause cancer.

Naphthalene 91-20-3 SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Further information The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.

Prepared by GWU mbH Birlenbacher Sir. 18 D-57078 Siegen Germany Telephone: +49-(0)271-88072-0 Revision Date 10/25/2007 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 46, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 111,282,319, 1051, 1052, 1057, 1064, 1072, 1074, 1174, 1376, 1609, 1617, 1626, 1636, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1759, 1763, 1764, 1859, 1866, 1876, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1988 10/10


Please fill in all spaces and retain a copy for your records. The data listed below will be used to estimate the community cancer risk under the Air Toxics Hot Spots (ATHS) program.

A. Enter the total number of gallons of gasoline or methanol/gasoline mix sold or dispensed during the emission year. Do NOT include diesel. If not known, enter the number of gallons of gasoline loaded into your tanks.

26,517.4 gallons B. Enter the operating hours per clay and the number of (lays per year that your facility is open for gasoline sales.

operating hours per day 24 clays per year 365 C. Type of Phase II vapor control system: vacuum assist [ ] balance [X] other [ ]

Manufacturer of Phase I1vapor control system: Trusco Tanlk Inc. (Supervault)

D. Accurately determine the following distances. This form is incomplete without this information. If any of the distances requested below are known to be greater than 600 feet, list

"> 600."

Distance from the nearest nozzle to:

the closest home, apartment, mobile home, or long-term care facility:

>600 feet the closest off-site work site (businesses, motels, schools, offices, and restaurants, and any co-located work site, such as a restaurant or mini-mart, where employees are not direct service station employees):

>600 feet

,AIR CONTROL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO POLLUTION EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 OTHER SOLVENTS AND ORGANIC COMPOUND SOURCES Company Name Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Contact Initials TWE Report emissions from other sources of volatile organic compounds. Be sure to use the correct units of measure. Do not use this form for surface coating operations. Please fill in all spaces and retain a copy for your records.

Device ID Emitted.. Description of Process in Which Per Year(2 )

UsedAmount Amount to Waste (per year)3 VOC 4 )


T Annual AnnualdVOCs Emitted/)

t t O

(optional) Material is Released (Ib/yr)

A B C D nxample I Roensotve used in plating line to remove oil from rtw stock 650 oal 250 ga] 7.0 lb/igal 2.00 lbiyI None (n/a) 4 1-Total VOCs emitted None (n/a) lbiyr List acetone-based solvents and products separately.

Include appropriate unit.; - tons, gallons, barrels, pounds-(3) Includes only otl'site disposal or recycling. Include a summary ofthe materials sent off site including date, vendor, and amount shipped.

(4) Units must be consistent with (2) and (3)

(5) Annual VOCs Emitted = (A minus 13)quantity times C: example: 650 gal - 250 gal = 400 gal, 400 gal x 7.0 lb/gal = 2.800 lb Eng004.doc Revised 112-102

EMISSIONS INVENTORY INFORMATION For Inventory Year - 2007 INDUSTRIAL PAINT AND SOLVENT USE Company Name: Pacific Gas & Electric CompanyIDiablo Canyon Power Plant Contact Initials: TWE List paints and all solvents used for cleanup and thinning for commercial, industrial, and institutional coating operations and applications. Please list acetone separately. Find the VOC content of the materials from the MSDS or your paint supplier. Calculate emissions. Please fill in each column and retain a copy tor your Records.

Be sure to use the correct units of measure.

Type of Coating or Solvent Amount Used Amount VOC VOCs Chromates (gal/yr) Recycled Content Emitted (yes/no)


_____________________ -I EPOXY SELF-PRIMING SURFACE ENAMEL 1.81 0.19 0.6 0.98 No COMSTOCK P~Ivc 2

  • "* lý:NC'100'1111ý,ILISII'ýtill[SOIV('111.(IOC

Type of Coating or Solvent Amount Used Amount VOC VOCs Chromates (gal/yr) Recycled Content Emitted (yes/no)

(gal/yr) (lb/gal) (Ib/yr)

FSX ENGINEERED SILOXANE 4.00 0.13 1 3.88 No LATEX FLAT INTERIOR FINISHES PRO MAR 1.00 0.00 0.8 0.8 No PRIMER LATEX A-1 00 EXTERIOR FLAT PAINT 1.00 0.00 1.22 1.22 No PAINT KIT, BLACK 0.25 0.00 0.6 0.15 No PAINT KIT, GRAY LT 2-PART FAST CURE 20.25 0.75 1.5 29.25 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE, HAZE BLUE 0.75 0.00 1 0.75 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE, KELLY GREEN 2.25 0.25 0.6 1.20 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 4.00 0.13 1 3.88 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 700B90000 0.75 0.19 1 0.56 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE 700C0000 23.10 1.63 1 21.48 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE CURE 7.25 0.00 1 7.25 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE RESIN 26.31 1.81 1 24.50 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE RED 4.63 0,25 1 4.38 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE ORANGE 4.63 0.25 1 4.38 No AMERON PSX-700 SILOXANE WHITE 8.00 0.50 1 7.50 No SETFAST ACRYLIC WATERBOURNE TRAFFIC 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 No MARKING TM226 SIERRA METALMAX S37 5.00 0.00 0 0.00 No THINNER BUTYL ACETATE 21.76 1.00 7.34 152.40 No TRAFFIC ZONE VINYL HANDICAP BLUE, 8509 & 3.00 0.00 1.34 4.02 No 8508 ULTRAPRIME 2790 1.50 0.00 1.77 2.66 No ULTRASATIN 2730 8.50 0.00 0.74 6.29 No Total VOCs Emitted(Ib/year) = 448.37 Do you use a booth in your coating operation? Yes[X] No[ ]

If yes, please provide the filter efficiency of your filters. 96.9 - 98.3%

(A)Atacht a sumtitf,'dt ofd(isp'osal rcor'ds yen iivying v'endor and datcs/votuines disposed.

(2) (Aiunottit used - Aii~toti to Waistc) X \OC C'ootenit =gOCc emitted 5

(3) Indicate whether each product contains chiroliales (colllpollIlds conlaining Ci ). Sce NSDS. Include copy o1 MSDS for alt products containing ctrolntes Page 2 o1"2 P~tc PNO()Itt~utI~titt~t~v~t 2nI~ d Icvis:ct1/2I,/0

Air Pollution Control District of San Luis Obispo County Emissions Inventory Information For Inventory Year 2007 Disposal Records for Paint and Solvent Waste 2007 DCPP Paint and Coatings Related Waste Disposal Waste Stream Description Date Quantity Manifest U.S. EPA California Waste Receiving Facility Shipped (Pounds) Waste Code State Waste Profile Code 1st Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 3/20/2007 968 001484039JJK (L3) None 352 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 3/20/2007 2.141 001484040JJK (L2) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 2nd Quarter Paint, Latex Paint & Water 5/312007 479 001484043JJK (L4) None 291 EC8995 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge* 5/3/2007 205 001484045JJK (L2) D001. D018 343 EC8987 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge" 5/312007 1.528 001484045JJK (L3) D001, F003 343 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 5/3/2007 446 001484045JJK (L4) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 5/312007 292 001484048JJK (L3) None 352, 513 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 3rd Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 8/23/2007 1,072 001484070JJK (L4) None 352 H42657 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge** 8/23/2007 1,624 001484071JJK (L2) D001.1F003 343 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 8/23/2007 1,865 001484071JJK (L3) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility 4th Quarter Paint Solids (Crushed Containers for Burial) 11/8/2007 498 001484118JJK (L3) None 352,513 H42657 Chemical Waste Management. Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Thinner/Sludge* 11/8/2007 807 001484119JJK (L2) D001, F003 331,461 EC8958 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility Paint Contaminated Solids (Incineration) 11/8/2007 977 001484119JJK (L3) F005 352 EG0033 Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman Hills Facility V%1as~e pain- related materials disposed incJudes unused new paint lel over, from coating jobs perfortmed during 2007. as well as oft-specfircalion and expired shelf-life coallng products that were no' used tor coating operations during 2007 Page 1 of 1