BECO-91-150, Revised Proposed Tech Spec Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys

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Revised Proposed Tech Spec Re Auxiliary Electrical Sys
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/06/1991
Shared Package
ML20086J546 List:
BECO-91-150, NUDOCS 9112110330
Download: ML20086J549 (8)



4 ATTACHMENT B 10 BECO 91- tro 3

Revised Technical Soecification Paael 194A 200 201 i

0112110330 911206 -)

PDR -ADOCK 05000293 1



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4.9.A Auxiliary Electrical Equlpm_fD_t Surveillance (Cont'd) l

1. Verifying de-energization of the emergency buses and load shedding from the emergency buses.
2. Verifying the diesel starts from ambient condition on the auto-start signal, I energizes the emergency buses with permanently connected loads, energizes the auto-connected emergency loads through the load sequence, and operates for l 1 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency loads.

During performance of this I surveillance verify that i HPCI and RCIC inverters do l not trip. l The results shall be logged.

c. Once per operating cycle with the diesel loaded per 4.9.A.1.b verify that on diesel generator trip, secondary (offsite) AC 1 power is automatica1!y connected' within 12 to 14 seconds to the emergency service buses and emergency loads are energized through the load sequencer in the same manner as described in 4.9.A.1.b.1.

The results shall be logged.

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Amendment No. 42, 67, 194A

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l BASIS' 4.9 The monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to check for equipment failures and deterioration. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating conditions to demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel generator will be manually started, connected to the bus, and load picked up. l The diesel generator should be loaded to at least 751, of rated load to prevent I l fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel generator will be run for one to two hours. Diesel generator experience at other generating stations indicates that the testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operation should the system be required.

Each diesel generator has one air compressor and two air receivers for starting, and one air compressor and three receiver tanks for turbo-charger I assist in starting and loading. It is expected that the air compressors will run only infrequently. During the monthly check of the diesel generator, one receiver in each set of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which the corresponding compressor automatically starts to che:k operation and the ,

ability of the compressors to re:harge the receivers.


The diesel generator fuel consumption rate at full load is approximately 193 gallons per hour. Thus, the monthly load test of th diesel generators will test the operation and ability of the fuel oil tra sfer pumps to refill the day tank and will check the operation of these ptmps from the emergency source.

The test of the diesel generator during the refueling outage will be more comprehensiva in that it will functionally test the system; i.e., it will check diesel generator starting, closure of the diesel generator breaker, and I sequencing of load on the diesel generator. The diesel generator will be started by simulation of a loss of coolant accident. In conjunction with I this, an undervoltage condition will be imposed to simulate a loss of offsite i power. The timing sequence will be checked to assure that the diesel generators can operate the core spray pumps at rated power within thirty seconds and the LPCI pumps at rated power within forty-three seconds.

Additionally, with the diesel generator operating as described above, the l capability of supplying power to the emergency bus will be further _

l substantiated. This will be accomplished by tripping the diesel generator l breaker and verifying that secondary offsite power is connected to the l emergency bus and emergency loads are energized through the load sequence. l The inverters associated with the HPCI and RCIC systems provide power to the i flow control mechanisms of these systems. The inverters automatically reset I following a high DC input voltage trip. Loss of the RCIC inverter results in I a minimum flow condition. . Loss of the HPCI inverter results in HPCI going to l zeroLflow. Af ter the inverters reset, RCIC flow will return to normal and i HPCI will restart. Demonstrating the inverters do not trip during the once l per cycle diesel generator surveillance provides assurance of the successful l operatfor, of the circuits, battery chargers, batteries, and inverters. I Periodic tests between refueling outages verify the ability of the diesel generator to run at full load and the core and contcinment cooling pumps to Amendment No. A2, 200

EASES: (Cont'd) 4.9 deliver full flow. Periodic testing of the various components, plus a functional test once per cycle, is sufficient to maintain adequate reliability.l Although station batteries will deteriorate with time, utility experience indicates there is almost no possibility of precisitous failure. The type of surveillance described in this specification has seen demonstrated over the l years to provide an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure. In addition, the checks described also provide adequate indication that the batteries have the specified ampere hour capability.

The diesel fuel oil quality must be checked to ensure proper operation of the diesel generators. Hater content should be minimized because water in the fuel could contribute to excessive damage to the diesel engine.

The electrical protection assemblies (EPAs) on the RPS inservice power l supplies, either two motor generator sets or one motor generator and the l alternative supply, consist of protective relays that trip their incorporated I circuit breakers on overvoltage, undervoltage, or underfrequency conditions. l There are two EPAs in series per power source. It is necessary to l periodically test the relays to ensure the sensor is operating correctly and to ensure the trip unit is operable. Based on experience at conventional and nuclear power plants, a six-month frequency for the channel functional test is I established. Thit frequency is consistent with the Standard Technical Specifications.

The EPAs of the power sources to the RPS shall be determined to be operable by performance of a channel calibration of the relays once per operating cycle.

During calibration, a transfer to the alternative power source is required; I however prior to switching to alternative feed, de-energization of the I applicable MG set power source must be accomplished. This results in a half l scram on the channel being calibrated until the alternative power source is I connected and the half scram is cleared. Based on operating experience, drift of the EPA protective relays is not significant. Therefore, to avoid possible spurious scrams, a calibration frequency of once per cycle is established.

Amendment No.- 127, 135, 201

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ATTACHHENT C TO BECO 91- 150 Marked-vo Existina Technical Specification Paagt 194A .

200 201 l


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, ,, 1_T1NS CC C ITIONS TCR CPruT1oM ,

4.9.A Auxiliary Electrical Equirnent" Surveillance (Contg 7 g  !

. 1. Tarifyir.g de-energiastion of the )

  • emergency tuses and toed shigitag e

from the a:ergency buses.

2i ferifying the diesel starts fros

'- a ttent ecedition on the auto.

start signal energiees the

- emergtsey ccanected,loads, buses with pimet:tly energ! ss the f>* fg auto-cen=ected energency 1 cats A

ho*C f Wggg 46 T/d Hit /

, ,thtcush the lead seguent , 4 c;erates, for 8l,5 minutes . ile ,_

its generator is loaded with the *

-( g L gc,1 C. * ' w- .4 NT) e:ergency loads.

M he result.n shail be legged.

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  • ' c. Ones per operating cycle with the diesel loaded per 4.9. A.1.b verify that en die el generator trip set- ,

endary (of{g(, site) an power is autar ,

. noticallyconnectellithin12to14 seconds to the emergency service buses ,

and energency loads are energized

- through the load sequencer in the

- same mened,as described in 4.9.A.1.b.1.

The resul'ts shall be logged. ,

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h e monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to check for equipment failures and deterioration. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating conditions to demonstrate proper operatiogat these conditions. The diesel generator vill be manually st'arted, connec The diesel generator should be loaded to a sted to the bug;)and load picked up.

least ut of ' faced load to pre-vent fouling of the entine.

It is expected that the diesel generator vill be -

run for one to two hours. Diesel ge.nerator experience at other generating stations indicates that the testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operation should the system be required.

"Each diesel-generator has one air compressor and two air receivets for start-y # i Q one air compressor ar.d three receiver tanks for turbo-charger assist in s' tarting-and loading. It is expected that the air compressor, will run only infrequently. During the monthly check of the diesel generator, one receiver in each set of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which-the cot-responding compressor automatically starts to check operation and the ability of the compressors to recharge the receivers.

The diesel generator fuel consumption rate at full load is approximately 193 gallons per hour. Thus, the monthly load tast of the diesel generators will test the uperation and ability of the fuel oil ttansfer pumps to refill the day tank and will check the operation of these pumps from the emergency source. '

JYA The test of the diesel generator during the, refueling outage vill be more com-prehensive in that it 5 (11 functionally tes't the system; i.e., it will theck diesel generator start 11gendeclosure ofgdiesel generator breakegand sequenc- '

ing of Icad on the d(e,sergenerator.

simulation of a losstofkoolant accident.De diese,1 generator vill be started by In conjunction with thign under-voltage condition vill be imposed to simulate m. loss of of(f71te 3 power. The timing sequence vill be checked to assure that the diesel generators can operate the core spray pumps at rated power within thirty seconds and the LPCI pynops at rated power within forty-three seconds. Additionally, with the erating as described aboy gthe capability of supplying power ieselponeratorgQ he fuergency V s vf *J be furthe substantiated. This v131 be accomplished y tripping the e'sel p,pnerator resker and verifying that secondary offsite power ia connected to the f.mergene us and emergency loads are energized through the load sequanced

}4- 1wawe A @ ru.4f m c.

. Periodic tests etween refueling outages verify the ability of the diesel generator to run at full load and the core and containment cooling pumps to deliver ull flow.

Periodic testing of the various components, plus a functional test one a ycle.

is sufficient to maintain adequate reliability. ,

Although station batteries will deteriorate with time, utilfty experience-in '

dicates there is almest no possibility of precipitous failure. The type of

.- avrveillance describwd in this specifiestion-is-that-wh*'<.hf has been demon-strated .over the years to proaride an indication of a cell becoming irregular or unserviceable long before it becomes a failure. In addition, the checks described also provide adequate indication that the batteries have the speci- '-

3 fied ampere hour capability.

AmendmentNo.[] 200

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'SJ- ivel oil quality must be hetked to ensure proper operation of the i N,, .nerators. Hater content sh uld be minimized because water in the

..e intr'*Lmte to excessive damage to the diesel engint .

vh i h. [rotactior ,'uamblies (EPAs) on the RPS inserv;e e power NC , * .ther two mott wtor sets or one motor generator and the t *. supply /Tconsis' rotective relays that trip their incorporated ceakers on overvy we, undervoltag EPAsinseriesperpowersource.yrunderfrequencyconditions.

It is necessary to periodically j3 - an[lt,*s e to ensure tiie sensor is operating correctly and to ensure the

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w s qqera' le. Bascd on exprarience at conventional and nuclear power

.ns, sifw 1Ms fre4wnty)ontn frequency is consistere, for Standard vith the the channel functional le nical test is e:tablished.



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'me CPAs of the power sources to th RPS sha!4 b determined to be operable by p.rfo.mence of a ct. ann?) calibratiois of the rW.ys once per operating cycle.

x power source is required, Durings;libration,atransfertothealternY'de-energizationofthe however, 5 ; Mr to switching to alternatg feed applicable MG set power source must be accomplished. This respits in a halfXcram on the channel being cilibrated until the alternatppower source is vannected and the half scram is t ' eared. Based on operating xperience, drift v' the EPA protective relays is not significant. Therefore to avoid possible spurious scrams, a calibration frequency of once per cycle s estat'lished.


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  1. mendmentNo.127,/I( 201