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SNCV061-RPT-01, Ver 1.0, Vogtle Unit 1 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. Part 20 of 20
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2012
From: Volodarsky D
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-12-2270 SNCV061-RPT-01, Ver 1.0
Download: ML13003A239 (109)


{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status: Y 0) U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. NS5C r Floor El. 220 ' Room, Area" 3 , .'Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of YW NEI UEI N/A[C potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?

2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant YQ] NX UC- N/AC degraded conditions?

/H,45 S/t t1/ IC,` , 4A1 OXI/P,T'7a,/ O^ 1 SUq'ACS oF:CZ-1R,0,qo7-AOR c-/ 6" 1v5.5c:C1477,5:4TO u' 4-V46F/-12Oz-)Xf-0*7)- YO p" BaSE pA-rnE , t $/,^-OA7" F~o,'e '-/Me5 1"5 )E) icc6~r46L .R,)e d 17 , .o 09 3. Bedona visual inspection-foom theioor, do the cable/conduit YA NEI UF' N/AC]raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)? Y% NE U- N/AC'3 If the room in which the SWEL item is located is very large (eg., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described. This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.<C-5 >Page 164 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bidg. / ' _.. FloorEl, ZZO RoominAreal /5. Docs Ai bppai- that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic YVND 00 N/A[]interactions that could cause-flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the areais free of potentially adverse seismic itseractions that could cause a fire in the'area?71 Does it appeas that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage-of portable&qsiipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead: shielding)? YA NEI UM N/A0j ytNEI UQ N/AO 8. Have you looked for and, foun on0.other seismnic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functiobis of the equipment in the area?Y 0NEI U-Commernts (Additional pagesmay be added as necessary) Ei,aloated /y4 At Date:______ uW-LAOC.22 2012.<: C-6: >Page 165 of 250 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 166 of 250 AACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOVO Page 167 of 250 9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIO 9.Page 168 of 250 AACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO, SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOP Page 169 of 250

  • ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 172 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 StatusO N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:

Bldg. (-./3 FloorEl. Z44O' Room, Area" 9 -3. 5 Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)? YIE'NE UQ N/AEQ 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant YMN(KI] UE- N/ArI degraded conditions'? 13o(47I &J-A.Pd co-qc4'. c.i or 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?YfNEI UCl N/ACQ 4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y6NFI U- N/AQ interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)? If the room in which the SWEL itern is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Flal), the area selected shoudt be described. T'his selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SwVEL item.< C-5 >Page 173 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. CB Floor El. 2q-0' Room, Area" R 2-33 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)? Y[ 'NEI UC- N/AE1 Y[F/NE- UI- N/AEI Y[? Nr-I U- N/AEI 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety finctions of die equipment in the area?Y[EKNI- U0i Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) .4 'a-4 4 Evaluated by: -C -g. L, 2 "/',,L Y -Date: /40 Page 174 of 250 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIC00 Page 175 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 176 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0of2 Status:.; N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg, FloorEl. I o'J " Room, AdaO'instructions for-Completing Checklist This checklist may be usedto documettubthe results of the Area Walk-By nearone or moreSWEL items. The space below each of the f6..llowing questions may be.used to record the resuilts ofjudgments and findindgs Additional space is provided at.theend of this checklist for doctmenting other corhfiicrs. 1L Doesanchorage.ofequipment in the area appear to be free of potenmially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without opening cabinets)? YtA NO UD N/AOl 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant s' NO UO N/A]degraded conditions?

3. Based on a visual inspection from.the floor,.do the cable/conduit raccWays and HVACducting appear to befree ofpotenially adverse seismnic conditions (e.g., cndition.

f supports is adeqditateand fill conditions of cable trays apiear to be inside acceptable limits)?Y¥ N ur-l N/AC 4. Does it appear that the arca is free of potentiallyadverse seismic spatial " NO UV 1 N/A interactio.;n with ii the area (&:. ceiling tiles and, lighting)? 'Ifthe room in whith the SVWEL itern is locatecd isvery large (eg., frbine Hal), the area selected should be described.Thii. selected area shoitldhbe biitedsh judgtbnt, e.g.,ton tt-rdir of a,1h9.t 35 feet fro/n the SWEL itee.-< 0:5>Page 177 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2':of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. 1V&-X- Floor El. Zz,ý' 0 Room,, a-ca'i J ______5. Does ilappear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic. Y N[] U[j N/AE'interactions that couldcause flooding or spray in tie area?6. Does it appear that the area is free of poptnti'ily.adverse seismic intcractibos that could cause a fire in the area?7, Does-it appear. that.the area is flee ofpotentially adverse seisinic interactions associated with'housekeeping practices, storageof portable equipment, and temporary installation's (e~g., scaffoldting, lead shielding)? yý NEI UO N/A0 NEI U] N/A0 8. Ilave you looked forand other seisnmc conditions that could adversely-affectl die safety funicti osiof thie equipment intihe area?Y:NE UL[Comments (Additional pagesatuay beadded as necessary) EvaluAtied by: ; ~ ~ 'Dat& ~< C-6 >Page 178 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of'2 Sttus:QYN U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. ,V5ICr Floor EL /_ ._ Room, Area"_ __ A'lustrucilopns for Compketing Checklist This checklist may be used,to document the results of the Area Wak-By neat one or more SWEL items. The space below each ofthe following questions may beused to record t tults ofiudgments andtindings, Additional space is provided at the endof this checklist for documenting.other comments, 1, Does anchorage of euipnient'in the area appear to be free of' yT. NO] UE N/AC potentially adverse seismic conditions (ifvisible without neocssarily 19 openting~cabinets)?

2. Does anch6rage ofequipment in the area appear to be free of significant Y1 NI U] N/AO degraded conditions?

3: Based n.b avisual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and.HVAC ducting appear to befree ofpotentially ad Verse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside~acceptable limits)?YN NEI UO N,/AO 4, Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adv'erse seismsimcspatial YX NEI] U] N/A-3 interactions with other equipmentin the area (e.g, ceiling tiles and lighting)? tisberssr tisl ich-r SWEL treir Is tucsicet is -ey Feryc (e.g., Trerbine 11htt)',the sees stietedtsh-tt rde seeibed.Thseect aee shesrd be bared bedjadgrarrare bf't serhe her ,rf about 35 feet from the SVVEL tress-< C,5,)Page 179 of 250 ATTACHMENT 41 AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:. bldg. ,ve7 lo~l 5aS'Room, ArdK -OZ- ___5, Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismaic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?-6: Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse selsmic interactions that'cbuld cause a fire in the area?7. Does it appear that the area is free of pbtentially, adverse seismic interactions associated withhousekeeping~practiees, storage.of:portable equipment, and temnporary, installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)? %'NO 1Th N/AUI YXNO Uli N/AEU YMNEI Uf N/ACU 8. tIave you ,olited for andlfouind no other seismic conditions that could YN No UI.adversely affect the safety. of the q dipm ent:in the aria?Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) Evaluated y.4~' k~sc Datec:_'< C-6 >Page 180 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet Iof2l Status: Y U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. Au"X Floor El. 23-0' Room, Areab% 13 'N Instructions -for Completing Checklist This checklist may be documentthe:.resuts of the Area WalkBy near one or more SWEL items. The'pace below each of thefollowing questions may6be tdsd to record'the resultsof udgnents and findings.Additional spaceis proyided at the end ofthis checklist for documenting other comments.I. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear ro be free of potentially adverse seismic eonditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)? Yg ElN UCI N/ACt 2. Does anchorage of equipmentian the area appear tobe free of significant yN NCI Ur N/AC degraded conditions7 3I Based on avisuaal inspection from the floor, doqiae cabllconduit raceways ind HVAC ducting appear to be free ofp6tentialiy adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition ofsupports is adequate and fill, conditionsof cable.trays.appear to be inide acceptablellinits)? 6NCI U0C N/AC1 4. Does it appear that the.area is free ofpoterti.all yadverse seismie spatial Y N tiC N/AO interactions withother equipment in the area (ig.,.ceilingýti.les and " 'lighti~ng)?"If the roornin which die SWVEl item is locard isVer'ylarte (e.g,, Turbine Heal), the areashould be desoi'bed. This sterected urea thor/d be tosed oh judgicenteg ., tahe ordn of" about 35 feet from the SWEL item.C-55>Page 181 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. ) FloonrtE. _'4 Room,,Areasi P.10O3 5, Does it appear that the area isnf-ec 0fpotentially adverse~seismic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does~itappear that the area is.freeof potentially adverse. seismic intenactions that could cause.a .fire in the area?7. Does it appea thatthe areais free ofpotentially adverse seisin'c interactions associated with hbusekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and teimporary installattons (e.g., scaffoiding, lead sliielding)? Yý NO UD N/AD YJf NEI UD N/AD]Yo NEI U0D N/ADT 8I. Hisceyou looked for, aqdfiund no tither seismic conditions tha t could, YD N~ U[D adversely affect the safety functions of the equiinmentin the ares?CUmments (Additional pages may beladded as necessary) Evaluated by: Date:6~(C-6 >Page 182 of 250 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 183 of 250 I ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1o2 Status:& N U Area Walk-By .checklist (AWC)Locationi: Bldg., AA, Floor l. "°.' Rdom, Area 1V ." Instructi6ns.for Codpleting:jChecklst Thisgýehck.istrmay be used to document:the'results ofihe Area Whlk-By near one or mnore SWEL items. The space below. .each tth following questions may. be usedto record the results ofjudgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end (f this checklist f6r documenting other. comments.I Does anchorage ofequipment in the area.appear to'bef'ee of Potentia!ly.adverSe seismic conditions (if visible withoutinecessarily opening cabinsets)? Y N[] UE] VN/AL 2. Does anchorage of eqyipment in the area appear to be free ofsignificant NEI UD] N!AO degraded conditions? 3: Baised-on a:visual inspectionfrom the floor, do.lse cable/conduit raceways and HVAC 'ductinga ppear to befreeof potentially adverse seishnitc conditions (e gl, condition of'supporisb4i adiquate and fill conditionts of cable trays appear to be inside aceeptablel limits)?YV1 ND. UDM N/AD 4, Doe it appjar that tlte area is free'f potentially adverse saismic spatial Y [ NF-1 UD N/A'3 interactions with 0thefrequipmefit in.she area (e.g., ceiling'tiles and lighiting)?.if 9 helroom in which tie SWE?.L iter is located is very large (e.g., Ttirbie Hatl), the area selected shuldttbe deschl1ed1. Tbits Selected area should be based on judgment, egon the order of35 feec fpom theSWEL Itiem,-( C.->Page 184 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC), Location; Bldg. Aco Floor El. o Area"- /U 5. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentiallyadVerse seismic YJ NEI.) [O N/A]interactions that could causeflooding orspray in the area?6. Does itappear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic interaetij6rs that could cause a fire in sle area?YýýNO UCI N/AOl 7. Does it appearthat tie area is free of potentially adverse seismic. N] UO N/AO'interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and tcmporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shieldin~g)?" 8; Have you looked-for and found no other seismic conditioisthdttC0uld Y NO UO adversely affect safety functions ofthe equipment in: the area?Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) Evaluated by: C -/ )4-x r~-vO~..J S.-t-oSJ-.' Date: -Z e.2 0"/1/C..6 >Page 185 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheetý 1, of 2 Status: ( N 1U Area Walk-By] Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. Floor El 10 Room, Arca 7 /f. _____instruetiOns tof Completing Cliecklist This 'bc used to document the'results of the Area Walk-By near one or-more SWEL itReis The space below each of tie following questions may be used'to record the results ofjudgments and.ifidings. Addifiontl space is provided at the end of this checklist for docme/htitig oth'eir comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear tobe free of YAIf NI: lUO N/AID potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visibleWitliout ncces'arily opening 6abimurs)? 2, Does anchorageof equipment inthe area appear to be free.ofsignificant YX NO] U-0 N/AL degraded conditions?

3. Based onva visual inspection fromu die floor, do the cable/conduit rapoways and HVAC ducting appear to of poterntilly adverse seisnc: conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate-and fill.conditions of cable trays appeat to be inside teceptable liaits)?YJ NI] UDI] NiAI]4. Does ii appear tha;tie.area is free oipnthially adverse seismic spatial Y¥ NIEI] UI] N/Al]inieractiois With other eqiiipment in the area (e.,g, ceiling tiles and lighting)?

S1If tfie rtoon ir irhbihtthbe SWELu em is cwatedis veri large (ecg.. Turbiie lieU> the acts selected stilId be described. This selected area shiuid be bated on Jtdgrermr, ig., on dhe order- f ambut 35 feet fr6ie, tei.S.EL itemn.<C-5 >Page 186 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2of 2 Arem Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg,_4.4JA Floor EL Z. IAR. Room, Area-!_ 46- ý/1 ____5. Does it appear tiat the area is friee.of potentially adverse seismic X NEI UEJ] N/AE]interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the tuea?A~h~?A'rA7CAOA Al/uS t".Q 114$ Iy7L/1>C'oRAsS,'o.,A/, ..4 " ,sONA/c,/E-.zzc,,a/l e..F L-7-0 r, f& 345 e .r (A'4t ,q7c V 3'C 6i boes t ear thatih earea is fre6 of potenttallv adveraesesismic YPI NC] UCl N./AC that could cause a fire in the area?7. Does it appear that the area is free ofjiotentially adverse seismic itteractions associated with tousekeeping practices, storage ofportable equipment, and temporary.installations (eg., scaffolding, lead.shielding)? YWNO :U0 N/AC]8. Have you looked for and found noother seismic conditions that could YX NC] UC]adversely affect the safety fiunctions of the equipnentl itt the area.?Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) Evauated by: ......... .....~~~'-~~~ C-6~ >i~Ains~L,___ Page 187 of 250 VACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 188 of 250 0 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 189 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 StatusO N U Location: Bldg. ______ FloorEl. 14. e Room, Areat._._ LTi[./______ Ifistructiojas fdrCsompleting Cheildidst This checklistqmay be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one dr mbre SWELtitems. The space below each of the following qiuestions may be used to record theresults ofjudgments and Findings.Additional spaec is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. 1)oes anchorage of equipmen't in the area appear to be free of Y- NC UC N/AE3 potentially adv'erse seismic conditions (if visible .ýithout opening cabiniets)?

2. Does anehorage of eqtipment in the area appear to be free ofsignifitant. UC N/AO degraded conditions?
3. Based ona visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC dticting appeai to be free ofpotentially adverse seismic conditionia (e.g., conditlio of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear fo be inside, acceptable limits)?Y9NC UC] N/AC1 4. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentialy adverse seismic spatial NCI UC interactions with.other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and \lighting)?

3 tf ethe roomrinnwhich the sVVEL item is located is ecsrartge (e.g., Turbine Htall), the area selected sholdd be des/cibed. This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g,, on de order of aout 35:feet froi the SWEL itemsý<, C-5 >Page 190 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0:Sheet 2 of2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. AO)( Floor El. t3 ii Room, APc"a t !-_(-0 aO 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverseseismic .interactions that could cause flooding or spray in theagrea?61 Doesit appear that the aieaist free ofpotentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause in the a&a?7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic ifiieractions associated with housekeeping.practices, storage of portable equipment, and tcenporary installations (e.g:, scaffoldhtg, lead shielding)? YWNEIl UIIJ MAE]YVNMl U[I N/Afl VNIU0 N/AEI.8. Have you lookedforand found no other seismic conditions at could Y N- UE]adversely affrct the safety functions ofthp equipment in the area?Commenits (Additional pages may be added as necessary)y ,valuated by: ...... .Date : -_ -___ _< C-6 >Page 191 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet .of 2 Starus:s YN) U Area WalkBy Checklist.(AWC) Locaition:. Bldg. A,.k Floor El, L Fqt- Room, A ea"_ _ _ _ _ _ _Instructions for Corapleting.Checklist This checklist may:be hsd to document th6'retults of the Area Walk-By near one or more SW.Litems..Te spane below each of the following questions may be used to record the ,rsults ofjudgrmcnts arid findings.Additional space is provided at ihe end ofihis checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does hniehorage in the'areasappear to be free of potentially adVeras seiti[ic conditionrs.(if visible:withoutt necessarily opening eabinets)?,YtNCD UD N/AD ,2. Does anchorageof equipment in ihe area appear to be free ofsignificant YvN0 UD N/A1 degraded conditions?

3. Based on a visualainspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit riceways and H.VAC ductingappear to be fre ofpotentitlly adverse seismic conditions (eg;, condition of supports is adequate and fill condiiions ofcdible trays appearito be inside acceptableiliihits)?

Yý NDI UD N/AD 4. Does it appear that the area is free o"pofentially adverse seismic spatial NED AiD N/AD1 interactions with other"equipmcntrin the area (e~g., rceiling tiles and lighting)? 3 If the roorn in wohichi the SNVEL.icem'is arsted is very lage (e.g., Tirbine lail), thenrer rdected should be describedI TIjs selected area shud be basedoan judgment, e:g., on the order of aboth'35 fret (ptom the SWEI item.' >Page 192 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg: 6,10 .Floor 81. zqYLP -! Room, Area't- A 10 5, Does it appear that the~area is free ofpoteniially adverse seismic interactionis that could cause flooding 6r spray in thldarea?6.. bdloes it appear,. that~the area is free of potentially adverse seismic, interactionsthat could cause a fire in the:arca?7. Does it appear that the area is: free of potentially adverselseismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (ecg;, scaffolding, lead shielding)?.YI NO] UI] N/Al-Y NC] Ul- N/AL]YO N>ý\UO N/Al]-Zb ,iJ ~7CA 5 0 541 "V 8. Have y6u .lo6kedfoi and found other seismnicconditionsthat could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipmentin the area?Yl`4Nl] UE]Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) Evasluated by.v:':-} I .s~- .D ate- .. ...... ..7/,c .< C6 >Page 193 of 250 tACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 194 of 250 ,ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 195 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status:@ N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. AU Floor El. III-' Room, Area'- IZA 6, Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)? Y% NEI UO N/AQ 2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Yp NO UO N/AO degraded conditions?

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?Y[N NO UO N/AO 4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Yk NOI U- N- AO interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

If the room in which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described. This selected area should be based onjudgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.< C-5 >Page 196 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. A/UX Floor El. l_~rLo' Room, Area" 3_4, 2. , ' -.-J-F- U 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)? YN NEI UEI N/AUJ YfV NCI UEJ NIAE1 Y%,NE] UEI NIAfl 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?YM NEI UEn Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) $Iev )t ýEvaluated by:/ ,ýk Date: Page 197 of 250 SACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONOO Page 198 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of 2 Statsf'9N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg..AO o El o Room, Area 1 3.9,qTz.Instructiong for Completing Cheiklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area WalklBy near one or mdreSWELitfms. The space below each ,of the following questions'may beused t6:fecotd the results ofjudgmentsa nfindings. Additional space is provided at the end of this chsecklist for documenting other comments 1. Does anchora ge of equipment in the area appear to be free ofý yU"NE .(E 'N/AUI potentially adverse seismic colditions (if Visible without necessarily openiing cabinbts)?

2. Does anichorage of cquipmenr inihe area appear to be free of significant Y No 10 N/A[degraded conditions?

Yd NO U- NWA 3, Based ona visual inspection from the floqb;do.the' cable/conduit rticoways.and 1,VACdticting appear to be free 6f ototentially adverse seismic conditionks,(g., cotndition ofsupporis isadequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear tobe inside acceptable limits)?7" 4. Does it appearth-at,the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic spatial Y. NO ..1. N/AU0 interactions with other equipment in the:area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)? .,hich the Sý-EL i1,ti is 1oceted is verY nis-e (E.9., Turbine Hall), the are.teeddshquld bedescibed. This 'elecied area should be basýed o judgnet, e.g., on the owder of about 35 feet frome the S'AEL itei.-( C-5>Page 199 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location; Bldg& ,4aX F1o0rEl. 0f'5 -RKoomAreaU1 _ ,X A_51 Does it appear that.the fi-e pofTsentially'adveris seismic Y1NE UD N/AE3 interactions that could cause flooding or sprayin the area?6. Does it appear thai the area is free of potentially. adverse seismic interactionsthat could cause a fire inthe area?T Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactiofis associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead.shielding)? Y NE UE- N!AE-I YNE /k E] N/AE]8. Have you looke.d for and found no other.seisnic conditions that could Y NE U1E adversely affect thcisafety,finctions of the equipmeni in the area.?Commenis (Additional pages may be added as necessary) Evaluated by: 'H- ~ ~ , Ali .~ ~ Ao a / e/< C-6 >Page 200 of 250 OTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .0 Page 201 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNGV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of2 Stsats(ii N U Area:Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. C FloorEl. Room.. , Area"--Instructions for Completing Checklist This~checklist may beused to document' the results of tite Area near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to'record the results ofjudgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of tbis checklist for documentingothercomments.

1. Does anchorage of equipment intihe area appear tribe free o f p otentially adverseseisimic conditiouis (if vi b 1e wi thout necessarily, opening cabinets)?

Y~tj:Nf tiC N/ACj 2. Does anchorage ofiequipment in the area appear to be free of'significsant YdNE[ LJC1 N/AC]degraded conditions?

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the.cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducling appear to be free ofpotentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g;, condition of supports'is adequate and fill conditionrs of eable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?Yd NC UCE N/AE 4. Does it appear that the~area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial, Yd NC UEC N/AC interactions with otberequipmenti in f he area'(e.g.,ceiling tiles and tf th- oo, iShich the SWE it. , is~ ltdSted i'exy Hall.;lbtttt), the remý'.5,dbetasedn asiadgerser, w.oatheu ore f About 35 feet fron t/he S'WEEItem x. C-5 s Page 202 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location; Bldg. CS cloor El. , .Rodm, Area' ._t ,.... .. ....5.1 Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismicv Y[9/NO] U01 N/A[3 interactions that i.duld cause fl6oding or spray in the area?6. Does itaappear tthatthe atC reafisee ofpothfitially adversc seismic interactions that could cause afiife'in he area?7. Does it appear that the area'is free ofpotentially adverse seismic interactions associated with housekeeping practices,:storage ofportable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

Y~kNE]:UE1 N/AE]8. Have you lo ked for and found no other seismic conditions that.c uld Y" -N1] UE]adversely iffect the ii fet: fbnctions of the equipment in the area?Comments (Additional pages nsiy be. added as necessary) Evaluatedbv;~~~ I.. .r ae;i1._a.(7 -ý Ph~ 2 ~ >Page 203 of 250 , ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION .Page 204 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of2 Status: (N U Area Walk-By 'Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. F Floor El .Room, Area"_2 Instructions for Completing Chkecklist Thisachecklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one 9psmore SWEL items. The space-bolow each of the following qbestions may be used to record the results of jidgi'ients and findintgs. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for docunenting other coeriments. iE. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of polesatially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessaily opening cabinets)? ýNEI UE3 N/AO]2. Does anchorage thezarea appear to be free of significant NO U[I N/Ao degraded conditions? I-3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cablecondupit raceways.and HVAC ducting appear to be freofpotential~yiadN~ersce seismic conditions (eg., condition ofsupportd is ,didiiuate and.fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?b~o NEIU0 N/AD3 4. Does it appear tha thde area is femof pottntia'liy'veise seaismic spatial NO EU N/AO interactiois with oth&i equipment in the area.(e.g, ceiling tiles: and lighting)? 'a If the room inrwhich the SWEL item is located is vees husge (e.g. Turbine'Hall), shfearea Seelcmed stoldsi be descibid. This sdeleed aoea shoad on jtdhisent, 9 te oaier of about 35 feet from lse SWELfioet, C-5>Page 205 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Locatioin: Bldg..A&- FloorEi. Z-o ,. Room. Areauý._ ______1_5. appear that the aarea is "free ofpotentially advers e seismic Y NE UEL R/A interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it~appear that the aiea~is free ofpotentially adverse seismic interactions that cousld'cause a fire in the'area?YNEI U N/AO 7. Does it,appear that the area is free.of potentially adverse seismic YtLN'I UO N/AE, interactions associated with bousekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment. and temporary installations (e.g.,.scaffolding, lead.shielding)?

8. Hav e you looked for and found no other seismic conditionsthat could vYl.No tU adversely affect the safety fuinfionis of the eqiipfnient ifi the ar6a?Commentfs (Additional pages may be added sisnecessary)

U 0 161 Evaluated by: ..-...Dale: C.i _eC<06>Page 206 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status:@ N, U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:. Bldg. 0 Floor ELR.o Room,Area'P"& :C 9 Instructionsfor Completing Clecklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk.-By near one or -iore SWEL items. The space below'eah of the following questioamay he used the results ofjudgmrets and~findings. Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, 1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of I Y '&NO al .N/A[potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visib le without necessarily opening cabinets)? 2, Does anchorage ofequipment in the area appear to be free bf significant Y[8" NIO U] N/AL]degraded conditions? YV"lNO Ul] N/Al]3. Based on a visual inspection from~the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be freeof potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g, condition of supports isadequate and fill.conditions of cable trays appear t0 be-irside acceptable limits)?4. Does ii appear that the area is free of poteafiaily adverse seismic spatial YV(N UO N/Al]interactions with other equipment in tte'arca (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighfihg)?"Jfthe roosi a toch the i d 6c-Atcdis mey l-g (e.g., Torbite HeJl) the Area selected be described, This selected area shoudbe esed onojudgments gý, o.nthcorder of: Abou t 35 feet sth the SNVEtjlite. 1< C-5 Page 207 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Tocation: Bldg, Fluor 13____5. Does it appear that the area is freeqfpotentially adverse seismic YV 10; UN E N/A0 inteiractions that could caus&flooding o spray in thearea?6, Does itappear~that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic YLNE]. 'U N/As interactions that could cause a fire in the area?7T Does it appear that the area Js free ofpotentially adverse seismic YN4 UE N/AE interactions associatedwith housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)? 8 e laceyo",,ooked for and found no othcrstismic conditions that could 7 [E tIE adverseIy affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?Comosen t. (Additionsi pages may he added as necessary) Evalualed by: ... @C >Cd" Date: Page 208 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shceetl of 2 Status:@N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Btdg. COn-vaom Floor.EL. Roorn,Areai3_ý5ý7 instructions for Co mpfstin 1 g Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results ofithe Area Wailk-Bynear one or more SWEL. items. The space below each ofthe following questions may bc used to record the results ofjudgioents and find ings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of Yo NO UI N/Ar]potentially adverse seissinc conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?

2. Does anchorage 6fequipment:in thelarea appear to be free of significant Y N[[ UfO N/AO degraded conditions?

Ogr ;5C~i~i~.§C -~i-"17 -6v02-00e), Lc. ~is,~r 3. Based ona visual inspection: frots the floor, do the cable/conduit And HVAC ducting appear to be ftee ofpotentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition~of supports is adeqsuae:and Pfil conditions of cable trays beinside acceptable limits)?Yg NO 130 N/AOI 4. Does it 4pear that the area is ftee~ofpotetitially adverse seismic spatial NOI U1 N/AO interactions with other equipmcit is the arca (e:g;, ceiling tiles andt lighting)? -S, cie<' CC_ C, g-o -' I-1vr5 '-ci"If the moiram a ihieh the SWELt item is Incated is cry large (e~g,, "irbine fall), the am, selected ihould be descibed, This selected area stidni be bamedcton judgmeat,:eg.,non the order of kt.wir 35 feet frathe:nVWEL itern.< .C-5 Page 209 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of,2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. Ca. .Floor El. -Z-'- Roon, Area' 3 C2-5. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic. YP NE UC N/AO interactions that could cause 'flooding or sptay in the area?6; Does it appear that the ar-c is frie of potentially Avdrsesetismic interactions that could causdea fire in the area?7, Does it appear that the areajs free ofpotctitially adverse seismic initeractidns associated with housekeeping practics, storage ofportable eqolipment, and temporary installations (e.g&, scaffolding, lead Yo NC UO N/AC Y$ NCI UC :N/AC 8. Have you looked for and found' no.other seismic conditions thatcould Yo NC U adversdly affect the safety functions of tle equipment in the area?Comments (Additional pages may be add d as necessary)"ZC. -3,. 1-Z'Evaluated by: -Dat:< c-6 >Page 210 of 250 A ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 211 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of 2 Status: Y[d No] U0i AreaWalk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. CTB Floor E. 2-20"-0 Room, Areaw _+ A- r CoIL.r" IL6 Instructionsfor Completing Checkist " $. 0 / .'Thischccklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questiosm may be~usedto record the results-ofjjdgments andfindings. Addiiional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other cornmeins 1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditionss (if Visible without necessarily openitng cabinets)? Y9g NO UiC N/ACE 2. Does anchorage of equipment in ihe area appear ti be free of signifiiant Y[E'NC UE N/AC], degraded conditions? YIMCý/ UlO~ N/AC 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the eable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse.seismic conditions (e~g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cabie trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Does it: appear that the area isfree of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y N'E U[C N/AC3 interactions with other equipmentitt the area (e g., ieiling tiles and lighting)?,If the roosn hich the SWtI. item'is located is very large, (e.g., Tirbine ltall), the area setected should be de.seribed. This sclected area should bh based on e.g.,'on the order of 35 fei froni the SWEL item.Page 212 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Status: NE] UCE A r e a W a l k -B y C h e c k l i s t .( A W C ) S t a t u s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Location: Bldg., 11?R Floor ElT -Room, Area, "5.Di2/ o,,,,.-._ 5 5, Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse.seisinic YýN[] U0 N/ALI interactions that.could catset flooding or sprayin the area?6. Does it. appeatr that.the area isireebf potentially.adverse seismic interactions ihat could cause a fire ii the area?YC6 NEI UE3 N/AE]7. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic YO NEI interactions associated with housekeeping ptafticcs, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g.,,scaffolding, lead shielding)? ".UCE N/AE]U 8. Have yosu looked for and found no other seismic conditionstfthat.could adverselys affect the safety functions of the:equipment in the area?Comtnents (Additional pages !nay he added as necessary) E~valuated hy:,Zý -_IA I D- ate: _____07"1241 Z:6/-z_Page 213 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 214 of 250 A ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 5 2012 Page 215 of 250 AACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONPO Page 216 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO, SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet: I of 2 Status'. (0 N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg, CT? Floor El. _. Room, Areal # 12 Instructions for Completing Chhe~list /,g 7 ;J1[. 9/z r//z This ch eckliSt may used to documient'the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each ofthe following questions may be used to record the results of judgments.and findings.Additionalspace is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting.other comments.. I Does anchorage:of equipment in the area appear to he free o1f potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible withomt necessarily opening cabinets)? 2I Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be freeofsignificamt YMNN .UEC N/AC degraded conditions?

3. Based orda vkisual inspection.frdin the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways ducting appear to be free of polentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g:,c'ondition of supports is adeqiuate and fill conditions ofcable trays appear tobe inside acceptable limits)?YPINE U] JN/AC1 4. Does it appear thatcth area islfree of potentially ad'iersescsismie spatial Y "No UCI N/A]interactions with 6th'ereequipttdnt in the area (e~g.,.ceiliiog tiles and lighting)?

tf the roon in which the SWEL item is tocated is. very large (e.g.jTurbtne Halt), the area seleeted should be ,described. This setecied area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from tie SWEL item.Page 217 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet T2'of 2 Status:& N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) I j7 0" 4) f. 9-/zr7l._ _ _Location. Bldg. CTB .Floor El. 4e4ý*"8 Room, Areal Nvar Cohpgin # 12 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic Y" ND" 1 U1 N/AD interactions that could cause fl0oding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear thatithe area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?'YINE UlD N/AD3 7; Does it appear that'the area is free of potentially adverse seisi]ic .mNQ UD MNAD interactions associated with hoiusekeeping practices, storageof portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)? /,-F 017 1 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could adversely affect~the safety functions of the equipment in thearea?Y'NE DUD CommltenLs (AIditional psges roay be added as necessaq)Evaluated by: Dlate:____ t'_ h Y+- h_ __ _ _ _ _ .Page 218 of 250 ATACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0O NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0! i Page 219 of 250 ' ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOI.(Page 220 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS Area Walk,-By Checklist (AWC)NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shieet I f2 Status: N U Location: -ddt.. lo .I' s~ om ra~~ es Instructions for Completing Checklst, This checklist'may hI used to document die results of0the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the followingquestions may be used'to record the results ofjudgnscots and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting othe commenta.I. Does anchorage ofequipment in the area appear to be free of Yq No uo N/AQ potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily 'opening cabinets)? 2, Does anchorage of equipmest in the area appear to be free of significant Y6 NO UD N/AO degraded conditions?

3. Based ona visual inspection from the floor, do the.cable/conduit raceways and HVAC doetisg appear to befiree of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g, condition ofsupports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to b,inside acceptable limits)?Y)Q NO UD N/IA 4. Does it appear that the asea is fic0ofpotentially adverse seismic spatial YX NO UD N/AO interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g&, ceiling tiles and lighting)?

1If ti"te room in widti the SWEL item is lecasted is vety targe (e g., Tiubthe Hall. tharea elecetd should be desatbted. This eleed se should be based m jutdgreot et.g, on the of aboet 35 feet frome SW'EL itee.< C-5->Page 221 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area WalkBy Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg.CkULm"A floor Ell. IUhý V Room), Area 1.C~al.,n S- Does it appear that the area is fiee ofpotentially adverse seistitc interactions thit could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adversescismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?YIQ NEI :UE N./AE3 Y41 NO u0 NIAD 7. Does it appear that thearea isfree of potentially adv seismic YX NO U0 N/AO interactions associated with housekeeping practiccs,ýstorage ofportab)le equipment; and temporary installations (eg., scaffolding, lead shielding)?.

8. Haveyou looked for and found no other scisni~c cnditions that could, YV.NrO UO adversely affect the safety functions ofthe equipmetisin the area?Cow mentsý(Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by: .-/, I<:C-6 Dale; 1 L/61 11r Page 222 of 250 AACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 223 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of 2 Status:(VJN U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) (jj _________Location: Bldg. CTB _ Floor El. 198'-0" Room. Areaý ._4.. -A/fA Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the resiuts of die Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgmnents and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for doeumenting'other comuntients. I. Does anchorage of equipment in the area ippear to be free of Y5ND UD N/AD.potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessaiily openingcabinets)?

2. Does anchorage ofequiiiisnent in the area appear to be free of significant YgK'ND UD] N/AD degraded conditions?

-t 4clj YUi40l U0N/AD 3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor,.do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e:g., condition of supports is-adequate and. fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?4. Dues it appear thait the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial. Y NK'- U'ID N/AD" interactions with other equipment intthe area (e.g., ceiling tiles and ligh.ting)? Ifthe room in whirch theSWtJL :iten is located is very.large (e.g., turbinetItftall), the area selected should be described. This selected areashould he based ossjudguient, e.g., on the v'nder of about 35feetfrorntheSWEI.itern. Page 224 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Status:a) Nt U.Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. C7B Floor El. 198'"0" R6om,Areal -101 ., c ..._ t_5. Doesit appear that. thearea is free of potentially adverse seismic 2"&-V U 3E- N/IA[interactions that could causeiflooding or spray in the area?YB"NDUE] NIAU]6. Does it appear that thearea is free of potentially adverseseismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?7. Does itappear that the area is free of potenlially adverse seistulo, y[N J1[i N/A,'iateractions associated with hfousekeeping practices stdrage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g.,- scaffolding, lead shielding)? S, Have you looked for and found no of insther 'eipmicondtitps.ould, y U U0 adversely affect the safety functions of the eqnipment in tie arewý.Commrnetst (Additional pages may be added as necessaty),AkA-Evaluatedby .L4 __ Date: Page 225 of 250


Bldg. CTB FloorEl. 184'-0" Room, Area' -,k=, ],',,. /Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments. /1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)?, l /e--TL...YE' Nd U(-- N/AD-]2. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of significant Y[eNI" UEI N/A[-degraded conditions?

3. Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit raceways and HVAC ducting appear to be free of potentially adverse seismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable limits)?Yr9/ND"] U0 N/AD 4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spatial Y'i N[" U0 N/AD interactions with other equipment in the area (e.g., ceiling tiles and lighting)?

If the room in which the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbine Hall), the area selected should be described. This selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the order of about 35 feet from the SWEL item.Page 228 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Status: Y U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg, CTI? .FloorEl. 184'-0" Room, Area, /6 5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse:seismic Yr"NO UP N/AL)interactiods that could cause floodingor spray in the area?6. Does it appearthat the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could causea fire in the area?7. D!oes it appear that the. irea is free of poteintially adl'erse seismic iiht'ractions a '0djiated~with housekeeping practices, storage 0f portable equipment, and temporary installations>(e.g., ,scaffolding, lead shielding)? YLý~NE IE] N/AD]YM NO U[3 N/AE]8. Have yu; looked for and found no other seismic condijions that could .YrN"[D U6 adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in,the area?Comments: (Additionýl pages may be added as aecessary) Evaluated by: -P~7~.c-Y,- ate: '9 41 Page 229 of 250 9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 230 of 250 TTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSI 10 Page 231 of 250

  • ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERS1000 Page 232 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of 2 Status: N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWO) w. ___ _ Status: O N U Location:

Bldg. CTB FloorEt T8.'-0" Room, Area' At .i l Instructions for: Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of tie Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of ihe questioms:may be used to record tme results ofjudgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting Other commeonts.

1. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of Y0 -40 U02 N/A-potentially adverse seismnic conditions (if visible withbut tmiccs;,i ly opening cabinets)?
2. DOes anchorage of equipnent in theh c i to be fie of simnificani Y040 UO N) A1-degraded conditions?

YB UEJ:0 N/TAU 3; Based on a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit and HVAC ducting appear to be free. of~potentiallyr adverse seiismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate andfill conditions of cable trays appear tdbe inside acceptable limits)?4. Does ii appear that.the.area is free of potentially adverse seismic: spatial Y "-1< 1 UE2 N/AU inter Icoions with other equipment'in the area (e.g.,,ceiling tiles and lighting)? Ifthe room in wahich the SWEL item is located is very large (e.g., Turbie the area se teced should dbe dseribred,1 This selected area shoiuld be based on eg., a the order etabot :5 feet rom the. WFA item.Page 233 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) status__U'Location: Bldg. CTB .Floor El. 8"4-0' Room, Areaw 0 7-12.. ,, -5. Does it appear that the area is freeof potentially adverse seismic Y ENO U!O N/AOl interactions that could causeflooding or spray in the area?6" Does it appear that the area is free of potentiallyvadverse seistric interactions that could cause a fire in the area'?7. DOes it appear tltat the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interstiotts associated with housekeeping practices, storage ofportable equipmtnt, and tenmporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead Whielding)? 2Vo Uf-O NIAO 8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditiots tltai could Y[NO CO tadversely Affect the safety ftnctions of the equipment in the area?Comients (Additional~pages may be added as necessary) _i II ._ _ _ Date: 47 2 ' /_____ , _ _z__Page 234 of 250

  • ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 235 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 heet I of 2 Status: Y'V No. uE Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location:

Bldg. CTB Floor El. %-20-' Room, Area' 14A I Inrstructions for Completing Checkli 06E a'T V This checklist may be used to document the results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL items. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the resuls,of judgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting othei cnmTent .1. Does anchorage of equipment in the areaappeai to be free of y9' NI] UD NtAI-potentially adverse seismic conditions (ifvisible without necessarily opening uabinets)?

2. Does anchorage of equipynenit in the area appearto be free of'significaiti, Y Uf -DE U N/A-I degraded conditions!

Y~r/N] VI] NIAI]3. Based on'a visual inspection from the floor, do the cable/conduit sraceways and AVAC ducting~appear to be free of potentially adverse: scismic conditions (e.g., condition of supports is adequate and fill conditions of cableitrays appear tobe inside acceptable linmits)?:

4. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic spittial Y NI] UCI N/A-I interactions with other equipmenit in ihearea (e.g., ceiling tiles and'lighting)?

If the room in which the SWEL item is located is Very large (eg.; Turbine Hall), the area selected shotlkl be deiciibed."hhis selected area should be based on judgment, e.g., on the oade r of about 35 fet from the SWEL item.Page 236 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Status: N[-] UtE Area, Walk-By Checklist (AWO) q 44 ______________ Location: Bldg. CB_ .Floor l, .. Room Area' 14A1 I, _ _5. Does it appear that the area is free of potentially advese seismic Ye NIJ U0 N/Al]interactions that could cause flooding or spray in th& atea?6& Does it appear that the area is free of potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?7. Does it appear thattlhe area is free of potentially adverseseismic interactions. associated With hosusekeeping pacrtces, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead.shielding)?

8. Have yout looked for and-found no other seismic conditions thaicould adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment in thearea?Y NE UlE] N/AE]YffL tEI. ,/Al]Y1I NEJ.uE]Comnients (Additicnal pages may be added as necessary)

MQom lEvaluated by:,t.~ 7~_____ Date: O /t t/t/a.e4~~zaý _______s-i' Page 237 of 250 9 ACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION.01 i Page 238 of 250 9 TACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIOONO Page 239 of 250 VACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS 0 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 240 of 250 I ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 1 of2 Status: N U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. 6,7J'. Flhb El. 2,_ Lora, Area" ./ _ .I?lustructionis for Completing Checklist'his checklist may be used to document-the results of the Ame Walk-By near one or more SWEL items, The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results ofjudgments and findings.Additional space isprovidtd at the end of thischecklist for documenting o1her comments.1, Does anchorage ofeqtuipment ita the area appear to be free of. YC'fNEQ UO N/A0 poteniially advers seiismi condiltiois (ifvisible without necessarily opening cabinets)?

2. boesaaclorage ofequipmeit in the area appear tobe rlee ofsigni cant Y('NQI UIO NMAE degraded conditions?

3, Based ona vistal inspection from the floor, do the cabitercoduit raceways and HVAC, ductingappear to be free of potentally adtvere seismic conditions (e,g :esndition ofsupporns is adequai. and fill conditions of cable trays appear to be inside acceptable liinits)?4: Loesut appear that the area is free of potentiatly adverse seism ac spatial interactions -with other equipment in the area (e,g, ceitiog tiles and lighiing)? Y112 NOUtjO NIAQ YLUK'NO ItoNIAL.,o 55 fri trac, theý SWEL i,, njsrrrrc.ait dra<5 C45057 Page 241 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)[L0cation: Blidg. CriB Floor El, _.L 'om Arc /*:? /5. Doesit appear that the areais free ofpotcetially idverse seismic Y03"NCJ UO N/AQ.interactions that could cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area Is free ofpofentiajly adverse seismic irt ractions that could cause a tfle in the area 7 7, Does it appear that the arseaistre f potetmally adver seistmic int-ractiortt associated with housekeeping practiees, storage of portable eqltipment,,and temporary installations (e., scaffoldingi lcad shielding)? YGONO0 U.3 N/AC Y@,4N[ GJO N/AQ)8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic that could YQKNQ Uio adyersely affect the safety ftctioom of the equipmentin the area?(om men ts(Additionil pages may be added as necessary) Evaluated byý D.~4ig. ~~.C ________ate.i0 f -_______o<a C l:6t>Page 242 of 250

  • ACNMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSI001.0 Page 243 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of 2 Starus:N ii Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)'Location:

Bldg; A Floor El. tqlt- Room,~Arela' 5 instructions. foir Completing Checklist This checklist.may beused to document (he results of the Area Walk-By near one or more SWEL itrms; The space below 'isch of thefollowing questions may beused to record the results ofjhdgments and findings.Additional space is provided at the end of this checlclist.for documisnting other comments.I. Does anchorage of equipment in the area appear to be free of Y NO UQ N/AQ potenuially adverse seisnmc conditions (ifvisiblewithout nessarily opening cabinets)?

2. Does anchorage ofeqidpment in the ares appear to be free ofsignificant.

NO UO N/AQ7 degraded conditions? 31 Based on a visuad inspection from the floor, do th6 6able/conduit iacsways and HVAC ductingappea:rto be free ofpotcntially adverse seismic conditions(eg. condition ofiupporis is adequate and fill conditions of cable trays appe4r insiad acceptable limits)?4. Doesit appear that dhcareais free of potentially adverse seismcn spaclial interaciions with other equipment in the area (e:g., ceiling tiles and lighting)? YVNQ UO N/AI7 SNO tIC N/AO`If the -in ývlhich ite SWEL hern is tomt istlsvy tsrge (c g., Turbine Hall, the aren selected sinud,itb desetibad This s~ed e eso shnu tehld bet tend n jndgmtrenn. ý.j 6. the ordier ft abou r freet tro the SWEL Item, Page 244 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location" Bldg. AUX Floor El. ..LS- Room, Area"-.5. Does it appear that the area is free of poteutially adverse seismic intera'ctions that cotld cause flooding or spray in the area?6. Does it appear that the area is firee ofpotentially adverse seinrmi, interactions thatcould sausc afire in the area?INn uV N!AOI ANI] UO N/AO 7. Does it appear that the area is frec ofpotentially adverse seismie ¥.NO uOI N/AO interactions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installationis (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)T

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that co~uld Y' NE0 adversely,affect the safety functions of the equipment in the area?Comanents (Addiional pages may be added as necessary)

Fvaluated by: :K .. t1 Date:-i"-, c)-- 017/<C-6 >Page 245 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet I of2 Statuas:) N U Area Wato -By Chseckfist (AWC)m Location: Bidg. r flor El. k oom, Areais rz'D Instructions for CompletlngtCheckist This checklist may be used to document the resUlt9 of ihe Area WalkwBysiear one or morc SWEL ihems. below each ofthe following questions may be used to record the results otjudgmenrs and findings.Additional space is at the end ofthiselhecklis/ for documenting other commen ts.:I. Does anchorage oteciiipiinlit in the area appear to be tece of "Yý NO JIO N/AD potentially adverse conditions (if visible without necessarily opening cabinets)? .2; Does anchorage of equipmenti in thearea appear to be firee.ofsignificant Y NO[ UOF N/AO degraded conditions?. " 3. Based on a visuaJ inspectiin firni the floor, do the cable/conduit racewayt andHVAC ducting appear tobe free.ofpotentially adverse seismic co,,ditionsi (c.. condition of'supports is adequate and fill contditions of 'able trays appear-to be inside acceptable linrts)?4. Does it appearlthat the area is free, f advcrddseismic spati&I interactions with other, eq)ipment in the area (eg ceding tiles and lighting)?. Y NO UC) N/AD" Yý(O GO N/AD ras~emoi, ysh;66 h hSWEL temh, is locesiu is rytarge lot.g.rvfj,ei alt), the vat selected ihaetld he dasrihed. This stlecesaat& suAmiiid be based *Wiudipmae.ff e~jg a. iheouder of.hsabot35 feet From the SWELittu.. .(C-5 Page 246 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01 VERSION 1.0 WI'Cet Z.e or 4 Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC) L(Location: 13)g.(1-; Floor 1-l. Room, Area 1 3___5ý Does it appear that the area ofpotentially adverse seismic EI- UD NIAk interactions that could cause flooding or spray n the aea?6. appearthat the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic inferactitons thatcould cause a firein the area?.7. Does it appear that the area is free of 'potentially adverse seismic imteractions associated with housekeeping practices, storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead Shielding.)? YJNE3110[ N/AL.)Y NI- UOI N/A0 8. Have yo itooked for and fou er seisiuiccondrs that coNocU adversely affect the safety.funcions of the equipmen's in the asiea?Commnents (Additional pages may be added as necessary): Evaluatled by: baW ?(G77'A %J , j< C-6>Page 247 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Shect Iof 2 Stdtus:(Y-N; U Area Walk-By Checklist (AWC)Location: , Bldg. rff,13 Eloorbi. OILr RoomsAreca 406~Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to documfierit the results of the Area Walk-B, hearoni or mordSWEL items;:The space below each of the following questions may be ued to record the results ofjudgments ied findings.Addifional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments, I .oes anchorageoif equipment in tfie area appear to be fre of 'UO] N/AD]potentially adverse seismie,conditions (if visible without nocesarily opening cabinets)?

2. Doesaanqhwlrag6ifequiptenlt ithe area appear in be free ofsjigiificatit NO U11 N/AD degraded condiitons?

1-3. Based on a visual inspection,from the floor, do the cablel/onduit raceways and HiVAC ducting appear to be frceofpibtentsally adverse seismic conditions (e.g. condition of supports is adequate And fill conditidns ofcable traysappear to be inside acceptable limits)?* , NE U10 N/Ao 4, Doe'it.appear that the area is:free of potentially adyerse scimic spatial Y NO, U1:1 N/AC interactions wi th other equipment in the area (e~g., ceilirigliles and lighting)? t If the toomn in which the SIWEL item is lotated is very large (e~g.Turbiri¢ HaU,, Elie aeshould be deribed Thins sied weer 0teurd be based o jdgiion on the bider of about 3$ feet %or1 e 4esrEt. i=em,<C C5 -Page 248 of 250 ATTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Area WalkmBy Checklist (AWC)Location: Bldg. r116 Floor El. 11/4 Room, Area" 3 A0 5. Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic ianeractitis that c6uld ciuse flooding or. spray in the area?'6. Does itappear that the area is free of'potentially adverse seismic interactions that could cause a fire in the area?4 NEI UD N/AO 7. 'Does it appear that the area is free ofpotentially adverse seismic N-'. I" N/AD interactions associated with housekeeping practicesi storage of portable equipment, and temporary installations (e.g., scaffolding, lead shielding)?

8. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YK N UD adversely affect thessafety functions 6fthe equipment in the area?Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated bk W C4-sA ivrr r Evaluated by;, -/, ~ ~ Date:; Z~// /div 5 Z/~&Z~,-. .z_.._..4 ...._:--(C-6 >Page 249 of 250 9TTACHMENT 4: AREA WALK-BY CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Page 250 of 250 ATTACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 ATTACHMENT 5 UNIT 1 -IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01 Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Appendix J Equipment Open Item Summary -Unit 1 Equipment Equipment Equipment Description of Open Item ID Number Class Description Plant Area Open Item Resolution 1-HV-3016A 08C Inboard Main Steam Control Building El. Potential interaction with monorail Park/lock monorail hoist Isolation Valve -SG 2 220' hoist and chains and chains 1-HV-3016B 08C Outboard Main Steam Control Building El. Potential interaction with monorail Park/lock monorail hoist Isolation Valve -SG 2 220' hoist and chains and chains 1-HV-12146 07 CBCR Normal Air Supply Control Building El. Potential interaction with adjacent Modify wall anchorage Damper 240' nonbearing wall.1-1601-Q5-MCB 20 Main Control Board Control Building El. Potential interaction with adjacent Modify wall anchorage 220' nonbearing wall.1-1 592-C7-001 11 CB Essential Chiller Control Building El. Potential interaction with adjacent Modify chiller pipe fitting 260' duct support at the chiller pipe to provide adequate fitting clearance. 1-1807-Y3-1B12 16 Vital AC Inverter Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with tools left Remove miscellaneous El. 220' overhead tools 1-1805-S3-ABB 01 480V Motor Control Center Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with Remove or restrain 1ABB El. 220' unsecured ladder stored in room ladder.1-PV-3000 08C Atmospheric Relief Valve -Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with monorail Park/lock monorail hoist SG 1 El. 245' hoist and chains and chains 1-PY-3000 19 SG 1 Pressure to ARV Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with Remove or restrain Controller El. 245' unsecured ladder stored in room ladder.1-PY-3030 19 SG 4 Pressure to ARV Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with Remove or restrain Controller El. 245' unsecured ladder stored in room ladder.1-HV-1 5196 07 BFIV for SG 1 Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with adjacent Chip concrete wall to El. 195' concrete wall. provide adequate clearance. 1-HV-15199 07 BFIV for SG 4 Auxiliary Building Potential interaction with adjacent Trim beam flange to El. 195' structural steel member, provide adequate clearance.

  • Please note that this document has been re-typed from the IPE-EE Vulnerabilities table.Page 2 of 7 ATTACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Appendix J Equipment Open Item Summary -Unit 1 Equipment Equipment Equipment Description of Open Item ID Number Class Description Plant Area Open Item Resolution 1-1806-B3-BN3 15 125 VDC Battery 1ND3AB Control Building El. Gap between battery rack end Move the end rails of 280' rails and batteries the battery rack to close-fit against the batteries 1-1804-S3-A03 03 4160V Switchgear 1BA03 Control Building El. Potential interaction with breaker Restrain breaker 200' stored in room 1-LSH-9020 19 Fuel Oil Day Tank 3 Level Diesel Generator Device is leaning due to loose Tighten screws at Building El. 220' screws device to stop leaking.1-2403-G4-001 17 Diesel Generator A Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Building El. 220' controller, controller.

1-2403-G4-002 17 Diesel Generator B Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Building El. 220' controller, controller. 1-2403-P5-DG1 20 Diesel Generator 1A Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Engine Control Panel Building El. 220' controller, controller. 1-2403-P5-DG2 20 Diesel Generator 1A Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Engine Control Panel Building El. 220' controller, controller. 1-2403-P5-DG3 20 Diesel Generator 1B Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Engine Control Panel Building El. 220' controller, controller. 1-2403-P5-DG4 20 Diesel Generator 1B Diesel Generator Potential interaction with crane Restrain crane Engine Control Panel Building El. 220' controller, controller. 1-1605-Q5-STB 20 Safeguard Test Cabinet -Control Building El. Potential interaction with Remove unsecured Train B 220' unsecured metal plates metal plates.temporarily stored between cabinets.1-HV-3026A 08C Inboard Main Steam Control Building El. Potential interaction with monorail Park/lock monorail hoist Isolation Valve -SG-3 220' hoists and chains, and chains 1-HV-3026B 08C Outboard Main Steam Control Building El. Potential interaction with monorail Park/lock monorail hoist Isolation Valve -SG 3 220' hoists and chains, and chains*Please note that this document has been re-typed from the IPEEE Vulnerabilities table.Page 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 Excerpt from Document No. 12L0075-RPT-001 Appendix A-.2 Page 4 of 7 'TACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION 1.0 12LOO75-RF--AO01, Rev. 0 Seismic IPEEE Walkdown of Modified Equipment in Support of 1OCFR50.69 Risk Informed Pilot Project -Plant Vogtle Appendix A-2: Previous IPEEE Open Item Walkdown Resolution Notes Vogtle IPEEE Open Item Resolution Walkdown Results -Final SYSTEM/ Open Item Description/Suggested Fix MARK NO. EQUIPMENT BLDG ELEV ROOM TRAIN Open Item Walkdown Result 1-1592-C7-001 CB ESSENTIAL CONTROL 260' 320 Potential interaction with adjacent A Open item not resolved -Valve 1-1202-X4-362 is CHILLER duct support at the chiller pipe within 1/4" of contact with HVAC duct flange. SRT fitting/Modify chiller pipe fitting to cannot ascertain if seismic interaction would provide adequate clearance occur. Recommend cutting off extra length of valve outlet, re-thread outlet and re-install threaded cap to resolve the issue. Other solution is to review HVAC & Chiller piping seismic analysis to identify deflections at this interaction point to validate it is an interaction issue or not. Third solution is to perform deflection analysis if one does not exist, to validate that it is an interaction issue.1-1601-QS-MCB MAIN CONTROL CONTROL 220' 163 Potential interaction with adjacent N Open Item not resolved -SRT could not inspect end BOARD nonbearing wall/ Modify wall connections due to wall being finished in plaster &anchorage wall paper. Need dwg review to determine barrier's design for seismic II over I capacity 1-1605-QS-STB SAFEGUARD TEST CONTROL 220' 163 Potential interaction with unsecured B Resolved -no metal plates found CABINET-Train B metal plates temporarily stored between cabinets/ Remove metal plates 1-1804-$3-A03 4160V SWITCHGEAR CONTROL 200' ASO Potential interaction with breaker B Resolved -no breaker found in room 1BA03 stored in room/ Restrain breaker 480V MOTOR AUX 220' 118 Potential interaction with unsecured A Resolved -ladder secured Control CENTER ladder stored in room/ Remove or 1ABB restrain ladder A13 Page 5 of 7 9 VACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONPO PO 12L0075-RPT-001, Rev. 0 Seismic IPEEE Walkdown of Modified Equipment in Support of IOCFR50.69 Risk Informed Pilot Project -Plant Vogtle 1-1806-B3-BN3 125 VDC BATTERY CONTROL 280' 409 Gap between battery rack end rails and N Resolved -gaps between battery and end rails has 1ND3AB batteries/Move end rails of the battery been eliminated. rack to close-fit against batteries 1-1807-Y3-1B12 VITAL AC INVERTER AUX 220' 116 Potential interaction with tools left B Resolved -no tools found overhead/ Remove miscellaneous tools DIESEL GENERATOR DG 220' 103 Potential interaction with crane A Resolved -hoist controller is either: A controller/ Restrain crane controller -placed between panel's bus duct & structural support-placed behind panel structural support or-secured to floor rack or conduit using rope 1-2403-G4-002 DIESEL GENERATOR OG 220' 101 Potential interaction with crane B Resolved -hoist controller is either:- placed B controller/ Restrain crane controller between panel's bus duct & structural support-placed behind panel structural support or -secured to floor rack or conduit using rope 1-2403-P5-DG1 DIESEL GENERATOR DG 220' Potential interaction with crane A Resolved -hoist controller is either: 1A ENGINE CNTRL controller/ Restrain crane controller -placed between panel's bus duct & structural PANEL support-placed behind panel structural support or-secured to floor rack or conduit using rope 1-2403-P5-DG2 DIESEL GENERATOR DG 220' Potential interaction with crane A Resolved -hoist controller is either: 1A ENGINE CNTRL controller/ Restrain crane controller -placed between panel's bus duct & structural PANEL support-placed behind panel structural support or-secured to floor rack or conduit using rope DIESEL GENERATOR DG 220' Potential interaction with crane B Resolved -hoist controller is either: 1B ENGINE CNTRL controller/ Restrain crane controller -placed between panel's bus duct & structural PANEL support-placed behind panel structural support or-secured to floor rack or conduit using rope 1-2403-P5-DG4 DIESEL GENERATOR DG 220' Potential interaction with crane B Resolved -hoist controller is either: 1B ENGINE CNTRL controller/ Restrain crane controller -placed between panel's bus duct & structural PANEL support-placed behind panel structural support or-secured to floor rack or conduit using rope 1-HV-12146 CBCR NORMAL AIR CONTROL 240' 233 Potential interaction with adjacent A Open Item not resolved -SRT could not inspect end SUPPLY DAMPER nonbearing wall/ Modify wall connections due to wall being finished in plaster.anchorage Need dwg review to determine barrier's design for seismic II over I capacity Page 6 of 7 9 VACHMENT 5: IPEEE VULNERABILITIES INFORMATION NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION*,%W 12LOO75-RPF-i001, Rev. 0 Seismic IPEEE Walkdown of Modified Equipment in Support of IOCFR50.69 Risk Informed Pilot Project- Plant Vogtle 1-HV-15196 BFIV for SG1 AUX 195' All Potential interaction with adjacent N Resolved -concrete has been chipped away so that concrete wall/ chip concrete wall to no seismic interaction can occur.provide adequate clearance. 1-HV-15199 BFIV for SG4 AUX 195' A12 Potential interaction with adjacent N Resolved -steel has been coped so that no seismic structural steel member/trim beam interaction can occur.flange to provide adequate clearance 1-HV-3016A INBOARD MSIV-SG2 CONTROL 220' 123 Potential interaction with monorail A Resolved -monorail secured by chains wrapped hoist & chains/ Park & secure monorail around handrail hoist & chains 1-HV-3016B OUTBOARD MSIV- CONTROL 220' 123 Potential interaction with monorail B Resolved -monorail secured by chains wrapped SG2 hoist and chains/ Park-lock monorail around handrail hoist and chains 1-HV-3026A INBOARD MSIV-SG3 CONTROL 220' 123 Potential interaction with monorail A Resolved -monorail secured by chains wrapped hoist & chains/ Park & secure monorail around handrail hoist & chains 1-HV-3026B OUTBOARD MSIV- CONTROL 220' 123 Potential interaction with monorail B Resolved -monorail secured by chains wrapped SG3 hoist and chains/ Park-lock monorail around handrail hoist and chains 1-LSH-9020 FUEL OIL DAY TANK 3 DG 220' 102 Device is leaking due to lose screws/ A Resolved LEVEL Tighten screws at device to stop leaking 1-PV-3000 ATMOSPHERIC AUX 245' 206 Potential interaction with monorail A Resolved -monorail secured by chains wrapped RELIEF VALVE SG1 hoist and chains/ Park/ lock the around handrail monorail hoist and chains 1-PY-3000 SGI PRESSURE to AUX 245' 204 Potential interaction with unsecured A Resolved -ladders on other side of room.ARV CONTROLLER ladder stored in room/ Remove or Recommendation: The SRT notes that this room is restrain ladder a storehouse of ladders & other maintenance tools. Heavychains from hoist in contact with NSR 480V Switchgear. SRT recommends a placard be placed on wall next to controller that prohibits placement of ladders, etc in vicinity of controller. A15 Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 ATTACHMENT 6 UNIT 1 -SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01 Page 1 of 15 ,TRACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 E lam ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INS'TITE Certificate of Completion Robert W. Ashworth Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 -Plant Seismic Walkdowns July 3, 2012 Date Caroline S. Schlasernan, P.E.lnstmctor Page 2 of 15 ATTACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 Page 3 of 15 AACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 Page 4 of 15 ATIHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VER N. 1.0 Certificate of Completion Justo Chaeon Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Walkdowns July 27, 2012 Date Robert K. Kassawara EPRI Manager, Structural Reliability & Integrty Page 5 of 15 ATTACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 Certificate of Completion is herebygranted to J mes Dovel...for successful completion of TRAINING ON NEAR TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION


SEISMIC WALKDOWNS Awarded: 7/26/2012 in Mt.Arlington, NJ Kenneth Whitmore Certified Seismic Walkdown Engineer Alexandria, VA -6/20/2012 Page 6 of 15 AT40CHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VER N. 1.0 A 9 CHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCVO61-RPT-01, VER~N. 1.0 POWER RESEARCH INSTITUiE Certificate of Completio n Parimal Gandhi Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Walkdowns June 27, 2012 Date Robert K. Kassawara EPRI Manager, Structural Reliability & Integrity Page 7 of 15 A ATTACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKIDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 Certificate of Completion Jose Hernandez Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Walkdowns July 19, 2012 Date Robert K. Kassawara EPRI Manager, Structural Reliability & Integrity Page 8 of 15 0 ATTACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSION. 1.0 Page 9 of 15 AT ACHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VER ION. 1.0 C I..=12 1 I ,UK.11 .......RE5EARCH4 tNS711UTE Certificate of Completion Winston Stewart Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Walkdowns June 21, 2012 Date Robert K.* Kassaaara EPRi Manager, Structural Reliability & tntegrity Page 10 of 15 ATOCHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSON. 1.0::.,. .. of Completion ............. '::': :; ".: ~ ~~~is hereby granted to :} :'D ct:.,ve .O a S..... , .:'.; ?.. ; .; .., , i for successful completion of TRAINING ON NEAR TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION 2.3 PLANTSEiSMI, vWA LKDOWNIiS K : :Awarded: 7/26/2012 in Mt. Arlington, NJ Certified SeAinic Walkdown Engineer Alexandria, VA -6/20/2012 Page 11 of 15 A 9 CHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS R.' ENERCON Excellence-Every project, Every day Certificate of Completio is hereby granted to Matt Wilkinsoi for successful completion of TRAINING ON NEAR TERM TASK RECOMMENDATION


SEiSMIIC VWALKDOWN Awarded: 7/26/2012 in Mt. Arlington, N)'Kenneth Whitmore.; Certified Seismic Walkdown Engineer Alexandria, VA -6/20/2012 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VER SN. 1.0 n FORCE fS Page 12 of 15 AT-HMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01 VERSION. 1.0 r i E Presents this Ceflifcate fA chlievement ,To Crtify qfiat has Compktefd the Sqt Wafkdown Screening 'Eva (uat win Training Course...eld Apri( 6t 10t., 1992_--3 David A. Need, MPR Assates SQUG Training Coordinator Neil?:. Smitih, Commowewalth Edison SQU* Chaimriw Robert P. Kassrwara. EPRI SQUG, Program Manager I Page 13 of 15 A ATTACHMENT 6i SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS 0 NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSIONý 1.0-~ -, I~i IL ir Certificate of Completion Kenneth Whitmore Training on Near Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3-Plant Seismic Waikdowns Ii'hi 1J~.iii June 21, 2012 Date Robert K. Kassawara EPRI Manager.Structura Reliablity & Integrity Page 14 of 15 A 9 CHMENT 6: SEISMIC WALKDOWN ENGINEER CERTIFICATIONS NO. SNCV061-RPT-01, VERSON. 1.0'A Al 2A'N I' A?'-'~A. A 1-'A<'~1 Exce/lIence-Eveiy project. Every doy, Certificate of Completion is hereby granted to Frank Yao for successful completion of TRAINING ON NEAR TERM TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION


SEISMIC WALKDOWNS Awarded: 7/26/2012 in Mt. Arlington, NJ Kenneth Whitmore Certified Seismic Walkdown Engineer Alexandria, VA -6/20/2012 Page 15 of 15}}