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Fermi 2 - 2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
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Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2008
Detroit Edison
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
FOIA/PA-2010-0209, NRC-09-0024
Download: ML091260479 (138)


FERMI 2 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DETROIT EDISON COMPANY OPERATINGLICENSE NO. NPF -43 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the period of January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 Prepared by: Fermi 2 Radiological Engineering Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table of Contents Page Executive Summary I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Results 3 Direct Radiation Monitoring 3 Thermoluminescent Dosimeters 3 Atmospheric Monitoring 4 Air Sampling 5 Terrestrial Monitoring 7 Milk Sampling 7 Groundwater Sampling 8 Garden Sampling 9 Aquatic Monitoring 10 Drinking Water Sampling 10 Surface Water Sampling 12 Sediment Sampling 13 Fish Sampling 15 Land Use Census 17 2008 Land Use Census Results 18 Appendix A Sampling Locations A-]Appendix B Environmental Data Summary B-1 Appendix C Environmental Data Tables C-1 Appendix D Environmental Program Execution D-1 Direct Radiation Monitoring D-1 Atmospheric Monitoring D-1 Terrestrial Monitoring D-2 Milk Sampling D-2 Garden Sampling D-2 Groundwater Sampling D-2 Aquatic Monitoring D-2 Drinking Water Sampling D-2 Surface Water Sampling D-2 Sediment Sampling D-2 Fish Sampling D-2 Plant Related Isotope Detected In Environmental Air Sampling Media D-3 ii Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Appendix E Interlaboratory Comparison Data, Framatome ANP Environmental Laboratory's Quality Assurance Programs Interlaboratory Comparison Program for 2008 E-1 Appendix F Correction to 2007 Annual Radiological Operating Report F-i i1 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report List of Figures Page Figure ] Fermi 2 Annual Average TLD Gamma Exposure 4 Figure 2 Historical Gross Beta and Iodine-131 Activity in Air Samples 6 Figure 3 Fermi 2 Air Particulate Gross Beta for 2008 6 Figure 4 Historical Strontium-90 Activity in Local Milk Samples 8 Figure 5 Historical Gross Beta Activity in Drinking Water Samples 12 Figure 6 Historical Cesium-137 Activity in Sediment Samples 15 Map 1 Sampling Locations By Station Number (within 1 mile) App. -A Map 2 Sampling Locations By Station Number (1 to 5 miles) App.-A Map 3 Sampling Locations By Station Number (greater than 5 miles) App. -A List of Tables Page Table 1 2008 Average Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulates 5 Table 2 Closest Residences 19 Table 3 Closest Gardens 20 Table 4 Milk Locations 21 Table 5 Closest Meat Locations 22 Table A-] Direct Radiation Sample Locations A-1 Table A-2 Air Particulate and Air Iodine Sample Locations A-7 Table A-3 Milk Sample Locations A-7 Table A-4 Garden Sample Locations A-8 Table A-5 Drinking Water Sample Locations A-8 Table A-6 Surface Water Sample Locations A-9 Table A-7 Groundwater Sample Locations A-9 Table A-8 Sediment Sample Locations A-JO Table A-9 Fish Sample Locations A-JO Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary B-1 iv Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Executive Summary This Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report is a detailed report on the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted at Detroit Edison's Fermi 2 nuclear power plant from January 1 through December 31, 2008.Samples collected as part of the REMP program are analyzed by AREVA NP Inc.Environmental Laboratory.

Radioactivity measurements for these samples are reported in terms of sample concentration.

Standard units of measure for reporting radioactivity are the Curie (Ci) for the amount of activity, and the Roentgen (R) for the amount of radiation exposure in free air. The unit of radioactivity used in this report is the picocurie (pCi). A picocurie is one-one trillionth of a curie. The unit of direct radiation used in this report is milliroentgen (mR). A milliroentgen is one-one thousandth of a roentgen.

All radioactivity measurements for samples found to contain radioactivity are reported with a 2 sigma counting error, a standard counting practice.

This means that, at a 95%confidence level, the true concentration of the sample lies somewhere between the measured concentration and plus or minus the counting error.The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program is divided into four major parts.These four parts are direct radiation monitoring, atmospheric monitoring, terrestrial monitoring, and aquatic monitoring.

The results of 2008 data showed that environmental radioactivity levels have not increased from background radioactivity levels detected prior to the operation of Fermi 2.Direct radiation measurements were taken at 71 locations using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). The average quarterly exposure was 15.1 mR/standard quarter for indicating locations.

This average exposure is equivalent to the ambient radiation levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2.Atmospheric monitoring results for 2008 showed only naturally occurring radioactivity and were consistent with levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2. No radioactivity attributable to activities at Fermi 2 was detected in any atmospheric samples during 2008.Terrestrial monitoring results for 2008 of milk, groundwater, and leafy garden vegetable samples, showed only naturally occurring radioactivity and radioactivity associated with fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. The radioactivity levels detected were consistent with levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2. No radioactivity attributable to activities at Fermi 2 was detected in any terrestrial samples during 2008.1 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Aquatic monitoring results for 2008 of drinking water, surface water, sediment, and fish, showed only naturally occurring radioactivity and radioactivity associated with fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and were consistent with levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2. No radioactivity attributable to activities at Fermi 2 was detected in any aquatic samples during 2008.The operation of Fermi 2 caused no measurable radioactivity in the environment and no adverse effect on the quality of the environment in 2008. Comparisons of 2008 environmental data, past operational data, and preoperational data, show no adverse long-term trends in environmental radiation levels attributable to Fermi 2. In conclusion, the operation of Fermi 2 continues to have no significant radiological impact upon the environment.

Appendix F contains a corrected summary table for the 2007 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report. The 2007 report contained the 2006 report's data summary table and the table did not report the isotope Niobium-95.

2 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Results Direct Radiation Monitoring Radiation is a normal component of the environment resulting primarily from natural sources, such as cosmic radiation and naturally occurring radionuclides; and to a lesser extent, from manmade sources such as fallout from past nuclear weapons testing. The earth is constantly bombarded by cosmic radiation in the form of high energy gamma rays and particulates.

The earth's crust also contains natural radioactive material, such as uranium and potassium-40, which contributes to the background radiation.

Direct radiation monitoring primarily measures ionizing radiation from cosmic and terrestrial sources.Thermoluminescent Dosimeters Detroit Edison uses thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) to measure direct gamma radiation in the environs of Fermi 2. In this process, ionizing radiation interacts with a phosphor which is the sensitive material in the TLD. Energy is trapped in the TLD material and can be stored for several months or years. This provides an excellent method to measure the dose received over long periods of time. The energy that was stored in the TLD as a result of interaction with radiation is released and measured by a controlled heating process in a calibrated reading system. As the TLD is heated, the phosphor releases the stored energy in the form of light. The amount of light detected is directly proportional to the amount of radiation to which the TLD was exposed. This reading process then rezeros the TLD and prepares it for reuse.Fermi 2 has 71 TLD locations within a fifteen mile radius of the plant. Of the 71 TLD locations, 16 are located on-site and are not used for comparison with the control locations.

These 16 TLDs are affected by Hydrogen Water Chemistry's sky shine and are not representative of off-site dose. The TLDs are thoroughly tested to comply with NRC Regulatory Guide 4.13 and American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) publication N545-1975, which assure accurate measurements under varying environmental conditions before being placed in the field. Indicator TLDs are located within a ten mile radius of the plant and control TLDs are located at a distance that is outside the influence of the plant.While in the field, TLDs are exposed to background radiation and, if measurable, gaseous effluents and direct radiation from Fermi 2. Environmental TLDs are exchanged and processed on a quarterly basis. The TLDs' data are reported in terms of milliroentgen per standard quarter (mR/std qtr), with a standard quarter being 91 days. Regardless of the duration of TLD exposure in the field, the data have been normalized to a standard quarter to allow convenient intercomparisons with the net value.3 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report In 2008, the average exposure for TLDs at all off-site indicator locations was 15.1 mR/std qtr and for all control locations was 13.9 mR/std qtr. These exposures are consistent with preoperational and past operational measurements as shown in Figure 1.Fermi 2 Annual Average TLD Gamma Exposure 25 -20 15-iR 10 Ei Preoperational

  • Operational 5 0 M) 0 CM 2) a ) C O C) CMcO o-M) 00 Co M) a) 0) M 4M 0) 0) C)D ) C C. C 0) 0) 0) 0 0) ) 0) 0) 0 0) ) C) c) ) C Indicator

--D--Control I Figure 1 -Fermi 2 Annual Average TLD Gamma Exposure:

The similarity between indicator and control results demonstrates that the operation of Fermi 2 has not caused any abnormal gamma exposure.Atmospheric Monitoring A potential exposure pathway to people is inhalation of airborne radioactive materials.

Detroit Edison continuously samples the ambient air surrounding Fermi 2 for radioactivity.

Air sampling began in 1979 during the preoperational program. At each sampling location, a mechanical air sampler is used to draw a continuous volume of air through two filters designed to collect particulates and radioiodines.

Air samples are collected weekly and analyzed for gross beta radiation and iodine-131 gamma radiation.

The particulate filters for each sampling location are combined on a quarterly basis to forma "composite sample" and are analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

There are four indicator sampling locations which were selected based on an evaluation of the predominant wind directions.

A fifth sampling location is approximately fourteen miles west of the plant and is considered to be in a location unaffected by the operation of the plant. This is used as the control location.4 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Air Sampling On October 16, 1980, the People's Republic of China conducted an atmospheric nuclear weapon test. The fallout from this test was detected in Fermi 2 preoperational environmental air samples in 1981 (see Figure 2). The average gross beta for 1981 was.1.60E-1 pCi/cubic meter for indicator samples and 2.40E-1 pCi/cubic meter for control samples which was a factor often times greater than background gross beta. Gamma spectroscopic analyses of the particulate filters indicated cesium- 137, cerium- 141, cerium-144, ruthenium-103, ruthenium-106, zirconium-95, niobium-95, manganese-54, and antimony-125 in the atmosphere as a result of this test. In 1986, as shown in Figure 2, there was a slight increase in gross beta activity and a 2.70E- 1 pCi/cubic meter "spike" in the iodine-131 activity.

These elevated levels in 1986 are attributed to the nuclear accident at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986. For all other years, the iodine- 131 activity was below the lower limit of detection'(LLD) of 7.OE-2 pCi/cubic meter.During 2008, two hundred and sixty (260) particulate air filters and charcoal cartridges were collected and analyzed for gross beta activity and iodine-131 respectively.

The average gross beta for indicator samples was 3.03E-2 pCi/cubic meter and. 3.09E-2 pCi/cubic meter for control samples. None of the charcoal filters collected showed detectable levels of iodine-131.

The following table contains the annual average gross beta results of all five sample locations for 2008.2008 Average Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulates (pCi/m 3)Table 1 Station Description (sctor/distan~e) ii& Aiitul Avig API-1 (I) Estral Beach (NE/1.4 mi.) 2.56E-2 API-2 (I) Site Boundary (NNW/0.6 mi.) 3.1 1E-2 API-3 (I) Site Boundary (NW/0.6 mi.) 2.88E-2 API-4 (C) North Custer Rd. (W/14 mi.) 3.09E-2 API-5 (I) Site Boundary (S/1.2 mi.) 3.58E-2 (I) = Indicator Station (C) = Control Station Twenty (20) quarterly particulate filter composites were prepared and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

Naturally occurring beryllium-7 was detected in both indicator and control samples. One control sample detected naturally occurring potassium-40.

5 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report In conclusion, the atmospheric monitoring data are consistent with preoperational and prior operational data and show no adverse long-term trends in the environment attributable to operation of Fermi 2 as illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.Historical Gross Beta and Iodine -131 3.E-01 Chinese Weapon Test Activty in Air Samples 3.E-01 -Chernobyl Event 4)Q2.E-01 U 1 E-01 5.E-02 0.E+00 .............. .M M u) 0 -M~ -Y Cý) r- 0M ZS M ~ r -N- 0) ) 0 0 0 )0 0) 0 M~ M 0M 0) Co 0 0 C>2! ----C C> CD C>--0-- Indicator Gross Beta ---- Control Gross Beta -Iodine -131 Figure 2 -Historical Gross Beta and Iodine-i131 Activity in Air Samples; The similarity between indicator and control gross beta results demonstrates that the operation of Fermi 2 has had no adverse long-term trends in the environment.

The lower limit of detection (LLD)for iodine- 131 is 0.07 pCi/cubic meter.Fermi 2 Air Particulate Gross Beta 2008 CL 0)a.71E-02 61E-02 51E-02 41E-02 31E-02 2.E-02 1 .E-02 n) a-n? 7 CM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c C) r CM ) CM -c2) C r-Collection Date o Indicator -a- Control>)~dd > !N qM --Figure 3 -Fermi 2 Air Particulate Gross Beta for 2008; the concentration of beta emitting radionuclides in airborne particulates samples was essentially identical at indicator and control locations.

Gross beta activity varies throughout the year and is primarily an effect of seasonal precipitation.

6 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Terrestrial Monitoring Radionuclides released to the atmosphere may deposit on soil and vegetation, and therefore, may eventually be incorporated into the human food chain. To assess the impact of Fermi 2 operations to humans from the ingestion pathway, samples of milk, green leafy vegetables, and groundwater are collected and analyzed for radioactivity.

The following sections discuss the type and frequency of terrestrial sampling, analyses performed, and a comparison of 2008 data to previous operational and preoperational data.Milk Sampling The milk sampling portion of the REMP is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the program. This is because a major pathway in the human food chain is the consumption of milk from grazing animals (dairy cows or goats) due to biological concentration and the short turn around time in this pathway. Milk is collected from one indicator location and one control location semimonthly when animals are in the pasture, and monthly when the animals are on stored feed. The milk is analyzed for iodine- 131, gamma emitting radionuclides, and strontium-89/90.

At times when milk samples are not available, grass samples are collected at both the control milk sample location and the location where milk is not available.

Grass samples are analyzed for iodine-131 and other gamma emitting radionuclides.

Milk sampling began in 1979 during the preoperational program. During this time period, milk samples were analyzed for iodine-131 and other gamma emitting radionuclides.

Cesium- 137 and naturally occurring potassium-40 were the only radionuclides detected in milk samples during the preoperational program. The cesium- 137 concentration averaged 3.60E+O pCi/liter and is due to past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. In 1986, after the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, iodine- 131 and cesium- 137 were detected in both indicator and control milk samples. The average concentration for iodine- 131 was 3.70E+0 pCi/liter and 6.60E+0 pCi/liter for cesium-137.

The analysis for strontium-89/90 began in 1988, and strontium-90 is routinely detected in both indicator and control milk samples because of past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.During 2008, thirty four (34) milk samples were collected and analyzed for iodine- 131, gamma emitting radionuclides, and strontium-89/90.

No iodine-131 was detected in any of the samples. Strontium-90 was detected in one control milk sample and is due to fallout from past atmospheric weapons testing (see Figure 4).7 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report The control sample had a strontium-90 concentration of 1.80E+0 pCi/liter.

Naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in both indicator and control samples. During 2008, no grass samples were scheduled or collected for the REMP program.In 1970, the concentration of strontium-90 in Monroe County milk was 6.00E+0 pCi/liter according to the Michigan Department of Health's "Milk Surveillance," Radiation Data and Reports, Vol. 11-15, 1970-1974.

Figure 4 shows the calculated radiological decay curve for the 1970 concentration of strontium-90 and the average concentrations since 1988. This graph illustrates that the inventory of strontium-90 in the local environment is decreasing with time and closely follows the calculated decay curve. This supports the fact that the inventory of strontium-90 in the environment is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and not the operation of Fermi 2.Historical Strontium-90 Activity in Local Milk Samples 4.0 2.0 0.0=Average Sr-90 Activity -Calculated Decay Figure 4 -Historical Strontium-90 Activity in Local Milk Samples; the concentration of strontium-90 in local milk samples is decreasing with time and is below the calculated decay curve. This supports the fact that strontium-90 in local milk is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and not the operation of Fermi 2.Groundwater Sampling In areas not served by municipal water systems, water supplies for domestic use are generally obtained from private wells. The network of private wells presently in use forms the source of water for domestic and livestock purposes in farms and homes west and north of the site. However, with the construction of new water plants and distribution systems, the water use trend in the area is from groundwater to surface water.8 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Groundwater is collected on a quarterly basis from four wells surrounding Fermi 2. The groundwater is analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. Sampling location GW-4, which is located approximately

0.6 miles

west northwest, is designated as the control location because it is up-gradient and is least likely to be affected by the operation of the plant. The other three sampling locations are down-gradient from Fermi 2 and designated as indicator locations.

Groundwater sampling began in 1987, during the operational period of the REMP program. From 1987 to 1996, naturally occurring potassium-40, cesium-137, and tritium were detected in both indicator and control samples. The average concentration was 7.71E+O pCi/liter for cesium-137 and 1.50E+2 pCi/liter for tritium. The presence of cesium- 137 and tritium in groundwater samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing leaching into the soil and becoming incorporated into the groundwater.

From 1997 to 2007, only naturally occurring potassium-40 activity was detected in groundwater samples.In 2008, sixteen (16) groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. During 2008, no gamma emitting radionuclides or tritium was detected in groundwater samples.Garden Sampling Fermi 2 collects samples of broad leaf vegetables from indicator locations identified by the annual Land Use Census. Samples are also collected at a control location that is at a distance and direction which is considered to be unaffected by plant operations.

Samples are collected once a month during the growing season (June through September) and are analyzed for iodine- 131 and other gamma emitting radionuclides.

Vegetable sampling started in 1982. During the preoperational period from 1982 to 1985, only naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in both indicator and control vegetable samples. During the operational period from 1985 to 1990 and 1994 to 1995, only naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in both indicator and control vegetable samples. However, in 1991, 1992, and 1993, cesium-137 was detected in one indicator sample each year and had an average concentration of 1.2E+1 pCi/kilogram.

Cesium-137 may become incorporated into plants by either uptake from the soil or direct deposition on foliar surfaces.

Since cesium-137 is normally not detected in gaseous effluent samples from Fermi 2, and there have been no recent atmospheric weapons testing or nuclear accidents, the incorporation of cesium-137 by direct deposition is highly unlikely.

The most probable source of cesium-137 in vegetable samples is the uptake of previously deposited cesium- 137, which has leached into the soil. This cesium activity is 9 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report attributed to fallout from past atmospheric weapons testing and to the nuclear accident at Chernobyl.

During 2008, twelve (12) vegetable samples were collected and analyzed for iodine-131 and other gamma emitting radionuclides.

No iodine- 131 was detected in vegetable samples during 2008. The only gamma emitting radionuclide detected was naturally occurring potassium-40 in both indicator and control samples.Terrestrial monitoring results for 2008 of milk, groundwater and leafy garden vegetable samples, showed only naturally occurring radioactivity and radioactivity associated with fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. The radioactivity levels detected were consistent with levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2 and no radioactivity attributable to activities at Fermi 2 was detected in any terrestrial sample. In conclusion, the terrestrial monitoring data show no adverse long-term trends in the terrestrial environment.

Aquatic Monitoring Lake Erie, on which Fermi 2 borders, is used as a source for drinking water, as well as for recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, sunbathing, and boating. For this reason, Lake Erie and its tributaries are routinely monitored for radioactivity.

The aquatic monitoring portion of the REMP consists of sampling raw municipal drinking water, surface water, lake sediments, and fish for the presence of radioactivity.

The following sections discuss the type and frequency of aquatic sampling, analyses performed, and a comparison of 2008 data to previous operational and preoperational data.Drinking Water Sampling Detroit Edison monitors drinking water at one control location and one indicator location using automatic samplers.

The automatic samplers collect samples, known as aliquots, at time intervals that are very short (hourly) relative to the sample collection period (monthly) in order to assure that a representative sampleis obtained.

Indicator water samples are obtained at the Monroe water intake located approximately

1.1 miles

south of the plant. Detroit municipal water is used for the control samples and is obtained at the Allen Park water intake located approximately 18.6 miles north of the plant. Drinking water samples are collected on a monthly basis and analyzed for gross beta, strontium-89/90, and gamma emitting radionuclides.

The monthly samples for each location are combined on a quarterly basis and analyzed for tritium activity.10 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report In late 1980, as shown in Figure 5, an atmospheric nuclear weapon test was conducted by the People's Republic of China. As a result of this test, the average gross.beta for 1981 was 9.80E+O pCi/liter for water samples. Figure 5 also shows that, except for the Chinese weapons testing, the historic drinking water sample data are below or slightly above the lower limit of detection (4.OOE+O pCi/liter) required by US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) National Interim Primary Drinking Water regulations.

Even during the Chinese weapons testing, the drinking water samples did not exceed the USEPA maximum allowable criteria of 5.OOE+l pCi/liter gross beta. In 1980 and 1983, cesium-137 was detected in drinking water samples at levels ranging from 5.40E+0 pCi/liter to 1.90E+l pCi/liter.

Tritium was also detected during the preoperational program and had an average of 3.25E+2 pCi/liter.

The presence of cesium-137 and detectable levels of tritium in these water samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and naturally occurring tritium.From 1985 to 2007, the average annual gross beta activity for indicator samples was 4.39E+O pCi/liter and 4.23E+O pCi/liter for control samples. The analysis for strontium-89/90 began in 1988, and strontium-90 has been detected in both indicator and control samples. The average strontium-90 activity for indicator samples was 7.25E-1 pCi/liter and 7.56E-1 pCi/liter for control samples during this time period. Tritium was also detected in both indicator and control drinking water samples during this time period. The average tritium activity for indicator samples was 2.52E+2 pCi/liter and 2.60E+2 pCi/liter for control samples. The presence of strontium-90 and detectable levels of tritium in these water samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and naturally occurring tritium.In 2008, twenty-four (24) drinking water samples were collected and analyzed for gross beta, gamma emitting radionuclides, strontium-89/90, and tritium. The average gross beta for indicator samples was 5.50E+0 and 4.33E+0 pCi/liter for control samples. No gammaI emitting radionuclides or strontium-89/90 activity was detected in drinking water samples during 2008. Eight (8) quarterly composite drinking water samples were prepared and analyzed for tritium. No tritium activity was detected in drinking water samples during 2008.11 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 12.0 -10.0-8.0-C)06.0 4 Historical Gross Beta Activity in Drinking Water Samples Chinese Weapons Test 0.0 8o r- O~ co 0fl 0 CD C\ '- C 00 M0) " 0) ? F) 81' 2' R1~C =C)R-Indicator Gross Beta -- Control Gross Beta -EPA LLD I Figure 5 -Historical Gross Beta Activity in Drinking Water Samples; Since 1982, the annual concentrations of beta emitting radionuclides in drinking water samples collected from indicator locations have been consistent with those from control locations.

This shows that Fermi 2 has had no measurable radiological impact on local drinking water.Surface Water Sampling Detroit Edison monitors surface water at two locations using automatic samplers.

As with drinking water, surface water samples are collected at time intervals that are very short (hourly) relative to the sample collection period (monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample. Indicator surface water samples are obtained at the Fermi 2 General Service Water building, located approximately

0.3 miles

south southeast from Fermi 2. The control surface water samples are obtained from Trenton Channel Power Plant's cooling water intake on the Detroit River, which is approximately 11.7 miles north northeast of Fermi 2. Surface water samples are collected on a monthly basis and analyzed for strontium-89/90 and gamma emitting radionuclides.

The monthly samples for each location are combined on a quarterly basis to form a quarterly composite sample and are analyzed for tritium.12 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Surface water sampling began in 1979, and the samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. During this preoperational program, no gamma emitting radionuclides, except for naturally occurring potassium-40, were detected.

Tritium was detected in both indicator and control samples during this time period and had an average concentration of 3.15E+2 pCi/liter.

This tritium activity represents the background concentration due to naturally occurring tritium and tritium produced during past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.From 1985 to 2007, as part of the operational program, surface water samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and tritium. The analysis for strontium-89/90 did not begin until 1988, and strontium-90 was detected in both indicator and control samples. The average strontium-90 concentration for this time period was 1.13E+O pCi/liter.

In 1990, two indicator samples showed detectable activity for cesium-137 at an average concentration of 1.20E+l pCi/liter.

The presence of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in these water samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.Tritium was detected in both indicator and control surface water samples during this time period at a concentration of 2.3 1E+2 pCi/liter.

This tritium activity is consistent with background levels measured during the preoperational program.In 2008, twenty-six (26) surface water samples were collected and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and strontium-89/90.

From these samples, eight (8) quarterly composite samples were prepared and analyzed for tritium. During 2008, no gamma emitting radionuclides, strontium-89/90 or tritium was detected in surface water samples.Sediment Sampling Sediments often act as a sink (temporary or permanent) for radionuclides, but they may also become a source, as when they are resuspended during periods of increased turbulence or are dredged and deposited elsewhere.

Sediment, in the vicinity of the liquid discharge point, represents the most likely site for accumulation of radionuclides in the aquatic environment, and with long-lived radionuclides, a gradual increase in radioactivity concentration would be expected over time if discharges occur. Sediment, therefore, provides a long-term indication of change that may appear in other sample media (i.e., water and fish samples).13 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Lake Erie shoreline and bottom sediments from five locations are collected on a semiannual basis (Spring and Fall) arid are analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and strontium-89/90.

There is one control location and four indicator locations.

The control sample is collected near the Trenton Channel Power Plant's cooling water intake. The indicator samples are collected at Estral Beach, near the Fermi 2 liquid discharge area, the shoreline at the end of Pointe Aux Peaux, and Indian Trails Community Beach.During the preoperational program, there was not a control location, and indicator samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

During the preoperational program, except for naturally occurring radionuclides, only cesium-137 was detected in sediment samples. For this time period, the average cesium-i137 concentration was 3.27E+2 pCi/kilogram.

The presence of cesium-137 in these sediment samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.)From 1985 to 2007, cesium-137, strontium-90, and naturally occurring radionuclides were detected in sediment samples. The average cesium-137 concentration was 8.50E+1 pCi/kilogram for all samples. The analysis for strontium-89/90 began in 1988, and strontium-90 has been routinely detected at similar concentrations in both indicator and control samples. The average strontium-90 activity for indicator samples was 1.80E+2 pCi/kilogram and 1.98E+2 pCi/kilogram for control samples. The presence of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in these sediment samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.In 1990 and 1991, the Spring samples taken at the Fermi 2 liquid discharge line (Location S-2) showed activity for plant related radionuclides (manganese-54, cobalt-58, cobalt-60, and zinc-65) and was determined to be a result of liquid effluent from Fermi 2. The sample results were well below any regulatory reporting limits and were consistent with the activity released from the plant in liquid effluents and the dose impact was negligible.

In 2008, ten (10) sediment samples were collected and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and strontium 89/90. Cesium-137 was detected in one control sample with a concentration of3.85E+1 pCi/kilogram.

Cesium-137 was not detected in any indicating sediment samples. The presence of cesium-137 in sediment samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. Naturally occurring radionuclides potassium-40 and beryllium-7 were also detected in sediment samples for this sampling period.14 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Historical Cesium-1 37 Activity in Sediment Samples 7.E+02 6.E+02 --E 5.E+02-cc 4.E+02 0 3.E+02 M 2.E+02 1.E+02 O0E+00 ..L ....0) ? F, !c 0) R' 0j R Q Figure 6 -Historical Cesium-137 Activity in Sediment Samples; As the calculated trend shows, the concentration of cesium-137 in Lake Erie sediments is decreasing with time. This supports the fact that cesium-137 in Lake Erie sediments is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and not the operation of Fermi 2.Figure 6 shows the historical concentration of cesium-137 in sediment samples from 1978 to 2008. Using the data from these years, and the statistical method of least squares, an exponential curve can be calculated that represents the cesium-137 concentration in sediment.

This curve has a negative slope which indicates the overall concentration of cesium- 137 in the environment is decreasing with time. This supports the fact that the inventory of cesium-137 in the environment is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and not from the operation of Fermi 2.Fish Sampling Samples of fish are collected from Lake Erie at three locations on a semiannual basis.There are two control locations and one indicator location.

The two control locations are offshore of Celeron Island and in Brest Bay. The indicator location is approximately 1200 feet offshore of the Fermi 2 liquid effluent discharge.

Edible portions of the fish are analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and strontium-89/90.

During the preoperational program, fish samples were analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides.

Only cesium- 137 and naturally occurring potassium-40 were detected during this time period. The average concentration of cesium-137 for indicator samples was 3.53E+1 pCi/kilogram and 4.20E+1 pCi/kilogram for control samples. The presence of cesium-137 in these fish samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.15 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report From 1985 to 2007, cesium-137 and naturally occurring potassium-40 were detected in fish samples. The average cesium-137 concentration for indicator samples was 3.82E+1 pCi/kilogram and 3.92E+1 pCi/kilogram for control samples. The analysis for strontium-89/90 began in 1990, and strontium-90 was routinely detected at similar concentrations in both indicator and control samples. The average strontium-90 concentration for indicator samples was 3.84E+1 pCi/kilogram and 3.15E+1 pCi/kilogram for control samples. The presence of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in these fish samples is due to fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing.In 2008, twenty-eight (28) fish samples were collected and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides and strontium-89/90.

Only naturally occurring potassium-40 was detected in both control and indicator fish samples for 2007.Aquatic monitoring results for 2008 of water, sediment, and fish showed only naturally occurring radioactivity and radioactivity associated with fallout from past atmospheric nuclear weapons testing and were consistent with levels measured prior to the operation of Fermi 2. In conclusion, no radioactivity attributable to activities at Fermi 2 was detected in any aquatic sample during 2008 and no adverse long-term trends are shown in the aquatic monitoring data.16 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Land Use Census The Land Use Census is conducted in accordance with the Fermi 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), control 3.12.2, and satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This census identifies changes in the use of unrestricted areas to permit modifications to monitoring programs for evaluating doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure.

The pathways of concern are listed below:* Inhalation Pathway -Internal exposure as a result of breathing radionuclides carried in the air." Ground Exposure Pathway -External exposure from radionuclides deposited on the ground.* Plume Exposure Pathway -External exposure directly from a plume or cloud of radioactive material.* Vegetation Pathway -Internal exposure as a result of eating vegetables which have absorbed deposited radioactive material or which have absorbed radionuclides through the soil.* Milk Pathway -Internal exposure as a result of drinking milk which may contain radioactive material as a result of dairy animals grazing on a pasture contaminated by radionuclides.

The Land Use Census is conducted during the growing season and is used to identify, within a radius of 5 miles, the location of the nearest residences, milk animals, meat animals, and gardens (greater than 50 square meters and containing broad leaf vegetation) in each of 16 meteorological sectors surrounding Fermi 2. Gardens greater than 50 square meters are the minimum size required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) of leafy vegetables assumed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by a child. To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions were made: (1) 20% of the garden is used for growing broad leaf vegetation (i.e., lettuce and cabbage);

and (2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/square meter.17 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2008 Land Use Census Results The Land Use Census is conducted in accordance with ODCM control 3.12.2 and satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. This census identifies changes in the use of unrestricted areas to permit modifications to monitoring programs for evaluating doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure.

The annual Land Use Census is conducted during the growing season and is used to identify, within a radius of 5 miles, the location of the closest residences, milk animals, meat animals, and gardens in each of the 11 land based meteorological sectors surrounding Fermi 2.The 2008 Land Use Census was performed during the month of July. The 2008 census data were obtained with the use of a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) and aerial imagery from Google Earth. These data were compared to the 2007 data to determine any significant changes in the use of the land. The results of the census are tabulated in Tables 2 -5 of this report.No significant changes in the land use between 2007 and 2008 were found that would require changing the location of the "maximum exposed individual".

There were no changes in the category of closest residences.

There were changes in four meteorological sectors in the category of closest gardens. See Table 3 for these changes. The "maximum exposed individual" is located in the West-North-West sector and at one time participated in the REMP program. In 2007, this location did have a garden, but in 2008 a garden was not planted at this location.

In the category of closest milk locations, there was one change; the goat in the North North West sector was not identified.

As in past years, all milk locations that were identified are pets and any milk produced is not use for human consumption.

There were three changes found in the category of closest meat locations.

New beef locations were identified in the North North East, West North West, and West South West sectors in 2008. As with past surveys, this census identified new residential housing construction that shows a continuing trend of converting agricultural land to other uses in the area surrounding Fermi 2.As stated above, there were no significant changes in the 2008 land use that would require changing the location of the "maximum exposed individual".

For that reason, the location of"maximum exposed individual" remains the same and is described as follows: Azimuth Distance Age Maximum Pathway Sector (degrees) (miles) Group Organ Ingestion WNW 302.3 0.71 Child Thyroid (vegetation) 18 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2008 LAND USE CENSUS Closest Residences Table 2-7 Azimuth -7 Distance -. Ohag Sector Year (degree) (miles) ( miles)~N 2007 8.9 1.11 2008 8.9 1.11 0.00 NE 2007 34.7 1.10 2008 34.7 1.10o 0.00 NNE 2007 16.6 1.08 2008 16.6 1.08 0.00 NNW 2007 334.9 1.09 2008 334.9 1.09 0.00 NW 2007 309.7 1.07 2008 309.7 1.07 0.00 S 2007 169.6 1.03 2008 169.6 1.03 0.00 SSW 2007 200.1 1.12 2008 200.1 1.12 0.00 WNWa 2007 322.3 0.71 208 229.3 1.26 0.00 W 2007 259.2 " 1.19 00 2008 259.2 1.19 00 WNW(a) 200 302.3 t 0.71 t 2008 302.3 0.71 0.00 WSW 2007 236.3 1.39 2008 236.3 1.39 0.00 (a) = Location of "maximum exposed individual" 19 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2008 LAND USE CENSUS Closest Gardens Table 3 N 2007 358.5 2.13 2008 358.5 2.13 0.00 NE 2007 38.9 1.98 2008 38.9 1.98 0.00 NNE 2007 30.6 t: 1.91 2008 30.6 1.91 0.00 NNW 2007 326.7 1.40 2 326.7 1.40 0.00 NW 2007 313.5 1.08 2008 319.3 2.34 1.26 S 2007 No Data No Data 2008 185.4 1.38 1.38 SSW 2007 195.9 1.50 2008 No Data No Data SW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data W 2007 266.7 1.70 2008 266.7 1.70 0.00 WNW 2007 300.6 0.72 2008 297.7 4.40 3.68 WSW 2007 250.5 2.38 2008 250.5 2.38 0.00 20 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2008 LAND USE CENSUS Milk Locations Table 4 NAzimuth7o Disae ChangN Sýector Year<<: (degrees) (miles) ýjmiles) Type N 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data NE 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data NNE 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data NNW t2007 329.4 3.02 Goat 2008 No Data No Data NW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data S 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data SSW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data SW 2:00=7 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data W 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data WNW 2007 297.4 2.38 Goat 2008 297.4 2.38 0.00 Goat WSW I 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data 21 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 2008 LAND USE CENSUS Closest Meat Locations Table 5 Azimu~th ~~Distance Change~Sector Year ( ~degrees (miles) miteos > Type, Beef/Shee N 2007 9.6 4.29 p Beef/Shee 2008 9.6 4.29 0.00 p NE 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data NNE 2007 No Data No Data 2008 12.1 2.17 2.17 Beef NNW 2007 338.2 4.36 Sheep 2008 338.2 4.36 0.00 Sheep NW 2007 321.4 3.02 Beef 2008 321.4 3.02 0.00 Beef S 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data SSW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data SW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data W 2007 No Data No Data 2008 No Data No Data WNW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 287.5 1.65 1.65 Beef WSW 2007 No Data No Data 2008 252.4 2.94 2.94 Beef 22 Appendix A Sampling Locations Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations Table A-1 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type TI NE/38 0 1.3 mi. Estral Beach, Pole on Q I Lakeshore 23 Poles S of Lakeview. (Special Area)T2 NNE/22 0 1.2 mi. Pole at termination of Q Brancheau St.(Special Area)T3 N/9 0 1.1 mi. Pole, NW comer of Swan Q Boat Club fence. (Special Area)T4 NNW/337 0 0.6 mi. Site boundary and Toll Rd. Q on Site fence by API #2.T5 NW/3130 0.6 mi. Site boundary and Toll Rd. Q on Site fence by API #3.T6 WNW/294 0 0.6 mi. On Site fence at south end Q of N. Bullet Rd.T7 W/270 0 14.0 mi. Pole, at Michigan Gas Q C substation on N. Custer Rd., 0.66 miles west of Doty Rd.T8 NW/305 0 1.9 mi. Pole on Post Rd. near NE Q I comer of Dixie Hwy. and Post Rd.T9 NNW/334 0 1.5 mi. Pole, NW comer of Q Trombley and Swan View Rd.TlO N/6 0 2.1 mi. Pole, S side of Massarant-Q 2 poles W of Chinavare.

I = Indicator C = Control 0 On-site Q = Quarterly A-I Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations (Table A-i continued)

Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type TIll NNE/23 0 6.2 mi. Pole, NE comer of Q I Milliman and Jefferson.

T12 NNE/29 0 6.3 mi. Pointe Mouille Game Area Q I Field Office, Pole near tree, N area of parking lot.T13 N/356 0 4.1 mi. Labo and Dixie Hwy. Pole Q I on SW comer with light.T14 NNW/337 0 4.4 mi. Labo and Brandon Pole on Q SE comer near RR.T15 NW/315 0 3.9 mi. Pole, behind building at the Q I corner of Swan Creek and Mill St.T16 WNW/283 0 4.9 mi. Pole, SE comer of War and Q I Post Rd.T17 W/271 0 4.9 mi. Pole, NE comer of Nadeau Q I and Laprad near mobile home park.T18 WSW/247 0 4.8 mi. Pole, NE comer of Mentel Q I and Hurd Rd.T19 SW/236 0 5.2 mi. Fermi siren pole on Q Waterworks Rd. NE comer of intersection

-Sterling State Park Rd. Entrance Drive/Waterworks.

T20 WSW/257 0 2.7 mi. Pole, S side of Williams Q Rd, 9 poles W of Dixie Hwy. (Special Area)T21 WSW/239 0 2.7 mi. Pole, N side of Pearl at Q I Parkview Woodland Beach. (Special Area)I = Indicator C = Control 0 = On-site Q = Quarterly A-2 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations (Table A-i continued)

Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type T22 S/1720 1.2 mi. Pole, N side of Pointe Aux Q I Peaux 2 poles W of Long -Site Boundary.T23 SSW/195 0 1. 1 mi. Pole, S side of Pointe Aux Q I Peaux 1 pole W of Huron next to Vent Pipe -Site Boundary.T24 SW/225 0 1.2 mi. Fermi Gate along Pointe Q I Aux Peaux Rd. on fence wire W of gate Site Boundary.T25 WSW/252 0 1.4 mi. Pole, Toll Rd. -12 poles S Q I of Fermi Drive.T26 WSW/259 0 1.1 mi. Pole, Toll Rd.- 6 poles S Q I of Fermi Drive.T27 SW/225 0 6.8 mi. Pole,.NE comer of Q McMillan and East Front St. (Special Area)T28 SW/229 0 10.6 mi. Pole, N side of Mortar Q C Creek between Hull and LaPlaisance.

T29 WSW/237 0 10.3 mi. Pole, NE comer of S Dixie Q C and Albain.T30 WSW/247° 7.8 mi. E side S end of foot bridge, Q I St. Mary's Park corner of Elm and Monroe St.(Special Area)T31 WSW/255 0 9.6 mi. 1 st pole W of entrance Q C drive Milton "Pat" Munson Recreational Reserve on North Custer Rd.I Indicator C = Control 0 = On-site Q = Quarterly A-3 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations (Table A-i continued)

Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type T32 WNW/295 0 10.3 mi. Pole, corner of Stony Creek Q I and Finzel Rd.T33 NW/3170 9.2 mi. Pole, W side of Grafton Q I Rd. I pole N of Ash and Grafton intersection.

T34 NNW/338 0 9.8 mi. Pole, SW corner of Port Q Creek and Will-Carleton Rd.T35 N/359 0 6.9 mi. Pole, S Side of S Huron Q I River Dr. across from Race St. (Special Area)T36 N/358 0 9.1 mi. Pole, NE comer of Q I Gibraltar and Cahill Rd.T37 NNE/21 0 9.8 mi. Pole, S corner of Adams Q I and Gibraltar across from Humbug Marina.T38 WNW/294 0 1.7 mi. Residence

-6594 N. Dixie Q I Hwy.T39 S/1760 0.3 mi. SE comer of Protected Q 0 Area Fence (PAF).T40 S/1700 0.3 mi. Midway along OBA -PAF. Q 0 T41 SSE/161 0 0.2 mi. Midway between OBA and Q 0 Shield Wall on PAF.T42 SSE/149 0 0.2 mi. Midway along Shield Wall Q 0 on PAF.T43 SE/131 0 0.1 mi. Midway between Shield Q 0 Wall and Aux Boilers on PAF.T44 ESE/109 0 0.1 mi. Opposite OSSF door on Q 0 PAF.I = Indicator C = Control 0 = On-site Q = Quarterly A-4 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations (Table A-i continued)

Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type T45 E/86 0 0.1 mi. NE Comer of PAF. Q 0 T46 ENE/67 0 0.2 mi. NE side of barge slip on Q 0 fence.T47 S/185 0 0.1 mi. South of Turbine Bldg. Q 0 rollup door on PAF.T48 SW/235 0 0.2 mi. 30 ft. from comer of AAP Q 0 on PAF.T49 WSW/251 0 1.1 mi. Comer of Site Boundary Q fence north of NOC along Critical Path Rd.T50 W/270 0 0.9 mi. Site Boundary fence near Q main gate by the south Bullet Street sign.T51 N/3 0 0.4 mi. Site Boundary fence north Q 0 of north Cooling Tower.T52 NNE/20 0 0.4 mi. Site Boundary fence at the Q 0 comer of Arson and Tower.T53 NE/55 0 0.2 mi. Site Boundary fence east of Q 0 South Cooling Tower.T54 S/189 0 0.3 mi. Pole next to Fermi 2 Q 0 Visitors Center.T55 WSW/251 0 3.3 mi. Pole, north side of Nadeau Q I Rd. across from Sodt Elementary School Marquee.T56 WSW/256 0 2.9 mi. Pole, entrance to Jefferson Q I Middle School on Stony Creek Rd.I Indicator C = Control 0 On-site Q = Quarterly A-5 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Direct Radiation Sample Locations (Table A-i continued)

Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type T57 W/260 0 2.7 mi. Pole, north side of Q I Williams Rd. across from Jefferson High School entrance.T58 WSW/249 0 4.9 mi. Pole west of Hurd Q I Elementary School Marquee.T59 NW/325 0 2.6 mi. Pole north of St. Charles Q Church entrance on Dixie Hwy.T60 NNW/341 0 2.5 mi. I st pole north of North Q I Elementary School entrance on Dixie Hwy.T61 W/268 0 10.1 mi. Pole, SW corner of Stewart Q and Raisinville Rd.T62 SW/232 0 9.7 mi. Pole, NE corner of Albain Q I and Hull Rd.T63 WSW/245 0 9.6 mi. Pole, NE comer of Dunbar Q I and Telegraph Rd.T64* WNW/286 0 0.2 mi. West of switchgear yard on Q 0 PAF.T65* NW/322 0 0.1 mi. PAF switchgear yard area Q 0 NW of RHR complex.T66* NE/50 0 0.1 mi. Behind Bldg. 42 on PAF. Q 0 T67* NNW/338 0 0.2 mi. Site Boundary fence West Q 0 of South Cooling Tower.T68 WNW/303 0 0.6 mi Langton Rd. seven poles Q I East of Leroux Rd.T69 NW/306° 0.8 mi Langton Rd. five poles East Q of Leroux Rd.T70 NNW/333 0 1.1 mi Leroux Rd. last pole North Q I of Fermi Dr.T71 WNW/300 0 1.1 mi Leroux Rd. six poles North Q of Fermi Dr.I = Indicator C = Control 0 On-site Q = Quarterly A-6 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Air Particulate and Air Iodine Sample Locations Table A-2 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type API-1 NE/39 0 1.4 mi. Estral Beach Pole on W I Lakeshore, 18 Poles S of Lakeview (Nearest Community with highest X/Q).API-2 NNW/337 0 0.6 mi. Site Boundary and Toll W I Road, on Site Fence by T-4.API-3 NW/3130 0.6 mi. Site Boundary and Toll W I Road, on Site Fence by T-5.API-4 W/270 0 14.0 mi. Pole, at Michigan Gas W C substation on N. Custer Rd., 0.66 miles west of Doty Rd.API-5 S/188 0 1.2 mi. Pole, N comer of Pointe W I Aux Peaux and Dewey Rd.I = Indicator C = Control W = Weekly Milk Sample Locations Table A-3 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type M-2 NW/319 0 5.4 mi. Reaume Farm -2705 E M-SM I Labo.M-8 WNW/289 0 9.9 mi. Calder Dairy -9334 Finzel M-SM C Rd.I = Indicator C = Control M = Monthly SM = Semimonthly A-7 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Garden Sample Locations Table A-4 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type FP- 1 NNE/21 0 3.8 mi. 9501 Turnpike Highway. M I FP-9 W/261 0 10.9 mi. 4074 North Custer Road. M C I = Indicator C = Control M = Monthly (when available)

Drinking Water Sample Locations Table A-5 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type DW-1 S/174 0 1.1 mi. Monroe Water Station N M I Side of Pointe Aux Peaux 1/2 Block W of Long Rd.DW-2 N/8 0 18.5 mi. Detroit Water Station M C 14700 Moran Rd, Allen Park.I = Indicator C = Control M = Monthly A-8

.Fermi 2- 2008Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Surface Water Sample Locations Table A-6 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type SW-2 NNE/20 0 11.7 mi. DECo's Trenton Channel M C Power Plant Intake _Structure (Screenhouse

  1. 1).SW-3 SSE/160 0 0.2 mi. DECO's Fermi 2 General M Service Water Intake Structure.

I = Indicator C = Control M = Monthly Groundwater Sample Locations Table A-7 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type GW-1 S/1750 0.4 mi. Approx. 100 ft W of Lake Q I Erie, EF-1 Parking lot near gas fired peakers.GW-2 SSW/208 0 1.0 mi. 4 ft S of Pointe Aux Peaux Q I (PAP) Rd. Fence 427 ft W of where PAP crosses over Stoney Point's Western Dike.GW-3 SW/226 0 1.0 mi. 143 ft W of PAP Rd. Gate, Q 1 62 ft N of PAP Rd. Fence.GW-4 WNW/299 0 0.6 mi. 42 ft S of Langton Rd, 8 ft Q C E of Toll Rd. Fence.I = Indicator C =Control Q = Quarterly A-9 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Sediment Sample Locations Table A-8 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type S-1 SSE/165 0 0.9 mi. Pointe Aux Peaux, SA I Shoreline to 500 ft offshore sighting directly to Land Base Water Tower.S-2 E/81 0 0.2 mi. Fermi 2 Discharge, approx. SA 200 ft offshore.S-3 NE/39 0 1.1 mi. Estral Beach, approx. 200 SA ft offshore, off North shoreline where Swan Creek and Lake Erie meet.S-4 WSW/241 0 3.0 mi. 'Indian Trails Community SA Beach.S-5 NNE/20 0 11.7 mi. DECo's Trenton Channel SA C Power Plant intake area.I = Indicator C = Control SA = Semiannually Fish Sample Locations Table A-9 Meteorological Distance Station Sector/Azimuth from Reactor Collection Number (Degrees) (Approx.)

Description Frequency Type F-I NNE/31 0 9.5 mi. Near Celeron Island. SA C F-2 E/86 0 0.4 mi. Fermi 2 Discharge (approx. SA 1 1200 ft offshore).

F-3 SW/227 0 3.5 mi. Brest Bay. SA C I = Indicator C = Control SA = Semiannually A-10 T MAYP -I SAN11PI] IJG [.OkCA, IOI ci S.A ~ T I iNI N L fIl BE R C7 FIN lMILE O A- I RI A R I !',I TE A SDIME.IYN I EW'W DI~ ~INs,


Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January -December 2008 LulrecI ,1s atuion mRP.std qtr Gamma (TLD)199 10.9 to 23.1 ator)13.4 to 23.1 12.3 to 15.9 Airborne Particulates pCi/cu. m.Gross Beta 260 Gamma Spec. 20 Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs- 137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce-I144 I.00E-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.OOE-2 6.OOE-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.03E-2 (208/208)1.03E-2 to 8.49E-2 1.29E-1 (16/16)8.15E-2 to 2.06E+0<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA API-5 (Indicator)

API-5 (Indicator)

API-4 (Control)3.58E-2 (52/52) 3.09E-2 (52/52)1.67E-2 to 7.30E-2 I 1.23E-2 to 6.09E-2 1.58E-1 (4/4)1.28E-1 to 2.06E-1 1.26E-2 (1/4)1.33E-1 (4/4)1.09E-1 to 1.49E-1 1.26E-2 (1/4)<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Airbome Iodine 11-131 260 7.OOE-2 <MDA MDA None pCi/cu. m.B-I Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January -December 2008 IVIIIK pCi17 1-1 -I Sr-89 Sr-90 34 1 .UUr'U N/A N/A<MvDIA<MDA<MDA Gamma Spec. 34 Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru- 106 Cs- 134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-I144 M-8 (Control)M-8 (Control)I .80E+/-0 (1/18)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+I 1.50E+l 1.50E+l N/A N/A<MDA 1.38E+3 (18/18)1.25E+3 to 1.56E+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA 1.41E+3 (18/18)1.28E+3 to 1.62E+3<MDA 1.80E+0 (1/18)<MDA 1.41-E+3 (18/18)1.28E+3 to 1.62E+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Vegetation 1-131 12 6.OOE+l <MDA <MDA None pCi/kg wet Gamma Spec. 12 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A 4.23E+3 (6/6) FP-1 (Indictor) 4.23E+3 (6/6) 3.99E+3 (6/6) None 2.82E+3 to 6.OOE+3 2.82E+3 to 6.OOE+3 2.27E+3 to 5.38E+3 B-2 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January- December 2008 V ege[aULuI (cont.)pCi/kg wst Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.00E+l 8.00E+l<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA IN0II None None None None None None None None None None Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce-141 Ce-144 N/A N/A N/A N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None Drinking Water Gross Beta 24 4.OOE+0 5.50E+0 (7/12) DW-l (Indicator) 5.50E+0 (7/12) 4.33E+0 (4/12) None pCi/l 3.50E+0 to 9.50E+0 3.50E+0 to 9.50E+0 3.70E+0 to 6.00E+0 Sr-89 24 N/A <MDA <MDA None Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 24 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A <MDA <MDA None Cr-51 N/A <MDA <MDA None Mn-54 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Co-58 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Fe-59 3.00E+l <MDA <MDA None Co-60 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Zn-65 3.00E+l <MDA <MDA None Zr-95 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Nb-95 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None B-3 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January- December 2008 1JFIIIKlng water (cont.) pCi/l iu'a- I U.3 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce-I144 H-3 N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+l N/A N/A 2.OOE+3<MVIAIJ<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA i~one None None None None None None None None 8 Surface Water pCi/I Sr-89 Sr-90 Gamma Spec.Be-7 K-40 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru- 106 Cs- 134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce- 141 24 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.50E+l 3.00E+ I 1.50E+l 3.00E+l 1.50E+1 1.50E+l N/A N/A 1.50E+I 1.80E+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+l N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None B-4 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January -December 2008 (ucont.e pater (cont.) pCi/l H-3 8 IN/2 A 2.OOE+3-IvUoll<MDA<MUA<MDA None None+ 4 -t 4 I 4 4 Groundwater pCi1i Gamma Spec.Be-7 K-40 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce- 144 H-3 16 N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+I 1.50E+l 3.00E+ I 1.50E+l 3.00E+I 1.50E+I 1.50E+1 N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+1 N/A N/A 2.OOE+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<NIDA<MDA<MDA<MIDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<NIDA<NIDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<NIDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<NIDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 16 Sediment Sr-89 10 N/A <MDA <MDA pCi/kg dry Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 10 Be-7 N/A <MDA S-5 (Control) 3.90E+2 (1/2) 3.90E+2 (1/2) None K-40 N/A 1.04E+4 (8/8) S-3 (Indicator) 1.1 6E+4 (2/2) 1.22E+4 (2/2)8.71E+3 to 1.29E+4 1.02E+4 to 1.29E+4 I1.16E+4 to 1.28E+4 None B-5 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January -December 2008-euiment kcont.)pCi/kg dry Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce- 144 IN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+2 1.80E+2 N/A N/A N/A N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA 3.85E+1 (1/2)<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None S-5 (Control)3.85E+l (1/2)Fish Sr-89 28 N/A <MDA <MDA None pCi/kg wet Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 28 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A 2.79E+3 F-2 (Indicator) 2.79E+3 2.76E+3 (18/18) None (Il/Il) (Il/Il)1.48E+3 to 3.68E+3 1.48E+3 to 3.68E+3 1.83E+3 to 3.60E+3 Mn-54 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Co-58 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Fe-59 2.60E+2 <MDA <MDA None Co-60 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Zn-65 2.60E+2 <MDA <MDA None B-6 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Reporting Period: January -December 2008 risn kcont.)pCi/kg wet L-r-y:J Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru-106 Cs- 134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La-140 Ce-I141 Ce- 144 NIX N/A N/A N/A 1.30E+2 1.50E+2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-IVIUA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA N~one None None None None None None None None None Direct Radiation mean and range values are based on off-site TLDs LLD = Fermi 2 ODCM LLD: nominal lower limit of detection based on 4.66 sigma error for background sample.<MDA = Less than the lab's minimum detectable activity which is less than the LLD.Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (F).Locations are specified by Fermi 2 code and are described in Appendix A Sampling Locations.

Non-routine results are those which are reportable according to Fermi 2 ODCM control 3.12.1.Note: Other nuclides were considered in analysis results, but only those identifiable were reported in addition to ODCM listed nuclides.B-7 Appendix C Environmental Data Tables Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 TLD ANALYSIS (mR/Std Qtr)~STATION ~FfiRT 1ý',SEOND TH-IRD FTOURT~H NUMBER " ~QAM BRF j QIR~R ~QAR TER [-P (f l IIP 1RT~ER T-1 12.50 13.23 11.11 13.19 T-2 12.21 14.30 15.92 13.01 T-3 11.44 13.02 12.43 11.73 T-4 11.83 14.70 17.54 14.40 T-5 12.90 15.65 19.32 15.76 T-6 12.46 15.05 17.76 15.44 T-7 13.91 15.73 15.24 15.91 T-8 13.70 16.94 18.54 15.77 T-9 11.99 15.44 12.60 14.11 T-10 13.01 16.65 15.37 15.35 T-11 11.96 14.25 17.51 13.74 T-12 10.89 13.50 16.39 12.85 T-13 13.60 15.64 15.60 16.11 T-14 14.30 15.90 20.87 16.14 T-15 11.61 13.49 18.51 13.40 T-16 17.15 17.38 20.49 17.19 T-17 12.69 12.84 17.45 13.03 T-18 13.11 14.52 15.69 14.18 T-19 15.14 15.57 18.38 15.85 T-20 15.28 15.60 19.30 16.23 T-21 12.42 13.27 15.04 13.45 T-22 (a) 14.07 14.90 14.18 T-23 13.26 14.44 14.41 13.79 T-24 12.08 13.10 15.93 12.89 T-25 16.32 17.10 18.38 16.74 T-26 16.25 16.88 19.52 17.50 T-27 12.04 11.86 11.56 12.00 T-28 12.60 12.76 15.42 13.10 T-29 12.33 12.84 13.71 13.02 T-30 13.95 (a) (a) 14.24 T-31 13.52 14.56 (a) 14.41 T-32 14.89 15.01 15.38 15.46 T-33 12.40 (a) 13.95 12.65 T-34 13.47 14.57 16.86 14.15 T-35 23.09 13.39 13.36 13.86 T-36 13.19 14.02 13.75 14.81 T-37 14.30 14.00 14.05 14.86 T-38 15.53 15.09 17.73 16.06 T-39 64.20 60.82 64.68 70.34 T-40 49.90 44.77 47.83 52.32 T-41 100.07 97.90 105.16 107.91 T-42 102.27 97.93 92.90 104.94 T-43 108.28 101.39 92.90 118.31 T-44 102.28 94.78 87.48 104.34 T-45 58.72 59.87 60.41 62.81 T-46 44.55 45.60 53.28 47.07 T-47 98.47 91.81 105.78 114.25 (a) TLD missing, see Appendix D -Program Execution.

C-1 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 TLD ANALYSIS (CONT.)(mR/Std Qtr)ATi F IRST ~SECOND>~'

THIRD DFOURT1H I I MBER QUARTI R QUARTER< (flUARTE R ' 1UATE T-48 48.12 49.06 48.80 48.98 T-49 17.88 18.40 20.42 19.35 T-50 14.65 14.56 18.00 15.71 T-51 11.45 10.67 14.83 12.59 T-52 15.58 15.39 18.09 16.29 T-53 28.90 28.24 36.31 29.93 T-54 18.21 17.70 23.53 17.90 T-55 15.30 15.24 18.51 15.72 T-56 14.07 13.90 15.77 14.92 T-57 15.90 16.77 20.56 17.89 T-58 12.06 13.63 15.03 13.46 T-59 13.00 17.32 18.76 13.84 T-60 14.59 14.51 15.53 14.93 T-61 15.52 .15.40 15.49 15.57 T-62 15.52 15.67 15.59 16.41 T-63 12.36 12.70 16.55 13.07 T-64 25.83 24.95 23.95 26.32 T-65 30.36 29.90 27.48 29.36 T-66 158.81 150.27 150.08 157.07 T-67 18.55 18.67 21.14 19.14 T-68 N/A N/A 20.62 17.73 T-69 N/A N/A 17.51 16.97 T-70 N/A N/A 15.79 16.03 T-71 N/A N/A 19.87 16.83 C-2 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-1 FIRST QUARTER F~te X~tj if%3.54E-02 +/- 2.60E-03 1/8/20081 2.42E-02 +/- 3.10E-03 1/16/20081 2.24E-02 '2. 20E 03 1/22/2008t 3.19E-02 +/-2.80E-03 1/29/200 3.93E-02 +/-3.20E-03 2/5/2008 2.51E-02 +12.60E-03 2/12/2008 3.61E-02 +/ 2.80E-03 2/20/20081 4.06E-02 +/ 2.50E-03 2/27/2008 2.45E-02 +/12-9E-ý 03 3/6/20081 3.58E-021

+-2.50E-03 3/12/22008 2.87E-02 13.1 OE-03 3/19/20081 1.78E-02 +/-i2.30E-03 3/26/20081 2.91E-02 +/12.30E-03 API-1 SECOND QUARTER sate A 4 i 4/2/2008 1.45E-021

+/- 2.30E-03 4/8/2008 3.00E-02L+/-

12.90E-03 4/16/2008 1.69E-02 +/- 2.20E-03 4/22/2008 3.33E-02!

+/- 3.1OE-03 4/30/2008 2.91E-02]

+/- 2.30E-03 5/6/20081 2.70E-021

+/- 3.00E-03 5/14/20081 1.82E-021

+/- 2.OOE-03 5/21/2008 1 .17E-02[ +/- 2.20E-03 5/2 8/2 0081 1.41E-02 +/-:2.40E-03 6/4/2008 1.49E-021

+/- 2.40E-03 6/11/20081 1.92E-021

+/- 2.20E-03 6/18/20081 1.73E-021

+/- 2.50E-03 6/25/2008:

1.30E-02, +/- 2.20E-03 C-3 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-I THIRD QUARTER 17/2/2008 1.74E-021


_j 7/9/2008 2.16E-02 +/ 2 40E-03 7/16/2008 1 .97E02ýý-

2.20E-03 7/23/2008 3.31E-02 +Z- 2.80E-03 7/30/2008 2.12E-02 ia2.30E-03 8/57/2008 2.41E-02 +1- 2.60E-03-ý/13/008-T71 E-02' +1 1.80E-03 8/20/2008 1.91 E-02 +/1- 2.20E03 8/27/2008 2.69E-02~

4- 12.60E-03 9/3/2008 2.99E-02 -2.40E-03 9/10/2008 2.65E-02 +/- 12.30E-03 7/2-008 1 .03E-02! +/- 2.50E-03 9/23/20081 3.13E-021

+/- 13.OOE-031 API-1 FOURTH QUARTER 10/1/2008i 3.17E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 10/8/2008 1.60E-02:

+/- 2.60E-03 10/15/2008!

2.99E-02 + 2.40E-03 10/22/2008:

2.03E-02 '+/-2.80E-03 10/29/2008 1.92E-02 +/ 2.80E-03 11/5/2008 4.25E-02 .+/ 260E-03 11/12/2008 3.19E-02 +/ 3. 1OE-03 11/19/2008 2.44E-02 +/-/ 12.70E-03 11/26/2008i 2.63E-022

+/- !2.50E-03 12/3/20081 3.27E-02'

+/- '3.OOE-03 12/10/2008j 2.82E-02 +/-2.40E-03 12/17/2008 3.60E-02 +/- 12.90E-03 12/23/2008 4.14E-02, +/- 3.30E-03 C-4 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-2 FIRST QUARTER Date I7j &Act~ivi 1/2/2008 3.92E-024+/132.70E-03 1/8/2008 3.15E-02+

3. OE-03 1/22/20081 3.34E-02 +/- 2.90E-03 1/29/20081 4.68E-021

+/- 3.30E-03 2/5/2008 3.00E-021 2.70E-03 2/12/2008 2.91E-021

+/- 12.70E-03 2/20/2008 3.67E-02 12.40E-03 2/27/2008 2.36E-02 F .90E-03 3/6/2008 3.19E-02 ++1 ¶2.50E-03 3/12/2008 2.99E-02 3.10E-03 3/19/2008 1 .96E-02+ 12.30E-03 3/26/2008 2.5-9E-021

+/- 12.30E-03 API-2 SECOND QUARTER Date J ~ Actii~4/2/2008 1.58E-02,+

2.30E-03 4/8/2008 3.32E-02 +/,3.OOE-03 4/16/20081 1.97E-02:

+1- 2.20E-03 4/22/20081 3.93E-02 +/- 13.20E-03 4/30/20081 3.28E-02, +/- 2.30E-03 5/6/2068, 3.82E-02 /'3.20E-03 5/14/20081 2.38E-021

+/- 12.1OE-03 5/21/20081 1.40E-021

+/- 12.20E-03 5/28/20081 8.49E-02 +/- O3.1E-03 6/4/20081 2.26E-021

+/- 12.50E-03 1 6/11/20081 2.05E-02.

+/- '

2. OE-02+/- 2.60E-03 6/25/2008 2.09E-02 -.30E-03 C-5 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-2 THIRD QUARTER 7/2/2008j 2.21E-02 +/ 2.30E-03 7/9/2008 2.63E-02 +/ 2.50E-03 7/6/200 2.80E-02 +/-2.40E-03 7/23/20081 3.55E-02 +--2.80E-03 7/30/2008 2.59E-02 +/ 2.40E-03 8/5/2008 2.68E-02 +/2.60E-03 18/13/2008 2.39E-02 +,2.70E-03 8/20/2008 2.29E-02 +/- 2.30E-03 8/27/2008 2.96E-02 +/- 2.60E-03 9/3/2008 3.83E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 9/10/2008 2.61E-02 +12.30E-03 9/17/20081 1.08E-02 + 5- 2.50E-03 9/23/2008!

3.31E-02 +/-3.10E-03 API-2 FOURTH QUARTER w[ I AcK]+vq' I.10/1/2008 3.61E-021

+/- 2.50E-03 10/8/2008 2.05:E-02

+/- 2.70E-03 10/------8.

....... .10/15/2008:

3.86E-02 +/-12.50E-03 10/2220 2.82E-021 I1 2.90E-03 10/29/2008 2.27E-021

+/-/- 2.90E-03 11/5/2008 5.94E-02j

+/- 2.90E-03 11/12/2008 4.24E-02 +/- 3.30E-03 11/19/2008 3.26E-021 i 70E-03 12/3/20081 3.20E-02 +/- 3.OOE-03 12/10/2008 3.18E-02 +/- 2.40E-03..........

12/17/2008 3.80E-021

+/- 2.90E-03 12/23/2008 4.62E-021

+/- 3.40E-03 12/30/2008 4.72E-021+

2.70E-03.. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .4 ..... ... .... ....... ... .... ...C-6 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-3 FIRST QUARTER I )ate AxI_____ t 1/2/2008 4.10E-02 +1- 2.70E-03 1/8/20081 2.62E-02 1+1- -3.-E-03 1/16/2008' 2.65E-02 +12 2.20E-03 1/22/2008 4.18E-02 +/--3.OOE-03 1/29/2008?

5.55E-02 3.- 50E-03 2/5/20081 3.51E-02 +- 2.80E-03 2/12/2008 2.96E-02 /- 2.70E-03 2/20/2008, 4.02E-02 +/-2AE-03 I 2/27/2008 1.63E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 3/6/2008 2.89E-02 +/- 2.40E-03 3/12/2008T 2.93E-02 +/- 3.1OE-03 3/19/2008 1.86E-02 +/2.3E-03 3/26/2008 2.32E-02 2.20E-03 API-3 SECOND QUARTER 4/2/2008 1.73E-02 +/- 2.30E-03 4/8/2008 3.22E-02 12.90E-03 4/16/2008 1.56E-021

+/-i2. 1OE-03 4/22/2008 3.24E-02 +/- 3.0 E-03 4/30/2008 2.91E-021

+/-[2.30E-03 5/6/20081 3.67E-021

+/- J3.1OE-03 5/14/2008 1.96E-02 +/- I2.OOE-03 5/21/2008 1.67E-02 2.30E-03 5/28/2008 1.15E-021

+/-2.40E-03 6/4/2008 2.19E-02 2.50E-03 6/11/2008' 2.15 6/18/2008_

1.90E-02 +-2.50E-03 6/25/2008!

1.45E-02, +12.20E-03 C-7 I-Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-3 THIRD QUARTERtN: 7/2/20081 2.00E-02 +'- 2.20E-03 7/9/2008 2.30 E-02 2.50E-03 7/16/20081 2.47E-02 +_ 2.30E-03 7/23/20081 2.91E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 7/30/20088 2.66E-02!+,, 2.40E-03 8/5/20081 2.55E-02:

+/- 2.60E-03 8/13/20081 2.52E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 8/20/20081 2.45E-02!

+/- 2.30E-03 8/27/2008 2.89E-02 +/- 2.60E-03 9/3/2008 3.48E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 9/10/20081 2.81E-02 +/- 2.40E-03 9/17/20081 1.35E-02 1 +/- 2.50E-03 9/23/2008!


+/- 3.1OE-03 API-3 FOURTH QUARTER 10/1/2008 3.37E-02i

+/- 12.50E-03 10/8/2008 2.13E-02, +/-_2.70E-03 10/15/20081 4.02E

+/-:2.60E-03 10/22/20081 2.29E-02 +/- 2.80E-03 10/29/20081, 2.18E-02 +/- 2.80E-03 11/5/20081 5.63E-02 +/- 2.80E-03 11/12/20081 3.72E-02 +/- 13.20E-03 11/19/2008:

2.72E-02, +/- 2.70E-03 12/3/2008 3.24E-021

+/-j3.00E-03 1i2/10/2008.


2.40E-03 12/17/2008i 4.1OE-02 12.90E-03 12/23/20081 4.46E-021

+/- 3.40E-03 12/30/2008 5.21E-02 +/- 2.80E-03 C-8 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-4 FIRST QUARTER jEDte Activi 7]1/2/20081 4.81E-021

+- 2.80E-03 1/8/2008 3.66E-021

+/-,3.20E-03 1/16/2008 2.84E-02 +/- 2.30E-03'--.4 -4 1/22/2008 4.70E-02 +/- 3.OOE-03 1 1/29/2008 6.09E-02 +/-3.60E-03 1 2/5/2008 3.92E-02 +1- 2.80E-03..... .........2/12/2008 3.49E-02 +1- 2.80E-03 2/20/2008 4.18E-02 +I-2.50E-03

.2/27/20081 2.59E-02 +/-3.00E-03 3/6/20081 3.26E-02 +- 2.40E-03]3/12/20081 3.42E-02 +/- 3.20E-03 3/19/2008, 1.96E-02, +/- 2.30E-031 3/26/2008 2.64E-021

+/-2.30E-03 j API-4 SECOND QUARTER Date ctv ]4/2/2008 1.98E-02 +I- 2.40E-03 4/8/2008 3.58E-021

+1- 3.OOE-03 4/16/2008 1.76E-02 +/- 2.20E-03 4/22/2008 3.44E-02 + 310E-03 4/30/2008 2.90E-02 +/-2.20E-03 5/6/2008 3.72E-021

+/- 3.20E-03 5/14/2008 1.69E-02 +/- 2.OOE-03 5/21/2008 1.38E-02 +/- 2.20E-03 5/28/2008 1.23E-02.+/-/-

2.40E-03 6/4/2008.


+/- 2.60E-03 6/11/2008 1.76E-02 +/- .2.20E-0333 6/18/2008 1.93E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 6/25/2008, 1.83E-02 +/- 2.20E-03 C-9 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-4 THIRD QUARTER mkI~te I AcVtiv lh 7/2/2008( 1.99E-02 +/- 12.20E-03 7/9/20081 2.39E-02 +1 2 .50E-03 7/16/20081 2.37E-02 +/-i2.30E-03 7/23/20081 2.80E-02 1--I 2.70E-03-002 2 2+3-0 2.30E-03 8/5/20081 2.48E-02 +/- 2.60E-03 8/13/2008, 1.94E-02 .-90E-03 8/20/2008 2.35E-02 +/-2.30E-03 8/27/2008I 3.00E-02 + 2.60E-03 9/3/2008 3.74E-02 +/-12.50E-03 9/10/2008 2.15E-02 +-12.30E-03 9/17/2008 1.66E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 9/23/2008..

3.96E-02 +/-13.1OE-03 API-4 FOURTH QUARTER ov I Act 10/1/2008 3.72E-02 +/- 12.60E-03I 10/8/2008 1.99E-02 +/- 12.70E-03 10/15/2008 3.72E-02 +/- -2.50&--6 10/22/2008 3.00E-02{

+/- 13.OOE-03 10/29/2008 2.38E-02f

+/- !2.90E-03 11/5/2008 5.82E-02 +/-2.80E-03 11/12/2008, 3.93E-021

+1- 3.20E-03 11/19/2008 2.93E-02 +/-12.70E-03 12/3/2008 3.66E-02 1+/-3.1OE-03 12/10/2008 3.61 E-02I +/1- 2.59E03 12/17/2008 4.87E-021

+/- j3.OOE-03 12/23/2008 4.92E-02;

+/- 3.40E-03............

1 2 3 / 00............

C-10 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-5 FIRST QUARTER C7te ' Ac I ... '1/2/2008!

4.13E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 I 1/8/2008i 2.50E-02 +13.00E-03 2.46E-02 +'- 2.20E-03 1/22/2008:

3.14E-02 +/-12.80E-03 1/29/20081 4.08E-02 --3.20E-03 2/5/2008 2.91E-02 +,- 2.70E-03 2/12/2008 4.50E-02 +/- 2.90E-03 2/20/2008 5.72E-02 I 2.70E-03 2/27/2008 2.99E-02 +/-3.00E-03 3/6/2008 4.81E-02 +/- 12.60E-03 3/12/2008 4.08E-02 13.30E-03 3/19/20081 2.64E-02 +/)i240E-03 3/26/2008 3.34E-02 +/-2.0E-3 API-5 SECOND QUARTER j~~Ate it___N 4/2/2008 4/8/2008 4/16/2008.


4/30/2008 5/6/2008 5/14/2008 5/21/2008~

5/28/2008 6/4/2008 6/11/2008, 6/18/2008 6/25/2008 2.74E-02L

+/- 2.50E-03 3.62E-021

+/- 3.OOE-03, 1.98E-021

+/- .2.20E-03 3.88E-021

+/- 13.20E-03 388E021+/-2.40E-03 3.71E-021

+/- 13.20E-03 2.39E-021

+/- 2.10E-03 1.88E-02 +/- 2.30E-03 1.67E-02 +/- 2.50E-03 3.49E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 2.35E-02 +/- i2.20E-03 2.65E-02 +/- 2.70E-03 1....2.!.. ... ..2 +... /-.... -3 0E.03..C-I1 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE GROSS BETA (pCi/cubic meter)API-5 THIRD QUARTER D ate A 7/2/2008 2.95E-02!7/9/2008 2.69E-02 1 7/16/2008 2.90E-021 7/23/2008 4.26E-02 7/30/2008

-3.75E-02, 8/5/2008 3.39E-021 8/13/2008 2.44E-021 8/20/2008 2.93E-02, 8/27/2008 3.54E-02 9/3/2008 4.59E-02 9/10/2008 3.26E-02 9/17/2008 2.08E-021 ,9/23/2008 4.50E-02]+/- 2.40E-0 2.50E-03+/- 2.40E-03 2.90E-03_-2.60E-03 1 2.70E-03+/- 2.OOE-03 2.40E-03 S2.70E-03+/- 2.70E-03+/- 2.40E-03:2.60E-03+/- 3.20E-03 API-5 FOURTH QUARTER[ atfie Ac~tivi 10/1/2008 4.11E-021

/ 2.60E-03 10/8/2008:

2.34E-02 2.70E-03 10/15/2008:

4.30E-02 +/ 2.60E-03 10/22/2008 3.17E-02 +/ 2.90E-03 10/29/2008 2.37E-02 +/ 2.90E-03 11/5/2008:

7.30E-02 +/L 3.0E-03 11/12/2008:

4.95E-02 +/-3.40E-03 11/19/20081 4.24E-02 +/ 2.90E-03 12/3/2008 3.96E-02 +/ 3.20E-03 12/10/2008 4.3 1E-02 +/ 2.60E-03 12/17/2008 5.56E-02 +/- 3.1OE-03 12/23/2008 5.95E-02 +/-3.60E-03 12/30/2008::

6.64E-02 ....3.OOE-03 C- 12 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-I FIRST QUARTER Date ~1/2/2008 1/8/2008 1/161/2008 1/22/2008 1/29/20,08 2/5/2008 2/12/2008 2/20/2008 2/27/2008 3/6/2008 3/12/2008 3/19/2008 3/26/2008< 4.60E-02< 3.30E-02< 5.OE-02< 3.90E-02< 4.80E-02<5.1OE-02< 4.30E-02< 5.20OE-02< 3.90E-02<~ 4.80E-02< 5.30E-02<, 4.40E-02< 4.30F-02 API-1 SECOND QUARTER LI DateLI 4/2/2008 4/8/2008 4/16/2008 4/22/2008 4/30/2008 5/6/2008 5/14/2008 5/21/2008 5/28/2008 6/4/2008 6/11/2008 6/18/2008 6/25/2008 LI Activityv< 3.20E-02< 4.70E-02< 1.80E-02< 4.70E-02< 4.60E-02< 4.20E-02<3.20E-02 A 3.40E-02< 2.30E-02<13.90E-02

< 2.70E-02<i3.OOE-02

<1 4.20E-02 21 C-13 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-i THIRD QUARTER 7/2/2008 < 3.80E-02 7/9/2008 < 3.90E-02 7/16/2008

< 3.70E-02 7/23/2008

< 3.10E-02 7/30/2008

< 6.40E-02 1 8/5/2008 < 5.80E-02 8/13/2008

< 5.30E-02 8/20/2008

< 4.30E-02 0 8/27/2008

< 2.30E 02 9/3/2008 <13.60E-02J 9/10/20081

<12.40E-02I 9/17/2008

< 12.80E-02 9/23/20081

< 5.30E-02 i API-1 FOURTH QUARTER[ Date I Activit 10/1/20081

<12.20E-02 10/8/2008 W2.00E-02 10/15/2008~

< 15. 1OE-02 10/22/2008 2.40E-02 I10/29/i6081

<13.30E-027 11/5/20081

< 3.20E-02 I I/ I2/20081 <j 4.50E-02 11/19/20081

< 3.OOE-02 11/26/20081

< 2.80E-02 12/3/2008 4 2 12/10/20081

< 3.90E-02 12/17/20081

<2.1OE-02 12/23/20081

<i6.30E-02 C-14 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual'Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-2 FIRST QUARTER I ......................................

.I .........................................

I 1/2/2008 <13.50E-02 F 1/8/2008 _< -3.30E-02 L 1/16/20081

< 5.70E-02 1/22/2008

< 4.60E-02 1/29/2008

< 4.90E-02 i 2/12/2008

< 2.70E-02 2/20/2008

< 5.50E-02 2/27/2008

< 4.OOE-02 -3/6/2008_<

4.70E-02 3/12/2008

< 4.10E-02 3/19/2008

< 5.30E-02 3/26/2008

<T3.90E-02 API-2 SECOND QUARTER Axtivit 4/2/20081

< 4.1 OE-02 4/8/ < 4.30E-02 4/16/20081

< 2.80E-02 4/22/2008

< 5.20E-02 4/30/2008-

< 3.80E-02 5/6/20081 15.70E-02 5/14/2008i

< 13.80E-02 5/21/20081

< 13.60E-02 5/28/20081

< 12.30E-02 5__/28/2008 11 < 16.40E-03 6/4/20081

< 3.40E-02 6/11/20081

< 3.30E-02 I 6/25/20081

< 14.1OE-02 C-15 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-2 THIRD QUARTER Iii:i!7/Date 0 7/2/2008 7/16/2008 7/23/2008.7/30/2008 8/5/20081-8/2/2008 8/20/2 008 8/27/2008, 9/30/2008 9/17/200 8 9/23/200 8< :3.40E-02< '2.80E-02< j5.OOE-02<, 4.70E-02< 5.60E-02< i 5.70E-02< i4590E-02< 3.90E-02< 3.90E-02<-< 2.20E-02 t 3.1IOE-02< 13.I1OE-02 I API-2 FOURTH QUARTER I<Date 10/1/2008 10/8/2008 10/15/2008 10/22/2008 10/29/2008 11/5/2008:

11/12/2008 11/19/20089 12/3/2008 12/10/2008 12/17/2008 12/23/2008 12/30/2008 Activify< 3.90E-02* 3.20E-02< I4,00E-02< 13.820E-02

< 5.60E-02< i2.90E-02< 4.40E-02< 3.90E-02< 3.1OE-02< 5.40E-02< I 2.70E-02 C-16 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE- 131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-3 FIRST QUARTER Date Activ 1/2/2008 <14.70E-02 1/8/2008 <14.10E-02 l-1/16/2008

<.15.60E-02 1/22/2008 t< ý4.40Ez02J L1/2/2008

< I/5/2008 <3.80 2/12/2008

< 4.10OE-02 2/20/2008

< 5.OOE-02 1227/2008

< 3.50E-02 3/6/2008 3/12/2008 3/19/2008 3/2L6/2008



< I 3.90E-02J API-3 SECOND QUARTER I Daite I Aci viy 4/2/20081

<4.30E-02 4/8/2008 <_3.20E-02 4/16/20081

< 2.1OE-02 4/22/20081<

4.90E-02 4/30/20081

< 5.20E-02 5/6/20081

< 4.80OE-02 5/14/20081

< 3. 1OE-02 5/21/2008 j<, 3.60E-02 5/28/20081

<[ 2.30E-02 6/4/20081

<1 3.80E-02 6/11/200=81

<12.80E-02 6/18/2008 6/25/2008<j2.90E-02 C-17 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-3 THIRD QUARTER I Date I Activity I 7/2/2008 7/9/2008 7/16/2008 7/23/2008 7/30/2008 8/5/2008 8/13/2008 8/20/2008/27/2008 9/3/2008 9/10/2008 9/17/2008 9/23/2008 I< 3.50E-02<12.20E-02 1< 15.30OE-02


< 4.80E-02< 6.IOE-02" 14.90E-02" 2.OOE 02" 3.90E-02" 2.40E-02" 2.-80E 02< 0 API-3 FOURTH QUARTER 10/1/2008.

<I 3.60E-02 10/8/20081

< 2.80E-02 10/15/2008

< 4.80E-02 10/22/2008

< 2.90E-02 S10/29/2008

< 4.90E,02 I 1I/5/2008

__..J2.80E-02 11/12/20081

<15.50E-02 11/19/2008!

< 3.80E-02 12/3/2008 1 < 4.1OE-02 12/10/2008i

< 4.70E-02 1 12/17/20081

< 2.70E-02 12/23/2008

< 5.40E-02 r12/30/20082

<3.30E-02 C-18 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-4 FIRST QUARTER Da ' ::Activit:

v 1/2/20081

< 4.20E-02 1/8/2008 < 3.20E-02 1/16/2008

< 5.OOE-02 1/22/2008 1/29/2008

.4.80E-02 2/5/2008 < 3.80E-02 2/12/2008

< 2.70E-02 2/20/2008

< 4.70E-02l 2/27/2008

< 4.00E-02 1 3/6/2008 < 4.10E-02 3/12/2008

< 4.90E-02 3/19/20081

< 4.1OE-02 I 1 3/26/2008,j

< 4.30E-02 API-4 SECOND QUARTER Mae> j9Acfivi jj 4/2/2008(1 3.50E-02 4/8/2008, < 3.80E-02 4/16/2008

< 2.40E-02 4/22/2008

<34.90E-02 4/30/2008

< 3.90E-02 5/6/2008,1

<3.50E-02 5/14/20081

<24.70E-02 i 5/21/2 0081 < 3.70E-02 6/4/2008 < 3.90E-02 6/11/2008!

< 2.80E-02 6/18/2008

< 2.80E-02 6/25/2008.

<.4.40E-02 C-19 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-4 THIRD QUARTER 70Date/ 1 7/2/2008 7/9/2008 7/16/2008 7/23/2008 7/30/20081 8/5/20081 8/13/2008 8/20/2 008 8/27/20081 9/3/2008 9/10/2008 9/17/2008 9/23/2008< 2.80E-02< 3.90E-02< 3.1OE-02< 3.30E-02< 4.50E-02< 5.80E-02<4.70E-02< 2.50E-02<4.30F-02"< 2.20E-02< 2.80E-02 -< 4.90E-02 API-4 FOURTH QUARTER 10/1/2008_

<i3.50E-02 10/8/2008

< 2.40E-02 10/15/2008W

< 5.30E-02 10/22/2008

<!3.50E-02 10/29/20081

< 4.20E-02 11/5/2008f

< 3.00E-02 11/12/2008i

< 5.20E-02 11/19/20081_-

<1.90E-02 12/3/2008

<:3.70E-02 12/10/20081

< 4.30E-02 12/17/2008

< 2.50E-02 12/23/2008!

< 5.30E-02 12/30/2008!

< 3.90E-02 C-20 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-5 FIRST QUARTER D Lhte 1/2/2008 1/8/2008 1E / 16/2008 1/22/2008 1/29/2008 2/5/2008 2/12/2008 2/20/2008 2/27/2008 3/6/2008 3/12/2008 3/19/2008 3/26/2008< 4.40E-02< 3. 1OE-02<14.50E-02 1< 5.30E-02< 4.60E-02< 3.70E-02< 3.80E-02< 4.90E-02<ý4.50E-02

< 4.40E-02<460E-02<_3.80E_02 API-5 SECOND QUARTER[)a~Dte 4/2/2008!4/8/2008 4/16/2008 4/22/20081 4/30/2008 5/6/2008 5/14/2008 5/21/2008 5/28/20081 6/4/2008 L 6/11/2008..6/25/2008.


< .80E-02 2.90E-02" 4.OOE-02" 4.OOE-02< 4.OOE-02< 13.30E-02" 3OOE-02 2.70E-02.< 13.0E-02< O3.00E-02< 3.OOE-02.< 3.40E-02-C-21 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR IODINE -131 (pCi/cubic meter)API-5 THIRD QUARTER Dat: , Aeti" itN 7/2/2008 < 4.10E-02 7/9/2008 < 13.50E-02 7/16/2008

< 4.20E-02 7/23/2008

< 3.20E-02 7/30/2008

< 5.00E-02 8/5/2008 < 5.40E-02 8/13/2008

< 5.10E-02 8/20/2008

< 4.40E-02 8/27/2008

< 2.90E-02 9/3/2008 < 3.20E-02 9/10/2008

< 3.80E-02 9/17/2008

< 3.70E-02 9/23/2008

< 3.80E-02 API-5 FOURTH QUARTER I<'Datel Aci, t 10/1/2008j

<'2.80E-02 10/8/2 0 0 8 2 -02 10/15/2008t

< 5.40E-02 10/22/2008

<1.80E-02 10/29/2008

< 4.90E-02 11/5/20081

< 2.00E-02 11/12/20081

< 4.80E-02 11/19/20081

< 2.30E-02 12/3/2008

< 4.30E-02 12/10/2008I

< 3.90E-0"2


< 2.50E-02 12/23/2008

<15.50E-02 12/30/2008


.C-22 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE QUARTERLY COMPOSITE ANALYSIS API-1 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)lNucide I f$ First Qua] ,.~j Secondd QuzrteFr -je-7 I 1.05E-011

+-2.40E-02 t 1.02E-01 1+/l.60E-02

<j 3.20E-02, < 2.90E-021!Mn-54 <1 3.10E-03, ____ < 2.90E-031!Co-58 < 4.50E-03, 4.80E-03, Fe-59 __ < 1.10F-02 _____ < 1.30E-02'Co-60 <1 2.20E-03, " __ i <i 2.1OE-03 ...~Zn-65 <i7.OO______

< <7.5 OE-03 ___Zr-95 <1 8.10E-03, <~ 8.-70E-03-----------.......

...... ... ....... .. ...... .... .. .. .. --: ... .........., ,Nb-95 <8.70E-03

< 9.90E-03~ýRu-103 < 6.40E-03 _____ < 4.80E-03:

___Ru16 .,4-0E-021

< 1.30E-02i ICs-134 <ý 3.50E-03 ......< 2.1OE-03 1 .... ...!Cs-137 <

___ <K 1.80E-03U JBa-140 < 5.30-02 < 1.1OE-01 La-140 K6. 1 OE02 1.1OE-011.............


... i 6..... .!.......................

! -19 E Ce-141 < 1.OOE-02 ~.< 4.90E-03.Ce-144 < 1.40E-02 , <, 5.1OE-03.API-1 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)lNuclide I Third Quarter I FOurth? Qu-,iter , Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59'CO-60 NZr-95'Ru- 103 jRu-106 ICs-134.Ba-140 f~:.40..Ce-141 ,.Ce-144 K K K<I<I K K K K K K 1.24E-01;+1 1.50E-02 1 .90E-021 2.OOE-03 3.10 E- 03 _8.OOE-03 2.80E-03:

___6.30E-03 ___3.80E-03, ___4.60E-03, 4.20E-03 1-60E-02~2.20E-03 4 1.70E-03 2.I1OF-02 2. 1 OE-02 4 -5.30E-03~6.40E-03<K Ki<'<'<K<K<K K<K'<K K.....<K 8.15E-02 +/-/- 5S.20E-03 9.OOE-03 1.50E-02, 5.90E-04'


__2.70E-03 6.20E-04, -1.90E-03'

__1 .70E-031_1I.80E-013 1.50F-03~5.30E-03 1 1 6.40E-04z 4.60F-04 1.30E-02__

1.30E-02 __1.70E-03 C-23 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE QUARTERLY COMPOSITE ANALYSIS API-2 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)lNuclide I -Frst Qiarter N eor atr]Be-7 1.40E-011 210-02 1.60E- + J 2_40E-O2 K-40 -< 3.00E-02, <IMn-54 < 2.50E-03}

_-<-.... < 2.50E-031

___ .....Co-58 ~ < 4. 0-03 ____ < 1.OOE-03 Fe-59 < 1. 1OE-021 < 1.20E-021

......_FCo-60 < 2.20E-03ý

< 3.30E-03 fZn-65 < 5.50E-03, < 7.70E-03 _Zr-95 i < 4.50E-03 < 6.70E-03 N-5 < 5.80E-03 < 7.90E-03]<u-103 < 4.80E-03 < 6.30E-031 Ru-106 <1 2.20E-02 < 2.20E-02 Cs-134 < 2.00E03 _ < 2.2OE-03 _jCs-137 <I 2.20E-03!

<1 2.20E-03 JBa-140 < 6.3OE-02ý

___ <1 1.20E-01 1___La-140 < 7.30E-021

< 1.20E-01j Ce-141 <, 8.30E-03, < 5.60E-031

____Ce-144 <1 9.50E-03i

< 7.50E-03 API-2 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)lNuclidI, I~ Third Quar ter I< Fourth Quarte Be-7 { 1.46E-01 +,-K-40 < 3.20E-02!Mn-54 < 3.60E-031 Co-58 < 4.50E-03i Fe-59 < 1. 1OE-02,.1.90E-02 Co-60 < 8.60E-04 _Zn-65 _< 5.60E-03_!Zr-95 < 4.80E-03t

_______INb-95__ <, 4.40E-033

_Ru-103 < 3.30E-01 ~ __Ru-106 < 2.10E-02i

_Cs-134 < 1.80E-01 __Cs-137 < 2.1OE-03 .Ba-140 < 4.80E-021~La- 140 < 4.80E-021

___Ce- 141 < 5.40E-03,-

Ce-144 < 6.30E-031


+1- 1.70E-02 3.OOE-02 2.80E-03 _____2.60E---1.I1OE-02

____8.40E-04, 7.70E-031i

-9.50E-03 5.1 OE-03 ______3.10E-03 _1.20E-01 I.80E-03-L 4.OOE-02 .............

_4.OOE-02_, 5.80E-031 6.30E-03i C-24 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE QUARTERLY COMPOSITE ANALYSIS API-3 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)Eii~t Qa ~te Sec ond TA4I Qi*tIr Be-7 1.15E-011 1+- 1.80E-02 1.11E-01 1.90E-02 K-40 < 3.00E-02!

i <I 2.40E-02 ........................

Mn-54 < 1.80E-03 i___ I<__ 1< 2.90E-03 Co-58 J< 2.7 < Fe-59 < 1.1OE-021 i_ _ <i 1.70E-02 Co-60 .E-03j <- 2.40E-03 Zn-65 4 .E-03 ... <! 9 30E-03 Zr-95 <1 5.40E-03...

.<i 7. 1OE-03 Nb I <r', .40E.03 < 9.90E-03 ,Ru-103 <14.80E-031

__ < 5S60E-03 Ru-106 < 2.1OE-02 i < 1.80E-02 Cs-134 < 1.80 03ý <1 2.60E-03 Cs-137 < 0 _ 1.90E-03 Ba-140 , < 02 360E-02.....

..O_La-140 <, 6.7;0EE-021 3.60E-02 ,Ce-141 <i 8.40E-03 _____ <1 7.20E-03 j____Ce-14 j 9. 1 OE-03 <1 7.50E-0__

___API-3 (indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)Tid al: I ForhQat Be-7 1.47E-0I!+/-

11.80E-02 K-40 < 3.20E-02 ___Mn-54 < 2.90E-03 .....Co-58 < 2.90E-03 _Fe-59 < 7.1 OE03 _Co-60 < 3.10E-03i Zn-65 <__6.30E-03

__ ___Zr-95 < 5.20E-03 ____Nh-95 < 6.40E-03 _____Ru- 103 < 3.60E-03 ____Ru- 106 < 2.00E-021 Cs-134 <[ 1.50E-031 I Cs-137 .<j 1.80E-03... .. .... ....... ........ .; ...........

.8 .. .7 7 .............

-.... ................

Ba-140 < 3.50E-02 ._La- 140 <3.50E-02.

Ce-141 <, 4.70E-03, ___C(e- 144 < 5.70E-03 1.O1E-011

+/- 11.60E-02< 2.10E-02 _4.40E-02 _<i 2.40E-03<1 3.30E-03.1.00E-02 3.20E-03 6.50E-03 5.40E-03 5.30E-03 3.70E-03 2.OOE-02 2. 1 OE-03 1.10OE-02 1.1OE-02 4.20E-03............


C-25 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE QUARTERLY COMPOSITE ANALYSIS API-4 (control)(pCi/cubic meter)API-4 (control)(pCi/cubic meter)C-26 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 AIR PARTICULATE QUARTERLY COMPOSITE ANALYSIS API-5 (Indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)1.3 5E -01 ' +'- 12.OOE-02 j 2.06E-01 3.40E-02 I2.60E-02, 1.60E-03~

____ < .90E-03h 3.OOE-03 .I OE-03,__ __ __ __ _ __ __ t <2__2.50E-03I 1 I____ <1 2.710E-03:

API-5 (Indicator)(pCi/cubic meter)Nuclide1 .h.d Quarte. ; Fourth Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 jCo-58[Fe-S 9 Co-60 IZn-65 t Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Cs-134'Cs- 137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce-144 1 .62E-01~ i 2.30E-02~2.60E-031, 8.80E-03 1-1.70E-02 1.30E-03 5 .OOE-03 54.60E-03 4.20E-03 1 .30E 02 1 .90E-03 2.70E-02~2.70E-02-5.OOE-031 4.60E-031..............................


I 1.28E-01i

+ 1.40E-02" 2.20E-02 O" 1.90E-03i" 1.80E-031

_<1 6.90E-031

... __...<1 2.30E-0311

<! 4.30E-031

_<1 5.70E-031


____<3:.80OE 03 ____< 1. 10Eý02~<~ 1.60E-03 -1.80E-031<11.80E-02~

I I<. 6430E-03[ ______________

C-27 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 MILK ANALYSIS M-2 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

Niufjae ~ 24-.AN 3/4 ~1 4-11B 119-AR'1-131 181E0 <17.70E-01

<__ <9. 1OE-01 ____... ..........

_ _ _ _ _ F Sr-89 <7. 1 E+00 < 9.30E+00~


____1 150+0 1.80E+i00

<1.50E-i00 Be-7 __<_W7.OE+0i

[F 5.50E+01 <-,[_:L47OE+01 K-40 1.28E+03 :1-9.30E+01i 11.46E+03

+/- 7.90E+01 :14E0 1 7.20E+01 Mn-54 <:9.OOE+00


<6. 1OE+00 Co-58 <j.o<1l-'"V7.50E+00

<iOEi___Fe-59 <1.0+1II<11.70E+01 1.0E0 I 18.90E+00 Zn-65 :-12 60E+01 ____.____+

I <1.90E+01

____Zr-95 <1.OEO 1.iJ30E+01


___Nb-95 < 1.00E+01 _____ 18.90E+00 I____ <19.20E+00

______Ru-103 < 9.70E+00__

____ <16.40E+00 I____ <16.50E+00

______Ru- 106 <17.50E+01

________ j <5.0+0 I 6.OOE+01 ._.__....._..._..._

Cs-134 <,8.70E+00

< 7.80E+00 <16.30E+00 Cs17 <81E0 <17.40E+00

__ < 3E0 _Cs-137 <81O+O ____<1.40E+01

<____ 1.40E+0 +0 ____Ba-140 <1.40E+01 I<1.40E+01

<i_ <1.30E+01 Ce-1411<11.30j-iE+O I_ < 8.80E+00 < 9.50E+00it-Ce-144 <ý400E+/-ý01 1<3.IOE+01

< 3.50E+01 I__I____1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59...............


Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce-144 1j7.30E-0<1z6.20E+0O

<,1.70E+0< 5.80E+01 1.41 E+03< 7.70E+00 U8.O2+00<12.10E+01 12.OOE+01<11.40E+01

<,9. 1 OE+00<6. 10E+01<6. 80E+00_47.50E+00






<1900OE-01 1 4 610E+00 I+1- 8.00E+01< <1.90E+00

__< <5.50E+01 1.39E+03 +1- 7.50E+01 I<17~.60E+00F~~'




< 8.40E+00 ____<'6 .70E+01______

< 7.-30E+00______

,7.OOE+00 I<11.70E+00__1'____

<13 .80E+0 1 _____ 1.44E+03 +/- 57E0 I<15.50E+00



-__-- --+O ------i<15.90E+00


______< 4.20E+00 __< 4.80E+00< O.2E+01 ____j<1.20E+01

____I <11.40E+01

---____<11.1OE+01 I<13.90E+01

< j9.00E+00<12.00E+01

__C-28 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 MILK ANALYSIS M-2 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

I~4~c~iI '-J2 2UN .-, 6-JUNg II 0-JULJ 1-13 1 < 9.30E-01 <____ <7.20E-01 1 8.40E-01 Sr-89 < 8.80E+00 <____ <7.50E+00

____ 6.70E+00 I ___Sr-9 I < 1.60E+00 _____ <11.80E+00 I ___ <1.OOE+00__

Be-7 <66E14_____

7.80E+01 IT ___ < 5K. 70ýE+ 0ý1 ___Mn-5 4 < 7.70E+/-00 -<T540E+00 8.90E+00___

o-5 < ~<8.70E+00

--_____ I<T6.20E+00

<, <7. 5E+OO ____________ < 2.10E+01 _____ <11.40E+01

[<11.70E+01 1 _ ___Co6 i1IE0 <16.40E+00

+/- ____ <i7.OOE+00 1 _____Z-65 I<12.40E+01

<2.60E+01 I _ ___ <12.10E+01

~~95 __ r0 <18.90E+00i

<1 1____ .20E+i01 ______i4Nb-95 <[1.OOE+01

____[ <17.90E+00i

_1__ <9. 10E+00~Ru-I03 < 7.40E+00 ______ 5.30E+00 <~ 8.80E+00{Ru- 106 < 6.50E+01 1.00 <67E1 Cs14 < 6.50E+00 <14.50E+00

< 8.20E+00 __I~a-40 ____ <15.50E+00 I- ...<70E+00 a10 < 1.10E+01 <__ <1.IOE+01

< I1.30E+01

__1,La-140 ____ I____E_6 < 1.10E+01 <__ <1.30E+01[Ce- 141 <1.O+1 ____<7.90E+00

~ .O+O ___lJe- 44 <1 3.10E+01 I ___ <13.10E+0 t I45E0 I___~Nuclidew 24-JUI> 1>A~ 4- %UJG~ 28-AUG 1-131~Be-7__'Z-46 Mn-54 Co-58[CO-54 lZn-65[Zr-95 Nb-9S5 LRu- 103 iRu-5166<19.00E-01

_____ < 9.30E-01 ___<ý16.0E+00 I < <5.30E+00 t____< LI OE+OO < 1.40E+00<___ 5.40E_01 < <5.50E+01_

____1.44E+03 +/-/~ 7L. 8ýE + 01 1.7 3 +/- 17.50E+01< 7.60E+00 t <16.20E+00




__ <11.60E+01___

< 9.00E+00 T 57.60EYI 0<~ 2. OOE+01 I <1 1.90E+01__

I< 1.20E+01 <11.10E+01J


____ 75E0 ___<16.90E+00 T _____ .70Eo -____<ý6.0E+01

____ -<!5.50E+01

___-t 16.20E+00

{<15.70E00 1 1<17.60E-01

_1 <17.80E+00I

<1. 70E+00 1 <15.20E+0 1.47E+03 t/- .20~<87.20E+00~

<X170E+00 4 <1.90E+01


__1.20E+01 __<1750E+00<1I.9E+01____

<1 2.80E+01T+01 137 -<16.40E+00

=Ba-140 <-150E+01 JLa-140 <ft.5ýOiE+01 e 1 ............

i E+<13.00E+01

<16.10E+00 I<1 1.20E+01<11.20E+01


______ ___LA3"10E+01_I I_C-29 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 MILK ANALYSIS M-2 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

I '-! [ !," 25-SEP : " Nuiclidefr

'Sr-89 rsriý9-ýB]e-7 IK-4o Mn-54[Co-58 Zn-65.. ... ... ... ................

.Zr-95~Nb-95 Su-i103 C 6s-134 tCs 137 La-140 Ce-I 41 Ce-I 44<940E-01<5.40OE+00C

< 1.30E+00~< 5.60E+0 I~1.56E+03~<1 9.60E+00 f<'8 OOE+00<ý12150E+61 I<197.0E+00

< 1.40E+01< 8.90E+00 I<11.30E+01


____ I <.80+00__i_ 1~.60E+00____ ~ I<.E+02 8.70E+0I 1 .25E+03* <11.20E+0I

______ <1 3.I0E+01z_j <11.1E+0I*<1 3.20E+01________<11.30E+01


<1 .OOE+01 11.10E+01I

_____ <TI.40E+01

________ <1 5.20E0______ <17.1E+00

__ _1. 1.IOE+02 1 1.3 1E+03 +1t840E+01



_ ____<3ý.60E+0I

<! .60E+01 ____+ ~<11.10E+01 I____i ______ <1 8.40E+00 ____I <17.70E+01

+ << 7.80E+00l______ < <9.I1OE+00

{___<___ <1.30E+01~

I ~~~*<1.30E+01[4

___1<14.20E+QO1j I Nuýjlýl, I I I 13-DEC 1i-131 ISr-89!Sr-90 Be-7;K-40 jMn-54'Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60.Zn-65ýZr-95 ,Nb-95 .iRu-103 Ru- 106!Cs-134 ,Cs-137 ,Ba-140:La-140'Ce-141 Ce-144< 7.20E-01< 1.80E+00< 5.OOE+01 1 .38E+03< 6.30E+00<6.70E+00< 1.50E+01< 8.50E+00< 1.80E+01< 1.10E+01< 6.20E+00< 5.70E+00< 5.OOE+0I< 6.50E+00< 1.50E+01< 8.OOE+00< 2.60E.+0I+ /...-..6.80E+01< 9.50E-01<7.OOE+00< 1.40E+00<'4.70E+01





< 6.60E+00< 1.70E+0"1---

< 1.00E+01< 7.20E+00 I 5.60E+00 __< 6.OOE+01__

< 6.20E+00 S<15.90E+00

-< Il.30E+01


Nuefide < 24-JAN 14-FEB C i 30-MIAR ___11-131 <8.30E-01 I __j <8.20E-01 j ____ <8.60E-01

______Sr-89 < 6. 50E+00 <16.90E+00

< __ 9.00E+00 Sr-90 < 1.30E+00 <11.70E+00

<___ <1.80E+00 t Be-7 <'7. 10E+O1 I < 4.90E+01I

< 6.0OE+01 [~KI-40 1.0+3+-9IEO

.8E+03~ +/- 6.OOE+01]

1.35E+03 +1 830E+01!Mn-54 < j9.90E+00O 5.40E+00 < 8.OOE+OO _ICo-58~ <ý9.8E+OO 1 7 6.30E+00 < 9.30E+00 ___Fe-59 j<:2.50E+01

< __ __ 2.OOE+01 ___To6 <1OEO <____:o6 7.40E+00 <_ ___.__<58E+0

_01__Zn-65 < 2.50E+0l I___ <11j60E+01 I ____ <12.20E+01

____Zr-95 < I 8E+01 1<1.1OE+01

< 1.4E_0 Nb-95 Q!.OE+01 <__ I8.OE <1 f.IOE+0,1, ____Ru-103 ~~~~~~~ <;9.80E+0O

<____ <6.50E+00


____iRu-106 <19.20E+01 5.50E_ +01oi <~ 7.30+01 ____ICs-134 <19.70E+00O 6.40E.+00.

<1... 7.90E+00 Cs-137 I <8.20E+0O


____ 1 O+O ____Ba-140 <LOE0 T1.20 +OI < 1.40E+01

___La- 140 < 1.20E0E+1

<__ <1.40E+01

____Ce- 141 I<1.50E+01 j <9 'i7E+00 [___ <1130E+01

___[Ce-144 < L~. 60E+0 I -4_____ <29E+O1L1

_^_ -1 <1450E+01

____N1uclide~1 17-P IT -C']-tMAY 29 MAY Sr-89 -j<!4.80E+00 Sr-90 <1 1.20E+00.Be-7 <17.1OE+01

!K-40 1.40E+03 Mn-54 <18.50E+00 ico-58 <19.30E+0O 1ýe-5 < 2.20E+01 Co-60 < 1.1OE+01_______ <11.70E+01 Nb-95 <9.40E+00 Ru-103 < 8.OOE+00 Ru-]0 < <7.OOE-t-1 rCs=-13:4

< 7.5=0E+00 C-137 <ý7.30E+0o lBa-140 j<11.50E+01

!La-140 {_<11.50E+01

[Ce- 144 < 3.7E+01+1-8.6<8.40E-01


_____ 2.OOE+00______ 6.00E+0l OE+0 I :1.38E+03 7.40E___01

<7.90E+00!<__ <7.20E+00< 1.60E+01<__ <7.9 0E +0 0 1~I.80E+/-O01-


121 <8.30E+00< 7.40E+01}<7.00+E+00 I 7.70E+00 I 11.IOE+0l

ý<__ I1. IOE+01 1.40E+01<___I3.70E+011

_ __I<18.70E-01


____< 1.90E+00 ____1.39E+03 +-4.40E+01 I< 4.30E+00<i4.10E+0O

_ __< 9.50E+00" 4.30E+i00 L ___" 1.50E+01 ___" 4.40E+00 -" 4.1 OE+00 _____" 3.60E+01{" 4.60E+00 ___<4.20E+00


______I<18.20E+00 C-31 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 MILK ANALYSIS M-8 (Control)(pCi/liter)

Nucliik ~~~2-JUTN

JU 0JTL 1-131 < <9.70E-01


_______ <18.0g-01

__ ____Sr-89 < 8.40E+00 <1.70E+00

<17.10E+00 I Sr-90 < 1.50E+00 1__ <i.70E+00

<i 1. 1 OE00 ____Be-7 1<3.IOE01

_ <E+01 <01 __5.1O-013+

1 K-01.39E+03 1+/- 4.20E+01 1.42E+03 +/- ý6.30E+O1

1. 38E+03 +/- 16.70E+i01 Mn-54 i< 3.70E+00 <____ <6.OOE+00

<ý5.40E+00j j____Co-58 --<-3.70E+00 I _____<ý6.80E+00


______ < 9.40E+00 1_ 1.40E+i01

__ <13E+1 ____Co-60 <4.30E+00


<7 17.10E+00 Zn-65 < 1.60E+01 ____<-2.70E+01 t_ýl6E0 Zr-95 < 7.OOE+/-00 ____ <10E+01 [ ____<A940E+00

____Nb-95 < 6.80E+00 ~. ___<19.80E+00

<6.20E__ + j0 _____Ru- 103 < 4.30E+00 < <6.40]E+00~L

__ I<i6.OOE+00 I____Ru- 106 <.60E+01 ____<.0E1_______<T.0+1______

Cs 134 <~.0E0 <!5.90E+00

< ).6E+O00~Cs-137 ~<3.80E+00

____ <~6.00E+00


____La- 140 < 8.OOE+00 1___<.30E+01


-____-Ce- 141 < 6.60E+00 __ ______ .30E+00 I___ <19.70E+00______

_______< ________ <1.4E+ 1 <12.50E+01

____#Nuclide /24-JUL 1 4-AUG 28-AU(G 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Be-7 K-40 9.30E-01 7.40E+00.1.50E+00 5.80E+01 1 .4013+03+-

________ <i7.80E-01


<14.90E+01 33-+0 +/- 6.8< 6.30E+0000

< 6.....76.+00

+<1.70E+01 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59.. .. .. .. .. .I. ,. ..........Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103< 27.50E+00 jj7.80E+00

< 1.70E+01< j<6.80E+00


= I1.1OE+01'j.00E+0L

<1 7.70E+00'< 9.60E-01< 5.60E+00 J____<___ <1.20E+00

_ ___<__6. _____ OO+ 1 8OE O0E+01I 1.28E+03 +/- ______0<1 9.20E+00 4 _< 2.OOE+01____ <18 60E+00 ________ I <1.20E+01

____<1__ <7.40E+00

__I______ _ <18.20E+01

__________ <7.70E+00


____ <11 .5E+01 ______ ___ r_1.26E___

+0_____<"4. 1OE+0 I____Ru-106 1_< 6.30E+01 cS134 .70E+00 Cs-137 < 7.50E+00 Ba- 140 < 1.40E+01 La-140 < 1.40E1+01 Ce-141 < .IOE+01 Ce-144 J <4.i-E+01 I C-32 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 MILK ANALYSIS M-8 (Control)(pCi/liter)



< 8.20E+00 ____ii<1.OQOE+O1 J 0 3E+01<4.200E+O I ___13-NOV I I -DEC J-131 <ý8.70E-O1 Sr-89 I<18.60E+00 Sr-90 i 1t.80E+OOýBe-7 I<ý5.OOE+O1 K-40 1 1.52E+03 lMn-54 <18.90E+00 ,Co-58 ~~EO Fe-59 i< 1.80E+01 Co-60 <8.80E+OO Zn-65 I<j2.OOE+O1_

2r-95 <'1.40E+01

'Nb-95 j<19.80E+00 iRu-103 1<8.80E+OO

'Ru- 106 1 <:7.90E+o1 ,Cs-134 j<7.40E+00

ýCs-137 1<18.1 OE+OO.Ba-140 <1 1.40E+01ýLa-140 <i1.40E+01

ýCe-141 <ý1.1OE+O1 i~e-44 1<14.20E+01


+-5.70E-01 1.890E+00<5.70E+01+1-8.OOE+O1 I 1.53E-i03____________

_ <18.OOE+OO I<17.80E+/-00



________ ý7i40E+O1<9.40E+0O____< j8. 50E+OO< 7.50E+O01< 6.60E+00_______<,6.

80E+00________<ý 1 .30E+01 tj7 1 7.30E+01 A-<!I.IOE+O I_____< <3.50E+01 C-33 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 VEGETABLE ANALYSIS FP-1 (Indicator)(pCi/kg wet)Nueide, < -' 4-,JULIBro-cc1i

~ 24-JUL, Cabba ,e 24-JUL Caiuliflowepr 1-131 < -5.60E+01

<4.90E+01 I <4.20E-l01 e-< 3.60E+02 < 5.40E+02 <K-04.26E+i03 -iI-4.70E+02 3.69E+03 +1-6.OOE+02, !.9E+03 +-4.20E+02 Nn-5-4 4< 4.50E+01 0_ E7.20E+1 -4.20E+01 Co-58 < 5.20E+01 <4.60E+01

< 5.20EQ+01[Fe-59 < 9.90E+01 < <1.30E+02

<_ <9.OOE+01

_Co-60 < 7.10E+01 < 1.10E+02 <61E0ýZn-65 < ].IOE+02 < 1i.30E+02

<] _<1.20E+02

ýZr-95 < <1.O9Et02

< <1.30OE+02 1< 8.50E+01 _ __<b9 <6.80E+01

< 8.10E+01i


<u0 <5,.60E+01

<___ <6.80E+01


Ru- 106[< 3.20E+02, <_ <5. 1OE+02 <ý3.30E+02 Cs-13 < 4.60+0! I_ <_ 4.40E_0 <i3.50E+01___

1d-i3-7 < 4. 1OE+O1 I < 5.50E+01-

____ A.50E+O1__

__'Ba-140 < 7.70E+01 < 1.70E+02 <1.ý40E+02 lLa-140 < 770E+01 <__ 1.70E+02 < 1.40E+02 ___!Ce-141 < _5.9OE+O I < 7.60E+01 < 4.70E+01___

LCe-lý44 < 1.70E+02 --2.30E+02 1i.50E+I02

__FP-I (Indicator)(pCi/kg wet)N4 fide< 14-AUG Broccoli 1 4-AUG ,Cablae , : 14-AUG3 Lettue J-131ýBe-7 X-40 iMt-54....Fe-59 Co-60[Zn-65;Nb-95 Ru- 103-R-106:Cs-134;Ba- 140 La- 140 1Ce-141 rCe-144< 2.60E+01< 3.50E+02 4.04E+03< 4.OOE+01< 4.40E+01< 1.30E+02< 6,00E+01< 1 .IOE+02< 9.40E+01_< 4.50E+01 1< 4.30E+01< 4.50E+02< 3.70E+01I< 3.60E+01* 1. 1OE+02*<5.70E+01

< 1.80E+i02+/- 4.20E+02< 3.30F+02 2.82E +03< 4.60 E+01I< 3.60E+0!1< 9.9UE+01-< 4.60E+01< 1.20E+02< 7.90E+01<5 .50E+01< 3.50E+01< 3.90E+02< 3.OOE+01<14.60E+01

< 1.30E+02< 1.30E+02< 4.40E+01< 1.40E+02+/- 3.60E+02 I5.OE+01 6.O'OE+03 3,8-< 2.60E+01<,3.50E+01






-3,00E+0 I<,4.90E+01


<, 1.60E+02)E+02 C-34 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 VEGETABLE ANALYSIS FP-9 (Control)(pCi/kg wet)Nu~d <'~ 24-~JUL Prccl 24-JUL Cabbage ~ -J~LLetc'1-131 <4-10E+01

_____ 1 L~ +40E+1 <5I1OE+O1

____B <"32O+O "330+2 <ý2.90E+02 K40____ 4.92E+03 +/- 3.90E+02 I3.829+63

+/- 4.OOE+02 13.2 1E+03 +/- 2.70E+02 Mn-54 I<13.90E+01

< 3 90E+01 < ~~3.90E+01



____ <114.40E+01 Ij<13.7OE+01__

____Fe-59 '9.80E+O1


__ <,8.50E+01

~Co-60 4-4.i6E+<9 I___ <13.90E+01~

I ____ <13.70E+01 I____Zn-65 <1.IOE0 ______ <17.10E+01


______Zir-95 < 6.80E+01 <___ I<6.60E+01 T_ I <15.1013+01

____N-M 95 < 4.60E+01 ____ [ <5.70E+01

_____I <i4.20E+O1

_____Ru-103 < .0E0 < 4.20E+01 <i ___ <3.50OE+O1 I___Ru-106 <13.20E+02

<___ <4.50E+02


CEs-134 <14.1013+0l

<____ 4.60E_01 -,- _____ .30E+01 ____Cý-1-3 7 <1.i40EIt0L

_ _[< 4.30E+01 ____ 3.70E+01 IBa-140 <19.60E+01

< <1. 1OE+02 -______ ~5.10E+01 I___La- 140 < 9c f ----- -<1. 1OE+02It____

< 5.10E+01 ____Ee-i141 <115.30E+01

~ ~ <5.30E+01

< <4.80E+01 Ce-44 j L7E02 < 1.80E+02 < 1.80E+O _____FP-9 (Control)(pCi/kg wet)VgNuchide, 14-AUG Brcoi Ti 14-AUG4Cb&

1f~<<I4-AU<6rs Radish 1-131 <A4.6013+01 Be-7 <13.30E+02 K40 KJ5.38E+03 Mn-54ý <13.ý9OE+ýO17s Co<5 <5.20E+01I Fe-59 <~1 20E+02 0o-6 <16.20E+01 Zn-65 <1 1. 1OE+02 Zr--95 I <7.70E+O1 Nb-95 1 4.30E+01 Ru-106 < 3. OE+O2I CEs--137 <i5.-8OE+O1 Býa-ý40 <11.20E+02

-[a- 140 <~1 20E+02 Ce141 <14.30E+Oi Ce- 144 ~<11.70E+02


________ <I2.70E+02___

5.20E+02 12.27E+03tE5+0 f<3.30E+01_i~

< 7.20E+01______ < <2.90E+01


__< I6.1OE+01< 3.70E+01 __<i3.5OE+01

______ < 3.40E+O I__F<1 3.10E+01_______ <16.lO13+01

_ _ _ ___S!4.OOE+O1__1 5.40E+02 1- .40E+02_j i4.36E+03.

+/- 14.70E+02< 5.70E+01 I____< 1.30E+0O2 I< 3.30E+01 ___ _______<1.30E+02

____< 8.40E+01 ____< 5.40E+01___

< 4.50E+01___

___< 5.50E+01< 4.20E+O I _ __<11. 1 _____<1 .1OE+02 -___<12. OE+02 ____i_____I<14.60E+O1

-~4 [4E+/-O21 C-35 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS DW-1 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

IrNuc~de'd 29-JAN~ 27FE H3 1~~ -2MAR GR-B 5.20E+00 +/- 11.20E+00

).50E+00 I+/- 1.20E+00 } 3,.80E+00 1.+1 1.OE+00 Sr-89 -,7.30E+00

__ <1 _____<.70E+00

< 7.60E+00______

Sr-90 < 160E+00 < 1.40E+00 <___ I 50E+00_______1 Be-7 < 6.OOE+01 < 3.60E+01 J{ O+1______K-40 <.8.60E+01


<____ 1._ 1_______Mn-54 <'6.90E+00

5. <55E+0OE+00 Co-58 _<!6.70E+00

__I____ <ý5.1OE+00

< -6.I1OE+00______

Fe-59 -1.30E+01 11.OE0 -<30E+01 _____Co-60 <ý6.20E+00

____ 6.20E+00 7.40__ E+00 _____Zn-65 <11.50E+01


< 1.30F+01 __Zr-95 "-j1 <I.IOE+01

____ <9.50E+00

____< 9.80E+00~

___Nbý-95 <~.0+0 __ <6.10E+00

<67.1 E+00 _____________ __17.80E__00



_____Ru-106 <16.40E+01 1___ 3.90E+01 <_6.30E_0 Cs-134 I<1 7.40E+00 <4.50E+00


__________ <i6.60E+00


<i 60E__ ____00_Ba-140 <I .20E+01 _ ____ <ý9.70E+00

__ _____ 1i0E+0i _ ____La- 140 <11.20E+01

<ý9.70E+00 I<1.IOE+0I

_ ____Ce- 141 <jI.IOE+01

<;8.90E+00o 8.30E+/-O00__

Ce-14 3.30E+01ýý

_____ 2.20E+01 I ___I<3.OOE+0i

____Nuclide 30AR.1- 8PYV /~5JN GR-B Sr-89 Sr-90 Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95-~ ..... .............

Ru-103 Ru-106 Cs- 134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La-140 Ce- 141 Ce- 144 5;.50E+00<,8.70E+00

<11.70E+00 S<,6.OOE+01

<: 5. 1OE+00-< <7.00E+00" 1.60E+/-01"<1.70E+01

"<1.1OE+01" 7.OOE+00" <6.70E+00<17.OOE+00




<3.20E+01 1 .20E+00z'4 ---- -------+/->. ... ....III<3- 1E+00<,8.20E+00

<L1.30E+00 I<4.60E+01 1<7.80E+01<4.70E+00<5. 1OE+00< 1.OOE+01<5.70E+00<1.60E+01< 9.90E+00-5.80Ei+-00 I........... ~ o............................







-- 4-- ---.. ...... ...-.< 3. 1 OE+00< 6.9E+00 __<12.80E+01





~- _< 4.0E+00 I ___< 8.30E+o00

___< 7.30E+001<5.2

  • 0E+00 ____<i45.20E+00I




-<19.70E+00 I -<i.0+I -___C-36 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS DW-1 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

'7-AUG 2-E.20E+00 {13.50E+00 j+/-II.00E+00 6.30E+00 +/- 1.40E+O_____ < j<6.60E+00

<____ <4.50E+00__

___ <11 20E+00 <__ 1.20E+00 ___-S<14.40E+01

< <5.20E+O1i 19.9 <i 0E+01- T ----- .9_E+0 -2<15.30E+01 0 -<16.90E+01

.. ..................

.. .............


......... .. ........ .. .........

.....'" ..... ..............


2 0 + 0 .i__ _ I<15.30E+01 0 <17.70E+00

___<1 .1E0oo1 _ <1.40E+o1_ I6.30E+00 i __ t <6.I40E+0O S<61.30E+01 T -! <91.90E+O01

____<_ 1.20t+O2 <__ ~1.20E+01

__ __L<13'IOE÷00j

< 7 I.70E+00i<15.30E+00


{<13.90E+01 1<____ <70E OO+O1 _______ < 1 4.60E"+00


_____ " <4.70E+00

~ <18.60E+00

__ ___"-1.- <1 1.40E+01____<__ 1.10E+01 ____ <i11.40E+01


~ <1 9.80E-1-O..... ...................

... ......[ < 7 0 [ .............


.....[ ..... ........ ....... <1 .20E + 001 ........ .... .. ...... 7... ...............

.< 2.20E+/-O1 1 ___ 830E+01 , 26+$40V 26-DEC____ I<13.1tE+00

< 3.OOE+OO0_



_<!.60E+00 I <11.60E+00 i< 4.20E+01 <1 -4.50E+"01

< 8.20E+01 I <:8.90E+01

___< 4.80E+001


_____ 1 5-20E+00 <1!5.60E __00<,<1.20E+01

_<i 1.20E+01_____ <[5.70E+OO

___ <!6.20E+00O

< 1.20E+01 <_____ 1 l.30E+01__


__ <9.40E÷O {00__--....B O E + 0 0 ..........




< .8" 2 0 + 0 ..... .............................

1 25.60E+00 i< 5.__6<250E+00

______ 14.50E+01

-~ <15.30E+01

___ <!_ <1Iiý4O 40E+00 ___!<!5.70E0o

_____ 5.]OE+OO <_5.70E_0___ <J <1.20E+01

____ <1.40E+/-O1

__<112E0 I <1.40E+01_____I<1T7.30E+00 , <18_ 820E+00____I<,2.50E+01!

2._ _______ ~<5E + 06 GR-B Sr-89 K--40_-IMn-54 1Fe-59!Co-60-I:i ýI.2iý%L --<11.20E+0O


'-<i4.4OE+O1 C-37 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS DW-2 (Control)(pCi/liter)

NuciiI, 19-JALN _______GR-B 6.OOE+OO -f-/- 1.1OE+001

<4OEO <3.OOE+ioO Sr-89 <1.O+O<8.30E+00O

< 8.20E+00 _____sr-90 I <11.50E+00

_____ <1.60E+OO

<___ <1.70E+00____

Be-7 < 3.20E+01 ____ _ <!3.20E+01

< 4.1 OE+O1 ___K-40 < 7.10E+01 ________0

<_____ 8.60E01 Mn54 <3.40E+OO


< 5.70E+00 C0_____ <1.0+0<4.40E+00 I____ < 5.40E+O00

____Fe-59 <19.60E+00

____ <ý9.70E+0O

<___ <1.30E+01 Co-60 <5.20E+00

< _____ 15. OOE+00 <_ <7.OOE+00

__Zn-65 <1 9 30E+00 __ < 1. OOFtO I __ < 1.50E+01 ___Zr-95 <7.6E+O _____<30+0

___ < .I OE+0 I___Nb-95 <4.90E+00 i <; 80__<~E+00

< 7.30E+00 Ru- 103 <A450E+00


< 6.80E+O00

____Ru-106 <!.0E0 ' <,3.8OE+01

< 4.80E+01 Cs-134 i<4.70E+00

____ <14.50E+00

<___ <4.70Et00 CS-137 <4.60E+00 j____ <14.30E+00

<_ -<5.40E+00

____Ba- 140 < <i8.2OE+0O

____ <18.70E+00

<____ <.1OE+01___

La- 140 <18.20E+00 I<18.70E+0O


___Ce- 141 <5.20E+00


< 1.40E+01'Ce-144 J<1.OOE+01 I <ý2.40E+01

< ________ _____1~cie <-- 30-APIR-A 28;MAY iJUN GR-B <290E+00 1 <1__'~3.30E+00 Sr-89j-- ý<8.80E+00

_____ _ <;9.00E+00 Sr-90 j<I.70E+00

<___ <1.50E+I00 Be-7 < O.6E+0 I <4.90E+01 K-40 <! _8.40E+O I ~ ___ < LI OE+02 Mn-54 <15.70E+00

.0EO Co-58 _______ j0 <i6.70E+00 Fe-59 < 1.40E+01 <1 1.50E+01 Co-60 <14.90E+00

~ ____ <tf.7OE+0O Zn-65 <!1.50E+01 jý ____ <1.40E+01 Zr-95 I<1.OOE+01 j:ý -+Ru- 103 <16.60E+00

_____I<18.40E+00 Ru- 106 <15.90E+01

___ <59E0 Cs-134 <16.OOE+00

___ _ <{ 17. 1OE+OO Cs-137 j 6OOE+00 j _ <15.80E+00 Ba-140 <:I.30E+01

<__ <1.40E+01 La- 140 1<1.30E+I01

__ < 1.40E+01 Ce-141 I<1 8.60E+00 < -<1.40E+01 Ce-144 <13.40QE+01

___ <i3.50E+01_3.70OE+00

+/6.90E+00 1.40E+00 3.20E+01 8.1OE+01ij 3.60E+00 4.20E+0.0 1.00E+01 4.50E+00 8.80E+00 1..10.E+O0

.. ....... .....-<___ [7.50E+00< 4.80E+00<___ <4.30E+00<__ <3.40E+01<___ <4.20E+00<173.90E+00

< 1.20E+01 t< I20E+01-__ <11.90E+01 C-38 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS DW-2 (Control)(pCi/liter)

Nuclide 3 0-JUL ,27-AUG 23SP GR-B 3.90E+0 +1. 1.OE+00! <12.7013+00

<___ <3.90E+00___

Sr-89 <,7.70E+00


<i___ ________ <,4.70E+00

___j ____Sr-90 <11.70E+00

__ <.20E_____j

< 1.3013+00__

___44 X-40 <,ý8.80E+0 I ____ <19.40E+01


OnOE + 0 2 _____IMn-54 I<15.1013+00 I<j6.6013+00

< 6.80E+00 Co~58 <570E+00 I<16.50E+00


!Co-60 <ý5.70E+00


_______ <1140E+01

_ <j1.4013+01

<_1.50E+01 I_ _Con-60 <1 5.50E+00 ___ fl.20E+00

<___ 6 <.70E+00 _ _Zn-65 <,1.60E+/-01

<___ <1.1O+0 <, <1.0E+01 ___________<-.0E0

<7 O.OE+01 <Q6.60E+01 Cs-<i6 60.SE+00 <18.80E+00


Cs-17 {<i5.9013+00

_____<17.10E+00, ____ <16.6013+00 4____'Ba-140 <1. 30E+01 j<11.20E+01, <1 1.40E+01 jLa-140 <1j1.3013+01 11 <11.20E+01

< t___ 1.40E+0l _ ___lCe-141 {<18.50E+00


< 9.70E+00 J~-4 k13.20E+611


< I 80E+01~ lclde29-OCTAI

' ~6-NOV;1 ' 3o-DEC>1GR-B ISr-89 1Sr-90!Be-7 lMn-54 ICo-58 FFe-59~Co-60 ,Zr-95 Nb-95*u-I 03 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-144<!3 10E+/-00<19.70E+00




< -.8 0 E+0 0<j1. OOE+0 I< 6.0013+00-<1.60E+01

< 1. OOE+01I<17.1013+00






<i8.20E+00 13.70E+00 I1 .OOE+00I I<16.40E+00

______< 1 .70E+00 __-I<t5.Oi+01,<18.30E+/-01


____I <16.90E-i0OIj___



-<1 9.00E+00 }<17.70E+00


<1.30Eý+01 4_____ _<L3O5E+01


<6.OOE+00<1 1.60E+00<I5.80E+00I


__<8 50E+00<5 00E+00 _< 1.20E+01<18.OOE+00





< 5.OOE+00J_


<11 .OOE+0I<1 7.OOE+00 11- -...... +.... ---i C-39 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS SW-2 (Control)(pCi/liter)

~Tche §~2~29-JAN

~27-FEB 6{R[Sr-89 I<16.80E+00

~ -<.70E+00 I] <78E-i00___

Ir9 <1SO +0 1.5E_0_i_140_0

______ <16.40E+01


_14.90E_0 K[4 <___ <1.20E+02

____ <,7.70E+01 I__ <18.50E+01

____Mn-54 < 9.40E+00 ___ _<ý5.40E+00 I-<16.50E+00

_____Co-58 < 8.50E+00 5 0+0[-<71E0 Fe-59 < 1.60E+01 ____ .20E+01 I<, 1.70E+01______

Co-60 < 5.90E+00 <-ý5.60E+00

<__ 19.70E+00 j Zn-65 2. OOE+01 I ___ < 1.30E+01 <.0+1__Zr-95 < 1.30E+01 ____ <-9.OOE+00

____ < 1.30E01___

Nb-95 < 3.40E+00-L

<___ 5.70E+00 < <7.1IOE+00

____Ru-103 < 9.70E+00 <5.0001<7.9013+00 Ru_106 < 7.60E+01 ~ __ _<14.80E+01 I< 5.70E+01 ____Cs-134 < 9.20E+00 <1 5.50E+00 < 7.80E+00 I ____Cs-137 <7.40E+/-00

____<i5.30E+00 I < 7.00E+00 Ba-140. <11.30E+01

__ _<!1.1OE+01 I < .4E+01 La-140 <1.30E+01

_____ 1.IOE+01 < 1.40E+01 Ce-141 < 1.20E+01 <!7.90E______

_00_ <11.10E+01

____Ce-144 < 4.I1OE+01


[Ni~de[ V ' 30 PR ____[. .i- [> 2ý-5UN -I Sr-89 Sr-90 Be-7 K-40_ _M T I:54j Co-58 -j Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95<18.00E+00I

<14.70E+01 66.70E+00<11.40E+01l

< 8.80E+00~~

< 1.60E+011< 1.30E+01<18.60E+00



<16.30E+00 J_<15.90E+0<j1.40E+01 1< 1.40E+01< 3.50E+i01<8.O+0I ____<.O+0 _< 4.70E+01"<1.OOE+02



< 9.70E+00-2.60E+01<ý9.40E+0OI





<,6 670E+00< 3.80E+01<1L1.POE+02

< 5.OOE+00--<5.IOE+0-0

_<16.30E+00 I<19.60E+00


< .6E+00< 4.80E+00 Ru- 103 Ru-106 C + ..................

1 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce-144 1~7.40E+00

< 1.40E+01<1 1.40E+01<17.90E+00



<1.40E+01< 1.40E+01"<6.50E+00 i -4 i____ I <12.30E+01 C-40 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS SW-2 (Control)(pCi/liter)-N~ucjide

')()-JUL A , 27-AUG. '~ 23-~SEP JSr-89 I<17.OOE+00

_____ <16.20E+00 I 1 <15.3 0E+00J Fsr-90 ~ <1.50E+00

_____ <11.10E+00

____ <1.40E+00

____!Be-7 < 4.70E+01 I____ <14.90E+01 i <____ 5.20E+01 iK-40 < 9.50E+i01

__ I.___ I < O.1E+92 1<1 1.20E+02_______ < 5.50E+00 I<!6.50E+00

____ <63OE+00 ____Co-5 8 !<6.30E+100

<1.+00 -------------

Fe-59 <11.40E+01 j____ <1.30E+01i

____ < 1.50E+01 ~Co-60 <16.80E+00 I<!6.OOE+00

<___ <9.40E+00j

__Zn-65 <13E0 ____ <11.50E+01

<17EO1___Zr-95 <11.OOE+01


<1.10E014 Nb-95 <16.20E+00

_____ 8.40E___00

<____ 9.50E_ ___00 Ru-103 <'i6.20E+00


< <7.60E+00_____

Ru- 106- -<I4ý.50E+01

_____ <.4.90E+01

_____ <.50E+01 j ____ICs-134 I <i4.80E+00

___ _ <16.80E+00

<- 6.40E+00 ____Cs..137 I]<15.20E+100

<_ _ <6. 1OE+00[ __ _<6.00E+00 Ba- 40______+0

< 1.40E+01 <i 1.20EQ 01 La- 140 <I 1.20E+0 I ___ <_ 1.40E+01 _____ <11.20E+01

____,Ce-141 <16.60E+00

______ .80+0 ____j <12.20E+01

< I 3.OOE+01 <41EO............

..__ __ _ _ ...................

......._ I ....................



.. ...... ...............

_Sr-89 JSr-90[Be-7ýK-40__Mn-54 8o-5 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65~Zr-95 iNb95 Ru-103[Ru-106 Cs-C 1344 Cs- 137 lBa- 140 La-140 Ce-14-Ce-144<!5 -50E+00<I 70E+00<14.30E+01




<15.90E+00 1<i]2OE+01

<17 OOE+00<11.50E+01 j<18.80E+00 T16. 1 OE+00______<_ I .OE+02 17.10E+00<16.40E+00 I<ý12.OOE+0I



<5.,)E+00<i.80E+01< 1.80E+01< 1.90E+00-2.IOE+00 I<14.30E+00

______ <1'5.90E+00

< 6.90E+00<___7 3.6013+00 1< 2.70E+00<12.50E+00


<15.30E+00" 5.60E+00" 5.70E+00"<1 .20E+01<18.IOE+00 1<16.40E+/-01I

< 7.40E+00< 7.60E+00< 1.40E+01<17 .20E+01<_2.40E+01

<1S .40E+ý01 K<11.10E+01 I__ _ < 2.30E+002 0 0 E+00____ <15.60E+00

-4 _____ <5.60E+00-~____I <14.10E0 i_<4.10E+0I

[C-41 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS SW-3 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)


&[ 29-JAN 27--I EB' 210MAR sr-89 I _6.0E+0 ~ <8.0j9 8.10E+00.1OE+0 Sr-90 <1.5()E+0O-0


< 1._<60E+00

____~Be-7 <ý5.80F+0 1 <3. 10E+ 1: < 5.OOE+01 K-40 <! .00E+02, <'8.06iOE+

< 9.60E+01, __~Mn-54 <ý 8.60E+O0 <ý 3.90E00 < 5.30E+00 Co-5 <1 7.70E+00'


< _7300 Fe-59 <, 1.20E+01 I__ < 8. 1OE+00 ___ < 1.50E+01 ___'Co-60 <~ 6.50E+00 ___ < 4.50E+00ý

~ <7.OOE+/-00.

___ýZr-95 <,140+1, <_7.6E_00

< 1.20E+01 ___N95 <, 7.30E+00 < 4.OOE+00.

< 8.80E+00 Ru 103 <, 8.00E+00W

<~ 4.40E+00 ~ < 7.60E+00 lRu-106 <6. OOE+0 11 __ <~ 3.80E+01 ~ < 6.OOEOL..~C-34 < 6.40E+0 ____ < 4.OOE+00z

< 6.40E+00~ýC--137 <__6.O0E+0O1

< 4.60E+001

< 6.70E+00, Ba- 140 < 1. 20E+01 I______ < 9.90E+00 < I.20E+01, 1.0ETii .9E+0 1.20E+01, lCe-144 <~ 1.20E+01i

< 9.40E+00 < 8.90E+00i ie14 <~ 3.60E+0F, < 3.70E1, _ __ 01_JNucfide~

I ~30-APR~ 2X-\A >25-JUN!Sr-89 Sr-90!Be-7 IK-40 s o ..ýCo-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zr-95 Nb-95 iRu- 10:Cs-134 1Cs-1371'Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141!Ce- 144 8.60F+/-00 1 .60E+00 6.30E-01 9.20E+0 1__7. 1 OE+00 6.70E+00 5 1.50E+01, 9.30E+00,-1. 90E+01I 1.20E+011 8.50E+00ý7. 30 E+ 0 0 7.60E+0 1 7.50E+00~8. 1OE+00 1 .30E+01~I .30E+01j 1.1 OE+0 1 3 .80E+01, 8.70E+00~1.40E+00 5.20E+01I 1 .20E+021I 7.30E+00;__

7.70E+00 1.5OE+QL1 7.20E+00 1.50E+01;'

1.20E+01 8.60E+00 7. 1QE+-00.5.70E+01I 5.70E+i00.

6.50E+i00 1.20E-101_

1.20E+01s 8.80E+00i 3.30E+0130-JUL>

~27AUG 23-SEP Sr-89 1W 1 70+O00 < 5.80E+00 __ < 4.60E+00 -Sr-90 <; 1.79j~~ ______0 <z1.00E+00!

< <_1.20E+00__

Be-7 <~ 5.80E+01 ___ < _2.40E+0 I ___ < 4 .50E+ 101 ____K-40 < 1.20E+02 ~ < 520F+0 I <~ 1.00F+02 Mln-54 < 6.40E+00 ____ < 2.60E+00 <114 6. 1 E+00 __Co-58 j<~ 6.30E+00j

<: 2.90E+00 < 6.20E+00 Fe-59 <g 1.50F+01 < 5.90F_00 < 1. 40E+01 I ___Co-60 < 7.20E+0O)

< 2.40E+00 __ _<, 8.30E+00 ___Zn-65 < 140E+0 1 < 6.30E+00 1j~.50E+01~

IZr-95 [< 1.1OE+011

<ý' 4.40E+00O

<ý 1.20E+01 ___Nb-95 < 7.20E+00!

< 3.20E+001

<,5.90E+00; Ru-1O3 <~ 6.70E+0O I _ <ý 3.20E+00'-_

<ý 6.70E+00, RLi- 106 __< 6.50E+01 I _ .2.50E+01

_______ < 5.30E+011

___Cs-134 < 6.50E+00 ___< 2.80E+00 <, 6.40ý6 iýICs-137 < 7.80E+00 ___ <t 2.90E+/-00 _ <ý 6.90E+/-00'

____iBa-140 < 1. 40E+01 I__ < 7.00E+fOt

___ <ý 1.30E+01 ___!La-140 < 1.4E+0II _____ < 7.00E+0Oi

< 1.30E+01 __!Ce-141 < 8.80E+00 <t 6.30E+00:

<, 8.40E+00 FCe- 144 < 3.20E+01I

< I .50E+01 <2.50OE+01I Niiclide, 29OT"j 26-NONV ;ZQDEcX}Sr-89 ,Sr-90ýBe-7 K-40 ,Mn-54...5 .............

!Co-S 8'Co-60ýZn-65ýZr-95 iNb-95_Ru- 103'Ru-I 06:Cs- 137 Ba- 140 CLa-140 jCe-141ýCe- 144 5.00E+00 1..50E+00 3.70E+01I 6.40E+00 4.20E+00 4.80E+00 9. 1 OE+00, 4.50E+00.1.20E+01 7.40E+00 5.90E+00 4. 80E+00 4.OOE-i01 4.70E+00I 4.50E+00 8.30E+00~8.30E+O0 6.90E+001 2.30E+01 K K K K K K 7.40E+00, 1 .50E+00 6.50E+0 I 1 .00E+02i 5.60E+0011 6.80E+001 1 .10E+01: 6.50E+00, 1.50E+01 1. 10E+0 I 6.60E+00 6.20E+00 5. 80E+01 7.40E+0W 5.80F+00 1 .30E+01 1.3 OE+01I 8.70E+Oi0i 3.90E+01I< 63+0< 1.70E+00< 4.80E+01<, 9.40E+01< 8. 1 E+00,<K 6.90E+00'~1 .40E+01 1~ 1.E+00I Ký 1.50E+01,<z 7.90E+00j K7120E+00,"~ 5.70E+00"~ 1.30E+01 K~1.30E+01

<z 8.40E+00,< K 3.OOE+01i C-43 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 DRINKING AND SURFACE WATER QUARTERLY COMPOSITE SAMPLES Tritium (pCi/liter) t ( )UdFla ýýtýoiýd QUýMC iDW-I<1 4.40E+02 1 j 3.40E+024 1 DW-2 <1 4.50E+021-i i ---- --~__ _ _< 3.40E+02 I<1 4.40E+021'SW-2 3.40E+021_______ 4-ISW-3 It <1 4.40E+02, 3<ýo 34002 1 C-44 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS GW-1 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

FN'wdech 1First Quarter Scr Quakier:40 <1 9.3 OE+O I ____ <t 08.30E+Ol

_____Mn-54 <'s 6.80E+00!

___ <' 3.30E+001 Co<1 T7 80E+00 < 4.4OE+OO~___

ITe-59 I<~ 1.20E+01 ~ < 8.30E+001;Co-60 1i< 7.20E+OO1

<~ 4.60E+001!Zn -+6+5 -1.70E+01li

<____ ____ .__!Zr-95 T<' 1.30E+0ol

< 7.5OEtO~I___

Ru-103 < 6.50E+OOt

< 4. 20E+00 _____5Ru-106 < 5.00E0 < 2.90E+O11<C13 5.90E+001

< 3.OOE+OO1 ICS-137 < 5 60E+001 ____ <: 3.20E+001

_____Ba-lO 1 1.30j~ <I !.30E+0l'La-140 <1.30E0 <_ 1.30E+01'Ce-141 <__ 7.0+0 < 4.60E+00 _____:Ce..144 < 2.90E+01____

< 1.40E+01 __+H-3 I<4.40E+02L

_____ < 4.20E+i02

____1____ _______1_bi4 uate I ________tr=: ,Be-7 <ý .6OE+Oli X-40 _____9.40E___11 ,Mn-54 <! 6.40E+001 Co- 8 <1 <6.30E+00!

Fe-59 4<1 1.70E+01'1Co-60 j<1 8.OE+OO:zn.65 4< L1.70E+Olj1_

2Zr-95 1 .20E+011 8.30E800" Ru-1 < j 7.20E+OOi'Ru-106 4< 7.7OE+O 11 iCs-134 <~ 7.70E+00 1 ICs-137 <1 6 70E+001 IBa-140 <ý 1.40E+01l ,La-140 4<; 1.40E+01~__

1Ce-141 K1 1.1OE+O11__

+/-i1-3 <__ 4.20E+021__

_ ------<i 1 .70E+O1 3.60E+O1 2.OOE+00O 2.1OE+00 4. 1OE+OO 5.80E+001 3.50E+00O 2.50E+00O 2.40E+001__

I .90E+O1t 4?.POE+OO' 4.80E+001 3.1 OE+OO1 1. 1 OE+0 11-4ý.50E+021


....... ...........

C-45 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS GW-2 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)

< clide,. irst Quarter 'cnia~r~ýBe-7 <5.2F0+ 01 <3. 1 OE+01u K-40 <, I OOE+02, ____ < 7.90E+i0i

_,__Mn1-54 < 6.60E+00 <I 3.30E+00~Co-58 < 7.70E+00W

< 3.60E+00O Fe-59 <z 1.20E+i01'

< 8.90E+W0.Co-60 < 7. 1 OE+00! <j 3.70E+00.Zn-65 < 1.6&E+61 _ _- <~ 9.OOE+00ýZr-95 < 1.IOE+01 < 5.90E+001ýNb-95 <: 7.40E+00 <___ $,4.80E+00ý

____03 < .0+ <~ 430E+oo__Rui-106 -5.90E+01, ____ < 3.2OEtOlI ,Cs-134 < 6.20E+00, I < 3.80E+00ýCs-137 < 6.80F+00 < 3.90E+00 _,Ba-140 < 1.50E+01 <, 1.30E+01 La- 140 < 1.50E+01 <' 1.30E+01!ýCe-141 .'<z 8.40'E+0'0i


< 6.30E+OQ ___!Ce-144 _ < 3.1OE+01 < 1.80E+/-01 ___H-3__ <ý 4.40E+02ý

___ < 4. 1OE+02 __Nuclide" '.' Third Quarter Fot'i'Tjtfth Quarte]'Be-7 X-40 _Mn-54ýCo-58 Fe-59ýCo-60_...o...........

2n-65 2r-95 Nb-95 Ru- 106 ,Cs134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140141 Ce-144-.H-3 K 6.40E+01 9.70E+ I .8.1OE+00 8.20E+00;

.1.1 OE+01 8.30E+00 1.80E+01 1. 1 OE+ 1.7.40E+00 7.20E+00 i. i + i ...........

.... ............

.....5.80E+01.6.60E+0V 6.40E+00: 1 .20E+01 1.20E+01 1.40E+01 3.60E+01 4.20E+02: 3.90E+01I 6.80E+01 5.30E+00 5.I1OE+W_00

, I .OOE+01 5.30E+00~2.OOE+0i1 8.90E+00, 6.80E+/-00ý5.90E+00!4.60E+01I 5.30E+00, I.1OE+00 1.00E+0 I 1.OOE+01 1 1.30E+01, 2.70E+,0V 4.50E+02i C-46 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS GW-3 (Indicator)(pCi/liter)"uclide h&IFr~st.

Qiarte ~ Secon 0~~e Q Be7 ~ 5. OOE+0 II < 2.40E+01{X-40 j<1 I.OE2+027

_____ 5. 1OE+01 ______'Mn-54 I<1 6.80E+00!<

3.OE00E9 ____,Co-58 <, 7.00E+06 ~ < 3.OOE+00 __1Fe.-59 <1 1501E+011

_____ < 61E00 ____;Co-60 <[ 7.90E+~ 3.OOE+0O1 ,Zn-65 <1 3.OOE+01 <60E+001!Zr-95 I<~ 1.20E+011-------<

5.50E+O ___iNb-95 <' 8.90E+0W ___ < 490+00 ____'Ru-103 <1 7.30E+00 ___ <: 3.70E+00 ____jjý-I06 I<1 5.90E+01 <1 2.60E+01~Ps-53-4-1<~

6 ý40E+006 __"_ <2.70E+00'CS-137 < 6.30E+00 ___ <1 2.60E+00.Ba-140 <, I.OOE+01 [<! 7.80E+/-O001

___;LO4 <10E-I-0 <i7.80E+00,_

___'Ce-141 <9.OOE+0O

_____ 8.OOE+00fI____.Ce-144 <~ 3.50]E+0V1

_____ 1.50E+01~__j____

A-3 <I 4.40E+02i

<4. 1 OEi02' ___Nudide~ hh-K>1~id Quarteri Fourth Q4ai :ir7I I!Be-7 X-40'Mn-54'Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60.Zn-65 jZr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 ,Ru-106 Cs-134<i 4.90E+01~ýi1.16E+02

<1 6.30E+00ý<' 6.10E+001<t 1 .40E+01i< TlOE+001<1 1.60E+01I I~ 7.OOE+O0i<1 4.80E+01~<1 5.20E+00<_3.50E-f011

<i 5.30E+00<: 1.I1OE+0 1 ___6.60E+00 __I____I 1 .30E+01 ____<.8.70E+00


<i .50+00 I____4.IOE+01 j____<i4.50E+00


<5 1.30E+0I<,1.30E+01i

< 4.80E+00 ____<, 2.30ýE+01' T____<ý 4.50E+02 -.,.-.-- -'Cs-I 37 <j 6.1 0E+001:Ba-140 <1I 140E+01.La-140 <i 1.40E+01~iCe-14,1 <i 9.40E+O00'Ce-144 <1 2.80E+01,:H1-3 <1 4. 1 E+02, C-47 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS GW-4 (Control)(pCi/liter)

Nuclide- f Firsts QUart~ t Secofid Q~w rt,'Be-7 __< -,.5(E+01

~ ____ ~3.20E+01ýK-40 <: _ ________ < 9.OOE+01 Mvn-54 <- <7.80E+00

~ <____ <13.60E o__o Co-58 1<!8. 1OE+00 -<ý 4.20E+00~__

_Fe-59 <ý 1.80E+011

_____ 9.80+E+O00

__Co-60 <i 7.70E+001 4.1IOE+00 Zn-65 1 .601E-+01

~ < 9.70E+00 Zr-95 __ <1.30E+011

____<8IE0.Nb-95 _J 8. 1OE+00I ____ <1 4.60E+00 ____Ru13 <7.90E+00i

<1 4.30E+001

____ýRu-106 <ý 6.10E+01 3-tE0;Cs3 <_6.60E+00 I< 3.70E+005 if t<3 7.I1OE+OOI

< 3.50E+00__

____.Ba-140 <ý 1.40E+01 1 _ ____<1 I.40E+OU ___LCa-140 <1 1.40E+01 < 1.40E+0h __Ce- 141 < I.I10E+1O I_ <____ 9.60E+00 ____Ce-144 < 3.3OE+0 1 ______<.8E01

___H-3 __ <C4.40E+021_____

< 14.10OE+O0fi

'Njucide Third 'uairt&, K"i ,Fourth Qate~r 1Be-7 XK-40 ,Mn-54:Co-58 1Fe-59 ,Co-60 Zn-65;Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103.Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-1 37 Ba- 140 La-140.Ce-141 lCe-144 Ha-i3 5.50E+01i<1 5.50E+00j< 5.70E+00!< 1.20E+01 I<1 7.20E+00I< 2.50E+011<t 1.30E+01I<~ 7.60E+00j__

<ý 8.OOE+0o0< 5.70E+01of

<' 6.90E+00<, ý.0E+00j................

+ ... ....< .OO0E+01_'



"~ 4.40E+0.1*j 2.30E+001*C 5.40E+0W3~7. 1 OE+001<~ 3.70E+00< 2.60E;00~<i 2.40E+00<TC'- .9-0E+01O<~1.90E+00


<8. 1OE+00<~ 8.1O13+00I

<ý 4.0OE-+00~

7V' .40+00,...... ...........

._________ .1<1 4.20E+02)

..__<T 4.50E+02 C-48 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SEDIMENT ANALYSIS S-I (Indicator)(pCi/kg dry)'Sr-89 < 0 4.80E+02 < 2.80E+02 Sr-90 < ..1OE+02 _"_ <ý 1.70E+02 ........B"e-7 <e7. 1 OE+-02 _< 4.40E+02i

_i K-40 1.02Et04 + 6.20E+02!


4.50E+02 Mn-54 <'; 5.80E+01_

<1 3.20E+01 ic°-58 -< 4.80E+O .......1 --i : -.................


... ... .... ... ... .. .... ...............

........ ....... ..... ........ ... ... ........ ... ..............

.... ... ........ .......................

.... ........Fe-59 <~2.60E+021

____ 1.70E+102

___'Co-60 <- 6.50E+01 <

" Zn-65 <. 2.90E+02T

< 1.70E+02i

_.Nb-95 <j 1.70E+021!_

< 8.40E+ I'Zr-95 <i <.9-.0E+021


.....'Ru-103 i < 1.00E+021


".Ru-106 <ý ....---.-

<-- i 3.20E+021

_____Cs-134 _< 2.90E+011 iCs134 <i,4.'40E+01--

< "3 E "......i iCs-137 <1 5.20E+1. < .Ba-140 <1 2.40E+03tt

< 1.80E+o, 3,______iLa-140 <i: 1.50E+03 __1<_ 1.30E+03 -Ce-141 < 2.20E+02 OI _____, ... )i0 iýCe-144 <~ 2.9ýOE+O2~

<ý 1.70E+02!c 4 4 ~ ................



i ..............

< :! i l c -!.0 + 2 .... I ..................................

S-2 (Indicator)(pCi/kg dry)N~udcde, ()~ -JU1N jI15-OCT'Sr-89 <4 9.40E+02!Sr-90 <ý 2.30E+021 Be-7 < 5.20E+021 K-40 8.74E+03t

+/-IMn-54 <1 3.80E+01 t Co-58 <! 6.70E+01i Fe-59 <i 1.70E+021'Co-60 < 4.OOE+01'.Zn-65 K2.60E+02 Zr-5 <, 1.30E+02ýNb-95 <; 1.40E+02 R-03 < 7.90E+/-01 Ru-106 < 3.80E+02.Cs-134 <; 3.60E+01?Cs-137 < K 4.40E+01Js: _3 7 ...............

_...5 ....o % 0 !.. ...................Ba-~4o i< 1.80E+03 La-140 K< LCe-141 < 1.70E+02< 2.80E-02ý-

< 2.60E+021_ _ .3o E+021 5.30E+02 1.09E+041

+i< 4.00E+01_K< 6.10E+011<1 2.30E+02~< 4.60E+O I K< 2.OOE+02i~9.50E+01~

K< 1.80E+02 K< 8.70E+01 K 3.OOE+02 1<1 3.20E+01I j <Ki 4.00E+01i....................

3.... I< 1 4 OOE+O <1 3150E+03V{ K 1.50E+03 i 220E+02< ....... -ýC --I- 4.80E+02.. ... ... ... .iCe-144 2.30E+021 C-49 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SEDIMENT ANALYSIS S-3 (Indicator)(pCi/kg dry)1Sr-89 <! 3.80E+02 _ __ < 2.80E+02 j _ISr-90, <- 8.60E+0 < 1.60E+02'--4

!Be-7 <i 6.20E+02ý

_ < 3.40E+02 _K-40 __ 1.02E+041

+/- 5.80E+02 1.29E04 +/ 4.20E+02;Me-59 < 4 .80E-+021, i -- < 1.80E+02 1.....Co-58 < 8.40E+01 < 4. 1OE+O1I!Fe-59 < iJ:WiEf0L1

<__ 1.80E+02 __ýCo-60 <, 5.80E+01 <__ <3.50E+01'Zn-65 < 1. 5OE+02~ __ < 1.50E+02 Zr-95 1< 1.60E+02, < 6.80E+O1 _Nb-951 <i30E+02, _____ < 7.60E+01 ______Au-103 <2 9.20E+01 ~ < 5.70E+01 Ru-106 < 3.3OE+2 _ < 2.90o+o2 ____s-134 <ý 360E+01 < 2.5 Cs-137 <i3.80E+01 i < 2.40E+01 ,Ba-140 < 1.90E+03 ___ _ <~ 2.OOE+03 ____jLa-140 <1 1.20E+03zf

<I 9.90E+02 ... _Ce-14 < 2.0E+02i 140E+02.....................................

.. .. ....... .............

.................... .. .........


... .........

.. ..... .... ........S-4 (Indicator)(pCi/kg dry)Nuelide ~ 274UiJN 1 31jj -OCT S-9 <1 41.6o0E1-+0 2 sr-90 < 1.50E+02 iBe-7 < 4.OOE+021 ,K-40 ~ j71 E+03.ýý54 <~ 3.50E+01,'Co-58 <ý 4.8OE+O1D Fe-59 1 1.80E+02 1',Co-60 < 4.30E+01 Zin-65 '7 1 .40E+02 2r-95 <z8.40E+01 Nb-95 <- 7.60E+01~Ru-103 < 6. OE+O I Au-106 < 4.00E+01 jCs-134 <I 4.30OE+01I

'Cs-137 <ý 3.90E+01 Ba-0 <1 5.80E+02'ýa1 4 < 3.40E+0'2 1'Ce-141 <_8.70E+Oi

ýCe-144 <i 2.30OE+02+/-I<' 2.20E+02 -j 2.50 <I 2 E+02j02____ < 2.70E+02 55E0 I .O9E+C4~ +/-/- 13.70E+02[.+ < 2.60E+01-< 3.90E+01< 1.30E+02 4 p-. -i<1 3OE+O1 i___<: ý1.40E+02__

___<1 6.20E+01<1 8.70E+01 I-I 4.30E+01 2.20E+02-

__2.80E+01-25.5 OE+O+-. 1 ..... .8.30E+02 4. 10E+0-L -7.90E+Ol 1 ____:1 1.50E+021 C-50 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 SEDIMENT ANALYSIS S-5 (Control)(pCi/kg dry)iSr-89 <1 4.20E+021 t____ <1 1.30E+02 __Sr-90 < 9.20E_01 < 1. 1 OE+02 ____ýBe-7 <_8.______2 3.90E+02~

8.80E+67_K-40 I 1.28E+041

+/- 7.60E+02 1. 16E+04j +/- 12.80E+02i ,Mn-54 <1 6.70E+01.

____ < I.9O__1j ,Co-58'Fe-59ý9...29.E+Olj.

2.70E+021 iCo-60.Zn-65<1 6.50E+011<1 3.50E+02!<j 2.40E+01I<6.90E-i01l

<J 1.90E+l01i


<1 4.70E+01J<~ 4.OOE+01 +< 2. 60E+01{< 1.7OE+02i iZr-95:NB-95'Ru-103 1Ru-106<1 .0+2<1 1.60E+021_:[1.30E+02__

<1148E0 iCs-134 I< 5.1E+01 __;Cs-137 <1 5.8E+01 IýBa-140 I 13.60E+031

<11 2.40E+011

___13.85E+O1>I-/i__,7.,3 E+00<; 3.OOE+021 I____<1 1.40E+02 ____<1 .90+O I ____iLa-140 I<1 1.80E+03!Ce-141!Ce-144 I <<3.50E+02C-51 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-I (Control)(pCi/kg wet)Nuclide PBullHa I I 3-JJN Caitfish 3JUN1 Rock- BaK jSr-89 J<1 2.70E+02 I<1 2.80E+021

____ 2. 70E+01 ____ISr-90 < 1.70E+02 j <1 1.80E+02 < 1.80E+02'B-e--7 < 6.50E+02 <1 1.26E+03-

___6_ < 4.90E+021/ 2.70E+02 r.7+3 .1+3 _ _K-40 j 1 -.83E+03 2.17E 03 +/- 3.40E+02 2.1 +01 ;2.30E+02"______ _ 4.70E+01 I _____I17iOE+01T

<____ 3.80E_______11_

Co-58 < 7.80E+01 < 9.90E+01l

<!1 5.7013+0 ____Fe-59 < 2.5013+02

_____< 2.60E+021

< 1.60E___02 Co___60 <_ 5.80E_01 <i___ 7.40E+01 .6E+02I Zn-65 <1 1.20E+02]

_____1 2.OOE+02 ____<I9.20E+01

____[Zr-95 <1 1.50E+02J I___ <1 1.90E+02 <___ I.OOE+/-O2L

____INb-95 I<1 1.60E+02J I____ <1 2.20E+02 <____ I.20E+02 ______Ru 103 <J1IE0j_<1 1.30E+02 ___ _<~ 7.60E+01~

____Ru16 I<~ 4.60E+02j

____ I <1 6.20E+021 I____ < 2.90E+021

_ __ICs-134 <1 5. 1OE+01 I_ <____ 6.20E+01 ___ _<I 3_30E+1 ___._jCs-137 <__4.50E__

<1 6.10E+01I

___290E_0 Ba-40 < 1.90E+03 -1250E+03, ____ 0+3 _____________

4.0ET 1.4___. ____ < 20E+03__ __!La-140 < 1.90E+03 ____ < 2.50E+03j

< 1.40E+/-031 Ce-41 <1 2.80E+02______


_____<1O+0 FCe--I144

< ý2.20E+0ý2

______<1 2.80E+/-_921 I___ < 1j 1E02~__I Nuclide V 3-PUN% Suiýck 3JUINKWhiic 3abss 10DE Ca ISr-89 I<1 2.80Eý+02

____ISr-90 <I ].-70E+02____ 15.90E+02_

___I K-40 2.43E+03 +1- 2.80E+02___-5 <1 4.80E+01 I 5Co-5 < 7.OOE+0 ____Fe-59 I<I 2.1OE+/-02i C6o-60 < 5.OOE+O Ii I ___Zn-65 t< 1.I1OE+02{

___~Nb-95f < 1.30E+02I LRu- 1031< 9.90E+01I

___Ru- 106 1< 3.70E+02 1 js14 <I3.90E+01

_ _ ________ < 3.60E+0 IJ Ba-140__ < 1.80E+03l~___

~Ce- 141 <_1.40E+02j___,C I4 <, 1.40E+02j<12.50E+02'

<~<' 1.80E+021

<__<1 5.70E+02 <___21.4313+03

+ ý3.70ýE+02 7<1 ~5.40E+011<

<2.30E+02, 7.30E+0I1<~ 1.70E+02<< 1.20E+i02

___ <1_L_:_1.30Et02

_I< 1.IOE+021

__ <i<12 4.30E+021 T-< 5.I1OE+01 I7 1. 1IOE+021 8.20E+01, 8.20E+02 1 3.34E+61, 5.90E+01I 9.90E+01i 2.30ýE+0 5.00E+011 1.20E+/-021.............

2 1+.30E+021 1.30E+02Z 5.30OE+02]i 5.IOE+O I 1.20E+03i 1 .20E+03 1 .59K+02+/- 3.90E+02< 4.20E+01 I,< 1.40E+031 1<1 1.40E+021_t<i~<1 1.60E+02 j i C-52 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-1 (Control)(pCi/kg wet)J,Nucjlde I 10-DECSuiifishi JODE Ir _____ 0~-DE(' Wa bye, Sr-89 < 9.40E+01I Sr-90 <1 7.2OE+O1I Be-7 <I 5.20E+02 K-40 3.16§E+03 Mn-54 <1 3.70E+01 Co-58 I__.ioE 0!1 Fe-59 <1 1.40E+021 Co-60 <1 3.9OE+1i~Zn-65 1 ....-i-..Zr-95 < 1.10E+02 Nb-95 <1 9.40E+01: Ru-103 <i 7.10E+01, Ru-106 <1 3.7OE+02, Cs-134 < 2.90E+01I Cs-137 < 3.50E+/-O I Ba- 140 < 1.OOE+03 La-140 < 1.OOE+O3-Ce- 141 < 1. 1OE+0 2&e- 144 < 1.60E+02z+/- 3.____ <~1.60E+02


OOE+02 iI2.78E+03~

+/- 'j3.20E+02 37E0______ < 4.IOE+01j

___<1 6.20E+0OI1

_______ 1 2.OOE-I-O27

_________ <1< 4.20E+OI -11__<1' 1.30E+021<1 1 .40E+/-02~<1 1 .40E+02<1 8.60E+01,< 6.20E+01_<, 4.60E+01.... ... ..... .. ..6E._,_----/

7<! 5.70E+02!


+/-j<1 4.40E+01O<1 7.60E+O1<1 .50E+02< 5.OOE+01< 1 30E+021< 1.20E+02J 1.1OE+02j


<4. 1OE+02 1__<I 3.60E+01__

<. 1.20E+03 i < 1 I 2 0E+ 031 i<1 I 0E+021 3.70E+02<1 4.1_____3.70E+O I_ 4.20E+01<~ 1.30E+03<1 1.30E+03<1.-40E+02 I2.1 OE+O%, C-53 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-2 (Indicator)(pCi/kg wet)~Nu~id ~ 6-~JUN ~Bull Hecad E 6<JU WIiL y, , 6-JUTN ~White Bs K jSr-89 <2.00+0O .50E+02 j ___ <1 2. 60E+021 ___Sr-90 < 1.50E+02<1.7E0

< 1.80E+02 Be-7 <5.60E+021

<, 6.80E+02 ___ _<~ 7. 00E+02~ _K-40 J1.48E+03~

IT/- 35+02 2.71 E+031 +/- 5.60E+02 2.24E+03 +/- 3.70E+02 Mn-54 <; 6OO 0 1 ~ -K_ý ý48 0E+0 1 <3. 80E+01 ~ ___Co-58 <1.00E+021 9.80E+0! < 1.1.OE+02 Fe-59 <1 2.50E+02 ____ < 2.40E+021

<__ <2.30E+02

__-Co-60 1< I 5.OE+Oi ____ K 6.3 OE+O I 4 5OE~Zn-65 <1 1.60E+021

<z 1.90E+02!

j ____ _ K1. 8 0E+ 0-2 __Zr-95 < 1.40E+02{ý

<____ 1.20E+02 <___ I _.70E+0 Nb-95 < 1.40E+i02

~ < 1.60E-i02 1 <~ 1.90E+02~Ru- 103 < 9.80E+01 <___ 1.1OE+02 1 < 1. 1OE+021 Ru- 106 < 4.80E;02'

<____ 3.60E+02 ~ < 4.30E+02, ____Cs-134 < 5.IOE+01 _____ 4.10E+01 <~ <4.20E+0 11 s1 3 7 < 6.30E+ý0 < 4.30E+01 ~ < 4.90E+01 1 Ba- 140 <j 1.80E+031

<E___ 1.20E+03, <1 1.60E+3 ____La- 140 < 1.80Et03 <~____ 1.20E+031

<___ .O+3 __ICe-141 < 1.70E+02 < 1.40E+021

<____ 1.70E+02.

____jCe-144 < 2.30E+02 <_____ 1.80E+02 K1 1.90E+021

____6ue-K ýý Wht P,, J 15-OCT ~ i15-OCT Catfiý,h4 Sr-89 Sre90 K-40 Mn-654--Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Ru- 103 Ru- 106 Cs- 134 Cs- 137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce- 141 Ce- 144< 2.80E+02i< 2.30OE+02 2.68E+03i


<, 4.70E+01<I8.90E+01," 2.40E+021" 6.30E+01, __< 1.40E+031< 1.30E+021" 1.20E+021" 4.60E+021__" 3.60E+Ol I __" 4.80E+0 Ij K 1.80E+031

___" 1.80E+031

__" 1.80E+021


___< 2.1OE+021

< 2.20E+02<1 1.60E+02 <~ 1.60E+02< 5.40E+02i

<____ 6.50E+02~3.22-+03 +/- i3.40E+02 2.42E+03< 5.20E+01 < 3.70E+01 Ký 7.20E+01, < ____ I 5.60E+01<!62.3E+02 , 1.60E+02<1 4.50E+01 -<! 6.70E+01-..< 1.20E+021<1 1.20E+021

< 1.30E+021< 1.20E+021

<1_ .1 OE+02<K 8.50E+-0 11 9.50E+01,< 4.40E+021

<____ 4.I1OE+02.

<~z 4.40E+01 < 4.60E+OlI<1 4.90E+01 5.20E+011<1~ ~ ~ __ 1.1 E+3 18E+031<i 1.I1OE+03

<___ 1.80E+031!



______ 1.80E-i02'f

+/- 4.OOE+02 C-54 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-2 (Indicator)(pCi/kg wet)1'4ic~dE~

15--QC1 Drumi I ýs-UCT SUcker 15-$QCT Walke Sr-89 <2.70E+02 Sýr:90 <2.OOE+02 Be-7 <7.60E+02 K-40 3.3E+03 -Mn-54 <i 4.70E+01I rCo-58 <__8.30E+01

[Fe-59 i< 2.30E+02 Eo-60 1 < 5.80E+/-01 1_______ < .60E+02_'Zr-95 <1 1.30E+02~Nb-95 <1 1.40E1-02i Ru-1<3 1.20E+021[i7u-1-O6 j<l 5.20E+02 Cs-134 <1 4.90E+01 Fs137 <5.20E+01

_Ba-14 < 1.30E+06/ 3.<i 1.40E+02<1 .10OE+02:<ý 5.40E+02 70E+02 2.72E+031

+/-< 3.90E+011<ý 5.10E+01:<ý 1.60E+02-S...........

-4.60E+O I< 8.60E+01<, 8.30E+/-01 1. 1OE+02,<1 9.90E+01~<w 3.OOE+02<4.OOE+O1, t__ < 3.40E+01 -._ _ .....<:7.10E+022


<14E+02<: 1.90E+/-02', ,1 2.1OE+02-_<I<I <I 4.20E+02_2.80E+02_j::T3.A8E+O

+/-< 4.80E+01-o__ --.<f 1.50E+02<1 3.70E+01_____ <L LI IOE+021_____ .OOE+02j<1 9.80E+01 K< 7.20E+01<' 3.30E+02 __<1 3.60E+01< 3.OOE+OI< 9.90E+02__

77~ < 9.90E+02 -< 1.OOE+02,__

___JK 130E+02_13.20E+02 E~a-1ý40[Ce-141 <6Ce- 144 <1.30E+031 1.50E+02 2.1OE+02i Nuiicd 1 5-OCT- Whi Sr-89 <1 2.OOE+025 Sr-90 <1 1.50E+02;[Be-7 < 1 4.80E+02'IK-40 f 3.36E+031

+/1Mn-54 <1 4.40E+01',Co-58 <1 4.70E+OI1 Fe-59 <1 1. 80E+021;Co-60 <, 5.20E+0O'$

2Zn-65 <I 1.1OE+021ýZr-5 <I I .OOEi02i Nb-95 < K 1.20E+021I Ru- 10 < 1.OOE+O2ýRu- 106 <T3.8OE+O2i ,Cs-134 ý .20E+O1I lCs-I37 <! 4.OOE+Ob.Ba-140 <1 9.30E+02~.La-140 <, 9.3OE+O2i__.Ce-141 1<1 1.3OE+O2ýCe-I442.30E+021 ite Bass>-13.40E+02 p15-OCT White11'Cr hV'K~1.50E+02

____<i 5.20E+02 I____2.92E+03]

1-3. 1OQE-i02<! 4.OOE+Oi1<~ 5. 1OE+O IJ<~ 1.60E+02 ______<I 9.OE+O I<1 9.9E+01b<9.30OE+O I< 7.20E+01 _____< 3. FOE+O2'1< 3.20E+O1'

_____< 2.70E+O11

___< 1.20E+03 1< I.20E+03 ____C-55 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-3 (Control)(pCi/kg wet)INuclide 1V ýJ-JUN Wul Head 19-JUN Drum 1">'"9-JUN

'WhitePec'Sr-89 < .OOE+02' < 2.40E+O2Z 2.60E+02 _ ___Sr-90 <~I 60E+01 < l.90E+02, <2.1 OE+02 ,Be-7 <5. 1OEtO2 ~ <~ 6.90E+02[

< 5.20E+02~IK-40 2.94E03! -+/- .3.60E+02

3.OOE+03 +/- 3.80E+02 2.38E+03,_+/-

3.30E+02 Mn-54 <5.1OE+01i

< 5.70E+Oi11_

< 4.60E+0l_Co-58 <1 6.80E+01 <_ 8.OOE+Ol < 6. 1OE+01I Fe-59 <,1.890F+02~

< 2.40E+02,__

< 2.20E+02 ____ý7o-60 <4 .OOE+O1 _< 9.20E+01 < 4.90E+0lI lZn-65 I<, 1.20E+02 <~ 1.60E+02ý

__ 1. 1OE+02ýZr-95 <. l.OOE+02;

__ < l.20Eý+02

___ O+02, Nb-5 iLOOE+02 < 1.OOE+021

<ý 1.OOE+02 -iRu-103 <, 9.90E+01I' 1.10E+02ý 1 < 6.90E+01 Ru- 106 < <4.5E0- .0E+02 1 <~ 4.60E+02 Cs14 <> 4.2OEtOl I__Cs13 33E+1< 5.70E+01 < 4.90E+01 ra- 40 i<1 8.60E+021 1.__ 1.OE+03: < 6.70E+02~ia- 140 <ý 8.60E+021

< 1. 1 E+031 ___ <ý 6.70E+02~Ce-41 ~ 1.00E+02~


<z 1.20E+02~iCe-144 <, 1.60E+02j

__ < -2.30E+02

__ ___ <z 1.90E+02 fticlid1e

] 19-JJN Yellow Perch J 14-OCT Catfisht.

1 4-OCT. 1r Drii Sr-89ýSr-90 _jBe-7 Ký4n-54 Co-58"e-9 ICo-60!Zn-65 iZr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 ,Ru- 106 Cs-134 rCs- 137 lBa-140'La-140 Ce-141 iCe-144<1 2.20E+02'

____<: 1.70E+02'<! 4.70E+021


+/- 12.50E+02< 4. 1OE+01 ____<5.40E+01, ____I2J 40E+01i ____<1 3.80E+01~

___<~ 9.50E+01<1 8.70E+01I<,. 7.20E+0l<~ 7. 1OE+011<~ 3.40E+021

__< 3.30E+01,~_

<: 3.50E+01i<~ 5.40E+02,<1 7.50E+011< 1.50E+024<1.20E+02"< 4.80 'E+ 02, 3.16E+031< 3.20E+01< 3.70E+01< 3.20E+01<i 7.30E+01 i............................

......< 8.90E+01I< 7.60E+01I< 7.30E+01< 3.20E+02 6 .80E+02<i 3.20E+01<i 6.80E+02!< 1.20E+02i< 1.60E+02!+/- 2.40E+02-~ 1.50E+02:<1 1.20E+02i< 4.80E+02 3.16E+03 +-2.4< 3.20 E+01I<, 3.7013+01

_<ý 3.20E+01,<7.30E+01< 81.90E+0i1

<~ 9.70E+01< 7.30OE+O1 I~<, 2.90E+01'<3.20E+01~

<- 6.80E+02,<ý680E+021

<' 1.20E+021<~ 1.20E+02Z O-E+02 C-56 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report FERMI 2 FISH ANALYSIS F-3 (Control)(pCi/kg wet)I N, I j -..T, W I. 14 OCT White Bass .1 ' .. .1 eC h I Sr-89<1 1.80E+02 Sr-90_ < 1.40E+02~Be-7 < 5.60E+02 K-40 _3.08E+03

+/- ý3.2OE+O2~

Mn-54 < 4. 1OE+O1 I ___Co-58 < 5.30E+01 Fe-59 4<4 2.20E+02~Co-60 I < 5.30E+01 ._Zn-65 < 1.30E+02 Zr-95 < 9.90E+0 Nb-95 < 9.30E+01 Ru-103 <9.I1OE+O1 Ij__Ru-106 4<_ 4.0E+02 __0_2 Cs-134 4.OOE+01 Cs-137 4.OOE+01 Ba- 140 < 2.60E+02 "__" La- 140 < 2.60E+02 Ce- 141 < 1.30E+02 .. --Ce-.144 < ...80E+02 ___<i 1.50E+02t< 1.10E+02,< ..........

o ...........

...<j 4.50E+/-02 2.55E+OZ< 3.20E+01< 4 20E+01< I 2.OOE+OZ< 4.20E+01< 9.40E+01<: 6.70E+01<~ 9.90E+01< 6.-IOE+O1< 2.80E+02<ý 2.70E+01<4 3.20E+01<; 1.10E+03i<ý 1.20E+02<1 1 .40E+021+1-2.50E+02

.. ........... .........i< 1.30E+02 _9.90E+601-ý --+ -............... < Z 0 E+ 0 2 t 2.48E+03 +/- 2.1IOE+02< 2.40E+01 _]<Ffi42Q0E2 1 I__S1.20E+02

_< 2-.70E+O1

_____<1 8.40E+01 ______<7.90E+Ol0

____< 7.70E+01<1 2.40E+02 i<1 2.90E+01 _2~90OE+02-L9.OOE+02

__=4 .50E+02 ___C-57 Appendix D Environmental Program Execution Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Environmental Program Execution On occasions, samples cannot be collected.

This can be due to a variety of events, such as equipment malfunction, loss of electrical power, severe weather conditions, or vandalism.

In 2008, missed samples were a result of missing field TLDs. The following sections list all missed samples, changes and corrective actions taken during 2008. These missed samples did not have a significant impact on the execution of the REMP.Direct Radiation Monitoring All TLDs are placed in the field in inconspicuous locations to minimize the loss of TLDs due to vandalism.

During 2008, two hundred seventy-six (276) TLDs were placed in the field for the REMP program and all but five (5) TLDs were collected and processed.

Four new TLD locations were added to the REMP program in the vicinity of the "maximum exposed individual" in 2008.* T-22 was found missing during the first quarter collection and was replaced with the next quarter's TLD.* T-33 was found missing during the second quarter collection and was replaced with the next quarter's TLD.* T-31 was found missing during the third quarter collection and was replaced with the next quarter's TLD.* T-30 was found missing during the second and third quarter collection and was replaced with the next quarter's TLD. T-30 is located in a city park and has been a target for vandalism is the past.Atmospheric Monitoring During 2008, two hundred sixty (260) air samples were placed in the field and all particulate filters and charcoal filters were collected and processed.

There were no changes to the Atmospheric Monitoring program during 2008.Cobalt-60 was detected in the API-2 air sample for the sampling period 5/21/2008 to 5/28/2008.

The investigation of this incident is attached to this Appendix.

The investigation determined that the activity detected by the laboratory was not a result of Fermi 2 airborne effluents, but from cross-contamination.

D-1 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Terrestrial Monitoring During 2008, all scheduled terrestrial monitoring samples were collected.

There were no changes to the Terrestrial Monitoring program during 2008.Milk Sampling All scheduled milk samples were collected in 2008.Garden Sampling All scheduled garden samples were collected in 2008.Groundwater Sampling All scheduled groundwater samples were collected in 2008.Aquatic Monitoring During 2008, all scheduled aquatic monitoring samples were collected.

There were no changes to the Aquatic Monitoring program during 2008.Drinking Water Sampling All scheduled drinking water samples were collected in 2008.Surface Water Sampling All scheduled surface water samples were collected in 2008.Sediment Sampling All scheduled sediment samples were collected in 2008.Fish Sampling All scheduled fish samples were collected in 2008.D-2' Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Plant Related Isotope Detected In Environmental Air Sampling Media


On 6/6/2008, Areva, the REMP analytical laboratory, notified Detroit Edison that for the sampling period of 5/21/2008 to 5/28/2008, air sample from location API-2 had an elevated Gross Beta count. The Gross Beta activity was 8.49E-2 pCi/m^3 and API-2 has a past average of about 3.22E-2 pCi/m^3. API-2 is located along the west owner controlled fence line in the NNW metrological sector, 0.6 miles from the Fermi 2 reactor building effluent release point. All other sampling locations were normal for the same time period. The laboratory was requested to perform a Gamma Spectrometry analysis of the sample. This analysis detected Cobalt-60 (Co-60)at an activity of 9.58E-3 pCi/mA3 with a MDA of 3.5E-3 pCi/mA3.Cobalt-60 is a long lived neutron activated isotope with a half-life of 5.27 years. Cobalt-60 is periodically detected in Fermi 2 airborne effluents.

In accordance with procedure 62.000.203, REMP Results Analysis -Review and Action, Section 3.3.3, if isotopes related to plant effluents are detected in environmental sample media, an investigation in the form of a situational surveillance must be initiated.

The following discussion is the investigation into this cobalt-60 activity detected in this air sample from API-2.Investigation:

The scope of this investigation was to determine if the activity detected at API-2 originated from Fermi 2's airborne effluents.

Two sources of data were reviewed, (1) effluent release data and (2)meteorological data. Additionally, the laboratory was instructed to cut the air sample filter paper into quarters and count each quarter to determine if the cobalt-60 was evenly deposited on the filter paper.Review of the effluent data for the time period of 5/21/08 to 5/28/08 showed no detectable activity for cobalt-60.

The last date cobalt-60 was detected in airborne effluents was on 1/15/08. To determine what activity would had to have been released during the sampling period, to produce the measured concentrations at API-2 the following calculation was used: Activity Released = Activity Concentration at Sampler Dispersion Factor (X/Q)The following assumptions and values were used to perform the calculations:

Activity concentrations detected at API-2 = 9.58E-3 pCi/nm3 Co-60 X/Q = 6.OE-7 sec/cubic meter Sampling Period = 609,780 seconds (169 hours0.00196 days <br />0.0469 hours <br />2.794312e-4 weeks <br />6.43045e-5 months <br /> and 23 minutes)D-3 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Co-60 Calculation:

9.58E-3 pCi/m^3 = 9.58E-9 uCi/m^3 (9.58E-9 uCi/mA3 / 6.OE-7 sec/mA3) X 609,780 sec = 9.73E+3 uCi Review of the meteorological data indicated that the wind was blowing 5.8% of the time in the direction of API-2 during the sampling period. The wind was blowing towards the other two fence line air sampling locations, API-3 (NW) and API-5 (S), 6.4% and 10.5% respectively.

Figure 1 graphically shows the 10 meter wind rose of the wind direction during the sampling period.10 Meter Wind Rose Wind Direction Frequency:NNW ......E NW WSW /yIESE S S SE 'S Figure 1 As directed, the laboratory quartered the filter paper and counted each quarter by gamma spectroscopy for 200,000 seconds each. Because the laboratory does not have a geometry for a quartered filter paper, only the number of counts were reported.

Three of the quarters had no indication of any cobalt-60 gamma energy lines. One quarter had both (1173 and 1332 kev)cobalt-60 energy lines identified.

Using the 1173 kev line, the results of the original un-quartered count matches the one quartered results.D-4 Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report


After evaluating the information from the investigation, it was determined that the activity detected at API-2 during the sampling period, 5/21/08 to 5/28/08, Was not a result of Fermi 2 airborne effluents.

This determination was based on the following reasons: 1. After a review of station airborne effluent data, it was determined that no cobalt-60 was released during the sampling period of 5/21/08 to 5/28/08.2. The amount of activity that would have been released to produce the concentration of cobalt-60 at API-2 was calculated to be 9.73 mCi (9.73E+3 uCi). This amount of activity is greater than 50 times the total activity released in 2007. The total cobalt-60 activity released was 0.177 mCi for 2007.3. The meteorological data indicated the wind was blowing in the direction -of API-2 only 5.8% of the time during the sampling period. However, the wind was blowing towards the other two fence line sample location at a greater frequency and these locations indicated no cobalt-60 activity.4. Quartering the filter paper and counting each quarter independently, determined that the cobalt-60 activity was not evenly deposited on the filter paper which indicates the activity was not a result of air sampling, but from cross-contamination.

D-5 Appendix E Interlaboratory Comparison Data Areva NP Inc. Environmental Laboratory's Quality Assurance Programs Fermi 2 -2008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Interlaboratory Comparison Program for 2008 In an interlaboratory comparison program, participant laboratories receive from a commerce source, environmental samples of known activity concentration for analysis.After the samples have been analyzed by the laboratory, the manufacturer of the sample reports the known activity concentration of the samples to the laboratory.

The laboratory compares its results to the reported concentrations to determine any significant deviations, investigates such deviations if found, and initiates corrective action if necessary.

Participation in this program provides assurance that the contract laboratory is capable of meeting accepted criteria for radioactivity analysis.Included in this Appendix are selected tables from the Semi-Annual Status Reports covering the Areva NP Inc. Environmental Laboratory's Quality Assurance Programs for 2008. The entire report is available upon request.For the report covering January -December 2008, the laboratory achieved:* 96.5% of 1166 individual QC analyses evaluated during this semi-annual period met E-LAB acceptance criteria for bias, while* 98.2% of 856 QC analyses met the Laboratory QC acceptance criteria for precision.

E-1 TABLE 1 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSSCHECK PROGRAM RESULTS BY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, MEDIA AND ANALYSIS CATEGORIES JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 Bias Criteria (1) [Precision Criteria (2)Within Outside Within Outside Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria I. Air Particulate Alpha 8 4 12 0 Beta 12 0 12 0 Gamma 38 16 48 6 Sr-89 0 2 2 0 Sr-90 0 2 2 0 II. Charcoal Gamma 12 0 12 0 II. Milk Gamma 120 0 119 1 Iodine (LL) 12 0 12 0 Sr-89 5 1 6 0 Sr-90 5 1 6 0 Ill. Water Alpha 9 0 9 0 Beta 9 0 9 0 Gamma 89 1 90 0 H-3 10 2 12 0 1-131 (LL) 9 0 9 0 Sr-89 12 0 12 0 Sr-90 12 0 12 0 Total Number in Range: 362 29 384 7 Percentage of Total Processed:

92.6 7.4 98.2 1.8 Sum of Analyses:

391 391 (1) Bias as noted in Table 1, Footnote (1)(2) Precision as noted in Table 1, Footnote (2)* Total may not equal 100 due to rounding F:AADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-2 TABLE I AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSSCHECK PROGRAM RESULTS BY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, MEDIA AND ANALYSIS CATEGORIES JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 (Continued)

(1) Percent Bias Acceptance Criteria!15 (or within 2 sigma of known, see Reference 1)For Gross Alpha and Beta In water <25 (or within 2 sigma of known)For Sr-89/90 mixtures <25 (or within 2 sigma of known)For Alpha Spectrometry*, <20 (or within 2 sigma of known)For Uranium-Total, Pu-241, Zn-65 on an air filter 520 (or within 2 sigma of known)(2) Percent Precision Acceptance Criteria<15 (or within 2 sigma of mean, see Reference 1). Exceptions as above.Isotopic Uranium (U-234, 235, 238)Isotopic Thorium (Th-230, 232)Np-237 Am-241 /Cm-242, 243/244 Pu-alpha (Pu-238, 239, 240)Ra-226 F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-3 TABLE 2 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSS CHECK PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Ratio Sample Quarter/ Sample Reported Known E-LAB/Number Year Media Nuclide Units Value Value Analytics Evaluation E5527-162 4th/2007 Water H-3 pCi/L 9000 9020 1.00 Agreement E5528-162 4th/2007 Water Sr-89 pCVL 87.1 94.9 0.92 Agreement E5528-162 4th/2007 Water Sr-90 pCVL 14.4 15.4 0.93 Agreement E5529-162 4th/2007 Charcoal 1-131 pci 69.8 73.4 0.95 Agreement E5530-162 4th/2007 Filter Gross Alpha pCi 103 120 0.86 Agreement E5530-162 4th/2007 Filter Gross Beta pCi 166 152 1.09 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Ce-141 pCi 84.1 98.4 0.85 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Cr-51 oCi 312 358 0.87 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Cs-134 pCi 82.3 96.1 0.86 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Cs-137 oCi 109 116 0.94 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Co-58 lCi 108 122 0.88 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Mn-54 pCi 117 133 0.88 Agreement E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Fe-59 pCi 86.6 104 0.83 Non-Agreement (1)E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Zn-65 pCi 135 164 0.83 Non-Agreement (1)E5531-162 4th/2007 Filter Co-60 pCi 123 148 0.83 Non-Agreement (1)E5532-162 4th/2007 Filter Sr-89 pCi 45.9 102 0.45 Non-Agreement (2)E5532-162 4th/2007 Filter Sr-90 pCi 7.2 16.5 0.44 Non-Agreement (2)E5533-162 4th/2007 M ilk 1-131LL pCi/L 59.2 60.8 0.97 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 58.5 60.8 0.96 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 136 141 0.97 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Cr-51 pCi/L 517 512 1.01 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Cs-134 pCiL 137 137 1.00 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Cs-137 pCiL 166 166 1.00 Aqreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Co-58 pC/L 167 174 0.96 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Mn-54 pCiL 201 190 1.06 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Fe-59 pCiL 155 148 1.05 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 Milk Zn-65 pCi/L 223 234 0.95 Agreement E5533-162 4th/2007 M ilk Co-60 pCiL 205 211 0.97 Agreement (1) CR 08-11 was issued to address these analyses (2) CR 08-10 was issued to address these analyses F:)ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-4 TABLE 2 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSS CHECK PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Continued)

Ratio Sample Quarter/ Sample Reported Known E-LAB/Number Year Media Nuclide Units Value Value Analytics Evaluation E5837-162 1st/2008 Water Gross Alpha pCi/L 97.2 104 0.93 Agreement E5837-162 lst/2008 Water Gross Beta pCi/L 211 209 1.01 Agreement E5838-162 1 st/2008 Water I-131 LL pCi/L 66.8t 70.4 0.95 Agreement E5838-162 lst/2008 Water 1-131 pCi/L 65.6 70.4 0.93 Agreement E5838-162 lst/2008 Water Ce-141 pCi/L 187 198 0.94 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Cr-51 pCi/L 272 286 0.95 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Cs-134 pCi/L 96.2 99.7 0.96 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Cs-137 pCi/L 109 116 0.94 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Co-58 pCi/L 55.8 56.4 0.99 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Mn-54 pCi/L 75.7 75 1.01 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Fe-59 pCi/L 81.6 81.4 1.00 Agreement; E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Zn-65 pCi/L 106 109 0.97 Agreement E5838-162 1st/2008 Water Co-60 pCi/L 184 188 0.98 Agreement E5839-162 1st/2008 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 89.7 94.1 0.95 Agreement E5839-162 1st/2008 Water Sr-90 pCi/L 11.6 12.7 0.91 Agreement E5840-162 1st/2008 Water H-3 pCi/L 3280 4010 0.82 Non-Agreement (3)E5841-162 1st/2008 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 59.7 60.0 1.00 Agreement E5842-162 1st/2008 Filter Gross Alpha pCi 79.5 99.5 0.80 Non-Agreement (4)E5842-162 1st/2008 Filter Gross Beta pCi 209 200 1.05 Agreement E5843-162 1 st/2008 M =k T-1-31L pCi/L 60.0 60.0 1.00 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 54.8 60.0 0.91 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 241 249 0.97 Agreement E5843-162 1st12008 Milk Cr-51 pCi/L 360 359 1.00 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Cs-134 pCi/L 122 125 0.97 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Cs-137 pCi/L 147 146 1.01 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Co-58 pCi/L 69.5 70.8 0.98 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Mn-54 pCi/L 98.3 942 1.04 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Fe-59 pCi/L 107 102 1.05 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Zn-65 pCi/L 129 137 0.94 Agreement E5843-162 1st/2008 Milk Co-60 pCi/L 237 236 1.00 Agreement E5844-162 Ist/2008 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 87.9 95.8 0.92 Agreement E5844-162 1st/2008 M ilk Sr-90 pCi/L 10.6 12.9 0.82 Agreement (3) CR 08-19 was issued to address the H-3 analyses.(4) The gross alpha analyses are being addressed by CR 08-01.F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-5 TABLE 2 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSS CHECK PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Continued)

Ratio Sample Quarter/ Sample Reported Known E-LAB/Number Year Media Nuclide Units Value Value Analytics Evaluation E5900-162 2nd/2008 Water Gross Alpha pCi/L 184 194 0.95 Agreement E5900-162 2nd/2008 Water Gross Beta pCi/L 177 169 1.05 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water 1-131LL pCi/L 45.4 45.3 1.00 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water 1-131 pCi/L 45.5 45.3 1.00 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Ce-141 pCi/L 223 237 0.94 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Cr-51 pCi/L 183 188 0.97 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Cs-1 34 pCi/L 94.8 104 0.91 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Cs-137 pCi/L 155 158 0.98 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Co-58 pCi/L 83.7 84.2 0.99 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Mn-54 pCi/L 191 184 1.04 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Fe-59 pCi/L 123 125 0.99 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Zn-65 pCi/L 162 172 0.94 Agreement E5901-162 2nd/2008 Water Co-60 pCi/L 143 142 1.01 Agreement E5902-162 2nd/2008 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 76.7 86.3 0.89 Agreement E5902-162 2nd/2008 Water Sr-90 pCi/L 15.3 16 0.95 Agreement E5903-162 2nd/2008 Water H-3 pCi/L 11700 13000 0.90 Agreement E5904-162 2nd/2008 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 97.1 97.8 0.99 Agreement E5905-162 2nd/2008 Filter Gross Alpha pCi 214 228 0.94 Agreement E5905-162 2nd/2008 Filter Gross Beta pCi 210 199 1.06 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Ce-141 1Ci 204 211. 0.97 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Cr-51 pCi 180 167 1.08 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Cs-134 lCi 89.5 92.7 0.97 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Cs-137 pCi 151.6 140 1.08 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Co-58 plCi 76 74.8 1.02 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Mn-54 lCi 172 163 1.06 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Fe-59 lCi 110 111 0.99 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Zn-65 pCi 153 153 1.00 Agreement E5906-162 2nd/2008 Filter Co-60 pCi 124 126 0.98 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk 1-131LL pCi/L 69.9 71.4 0.98 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 62.3 71.4 0.87 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 171 174 0.98 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Cr-51 pCi/L 123 138 0.89 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Cs-134 pCi/L 72.3 76.7 0.94 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Cs-137 pCi/L 119 116 1.03 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Co-58 pCi/L 59.3 61.9 0.96 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Mn-54 pCi/L 146 135 1.08 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Fe-59 pCi/L 97.6 91.7 1.06 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Zn-65 pCi/L 125 127 0.98 Agreement E5907-162 2nd/2008 Milk Co-60 pCiL 106 104 1.02 Agreement F:,ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-6 TABLE 2 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS ENVIRONMENTAL CROSS CHECK PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Continued)

Ratio Sample Quarter/ Sample Reported Known E-LAB/Number Year Media Nuclide Units Value Value Analytics Evaluation E6238-162 3rd/2008 Water Gross Alpha pCi/L 141 152 0.93 Agreement E6238-162 3rd/2008 Water Gross Beta pCi/L 147 134 1.09 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water 1-131 LL pCi/L 101.9 105 0.96 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water 1-131 pCi/L 101 105 0.96 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Ce-141 pCi/L 110 107 1.03 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Cr-51 pCi/L 252 279 0.90 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Cs-1 34 pCi/L 135 154 0.88 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Cs-137 pCi/L 104 107 0.97 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Co-58 pCi/L 115 118 0.98 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Mn-54 pCi/L 117 110 1.06 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Fe-59 pCi/L 99.3 95.6 1.04 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Zn-65 pCi/L 208 211 0.99 Agreement E6239-162 3rd/2008 Water Co-60 pCi/L 148 155 0.95 Agreement E6240-162 3rd/2008 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 77.6 95.5 0.81 Agreement E6240-162 3rd/2008 Water Sr-90 pCi/L 12.3 142 0.86 Agreement E6241-162 3rd/2008 Water H-3 pCi/L 10200 11400 0.90 Agreement E6242-162 3rd/2008 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 75.6 81.4 0.93 Agreement E6243-162 3rd/2008 Filter Gross Alpha lCi 120 129 0.93 Agreement E6243-162 3rd/2008 Filter Gross Beta pCi 122 113 1.07 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 M ilk I-131 LL pCi/L 65.9 67.9 0.97 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 71.0 67.9 1.05 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Ce-141 pCi/L 163 161 1.01 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Cr-51 pCi/L 395 421 0.94 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Cs-134 pCi/L 206 232 0.89 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Cs-137 pCi/L 164 162 1.01 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Co-58 pCi/L 177 179 0.99 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Mn-54 pCi/L 176 166 1.06 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Fe-59 pCi/L 154 144 1.06 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Zn-65 pCi/L 320 319 1.00 Agreement E6244-162 3rd/2008 Milk Co-60 pCi/L 230 234 0.98 Agreement E6245-162 3rd/2008 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 59.6 73.9 0.81 Agreement E6245-162 3rd/200 I Milk Sr-90 pCi/L 9.9 11 0.90 Agreement F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-7 TABLE 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY MIXED ANALYTE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM RESULTS AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY REPORTED MAPEP SAMPLE MATRIX/ REFERENCE RADIO- MEAN VALUE VALUE ID UNITS DATE NUCLIDE Bq/Units Bq/Units % Bias EVALUATION MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter Bq/filter) 1-Ja n-08 Am-241 0.1345 0.158 -14.9 Aareement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1 -Jan-08 Cs-1 34 2.322 2.52 -7.9 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Jan-08 Cs-137 2.544 2.7 -5.8 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Ba/filter) 1-Jan-08 Co-57 3.425 3.55 -3.5 Aqreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Jan-08 Co-60 1.208 1.31 -7.8 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Jan-08 Mn-54 -0.14 0 N/A Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bc/filter) 1-Jan-08 Pu-238 0.1038 0.1053 -1.4 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Jan-08 Pu-239/240 0.1082 0.1141 -5.2 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Jan-08 Sr-90 1.498 1.548 -3.2 Agreement MAPEP-07-RdF18 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Ja n-08 Zn-65 1.979 2.04 -3.0 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kg) 1 -Ja n-08 'Cs-i 34 895.9 854 4.9 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Jan-08 Cs-1 37 610.9 545 12.1 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Jan-08 Co-57 477.3 421 13.4 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kq) 1-Ja n-08 Co-60 2.17 2.9 N/A Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kq) 1-Ja n-08 Mn-54 647.7 570 13.6 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/ka) 1 -Ja n-08 K-40 644 571 12.8 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kg) 1 -Jan-08 Sr-9O 457 493 -7.3 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaS18 Soil (Bq/kq) 1-Jan-08 Zn-65 -1.3 0 N/A Ag reem ent MAPE P-07-RdV18 Vegetation (Bq/sample) 1-Jan-08 (1)MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Am-241 1.05 1.23 -14.6 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1-Jan-08 Cs-134 0.01 0 N/A Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1-Jan-08 Cs-137 0.07 0 N/A Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Co-57 21.69 22.8 -4.9 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Ja n- 08 Co-60 8.00 8.40 -4.8 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Ja n- 08 H-3 475.9 472 0.8 Awreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Fe-55 33 36.5 -9.6 Agreement MAPEP-07-M aWl8 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Ja n-08 Mn-54 12.11 12.1 0.1 Agreement MAPEP-07,MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1-Ja n-08 Ni-63 27.3 30.7 -11.1 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water(Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Pu-238 0.632 0.73 -13.4 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1-Ja n-08 P u-239/240 0.0259 0.0141 N/A Non-Agreement (2)MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Sr-90 1027 11.40 -9.9 Agreement MAPEP-07-MaW18 Water (Bq/L) 1 -Jan-08 Zn-65 16.18 16.3 -0.7 Agreement (1) -Vegetation sample was not analyzed this round due to difficultes encountered with the provided sample.(2) -Sensitivity evaluation, CR 08-16 issued F:\A[DMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-8 TABLE 3 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY MIXED ANALYTE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PROGRAM RESULTS AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY (Continued)

REPORTED MAPEP SAMPLE MATRIX/ REFERENCE RADIO- MEAN VALUE VALUE ID UNITS DATE NUCLIDE Bq/Units Bg/Units % Bias EVALUATION MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Am-241 0.00022 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter(Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 34 2.24 2.63 -14.8 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 37 0.01 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Co-57 1.247 1.5 -16.9 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bg/filter) 1-Aug-08 Co-60 0.0271 0 Non-Agreement (3)MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Mn-54 2.29 2.64 -13.3 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/fil ter) 1-Aug-08 Pu-238 0.1008 0.118 -14.6 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bq/filter) 1-Aug-08 Pu-239/240 0.1269 0.152 -16.5 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bo/fil ter) 1-Auq-08 Sr-90 1.04 1.12 -7.1 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdF19 Filter (Bglfilter) 1-Aug-08 Zn-65 0.794 0.94 -15.5 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Aug-08 Sb-1 25 24.7 22.8 8.3 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Augl-08 Cs-1 34 594 581 2.2 Aqreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soi I (Bq/kg) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 37 2.3 2.8 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kq) 1-Aug-08 Co-57 382 333 14.7 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaSI9 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Aug-08 Co-60 163.9 145 13.0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bg/ka) 1-AuQ-08 Mn-54 477 415 14.9 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kq) 1-Aug-08 K-40 653 570 14.6 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Aug-08 Sr-90 N/A N/A (4)MAPEP-08-MaS19 Soil (Bq/kg) 1-Aug-08 Zn-65 -2.9 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Augl-08 Am-241 0.001 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 34 17.41 19.5 -10.7 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bo/L) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 37 23.2 23.6 -1.7 Aqreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Co-57 0.021 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Augl-08 Co-60 11.25 11.6 -3.0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaWI9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 H-3 329 341 -3.5 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaWl 9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Fe-55 43.8 46.2 -5.2 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaWl9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Mn-54 13.74 13.7 0.3 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bg/L) 1-Auq-08 Ni-63 0.27 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaWl9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Pu-238 0.357 0.5 -28.6 Warning (5)MAPEP-08-MaWl 9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Pu-239/240 0.0035 0 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Sr-90 5.77 6.45 -10.5 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bl/L) 1-Aug-08 U-234 3.54 3.44 2.9 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaW19 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 U-238 3.67 3.55 3.4 Agreement MAPEP-08-MaWl 9 Water (Bq/L) 1-Aug-08 Zn-65 17.45 17.1 2.0 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdV19 Vegetation (Bq/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 34 5.14 5.5 -7.0 Agreement (6)MAPEP-08-RdV19 Vegetation (Bq/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Cs-1 37 0.029 0 Agreement (6)MAPEP-08-RdV19 Vegetation (Bq/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Co-57 6.5 7.1 -9.2 Agreement (6)MAPEP-08-RdV19 Vegetation (Bq/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Co-60 4.31 4.7 -9.0 Agreement (6)MAPEP-08,RdV19 Vegetation Bg/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Mn-54 5.22 5.8 -11.1 Agreement (6)MAPEP-08-RdV19 Veetation K B /Samle 1-Aug-08 Sr-90 1.52 1.9 -20.0 Agreement MAPEP-08-RdV19 Vegetation (Eq/Sample) 1-Aug-08 Zn-65 6.12 6.9 -12.7 Agreement (6)(3) CR 08-39 was initiated.

(4) Samples were processed but results were inconsistent and not submitted.

CR 08-40 was initiated.

(5) CR 08-38 was initiated.

(6) Samples were processed as internal PCs. Resultswere notsubmitted to MAPEP butwould have passed the agreement criteria.F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-9 TABLE 4 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOCIATES AND ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY APPROVAL PROGRAM PROFICIENCY TEST RESULTS AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ERA REPORTED ERA ERA LOT #/ MATRIX/ RADIO- MEAN VALUE VALUE ACCEPTANCE PERFORMANCE REF. DATE UNITS NUCLIDE pCi/L pCi/L LIMITS EVALUATION RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 12.7 14.8 7.15-21.2 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 27.7 22.5 13.7-30.6 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Tritium 3610 3540 3000-3910 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Ba-1 33 22.1 25.7 20.0-29.5 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Cs-134 91.6 92.6 76.0-102 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Cs-137 147 158 142-176 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Co-60 12.4 14.4 11.4-18.7 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L Zn-65 195 204 184-240 Acceptable RAD 72 01/07/2008 Water pCi/L 1-131 23.3 23.6 19.6-28.0 Acceptable ERA REPORTED ERA ERA LOT #/ MATRIX/ RADIO- MEAN VALUE VALUE CONTROL REF. DATE UNITS NUCLIDE pCilL pCi/L LIMITS EVALUATION (1) Water pCi/L Gross Alpha (1) (1) (1) (1)(1) Water pCi/L Gross Beta (1) (1) (1) (1)RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Tritium 11237 12000 10400-13200 Acceptable RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Ba-133 53.9 58.3 48.3-64.3 Acceptable RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Cs-1 34 43.9 46.6 37.4-51.3 Acceptable RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Cs-1 37 95.2 102 91.8-115 Acceptable RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Co-60 72.9 76.6 68.9-86.7 Acceptable RAD 73 04/07/2008 Water pCi/L Zn-65 104.7 106 95.4-126 Acceptable (1) Water pCi/L 1-131 (1) (1) (1) (1)(1) -ERA samples were analyzed for H-3 and gamma emitters only.ELAP REPORTED ELAP ELAP NoJ MATRIX/ RADIO- VALUE VALUE CONTROL REF. DATE UNITS NUCLIDE pCi/L pCi/L LIMITS EVALUATION 1763/ 09-29-08 Water pCi/L Gross Alpha 32.5 54.2 32.2-76.2 -Satisfactory 1763/ 09-29-08 Water pCi/L Gross Beta 60.2 49.9 37.8-62.1 Satisfactory 1766/ 09-29-08 Water pCi/L Tritium 16700 18300 16300-20400 Satisfactory 1762/09-29-08 Water pCi/L Ba-133 71.3 73.1 63.2-83 Satisfactory 1762/09-29-08 Water pCi /L Cs-134 61.7 64.9 56.4-73.5 Satisfactory 1762/09-29-08 Water pCi/L Cs-137 174 176 161-191 Satisfactory 1762/ 09-29-08 Water pCi/L Co-60 78.1 84.4 76.3-92.6 Satisfactory 1762/ 09-29-08 Water pCi/L Zn-65 310 321 285-357 Satisfactory F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-10 TABLE 5 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY INTRA-LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS CONTROL RESULTS BY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, MEDIA, AND ANALYSIS CATEGORIES JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 Bias Criteria (1) Precision Criteria (2), (3)Within Outside Within Outside Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria I. Air Particulate Beta 275 0 0 0 Sr-90 0 0 0 0 II. Air Charcoal Gamma-Quantitative 153 3 0 0 Ill. Food (Aquatic/Terrestrial)

Gamma 0 0 8 0 IV. Milk Gamma 3 0 2 0 Iodine (LL) 2 0 2 0 V. Soil/Sed.Gamma 12 0 22 0 Sr-90 0 0 0 2 Th-228, Th-230, Th-232 0 0 6 0 U-234,235,238 0 0 6 0 VI. Vegetation (Aquatic/Terrestrial)

Gamma 15 0 22 0 Iodine (LL) 2 1 0 0 VII. Water Gross Alpha 16 2 21 0 Gross Beta 24 0 29 4 Gamma 197 4 228 0 Iodine (LL) 0 1 0 0 Sr-90 0 0 0 0 Tritium 41 0 76 2 Am-241 2 0 4 0 Ra-226 3 0 6 0 Ra-228 6 0 7 0 Th-230 3 1 6 0 U-234, U-235, U-238 8 1 12 0 Total Number 762 13 457 8 in Range: Percentage of 98.3 1.7 98.3 1.7 Total Processed:

Sum of Analyses:

775 465 (1) Bias as noted in Table 1, Footnote (1)(2) Precision as noted inTable 1, Footnote (2)(3) Most Precision data generated from non-positive client samples for specific contractual evaluation



BIAS AND PRECISION BY MEDIA JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 Bias Criteria 1) jPrecision Criteria (2), (3)Within IOutsidce Within Outside Criteria 'Criteria Criteria Criteria I. Air Particulate Alpha 8 4 12 0 Beta 287 0 12 0 Gamma 38 16 48 6 Sr-89 0 2 2 0 Sr-90 0 2 2 0 11. Air Charcoal Gamma-Quantitative 165 3 12 0 Ill. Food (Aquatic/Terrestrial)

Gamma 0 0 8 0 IV. Milk Gamma 123 0 121 1 Iodine (LL) 14 ,0 14 0 Sr-89 5 1 6 0 Sr-90 5 1 6 0 V. Soil/Sed.

____ ________Gamma 12 0 22 0 Sr-90 0 0 0 2 Th-228, Th-230, Th-232 0 0 6 0 U-234, 235, 238 0 0 6 0 VI. Vegetation (Aquatic/Terrestrial)

Gamma 15 022 0 Iodine (LL) 3 0 0 0 VII. Water Gross Alpha 25 2 30 0 Gross Beta 33 0 38 4 Gamma 286 5 318 0 Iodine (LL) 9 1 9 0 Sr-89 12 0 12 0 Sr-90 12 0 12 0 Tritium 51 2 88 2 Am-241 2 0 4 0 Ra-226 3 0 6 0 Ra-228 6 0 7 0 Th-230 3 1 6 0 U-234, U-235, U-238 8 1 12 0 Total Number 1125 41 841 15 in Range: Percentage of 96.5 3.5 98.2 1.8 Total Processed:

Sum of Analyses:

1166 856 (1) Bias as noted in Table 1, Footnote (1)(2) Precision as.noted inTable 1, Footnote (2)(3) Most Precis on data generated from non-positive client samples for specific contractual evaluation Total may not equal 100 due to rounding Totals summarize Internal PCs and Analtics Cross Check program F:ýADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-12 TABLE 7 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL INTRA-LABORATORY AND INTER-LABORATORY DATA


BIAS AND PRECISION BY ANALYSIS TYPE JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 Bias Criteria (1) Precision Criteria (2), (3)I thin J Outside I Within Outside Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria I. Gross Alpha Air Filterl 8 1 4 1 12 0 Waterl 25 2 30 0 II. Gross Beta Air Filterl 287 1 0 1 12 0 Waterl 33 0 38 4 Ill. Gamma Air Filter 38 16 48 6 Charcoal-Quantitative 165 3 12 0 Food 0 0 8 0 Milk 123 0 121 1 Soil/Sediment 12 0 22 0 Vegetation 15 0 22 0 Waterl 286 5 318 0 IV. Iodine (LL)Milk 14 0 14 0 Vegetation 3 0 0 0 Water 9 1 9 0 V. Sr-89 Air Filterl 0 2 1 2 1 0 Milk 5 1 6 0 Waterl 12 0 12 0 VI. Sr-90 Air Filtel 0 2 2 0 Milk 5 1 6 0 Soil/Sedimenrt 0 1 0 0 2 Waterl 12 1 0 12 0 VIL Tritium Waterl 51 2 88 2 VIIH. Am-241 Water 2 1 0 4 0 IX. Ra-226 Waterl 3 1 0 6 0 X. Ra-228 Waterl 6 1 0 7 0 Xl. Th-228 Soill 0 0 1 2 0 XIL Th-230, Th-232 Soil 0 1 0 1 4 0 Water 3 1 6 0 Xl11. U-234, U-235, U-238 Soil 0 0 6 0 Water 8 1 12 0 Total Number in 1125 41 841 15 Range: Percentage of 96.5 3.5 982 1 Total Processed:

.Sum of Analyses:

1166 856 (1) Percent Bias by Deviation Category as noted in Table 1, Footnote (1)(2) Percent Precision by Deviation Category as noted in Table 1, Footrote (2)(3) Most Precision data generated from non-positive client samples for specific Total may not equal 100 due to rounding.Totals summarize Internal PCs and Analytics Cross Check programs F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-1 3 TABLE 8 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL BIAS AND PRECISION BY YEAR Bias Precision Deviation from Known Deviation from Mean Bias Criteria*

(1) Precision Criteria*

(2)#Within #Outside %Within #Within #Outside %Within Year Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria 2008 1125 41 96.5 841 15 98.2 2007 798 17 97.9 488 1 99.8 2006 689 5 99.3 589 2 99.7 2005 1069 3 99.7 507 0 100.0 2004 1294 10 99.2 862 2 99.8 2003 828 13 98.5 515 1 99.8 2002 863 7 99.2 471 3 99.4 2001 578 22 96.3 394 2 99.5 2000 574 18 97.0 448 1 99.8 1999 467 13 97.3 357 2 99.4 1998 496 7 98.6 432 4 99.1 1997 515 11 9729 363 0 100.0 1996 907 24 97A 800 3 99.6 1995 403 12 97.1 267 0 100.0 1994 529 14 974 336 1 99.7 1993 443 29 93.9 312 1 99.7 1992 728 21 97.2 797 1, 99.9 1991 770 19 97.6 822 4 99.5 1990 728 34 95.5 761 2 99.7 1989 689 28 96.1 710 4 99.4 1988 632 22 96.6 632 1 99.8 1987 702 27 96.3 718 3 99.6 1986 813 27 96.8 815 0 100.0 1985 718 25 96.6 682 0 100.0 1984 837 31 96A 850 0 100.0 1983 794 36 95.7 798 4 99.5 1982 585 30 95.1 743 12 98.4 1981 443 29 93.9 404 1 99.8 1980 442 37 92.3 490 1 99.8 1979 199 20 90. 354 16 95.7 1978 242 20 92A 361 14 96.3 1977 58 8 87.9 119 7 94.4 Total # 20,958 619 97.1 18,038 108 99.4 in Range:% of all 97.1 2.9 99.4 0.6 Analyses in Range*Total Number 21,577 18,146* Total may not equal 100 due to rounding.(1) Bias as noted in Table 1, Footnote (1)(2) Precision as noted in Table 1, Footnote (2)F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-1 4 TABLE 9 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS RADIOCHEMISTRY CROSSCHECK PROGRAM RESULTS BY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, MEDIA, AND ANALYSIS CATEGORIES JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 Bias Criteria (1) Precision Criteria (2)Within Outside W Outside Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria I. Water Fe-55 12 0 12 0 S r-89 10 2 12 0 S r-90 11 1 11 1 Total Number in 33 3 35 1 Range: Percentage of 91.7 8.3 97.2 2.8 Total Processed:

Sum of Analyses:

36 36 (1) Bias as noted in Table 9, Footnote (1)(2) Precision as noted in Table 9, Footnote (2)* Total may not equal 100 due to rounding F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-15 TABLE 9 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS RADIOCHEMISTRY CROSSCHECK PROGRAM RESULTS BY ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, MEDIA, AND ANALYSIS CATEGORIES JANUARY -DECEMBER 2008 (Continued)

(1) Percent Bias by Deviation Category15 (or within 2 sigma of known, see For Gross Alpha and Beta In water, For Alpha Spectrometry*, For Uranium-Total, Pu-241, C-14, Reference 1)<25 (or within 2 sigma of known)<20 (or within 2 sigma of known)<20 (or within 2 sigma of known)(2) Percent Precision by Deviation Category15 (or within 2 sigma of mean, see Reference 1)Isotopic Uranium (U-234, 235, 238)Isotopic Thorium (Th-230, 232)Np-237 Am-241 /Cm-242, 243/244 Pu-alpha (Pu-238, 239, 240)Ra-226 Total may not equal 100 due to rounding.F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-16 TABLE 10 AREVA NP ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ECKERT & ZIEGLER ANALYTICS RADIOCHEMISTRY CROSS CHECK PROGRAM PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Mean Ratio Sample Quarter/ Sample Reported Known E-LAB/Number Year Media Nuclide Units Value Value Analytics Evaluation A22211-162 1st12008 Liquid Fe-55 uCi/cc 8.25E-04 8.25E-04 1.00 Agreement A22212-162 1st/2008 Liquid Sr-89 uCi/cc 8.27E-03 9.14E-03 0.90 Agreement A22212-162 1st/2008 Liquid Sr-90 uCi/cc 7.85E-04 8.53E-04 0.92 Agreement A22447-162 2nd/2008 Liquid Fe-55 uCi/cc 6.48E-04 6.80E-04 0.95 Agreement A22448-162 2nd/2008 Liquid Sr-89 uCi/cc 7.45E-03 8.15E-03 0.91 Agreement A22448-162 2nd/2008 Liquid Sr-90 uCi/cc 8.70E-04 9.51E-04 0.91 Agreement A22749-162 3rd/2008 Liquid Fe-55 uCi/cc 8.47E-04 8.95E-04 0.95 Agreement A22750-162 3rd/2008 Liquid Sr-89 uCi/cc 1.75E-02 1.99E-02 0.88 Agreement A22750-162 3rd/2008 Liquid Sr-90 uCi/cc 1.71E-03 1.86E-03 0.92 Agreement A23042-162 4th/2008 Liquid Fe-55 uCi/cc 2.06E-03 1.99E-03 1.04 Agreement A23043-162 4th/2008 Liquid Sr-89 uCi/cc 9.60E-03 1.01E-02 0.95 Agreement A23043-162 4th/2008 Liquid Sr-90 uCi/cc 9.51E-04 9.54E-04 1.00 Agreement F:\ADMIN\CORRES\EL 005-09 E-17 Appendix F Correction to 2007 Annual Radiological Operating Report Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 Airborne Particulates pCi/cu. m.Gross Beta 260 Gamma Spec. 20 Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce- 144 I.OOE-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.00E-2 6.00E-2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.70E-2 (208/208)9.1OE-3 to 5.64E-2 2.20E-1 (16/16)6.41E-2 to 1.52E+0 1.20E-2 (1/16)<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA API-2 (Indicator)

API-I (Indicator)

API-5 (Indicator) 4.64E-1 7.40E-2 to 1.20E-2 (4/4)1.52E+0 (1/16)1.21E-1 (4/4)7.20E-2 to 1.40E-I<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA 3.22E-2 (52/52) 2.93E-2 (52/52)1.85E-2 to 5.64E-2 1.45E-2 to 6.22E-2 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Airborne Iodine 1-131 260 7.00E-2 <MDA MDA None pCi/cu. m. I I I _F-I Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 pCi/l Sr-89 34 Sr-90 Gamma Spec. 34 Be-7 K-40 N/A N/A N/A N/A Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La-140 Ce-I141 Ce- 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+1 N/A N/A<MDA 1.24E+0 (1/17)<MDA 1.40E+3 (17/17)1.20E+3 to 1.57E+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA M-2 (Indicator)

M-8 (Control)1.24E+0 (1/17)1.42E+3 (17/17)1.30E+3 to 1.54E+3<MDA 1.42E+3 (17/17)1.30E+3 to 1.54E+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None Vegetation 1-131 12 6.00E+l .<MDA <MDA None pCiBkg NEt Gamma Spec. 12 (Be-7 N/A 5.50E+2 (1/6) FP-9 (Control) 1.56E+3 (3/6) 1.56E+3 (3/6) None 7.OOE+2 to 3.20E+3 7.OOE+2 to 3.20E+3 K-40 N/A 3.73E+3 (6/6) FP-9 (Control) 4.46E+3 (6/6) 4.46E+3 (6/6) None 1.5 1E+3 to 6.99E+3 3.79E+3 to 5.73E+3 3.79E+3 to 5.73E+3 F-2 Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 Vegetation (cont.)pCi/kg wet Mln-4 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce-I141 Ce-I144 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.OOE+l 8.00E+l N/A N/A N/A N/A<ML)A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<NIVA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Drinking Water Gross Beta 24 4.OOE+0 5.30E+0 (6/12) DW-2 (Control) 5.55E+0 (4/12) 5.55E+0 (4/12) None pCi/l 3.30E+0 to 7.1OE+0 3.60E+0 to 9.30E+0 3.60E+0 to 9.30E+0 Sr-89 24 N/A <MDA <MDA None Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 24 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A <MDA <MDA None Cr-51 N/A <MDA <MDA None Mn-54 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Co-58 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Fe-59 3.OOE+ l <MDA <MDA None Co-60 1.50E+l <MDA <MDA None Zn-65 3.OOE+l <MDA <MDA None Zr-95 1.50E+1 <MDA <MDA None Nb-95 1.50E+I <MDA <MDA None F-3 Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 Table 13-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)DrinKing wal (cont.) pCi/l Ku-ttJ3 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce-I141 Ce- 144 H-3 N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+l N/A N/A 2.00E+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None 8 Surface Water pCi7 Sr-89 Sr-90 Gamma Spec.Be-7 K-40 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru-106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce- 141 26 26 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.50E+l 3.00E+l 1.50E+l 3.OOE+l 1.50E+l 1.50E+l N/A N/A 1.50E+l 1.80E+1 1.50E+1 1.50E+-N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None F-4 Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 3uriace water (cont.) pCi/l%-e-'4.H-3 8 1N//A 2.00E+3-IVILUA<MDA INone None<MDA+ I -~ I I I -I Groundwater pCi/l Gamma Spec.Be-7 K-40 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru- 106 Cs- 134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La-140 Ce- 141 Ce-I144 H-3 16 N/A N/A N/A I.50E+l I 50E+1 3.00E+l 1.50E+1 3.00E+1 1.50E+1 I.50E+I N/A N/A 1.50E+1 1.80E+1 1.50E+I 1.50E+1 N/A N/A 2.OOE+3<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA GW-4 (Control)I.30E+I (1'/4)<MDA 1.30E+I (1/4)<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 16 Sediment Sr-89 10 N/A <MDA <MDA pCi/kg dry Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 10 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A 1.06E+4 (8/8) S-I (Indicator) 1.30E+4 (2/2) 1.08E+4 (2/2)7.30E+3 to 1.34E+4 1.2E++4 to 1.34E+4 9.77E+3 to 1.1E8E+4 None F-5 Table B-I Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 2,eoimen k(pCi/kg dry ivM-D,4 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba- 140 La- 140 Ce-I141 Ce- 144 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A* N/A 1.50E+2 1.80E+2 N/A N/A N/A N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MIVA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA 4.IOE+l (1/2)<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None S-5 (Control)4.IOE+l (1/2)Fish Sr-89 28 N/A <MDA <MDA None pCi/kg wet Sr-90 N/A <MDA <MDA None Gamma Spec. 28 Be-7 N/A <MDA <MDA None K-40 N/A 2.47E+3 F-I (Control) 2.57E+3 (4/6) 2.56E+3 (13/15) None (13/13)1.76E+3 to 3.40E+3 1.04E+3 to 3.95E+3 1.04E+3 to 3.95E+3 Mn-54 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Co-58 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Fe-59 2.60E+2 <MDA <MDA None Co-60 1.30E+2 <MDA <MDA None Zn-65 2.60E+2 <MDA <MDA None F-6 Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Summary (cont.)Name of Facility:

Enrico Fermi Unit 2 Docket No.: 50-341 Location of Facility:

30 miles southeast of Detroit, Michigan (Frenchtown Township)Fermi 2 -2007Annual Radioactive Effluent Release and Radiological Environmental Operating Report Reporting Period: January -December 2007 risn kcont.)pCi/kg wet i-r-Y:5 Nb-95 Ru- 103 Ru- 106 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La- 140 Ce-I141 Ce-I144 N/A N/A N/A 1.30E+2 1.50E+2 N/A N/A N/A N/A<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA<MDA None None None None None None None None None None Direct Radiation mean and range values are based on off-site TLDs LLD = Fermi 2 ODCM LLD: nominal lower limit of detection based on 4.66 sigma error for background sample.<MDA = Less than the lab's minimum detectable activity which is less than the LLD.Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only. Fraction of detectable measurements at specified locations is indicated in parentheses (F).Locations are specified by Fermi 2 code and are described in Appendix A Sampling Locations.

Non-routine results are those which are reportable according to Fermi 2 ODCM control 3.12.1.Note: Other nuclides were considered in analysis results, but only those identifiable were reported in addition to ODCM listed nuclides.F-7