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Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR on Generic Failure Rate Evaluation for Jocassee
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/15/2010
From: Mitman J T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: James L M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14055A421 List: ... further results
Download: ML14058A059 (16)


Mitman, JeffreyIFrom:Sent:To:Cc:




Mitman, Jeffrey i (' (Monday, March 15, 2010 5:55 PMJames, LoisFerrante, Fernando; Vail, James; Laur, StevenGeneric Failure Rate Evaluation for JocasseeGENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM.doc; Memo OFI DamFailure Rate Rl.docHighLois, attached is the final version of the subject document.

It has been reviewed by Steve, all of his commentsand concerns have been addressed.

I've also drafted a transmittal memo to Mark (through Melanie) from you.It also is attached.

If these meet with you concurrence we will enter the documents formally into Adams andtransmit them to Mark.JeffTracking:

SU.S.NRCUNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Protecting People and the Environment Generic Failure Rate Evaluation for Jocassee DamMarch 15, 2010Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Analyst:Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Analyst:Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Analyst:James Vail, Reliability and Risk Analyst,NRR/DRA/APOB Fernando

Ferrante, Reliability and RiskAnalyst, NRR/DRA/APOB Jeff Mitman, Senior Reliability and RiskAnalyst, NRRJDRAIAPOB Peer Reviewer:


GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docGENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAMBY DIVISION OF RISK ASSESSMENT'S PRA OPERATIONAL SUPPORT BRANCHThe following documents a generic dam failure rate analysis applicable to the Jocassee Damperformed by the PRA Operational Support Branch (APOB) of the Division of Risk Assessment (DRA) in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). The analysis, technical justifications, and databases used in support of the calculations for the derived value are briefly discussed.

Portions of this evaluation were initially performed in 2007 but not formally documented at thattime.ApproachThe approach used in deriving a generic failure rate value applicable to the Jocassee Damincluded:

(i) an evaluation of the physical characteristics and description of the dam, (ii) anassessment of the overall U.S. dam population for those with similar features to the JocasseeDam, (iii) a study of U.S. dam performance information for failure events that may be applicable to this subset of the overall population, and (iv) a calculation of a point estimate, as well asconsideration of the uncertainty

involved, for the failure rate given the observed failure eventsand the observed time period (in dam-years).

Jocassee Dam Description The Jocassee Dam is located in northwest South Carolina, forming a reservoir (Lake Jocassee) with a 7565-acre surface area, a water volume of 1,160,298 acre-feet, and a total drainage areaof 147 sq-miles at full pond (1,110 feet elevation above mean sea level). The reservoir wascreated in 1973 with the construction of the dam. The Jocassee Dam is an embankment damwith an earthen core and rockfilled and random rockfilled zones (see Figure 1).(b)(7)(F)


-OFFICIAL U3~ ~1 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docThe dam is 385 feet in height (1,125 crest elevation above mean sea level) and 1,825 feet inlength and, along with two homogeneous earthfill dikes and a reinforced concrete

spillway, ispart of a hydroelectric station and pumped storage project.

The underground powerhouse generating units receive water from two cylindrical intake towers through eight openings.

Thewater is channeled from the intake towers to four hydro turbines by two bifurcated power tunnelswhich are constructed through the bedrock of the east abutment.

Two gates 33 feet in heightand 38 feet in width control the outflow of the spillway.

Databases The staff used two databases to obtain information about the population of dams in the US: theNational Inventory of Dams (NID), maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and theNational Performance of Dams Program (NPDP), developed by the Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering at Stanford University.

The NID database contains data describing multiple attributes such as dimensions, type, impoundment characteristics, etc. The NPDPdatabase contains a collection of dam incident reports searchable by various parameters including dam type, incident type, and consequences.

Failure EventsTable 1 lists the applicable dam failures initially derived from the NPDP database.

To choosethese 13 failures, the analysts used criteria based on the previously discussed damcharacteristics (i.e., dam type and height).

However, due to the ambiguity in the classification ofthe dam type (i.e., based on material composition) between and within the NID and NPDPdatabases, as well as the lack of information to establish an exact link with the Jocassee Damcharacteristics for every data point, the staff considered both rockfill dams and mixed-rockfill dams (i.e., those classified exclusively as rockfill dams as well as mixed dam types that includerockfill in their categorization).

It should be noted that the NPDP database does not list anyfailures post-2006 and at least two well-known large dam failures in the U.S. are not included:

the Big Bay Dam in Mississippi (March 2004) and the Taum Sauk Reservoir (December 2005)in Missouri.

While the Big Bay Dam was an earthen dam (i.e., excluded based on dam type),the Taum Sauk Reservoir consisted of a concrete-faced rockfill dam approximately 100 feet inheight and was, therefore, included in the current analysis.

Additionally, the list was screened to take into consideration (i) failure events observed between1900 and 2005, and (ii) failure events observed between 1940 and 2005; under the assumption that events prior to these construction periods could produce different results representative ofdistinct design practices.

In part, this choice was due to the lack of information on the exactconstruction date of several dams in the database.

The staff expended an extensive effort todetermine the construction completion date for several dams for which the information wasmissing in the NPDP database (this information is included in Table 1).Several failures listed in Table 1 have (or are assumed to have) occurred within a few years ofeither the start or completion of construction (e.g., the Lower Hell Hole Dam and the Frenchman Dam failures).

Based on the information available and the estimated completion dates, the staffscreened out such failures since the occurrence of the events was assumed to be related to theconstruction phase and, therefore, not applicable to a mature dam such as Jocassee.

Finally, the analysts chose to include the Dresser No. 4 Dam failure, because they deemed thisdam to be similar to the Jocassee Dam in composition (i.e., a large mixed earthfill-rockfill dam),3ENSITIVE INFORMATION OFFC'IAL USE OL-2 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docdespite the fact that it is listed as a tailings dam (i.e., a dam theoretically built under lowerstandards of quality and maintenance).

Therefore, the final list of failures of dams similar to, and therefore applicable to, the JocasseeDam includes 6 failures occurring between 1900 and 2005. These six failures are highlighted inTable 1. The staff included these failures based on the following criteria:

(i) rockfill or mixed-rockfill dam type, (ii) dam height above 50 feet, (iii) failure occurring after 1900, and (iv) nofailures during or within a few years of completion of construction.

Note that if failures occurring prior to 1940 are screened, then only 4 events remain: (1) Taum Sauk, (2) Dresser No.4 Dam,(3) Skagway, and (4) Kern Brothers Reservoir.

It should be noted that there are 1 to 3 failuresof dams built between 1940 and 2005 depending on whether the entries with unknownconstruction dates are excluded or not, respectively (in similar fashion, there are 3 to 5 failuresfor dams constructed between 1900-2005 excluding or not entries with unknown construction dates, respectively).

Total Dam-years Calculation To calculate the dam failure rate, the staff needed to obtain the total number of dam-years ofboth failed and non-failed dams. The analysts extracted a subset of dams from the NIDdatabase based on a set of parameters to narrow the US population of dams to those reflecting the characteristics of the Jocassee Dam discussed above, i.e., large rockfill dams. Theyassumed that dams above 50 feet in height appropriately reflect design practices and structural characteristics of larger dams such as Jocassee.

This height criterion was consistent with thelarge dam definition (WCD, 2000) established by the International Commission on Large Dams(ICOLD) which "defines a large dam as a dam with a height of 15m or more from thefoundation."

If dams are between 5-15 meters high and have a reservoir volume of more than 3million cubic meters, ICOLD also classified such dams as large. Hence, the staff used thisdefinition as a screening criterion.

The dams considered for calculation of the total dam-years were those in the NID database that were categorized exclusively as 'Rockfill' dams (i.e., thoselisted under the 'ER' abbreviation, intended to correspond to rockfill dams for NID cataloguing purposes).

The staff included the dam-year contributions from Skagway and the replacement for the failedFrenchman Dam, while those from Kern Brothers Reservoir, Dresser No. 4 Dam, Penn Forest,and the failed Frenchman Dam were not included.

This was because the staff judges thatincluding the dam-year contribution from these specific dams would not significantly impact theresulting dam-year total. The staff calculated the final result using the difference between thelast year in the available data (2005) and either 1900 or 1940. For the 1900-2005 period, thestaff obtained a total of 21,490 dam-years; while for 1940-2005 the result was 13,889 dam-years. See Appendix A for a tabulation of the dams and the associated dam-years.

3 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docTaum Sauk'2005,1963RoM94Overtopped due to overjunipi of reservoir.

Independent analysisindicated several root causes(e,,

lack of monitoring, spillway).

Dresser No.4 ....EarthRoddl Dam 1975 Unknown Ppg Ea ill 105 Catastrophic failure that created a breach 300 feet wide in the levee.Indow FbWedSkagway 1965 1925 " logic Event Rockill 79 The dam failed during a food in 1965.Hell Hole 1964 1964 Not Known RocdlI 410 Dam failed during construction.

Overtopped by 100 feet- washingout most of the fill.Penn Forest 1960 1960 Piping Concrete Earth 151 Partial failure.

Sinkhole occurred in upstream slope of dam.Rockfi llFrenchman 1952 1951 Inflow Flood- RockhIll 63 Runoff from melting snow. A dike section was overtopped earlyDam Hydrologic Event morning April 15, 1952. Later that day, dam breached.

Kern Brothers 1949 Unknown Settlement Earth Rockilll 54 Failure due to excessive settlement of fill.Reservoir Blowout failure under concrete spillway weir structure during periodLake Francis 1899 1899 Piping Earth Rockfill 79 of heavy spillway flow. Spillway failure thought to be due to piping insoft saturated foundation.

Lafayette 1928 1928 Embankment Slide Earth Rockfill 132 Foundation slide during construction (at 120 feet). Height raised toL 170 feet in 1932. Not sure if this is considered a failure.Manitou 1924 1917 Seepage Earth Rockill 123 Partial failure was dlsintegrating and converted into gravel fill.Failure by piping through abutment; undermined by passage of waterLyman 1915 1912 Piping Earth Rockfill 76.4 under cap of lava rock which flanked dam and extended beneath_ spillway.

Main part of dam uninjured.

Lower Otay 1916 1897 Spillway Earth Rockdil 154 Foundation slide during construction (at 120 feel). Height raised to170 feet in 1932. Not sure if this is considered a failure.Failure by piping through abutment; undermined by passage of waterBlack Rock 1909 1908 Piping Earth Rockflll 7 under cap of lava rock which flanked dam and extended beneathspillway.

Portion of spillway dropped 7 feet; some fill at south endwashed out. Main part of dam uninjured.

SeENBIIE-NF9RMA:Hie-eF~eIAHUeE ONLY-4 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docGeneric Point Estimate of the Dam Failure RateThe staff calculated the point estimate by dividing the number of applicable dam failures (seeTable 1 above) by the total applicable dam-years (derived as described previously).

Assuminga 1900-2005 range for the year of occurrence of the failure events and the dam-year estimation (based on completion year), the analysts obtained a failure rate of 2.8E-4 per dam-year.

Whenconsidering a 1940-2005 range, the staff obtained a result of 2.9E-4 per dam-year.

Because the NID database does not give information regarding the quality of design,construction and/or maintenance, and the NPDP database does not consistently supplyinformation on the dam health (i.e., is it well maintained?)

at time of failure, the staff could notderive failure rates for above or below average built and maintained dams. This lack ofinformation precluded the staff from making any judgment as to whether Jocassee is or is not anabove average designed, constructed and maintained dam deserving of a failure frequency different than an average failure frequency.

Additionally, the staff recognizes that ambiguity and lack of complete information with respect todam type, construction completion data, and dam incident reporting, may result in variations inthe failure rate estimation.

Therefore, the staff performed a simple sensitivity study in order toevaluate the changes due to screening failure events and cut-off year criteria.

The results areshown in Table 2 for an assumed number of failures and clearly indicated that the results exhibitsmall variations for the period cut-off selected (1900-2005 and 1940-2005) and the number offailures considered (6 and 4, respectively).

Additionally, the extent of the variation in the pointestimate is shown for other number of failures and cut-off years based on the subset of damsselected.

The table illustrates that the order-of-magnitude failure frequency estimate does notchange significantly if the number of failures is increased or decreased slightly.

Table 2: Failure Rate Sensitivity AnalysisASSUMED NUMBER OF FAILURESCUT- DAM-OFF YEARS #DAMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7ALL19001910192019301940195019601970198019902513721490197781838916475138891226984533242133938148446644943441037334627014382364.OE-058.OE-051.2E-041.6E-042.OE-0.42.4E-042.8E-044.7E-05 9.3E-05 1.4E-04 1.9E-04 2.3E-04 2.8E6.44 3.3E-045.1E-05 1.OE-04 1.5E-04 2.OE-04 2.5E-04 "3.0E-04 3.5E-045.4E-05 1.1E-04 1.6E-04 2.2E-04 2.7E-04 3.3E-04:

3.8E-046.1E-05 1.2E-04 1.8E-04 2.4E-04 3.OE-04 3.6E-04 4.2E-047.2E-05 1.4E-04 2.2E-04 2.9E-04 I 3.6E-04 4.3E-04 5.OE-04I FAILURE RATE GIVEN # NUMBER OF FAILURES AND CUTOFF YEARINFORMAT-

-FCILUE5 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docBayesian Estimate of the Dam Failure RateTo evaluate the dam failure rate uncertainty, the staff conducted a Bayesian analysis of thefailure rate for the 1900-2005 period via a Bayesian analysis approach (Atwood et al, 2003). Inthis approach, a prior distribution was assumed from the number of failures and dam-years forall large dams (according to the ICOLD definition) identified in the NID and NPDP databases.

Failures identified as 'infantile failures' in NPDP were excluded and only dams built since 1900according to NID were used for total dam-year calculation.

Under these assumptions, the totalnumber of failures for all large dams for 1900-2005 was 84 with a total of 260,960 dam-years.

This corresponds to a point estimate of the failure rate equivalent to 3.2E-4/dam-year.

Adistribution was fitted around this mean. The number of dam failure events was modeled as aPoisson distribution for which its conjugate prior was assumed to follow a Gamma distribution (i.e., the conjugate prior in a Gamma-Poisson model). The staff, based on judgment, chose aGamma distribution with the point estimate obtained from the large dam failure rate above and a5th percentile corresponding to 1 E-5/dam-year.

With these assumptions, the staff obtained aprior Gamma distribution with parameters a = 0.8333 and 13 = 2589, which has a 5th percentile equivalent to 1 E-5/dam-year and a 951h percentile corresponding to 1 E-3/dam-year.

The staffupdated this prior distribution with the data used to obtain the large rockfill dam point estimate(e.g., 6 failures in 21,490 dam-years) to calculate the posterior distribution.

The resulting posterior has a mean of 2.8E-4/dam-year, a 5th percentile of 1.3E-4(dam-years, and a 950'percentile of 4.8E-4/dam-years (with parameters a = 6.8333 and 13 = 24,079).

Figure 2 showsboth the generic large dam prior and the posterior specific to rockfill dams.Conclusions The staff estimated generic dam failure rates for large rockfill dams, which it considers applicable to the Jocassee Dam, as 2.8E-4/dam-year.

Given the nature of the data and theassumptions involved in narrowing the applicable failure events and subset of the U.S. dampopulation comparable to this specific dam, the staff performed a Bayesian analysis.

Usingavailable data on the domestic inventory of dams and dam failures, the range obtained variesbetween 1.3E-4/dam-year and 4.8E-4/dam-year (5th -95th percentile) around a mean of2.8E-4/dam-year.

A literature review performed by the authors for statistical studies of dam failures appears tocorroborate this conclusion.

Such studies were found in Baecher et al (1980), Martz and Bryson(1982), Donnelly (1994), ICOLD (1995), Foster (2000a),

and Foster et al (2000b).6 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docFigure 2: Failure Rate Probability Distributions Used in Bayesian Updating50004500-Prior4000 -Posterior

, 3500-(D 3000-\2500 -22000O.1500 "",1000"50002 4 6 8 10Failure Rate (per dam-years) x 10-4References

Baecher, G. B., M. E. Patd, and R. De Neufville (1980), "Risk of Dam Failure in Benefit-Cost Analysis,"

Water Resource

Research, 16(3), 449-456.Martz, H.F., and M.C. Bryson (1982), "Predicting Low-Probability/High-Consequence Events,"Proceedings of the Workshop on Low-Probability/High-Consequence Risk Analysis, June 15-17,1982, Arlington, Virginia.
Donnely, R. (1994), "Issues in Dam Safety, ACRES International Innovations Autumn Edition": ICOLD (1995), "Dam Failures Statistical Analysis,"

Bulletin 99, International Commission onLarge Dams.WCD (2000), "Dams and Development:

A New Framework for Decision-Making


TheReport of the World Commission on Dams.Foster M, Fell R, Spannagle M (2000a),

"The statistics of embankment dam failures andaccidents,"

Canadian Geotechnical

Journal, 37, 1000-1024.

Foster M, Fell R, Spannagle M (2000b) "A method for assessing the relative likelihood of failureof embankment dams by piping,"

Canadian Geotechnical

Journal, 37, 1025-1061 SENS1il~.1114RAT 7

GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docC.L. Atwood, J.L. LaChance, H.F. Martz, D.J. Anderson, M. Englehardt, D. Whitehead, and T.Wheeler (2003), "Handbook of Parameter Estimation for Probabilistic Risk Assessment,"

NUREG/CR-6823, US NRC.'"'"" ..... R.....T.


8 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).docS DAMMPOL2NDMENT IPOUNDMENT RAGEAPOUNDMENT DAMCENSITIVE INrORMA lION -oFFICIAL UZE ONLY9 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).doc1ST 2EmA(ONOCHlAYRCA01116CAO1108CA01 128CA01 122CA018124OR00B12CA01092CA01120CA01 084CA01 123CAD1101NC01524CA01 080CA01111CA01054CAD0D87SC02757CA0 112PA00734CA00223CA00309CA00054KY03048CO.AWALINGS DAM400 73.00050 42077 870101 250123 42300225 1.970345 500,00055 8980 117108 2,500183 5.70055 300112 762179 28540052 5253 57056 1,82064 1,287,788 93 180102 71,000109 43.800114 r1800133 131 452282 435600340 323r700385 1,257,788 58 2,95063 88787 55079 1.25080 340135 4,080158 8r200570 7,20052 7462 18589 14,20093 2.342111 2to0124 11100162 3r300568 2,030,000 55 11767 73075 3,84078 24087.7 4230116 2,500180 8o00053 844ili 4,000120 7.850163 29.101166 5250084 1,49092 3,375124 220127 58903157 356187 2,570222 7710054 3759 55060 2108a 4.15071 316075 380152 25108 877118 309128 61,000215 1 808285 45 7051 4,02068 14083 68097 18000100 8,542115 83,000122 111293224 3036410 208, 050 30052 490007 5,87070 24075 2,5677 18581 121000129 1,260146 11500105 2,040193 221000195 52550028292929292929303030so31313132323232323232323232323233333333333333343434343434343438353535353535373637383837373737373737383838383838383839383a38393939383439393939404040404040404040Creek DamI4YONN'RINIS LAKEANL;HLANT DAM.LL;3ECTDAM;;; DikeOLLOW TALINGS DAMvS~ENSII'.'


-CrI'Ar-u USE-NLY10 GENERIC FAILURE RATE EVALUATION FOR JOCASSEE DAM (2).dockM)am 91KDamDam 92AMRKows Reservolr 1PERDN DAMVOIR20521423124039050so54555990036595a576150113193273440S1951545557So597173859494951021081191481521651711852504535155507589210012414014515010192200907582951151201291752002102392713005659667190107138192193400657995ISO1901642005o50527272147125100024.300111.33336.30D41340071130201201r14015739029731,15667,520535,D219,00109--2531048204.425I30390374,35075,50076,50015T80014757T050Bo0417120230.,000376199123735002,7544618525.0005195004,750200009,79094452445,2503415s55,47758.2003168003,010150,2906590501.670,700 116193340234236812.25089991409062123,6001802540037,1202,40059r50045109107I1,2402803202240404545454'414141414141414141414141414141414242424242424242424242424242424242424242424243434343434343434343434242424444444444"4444451454045454545454946454945454747474743474743473434343rI1. 2 DAMEWSSOAM4SDAMky,!ES3EN3ITiv~