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Sequoyah Initial Exam 2015-301 Draft Sim IN-Plant JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/2015
Tennessee Valley Authority
Download: ML15126A423 (144)


SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPMA Task: Shutdown Bank Withdrawal Task#: 0010180101 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 2of18 Task Standard:

The examinee will close the Reactor Trip Breakers and commence Shutdown Bank withdrawal.

The examinee will Trip the Reactor when continuous rod withdrawal occurs. Alternate Path: YES: X NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x ---KIA Reference/Ratings:

001A2.11 (4.4/4.7)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 23 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 256 3. IF IC #256 is not available then reset to IC#16 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 3of18
  • Hold FW Isolation

'reset pushbuttons' and trip the Reactor.

Leave Rods in Manual.

  • Select a SR and IR pen for NR45.
  • Ensure Audio Count rate is audible.
  • Clear and unblock HI Flux at Shutdown alarm.
  • Clear 1st out.
  • Insert overrides to cause either SD bank A to withdraw continuously when Rods Out Light comes on. * {zdiflrm1

[1]} IOR ZDIFLRM1 f:1 (overrides In-Hold-Out switch to OUT) * {zdiflrm1

[1]} IOR ZDIRBSS1 f:6 (overrides Bank Select Switch to SOB A)

  • IOR AN_OV_325 f:1 (fails annunciator as is for Computer Alarm Rod Dev.) 4. JPM Steps 7 through 10 will require a simulator operator.
5. PLACE SIMULA TOR IN RUN 6. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 7. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 8. FREEZE SIMULA TOR 9. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
10. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 11. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.
12. Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: Marked up copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System, section 5.5 (marked through Step 10) and 6.3 Tl-28 Attachment 6



. Title Rev No. 1. O-S0-85-1 Control Rod Drive System 42 ====================================================================================


1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 4of18 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3 with Tavg at 547F and RCS pressure at 2235 psig. 2. Both M-G sets are in service.
3. All Precautions and Prerequisites of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System have been met. (Sections 3.0 and 4.0 are complete).
4. O-S0-85-1 Control Rod Drive System Section 5.5 is complete through Step 9. INITIATING CUES: 1. You will close the "Reactor Trip" breakers and withdraw the Shutdown Banks using O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System Section 5.5, beginning with step 10. 2. Inform the SM when the shutdown banks have been withdrawn.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue: Examiner Note: Comment STEP 2 Standard:

Cue: Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 5of18 Start Time SAT --Obtain a copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 5.5 (and then section 6.3) UNSAT --Examinee obtains a copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 5.5. Provide a marked up copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 5.5 (and then section 6.3). Initiating conditions cover several steps in section 5.5 prior to step 10. These steps are not addressed in the JPM. ["IO] [CTS] IF unit is in Mode 3,THEN SAT ENSURE requirements of Tech Spec 3.4:1.2 are met --[ffS] IF unit is in Mode 3,THEN UNSAT --ENSURE requirements of Tech Spec 3.4_5 are met Examinee ensures TS requirements are met. Provide the following cue: "The SRO has verified requirements are met."

STEP 3 Standard:

Examiner Note Comment STEP 4 Comment STEP 5 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRG Sim JPM A (nJ DEPRESS and HOLD FW !sol Reset pushbuttons


and [HS-3-99BJ[C.1]

Examinee verifies both HS-3-99A and B, FW Isolation A & B Train Reset pushbuttons, are being held in the IN Reset position.

Have the simulator operator play role as CRO and depress both A& B FW Isolation Reset pushbuttons.

["i2] IF resetting Unit 1 Reactor Trip Breakers, THEN [B] CLOSE Rx Trip Breakers by placing [1-HS-99-7],

in CLOSE position_

IF resetting Unit 2 Reactor Trip Breakers, THEN CLOSE Rx Trip Breakers by placing [2-HS-99-7],

in CLOSE position.

Examinee determines step is N/A. Page 6 of 18 SAT -UNSAT -SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 6 Standard:

Comment STEP 7 Standard:

Comment STEP 8 Standard:

Cue: Comment I [14] VERIFY Reactor Trip Breakers CLOSED by RED indicating lights on M-4: BREAKER RED LIGHT INITIALS POSITION INDICATION RTA ON RTB ON Examinee verifies Red indicating lights come on and green lights go off on Reactor Trip Breaker indicating lights on panel M 4. ['15] RELEASE FY.l lsol Reset pushbuttons


and [HS-3-998].[C.1]

Examinee directs additional operator to release pushbuttons

["16] NOTIFY !Ms to periom1 *1,2-Pl-IFT-099-0P4.0, Verification of P4 Contacts.

1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 7of18 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --Examinee notifies I Ms to perform 1 ,2-Pl-IFT-099-0P4.0, Verification ofP4 Contacts.

Provide the following cue: "The SRO will notify the IMs to perform this Pl."

STEP 9 Standard:

Comment STEP 10 Standard:

Comment STEP 11 Standard:

Cue: ['17] IF Shutdown or Control Rods will be withdrawn and both MG Sets are NOT in operation but are available, THEN PERFORM one of the follo'Wing AND RETURN to this Section (Mark selection NOT made NIA): ['17.'I}

GO TO Section 6.1, Placing MG Set A In Service With MG Set B Operating OR ['17-2] GO TO Section 6-2, Placing MG Set B In Service With MG Set A Operating Examinee determines both steps are N/A [18) IF Shutdown or Control Rods 'Will be withdrawn, THEN GO TO Sedion 6.3, Manual Operation of Rod Control System Below -15 Percent Power. End of 5.5 Examinee determines Section 6.3 is applicable.

Obtain a copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 6.3 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 8of18 SAT --UNSAT --D D SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --Examinee obtains a copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 6.3.* Provide a copy of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System section 6.3.

1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 9of18 CAUTIONS

1) (CTS] TR [ITSJ TRM 8.1.3 requires group demand position indicator capable of determining within +/-2 steps, the demand position for each rod not fully inserted.

In Modes 3, 4, or 5 and greater than +/-2 steps deviation refer to AOP-C.01.

2) If reactor trip breakers are CLOSED and an RCS cooldown of greater than 50°F is planned, the shutdown and control banks should be withdrawn at least 5 steps each. This will limit the possibility of "thennal lock-up" of the rods. Thermal lock-up is NOT a concern during unit heatup. NOTE When RCS temperatures are greater than 350"'F, continuous rod motion shall comply with these restrictions:


  • 10 minutes ON 20 minutes OFF :QOO"F 6 minutes ON 24 minutes OFF STEP 12 SAT --[1] ENSURE Section 5_5, Reset/Close Reactor Trip Breakers has been completed_

D UNSAT --Standard:

Examinee determines Section 5.5 is complete.

Comment STEP 13 {2] IF the shutdown and control rods were withdrmvn 5 steps to SAT --prevent them1al lockup during an RCS cooldown, THEN UNSAT ENSURE rods are fully inserted prior to withdrawaL


Examinee determines step is N/A. Comment I STEP 14 Standard:

Cue: Comment STEP 15 Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 10of18 [3] IF RCS temperatures are greater than 350"F, THEN ENSURE CROM cooling fans are aligned and in service in accordance wfth O-S0-30-6.

Examinee ensures that CROM cooling fans are aligned and in service per O-S0-30-6 Provide the following cue: "CROM cooling fans are aligned and in service per 0-50-30-6" CAUTION ROD CONTROL STARTUP STEP COUNTER RESET (SUS on M-4} should never be held in STARTUP position for any extended period of time. Holding this switch in STARTUP position may cause damage to the counters.

NOTE ROD CONTROL STARTUP STEP COUNTER RESET (SUS on M-4) Resets: A. All GROUP STEP COUNTERS on the Control Board. B. The master cyder reversible coonter.

C. All slave cycler counters.

D. The bank overlap counter.

E. All internal memory and alarm circuits.

F. All pulse-to-analog converters in the Rod Position Indication System. [4] MOMENTARILY PLACE [SUS], Rod Control Startup Step Counter Reset to the STARTUP position to reset Control Rod Drive System. SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 16 Standard:

Comment STEP 17 I Standard:

Comment STEP 18 Standard:

Comment CAUTION 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 11 of 18 Before withdrawing any rod from the fully inserted

position, all Group Step Counters and all Rod Position indicators must be at zero steps. SAT --[5J ENSURE all Full Length Rod step counters resetto zero. UNSAT --Examinee verifies rod step counters have reset to zero. SAT --[6] VERIFY rod control IN-OUT direction lights are NOT UT. UNSAT --Examinee verifies both IN and OUT lights NOT lit. SAT --[7] DEPRESS [RCAS], Rod Urgent Failure Alam1 Reset UNSAT --Examinee depresses RCAS, Rod Urgent Failure Alarm Reset.

STEP 19 Standard:

Comment STEP 20 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 12of18 [8] RESET Window 6 (A-6), ROD CONTROL SYSTEM URGENT SAT --F Al LURE alami on panel JXA-55-48]

using (XS-55-4.AJ, Annunciator RESET/ACKffEST Switch. UNSAT --Examinee resets ROD CONTROL SYSTEM URGENT FAILURE alarm. NOTE Window 13 (B-6) may be marked NIA if Shift Manager approval is obtained for reactor startup with Non-Urgent Failure Alarm. Risk of dropped rods (if additional failure occurs or during subsequent corrective maintenance) should be evaluated.

19] VERIFY the following rod control system alanns on panel SAT are NOT LIT: --WINDOW NUMBER NOT LIT('/} WINDOW NUMBER NOT LIT {\I) UNSAT --5 (A5) D 18 (C4) D 6 (A6) D 19(C5) D 11 (B4) D 27 {D6) D 12 (B5) D 34 (ES) D 13(86) D Examinee verifies that the listed annunciators are not lit STEP 21 Standard:

Cue: Comment STEP 22 Standard:

Cue: Comment ['IO] ENSURE Plant computer for rod bank position are ZERO using the following computer points: COMPUTER PT ROOBANK " U0049 Control A D U0050 Control B D U0051 Control C D U0052 Control D D U0053 Shutdown A D U0054 Shutdown B D U0055 Shutdown C D U0056 Shutdown D D 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 13of18 SAT --UNSAT --Examinee ensures Plant computer points for rod bank position are ZERO Provide the following cue: "Another operator has verified Plant computer points for rod bank position are ZERO" [HJ MONITOR Control Rod position USING Rod Position SAT --Indicators ICS screen 30 minute trend during SD & Control UNSAT Banks \l!lithdrawal to aid in detecting rod misalignment

--Examinee monitors Control Rod position using Rod Position Indicators ICS screen 30 minute trend. Provide the following cue: "Another operator will monitor Rod Position Indicators using ICS "

STEP 23 [12] IF Individual Rod Position Indication does not indicate proper rod position during withdrawal of SD Banks, THEN ['12.1] STOP rod withdrawal.

['12-2] ENSURE subcriticality_


["12-4] IF troubleshooting does not resolve the problem, OR subcriticality can NOT be verified, THEN INITIATE Reactor TRIP_ Standard:

Examinee addresses step Comment STEP 24 [13] IF Individual Rod Position Indication does NOT indicate proper rod position during withdrawal of Control Banks, THEN GO TO AOP-C.01, Rod Control System Ma/functions_


Examinee addresses step Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 14of18 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 25 Comment STEP 26 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 15of18 CAUTION Under normal conditions control rod banks must be withdrawn and Inserted in the prescribed sequence.

For withdrawal, the sequence is Shutdown Bank A, Shutdown Bank B, Shutdown Bank C, Shutdown Bank D, Control Bank A, Control Bank B, Control Bank C, Control Bank D. The insertion sequence is the reverse of the withdrawal sequence.

NOTES 1) Startup rate, Source range, Intermediate range, Nuclear lnstrumentation recorders, Group Step Counters and the Rod Position Indicators should be monitored during each bank wlthdrawaL

2) The fol!o:wing failures will render the rod control system incapable of automatic and I or manual motion ' ... irlhout any annunciation or indication:
  • q Hand switch failure:
2) relay failure, and 3) simultaneous failure of both *1 OOv DC power supplies (PS3 and PS6) ["14] PLACE [HS-85-5110].

Rod Control Mode Selectorto the SBA position_

[15] VERIFY Rod Speed Indicator


indicates 64 Steps/minute_

Examinee verifies Rod Speed Indicator reads 64 Steps/minute.


Examiner Note Comment STEP 28 Standard:

Comment ' NOTE 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 16of18 Monitor Group Step Counters, Rod Position Indicator and the status lights to ensure anticipated motion as each bank is being withdrawn.

Rod speed indicator should be reading 64 steps per minute. ['16] ENSURE Shutdo\lilTl Bank A demand position counters SAT operational by performing the following:

[C.2] --[16:1] BUMP [HS-85-5111).

Rod Control Switch to withdraw UNSAT --Shutdown Bank A one-half step at a time, for one full step. Examinee momentarily places [HS-85-5111],

Rod Control Switch to Withdraw for one-half step. When Rod Control Switch is taken to OUT a malfunction will cause SOB A rods to withdraw continuously forcing ALTERNATE PATH ALTERNATE PATH SAT --When moving SB A out the second full step SBA begins withdrawing UNSAT continuously with no command --1. DIAGNOSE the failure:

GOTO IF ... SECTION PAGE Uncontrolled rod bank movement 2.1 4 (rod movement NOT due to actual T-avgJT-ref mismatch or change in reactor/turbine power) Examinee recognizes continuous uncontrolled rod bank movement i STEP 29 Standard:

Comment STEP 29 Comment Terminating Cue: 1503 NRC Sim JPM A Page 17of18 2.1 Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement NOTE: Step 1 is an immediate action step. 1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion: a. PLACE rod control in MAN. b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

b. TRIP the reactor, and GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Injection.

--Examinee places Rod Control in MAN and determines that rods are still moving. . 2.1 Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement NOTE: Step 1 is an immediate action step. 1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion: a. PLACE rod control in MAN. b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

b. TRIP the reactor, and GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Injection.

Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the remaininsteps of this procedure."


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3 with Tavg at 547F and RCS pressure at 2235 psig. 2. Both M-G sets are in service.
3. All Precautions and Prerequisites of O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System have been met. (Sections 3.0 and 4.0 are complete).
4. O-S0-85-1 Control Rod Drive System Section 5.5 is complete through Step 9. INITIATING CUES: 1. You will close the "Reactor Trip" breakers and withdraw the Shutdown Banks using O-S0-85-1, Control Rod Drive System Section 5.5, beginning with step 10. 2. Inform the SM when the shutdown banks have been withdrawn.


Task#: 0040020101 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 2 of 14 Task Standard:

The examinee will depressurize the RCS to facilitate SI Pump flow using AOP-M.09 LOSS OF CHARGING.

Alternate Path: YES: NO: x ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x ---KIA Reference/Ratings:

APE 022 AA 1.03 (3.2/3.2)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 20 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS I SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 275 3. If IC 275 is not available perform the following:
  • Reset to IC 16.
  • Trip the Reactor.
  • Place both Charging Pump HS in PTL.
  • Establish AFW flow at approx. 600 gpm.
  • Place Steam Dumps in STEAM PRESSURE MODE.
  • Isolate Letdown.
  • Ensure Pressurizer Level is 25%.
  • Ensure T Hot is less than 550 deg.
  • Perform G0-12 4. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 5. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 6. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 7. FREEZE SIMULATOR.
8. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
9. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 3 of 14 10. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.
11. Provide an in-progress copy of AOP-M.09 LOSS OF CHARGING completed through step 29. Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: 1. AOP-M.09 LOSS OF CHARGING completed through step 29.


Reference Title Rev No. 1. AOP-M.09 LOSS OF CHARGING 6 I 2.


2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 4 of 14 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3. 2. Both Charging pumps are unavailable.
3. ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE has been completed.
4. AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING is in progress, completed through step 28. INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to complete AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING starting at step 29. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue: Comment CAUTION STEP 2 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 5 of 14 Start Time SAT --Obtain a copy of AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING UNSAT --Examinee obtains a copy of AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING Provide an in-progress copy of AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING.

If RCS temperature is less than 350°F, operating an SI pump in later steps would violate requirements of Tech Spec LCO 3.4.12 (L TOPS}. SAT --29. MONITOR RCS T-cold greater than 350°F. UNSAT --The examinee determines RCS temperature is greater than 350 deg by observing plant instrumentation.

I NOTE I STEP. 3 Standard:

Comment STEP 4 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 6 of 14 SI actuation is NOT necessary when RCS pressure is deliberately lowered to allow SI pump injection in later steps. 30. MONITOR if SI signal actuation SAT is needed: --a. CHECK for any of the following:

a. GO TO Step 31. UNSAT --* containment pressure greater than 1 .5 psig OR
  • uncontrolled drop in RCS pressure to less than 1870 psig OR
  • uncontrolled drop in S/G pressure to less than 600 psig. The examinee determines SI is not required by observing plant instrumentation.
31. MONITOR if SI pump injection is needed: SAT --a. CHECK for any of the following:

UNSAT --* RCS boratlon is required to maintain shutdown margin or to prepare for RCS cooldown OR

  • pressurizer level less than 25%


  • pressurizer level needs to be raised to support RCS coo Id own. The examinee determines SI is pump injection is required by observing Pressurizer level < 25%.

STEP 5 Standard:

Comment STEP 6 Standard:

Comment CAUTION STEP 7 Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 7 of 14 --32. CHECK T-hot less than 550"F. --The examinee determines RCS temperature is greater than 550 deg by observing plant instrumentation.

33. CHECK low pzr pressure SI signal NOT blocked:

* permissive M-4A window 8-4 DARK . The examinee determines the Low Pressure SI signal not blocked by observing permissive M-4A window 8-4 DARK. Low pressurizer pressure SI actuation circuits will automatically unblock if pressurizer pressure rises to greater than 1970 psig. 34. REDUCE pzr pressure to 1920 psig to allow SI block: a. DE-ENERGIZE pressurizer heaters.


Comment STEP 9 Comment 34. REDUCE pzr pressure to 1920 psig to allow SI block: b. CHECK RCPs RUNNING.

2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 8 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --The examinee determines the RCPs running by observing red lights above HS-68-8A, 31A, 50A, and 73A Reactor Coolant Pump 1, 2, 3, and 4 ON. 34. REDUCE pzr pressure to 1920 psig to allow SI block: c. OPERATE normal spray valves as necessary to reduce pzr pressure to approximately 1920 psig. SAT UNSAT STEP 10 Comment STEP 11 Standard:

Comment 34. REDUCE pzr pressure to 1920 psig to allow SI block: 34. d. BLOCK Low pressurizer pressure SI signal. REDUCE pzr pressure to 1920 psig to allow SI block: e. CHECK PRESSURIZER SI TRAINS A&B BLOCKED permissive LIT [M-4A, 84]. 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 9 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --The examinee determines the SI Low Pressure Blocked by observing PRESSURIZER SI TRAINS A&B BLOCKED permissive LIT [M-4A, 84]. CAUTION 1 Pressurizer level may rise rapidly when RCS pressure is below SI pump shutoff head. CAUTION 2 Operation of SI pump with recirc flowpath isolated could result in pump damage. STEP 12 SAT 35. ENSURE one SI pump running.

UNSAT Comment NOTE STEP 12 Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 10of14 To allow injecting with SI pump, RCS subcooling may temporarily be reduced below required value in ES-0.2 or ES-0.3 (if applicable).

Manual SI actuation based upon low subcooling is NOT required as long as operators retain control over RCS pressure.

36. CONTINUE RCS depressurization UNTIL SI pump begins to inject: a. ENSURE discharge valve OPEN for running SI pump:
  • FCV-63-152 (Train A) OR
  • FCV-63-153 (Train B) b. PERFORM one of the following as necessary to reduce RCS pressure:
  • OPERA TE normal spray valves. SAT UNSAT STEP 13 36_ CONTINUE RCS depressurization UNTIL SI pump begins to inject c_ WHEN SI pump begins to inject AND pzr level is rising, THEN STOP RCS depressurization.

Cue: "The SRO directs you to fill the Pressurizer to 65%." Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM B Page 11 of 14 SAT UNSAT STEP 14 Comment 36. CONTINUE RCS depressurization UNTIL SI pump begins to inject d. CONTROL RCS pressure to maintain desired injection rate. 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 12of14 SAT UNSAT NOTE 1 NOTE2 STEP 15 Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM B Page 13 of 14 Normal requirement for running SI pump at least 20 minutes does NOT apply in this AOP. Normal motor starting limitations are NOT applicable in this AOP. However, pump stop/start cycles should be limited as much as possible to minimize potential for overheating motor windings_

37. WHEN pressurizer level reaches or desired value, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. TERMINATE SI pump injection:
  • STOP running SI pump OR
  • CLOSE SI pump discharge valve FCV-63--152 (Train A) or FCV-63-'153 (Train B). SAT UNSAT Terminating Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the STOP Cue: remaining steps of this procedure."

Stop Time ----

JPM BRIEFING SHEET The examiner will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3. 2. Both Charging pumps are unavailable.
3. ES-0.1, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE has been completed.
4. AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING is in progress, completed through step 28. INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to complete AOP-M.09, LOSS OF CHARGING starting at step 29. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.


SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPMC RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Isolate the Ruptured Steam Generator (With MSIV Failure to Close) Task#: 0000380501 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 2 of 14 Task Standard:

The examinee isolates Steam Generator

  1. 1 with a failed #1 MSIV using E-3 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Alternate Path: YES: Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KIA Reference/Ratings:

EPE 038 EA1.32 (4.6/4.7)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 15 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset simulator to IC #265. 3. If IC is unavailable, then Initialize simulator in IC # 16 and Insert the following:

a) Activate malfunction IMF TH05A f:8.5 to initiate SIG tube rupture in SIG #1. b) Activate malfunction IMF MS14A f:100, to fail open SIG Loop 1 MSIV. 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 3 of 14 c) Actuate a MANUAL reactor trip and safety injection, take all actions up through Step 3 of E-3. d) Complete the actions of E-0 thru step 12, which will transition the crews to E-3 e) Complete any required actions in ES-0.5. Including closing the TD AFW LCVs, but do not put handswitches in pull-to-lock.

f) Complete the first three steps in E-3. 4. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 5. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 6. FREEZE SIMULATOR.


N/A Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: 1. In progress copy of E-3, STEAM GENERA TOR TUBE RUPTURE



1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 4 of 14 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 has experienced a Steam Generator Tube Rupture on Steam Generator
  1. 1. 2. A manual safety injection was initiated.
3. E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE is in progress, steps 1 through 3 of E-3 have been completed INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to continue with E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE beginning at Step 4. 2. Inform the SRO when you have isolated the #1 Steam Generator.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue Comment Procedure Caution:

I STEP 2 Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 5 of 14 Start Time Obtain a copy of E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Examinee obtains a copy of E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Provide a marked up copy of E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE completed through step 3. CAUTION If the TD AFW pump is the only source of feed flow, isolating both steam supplies will result in loss of secondary heat sink. 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured SiG(s): a_ ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO_ ('1040 psig) SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 3 Standard:

Comment STEP 4 Standard:

Comment STEP 5 Comment 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): b_ CHECK Ruptured S/G{s) atmospheric relief hand switch in P-AUTO and valve(s)

CLOSED_ 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 6 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --Examinee observes SIG #1 atmospheric relief handswitch, 1-HS-1-6, on 1-M-4 in P-AUTO and valve CLOSED. ' 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): c_ CHECK SIG #1 or #4 ruptured_

Examinee observes steam generator

  1. 1 level rising with no feed or by referring to the initial conditions.

4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured d_ CLOSE TD AFVV pump steam supply from Ruptured SIG FCV-*1-15

{S/G #1) or FCV-1-16 (SIG #4)_ SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 6 Standard:

Comment STEP 7 Standard:

Comment Examiner Note 4. ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): e_ VERIFY Ruptured S/G{s) blowdown isolation valves CLOSED. Examinee observes FCV-1-7 and FCV-1-181 CLOSED green indication lights above handswitch 1-HS-1-71181on1-M-4 ON. 4. ISOLATE flow from Ruptured SiG(s): f_ CLOSE Ruptured S/G(s) r. .. 1s1v and IVlSIV bypass valve. Examinee places 1-HS-1-4 SIG #1 MSIV to CLOSE. Recognizes MSIV FCV-1-4 failed to close, by the red light above 1-HS-1-4 ON, and goes to the RNO to isolate the SIG. 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 7 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SIG #1 MSIV will NOT close and the operator MUST go to the RNO column STEP 8 Comment STEP 9 Standard:

Cue Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 8 of 14 Alternate path 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): f_ PERFORM the following:

1) CLOSE Intact SIG MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves_ (Not Critical)

Examinee verifies MSIV bypasses closed by observing green lights ON above handswitch 1-HS-1-148, 1-HS-1-149,

& 1-HS-1-150 MSIV bypass valves. 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured SlG(s): f_ PERFORM the following:

2) DISPATCH operator to perform EA--1-1, Closing l'v1SIVs
Locally, for any t\*1SIV or MSIV bypass valve which fails to close_ Examinee dispatches an operator to perform EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally, for #1 S/G MSIV. Acknowledge the direction from the examinee.


STEP 10 Comment STEP 11 Standard:

Comment 4. 4. ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): f. PERFORM the following:

  • 3) ISOLATE steam header:
  • PLACE condenser steam dumps in OFF. [M-4] ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): PERFORM the following:
3) ISOLATE steam header: ENSURE steam dump valves CLOSED. [M-4] Examinee verifies the steam dump valves are closed by observing 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 9 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --green light indication on 1-XX-55-4A for all steam dump valves are ON STEP 12 Comment STEP 13 Standard:

Comment 4_ 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): f_ PERFORM the following:

f_ 3) ISOLATE steam header:

  • CLOSE FCV-47-'180, HP Steam Seal Supply Isolation_

[M-2] ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): PERFORM the following:

3) ISOLATE steam header:
  • ENSURE FCV-47-'18'1 HP Steam Seal Suppty Bypass CLOSED_ [M-2] Examinee verifies FCV-47-181 HP Steam Seal Supply Bypass 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 10 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT -UNSAT -CLOSED by observing green light indication above the handswitch to ON.

STEP 14 Comment STEP 15 Standard:

Cue Comment 4. 4. ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): f. PERFORM the following:

f_ 3) ISOLATE steam header:

  • CLOSE MSR HP steam supply isolation valves. [l\<<1-2]

ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): PERFORM the following:

3) ISOLATE steam header:
  • DISPATCH operator to locally isolate steam header USING EA-1-4, Local Isolation of Steam Header in Turb Bldg. Examinee dispatches an operator to locally isolate steam header USING EA-1-4, Local Isolation of Steam Header in Turb Bldg. Acknowledge the direction from the examinee.

1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 11 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 16 Standard:

Comment STEP 17 Standard:

Comment STEP 18 Comment 4_ ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s): f_ PERFORM the following:

4) USE Intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief for steam dump_ Examinee addresses the procedure step. 5_ MONITOR Ruptured S/G(s) level: a_ CHECK ruptured SIG narrow range level greater than '100,'o ADV]_ Examinee verifies
  1. 1 S/G narrow range level greater than 10% by observing Ll-3-42, or Ll-3-39, or Ll-3-38 or other installed plant instrumentation_

5 .. MONITOR Ruptured S/G(s) level: b. ISOLATE MW to ruptured SIG: 1} ENSURE AFW LCVs for ruptured S/G are CLOSED_ 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 12 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 19 5_ Comment MONITOR Ruptured S/G(s) level: b. ENSURE AFW isolated to ruptured SIG: 2) PLACE Turbine Driven APN LCV for ruptured SIG in CLOSE PULL TO LOCK. 1503 NRC Sim JPM C Page 13of14 SAT UNSAT Terminating Provide the following cue "Another operator will perform the STOP Cue: remaining steps of this procedure."

Stop Time JPM BRIEFING SHEET The examiner will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Unit 1 has experienced a Steam Generator Tube Rupture on Steam Generator
  1. 1. 2. A manual safety injection was initiated.
3. E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE is in progress, steps 1 through 3 of E-3 have been completed INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to continue with E-3, STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE beginning at Step 4. 2. Inform the SRO when you have isolated the #1 Steam Generator.


SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPM D RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Start a Reactor Coolant Pump Task#: 0030010101 Task Standard:

The Operator manually stops the #1 Reactor Coolant Pump. Alternate Path: YES: x NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KIA Reference/Ratings:

APE 015/017 AA1.03 (3.7/3.8)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 15 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 2of16 DATE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1) Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2) Initialize to IC 268 3) IF IC 268 is not available Then initialize to IC 7 and perform the following a) Stop the #1 RCP. b) Place MODE 3 sign on Panel M-4 c) Insert AN_OV _359 to OFF (Disables Loose Parts Alarm.) d) Close the Loop 1 Pressurizer Spray valve 4) Set NR-45 to display one SRM and one IRM 5) An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 6) ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 7) FREEZE SIMULATOR.

1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 3 of 16 8) Provide a marked up procedure 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1 completed through step 10 (and also provide Appendix 10 if requested.)

9) PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 10) Booth operator standby to insert the SCN File RCPHEATUP.scn (from exams folder) during the JPM 11) Go to SCENS 12) GO Exam folder 13) Run SCN File RCPHEATUP when the #1 RCP is started SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:
1. Critical steps are identified in step SAT/UNSAT column by bold print 'Critical Step.' 2. Any UNSAT requires comments.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: 1-S0-68-2 Reactor Coolant Pumps AOP-R.04 Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions



1. 1-S0-68-2 Reactor Coolant Pumps Title 2. AOP-R.04 Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions 3 1-AR-M5-B CVCS Seal Water and RCP Rev No. 39 27 41 DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE:

1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 4 of 16 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3 2. Preparations are being made to start #1 RCP. 3. All precautions and prerequisites are complete.
4. 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1, steps 1 through 10 are complete.
5. All other RCPs are in service INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to start and monitor the #1 RCP using 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps starting at step 5.1.11. 2. Notify the SRO when you are complete.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 2 Comment Examiner Note 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 5 of 16 Start Time Obtain a copy of 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1 completed through step 10. Examinee obtains a copy of 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1. Provide a marked up copy of 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1 completed through step 10. [11] PLACE [1-HS-68-84Al

  1. 1 RCP Lift Oil Pump in the START position.

REAC COOL PMPS OIL LIFT PRESS LOW annunciation will come in and clear during performance of the next step SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 3 Standard:

Cue: Comment STEP 4 Standard:

Comment STEP 5. Comment [12] WHEN Lift Oil Pump for #1 RCP has run 2 2 minutes, THEN ANNOUNCE

  1. 1 RCP start on the PIA system. Examinee addresses the procedure step. Provide the following cue, "Another operator will make the PA Announcement."

[13] IF no RCPs are running AND RCP #1 is the first RCP to be started, THEN MONITOR the SRMs during startup of the RCP. [C.3] 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 6of16 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --Examinee determines other 3 RCPs are running and marks this step as N/A. SAT [14] PLACE [1-HS-68-BAJ

  1. 1 RCP in the START position.

UNSAT Procedure Note STEP 6 Standard:

Comment Examiner Note Examiner Note STEP 7 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 7 of 16 NOTE Motor and Pump Operating Parameters are listed in Appendix D. Appendix E provides vibration limits if pump is started after maintenance activities.

SAT [15] ENSURE #1 RCP motor and pump are operating

--within the parameters listed in Appendix D. UNSAT --Examinee monitors

  1. 1 RCP motor and pump parameters using installed instrumentation.

Directthe Booth Operator to insert File RCPHEATUP.scn.

The motor will start heating up and result in the REAC COOL PMPS MOTOR STATOR TEMPERATURE HIGH alarm on 1-M-5, Window E-1 on 1-XA-55-58 coming in during the performance of the next steps (JPM steps 6-7; procedure steps 15-17). When alarm comes in, the . operator may not complete performing procedure step 15, 16 or 17. N/A those steps if applicable and move on to JPM step 9 if the examinee transitions to alarm procedure.

[16] ENSURE {1-TCV-67-861 RCP Motor Cooler 1A is SAT --OPEN (1-HS-67-86 red light illuminated}.

UNSAT --Examinee verifies 1-TCV-67-86 is open on Panel M-27 A by observing the red indicating light above handswitch ON.

STEP 8 Standard:

Comment STEP 9 I Standard:

Comment Examiner Note 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 8 of 16 [17] WHEN Lift Oil Pump has run greater than 1 minute after SAT RCP start, TH EN --PLACE [1*HS-68-84AJ

  1. 1 RCP Lift Oil Pump in UNSAT --the STOP position.

Examinee places 1-HS-68-84A

  1. 1 RCP Lift Oil Pump handswitch to STOP I I eves SEAL WATER AND RCP SAT 1-XA-55-58

--UNSAT --29 (E-1) REAC COOL PMPS MOTOR STATOR TEMPERATURE HIGH Examinee acknowledges alarm and observes rise in RCP motor stator temperatures.

If the actions contained in the Annunciator Response Procedure (ARP) are implemented, JPM steps 11-24 cover the actions directed by the ARP and AOP to stop the RCP. If RCP is stopped without implementing the ARP, JPM 10 step will end the JPM.

STEP 10 STOP Loop 1 RCP If the examinee stops the RCP now provide the following cue, 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 9 of 16 SAT UNSAT Cue "Another operator will perform the remaining steps of this procedure."

Comment Examiner The following steps are from the Annunciator Response Procedure 1-Note AR-MS-B.

NOTE RCP 1-4 is known to have high winding temperature (up to Procedure approximately 303°F when running with RCS temperature below Note 400°F. (EWR 10-COM-068-057))

However, alarms on RCP 1-4 should NOT be dismissed as "expected".

STEP 11 Corrective (1J DETERMINE which pump is in alarm by monitoring computer SAT Actions points. --Pump 1: Point T0409A, 411 A or 412A (A,B, & C Pump 2: Point T0429A, 431 A or 432A {A,B, & C UNSAT Pump 3: Point T0449A, 451A or 452A (A,B, & C 0) --Pump 4: Point T0469A, 471A or 472A (A,B, & C 0) Standard:

Examinee determines the #1 RCP in alarm by observing the ICS display.

Comment STEP 12 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 13 Standard:

Comment [2] CONTACT Engineering to obtain engineering assistance in determining the validity of the alarm_ Engineering is contacted to obtain engineering assistance in determining the validity of the alarm. Respond as Unit Supervisor "Engineering has been contacted and has validated the alarm." [3] MONITOR the following parameters for increasing trends: a_ Motor Current b_ Bearing Temperatures C. Pump/Motor Vibration

d. Containment Air Temperatures Examinee monitors or directs monitoring parameters by observing indications on installed instrumentation and determines indications normal. 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 10 of 16 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 14 Standard:

Comment Examiner Note STEP 15 Standard:

Comment STEP 16 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 11 of 16 SAT --[4] ENSURE ERCW' aligned to pump cooler. UNSAT --Examinee verifies ERCW aligned to pump cooler by observing red light above 1-HS-67-86 on O-M-27A ON. May have been performed in JPM step 7. SAT --[5] VERIFY ERCW system temperature and pressure normal. UNSAT --Examinee verifies ERCW system temperature and pressure normal by observing indications O-M-27 A. SAT --f 6] VERIFY lower compartment air temperature normaL UNSAT --Examinee verifies lower compartment air temperature normal by observing indications on ICS and other installed plant instrumentation.

I STEP 17 Standard:

Comment Examiner Note STEP 18 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 12 of 16 SAT --[7] REFER TO 1-S0-68-2 for RCP operating limifa_ UNSAT --Examinee refers to 1-S0-68-2

, Reactor Coolant Pumps Appendix D for the operating limits. If the remaining actions contained in the Annunciator Response Procedure (ARP) are implemented, JPM steps 19-20 cover the actions directed by the ARP and AOP to stop the RCP. If RCP is stopped at this point, JPM 18 step will end the JPM. STOP Loop 1 RCP SAT UNSAT If the examinee stops the RCP now provide the following cue, Cue "Another operator will perform the remaining steps of this procedure."

Comment STEP 19 Standard:

Comment STEP 20 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 21 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 13 of 16 [8] IF Ops/Engineering determines alarm is valid, THEN SAT PERFORM the following:

--[a] CHECK pump motor amps. (normal 415 amps with 608 amps UNSAT --maximum_)

[b] IF RCP motor amps approach 608 amps, THEN GO TO AOP-R04, Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions.

Examinee verifies pump amps normal by observing El-68-8 less than 400 amps. [9] IF Ops/Engineering determines alarm is valid and pump motor SAT --stator temperature approaches 311°F (329"F for RCS temperature less than 540°F}, THEN UNSAT --GO TO AOP-R.04, Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions.

Examinee observes the motor winding temperature is greater than 311°F using the ICS and goes to AOP-R.04.

Respond as Engineering "Alarm is valid." 'L DIAGNOSE the failure:

SAT --UNSAT II Motor Stator Temperature High on ANY RCP I 2.6 I 24 II --Examinee goes to AOP-R.04 section 2.6 or 2.1 Procedure Caution Procedure Note STEP 22 Standard:

Comment Procedure Caution STEP 23 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Page 14 of 16 CAUTION:

Operating the RCP with excess winding temperature will reduce the expected life of the motor insulation.

NOTE: RCP motor winding temperature limits are as follows:

  • 329°F if RCS temperature is less than 540"'F.
  • 3'! 1°F if RCS temperature is greater than or equal to 540°F . Alternate Path SAT --1. MONITOR RCP Motor Stator temperature
a. IF RCP Motor Stator temperature less than applicable limit by monitoring reaches applicable limit UNSAT --the following computer points: AND indication is verified valid. Pump *1: T0409A, 41'1Aor412A THEN
  • PERFORM the following:
  • Pump 2: T0429A, 431A or 432A
  • Pump 3: T0449A. 45'1A or 452A 1) IF reactor power less than 20%, THEN . Pump 4: T0469A, 471A or 472A GO TO Section 2. *1, ANY RCP Tripped or RCP Shutdown Required

[C.1] Examinee determines the motor winding temperature is greater than 311°F by observing the ICS and goes to the RNO column and ultimately to Section 2.1. 2.1 ANY RCP Tripped or RCP Shutdown Required CAUTION:

A rapid drop in level and steam flow on the affected loop SIG may occur when RCP is stopped.

'1. CHECK unit in Mode 1 or 2. STOP affected RCP(s). SAT --Time: UNSAT --GO TO Caution prior to Step 3. Examinee determines the Unit is in MODE 3 and proceeds to RNO STEP 24 Comment Terminating Cue: CHECK unit in Mode -1 or 2_ STOP affected RCP(s)_ Time: ___ _ 1503 NRC Sim JPM D Pa e 15 of 16 SAT UNSAT GO TO Caution prior to Step 3_ Provide the following cue "Another operator will perform the remaining steps of this procedure."

STOP Stop Time ___ _

JPM BRIEFING SHEET I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3 2. Preparations are being made to start #1 RCP. 3. All precautions and prerequisites are complete.
4. 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps Section 5.1, steps 1 through 10 are complete.
5. All other RCP's are in service INITIATING CUE: 1. You have been directed to start and monitor the #1 RCP using 1-S0-68-2, Reactor Coolant Pumps starting at step 5.1.11. 2. Notify the SRO when you are complete.


SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPM E RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 2015 NRG SIM JPM E Page 2 of 11 Task: Respond to uncontrolled depressurization of all Steam Generators per ECA-2.1.

Task#: 3310100601 Task Standard:

The examinee will reduce AFW flow to all Steam Generators to less than 60 gpm but with positive flow > 30 gpm as indicated on all Steam Generators.

Alternate Path: YES: NO: x Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x ---KIA Reference/Ratings:

EPE-E12 EA-1.1 (3.8/3.8)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 10 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 276 3. If IC 276 is not available perform the following:
  • Reset to IC 16.
  • IMF MS04A f:1
  • IMF MS04B f:1
  • IMF MS04C f:1
  • IMF MS04D f: 1
  • IMF MS01A f:100
  • Trip the Reactor.
  • When T Cold has reached 470 deg, FREEZE SIMULA TOR. 4. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 5. Trip the Reactor.
6. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 7. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 8. When T Cold has reached 470 deg, FREEZE SIMULATOR.
9. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
10. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 2015 NRG SIM JPM E Page 3 of 11 11. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:





2015 NRG SIM JPM E Page 4 of 11 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3. 2. The crew has just completed all applicable steps of E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation and has transitioned to ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS.
3. Operators have been dispatched in attempt to close MSIVs using EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally.

INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to perform ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZA TION OF ALL STEAM GENERA TORS starting at step 1. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.

STEP 1 Standard:

Comment CAUTION NOTE STEP 2 Standard:

Examiner Note: Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 5 of 11 Start Time SAT --Obtain a copy of ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZA TION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS UNSAT --Examinee obtains a copy of ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source of feed flow will result in loss of secondary heat sink. This procedure has a foldout page. SAT --NOTE This procedure has a foldout page. UNSAT --The examinee reviews the Foldout Page. The Foldout Page items are on the next page. The Examinee should not take any actions as a result of the Foldout Page.

FOLDOUT PAGE SI REINITIATION CRITERIA IF either of the following conditions occurs:

  • RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40°F, OR
  • Pressurizer level CANNOT be maintained greater than 10% [20% ADV], THEN RAISE ECCS flow by performing one or both of the following:
  • START CCPs or SI pumps manually as necessary.


  • IF both trains of shutdown boards deenergized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power. 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 6 of 11
  • IF any SIG pressure rises at any time AND Steps 15 through 25 are NOT in progress, THEN RAISE AFW flow to intact S/G as necessary and GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.
  • IF any S/G has level rising in an uncontrolled manner or has abnormal radiation, THEN a. RAISE ECCS flow by performing one or both of the following as necessary:
  • START CCPs or SI pumps manually as necessary.
b. GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.


  • IF CST level less than 5%, THEN ALIGN AFW suction to ERCW.

STEP 3 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 4 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 7 of 11 1. CHECK secondary pressure boundary:

SAT --a. CHECK the following:

a. CLOSE valves to restore pressure boundary on at least one SIG. UNSAT
  • MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves --CLOSED IF valves CANNOT be closed, THEN
  • MFW regulating valves and DISPATCH personnel to close valves reg bypass valves CLOSED locally, one loop at a time:
  • MFW isolation valves CLOSED
  • CLOSE MSIV and bypass valve as necessary USING EA-1-1,
  • Atmospheric reliefs CLOSED Closing MSIVs Locally .
  • SIG blowdown valves CLOSED.
  • ISOLATE S/G atmospheric relief valve as necessary USING EA-1-2, Local Control of SIG PORVs.
  • ISOLATE blowdown locally as necessary.

The Examinee Checks the MSIVs are OPEN and cannot be closed. The examinee addresses the Step 1 a RNO actions.

When asked provide the following cue, "Time has been compressed operators report the MSIVs cannot be closed using EA-1-1."


UNSAT --The Examinee checks MD AFW pumps running as indicated by red light above HS-3-118A and 128A AFW Pump 1A-A and 1 B-B ON.

STEP 5 Comment NOTE STEP 6 Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 8 of 11 c CLOSE TD AFW pump steam supply valve FCV-1-17 or FCV-1-18.

Reducing total feed flow to less than 440 gpm, as directed in this procedure, does NOT require implementation of FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, as long as a total feed flow capability of 440 gpm is available.

2. CONTROL feed flow to minimize RCS cooldown:
a. CHECK T-cold cooldown rate less than 1QOGF/hr.
a. REDUCE feed flow to 50 gpm to each SIG. OPEN MD AFW pump recirc valves FCV-3-400 and FCV-3-401 as necessary to control flow. GO TO Substep 2.c (AER column).


Comment STEP 8 Standard:

Cue: Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 9 of 11 c. MONITOR SIG narrow range levels c. MAINTAIN feed flow to affected S/G(s) SAT --greater than 10% (25% ADV]. greater than or equal to 50 gpm UNTIL level greater than UNSAT 10% (25% ADV]. --The Examinee maintains AFW flow to all Steam Generators.

3. MAINTAIN shutdown margin adequate:

SAT --NOTIFY Chem Lab to sample RCS UNSAT a. --boron concentration.

b. CHECK shutdown margin ADEQUATE USING O-Sl-NUC-000-038.0, Shutdown Margin. The Examinee addresses the procedure step. Acknowledge communication steps, as required.

STEP 9 Standard:

Comment Terminating Cue: 4. MONITOR if RCPs should be stopped:

a. CHECK if the following conditions exist:
  • RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40°F ANO
  • RCS pressure less than i 250 psig ANO
  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING.
b. STOP RCPs. a. GO TO Step 5. 2015 NRC SIM JPM E Page 10of11 SAT --UNSAT --The examinee determines RCP's are to be left running.

Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this procedure."

STOP Stop Time ___ _

JPM BRIEFING SHEET The examiner will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3. 2. The crew has just completed all applicable steps of E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation and has transitioned to ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS.
3. Operators have been dispatched in attempt to close MSIV's using EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally.

INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to perform ECA-2.1, UNCONTROLLED DEPRESSURIZATION OF ALL STEAM GENERATORS starting at step 1. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.



Pressure, Place RHR Spray in Service 3110160601 (RO) 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 2of13 Task Standard:

The examinee will establish one train of RHR spray in service using FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE.

Alternate Path: YES: x NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KJA Reference/Ratings:

W/E14 EA1 .1 (3.7/3.7)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 8 minutes Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 254 3. If IC 254 is not available reset to IC #24 and complete substeps below. a. Activate MF# TH01A at 35%. b. Activate MFs # CH01 A thru D at 70% (-10.2 psid) with 240 sec ramp. C. Stop RCPs. d. Complete the actions of ES-1.3, Sump Swapover.
e. Activate Override ZDIHS7241A CLOSE, to prevent FCV-72-41 from opening.
f. Activate ZAOPDl30133 f:5 g. Activate ZAOPDIR30133 f:0.5 4. Activate the following, as necessary, to prevent nuisance alarms: h. AN:OVRN[96]

to ON, prevents Turbine Zero Speed alarm i. AN:OVRN[304]

to ON, prevents Saturation Monitor alarm 5. Insert Remote Function RHR14 ON, places power on FCV-63-1.

6. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 7. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 8. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 9. FREEZE SIMULA TOR. 10. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
11. PLACE SIMULA TOR IN RUN 12. At JPM step 15, when candidate opens 1-FCV-72-40:
j. Modify malfunction CH01A f:O r:240 k:1 k. Modify malfunction CH01B f:O r:240 k:1 I. Modify malfunction CH01 B f:O r:240 k: 1 m. Modify malfunction CH01 D f:O r:240 k: 1 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 3of13 13. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.
14. Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT
PRESSURE, step 13 (marked up through step 12)


Reference Title 1. FR-Z.1 High Containment Pressure 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 4of13 Rev No. 19 DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINEE:

1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 5of13 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS;

1. Unit 1 has experienced a reactor trip and Safety Injection in conjunction with a large break LOCA. 2. The crew is monitoring step 13 of FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE.
3. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has elapsed since the accident.

INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO directed you to initiate one train of RHR spray per FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE starting at step 13. 2. Inform the SRO when a train of RHR spray has been established.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 2 Standard:

Comment 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 6of13 Start Time SAT --Obtain a copy of the FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE UNSAT --Examinee obtains a copy of FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE Provide an in-progress copy of FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE complete through step 12 n_ MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed SAT 1n service:

--CHECK the following:

UNSAT a_ --. Containment pressure greater than 9 .5 psig AND Examinee checks 1-PDl-30-45 and 44 and determines that pressure is greater than 9.5 STEP 3 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 4 Standard:

Cue Comment n_ MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed in seMce: a_ CHECK the following:

. At least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has elapsed since beginning of accident 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 7of13 SAT --UNSAT --Examinee determines from initiating cues (or asks US) that 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has elapsed IF asked, provide the following cue, "1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has elapsed since beginning of accident".

n_ MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed SAT 111 seMce: --a._ CHECK the follo*wing:

UNSAT --. RHR suction ALIGNED to containment sump Examinee checks FCV-63-72 and 73 OPEN and FCV-74-3 and 21 CLOSED, or asks if ES-1.3, "Transfer to RHR Containment Sump," has been completed.

IF asked, provide the following cue, "ES-1.3 has been completed."

STEP 5 Standard:

Comment STEP 6 Standard:

Comment STEP 7 Standard:

Comment n_ MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed 1n service:

a_ CHECK the following:

. At least one CCP AND one SI pump RUNNING.

Examinee verifies at least one CCP is running as indicated by Red light on HS-62-104A or 108A ON. AND Verifies at least one SI pump is running as indicated by Red lights on HS-63-10A or 15A ON. 13. MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed in b_ CHECK both RHR pumps RUNNING.

Examinee checks that both RHR pumps are running as indicated by red lights on HS-74-10A and 20A "ON". 13. c: ESTABLISH Train B RHR spray: 1) CHECK Train B RHR pump RUNNING.

1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 8 of 13 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --Examinee checks that 1 B-B RHR pump is running as indicated by red light on HS-74-20A "ON".

STEP 8 Standard:

Comment STEP g Comment STEP 10 Standard:

Comment n. C. ESTABLISH Train B RHR spray: 2) ENSURE RHR crosstie FCV-74-35 CLOSED. 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 9of13 SAT --UNSAT --Examinee verifies FCV-74-35 in the CLOSED position as indicated by HS green light ON and red light OFF B. c. ESTABLISH Train B RHR spray: 3) CLOSE RHR injection FCV-63-94.

Begin ALTERNATE PATH n. C. ESTABLISH Train B RHR spray: 4) OPEN RHR spray FCV-72-41.

Examinee places handswitch for RHR injection FCV-72-41 in the OPEN position and recognizes that the green light stays ON and the red light is OFF, goes to RNO column. SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 11 Standard:

Comment STEP 12 Comment STEP 13 Standard:

Comment ALTERNATE PATH c_ IF Train B RHR spray CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM the following:

a) ENSURE RHRspray FCV-72-41 CLOSED. Examinee verifies FCV-72-41 closed as indicated by green light ON and red light OFF. c. IF Train B RHR spray CANNOT be established, THEN C. PERFORM the following:

b) IF RHR aligned for cold leg recirculation, THEN ENSURE FCV-63-94 OPEN. IF Train B RHR spray CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM the follmving:

c) ESTABLISH Train A RHR spray: ('I) ENSURE RHR crosstie FCV-74-33 CLOSED. Examinee verifies RHR crosstie FCV-74-33 in the CLOSED position as indicated by green light ON handswitch.

1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 10 of 13 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

STEP 14 Comment STEP 15 Examiner Note Comment c. IF Train B RHR spray CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM the following:

c) ESTABLISH Train A RHR spray: (2) CLOSE RHR injection FCV-63-93.

c. IF Train B RHRspray CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM the following:

c) ESTABLISH Train A RHR spray: (3) OPEN RHR spray FCV-72--40.

1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 11 of 13 SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT When examinee starts to open FCV-72-40, initate a 240 sec ramp on CH01 A thru D to reduce CNMT pressure from 10.2 to zero (0).

STEP 16 Standard:

Comment Terminating Cue: 1503 NRC Sim JPM F Page 12 of 13 Examinee verifies that RHR Containment spray is effective in lowering CNMT pressure.

Examinee verifies that CNMT pressure is lowering by observing Lower pressure readings on CH01A thru D Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the remaining steps of this procedure."

Stop Time SAT --UNSAT --STOP ----


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 has experienced a reactor trip and Safety Injection in conjunction with a large break LOCA. 2. The crew is monitoring step 13 of FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE.
3. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> has elapsed since the accident.

INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO directed you to initiate one train of RHR spray per FR-Z.1, HIGH CONTAINMENT PRESSURE starting at step 13. 2. Inform the SRO when a train of RHR spray has been established.

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPMG Task: Task#: RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 3210430301 Respond to a loss of Shutdown Board using AOP-P.05.

2015 NRG SIM JPM G Page 2 of 10 Task Standard:

The examinee will respond to a loss of Shutdown Board using AOP-P.05 and start the 1A Charging pump. Subsequently the examinee will place the 1 B Diesel Generator in emergency stop due to a failure of the cooling water valve to open. Alternate Path: YES: x NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KIA Reference/Ratings:

062 A2.04 (3.1/3.4)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 8 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 16 3. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 4. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 5. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 6. FREEZE SIMULA TOR 7. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
8. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 9. De-energize the 1 B 6.9 kv Shutdown Board by inserting IMF ED068 2015 NRG SIM JPM G Page 3 of 10 10. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


Reference Title Rev No. 1. AOP-P.05 LOSS OF UNIT 1 SHUTDOWN BOARDS 23 2.


2015 NRC SIM JPM G Page 4 of 10 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 1. INITIATING CUES: 1. Respond to plant conditions 2015 NRC SIM JPM G Page 5 of 10 Start Time STEP 1 SAT --Obtain a copy of AOP-P.05 LOSS OF UNIT 1 SHUTDOWN BOARDS. UNSAT --Standard:

Examinee obtains a copy of AOP-P.05 LOSS OF UNIT 1 SHUTDOWN BOARDS. Comment 2. DETERMINE applicable section:

GOTO IF ... SECTION PAGE 1A-A 2.1 4 6900V Shutdown Board DE-ENERGIZED 18-8 2.2 20 STEP 2 SAT --Determine applicable section.

UNSAT --Standard:

The examinee determines the 1 B 6.9 kv Shutdown Board is de-energized and proceeds to section 2.2. Comment NOTE *

  • STEP 3 Standard:

Comment CAUTION *

  • STEP 4 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM G Page 6 of 10 MSR HP Steam Supply valves will close due to loss of power, resulting in load reduction.

Loss of power to this board will result in a loss of RPls and rod bottom lights . SAT --1. MONITOR 1 A-A 6900V Shutdown Board ENERGIZED.

UNSAT --The examinee monitors 1A-A 6900V Shutdown Board ENERGIZED by observing plant instrumentation.

Restoring seal cooling to an overheated RCP seal could result in RCP seal damage or steam voiding in CCS. Operation of RCPs for greater than 2 minutes without CCS cooling to oil coolers will result in bearing temperatures greater than 200°F. 2. CHECK RCP seal cooling available:

SAT --* seal injection flow UNSAT --OR

  • thermal barrier cooling flow Addresses the procedure step.

STEP 5 Standard:

Comment STEP 6 Comment STEP 7 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM G Page 7 of 10 3. ENSURE at least one Train B ERCW Pump RUNNING:

  • P-B ERCW Pump The examinee verifies B Train ERCW running by observing the red light above the respective handswitch ON. ALTERNATE PATH 4. ENSURE the following:
  • ERCW ALIGNED to running D/Gs. EMERGENCY STOP any running DIG with NO ERCW cooling available.
a. ENSURE 1A-A CCS Pump supplying Train A. b. ENSURE 28-B or C-S CCS Pump supplying Train B. The examinee verifies 1A CCS pump running by observing the red light above the HS-70-47A ON. The examinee verifies C-S CCS pump running by observing the red light above the HS-70-51A ON. SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

NOTE STEP 8 Standard:

Comment STEP 9 Standard:

Comment STEP 9 Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM G Page 8of10 If RHR pump 1 B-B was in service for shutdown cooling prior to loss of 6900V Shutdown Board 18-8, the pump will not restart automatically.

6. IF RHR pump 1 B-B was in service for shutdown
cooling, THEN ENSURE AOP-R.03, RHR System Malfunctions, entered to address RHR pump trip, WHILE continuing in this procedure.

The examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. 7. MONITOR REACTOR COOLANT PUMPS MOTOR THRUST BEARING TEMP HIGH alarm DARK. [1-M-58, E-3) The Examinee observes


PERFORM the following:

a. ENSURE CCP suction path:
  • LCV-62-132 and -133 OPEN with VCT level greater than 20% OR
  • LCV-62-135 OPEN b. START CCP 1A-A. SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT 2015 NRG SIM JPM G Page 9 of 10 Terminating Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the STOP Cue: remaining steps of this procedure."

Stop Time ___ _

JPM BRIEFING SHEET The examiner will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 1. INITIATING CUES: 1. Respond to plant conditions Acknowledge to the examiner when you are ready to begin. HAND THIS PAPER BACK TO YOUR EVALUATOR WHEN YOU HAVE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED THE ASSIGNED TASK.

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT 1503 NRC SIMULATOR JPM H RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 2 of 16 Task: Respond to a loss of Essential Raw Cooling Water per AOP-M.01.

Task#: 0000620501 Task Standard:

The examinee will respond to a loss of ERCW by starting the STANDBY A TRAIN ERCW Pump and the ERCW Header leak has been isolated.

Alternate Path: YES: x NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KIA Reference/Ratings:

APE A07AA1.3 (3.3/3.5)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator x In-Plant Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 20 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:

1. Ensure Simulator Operator Checklist is complete
2. Reset to IC 16 3. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 4. An extra operator will be required to acknowledge alarms. 5. ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS 6. FREEZE SIMULATOR.
7. Save as a temporary IC, if repeat runs of JPM will be desired.
8. PLACE SIMULATOR IN RUN 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 3 of 16 9. After JPM is complete, delete the temporary IC, if used. Delete the contents of the recycle bin, If a temporary IC has been deleted.
10. When directed insert malfunction MF RW01G (Trips Q-A ERCW Pump) 11. When directed insert malfunction RW138 at 90% prior to JPM step 8. Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


Reference Title Rev No. 1. AOP-M.01 Loss of ERCW 28 2.


2015 NRG SIM JPM H Page 4 of 16 I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 1 is in MODE 1. INITIATING CUES: 1. Respond to plant conditions STEP 1 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM H Page 5 of 16 Start Time ERCW/CCS PUMP PUMP R-A MOTOR DISH PRESS LOW TRIP Responds to alarm using ARP O-AR-M27-A, B-2 and/or O-AR-M27-BA, SAT E-4 --UNSAT [1] IF ERCW pump motor TRIPS, THEN --GO TO AOP-M_Oi, Loss of Essential Raw Cooling Water. [2] IF CCS motor trip, THEN GO TO AOP-rvt03, Loss of Component Cooling Water. [3] DETERMINE which motor tripped.

[4] TURN control switch to OFF position to reset alarm_ [5] DISPATCH operator to investigate cause of alarm. [6] EVALUATE LCO 3T3 (CCS) or 3.7A (ERCW). Examinee Places O-HS-67-460A ERCW Pump Q-A in PTL.

STEP 2 Standard:

Comment STEP 3 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 6 of 16 CAUTION:

ERCW header rupture in Aux Bldg could fill passive sump in 15 minutes.

Prompt action may be needed to isolate rupture using this AOP. 1. CHECK for indlcations of ERCW rupture GO TO Step4. SAT inside Aux Building: --* flooding from ERCW inside Aux Bldg UNSAT which requires rapid isolation to protect --equipment or personnel OR

  • abnormal high flow indicated on any ERCW supptf header in conjunction with flooding alarms or other indications of ruptl.Jre.

Examinee determines no leak exists in the Aux Building based on no reports of flooding and no indications of high flow and so goes to RNO and then to STEP 4 4. IF this procedure entered for any reason SAT --other than ERCW rupture in Aux Bldg, THEN UNSAT GO TO applicable section:

--The examinee determines a pump trip has occurred and goes to section 2. 1.

IF ... GO TO SECTION 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 7 of 16 PAGE ERCW Pump(s) tripped or failed 2.1 ERCW pump failure 9 STEP 4 Standard:

Comment STEP 5 Comment STEP 6 Standard:

Comment 1-IDENTIFY and LOCK OUT failed ERCW pump. Examinee Places O-HS-67-460A ERCW Pump Q-A in PTL if not already performed.

2. START additional ERCW pumps 3. as required to maintain supply header pressure between 78 psig and 124 psig. CHECK two Train A ERCW Pumps AVAILABLE.

Examinee verifies that 2 Train A ERCW Pumps are available based on various indications.


STEP 7 Standard:

Comment Examiner Note: STEP 8 Standard:

Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM H Page 8 of 16 4. CHECK 1A and 2A ERCW supply SAT header pressures and flows NORMAL: --a. Supply header pressures UNSAT Ibetween psig and 124 psig]: --,. 1-Pl-67-493A

  • 2-Pl-67-493A
b. Supply header flows [expected vatue]: It 1-Fi-67-61
  • 2-FJ-67-61 Examinee determines that A Train supply header pressures and flows are normal based on plant indicators.

Direct the simulator operator to insert RW138 at 90% prior to JPM step 8. Change to B Train. ALTERNATE PATH SAT --r CHECK 1B am:l 2B ERCW supply header If header leak or rupture is indicated,

"* UNSAT pressures and flows NORMAL: THEN --RETURN TO Section 2.0 for diagnosis.

a. Supply header pressures


_;1111--78 psig and 124 psig]:

  • 1-PJ-67-488A If NO Train B ERCW pump ls available,
  • 2-Pl-67-488A THEN GO TO Section 2.11, Loss of Train B ERGW. b. Supply header !lows [expected valuej:
  • 1-Fl-67-62
  • 2-Fl-67-62 If pressure is low due to only one pump available, THEN EVALUATE isolatlcn of non-essential ERCW loads. Examinee checks Train B header pressures and flows and determines flows are abnormal based on the listed indicators, goes to the RNO and then to Section 2.0 for diagnosis 2015 NRG SIM JPM H aqe 0 p 9 f 16 CAUTION:

ERCW header rupture in Aux Bldg could fill passive sump in 'f5 minutes.

Prompt action may be needed to isolate rupture using this AOP. STEP 9 1. CHECK for indications of ERCW rupture GO TO Step4. SAT inside Aux Building: --* flooding from ERCW inside Aux Bldg UNSAT which requires rapid isolation to protect --equipment or personnel OR

  • abnom1al high !low indicated on any ERON header in conjunction with flooding a!amis or other indications of mpture. Cue If asked provide the following cue," There are no reports of flooding from the Aux Building."

Examinee determines no leak exists in the Aux Building based on no Standard:

reports of flooding and no indications of high flow and so goes to RNO and then to STEP 4 Comment STEP 10 4. If this procedure entered for any reason SAT other lhan ERCW mpture in Aux Bldg, --THEN GO TO applicable section:

UNSAT --law flow ERCW supply headers 18 and 26, AND STRAINER D!FF PRESS alarms DARK [M-27A, C-6 and 0-SJ, AND at least one of the following alarms UT:

  • ERCW DECK SUMP LEVEL HI alarm UT 2.11 Supply Header B Rupture 127 [1-M-156, A-3] Upstream of Strainer Inlet OR Valves OR Loss of Train B ERCW
  • MECH EQUIP SUMP lVl HI alam1 UT {1-M-15A, B-6] Examinee determines Section 2.11 is applicable based on Low flow on Standard:

ERCW supply headers 1 B and 28 and one or more of the specified alarms. Comment STEP 11 Standard:

Cue: Comment STEP 12 Comment 2015 NRG SIM JPM H 1. CHECK this section entered for any of the following:

  • rupture known to be upstream of ERON strainer inlet valve (I or 2-FCV-67-489)


  • rupture which CANNOT be isolated OR
  • rupture which requires stopping aH Train 8 ERCW flow. Examinee determines that rupture is known to be upstream of due to absence of Strainer Differential Pressure alarms in combination with low flow in both 1 B and 28 headers as identified in diagnosis step. If asked provide the following cue, "The leak is upstream of the 8 Train strainer."


If running, Train B CCP and SI Pumps may experience bearing failure 10 minutes after loss of ERCW cooling.

ALTERNATE PATH 2. STOP and LOCK OUT aUTrain B ERCW Pumps. p 10 f 16 age 0 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 13 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 14 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 11 of 16 CAUTION:

Pipe rupture inside ERCW Pumping Station could result in safety hazards due to water spray and flooded compartments.

3. IF performing this section due to rupture Inside ERCW pumping station OR due to rupture in unknown location, THEN DISPATCH operators with radios to perform me following:
  • PERFORM Appendix G.2, ERCWMCC Valves. [ERCW Pumping Station}

.. EHSURE all pumping station watertight doors are CLOSED. [ERCW Pumping Station]_

Examinee addresses step and dispatches personnel to perform the required appendix and close watertight doors. Role play and acknowledge the request.

4_ OPEN alternate ERCW supply to Train B DfGs

  • 1-FCV-67-65 (1B-B DIG)
  • 2-FCV-<>7-65 (2B-B O!G'.f SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT Cue: Provide the following cue, "Unit 2 HS-67-65 has been opened."

Comment STEP 15 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 16 Standard:

Comment 5. DISPATCH operator to place Train B Aux Air Compressor in SAFE STOP. [Aux Bldg, 734' elev, Refuel Floor} Examinee addresses the procedure step. Role play and acknowledge the request.

6. Unit *1 Only: STOP affected pumps: a. CHECK CCP '1A-A RUNNING.
a. 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 12 of 16 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --IF RCP thermal barrier cooling is UNSAT in service,

--THEN 1) ENSURE letdown orifice valves CLOSED. 2) GO TO Substep 6.b. Examinee identifies that 1A CCP is not running and goes to RNO.

STEP 17 Comment STEP 18 Comment STEP 19 Standard:

Comment b. PLACE CCP 1B-B in PULL TO LOCK. c. PLACE SI pump 18-B in PULL TO LOCK. 2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 13of16 a. IF RCP them1al barrier cooling is in service, THEH 1) ENSURE letdown orifice valves CLOSED. 2) GO TO Substep 6-b. ----SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT Examinee places HS-63-1 SA SI Pump 1 Bin PTL.

STEP 20 Standard:

Cue: Comment STEP 21 Comment 7. Unit2 Onty: STOP affected pumps: a. CHECK CCP 2A-A RUNNING.

a. IF RCP thermal barrier cooling is in s.enrlce, THEN 1) ENSURE letdown orifice valves CLOSED. 2) GO TO Substep 7.b. IF RCP thermal barrier cooling is NOT in service, THEN PERFORM Ille folfowing:
1) WHEN :CCP 2A-A ls running {Step 8}, THEN PLACE CCP 26-B in PULL TO LOCK. 2) GO TO Substep 7.c. b. PLACE CCP 2B-B in PULL TO LOCK. c. PLACE SI pump 28-B in PULL TO LOCK Examinee addresses the procedure step. Provide the following cue, "Unit 2 will perform Step 7". 8. ENSURE Train A CCPs RUNNING.

2015 NRC SIM JPM H Page 14 of 16 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT 2015 NRG SIM JPM H Page 15of16 Terminating Provide the following cue, "Another operator will complete the STOP Cue: remaining steps of this procedure."

Stop Time ___ _

JPM BRIEFING SHEET The examiner will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.


1. Unit 1 is in MODE 3. INITIATING CUES: 1 . Respond to plant conditions Acknowledge to the examiner when you are ready to begin. HAND THIS PAPER BACK TO YOUR EVALUATOR WHEN YOU HAVE SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED THE ASSIGNED TASK.

SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE Task: Locally closing MSIV's by pulling control power fuses. Task#: 3010030601 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 2 of 10 Task Standard:

The examinee closes MSIV's for SG 2, 3, and 4 by placing its transfer control switch in the Auxiliary Control Room in the AUX position then removes the control power fuses on the associated 125 V Vital Battery Board for SG 1. Alternate Path: YES: NO: x ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x KIA Reference/Ratings:

APE 040AA1.04 (4.3/4.3)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

x Actual Performance:

Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant x Classroom Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 8 min Total Time: -----Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 3of10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. SM approval will be required to enter the 'Trip Hazard Zone" in backup control room. 2. Critical steps are identified in step SAT/UNSAT column by bold print 'Critical Step.' 3. Any UNSAT requires comments.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


Reference Title Rev No. 1. EA-1-1 Closing MSIVs Locally 1 ====================================================================================


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 2 is in MODE 3 2. Unit 2 has experienced faulted SG's. 3. Attempts to close MSIV's from the main control room (MCR) have failed. 4. All MSIV bypass valves are closed. INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to attempt to close MSIV's, using EA-1-1. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.

STEP 1 Obtain a copy of EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally.


Operator obtains a copy of EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally.

Cue ProvideacopyofEA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locally.

Comment STEP 2 4.1 Section, Applicability

1. SELECT applicable unit:
  • Unit 1 --* Unit2 --Standard:

The Examinee selects Unit 2 based on the initiating cue. Comment 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 4 of 10 Start Time SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --

I STEP 3 Standard:

Comment STEP 4 : Standard:

Comment STEP 5 Standard:

Comment 2. SELECT affected valve(s):


  1. 1 MSIV 0 MSIV bypass 0 #2 MSIV 0 MSIV bypass 0 #3 MSIV 0 MSIV bypass 0 #4 MSIV 0 MSIV bypass 0 The examinee selects all MSIV's based on the initiating cue 3. IF any Unit 1 MSIV will NOT close, THEN GO TO Section 4.2. The examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. 4. IF any Unit 1 MSIV bypass valve will NOT close, THEN GO TO Section 4.3. The Examinee addresses the step as N/A. 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 5of10 SAT --UNSAT --SAT --D UNSAT --SAT --D UNSAT --

I STEP 6 Standard:

Comment STEP 7 Standard:

Comment 5. IF any Unit 2 MS!V will NOT close, THEN GO TO Section 4.4. The Examinee goes to section 4.4 4.4 Unit 2 MSIV Isolation

1. PLACE affected MSIV transfer control switch in AUX position:

[Auxiliary Control Room, Panels 2-L-11A and 2-L-118]

SIG EQUIPMENT AUX TRANSFER SWITCH 1 MS!V Loop 1, Train A, 2-FCV-1-4 2-XS-1-4A MS!V Loop 1, Train B, 2-FCV-1-4 2-XS-1-48 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 6of10 SAT --D UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --AUX POSITION

,/ D D The Examinee places 2-XS-1-4A

& 2-XS-1-48 and to AUX.

STEP 8 Comment STEP 9 Standard:

Cue Comment 4.4 Unit 2 MSIV Isolation

1. PLACE affected MSIV transfer control switch in AUX position:

[Auxiliary Control Room, Panels 2-L-11A and 2-L-11B]

S/G EQUIPMENT AUX TRANSFER SWITCH 2 MSIV Loop 2, Train A, 2-FCV-1-11 2-XS-1-11A MSIV Loop 2, Train B. 2-FCV-1-11 2-XS-1-118 3 MSIV Loop 3, Train A, 2-FCV-1-22 2-XS-1-22A MSIV Loop 3, Train B, 2-FCV-1-22 2-XS-1-228 4 MSIV Loop 4. Train A, 2-FCV-1-29 2-XS-1-29A MSIV Loop 4, Train B. 2-FCV-1-29 2-XS-1-298

2. CONSULT UO to determine if affected MSIV closed. 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 7 of 10 SAT UNSAT AUX POSITION

'1 D D D D D D D SAT --UNSAT --The Examinee contacts the MCR to determine status of MSIV's. CRITICAL When asked provide the following cue, "The MSIV for Loop 1 is OPEN The MSIV's for Loop 2, 3 and 4 are CLOSED."

STEP 10 Cue Comment 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 8 of 10 NOTE1 Fuse pullers and flashlight will be needed for next step. These may be obtained from AOP-C.04 cabinet in 6.9KV Shutdown Board Room A. NOTE2 Fuses may be removed in any order. 3. IF affected MSIV still open SIG 1 OR control power fuse removal desired, THEN REMOVE fuses for affected MS!V{s):

EQUIPMENT MSIV Loop 1, Train A, 2-FCV-1-4 MSIV Loop 1, Train 8, 2-FCV-1-4 FUSE LOCATION (Two per circuit) 125V Vital Battery Bd !II Circuit A-46 Circuit B-46 125V Vital Battery Bd IV Circuit A-46 Circuit B-46 FUSES REMOVED v' 0 0 0 0 If asked provide the following cue, "Loop 1 MSIV is CLOSED. Steam generator

  1. 1 pressure is 450 psig and stable."

SAT UNSAT STEP 11 4. GO TO Section 4.1, step in effect 1503 NRC PLANT JPM I Page 9 of 10 SAT UNSAT END OF SECTION Standard:

The Examinee addresses the procedure step. Comment Terminating The JPM is complete when the Examinee returns the cue sheet to Cue: the Examiner.


All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. You will be provided initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 2 is in MODE 3 2. Unit 2 has experienced faulted SG's. 3. Attempts to close MSIV's from the main control room (MCR) have failed. 4. All MSIV bypass valves are closed. INITIATING CUES: 1. The SRO has directed you to attempt to close MSIV's, using EA-1-1. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.



Task#: 0000140504 Task Standard:

The Examinee simulates assuming local control of 2-LCV-3-175.

Alternate Path: YES: NO: x Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x ---KIA Reference/Ratings:

APE 068 AA1 .03 (4.1/4.3)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

x Actual Performance:

Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant x Classroom

Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 12 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. Critical steps are identified in step SAT/UNSAT column by bold print 'Critical Step.' 2. Any UNSAT requires comments.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed: References*

Reference Title 1. AOP-C.04 SHUTDOWN FROM AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM PLANT JPM J Page 3 of 8 Rev No. 35 ====================================================================================


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 2 is in MODE 3. 2. Unit 2 TD AFW Loop 4 LCV (2-LCV-175) is OPEN. 3. AOP-C.04, SHUTDOWN FROM AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM is in progress.
4. APPENDIX W.2 CONTROL OF UNIT 2 TURBINE DRIVEN AFW FLOW FROM OUTSIDE MCR has been completed through step 5. INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to locally shut Unit 2 TD AFW Loop 4 LCV (2-LCV-175) using APPENDIX W.2 CONTROL OF UNIT 2 TURBINE DRIVEN AFW FLOW FROM OUTSIDE MCR starting at step 6. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.


Operator obtains a copy of AOP-C.04, SHUTDOWN FROM AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM. Cue Provide a copy of AOP-C.04, SHUTDOWN FROM AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM Appendix W.2. Comment STEP 2 6. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 SIG #1. THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm at emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-174]


The Examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. Comment STEP 3 7. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 S/G #2 or 3. THEN THROTTLE or CLOSE TD AFW valves as directed:


The Examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. Comment PLANT JPM J Page 4 of 8 Start Time SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --SAT --UNSAT --

NOTE1 NOTE2 STEP 4 Comment STEP 5 Comment PLANT JPM J Page 5 of 8 Turbine-Driven AFW level control valves fail in OPEN position on loss of control air. The following step uses air from SBO air bottle to close S/G #4 TDAFW LCV from emergency control station.

Approximately 45 psig (on outlet pressure indicator 2-Pl-3-1758) should be applied if necessary to close valve. At minimum SBO air bottle pressure (800 psig), sufficient air supply is available for at least four full strokes (open to closed) of TD AFW LCV. Valve strokes should be minimized to conserve air supply. 8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 SIG #4, THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175]

a. CLOSE [2-VTIV-3-175EJ.

Vent Valve. D Provide the following cue, "Valve handle turned 90° CW and is now snug." 8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 SIG #4. THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175]

b. ENSURE [2-PREG-3-175),

Pressure Regulator.

is adjusted fully counterclockwise (lower direction).

D Provide the following cue, "Regulator handle turned several turns CCW and is now snug." SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT

.STEP 6 Comment STEP 7 Comment 8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 SIG #4, THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175]

c. OPEN [2-ISIV-32-1866KJ, SBO/App.

R HP Air Cy! !sol Valve. Provide the following cue, "Valve handle turned 90° CCW and is now snug." If asked provide the following cue point to 90 psig on pressure indicator 2-Pl-3-1750.

8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 S/G #4. THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175]

Provide the following cue, "Valve handle turned 90° CCW and is now snug." D PLANT JPM J Page 6 of 8 SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT STEP 8 8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 SIG #4, THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175}

Cue Provide the following cue, "Valve handle turned 90° CCW." Comment STEP 9 Comment Terminating Cue: 8. IF necessary to locally control TD AFW flow to Unit 2 S/G #4, THEN PERFORM the following:

[Aux Bldg el 714 Unit 2 Pen Rm using emergency control station for 2-LCV-3-175]

f. ADJUST [2-PREG-3-1751.

Pressure Regulator.

slowly in clockwise direction to close 2-LCV-3-175 as directed by ACR D If asked as to where to place 2-LCV-3-175, direct the Examinee to refer to the initiating cue. After the Examinee simulates adjusting


Pressure Regulator, in full clockwise direction point approximately to 45 psig on outlet pressure indicator 2-Pl-3-1758.

Provide the following cue "Another operator will perform the remaining steps of this procedure."


All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. You will be provided initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. Unit 2 is in MODE 3. 2. Unit 2 TD AFW Loop 4 LCV (2-LCV-175) is OPEN. 3. AOP-C.04, SHUTDOWN FROM AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM is in progress.
4. APPENDIX W.2 CONTROL OF UNIT 2 TURBINE DRIVEN AFW FLOW FROM OUTSIDE MCR has been completed through step 5. INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to locally shut Unit 2 TD AFW Loop 4 LCV (2-LCV-175) using APPENDIX W.2 CONTROL OF UNIT 2 TURBINE DRIVEN AFW FLOW FROM OUTSIDE MCR starting at step 6. 2. Inform the SRO when complete.


SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE 1503 NRC PLANT JPMK RO/SRO JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE PLANT JPM K Page 2 of 14 Task: Radiation Monitor O-RE-90-122 Flushing After Hi Radiation Signal Isolation of Release.

Task#: 0690100104 Task Standard:

The examinee completes flushing of O-RE-90-122 after isolation due to high radiation.

Alternate Path: YES: x NO: ---Time Critical Task: YES: NO: x ---KIA Reference/Ratings:

073 K4.02 (3.3/3.9)

Method of Testing:

Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Evaluation Method: Simulator In-Plant x Classroom Main Control Room Mock-up Performer:

Trainee Name Evaluator:

I Name I Signature DATE Performance Rating: SAT: UNSAT: Validation Time: 20 min Total Time: Performance Time: Start Time: Finish Time: COMMENTS SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO EVALUATOR:

1. Critical steps are identified in step SAT/UNSAT column by bold print 'Critical Step.' 2. Any UNSAT requires comments.

Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:


Reference Title O-S0-77-1 Waste Disposal System PLANT JPM K Page 3 of 14 Rev No. 53 ====================================================================================


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. HAND JPM BRIEFING SHEET TO EXAM/NEE AT THIS TIME! INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. A release from the CDCT has just been initiated using O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System and Sl-CEM-077-400.1 Liquid Waste Effluent Batch Release.
2. The calculated high radiation trip setpoint for O-RM-90-122 is 8.59 E+04 cpm, using O-Sl-CEM-077-400.1, Liquid Waste Effluent Batch Release.
3. A high radiation signal on O-RE-90-122 occurred shortly after initiation of the release, causing an isolation of the release.
4. O-RCV-77-43 has been verified CLOSED. 5. All Prerequisite Actions are complete (Section 4.0) INITIATING CUES: 1. You have been directed to perform Section 8.2 of O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System to flush RE-90-122 after the High Radiation Isolation.
2. Inform the SRO when complete.

STEP 1 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 2 Standard:

Cue Comment PLANT JPM K Page 4 of 14 Start Time SAT --Obtain a copy of O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System UNSAT --Operator obtains a copy of O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System Provide an in progress copy of O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System, section 8.2 Radiation Monitor O-RE-90-122 Flushing After Hi Radiation Signal Isolation of Release.

SAT --[1] ENSURE [0-RCV-77-43]

Radiation Control Valve is CLOSED. UNSAT --The Examinee refers to the procedure step. If asked, tell the Examinee to refer to the initial conditions.

I STEP 3 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 4 Comment [2] ENSURE [0-77-689AJ Radiation Monitor Inlet Isolation Valve is OPEN. Examinee simulates ensuring


Radiation Monitor Inlet Isolation Valve is OPEN. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction slightly and then returned fully CCW valve to original position."

[3] OPEN [0-77-68981 Discharge to FDCT Isolation Valve. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 5 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 5 Standard:

Comment STEP 6 Standard:

Cue Comment [4] CLOSE [0-77-689C]

Radiation Monitor Return to Release Header Isolation Valve. Examinee simulates closing [0-77-689C]

Radiation Monitor Return to Release Header Isolation Valve. [5] VERIFY [0-RE-90-122]

radiation monitor pump is running.

Examinee simulates ensuring


radiation monitor pump is running.

If asked provide the following cue," Red light above O-HS-90-1228 is ON." PLANT JPM K Page 6 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

I STEP 7 Standard:

Cue Comment STEP 8 Comment [6] ALLOW [0-RE-90-1221 Radiation Monitor to flush to FDCT for 5 minutes.

Examinee addresses the procedure step. Provide the following cue, "Time has been compressed, five minutes has passed."

[7J OPEN f0-77-689C].

If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 7 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 9 Comment STEP 10 Standard:

Cue Comment [8] CLOSE [0-77-689BJ.

If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction several turns and is now snug." [9] RECORD O-RE-90-122 reading:

O-RE-90-122 Reading cpm. Examinee records O-RE-90-122 reading.

Provide the following cue "O-RE-90-122 is reading 9.00 E+04 cpm" PLANT JPM K Page 8 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT --UNSAT --

I STEP 11 . Standard:

Comment STEP 12 Comment [1 OJ IF the reading obtained in step 8.2[9] is below the trip setpoint, THEN The Examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. [11] IF the reading obtained in step 8.2[9] is still above the trip setpoint, THEN PERFORM the following steps to lmver the radiation monitor reading:

[11.1] CLOSE applicable tank isolation valve from release header (NIA tanks not aligned):

Tank Being Released Isolation Valve INITIALS Cask Decon Collector Tank 0-77-679 Monitor Tank 0-77-1306 If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 9 of 14 SAT --UNSAT --SAT UNSAT STEP 13 Comment STEP 14 Comment [11.2] OPEN [0-VLV-59-735]

Demin Flush To Radwaste

!SOL If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." [11.3] OPEN [0-77-68981 Discharge to FDCT Isolation Valve. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 10 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT STEP 15 Comment STEP 16 Cue Comment [11.4] CLOSE [0*77 -689CJ Radiation Monitor Return to Release Header Isolation Valve. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction several turns and is now snug." [11.5] WHEN count rate on fO-RE-90-1221 lowers to its minimum value, THEN [11.5.1]

OPEN f0-77-689CJ Radiation Monitor Return to Release Header Isolation Valve. Provide the following cue, "Count rate on O-RE-90-122 has lowered to 8.0 E+02 cpm and is stable."

If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 11 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT STEP 17 Comment STEP 18 Cue Comment (11.5] WHEN count rate on [O-RE-90-122]

lowers to its minimum value, THEN [11.5.2]

CLOSE [0-77-68981 Discharge to FDCT Isolation Valve. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction several turns and is now snug." [11.6] CLOSE [O-VLV-59-735)

Demin Flush To Radwaste

!sol. If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CW direction several turns and is now snug." PLANT JPM K Page 12 of 14 SAT UNSAT SAT UNSAT STEP 19 Comment STEP 20 Standard:

Comment Terminating Cue: [11.7] OPEN applicable tank isolation valve previously closed in step 8.2[11.1]

(NIA tanks not aligned):

Tank Being Released Isolation Valve INITIALS Cask Decon Collector Tank 0-77-679 Monitor Tank 0-77-1306 If asked provide the following cue, "valve HW turned in the CCW direction several turns and is now snug." [11.8] IF hi radiation alarm will NOT clear, THEN NOTIFY the appropriate US/SRO that alarm will NOT clear. The Examinee addresses the procedure step as N/A. Provide the following cue "Another operator will perform the remaining steps of this procedure."


I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed.

All steps shall be simulated for this JPM. WHEN ENTERING A UNIT TRIP HAZARD ZONE ENSURE YOU DO NOT TOUCH ANY SWITCHES WITHIN THAT ZONE. I will provide initiating cues and indicate any steps to be discussed.

When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this job performance measure will be satisfied.

Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you. INITIAL CONDITIONS:

1. A release from the CDCT has just been initiated using O-S0-77-1 Waste Disposal System and Sl-CEM-077-400.1 Liquid Waste Effluent Batch Release.
2. The calculated high radiation trip setpoint for O-RM-90-122 is 8.59 E+04 cpm, using O-Sl-CEM-077-400.1, Liquid Waste Effluent Batch Release.
3. A high radiation signal on O-RE-90-122 occurred shortly after initiation of the release, causing an isolation of the release.
4. O-RCV-77-43 has been verified CLOSED. 5. All Prerequisite Actions are complete (Section 4.0) INITIATING CUES: 3. You have been directed to perform Section 8.2 of O-S0-77-1, Waste Disposal System to flush RE-90-122 after the High Radiation Isolation.
4. Inform the SRO when complete.