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2017/03/13 NRR E-mail Capture - [External_Sender] NRC Issuance of an Expedited Amendment Associated with Emergency Core Cooling System
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/2017
From: Asselin D
State of MI, Dept of Environmental Quality
To: Sujata Goetz
Plant Licensing Branch III
Download: ML17072A493 (3)


1NRR-PMDAPEm ResourceFrom:Asselin, David (DEQ) <>Sent:Monday, March 13, 2017 2:41 PMTo:Goetz, Sujata


[External_Sender] RE: NRC Issuance of an Expedited Amendment Associated with Emergency Core Cooling SystemHi Sue, The State of Michigan does not have any comments and supports the issuance of requested license amendment. Sincerely, David

David Asselin, Acting Manager Radiological Protection Section Waste Management and Radiological Protection Division Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Telephone: (517) 614-9913 Email: From: Goetz, Sujata [1] Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 1:58 PM To: Asselin, David (DEQ) Cc: Yale, Ken (DEQ)


NRC Issuance of an Expedited Amendment Associated with Emergency Core Cooling System Mr. Asselin, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is in the process of approving a license amendment request from DTE Electric Company, for Fermi 2.

The proposed amendment would add footnotes indicating that the injection functions of "Drywell Pressure - High" for High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) and "Manual Initiation" for HPCI and RCIC are not required to be operable under low reactor pressure conditions. The NRC staff's proposed no significant hazard consideration determination was published in the Federal Register on March 13 (82 FR 13512). Please let me know if you have any comments on this action. I can be reached at 301-415-8004.

Thanks, Sue Sujata Goetz Project Manager, Fermi, Unit 2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 211555 Rockville Pike Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRC/NRR/DORL/LP3 Mailroom, 08C10 Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (o) 301.415.8004 (fax) 301.415.3313 (fax) Mail Stop 08D15

Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 3398 Mail Envelope Properties (BY2PR09MB0143F0A7AE8D2A97680FC44F9E250)


[External_Sender] RE: NRC Issuance of an Expedited Amendment Associated with Emergency Core Cooling System Sent Date: 3/13/2017 2:41:26 PM Received Date: 3/13/2017 2:41:36 PM From: Asselin, David (DEQ) Created By: Recipients: "Goetz, Sujata" <> Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1803 3/13/2017 2:41:36 PM Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received: