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Gfes Results, March 2017, D.C. Cook
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/2017
From: Orlikowski R J
Operations Branch I
To: Emery D
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Orlikowski R J
Download: ML17103A566 (2)


a).""^* REGul4A.^t \^14i.iwsUNITED STATESNUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONREGION III2443 WARRENVILLE ROAD, SUITE 210LtsLE, ILLINOIS 60532-4352April12,2017Mr. Daniel EmeryTraining ManagerDonald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plantlndiana Michigan Power CompanyOne Cook PlaceBridgman, Ml 49106

Dear Mr. Emery:

On March 8,2017, the U,S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) administered the genericfundamentals examination (GFE) section of the written operator licensing examination toemployees at your facility. Enclosed with this letter are copies of both forms of the examination,includiirg answer keys, tne grading results for your facility, and copies of the individual answersheets fór each of yóur emloyees. Please fonryard the results to the individuals along with thecopies of their respective answer sheets. A "P" in the RESULTS column indicates that theindividual achieved a passing grade of 80 percent or better on the GFE, while an "F" indicatesthat the individual failed the exam.lf you have any questions concerning this examination, please contact Mr, Jacob Dolecki at(301) 415-2947Sincerely,Robert Jikowski, ChiefOperations BranchDivision of Reactor SafetyDocket Nos. 50-315; 50-316


1. Examination Forms "4" ard "8" with answers2. Examination Results Summaryfor Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant3, lndividual Answer Sheets4. Post-Examination Comments D. Emery -2-LETTER TO MR. DANIEL EMERY FROM MR. ROBERT J. ORLIKOWSKI DATEDAPRIL I?^,2017DOCUMENT NAME:P:\Client Server Applications OL Downloads\GFE test results\Cook GFE Results March 2017.docx-117OFFICIAL RECORD COPYRIII/DRS/OB:OLARIII/DRS/OB:BCOFFICEROrlikowski soNAMECSchmidt c.-so4to5t1794 1z t17DATE