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PNS-V-79-002:on 791128,licensee Reported Questioning by FBI Portland,Or Ofc as to Whether Pu Was Snm.Agency Investigating Offers to Sell Pu Nitrate
Person / Time
Site: Framatome ANP Richland
Issue date: 11/28/1979
From: Norderhaug L
PNS-V-79-002, PNS-V-79-2, NUDOCS 7912200437
Download: ML19268C078 (1)



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PRELIMINARY HOTIFICATION PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF SAFEGilARDS EVENT PNS-V-79/2 This preliminary notification constitutes *EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE national security or Dublic interest sicnificance.

The information presented

,i,5 as initially received without verification or evaluation and 15 basically all l


that 15 known by IE staff as of this date.

1 i

i Ta:ility:

y.mcon liuclear Corporation l

Richland, Washington j

Docket No.1257 i

e Subj ec.t:


k l

The li:ensee reported that they had been asked by the FBI Portland Oregon Offico j

if plutouium was a special nuclear material.

Their agent in Bend, Oregon had heard cn a radio talk show airing classified advertisements, an offer to sell 30 pounds of plutonium nitrate for "$1,500.00 or best offer".

1 he FB; had 'also been contactedj by a librarian in Bend who reported a notice on the library bulletin board making the same of fer and giving a.,, Bend, Oregon l

?. 0. 9ex Nd:,ber, the registered owner of which is en 18 year old according to the F31. agent i=vestigating the. case.

i P.cdia interest may result although no inquiries have' been made to date.

i The IAT was notified at 3:35 pm 11/28/79.

ij The State of Oregon was notified at 4:30 pm 11/28/79.

I g'

Region V will remain cognizant and should the offer amount. to more, than a hoax, we will advise.

1 Region v received notification of this occurrence by telephone frcan the licensee.

at 2:10 pm PST, November 28, 1979.



2.. Norderhaug, 7TS 463-3775.

4 Distribution _:

Transmitted H Stf Chairman iiendrie Comissioner Bradford'

'$. J. Chilk,' SECY '

Consissioner Kennedy.

Comissioner Ahearne C. C. Kamerer, CA


..c 5. Commissioner Gilinst;y y. -


(For Distribution) iE

-s l w..~r


P~ Bldg IE:XOOS -

-~ (TE-Hrl1)ist.)

'm Or., Transmitted:' MNBB i

! ;. 4.

L. V. Gossick sEDO.

H R. Denton, NRR l $ EH. L. Ormstain,IDO R. C.'DeYoung, NRR~


4 *Ma. ~J. d, mPA. '. f 5-

'R. ~0. Mattson, WRR Landow (6 min./page)

J. J.'.Cuern ngs, 01A I %E N. M. He31e6 'NPA

.D. Vassallo, NRR~


i bc -t sc.1.Ryans.DSP:n

.:i+: a D..Edsenhut, NRR (MAIL) RV Form ~211'

] Q'fi H..X. Shepar; ED.,,.. - 2 i '3S Bldg R. Minogue, SD

, g,e.pb,. g.Jh.r: ".r g95'r c H..0. Dircks p MSS,^

phS 0ther' Regional-Officas.y -

5..Levine, RES IE:X00S

'Er Q %..~.:M.=,C.1,.'.

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