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Proposed Changes to Tech Specs Allowing Operation of Hydrogen Sample & Hydrogen Sample Return Containment Isolation Valves During Testing Under Administrative Control
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/27/1984
Shared Package
ML20080A727 List:
NUDOCS 8402060238
Download: ML20080A737 (31)


{{#Wiki_filter:, ATTACIDtENT (1) i o DEFINITIONS' EVENT REPORTABLE OCCURRE!;CE EVENT 1.7 A REPORTABLE OCCU","ENCE shall,be any of those conditions specified c n n._; n e i n y_._. 4.,.,. m_ _., _ _ _....e...,.......e.....,.- Sw.h 5033 to loc.R Port 50. CONTAlt; MENT INTEGRITY E 1.8 CONTAIl DENT INTEGRITY thall exist when: 1.8.1 All penetrations required to be closed during accident conditions are either: Capable of being closed by an OPERABLE containment s. automatic itolation valve system, or b. Closed by manual valves, blind flanges, or deactivated auternatic valves secured in tnair closed positions. ..,.,.J. ;.. l.'. c'xce.pi. as in.. Table S.E..l. e!,5;; ;... .. f.. 3. 6.. 1........q,.,, .:.'.33,y..g'y Q,.; :y:fy. g7g;g3

g. End.'s'ea1'f d.. .. ~ ' '.'

~; . ;. v. : ...1.8';3'kgc.-h airlock:1s.0PERABLE: pursuant. to. Sp'ecif featforic3;E.t.3.i..., ........ ~. ...?. ..i ').8.'4 'The containment'leN. age iates aie.within thelimitsof 2 ~~

Specifica'tton 3.6.'1.2, anld

.1.8.5..Th.e sealin..g machanism associated with'each penetration (e.g., welds,bellousor.0-rings)isOPERABLE. . M ai,.;.,p. g lF7(.y. wp y. ;: ;'..:;n;q:hti 'pg,;;.'i..:p. ;x......ya.y.,;.';gl,,:..g;_p.s.O.f.a.,,;..j..- CHA?'"El C.SLIBRATIO" h9.1 A CHAtiNE,L CALIBRATION shall be the.adj'ustmentcas necessar.y, of the' ..i. u. r -l channel outp'ut ~such responds with the rlecesshry r. angi;and accuracy. to kr.;wn values of th2 Rari.::4cer.thich th: channel r.:nitors. Th CHA!;MEL '. e t:.....t-CATI.BRATIO.x shalJ. encompass.:.the. entire.chanriel. including. the. sensor and-alarm and/or trip functicns, an; shall include tha CHAM;EL FL'.':CTIC'!AL ' TEST. The CHA;;;EL CAL;CRATIC:: cay be pirformed by any :eries of squen- .tial, overlapping or total channelisteps'such that the entire channel is. / s.. : .ca,li,brated u...: :.. m. :. c. p., ;,... $ u,..

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..,;e,.....,. j 8402060238 840127 hDRADOCK 05000317 PDR .;:, p C AL'.*I..U CL I F F'.L...H + 2. 1-2 i

e INSTRUltENTATION FIRE DETECTION INSTRUMENTATION LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION As a minimum, the fire detection instrumentation for each fire detection zone shown in Table 3.3-11 shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY _: Whenever equipment in that fire detection zone is required to be OPERABLE. ACTION: With one or more of the fire detection instrument (s) shown in Table 3.3-11 inoperable: Within'1 hour establish a fire watch patrol to inspect the zone (s) y, a. with the inoperable instrument (s) at least once per hour, unless the instrumeid(s) is located inside the containment, then inspect /{ the containment at least once per 8 hours or monitor the contain-r I per hour at the locations listed (( ment air temperature at least a the instrument (s) is located

  • in Specification; or nles in fire detection zones equippe with automatic wet pipe sprinkler 9

systems alarmed and supervised to the Control Room, then within 1 p hour and at least per 24 hours thereafter, inspect the zone (s) with 7 inoperable instruments and verify that the automatic sprinkler system, including the water flow alarm and supervisory system, is g operable by channel functional test. b. Restore the inoperable instrument (s) to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, f r. lice of any-ether-report-required-by-Spec-if-ication- +hig prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission i pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the instrument (s) to OPEPABLE status. The provisions of Specification 3 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. c. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS At least once per 6 months, at least 25% of the above required fire s 4 detection instruments which are accessible during plant operation shall be [ demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST. Detectors selected for testing shall be selected on a rotating basis such that all detectors will be tested over a two year period. If in any detection zone ( there are less than four detectors, at least one different detector in that s zone shall be tested every six months. For each detector found inoperable ( during functional testing, at least an additional 10% of all detectors or 10 detectors, whichever is less, shall also be tested. Fire detectors which are inaccessible during plant operation shall be demonstrated OPERABLE bf the performance of a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST during eacn COLD SHUTDOWN exceeding l 24 hours unless perfomed during the previous six months. j d CALVERT CLIFFS - UNITith 3/4 3-43 Amendment No. 26, 61 1

1 i o REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) (M teide - C. Results of steam generator, u e inspections whic5~ fall-into'~ EA 24 Category C-3 and require t notification of the Comissio hup

hall be repcrted pursuant to Specification 6.9.'d prior to s

resumption of plant operation. The written followup of this report shall provide a description of investigations conducted to detennine cause of the tube degrad 'na r tive easur aken to prevent recurrencq nal k submakd wAu 4 aext 30dqc. L

. ~...-.

CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 +2.- 3/4 4-10 Anwdmbd S-a

\\ TABLE 4.4-2 i-1 n j 3-i Eg STEAM GENERATOR TUBE INSPECTION -1 1ST SAMPLE INSPECTION 2ND SAMPLE INSPECTION 3RD SAMPLE INSPECTION Sample Size Result Action RMuired Result Action Required Result Action Required tn e A minimum of C-1 None N/A N/A N/A N/A e c-S Tubes per 2 S. G' U C-2 Plug defective tubes C-1 None N/A N/A and inspect additional Plug deicctive tubes C-1 None + 2S tubes in this S. G. C-2 and insr.ct additional C-2 Plug defective tubes y 4S tubes in this S. G. p g C-3 C-3 result of first l sample w) Periorm action ior C-3 C-3 result of first N/A N/A L sample N C-3 Inspect all tubes in All other this S. G., plug de-S. G.s are None N/A N/A fective tubes and C-1 s b in yct2S S0m' S G 5 Perform action for N/A N/A C-2 but no C-2 result of second 24 Ax.c verhol additional sample Aempe notificatioph S. G. are to NRC[gCrleanT C-3 to specification Additional Inspect all tubes in 6.9. S. G. is C-3 each S. G. and plug atig N/A N/A i + f to NRChursuIrif + b to specificatson ). 6.9.{ b Z S-3 % Wh"' " 55 '.he nunibc: of steam generators in the unit, and n is the number of steam generators inspected ,0 n during an mspection i. e f

REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM SPECIFIC ACTIVITY _ LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.4.8 The specific activity of the primary coolant shall be limited to: a. 1 1.0 uCi/ gram DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131, and b. 1 100/E uCi/ gram. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. ACTION: MODES 1, 2 and 3*: With the specific activity of the primary coolant > 1.0 uti/ gram a. DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 but within the allowable limit (below and to the left of the line) shown on Figure 3.4-1, operation may continue for up to 100 hours provided that operation under these circumstances shall not exceed 10 percent of the unit's total yearly operating time. The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable. b. With the specific activity of the primary coolant > 1.0 uCi/ gram DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 for more than 100 hours during one con-tinuous time interval or exceeding the limit line shown on Figure 3.4-1, be in at least HOT STANDBY with T < 500*F avg within 6 hours. With the specific activity of the primary coolant > 100/f c. < 500 F within uCi/ gram, be in at least HOT STANDBY with T'V9 6 hours. MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: d. With the specific activity of the primary coolant > 1.0 uCi/ gram DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 or > 100/E uCi/ gram, perform the sampling and analysis requirements of item 4 a) of Table 4.4-4 until the specific activity of the primary coolant is restored to within its 1imits. " "I"0"*"'l 00:""". 30: 2.:" be p :;:nd e,M %:i-aifMi:n 5.0.i. 9This d.... -. os -............,,,,....e m., r report shall contain the results of the specific activity analyses together with the following information:

  • With T, g >_ 500*F.

SEfi IfTTbcHED CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 +L 3/4 4-19 Awdd NW

%ee & sremo achQ J +h ectmap cootad exaas s.,,, s. to a b Qtc "'g a in exasj,a} spra& na eausnear1-ni sc ( u.opeup-4 s a,a ma pq opeahng% pucsaas Acmae aioe, a Saad kpr+ daft La. preparea and subm;Med to ila cammissim p pars a t % S ee;Gicalian G,92 wnn 4la na + 30 Qg. p x 0 0 1

o CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS _ SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) In addition, determining that the average of the normalized lift-off M/ forces for each sample population (hoop, vertical, dome) is equal to C or greater than the required average prestress level; 536 kips for hoop b tendons, 622 kips for vertical tendons, and 555 kips for dome tendons f (reference Figures 4.6-1. -2 and -3). If the average is below the I required average prestress force, it shall be considered as evidence f of possible abnormal degradation of the containment structure. / b. Renoving one aire from each of a dome, vertical and hoop tendon checked for lift off force, and determining over the entire length of the wire: ( 1.- The extent of corrosion, cracks. or other damage. The presence g of abnormal corrosion, cracks or other damage shall be considered 4 evidence of possible abnoqual degradation of the containment <f structure. 2. A mhits2. tensile strength value of 240 Ksi (guaranteed ultimate stNr:gth of the tendon material) for at least three wire samples (one from each end and one at mid-length) cut from each removed wire. Failure of any one of the wire samples to meet.the minimum tensile strength test is evidence of possible abnormal degrada-g tion of the containment structure. c. Perform a chemical analysis to detect changes in the chemical properties u of the sheath filler grease. Any unusual changes in physical appearancefI. or chemical properties that could adversely affect the ability of the filler grease to adhere to the tendon wires or otherwise inhibit corro b s h shall ha -=aa***d to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9./.". [withs &,mr (oftags. } 2.

4. 6.1. 6. 2 End Arichorages and Adiacent Concrete Surfaces. The str.uctural. tritegrity.

of the end anchorages and adjacent concrete surfaces shall be demonstrated by determining through inspection that no apparent changes have occurred in the visual appearance of the end anchorage concrete exterior surfaces cr the concrete crack patterns adjacent to the end anchorages. Inspections of the concrete shall be performed during the Type A contair, ment leakage rate tests (reference Specification while the containment is at its maximum test pressure. 4.6.l.6.3 Liner Plate. The structural integrity of the containmer)t liner plate shall be determined during the shutdown for each Type A containment leakage rate test (reference Specification by a visual inspection of the plate and. ver.ifying no apparent changes in appearance or other abnormal degradation. .4. 6.1. 6. 4 Reports. Any abnormal degradation of the containment s.tructure detected during; the above required tests and inspections shall be reported to the Commission This report shall include a description of the ( pursuant to Sp;:cificatic, 6.9.{[cf the concrete (especially at tendon anchorages). tendon condition, the condition the inspection procedures, the talerances on cracking, and the corrective actions taken. w thm k ned }D dy.} CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 3/4 6-9 Anendment' ,-_,---m -t

CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Liner Plate _ The structural integrity of the containment liner plate shall be determined during the shutdown for each Type A containment leakage rate test (reference Specification by a visual inspection of the plate and verifying no apparent changes in appearance or other abnormal degradation. Reports Any abnormal degradation of the containment structure detected during the above required tests and inspections shall be reported to the Comission pursuant to Specification 6.9.f This report shall include a description of the tendon condition, tW con icn of the concrete (especially at tendon anchorages), the inspection procedure, the tolerances on cracking, and the corrective actions taken. as u a aodys. G e CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 2 3/4 6-9 hjQ kql

PLANT SYSTEMS 3/d.7.11 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEM LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The fire suppression water system :; hall be OPERABLE with: Two high pressure pumps, each with a capacity of 2500 gpm, with a. their discharge aligned to the fire suppression header, b. Two water supplies, each with a minimum contained volume of 300,000 gallons, and An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from the Pretreated c. Water Storage Tanks Numbers 11 and 12 and transferring the water through distribution piping with OPERABLE sectionalizing control or isolation valves to the yardhydrant curb valves and the first valve ahead of the water flow alarm device on each sprinkler, hose standpipe or spray system riser required to be OPERABLE per Specifications,, and APPLICABILITY: At all times. ACTION: With one pump and/or one water supply inoperable, restore the a. I inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status within 7 days or, h 'fe'2 er en; cther rd;::;rt+eavired by Specif teetion-6:971w prepare.and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the plans and procedures to be used to provide for the loss of redundancy in this system. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. b. With the fire suppression water system otherwise' inoperable: 1. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within 24 hours, and 2. in-14ett-of-any-etheMeport required-by--Specification-6 erb, Stubmit a Special Report in accordance with Specification 6.9.2; l a) By telephone within 24 hours, b) Confirmed by telegraph, mailgram or facsimile transmission no later than the first working day following the event, and c) In writing within 14 days following the event, outlining the action taken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring thei system to OPERABLE status. e I 3/4 7-65 Amendment No. M. /I CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT CALV61T dLIFF5 -Ourb 3/4 7-58 kW d w d Ih, [ M

PLANT SYSTEMS SPRAY AND/OR SPRINKLER SYSTEMS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The spray and/or sprinkler systems shown in Table 3.7-5 shall be OPERABLE: APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment in the spray / sprinkler protected areas is required to be OPERABLE. ACTION: With one or more of the required spray and/or sprinkler systems a. inoperable, within one hour establish a continuous fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment for those' areas in which redundant safe shutdown. systems or components could be damaged; for other areas, establish an hourly fire watch patrol. Restore .the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days or, imlice cf :r.y eth:r r:p rt required by Specification-5.0.i, prepara and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the ciuse of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.

b., The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required spray and/or sprinkler systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valve (manual, a. power operated or automatic) in the flow path, not locked sealed or otherwise secured in position, is in its correct position. b. At least once per 12 months by cycling each testabli valve in the flow path through at least,one complete cycle of full travel, c. At least once per 18 months: 1. By performing a system functional test which includes simulated automatic actuation of the system, and: a) Verifying that the automatic valves in the flow path actuate to their correct positions on a simulated test signal, and I I

  • Amendment No. 26 di CALVERT CLIFFS - UNITl 3/4 7-69 I CALVUS CUFF 5-MrL 3/4 7-6 l Mn1MJ M k e

-~... -.- - ~

i ~ PLANT SYSTEMS .s. HALON SYSTEMS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The following Halon systems shall be OPERABLE with the storage tanks having at least 95% of full charge weight (or level) and 90% of full charge pressure. a. Cable spreading rooms total flood system, and associated vertical cable chase 1C, Unit 1. b. 460 volt switchgear rooms 27 & 45' elevation Unit 1. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment protected by the Halon system is require:d to be OPERABLE. ACTION: a. With both the primary and backup Halon systems protecting the areas inoperable, within one hour establish an hourly fire watch with backup fire suppression equipment for those areas protected by the inoperable Halon system. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within 14 days, or, & lica of &ny Other-reportwequiced-by-Specification-fr.-94 prepare and submit a Special Report to the i Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the n xt 30 days outlining the action taken, the'cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status. b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the above required Halon systems shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: a. At least once per 31 days by verifying that each valv.e (manual, power operated or automatic) in the flow path is in its correct position. b. At least once per 6 months by verifying Halon storage tank weight (level) and pressure. c. At least once per 18 months by: 1. Verifying the system, including associated ventilation dampers and fire door release mechanisms, actuates manually and auto-matically, upon receipt of a simulated actuation signal, and 2. Performance of a flow test through headers and nozzles to assure no blockage. h ks o r / -6 h 0D-Q

l PLANT SYSTEMS FIRE NOSE STATIONS LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION I The fire hose stations shown in Table 3.7-6 shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment in the areas protected by the fire' hose stations is required to be OPERABLE. ' ACTION: With one or more of the fire hose stations shown in Table 3.7-6 a. inoperable, route an additional equivalent capacity fire hose to the unprotected area (s) from an OPERABLE hose station within 1 hour. Restore the fire hose station (s) to OPERABLE status within.14 days, I or, k lie; cf r.ny cther r;;:cM-required by Sccifict.tica 0.0.1 4 prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action t.aken, the cause of the inoperability and the plans and schedule for restoring the fire hose station (s) to OPERABLE status, The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. b. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each of the fire hose stations-shown in Table 3.7-6 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE; At least once per 31 days by visual inspection of the station to a. assure all required equipment is at the station. Hose stations located in the containment shall be visually inspected on each scheduled reactor shutdown, but not more frequently than every 31 days, b. At least once per 18 months by: 1. Removing the hose for inspection and re-racking, and 2. Replacement of all degraded gaskets in couplings. c. At least once per 3 years by: 1. Partially opening each hose station valve to verify valve OPERABILITY and no flow blockage. 2. Conducting a hose hydrostatic test at a pressure at least 50 psig greater than the maximum pressure available at that hose station or replacement with a new hose. t CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 3/4 7-73 AmendmentNo.26,y QQ h. f14,f3 thCU6KY QLIFFS - NT L 44 T-{S e _y

PLANT SYSTEMS 0 YARD FIRE HYDRANTS AND HYDRANT HOSE HOUSES LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The following yard fire hydrants and associated hydrant hose houses shall be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: Whenever equipment in the areas protected by the yard fire hydrants is required to be OPERABLE. a. f6 yard hydrant and associated hydrant hose house, which provides prima ~ry protection for Unit 2 RWT blockhouse. b.

  1. 7 yard hydrant and associated hydrant hose house, which provides primary protection for Unit 1 RWT blockhouse.

ACTION: a. With one or more of the ard fire hydrants or associated hydrant hose houses inoperable, within 1 hour have sufficient additional lengths of 2-1/2 inch diameter hose located in an adjacent OPERABLE hydrant hose house to provide service to the ' unprotected are'a(s) if the inoperable fire hydrant or associated hydrant hose house is the primary means of fire suppression. Restore the hydrant or hose house to-OPERABLE status within 14 days or, 41k;.cf..sny othee.... J. repcet required by Spedificat4on-6.9.1, prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the inopera-bility, and the plans and schedule for restoring the hydrant or hose house to OPERABLE status. b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. ' SURVEILLANCE RE0VIREMENTS Each of the yard fire hydrants and associated hydrant hose houses shall be demqnstrated OPERABLE: a. At least once per 31 days by visual inspection of the hydrant hose house to assure all required equipment is at the hose house. b. At least once per 6 months (once during March April or May and once during September. October or November) by visually inspecting each yard fire hydrant and verifying that the hydrant barrel is dry and that the hydrant is not damaged. 1 l CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 3/4 7-75 AmendmentNo.((s Cht,WAT'tuPD ' W W 2 3/f 7-07 A%(apo. g ,e--- =,,,,. - m- ,,m ,----,.r-- ,,-,,n.,,-.--... ,,.,n . - -,,,. -,, - -.., ~, - -


3. 7.#T2 All fire barrier penetrations (i.e., cable penetration barriers., fire-i doors and fire dampers), in. fire zone boundaries, protecting safe shutdown

( 7 areas shall be OPERABLE. - L APPLICf'.,ILITY : At all times. 2 ~ ACTION: a. With one or more of the above required fire barrier penetrations inoperable within one hour either establish a continuous fire watch on at least one side of the affected penetration, or verify the OPERABILITY of fire detectors on at least one side of the inoperable fire barrier and es.tablish an hourly fire watch patrol; or verify the operability of automatic sprinkler systems (including th'e water flow alarm and supervisory system) on both sides of the IHOPERABLE fire barrier. Restore the inoperable fire barrier penetration (s) to operable status within 7 days or, in '.f:: :? : y (2j W Srt r:;:f red by Sp:ci'icetter; 5.0.1, prepare and. submit a Special Report to the Commission pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 3 within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of / the inoperable penetration and plans and schedule for restoring the h ~ fire barrier penetration (s) to operable status. b. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.7.12 Each of the above required fire barrier penetrations shall be verified e to be OPERABLE: ) d a. At least once per 18 months by a visual inspection. b. Prior to returning a fire barrier penetration to functional status /(? following repairs or maintenance by performance of a visual inspec-tion of the affected fire barrier penetration (s). CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 3/4 7-77 AmendmentNo.// ' cpt@RT 64FFS ~ (WI T 2-- 3}} 7-M busd& No.ff e

~ I e A g) ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS e s' MEETING FRE00ENCY The POSRC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the POSRC Chairman or his designated alternate. QUORUM E A quorum of the POSRC shall censist of the Chairman or his designated alternate an:' fo:.r members including alternates. 4 RESPbNSIBILITIES The POSRC shall be responsible for: a. Review of 1) all procedures required by Specification 6.5 and changes thereto, 2) any other proposed procedures or changes 8 thereto as determined by the Plant Superintendent to affe:t nuclear safe y. g b. Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety. c. Review of all proposed ' changes tc Appendix "A" Technical Specifications. d. Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that af fect nuclear safety, e. Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation and recem endations to prevent re:errence to the Manager - Nuclear Power De; art:en: and to the Chairman of the i 4 Off Site Safety Review Comittee. d REFORTA8tE Eveurs. f. Review all 'it;n r:;r m equ'- Mg ?' 5:ur n:tific: tion to 4 the C;.issica, g. Review of facility operations to detect potential safety hazards. h. Performance of special reviews, investigations or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the Chaiman of the Off Site Safety Review Committee. i. Review of the Plant Security Plan and implementing procedures and shall submit recomended changes to the Off Site Safety Review Committee. j. Review of the Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and shall submit recommEnc'ed changes to the Off Site Safety P.e.f ew Committee. CALVEF.T CLIFFS - UNIT 1 6-7 A.:end.ent No. If,p,// CALVGT CLlFF5-VW 2- &~7 A-edrad No, M,$

j 't I ~ ADMIft!STRATIVE CONTROLS g e l -v REVIEW s The OSSRC shall review: ,} t a. The safety evaluations for 1) changes to procedures, equipment or systems and 2) tests or experiments completed under the provision of Section 50.59, 10 CFr., to verify that such actions did not constitute an unreviewed safety question. b. Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in Section i 50.59, 10 CFP.. 4 c. Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed f. safety question as defined in Section 50.59, 10 CFR. d. Proposed changes in Technical Spacificatiens or this Operating License. e. Violations of codes, regulations, orders. Technical Specifications, license requirements, cr of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance. ) f. Significant operating abnormalitics or deviations from normal and expected performance of piant equipment that affect nuclear '.'j sa fe ty. REPcgrA8tE EVEdTs. g. All.;ritten rcport m qti + " 2' Scur nodSca tion - te th^- I e,_:..: h. All recocni::ed indications of an unanticipated deficiency in some aspect of design or operation of safety related structures,' systems, or components. i. Reports and meetings minutes of the POSRC. 4 i 's ei e e s d%MM CALVERT CLIFFS - UtilT 1 6-10 Ca uwtt CUF6-WCL-t, - f C Qwkg N's.

O A3v.INISTRATIVE CO';TROLS RECORDS Records of OSSRC activities shall be prepared, approved and distributed as indicated below: a. Minutes of each OSSRC meeting shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice President-Supply within 14 days following each meeting. b. Reports of reviews encompassed by Section above, shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice President-Supply within 14 days following completion of the review. c. Audit reports encompassed by Section above, shall be forwarded to the Vice President-Supply and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited within 30 days after completion of the audit. E4E6 6.6 REPORTABLE 4CCtmRENGE--ACTION E4EMTS: 6.6.1 The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE- 000' RRENCEn-J a. The Commission shall be notified andM a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of 0;;;i'i;;ticr. S.^. EVENT sec+ ion 50.73 to tocfRfbrt 50,and b. Each REPORTABLE.^CC"""IMCC requirf ag 24 5;;r n;tificat4on-te tM C:xt::ter.-shall be reviewed by the POSRC and submitted to the OSSRC and the Manager - liuclear Power Departmen. j rO ge ssu' tis et ibh revicW 56061 be, _^ _ CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 6-12 Amendeent flo. M.If W TL (,-lL-AnwLnd loa.&$ I (_A LWE! CctFFS ~

o AD".Ii;ISTRAT'TE 07;TROLS 6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 above may be made pro-vided: The intent of the originial procedure 'is not altered. a. b. The change is approved by two members of the olant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License on th,e unit affected. c. The change is documented, reviewed by the POSRC and approved by the Plant Superintendent within 14 days of implementation. g W 6.9 REPORTIfiG REOUIREMENTS ROUTIllE REPORTS ^!:D REPORTfaLC OCC'JRRO;CCT-6.9.1 In addition to the applicable reporting requirements of Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, the following reports shall be submitted to the Director of the Regional Office of Inspection and Enforcement unless otherwise noted. STARTUP REPORT A sumary report of piant startup and power escalation testing shall be submitted following (1) receipt of an operating license, (2) amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3) installation of fuel tha't has 'a different design or has been manu-factured by a different fuel supplier, and (4) modifications that may have significantly altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic perfor-l mance of the plant. l l The startuo report shall address each of the tests identified in the FSAR and shall include a description of the measured values l of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained during the test orogram and a comparison of these values with design oredictions and specifications. Any corrective actions that were required to obtain l satisfactory operation shall also be described. Any additional specific details required in license conditions based on other comitments shall be included in this report. CALVERT CLIFFS - UtilT 1 6-14 Amendment flo. p/, 4'y,// cuer cw - orL v4 gu, p;gp

O ACMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT' Q Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience k hall be submitted on a monthly basis to the Director, Office of Inspection i .9. 3. 5 6 O. C. 9 nd Enforcement, U. 5. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washin s ~~ a 15th of each rator and to the NRC Resident Inspector, no later than the h 0555, ATTN: 2 onth folicwing the calendar month covered by the report, t r ( m ~ 4.oRTAat.: cc = = = 1 r .l.K The REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES of Specifications and 6 neluding corrective actions and measures to prevent recur.nce, i.9. 7 Supplemental reports may be requ' ed to

selow, eported to the NRC.

In case of cc ected or all be sh lly desc 'be final resolution of occu.rence.eports, a licensee event report sh 'u supplemental be made to the original report dgte., eference shal OMpT NOTIFICATIO WITH WRITTEN FOLLO!!Up_ i.9.1.8 The types of ents listed below sh t reported within 24 ours by telephone and c firmed by telegr h ilgram, or facsimile of the Re i .fice, or his designate no t ransmission to the Ofrect .e event, with a written

ater than the first working ay follo en followup report shall The wr;

'ollowup report within 14 days. copy of a licensee event report form. eclude, as a minfrum, a complet ent report fom shall be. 'suople- ,nformation provided on the licens =tive material to provide comolete nented, as needed, by additional n ding the event. urro explanation of the circumstances a. Failure of the rea or protectic system or other systems ttings to initiate the subject to limiti.g safety system me a monitored parameter required prote ve function by the reaches the tpoint specified as the 'miting safety system failure to complets setting in e techrtical specifications the recui d protective function. ion of the unit or affected systems when ny carameter oeration is b. Operperation subject to a limiting condition for ss conservative than the least conservative aspe

  • of the or chnical

,imiting condition for operation established in the specifications. Abnomal degradation discovered in fuel cladding, reactor coolant pressure boundary, or primary containment. c. e 6-16: AmendmentNo.23,gg CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 a gggp r cear cure-wr t

4 t o ADMINISTRATIVE CC!TROLS d. Reactivity anomalies involving disaqreement with the predict value of reactivity balance under stLady state conditions during pcwer coeration greater than or equal to 15 ak/k; calculated reactivity balance indicating a SHUTD0'dt! MARr il less conservative than specified in the technical spec fea-tions; short-term reactivity ine,reases that correscor to reactor neriod of less than 5 seconds cr, if subc itical, nplanned reactivity insertion of more than 0... ak/k; or anocc rence of any unplanned criticality. Failure or malfunction of one er more compen. ts wnich orevents e. or could revent, by itself, the fulfillme. of the functional requiremen s of system (s) used to cope ui accidents analyzed in the SAR. f. Personnel erro or procedural ina c cy which cretents or c.qqld. orevent, b.itsel f, 7,he fu iment of the func.ional

  • :7 ' ~ recuir.e.ents of.'s,, te9.s requir cdoe wi'th acciddnts i.'.'.','.',

5,.. in t.he' 5A?.:, c. e .c . ;n............ ..,. ; r., .1. o..........r man-rsca. events, .,.,... v f: . u, ' '. .c g:. Condit;ic.... irising fr..o.. na.t ns;. i ire. uni t di !tc0u.G.'.octri.t100. - ..v. 4. .: t.,r.k.s..:lt o.f...t,h.e'. eva. t c.qu..t .,s,/ *c(,sa sty'systtr@ *or.oth. * :stswe.y' rg/nyedihy. s ,.i ,q.......,:.; l

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..,. 3

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?. tech.nica..l s.pcc.iina ton. ch.. Errors he tr ns nt'or acciisat ar. tit m . tne tiet.heds used f such 'anelys e. a's desciib:d ti 'the s..fet"r .ali.alysis reprr, c- ' hi the. bhes f.,.the F.c1.-' nini ss.:t fica-. .t. r. cculd have anni ed reacter.. operation in ~.. ' .'~, -.. r..,... onservativ' than' ass"... d in the analyses. ..a manner e l,' ? + ;:.:6 5 %:.>. '.':.? & n: & *g Q c6h,g7yg46yy.:,y,fgm;.4pc$iMn*tTVt'hatr'e50ir*cs~ ~ ,o re:M' ai --t

  • c 1 :. ccrrect:2 ~n:w u ?.c

': u:t :. - -17 in a it, leu cc,.1sarvatiJa t:ua i:ss::...J 't d..: c cident m.. -l :.f 'a'nal-ys s in the" safety'analysiscreport or te., nic?.1 specifica-tion bases; or disccvery during unit life of editions not spa tfically considered in the safety cnalysis r acr: or t hnk:1 specifications th:t re:uire re.diai ac.'on c cer-ective measures to orevent the existence er devele ment of an unsafe condition.' THIRT DAY WRITTE!! REPORTS' 5..l.9 The types of events listed belcw shall be the subject of wrt ten ports to the Director of the Regional Office v:itnin thirty days of e N CA!.'!ERT CLIFFS - U::IT 1 6-17 Amcnn :nt 'a. ,, ut.vtner tutFTA - VNor L L-17 kmk4 h. $$

o 4 .aDMItt1STRATIVE C0tiTROLS snali inciuce as a minim-ine written re;;cr: currence of tne event. Inf:rmation prov ed d leted copy of a licensee event re;crt form. . by icensee event report form shall be supplemented, as neede a c the narrative material to provide complete explanatien on the additiona circumstance surro.;nding the event, otection system or engineered saf y feature instru-a. Reactor ment settin, which are found to be ss cc.ssr/ative than those este:,iis. d by the tech"ic . fications but which do not provant th fulfillme , e func:.icnal requirements of affected systens. Conditions leading to opep!rken in a degrcdc.d mode permitted b. by a limiting conditio for c3 tati:n or plant snutccun re-quired by a limitir~ cenditien f:r c: art.t'en.

  • . 0f administrativ.e.*.1cias in tnd %ie. int:. ...,4.k q jg',,,,...;f ,.c. ',.. *. ~* p, p.= ,-:z, g :.l

  • p ',{.,.: j,. h, ; *,, ; g.g g '. -

7 ' rceu6d;.;49 pr.:.iu.

,. c 3. S j c.U.i.n ::..i-.'

,' }, s ..j...deg: ca ' ~ .:.'.- : :.,....o f~ e .nuqta'd.saf e.ty..fatt re..syste.s.

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id .'. : o ' b66rhal'de; rad:.: ion of'sysu.. ct v - . :...:se :i..x1 ,.jg 6.:9.1.s.'c"above ddigncd tc~ cntai6.rv.ic'ctise f.:ter. ~ '~ . _; F.- " resel iss i on ;re.;..s.s., f.,,'r ~ A* ~. EC{l }.Epoi.T5 " ' ' ~ * * 'th Special reports shell be submitted to the Director of the Office 6.9;2 of In.eectica and Enforce.ont Regional Office wit 5in the ti::c period inese re,mr.s scarl be submitted covering .specii, igd.for eacn report, tha act'ivit'es' idintif fid'below pursuant 'to"the rec 91rements ;cf. the ap-; 'v .,,.s,.' pUcable refcrence specification: 3 . CCS,"Adtuii:1on. S' ecificatier.s 3.5.2, a.1c 3.5.,.- , J, '. si..' : E p .b. Inoperabl e Sei3;..ic 'ic.;i L.,trc;.. :.:.i.n, S'pecific:iffr. 3:3.3.3:. n .~ Inoperable P.ett roicgical.#.i::, ring 'ns..... 4a :. ;!:.., . c,, ' ~~ s Specification' ~~ Seismic event analysis, Spccification '. d. Cera h rral P.cyc~.:nt. Specifi.etico 2.t.';. e. 2 :..;.). f. Fire Cete:: ion ins:r'.. eau...:.... 5;;.ci-i :: :.: l estion S stems, f.i:if'c:. . 2.*.

.., 3..11.2 L

g. Fir u g g 4 [6p', N ed 3 tiL+,and, L . Md llCAt.YEPT Ct.IFFS - i

"r Y Y 'm-l L.9.2 Special Reperfs (co uT'o) ~ (

h. Pend raben Fire Barricrs, Gpc. ficalico 3.7.o2 i


i. S%m Gwratcc Tube Tnspai;a, bsds, Spaification 4.+. 5. 5~. \\

J. Spec;Fie Activiy of erluq aclad, Spec mek., 3.4.V. i

k. Codain J Strahrd kligring,M'on spuisicaric 4. s. :.c.

I, RadioJrm Mm for , Sr.v cd/or3.M) O O

5 o ADMINISTRATIVE CONTR01.S .], 6.10 RECORD. RETENTION 3 [u. 6.10.1.The following records shall be retained for at least five years: { a. Records and logs of facility operation covering time interval at each power level. b. Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair and replacement of principal items of equipment related to nuclear safety. EVE NTS., c. All REPORTABLE OCCURRE"CES :ubmitted to the Ocmmissica. I-d. Records of surveillance activities, inspections and calibrations . required by these Technical Specifications. e. Records of reactor tests and experiments. f. Records of changes made to Operating Procedures. g. Records of radioactive shipments. j n LJ h. Records of sealed source and fission detector leak tests i and results. i. Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record. 1 6.10.2 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the Facility Operating License: a. Records and drawing changes reflecting facility design mcdiff-cations made to systems and equipment described in the Final Safety Analysis Report.. b. . Records of new and irradiated fuel inventory, fuel transfers and assembly burnup histories. l c. Records of facility. radiation and contamination surveys. <. J n 4 4 v aI e ,, CALVERT CLIFFS - UNIT 1 5 Amendment No. fg [N tat.WRf CLIFF 5 - UNir L 6 -19 Amen b d g, g ( aiQ


  • c NA 47A NA SV-6540A Hydrogen Sampie Outlet NA f

NA SV-6507A NA M Hydrogen Sample Outlet 478 NA SV-6540E NA Y R NA SV-6507E a HA SV-6540FF Hydrogen Sample Outlet NA U 47C NA SV-65078 NA NA Y Hydrogen Sample Return NA 470 NA SV-6540GW SV-6507G ' \\ NA <20** li SIAS-E MOV-6900 Containment Vent Isolation 720** 48A a SIAS-A MOV-6901 h a (9 5

lk t

E ? E ~ w v

. ~ - ~. TABLE 3.6-1 ~(Continued) CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES E PENETRATION ISOLATION ISOLATION VALVE ISOLATION [ 7 NO. CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION NO. FUNCTION TIME (SECONDS) g, J l 488 NA 238-1 Hydrogen Purge Inlet NA 6-p e c NA MOV-6903 NA o SV-65408* Hydrogen Sample NA 49A NA SV-6507B NA NA 498 NA SV-6540Cf Hydrogen Sample NA NA SV-6507CE NA R = m 49C NA SV-65400* Hydrogen Sample NA g NA SV-65070W NA c 50 NA Blind Flange ILRT NA d. NA Blind Flange NA d p / f 59 NA 29M3-1 Refueling Pool Inlet NA dp p NA 29H3-I NA g 7 4 k 60 NA 130-2 '. Steam to Reactor Head Laydown HA p NA 19-1 NA g[ =* e


E to 47A NA SV-6540A llydrogen Sample Outlet NA NA SV-6507AP NA SV-6540E*k tlydrogen Sample Outlet NA l

470 NA NA SV-6507E NA u 's. 47C riA SV-6540FE ilydrogen Sample Outlet NA L NA SV-6507Ff NA o. w NA 470 flA SV-6540GE liydrogen Sample Return NA SV-6507GE NA 1 3I 48A IIA MOV-6900 liydrogen Purge Outlet ilA 5 E [# ilA liA MOV-6901 R

Q t~ TABLE 3.6-1 (Continued) s g CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES jf p PENETRATI0li ISOLAT10ft ISOLATI0tt VALVE ISOLATION 11 0. CllANtiEL IDENTIFICATION NO. FUNCTION TIME (SECONDS) g7 ? d7 48B fiA 238-1 Ilydrogen Purge inlet im NA MOV-6903 .HA d7 5 f 7 c -s E N 49A flA SV-6540D Ilydrogen Sample NA tJA SV-6507BE flA 49B NA SV-6540C llydrogen Sample flA tiA SV-6507C# flA t' [ 490 flA SV-6540D* Ilydrogen Sample tiA L NA SV-65070# flA flA. 50 NA Blind Flange ILRT NA Blind Flange flA G [m 59 flA 29M3-1 Refueling Pool inlet tiA tiA 29M3-1 ftA g n. 60 flA 130-2 Steam to Reactor licad Laydown flA flA 19-1 flA % r ? A


  • c*

NA u NA SV-6540A+* Hydrogen Sample Outlet NA ' ~ 47A NA NA SV-6507A NA SV-6540E*# Hydrogen Sample Outlet NA l 478 NA SV-6507E 1 t' NA NA SV-6540F* Hydrogen Sample Outlet NA U 47C MA SV-6507f NA NA SV-6540G* Nydrogen Sample Return HA 47D NA r 1 SV-6507G NA p$ <20** Containment Vent Isolation 120** 48A SIAS-B MOV-6900 E. SIAS-A H0V-6901 l i a = O m.,--, X

= .r.. ~. l = {- s TABLE 3.6-1 '(Continued) CONTAlf9 TENT ISOLATION VALVES E PENETRATION ISOLATION ISOLATION VALVE ISOLATION [7 NO. CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION NO. FUNCTION TIME (SECONOS) 488 NA 238-1 Hydrogen Purge Inlet NA d l 7 c NA MOV-6903 NA 4 y 5 m e SV-65408* Hydrogen Sample NA U 49A NA" - ~ NA SV-650 # NA i 498 NA SV-6540C* Hydrogen Sample NA l MA SV-6507C* hA w i m 49C NA SV-65400* Hydrogen Sample NA ll h NA SV-6507D* NA i s,, 50 NA Blind Flange ILRT NA d NA Blind Flange NA / / 59 NA 29M3-1 Refueling Pool Inlet NA g 7 NA 29H1-1 NA g g 7 k 60 NA 130-2

  • Steam to Reactor Head Laydown NA h

~ = NA 19-1 NA 2 P l l C G G


  • w N

47A NA SV-6540A

  • Hydrogen Sample Outlet NA NA NA SV-6507A*

NA SV-6540E* Ilydrogen Sample Outlet 478 NA E NA NA SV-6507E E - SV-6540F* Ilydrogen Sample Outlet NA s. 47C NA NA m NA SV-6507F ( .h, :_ _ ~ ~ ~ NA ) 47D tlA SV-6540G+ liydrogen Sample Return NA NA SV-6507G %N NA E 40A flA MOV-6900 flydrogen Purge Outlet [ NA 7 NA MOV-6901 /? D 3 n N. j ... ~. -..



480 NA 238-1 Hydrogen Purge Inlet NA / NA MOV-6903 .NA b Ei $ 7 74 ~~ 49A NA SV-65400* Hydrogen Sample NA ~ HA SV-65078 NA 490 NA SV-6540C Hydrogen Sample .NA NA SV-6507C# NA R 49C .___ NA SV-65400* -. Hydrogen Sample NA mL NA SV-65070" NA g .y,, s 50 NA Blind Flange ILRT NA. 4 'h NA Bilnd Flange NA g [? 59 NA 29H3-1 Refueling Pool Inlet HA k. - NA 29M3-1 NA g 60 NA 130-2 Steam to Reactor ! Mad LaydoEn NA ~'~ NA 19-1 NA 5 b M I i ... - ~ S $ y h .M %}}