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Insp Repts 50-245/96-06,50-336/96-06 & 50-423/96-06 on 960627-0826.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operations,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/09/1996
Shared Package
ML20128M120 List:
50-245-96-06, 50-245-96-6, 50-336-96-06, 50-336-96-6, 50-423-96-06, 50-423-96-6, NUDOCS 9610160023
Download: ML20128M201 (70)

See also: IR 05000245/1996006


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Docket Nos.:




Report Nos.:




License Nos.:





Northeast Nuclear Energy Company

P. O. Box 128

Waterford, CT 06385


Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units 1,2, and 3


inspection at:

Waterford, CT


June 27,1996 - August 26,1996



T. A. Easlick, Senior Resident inspector Unit 1

P. D. Swetland, Senior Resident inspector, Unit 2

A. C. Cerne, Senior Resident inspector, Unit 3

A. L. Burritt, Resident inspector, Unit 1


D. P. Beaulieu, Resident inspector, Unit 2


R. J. Arrighi, Resident inspector, Unit 3

J. T. Shediosky, Senior Reactor Analyst


J. M. Trapp, Senior Reactor A.ialyst

J. T. Furia, Senior Radiation Specialist


P. M. Peterson, NDE Technician

J. H. Lusher, Health Physicist

G. C. Smith, Senior Physical Security inspector


Approved by:

Jacque P. Durr, Chief

Projects Branch No. 6

Division of Reactor Projects



9610160023 961009


ADOCK 05000245




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EXECUTIVE SU M M ARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



U1.1 Operations




Conduct of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)



U 1.ll M aintena nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Conduct of Maintenance



U 1.Ill Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


Miscellaneous Engineering issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



U 2.1 O pe r a ti on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Conduct of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10



Operations Procedures and Documentation





Quality Assurance in Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)




U 2. li M ain te n a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Conduct of Maintenance




Miscellaneous Maintenance issues



U 2.lli Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Conduct of Engineering




Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment . . . . . . . . . 20


Miscellaneous Engineering Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

U3.1 Operations




Conduct of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


Quality Assurance in Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)



U 3.Il M aintena n ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


Conduct of Maintenance




Maintenance Procedures and Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 37

U 3.Ill En gin e e rin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Conduct of Engineering




Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment . . . . . . . . . 40


Quality Assurance in Engineering Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Miscellaneous Engineering issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


IV Plant Support




Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controls




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Status of Radiological Protection and Chemistry

Facilities and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


Staff Training and Qualification in Radiological

Protection & Chemistry




Miscellaneous Radiological Protection & Chemistry






EP Procedures and Documentation




Conduct of Security and Safeguards Activities . . . . . . . . . . 51


Miscellaneous Security and Safeguards issues . . . . . . . . . . 52

V. Management Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


Exit Meeting Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


Management Meeting Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55









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Millstone Nuclear Power Station

Combined Inspection 245/96-06;336/96-06;423/96-06



A routine review of a Unit 1 operability determination (OD) was performed.

The ODs are used to assess degraded plant conditions which affect equipment

operability and provide compensatory measures as applicable. Licensed

operators were not cognizant of operability determinations that assessed and



dispositioned degraded plant conditions. Further, no process or control

existed to ensure that licensed operators review and remain cognizant of ODs,

including compensatory actions. The failure of licensed personnel to maintain

cognizance of degraded conditions which affect operability could adversely

impact the ability of the on-shift personnel to assess subsequent equipment


degradation. (Section U1.01.2)

On June 8,1996, a small electrical fire occurred in the Unit 1 drywell, which

lasted several minutes, and was extinguished with a dry chemical, handheld

fire extinguisher. Approximately four hours after the fire was extinguished, a

plant equipment operator noticed that the differential pressures across the

running standby gas treatment (SBGT) system train were high. The normal

ventilation system had been isolated and "B" SBGT was initiated to comply


with a technical specification action statement, following the radiation

monitoring systems being declared inoperable. After conferring with the Unit

Director and the Duty Officer, the Shift Manager elected to unisolate the

reactor building, start normal ventilation and secure the running train of SBGT,

in an effort to remove or " purge" the remaining dry chemical powder in the


drywell atmosphere. However, this action resulted in a deviation from the

requirements in Technical Specification 3.2.E.2. This issue is unresolved

pending further NRC review and inspection. (Section U1.01.3)

Unit 2 control of shutdown margin during plant cooldowns differs from the


design basis descriptions. Cold shutdown boron concentration is not attained

pnor to initiating cooldown nor is the shutdown group of control rods

" cocked" during the cooldown evolution. The failure to conduct safety

evaluations to support these deviations, and update the Final Safety Analysis

Report is considered an apparent violation. Also, the licensee's practice of

injecting unsampled volumes of boric acid into the reactor coolant system

during cooldowns was considered unresolved pending further esatuation of the


potential for inadvertent (RCS) dilution. (Section U2.03.1)



NRC review of 19 licensee event reports (LERs) found them to be generally

timely and informative. However, the number of LERs needing supplemental

information and the number of missed committed actions indicated

weaknesses in the licensee's program for development, review and tracking of

events. (Section U2.07.1)






Routine operations of Unit 3 in cold shutdown (Mode 5) conditions were well

controlled, particularly with consideration of the appropriate shutdown risk

criteria. (Section U3.01.1)

An audit of the adequacy of Northeast Utilities quality assurance (QA) program

by the Joint Utility Management Assessment Team indicated that the audit,

surveillance, and inspection programs at Millstone were not effective in the

implementation of their Mission Statement and the resolution of identified

problems. The team attributed these problems to: lack of support for the QA

organization by executive and line management; and the lack of an effective

corrective action program. QA effectiveness is a restart issue and a part of

the Restart Assessment Plan. (Section U3.07.1)

The operation of Unit 3 outside of its design basis resulted from

nonconservative piping design and pipe support stress analyses. This

deficiency affected independent safety trains in multiple plant systems and is

considered an apparent violation. (Section U3.08.3)


On July 16,1996, plant personnel were removing a temporary filter assembly

from the Unit 1 spent fuel pool when a wire rope, attached to the filter

assembly, was entangled with control rods that were suspended from the

spent fuel pool equipment rail. This caused five control rods to shift position

away from the wall and come to rest against an adjacent spent fuel rack. Six

of the eight individuals involved in this evolution were contaminated as a

result the filter removal event. They were successfully decontaminated and

whole body counts indicated no internal dose was received. During the event,

no area radiation monitor alarms were received and no airborne radiation was

detected. Following an under water inspection, the suspended control rods

were stabilized with additional cables attached to the bottom of the rods and

secured to the refueling bridge. The licensee is currently developing a

recovery plan. This issue is unresolved pending further NRC review and

inspection. (Section U1.M1.1)

Three weaknesses were identified during the Unit 1 intergranular stress

corrosion cracking (lGSCC) program review. The IGSCC program lacks detail

to prevent inadvertent procedure oversights during ultrasonic testing (UT)

examinations and evaluations. The weaknesses are: no method to evaluate

unresolved UT indications, no specific UT procedure or calibration blocks for

the examinations, and no method to track or trend UT indications from outage

to outage. These weaknesses resulted in many UT indications being

incorrectly overturned and indications that were found in one inspection,

missed in the subsequent inspection. The method used to evaluate

Unresolved Indication Reports (UIR's) relies solely on Nondestructive (NDE)

Level 111 expertise. These weaknesses resulted in flawed components being

returned to service without performing an engineering evaluation. This is an

unresolved item. (Section U1.M1.2)




Unit 2 incorrectly changed the inservice testing program (IST) requirements for

high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump discharge check valves. The

licensee appropriately determined that the IST backflow testing of these

valves could result in overloading a diesel generator under certain conditions.

However, the deferral of the quarterly test requirement to refueling intervals

was inappropriate because other mechanisms were available to safely conduct

these tests. The issue remained unresolved pending licensee actions to

correct the test regime. (Section U2.M8.2)

The pre-job brief for the loop calibration of the Unit 3 containment

recirculation pump flow transmitter was thorough. (Section U3.M1.1)

The licensee identified licensing basis discrepancies associated with a Unit 3

design change implementing the use of trisodium phosphate as a pH control

agent. These issues require resolution prior to plant heatup to mode 4.



A review of a selected group of NCRs, for operability determinations, indicated

that the physical control of the NCR process was lost at Millstone Unit 1. The

NCR process appears to have been used as an identification process for

degraded and nonconforming conditions in the field, contrary to procedure

3.05. The failure of the licensee to properly utilize the NCR process in

accordance with procedure 3.05, written to comply with 10 CFR 50 Appendix

B Criterion XV, is considered an apparent violation. (Section U1.E8.1)

Unit 2 did not establish a uniform refueling boron concentration in the RCS

prior to securing RCPs. This was reasonable because they could not have

anticipated the need to perform a core off-load during this mid-cycle outage.

However, after identifying the need to off-load fuel in order to repair an

unisolable valve, licensee performance in dispositioning this problem was

weak in that they planned to drain the RCS to mid-loop when other options

involving less risk were available. In addition, PORC did not provide rigorous

oversight in approving a TS clarification that redefined " uniform" boron

concentration, such that, while meeting the intent of the TS, it would not

have complied with the TS as written. (Section U2.E1.1)

Unit 2 implementation of controls to reduce the potential for draining the

reactor cavity during refueling activities was inadequate. One potential non

seismic drain path was not isolated nor the consequences of its failure

formally evaluated and controlled. The issue is unresolved pending further

review of licensee commitments regarding this concern. (Section U2.E1.2)

Unit 2 investigation of potential water hammer events that damaged

emergency core cooling system suction piping supports was not timely or

comprehensive. More than a year after identification of support damage, the

root cause had not been found nor was a comprehensive assessment of




system structural supports completed. The issue remains unresolved pending

fuither review of the cause and corrective actions. (Section U2.E8.1)


On November 15,1995, Unit 2 operated for eleven hours at a power level

slightb above the operating license requirement, due to erroneous steam

generator blowdown flow input into the plant computer calorimetric

calculation. This issue remained unresolved pending final licensee control over

blowdown flow input, and further NRC review of plant computer programming


controls. (Section U2.E8.2)


Unit 2 discovered that the containment sump screens had been incorrectly

constructed such that larger debris than analyzed could pass through to the

emergency core cooling systems (ECCSs). This potential common cause

failure of ECCSs is considered an apparent violation of the technical

specifications and corrective action program requirements. (Section U2.E8.4)


Unit 2 identified seven solenoid-operated valves (SOVs) inside containment

whose environmental qualification (EEQ) was incorrect. The valves, which

provide containment isolation for various post-accident monitoring and control

functions must close on a containment isolation signal, and then are reopened

to perform post-accident functions. The licensee had erroneously focused on

only the containment isolation functions and concluded that the valves fail-

safe. Therefore, EEQ of the SOV circuit was not required. In fact, the post-

accident fonction requires full EEQ of the circuits, and this qualification did not

exist for these seven valves. Further, the NRC determined that several other

weaknesses in the licensee's implementation of EEQ requirements raise

concern with the ability of other components to perform their functions in an

accident environment. This issue is considered an apparent violation.

(Section E2.E8.6)


The licensee continued to evaluate concerns at Units 2 and 3 related to

emergency core cooling system throttle valve flow restrictions and settings.

The potential for valve erosion to occur over a period of continuous

recirculation flow was considered. This problem, in conjunction with

regulatory guidance on containment sump screen sizing, requires the licensee

to implement a modification on Unit 3 to install orifice plates in the affected

lines. The conduct of licensee corrective measures for these problems is

considered an unresolved item pending NRC review for effectiveness.

(Sections U2.E8.4 and U3.E1.1)


The root cause investigations and corrective actions taken with regards to

selected level "A" and B" adverse condition reports was mixed. The review

identified examples of ineffective corrective actions and the failure of the

Events Analysis department to identify the discrepancies during their closecut

review. (Section U3.E2.1)-








The licensee's failure to correctly translate the technical requirements of the

ASME Code, relating to the specification of replacement stud material for the

lower flange of the chemical volume and control system letdown heat

exchanger, into the design details of a plant design change record represents

an apparent violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix' B. The premature closure of a

nonconformance report, written to track the heat exchanger leakage from the

lower flange, may have contributed to the licensee's lack of recognition of this

concern as a code compliance problem. (Section U3.E8.1)

Plant Support

The licensee continues to maintain an effective health physics program,

especially during outage operations. General plant radiological housekeeping

continues to significantly improve, especially in the Unit 1 turbine building.

The Radwaste Remediation Project at Unit 1 continues to make progress in

addressing the material condition deficiencies in the Unit 1 liquid waste

processing systems and facilities. Continued attention to work planning and

work control is necessary for improvement in maintaining occupational

exposures as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA). (Section R1.1)

Proper foreign material exclusion control was demonstrated and good

radiological work practices were demonstrated during retrieval of the fuel

handling tool from the spent fuel pool. (Section U3.E2.2)

On August 5,1996, an unauthorized entry was made into the Millstone

Station protected area (PA) by an administrative contract person. The

individual had worked at the station, inside the PA until her previous

assignment ended on July 19,1996. Due to an oversight, she did not

surrender her badge and key card upon termination, although her key card had

been deactivated. When she arrived at the access control center, a co-worker

saw that she was having trouble entering through the access portal and used

her own valid key card and hand geometry to allow the individual to enter.

The co-worker followed the unauthorized individual into the PA by keying in a

second time. This issue is unresolved pending completion of the licensee's

corrective actions and further NRC review. (Section S1.1)

Review of the licensee vehicle barrier system, conducted in accordance with

NRC Inspection Manual Temporary Instruction 2515/132, " Malevolent Use of

Vehicles and Nuclear Power Plants," disclosed that the system was installed

and was being maintained in accordance with applicable regulatory guidance

and requirements. (Section S8.1)

On August 13,1996, representatives of NU, along with their attorney

conducted a drop-in meeting with the NRC staff, discussing their Unit 1

radwaste system investigation. NU's review uncovered no evidence that

suggests that any member of the NU staff intentionally communicated

inaccurate information to NRC inspectors. However, their investigation did

indicated problems associated with less than comprehensive answers to those


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questions; inadequate management accountability; inadequate establishment

- of management expectations regarding communications with the NRC and

regarding facility conditions; and inadequate closure of a PIR that discussed

radwaste conditions. (Section X3.1)







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Report Details

Summarv of Plant Status


Unit 1 remained in an extended outage for the duration of the inspection period. The

licensee continues to review the plant's level of compliance with regulatory requirements,

and compliance with their established design and licensing basis, associated with an NRC

request pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) and Confirmatory Order.

U1.1 Operations


Conduct of Operations

O 1.1

General Comments (71707)

Using Inspection Procedure 71707, the inspectors conducted frequent reviews of ongoing

plant operations. In general, the conduct of operations was professional and safety-

conscious; specific events and noteworthy observations are detailed in the sections below.


Coanizance of Operability Determination


Insoection Scope (71707)

A routine review of an operability determination (OD) was performed. The ODs are used to

assess degraded plant conditions which affect equipment operability and provide

compensatory measures as applicable.


. Observations and Findinas

A copy of a recently issued operability determination (OD), on a potential seismic

interaction with control rod blades and spent fuel racks, was requested from the Shift

Manager. The Shift Manager had difficulty finding the OD and both the on-duty and the

on-coming Shift Managers appeared to be unaware of the disposition of the issue.

The inspector determined that neither Shift Manger had reviewed the OD and that in

practice ODs, some of which contain compensatory actions, were not being reviewed prior

to assuming on shift duties.

Following a discussion with the operations manager and the Unit Director, the Shift

Managers were provided the expectation that new ODs would be reviewed prior to

assuming watchstanding duties and all ODs with compensatory actions would be reviewed

during each shift turnover. Further, the shift turnover checklist was revised to include ODs

as a topic of review and discussion. An adverse condition report (ACR) was also initiated

to document and track the resolution of this issue. Additional enhancements to the

computer tracking tools for system status and procedures such as the " Conduct of

Operations" and " Operability Determinations" are planned. The inspectors verified that all

ODs with compensatory actions were being reviewed during subsequent shift turnovers.










Licensed operators were not cognizant of operability determinations which assessed and


dispositioned degraded plant conditions. Further, no process or control existed to ensure

that licensed operators review and remain cognizant of ODs, including compensatory

actions. The failure of licensed personnel to maintain cognizance of degraded conditions

that affect operability could adversely impact the ability of the on-shift personnel to assess

subsequent equipment degradation.


Fire in Unit 1 Drvwell



Inspection Scope (93702)

On June 8,1996, a small electrical fire occurred in the drywell as a result of a poor cable

coupling for a ground cable on a piece of welding machinery. The fire was extinguished

within minutes by the fire watch and a worker in the vicinity of the welding activity. The

fire was extinguished through the application of dry chemicals. The inspectors reviewed

this event, as well as the circumstances leading up to the event and recovery activities

following the fire.


Observations and Findinas

On June 6,1996, the radiation monitoring systems that cause the isolation of normal

ventilation systems in the reactor building and initiate the standby gas treatment (SBGT)

system were declared inoperable. The radiation monitoring systems were found to be

inoperable due to discrepancies with the associated surveillance testing. Technical

Specifications (TS) required the calibration of these instruments to include a response time

verification, which had never been performed up to this time. With the monitors

inoperable, the limiting condition for operation (LCO), required isolation of the normal

ventilation systems and initiation of SBGT within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. The normal ventilation was

secured and the "B" train of the SBGT was placed in service in accordance with TS

3.2.E.2. Later that day, the Shift Manager received a preliminary operability determination

(OD) documenting the operability of the radiation monitoring systems in the current plant

configuration. The LCO was then exited, securing SBGT and placing the normal ventilation

system in service.

On June 7,1996, the inspectors received a copy of " Operability Determination, ACR No.

M1960020," written to justify why the radiation monitors were operable. After reviewing

the OD, the inspectors discussed the validity of the basis for operability with the Unit

Director. The Unit Director agreed that the OD did not provide a valid basis for concluding

operability, and informed the inspectors that he would have the Shift Manager declare the

radiation monitors inoperable. At 2:30 pm, that same day, the radiation monitoring

systems were again declared inoperable, the normal ventilation system was isolated and

"B" SBGT was initiated to comply with the technical specification action statement.



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On June 8,1996, a srnali electrical fire occurred in the drywell, which lasted several

minutes, and was extinguished with a dry chemical handheld fire extinguisher. The fire

was the result of a poor connection at a cable coupling for a ground cable on a welding

machine. Approximately four hours after the fire was extinguished, a plant equipment

operator noticed that the differential pressures (D/P) across the running SBGT train were

high. The control room operators surmised that the filters in the SBGT train were clogged

as a result of the residual dry chemical powder in the drywell atmosphere. The control

room operators determined that the D/Ps were unacceptable by comparing the readings to

the surveillance test requirements. After conferring with the Unit Director and the Duty

Officer, the Shift Manager elected to unisolate the reactor building, start normal ventilation

and secure the running train of SBGT. The drywell atmosphere was ventilated using the

normal ventilation system for approximately 25 minutes. The "A" train of SBGT was

started and normal ventilation systems were secured and isolated. These actions were

taken to remove or " purge" the remaining dry chemical powder in the atmosphere via the

unfiltered normal ventilation system and thus prevent fouling of the redundant SBGT filter

train. However, this action resulted in a deviation tiom the requirements in technical


specification 3.2.E.2.




This event is currently under review by the NRC staff. This issue is unresolved (URI

245/96-06-01) pending further NRC review and inspection.


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)


(Closed) LER 50-245/96-01: performing work with the potential of draining the

reactor vessel during fuel movement. This event was discussed in Inspection

Report 50-245/95-42. No new issues were revealed by the LER.

U1.Il Maintenance


Conduct of Maintenance

M 1.1

Scent fuel Pool Tri-Nuclea.- Filter Removal


Insoection Scope (62703)

On July 16,1996, plant personnel were removing a temporary filter assembly from the

spent fuel pool when a wire rope, attached to the filter assembly, was entangled with

control rods that were suspended from the spent fuel pool equipment rail. This caused the

control rods to shift position away from the wall and come to rest against an adjacent

spent fuel rack. The inspector proceeded to the refuel floor to evaluate the significance of

the event and to observe actions taken by the licensee to stabilize the temporary filter and

control rods. The inspectors reviewed this event, conducted interviews, inspected

associated documentation for the work activities, and evaluated the licensee's root cause

analysis for the event.

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Observations and Findinas

On July 16,1996, maintenance and health physics personnel were attempting to remove a

portable "Tri-nuc" filter assembly from the spent fuel pool floor when a 1/8 inch wire rope,

attached to the filter assembly, caught on the bottom of three used control rod blades that

were stored along the east wall of the spent fuel pool. This caused the control rods to

move, resulting in a total of five control rods shifting position, moving away from the wall


clustering together, and coming to rest against an adjacent spent fuel storage rack. Upon


noticing the control rod movement, maintenance personnel stopped the crane. The "Tri-

nuc" filter was suspended at a point were the top of the assembly just broke the surface of

the spent fuel pool. The control rods were attached to an equipment rail at the top of the

spent fut:1 pool, each suspended by a cable, and resting perpendicular on the floor of the

fuel pool. One of the rods that was caught on the wire was lifted three feet off the fuel


pool flocr with one end resting close to the fuel pool liner and the other against an adjacent

spent fuel rack. The elevation of this rod caused its hook to become disengage at the top

of the control rod. The workers made an attempt to reconnect it, but were not successful.

After soveral attempts to untangle the control rods and free the "Tri-nuc" were also

unsuccessful, the work was stcpped and the workers left the refuel floor and informed

plant management.

Six of the eight individuals involved in this evolution were con;aminated as a result the

filter removal event. They were successfully decontaminated and whole body counts

indicated no internal dose was received. During the event, no area radiation monitor

alarms were received and no airborne radiation was detected (see section R1.1).

The licensae placed additional rigging on the "Tri-nuc" filter and a cable was placed on the

control rod that was no longer attached to its normal suspended cable. The licensee

inspected the tangled group of control rods with under water cameras on July 18,1996,

to assess any potential damage to the fuel pool liner, or adjacent spent fuel racks. No

damage was identified at that time. Following the under water inspection, the suspended

control rods were stabilized with additional cables attached to the bottom of the rods and

secured to the refueling bridge. The licensee is currently developing a recovery plan.




The NRC is continuing to review this event. At the end of this inspection period, the

licensee had not completed its review of the event, and therefore, long term corrective

actions have not been initiated. The recovery plan will be finalized once the long term

corrective actions are in place. This issue is unresolved (URI 245/96-06-02) pending

further NRC review and inspection.


ISI Proaram Review


Insoection Scoce

This inspection was to review and verify the licensees commitment to Generic Letter 88-01

for the augmented, ultrasonic (UT) inspection program.






Observations and Findinas

The inspector reviewed the licensees response and commitments to Generic Letter (GL) 88-

01 "NRC Position on IGSCC in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping." GL 88-01 was

issued by the NRC on 1/25/88, to assure that licensees inspection programs conform with

Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 50, Appendix A, General Design

Criterion (GDC) 4,14, 30, 31, and 32.

The inspector selected a sample of component records to verify component categonzation,

which is based on guidance in GL 88-01 and NUREG- 0313 " Technical Report on Material


Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping." The

components were categorized by the licensee based on the susceptibility to intergranular

stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). Each category has a different examination schedule.

Category A components receive the least frequent examination, 25% of the components

examined once every 10 years; Category D components must be inspected every other

refueling cycle. Chiegory A components are made from corrosion resistant material and

are considered not susceptible to IGSCC. Category D components are considered

susceptible to IGSCC. The components selected for review were appropriately

categorized, according to GL-88-01 and NUREG-0313.

The inspector reviewed the licensees program for performing augmented UT examinations

for IGSCC. Three prograramatic weakness were identified. First, the IGSCC program does

not specify a methodology to evaluate unresolved UT indications (UIR's), in at least 16

cases, the methodology used to evaluate the UIR's was inappropriate. The indications

previously re-evaluated and overturned by the Level Ill, were later determined to be actual

flaws. The examination procedure and calibration blocks for the UT examinations are not

specified. Specifying the correct procedure and calibration block may prevent incorrect

guidance to perform the examinations. Finally, the IGSCC program does not provide

guidelines for tracking and trending UT indications. IGSCC indications were detected in

twelve pipe welds during previous inspections, as early as 1984, and not tracked for

subsequent inspection. In one case, weld RCBJ-7, four (4) IGSCC indications were noted

during the 1987 refueling outage (RFO). In the 1989 RFO, the welds were reported to

have no recordable indications (NRI). In 1995, RFO 15, two of the four circumferential

indication reported in 1987, were identified and rejected per the American Society of

Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code,Section XI.

One unresolved item in report 50-245/96-01 was that the NDE Level!!I technician

ovorturned the UT Level 11 evaluation of IGSCC indications and returned the components to

service without an engineering evaluation. The NRC inspector reviewed 12 UIR's from

RFO 15 in which the Level ll evaluated the indications to be flaws and the Level ill re-

evaluated the indications as not being flaws, but as being geometrical reflectors. In these

cases, the evaluations of the UlR's were appropriate, and were dispositioned using

reasonable methods.

During the RFO 15 inspection, thirty five (35) welds were examined containing IGSCC.

Fourteen of the 35 welds were previously identified by the UT Level 11 technician, as early

as 1984, as having at least one IGSCC indication, and were subsequently overturned by




the NDE Levelill. The disposition of the 35 welds with IGSCC, during RFO 15, was to

replace the component or weld overlay the components prior to start-up.

Six reactor coolant components, (RCAJ-2, RCBJ-1 A, RRJJ-4, RREJ-4, RRCJ-4 and CUBJ-

18) with flaws were placed inservice, between 1984 and 1995, without flaw analysis arc

required b/ ASME Section XI,1986 Edition, Paragraph IWB-3640. The six components

were ultrasonically (UT) inspected between 1984 and 1994. During the UT examinations,

each component had at least one IGSCC indication. The ASME Section XI analysis was

not performed on the components because the UT Level Illinappropriately evaluated the

IGSCC indications to be geometry The indications were determined to be cracks during

refueling outage 15. The licensee performed an evaluation during the November 1995

refueling outage, RFO 15, in accordance with ASME Section XI,1986 Edition, IWB-3640,

to determine the operability of the components. The licensee determined the components

did not meet the requirements for continued service and declared the components

inoperable. Th3 licens

Mfined inoperability of a component as a decrease or elimination


of the operating safety mmgin for structural integrity. The licensee determined the safety

margin is decreased when a crack through wall dimension in the component is equal to or

greater than 75% of the pipe wall nominal thickness.

The six components had intergranular stress corrosion cracks (IGSCC) that were greater

than 75% through wall. Two of the six components leaked during preparation for weld

overlay. The reactor coolant systems were degraded to the extent a detailed evaluation

was necessary to determine system operability. The results of the licensees evaluation

determined the six components had an unacceptable structural integrity and a high

probability of abnormal leakage.

Five Category D (susceptible to IGSCCI welds (ICBC-F-18, ICBC-F-16, ICBC-F-14, RCAJ-6,

and RC9J-12) were selected for independent ultrasonic examination by the NRC mspector.

The welds were recently examined and accepted by NU. NU equipment and UT

procedures, MP-UT-2 and NU-LW-1, were used to examine the welds. The results of the

licensees examinations closely matched those of the NRC examinations, within the

expected to!erances. The NRC inspector detected a UT indication in weld ICBC-F-16 which

was not recorded by the licensee. The indication was 1.5" long, approximately 0.10" in

depth at 22" from top dead center. The indication information was turned over to the

licensee by the NRC for resolution. The licensee investigated the indication with

automated UT, manual UT, and radiography. The licensees concluded the indication was

caused by inclusions (stringers) in the base material,



The components reviewed during the current outage were appropriately categorized for

IGSCC susceptibility and examination. The components were categorized based on the

guidance provided in GL-88-01 and NUREG-0313. Documentation detailing component

categorization was readily available for review by the inspector.

T.aee vweakness were identified during the program review. The program lacks detail to

prevent inadvertent procedure oversights during the examinations and evaluations. These

weakness resulted in UT indications being incorrectly overturned, and indications detected







in one inspection, being missed in a subsequent inspection. The method used to evaluate

UIR's relies solely on the NDE Level lil's expertise. These weakness could result in flawed

components being returned to service without engineering evaluation.



The UIR evaluation and resolution for RFO 15 was found to be appropriate.

The NRC inspector performed five independent UT examinations selected from Category D

components. With the exception of weld number ICBC-F-16, the results of the licensees

examination closely matched those of the NRC; within the expected tolerances.

It was determined during the November 1995 refueling outage, RFO 15, six inoperable

reactor coolant components, (RCAJ-2, RCBJ-1 A, RRJJ-4, RREJ-4, RRCJ-4 and CUBJ-18)

were previously placed inservice with unacceptable structural integrity and a high

probability of abnormal leakage. The six components had intergranular stress corrosion

cracks (IGSCC) that were greater than 75% through wall. Two of the six components


leaked during preparation for weld overlay. These flawed welds and the associated

weaknesses discussed above are considered unresolved pending licensee corrective actions

and further NRC review. (URI 245/96-06-03)


Review of Uodated Final Safety Analvsis Reoort (UFSAR) Commitments

A recent discovery of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the Updated

Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for a special focused

review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or parameters to the UFSAR


While performing the inspection discussed in this report, the NRC inspector reviewed the

applicable portions of the UFSAR, Section 5.2.4, that related to the areas inspected. The

inspector verified that the UFSAR wording was consistent with the observed plant

practices, procedures and/or parataeters.


U1.Ill Enaineerina


Miscellaneous Engineering issues


(Closed) Unresolved item 50-245/96-05-07: Nonconformance Reports


Inspection Scone (37551)

A review of the implementation of the licensee's NCR process was performed as it related


to control of equipment operability. It appeared that the licensee had used the NCR

process, exclusively in some cases, to identify conditions adverse to quality on installed

plant equipment (i.e. in field deficiencies) contrary to procedure 3.05, Nonconformance

Reports. The NCR process did not require a prompt assessment of operability for these

degraded or nonconforming conditions on installed plant equipment. At the end of the

previous inspection period, all NCRs had not been dispositioned and assessed for

operability. URI 245/96-05-07 was established to review the NCR process,






Observations and Findinas

The licensee conducted a review of open NCRs assess their impact on system operability.

At the time of the review, there was a backlog of 334 open NCRs. Open status was

defined as any NCR that was in the review or dispositioned status (i.e. not completed and

returned to Ouality and Assessment Services (QAS)). The licensee performed an initialline

by line review of the data base NCR descriptions to determine if they could adversely

affect operability either presently or in the past. This initial review identified 118 NCRs

that would require further assersment to determine if there was an operability concern.

The licensee identified, early in their review, that they could not easily determine the status

of these 118 NCRs since some of the original NCRs could not '

-hysically located.

Nuclear Group Procedure (NGP) 3.05, Nonconformance Report , states that QAS maintains

the NCR log which is a hand written log that lists the sequential number, originator, and a

brief description of the NCR. Once a number is assigned to an NCR, a copy of the form is

made and filed by QAS. A second computerized data base called the Master Tracking


Form (MTF), also maintained by QAS, but not addressed by the procedure, is used to track


the NCRs to completion.

From late June 1996, until mid July 1996, a search was conducted to account for all 118

NCRs. Of the 118 NCRs reviewed, no NCRs were identified as currently impacting system

operability. However, during the review, three NCR numbers were identified as gaps in the

accounting system; they did not appear on the open or closed list. There was no physical

paperwork associated with these three NCR numbers, nor was there a description or

originator listed in the log or MTF data base. Additionally, two adverse condition reports

(ACRs) were written during the licensee's review of the NCR process. ACR M1-96-0149

documented a situation where original NCRs were appearing in Work Planning for closure

after copies of the NCRs had been previously used to close the same NCRs. Further,

investigation by the licensee indicated that the disposition of the original and the copy

were different for three of the NCRs. ACR M1-96-0198 documented the fact that an

inspection of the open/ closed MTF NCR data base when compared with the NCR log,

indicated that the MTF data base did not accurately reflect all NCRs.

The inspector performed an independent review of the 118 NCRs for operability impact.

While no NCRs were identified as impacting system operability, the inspector noted seven

NCRs that were dispositioned, during this review, as having no current impact on

operability but would require repair / resolution prior to declaring the systems operable.

Since ACRs were not written to account for these NCRs, there is no process controls to

ensure all degraded and nonconforming conditions are tracked and corrected prior to

restoring systems to an operable status. This weakness was identified in NRC inspection

report 96-05, and is currently under review by the licensee. Additionally, the inspector's

review confirmed the licensee's practice of using the NCR process to identify conditions

adverse to quality on installed plant equipment (i.e. in field deficiencies) contrary to

procedure 3.05. NCRs were used to identify such deficiencies as a degraded concrete

base beneath a service water pipe support; degraded and leaking resin transfer piping;

circulation pump discharge headliner pitting due to corrosion; and wood block shims in the

hypochlorite system. NGP 3.05, Nonconformance Reports, section 6.1.1, states that "in

the field, the NCR is not used to identify deficiencies but to provide engineering direction to

the field when a condition adverse to quality cannot be made to conform to requirements

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or when an organization requires engineering direction concerning an identified deficiency.

In the field deficiencies are identified by trouble reports, automated work orders, ACRs,


surveillance, inspections, or audits." The vulnerability associated with the mis-application

of the NCR process is that it circumvents other plant processes, which would provide the


controls necessary for prompt operability determinations and to ensure all degraded and



nonconforming conditions are tracked and corrected prior to restoring systems to an



operable status.







The NCR process was used as an identification process for degraded and nonconforming

conditions in field contrary to procedure NGP 3.05.10CFR 50, Appendix B. Criterion XV,

Nonconforming Materials, Parts, or Components which do not conform to requirements in


order to prevent their inadvertent use or installation. This is an apparent violation of


10 CFR 50, Appendix 8, Criterion XV. (eel 245-96-04)


Additionally, a review of a selected group of NCRs, for operability determinations, indicated


that the physical control of the NCR process was lost at Millstone Unit 1. The licensee


plans to review the remaining open NCRs (approximately 200) to account for each NCR,


either with originals or copies. At the end of this inspection report period, this had not


been completed. Unresolved item 245/96-05-07 is closed, and will be tracked with the

corrective actions associated with the foregoing violation.








Report Details

Summarv of Unit 2 Status


Unit 2 remained in cold shutdown throughout the inspection period. The unit has been


shut down since February 20,1996, due to uncertainty with the licensee's compliance

with the plant design and licensing bases. A comprehensive recertification process is

being conducted to support plant restart.

U2.1 Operations


Conduct of Operations


General Comments (71707)

Using Inspection Procedure 71707, the inspectors conducted frequent reviews of ongoing


plant operations. In general, the licensee's conduct of operatiens was professiorial and


safety-conscious; specific events and noteworthy observations are detailed in the sections



Operations Procedures and Documentation



Reactivity Controls Durina Plant Cooldown


Insoection Scope

The inspector noted that on July 7,1996, operators injected boron into the reactor coolant

system (RCS) from the boric acid storage tank (BAST) without first sampling the tank to

verify boric acid concentration. The inspector was concerned that changing core reactivity

using an unverified boron source could result in an inadvertent RCS dilution,


Observations and Findinas


While on shutdown cooling, the licensee injected boric acid from a BAST to raise

concentration in the circulating portion of the RCS in preparation for a core offload. Only

one of the two BASTS is used for this evolution because the other BAST satisfies the


technical specification requirement as an emergency boration source. In situations where

borating the RCS will require more than the volume of one BAST, it has been the licensee's

practice to make batch additions of boron to the BAST while injecting from that tank.

Although the initial BAST volume is recirculated and sampled, the BAST concentration is

considered unverified following the first batch tank addition. Discussions with operators

indicated that batch additions are performed without sampling due to time constraints,

particularly during a plant cooldown. Since the RCS is not borated to the cold shutdown

concentration prior to commencing the cooldown, boric acid must be added at a sufficient

rate to ensure adequate shutdown margin is maintained. The operators contend that

adequate shutdown margin can be verified through frequent RCS sampling. They also

contend that cooling down in parallel with borating minimizes radioactive waste because

the boric acid is injected as coolant volume contracts. In addition, operators stated that






there are sufficient controls in place to prevent dilution due to the fact that the. boric acid

powder is packaged in QA-inspected, pre-measured bags.

The inspector had several concerns with the licensee's RCS boration practices including:


(1) The licensee statec' that the batching methods in procedure OP 2304C, "Make Up

(Boration and Dilution) Portion of the Chemical and Volume Control System," are designed


to maintain BAST concentration between 2.5 percent and 3.5 percent by weight boric

acid. This equates to 4371 ppm to 6119 ppm, which is a very wide concentration band.

This greatly limits operator control of core reactivity changes, in addition, it allows for an

inadvertent dilution due to human error; (2) The Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR),

Section, states that "the boron concent;ation is increased to the cold shutdown

value prior to the cooldown of the plant. TNs is done to assure that the reactor has an

adequate shutdown margin throughout the cooldown." However, procedure OP 2207,


" Plant Cooldown," Step 4.1.3, states that "it may not be possible in all situations to borate

to cold shutdown concentration before commencing cooldown." It is the licensee's normal

practice to borate to cold shut concentration concurrently with a plant cooldown, and; (3)

FSAR, Section, states that "the operator does not insert the shutdown group of

[ control element assemblies] CEA's until the cooldown is completed and until he verifies

the concentration of boron in the reactor coolant by sample analysis." However, procedure


OP 2206, " Reactor Shutdown," Step 4.3.3, inserts all control rods in the shutdown group.

Procedure OP 2207, Section 2, " Prerequisites," step 2.1.1, specifies that the reactor is

shutdown with all control rods fully inserted. The FSAR is also not consistent with

Technical Specification which states that the control rod drive mechanisms shall be

de-energized in modes 3,4,5 and 6 whenever the RCS boron concentration is less than


the refueling concentration.





10 CFR 50.59, " Changes, Tests and Experiments," states that a licensee may make

changes in the facility and procedures as described in the safety analysis report without

prior Commission approval, unless the proposed change involves a change in the technical

specifications or an unreviewerl safety question. Records for these changes must include a

written safety evaluation, which provides the basis for the determination that the change

does not involve an unreviewed safety question. FSAR Section requires that

boron concentration be increased to the cold shutdown value prior to cooldown and that

the shutdown group of control rods remain withdrawn until the cooldown is completed and

boric acid concentration verified. The failure to prepare a safety evaluation to reflect the

changes to the facility implemented in procedures OP 2206 and OP 2207 is an apparent

violation. (eel 336/96-06-05) These concerns are safety significant in that they constitute

a degradation of barriers to the prevention of an inadvertent criticality.

Additionally, control and monitoring of reactivity changes has been the subject of an

ongoing licensee and NRC concern. This issue was included in the " improving Station

Performance" Plan to assure sitewide, comprehensive corrective action. The' licensee's

practice of injecting from the BAST before sampling is not consistent with positive control

practices with reactivity changes. This practice should be addressed when responding to

the apparent violation.

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Quality Assurance in Operations


Proaram for Submi'.tal of Licensee Event Reports

During this inspection, the licensee's program for review and submittal of licensee event


reports (LERs) was evaluated by assessing 19 of the LERs submitted for Unit 2 in 1995

and 1996. The reports, in general, were timely and informative, but many required

supplemental information because either causal analysis had not been complete or

corrective action plans were not finalized. The inspector determined that 3 LERs (95-19,

96-01, and 96-03) contained commitments that were not completed on schedule; and 4

LERs (9519,95-41,96-01, and 96-12) did provide adequate corrective actions to address

the event causal factors. These deficiencies are detailed in other sections of this report.

The inspector considered the licensee's program for development, review and tracking of

LER issues to be weak because these discrepancies were not routinely identified and

corrected by the licensee,


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)



Update URI 336/95-42-03: Closed LER 50-336/96-01: Reactor Coolant


System (RCS) Heatuo Rate Exceeded Technical Specification Limit

This event was documented in NRC Inspection Report 50-336/95-44. The licensee


identified this occurrence during an event review team (ERT) review of several other

incidents involving exceeding RCS heatup and cooldown rates. An engineering evaluation

concluded that no adverse consequences to the reactor coolant system occurred as a

result of this transient. The LER was supplemented on June 27,1996 vice April 2,1996,

as committed. The inspector found the LER to be incomplete because it did not discuse,

why the plant monitoring program for cooldown and heatup rates was inadequate, and


what corrective action was implemented to resolve this causal factor. The violations of TS

requirements will be evaluated upon completion of the ERT corrective actions and licensee

update of the LER. This issue is tracked by unresolved item URI 336/95-42-03.




Closed LER 50-336/96-02. 03. 04 and 05: Service Water Strainer Backwash


System inadeauacies


A common discharge pipe from all the strainer backwash valves froze during cold weather.


This rendered both service water systems technically inoperable for 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. These LERs


describe a series of deficiencies in system design and operator performance. NRC

Inspection Report 50-336/95-44 documents review of the service water strainer


inadequacies. Licensee corrective actions were not fully effective requiring subsequent

enhancement. Two errors noted in LER 96-02 were subsequently corrected in LERs 96-03

and 96-04. Two corrective actions in LER 96-03, (to implement an operability

determination procedure and supplement the LER upon completion of the event review

team) were not completed as committed. The NRC is tracking completion of corrective

actions and disposition of the potential enforcement actions as eel 336/95-44-05.


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(Closed) LER 50-336/96-07: Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Cooldown Rate


Exceeded the Technical Specification Limit

This event was documented in NRC Inspection Report 50-336/96-01. The licensee

identified several prior instances of RCS cooldown rate exceedance during an event review


team (ERT) investigation of incidents involving RCS heatup rate exceedance. An


engineering evaluation concluded there were no adverse consequences to the cooldown

rate exceedance. These prior violations of TS requirements will be evaluated upon

completion of the ERT corrective actions. This issue is tracked by unresolved item URI






U2.ll Maintenance



Conduct of Maintenance




General Comments (62703, 61726)


Using Inspection Procedures 62703 and 61726, the inspectors conducted frequent reviews

of ongoing plant maintenance. In general, the conduct of maintenance and surveillance


activities was professional and safety-conscious; specific events and noteworthy



observations are detailed in the sections below.



Miscellaneous Maintenance issues




(Closed) LER 50-336/95-40: Late Surveillance of the Reactor Protection



On October 22,1995, the licensee found that the technical specification daily surveillance



SP 2601D, " Power Range Safety Channel and Delta T Power Channel Calibration," had not

been performed within its required frequency. The surveillance was performed

satisfactorily later that day. The late performance of surveillances is discussed in detailin


NRC Inspection Reports 50-336/95-38 and 50-336/96-04 and is being tracked by violation





(Closed) LER 50-336/95-41: Potential for Emeraency Diesel Generator


Overload Durina Surveillance



Inspection Scooe



The inspector reviewed the licensee's response to LER 50-336/95-41 and evaluated


whether their corrective actions satisfied inservice Test Program requirements.





Observations and Findinas

Prior to performing procedure SP 21136, " Safety injection and Cantainment Spray System

Valves Operational Readiness Test," an operator noted the potential to overload an

emergency diesel generator (EDG) if a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and a loss of normal



power (LNP) event were to occur while the surveillance was in progress. To perform


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backflow testing of the high pressure safety injection (HPSI) pump discharge check valves,

the swing HPSI pump is mechanically and electrically aligned alternately to each facility


(equipment, devices, cables and raceways have an assigned number that indicates if they

are in vital service or not. These numbers are called the " Facility Codes"). This places

two HPSI pumps on one facility, rather than the one pump assumed in the EDG loading

analysis. If two HPSI pumps were to start at EDG loading sequence 1, generator voltage


would dip to 72 percent of rated voltage which is lower than the 75 percent design limit.

In addition, the 3250 Kw 300-hour rated load would be exceeded at sequence 3 (3384


Kw) and sequence 4 (3604 Kw). The amount of time that two HPSI pumps are aligned to

a single facility is approximately two hours for each facility.


Millstone Unit 2 Second Ten Year Inservice Test Program contains an NRC approved Relief


Request No. IWV-6 which allows full stroke testing of the HPSI check valves when the


reactor vessel head is removed, because this is the only plant condition where full design

flow can be attained. The relief request states that partial stroke exercise of each HPSI

check valve will be performed each month. As a corrective action to address the EDG

loading concerns, procedure SP 21136 was changed to specify that backflow testing of


the HPSI pump discharge check valves would only be performed with the reactor vessel

head removed. Refueling Shutdown Justification (RFOJ-004) was prepared to change the

Inservice Test Program to address the change in HPSI check valve test frequency. The

justification states that "the valves will be partially stroked (open only) quarterly and full



stroke exercised (open and shut) during refueling outages when the reactor vessel head is

removed. NRC approved Relief Request IWV-6 has previously approved deferring full

stroke testing to refueling outages when the reactor vessel head is removed."


The licensee's premise that partially stroked means open only and full stroke exercised

means open and shut is inconsistent with the way the NRC and the licensee previously


defined these terms. The licensee's Inservice Test Program describes the NRC guidance as


stating that it is considered full stroke testing when the flow used is at least that which is


identified in the plant's safety analysis. Any less flow used will be considered as a partial

stroke unless it can be demonstrated that the lesser flow will still place the valve disk in


the same position as the flow in the plant's safety analysis. Therefore, Relief Request


IWV-6 addressed the fact that the check valves could only be tested fully open during


refueling outages, it did not allow the licensee to perform testing of the check valves in

the closed direction only during refueling outages. This is a concern because backflow

testing is important to ensure that the design HPSI flow is not diverted through idle pumps.



Although NRC NUREG 1482, " Guidance for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants,"

allows licensees to make certain changes to their IST program that are consistent with


Code requirements, the licensee's basis for changing the back-flow test frequency of the


HPSI check valves is not supported by an inability to test the valve during operations. The

inspector was concerned that eliminating the quarterly backflow testing was unnecessary


because on-line testing can be performed without potentially overloading the EDGs; for

instance; by mechanically, but not electrically, aligning two HPSI pumps to one facility.

Such a relaxation is neither consistent with the Code nor covered by the approved relief

request. The licensee agreed to revise procedure SP 21136 to perform quarterly backflow

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testing. This issue is considered unresolved to allow the NRC to review the planned

changes to this procedure. (URI 336/96-06-06)


(Closed) LER 50-336/95-42: Late Surveillance of the Off-Site Line Verification

On November 15,1995, the licensee found that the shiftly technical specification

surveillance to verify the alignment of two circuits between the off-site transmission

network and the switchyard had not been performed within its required frequency. The


surveillance was performed satisfactorily later that day. The late performance of

surveillances is discussed in detail in NRC Inspection Reports 50-336/95-38 and 50-

336/96-04 and is being tracked by violation 336/95-38-01.



(Closed) LER 50-336/95-44: Late Surveillance of the Containment Personnel

Air Lock

On November 29,1995, the licensee noted that the 6-month surveillance for the

containment personnel air lock was not performed within its technical specification required

frequency. This LER was historical in nature and the surveillance has been satisfactorily

performed since this event. The late performance of surveillances is discussed in detail in

NRC Inspection Reports 50-336/95-38 and 50-336/96-04 and is being tracked by violation



(Closed) LER 50-336/95-45: Plant Shutdown due to Leakina Charaina System


On December 14,1995, Unit 2 was shut down to assess the structural integrity of valve

2-CH-435, a ncn-isolable valve which provides thermal relief for the charging side of the

regenerative heat exchanger. During a containment entry, the licensee found an active

body-to-bonnet steam leak on valve 2-CH-435 resulting in a boron buildup around each of

the four studs. The leak rate was estimated to be one drop per minute. Machinery history

showed that there was no past leakage and no prior maintenance on the valve. The unit

was shutdown to evaluate whether stud degradation had occurred as a result of the boric

acid buildup. The licensee found the condition of the studs, as well as the valve body,

valve bonnet, and seat rings, to be good. The root cause was an original installation error

by which the as-found torque on two of the four body-to-bonnet studs was less than the

manufacturer recommended torque.

Prior to returning the plant to operation, a sample of 20 similar valves was visually

inspected, and no signs of leakage or degradation were found. The licensee stated that

this provided assurance that no similar condition existed for other valves. The LER stated

that prior to startup from refueling outage RFO 13, the preload on similar valves will be

checked. The licensee is now in the process of completing the preload checks for these

valves during the current mid-cycle shutdown.

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(Closed) LER 50-336/96-12: Valve Internals Missina Rendered Safety Function





This event involved a missing part in a solenoid valve that controls the position of safety

injection valve 2-SI-618. This LER did not address corrective actions for the test program


and work control causal factors of this event. A violation of test requirements was cited


for this event in NRC Inspection Report 50-336/96-04. The licensee committed to


supplement the LER by September 25,1996.






U2.lli Enaineerina




Conduct of Engineering



Reactor Coolant System Boron Concentration to Supoort Core Off-Load





Inspection Scoce



The inspector evaluated the licensee's plans to attain the required boron concentration in


the reactor coolant system (RCS) to support a full core off-load. During a normal


shutdown and cooldown, if fuel movement is planned, the licensee borates the RCS to the

refueling concentration while the reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) are operating. This mixes

the boron throughout the RCS, and satisfies Technical Specification (TS) 3.9.1 which

requires that when the reactor vessel head is unbolted 'or removed, a uniform and sufficient

boron concentration shall be maintained in all filled portions of the RCS and the refueling


canal. Uniform and sufficient concentration (1730 ppm) is needed to ensure that the



reactor remains shutdown (without control rods) during the refueling process. Since the


licensee did not intend to off-load the core when the unit was shut down, the RCS was


boNted to only 1320 ppm to satisfy shutdown margin requirements for mode 5. The RCPs



were secured and shutdown cooling was initiated. After the shutdown, the licensee found

that the core must be off-loaded to effect repairs of a safety injection valve. Since the


shutoown cooling system takes suction from the #2 hot leg and injects into all four cold


legs, large portions of the hot and cold legs, as well as the steam generators and RCPs, are


not circulated (and thereby mixed) by the shutdown cooling system. Therefore, the


licensee evaluated methods to achieve the TS required uniform boron concentration in all


filled portions of the RCS.



Observations and Findinas


On June 3,1996, the licensee submitted to the NRC a proposed one-time revision to TS

3.9.1 that would strike the words "of all filled portions" and " uniform." In addition, a


footnote was proposed stating that for this Cycle 13 mid-cycle outage, it was acceptable


for boron concentration in the steam generators and unmixed portions of the hot and cold


legs to initially be as low as 1300 ppm. The technical basis for the proposed change


concluded that if the shutdown cooling system was borated to greater than 1820 ppm, the


entire RCS would remain above the TS required concentration (1730 ppm), even if all the


water in the loops were at 1400 ppm boron and were mixed with the shutdown cooling


system water. The licensee would achieve the increase in boron concentration in the loops


from 1320 to greater than 1400 ppm by a partial drain and refill of the loops. To minimize




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any stagnant volume of RCS water at 1300 ppm, the licensee planned to refill the RCS

from the refueling water storage tank using the "B" charging pump which would pump


water through temporary hoses to an instrument tap on each of the four cold legs. Using

this method, it was possible that the subsequent samples would show that all filled


portions of the RCS were uniformly above the refuel boron concentration. Thus, the

potential existed that this evolution could eliminate the need for the TS change.


On June 19,1996, the inspector attended a plant operations review committee meeting


(PORC) in which a change to the Unit 2 Technical Requirements Manual was approved

which involved a clarification to TS 3.9.1 to better define the term " uniform." The licensee


planned to use this clarification to assess RCS samples that would be taken following the

draining and refilling evolution. The clarification recognized that some engineering

judgment is involved in determining whether the boron concentration is uniform because:

1) The TS provides no tolerance range for the term uniform; and,2) boron concentration

sample results have a margin of error of approximately 10 ppm. The TS clarification stated

that a " uniform" boron concentration is attained when all filled portions of the RCS and

refuel pool are greater than the required refueling boron concentration. The bases for the

clarification states that the " intent" of uniform in TS 3.9.1 is to ensure that the RCS and

water volumes having direct access to the reactor vessel and core are maintained greater

than the required refueling boron concentration.

The NRC noted that the licensee's clarification of the term uniform was too broad. The TS

clarification allowed boron at various RCS sample locations to differ greatly (for example

500 ppm or more) but would still satisfy the licensee's definition of " uniform" as long as

the samples were all above refueling boron concentration. The TS clarification was

unacceptable because samples with large differences in boron concentration could not

reasonably be considered uniform. Although a non-uniform RCS is not a safety concern as

long as all portions are maintained above the refueling boron concentration, the TS

requirements regarding uniformity must be satisfied until such time as a TS change is

approved. The licensee did not implement the approved TS interpretation.

The inspector also evaluated the licensee decision to drain the RCS to mid-loop. This

activity is considered one of the highest shutdown risk evolutions due to an increased

possibility of losing shutdown cooling, a shorter time to boi!, and a reduced water volume

above the core. Although there is currently no regulation that requires the licensee to

avoid mid-loop operation, the licensee should have a sound justification why using mid-loop

operation is the best option available, especially considering the tact that the "B"

emergency diesel generator was inoperable and the shutdown cooling system was

degraded by the stuck-open loop isolation valve. The licensee stated that the primary

reason for draining to mid-loop was to attempt to satisfy the existing TS requirements, and

thus e minate the time needed for the TS amendment process.


Following discussions with the NRC, on July 3,1996, the licensee submitted to the NRC

another revision to TS 3.1.9 tha proposed an alternative plan. The licensee proposed to

raise SDC volume boron concentiation to greater than 1950 ppm, and borate the reactor

vessel head area by lowering levei in tl e vessel to 1 to 3 feet below the flange (above the

defined reduced inventory precaution conditions), and refilling with water greater than

1850 ppm boron. This method did not involve mid-loop operation, and eliminated the need




. _ .





for temporary hoses to circulate water into idle portions of the RCS loops. While awaiting

NRC approval of the proposed TS change, the licensee borated the SDC volume to greater

than 2 l00 ppm. Various RCS sample results indicated substantial diffusion or mixing of

boron into the idle loops. However, strict uniformity of the samples was not achieved. On

August 13,1996, the NRC approved a one-time TS change to allow entry into the

refueling mode without uniform boron concentration. At the end of the inspection period,

the licensee was finalizing plans for the full core offload.



The fact that the licensee did not establish a uniform refueling boron concentration in the

RCS prior to securing RCPs was reasonable, because they could not have anticipated the

need to perform a core off-load. However, the licensee safety perspective in dispositioning

this problem was not conservative in that they planned to drain the RCS to mid-loop when

other options involving less risk were available. In addition, PORC did not provide rigorous

oversight in approving a TS clarification that redefined " uniform" boron concentration, such

that, while meeting the intent of the TS, it provided so much latitude that it would not

have complied with the TS as written.


Refuelina Pool Drain Line



Insoection Scope

On July 11,1996, the licensee prepared an adverse condition report (ACR) that addressed

the fact that non-seismic piping was connected to the refueling pool drain header that was

not isolated from the header during refueling. The inspector evaluated the licensee's

response to the ACR to determine if it was consistent with their response to NRC Bulletin

84-03, " Refueling Cavity Water Seal."


Observations and Findinas

There are two 4-inch refueling pool drain lines each containing a manual isolation valve (2-

RW-123 & 124). The two drain lines join to form a common 4-inch header that directs

water outside containment to the suction of the refueling water purification pumps. The

refueling water purification pumps can discharge through an ion exchanger back to the

refueling pool or they can discharge to the refueling water storage tank to drain the

refueling pool. Between valves 2-RW-123 & 124 and the containment penetration, there is

31 feet of piping that is seismic Class ll (non-seismic).

Procedure OP 2305, " Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Purification System," states that the

purification system should be operated continuously during refueling and accordingly,

specifies opening valves 2-RW-123 & 124. The ACR addressed the fact procedure AOP

2578, " Loss of Refuel Pool and Spent Fuel Pool Level," does not specifically state that

valves 2-RW-123 & 124 should be verified closed if a decrease in refueling pool level is

observed. Instead, procedure AOP 2578, states that "jf conditions allow, verify that a

cavity drain line has not failed." Another concern was that access was difficult because

the valves were 13 feet above the floor. As corrective actions, the licensee planned to

change procedure AOP 2578 to specify closing valves 2-RW-123 & 124 in the event of an





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unexpected decrease in refueling pool level. They also planned to specify the location of


the valves and how to access them.


The inspector was concerned that operator actions were being used to compensate for the



fact that a portion of the drain line was not seismically qualified. in addition, the licensee's

response to NRC Bulletin 84-03 was based on the premise that valves 2-RW-123 & 124


would remain closed thereby eliminating the need for operator actions. This was confirmed

by the engineer who prepared the design modification that upgraded the drain line piping



from the refueling pool to valves 2-RW-123 & 124 to seismic class 1. This explained the

lack of specificity in procedure AOP 2578 regarding the need to close the isolation valves.





The failure to specify that valves 2-RW-123 & 124 would remain closed during refueling

operations is a concern because: (1) Following a seismic event, maximum flow through a

broken drain line would be approximately 15001 ;m. The licensee had no evaluation to

demonstrate that operators would have sufficie

time to close the valves or whether

operators could even reach the valves with a no <by 1500 gpm leak; (2) Although the flow

rate through a broken drain line is less than the 6490 gpm flow rate associated with a


reactor cavity seal failure, the consequences are significantly worse because a cavity seal


failure would drain the refueling pool to the reactor vessel flange while a drain line failure

would also drain the south saddle and transfer canal. In addition, a drein line break would


also release a larger volume of water to the containment than is assumed in the loss of

coolant accident analysis which could result in the submergence of essential equipment.



The licensee had no evaluation that addressed this larger volume of water and no


procedure describing operator actions to be taken.

More importantly, drainage of the south saddle and transfer canal eliminates these areas as

safe fuel storage locations. With a cavity seal failure, three fuel assemblies could be safely


stored in the south saddle area of the reactor cavity (two in the upender and one on the


refueling machine in its full down position.) However, drainage of the south saddle and

transfer canal following a drain line break would expose these fuel assemblies which would


greatly increase radiation levels and possibly result in fuel damage. Procedure AOP 2578,


Step 3.6 states that a refueling cavity drain line failure in the south saddle would drain that

area completely and would eliminate this area and the transfer canal as a safe storage


location. However, Step 4.3.3, only verifies that a cavity drain line has not failed "if


conditions allow." This step is inadequate in that it does not reflect that this verification is

crucial in determining a safe fuel storage location.

Since the licensee's bulletin response was written with the presumption that valves 2-RW-


123 & 124 would remain closed, procedure AOP 2578 does not address the failure of non-

seismic refueling purification system piping and components outside containment. This


scenario is safety significant because it could result in reactor coolant leakage outside the

containment that would not be available for recirculation.

Since procedure AOP 2578 specifies that containment be evacuated once the fuel


assembly is lowered to a " safe" location, operators would not be inside containment during


the approximately 1 % hours that would be available to determine a drain line break had

occurred. The safe locations with a drain line break are the core and the transfer carriage



after it is moved to the spent fuel pool and the transfei tube isolation valve is closed.



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Procedure AOP 2578 states that it takes approximately 50 minutes to completely close

this valve.


Although it is not mentioned in the licensee's bulletin response, the north saddle of the

refueling pool would also drain in the event of a drain line failure. Even if fuel assemblies


were safely stored, completely uncovering the reactor upper guide structure or lower

internal components that could be stored in the north or south saddle could significantly

increase radiation levels.

The inspector discussed the above concerns with licensee management who agreed to

danger tag closed valves 2-RW-123 & 124 during the upcoming refueling operations. The

licensee plans to utilize the submersible filtration unit that they normally use for refueling

pool purification and clarification.



The refueling pool drain line iss .es that are discussed above are considered unresolved

pending further NRC review es the licensee's disposition of these concerns. (URI 336/96-

06 07)


Engineering Sapport of Facilities and Equipment


Core Tilt Evaluation


Insoection Scope (37550)

The inspector reviewed the core tilt technical specification surveillance tests for fuel cycles

12 and 13. The inspection focused on the actions taken in response to a tilt anomaly that

occurred at approximately 10,000 megawatt days per metric ton of uranium (MWD /MTU)

burnup during cycle 12 operation. The azimuthal power tilt is the maximum difference

between the power generated in any core quadrant and the average power of all

quadrants, divided by the average power of all quadrants of the core. The azimuthal power

tilt was determined by using the fixed incore flux detector system and the INPAX incore


analysis computer code,


Observations and Findinas

A graph of the azimuthal power tilt as a function of core burnup was documented in

calculation C12-01181 F2, Rev. O, March 2,1995, " Millstone Unit 2 Cycle 12 incore Data

Analysis." The azimuthal power tilt was approximately .01 for fuel burnup ranging from 0-

10,000 MWD /MTU, with the largest tilt located in the upper half of the core. At a burnup

of approximately 10,000 MWD /MTU, the tilt began to slowly increase. The maximum

measured tilt was approximately .017, at 12,000 MWD /MTU. The azimuthal tilt then

slowly decreased to approximately .012 for the duration of cycle 12. The incore azimuthal

tilt angle moved from approximately the 75 degree angle to the 328 degree angle during

cycle 12. The rate of change of the azimuthal tilt angle began to accelerate at about

8,000 MWD /MTU. Technical specification 3.2.4 requires that the azimuthal power tilt not


_ _ - _ _ .







exceed .02, in mode 1, at power levels greater than 50% power. The azimuthal power tilt

did not exceed the technical specification requirement during the cycle 12 transient.


An evaluation of potential causes for the increase in azimuthal power tilt was documented

in attachment 2 to calculation C12-01181-F2. An evaluation of the fixed incore detector


response data indicated that the tilt was not the result of instrumentation or calculational


errors. The evaluation concluded that fuel assembly RW-15 was the most likely cause for


the tilt. Fuel assembly RW-15 was a reconstituted fuel assembly that contained 5 stainless


steel pins in place of fuel rods. This conclusion was largely based on the observation that

the peak quadrant power rotated to the quadrant that contained fuel assembly RW-15.

This conclusion was not confirmed by a more detailed core analysis, which concluded that

fuel assembly RW-15 could not cause the magnitude of til observed.

A Plant Information Report (PIR) 2-94-059, " Azimuthal Power Tilt increasing" (dated

2/11/94), was written to initiate a root cause evaluation for the higher than expected

azimuthal power tilt. The root cause evaluation for the PIR was performed by Reactor

Engineering, Nuclear Fuels Engineering and the fuel vendor. Several potential causes were

evaluated including improper instrument operation, misloading of the burnable poison, and

a separated control rod finger. The investigation was unsuccessful in identifying a root

cause. The PIR was closed on July 18,1994, with no recommended corrective actions.

A full core computer design code was used to evaluate the potential causes for the tilt.

The steel pins in the reconstituted fuel assembly RW-15 and misloading of the burnable

poison (gadolinium) were both evaluated as potential causes for the tilt. The burnable

poisons were suspected because tha gadolinium poison was expected to burnout at

approximately the core burnup where the tilt increase occurred. The results of the analysis

(Memorandum, "MP-2 Cycle 12 Core Radial Power Tilt," dated February 10,1995) were

inconclusive. Both the steel pins and burnable poison misloading predicted a change in the

azimuthal tilt angle similar to that experienced during the tilt transient; however, the

magnitude of the tilt was much less than the measured tilt. The fuel vendor verified that

there was no misloading of burnable poisons by reviewing manufacturing records. The fuel

vendor was also unable to identify a root cause for the observed increase in tilt,



The peak azimuthal tilt did not exceed technical specification limits during cycle 12 tilt

transient. The plants accident analysis is valid for azimuthal tilt values less than the

technical specification limit. The root cause for the increase in the tilt was not identified.

The initial determination that the reconstituted fuel assembly was the most likely cause of

the tilt was not substantiated by further analysis. The inspector concluded that the

credible causes for the increase in tilt were thoroughly evaluated and the depth of the root

cause analysis was appropriate.





Estimated Critical Rod Position Calculations


Insnection Scone (37550)

The inspector reviewed the cycle 12 and 13 estimated critical rod position (ECP)

calculations to ensure compliance with technical specification requirements. The ECP is a

reactivity balance used to estimate the boron concentration and control rod position where

criticality will be achieved during reactor startups. The actions implemented to improve the

accuracy of the ECP calculations were also reviewed.


Observations and Findinas

The ECP reactivity calculations are performed in accordance with Operating Procedure OP-

2208, Rev.11, " Reactivity Calculations." Technical specification requires that

the actual critical reactivity be within 1 % delta-k/k of the predicted value. Operating

Procedure OP-2208 conservatively requires that criticality be achieved within .9% delta-k/k

of the ECP prediction. The inspector reviewed the cycle 12 ECPs. In all cases the

technical specifications and the administrative limits of OP-2208 were satisfied. However,

the licensee was not satisfied with the magnitude of disagreement between the actual and

predicted ECP values and implemented actions to improve the accuracy of the ECPs.

A Plant incident Report (PIR) 2-93-101, dated May 25,1993, was written to document a

cycle 12 occurrence where criticality was not achieved prior to the control rods being fully

withdrawn. The immediate corrective actions were to validate the ECP calculation and the

input data. Following validation, the Reactor Engineering staff calculated a new ECP,

boron concentration was reduced, and the reactor criticality was achieved. The reactor

reached criticality approximately 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> following the original startup attempt. The

failure to establish criticality prior to the control rods being fully withdrawn was an

operational inconvenience; however, at no time during this startup were technical

specification or associated administrative requirements exceeded.

In response to this PIR, the Nuclear Analysis Section provided several recommendations to

improve the ECP calculations and operating procedure (Memorandum, " Plant incident

Report 2-93-101," dated July 27,1993). The recommendations were to use revised

power defect curves and to ensure adequate control rod bite when calculating ECPs for

high xenon startups. Operating Procedure 2208 was revised to implement these

recommendations. The corrective actions were successful in preventing similar

occurrences during the remaining cycle 12 startups. A human error in performing an ECP


calculation was determined to be the cause of a cycle 13 occurrence where criticality was


not achieved prior to the control rods being fully withdrawn (Adverse Condition Report


The Nuclear Analysis Section staff continued efforts to improve the accuracy of the ECP

calculations. On April 28,1994, an improved ECP methodology (Calculation W2-517-405-

NA, Rev. 0) was submitted to Nuclear Fuels Engineering (NFE) management for review and

approval. The calculation recommended improvements for calculating ECPs. The ECP

enhancements were to: (1) revise certain constants used by the core design computer

models; and (2) use the unbiased boron concentration for the hot full power (HFP) and hot






zero power (HZP) conditions. The "best estimate" critical boron concentration includes a

boron bias which is used to correct for inaccuracies in the boron concentration predicted

by the core design computer codes. These recommendations were also provided to site

Reactor Engineering for review (Memorandum, " Estimated Critical Position Calculations for

MP 2 Cycle 12," dated April 28,1994).

The proposed calculation file and recommendations were not approved by the NFE

manager (Letter, " Proposed Calculation W2-517-405-NA and Associated Memo," dated

July 12,1994). The reasons stated were: (1) inadequate quality assurance review in

changing the fuel vendor's core design computer model; and (2) the desire not to bias ECP

predictions using past ECP errors. The NFE manager recommended an effort be initiated to

enhance the fuel vendors core design models. Reactor Engineering also concluded that the

recommended changes could not be used to improve the ECPs (Memorandum, " Estimated

Critical Position Calculations for MP2 Cycle 12," dated August 16,1994).

The licensee fuels engineers efforts to improve the ECP accuracy continued throughout

1994-1995. On November 15,1995, the fuel vendor provided a revised Startup and

Operations Report (" Transmittal of Millstone Unit 2, Cycle 13, Startup and Operation

Report, EMF-94-201(P), Rev.1 and Updated XTGPWR Deck") which used the latest

neutronics design methodology. The primary improvements were: (1) finer depletion steps

for the gadolinium cross sections; and (2) more accurately reflecting the full power fuel

temperatures. The methodology also reflected, to a lesser extent, the core design code

improvement recommended in calculation W2-517-405-NA. A significant improvement in

the accuracy of the ECPs was demonstrated using the revised analysis,



The cycle 12 and 13 ECPs reviewed complied with technical specification and

administrative requirements. The licensee's corrective action to improve the ECPs by

improving the core design codes was a technically sound approach to resolve this issue.

The basis for rejection of the recommended ECP methodology changes using the unbiased

boron concentration was appropriately documented and justified. The inspector concluded

that the actions taken to improve the ECP calculation accuracy were appropriate.


Boron Biases


Inspection Scope (37550)

The licensee identified a concern that the boron biases may have an adverse effect on the -

core safety analysis. The inspector reviewed the actions taken to evaluate and resolve this


The "best estimate" boron concentration, used in certain core safety analyses and startup

physics testing, includad a boron bias. The boron bias was the difference between the

measured hot full power (HFP) boron concentration and the predicted boron concentration

as calculated during past cycles. The predicted boron concentration was calculated using

computer core design models. The "best estimate" boron concentration was equal to the

sum of the boron bias and the predicted boron concentration. The boron bias was added

to compensate for consistent inexactness in the computer core design models.

_. _.


















Observations and Fin.dinas

The magnitude of the biases used in the prediction of HZP and HFP critical boron

concentrations for cycle 13 ranged from 55 to 80 parts per million (ppm) boron. A Nuclear


Fuel Section (NFS) Engineer outlined several safety concerns regarding the boron biases

(Memorandum, " Concern of Large Biases in Predicted MP 2 Critical Boron Concentrations,"

dated September 21,1995). The primary concerns were that: (1) the boron biases may

have an adverse effect on the plant safety analysis; and (2) the acceptance criteria used in

the startup physics testing, which uses the "best estimate" values, appears to be

inconsistent with the users guide provided as Appendix A to American National Standards


Institute /American Nuclear Society (ANSI /ANS) standard 19.6.1-1985, " Reload Startup



Physics Tests for Pressurized Water Reactors."

The NFS Supervisor provided a preliminary response to these concerns (Memorandum,

" Preliminary Evaluation - Large Boron Biases at MP2," dated October 5,1995). The

preliminary response stated that the main impact on the safety analysis would be the boron

concentrations used to analyze the boron dilution events and for shutdown margin


calculations. The fuel vendor confirmed that the same boron biases are applied to the


safety analysis calculations. The other potential effect boron biases could have on the

safety analysis was a perturbation of the radial power distribution. The evaluation

concluded that the affect on the radial power distribution was not large enough to be a

safety concern.


The preliminary response also addressed the concern with the apparent deviation from the

ANSl/ANS standard. The resporse stated that Millstone Unit 2 used the standard as a

general guideline, but were not committed to conduct core physics testing in accordance


with the standard. They also noted that the recommendation to use the unbiased boron

concentrations for physics testing was provided in the optional part of the standard. The

evaluation stated that in an upcoming revision to the standard, a current proposal is to

reverse this position and use the "best estimate" boron concentrations for comparisons

during physics testing. The response stated that the fuel vendor recommended using the

"best estimate" values for the core physics testing (Letter, Millstone Reactivity Biases,



dated October 2,1995).

An evaluation of the effect of the boron bias on the safety analysis was conducted by the


engineer who originally identified this concern (Memorandum, " Review of the MP 2 Cycle

13 Safety Related Analyses," dated Decemt er 12,1995). The evaluation assessed the


effect of the boron bias on power distribution affected parameters, shutdown boron

concentration, and the boron dilution transient analysis. The conclusion of this evaluation


was that using the best estimate boron concentration for certain safety analyses and for

conservatism in the shutdown boron concentration adequately compensate for the


inaccuracy in the predicted boron concentrations. The conclusion was that the inclusion of

the boron bias did not result in significant changes in safety-related parameters. The

overall conclusion was that the results of the cycle 13 safety analyses and the shutdown


boron concentrations remain valid.






. Conclusions

The inspector concluded that the licensee had conducted a thorough evaluation of this

concern. The evaluations demonstrated that the safety analyses for cycle 13 were not

adversely affected by the inclusion of boron biases. The basis provided for using of the

"best estimate" boron concentrations as the predicted values for core physics testing was


acceptable. The detail and timeliness of the evaluations of this concern were

commensurate with the potential safety significance of this issue.


Miscellaneous Engineering issues


(Closed) LER 50-336/95-19: Shutdown Coolina System Inocerable due to

Damaaed Snubber Sucoort


Inspection Scope

The inspector evaluated the licensee's disposition of failed snubbers on the suction header

of the facility 1 emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps,


Findinas and Observations

On May 14,1995, with the unit shut down, a hydraulic snubber support assembly on the

facility 1 ECCS suction header was determined to be inoperable due to a significantly bent

extension rod. In addition, the hydraulic snubber had rotated on its axis causing its

hydraulic fluid supply reservoir to be located below the valve assembly. On May 11,

1995, a trouble report had been written to address that hydraulic fluid had been observed

leaking from the vent port. The shutdown cooling (SDC) system was declared inoperable

after 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> had passed without evaluation of the deformed snubber assembly. The

SDC system was appropriately declared inoperable, however, the system remained in

operation to remove decay heat from the reactor.

The licensee event report (LER) stated that the root cause of the event was being

investigated to determine the origin of the load that bent the extension rod. The licensee

was investigating both water hammer and external loads as potential causes. The initial

corrective action was to repair the snubber assembly to restore SDC system operability.

The LER stated that additional corrective action will be determined based on the results of

the root cause investigation that was underway and that this would be reported in a

supplement to the LER.

The inspector had three concerns with the LER: (1) The licensee has yet to meet their

commitment of submitting a supplement to the LER to discuss the results of the root cause

investigation; (2) The root cause investigation has not been completed even though the

event occurred more than 14 months ago; and (3) the LER did not specify a date that their

planned corrective action would be completed.

The licensee stated that the root cause investigation is ongoing because they have been

unsuccessful in definitively determining the cause of the damaged snubber. Their

investigation revealed that in addition to the hydraulic snubber, a mechanical snubber on






the same line was also damaged. Evaluations of various scenarios such as starting pumps

and operating valves showed that the resulting water hammer forces would be insufficient

to cause the observed damage to the two snubbers. The inspect- informed plant

engineering that operators had related that when the motor-operated valve at the RWST is

opened to fill the ECCS suction header, it " rattles the roof," indicating the magnitude of the

water hammer. The licensee stated that system fill was one of 7 scenarios considered but

was not pursued because of engineering judgement that the system fill would not provide

sufficient force. Plant engineering stated that they met with operations personnel and

there was no mention of the significant water hammer that has occurred during previous

ECCS suction header filling. Also, a more recent adverse condition report addresses a

piping support base plate near the RWST that had two bolts pulled out from the wall. This

provides additional evidence of significant transients in this system.



At the end of the inspection period, the licensee had not yet completed calculations to

confirm whether the system fill could be the cause of damaged snubbers. They also plan

to perform detailed walkdowns of piping supports of both ECCS suction headers to

evaluate the current condition of the supports in the ECCS suction piping. The timely

completion of the licensee's evaluation of the current system status, the determination of

the root cause, and implementation of corrective actions are important due to the potential

for inoperable supports to render all ECCS pumps in both trains inoperable. Resolution of

the water hammer issues, as well as the concerns associated with the LER commitments

are considered unresolved. (URI 336/96-06-08)


(Closed) LER 50-336/95-43: Reactor Core Thermal Power Level Exceeds

License Limit

On November 15,1995, the reactor core thermal power level exceeded the maximum

power level permitted by the operating license (2700 megawatts thermal). The core heat

balance calculation had been performed using an incorrect value for steam generator

blowdown flow rate. This resulted in the calculated core thermal power being less than

the actual core thermal power. The license limit was exceeded for approximately 11

hours. A best estimate of the maximum steady-state power level achieved during this

period was 2709 megawatts thermal (approximately 100.33 percent power). The

inspector reviewed computer records to verify that the licensee's immediate corrective

action to input an acceptable blowdown flow rate value into the calculation had been

completed. This issue is considered unresolved pending further review of the final

resolution of blowdown flow input, and evaluation of the control and validation of plant

computer calculations. (URI 336/96-06-09)





(Closed) LER 50-336/96-06: Service Water Pumo Desian Vulnerable to Flood


Technical Specifications require that one service water pump be protected from flood

waters when severe storm conditions threaten. This assures that at least one pump will be

operable for use after the flood conditions subside. The Unit 2 service water system flood

protection design provides protection for only the "B" or "C" service water pump. The

licensee determined that there had been outage periods when neither the "B" nor "C"

pump remained operable such that they could have been protected for use after a flood.

During these periods, however, no severe weather conditions were experienced. In

response to this design deficiency, the licensee implemented administrative controls to

assure that the "A" service water pump is not used as a single operable pump. The

inspector verified that procedures OP 2264, " Conduct of Outages" and OP 2326A,

" Service Water System," were changed in March and July 1996, respectively, to formalize

these corrective actions. Operators received training on the new controls through required


The inspector determined that the service water flood protection design requirements had

not been correctly translated into specifications and procedures. This is a violation of 10

CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion Ill, " Design Control." This licensee-identified and corrected

violation is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation, consistent with Section Vil.B.1 of the

NRC Enforcement Policy.


(Closed) LER 50-336/96-08: Containment Sumo Screen Mesh has Holes

Laraer than Desianed.


Inspection Scope (92700)

On February 20,1996, Unit 2 was shutdown due to concerns that small post-accident

debris, which passes through the containment sump screens, could clog the small

openings in the high pressure safety injection (HPSI) system throttle valves. Subsequent

licensee inspection of the sump screens revealed many holes in the screen mesh that

exceeded the design mesh size. These concerns were reported to the NRC in LER 50-

336/96-08. The inspector reviewed the identified problems and verified the safety

consequences and corrective actions.


Observations and Findinas

The containment sump screens are designed to prevent debris from clogging the

containment spray and emergency core cooling systems (ECCSs) during the sump

recirculation phase of an accident. Failure to meet this design intent raised a serious

potential for common cause failures of these safety systems. Licensee review of an

industry operating experience report led them to the fact that the screen mesh size (0.187

in') could pass materiallarger than the throttled opening of the HPSI throttle valves. The

industry experience report mitigated the significance of this concern because the low

pressure safety injection (LPSI) system provides the primary cooling source in the

recirculation mode. Since HPSIis the only system used for the recirculation phase of

emergency cooling at Unit 2, the plant was shut down while analysis and corrective





actions were pursued. Licensee analysis subsequently showed that containment sump

flow velocities were sufficiently low such that only low density materials could be

transported from the screens, up to the pump suction pipe openings. These openings are

11 inches above the containment floor. The licensee concluded that any low density

material that reached the suction pipe would be pulverized in the close tolerance safety

injection pumps, and/or would be forced through any smaller orifice by high system

differential pressure at these points. The inspectcr was concerned that the suction strainer

had an open mesh top. High density material sinking into the water in containment could

possibly flow into the suction pipes through the top grating. As described below, the

licensee redesigned and fabricated a new sump strainer assembly. The new design

incorporated a solid top, thus resolving this NRC concern.


Unit 3 also reassessed the potential for containment sump debris clogging ECCSs during

accidents. The licensee's operability determination similarly concluded that only low

density material would transport, and it would not prevent fulfillment of the safety

function. Initial NRC review of this concern did not identify any immediate safety

concerns. However, further licensee review raised questions regarding the need for

operator action to compensate for clogging or accelerated erosion due to high flow at these

choke points. The issue of low density material smaller than the screen mesh design

effecting ECCSs remains unresclved pending NRC review of any required operator actions,

and confirmation that the harder debris cannot be transported to the pump suction (URI


During the February 1996 Unit 2 shutdown, the licensee inspected and compared the


containtnent sump strainer against the current design specifications. Several discrepancies


were identified where debris much larger than the screen mesh size could pass through the


strainer. Specifically, the two end panels and the center partition of the strainer were


constructed of wire mesh with greater than the designed (0.187 in') openings. In addition,

there were ten locations where openings as large as 0.25 inch by 2 feet were identified.

The cause of the strainer discrepancies was construction / installation error and poor

oversight. The strainer was last worked on in January 1988 when the center partition was

noted to be missing. However, repair efforts did not assure that the correct screen mesh

size was installed at that time, nor did licensee response to this discrepancy identify the

other construction / design discrepancies which apparently existed at that time.

Technical Specification 3.5.2, "ECCS Subsysterns," and, " Containment Spray

System," require two operable trains of ECCS and containment spray during plant

operation at power. Because the sump strainer would pass debris larger than the system

design, the potential to compromise the safety function of both trains of ECCS and

containment spray existed. The low density material size would be reduced passing

through ECCS pumps and differential pressure at choke points would tend to pass this

material through. However, this position did not address the potential for higher density

material to reach ECCS components from the top of the st ainer and could not confirm the

operability of the ECCSs during prior operations with a strainer that would not perform its


design function. While the probability of a loss of coolant accident with loss of ECCS

function is !ow, the consequences of that scenario are unacceptable, and must be











The licensee redesigned the strainer to resolve the discrepancies. These repairs were

implemented using the recently improved design control process that provides stronger


controls than those in place when the strainer was last modified. Also, the licensee is

engaged in a comprehensive verification of the plant design basis, which should identify

any other significant system design flaws.



In February 1996, the licensee also reported another potential ECCS analysis discrepancy.

Review of the containment sump recirculation design basis had revealed that reactor water

storage tank level could decrease faster than the final safety analysis report (FSAR)


described scenario. Therefore, it was questioned whether HPSI alone could cool the core

at this time, since LPSI shuts down during the sump recirculation mode. The licensee


subsequently determined that adequate HPSI cooling exists at the earlier switchover time


and retracted the report. The inspector reviewed the licensee's justification and had no

further questions regarding the adequacy of sump recirculation timing. The licensee will

verify the adequacy of the FSAR description of this function during their ongoing design


basis review.







10 CFR 59, Appendix B, Criterion XVI requires conditions adverse to quality such as



deficiencies to be promptly identified and corrected. The containment sump strainer

deficiencies represent a potential common mode failure that could have rendered both

ECCS and containment spray inoperable. The licensee's identification of this problem

based on the review of recent industry operating experience demonstrated a current


conservative approach to safe plant operation. However, the failure to address these

issues when other discrepancier were identified in 1988 represents a failure of the


licensee's corrective action prog'am. These are apparent violations of TSs 3.5.2 and, and Criterion XVI. (eel 336/96-06-11)




(Closed) LER 50-336/96-13: Potential Common-Mode Failure in Wide Ranae

Nuclear Instruments



This event involved the discovery of a potential susceptibility to common-mode failure

within the wide range nuclear instrument (WR-NI) channels. The problem is caused by the

presence of one nonsafety-related annunciator circuit that interfaces with all four channels



of the WR-Ni instrumentation. The annunciator circuit was designed with coil-to-contact,


to contactor isolation. However, the WR-Nis experienced cross-channel interference

through the common circuit on March 8,1996, caused by a single power supply



malfunction. The inspector noted that the LER did not discuss permanent modifications to

resolve the design concerns. Those actions are detailed in NRC Inspection Report 50-


The LER also noted that the original WR-NI reactor protection trip on high rate-of-change in



power had been removed in 1978. The licensee subsequently determined that the removal


of this reactor trip may not have been consistent with the current methodology for analysis


of a rod withdrawal accident. This problem was promptly reported to the NRC on July 17,


1996 and supplemented on August 12,1996. NRC will review the cause and corrective

actions for this issue upon receipt of the followup LER to these telephonic reports.


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(Closed) LER 50-336/96-19: Electrical Eauipment Qualification of Solenoid

Operated Valves inside Containment


Inspection Scone

The inspector evaluated the licensee's response to LER 50-336/96-19.


Observations and Findinas

On March 26,1996, the licensee discovered that the connectors for seven solenoid

operated valves located inside containment did not have the requirei electrical equipment

qualification (EEO) for operation in a harsh environment. They had previously determined

that the connectors for these containment isolation valves were not required to be

qualified. This was based on an incorrect assumption that the valves' only safety function

was to close and a harsh environment would cause a short resulting in the valves fai!ing

closed on a loss of power. During recent efforts to reorganize EEQ databases, the licensee

recognized the mis-identified safety functions of these EEQ components. In fact, it is

necessary +o reenergize these solenoids to open the valves later in the post-accident

scenario. The affected components included the containment air radiation monitors,

hydrogen monitors, post-accident sampling system, charging supply, pressurizer auxiliary

spray line, and hydrogen purge valves.

The LER stated that the root cause of this event was that programmatically, the licensee

had not completed an adequate review to define all the safety functions that individual

components and circuits must perform and the duration over which they must perform that

function. This weakness had been previously identified and in 1993 the licensee created

an EEQ Program Manual that formally delineated responsibilities of key groups that provide

input into the EEQ program. Safety Integration and Analysis (Sl&A) was defined as the

responsible group for providing the safety functions and operating durations of EEQ

equipment. However, Sl&A did not begin their reassessment until 1995, and are not yet

completed, in LER 96-19, Unit 2 committed to complete the process of redefining the

safety functions of all EEQ components and to disposition identified deficiencies prior to

entering Mode 2.

Prior to Mode 4, the licensee committed to correct the seven solenoid valves connectors

that were identified and to update the associated EEQ documentation. NRC interviews

with the Unit 2 coordinator for the EEQ Program revealed that although there may be EEQ

documentation for individual components, there is no EEQ documentation for the circuit as

a whole, which includes connectors. The licensee is in the process of preparing the EEQ

circuit documentation.

The non-EEQ connectors for four of the seven solenoid valves had previously been

discussed at a 1988 enforcement conference (NRC Inspection Report 50-336/88-20).

These included the containment isolation valves for the containment air radiation monitors,

the hydrogen monitors, the post-accident sampling system, and the hydrogen purge valves.

The proposed violation discussed 10 solenoid operated valves that did not did not have

EEQ connectors. At the enforcement conference, the licersee provided reasons that they

believed that enforcement action was not warranted. The licensee stated that only one of



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the 10 valves, an atmospheric dump valve, had terminations that required environmental

qualification because this was the only valve that required energization to perform its


safety function (i.e., valve opening). The other nine valves, all feedwater or containment

isolation valves, were said to go to their safe (i.e., closed) positions when their coils are

deenergized. This information was incorrect for the four containment isolation valves

because these valves also had a safety-related function to open. As a result, the NRC did


not consider the safety consequences associated with the four unqualified solenoid valves

when making enforcement decisions. In addition, the inaccurate information prevented

implementation of corrective actions to replace the unqualified connector 6 at that time.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's EEQ program more broadly and found that three


elements involved in an effective program have not been adequately completed to date,

including: (1) As stated above, the safety function (s) of individual components and the

duration they must perform that function has not been comprehensively and accurately

defined for EEQ program components; (2) The licensee has determined that the 1986 EEQ

field walkdowns were inadequate because the walkdowns were not comprehensive; the

walkdowns were performed by maintenance technicians and contractor personnel that

were not adequately trained; and many concerns identified in the walkdowns were not

adequately dispositioned. As a result, during the current shutdown, the licensee plans to

complete a comprehensive walkdown of accessible EEQ equipment; and (3) The licensee

determined that EEQ preventive maintenance requirements had not been incorporated into

the Unit 2 maintenance tracking system.

Although not applicable to the solenoid operated valves discussed in this LER, the

inspector also noted that the licensee has not yet completed their High Energy Line Break

(HELB) Program for Unit 2. This project assesses the harsh environment parameters

(temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation levels, etc.) for spaces outside containment. In

the licensee's "Short Term Review of Final Safety Analysis Report Amendment 23 (HELB

effects)," dated August 1,1990, the licensee stated that, " engineering has been performed

and plant modifications installed without regard to impact upon the High Energy Line Break

program." The licensee's initial corrective actions included performing a "short term" or

" cursory" reevaluation of the 1973 HELB report to look for " obvious programmatic

problems." This short-term review identified the need to redefine realistic subcompartment

environmental conditions because "it became increasingly apparent that environmental

conditions identified in a number of plant areas were inaccurate." In 1990, the licensee

discovered that the environmental conditions associated with an auxiliary steam line break

were much more severe than the existing design basis break postulated in the main steam

system. Walkdowns were performed in areas of the plant that were considered mild

environments, but where auxiliary steam piping penetrated, to determine what safety-

related equipment could be affected by a postulated auxiliary steam line break. The areas

affected were the control room, the control room ventilation room, and the auxiliary

building 14' 6" elevation. Discussions with the licensee indicated that although this

concern was identified in 1990, the monetary and personnel resources necessary to

redefine the environmental conditions have routinely been diverted such that this project

has not yet been completed. Similarly, the licensee also has not completed the project to

evaluate the dynamic (pipe whip, steam impingement) consequences of a pipe break.



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10 CFR 50.49 requires that: (1) each item of electric equipment important to safety shall


be qualified by testing and/or analysis of identical or similar equipment, and the

qualification based on similarity shallinclude a supporting analysis to show that the

equipment to be qualified is acceptable; and (2) a record of the qualification shall be

maintained in an auditable form to permit verification that each item of electrical equipment

important to safety is qualified and that the equipment meets the specified performance


requirements under postulated environmental conditions. The faibre to adequately



establish the qualification of the connectors for the seven solenoid valves discussed in LER

50-336/96-19 is an apparent violation (eel 336/96-06-12). This is of particular concern


because four of the seven valves were the subject of previous escalated enforcement

activities in 1988. Due to inadequate licensee reviews, inaccurate information was

provided to the NRC regarding the safety function of the valves and therefore, this safety

concern was not properly dispositioned.

Programmatically, the failure to accurately define the harsh environment parameters for

equipment outside containment and to correctly define the safety functions of all EEQ


equipment is a significant concern because this information provides the foundation for


qualification of each component. When combined with an incomplete understanding of -


what is currently installed and its condition, this raises the uncertainty regarding the ability


of safety related components to perform their design function (s) in the environment the


component or circuit may experience. Although the EEQ Program and HELB Program are

within the scope of the 50.54(f) design reviews that are currently underway, significant

licensee management focus in this area is needed to support restart of Unit 2. In addition,

since the same organization implemented the original EEQ program requirements for all the

licensee's nuclear units, it is likely that similar problems may exist at the other units.



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Report Details


Summary of Unit 3 Status

Unit 3 remained in cold shutdown throughout the inspection period. The licensee's review

to verify compliance with their established design and licensing basis is ongoing.

U3.1 Operations


Conduct of Operations


General Comments (71707)


The inspectors conducted frequent reviews of ongoing plant operations; including control

room activities, unit daily status meetings, management review team (MRT) evaluations of

adverse condition reports (ACRs), and assessments of operability determinations (ODs) and

reportability evaluations for degraded plant conditions. Discussions with licensed plant

operators and management personnel revealed good cognizance of the current plant

conditions and expected plant problem areas. For example, during the current outage, it

was anticipated that both shutdown margin monitors (SMMs) would become inoperable

due to the decay of the neutron sources that provide a minimum count rate to keep the

SMMs on scale. NRC Inspection Report 50-423/96-05 provides a detailed discussion of

this issue, as documented in ACR 12495. On June 21,1996, the licensee issued a

contingency action plan, approved by the plant operations review committee (PORC), for

inoperable SMMs. Hence, when the second of the two SMMs went off scale and was

declared inoperable on July 25,1996, the licensee had in place the appropriate action plan

to meet the requirements of the technical specification (TS) 3.3.1, action 5(b).

The inspector reviewed the implementation of other compensatory measures; e.g., the

issuance of Bypass / Jumper 3-96-076 to address a deficiency documented in ACR M3-96-

0568 involving an electrical manhole cover, tornado design restraints. The ODs and

reportability evaluations for additional ACRs were also reviewed. The inspector attended a

PORC meeting on July 26,1996, and observed a good questioning attitude by PORC

members in evaluating the adequacy of a new project instruction intended for issuance as

part of the Unit 3 Configuration Management Plan (CMP). Subsequently, the resident

inspectors were apprised of licensee Nuclear Safety and Oversight assessment activities

relating to the ongoing engineering reviews involved with the CMP. Overall, the licensee's

approach to problem identification and resolution (e.g., ACRs) and process controls (e.g.,

the CMP) appeared to be receiving an appropriate level of management attention and


Additionally, using inspection Procedure 71707, the inspectors observed various routine

plant evolutions and norrral shutdown operational activities to verify the acceptability of

the overall conduct of operations. With respect to operational controls, particularly in

consideration of shutdown risk criteria, Unit 3 was found to be operated safely in cold


shutdown (mode 5) conditions during this inspection period.

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Guality Assurance in Operations


Audit of the Quality Assurance Proaram (40500)

(Ocen) IFl 50-423/96-06-xx



During the inspection period, the inspector attended the June 28,1996, Joint Utility

Management Assessment (JUMA) team exit. TN JUMA audit was to evaluate the


effectiveness of the licensee's Quality Assur-

TA) Program. The scope of the audit

was to evaluate actions taken to address pre,

., assessments of the QA organization,


evaluate philosophy, guidance, and staff understanding for the designation of critical

attributes for work activities, review the implementation and effectiveness of the audit and

surveillance programs, and to assess the value added as a result of QA activities.



The JUMA team concluded that the audit, surveillance, and inspection programs at

Millstone were not effective in the implementation of their Mission Statement and the

resolution of identified problems. The team attributed these problems to:


Lack of support for the QA organization by executive and line management.


Lack of an effective corrective action program.


Some adverse condition reports were generated as a result of the audit findings. One

addressed that there were no requirements to respond to audit findings within 30 days as

required by ANSI /ASME N45.2.12, " Requirements for Auditing of Quality Assurance

Programs for Nuclear Power Plants," and another identified the Unit 1 Measuring and

Test Equipment audit had not been performed within the specified 24 months. The JUMA

audit also identified that the designation of critical attributes for work activities was wed.

The inspector concluded that this assessment activity was effective in identifying

significant problems in the QA program. At the conclusion of this inspection, the licensee

was developing an action plan to address the findings in the JUMA audit. The licensee

indicated that the corrective actions would be folded into their Nuclear Excellence Plan.

Actions taken to address these concerns are considered an item for further inspection

followup and will be addressed in the Restart Assessment Plan.


Miscellaneous Operations issues (92700)


(Closed) LER 50-423/96-11: Surveillance testing revealed that both trains of

the control room envelope pressurization system (CREPS) were inoperable in

violation of Technical Specification (TS) 3.7.8. The 36 foot elevation of the

control room was unable to achieve the required positive one-eighth inch

differential pressure due to an imbalance in the air-conditioning system that

serves the control room. The imbalance was determined to have occurred 17

days earlier after modifications were made to the control room. The inspector

reviewed the Final Safety Analysis Report and found no detailed description of

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the functional relationship between the control room air conditioning and

CREPS. Therefore, the adverse impact of the imbalance was not considered

until the . surveillance testing identified the problem. This licensee identified

and cor scted violation is being treated as a Non-Cited Violation, consistent

with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Poliev. This LER is closed.


(Closed) LER 50-423/96 16: This LER documented a condition outside the

design basis of the plant and an inadvertent Engineered Safety Feature

actuation. The safety related 4160 volt switchgear cabinet seismic

qualification had not been maintained as a result of the bolts on the rear door

and the seismic latches on the front door not being used. While engaging the

latches to restore the seismic qualification, a relay mounted on the door


actuated, resulting in a control building isolation. The inspector examined the

switchgear door and latch configuration and discussed the identified concerns


with engineering perscnnel. This LER documented an issue with minor


consequence and only hypothetical significance. Corrective action was

effected and this LER is closed.





(Closed) URI 50-423/96-04-12. Unanalyzed Containment Pioina Desian:

(Closed) LER 50-423/96-07. Containment Recirculation Sorav and Quench

Sorav System Outside Desian Basis


Insoection Scope (92901)

On April 3,1996, the licensee determined that the plant had operated in a condition that

was outside the design basis due to a deficiency in the design of the recirculation spray


system (RSS) piping supports, for which the loading analysis had not appropriately


considered accident temperatures. Subsequently, the licensee determirad that based upon

design basis act:ident temperatures inside containment, the unacceptable pipe support



stress conditions also applied to the quench spray system (OSS). LER 423/96-07 was

submitted on May 2,1996, to document these deficient conditions. Unresolved item (URI


423/96-04-12) was documented during a follow-up NRC inspection to track the licensee's

continued engineering analyses and corrective actions. In NRC Inspection Report 50-




423/96-05, further review of the design change and modification work packages affecting

the RSS pipe supports was documented. During this inspection, the inspector assessed

the status of the continuing design reviews, the field work and component modifications,

and the overall implementation of corrective measures.


Observations and Findinas

The inspector reviewed completed work packages and noted that the RSS and OSS

modifications have been completed. However, the licensee determined that other systems

[i.e., safety injection (SI), both inside and outside containment, and the reactor plant

component cooling (CCP)] require similar analysis. The pipe support and structural steel

reviews for these other systems resulted in the need for additional pipe support and

structurai modifications. Installation of these design changes has been ongoing during this

inspection period.



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The inspector also reviewed several engineering records to assess licensee actions relative

to the origin of the RSS design concerns. In 1993, the licensee identified RSS Design


Basis Documentation Package (DBDP) discrepancies that led to the documentation of


adverse condition report (ACR) 159 in 1995. The licensee's followup of this adverse

condition in March,1996, led to the identification of the current containment temperature

concerns wherein post LOCA containment temperatures cause excessive piping system

stresses. While the initial review of these concerns was documented with the issuance of

ACR 10773, several other ACRs have since been issued. These document related

problems with elevated containment temperature effects and single failures that could be

postulated to raise the temperature of system f!uids beyond that which had been

previously analyzed. The inspector confirmed that such issues, and related problem

examples, have been considered in the report of the project instruction (PI) 2 team

findings, relative to the Unit 3 specific assessment conducted as part of the licensee's

Configuration Management Plan.

Notwithstanding the generic reviews and corrective measures implemented by the licensee

since the issuance of ACR 10773, LER 423/96-07 documents the fact that the RSS and

OSS systems were found to be in noncompliance with design-basis requirements. The

licensee's basis for initial reasonable assurance of continued operability for both systems

with the plant in mode 4 and heading to cold shutdown (mode 5) conditions suggested

that neither the RSS, nor the OSS system could be considered operable under full power

operating conditions. This design deficiency, adversely affecting the operational status of

systems required to mitigate the consequences of an accident and governed by the unit

technical specifications, has existed since the issuance of the initial operating license for

unit 3 in 1985. While the licensee has committed to submit a supplement to LER 423/96-

07 by September 13,1996, addressing the generic implications to other p! ant systems, the

inspector noted that the need to modify certain Si and CCP pipe supports has already been

established and is in progress.



With respect to the design-basis capability of the RSS J.nd OSS system functions, Unit 3


was operated in violation of the Unit 3 technical specifications over a period of several

years. Furthermore, since at least 1993, a DBDP deficiency documented concerns in this

area, but was not adequately addressed by the licensee's corrective action program until

ACR 10773 was initiated in 1996. While the licensee plans to submit an LER supplement

to update the generic implications and status of activities related to this problem, the

existing facts support the position that past operation of Unit 3 with this design deficiency

is an apparent violation (eel 423/96-06-13) of regulatory requirements.

U3.Il Maintenance


Conduct of Maintenance



General Comments (62707)

On July 31,1996, the inspector attended the prejob briefing for maintenance activity M3-

95-609, loop calibration of containment recirculation pump 3RSS*P1 A discharge flow



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transmitter. The briefing included discussion of the adequacy of the tagout, potential

personnel safety hazards, and the required retest. The supervisor alerted the technicians

that the job would require a safety related component being declared inoperable, potentially

placing the plant in a technical specification action statement, and that blocking open the

access door to the room would affect a plant fire barrier. In addition, the supervisor

cautioned the workers to work within the job scope and that the identification of any

additional work would require that the work order be revised. The inspector concluded


that the brief by the instrument and control supervisor was thorough.


Maintenance Procedures and Documentation


Trisodium Phosohate (TSP) Surveillance (61726. 92901)


Inspection Scoce

Amendment No.115 to the Unit 3 operating license (OL) NPF-49 was issued on May 26,

1996. This revision, as implemented with plant design change record (PDCR) MP3-94-

135, amended the plant technical specifications, reflecting the replacement of sodium

hydroxide from the refueling water chemical addition tank (CAT) with TSP as the pH

control agent for the containment spray system. The inspector reviewed the licensee's

procedures and records relating to the TSP surveillance requirements, examined specific

field configurations of the completed PDCR, and assessed the impact of the resulting

modifications upon the Unit 3 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).


Observations and Findinas

The inspector reviewed Surveillance Procedure (SP) 3606.10 for the TSP storage basket

volume check, conducted at least once each refueling interval. Since a dodecahydrate

form of TSP was utilized in the design, a surveillance based upon a volume check

conservatively ensures a sufficient amount of TSP remains available for pH control of the

recirculation coolant during an accident. Even if any humidity-induced agglomeration

occurs, the density in the TSP baskets would increase; thus, providing for TSP additions to

the minimum refillline to effectively increase the mass of TSP available for accident

response. The inspector confirmed that the required surveillance was conducted during the

last refueling outage in May,1995, and repeated in April,1996. Adverse condition report

(ACR) 12327 was initiated on April 29,1996, to document the finding of the TSP below

the required fillline for all twelve containment baskets. This was not unexpected due to

the aforementioned agglomeration phenomenon. Nevertheless, for surveillance purposes,

corrective measures to refill all TSP baskets prior to taking the plant into mode 4 were


The inspector also examined the completed hardware modifications and pipe capping

activities, accomplished in accordance with automated work order (AWO) M3-95-00941,

that isolated the CAT from the refueling water storage tank. The applicable design

drawings and work records document the in-place abandonment of the CAT and associated

piping and components. Since the completed PDCR did not include the FSAR changes

relevant to PDCR MP3-94-135, the inspector requested the FSAR change transmittals

associated with this design change for further review.



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Coincident with the NRC inspection of the records and FSAR change requests referenced


with the PDCR closeout, the licensee identified some discrepancies involved with the

incorporation of the PDCR design details and its safety evaluation (SE) into the Unit 3


FSAR. The deficiencies were found as part of the licensee's vertical slice review team

(VSRT) effort, conducted in accordance with project instruction (PI) 15, and were


documented in Unresolved item Report (UIR) log number 107. Most notably, the SE


assumed a containment leak rate greater than that noted in the current technical

specifications and in the OL Amendment No.115 revisions. Also, the FSAR chapter 15

accident analysis was found by the licensee to have not been reviewed for revision and

any impact relating to the TSP basket modification. As of the conclusion of this

inspection, the discrepancies identified on UIR log number 107 had been documented in

ACR 13788 and were pending final disposition. The inspector confirmed that Unit 3

Operational Readiness Plan Punchlist listed ACR 13788 as an issue requiring resolution

prior to the unit startup.



The licensee's implementation of PDCR MP3-95-135 for replacement of the CAT with TSP

baskets inside containment was appropriately handled as a field modification and properly

controlled from operational and surveillance standpoints. However, with regard to the

licensing basis of this design change, discrepancies were identified that require further

analysis, a revision of the PDCR's documented safety evaluation, and additional changes to

the FSAR than were documented as part of the PDCR implementation. These issues are

currently being tracked by the licensee as items to be addressed prior to plant heatup to

mode 4 conditions.

U3.Ill Enaineerina


Conduct of Engineering




Potential Cloaaina of the ECCS Throttle Valves - Uodate



Insoection Scope (37551)

As documented in NRC Inspection Report 50-423/96-01, the licensee conducted an

operability determination (OD) to evaluate the concern [ reference: Adverse Condition

Report (ACR) 8897] that eight throttle valves in the emergency core cooling system (ECCS)

have openings smaller in size than the maximum dimension of the ECCS recirculation, fine

screen sizes. The potential for clogging the valves, and thus restricting ECCS flow during

the recirculation phase of safety injection, was analyzed in consideration of the nature of

the postulated debris, the " piggy-back" flow path through multiple pumps, and the

increasing differential pressure effects. While the licensee concluded that the affected

systems were operable at that time, additional information from other plants and other

phenomena (e.g., throttle valve erosion) were still being assessed for adverse system










Observations and Findinas

The Millstone Unit 3 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) documents plant compliance with

the regulatory position of NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.82, regarding the ECCS sump and

containment spray design. Such guidance indicates that the recirculation sump screen size

openings should be based upon minimum restrictions downstream of the pumps and upon

recirculation system requirements. Also, Westinghouse Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter,

NSAL-96-001, discusses the identification of a potential problem involving the erosion of

the ECCS throttle valves under long term (i.e., post-accident, licensing-basis duration) flow

conditions. Also, a Westinghouse letter (NEU-91-611) identifies questions about the

adequacy of the runout tr' 4n for certain types of ECCS pumps.

The licensee intends to aos

.s both the NSAL concerns drid the RG 1.82 guidance with

system modifications. By installing orifice plates in the affected lines such that the



maximum pressure drop would not occur at the throttle valves, crosion problems would be


lessened and larger valve openings could accommodate the maximum debris size, as well

ds pump runout considerations. At the conclusion of this inspection period, the licensee

was still working on engineering provisions for the orifice plate installation and re-balanced


throttle valve settings. The high pressure safety injection (SlH) and charging system (CHS)

pump flow characteristics required further evaluation based upon the net positive suction


head (NPSH) boost from the " piggy-back" discharge flow from the recirculation spray


system (RSS) pumps.

Subsequently, the licensee determined that a combination of design factors, ii.cicding the

initial throttle ulve settings, the " piggy-back" flow path, the RSS discharge pressure

boost, and the . .

and SlH pump runout margins (i.e., the NEU-91-611 issue), required

documentation n,

OR M3-96-0524 and reporting to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR

50.72 and 50.73. The licensee made the initial telephonic notification to the NRC

headquarters duty officer on August 30,1996, and is expected to submit an LER on this

issue within the next thirty days.

The inspector reviewed the reportability evaluation for ACR M3-96-0524 and determined

that the documented design considerations have relevance to the planned corrective

measures and engineering modifications for the throttle vaive clogging and erosion

concerns. The inspector also reviewed NSAL-96-001 and re-assessed the adequacy of the

OD for ACR 8897 in light of the new engineering issues that have been identified. The

inspector verified that the Final Safety Analysis Report has documented the specific Unit 3

differences between the plant configuration and either the regulatory guidance (e.g., RG

1.82) or the generic Westinghouse ECCS operational provisions; e.g., the RSS pump direct

flow path to the reactor vessel is isolated in favor of the " piggy-back" mode via the CHS

and SlH flow paths.




The licensee's OD for ACR 8897 remains valid relative to the potential throttle valve

clogging concerns; however, consideration of licensing commitments to RG 1.82 and the

potential for longer-term valve erosion concerns require a plant modification to install


orifice plates in the susceptible ECCS flow lines. A recent licensee analysis identified a








related concern (ACR M3-96-0524) with the potential for runout of the CHS and SlH

pumps during the recirculation phase of ECCS operation. This could have resulted in pump

cavitation with the loss of CHS and SlH pump functions during the " piggy-back" mode of

operation. Since this problem is also related to the initial settings of the ECCS throttle

valves, the licensee's design modification will have to consider such pump runout issues in

addition to the clogging and valve erosion concerns. Pending the licensee presentation of

evidence that the planned design change addresses allidentified problems and that the

submittal of a licensee event report to the NRC which documents the past deficiencies, this

issue is considered an unresolved item. (URI 50-423/96-06 14)


Engineering Support of Facilities and Equipment


Adverse Condition Reoort (ACR) Review


Inspection Scope (37550 and 40500)

The inspector reviewed selected ACRs to assess the effectiveness of the ACR process.

The evaluation included an assessment of the root cause determination and whether

appropriate corrective actions were identified and implemented to prevent recurrence of the

adverse condition.



Observations and Findinas

ACR 06092 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Valve Bodv-to-Bonnet Leak


On November 9,1995, a leak was identified coming from the "D" RCS loop accumulator

injection check valve at the body-to-bonnet joint. The valve is a Westinghouse ten-inch,

swing check valve. In taking immediate corrective action, the licensee entered the

applicable technical specification action statement, shut down the plant (reference NRC

Inspection Report 50-423/95-42), and generated an ACR to document and disposition the

problem. The ACR was categorized as a level "B" due to its consequence (reactor

shutdown) and its potential for recurrence. Therefore, a root cause investigation was

performed in accordance with nuclear group procedure NGP 3.15, " Root Cause Evaluation

Program." The inspector verified that the individual performing the evaluation had attended

the required root cause training and that the evaluation was documented in accordance

with procedure NGP 3.15 guidance.

The root cause investigation determined that the leak was attributed to a lack of metal to

metal contact (gap) on the leaking joint, as a result of the valve being reassembled

incorrectly in August,1993. The licensee inspected each installed Westinghouse check

valve for gaps and joint leakage and reviewed the maintenance history records for previous

leaks. This review resulted in the identification of eight valves (six and ten-inch

Westinghouse swing check valves) that had gasketed joints with questionable reliability.

Since disassembly of the these valves would have required placing the plant in mid-loop

condition, a plant design change request was instead processed to seal weld the body-to-

bonnet joints to ensure reliability of the body to bonnet seal.





As additional corrective action, the licensee plans to revise, by October 15,1996,

procedure MP 3766AH to require that the metal to metal fit of the body to bonnet joint be

verified when reassembling the valve. The licensee also is evaluating other options for

improving the reliability of the body to bonnet seal to eliminate the need to seal weld the

joint after further disassembles.

The inspector verified, by review of work orders, that the modification had been performed

for the eight Westinghouse check valves. A review of procedure MP 3766AH revealed

that the procedure change had not yet been completed. Action item requests had been

generated by the licensee to implement the remaining planned actions. No additional leaks

from Westinghouse swing check valves have been reported since November 1995.

ACR 1535 Temoerature excursion durina soent resin dewaterina

This issue was categorized as a level "A" ACR. It documented an event that occurred at

Unit 1 on June 22,1995. During the initial dewatering following the transfer of spent

resin from the spent resin tank (SRT) to the cask, the waste water temperature in the cask

liner rapidly rose from 90 F to 310 F. The inspector reviewed the licensee's investigation

and corrective actions.

The licensee's root cause investigation team was unable to recreate this event or

determine its specific cause. The licensee postulated that an exothermic reaction had

taken place in the liner, which resulted in the increased temperature. The licensee team

made several recommendations to mitigate the effects if a similar event were to recur. The

recommendations included: establish and maintain a constant line of communication

between the liner operator and the radwaste operator until drying begins, have flush water

available to refill the liner if heat-up occurs, use demineralized water for resin transfers, and

maintain the SRT full of water while the tank is unattended. These recommendations were

shared with the other Millstone units for implementation.

The inspector reviewed the applicable Unit 3 procedures and verified that all but the

recommendation involving a constant communication link had been properly

proceduralized. The implementing procedure required that a direct means of

communication be established, but it did not mandate continuous communications. The

licensee indicated that although the guidance did not specifically require constant

communications, such a practice has been implemented. The licensee indicated that the

procedure would be revised to include this recommendation.

ACR 1148 FSAR Not Uodated to Reflect New Site Buildina

This issue was categorized as a level "B" ACR. It documented that the external flooding

analysis presented in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and an engineering

calculation had not been updated to reflect changes to the site. Four buildings had been

added or made permanent to the site between 1986 and 1993, without updating all

portions of the FSAR or updating pertinent documentation.

As corrective action, the licensee updated the design basis analysis calculations and the

FSAR to reflect as-built conditions. To prevent recurrence, the ACR recommended the




addition of an engineering representative to the site utilization committee and to the Unit 3

plant operations review committee (PORC).

The inspector verified that a FSAR change was processed, that the applicable engineering

calculation was performed, and that an engineering representative was assigned as a

member to the noted licensee committees. However, the inspector identified that the

engineering representative was not present at the site utilization committee meeting

convened in June 1996.

The inspector verified that the individual performing the evaluation for this ACR had

attended the required root cause training. However, a review of the root cause evaluation

revealed that it was not documented in accordance with procedure NGP 3.15 guidance. In

addition, the ACR was not reviewed by PORC as specified in the ACR. The licensee

generated ACR M3-96-304 to document and resolve these concerns.


The inspector determined that the licensee actions to correct similar types of problems

were questionable. There are no requirements that all committee members be present at

all meetings, nor are there procedural comrols in place to alert licensee personnel of a need

to consider the potential for flooding when erecting structures on site. The licensee

acknowledged the inspector's concern and planned to perform an additional review of the

issue. ACR M3-96-304 was modified to address this concern. The Events Analysis

department had not raised these problems during their closecut review of this issue.



The independent safety engineering group performed an evaluation of level "A" and "B"


ACRs to determine the effectiveness of corrective actions. The evaluation focused on the

timeliness and quality of root cause evaluations, the corrective action plans, and the

implementation and tracking of the corrective action plans. This review concluded that the

majority of the ACRs under review failed to meet one or more of the licensee's established

criteria. Only the immediate corrective action demonstrated an acceptable trend.

Furthermore, the inspector noted that an ACR had been previously written against the

corrective action program as a result of a Quality Assessment Service audit of level "C"

and "D" ACRs (reference NRC Inspection Report 50-423/96-05).




The inspector concluded that the quality of the root cause investigations and corrective

actions associated with these ACRs was mixed. The root cause investigation for the

leaking check valve and the temperature excursion during the dewatering of the cask liner

was thorough. However, the corrective actions to address the failure to update the FSAR

only corrected the specific concern and would not have necessarily prevented recurrence.

The NRC expressed concern that none of the discrepancies had been identified by the

Events Analysis department, which has the responsibility to review ACRs for closeout.

The issue of an inadequate corrective action program has been previously discussed in

NRC inspection report 50-423/96-04. The NRC has indicated that prior to the startup of

any of the Millstone units, the corrective action program must be demonstrated to be






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Loss of Foreian Material Exclusion (FME) Control



Inspection Scope (71750)

On August 8,1996, while lifting the fuel handling tool from the spent fuel pool (SFP), the


bottom of the tool became caught on the lead-in for the transfer canal gate and fellinto the

SFP. The reactor engineer in charge of the evolution immediately stopped the job, notified

the shift manager, and generated an adverse condition report to document the event. The


inspector monitored the performance of the licensee's recovery efforts.


Observations and Findinas

NRC Bulletin 96-01, " Control Rod Insertion Problems," documented a concern regarding


control rod binding problems in high burnup fuel at Westinghouse designed plants. As a


result of these concerns Millstone Unit 3, under the guidance of the Westinghouse Electric

Corporation, was one of several plants chosen to perform fuel testing and inspection of



selected fuel bundles ir, the spent fuel pool. After the completion of the required testing

and inspections, the Westinghouse representative was removing the aluminum fuel


handling tool when it caught and broke at a welded joint and fell to the bottom of the SFP.


Prior to the recovery efforts for the fuel handling tool, the reactor engineer reviewed the

root cause investigation for the Unit 1 SFP event (refer to section U1.M1.1) for lessons


learned, developed an action plan, and brief allinvolved parties. A work order was written

for retrieval of the foreign material.

The inspector reviewed the work order and verified that procedure WC-1, " Work Control


Process," guidance on recovery from loss of FME control was followed. Prior to retrieving


the tool, a camera was lowered into the pool to inspect the piece to determine / verify the

extent of the damage and determine the location of the foreign material. Indications

revealed that the tool was in two pieces next to the transfer gato. The inspector noted


that workers discussed each evolution in detail prior to its execution to ensure all parties

had a clear understanding of the actions to be taken and any potential consequences. The

workers implemented proper FME controls regarding logging materialinto and out of the

FME controlled area and demonstrated good radiological work practices.



The inspector verified procedural compliance with the WC-1 guioance, and concluded that

the evolution of removing the foreign material was well planned and coordinated.







Quality Assurance in Engineering Activities


Review of Desian and Confiauration Discrepancies


Insoection Scope 192903)


In a letter dated June 20,1996, the licensee documented the Millstone Unit 3 Discrepancy


Review Team (DRT) Report. The report contained design and configuration management


deficiencies that were identified during licensee reviews, third party reviews, NRC


inspections or that were self disclosing through the occurrence of an event. An updated



report was provided to the NRC in a letter dated July 2,1996. The inspectors reviewed

the licensee's prioritization of th; deficiencies to ensure that issues deferred for resolution

after plant startup would not adversely affect the safe operation of the plant.


Observations and Findinas


The July 2,1996, submittal indicated that as of June 25,1996, there were 1187 design

or configuration management issues identified. Of these, the licensee determined that 597

required resolution prior to plant startup. The remainder were scheduled for resolution by

either the end of 1996 or the next refueling outage. At the time of the inspection,

approximately 440 issues that were scheduled for resolution after plant startup remained


The inspectors reviewed the summary description of each deferred item and selected for

further evaluation approximately 214 issues that appeared to be the most safety

significant. For these items, the inspectors reviewed the source document to obtain

additional details of the issues. The source documents included adverse condition reports

(ACRs), unresolved item reports (UIRs), open item reports (OIRs) and nonconformance

reports (NCRs). As a result of the review of the source documents, additional questions on

approximately 120 of the issues were directed to the licensee. During the resolution of the

questions raised by the inspectors, the licensee decided to revise the priority of 17 of the

issues and include them as issues to be resolved prior to startup. The resolution of these

items will generally involve procedure improvements, minor drawing changes, or the

generation of design documentation for minor modifications. Several of the issues will also

require an additional engineering review to ensure that the affected system operability is

not jeopardized.



The inspectors concluded that the licensee's characterization of the issues was generally

appropriate. Most of the items that were upgraded to startup issues during the inspection

were associated with conflicting or missing documentation that would not have been

expected to have any significant impact on plant operation. The inspectors' initial

assessment was that the issues that require additional engineering review were not likely

to result in any safety significant problems. At the completion of this inspection, the

licensee evaluation process was continuing. Final assessment of the required work

prioritization is dependent upon the completed engineering reviews.


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Miscellaneous Engineering issues


(Closed) URI 50-423/96-05-13. Desian Modifications for Letdown Heat

Exchanaer Leak Reoair


Insoection Scope (92903)

As documented in NRC Inspection Report 50-423/96-05, the licensee was evaluating

certain NRC questions raised with respect to the implementation of plant design change

record (PDCR) MP3-90-243 for leak repair activities on the letdown heat exchanger. Of-

most significance was the issue of the ASME Code acceptability of the existing lower

flange bolted condition. During this inspection, the inspector reviewed the licensee's

responses to the questions on the PDCR package review and additional documentation

regarding the code compliance and adequacy of the design control measures associated

with this modification.


Observations and Findinas

The inspector identified that design change notice (DCN) DM3-S-[0068 & 12621-93, sheet

5, details on the Joseph Oat Corporation fabrication drawing (no. 5659, rev. 7) for the


letdown heat exchanger appeared to conflict with ASME Code requirements. The drawing

notes indicated that 21 of the existing 28 heat exchanger lower flange studs were to be


replaced with new studs manufactured of SA-564, Gr6de 630, Condition H1025-H1100

material having a minimum yield strength of 140 ksi. The replacement studs were

fabricated of the specified material (condition H1100) and arrived on site with certified

material test report (CMTR) data demonstrating a representative yield strength greater than

149 ksi. Since PDCR MP3-90-243, Rev.1, documented an assumption that the 21 new.

studs have adequate strength to provide the structural integrity of the flanged joint,

previously served by 28 studs, the minimum yield strength data provides an engineering

value that is key to the adequacy of this design change.

However, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section ill (1983 edition, summer

1983 addenda), subsection NC, in conjunction with Table I-7.1 of the Section lli

Appendices, requires that the design allowable stress values for this replacement stud

material be based upon a minimum yield strength of 115 k;si. Therefore, despite the CMTR

data, the PDCR and its associated DCNs take credit for a stud material yield strength in

excess of that allowed by the ASME Code. The licensee documented this discrepancy in

adverse condition report (ACR) M3-96-0159. Subsequently, the licensee documented in

ACR M3-96-0465, that the PDCR/DCN allowance to use Condition H1025-H1100 material

(i.e., heat treated to a temperature between 1025 and 1100 degrees F) was also in error in

that the ASME Code, Section Ill, does not approve use of such stud material heat treated

below 1075 degrees F.

Additionally, the inspector noted that nonconformance report (NCR) 389-239, initiated in

1989 to track the letdown heat exchanger leakage and the need for repair, had been

closed in 1991. The closure was based, in part, upon a comrnitment (number 3-89-0137)

specifying an injectable leak seal repair activity that was subssquently canceled in 1993

because of changing radiological conditions. The increased area radiation levels raised




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ALARA ("as low as reasonably achievable") concerns for personnel that would be involved

in the planned repairs. Automated work order (AWO) M3-91-01633 had been issued in

conjunction with PDCR MP3-90-243, documenting the belief that NCR 389-239 would

track the heat exchanger leakage until closure with the planned gasket repairs. However,

the NCR was prematurely closed, based upon a commitment that was not fulfilled.

The premature closure of NCR 389-239 also had ASME Code ramifications in that the NCR

references ASME Section XI, IWA-5250(b) requirements to evaluate boric acid corrosion on

ferritic steel components. This was accomplished in 1989 for the carbon steel studs in the

leaking lower heat exchanger flange. However, after 21 of the 28 studs were replaced

with the stainless steel materialin 1991, in accordance with PDCR MP3-90-243, there is

no evidence of a continuing licensee evaluation of the potential wastage of the seven

remaining carbon steel studs. The potential credit for the structural strength of these studs

to augment the code allowable stress values in this joint was neither quantified, nor

documented. Therefore, the ASME Section XI criteria for boric acid corrosion

considerations appear to have also been neglected with the premature closure of the QA

tracking mechanism for this continuing leakage, i.e., NCR 389-239.



The inspector concluded that the licensee's failure to correctly translate the technical

requirements of the ASME Code, relating to the consideration and use of replacement stud


material, into the design details of PDCR MP3-90-243 represents an apparent violation of


10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion Ill for Design Control. (eel 423/96-06-15) Furthermore,

in closing NCR 389-239 based upon a commitment that itself was closed without

implementation of the resulting recommendation, the licensee missed opportunities to

continue both to track the heat exchanger leakage via a quality document and to conduct

appropriate ASME Section XI (IWA-5250) " Corrective Measures". This lapse may have


contributed to the lack of recognition of this issue as a code violation and minimized the


technical concerns until raised as a material condition problem by plant personnel in June,




IV Plant SuDDort


(Common to Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 3)


Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controls


Refuelino Outaae Radioloaical Controls


Inspection Scope (83750)

The inspectors reviewed radiological controls implemented during outages, including

maintaining occupational radiation exposure as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA),

control of radiological work, and radiological housekeeping. The inspectors made frequent

tours of the radiologically controlled areas (RCA), and discussed specific radiological

controls with the unit radiation protection supervisors, ALARA coordinators and various

radiation protection technicians.









Observations and Findinas


At all three units, the level of work in the radiologically controlled area was very limited at


the time of this inspection. With the exception of the liquid radwaste remediation project,

essentially all work at Unit 1 had ceased. At Unit 2, reactor disassembly was required for

continuation of work and was tentatively scheduled to commence in mid to late August.

At Unit 3, work in the containment dome was essentially completed, awaiting completion

of documentation and analysis.

On July 16,1996, a group of plant personnel working on the refueling floor (108'

elevation) at Unit 1 became contaminated while attempting to remove a TriNuclear vacuum

system from the spent fuel pool. The work involved removing the four filter cartridges

from the vacuum unit, then removing the vacuum unit from the spent fuel pool. While

raising the unit from the pool, a wire attached to the bottom of the unit became entangled

with several control rod blades stored along the east wall of the spent fuel pool. One of

the blades became disengaged from its hook and several other blades were moved out of

position. Six workers were contaminated, including one worker who had a small " hot"

particle located on his face. The inspector interviewed three of the workers, including the

lead health physics technician and two deconners, conducted a tour of the refuel floor and

discussed the event with unit and site radiation protection managers. The inspector also

reviewed the radiation work permit and associated radiation protection procedures involved

a this work.

The inspector's review indicated all workers were decontaminated and whole body counts

conducted. No internal contamination was detected. The inspector determined that the

licensee performed a conservative skin dose calculation for the individual who sustained a

hot particle contamination of the skin of the face. The licensee assigned a shallow skin

dose of 2.8 rem to the individual who sustained a hot particle contamination of the face

(small area near jaw). (The NRC limit for shallow exposure of the skin is 50 rem in a

calendar year.)

With the scope and level of work severely changed, ALARA planning at all three units was

very limited. Unit 1 had revised its 1996 ALARA goal to 700 person-rem, but this was

before discontinuing work. This budget also had included nine projects where so little

documentation and work scope estimates existed that the ALARA projections were

considered only accurate to within an order of magnitude. This was considered a reflection

of poor work planning. Since the start of the Unit 1 refueling outage (RFO 15) in October

1995, a total of 852 person-rem had been expended, including 501 person-rem in 1995.

For 1996, Unit 2 had revised its ALARA goal upwards to 300 person-rem to account for

the additional scope of work. The addition of work scope added an additional 250 person-

rem to the original annual goal of 50 person-rem.

Also at Unit 2, an initiative was underway to utilize senior health physics technicians as

functional coordinators for critical path evolutions (e.g., reactor disassembly / reassembly,

steam generator testing and selected valve work). Although the technicians would not

have the authority of outage coordinators, this initiative was a step in establishing




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ownership for these critical jobs. These individuals would not have collateral radiation

protection duties during their tenure as functional coordinators.

At Unit 3, continuing progress in control and minimization of leaking valves was noted.

This included continuing efforts by the health physics department to create and maintain a

valve data base, which included information on location, radiological history and






The Unit 1 spent fuel pool event on July 16,1996, is currently under review by the NRC

(See Section U1.M1.1). The contaminations which resulted from this event had little

safety significance, and were properly handled by the unit her.ith physics staff.

Continued actions to address the lack of appropriate work control and work planning were

needed to allow for improvement of the ALARA programs. Actions taken at Unit 2 to

identify coordinators for critical work evolutions during the outage were considered a step

in improving work control.


Status of Radiological Protection and Chemistry Facilities and Equipment

R 2.1

Unit Radioloaically Controlled Areas


Insoection Scope (86750)

The inspector reviewed the status of the Unit 1 liquid radwaste remediation project. The

inspector interviewed the project leader and project members, and toured the lower levels

of the liquid radwaste facility. The inspector also conducted tours of the radiologically

controlled areas (RCAs) at all three units,


Observations and Findinas

The inspector discussed the status of the Unit 1 liquid radwaste remediation project with

the project manager and the radwaste operations supervisor. Since the last inspection of

this f acility, the licensee completed removal of loose filter media and concentrates from the

floors of various cubicles, including the "A" concentrator. Non-destructive examination of

the floor drain and waste collector and test tanks had also been completed. No safety

significant dweets were found in the tanks during this testing. The tanks were also de-

scaled and flushed, while the overhead piping runs have been cleaned and painted. Piping

requiring repair, replacement or tear-out had been identified. The conterits of the filter

sludge and clean-up filter sludge tanks had also been removed.

Work remaining to be performed included removal of out-of-service equipment, including

the two filter sludge tanks, two evaporators and three concentrates tanks. Additionally,

new lighting fixtures were to be installed in the overhead, refurbishment of various pumps

and piping runs was to be undertaken, a new filter sludge tank was to installed, and a new

processing system (to replace the Ecodex filter) was to be procured. Due to budgetary

constraints, the removal of the tanks and vessels has been scheduled for 1997.

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The licensee continued to make progress in addressing the material and radiological

conditions in the Unit 1 liquid radwaste facility. A significant amount of work remains,


however, before the remediation project is completed. A significant improvement in


radiological and general housekeeping was also noticed in the maintenance area behind the



Unit 1 high pressure turbine.




NUSCO Thermoluminescent Dosimetrv Laboratorv




Inspection Scooe (83750)



The inspector reviewed the licensee's corporate thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD)

laboratory. Included in this review were discussions with the laboratory manager,



assessment manager and laboratory staff.



Observations and Findinas



The Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO) dosimetry laboratory provides personal


TLDs to the staff at all three Northeast Utilities nuclear stations (Millstone, Connecticut


Yankee and Seabrook). In addition, the facility also provides TLDs for special uses, such


as area TLDs at Seabrook Station. Previously, the TLD laboratory was unon the direction


of the Radiological Assessment Branch (RAB), but has recently been placed under the

Millstone RPM. In July, a new laboratory manager was assigned from Millstone, formerly a


staff radiological engineer.

The laboratory is preparing for its scheduled biennial audit by the National Voluntary



Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), scheduled for September 1996. During the


previous NVLAP audit in 1994, a number of problems were identified, especially in the area


of timeliness of corrective actions. The inspector discussed with the laboratory manager


and quality assurance manager actions taken to address these concerns. Actions taken

included a tracking system for laboratory corrective actions and commitments, and a


heightened use of review teams from the stations to evaluate laboratory performance. The

inspector reviewed the most recent NVLAP sample analysis from 1995. The laboratory


successfully passed all eight evaluation categories, and also passed the new category IX.


The inspector also discussed with laboratory personnel recent concerns with area TLD


results from Seabrook Station. The laboratory staff's assessment of the problem identified


several concerns, including the laboratory's methodology for maintaining anneal date


records and the ability of the laboratory to process and analyze environmental-type TLDs.


The inspector discussed with the laboratory manager, Millstone RPM and the Director,


General Services these issues and the licensee's plans for laboratory improvement.







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The NUSCO TLD laboratory continues to provide accurate assessment of the dose of

record for radiologically exposed personnel at the three Northeast Utilities nuclear sites.

Enhancements in laboratory operations were identified by the licensee as necessary to

maintain performance in this area.





Staff Training and Qualification in Radiological Protection & Chemistry-


R 5.1

Staff Trainina and Qualification in Radioloaical Protection & Chemistry




Insoection Scope (83750)

The inspector reviewed the qualifications of the interim radiation protection manager, and

discussed the health physics technician training programs with members of the technical

training staff. The inspector also reviewed new training initiatives involving plant

radiological workers,


Observations t nd Findinas

Recently, the Radiation Protection Manager (RPM) for Milistone Station resigned his

position. The radiological engineering supervisor was immediately named interim RPM.

The inspector reviewed the interim RPM's qualifications and determined that the individual

met the plant technical specifications at all three units to serve in this position.

The inspector reviewed the continuing training program provided tn health physics

technicians, through review of course outlines and materials, and interviews with members

of the technical training staff. At the time of this inspection, a cycle of training on


Connecticut Yankee was being provided to the Millstone Station personnel, to facilitate the

loaning out of technicians during outage operations, and to assist during emergencies. The

inspector also toured a mock-up training facility being utilized by operations personnel to

enhance their performance in a radiological environment.



The RPM position has been temporarily filled by a fully qualified health physics

professional. The technical training department continues to provide timely, in-depth

training and support to the health physics staff.


Miscellaneous Radiological Protection & Chemistry issues


Miscellaneous Radioloaical & Chemistry issues

A recent discovery of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the Updated

Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for a special focused

review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or parameters to the UFSAR

descriptions. While performing the inspections discussed in this report, the inspector

reviewed the applicable portions of the UFSAR that related to the areas inspected. The

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inspector verified that the UFSAR wording was consistent with the observed plant

practices, procedures and/or parameters.



EP Procedures and Documentation


An in-office review of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station emergency plan

revision 21 and implementing procedure EPOP 4475, change 02, " Manager of

On site Resources (MOR)" submitted by the licensee was completed. The

inspector concluded that the revisions did not reduce the effectiveness of the

E-Plan and were acceptable.


Conduct of Security and Safeguards Activities

S 1.1

Unauthorized Entrv Into the Protected Area


Inspection Scope (81700)

The inspectors reviewed the event associated with an unauthorized entry into the Millstone

Station protected area (PA) by an administrative contract person.


Observation and Findina

On August 5,1996, at about 8:00 a.m., an individual working for an administrative

contractor arrived at the station to report for a work assignment. The individual had

worked at the station, inside the PA until her previous assignment ended on July 19,

1996. Due to an oversight, she did not surrender her badge and key card upon termination

(under favorable conditions). However, her key card had been deactivated. The individual

assumed that her security badge would allow access to the station for the new


The individual proceeded to the access control center, rather than the processing center

where she was directed to report. She made a telephone call to an individual, already

inside the PA, who would be a co-worker and requested to be escorted to her new work

area because she was not sure of its location. When the co-worker arrived at the access

control center, she saw that the individual was having trouble entering through the access

portal and used her own valid key card and hand geometry to allow the individual to enter.

The co-worker assumed there was a problem with the turnstile. The co-worker followed

the unauthorized individual into the PA by keying in a second time. The two individuals

reportedly worked in proximity to each other in the PA for the entire day shift.

When the individual with the deactivated key card attempted to exit the station at the end

of the shift at about 3:4 ) p.m., the deactivated key card caused an alarm to which the

security force responded. Upon questioning the individual, the unauthorized access earlier

in the day was identified.

Interviews of both individuals and a review of the computer access record by the licensee

indicated that neither individual had entered a vital area during the shift. The licensee

promptly implemented its procedure for an unauthorized individual in the PA. The licensee





initiated an investigation which is continuing. The licensee does not suspect that any

malevolence was intended and disciplinary action for both individuals is pending,



During this event, an individual failed to comply with the licensee's requirements and

conditions of unescorted access authorization. This issue is unresolved (URI 245/96-06-

16) pending completion of the licensee's corrective actions and further NRC review.


Miscellaneous Security and Safeguards issues



On August 1,1994, the Commission amended 10 CFR Part 73, " Physical Protection of

Plants and Materials," to modify the design basis threat for radiological sabotage to include

the use of a land vehicle by adversaries for transporting personnel and their hand-carried

equipment to the proximity of vital areas and to include the use of a land vehicle bomb.

The amendments require reactor licensees to install vehicle control measures, including

vehicle barrier systems (VBSs), to protect against the malevolent use of a land vehicle.

Regulatory Guide 5.68 and NUREG/CR-6190 were issued in August 1994 to provide

guidance acceptable to the NRC by which the licensees could meet the requirements of the

amended regulations.

A February 29,1996, letter from the licensee to the NRC forwarded Revision 24 to its

physical security plan. The letter stated, in part, that vehicle control measures meet or

exceed all maximum parameters of design basis threat criterion and specifications found in

Regulatory Guide 5.68 and NUREG/CR-6190. A NRC July 3,1996, letter advised the

licensee that the changes submitted had been reviewed and viere determined to be

consistent with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(p) and were acceptable for inclusion in the

NRC-approved security plan.

This inspection, conducted on July 22 and 23,1996, in accordance with NRC Inspection

Manual Temporary Instruction 2515/132, " Malevolent Use of Vehicles and Nuclear Power

Plants," January 18,1996, assessed the implementation of the licensee's vehicle control

measures, including vehicle barrier systems, to determine if they were commensurate with

regulatory requirements and the licensee's physical security plan.


Vehicle Barrier System (VBS)


inspection Scoce

The inspectors reviewed documentation that described the VBS and physically inspected

the as-built VBS to verify it was consistent with the licensee's summary description

submitted to the NRC and was in accordance with the provisions of NUREG/CR-6190.





Observations and Findings


The inspectors' walkdown of the VBS and review of the VBS summary description

disclosed that the as-built VBS was consistent with the summary description and met or

exceeded the specifications in NUREGICR-6190. During the physical inspection of the

VBS, the inspectors noted that the VBS in one area was only marginally acceptable. After

discuccion between the licensee and the inspectors, it was determined that the

effectiveness of barrier could be significantly enhanced through a sirnple modification. The

modification was completed at this location prior to the conclusion of the inspection.



The inspectors determined that there were no discrepancies in the as-built VBS or the VBS

summary description.


Bomb Blast Analysis


Inspection Scoce

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's documentation of the bomb blast analysis and

verified actual standoff distances provided by the as-built VBS.


Observations and Findinas

The inspectors' review of the licensee's documentation of the bomb blast analysis

determined that it was consistent with the summary description submitted to the NRC.

The inspectors also verified that the actual standoff distances provided by the as-built VBS

were consistent with the minimum standoff distances calculated using NUREG/CR-6190.

The standoff distances were verified by review of scaled drawings, and actual field




No discrepancies were noted in the documentation of bomb blast analysis or actual

standoff distances provided by the as-built VBS.


Procedural Controls


Insoection Scoce

The inspectors reviewed applicable procedures to ensure that they had been revised to

include the VBS.


Observations and Findinas

The inspectors reviewed the licensee's proceduras for VBS access control measures,

surveillance and compensatory measures. The procedures contained effective controls to

provide passage through the VBS, provide adequate surveillance and inspection of the






VBS, and provide adequate compensation for any degradation of the VBS. The inspectors'

review of the procedure for compensatory measures disclosed that clarification of certain

requirements in the document would make it more user-friendly. Security Procedure SEP

5019, " Compensatory Measures," was revised prior to the completion of the inspection to

clarify those portions of the procedure.

The inspectors also reviewed the licensee's Common Operating Procedure C-OP-200,

" Respond to Severity Events," Rev. O, June 10,1993. This procedure provides guidance

for plant operations personnel during a security event and directs the operations personnel

into the appropriate Emergency Plan classifications. The inspectors' review of this


procedure disclosed that it provided guidance for situations that would include a land

vehicle bomb detonation at the VBS.




The inspectors' review of the procedures applicable to the VBS disclosed no discrepancies.

V. Manaaement Meetinas


Exit Meeting Summary

The inspectors presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the

conclusion of the inspection. The licensee acknowledged the findings presented.


Final Safety Analysis Report Review

A recent discovery of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the updated

final safety analysis report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for additional

verification that licensees were complying with UFSAR commitments. All reactor

inspections will provide additional attention to UFSAR commitments and their incorporation

into plant practices, procedures and parameters.

While performing the inspections which are discussed in this report the inspectors

reviewed the applicable portions of the UFSAR that related to the areas inspected. The

following inconsistencies were noted between the wording of the UFSAR and the plant

practices, procedures and/or parameters observed by the inspectors as documented in

Sections U2.03.1, and U3.M3.1.

Security requirements are not specifically included in the UFSAR; they are in the licensee's

NRC-approved security plan. While performing inspections discussed in this report, the

inspectors reviewed applicable portions of regulatory requirements that related to the areas

inspected. In addition to inspecting the licensee's VBS, the inspectors also reviewed the

licensee's Protected Area Barriers (PA). The criteria for PA Barriers are contained in 10 CFR 73.2,10 CFR 73.55(c)(1) and the licensee's NRC-approved security plan. The

inspectors conducted a physical inspection of the PA Barriers (excluding the intake






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structures) and determined that all barriers were installed and maintained as required by the

security plan and applicable regulatory requirements. No discrepancies were noted.


Management Meeting Summary


Droo-in Meetina Bv NU Manaaers


Inspection Scoce (92904)

Mr. T. Harpster and Mr. F. Rothen, representing NU management conducted a drop-in

meeting with NRC staff on August 13,1996, at the Region i office. Accompanying

Messrs. Harpster and Rothen were Messrs. K. Gallen and J. Gutierrez, members of the law

firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. Representing the NRC were Messrs. J. Wiggins and R.

Nimitz of the DRS staff and Mr. J. Durr of DRP. The topic covered during the meeting

involved NU presenting the results of the investigation performed by Mr. Gallen related to

the Millstone, Unit 1 radwaste facility.


Observations and Findinas

The licensee's investigation concluded the following:


No indication or substantive evidence suggest any NU individual intentionally

provided inaccurate communications to NRC.


There were instances of miscommunications; a number of individuals that

discussed conditions with NRC inspectors had no first-hand current

information. The individuals had no actual knowledge of current status and

based their answer on dated iriformation.


No NU employee saw a connection with the Nine Mile Point 1 experience;

NMP1 had floating barrels which didn't exist at Millstone.


NU employees believed that NRC knew of conditions in the MSP1 tank rooms.

That limited the scope of discussions in their answers to NRC questions.


NU employees thought that going into a room compromised ALARA principles;

the need to conserve dose was more important because management

expectations were to reduce collective exposures so that MSP1 would lead


the BWR fleet.


NU employees used an " answer the question" attitude and thus did not

volunteer extra information that might have been related to the topic of the




No entries were made in the blocked-off tank rooms from about 1990 to


November 1994. An entry was made into one room in reaction to indications

of a leak. That November 1994 entry confirmed the existence of the leak plus


material on the floor. A PIR and NCR were issued; final corrective action was



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deferred. Meanwhile, personnel changes occurred along with procedure








The PIR issued in November 1994 was closed after the planning for the


modification was completed; not the implementation of the modification,




Problems existed in management accountability and the articulation and


enforcement of management expectations.



NU committed to put their investigation report on the docket. If that report


contains privacy issues, NU will submit a full and a redacted report with the


necessary affidavit to claim the basis for withholding the full report.






The licensee's review uncovered no evidence of NU staff intentionally


misleading the NRC.


NU staff tended to answer NRC questions very narrowly and they also did not

have first-hand, current information when they addressed NRC questions.



Significant problems with management accountability and managem 't


expectations adversely affected the radwaste systems issues. Simile


problems existed in other areas.


Radwaste problems were identified in PIRs; the PIRs were closed based on a



plan of attack being developed and not corrective action implementation.



Other reports have addressed NRC assessment of the technical, performance, management


and enforcement issues.


















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IP 37550:



IP 37551:

Onsite Engineering

IP 40500:

Licensee Self-Assessments Related to Safety issues inspections

IP 61726:

Surveillance Observations

IP 62703:

Maintenance Observations

IP 62707:

Maintenance Observations

IP 71707:

Plant Operations

IP 71750:

Plant Support Activities

IP 81700:

Physical Security Program for Power Reactors

IP 83750:

Occupational Radiation Exposure

IP 86750:

Solid Radioactive Waste Management and Transportation of Radioactive


IP 92700:

Onsite follow-up of Written reports of Nonroutine Eve nts at Power Reactor


IP 92901:

Follow-up Operations

IP 92903:

Follow-up Engineering

IP 93702:

Prompt Onsite Response to Events at Operating Power Reactors








URI 245/96-06-01

U1.01.3 Drywell fire

URI 245/96-06-02

U1.M1.1 Spent fuel pool filter removal

URI 245/06-06-03

U1.M1.2 inservice inspection program

eel 245/96-06-04

U1.E8.1 Nonconformance Reports

eel 336/96-06-05

U2.03.1 Boric acid sampling

URI 336/96-06-06

U2.M8.2 EDG overload during surveillance

URI 336/96-06-07

U2.E1.2 Refueling pool drain line

URI 336/96-06-08

U2.E8.1 Shutdown cooling system water hammer

URI 336/96-06-09

U2.E8.2 Core thermal power exceeded

URI 336/96-06-10

U2.E8.4 Containment sump screen mesh size

eel 336/96-06-11

U2.E8.4 Failure to identify containment sump screen mesh size

eel 336/96-06-12

U2.E8.6 EEQ of solenoid valve electrical connectors

eel 423/96-06-13

U2.08.3 QSS/RSS piping outside the design basis

URI 423/96-06-14

U3.E1.1 ECCS throttle valves potential clogging

eel 423/96-06-15

U3.E8.1 Letdown heat exchanger stud material yield stress

URI 423/96-06-16

U3.S1.1 Unauthorized entry into the protected area


URI 245/96-05-07

U1.E8.1 Nonconformance Reports

LER 336/96-01

U2.08.1 RCS Heatup rate

LER 336/96-02

U2.08.2 Service water strainer backwash

LER 336/96-03


LER 336/96-04


LER 336/96-05


LER 336/96-07

U2.08.3 RCS Cooldown rate

LER 336/95-40

U2.M8.1 RPS Surveillance

LER 336/95-41

U2.M8.2 EUG Overload during surveillance

LER 336/95-42

U2.M8.3 Offsite electrical alignment

LER 336/95-44

U2.M8.4 Containment personnel airlock

LER 336/95-45

U2.M8.5 Charging system valve leak

LER 336/96-12

U2.M8.6 Missing valve internals

LER 336/95-19

U2.E8.1 Failed snubbers on SDC

LER 336/95-43

U2.E8.2 Core thermal power limit exceeded

LER 336/96-06

U2.E8.3 Flooding of service water pumps

LER 336/96-08

U2 E8.4 Containment sump screen mesh size

LER 336/96-13

U2.E8.5 Wide range nuclear instruments

LER 336/96-19

U2.E8.6 EEQ of solenoid operated valves

LER 423/96-11

U3.08.1 Control room envelope pressurization

LER 423/96-16

U3.08.2 4160V switchgear cabinet seismic qualification

LER 423/96-07

U3.08.3 QSS/RSS piping outside the design basis

URI 423/96-04-12

U3.08.3 QSS/RSS piping outside the design basis

URI 423/96-05-13

U3.E8.1 Letdown heat exchanger leakage


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adverse condition report



as low as reasonably achievable


ANSI /ANS American National Standards Institute /American Nuclear Society



abnormal operating procedure


American Society of Mechanical Engineers


automated work order


boric acid storage tank


boiling water reactor


reactor plant component cooling


control element assembly


Code of Federal Regulations


charging system



Configuration Management Plan


certified material test report



control room envelope pressurization system


Design Basis Documentation Package


design change notice


Division of Reactor Projects


Discrepancy Review Team


escalated enforcement


emergency core cooling system


estimated critical rod position


emergency diesel generator


escalated enforcement item


electrical equipment qualification


emergency plan operating procedures


event review team


foreign material exclusion


Final Safety Analysis Report


general design criterion / criteria


Generic Letter


gallons per minute


high energy line break


hot full power


high pressure safety injection


hot zero power


inspector follow item


intergranular stress-corrosion cracking


inspection procedure


inservice inspection


in-service testing


Joint Utility Management Assessment


limiting condition for operation


licensee event report


loss of normal power

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_ _ . _ _ _ . . _ - _ _ _ . _ _



loss of coolant accident



low pressure safety injection


Manager of On-site Resources



management review team


master tracking form


metric ton uranium


megawatt days


nonconformance report



Nuclear Fuels Engineering


nuclear fuel section


Nuclear Group Procedure


net positive suction head


Nuclear Regulatory Commission


no recordable indications


Nuclear Safety Advisory Letter


Nuclear Safety Information Center


Nuclear Regulation


Northeast Utilities Service Company


National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program


operability determination



open item report


operating license


plant design change record


Public Document Room


plant information report


plant operation review committee


quality assurance



Quality and Assessment Services


quench spray system


Radiological Assessment Branch


radiologically controlled area


reactor coolant pump


reactor coolant system


refueling outage


Regulatory Guide


recirculation spray system


refueling water storage tank


standby gas treatment


shutdown cooling system


spent fuel pool


safety injection


Safety integration and Analysis


high pressure safety injection



shutdown margin monitors



rpent resin tank



thermo-luminescent dosimeter


technical specifications


updated final safety analysis report







unresolved indication report


unresolved items


vehicle barrier system


vertical slice review team


wide range nuclear instrument


