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ML17227A389 | |
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Site: | Saint Lucie ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/21/1992 |
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ML17227A388 | List: |
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NUDOCS 9204230201 | |
Download: ML17227A389 (143) | |
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MONTHYEARML17241A3541999-06-0101 June 1999
[Table view]Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.5.2,allowing Up to 7 Days to Restore Inoperable LPSI Train to Operable Status ML17241A3451999-05-24024 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.1 Re Safety Injection Tanks ML17229B0711999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Requested by NRC for Use in Issuance of Proposed License Amend Re SFP Storage Capacity, Per Soluble Boron Credit ML17229B0201999-02-23023 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ Re Reactivity Control sys- Boron Dilution ML17229A9551998-12-16016 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Administrative Controls & Incorporating Specific Staff Qualifications for Multi- Discipline Supervisor Position ML17229A9161998-11-25025 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Replacing Insert-A,attachment to 971231 Submittal & Revises LCO & Associated Bases ML17229A9251998-11-22022 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Thermal Margin SL Lines of TS Figure 2.1-1 to Reflect Increase in Value of Design Min RCS Flow from 345,000 Gpm to 365,000 Gpm & Change Flow Rates Stated in Tables 2.2-1 & 3.2-1 ML17229A9131998-11-19019 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Administrative Contols TS 6.3, Unit Staff Qualifications & Incorporating Specific Staff Qualifications for Multi-Discipline Supervisor (MDS) Position ML20155C3061998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Terminology Used in Notation of TS Tables 2.2-1 & 3.3-1 Re Implementation & Automatic Removal of Certain Reactor Protection Sys Trip Bypasses ML17229A8441998-08-24024 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Obsolete License Conditions & Incorporating Revs Which Clarify Component Operations That Must Be Verified in Response to Containment Sump Recirculation Actuation Signal ML17229A7731998-06-15015 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 6-20,6-20a & 6-20c,correcting Info Supplied by Fuel Vendor Relative to Titles of Approved TRs That Are Referenced in Proposed TS ML17229A7601998-06-0303 June 1998 Proposed Marked Up TS Pages Modifying Explosive Gas Mixture Surveillance Requirement to Provide for Use of Lab Gas Partitioner to Periodically Analyze Concentration of Oxygen in Svc Waste Gas Decay Tank ML17229A7481998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.5.1,removing Requirement for SITs to Be Operable in Mode 4,which Will Minimize Potential for Inadvertent SIT Discharge During RCS Cooldown/ Depressurization Evolutions ML17229A7511998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.2.2.f,revised to Allow for Use of Longer Operating Shifts of Up to Twelve Hours Duration by Plants Operating Crews ML17229A7441998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Providing for More Efficient Use of on- Site Mgt Personnel in Review & Approval Process for Plant Procedures ML17229A6501998-03-0303 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.7 Re RCS Chemistry/Design Features/ Administrative Controls ML17229A5691997-12-31031 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Modifying TS 5.6.1 & Associated Figure 5.6-1 & TS 5.6.3 to Accomodate Increase in Allowed SFP Storage Capacity ML17309A9131997-12-29029 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Specifications for Selected cycle-specific Reactor Physics Parameters to Provide Reference to St Lucie Unit 2 COLR for Limiting Values ML17229A5491997-12-0101 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Units 1 & 2 EPP Section 4, Environ Conditions & Section 5, Administrative Procedures to Incorporate Proposed Terms & Conditions of Incidental Take Statement Included in Biological Opinion ML17229A4621997-08-22022 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Specification 4.0.5 Surveillance Requirements for ISI & Testing of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Components,To Relocate IST Program Requirements to Administrative Control Section 6.8 ML17229A4341997-08-0101 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Extending semi-annual Surveillance Interval Specified in Table 4.3-2 for Testing ESFAS Subgroup Relays to Interval Consistent W/Ceog Rept CEN-403,Rev 1-A for March 1996 & Associated SE ML17229A3601997-05-29029 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Administrative Changes That Improve Consistency Throughout TSs & Related Bases ML17229A1831996-12-20020 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Safety Limits & Limiting Safety Sys Settings ML17229A1611996-12-0909 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 1.9a Re Core Operating Limits Rept ML17229A1191996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML17229A1111996-10-30030 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.9.9 Re Containment Isolation Sys & 3/4.9.10 Re Water level-reactor Vessel ML17229A1091996-10-28028 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Rev to Allow Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Tests to Be Conducted at Extended Intervals Determined by performance-based Criteria ML17229A1061996-10-28028 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 1.6 Re Channel Functional test,1.7 Re Containment Vessel integrity,1.8 Re Controlled leakage,1.9 Re Core alteration,3/4.6 Re Containment Systems & 3/4.6.1 Re Containment Vessel L-96-184, Revised Tech Specs Re Core Alteration Definition1996-07-15015 July 1996 Revised Tech Specs Re Core Alteration Definition ML17228B5041996-06-0101 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Thermal Margin & RCS Flow Limits ML17228B3761996-01-0404 January 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Rectifying Discrepancy for Each St Lucie Unit & Providing Assurance That Admin Controls for Hpsip Remain Effective in Lower Operational Modes ML17228B3361995-11-22022 November 1995 Proposed TS 3/ for RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation,Adapting STS for C-E Plants (NUREG-1432) Spec 3.4.15 ML17228B2451995-08-16016 August 1995 Proposed TS, Sbvs ML17228B2421995-08-16016 August 1995 Proposed Ts,Reflecting Relocation of Selected TS Requirements Re Instrumentation & Emergency & Security Plan Review Process,Per GL 93-07 ML17228B1891995-06-21021 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Safety Injection Tank Surveillances ML17228B1811995-06-21021 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Time Allowed to Restore Inoperable LPSI Train to Operable Status ML17228B1791995-06-21021 June 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Extended Allowed Outage Time for EDGs ML17228B1471995-05-17017 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Extending Applicability of Current RCS Pressure/Temp Limits & Maximum Allowed RCS Heatup & Cooldown Rates to 23.6 Effective Full Power Yrs of Operation ML17228B1441995-05-17017 May 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative & Conforming Update ML17228B0901995-04-0303 April 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Re Incorporation of line-item TS Improvements to TSs 3/4.8.1 & for Licenses DPR-67 & NPF-16 ML17228B0591995-02-27027 February 1995 Proposed TS Re Sdcs Min Flow Rate Requirements ML17228B0521995-02-27027 February 1995 Proposed Tech Spec Tables 3.3-3 & 3.3-4 to Accommodate Improved Coincidence Logic & Relay Replacement for 4.16 Kv Loss of Voltage Relays ML17228B0331995-02-22022 February 1995 Proposed TS,reflecting Deletion of Refs to Automatic Tester for Containment Personnel Air Lock ML17228A9921995-01-20020 January 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating Operability Requirements for Incore Detectors to (TS 3/ to Updated FSAR & Revising Lhr Surveillance & Special Test Exceptions Surveillance, & ML17228A9031994-11-0202 November 1994 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ & 3/,adapting Combined Spec for Containment Spray & Cooling Sys Contained in Std TS for C-E Plants ML17228A8911994-10-27027 October 1994 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Administrative Changes ML17228A6521994-07-28028 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Re LTOP Requirements for Power Operated Relief Valves,Per GL 90-06 ML17228A6591994-07-25025 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Enhancements Recommended by GL 93-05, Line-Item TS Improvements to Reduce SR for Testing During Power Operation ML17228A6561994-07-25025 July 1994 Proposed Tech Specs for Main Feedwater Line Isolation Valves to Be Consistent w/NUREG-1432,standard TS for C-E Plants ML17228A5741994-05-23023 May 1994 Proposed Tech Specs Relocating Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation Lcos,Srs & Associated Tables in TS, & to UFSAR 1999-06-01 Category:TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS & TEST REPORTS MONTHYEARML17309A9961999-06-30030 June 1999
[Table view]Rev 35 to HP-90, Emergency Equipment ML17309A9941999-06-17017 June 1999 Rev 1 to COP-06.06, Guidelines for Collecting Post Accident Samples. ML17241A3541999-06-0101 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.5.2,allowing Up to 7 Days to Restore Inoperable LPSI Train to Operable Status ML17309A9951999-05-27027 May 1999 Rev 0 to COP-06.11, Establishing Remote Lab for Analyses of Accident Samples ML17241A3451999-05-24024 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.1 Re Safety Injection Tanks ML17229B0711999-03-19019 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Requested by NRC for Use in Issuance of Proposed License Amend Re SFP Storage Capacity, Per Soluble Boron Credit L-99-059, Cycle 11 Reactor Startup Physics Testing Rept. with1999-03-0202 March 1999 Cycle 11 Reactor Startup Physics Testing Rept. with ML17229B0201999-02-23023 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/ Re Reactivity Control sys- Boron Dilution ML17229B0361998-12-22022 December 1998 Rev 20 to Procedure C-200, Odcm ML17229A9551998-12-16016 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Administrative Controls & Incorporating Specific Staff Qualifications for Multi- Discipline Supervisor Position ML17229A9161998-11-25025 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Replacing Insert-A,attachment to 971231 Submittal & Revises LCO & Associated Bases ML17229A9251998-11-22022 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Thermal Margin SL Lines of TS Figure 2.1-1 to Reflect Increase in Value of Design Min RCS Flow from 345,000 Gpm to 365,000 Gpm & Change Flow Rates Stated in Tables 2.2-1 & 3.2-1 ML17229A9131998-11-19019 November 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Administrative Contols TS 6.3, Unit Staff Qualifications & Incorporating Specific Staff Qualifications for Multi-Discipline Supervisor (MDS) Position ML20155C3061998-10-29029 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Revising Terminology Used in Notation of TS Tables 2.2-1 & 3.3-1 Re Implementation & Automatic Removal of Certain Reactor Protection Sys Trip Bypasses ML20153G0781998-08-26026 August 1998 Rev 19 to Plstqp, Guard Training & Qualification Plan ML17229A8441998-08-24024 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Removing Obsolete License Conditions & Incorporating Revs Which Clarify Component Operations That Must Be Verified in Response to Containment Sump Recirculation Actuation Signal ML17229A7731998-06-15015 June 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages 6-20,6-20a & 6-20c,correcting Info Supplied by Fuel Vendor Relative to Titles of Approved TRs That Are Referenced in Proposed TS ML17229A7601998-06-0303 June 1998 Proposed Marked Up TS Pages Modifying Explosive Gas Mixture Surveillance Requirement to Provide for Use of Lab Gas Partitioner to Periodically Analyze Concentration of Oxygen in Svc Waste Gas Decay Tank ML17229A7441998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Providing for More Efficient Use of on- Site Mgt Personnel in Review & Approval Process for Plant Procedures ML17229A7481998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3.5.1,removing Requirement for SITs to Be Operable in Mode 4,which Will Minimize Potential for Inadvertent SIT Discharge During RCS Cooldown/ Depressurization Evolutions ML17229A7511998-05-27027 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 6.2.2.f,revised to Allow for Use of Longer Operating Shifts of Up to Twelve Hours Duration by Plants Operating Crews L-98-094, Cycle 15 Reactor Startup Physics & Replacement SG Testing Rept1998-03-27027 March 1998 Cycle 15 Reactor Startup Physics & Replacement SG Testing Rept ML17229A6501998-03-0303 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.4.7 Re RCS Chemistry/Design Features/ Administrative Controls ML17229A6381998-02-12012 February 1998 Rev 19 to C-200, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ML17229A6141998-01-12012 January 1998 Rev 0 to ISI-PSL-1, Third Interval ISI Program for St Lucie Nuclear Power Plant,Unit 1 ML17229A6151998-01-12012 January 1998 Rev 0 to ISI-PSL-1, St Lucie Nuclear Plant Unit 1 ISI Plan ML17229A5691997-12-31031 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Modifying TS 5.6.1 & Associated Figure 5.6-1 & TS 5.6.3 to Accomodate Increase in Allowed SFP Storage Capacity ML17309A9131997-12-29029 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Specifications for Selected cycle-specific Reactor Physics Parameters to Provide Reference to St Lucie Unit 2 COLR for Limiting Values ML17229A5851997-12-12012 December 1997 Rev 0 to ADM-29.01, IST Program for Pumps & Valves ML17229A5491997-12-0101 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Units 1 & 2 EPP Section 4, Environ Conditions & Section 5, Administrative Procedures to Incorporate Proposed Terms & Conditions of Incidental Take Statement Included in Biological Opinion ML17309A9171997-11-26026 November 1997 Rev 0 to PSL-ENG-SENS-97-068, Spent Fuel Pool Dilution Analysis ML17229A5931997-09-26026 September 1997 Rev 4 to Procedure QI-5-PSL-1, Preparation,Rev,Review/ Approval of Procedures ML17229A5921997-09-18018 September 1997 Rev 0 to Procedure ADM-17.11, 10CFR500.59 Screening ML20211Q5841997-09-10010 September 1997 Rev 18 to Training & Qualification Plan ML17229A4621997-08-22022 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising Specification 4.0.5 Surveillance Requirements for ISI & Testing of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Components,To Relocate IST Program Requirements to Administrative Control Section 6.8 ML17229A4341997-08-0101 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Extending semi-annual Surveillance Interval Specified in Table 4.3-2 for Testing ESFAS Subgroup Relays to Interval Consistent W/Ceog Rept CEN-403,Rev 1-A for March 1996 & Associated SE ML17309A8951997-06-11011 June 1997 Rev 0 to PL-CNSI-97-004, Transportation & Emergency Response Plan for St Lucie Unit 1 SG Project ML17229A3601997-05-29029 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Administrative Changes That Improve Consistency Throughout TSs & Related Bases ML17229A2981997-03-0606 March 1997 Final Analysis of Radiological Consequences of Main Steam Line Break Outside Containment for St Lucie Unit 1 NPP Using NUREG-0800 Std Review Plan 15.1.5 App a ML17229A1831996-12-20020 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Safety Limits & Limiting Safety Sys Settings ML17229A1611996-12-0909 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 1.9a Re Core Operating Limits Rept ML17229A1191996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML17229A1111996-10-30030 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.9.9 Re Containment Isolation Sys & 3/4.9.10 Re Water level-reactor Vessel ML17229A1091996-10-28028 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Rev to Allow Type A,B & C Containment Leakage Tests to Be Conducted at Extended Intervals Determined by performance-based Criteria ML17229A1061996-10-28028 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 1.6 Re Channel Functional test,1.7 Re Containment Vessel integrity,1.8 Re Controlled leakage,1.9 Re Core alteration,3/4.6 Re Containment Systems & 3/4.6.1 Re Containment Vessel ML17229A0951996-10-24024 October 1996 Rev 0 to 00000-OSW-16, In-Situ Pressure Test Results for St Lucie Unit 1 Spring 1996 Outage L-96-265, Startup Physics Testing Rept1996-10-18018 October 1996 Startup Physics Testing Rept ML17229A2441996-09-23023 September 1996 Rev 18 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Odcm) L-96-184, Revised Tech Specs Re Core Alteration Definition1996-07-15015 July 1996 Revised Tech Specs Re Core Alteration Definition ML17229A0961996-06-12012 June 1996 Rev 0 to TR-9419-CSE96-1101, Test Rept - SG Tube In-Situ Hydrostatic Pressure Test Tool Hydro Chamber Pressure Determination 1999-06-30 |
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