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Supplemental Memorandum in Support of 830808 Motion to Litigate Dow Issues.Documents Reveal That Util Knew Fuel Load Dates Presented to NRC Jul 1980 - Apr 1983 False. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 09/21/1983
From: Bernabei J, Bernabei L
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20078A347 (157)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOCKETED NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION USNRC Before the' Atomic Safety and Licensing Boarf a3 SB' 22 P2:42 In the Matter of: ) Docket Nos. 50-329-OL


) 5 0-3 30-010 RANCH (Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )



- mental memorandum in support of her motion to litigate Dow issues.

I. BACKGROUND On August 8, 1983, intervenor Barbara Stamiris submitted a motion to litigate issues raised by the Dow Chemical Company in its suit against Consumers Power Company, filed July 14, 1983. The three issues raised by the Do w Complaint, which intervenor argued presented important new evidence on appli-cant's poor management attitude were the following:

(1) Applicant misrepresented its schedule for completion of the two Midland plants to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

("NRC"), including the NRC ttaf f and this Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Licensing Board");

(2) Applicant used and relied on U.S. Testing test results to f ulfill NRC regulatory requirements even though it knew the test results were invalid; and (3) Applicant knowingly misrepresented to the NRC that a single test boring taken near the diesel generator building 9309230173 830921 PDR ADOCK 05000329 G PDR 0 503 ..

demonstrated that unmixed cohesive fill had been used as a foundation.

On August 17, 1983, applicant filed a lengthy response to intervenor's motion and offered to allow the parties and the Board to review a number of documents provided to Dow prior to its filing suit against Consumers ("the Dow docu-ments").

In a conference call on August 25, 1983, this Licensing Board deferred ruling on intervenor's motion and request for discovery until such time as all parties had a chance to review'the Dow documents .

On September 14, 1983, applicant's counsel submitted a three-page lerter and a fifth box of documents to the Licen-sing Board and the parties. Applicant presented a new argument in th is letter that because the 1980 NRC Caseload Forecast Panel estimated completion dates only three months later than Consumers, the information Consumers disclosed on schedule to the NRC was accurate. Unfortunately both Consumers and the NRC were wrong by at least three years.

Moreover, these and other documents obtained by inter-venor's counsel, the Government Accountability Proj ect (" GAP")

1. Mr. Brunner's letter is clearly an unauthorized pleading. .

However, intervenor will no t object to its filing since the documents submitted in support of the pleading support intervenor's position. Further, many of the documents and arguments are s imply irrelevant to the dispute before this Board.

,w - -+

pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") demonstrate that the NRC Staff has had long debates about the accuracy of applicant's schedule figures. However, it has always been true even up'through the present, that an informed segment of the NRC Staff has estimated completion dates years ahead of Consu-mers. Further, these completion dates have been revised after Consumers Power has exerted pressure to make the Panel conform their dates to Consumers' figures. An inf ormed and siz eable segment of the NRC Staff has always held the opinion that Consumers' figures are inaccurate and unreliable.

Even a cursory reading of the Dow documents reveals that the fuel load dates Consumers presented to the NRC Staff from July, 1980, until April, 1983, indicate Consumers knew the figures were false and used them in the face of tough ques-tioning by a sizeable segment of the NRC Staff.

Moreover it appears that Bechtel did not use these comple-tion dates but the Bechtel Forecast 6 schedule to plan con-struction work. In these circumstances it appears Consumers deliberately submitted false figures to the Commission.

Intervenor submits this Supplemental Memorandum to support its claim that the documents Consumers released support Dow's and intervenors' allegations that Consumers knowingly misrepre-sented the scheduled completion dates for the two Midland plants.

2. Intervenor does not address the second andIf third issues she the Board believes are raised in the Dow Complaint.

should rule that she may not litigate these issues as manage-ment attitude issues, Mrs. Stamiris requests the opportunity to submit a supplemental memorandum demonstrating how the Dow documents substantiate these allegations.



Bechtel released its Forecast 6 in January, 1980. In Forecast 6 Bechtel calculated the fuel load dates for Unit 1 to be Sep't ember, 1984 and for Unit 2 to be April, 1984.

On January 15, 1980, K. R. Kline requested that a Forecast Review Team evaluate Bechtel Forecast 6. The Review Team was comprised of staff from Consumers' home office, field offices,

, testing staff and Control and Administrative Services. This team concluded that it generally agreed with Bechtel on cost and schedule; it recommended a total proj ect estimate based on Forecast 6 Cost and Schedule figures. See Kline/Randolph Memo of May 5, 1980, Attachment 7 to Applicant's August 17, 1983 Response, Intro, at 1-4; History / Background at 7.

On June 25, 1980, Consumers and Bechtel held an " Executive Management Meeting." At that meeting Consumers and Bechtel agreed to establish target dates of July, 1983 and December, 1983 for fuel load of Units 2 and 1, r e s p e c t iv ely . These dates were based on the assumption that the scope of work at the project would not be in c r ea s ed . This assumption was clearly 1

invalid as the magnitude of the soil s settlement problems became apparent. See July 31, 1980 Mollenkopf Memo on 6/25/80 Meeting at 4-5, Attachment 8 to Applicants' 8/17/83 Response.

On July 10, 1980, Mr. Rutgers reported that Bechtel would maintain two sets of cost and schedule figures. The first figures were defined as the " current proie-t schedule." The l

current project schedule listed fuel load dates for Unit 2 as

_- . _ _j

July, 1983. (Consumers agreed to use the term " target schedule" for these fuel load dates.)

Bechtel was instructed to use these target or current project schedules in all correspondence with Consumers and in all documents intended for public consumption. Bechtel was to continue to use its Forecast 6 schedule or the " current fore-cast" to plan and control its construction worx. As stated in Attachment 2 to the Rutgers' Meeting Notes, " Forecasting ...

is an ongoing schedule monitoring and control process which indicates the responsible team members' evaluation of construc-tion scope, duration, and time-of-accomplishment."

Obviously Consumers directed Bechtel to keep two schedules -

one false and inaccurate and the other based on Forecast 6 to gu id e its work. See generally, Rutgere Notes of 7/10/80 Meeting, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 1.

In its August, 1980 Cost Trend Report submitted to Consu-mers Bechtel carried out these d ir e c t ion s . In its earlier June and July 1980 Cost Trend Reports Bechtel presented two schedule I

l columns for each reactor: A Trend Base Schedule and an Actual Forecast. The " Actual Forecast" schedules were the Forecast 6 fuel load detes. See Cost Trend Schedules for June, 1980, and l

July, 1980, attached and incorporated herein as Attachments 2 and 3.

The August Cost Trend Report has the two " actual forecast" l


3. Apparently the July, 1980, Cost Trend Report was prepared before the July 10, 1980 Management Meeting in which Bechtel l was ordered to remove the forecast column from the Cost Trend Reports.

l l

l l

l columns literally " whited out" or cut out. The form of the i chart which appears in the Bechtel cost trend reports does not l change over the years up through 1983, even though all columns except for the current proj ect schedule columns remain blank. This leads one to believe that Bechtel maintained the two sets of figures in the cost trend reports it kept for its own use. Not until April 27, 1983 do the current project schedule dates change. See April, 1983 Cost Trend Report Schedule, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 4.4 In a June 10, 1981 project management meeting, Bechtel and Consumers apparently discussed the internal proj ect schedules.

Don Miller expressed his concern that intermediate proj ect schedules had not been formally coordinated. John Rutgers sug-gested compiling a fully coordinated schedule of interim con-struction dates. But James Cook vetoed the idea, apparently because Consumers did not want Bechtel to compile another com-i p r ehen s iv e set of schedule forecast figures, such as Forecast

6. See Rutgers Meetings Notes of 6/25/81 Meeting, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 6.

The Dow documents, therefore, illustrate that Consumers ordered Bechtel not to disclose to Consumers any schedule data other than the inaccurate schedule for public consumption, using fuel load dates of July and December, 1983. Moreover it is clear that Consumers, from the Summer of 1980 until April, 1983, did i

4. The two actual forecast schedule columns inexplicably appear in the January, 1981 Bechtel Cost Trend Report, and then disappear until April, 1983. See April, 1983 Cost Trend Report schedule, attached and incorporated herein as Attach-ment 5.

1 l


did not change these fuel load dates, even when it knew the Bechtel Monthly " Critical Items Action Reports" were reporting throughout 1981 and 1982, delays of 10 months and more. See, e.g., Bechtel Critical Items Action Reports for November, 1981 and December 1981, attached and incorporated herein as Attach-ments 7 and 8.

III. FROM AUGUST, 1980 UP TO THE PRESENT THE NRC STAFF HAS BEEN DIVIDED AS TO THE ACCURACY OF CONSUMERS' COMPLETION DATES In August, 1980, after the release of Forecast 6, the NRC Staff came to a preliminary estimate of f uel load dates of May, 1984 and November, 1984 for Units 2 and 1, re s p e c t iv ely . See Sullivan Telecon Record of 8/12/80; and Sullivan Telecon Record of 8/18/80, attached and incorporated herein as Attachments 9 and 10. Only after Consumers exerted pressure on the NRC Staf f, through numerous meetings, did William Lovelace agree to revise the NRC Staff estimate to bring it in line with Consumers' fuel load dates of October, 1983 and April, 1984. See Sullivan Meet-ing Notes of 8/25/80 attached and incorporated herein as Attach-ment 11.

On September 16, 1980, the Staff publicly announced that its fuel load dates substantially agreed with Consumers', dif f er-ing by three months. See Hood Summary of 8/25/80 Meeting, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 12.

5. In compiling Forecast 7, Bechtel did not estimate construc-tion completion dates. Rather it assumed the target fuel load dates of 1973 and determined an estimated cost based on these dates.

Hidden behind the 1983 NRC Caseload Forecast Panel comple-tion dates is a similar debate. The Caseload Forecast Panel in May, 1983 estimated fuel load dates in the third quarter of 1986, not taking into account delays caused by consideration of the Construction Completion Program and time necdad for rework and corrective action. See Draft Novak Letter, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 13.

This draft letter was never sent. Instead Consumers succeeded in convincing the NRC Staff to cancel three public meetings scheduled during theSummer of 1983. Finally, after a FOIA request and administrative appeal by GAP, the NRC Staff released a revised case load forecast of fuel load dates in the third quarter of 1985. Mr. Novak's letter dated August 9, 1983, varies significantly in tone and substance from his earlier draft letter. See Novak Letter of August 9, 1983, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 14.

Consumers convinced the NRC to cancel three successive public meetings during the Summer of 1983 and ultimately con-vinced the Caseload Forecast Panel to shave an entire year off its estimated construction completion dates for the Midland plants. See Affidavit of Billie Garde and exhibits, attached and incorporated herein as Attachment 15.


i Just as in 1980, an informed segment of the panel wished r

l to inform the Licensing Board and the public'of the NRC esti-i mates, which differed from the applicant's figures by at least two years. Through pressure exerted on the NRC Staff, Consumers p -

l l

l l

succeeded in delaying any public meeting and forcing the NRC Staff to radically revise its original completion dates.

It is obvious from the Caseload Forecast Panel's original estimates in 1980 and again in 1983 that at least a portion of the NRC Staff has had grave doubts about the accuracy and reliability of information provided by Consumers. Yet under 1

constant pressure from Consumers the NRC Staff has been willing i to change its forecast dates to conform more closely to those of Consumers.

In these c ir c um s ta n c e s , the NRC Staff may see that liti-gation of the dual schedule issue will be embarrassing to the NRC Staff. Nonetheless the significance of this issue to the decisien baf ore this Board is beyond argument. Clearly Con-aumers' duty to report full and accurate information to the NRC Staff and this Licensing Board at all times is absolute.

Consumers' failure to report accurate information about pro-jected completion dates to the NRC from 1980 to the present is highly probative of its un trustworthiness today to carry out the sensitive soils remedial nork, even under strict Board-imposed controls.'

IV. CONCLUSION j For the foregoing reasons, intervenor respectfully requests this Licensing Board to allow 1itigation of the three Dow l

l issues described above and reopen discovery against the NRC Staff and Consumers regarding these issues.


. _ ~ -

4 Respectfully submitted, W L LY BERNABEI i

G( RNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT Institute for Policy Studies 1901 que Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 234-9382 Counsel for Intervenor Barbara Stamiris DATED: September 21, 1983 i

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. - _ _ _ ~ , __. _ . _ . _ _ . , _ _ . . . . _ - _ . _ _ . , _ _ . _ . ,_ , . _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ , , , - - - . . . . _ - - - - __.. . _ . . _ _ , . .

  • 4.{, *.

ATT?.CU2:!T 1 00954B rs .

July 16, 1980 3LC-9466 k$k $$

Consumers Pover Company 9 1945 West Parnall Road JUL 1 a1980 Jackson, Michigan 49201 BECHTEL POWER CORP Attention: Mr. J.W. Cook JOB 722 Yice President pga M W @ 0MJ Midland Project . ,

gubject: Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Consu=ars Power Company Bechtel Job 7220'

  • Trans ittal of Midland Project Team Meeting Notes Attached are tha notes cf the July 10, 1980, Midland Project Management Team r.aeting conducted at the Midland jobsite.

Corrections to these notes, if required, vill be considered during the next project team manageme.nt meeting to be held on August 14, 1930, in

!~ Ann Arbor (tentative).

1 l

The following dates have been set aside each month for the Midland Project Management Team meetings:

i Septe=ber 11, 1980 November 13, 1980 October 9, 1980 Leca=her 11, 1980 (Time and Place to be determined)

Please call if you have any goestions.

Very t y, W

John A. .gers Project Manager ,

i JAR /kes l Attac ht: Midland Project Manage =ent Team Meeting Notes No.1179 ec: Mr. C.S. Keeley bec: R.C. Ash; M.N. Bakarich/J.F. Miller; L.H. Curtis GT

) Response Requested: No W.G. Jone . .-d.R.g.. ~

A,q L. A. Dreisbach; 1

..n r (all v/a)

Com Use: N/A l -

1 -

.. , :. 1



. Bdchtel Power Corporation l I

777 East Eisenhower Par.kway

02. - 009546 ann,an >-

m rup...: P.o. som 1000. Ann Atbor Michgan as1os




.BECHTEL JOB 7220 DATE: July 10, 1980 PLACE: Midland Jobsite SUBJECI: Midland Project Nanagement Meeting FILE: .

ATTENDEES: Bechtel Consumers Power Company J.A. Rutgers J.W. Cook M.N. Bakarich C.S. Keeley L.H. Curtis K.R. Kline L.E. Davis D.B. Miller

  • L.A. Dreisbach T.J. Sullivan W.C. Jones A.R. Hollenkopf (represented by Ken Cross)
  • Part-time ITEMS DISCUSSED:


1) Neeting Logistics and Conduct

! John Rutgers proposed that project management meetings be held

( monthly, alternate between Ann Arbor and Midland, be chaired by Bechtel, and follow a specified agenda (see Attachment 1). He also indicated that the project administrator would record the meeting minutes. The group agreed to the proposal with the following modifications / clarifications: - .

l a) The location vill be determined based on convenience of presenting agenda items.

b) Agendas should be published at least 1 week in advance.

c) Status of drawings and design changes should be included in the L . " Briefing" section of the agenda outline.

-.,5 Huting Nstes No.1179 Ptgo 2, -

d) Attendees should be advised of problems to be discussed as 509546 w

    • r2r *8 practicable, but at least 2 weeks in advance, as indicated in the agenda outline (Attachnent 1, section 11-3.1).

e) Farsonnel asked to make presentations should be notified of '

the requirement as soon as possible.

f) Part II-B.3 of the Attachment 1 outline is intended for discussion of adverse trends.


. g) Minutes of meetings should indicate tasking. Bechtel_and Constaners Power Company should follow-up on the tasking. 1

.= . l h) Constaners Power Company will smdertake as a project the identification of l issues and administration of a 90-day decision concept.

ACIl0N STATEMENT: Revise Attachment 1 to reflect these agreements and follow in preparation of subsequent . agendas.

A'CIl0N ASSIGNMENT: " John Rutgers

2) Status Reporting and Schedule and Budget Development

. Bill Jones presented Bechtel's definition of current project schedule, current project forecast, current budget, and current budget .

forecast (Attachments 2 and 3). In addition, he proposed,a reporting

system for keeping managenent advised of the status of the project and provided an estimate of the latest budget adjusement. The following were brought out during his presentation:

a) The definitions were accepted as Bechtel's. Specifically, Bechtel plans to use a mechanism of assuring that current project scope is reflected .in the current budget which ties to the currene project schedule.

9 ,

1 4 b)

  • Forecasts will ref1 et work-around p. ens to achieve the currect Correspondence between Bechtel and Consumers k project schedule.

Power Company and items for public consts:p'. ion will list fuel load dates in the current project schedule.]

c) In August, Bechtel will publish the auxiliary building 18-nonth sched ule.

i d) Constzn:rs Power Company engineers, working with Bechtel engineers, should learn plans in detail and work from the front of the plans, not replow old ground (i.e., work the plan now).

e) Bechtel will develop the current budget, based on the current i scope and current project schedule (7/31/83, Unit 2 fuel load) and transmit it to Constzners Power Company by August 15, 1980.

4 g) Consumers Power Company is holding in reserve 58 million of the Bechtel 1980 cash flow forecast of $195 million.

'. ~ .

,a , ..

Meeting Nstos Ns. 1179 Pese 3 .

h) Project status reports should be in the hands of project management

$9546 t- =6= PProximately 2 days prior to monthly meetings.

1)' Civen the Project Status Report, a quarterly " historical" report is not required.

j) To measure progress against the schedule, the monthly status samary should be revised to include a column titled " Scheduled Accumula tive."

i k) The monthly status samary should include the change and hold status of drawings. .

1) Bechtel will clean up the June 1980 advance. copy of the Project Status Report. Revisions will include:
1. Deletion of last sentence on MCAR 24 (Page 19) .
2. Deletion of old forecast load dates and realignment of curves to reflect new dates
3. More detail in the Engineering Manpower Status Table (Page 17)
4. Determination of whether CIAR items should be included as the Project / Problem Action Sheet (not to be '

decided until report has been published several times) ciG 5- se t< n 1 P ite int Perr ne >Pendi-ACIl0N STATEMENT: 1) Revise monthly status summary format.

2) Publish June 1980 Project Status Report.
3) Prepara current budget.


3) Scope Control and Design Change Incorporation
  • Gil Keeley proposed that we accelerate our means of implementing -

design chaeges. He questioned the need for the DCAR program. John Rutgers tasks.d the project administrator to review the DCAR program to see if it could be eliminated or, if not eliminated, streamlined.

ACTION STATDfENT: Review, and if required, revise or eliminate DCAR i


ACTION ASSIGNMENT: Mike Bakarich/ John Rutgers

4) Project Engineering Priorities Lynn Curtis presented project engineering priorities. Jim Cook noted that priotity as going to long lead-time items for the auxiliary building and suggested priority be given also to all

. - other long lead-time items. Lynn Curtis stated that this would be

u. done. Don Miller noted that Bechtel had published an earlier priority list (matrix form) and said' that 'there would be confusion

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. Meeting Nstos Ns. 1179 Fcga 4, between the two published priorities. Lynn Curtis said the matrix

"'***"***d * * * '"' P* " " " * * '"d * * * * "h * " ** 'k "" "'* 5 2 *

  • 2 * -

D*39546 not priorities. He said he had already issued instructions to change the matrix title to reflect its intent.

ACTION STATDfENT: Update priority reflect agreements, then publish.

ACTION ASSIGNMENT: Lynn Curtis/ John Rutgers .

5) Short-Cutting Administrative Procedures .

Cil Keeley unphasized the continuing need to shorten administrative i procedures. The group's concensus us that the problem is not with -

i the procedures, but with the way Bechtel and Constsners Power Company follow them. Both John Rutgers and Jim Cook i_nstructed their people to


notify them immediately when a requirement gets held up on administrative procedures.

] ACIl0N STATDfENT: Notify iroject management on pere,eived administrative res1;rainta to timely action.

ACIlON ASSIGNMENT: All team members, as required ,

6) FSAR Updste Plans -

Terry Sullivan provided a progress report on licensing / safety itensi He mentioned that the Master List of Licensing Activities had been updated and the review plan for Hidland was being placed today (7/ /80) on a Constuners Power Company-automated text management system and will be distributed for comment on July 18, 1980. He reported that a plan had been developed to address open items in the Question and Response i volumes of the FSAR and that he intended to include the latest status of these in the October amendment. He concluded that Mr. Denton of the NRC will be available August 5,1980, and Constuners Power Company will be briefing him on or about that data regarding the suggested plan for conducting the FSAR review with the NRC.


7) Vendor Coatact for Qualifiestion Cil Keeley suggested that, in the interest of using the engineers more productively, it may be prudent to relieve Bechtel engineering of responsibility for the vendor contact required to pursue qualification.

i -

Bechtel accepted this suggestion with the proviso that a good division -

of responsibility, including QA a:pects, is wo-ked out for each order, with Bechtel retaining the responsibility for co=mercial communication with each vendor. -

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'; Heating Nstos No.1179

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ACTION STATDfENT: Make decision on whether to pursue the suggestion.

NO95}cpicy3331caug37, 31,c,,ufc11 x,,1,7

8. Next Heeting ,

John Rutgers announced that the next meeting will be August 10, 1980, and agreed to publish a list of future meeting dates.

ACTION STATDENT: Publish a list of future meeting dates ACIION ASSIGNMENT: John Rutgers JAR /ceb 7/15/18 O

i l

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Att:chment 1

'.*'.** Heating N2tes No. 117 E

009546 '* ' "^"^"'*'"' ***'*""8 Outline of Discussion I. LOGISTICS ,

i A. Frequency: Monthly *

3. Duration : 4 to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> C. Location : Alternate between Ann Arbor and Midland Jobsite (Jackson 7)

D. General Chairmanship: Bechtel .


Duration Presenter A. Briefing . I hour

1. Schedule / cost (approx.) WCJ/ ARM
2. Manpower / staffing LHC/ LED /others
3. Quality assurance -

WRP/ LAD i 4. Licensing IJS -

4 g 5. . Other significant items As required ff )I B. Project Problems / Action Su= mary 1.

2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> JAR Specific itens identified (approx.) As required not later than 2 weeks prior to monthly project management meeting

2. " Write-in" items identified As required not later than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to monthly project management meeting
3. Significant Performance Deviations As required C. Decisions Needed I hour. JWC/CSK
1. 90-day decisions table (approx.)
2. Status of activities leading to decisions required within next 30 days D. Other Topics for Discussion As required As required O

G M.

_l -_ - - - - - - - - - , -.--.--r.- , - , , , . . . . - .-- , , _

,J. Att:chesnt 2 l

, ' ****, , ' ' Meeting Natos Ns.1179 1

. \


- b'D09546 '

CURRZNT PROJECT SCEEDULE e The project schedule to be used for planning, scheduling, and measurement of performance at client direction e i.e.; July 31, 1983. Unit 2 fuel load


i e The Bechtel project team's most current evaluation of the project schedule. This evaluation need not be approved by the client e i.e.; Forecast 6 April 1984 Unit 2 fuel load e CPCo equivalent: CURRINT SCHELULE  ;

Torecasting of schedule activities is an ongoing schedule monitoring and control process which indicates the responsible team members' evaluation.

of activity scope, duration, and time-of-acccomplishment. *

... The visibility of the current forecast of schedule activities is maintained for schedules at the intermediate level and below in the schedule hierarchy. .

e 9

1 (7-

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  • Attachasnt 3

.; . . - . M: sting Natos Ns. 1179 D 00~9546 coSr CURRENT BUDCET o

The budget based on the :urrent project schedule and scope approved by the client. . .plus e

All scope changes and trends evaluated and approved (resolved) by Bechtel project management whether or not they have been submitted or approved (resolved) by the client . .



e The Bechtel project team's most current evaluation of the project cost e All trends resolved by Bechtel project management listether or mot they have been sent to the client will be included e Based on the current schedule forecast and scope s

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f.TTACli"ENT 2 0012h0 BechtelPowerCorporation 008588 '"'"""**"*' -

Amm Adeer. ' Wages .

awa e o em men,ammans,teenessmas Jene 2. 1988 MJ:-933L **

h-rs Feuer Campest 1943 East Parasu Rea" Jackson. Itichigas 49201 i estantion tht. J.W. Cdek Vice President i Itidiand Project i l

Sebject: Itidiand Flaat Daits I sad 2 l g Ceesumers Feuer Ceepeep Sechtel Job 7120 l g Cost Tread Esport 6-4

.- 4ttached for your informaties are seven septes of Cost Trend Esport 6-6 and the Cost Tread Register, dated May 20, 1980. New treads .

identified by this report are:

  • 6.6C and 6.17 through 4.44 imelusive -

Zacloded in these are the fellowing trends which techtel ceseiders resolved and are new being incorporated into the greject plas.

  • 6.6C Bolets Foru,esst 6 costs for the reactiaster petah

, penel trhich win set be required e 4.27 Talete Ferocast 6 costs for the condensate deafneraliser eggrade - Calles 11

m-4.28 ilete the unexpended engf aeering and other home office

., asabests for the tesic gaa aseitering posthesse 6.29 Itiatellae.eous engineertag and other home efffee changes 6.30 Opgrade the permanest plaat deustering Ferocast 4 Cowance to an estimate based es issued drawings 6.32 Naamal labor impact resulting from the tendes protectice precedures ras.uired by specificaties C-87 4.33 menust Beertup and Unie price startup l 6.34 Delete Ferocast 6 costs for the refueltag and af scellaneous l etsipoest carriages es 70 Ik95 1

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. -+m ..

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.7s s toes

  • 8tC4321 -

008588 '*** 8 6 33 Add estimated sects for the Rydroges and Ettreges bulk storage pad and sentrol rees pressorisaties taak feendatione 1

6.36 Added emanal labor for the dieeal generster bs11 dias **

esecreta bleek installaties ..

6.37 deditiemal enheestract assistasse for senlaistraties building 6.34 Added anseel labor for insta11stfee of siesellaneens stael for diesel generater essersil 6.3s Additiemal concrete weather protecties 6.4e Temporary dewatering support 79 4.41 Added assaal labor for auxiliary building small pipe Lasta11 sties

, 6.43 Estimate of costs to prov2de an adniaistrattee building seeling tower to supply a temporary coeltag unter supply 6.44 Estlante of costs for replacing a secties of usia sesen lias pipe with a osaalass pipe speel Provisealy identified cost trends that have been revised by report are 6.6A Flast eseputer replacanest c 5echtal new esasiders this trend resolved P 84.63 Allowance for relocaties of the Esiley 855 plant computar 84.8 Increased unit asets over Ferocast 6 for fiew orifices v

  • 4.9 Allevance for seats ever Fe, recast 6 for obtaining as alternate supplier for hydraulic end tars 86.11 Additiemal costs to add traveling screens to the circulattag unter intake 84.19 Lat status indicaties MLLA f 306 f acrease in cost
  • 6.20 Belecartes of mais feedwater crosette velves for neds 4 operstice cosag.. to thesa La.ude incluse updates of action statements and

&se by whoe statements med met estimate changes er status changes.

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me-nn .

008586 nc.

the f.11e ins tre.d., *1.h .ere r. 19ed .i der 11 17, Ino, r ein waresolved me of May to.1980, pending further review or directies.

63 Costs for shestaal cleaning of the etsas generators ,,

6.68 Mieusace for relocaties of the Bailey 853 plant

  • esapeter 6.7 M1easace for obtatalag acceptable vender drawinge 6.8 !acrossed unit eests ever Ferocast 6 for flew orifices 6.9 M1ewance for costs over Ferocaat 6 for obtaining as alternate supplier for the hydreu11e eaubbers e

4.15 M1euence for poteettal design shenges which any reesit ubes the tornado depressurisaties vesting T analysis is sempleted v 4.11 Additiemal easts to add traveling screens to the

- airculating unter intake

- 6.12 Misumace for poteettal changes to our present desigs beeis for fire protecties ,

6.18 Eameval of weld backing rings fe'r venturis ,

4.19 Flaat statse todicaties ML1A #304 increase la cost 4 4.20 Belecaties of asia feeduster creestie valves for sede 4

, operaties e New trende this meeth teclude the following items identified as unresolved.

v 4.31 Process etaan line traneter valve bypees 6.42 Bater and sewer line to unrebesse Be 2

, la aMition te the above status, seves (7) trende have been identified -

! which remeis unevaluated for cast er schedule impact due to indeter-

! sinate er usavailable scope. These trends are discussed es Attacheent 2.

l l

l l


4W F= m tu.__..= - .- -- _

.._ _ ~ ,.,_ - _ ,- = n w x .--~.


. E:

a  :

3 3. tese soo-,33: - .


  • l 008586 '

r1 .. .dn .e if re. se ,won .. .n n u .i t. ts . .e ,

specific acties beyond that (destified to the Cost Trend Register.

Tory y peers,


g ..

John A. ants e Project Ms er JAR /WGJ/stl .

S/17/t Attacheats (7) 3. Cost Trend Graph for Tread Report H

2. Trends Unevelssted for Trend Esport 6-4 .
3. Cast Tread Report H l

M 4. Cost Trend Register 6-4, dated May 21, 1980 <=

  1. est A S. Eseley w/o 5.3. Miller w/a -


- ~42:20 E 2 %.

1 l

l e

4 tlP 4

e-l l

l l

l t

l Response Requested: No I

<.g~.arp' wwy"4 m:w wn. -

m-~m r"

^ ^r '




  • * ' ' ' - m-:- ,

._g _-

i.e..... ass.e -a n , -.-- wumm~ =>

  1. "T^$v$3Y e  ?

l i - - _ _ - _- ._ __ -

- e. . . . - . . . . - - . .-. . ... = cc1277,;


asu m n T M le 8804 8 4 .me lee.: 7338 pe0ACT: Midead Uudes 1 & 3

( ALL COST 3 41.000 Cast g gW arms crowa8 sum to imea as a awwa Presses Perseest )

I TtW Tsan$


-e00 I  ;


e - See ..


- a0

, 400 .


. -M 290 8 -


- 200 180 t

i e _


' ~

J T)T4,L


    • l 3 l -0 *eo e aeF a e is it ta t<ei; a e aeF e e to it is t sa l

FC No. 8)

, up TRENDS TWtu NCd6- TMMO NC 6-4 TOTAL TREMOS DATED. 4/17/80 SATED. $72T78C 70 DATE cost Thee sasE Pc see, a 1,rsa,soo 1,7sa.coe

<s TREND $ AESOLVED f Secte Chariges 28,400 -7.110 35,$10 l

D Ceter Chuges 4,650 (700) 3.950 33,050 6.410 39,460 NT ima04 YED CHMe0ES Tsed Urreeshed St.330 1.250 82.580 1.898.340 7.660 1,906,040 TOTAL TRDGED SCHEDUt.E TREND l UNIT 08tE UserT TWO Tsupuf Sune Ashed Ts4p48 Some asass ,

p ,

To gens Tsim Teeres Te Omus TM Taaret 1'73 A srts gr73 A I . Or E a trf3 l tem adAC ; Alt *ur=* # f t?? 19'? ? A 91/73 t trf 7 A 6 73 tr?3 A tr73 6t? 3 A l

De* Ce gr t.pur fuese 9014 torta A er7e e/78 A ase % sger ete Ste A Sie 6rve A arts A ese e<re A ese two cessia arts sear % ; t** 1/84 ses3 10/83 woe 9/84 esa 4/84 a.n w 9/84

_ a c_ _ ese 6/85 ese e_

.eaTY June 1980 l 88W 08 o, ass b .

. . .. . - m mm.. - =

.. x.w4


.. ?

  • k, ' N . 3 @ 3l ?l $ 7 2 M N W [ $ % .: 1
  • 't

.. s%".? 04 een x x - fTTACMCHT 3 d

'. 8echtel PowerCorporaIlonuur 804 4

r.2 == - "' a 2** ""'""""" i 0004SS

e. Arwi Arter, techsgen f

,e, awammens PO Gas t000.aan amor.W as106 -~d


su.-9462 July 15 ,1980 C@

) -. - "t"> L' _y Connemmers Power Company 194) Idest Parnall Road l. d

  • i

_/_ OM.

?, 1 Jackson, Michigan 49201

- - Z Atteetteet Mr. J.V. Cook - -~' 3
Vice President -

ggg f l Midland Project I"* j 2

t' n t .

5v=JectT-~MI'dfanT Plant Units 1 and 2 )

Coneianers Power Company j j Sechtel Job 7220 3 Cost . Trend Report (r-5 4 3

l a

l &..

A9 61 hed for your information are seven copies of Cost Trend Report 6-5 and the Cost Trend Register, dated July 9,1980. New trends identified  %]

by this report are:


_ 6-45 through 6-73 inclusive 4 included in these are the following trends which Bec'ntel considers h resolved and are now being incorporated into the project plan. g


. 6.45 l Allowance for B&W/Bechtel numbering of NSSS pomponents M (Trend report 6-4 unevaluated itea 82) 4 B

  • [ 6.46 Repair of cooling pond riprap

, 6.47MS New estimate for ESF Filtration System addition per the direction outlined in the restatement of the Forecast 6 j-e C-1 Package included with BLC-9325 as list #3 ites 4/77 1

.o 4

6.48 Delete the Forecast 6 value for the load sequencer per the direction outlined on list 83 ites 21 ')


6. 49A& R New esttaate for the ART system addition per the 5 id direction outlined on Serial 8652 and list 83 stees j 46 57 and 159 -'

,3 6.50 Delete the forecast 6 value for Passive Failures j af ter LOCA per the direction outlined on Itst 83 ite= d 5a l j 6.51 Modify the forecast 6 vilue for Systen Integrity for "f g

Eleh Radicartive Leak itedaction Outside Containment y per the direction out*ined on list al items 101 and- Ine j



_- *A

-a +

4G CL __.


s w =Paf.

,, _e gg"' %'M~h$ ~


[ ~ ~


d m* '

l ..

j 0012805 1

Bechtel Power Corporation j 2 .

i 009499 3*27 28 2

SII-9462 J f_* - i Fue 2

] 6.32A Delete the forecast 6 v.lue for the Osatte Operational 9 2 9 and Technical Support Centers per the direction out11aed on IIst 83 f rees !!9,120 and 170 j

?; ,


] kw estimate for the Onsite Technical Support Center j

'b 5 per 170 the direction outlined on list #3 f rena 119,120 and j s

1 6.53AA B J;d ,


[ kw estimate to tiparade RCS overpressure Protection l

Systes per the direction outlined on list 83 items j  !

157. ISA and 165 7 9 6.54 g

j Mded allowance for entineering Main Teedwater overf111 additions per the direction outlined on list #3 ites  ;


-} 160 i

  • 6.55 j

d Mded allowance for engineering Teodwater Ealtability l

i i-Assessment per the direction outlined on list 83 iten 161 1M


l 4

A 6.54 Mded allowance for engineering ICS FMEA Modifications l  ;

d and NN1/ICS Modifications per the direction outlined [)*

- on list #3 itses 162,171 and 172 l

j 6.57 .

g Mded alicasace for engineering to Study Effects of Dew t

_f, Qia11enges to Safety Systees per the direction outlined

, on list 83 itse 163 ]

a 6.58 Estimate of engineering manhours re' quired to support 4" the Training Simulator study per the direction outlined on list #3 ites 166 P 6-59 M

7 Mded allowance for Control Room Desitn Review per the  ?.5 direction outlined on list 83 ites 167 -M 6.A0  :

!y Mded a!!ovence for engineerine to support the Interia y

5411 ability Evaluation Procas per the direction outlined on list e3 ites 168 M #"


. 3 6.61 g y Addec allowance to add In-plant P.adiation Monitorinc per the direction outlined on list e3 iter 169 9

3 6.62 g~4

.. Allowance for 72 NCDs from Entineering Matrix *Non Scope" t/4

[ 6.63 c;

Allowance for 9 NCDs f rom Enrineering strix " Scope .

Non11 censing' .

y nn

'it 4 p L 1

-g n

l t -_ - _ _ -_. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ _ - . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

s _ - _ _- -- - - _ _ _ _ -

t 0012806 B3chtelPowerCorporation 009499 July 15, 1980 rase s'8 i

4.66 1  ;

Licensine non TMI-2 related* Allowance a rix

  • Scope for 9 NCDs fras3,En -

1 6.6SA 3 \

Allowance Licensing TMI-Jfor 2 NCtm Primary

  • frors Engineerina r s
  • Scope Mat i -

5 i 6 655 j

Licenstne TMI-2 Secondary

  • Allowance ng Matrix
  • Scope for NCD 6-1234 from 6.66 'k '

6.67 Changes to Radvante cas Systes drain and went valves Transfer field s.all pipe group to Ann A b 6.68 r or payroll ..

O 6.69 Additions to current tiidland sampling systes t

Review of Liquid Radweste System  ?

6 70 4.71 Added manhours for Large Process Pip e Hanger lastallation Added Plates aanhours for installation of PiCover a

-g pe Restraint 6.72 3

Firewatch Labor Increase q

6.73 p 4

Storage TanksPost hydro Liquid Penetrant Testing of' S ]_

T orated Water Previously identified cost trends that h 2'

ave been revised by this report 86.6


- Radweste Pu=p Seal Unit PC M-376

    • 6.6A Plant coeputer replacement
    • 6.M.

Reactiseter Patch Panel

    • e.* f.*f Supplier Drawir.e Resub:sittal
    • =.8 Finw Ort! tees FC J-232
    • a.9
r'k Hydraulie Snubber Alternate Suppl er -

6.!"A iv Desten for Tornado Derressurization buildinc r.ot(Updated esti=ste to include all of t5


just the control tower) .e suziliar,s o .-



fi , W R i F d B B

_,yyf s.,m'*^"

l l .

0012807 B chtalPowarCorporation

- July 11. 1980

. ELC-9442 0098.99 Pase A

    • 6.108 Desita for Tornado Depressurization 6.12 Fire Protection Destan (Increase this allowance to include transfer switches in the control room)


= e6.13 tarte Pipe Manner Resident Engineering Group

' 86.14 Replace Compressor b ildint

. e 6.15 Pressuriser inver S.pport (Added allowance for construction) 1 6.19 Plant Status Indication (Bechtel now considers this resolved)

    • 6.20 Relocation of Hain Feedvater Crosstie Valves
  • 6.21 Review of Vendor Large Pipe Hanger Design
  • 6.23 5 31.1 Hanger Is'esetries Design Check
  • 6.25 Core Drilling for Fire Protection Systes
    • 6.26A&R Consmers Power Company Operations Trailer Fire


    • 6.29A&R Miscellaneous Engineering and Other Home Office Changes
  • 6.30 Permanent Plant Dewatering Mr$ .. 86.33A Manual Startup and Unit Price startup
g. - -

Hydroten and Nitrogen Bulk Storaee Pad and Control

("AS ,. *6.35 4%.:

Roo: Pressurization Tank Foundations

- *6.36 Diemel cenerator au11 ding Concrete Block installation

  • 6.37 Sulcontract Assistance for Ad=inistration Building I
  • 6.38 Installation of Miscellanenus Steel for Diesel Generator Monorail i

l 86.40 Te ;orary Dewaterins Support

    • h.42 '.: ster and Sewer Line to Warehouse No 2

.g .

~ %

e- . w

.g 7


- ~ . - . _ _ . , wn?= . ____ -1,.x zm., _ _Q

L. ,,,


, B0chtcl Powar Corporation July 15.1940 OO9499 mi.c- m 2 l r-. s -


  • 6.&& *tain Strae Pipe Replacement l
  • These t rends are now resnived by f'ansurers Powe r Company.

. h[-

Ref Serial MMn i

' <Mps **Channes to these trends include updates of action statements and due by whom statements and not estimate chances or status changes.

.b$gi l

p_ The following trends. which were unter.olved as of May 20 1980, remain unresolved as of July 9.1980. Pending further review or direction.

} 6.3 Costs for che=1 cal cleaning of the steam menerators 6.6B M1owance for relocation of the Railey 855 plant W

l computer N

p 6.7 M1owance for obtaining acceptable vendor drawings l

, 6.8 Increased unit costs over Forecast 6 for flow orifices

. ., y 6.9 M1owance for costs over Forecast 6 for obtaining an alternate supplier for the hydraulic snubbers 6.105 M1owance for potential design changes which may result when the tornado depressurization ventina analysis is

-- e completed 6.!! Additional costs to add travelina screens to the circu-lating water intake

, 6.12 . M1owance for potentisk changes to our present desian basis for fire protection Ic-6.18 Removal of weld backint rinas for venturts 6.20 Relocation of main feedwater crosstle valves for mode I.

operation 6.31 Process stea: line transfer valve hvpasa.

.. -- 6. 4ll 4ter and line to warehouse .No 2 l

No new unrnolved tremos have been added to the repert t'.is month.

In addition to the above status. three (3) tre nds 1. ave been identified F which remain unevaluated for cost or schedule 1. pact due to indeterminate or unavailar!c scope. These trends are discussed on Attachment 2.


erp w.a - --


nm u, s

g ._

" ~ ' '

_ ,c x ..

g N

_T.% w c_rs *d

, 001280s j ,

Bechtel PowerCorporation 4

1 1 009499 m, , , . 1,.

n C.,4 ,

p -

Fase 6 Please advise an. If you have any questions or wish techtel to take any apertile action beyond that identified in the Coat Trend Register.

Verv ly yours,

> -w 1

John A. Rotse  ;

Project Mana r 1 Jrs /*.'CJ!s 11 7/8/l _

Attachments (7) 1. Cost Trend Graph for Trend Report 6-5

2. Trends L*nevaluated for Trend Report 6-5

-M 3. Cost Trend keport 6-5 4 Cost Trend Register 6-3, dated July 9.1980 cc: C.S. Iteeley w/o

.3. Miller w/a

. A. R . .wollenkopf w/4 7'

l Response 'equested: No i

I i


asseg attachuert 2 0012s2o




The er whedulefollowins 1specttrends have been due to inetsterminate identifiedscopes or unavailable which e reenin or cost unevaluat d f

't I.

Nondestructive Examinat ton for Cor. cavity h Client was not inspection. requested additional requirements to assure AS.ME '=

Bechtel believes that this work is exceptional to the I prime contract and alght hetter be handled under separate contract f-

2. Installed Instru=ent Inspection h

m f

of the instrueents released for construction.The client has indic sending 15:

tando:s samplina techniques.of these instruments be inspected quarterly using Sechtel is recour- +Q-3.

Y Requirvee:..a ts co trly with the resource conservatisnrecove act and ry e y.

A t r u t..- .  ;;; ^[$

' tve t.s be .idopt. r* t cm: v wi t'- 1.

re.uire aa.t- :


$?S tt.c -ur ect d!*r

  • t s: ract t. :. rt.alnine to (Jer.t i : : at i '::.
i!!v hi?.ord u- t r +; . an.? cve c.ti a; 15 b t e r. -

rre - .f.

e*:ve. ki

. e fl.'i t: ~

.ad**h. 56* .

..v. 2r '


  • _5t..s .

IM n:


_f ..

9,4 ',

' b "a pc 1

J -

3 Is.

t I.



t '

0012814, PROJECT TRENDS  :

tiro = NO 5 laae NO.: me i imaOncT u 1a au costs c <* w  :=im

  • u T==T =

as oss.

009',99 . tier co c=  ;

U_ '


- -O a

r. -f

- Sou i  ;

l '

- 450 * '

d 1




- no ,

_h 30 --

e 4

l i b

. - 250 ll .


~ 200 6 i 3


~ ,

' i i 53 N

i i

~ , l l / Imd.

t l ,

<- 100 ' ' i"" 7 ,

i i

~ e f  !

i t t

- - 50 . le / s f t

,f, j , ,'

9 J,f ,

0 , i l M,5 G1.) LU

, {

i i

i 1.744.000 3 ,, , , , i 1 e L

i i

(F C ho 61 g,

r. ~



TAENOS RESOLVED 1.784.000 t l


-. Scop. Cheriges 35,510 l I' 1.784.000 $

+ e 14.376 '9.88^ '

Ceier C.'wiges I ,

t 3,950 u



' sit RESOLVED CHANCES _ 39.46^ '

4N Total Urre _ 82.580 4 2. 2 3 i St.64^

face, TOTAL TRENDED g' 4.800 87.380 1.906,0@ ,_


-1. o x I.m.ON BB.


MAJOA MILESTONES CW""t NT l 8JNIT TWO I pm 0JE CT ku C*eaaiGg Cw"at%7 '

Sc w I re-' , , , , , , pat CJE CT kba- C=wWJ Sara!v ~ , i, o, 1., r... . sc = 5 -=c=-

s 7 ?) 1 7 FJa ,

' 1. o., ,4.o..

2 73 1 2 73a

_ina Sar Ca ee samec%yi', ate! " -- 17 ??  ? 97 Fra I t e 73 12 77 a 12 f r a

_Sar* Leve tw., ~

4 73a l i =

to Fa e 73 8 e F3 a a a e to tea '


r. .

... 6 74 i e 7e a i e raa 6 . l Ss*T c - Camac e ,,


_ a ?) '

a tsa j i beer F erturu i

87 a 14: I 14a I e fta F w ter-

  • 213 8 12,U 1 tNa 1413 i C--e6- 754 e 4/p' i


7.42 e a sa 1*53 e s/sa

..e I i '

e, , ,,w mn . ..c. e, _g V

} f s

  • o y- .

.e - -

  • wn -mm -

e _a a 2W e, W &#myaI M P siss-ATTACHMrt:7 a


= 6p i

" 0012859 _

b. -

, s. - .e .__.; c ,t -;.y

~ .

M g

'Lp - w.a:. MBebhtel Power Corporation

$-M 0lC656 IC-(A.W, a.-d

  • 9 .8 e p.

.c..... A5 D



.  : ,. _,,,, ,eg no . s .- a. . . w . . a. s. .

. .y q

1 2*


tusiot *, 19- e 5/. 13 e - . p., . . _ . . - _ ,,g j

i .:. . ...

is s!j o.& q i..,...,..n,..  ; . _. - .


19.* .? 3et 4:: k..a * ,..774 . ,

J a e 6. .r. . t : *.s 6 a- .%; a

  • g4* . ,,,
  • j

-2.:i1 e ,

  • r. J.k. ...

... . e , -.7 4tts*t: -:

. tee Preside.t.


gf y]. ; , *

(, ,. , a _3_

at:di an,: Pr.:..! -

, p C. - N

  • A . - 2M l ws*ect:

' Midtard Plant 11. . a- . . N ' '4 ; -

gaFa""' ?'


l Consimers Powe r ::::49 A/

,. seentet . rot :::

Cas t Tread La rc rt t ** 7f$ p-4 6 / ~.'

sd A3.***- b't At t a e >4 : * : t v uur t rif :r-a t t e.* are seve* cortes of Cost *re =d te::rt e-* $

l- and t*e

st Trend testat'er, dated August 1. 19V. %ir tre-4e ide981fIcJ Ob # F*

ky.t?.is rarert are: Jd i -- M H

O , - t r .-, ine:.. s..

~, w , _^y -


!scluded t- tt.ese are t he !<.;* +s tr.a t re .de eAle n techt e: cs.s:ters 2 ress.;ved ard are near betr.: tr.cerrorated late'the project r* ar.. 3 M

W *;

').*. A&k Rettse eet teate f ar ACI st! collectior. ar.: rer va!

.- suste-  %

3, *3-

  • .** Lettmate f.r ;r.v!dira a *.itrosen presswr:rsts -

g 3-systee ti. tre ra,twaste seassifier 1

- e t.** Estimate of design des to Inst rimert a J *.: :. '3 l





  • x.dtticat:. . t. ' . *
  • M a b i ne t loca::) . M A.

+.* 61 kev 1.e eet .:e : .r bea4:ct Anc :.,r t.,;- ee a:e 2 4.

i' i . -

Re c t4. e . tree. . a ; . .; s t : . .. true sta * -

l 44 .- AL A.; 1<ew a nc e ..t+  ?:r 4 eswall Redesta*


  • .a. Added te.r.a*-  :..:le ratectinn framtr.: := t*e kg


Aussitar: b.::::*a e x as m ,


.. "e:ete - e ; reirta nanh,urs f:r se:s-::

Jeet:- cr:teria i

N 7

} '..

l 3

Y=- Y YY5bY Ah2  ! Y e @*

l l

hS #hhkkWN$$$$$$ Y$ $YY Nhk

  1. . -' 0012S60 1-3 y,

, a w J ~

Bechtel Power Corporation Ne-W2t" r .t . iw, tes p

n '.i: .w i n. .

p g+g. '*<-

g- 3lcG3.

.u M,.,

.u r- It

6. kr. We - . e ; . e a se asnl .ar. * . e .e; I e e f.ange r g j .. . . .? : . t r.e. t eIe 4-r; f ..ei s.r...,-  : .. . . . ..,.. .e.: . . .. . : . . .

h +1

4. N4  :.;! : a e * * .1 . w e r a ng e.. l .t a . e la c raf t emen -F.j i
+R -

4.89 u fed t iet s f ar in.tallat t..r. of tCP snubbers by MW .



. t r . ; ,-



  • 4
6 . 91. A.t,** et 1 ; a c t t.t tin 13 > 3 *. ft l t J fuel load s a '+-

- .c r.e : .t e m i".

-*4 Previously ide.::::e: c:e: t rend s t h.t 4. ave beer. rettsed by this report .

a re : 2 *'


V -

  • 6.8 F.-m = rift:es FS J-232 M y~

a e: r e .11: ar..Wr alte rnate supplier

.* *e.1

_(w 6.10 A Desi;r f:r Tarnado Depressurisation!!ary . M i


  • 1:*; ' inc re a se d c os t s ba se d on f i rme r sc ope cef rat :t) ,M k

s .,.

o.Il nr: *att water Intake St ruc t ure Traveling N*

kreets ' r. creased trend to re!!ect estic. ate la ,j 1:.0-5 59: .n _w

=== 5-;

  • 6.14 ke s . . a: :! . eld naching Rists for Venturis y-[

- _;c

e. 6.20 '.elst atie r. of Ma tr. Feedwat er Crs.e st ie Va:vt s f or 3.
  • ade . (? era:!on 2.!


E.n g i ne e r i ng and c.t ' e r t.o .s of f ir e 6.29 A4h *: .: . . . ! ar.e .,ue

' Aede. Ir.: rins ?:Cbe less t haa 5' r ea:h) -@

= .w


  • e .d:- F r ;tec tion Proc edure s - 3* ~
    • e.30 e M
  • ai . 3 9 Af:.: - .s; 7. .;re t e " eat her
  • r t r. ti .e 3.

^9 e.41 4.u!*.;te b.1:dier Sna:1 Pty j J.::e : :. .;e';aneous ope r a : 1,r. e h 51.

  • we r e cettted kl.

frt; fres:*us issue) $


+ ,

4.42 ^ *er - i Jireering froe ".atris 3 W:5 i:::::. a, revis ta s and deletis9s ts ?.JDe e rartra: !? this trer.4) M 3

--1'3 O -t

,~e e.


' g m


__- S.9 .

- w Myy;g .

ca e._

-mp; E M.'. p#3 q q w p 'Y' X -*i ' " ~ - " ~

g yLe7YQ1 ty W P W.g 5',,;j.QQQ

[h h Q g'k'*f,

-M2h -hs _.f M Q{kQ,QgMQ45^.Q

_a*- ; -N _3_d {-

--_w, - - - - , - - , - , , , , , , _ , , , , _ , _ _ _ , _ ,

m .

s; s .:-ly=+ei n 'R'e-;:ZOi i h f-h N2 N $b k h N b- . b b ~ ., ,~ h_.7 bhI I

  • 0012861 M


- s- ,

Bechtel Power Corporation 9 au, ,, . t , I * . 0 O O I I. 6 3 6 h t t.

  • W.

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[.TT,*.C"!'E!:T 5 Bechtel Power Corporation 777 East Eisenhower Parkwsy i 3 z, 4 b.

annardor.uicniosn asen Asmus P.O. Box 1000, Ann Arbor, MicNgan 48106 April 27,1983 0002800 BLC- 16632 Consumers Power Company .

1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, M1 49201 Attention: Mr. A.R. Hollenkopf Schedule / Cost Manager Midland Project


Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Consumers Power Company Bechtel Job 7220 COST TREh'D REPORT 7A-16


A copy of Cost Trend Report 7A-16 is attached for your information.

This is the closing trend report for Forecast 7R, the Project Replanning Forecast. The cost trend base will be adjusted next month to the Forecast 7R total of $2,402,000,000.

New and revised trends identified by this report are 7.34B, 7.41P, l

7.63C, 7.77B, 7.139B, 7.143B, and 7.169 through 7.187 inclusive. The cost trend graph (Attachment 1) displays the history of cost trends to the trend base of $1,975,000,000.

In addition to the trends included in the register, 4 trends have been identified that remain unevaluated for cost or schedule because of indeterminate or unavailable scope. These trends are base project items and are discussed in Attachment 2.



T- - Power Corporation BLC- 16632

  • April 27,1983 l,3246 0003801 i PaSe 2 Please advise me if you have any questions or wish Bechtel to take specific action beyond that identified in the Cost Trend Report.

Very truly yours, 1


. Jain Projaet Cost / Schedule Supervisor SKJ/JSF/vmk 111602/IV Attachments: 1. Cost Trend Graph for Trend Report 7A-16

2. Trends Unevaluated as of Trend Report 7A-16
3. Cost Trend Report 7A-16 cc: J.W. Cook w/a D.B. Miller w/a A.R. Mollenkopf v/12 J.A. Mooney v/a t

Written Response Requested: Yes


'H0 JECT TRENDS I TREND N3.: 7A.16 JOB N3.: 7220 PROJECT: Cidlaid Units 1 & 2

l Cost denot:s 1i324.,% T,,no, 0003802 i to Ont. - - -TOTAL COST TREND GRAPH $1.000,000 '


-800 I I 560  !

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0 / I #I i 4 11 121/822 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11121/83 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 to 11 121/B4 1,975,000 J TRENDS THRU NO.7A-1LTREND NO.7A-16 TOTAL TRENDS 8 1,000 DATED: 3/22/83 DATED: 4/22/83 TO DATE i COST TREND 8ASE 1,975,000 1,975,000 i TRENDS RESOLVED  ;

j Scope Changes 92,664 57,100 149,764 l l Other Changes 208,540 68,696 277,236 SIT RESOLVED CHANGES 204 427,000 k25,79679,400))

i' Tota! Unresolved 301'400 79 0 TOTAL TRENDED 2,355,604 46.396 2,402,000 SCHEDULE TREND UNIT ONE UNIT TWO CAJOR MILESTONES CHANGE CHANGE b (m monms) T W Bus (m monms)

Nb to Date Ttus Treno N To Oste Trus Trene Start Engmeem- 2/73 2/73 Inese N8tC (AEC) Pemut 12172 12/72 Stam Constructe 6'73 8/73

..Stad Lmer Piste 10/74 - 6/74 Set menetor 6'78 6178 Set Turtune Cesing 4/79 9/78 Hoe runctens: s/s3 7/8[. 1/83 5/84 Fuel tose 12/83 2/L 7/83 10/84 Comme cw operaten 7/s4 8'85 12/s3 2/85 oises DATE l PAGE OF

. . . . . . . . . . ... . . _....... ..... -__ -s ....... , - - - ~ - - . - - - . . . , . . .

[ . ,

ATTAC""ENT G Bechtel Power Corporation i

034400 777 East Eisenhower Parkway ,

Ann Arbor, Michigan -

wamen P.O. Box 1000. Ann Arbor, M chigan 48106 l

June 25, 1981 .

BLC-11057 Cc./' k. b

_ n i *>o . I Consumers Power Company 4 p[3 -

1945 West Parnall Road Jackson, Michigan 49201

. t <M-g,g (. - ><.u.- $

Attention: Mr. J.W. Cook --

'D- ~

Vice President .

Projects, Engineering and Construction g- D -' '

N ",._


Midland Plant Units 1 and 2 Consumers Power Company '

Bechtel Job 7220 Meeting Notes No. 1374 The notes of the June 10, 1981, project management meeting are attached.

The following dates have been reserved for meetings for the next 4 months.

July 9, 1981 August 27, 1981 (Executive Review, Midland Jobsite)*

September 10, 1981 October 15, 1981 Please call if you have any questions.

O Preparation meetings to be announced. Very uly yours, John A. Rut rs JAR /MB/bjm Project ger 6/4/10L


Meeting Notes No. 1574 cc: D.P. Judd (B&W w/s)

K.R. Eline w/a E

JUN 301981 ACEANDP.90 JECT Written Response Requested: No MANAEiMENT 4

Bechtel Power Corporation 777 East Eisenhower Parkway 034400 Ann Arbor, Michigan

  1. destAsens P.O. Box 1000, Ann Ardor, Michigan 48106 MEETING NOTES NO. 1374 MIDLAND PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY BECHTEL JOB 7220 DATE: June 10, 1981 PLACE: Midland Jobsite


Midland Project Management Meeting ATTENDEES: Bechtel Consumers Power Company Babcock & Wilcox M.N. Bakarich R. C. Bauman D.P. Judd R.M. Collins W.R. Bird A.B. Lazar L.E. Curtis J.W. Cook L.E. Davis D. Johnson M.A. Dietrich K.R. Kline L.A. Dreisbach R. McCue E.M. Hughes D.B. Miller S.K. Jain A.R. Hollenkopf J. Milandin D. Ronk W.H. Nielson C. Slade J.A. Rutgers T.J. Sullivan ITEMS DISCUSSED:

A. Introduction of New Personnel J.A. Rutgers introduced D.F. Judd, and A.B. Lazar, Babcock & Wilcox's l Midland Senior Project Manager and Manager, Nuclear Steam System l Product Line, respectively. D.B. Miller introduced Jerry Slade,

Consumers Power Company's Assistant Site Superintendent. J.A. Butgers reminded all present that the purpose of the meetings is to faci-litate communications, exchange ideas freely, and provide a decision-making forum. ,

l e , _ ,, , , _ . . _ .. ,,-,.-._m _ ..e_ , . _ , , . . _ . .

Bechtel Power Corporation Me2 ting Notoo N3. 1374 )

  • 000 " U 034400 B. Action Item Review J.A. Rutgers reviewed the status of action items from previous meetings. During the discussion of these items, the following observations and additional actions were assigned.

Item 61 - EVAC Anchorages: L.A. Dreisbach reported that the num-bar of drop-in anchors to be replaced is 600 rather than the 400 indicated on the Action Item Status Sheet. J.W. Cook asked if there are any other areas in the plant whgre bolts are a problem.

L.E. Dreisbach informed him that there are several other problem areas, but programs are in place addressing them. J.W. Cook en-phasized that he wanted to ensure there are no hidden areas that might surprise us later.


Item 65 - DCAR Procedure: J.W. Cook asked who would be involved in decision-making in processing DCARs. He was informed Chat if the

, change proposed by the DCAR has a schedule impact, both he and l J.A. Rutgers will have final approval. J. Milandin indicated he would have a working meeting on the proposed procedure before its publication on or about. June 19, 1981, to ensure all parties under-stand and agree to it.

l Item 78 - Reactor Upper Laterel Supports: R.C. Bauman asked for a i date on which fira design criteria would be established. J.A. Rutgers indicated he would provide it, but must first receive interface criteria from B&W. D.F. Judd said he would take as an action item the requirement to provide the information.

Item 92 - Recycle Through Long Lead Time Items: Eleven issues are planned for field review in June. The major issue then remaining for field review is MLLA 6, Fire Protection. S.K. Jain will coor-dinate the effort.

Item 110 - Associate Systems with Blockwall Replacement / Modifications


and Incorporate a Long Lead Time Item Scheduling: S.K. Jain indicated he will accomplish the requirement based on a sample of

, 20 blockwalls. He will provide an update at the next meeting.

I Item 119 - Installation Recovery Schedule for Small Pipe P:aparation of the recovery schedule has been delayed because of the diversion of resources to review calculations in the small pipe area.

l Item 125 - Statement of Bechtel's Basis for Baving No Safety Concerns on Design for Soils Modulus of Elasticity (E): Consumers Power Company will study Bechtel's state ~aent (BLC-10960). The ites will l remain on the Action Item Status List fer an additional month.

l l


Bechtel Po'wer Corporation Meeting Notes No. 1374 Page 3 Og45y

v. ~.

034400 Item 126 - Review Procedures for Determining Workarounds: This item is to be deleted from the Action Item Status List because it relates to Item 129.

Item 127 - Review Task Force Program for MLLA Issues: A Sechtel letter indicating task force membership is being prepared.

Task force implementation to resolve initial schedule paths still needs to be agreed upon.

Item 130 - Painting Steel in Containment: D.M. Hiller said he is still reviewing input from interested parties and is looking at various options. J.W. Cook reminded the group that at the last meeting he had asked for an engineering recommendation from Bechtel. L.H. Curtis advised him that T.J. Murphy is working closely with D.M. Miller and is providing the technical input.


Provide Bechtel interface criteria on the reactor vessel ACTION ASSIGNMENT:

D.F. Judd B. Schedule / Cost S.K. Jain presented the schedule status for engineering and construction.

He noted engineering. design, and construction are 70, 81, and 68%

complete, respectively, for a composite completion of 68%.

He reported that the cash flow for May 1981 was $19.4 million, and the total for the year to date was $83 million, $6.7 million under the amount forecast. He noted that the underrun had dropped by about $2 million from the previous month; he attributed this to quicker deliveries.


L.R. Curtis advised the group that he is looking into developing a more precise method for estimating design and engineering percent

, complete.

D.B. Miller voiced a general concern that the intermediate project


schedules are not being coordinated fully. J.A. Rutgers replied that the intermediate schedules reflect early forecasts and that the

! alternative would be to wait until a comprehensive package is assembled, fully coordinated, and issued. J.W. Cook indicated i

he is not ready to eliminate early forecasts, but asked, if prac-l ticable, they be better coordinated. Bechtel will conduct internal team coordination of schedule data to be presented at project management meetings prior to future meetings.

l l


Bechtel Power Corporation Mesting Notco No. 1374 Page 4 0004522 034400 During the discussion on small pipe hangers, P. Corcoran apprised the group that resident engineering is into the third week of the recov-ery effort on stress calculations. They had reviewed 9% of the geismic Category I calculations and had discovered one signi-ficant discrepancy. Be defined a significant discrepancy as one in which stress exceeds code allowables. Be further indicated that approximately 47 people were doing the review, and that the diver-sion of resources to this task was having an adverse affect on design production.

F. Young informed the group of the recovery plan for the design of small pipe hangers. He presented production and schedule figures for March, April, and May, and noted part of the shortfall between the two was caused by more accurate bookkeeping and issuing han-gers and isometries as a unit. He described a recovery plan limited by two items: First, it is not practicable to reduce the lead time between engineering and installation. Second, it is difficult to obtain manpower to do the job. He presented a recov- .

ery plan with the production of an upper limit of 575 hangers per month and a lower limit of 385. He cautioned, however, that to achieve the upper limit he would require 30 additional people. He indicated that either the upper or the lower limit would have the total plant back on schedule, but neither would achieve recovery during the current project schedule in the containments. J.W. Cook asked if there are any reasons why we should not get the extra people. L.E. Curtis stated he would look into the matter.

J.W. Cook asked if the new subcontract design team for large pipe hangers is in place and working. E.M. Hughes replied that a small cadre for the team was at the jobsite, but the team is not fully functional at this time.

In response to a question from J.A. Rutgers, 3.K. Jain stated that the status of instrumentation tubing would be presented at the July meeting.

J.W. Cook asked how many packages have been issued to Zack.

L.B. Curtis informed him one had been issued and two remained to be issued.

J.A. Rutgers reminded L.B. Curtis to coordinate space requirements with L.E. Davis and D.B. Miller for the personnel who are to perform HELEA and deflection barrier analysis. L.B. Curtis and D.B. Miller stated that the coordination is being accomplished.

__ ___- - _ __-____---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '--- ~~ ~ ~~'

Bechtel Power Corporation Nesting Notds No. 1374

. Page 5 0004523 034400 C. Manpower / Staffing

1. Engineering L.B. Curtis reported the equivalent engineering marpower had increased from 835 at the and of April to 842 at the end of khy. Be indicated the figure would continue to climb, with the estimated peak above 1,000, having increased by 50 over the past month. Be added that the increase takes into account the recent BELBA technical services agreement and additional engineers required in control systems and plant design.
2. Construction

. L.E. Davis reported construction manpower as follows:

June 8 Second Quarter Third Quarter Manuel _

First shift 1,600 '-

Second shift 498 Total 2,098 2,130 2,170 Pipefitters First shift 590 i Second shift 221 l

Total 811 850 870 Electricians -

. First shift 530 Second shift 172 Total 702 700 700 l

l Nonaanual First shift 515 Second shift 79 Total 5 84 620 700 Coastock 100 100 100 j


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Bechtel Power Corporation


, * *"

  • 2
  • oce43:n 034400 D. Quality Control J.W. Cook briefly reviewed the results of the May MRC audit. Be thanked Bechtel and Consumers Power Company personnel for their responsiveness to the NRC team's requests and indicated be is pleased with the results of the audit, which showed the Midland Quality Assurance program is adequate and working.

Using the NRC sctivity and open action items charts, W.R. Bird apprised the group of the status of quality assurance activities.

He noted a significant increase in the average points on the NRC activity chart, and explained the increase was caused by points accrued by an audit of the electrical discipline and the NRC audit of the plant in May. He seconded J.W. Cook's laudatory remarks about the team effort to get as many items resolved as practicable while the NRC members were present. While discussing the summary of open action items chart, he pointed out that the MPQAD had achieved onc of its goals: to reduce the number of open action items for which it is responsible to below 100 (nov 97).

W.R. Bird also reported that the MAC assessment of the Midland project QA program had been published and distributed. He indi-cated the report concludes that the Midland QA program neets NRC requirements and is adequate; however, response time for corrective actions is excessive. W.R. Bird also mentioned that the report l describes the Midland QA program as "somewhat above average" for a nuclear plant. J.A. Rutgers emphasized the great effort being expended for responsiveness to QA items, and en-ouraged the team members to ensure that inspectors / auditors are made aware of this responsiveness. - 2 M.A. Dietrich informed the group'of the results of an SDDR audit.

He indicated that 200 of 2,000 SDDhg were checked and that the l completion of action ref.'.ected in the SDDRs had not been verified i

in all cases. He said the following program is necessary to correct

! the findings:


1) Review all SDDRs to ensure that required action has been taken; follow up for those cases in which the records indicate action is not complete ,
2) Review procedures and revise them as required tu ensure they provide for ongoing checks of action required by SDDRs

( M.A. Dietrich further indicated that the report on the SDDR audit would be issued that week. 1,.E. Davis asked if the audit findings could also apply to hardware already installed. He was informed

, that they could.


. - . . , _ . - _ _ . - . , _ _ . _ ~ - . . ._ . , _ . - . , ., , _ , . . -

Bachtal Power Corporation Meeting Notes No. 1374 Page 7 0004525

, 034400 E. Licensins and Safety  ;

1 T.J. Sullivan informed the group that the size of the FSAR amendment i for June was significantly reduced from that originally espected. In  !

addition, Chapter 7 commitments were completed, but only 60% of the i

SCNs were approved. He reminded the group that last month he had indicated LOLA items would soon be computarized. He stated that the items were now on the computer, and he needed Bechtel and B&W .

personnel to attend meetings to work out requirements for disci-plines, determine priorities, and give visibility to important items. He indicated he had met with the Reactor Systems and Accident Analysis Branch of the NRC, but the Control Systems Branch j wat1d not be able to review the FSAR until September. He cautioned that the Control Systems, because of its late start, may compress the review schedule to an intensive I week effort, and hold ,

the review in the hechtel Ann Arbor office.. He further indicated }

that the Health Physics Branch is reviewing Chapter 12 and is expressing some concern about the post-accident shielding review.

Other reviews, he reported, are pointing toward a November SER input. He apprised the group that the Midland plant is sixth in

' line for 1983 licensing, and noted that such activity in the rule change area could shorten the licensing process,. J.A. Rutt,ars '

cautioned that the NRC will use the project's proposed 11cenair4

schedule, and reminded the group that it is a project responsi-bility to adhere to it.

F. Calculation to Support Larse Pipe i

E.M. Hughes informed the group that Bechtel is reviewing its calcu-lations in support of large pipe hangers. He indicated that Bechtel is looking at two areas: 1) whether there are isometrics that I have been issued for fabrication for which committed preliminary calculations do not exist, and 2) whether piping isometric supporting calculations are ce=plete in accordance with applicable EDPs.

L.H. Curtis indicated the EDP on calculations is not as specific as  !

it should be and thus would be revised. When told that the probles  !

with calculations in the large pipe area appeared to be insignificant, J.W. Cook asked if that determination is judgmental. E.M. Eughes apprised him that currently it is.

G. Lont Lead Time Items Scoreboard and Critical Path Activities of Most Nesative Issues A.R. Mollenkopf provided a schedule analysis of critical schedule items. He then reviewed the critical path of the four most negative issues. A general discussion followed his presentation in which the efficacy of the MLLA long lead time item acoreboard/

Project /2 program was questioned. Specific questions raised were:

0004526 Bechtel Power Corporation -

Meeting Notes No. 1374 Page 3 034i00

1) Bow do tasks identified in Project /2 set into the appropriate schedule, 2) What effect does Project /2 have on completing systems and setting them turned over, 3) should Project /2 be subordinated to the completion working group, and 4) If Project /2 were under the systes working group, would its many requiremen:s render the group ineffective 1

, J.W. Cook asked that J.A. Butgers and he be given an actiod item to review the MLLA and Project /2 program to ensure that sufficient mangement direction and emphasis necessary to achieve schedule impact resolution are being given to the effort.


Review Project /2 to ensure that sufficient management direction and emphasis to achieve schedule impact resolution are being given to the prpgram.


J.W. Cook, J.A. Rutgers H. Proximity Criteria E.M. Hughes apprised the group of the history of the proximity issue on the Midland jobsite. He indicated that the criteria were established to satisfy an NRC inspection concern regarding poten-tial physical interaction of elements of systems necessary for shutdown in the event of an earthquake. Be said that under current plans, adequacy of physical separation is to be checked by area walkdowns. He discussed three options in light of renewed inter-1 est in the proximity issues 1) continue as we are currently with emphasis on the finrJ walkdown to check seriestion, 2) make guide-lines mandatory now and verify that everything already installed meets separation criteria, and 3) review and eliminate the requitement.

E.M Eughes further indicated that proximity criteria had been made mandatory for Zack, and construction had issued cards advising the crafts of the requirement for minimum physical separation distances l

for installation in Class 1 areas.

E.M. Eughes concluded his discussion by presenting the recommen-dations of a joint Bechtel/ Consumers Power Company task group that had set on the issue. The recommendations constitute a plan of action for the short run; a final decision may well be based on i the results of the short run plan.

0004527 Bechtel Power Corporation Heating Not0e No.1374 Page 9

.' 034l010 i Co=plete a sin 2e draft specification combini== all ero=-

imity requirements (potentially available in a month)

2) Organise a team to conduct a review of a 11afted number of essentially completed areas to identify prozinity violations.

4 Then conduct engineering evaluations to determine the number of physical changes required. F.atrapolate the results of the review to other areas.

3) obtain within 2 months a project management decision on whether to make the existing guidelines mandatory and when a walkdown program should be instituted.

The project decision was to continue the status que on installa-tions, but to proceed with the taak group's recommendations.

J.W. Cook also asked that quality control personnel be involved with the development of the specification, so that they may simul-teneously work on a draf t inspection plan.

1. System Completion Status Referring to the five key elements for 9ystes completion which he had presented at the last team meeting, J. Milandin provided an update of each item. Of special note he emphasised that Management Systems Agreement 1, a system for hardware system configuration control, had been approved by both Bechtel and Consumers Power Company and would be published by June 19, 1981. He presented the progress of systems turnover since May, as indicated below:

Status 5/81 6 /81 Turned over to startup 140 142 to date (cumulative)

Scheduled for turnover 195 195 6/1/-12/31/81 (Rev 11 CPS)

. Scheduled for turnover 403 403 in 1982 (Rev 11 CPS)

Scheduled for turnover 62 62 in 1983 (Rev 11, CPS)

Scheduled for turcover 6/81 N/A 17 Submitted for acceptance (to date) 6/81 N/A 8 Cumulative forward pass reviews 159 231 by engineering Cumulative forward pass review 27 by completion working group 36

B3chtel Powar Corporat, ion Meeting Natts No. 1374 00>.452S Page 10 D34400 D 5 "222*r ==k'd 8' *=raa'ar af 9-25=ted =7at*== ===2d = tart-J. Milandin replied turnover of Q-systems would start when pro-cedures are in place for configuration control. Be expected turnover of Q-listed systems to begin shortly after he published the procedure on configuration control on June 19, 1981.

, J. Milandin indicated that the goal of the completion working group is to get 9 months ahead of turnover for the forward pass review.

Be also described the forward pass review by engineering as a design status review of the remaining work.

J. Proposed Format for Presenting System Completion Status 4

! A.K. Jain presented the format below as a proposed vehicle for

, presenting system completion status at management team meetings.

1) System turncver progress
2) System construction completion progress
3) System design level review progress
4) Completion working group activities
5) System turnover schedule analysis Following a gereral discussion of his proposal. A.J. Boos asked l those present to submit any recommendations for change to S.K. Jain. He also asked S.K. Jain and A.R. Hollenkopf to work together on the format and to initista its use during the August team meeting.


Develop, by August 13, 1981, a format for presenting system completion status ACTION ASSIGNMEh7:

5.K. Jain, A.R. Mollenkopf K. Coordination of Design Changes with Operating Plant Procedures R.C. Bauman informed the group that three procedures are required for plant operations: test, operating, and maintenance procedures. ,

l Be voiced concern that key, up-to-date information, otherwise available, is not being included in these procedures. Be gave examples of areas of concern which included cycle limits, system pressures, vibration assumptions, and temperatures.

Bochtel Power Corporation Mesting Natos Ns. 1374 P:gn 11 -

00045PS 0 3 4 4 0 4. . M111er ,entioned that Westin, house has a ,anua111 sting a11 points of concern regarding the NSSS system. The title of the manual, as he recalled, is Cautions, Limitations, and Setpoints.

He thought the Midland project might need a similar manual and he asked N W representatives if they had one. D.F. Judd replied N W had test and operating specifications.

J.W. Cook asked R.C. Bauman and G. Slade to identify for Bechtel engineering the areas of concern.

. 1 R.C. Bauman asked D.F. Judd how B&W intended to incorporate field i change authorizations (FCAs) into its manuals. D.F. Judd replied I that the FCAs would interface with Dechtel's field change i packages (FCPs).


J.W. Cook advised the group that Consumers Power Company is inquir-ing if all vendor manuals must have current drawings. He indicated he would resolve the matter with Bechtel after first obtaining an in-house position.


Identify the areas of concern in operating plant procedures ACTION ASSIGh* INT:

R.C. Bauman, G. Slade L. Rework Control L.E. Davis advised the group of the following schedule for publishing administrative procedures to control rework:

Issue Procedure _



Guidelines for raceway and 6/19 cable Control systems 6/22 Small pipe hangers 6/15 Large pipe hangers 6/15 Civil 6/26 ,

Be further indicated that quality control is also working on rework procedures and should have them ready for issuance I week following the publication of the administrative procedures.

i I

l i

Bechtel Power Corporation Meeti:3 Notca No. 1374 Page 12 0004530 0 3 4 4 enatr-Dar "*ci=5a= T*bi*

Due to lack of time, A.R. Mollenkopf did not review the 90-day decision table with the team members. Instead, he referred them to the table he had updated and distributed earlier, and asked for comments.

N. Adjourneent The meeting adjourned at 3 p.m.; the members to meet again at the call of the chairman.

6/12/15 S

e a

S S e

\ _. . _ _ _ _ l

ATTP C'!?'E!:T 7 -

'50020 0  ;

Bechtel Power Corporation ,

777 East E senhower Parkway Ann Aroor, Micnigan j asew Assess P O Bos 1000. Ann a"act Mic%gan 481C4 I November 23, 1981 BLC- 11891 0u43 4 CC'. 8 Consumers Power Company LN 1945 West Parnall Road D Jackson, Michigan 49201 , @

Attention: Mr. J.W. Cook ( ,

Vice President Projects, Engineering and Construction


Mid*and Plant Units 1 and 2 l Censumets Power Company Bechtel Job 7220 l November Critical Items Action Raport Attached for your information is the November issue of the Critical Items Action Raport.

Very truly yours,

/ .

. Rutgers

(*Joh Pro ect Manager JAR /DJF/ksc 11/20/2s Attachments: 1. Critical Itens Action Report

2. Current Schedule Analysis cc: D.B. Miller v/a l

l l

l t

l l

Written Response Re. quested: No l



5?30 CRITICAL ITEMS AC','l0N REPORT Table of Contents - Systems Section Page Description System 2ADC 2 Main Condensers and Internals 3 Condensate. Storage 2APA 1&2BBA-1 5 Refueling Canal Bead. Vessel. Internals Reactor Coolant Pumps 2BBC 2 Raaetor Coolant Pumps and Auxiliaria's )

2BBC 8 2BCA 8 Decay Heat Removal 2 BRA 6 Core Flood Systes OBLA 4 Primary Vater Storage and Transfer ODAA 7 Circulating Water Supply f OEAA & Service Water Supply l 1&2EAD 5 Auxiliary Building Service Water '

2ECB 2 Refueling Canal and Transfer Tube l 2EGA 2 CCV System l 1&2ECA 6 CCW System ORGB 3 Perimeter Intrusion Detection System 1 Plant Access and Monitoring Security System ORCC 3 Security System Consoles and Computers ORGD 2RJA 6 Plant Computer 1 ECOAS System 2SAA 1&2SCA 6 NNI Instrumentation 7 Hazardous Cas Monitoring System OSOB Note: System OECA is not covered in Critical Items Action Report but As being reviewed by Completion Working Group.

5$FKeyStartupSysta=s k

21/20/1 g -,,. ,-- -- p,-~r v -

f ST5f tat.1

    • 't *Sa 8 - Harm _ ,-

wunoturs t end 2 CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT ., _t_ o, _3_

Jo m 3 r220 esseserAees.


  • SYSTEGI IIAPACT ACTIO01 IEGIIEIES p Estese4 ACTIDIO m pw IttGA900. DESCHIPTIOtt CtNIIRE0ff 57Aftf3 tweebel 0t w

2SAA ECCAS SY57tM - T/012/05/88g I (5/808 Gire flood ap stem blat ehlee flee f abricettaa and shipping of tic -18 s. (5fSI) Fabricate and ship 3 618 08/27/04 05/2A/82 bistables forma the critical path hIstablee 05/28/82F for thle lesser.

eMJC PLANT ACESS AffD h001lTretMC T/0 09/01/81 SiftmlTT f.TSTtM l (a/el)

-14 e. (a/el) Egeotte delivery _ Free of st eelle end pree'eure leeC reelstent doore ( AA0 F.O.)

(RwS see. A-30007) wr poore A-17e (weeley) tif doore F-48910 (teooley) 10/01 12/01 06/92F Destga calcular$one returned Code 4 I on 11/17/88, to be resubmitted

! 11/23/01. All esterial le to be avellette hr 12/31/01. Doore 4,

20. and 28 are to be ehtpred ,

3/26/82, and doore 79. 82, 813, and Pl4 will be sistyped 5/7/82.

Doore 130, 137, 16r, and 184 are to be shipped 6/4/02.

Iff Onora A-12-A (stock) WT doore F-46366 (Meck) 12/01 02/82 e

07/82F A meeting is scheduled for 11/21/81 with Hock to diarmee delivery requiremente and review preliminary drawings. Drawings and calculat too are to be endiet tteel slee week of II/)D/Al. t}A manuel returned Code 3 on 10/11/81. .

AT Doore A-8-A (Overly) Af doore F-45440 (overly) 10/el 12/91 02/82F

! Drentase and calculations returned ca. lee 2 and 3 on 11/12/01'. Meterlet


leal t Ise is 6 to 8 weets. Delive ry .

to acleeduled for 1/29/02.

12/03 Minelle end Pressure Realetent Miselle sad preneure later Dno t e A-66 ( Ove r l y) reelstant sloore (Overly 04 % R2F A-66) g)

Tleese doors are In the ble steges.

Tentative delivery was elisoted me 82 Q

tes 14 wecke ARAD.

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JOB NO 1220 SHEET d OF h Beneter Asens  ;

ETSIEtt SOIEDGEE "P lasPACT ACTIf.00 m ITEas900. DESCfuPTIOe8 CUIIAEpff STATUS (WesAel ACTleelIgnamnem M EmeM SV g HEAA  :.EnvlCE WATER Surrl.T T/0 10/11/88 g I (10/05) nesolut ton et leCR 2544 - Sub. Nca dispoeltloned by ensinceram on -19e e. (10/88) leone final die- Eg 07/15/01 lec t : Creche In Type L-2 11/30/01 sultebee E-512 1816/79 to mee as Is. In accordance peeltles to field IIec II/20/Str ul th could's receemende t ton. OCo 8t'K rguires conf iruet ton in writig free Umald before accepting dierst-tlon.

  • Semed on 7/11/88 regelrement for 3 montbe pries to T/0 2 (10/st) resplet ion of pipe profilig f?Ce to completing profiling and -15 e. (10/88) Ceeplete pre- llPCe 07/81/88 10/28/01

'm a train out-et-roueJness teste. filins 90/23/814

b. (10/91) Doctelen by ase- IPCe later later egement en cleetsqs up II/02/0lA tralm Hel.A FRIMAuf WATER SYonACE AIID T/0 10/05/98 g re ANSE E R I (10/st) . A salaforcing mell le being added -19 e. (10/03) Seetse teamstric g 07/01/s1 11/13/01 eround the sig foundettee for primary dreutnge for pipe modt. FD ll/13/Str usan storese tesda 0T-54 to resolve ficettees required for RFT the problem of crechig ia foundetion. caell ila to primary enter Cenetruct See le currently drilitsig storage teset (07-54 feue-and grautias. dealen)

-19 b. (10/es) sed es e s 7 hameere M re 07/01/el 12/II/el 12/IIIstr met t

-19 c. (10/81) Flece forms and Coast Later 10/20/01 add reintercing well 820 Ol/31/82F ereund ring feendettee

-37 d. (ll/st) lease Isollets to sg 06/01/el 02/15/s2 reelee Sc%eestle 7220-E- Elec 02/15/82F 407 for sender .weltage WK h

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(STSitMS) ununotms i ad 2 CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT '" " mmat__

JOtl NO T220 SetET __b or _){g, Deaeist Aeslas SCHEDIRE sysites Ittes NO.

InePACT ACTIOes ST m pw DESCIMPisDef CUfWtENT STATUS (Westal ACitost SEOWutES M Snessent W enene Acteel I as 8 25s A NWB INSTIGMt.NTATION T/o 10/0L/SI I (S/01) Presourlaer heatere cont rol systems regiaceted an FW f rum -15 a. (S/SI) Coordinate review Esgr 97/84/08 12/04/01 86W for nonnuc teer inmarumentat ion of FCF 12-57A Ihac 10/26/884 (NNI) changes. Tire revlew af 3AC Fly 12-SFA was completed 11/26/08.

-15 b. (S/89) Icedity IIIst cabinet 8 648 08/19/91 98/l3/02 for FCA 12-574 (Set SCCC- 12/09/Str 5819) 2 (e/SI) overpressure prot ect Ion at ne critical activities are 86W's -10 m. (9/08) Modify Well cabinete 8648 08/I9/88 10/30/88 leuer temperature lacorporat loa of Sechtel consent s to delete FOST control 10/30/Str and the final leeue of FCA 3 2-100.

2sHA talut' FIonD SYSTtM 1/0 01/05/82 I (7/81) Gire flood tank depres suri- Purchase order has been placed and -13 e. (9/01) Fabricate end only Frec 01/14/02 04/20/02 sa t ion eender infosset ten has been received. O soleneld weless SeeC 04/20/02F 2MBA PLANT GwertftES DCP EIntrlETiool 2/l%/82 I (S/SI) Plant computer replareeent A held has been placed en new cable -8 a. (15/01) Sof tware accey- @Ce 11/94/01 95/94/02 seul floor modification installatlee beneath stie floor. tence teet, Phase II 01/94/02f Construct ien hee removed eoleting Fort I cables; electrical hoe completed layout s to determine misleias space -8 b. (11/01) Fhesa 11 freet-end OCe 11/04/01 01/04/02 requirements for cable; and prograsolag camputer Ol/04/02F mechanical has determined minism space requiremente above the cables for a plesase.

I seal 2tCA cGI SYSTtM T/012/l1/88 g

! l (12/90) CtM systee A project penduction schedule hae -6 s. (82/80) Iseue deelge for Eng 10/05/01 18/05/81 been developed. Engineering to pro- large pipe supporte le re ll/16/SIF I ceedise with email pipe and hanger contalment Wette 1 and 2 ST deelga, and large pipe strese analy-ele and hanger design. -6 b. (8/81) Complete erectlee Comet of first aus COf ourSe tra large pipe support deelga statae for t ank s l F.O. 7226-M-2 3)(Q)l coatstement Dalte I and 23 l) Teak 278 738 11/87/04 12/E5/01 80 complete (Sechtet) 12/23/017 73 complete (CAB)

T r/C lI/16/01 (cal) 2) Tank 4TIF3A 12/11/01

' M,01/08/02

/22/92F I

I -6 c. (S/88) Complete erect les (.J C""*'

of test tuo CCW surge II" g '

t ens [F.O. 7220-n-23)(Q)l run tie mw s se

IMIFEMbER (SYSitMS) wuno tars i .msa CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT JOB NO 1220 'S**" -- wat_

SHEET _. 7 - 0F _A 3

meseom, aces.

SYSit se SCHEDULE IIIas 900. inePACT

  1. P OESCAIPTIO88 CUnftEpet STAinsJ (weetal ACTIO90 ftEOuutED State Engerest ACT4000 aY m  %

, y,,,,,, g,y

1) 1.ek 17173a 01/08/s2 OS/29/s2 02/12/82F
2) Teset 278234 01/22/82 62/19/02 ouan 03/05/82F riac HAfluc tanTEE 5UrrtY T/0 4/8/s2 I (9/81) Netfiret team to ciremlettsg B6 del teostag ladlcates the need -3 e. (9/88) Doctelee ne'deatge water ear cture well fin to Increase alw clearance between concept M 30/02/01 10/23/s1 time pumpe end back e ett of the Clell 11/10/814 structere. SS OSOS e HAZARIWars CAS MostlinAllC FTSTDI T/0 11/12/02 I (9/4t) tisterdous see monitors on Bendte la come tseslag to weh on P.O. 7220-1-204 . Pot ent ial e. (9/01) Cheese electrical F.O. 2220-3-281 but does not :ritical supply for UPS appear to be espeWing any ef fort to recover the 9-10 wese4 already 1. Cet gestatten free lost. Iso addstiment offort to P ec later 09/30/01 wesJer espected until the ciela to re- SMC ll/30/SIF malved.

. 2. Evolwate propeest Eage, 54ter 10/#1/01 l Cs 12/12/SP.F


b. (9/81) Final delivery Prec Later 04/08/02 sof aware complettee W 04/08/02F

, c. (9/91) Complete quellfice- Pree later 07/15/82 1

. tion teetlag RMc- 01/ISiO2F

d. (9/81) Besolve clelm
1) Make recommendetten Prec Later 09/30/01 f.e c11est leIC 11/02/Ol&
2) Mehe coveteretfor Pree later 10/15/01 to wesador and mege-tiete W ll/02/OlF i


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.mma 11/82/88 felt T I-Mf STt ?tl "S**"


I 4,.0_FJO 7220 Does ter ^ --- r--

SCHEDULE stepACT AC19001 Schoenae Foreceev SYS YE as ACT1004 IIEOUMIEO l Dele Enteres4 SY w eenent Actieel l i DESCRIFllON CUMAENT STATUS (weetel l 8f Ete NO.

m. (4/81) leeue SEE by 12/01 (PCe 12/88 5/s2 Femple t lun of the l' AR r evlem N maa.ent <*f Jelay le depenJent on inJearr-5/82F 4(4 5/88e) ll.e tenemption of erstematic review, alnete (IIRC)

.e..I l e o.eenn e of the Saf ety t welues len Report (SLP) by tie caspletion of review , SLR lesenance, *

) 4C duret taa of ACRS meetluge, and deret ten of lwaring process. Present-ly, the potent ial delay le 5 to lo mont hs based on the NBC-scheduled SER Jete of 5/82.

The NRC conaldese that a 5/02 LLA will support e 7/83 escreting 18 cense l e ave .

ill ah-e ne r5 y line bresh analyele Rennetrole of systems for Iltl.3A han Potentist e. (7/81) HCAR 40


(ltu.RA) and MCAR 40 (pipe uhly begun, incorporattng redesign and Critical i

rermating since ele faltlal analyste 1) Phase II - Tlee- g 02/01/01 02/01/01 r es t r e int e) biotory analyste Civil through (A) la 1976. Rennelysis of pipe supporte ist th transient t hrust forces, utill- en liold by IfUC chief SS 82/01/88 through later alas slee hietary curves, must be 12/15/SIF perf ormed becouee the earlier analyste

  • used steady-state thrust forces.

The trenesent alwust forces may be 2) Phase lit - Restralet gF r 07/08/81 07/19/81 slanificantly greater than eteady- dealse Civil through (A)

SS 07/01/82 thremeth etate alwust forces. 07/01/02 Engineering is to recoseend if the . 01/08/82F of fice or field sleute procure j materls.1 for pipe restraints. b. (7/81) IIELBA l 1) Strese design input g 06/27/80 06/27/80 FD through (A)

BT 30/15/81 thrasch 10/15/81 II/25/elt

2) leuclear design tapet M 09/02/00 09/02/B0 gene through (A)

JAC Ol/15/s2 threesh 07/15/s2 07/15/s2F

3) Bestreint and barrier E Ai 07/15/81 07/15/01 deelga Civsl through (A)

SS 07/15/82 thressh 07/15/82 07/15/s2P u

k 4


, , , . . , . .a.....

s santL#ser.s ggj'



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uintmotmis s JOU NO 1220 SCHEDULE ACTIO90 mm ye,ese g ST Acemet seerACT ActtDas AE44 WIES Whose gasese4 w emment gweehe)

SYSyges CUIWEENT STATUS Engr Later 10/09/01 aff as 900.

DESCIIIPitON 4) (9/05) toolse and lesee Csett til22/Str ochedule fer retenee of SS restraint and barrier destan to cometracties.

All 11555 and whip restratete se held.

(See sesc-5455 and 5479.)

gr ee/27/el 121ollet c . (7/st) treende watety Caesi st/20/Str Informatten and typicale SS to the flate to factittete metertet orderlag retenties a. (4/95) Complete setente M Civil Selsete schedule bee been leeurd. Critical reenelyele of structores SS steele Seenelyste Setente reonelyele of all mejor and leewee opccare 59(4/88) New st ruc t ur es e in process.

s response spectre are scheduled to  !! Amelltery Betidfag be evellable for cooperinom with Later later ortstnet spectre by old 1981 for a) Flytag Spectre llft3/StA leone of spectre east structures.

f or the dieses generator InstIdtag later later

  • to cwelete. , b) Other Spectre 11/211859
2) Service Water Pump St ruc ture later later a) Flplag Spectre it/271str later Later b) Other Spectre 12/04/elp i
3) Contalement Butteleg 2 later later e) Flplus Spectre 121:5/et later later  ;

I b) Other Spectre 12/31185 01/15/s2 01/15/s2

b. (4/el) campere eets- _Eagr etc reopenee spectre with cs,ft egts/s2r SS old spectre for Selmeic ,[

Catenary 1 equipment 9 =.,

! , i nonsu essees

. n lawEMtER 11/12/88 _'

lef t.f t-515tlMS "**'"j^

CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT 9ene see Aseen ulotAnoims i ano 2 ""

JOB NO 1220 posee gr

[ SCHE 0utt N - I WT ACTeollllEOUIRES photo Emesm4 ST -

Astems (Weehe) svbitte CURRItJT STATUS OEscalPipOA (PCe# later 18/01/01 sitesseo e. (11/00) Develop en agree- 10/85/Sl4 Indeter- ,

T ine NRC leeued a letter op 10/l4/80 able alte-specific epectre NBC 24(11/F9) Tectonic provinces - o ne seleerlogical loput for the minate for Midlead plaat ee lsele dref an criterte M idland blotte propostag two bases for developing ett e-specific tropense b. (12/00) Develop a plea for SPCe f.eter later 04/02F spect re 1) Standardised response spec- completing the reonelysta tre bened en Besulatory Calde 1 60 or, bened en the ette-specifle

2) ette-speelite spectre true time spectre agreed upon Ja the kletory infereet tom on 5.3 + 0.5 Hbg3

- meeting with the NBC et al.e top el the fill.

The CFCe consultant reviewed the Nec letter and has finallred the alte-speelfle spectre beoed on the letter method.

A meetlg between CpCo/CFCe conomitent/Serbtel and slie NGC ese held to eJerees the WRC letter and the spectre developed by al.e con-sult ant to estabileh a seleele bene.

tulletta 7902 resgulree forther in- Fotential e. (11/90) TSA for rolese-Critical alon test of steel eachere 38 ( 5/80) Anchoc butte (unC sulletin spect ies of the anchor bolte to (2220-C-ll5) and torque 79-02 and MCAA 31) ensure compliance. leCAR 38 ederessee tenelee rolesett,ee (7220-other probleme tel sh enchor belt e. C-Il6)

Develoyeemt of lastrucelone, spect- 10/36/08 ficatione, and/or inspectione le 1) Torque tenelse test g 1.eter ll/06/OlA Retsastion teste Indicate Clell seide rway. prellennety report SS e preload less than ellowable bolt load . e Later 11/15/01

2) Relemattee teetles ,I 11/15/01 vender prelleinary
  • SS report gE r later 11/30/01
3) losee draft report Caell 11/30/01F ss 01/01/d2
4) lesee final targes M Later Ol/01/82F and tenet a report C8:11 SS I

i .lQ 't tb i

sno ese enw w e


  • lesLTt-sYstans " *"3  !!/12/st -

CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT . SHEET JLw 4 sentAnouwits ms2 DoneserAce JOH NO T220 .

SCHEDutt InePACT ACTIOGI m y,,,,,,,

ACitoel 3EcustEO phete Emesses of %g g,,,,,

SYSitet CuestENT STATUS tweetsi 11Eas 800. DESCIIIPT0008 Free la ter later Testinale are underrated (Refer- Fotentishg a. (4/06) procure terminal SS (4/st) teater-operated valves Critical board for meter peuer leede 'EE~

(Limiterque) teCAR 46 ence esta 3246). Veeder drastas de met match walve ut ring as suppited. b. (9/81) Limitorque templete Proc Later 10/30/0l4 Terminal board essor power feeds enviresquental apuellitca- Dec mot suppiled. Reference let. time of genrothee 300 ter-L.M. Qst a te to B.C. Ash 03/31/88 eteel blocke (file Ml20g, M1324).

e. (9/01) Lletterque crus- Free Later later plate inspectles of 16-132 Dec welves for non-Marathee 300 terminal blecto
d. (9/SI) Limitorque 'cemplete tree later Later spec replectag all 98-132 men-Merethee 300 termiset block
e. (9/01) Boselve lanating- Ptee Later Later spec house 36-1234 eaviresame n-tal qualificettee Pre- Ongelse The treme on the cometructise re- Fotential s. (2/01) Increased attentlee

$4(4/81) Cenetruca ten Beet stat e stralas list have been cate3ertsed Critical to and reselettee of Stone M and emptied to be en Indicator of en the comettwettee re- Team stralet tiet with specific the typee and magattudes of re- etteattee to priority straint o that by threselves are met 8tems stuaya crit t ral, but when added together are preventtog the sequential installattee et esterials to support eyelse turnover.

Cat egory 10/12/8t_ 18/02/88 slechuelle 2 2 .

Material 40 21 Deltvery and Subcon-tract Auerd Inetrusen- 2 6 ,

t ot see N Elect Equip

. ..ceae, 18 18 ,y li Desi.e tarse F8pe 51 32 and Ilgt Design r2 e ste nav e st

__ _ _____w

l ))f.f 1  ; Il \fllIlf i'fll l I l' F F 1t 82 A  ! l 38 88

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"'5" CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT 8HEEI L" E ununolms : and 2 -

esseest asse.

JOB NO 7220

  1. P SCHEDULE assPACT AC190ee am ye, g ACieOes RE0 mutes p Emesse4 SY  % 3,,,,g sv$ttee CusteetNT STATUS (weetal If gas 800. DESCeMPisOst
d. (9/81) Submit test prece , Free t.ete r 80/85/08 de Liquid Monitore dure end odelt redestga E 12/el/str dravlage (IS) Final assembly (4) Redesign
e. (9/88) Submit eagIseertog Free later 11/15/01 e) $stety-related display cabinete 02/01/02F date to Bechtel eastseer- seeC (51eca) tag for both Succe (2) Orderlag perte pertaining to senseeabliee terettsige with the vender are j

I continuing en a weekly boats.

f. (9/81) Receive cable fran Pree tatst 02/28/82 t) Cable 7500* empplier (seetoe Inseta- seeC 02/28/82F

.,( 5400' precurament ted Wire) a) Partt$lly qualifled strberne s. (9/88) Sebelt engineertaa M later later 02/15/82F munitore date to techtet eastseer- meC las for both asalters

  • (2) Desten
h. (9/88) Beeubett procedere Free Later later h) Qualificalten report addreestas commente; asec II/30/SlF (1) Partielly developed fabelcate and deliver hardware to Wyle
1. (9/81) Fleet ehtyment of Free Later 04/30/02 ell of the above seeC 07/30/82F
j. (9/88) Complete qualtftce- Proc t,a:er 07/30/02 l I

! time testing prograss seeC later Free 10/05/88 Wire le betag qualif ted by the ven- Peteattel e. (6/01) Vender to complete later 66 (6/88) enquallited utries in mater Critical qualtftcattee teettog meC 10/23/SIA central certers (NCCe) and det. Electrical to to rewtow drew-Inge, and able item will be resolved and embait quellf acettee sui te er report for leCC wirtsg msen electrical's concurrence. (P.O. 7220-s-7)

b. (6/01) Replace may non- Cemet later later qualifled MCC wirtag IJts later
c. (10/04) Besolve IsCt M later later Ig/30/ gly 30-01-9-1-119 ( seeved slee 9/30/88) en field- wg g testalled wtre to i'

sultcheeer k

Ij2e $2e Mw MS


le#tLMcEtt let LTl-Sf sTDES balEISSLED dillfl#8 CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT Set - 1L oF _m _.

unmotms l and 2 Bees ter Acesse

.soa no mo e

  1. P SCHE 01st E MTIOst m  %

sesPACF ACTIO90 AE0tfutES M Emessed SV w SYSTEas CUIIIIENT S14f48S (Wooket DE SC8tipflose litse 800. Esgr Peteettel e. (9/88) Reelee Speelftee-Current restelee of spectiteet tee t 8eme for lev &C teatrw- 'ste ch 67 (9/06) invac instrumentatten 7220-M-340 and M-388 le incesplete Critical 1CS speci f ic e t tem erot et tee for desten. (Beierence SCBE-377&Ieft-and TWE dated 09/09/88.)

g ll/IS/Str kill Impact T/0 of selected IIVAC eyeaese 8. ster 10/25/el

2) 2220-16-308 ll/30/Str Peteettet e. (11/08) Sobett fagetry to g later later 12/01/$lt SA-M beltlag esterteJa in The field hoe f astelled $4-36 belting A58E Code Committee for terch F1 (ll/tib Crlt tr.el 49tE Pipe Support meterial in accordance with the de- tede case TCS oise daewinge. Project estatseering bee net tfled the field that SA-M g later 3/02
b. (11/01) Acceptance of 3/82F te not acceptable for AssE pipe end+ cose for belttog stech emppo r t e . It wee agreed that project meterial TCt egineerlag would pursue e code esse to allow use of 54- M betting 'n A9Gt supporte. Presently, ne act ase to betsg nahme by the field Potential s. (ll/Cl) to letter g' later 12/98/01 12/08/8tF Field's botting poeta tes Thte team concerne cloself testise of Crit ic al BCBE-3842 spectiltelly 9 tech 69 (81181) batting entertal with regard to ASeqE addreselag time agreemmet. TC8 paper (SCsE-3341) ITT Subsectlee NF pipe supporte. Ift med to the field's poet-wee agreed to the meettag that ties en civil great belte try esterial for Assa pipe supps7to to e camponeet etendard sepyset.

M 1.eter later Telerence criterle le needed, other Peteettet e. (11/88) lease adottleeel stech 70 (llfel) Fabricet ten tolerances for thee thee steen in draf t spectites- Critical . tolerance teformattee TCs j cleepe end pode (FC3-16-3040) stem 7220-se-36b. for f abricet tee of cleeps and ancher pode for pipe sup-

! perte.

s. (11/04) Seepoed to letter g later 11/13/01' It wee agre.4 that the lead beerlag Peteettel Ite ch II/85/Str threaded lead belt e (BCE- Critical med peeride etendere fore 78 (18/88) part of then eheset will met be coast- letter for use to ottele- 1CS 3337 a) dered a y mbles, but that clartiles-tien would be obtelned by engineertag las ciertitcottee free the field's componeet
and the support vendore. ' etendard support kendere g later 12/01/31 1 b. (11/01) Clarlftcettes le Beech 12/01/SIF else needed free ITT Crinnell TCs 7

e i

erro sie atv e<ae

==:=a " ' *

  • II/12/01 leil.T I-ST STtM CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT SHEET _1L._or _ lit MKX AND ONITS 1 and 2 Jon NO T220 6CHEDULE ACTIOff Fereccet enePACT Sehedste" (weets) ACTIOtt IIE DMEM BY n, _

Acemed CultetENT STATUS DESCftspiaOes ifEas 01/04/02 potential s. (11/88) Incorporate date M later 01/04/82F flee field hee purchseed CSS f rom regarding worlaue nasms- PD I 72 (18/81)

Substitution of ccuponent seve sel men tacts.rere, ef ter ediIch Critical aff s t and a rd support e, aams f ac-f acturers' itsee inte pr ojec t egineering not tfled tlie Close I strees reporte sured by campentes ot tier field that CSS manuf actured by ITY then ITT Crinnell, in Crienell could beIt used in Close I Clase I pipe support e. uma egreed that pipe suppnet e.

the field could embetitute camsponent etsaderd supposta in Close i pipe supports and project egineering isoiste mene ellouences for this in resteed stress reporte.

e e

e i


,no.r. m e..







i I

l .i l

l I

t __ _ _ _ _ _ _


CURRENT SCHEDULE ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL ITEMS Schedule evaluation reflects the potential schedule fapact on system completion and turnovers or other major milestones.

Schedule Impact November 1981 October 1981 Qarren *""

MLLA( )/ Curren{3ftatus Update (wk) Ugate[2)*(w*k)

Problem Early Late Early Late Description Areas 40 31 6 Fire protection system 32 38 6A Fire protection safe shutdown 26 26 III Reactor coolant ptanp hydraulic snubbers (Unit 1) (PPS-007) 24 33 .

I) Reactor coolant ptasp hydraulic snubbers (Unit 2) (PPS-007) 21 21 65G Cold shutdown - DHR syste:n upgrade Decay heat removal 7

20 III Plant security (PPS-C04) 19 19 204 PORV afd saf ety' valve position indication - refueling canal 17 III Fuel pool turnover (Unit 2) (To 2BBA-1) 16 16 59A HVAC-ART-ASP Room Safety-Related Rooms Unit Coolers 14 15 (1) Fuel pool turnover j

i (Unit 1) (To 1BBA-1) 12 12 446 Class I pipe analysis in contain-me nt reactor anchor stud failure (Fuel load) 10 2 61 Boron dilution transients 9 2 65A Cold shutJown - MAD valves (up-grade and add)


Current Schedule Analysis of .

Critical Items (continued) Schedule Impact _

November 1981 October 1981 Curren Curren Upd a t e[2f (vk)_ E"*"'

MLLAg4)/ J[pdate[3ftstus (vk)

Problem g gg g Late Desc ription Areas _ _

. 2 8

Plant computer replacement 2300 12 8

Post-accident monitoring 21 19 Safety Parameter Display Console Neutron Detector 4 8

ATWS - provide ARTS 59(86) 7 7

65C Cold shutdown - miniboration 4 6

Component cooling water 5

,,,, 4 306 Plant status indication 3 3

69 Small-break LOCA Emerggney core cooling 3

3 Cold shutdown - emergency power 65F to bicek valves k

a in Project /2 systte 1 (1) Items which are not (2) Status through 10/23/81 (3) Status through 9/25/81 (4) Master List of '.icensing Activities (5) Evaluation based on Bechtel's best judgement il I

e e o


, , , . 7

, , , w ,.-r- a w :..e m ~ l


l *. _


5751 Bechtel Power Corporation  !

m es,is,senno e,es, sy .

.f 's 5 ,a I ,a ,o,  !

j Ann Arcor. Michigan j w aasems P O Bos *000. Ann Arcor.Mensan 431t6 u

i December 21, 1981 Cx.\%"lL.y 1

M BLC- 12102 Consumers Power Compe.ny 1945 West Parnall Road er Jackson, Michigan 49201 Attention: Mr. J.W. Cook IM Vice President Projects, Engineering and Construction

( -

Cu med r


Midland Plant' Units 1 and 2 Consumers Power Ceepany '

Bechtel Job 7220 December Critical Itecs Action Report o

I Attached for your inforcation is the December issue of the Critical f l* Items Action Report. .

i '

Very truly yours.


.n A. Rutgers

[j,'y Project Manager JAR /DJF/db Attachments: 1. Critical Items Action Report f: 2. Current Schedule Analysis ll i cc: D.B. uiller w/a 5 kSe iP.  ?


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y,'s '= , .E' . - l Written Response Requested: No sf

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e 5752 l


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O 5753 l

CRITICAL. ITEMS ACTION REPORT l Table of Contents - Systems Section Description _,

System Page _

1 Nhin Steam Isolation 142ABB Condensate Supply and LP Feedvatar Heating 12 2ADA Main Condensers and Internal S

2ADC Condensate Storage 9

1APA Cendensate Storage 8 Refueling Canal. Head, Vessel, Internals 2APA 10 16 238 A-1 Reactor Coolant Pumps

2BCA Makeup 7

2BGC Primary Water Storage and Transfer 4

OBLA Borated Water Storage 2

2BNA Auxiliary Building Service Water 10 Turbine Building Se rvice Water 1&2EAD 2

2EAI CCW System 11 1&2EGA Tuel Transfer Equipment 7

1KII 8 Fuel Transfer Equipment 2KII Perimeter Intrusion Detection System 6 Plant Access and Monitoring Security Systen ORGB 3 Security System consoles and Co=puters ORGC 9

ORGD ECCAs System 2 Emergency Safety Features Actuation 2SAA 9

ISA3 No!I: System OECA is not covered in Critical Items Action Report bu is being reviewed by completion working group.

4% Key Startup Systems l

i .


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DATE as w o Dt.LtJete.N tw Jo_ , ,

SNEET _t CRITICAL ITEMS srsrases ACTION REPORT f asseter &sene PP unumursi ada SCHEDeAE m I

JOD NO.1220 ACTIO84 IEE0uutEO geese gg (Wee 6 I CummENT STAitfS


CVSTEas DESCasPT908E IIE3 9e0.

T /O Uett 2 - 2/1/82 g hA BW 57tAft t$0LA780se Ge t b - sTner 162 ABS

,A N

Coeott. F/C Complettee Date llA Eng 08/06/so 12/31/s1 CWC F/C Complettes Date e. (12/81) Develop eschet- 12/3t/stF suech Welt 2 cet spectiscattee to TG8 Esatseering le revlevlag tettIn the -75 weehe request speetes R eplete centrol penete end vender the new regwarements (IEtE Welt I I (12/88) m odif y actuatore f or the mets Std 323-1974 end Mt1EC 0588) for -70 eseeks s eese teoleslee velvee eew panels sad medlfleetlee to the segr e5/ol/s2 tt/tStei ackustere. =4 seene it/IS/83F post 2 b. (82/st) seetow 8erch

-75 weets revistem to F.O. TG5 Unit t 7220-N-11sA. ( Alf No. 001, RWS No. 9b40228)

-70 weeks

- 7/0 12/08/81 g esa mEACTua COut. ANT PUB 4F5 01/05/s2 Itso Cemetr. F/C Ceeplettee Date 08/24/57 Begr 01/19/81 CWG F/C Ceeplettee pate Ol/Us/82F

-18 e. (s/88) Ceeplete streme $.Fjpe and henger desige for ha All enabbers have been received at ,

tables deelse (Usit a Hydraulle osubtere the jobette. forecessed for 12/os/st) 8 (7/79)

Comet Appreatmetely 4.500 Its it of tabteg b. (11/91) Ceeptete pctisseest La.D and eseociated bessets will be re- reservette getred. This may covee delays to 12/22/01 c6/ss/s2 cometractice complettee of the RCP/ mest 2 06/IS/82F stese generator ceabicles. -25 07/IS/s2 Uett 2 07/15/s2F d Cseet

c. (9/01) Complete tuttog me 11 0 henger instettettee 09/19/s1 og/61/s2 f

-49 sett 2 os/ot/str notot/s2 past a to/ot/s2r JI s rage eF/23/st 04/ts/s2 04/ts/str .}

-3s d. (lltal) seeolve att tree Cavil .

g en meubbers statue les ss J
e une ne mves,

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lit.t;tJtels "' '88"O ' "' * '

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li'itt CRITICAL ITEMS sTsrues ACTION REPORT Doesfue'~Aciten C-ulot Armlms i nnd 2


.M)il NO /220 gctgEDIAE ACT1000 InsPACT ACTIO88 ItEOUutEOlDeee EmesM sy wm Iweensi CUIWlENT STATUS Later SYSTEM Og Later later DESCiterTION e. (II/st) Decleton on work-fit M NO aroundt le the tubing and Jet reservoir lastellettom regnited for system turn-overI T/al 10/05/88 $

T usalNE SUllplNG StkvfCE 7 tat WAltill Constr. F/C Complettoss Date Ol/JO/82 g

reoc 8,aler 12/14fti CWG F/C Completion Date 12/14/88F

e. (12/81) Receive eendor leeC vender le to provide two stuotes on rotometer 82/2W/58 Turbine buildlog service water Later I (12/81) quotes - one for normal b. (12/83) Award purchase F3 12/28/83F delivery and the ottier for hMG am needited delivery. order Prec, 07/01/91 04/ullet f l
c. (12/03) fabricate and 04/01/EfF

-43 DC i dellwer retometer l (AMP No. 062)

T/O 12/05/84 $

t.CCAS STift;N ISA 25AA Constr. F/C Completion Date I_tA 08/J7/81 05/20/s2 CWG F/C Completlos D.ste SAW

s. (5/SI) Fabricate and ehty OS/28/52F

-3r bistables (pWS 880 Fabrication and shipplus el the ble-flood system blatables tables forms the critical path for B-900041) .

I IS/80) Core tble lasue.

T/n 11/01/88 g JCNA SfHt ATLD WAf tN StilmAGE NA Const r. F/C 4:neples ton Dat e hdk og/l4/31 04/30/s2 Luc F/C Cumple aloes HJte Lage 04/30/s2F

-31 s. (II/EI) Issue syntes CCro Cs Issue of liCrs and procurement of JMA Mt.l.A 06 - Fire pratec t ioso - tr.snuter muticle panel are the I (5/80) the critical activities. us/ob/sl 04/Jil/s2 safe shutJoun

- st,

b. O /ro) Fabricate esid ekly EMC reg 04/l%/82F trennter mulich panel IC mewt 2C 4b6 ly Engr 08/01/58 01/08/s2
d. (12/84) Assalyse lirl sespp on e.lec ll/Jo/ulA

-17 tire protecti valves tus a ml tunne FJ10-a.-248 (AM P trE )

M tirl nog. ply v.stvers Old, l;-102470) 2 (12/n8) Nu.

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l CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION REPORT svsti.ns I Doester Acton unmotats .ada Casipsessen t

JOB NO. 7220 SCHEcagg ACitOIS m i yw

! tasPAct gy g,,,,,

(weets) ACTIO90 REOUWIES Date EW SYSTEas ClfelnENT STATUS 02/s2 s

DESCRFitOtt 32/01 tit 80800. -28 2) ttt deers F-h 1% Dn/IS/s1F l


.irr._ haere A-t F-A (Much)

A partiet submittet of drawings Cal-i were received on 12/07/58 l

r rulettone were received om i

52/ 1/88.

Project procerement end eessin-eering met with Meck on 11/23/88 and obtelned Ste commitment to espedite system turnover priorfttee.

Mock comettted to e schedule leprovement of 2 weeks. 10/58 12/01

-15 3) AT deers F-45440 52/15/htr f AT Deere A-a-A (overly 1 (overly) l prowlage and calcelseless returned ,

! M.iterial j

Codes 2 and 3 en 11/12/01 Dettvery lead time to & to S weeks.

i' la scheduled for 02/85/02.


4) Misette end pressere Miestle and Freesere testatant resistent deere (Overly l Doore A- M (Overly [ A-66)


Eage I. ster 12/24/08 These deere are in the bid stages. m) Beloose meterial ArcIs 12/24)SIF

) Tentative delivery wee speeted as 32 regelettles for egg 2

to le weehe ANAD. A teles swerd was perchase 1

made en 11/10/531 however, a forenet Free 1.eter 12/91 purchase order cannot be leseed sentCl b) Febeteste and E 04/30/02F

' the esterial regatettien le recetoed delleer eteelle

  • from engineering. and pressure l

i reeleteet doore -

i 1 _t/o 80/01/st_ g

) ees A retnAnt v4Tra stosace Asso


vaawstra mA Cemeer. F/C Ceepletten sete a sea CWG F/C Ceepletion Date 06/01/81 82/15/s2 Enge_

l -33 e. (11/81) lesse ItculuCF to Ol/15/s2F Elec McAR 53 ladicates a voltage yeaen- revise scheunette 7220-E-SPE I (10/el) tielly below the tiette for proper 4s7 ter ender weltsee eartettone due to limg control (MCAR 53) (AMP 80s. 064 cables. RWS 18e. E-El%244)


j e

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12/lYlel ,, . ,

ht.t.l.MSC DATE e5SilE3 l OF M .

SHEff _5 CRITICAL ITEMS SYsTLns ACTION REPORT Deeesee Amsten f-Casapeeston unAno(ms ( w 2

  • pg JOB NO. /220 SCHE 9 tile ACTICII ~ m 4,w sesPAct SY ACilO88 REOUNIES pote Emeese4 (weeang CUfut6sf STATUS Esgr 07/01/51 1t/l3/88 CY57fte IIC3 NO.

DESC# spit 0N

-19 e. (10/85) Revise'levoetric F9 ll/lf/4tA A resafeccing wall le beleg adJed drawings for pipe modt-llcatione regelred for AFT f arounJ the tsag foundation for primary 28tflst) water storage teak 07-54 to resolve civil lle to primary water the proble.e es cracking la foundation. storage tant; (OT-54 f oun-Conspewetion le currently drilling detton) (AMF Iso. 053 and grouting. SW3 Wo. D-10504) 9//01/3) 12/11/01 Engr, B2/il/ ult frees e and b are scoped ender -2)

b. (10/81) medeelse S hengere  ; F#

apetes 0t8.5 but retain T/o of ostA. (fJer eso. 014. 395 see. ' kFT D-32504) 10/20/81 Ceest I.aler i

c. (10/91) Flece ferme and 12/20/slF LED add releforetag well aroeend ring foundation T/0 12/05/88 $

DECA 1 Ht'AT REMOWAL NA 29CA F/C Campletten Date Conett.

CWG F/C Completion pate p Eng 09/01/58 04/01/82

a. (1: Plat) Add cables to 04/08/s2r Espediting ef forte centleise for the

-30 connectlen liste 2AS)Sl59, t.le 8FK c

Electrical cable solenold valves local control stat- E. & FI 29.355860. E. F.

I (12/88) lose, and pressure rellet velees. 2es)6160. E. & FI 2AS%Sl68 E. & Fl and panele 2Cl4. &

~C30/38 (AMP Ms. 000, aws 4

As. E-1025Fo) 1.eter I.ater

b. (10/81) Espedite the M g,,

ledeter- estatendlag shipmeate of aMC

  • These are ohnrtages of particular alnate cable types. The most celtleal ' electrical cable en the following l need el 9.94S feet of Stes 7 on P.O. 7220-E-26. Rev 9. was att freighard to the jobelte 10/16/01.

The hold by project quality enitt-meerlag on F.O. 7220-E-25. ten to.

use released II/II/88. Ikets furt (Coe O(*1 Kjl.

Isot e s Feroeset dates shown are for -

rJ1 the etert of delivertes. -d Cil CO .

l l

l t un as se v e **

1 I

'" " *** " J ^L--

mm 3 amte 6 or _sa__


wamnouts t and2 co we=ea ..

m uo mo "

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sC = eute AC14086 J

E aspacf my - .

tweetel ACTIOll RECWIREe m Emeesee SYSTief CWAREftf STAvus DEScitpft008 1.eter 82/3)/88 81E3 sso. 82/28/elt l) 7220-l.-21

1) 7220-E-28 .

Appresteetely 5,000 llaear feet were ehlpped as s,f 11/25/e1 The reenlains 2.000 lineer feet will be elif ered 12/21/88. 1.eter 5C/3p/58

2) 7220-f.-22 12/2e/elt
2) 7220-E-22 16.000 liseer feet are to be later 11/15/88 ehlpped. 3) 7220-t-26 (9-38 Ol/3Ol52F
3) 7220-E-31 cables cables) 60.000 Ilmeer feet were ehlpped se of II/23/41. Apprealeetely 50.000 lleeer feet will be skapped by 12/21/88, and the betence by the end of I/82. later 12/St/st *
4) 7220-E-te 02/26/str
4) 7220-E-60 Shipment le la process and espected to be completed by
  • 02/26/82.

pEstnEtta INTRUSION SETECTIOff . T/0 06/05/82_


ma c etc. r/C Co.,letten pote CWG F/C Ceeplettien Date 8$ *

(h j ' e. (t/51) WPS facility levaC g Current deelgia complettene for time E- procurement g I (7/90) Ferleeter intrusten detectice field alcreueve erstem med necerity f Proc _

eyeten fence may met support cemettectlee 1)10-156 Jey-fene shf{e pesc ,

l , regelremente for teatelletten and '

l j

teetles prior to systee turnover. - 08/12/82 - 02/26/82

-2 Ovv-135 et/22/e F J, Isotes ites e la the action regefred celues le met e port of the security el/12/s2 et/26/s2 -

! systee but le realetted for the turn- ovv-136 e)/26/str r

-10 4 el the system.

! ovval3F et/12/s2 et/26/s2 1

-10 03/26/s2r ol/12/s2 02/26/s2

\ -2s Ovv-13e ur/3e/str i

1 a

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CRITICAL ITEMS system ACTION REPORT Osseter Acean C _ f "--

ulotmoims s and 2 -

I y JOB NO. 7220 SCHt0ERE Am001 - gg IbePACT OY gg,g IWeetsi ACT90N HEOU4tE010ese Enterest CultftEMY STATUS SYSTEM DEScitePTIOff ITE3 NO.

__ T/O 09/05/81_ $

_ COwnEnsArs siosAct NA

_lArt Constr. F/C Coopletion Date 02/15/5f CWC F/C Complet f on Date _ty 06/01/81 02/22/62

m. (12/81) Review vendor 10(20/8tA

-28 Elec Plant design has provide <d Specif t- prints for q etettoes SPE ConJessate storege cation 7220-P-1295 and eenpower to (AMP No. 023. RWS Mo.

I (12/88) assist le stress walkdown el syn- E-SOC 58) tee hangers.

I l

7/0 01/08/82 g gg _ I MERCEteCT SAFETT FEATUpEs ACTUATio_N NA Constr. F/C Completion Date O_l/01/id 20/08/81 05/25/52 CWG F/C Ccapletion Date Fm

-21 s. (12/51) Deliver pressere 8tMC 02/26/52F Deltwer of pressure transeltter le transaltter J-245. Ites Teeporary 3 1 (AMP too. 026)

I (12/st)

Emergency saf ety features actu- the critical act ivity.

atton transeltters. Ndel 1859. are onette.

7/0 02/08/82 g CICO SEcuttlTV SYSTEM CONS 01.Es AND _ @Q conruttas NA Constr. F/C Completion Date CWG F/C Coopletion Dare NA Frec @g


m. (3/st) Procure sad only ReeC 7

Consoles are currently in fabrication consoles OCA5002 and Security sysses consoles and et subvendor Apr.D and are seeeduled OCA500) (A-50) (SWS l (8/81) compet es s far delivery to Sygnetton by late No. A-40037. AMP Ilo. 043) 4/82 (potential early shipeent date of 12/01/01 04/15/82

1) Fct*ricate and ehtr 04/85/82F 1/821 11/30/81 04/20/02 Proe

-20 b. (18/88', Frecere and ekly E 04/20/82F estal detectors ( Astr No. 017. twS sto. A-30007) 1 Fre ,e  !!/30/81 04/20/52

-20 c. (11/81) Procure and ehty s#sc 04/20/87F emploelve detectors ( AMP f No. #36. kWs too. A-30001)

II/30/81 i/2u/52 Proc _

SO d. (ll/81) Frecure and ehty kMC

/20/82F E-ray enchines ( AMP too.

019. RWS No. A-30007) fhh h

-_ _g,,-__

ar e. " ' " 3 # ##' -

SHEET 1 *) OF _/_3 CRITICAL ITEMS systuts ACTION REPORT essesee Acteen -

unt motms i and r C_- -

JOH NO 7220 SCHEDULE AC19001 geg,,g,n, 1


[- saWACT sv - -a uw (Weses) ACTloelltEOUutED ISete EM Clf4ftE90T Staf9S SYstEte DESCRIPTIO05

. tilt 4 HO.

> T/0 10/01/88_ $

I and 2EAD AU U LIART soll.nlleC sEnvlCE WATEu 8sA Cemett. F/C Ceeplettoes bate 01/08/82 10/26/88 CWC F/C Completten Date M 07/01/01

-19 4 (10/88) Resolve IsCd 3244, Itecta ll/82/elA Release of pull packese by reelJent 5eivice Water end CCW, TCB l (10/88) R eestatten of teCA 12 4 - Sub- electrical engineering te lleld engl= DeCAR 4 (teleted to jects 1stelmel Strips is Muter- neering use completed 18/06/04 ltee 55, Pete 15 ) (AMP operated Velven too.184)

T/0 10/15/88_AMO 12/01/81 $


  • I lNTENNAl.S1 AND Fl.EktD8 r

ISeA-8 96 4 Constr. F/C Ceeplettee Date 01/01/4{j CWC l'!C Ceepletion Da e

e. (10/88) Uett 2 Option I (Installet ten of lateret Ceest 08/83/98 12/07/88 Fesctor vessel enclear stand surpstas) in being p.aroved as the 1) Weld IIVAC evererte 18/25/814 l :ll/BO) t r ac t ure op t ion i

-lE Lt.D remedlet action for beste llwate I and 12/86/88 2

B&W end suhtet are emely:Ing Cemet_ 08/24/81

tiee new supposting system to reles -18 2) llook IIVAC fles ces- 42/31/ elf ele gap.

nettlene to head, leek i 1.Ep I

seet Ceest 08/26/03 12/22/81

-11 3) lastell trolley helet HD- II/25/5BA on menorell '

Ceest Oe/2e/sl 12/22/st-

-Is 4) te mien /dete lee ts.o et/or/str ,

6 belte se reactor ,

. vessel head 07/12/01 10/29/08 I

5) temeee held es yehe g 10/29/01A

!, -14 Stec 5592, Isoc (pef Coe.047241); h ld tsee JC teleased 10/29/81 Ceest 08/16/01 12/11/01

-20 Q teint feel agaIllas Lt.D US/04/02F

b. (elet) Unit 1 mee. 08/28/01 18/25/88 l) leeed eselding procedur e I

-1) t'ag 11/20/8tA i for yoke restrelate FC (BEBC-5741, Coe 051303) l N

i N

  • 1) h i

1 rno e2e atv e'se i


68.uws ""3 MA-MI MN E CRITICAL ITEMS 515Tu:5 ACTION REPORT esseterAcuan


E unxmoturs ( as 2 ses,eesse JOB NO. T220 m Dutt . ACitoes [ rareceev jm maPACT SY y ,,,,,g ACTIOst ilfOUWIE9 lDete tasore4 -p. _

(Weeksi systral CUfWtfMT STATUS Cemet lef27/sl 12/lltel IlEU seo.


2) Weld dritt and pin yoke I.E 12/litelf

. -is restrelate to eterage eres

.cs/2s/el 12/07/51 Cease

-n 3) Delleer m AC ductwork un 12/leistr Cemet Of/2s/sl cl/12/s2

4) install twAC IFf-ol/19/s2r

-15 Ceest 10/ut/sl cl/21/s2

-15 5) neek w AC fles up uitzs/s2r connecelone to head, leek test 02/82/s1 12/24/el tage 12/24/ elf

-45 e. (82/st) seelse speelster- Arch The reacter building Buel tion F220-A-41 end Drew- tal seacter buildlas fuel h=adtlng handling bridges have been prised, lag 7220-A-72 to include 2 il2/st) bridges but sequite en addlalenet coating la direction se pelating accordance with 5pecificetlaw 7220-A- bridges. (sels scat;-

4)(Q) and Drawing 7220-A-12(g), 3s74) see 12. (sels SCec-552A)

I T/0 12/15/el $

l AND 2ECA _ CCW SYSTEM Na Constr. F/C Completten Date C3/15/sf ll/08/s1 CWG F/C Completten Date ty 09/11/s8 e, (12/s0) leone destge for pp 12/02/stA

-Il A project productlen schedule hos targe pipe supporte le si

.CCW erstee been deeeloped. Engineering to pre- conseineemt Unite I and 2 I (12/s0) ceeding with emell pipe henger Coast ,

deelga, and forse pipe essess emely- b. (s/st) Ceeplete erectlen' 12.D ele and henger deelen.

Lesti pipe el fitet two COI surge tanks [F.3. 7220-N-23)(y)]

wee teamed 88/89/88. 12/IS/sl 99/IS/sl larse pipe support deelse status for -84 I) Tank 2T1735 12/23/s4F '

containment Unite I and 2: 01/05/52 O*/26/el se complete (techtel) -17 2) Tenh iflF3A Ol/22/s2r s0 cos.plete (LCA) h u

  • 1

% I i

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- - - . - - - - , _ ~ , , , _ ,_.,r. .,_,...__~..--.__,_.m.. _.._-._..m._,- __,,, . _ ,,, , , . , _ _ . - . , _ , . . , . _ .


    • ' "
  • C ace ==2 86EEt JLor _2L -

CRITICALesisi.ii-:.fsvu ITEMS S ACTION REPORT 0.notw acne.

C_ f "

  • usotmotens ar=#2 SCHEttLE ACTIOct l


JOD NO._7220 Of y gg thePACT (weetel ACitO90 DEOMIDEO QBete EM S/82 CtIRAEtti ST4ftfS CFCe 12/91

e. (4/81) leone St.N by 12/91 5/92F SYSTEN DESC1tN'TI0es Indeter- (WAC)


Th e neonat of deley is dependent em

. einste e Completten of the 75AR reetow ti

.e resumpttee of eyeteestic reelew, -

40(5/80) teavence of the safety c oepletten of teetew. SLR leeuente.

and Ee etuetton Report (SER) by the d urante. of ACR5 eeettage, and Present-

  • 1C d urettee of hearing procese.

t y, the potential deley is 5 toD eonths beoed we the NBC-echeduled I

SLR date of 5/82.

The teRC considere that a 5/02 SEA toewe will support e 7/83 operating license tesue.

poteattel,s. (7/81) HCAR 40 seanalyste of systeme for Ittk.8A has Critical ' M 02/0l/81 .02/08/88

1) Pksee threesh (A) hteteryItemelrefs

- 7 tee-begua, tacorporating redeetga and Caett threegh ti latt-energy line break analysis 12/08/81 34{&/80) ItELSA) sad NCAA 40 (ptpe whly rerouttog ef ace the inttlet analysts es holJ by 980C eblef SS 4ater

( Beanalyele of pipe supporte v estratate) in 1976. 12/15/8tf with treesteet thrust fortes, ottit-ains time history carees, meet be 07/01/81 07/t9/01 perimroed becaves the earlier emelyets Esgr

2) phase 111 - seetraint Cielt through (A) used steady-state thrwet forcesforces.

may be destge 07/01/82 threesh SS The traneirat thrvet 0F/08/82 of gelficantly greater then steady- 07/Ol/82F state thrust for.tes.

Easteeerlag to to raremmend if the office er ifeld should psocure b. (7/81) net.BA 09/02/30 09/02/00 enterlet for pipe restraints. 1) thsclear deelse tapet Engr, threegh (A) souc 01/15/s2 threech teoclear destgis taput to sneeded for JAC i 07/l5/82 I

complettom of the Unite I and 2 02/01(82F presserteer relief estees.

M/27/90 06/27/80 Esgr

2) Strese design input to throweb (A) 10/15/81 through BT

\ 10/tS/st f

03/tS/52F h C7/IS/81 07/11/81

3) Restratet and barrier Cleil threeste (A) design ss 07/ts/s2 threegh 01/IS/02 07/15/52F


g t


l b

,no ne ev e e ei 4

_ _pp ,n w, - -

eco.== ' ' ' ' ' " l'h~l' M ET L OF J_ ,

CRITICALms.t ITEMS s -sysism ACTION REPORT Oeteter Acitan plotmoints a w2 6 AC19008 m e,,w JOU NO.T220 SCW0tAE gw sePACT SY y ,,,,,g ACT9000 ftEOlfett0 ghete fatete4 (weses)


Esgr later 10/09/st SYSffaf DESCfMPit0M 12/22/StF (ff et NO. -- - 4) (9/81) Beelee and lesse Civil schedule for rolesse of 58 restraint med barrier design to cometracties.

Ati MSSS and whty restrelate en hold.

(See DESC-$4t$ and


Engr OS/27/51 !!/08/0t

-13 c. (7/st) Frevide queattty Cleil 12/ul/sIA i infermettee end typicale SS to the field to facilitate esterial orderlag Eag Fotential e. (4/81) Ceeptete setemic reonelyste of structores Civit Setente schedule bee been teamed. Critteet SS 5eleele reonelyele Seteele reeaelyste of att major sad teoues erectre 59(4/83) 3 structures to as process. lece f

response spectre are scheduled to

1) Ausillery Sutidtag be available for coopertosa with 1. ster Later original spectre by old 1981 for a) Ftplag Spectre II/13/51A tenue of spectra moet structures. 11/27/01 for the diesel generator buildles Later 12/12/elt le complete.

b) Other Spectre

1) Service Water rump structure Later 11/2F/88 s) ftples spectre 12/tt/str Later 12/04/01 b) Other Spectre 12/lb/str 2
3) Centalement settatsd

' later 82/15/58 e) Ftplag Spectra 12/22/str a

Later L ter b) Other spectre If/3tlett Engr 03/15/82 (1/15/82

b. (4/81) Ceepare see este- Caett 13/15/52F mic reopease spectre with ele spectre for Seteetc sa Category 1 equipeent h a

1 33 a no ire nev eres

In.cima ""8" ml8 L--


Seenter Acmen .


unmotmsI rad 2 Cementenee yw JOG NO. T220 1 SCHEDULE ACTIOEI m mapaCT gy Swee6sl ACTIOellIEOtWIEO M EeW CURRENT 574f195 Later I,eter SYSTEed Cpte OtSCWitDN

. life 88eO. Indeter- e. (12/90) Develop e ylee for U4/SC 10/14/80 completint the scenetrole The Isac Boomed a letter en sal e beeed se the ette-specifle Tecteele provinces - e n setemological Impet for the 28(11/19) spectre agreed myon la the ee leele deelga criterte M idland jobelte propening two beses j ereting with the tesC j f or developing ette-spectile reopease .

o g.ect re s I) standardlaed response s pectre beoed on segulatory Celde 1 60 er, 2) ette-spectile spectre true slee i

history infermetton on S.) e 0.5 Nbig et the top of the fill.

The CPCe ceasettent hee reviewed

' the senc letter and finalised the ette-specific spectre bened on the t

letter method. I i A meetlag between Cpte/CpCe comeultent/Sechtet and the 88RC was held to address the unC letter and spectre develepgd by the censultant to establish e seleele base.

Peteettel e. (11/00) TTA for rolese-a tullette 7902 regelree forther le- Critical ties teet of steel eschers

' Ancher belte (essC Bulletin spection el the eachor belte to (7220-C-Il5) and torque 18($/so) 79-02 and 4eCAR II) ensure esopliance. MCAR 31 eddressee toesten relseetles (7220-ether problems with enchor belte. C-Il6) l Development of instructlene, spect- 11/15/01

! fleeticas, sadfor looyectione le 1) noteestles teettag M Civil leter 10/30/014

undervey. Relenettaa tests Indicate vender prellelsery SS e preload less then elloweble belt report (lead celle) l , 11/30/81 j

load. 2) leseo draft report of M Clell 01/0s/s2r

the releostles testing Ss f strela sese l l

tage 1,eter 01/98/s2

3) 1meme fleet tergne Civil et/3h/52F and tonelee repett

' SS


l.eter Later M

< Fetentiel e. (9/91) plete Lletterges to com-replacing all 90-812 feech Terminole are underrated and/or Critical TCa Meter-operated valves ungualilled. esmMerettien 300 tetelmel

  • 11(4/85) (Liettorque) - NCAR 46 block A meeting to scheduled with Eage Later tote I

Laelterque and lleary Frett for b. (9/01) Lletterque to coe- seech plete leepectiew of 30-132 l 12/II/88 (et Ann Arbst) to TG8 deeelop on action plan. eelves for ese-Iterethen 300 teraleal blocto

@h l

t .


' ,nou. e. e

84.12J08tB ' * ' ' ' *

  • 12ni C SHEET _lL OF J_ , ITEMS ACTION REPSRT. l essenes" Acaen f-umuwotms v .nar i pw 1

JOU f40 1220 J SCtetDUtE IIePACT ACT:Off eV - mm uw Sweetal AC13ON RE00mmE9 lDete Entesent SYSTEtt CUmstENT STATUS Eats user Later DESC Wit 006

. lif *2 NO. f c. tv/sl> mes.l.a vestins- Mecle house 90-813A environmen- TG5 tal qualllicottee Later Later PLac Patential s. (4/SI) Frecote terminal MMC Ves=Jer dre9tage de not matcts valve board for ester power critical rotentist t.letterges wiring as supplied. Terminst Reeds problems beard outer power feeds were not supplied. (Ref loH, L.H. Curtle to a.C. Ash, 03/3t/88; Flies M-120y, ongelag M-132Q). Pre-rotential s. (7/81) lacrossed etteetten j ge The Iteen on the constrwctlen re- critical to en reselettee of itene Tese 44(4/81) C onstructlen Restrelate etselet tiet have been categorised en alie cometraction re-strelat list with speelfte sad coepiled to be en inJltater of the typee end magnitudes el re-etteetten to priority entsinto that by themselves are not Itees etways critical but, when added together, are preventing the j sequentist testelletten el materials to support eyetee terrareer.

ll/or/st, 11/23/88

$8.les!!1 2 2

  • stochvolle 35 39 Noterial Delivery and subren-tract Award .

6 3

, instrinnen-8 totten 18 18 Elect Equip and Recevey Design 32 , 12 1.orge ripe and Itgr Deslan h

2 a

stech Equip O 'e bestan CS 29 20 Cisti Design 12 26 IIVAC Deelge 88 88 S. ripe sad Ilge Deelse 1

,ne.,e ,


lat.tTM84.R [ * *., y ~'};~- ,

CRITICALITEMS Mutil-sts nns ACTION HEPORT I Doester Aceton CW unxmotwis t .na, . .



.p()U M). 7220 SCHEDutt N 3cemeente Acesist WACT ST wenient (Weet sp AC190tt IIEOUBIED(Dete fatore4 CUltMNT STATUS SY5itag DESCRIrftON fff to NO. 11/21/88 Ce egey 11/a2/98 1

3 Pipe Dee. to .

Meet llrdres 2

2 Open gecas 225 206 Totel-Schedste tapact mer result frue p ediatles moalterlag erstee redeelga, f abricetton, en asecebly 68(9/88) of electreele modules (vtraereen F.O. 7220-J-244).

The redletion monitettog erstes 12/30/88 12/30/81 consiste eis a. (9/81) Sebatt toterbey M 12/30/SIF potentist BMC 2 computers (both operettonal commection dreetage.

!) Critical test precedure, and SBDR for een in oefteere develop- 08/11/82 sent) Proc 11/1/81 e

b. (9/81) Ceeplete teste med mMt.


-lo ehty 12/IS/81 12/30/81 Engt 12/30/81F

-2 e. (9/81) Revles revloed Cs 60 ares montter- (fatty test procedure. JMA 2) sesembled and in final 08/15/02 test) Free 01/01/82

b. (9/81) Cueplete test end Ol/15/82F reteettet BMC Critteet aliip 12/30/81 Free 02/15/82
e. (9/88) mese,ett States 12/)o/81F retenttet tevel 2 dreeings ANil~
3) 26 strborne montters Critical 02/01/82 01/30/82 (sesembled oncept for elec- tree 01/30/82F tronic subcomponente) Stentsel b. (9/88) sabelt teet procedores E

Criftest 04/01/82 04/05/82 g Proc 04/OS/81f

-1 c. (9/81) Complete esseebty. E test and abip Proc 01/Ol[82 03/01/82 03/Ol/82F roteuttel a. (9/81) Reseboett dreetage EMC

4) 24 safety-related monitore critteet (parte en order, subeseembites rm 01/01/82 12/11/01 32/11/s!F la Inttlet fabricettee) retentlet b. (9/81) sonett teet procedures MMC Critteel




~r:2e iro mov

bauma ,

4taissin .wwal._.


WLt -nsmes ,

JOU NO.1220 este ser Acese

  1. P -

SC9E9EE IIePeCT AC9tOSI Scheeste Fenessee SYSTER8 OESCIIe8?IO90 CUsetElef States (Weehal ACTIOIS SEORMIES M Enesse4 SY 4 w

. 31E00 000.

c. (9/08) Complete seeeably, Free 04/98/52 es4/je/82

-4 test, and ohly seeC 44/30/s2F reteatted e. (9/el) sobett test Proc 82/3 stet 12/te/st

5) 22 Itquid monitore (9%1 800C 12/le/ elf sesembled) Critical procedere

-4 b. (9/el) Complete seesably, Free ottis/e2 #2/16/s2 teet, and ship esec 92/14/s2F Petemelal s. (9/el) Seen belt States Proc 92/1$/02 12/W/31

6) 2 estead rease mentters spec 12/30/ elf (seseebied except for elec- Critical Level 2 drewtmee t runic subcumponent e) Proc st/elle2 el/w/s2 reteettet b. (9/el) sobett test esec et/30/eff CsitIcel precedores

-1 c. (9/05) Ceeplete seeeebly, Proc 04/98/52 e4/e%/92 test, and ship esec 04/cStett

e. (9/08) ship 2300 ilmeer Proc 94/98/52 98/15/52
2) 7500 lleeer feet of cable retential et/I)/s2F Critical feet with eres meester esec reteettel b. (9/01) ship beleece Free 94/30/s2 #2/25/02 CrItIcol IstC 52/2e/82F

-1 e. (9/05) liesebett precedere Free 12/05/51 12/11/88 e) Oseltftcettes esec II/II/ elf Peteettel b. (9/st) Ceeplete test Pree I.ater 07/30/02 Criaical esec e1/30/s2F Peteettel e. (6/el) Vender to templete Free er 8e/5S/88 Ungpseltited wirine la ester site to betes goaltfled by the een- W M(6/el) der. Electraces le to restem drew- CritIcel quellfirettee testine and - title /str reatrol centers (seCCs) sad eebett <psettiteettee switcheear face, see this item will be resolved open electrical's concurrence. report for leCC wittne (P.O. 7229-e-F)

A CPCe meetime (12/04/04) fadicated b. (12/88) servey P.O. 7229- enge later list that reetelone to the quellficettee re 8/s2r getremente are forthcealme. ,The e-f ecepe te deterates Pter elec letter f ree CFCe wille the resteed er scr; forecast for 1/92 era requiremente should be oestlebte Lat er 32/31/el. It is settelpeted that c. (6/st) Seplace any on- Cases I,ater geeltiRed leCC wirine BAe Later me reeurtt by constrocalem will be regelred. A reopense to stie IsetC enge I,ater 88/35/t2 will be prepared after Crce's d. (10/08) Semolve SCS 0-08-9-I-119 (toemed .Elec el/22/02F letter is restewed. Set 9/30/81) en field

  • instelled stre in outscheeer u

N j

erro ere ps e e ne


wCuessa 8"S *"* ''' --

SHEET __Il ~ CF J2__


-srsitMs "" W potmoums : .ms 2 I JOB NO. T220 SC8eE04RE


- 3 tween ACit000 IltOUutES m EW CWIREsti Sfatti$

DESCHirt:006 e. (9/88) F.eelee specifits- s_ ear

. IE .

Peteettet Mech restelee of spectiteettee Csitical tiene for NTAC lettre- TGt

> current '

mentetfea 7 220-H-380 end H-381 le Secomplete 10/2S/St i

Hv4C teatrumentettee later 4F(9/st) s pecification for deelse. (Reference BCDE-37748Q- 12/os/sta and TWE dated 09/09/85.) 1) 722048-300 Ullt lepect T/0 et selected MTAC

) ,2 . ,1- m m

-- gn':L


Later 12/01/51 Esgr it/06/JIA Peteettet
e. (11/95) labelt togetry to forch Critical ASME Code Committee for TGs The field hee le.stelled SA-36 battles code case A-34 belttog esterlate la meterial le accordesco with the de- 3/42 7)(ll/st) S ASME pipe support enge d'owlege.

Freject easteeerles tage Later 3/82F i b. (11/81) Acceptance of plech hee settiled the field that SA-36 code case for bottleg TGt se est acceptable for ASME pipe supporte.

It was agreed that project seterial eagleeestes would parere a code case to allow mee of 54-36 holttog to ASME empporte.

Fresently, se actlee Later 12/01/08 to betog tekee by the field. M 11/18/85F ireteettel , s. (II/al) Reepend to letter 3CSE-3442 opecifically feech This Stee concerse closelficottee Cetticet of TCt I belttes seterial with regard to A$eE addreseleg the agreeeemt, Field's belttog peettfee It eed to the field's post-49(18/51) peper (DCSi-3842) ITT Sobeectten we pipe espporte.

wee egreed le the meeting that belt- ties se tiell great belte tes esterial for A$eEE pipe supporte Later (Ator to e composent etendard support. a. (11/88p Tsous additlepel M secch 12/09/91A Peteettet Tolerance criterte le needed, other Celtical tolersace teforsettee TCS

  • Fabelcettee tolerances for than these steen la draf t Spectitte- (FCN-N 3040) later 10(!!/01) cleeps med pode stem F220-N-M6, for febr8cettee of 4 Ceems Later cleepe and anchor pode for pipe sep- b. (12/01) leaue complete lle LED Later of Grimmell itgeres that -

perte. were destaned, or could beee been destgeod, per-teletes to licenetog megettettoes l

N3 N5 C4 1

522e ste Ne ede I l


_- _m eEroinEn

" " " " "'8p2 out _zu or _. .

CRITICAL MouITEMS s-sismis ACTION REPORT I  ! Osteles Attene E"~

i .

moi.moters t and 2 N nm I pe,eceeg mo .

SC04f M E teePACT 37 g,,,,,g 3,w tweetst 4Cf9mf flEOllWIES Wete Esteses4 CultftEtti STATUS Later 1t/t3/81 SVITEgg hgt ll/25/StF DESCftlpTIOtl . (11/51) Deeelop stenderd potentist a fore letter for field god Mech ITEst MO. ale need bearing It wee agreed thet Critteel ITT Cris.nell (steC-5707)

TUS th readed lead bolse (PCsE- part of the shank will not be comel-f t(II/88) deced a p<c4 Ice, but that clattfles- 12/01/88

)))F m) Later ~

tion wuvid be obtained by engineertas Engr _

ot/13/52F and the e pport vendore. b. (11/81) Obtate clarif8- Mech cetten free ITT Crtnnell TGS (CLatt-2471) Rater Cemet t.ater

c. (12/81) segeest and Later Lt.D receemend clartitcatten from field's vendere Later Cemet 1.ater
d. (12/88) Field to proeide 1.ater venders He~

clartilcottee free to mechanical engineerlag later Later Engr,

e. (11/81) Finst roepenes Mech Later to letter TC5

$ Later 01/04/82 Engr,, Ot/04/92F 1

s. (ll/Bl) lacorporate date FD Fotential regardlag vertous eene-The field hee perchased CSS f ran Critical facturers' Items tote Rrt substituttoe of responent several manuf acturers, af ter uhtch Class 1 attees reporte F2(11/88) stenderd espporte, ennatec- project engineering mattfled the aured by compantes other field that C5$ senef ectured by ITT then ITT Crinnett, in Crinnell could Itbewas used la Class agreed that 1 Claes t pipe supporte pipe muyporte. l the field could esbettlete compement standard supports in Class i pipe
  • supports and project engineering would este allowances for thle in revloed etrese reporte. I i


)I 1

i l

L .n o ,. --_e_.t______

- , S 4 )

i l

i 5;t3 l i


l l

l l

~^~**+---r-~._,,,,, _ , ,

"""7eww gi, y

h g  %+%+ > +4  %? IMAGE EVALUATION o.## ,

fjj/// '(f f/// TEST TARGET (MT-3)

  1. 'g<.(@4 #,

4 pjjp @ (4 pp ,f#

+  %

l.0 52Da l,_M in BE


l,l f ,30 b$O g,g I.2 5 l.4 g

< 150mm >

4-- 6" >

  • hf5);;,, 7 g4+4%



O 5W6

- HIDLAND PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 BECHTEL JOB 7220 CURRENT SCHEDULE ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL ITEMS t completion Schedule evaluation reflects the potential schedule impact on sys em and turnovers or other major milestones. Schedule Impact November 1981 December 1981 Curren{3jtatus Currenk2jtstus Update (wk) g4)/ Update (wk) Late _

MLLA Early Late }Early Problem Description _

Areas _ 40 38 6' Tire protection system 24 38

1) Reactor coolant pump hydraulic snubbers (Unit 2) 32 37 6A Fire' protection safe shutdown 26 l 34 l Reactor coolant pump hydraulic d ___

snubbers (Unit 1) 20 34 h, Plant security (PPS-004) 8 II ,___ 17

l i ATWS - provide ARTS 21 59(86) 16 Cold shutdown - DHR system upgrade 65G

'l Decay heat removal 17 16 (1) Fuel pool turnover (Unit 2) (To 2BBA-1) 15 14

() Fuel pool turnover (Unit 1) (To IBBA-1) 14 6

Component cooling water 8

,__, 10 Post-cccident moni:oring 19 Safety Parameter Display Console Neutrcn Detector 10 10 61 Boter. dilution transients I

i i

1 .

l 5V7 I 1

Current Schedule Analysis of Critical Items (continued) Schedule Innact November 1961 December 1981 *"'

Curren{33tatus Curren[23*(*wk)

Update Update (wk)_ g MLLA gg)/

g g g Problem Description 9 Areas _ _


' Cold shutdown - MAD valves (up-65A grade and add) 16 7

NVAC-ART-ASP Room Safety-Related 59A 7 Rooms Unit Coolers 6 '

65C Cold shutdown - miniboration 6 3

69" Small-break LOCA Imergency core cooling . 4 5

t 306 Plant status indication 4 19 PORV and safety valve position E

204 indication - refueling canal 4

) 4 Class I pipe analysis in contain-446

[) aent reactor anchor stud failure

[' (Fuel load) 8 3

Plant computer replacement 2300 in Project /2 system (1) Items which are 11/20/81 not 6

(2) Status through (3) Status through 10/23/81 1

(4) Master List of Licensing Activities (5) Evaluation based on l


l I

l l

] _ .$%. b

. + - - - - WWP 5

~-'- ' - - ^


$> p.. .-. --

. i a

aTTE.CH",ENT 9 . 4

_ W m. .


  • A_ [ . MNE I 2 ,

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. Q p.y

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, .Q.. ' y -

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.s. .

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ogg3y 18 -

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rams .b5n111 van,F-24-42h ggg E este


A 12, 1960 k7 _

smase: 1rM s'm FnostC':


  • ~~~

.. Trmvas VITs NT j 2 CA'::: I4AD FOMCdIT PA7EI, MIC CF 7/29/80 come M STFlAI,

. OFI: 53*SO 9996 m 65-20

!j CC JWCook, F-1ks1133


l -


,- GEKeeley, F-14-113A 3C: IMB/JZ3

. I!!Niner, Midland (3)

File: 0505.16 ---- .-

g *,

0 ', The purpose of this meno is to doctment the sub, feet telecenz which occurred I j ,

M1 os August 7, 8, and 11, 1980 involving D Hood and 3 Iovelace of the Izc and l 1  : T J Sunivan, O 8 Keeley, D 3 Miller, K R Elfr.e. aca D D Johnson of CP Co.  !

} The NFC initiated the series with s, call to T J Sullivsc and a ecoference can I

, , III includirs D 3 Miller was set up the afternoon of August 7 to clarify IBO questions

'which they stated as fonows:

h, . s - -

r i .gy 1. h=%;.lon of bun quaz.tities by the IRC implied that the plant constructio9 p} , would bo approximately 7TS coerplete althou:,;h they acknouled 8 ed that Midisod


= vas behind in the electrical area (cendnit, cab:e, teminations). The ecult" not reconcile this vita CP Co's estimate of to co man-hours and the result.c

reported 575 ccep3ete. They asked If this was due to more rework. ,

j. 2. The EEC indiented they had etsplaced their copy of A R !!n11enhopf's slides and would like a copy plus more ir. formation on lunc-lead items showing neca-

. tive float based on turnover dates to support a 7/83 fuel load.



3. NFC questioned the K. D. Bailey baneout oc ere;i teerinE 5 corpicte by discipline

. as to the 1:v 5 cceplete for 2nclear Systema (1h5) and I.icensing and Ezfety


o (195). - -

i .

Ites. Yo. 3 was deferred bssed on inavailability of key people and to anor further research and a complete restcase. I responded to Ites No. 2 by seinc crrer each I oce and reitersting the points made at the 7/29 :ecting, ie, some iteus.are ,

critleti due to uncertainty of 350 rrTc.f rements, ecue are tot rete. ired by 220, l

l a thedules do not reflect s,ecisl efforts in design, procuremect, and testing,  !

our special efforts to date have sho- c.n ability to eliz:Innte n.Cative ficat,

, etc. I et;hasized that 7 thety;ht our special effort a combined with tas.ediate interactice with MC to define requirement s and schedule for implementation wenld cause these it.-r.s not to impact a 7/83 fuel load. I subsequently transmitted another copy of Hollenlopf's slides to EC. I responded to Itas Io. 3 by a Def atin;; out that the two groups in questic:. va e sew. 7 confir=ed this in a telecon with NRO of 6/8 and in fact the handout cleerJy shows that the two groups

, are new and previo : sly had been tecoryorated under :sechanies1. Ccuspletion 5 fer

  • these two is based on an est1:nate of rer.sining vorg at the tia.c c,f Lcchtel's O reorpitst;o . In Spring I?SC. -


. y I, CP Ce respondad to Item No.1 in a conference er.11 c,o 8/01. After I atr_.-arized T'/e't;'m telcetc.s and *;M !cdicatt4 thc.t all other itena had been satieferterily


e, 5 l

- n -

e-wm MO.,. .x.. .r. :y;hg-% -

_ _ . _ . . . . . . . .s gra ; 'MMM i e' igps .M.V,.0.

9[{t tgg y$ h mf b d h,g ps,3 4 ak.hy

  • q ',3f - 4 1

s:. hhk fi.dF7 wn -er i . -.

vm wp -


g- f & p:-a ._.~g , :, ; -; . ' . . u,:a.

. y . -


.. .. J

... ~p._. g:.r.... f &. Q. W 1 ~_

y  :.



5. '* i


. 00?38 ,

  • g %s .3 ,,


necessary Emeley pointed out that the estimates of remaining man.-hours inelade 7 Miller stated that the primsry reasocs for laver mit inst 114 tion rates were ecogestion in critical arcas and the fact that design ecsgletion is not far enocch ahead of constructico. It was pointed out that CP Co believes their reported 5 cestplete is conservative since it includes, ecctingency, Ifeensing issues which are uncertain, and manual support for system turnover, Eeeley emphasized the licer. sing area, etating that CP Co was acving abend with a T- sunber of items without adequate EC imprt.

I then reiterated the need for ERC to restsee review of the Midland docket and emphasized that the primary pitfall

' ', q of the DC schedule review and priority assignment process was the inability of

the Case toad Forecast Panel to a.ssess the adequacy of scope, particular3y for


  • prior Plantstowhich TMI. have not had the 16 months of FSAR review which Mid1 4nd er;c. fenced i Bood agreed that it was problematic for IRC to assure that priorities would be act based on both sebedule and a licenseable scope.


-4 Lovelace the i pointed out that bulh would indicate a XIdland construction comple-o tico percentage in the seventies and gave the following exs=ples-frcss his =M*1 (developed by a California consultant for VPP58):

I 43 ~


- 5 Complete

"" Bulk For 77.55 Cemesite Cocerete t u b$  :

large Pipe Small Pipe 99 75 58 -

99 91 I. Tray 58 89 89 Conduit 69 y 51 Cable $3 28 j ,.4 m 3

Terminations 32 20

~I Subsequently as approximately he follows:

pointed out that the I cceplete translates into mor.ths to go

%. o y


! sM '

" Bulk 5 ccenlete Months To Co i,

Cable 53 24

' Cahle 28 40 Terminations 32

[ p Terminations 20 33 47 Iovelace thought, however, that the CP Co estimaw of to go man-bours would imp 2y approxi=staly fcur years to go on construction.

) -

A general discussien ensued in which Miller, Keeley, and Kline e==phasized the

- ame censervativeness of o- --T hou of :CP Ce nan-hcur estis tes as discussed above and .the fact that

%  : /.II. L upeuded after Ucit 2 fuel lead of 7/63 It fM h became clear frac the di:cussion that Iovelace did Let under:tand the zan-bour figures and CP Sabeentruet, a .3Ce explained man-boars.

Ccntincency this in a detailed breakdown of 1:s.nual, Eco-Manual,

'4 CP Co pointed ou*. ths,t utilising

  • 4 =a curve: :ud man-hourn and ce=parirg this to Bechtel and Subcentract manual manni 4

. wuld lead to the conclusion that estimatea of r.anual nam-hours to go,

' ~3 ~ even thogh c'caserystive, are cessf ster. with approxir.htely three to go cc2 i'% cor.stru: tion fr.:n 'une cf 1980. -

' 'b

.9C h.s3 no further questiens and as eed to e2.saine the inforation in light cf CP Co's e xplarsti n of the data.



& &-m, __-




? f hhhhh-f l

' WI ,h*% $ $ $ $ $ Yh h

! $t?hhY$ h$ helhf5%$$tN&M *c - c_ % x w ry m a.d**=r- N NDNE f TT.iC!?"ENT 10 f


4 Ikm

. SATr."! & I!!E::::1?I*, LL7/3;" CIT -

po.f, , ., .


f er

,. B N "T* F "'_*: F.E"M JEB L gw _

p.-tie!Yants Cre.fwny 12 3 s _ t,

  • *..e_ P / st s@n CP Co 3I E JV0ook CP Co '

OCKeal g3 01' Oo -


BMille r CP Co J'40 W., KFKline C1' Co I
  • C1' Co gg- I t4 IPG.a; .

NRC File: C@ ,

VHinvelnee f!

  • Cor!" 7% {

St'3JE*" : Case fead Foracart ":r.el Vinit. of 7/V)/80 yile c'. M .19 b'..h-n%.:u

~ .

Il - % =$3* Wl &

  1. WMnier 9 2 4 L:30 ZWCook I

E **1'7 NIU *.'@.I?O; ([,g:.:- KFI)ir e

  • ' pt,y,. '"'

. ..It'".,tUv,..0

  • A.tMolic=kef f C4'


.c g

~*1 t? '.. 01 -

te2ecor.s (Serial 9296), Darl Eood 4

Iotelsee reiterated

., As a follov up te the subject zeeting and subsequct.:*evelace's preliminsr reque:ted this call to d heus:that '!!ohr.d concrete, larca; pipa, He noted Midland vns clichtly previous state:r.ent: a;;roximately 77% ce=r'.ete.  ! tions area: with vere cen:ictent with a plat.



. Mis ticcest e :cerns were in the estle and tem nacos.:tructic

'*atility in of conduit.

engineerirC te cu;.;;rt i


,, s..TcVer leadinCs. bility to build 1.+ a 5

hpa d(SKeeley and D3M111er stressed cur confidence ini eccineering l unit installation capa than 80.C::3 a substantial Wates on the Lackloc e.nd Jointed job, particularly durinc cut 1979 inwhen :c.secab!c detailvss that hirtor at ht Tr.tlled proje:ted ca6 reste

' 115,000 ft/vcek dc=en:trate t a d eenduit are a ft/veek for eicht vecks with 'e .c veek at.S!! iller al:o pointed cut that tray an of cocpletion d state j unit rates are reali: tic. definite factor in entle pullir.c and i l Job. thatHe based al:o on reinted Midland's in these area , cable pul'.inc rhould go far.ter than for a typ ca t ction and industry r

out trat usually other ite== th tr. cabic are controlling in eens ru y

g averates =ay be =1:leadin;;. 'J it 2 I s Tre;; . .ary re ults indi:stei fuel tions.

load dates of 5/8L forIn re:

'.cvelsee stated that ha: discus:cd above. *here N. ar.d 11/S'- for tl nit I* tsred take intotri..srily accoua.t on cable and the factorsto ter= r.ainc.

how icvelace tied % co Le 1 a.Mc cec ed to la ec=e e.r. fur'cr a: :: :41:o. teered to be lookin/* for an'ez'.rc=ely hir ,

4 er Kr.:t urt wr m.N r.;-...

=cr.fider.ce dr.te with een:iderst!c conservati:=.

, 3 s: de:id.? to r.cet in Bethe:da inter in the week to address A this, it vu:in detail, ircludinc unit inctsllat ion 3 red!:n:

ar.- *.e-g of. :: e jet s .J act oe; .;ed :A:.7: aver loadings.

a5 m S M

eq .

c k

e . m e n ..

a ac s m'= shim mass, u n M m gr

  • i


  • f

- ~

a - ~; ' ,

s.. &%' ' 'G%Rwm't.m _ C =. ;'W -.

s. , c.. { ..


-M"2 ,

ATT/.C'.!5 t!T 11 i

? 00344 File: OliB5.11 w g&w oc3o

,m iiv . ,-a. m G' ' $0R$QEf! D*?

9 Power

w. A,ust n. 29e: NN p ./

Mt SATF"!T & 1.1CDO*';", Cfil.V:'T;7 Smse at pG:;1JJf D MIr IM VI';"! E! O ".A0E IAAD FiePFf/4 T l'A*;L' CD1AL: 9i, *e

$~M ,, , h 8 6' '

' W II'10 5182.1./ 9850 TJS 68-89  %-:

pi,2 AP&1ler.kor *, P-! L .3* e - h JVCook/CWeeley, P-It-113 JARut6ers/V~.Jone:, Bechtel tt ERC inc. P-11-31PA d.._

IBMiller, Midland (3) Q FA (0t rial 9',73), TJSullivan.

A. ~-

-Ata fo1 Jew ur to the site vic;t of July P8 - ??,1%9of Sechtel met with Darl Ecod, and VGJone: 2 1960.

hb w

tretiller, and F:PC ine of Crx.suser WElovelare, ar.d B.'oner. (attorney) of the NPC 1r. Dethesd.a on Aurust 2 , p.- f.4 for Tha quantity yta After introdwette.g. Cine reviewed a table showing man-inur breakdowns W.%

C Forece,t 5 Forecast /s , ar.d the current schedule (see attmetament). i sentia'ly w,uld Wh 3

increuer wer czplained and it was putated out that rate hn14:nt, stegdy this year C.

N the ese .

Le. Jeries and M::ler respont'ed that tt.ic numbe r tra.:Were ir some indication 1

{ O and looked very good. E j catic length. AC OF JUL.Y


KJ in.

thr n 1.retanted the table entitled "TO O E1.F.*f*lCA1, VDRT.evycrater 1,ulldify -g.w Tl." pcrtin, attr!butatle to security an1 the-It war. al:.o pointedMou 1961

  • date. Miller di a,eus:< d .

br>th catic and terminatfor.s Is birJer than that experienced f fielencyt.oof sun- k-po!r ted out it.!s ezrerience to date is also without t e e h

g t tained pullir.g, k on the N

l Eood pointed out met pretleu which have rertited infram delays or rewor IPO Staff

- A.

Job such ac soils, coctor. -st numbering, and *>n chat.r.ez resultin o T review.

Ee questioned whet':er or accousmodating not we should ple- theseI poteted i 51tc recentout , as e tyses of things in itse future. d had scw through an exte .sive review of the scope i cols shutdown car at tlity and the plant ecrquter. current scope, accommodatinr.

the If ernset.!11ty of tt e ments over the next few years.

i Exteriener" for variou:

C le.e then reviev eJ "l'eee nt Vire anJ Cable Inst allat onX!1ler ear.:sined the diff d insta11stler..

Bechtel jotM sw! co mred thes to Pldla5J.norzul :ci arate unit incta]1st between ti.e l

various work areas by drswis.r a site p!an. IKtefpt*d. :

Be est ainedt.~ the of t he ene rast !cn was in the auxiliary W ttWIaC $ 1dd.qg, rE r 41 DITschs':' v

    • ~.-S ers.1  ;

of the latte pip.ej eral, tr.e cai4~gelline area by caii e:r.lbr in ren also N inte4 out that . Ine ,rst et= -

and L t., e va r ra bir t.sild'n  : : .ur Mr,,rru-o tr ut ru-tained

. re in i ive. seiu-t ry .4r..r:ence J.f'e forW,es wm asarot ahe bri an.d tr:

Ia n .d ui. . e . o . ... i : i.. , . . . . . . . c, t ; o. .


'f.f ;t** t:~ COW.2 0 *:

e, r- e 01 ** r p ,L M 0y 0.:. .* ' 1


L - .


l . . . . . . . . , .


_. - = , .T '

ge gay- &.x p . ~.W -?W _.jp5 I m,A [ M  % M W~m ~ '. ,


~~t'::" h gs 49 y . . -

a ggy g =pg

r. . .. ..gepn w.

.a L gW' w

g-g . pe- yf* K - v- --

ygyw &ngym.s A m.n.cgmz.~m'*-

- 3-m 2'

4 00345 1 then explained the instaJ 1stion curver for entle ar.d termination:. Bond- i and lovela e er; hnsised uricertelt.tle: sue!. at bicek walls, f*re protecticn. and

., ynt prot iar.: w!th ar.chors for cable troy:. Act!vitle: to reduce tha lais-t of

-re these uncertaint!es ware discusse4. Trnys. fr. the cat.e-str*adinr rcce are weli,d ,

ased in additinn the anchors referre1 to are nr. lor #,er beirit used. Jorres indies' .-f g ,# 3aq g [ be did not ez get this to bava a :ubstar.tial ing aet on cat;e pullir.c and ters..:.a-

-%g..~ -


_ . . ',s ,

Miller ther, cr;1ained the attacLaca examSe for terminations to go in the contre,1  ;

"*35J r room. 'It. ! : addressed levelace'c concern ref.ardirac cor#.estion. Jooes pointed

  • ~

, d$ , out that aanpower loadinr.: for terminations are usually not controlling.

'[&'y -

I Followinc a short cr ah I asked how the res ses to Eisenhut's July 11 schedula regnast Ictter would be handled. levelsea st.ated that he expected the Case load Panel (himself) would be visiting each applican* *s site by the end of


,-"" the year, but did not know beyond that. He stated that several applicants

' - ,j

, aneared to be jockeying for position.

- g'.'  !

  • Eline ther reviewed dasir:n releare schadules and the build up of pull-ble back-lor. . He pointed out favorable progress since that reported at tha July site 3

, vicit. Junes explained the overala process and the innovative special efforts

  • '
  • N whleh are roy!r.g off. Miller reiteratad that histories 11y, entle has not been

, contro111nr. and we think we can do even better since we are concentrating on this.

~ '

O Miller al:o pointed out that the quality of work reachinr. the job site has improved due to the involvement of field ent.ineers in the design.

Iovelace then revievad his persteetive. He stated he still views Midland a plant 77 - 78% ecx=;1ete but b:his.d ricnificantly in cable and terzie.ations (see

'- Seri al 97.W . However he sees actuals of 166,L15 lineal feet / month for San

-O Onorra, Palo Verde, etc, and terzir.ations of 6,273 per mont!.. These plant *ad O forceast 205,Lo8 lineal feet / month and ter=1r.ations of 8.119 per month or A

w N hi s torleally. He then looked at the VPTS etudy of October 1979. He then t:


, $r to reecr.elle this input with data CP Co proilded. He fir.ured we would really yT' es not get into sustained tulk cabla pulling until we were about 305 complete and we needed to restart the effort. He figurec we could get into sustained pullinc T about January 1961.

el A Be also lookad at Forceast 5 data and Bechtel's' reservations at that time about meeting inotallation rates. Jonen and Miller respor.ded that this concern had

, t been acdressed and errrected. Therefore, this shculd not be a factor in evalus.-

f -

. tions at this time.

ea 9 Beverthelerc , lovel are :nt d all thi r ha t led hir to project ,a prel!=;r.r.ry L'r.!! "'

, fual load dette of 5/84 but the detailed data presented at this meeting on desif.n trorrecs, eaule and ter,sinations, manNver loading, and combined unit i installation concept would indleate that scoe adjustment te tLe preliminary date j should be made.

CP Co su=.srized sen!n the utajor points surfortine our in the 7/83 d tir' t ? fuc! lead date. The !!af te<t krplient 111ty of hi-torteal sverare wnit

'** h, i r,.t. - .. to N : ar.: w- re t t. rat ed.

  • he r :le9 of . cow war s'so revi.ved.


.4 wa

i dW% ~ ~,;~- 3 s y s _ . .

0034s (g" M '

,n c u r er ,rn ! r.r, 8

Jurch, icvelace stated thatl tota 1uid ler.! t.;rs to ner break!nt, for Z caucus an er J ., g luput he be:leved thst tte ,H;dlar.4 t"M !s! rovear.t coctined over Indu-try insta:lation everste put ! !r.c rs* *p- ar, w.

u;1r.g a 60/k'k ru!* of t ri ct for i1 ,

proj e t an en rostrstely He ? .at*d thht I e va: h ecrr.Line J. Jm.- tt.n a sinr,Je unit an d cor:rtor..



!?/m nti l er ri,r t r. le.; valve * .

y a two. unit split and thu- arriv-1 st 2 9 loo pointed out, after er n-!derable di-east.icn. a caon the 60/L the metal NF" g rojected !!* diar o calculation. He arrued that toe. 51 ar.t f I :: of JC6,00') II/socth for sing:e unit and cocrw rs,cheuld be If./ ,fv>r) II/ month r I sustair,ed pu:11a.r rate Jastallatic.n rate, fe, y f

  • 276.700 II/motb P6' i .

106,000 a (O.L) ( u.G S

! .he BPC ar> del would indleate 9C tovelace act.ed that this was correctThen so allowls.r twelve mos'hs 1983 to r



  • p cos;lete for cable pulling in Octoter 196:a Unit 2 3R0 projected fue2 Joa i

- Unit ? fuel loni yield:In.elace's projected sia months unit separatict..

f s' 3 Based or4 C Unit I fuel load'!n Arrl! 19%. linE rata of 310,000

,j 4

T CP Co then reiterated ecnfjdence in a sustained cablepriority 3 J eer.:Inr pul 7 are reite i

g II/


art th which 'esde us to a July 1983 Unit 2 fue 0

l r3 based or. co::;erable lleensesble scot e.for giving Mid;and a relatively hir,he yi ecurpelltre ressen.*

at the site visit. i projectes dates of Y.' The acetify then cor.:1uded with the ERO ctatinr, thkt the rJeud. r October 1981ereting be published in the andair,utes.

Arrli 19% for Lait ? and Volt I fuel

=3 t

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__ W AN ,CE N To.c0 Et.r.CTptcAt voix As oF Jut.T 27. Ise0 gyg

.UOr71T_1,0, Q

  • Wire & Cable (PVR & Conttol) s.

Total Plant 6,955.000 IJ

  • -Powe r 31oc k Sys t ems 6.100,000 1.F (Escludes Plant Security Evaporator f,1* and Misc Tard Systema)

._ *Teruiaations

-Total Plant 217.300 IA t'NC10 L7.5

. M *MS for Bulk Electrical Innta11ations 2,0$7,235 m 's 7 (All Raceway, Wire & Cable & Terminations)

N EMS for Power & Control Cable Pulling 8 7 3.880 M 's i ,

<O CTo-Co Dott Rate Available: 0.12 M's/LF g To-Da t e Un it Rate: 0.09 Mi's/LF) l *PJ3 for Te rminat ions 281.200 M 's

(To-Go (; nit Rate Available
0.95 M's/EA g To-Pate Unit Este: 0.71 M 's/EA)


  • Electrician m's Included in Forecast 6 for N inpport to Startup Activitias 200.000 M 's eTotal Electrician M's to-Co for All Activities 2.774.000 E 's k



l 1 s t g 2 1 .




/)..%..t non 37W/GD ___ ;

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Yo-Co Electrical Work as of July 27, 1980 (Contd) ,


Imnurlow Ems Wire & Cable (N1 & Control)

January 1981 - July 1981 330,000 Ly/ g 400,000 1.T/Mo July 1981 - January 1982 I; 220,000 LF/ m 7)

January 1962 - July 1982 ll 15-Month Average: 310,000 tr/Mo j

Teruimations (W1 & Control) 15,000 EA/m July 1981 - July 1932 l l


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00356 w,

f C<Electrician

  • N . Manhours


w= n

_ Distribution of To-Coy

  • Manhours -
  • kJ
    • >=

hahours - E_ lect ric ime_s W rk Caterory

_411 Craf ts 900

138.590 d-conereee 4,600 . "*";


441,960 ,,.


Civil S/C Sasetor 151,770 20,600 'k,5k



Muh==ical Equipment 12,600 4x"r- n 2,031,460 rite.

Fiping 217,100 ff-g C 695,340 r .- -

gn Control & Instrumentacise 179,580 178,100 %

"$.Q N Electrical Equipment 2,030,000 <;3fn

. :.m 2,057,235


{ Electrir.a1 Sviks 310.100 'h-

. s,


Distribut ablee L244.26_5 2,ne,000  %

7,940,200 ..

c C'

Tom. }v

=~ b O . .,p;


'R I  %

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.5 . .. .


C0357 * .


-P.W; f.. .tt p

Distribution of To-Co Ele-t ries! Erk Activit tee

.e, l 3;f8 Machours -

Manboers - El ec t ric iana_

- gg All Crafts -" Mi W rk Category 78,130 77,800 hg7

^M, Cable Tray & Supports N_

j 645,500 653,199 yf


Conduit & supports 87,500 jgge 48,773 . . . -

i thischeduled Cooduit 823.884 812,800 E k.

a Wire & Cable (Fr.C) 277,000 1

Sn 281,202 .1 :-

Coenections (F&C) 41,700 W_m.w.

N 42,354 .. w w o

Umscheduled wire 88,500 gg 89,693_ _

MM Misc. tiec. Operations __

  • /;@

4jf 2,030,000 T@

2,057,235 ev Total t%q:

o -i.'9:

Ak N l..'.b.

l N

Midland FNO 8/21/80 M

, b:

c, .

I i lS

g. 4 m.

49 p LQ

- a eg Eg.

' b'.



y' u.


p. .

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' *E NT 12,, ,

,s ,

, . ; I,(

  • NUCLEAR REGULATC yg W ASHINototd. D. C. 20355


.f,h+g/ gpey ? , ] p5 .

c., i SEP 161980 .

.[ ... /


- S 50-329/330 Decket Nos.:

hk (h$ d"...N5. ' .... c .

N [,6k.)Er_

Consumars Power Company #C' APPLICANT: 8$.t.

u Midland Plz.nt, Units 1 and 2 %y,,






K*5 (the management personnel fromi Censumers Power Ccmpanyi M On August 25, 1980 l docket review 5 applicant) and the NRC staff met in Bethesda, Marof3 and ge to potential timing and methods for resuming thei NRC's f the formaT the Midland Plant application.during wnich the need eofrecognized.

June 13, 1980 preparations for review and the need for efficiencies in the review 1979'process accident wer The Midland OL review has been suspended since the M at Three Mile Island, Unit 2. .

l The meeting duration was two hours. h d les

On the basis of its latest (forecast !6) completed ld delay theconstruc J which reflect changes due to TMI-2 requirements, N 8'
  • construction matters, the applicant noted that licensing couf the j

scheduled Tnis fuel load unless is illustrated ictediately. The applicant's schedule by the the NRC resumes applicants enclosed full l prepc re for Unit 2 calls Foi Unit 1, the corre:ponding for a July ing schedule. ) The staff j load and December 1983 ccmercial operation. PEEeTand a

~ dates are December 1983 visit byand July' Caseload the NRC's 1984 (electrical forecast and steam .

ll 'noted that the July _29,1980a.1963._r_esu.taTin t a iTncing or r2asenac se egr 3Wiion esddOTesTthe f6.lli d @ est3e.q_en Auous T7T. e~I,com tEYr intanrs to ment with tre applicant's crojected. cons.tucti_cn t on tne basis of the la6 lL PEneJ'sJffFcteT~o"ates are,__about_three ifemonths the


preparc end process a itcensingletion senecTe dates.

chan staff's overall werkload priorities and resources an may net necessarily coincide with the construction co p ll use de termine The applicant described a l review additienal prctecticn plan em whether repeated er reopened staff reviews opo i

,toand publicnotedhealththat and safety.

any procecures for thei policy.

ccnduct of staff rev e entircly to the NRC as a matter of NRC administrat ve l



l l . .* , .

l .

1 I

SEP L 6 1'dU 00361 hs The NRC Director of NRR, Mr.' H. Denton,in reviewed the review pro- previous trial which have provided for.afficient use ofNRC staff f itsrascurcesThis staff parti-sys-utilized outsice consultants to supplement its internal reviews o c.ess.

ters to meet.the Commission's regulations, and in which .theThe appro cipated in the applicant's internal meetings.

hanna for the seismic qualification review by the NRC was als example of review particular, Mr. Selby of Consut.,ers were -

t d most that encour Power participate in a similar approach for Midland. Compan throughbe review

  • the success of this or any other approach would l systems doubtful unle tained core of staff reviewers can be assigned to branches. hi l d regu-Mt. Dentondisplay also noted that current of theFSARs and ruPS explicit of conformance to each i Commission's ursuant to es lations of significance to safety.tation in the Midland FSAR upo

' 10 CFR S0.57(a)(1) and (2). ~

t l'

Mn W D. S. Hood, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 3

, Division of Licensing


l As stated cc: See next page L



G i

l l


-l .

4 a "TTf.C"l12MT 13 L PDR Docket Nos. 50-329/330 OM. OL NSIC PRC System LBf4 Rdg MDuncan DHood OELD ACR5 ELJordan, (16) IE Mr. J. W. Cook JitTaylor. IE Vice President Consumers Power Company 1945 West Parnall 49201 Road Jackson, Michigan ,

Dear Mr. Cook:

ompletion .


Caseload Forecast Panel Es'timate of Constructio ~


Schedule .

1 sited the Midland the NRC Caseload Forecast Panel The meeting discussed On' April 19-21, 1983, Plant to evaluate construction completion s ofschedules October 1984 in detail the basis for Consumer's revised estimaOn tion progress.April 2 ,1983 th (Unit 2) and February 1985 (Unit 1).

ducted an extensive tour of both units to obserN e construcof co The Panel has now completed its own evaluatio

! schedules for Hidland Plant, Units.1 & 2. '

t of 1935 1

i The Panel concludes that some months beyo d The the second I is the earliest date that completion of 6 to 9 months thereafter.

f pipe supports, Unit 1 is expected to be completed abocritical pathw followed by execution of preoperati .

estimate of 14 i months to completeis und The Panel believes that Consumer' t 24 months.

preoperational and ightlyacceptance optimistic, durationtesting for two units for bo Using a more realistic, but s results in a completion date in the second j and Consumer's present sta However the Panel also believes that Consumer quarter of 1986.

cast does not realistic ly account for dl large uncertainties which must precede sta ll bore pipe hangers and

- expected to add some months to Consumer's sche u a thet completion of reinspections of large and staa h testing ,

the amount of rework resulting from this effort l

r ~*


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The Panel's estimate includes;no -

. ' ..r .

provision .

. for delay a'shociat g.

plant financing.  :

' Sincerely, . ,

..c i'

Thomas M. Novak. Assistant Director .

for(icensing ,

Divls' ion of Licensing '

Of Ice of Huclear Reactor Regulation .. ..

.. ' .s. U,:'

cc: See next page .. .

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( /

[ '**I+%


3 ;(af c p >Oq#

\..... AUG 0 91963 50-329/330 OM, OL Docket Nos.

Mr. J. W. Cook Vice President Consumer Power Company

' 1945 West Parnall49201 Road Jackson, Fichigan

Dear Mr. Cook:


Construc' ion Completion Schedule for Midland Midland Plant to evaluate 19-21, 1983, the NRC staff visited The meeting the discussed the basis for2) an i

f both units On Aprilconstruction On April 20, 1983, completion schedules. Consumer' (Unit 1).

to observe construction progress. to complete preoperational h

l optimistic. Recent The staff believes that your estimate of 14 mont s l and acceptance testing for both units is undu yh t this activity wi p experience for a single unit has hindicated t astaff ncertainties in believes that you and that P

at least 24 months to complete. r schedule.

Moreover, t efore the work that must precede start ofj critica t d completion date is this can be expected to add some months to youa optimistic by at least a year. tunity to meet Since the staff's visit, you sly provided asan havei requested welloppor as l with the staff to review the material prev ouits furtherourconsideration to provide any additional information forWe also understand tha in this matter. priorities scheduling Atbetween your request, Unitswe 1 and i will 2beinscheduling this A final staff position for Midland's construct on by Dow Chemical Company.

i this further meeting.

i meeting in September. completion date will be developed follow n Sincerely, N

Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of LicensingOffice of Nuclea cc: See next page .

7 iTT f.C'!"O!T ' O UNITED.5TATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION d the Atomic Saf ety and Licensing Boar Before


) Docket Nos. 50-329-OL 50-330-OL in the Matter of: ) 50-329-0M



(Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) )

AFFIDAVIT do depose and say:

I Billie Garde, being duly sworn, the Citizens' Clinic f or Accoun-

1. I am Director of Accountability Project of the Covernment table Government

(" GAP").

l t ry f Based on conversations with Nuclear Regu a o 2.

the initial Ca seload I was informed that Commission staf f d for October, Panel meeting f or Midland was requeste Forecast the request of CPCo and 1982.

That meeting was cancelled at (See Telecon four months later."

rescheduled to "three to attached and incorporated

[ 5, 1983, Record dated October The meeting was rescheduled f or April 1.)

herein as Exhibit 19-20, 1983 in Midland, Michigan. that meeting Although I did not personally attend 3.

in detail information 1 have had the opportunity to review the public record and through l

the meeting made availabie on about the Freedom of Information Act l

documents GAP obtained under is attached i

The digest of these FOIA documents


i and incorporated herein as Exhibit 2.


--_ i

A l


4. At that meet'ing Consumers Power Company revised its the Midland plants.

estimated cost and completion schedule for It announced a revised cost of $4.43 billion, up from $3.39 1984 for Unit 2, and billion , and completion dates of October, See meeting summary of April 20, February, 1985 for Unit I.


! 1983, attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit Panel

5. After this meeting the Case Load Forecast completed its review of the schedule information provided it by Consumers. It then forwarded a draft memo to the Of fice of By May Nuclear Reaction Regulation ("NRR") by mid-May, 1983.

draft of a letter 17, 1983, Darl Hood prepared a handwritten to be sent by Thomas Novak, Assistant Director of NRR, to James See Handwritten Novak Letter,

' Cook, Consumers' Vic e-P r e s id en t .


attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit letter was

6. On May 25, 1983, a typed copy of the same The concurrence blocks prepared for signature by Mr. Novak.

entire Caseload Forecast l' on this draft letter indicate that including Darl Hood, J. Harrison, II Panel concurred in the letter, Ron Gardner and William Lovelace.

Staff urged its

7. Upon information and belief the NRC Safety and Licensing Board of its attorney to inform the At om ic since they dif f ered substantially f rom schedule estimates Consumers' projected schedule. ,.
8. On June 3, 1983, the Dow Chemical Company ("Dow") sent i' indicating concern over the revised cost a letter to Consumers l Consumers announced in April and and schedule estimates that attached See June 3, ~198 3 -Dow Le t t er ,


' requesting documents.


and incorporated herein as Exhibit 5.

9. The NRC scheduled a public meeting on the Caseload 1983, at the Forecast Panel schedules estimates for June 23, This meeting was postponed Quality Inn in Midland, Michigan.

and rescheduled for July, 1983.

This tentatively-scheduled July meeting was later post-poned until August.

An August 9, 1983, No public meeting was held in August.

letter written by Mr. Novak to Consumers' Power Indicated that no meeting has a public meeting would be held in September but been noticed up to this date.


10. Based on conversations with NRC Staf f and Consumers soon af ter receiving the June 3, k employees I understand that requested a meeting with NRC 1983 Dow letter, Consum er s' 1983 public meeting of f icials to discuss the upcoming June 23, completion dates.

and the wide divergence in NRC and Consumer s' Upon information and belief Consumers' also wished to lobby to Panel.

change the members of the Caseload Forecast Upon information and belief Consumers told the NRC that to figures were much less significant

' the Caseload Forecast The NRC simply used the figures I

the NRC than to Consumers.

tool whereas public release of the as a manpower management f inancial consequences completion dates would have s er,io u s f or Consumer s .

11. Upon information and belief the NRC did not schedule in which Mr. Novak of NRR, a meeting but instead held a telecon

n Subsequent to that telephone and other NRC staff participated.

s cancelled and rescheduled conversation the June public meeting wa for August.

I made a FOIA request for all docu-On July 11, 1983, See

12. Panel April meeting.

the Caseload Forecast 6.

ments related to incorporated herein as Exhibit F01A request, attached and 1983, I contacted the NRC F01A Office and was On August 8, d the f ollowing day.

informed that the documents would be release I was informed I picked up the documents.

On August 9, 1983,

.,1 Ann Reed that the NEC released all docu-by FOIA Of ficerca of the Novak letter, prepared by ments except an early draft Panel members.

, the Caseload Forecast 9,1983, Mr. Novak released a letter h On August O 13. Forecast I' in which he revised the Caseload t

wrote to Consumers for the Midland plants.

i Panel's estimated completion dates 1983 Novak letter cited in the August 9, The completion dates

than the original estimates contained 198 .

e are 12 months earlier the panel in May, concurred in by I

in the draft Novak letter of the final, August 9, 1983 Novak In addition, the tone does not contain the from the draft in that it for letter dif f ers estimate includes no provision "The panel's statement: financing."

plant delay associated with f uture

.pp l 'OA,'-

NUM \h

_ Billie P irner Garde l Dwr;:t cf Ccis, bio rarf l

Subrenbod e..d c ci- M Mf c h/EV'

  • 3/ x m:tth -

Wb Y>






$. ou .


'4. . . Company

.._Copi_e.s .to:. .UFI:

PrNicipants _

MIMiller, IMB PSteptoe, IMB CP Co T J Sullivan NRC '"JEBruntier BWMargugl D B:cd DBMiller RAWells RWHuston JAMooney ARMo11enk Yik*e';I*IO505.18/0650 DMBud z ik/LSGib son /BLHarshe /DASommers


touto to: $N*

E f& ,.


  • Independent Review Program -

t Caseload Forecasrt Panel Visit ,a


p. #

th . 4.iw topics. I informed d be to NRC by Oct 5. He said I colled Derl Hood to discuss the scheduling of meetingshia tha th t he had. discussed the need f or a meeting w tI emphasized the importance of a to cchedule a meeting.

l initiation of the program, particularly industry's commitment to com f tiens this year. Panel visit on Nov 16 - 19, inappropriate:

F i

In respotYse to D Hood's earlier proposal R of a Caseload Fo CP Co needs to receive and review the forthcoming soils ,.SSE .

(c) d to initiate the work (b)

The soils work is controlling however CP Co hasdnot NRC.been release and this activity should take precedence for both CP Co an oduction rates.


It would be beneficial to get into the soils work to better assess pr construction sequences, etc.

l Forecast Panel assessment and

< Co and the key people who need The current sitiuation is not amenable to normal Caselo


(d) i to do t#is work are currently fully occupied try ng initiate the soils remedial activities. hat the 7/82 ify the ASLB' h this monthoils work and that the As an alternative I indicated that hCP Co intends to notfuel load precise date is indeterminate pending issuance of t estruction sequences, l visit approximatelyetc, based o tnd thove.

CP Co's detailed review of production rates, conCP Co would be p that time.

three months following initiation of soils remedefinite .

target fuel load da but agreed that the proposed appr

  • e dl He indicated the soils Hood felt the Board might want a more definitive sche u e ff. ~

ceems responable and that he should discuss it within the Sta SSER should issue this week.


~ L------_____________.



,8 WASHINGTON,0. C. 20655

.5 AUG 0 91983 k***** -

bcket Hos. 50-329/330 Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project Institute for Policy Studies IN RESPONSE REFER 1901 Que Street, N.W. TO F01A-83-397 Washington, DC 20009

Dear Ms. Garde:

l This is in response to your letter dated July ll,1983, in 19, 1983 relating to the Caseload Forecast Panel meeting held April regarding the Midland Nuclear Power Plant.

These The documents listed on Appendix A are subject to your Document Room, 1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC.

The cost of On August 5,1983, you agreed to pay (reproduction charges.$0.05) per pag reproducing 10 CFR 9.14 a).

(documents is five Accordingly, the cents cost of reproducing 857 pages is You will be billed for this amount by our Division of Accounting.

i $42.85.

Document 3 on the Appendix of theisFreedom being)of withheld in its entirety fro Information Act disclosure pursuant to exemption (5 r

(5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the Comission's regulation This draft was prepared as part of the agency's deliberative process for developing an independent estimate of construction completion for resource Disclosure of this draft would impede the future planning purposes.

t frank and candid exchange of views between members of the NRC staff in P the development of these independent staff estimates of reactor constr completion.

There are no reasonably segregable portions of this document.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Comission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary public interest.and Mr. Harold Denton, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor R This denial may be appealed to the Comission's Executive Director forAs I

Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter.

l in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state o the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

\ Si jrely,

/ ~ /

/M. Felton, Director

' / Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated


.. Re: F0!A-83-397 APPENDIX A NOTICE

1. 4/6/83 Memo for Elinor G. Adensam from Darl S. Hood re:

OF MEETING AND TOUR BY CASELOAD AND 2 w/ enclosure (8 pages)

Handouts and Viewgraph Slides Remaining after preparation

2. 4/19/83 of meeting report (36 pages)


3. Undated Draft (2pages)

Letter to J. W. Cook from Thoma CASELOAD

4. 5/17/83 Handwritten Note to J. Cook from T. Novak re:FO NRC TO MAKE OWN ESTIMATE ON Daily News Article by Paul Rau re:
5. 4/15/83 N-PLANT (1 page)


6. 4/20/83 Midland Daily News Article by Lorie Shane re: HA (l

Activity Schedule (1 page)

7. 4/83 UTILITY MAY BE FAR FROM Dialy News Article by Paul Rau re:
8. 6/29/83 NUCLEAR PLANT COMPLETION (1 page)

I, ,


OF APIRL 19-21, 1983 CASELOAD 1

Undated Draft by Darl Hood re:

9. FORECAST PANEL MEETING w/ enclosures (7 pages)


OF APRIL 19-21,

10. 5/16/83 Draft by Darl Hood (Handwritten) re:1983 CASELO Handwritten Notes re:


11. 4/19/83 (13 pages) l '



12. 4/24/83 Handwritten Note to G. Bachi from Darl Hood Meeting Attendants (1 page)
13. 4/19/83 Handwritten List re:

Master Punch List Item Effect (7 pages)

14. 4/20&21/ Handwritten Notes re:


16. 4/12/83 l




19. 6/21/83 Letter to J. W. Cook from T. M. Novak re:


20. 9/22/82 Memo for Harold S. Bassett from Darrell G. Eisenhut re REQUEST FOR CASELOAD PANEL VISIT FOR MID (1 page)

Midland - List of Critical Systems -w/ chart (4 pages)

21. 4/19/83 April 1983 Appointment Calendar (1 page)
22. 4/83 Consumers Power Company - Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2,
23. 6/1/83 re:



24. 6/29/83 Midland Daily News Article re: Utility May Be p (3 pages) g DOW CHEMICAL TERMINATES STEAM
25. 7/15/83. Preliminary Notification re: CONTRACT WITH MIDLAND N WORKER LAYOFF (1 page)

Preliminary Notification re:


" 27. 6/21/83 Preliminary Notification re: UNDERPINNING WORK UND I Preliminary Notification re: RESUMPTION OF SAFETY-RELATED

28. 6/29/83 WELDING WORK ON HVAC SYSTEM (1 page)



30. 4/14/83 CONSTRUCTION Letter to J. G. Keppler from James W. Cook re:
31. 4/22/83 COMPLETION PROGRAM (18 pa,ges)
32. 4/13/83 Ongoing Transmission Service Request to Kim Lovelac Ron Cook re: NEWS RELEASE - CPC0 MIDLAND CONST (3pages)


33. 4/12/83 Memo to H. Denton et. al. from Darl Hood re:

w/ enclosed Press Release (5 pages)

? -

l . . . - _ _ _ . _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Re': F01A-83-397 APPENDIX A Memo for The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the

34. 3/24/83 Midland Plant, Unit 1 and 2 from Thomas M. N ANALYSIS COMPANY w/ enclosures (4 pages)
35. 1/31/83 CONSTRUCTION (199pages)


10/1/81 - Schedule for Site Visits (1 page) 9/30/83 Midland Review - Volume 2, Number 13. Operations Moves

37. 3/22/83 Into Control Room Area (1 page,)

Midland Review - Volume 2, Number 12, Pier 9 Excavation

38. 3/14/83 Begins w/ attached Phase II of Aux. Bldg. Underpinning (2pages)


39. 3/11/83 Memo OF MEETINGfor Elinor G. Adensam

- MIDLAND PLANT, from Ronald UNITS 1 ANDW. 2Hernan re (2 pages)



i 40. 3/4/83 Letter to R. Gene Clark from A. R. Mollenkopf 41, 2/23/83 Daily News Article - by Paul Rau (1 page)


42. 2/8/83 News Announcement 83-08 re:FOR QUALIT STATION (2 pages)

Hard Hat Protection

43. 1/20/83 Midland Review - Volume 2. Number 8 re:

in Containment (2 pages)


44. 2/3/83 Notification of Enforcement Action re:

CIVIL PENALTY - $120,000 (1 page)


45. 1/29/83 News Announcement 83-03 re:

(1 page)

Inspection Letter to James W. Cook from C. J. Paperiello re:

46. 1/12/83 Report w/ enclosure (7 pages) i Daily News Article re: Test of Emergency Plans at N-Pla 47, 12/28/82 Postponed by Paul Rau w/a'ttached articles (3 pages) l Articles from the Midland
48. 12/3/82 Note to Darl Hood from Ron Cook re:

Daily News w/ attachments (6 pages)

Article - High Court to Consider Waste Disposal Influence on

49. 11/29/82 Licensing w/ attachments (3 pages).


67. 8/82 Midlarid Reactor - Volume 7. Number 8 - Various Articles (8pages)

Midland Review - Volume 1. Number 39 - Operating License

68. B/19/82 Hearing Contentions Established (1 page) enclosed Letter to R. Gene Clark from A. R. Mollenkopf re:
69. 8/13/82 El-254 " Quarterly Progress Report on Status of Reactor Construction" (2 pages) 6/28/82 Preliminary Notification re: CONSTRUCTION HALT REQUESTED

Articles'from the

71. 5/10/82 Note to Darl Hood from Ron Cook re:

Midland Daily News (2 pages)

Computer Printout- Revision 12 - Planning Schedule (52

72. Undated t

l l

l l

l l




Re: F01A-83-397

_ APPENDIX A Midland Review,- Volume 2. Number 5 - Construction of

50. 12/22/82 Pier 12 East Initated (1 page)

Midland Review - Voluem 2, Number 2 - Turnover Status

51. 12/3/82 (1 page) 12/3/82 Preliminary Notification re: MAJOR REDUCTION IN SAFETY-l
52. RELATED WORK (3 pages)

Draft re: Completion Plan at the Midland Nuclear Plant


53. 12/3/82 (2pages)

Underpinning Work Delays S.cheduling by Lorie

54. 11/17/82 Article Shane (2re:pages)

Daily Highlight

55. 11/10/82 Memo for H. Denton et. al. from Darl Hood re:

w/ enclosed Press Release (5 pages)

Potential 50.55(e) Report -

56. 10/29/82 Preliminary Notification re:

Improper Cables (1 page)

Resumption of the Mididn'd Nuclear I 57. 10/26/82 News Announcement 82-84 re: Power Station Operating Lic l (1 page)

Midland Reactor - Various Articles (10 pages)

58. 9/82 Independent Review Program - Caseload
59. 10/5/82 Telecon Record re:

Forecast Panel Visit (1 page)

Stop Work Order on Remedial

60. 9/27/82 Preliminary (Notification re:

Soils Work 1 page)

Defective Radiation Monitoring

61. 9/20/82 Preliminary Notification re:

t ,

~ Modules (1 page) .

Deficiencies in Primary

62. 9/22/S2 IE Information Notice Containment No. 82-40:

Electrical Penetration Assemblies (4 pages)


63. 9/17/82 Memo for Site Protection Thomas SurveyM.- Novak Midlandfrom PlantRonald (3 pages) W. Hernan re:

Midland Review - Volume 1, Number 39.- Operating License

64. 8/19/82 Hearing Contentions EstabTished (1 page)

Midland Review - Volume 1, Number 40 - Following Procedure

65. 8/27/82 Properly - Goal for All Workers (1 page)

Midland Review - Volume 1, Number 41, Saginaw/ Bay Count

66. 9/2/82 Moving Toward Full Siren System Approval (1 page)

LI - - - ._ _ __ - -


,8[) ,y 7, , D. C. 20555

  • c ,g ,  ; June 1, 1983


Docket Hos. 50-329/330 .

I Consumers' Power Company l APPLICANT: r Midland Plant, Units 1 & 2 l FACILITY:




  • PANEL MEETING On April 19 and 21, 1983, members of the NRC-Caseloadtion Forecast Panel :

with Consumers Power Company (CPCo) and and 18,1983 8echtel to review cons announced completion schedules which CPCo completed FebruaryOn for Midland Plant, Units 1 & 2.

April 20,1983 the The purpose of April 12,1983 Panel toured the plant to. observe corstruction progress. l of the meeting and tour is to provide for an assessment by the construction completion. Enclosure 3 shows some of Enclosure 2 is the meeting 'and tour agenda.

the slides used during CPCO,s presentations.

CPCO's previous and revised estimates are:

Difference (Mos.)


_/83 Estimate _

p 7/80 Estimate _

14 10/84 13 Unit 2 7/83 2/85 Unit 1 12/83 Overall plant completion is estimated by be about 83

, engineering is about 76% complete; design 94%; and underpin l! '

CPCo completion:

finds there are three separate critical pat underpinning, and (3) the licensing / hearing pathway.

Aboveground Pathway _ i This supports.

pathway is primarily based uponhave rework zero of la and installation of mirror type pipe insulation also presently or negative schedule float.

"e 9

notes CPCO's intent to reinspect all installed A letter of March 29,1983, safety related pipe supports without regard to the time of or and turnover.

certification of inspection personnel, QA program revisions, and other .

support activities would be in p1&ce in time to commence reinspectio 11,1983.

during(the teams week of Aprilabout 50 inspectors) and expects to complete han -

in June 1983. Only two inspectors had been certified as of AprilThe hange and had started hanger inspections. critical path for the " Construction CPCo's letters of January 10 and April 6,1983 (and subsequently on April 22,1983). .

CPCo accepted.

noted that 544 of 850 totali subsystems )

(64%) h

, open items such as design changes,Forty-five and corrective percent act on for both units provides a total duration of 14 months.About 4% of the total of of the systems have been initially checked31, out.1983. Of these 683 tests, CPCo 683 tests have been completed as of March plans to complete 95% of the 268 preoperational tests and .128 accepta tests prior to the Unit 2 fuel load.havebeencompleted(twoareinprogr The testing program for about 134


I completed and none are in progress. The present schedule


systems were noted to be constrained by the CCP. assumes li both units.

At least seven 50.55(e) reports are considered by CPCo to have some for schedule impact in that reviews and tests are not complete and cann l

fully assessed at this time. These seven are:

Subject Management Corrective

( 50.55(e) Report No. Action Report (MCAR) No. ,

40 High-energy line break

1. 80-04 analysis (HELBA) pipe whip restraints Low alloy quenched and 458
2. 80-09 tempered bolting Design of steel embedments 63
3. 82-12 that use tension bars and shear lugs Deficiencies of Limitorque '

46 valve operators

4. 81-01 '

55 Deficiencies in electrical

5. 82'-01 components associated with main steam isolation valve actuators, and non-safety ,

related equipment wired as Class 1E ,

l l

  • Safety related equipment 82-07 59 cooled by non-safety
6. related'HVAC system Clearances between 67 electrical control
7. 83-02 cabinets and panels h

_ Auxiliary Building Underpinnino Pat way_ b 13, 1983, Six of the 57 undprpinning piers have Thebeen installed construction to gain early access sequencesince Dec and a pier load test (pier W-11) was in progress.

will utilize an existing Utility Access Tunnel (UAT)Therevisedconstru l tion forecasts.

beneath the southern corners of the Control l after Tower.s

'CPC0's' schedule assumes NRC willinapprove' advance of EPA

'i loading and of fue transfer of the EPA load to the permanent wall l(i.e.

FIVP soil consolidation beneath the wall;stiffening pier lockoff at and gro replacing of backfill beneath EPA and FIVP; and structu.raCPCo e critical elevation 659 feet).

willlbe completed by late January 1986. '

Licensing / Hearing Pathway _ i d "0L" l

CPCo considers that completion of the present CPCo's satis "0M" he f hearing is also critical to the new Unit 2 fuel load estimate.

estimated need dates for the hearing are:

August 1,1983 Complete "0M" hearing session Mid October 1983 ~

f Mid May 1984 Initial Decision on "0M" matters Early July 1984 Completion of "0L" hearing session l -

Initial Decision on "0L" matters Staff Conclusions _ h eeting The Caseload Panel noted that the information ther reviewedprovided before duri and observations made during the site tour would be fur the Panel's completion estimates are reached.

I y

! M_Darl .w

/v '

Hood, proj ct Manager Licensing Branch No. 4 Divi,sion of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page

EXilIPIT 4 go - 7 2 f[.7,7 0 PMf OL

  • W1 p c,v/r

)p'2:y CnJ.a 9~~r fa ccA if c en c7 %) 4t.

.24 st?c G.,,.k 'P~ t-pn 9.~;fi9.2/,i1v a e w.r~c.,

fa p .44 swn cha ,4

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./g & WL A a x .g o.:% n 0s42JL 0, t 1 V.7 24 n(va Lt z) d f%'~.3 /9fr r~( U A I)., 7 a ~aze k ru ,.x.c n a t,y,.

% ra k T+ .1 ~, ~'s. ,c a r-m.s.t ; .~4Ls.y n;.tL ,.qq .41 tu.

m 7L fa e~w .zu - ~z.r. pp .zt na A 7A d d /J 74> 9 c-s,7 y\ g <f 8 1 1r c.


[ ;\_.? J-~9 2 wu m _ e - d . M _agP& +R t .~.- .~nA > ^pW r:1 %

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.A 5v A mlh ,< ~ e. ey L f.<c, l ){. ej,Tr'~*.4 ,4 4 (m l

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.i.,L:. pu u ns b.. n,' s cu n, a. w -

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' 'j o-.

EXMISIT'.5 T H E D OW C H E .IVil.C- AL- C O M P A June 3, 1983

~ .

Mr. James Cook Vice PresidentProjects, Engineering and Construction C nsumers Power Company 1945 West Parnell Road 49201 .

Jackson, Michigan -

Dear Mr. Cook:

f Consumers Power Company's announcement of deep o As you might expect, uran ~

April 11, 1983 was, and still is, a shock and a sourceAlth ration will not now

.The ultimate

, concern to Dow.ces 1985 at the that commercial earliest, if then. operation of u d!

ial Steam operationt l assumption of occur until August, ability 31, 1984ofwasConsumers a fund, amen to a meet the Commerc f deadline of December Moreover, you have advised that thesed by Consumers /Dow Agreement. estimated Dow has costbeen of the and project is in has in f the project. In order to In light of these disturbing developments,-

the process of a thorough re. view o d hevaluating our alternatives,infor pedited assist us in making such a review anwe would like yo .

attached basis and schedule.

accordingly ask that the reques June 20, 1983.

available to us, if at all possible by I



i R. A. Gaska, ManagerInorganic Chemicals / Energy & Utilit es 47 Building kjl .



, . _ . . _ . rs and by Bechtel for Forecasts 1 through 7 prepared by Consumeing forecast annou 1.

Consumers Power Company, and the replann to these forecasts, in April, 1983, including all adjustmentssts and plant comple-which primarily relate _' to total plant co -

tion projections.

January 1, 1977 by the All reports'or studies prepared since n the Midland Project 2)

Consumers Power Company Planning Group o t cost and scheduling.

]a primarily related to total plan .'

y l repared since January k All monthly or other. periodic reports p l ting to plant cost

3) .

li' ' 1, 1977 by Ecchtel for Consumers Power re an conformance I

and scheduling, inspections, rework, no -tings between Bechte Midland Project and,all minutes of mee -


and Consumers dealing with these su 1

. r Bechtel, or U. S.

4) All reports prepared by Consumers Powe ,d cause o'f soils-r Testing concerning the discovery an ienced during plant and other CFR 50.55(e) problens exper construction. .


- 7 .',

EX:t10IT. 5

. {

T H E D OW C i4 E Nil -.C AL

-. C O M P A i

June 3, 1983 .

I  ;

  • Mr. James Cook Vice PresidentProjects, Engineering and Construction -

C nsumers Power Company -

1945 West Parnell Road 49201 .

Jacksoh, Michigan -

i .

Dear Mr. Cook:

y's announcement of d a source of deep uran-As you might expect, Consumers Power compa April 11, 1983 ration will

.The not now ultimate

, concern to Dow.ces that commercial 1985 at the earliest, l Steam operation operation o if then.

l i tal assiumption of the J occur until August, ability 31, 1984ofwas Consumers a fundAmen to meet the Commerc a 3

deadline of December Moreover, you have advised that ove Consumers /Dow Agreement. estimated cost of the project has i roject. In' order to In light of these disturbing develophents,-

h the process of a thorough review d ofevaluating tep our alternatives,infor expedited assist us in making such a review anwe would like yo

  • attached schedule. 20, 1983.

basis and accordingly ask that the requesteavaila Sincerely,


R. A. Gaska, Manager 2norganic chemicals / Energy & Utilities, 47 Building kjl .


- . . E X!!IM T 6 7

GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT (202)234 9382 Institute for Policy Studies 1901 Que Street. N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20009


July 11, 1983 Director Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 To Whom It May Concerns 5 U.S.C. 5552, the


titute for Policy Studies 1 Purstant to the Freedom of Information i tes, diaries, logs, Act (FOIA , Go requests copies of any and all agency records and eports, not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, i mh nuprocedures, charts, maps, calendars, tapes, transcripts, sumaries, interv ew rins and other data i

, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, stubooks compilations, interim and/or final reports, status retion with the Case Ioad l f other records relevant to and/or 19,generated 1983 regar in connecding the construction i of t d d Forecast Panel Meeting held AprilThis includes all items t'to above regarding prep the meeting.

Midland Nuclear Power Plant.for the meeting, d the meeting it self,and C

Specifically, GAP requests all the documents tion(adandresffice of Inspection a Enforcement, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations (NRR) the OE unreleased--NRC analysis and Consu$ers Power Company regarding the CaseTh l of the Consumers proposals, as well as anyNRC. notes, generated by Consumers Power contacts with the l se provide all sur-If any records have been destroyed and/or removed, p eai t of all records rounding records, including but not limited to af the l s action (s) taken, been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description oide policies l personnel involved and/or relevant date(s), individual, office and/or agency-w with the action (s), and any and all records relevan tion (s).

with, and/or issued in order to implement the ac I .

m t_ e- - - - - - - - _

July 11, 1983 Director of Administration C U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comunission GAP requests that fees be waived, because " fin' )ding ths The Government Accountability Project is a non-profit, non-partisan Throughpublic Legal interest organization concerned with honest and open government. ,

representation,' advice, national conferences, films, publications and public l outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government account- l ability.

GAP requests the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents documents withheld.

grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why This each index exemption is releva is required to the document or portion of the document withheld.820 (D.C.Cir. 1973), cert. denied, under Vauchn v. Rosen_ (I), 484 F.2d 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten days.

Yours truly,


BILLIE PIRNER GARDE Director, Citizens Clinic for Accountable Government BPG/mv e

  • J

00LKETED USNRC 13 SEP 22 p2:42 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION f SECRf. tai, Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing @oard uuGntdInc $ Sggyg(;~


) Docket Nos. 50-329-OL 50-330-OL In the Matter of: ) 50-329-OM



(Midland Plant, Units 1 and 2) __)


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I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing sunni .m,ne.

stamirin' Mn*4nn en Memorandum in Support of Intervenor Barbarn __

were 1983, to:

Litimate Dow Issues da f sentember _,

mailed, proper postage prepaid, this m y o l

Frank J. Felley Carles Bechtoefer, Esq. Attorney General State cf Michigan Administrative Judge Stenrd H. Freeman Atcmic Safety and Licesing Board Assistant Attorney General U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Otm1 mission Envirmmental Protection Division 525 W. Ottawa Street, 720 Iaw Building Washingtcn, D. C. 20555 48913 Lansing, Michigan

    • Dr. Jerry Harbour Administrative Judge ** m. Mary Sirv lair Atcrnic Safety and Licesing Board 5711 Sumerset Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ommission Midland, Michigan 48640 Ashington, D. C. 20555
    • Ms. Barbara Stamiris 5795 N. River
    • Dr. Frederick P. Cowan Administrative Judge Freeland, Michigan 48623 6152 N. Verde Trail, Apt. B-125 Boca Raton, Florida 33433 ** Wendell H. Marshall, President Mapletcn Intervenors
    • Jams E. Brunner, Esq. - RFD 10 48640 Consuners Power Ctmpany Midland, Michigan 212 West Michigan Avenue
  • Docketing and Service rection Jacksco, Michigan 49201 l U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Ccnmission Washington, D. C. 20555


    • Philip Steptoe Isham, Li'ncoln and Beale Wron M. Cherry, P.C.

Peter Flynn, P.C. Cou'nselora at Law Cherzy & Flynn One First National Plaza Three First National Plaza Forty-Second FloorIllinois 60603 Chicago, Suite 3700 Oticago, Illinois 60602

  • Atcznic Safety ard I1 censing Board U.S. Nuclear mgulatcry Ctmmission Washington, D. C. 20555
  • Atcruic Safety and Licensing 4 peal Panel U.S. Nuclear Begulatmy Ccmn!.asicn Washingtcn, D. C. 20555 Steve J. Gadler, P.C.

2120 Carter Avenue St. Paul, m 55108

    • Frederick C. Willimus, Esq.

Ishan, Lincoln & Beale 1120 Connecticut Averme, N.W.

, Washington, D.C. 20036 l ** Wi.llian D. Paton, Esquire Office of Executive Imgal Director

' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory (bunissicn Ittshington, D. C. 20555


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