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Requests Authorization to Dismantle Agn 201 Reactor for Eventual Termination of License R-111.Reactor Has Not Been Operated Since 1979.Dismantling Plan Submitted on 840525
Person / Time
Site: 05000276
Issue date: 09/26/1984
From: Karam R
Neely Research Reactor, ATLANTA, GA
To: Thomas C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8410020400
Download: ML20098F158 (2)



b. .

Georgia Institute of Technology R

NEELY NUCLEAR AESEARCH SCHOOL OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND HEALTH PHYSICS ATLANTA, GECAGIA 30332 (404)894-3600 CENTER September 26, 1984 Dr. Cecil 0. Thouas, Chief Standardization and Special Projects Branch Division of Licensing Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washing ton, D.C. 20555

Dear Dr. Thomas:

Re: Document 250-276 On behalf of the Georgia Institute of ""chnology and in accordance with 10 CFR 50.82(a), I hereby apply for authorization to dismantic the AGN 201 and for eventual termination of License IR-lll. As mentioned in my letter to you of May 25, 1934, the continued use of this reactor in the Institute programs is no longer justified, so the decision has been made to decommission and dispose of it.

Pending NRC approval, we plan to remove all components of the reactor which contain special nuclear materials, and to initially store this fuel in the GTHR vault. Ultimately, this fuel will be returned to its owner, the U.S. Department of Energy. The purpose of this letter is to inforu NRC of our plan.

Please advise us with regard to whether or not we can store the AGN fuel (6/700 g of U-235 contained in 120% enriched fuel) in the GTRR vault. Our license for the GTRR (License R-97) allows us to receive, possess and use 13.5 kg of contained U-235.

However, a letter from Mr. Robert Kirkland, dated September 25, 1979 to NRC, (appended) stipulates that the maximum amount of contained U-235 that can be in unirradiated fuel storage shall be 4.99 kg. Currently we have 4.883 kg of unirradiated U-235 in the GTRR vault. In accordance with 10 CFR 73.60, we interpret that the 700 grams of U-235 in the AGN fuel do not affect the 4.99 kg limit because the enrichment is 20% or less. Please confirm. At any rate we will not do anything in th i regard until we receive NRC approval.

8410020400 840926 ' Of PDR ADOCK 05000276 ' g P PDR A Und d the Unnersdy System W George An Equal Educahon and Employment opporturney :nshtution  ;

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. Dr. Thomas Page 2 September 26, 1984 The reactor may still be in operable condition, but has not been operated since 1979. . It contains all of the U-235 fuel of the core, and the fueled control rods. All control instrumentation is connected.

Available records show that the-AGN-201 was Georgia Tech for a-total-of 683.75 hours8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br />. Assuming that all operations were performed at a power level of 100 milliwatts the total

.-energy generated is'68.4 watt-hours. The total radioactivity of

. fission-products in the fuel is estimated to be o0.03 p Ci per gram which is about two orders of magnitude less than the natural radioactivity in U-235.

Wefplan-to remove-the fuel from the reactor following t'.te

. procedures outlined in the-Dismantling Plan, originally submitted 25 May 1984' and appended to this request, and storing it in ourf GTRR vault. Ultimately ~ this fuel will be shipped to ORNL'in. approved containers and in accordance with NRC and DOT requirements. Mr. William Pryor of ORNL stated to me that approved containers will be sent to us from ORNL. All transportation requirements will also be specified by Mr. Pryor.

After-the fuel'has been removed, the Institute will perform a comprehensive radiation survey, will transmit the results to NRC,.and will ultimately request termination of License 3R-lll and residual reactor hardware and-facilties. The.Ra-Be neutron

. source will be~ retained.

The.Dismantlin'g Plan which was submitted to youLon May 25, 1984 discusses)in detail the procedures to be used, and the precautions-to be employed to protect the general public.

During the defueling of the reactor, the Institute will utilize the services of a re-licensed AGN-201 senior operator, Dr. J.

LNarl'Davidson of Georgia. Tech. 111s examination for re-licensing 1

is now scheduled for October.4, 1984.- Nothinglwill be done

'however until and unless Dr. Davidson is re-licensed.

If you have any questions please let me know (404) 894-3620).

Sincerely-yours, h* Haar rubne. George sh.9 La,.

My Commission fxpires March 19,1788

.g .


' Interim Director Nuclear Research Center


=pc:- Mr. James O' Reilly, NRC . Atlanta Dr. J. Pettit, President Dr. T.E. Stelson,-Vice President, Research

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GEORGI A INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL Of" NUCLEAR ENGINECHING ATLANTA, GEORGI A 30332 September 25, 1979 FN AN t% H. NE E LY NUC LCA R N ESE AHCH C E NT E N TEccenons, pool sea-seoo U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission ',

Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4

Division of Operating Reactors immeNCE: Georgia Tech Research Reactor License R-97 ,


'D113 is in response to your letter dated July 30, 1979 requesting information from us regarding quantities of SIN material. lbder the above referenced license, Georgia Tech is currently able to receive, possess and use at any one time up to 13 5 kilograno of contained uranium 235 Based upon your letter and our analysis of our needs, this quantity can be adjur,ted as follows:

1.- Total ancunt of SIG Georgia Tech can receive, possess and use at any one tim shall be 11.09 kilograms of contained uranium 235

-2. Maximum amunt of contained uranium 235 that can be in the reactor com shall be 3.60 kilograms. All of this material I V '-'"

  • j>,W 43 will be classed exenpt because of a self protection radiation

..P level of > 100 rem per hour at three feet.


- 3 Maximum amunt of contained uranium 235 that can be in irra- 7 g,a dll/' diated fuel storage shall be 2 50 kilogrann. All of this material will be classed exempt. d8 9

4. Maximum amount of contained uranium 235 that can be in un-irradiated fuel storage shall be 4.99 kilogrann. All of this material will be classed non-exenpt.

Should you need any. further information on this matter please contact me.

Sincerely yours,

'y Pcbert S. Kirkland Associate Director R

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The Georgia Institute of Technology currently possesses an.

AGN-201 Training Nuclear Reactor under License No. R-lli (Docket No. 50-276). This facility is-being defueled in preparation for ultimate' disposal of1tne entire reactor. However, only the fuel

' will be removed and relocated at this time. To permit the transfer lof~the fuel, this document provides for.the dismantling of- theLeomponent parts and disposal of the~ fuel as prescribed by t.he NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86, " Termination of Operating Licenses of -Nuclear Reactors."

The procedure for disassembly will be to remove the reactor control rods, the Ra-Be startup source and then the separate sections of the core assembly. The Ra-Be source will be placed-intthe source container (a Pb pig). The fission plate, fuel sections of the control rods and fuel assemblies (polyethylene

- d i scs) will be. separated into two, approximately equal amounts

-(according to U-235 content) , wrapped in polyethylene bags, and i placed in'NRC and DOT approved shipping containers-for storage. [

Af ter nall fuel and the stat tup neutron source are removed, the  ?

electrical connections for the control rod drives and other instrumentation will be disconnected. All components and areas-will be-checked for contamination and decontaminated where required. (

.The fuel will be temporarily stored in the GTRR vault. When all. approvals are received the fuel will be shipped of f-site to DOE,-Qak Ridge, Tennessee in accordance with all Federal and State Regulations. All used filter papers, wiping papers and rags,-and gloves will be disposed of as rad-waste, according to the Georgia Tech 1and other applicable regulations. All protective clothing will be handled according to Georgia-Tech

{ procedures. No effluents will be disposed of through cold-drains or normal waste procedures until shown to be within applicable  !

limits. .During the entire operation, great care will be taken to }i protect both the operations personnel and the general public from exposure to ionizing radiations, and to keep any necessary exposure as' low as: reasonably practicable.

II. Dismantling Procedure A. General Procedures For the accomplishment of the defueling operations, Dr.

'R.A. Karam will be present at all times. A -licensed operator as a consoltant. In addition the Institute Radiation' safety Officer, Mr. Robert Boyd, will monitor the operations for' radiclogical safety aspects. All personnel involved-in the operation will. receive instructions of the operation at a pre-def ueling meeting. A radiation work permit



.2-1 L.

, will be issued for the-job.

B. 11aza rd Evalua tion-

1. Nuclear Safety. A nuclear excursion would be the L. most serious type of accident-that could occur during the

& disassembly and remc ral .of the reactor core. Ilowe ve r , it is one

.of the'least likely of all'eredible accidents. To obtain criticality, the-complete core assembly, including all fuel discs, the.twotfueled safety rods and the fueled coarse control rod'mustfbe assembled within a nearly optimum reflector.

. Nuclear Safety will be maintained by first removing the fuel from safety and control rods and storing it in the shipping containe'r. The combined fuel content of the rods is approximately 45 grams of U-235.

The. core itself contains approximately 620 grams'*of U-235 and, with the rods removed, has a negative. reactivity'in excess o f- three percent (3%) in 4 k/k.

The. core disassembly will be done in the reactor room area. '

As.the' fuel discs are removed, they will be.placed on a workbench covered with clean protective paper. Discs from the two. halves of the core.will be stared in separate' shipping conta. ers, approximately 350g U-235 per container.

A portable fast neutron survey meter will be in continuous operation during the disassembly of the core as an indicator of neutron multiplication, llowever, a detailed critical mass determination by neutron multiplication measurements will not be performed.since the. maximum reactivity increase that can be achieved by repositioning the fuel discs is less than the worth of the control rods. -

As a further precaution, a temporary cadmium safety rod will_be inserted into the core tank glory hole tube prior to-disassembly of the core. This cadmium rod will remain in place during the dicassembly of the top half of the core. The rod will be removed then by pushing it out as the glory hole liner tube is recoved.

.The removal and disassembly of the reactor core will be performed under the supervision of Dr. R.A. Karam. Whenever left unattended, the reactor facility will be locked, with access controlled by Dr. R.A. Karam.

2. Radiation Safety. Radioactive contamination could arise from three sources: the reactor core, activation products outside the core and the-Ra-Be startup source. Fixed surface

' contamination produces external radiation exposures; airborne contamination adds an inhalation hazard. Thoroagh surveys of the reacto'r'and core' components and comprehensive monitoring of air and personnel during disassembly will prevent accidental and/or excessive exposures to contamination hazards. Such monitoring 4


m g - ,

will be supervisad by the Institute's Radiation Safety Officer, and/or the health physics technologist.

Respiratory protective equipment and coveralls will be worn by all persons-in the reactor room when the-core tank is initially opened, and until the absence of airborne contamination has been definitely established.

The' 10 mci Ra-Bo startup source will be removed from the reactor after the removal of the safety and control rods. The source will be wipe-tested immediately after removal and stored in'a shielded container.

Personal monitoring devices are worn by all individuals entering the AGN reactor room under any condition. This regulation will co r. t i nu e to be strictly enforced during 611 of the procedures contained in this Dismantling Plan. .

3. Mechanical Gafety. The mest probablt type of accident is that which might be called mechanical and may result

.from either human error or mechanical iailure. The probability of human error will be mininized by making adequate preparation for the work (see Section C) and by following a ;redeteinined plan of action (see Section D). The probability of mechanical failure will be rc.inimized by thorough inspection of all equipment in advance.

C. Prenaration (Check -List)

1. Radiation Protection
a. The following instruments will be checked for proper operation, then placed in the reactor r ocia for use.
1. Air sam,aler
2. i'a s t neutron survey meter
3. Gamma dose rate survey meter (Cutie Pie or Radector)
4. Contamination survey tacter ( E nd-w i n dow Geiger Counter)
b. The following supplies will be collected and placed in the reactor room: s
1. Glass fiber filters and filter holders for air sampling.
2. Wha ttua n filters or Nucon smears for wipe tests.
3. Individual containers for air _ sample and w ii:e test filters.
4. Shielded storage container for storing the Ra-Be startup source.
5. Appropriate breathing apparatus (face

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mask) will be worn au required tr the itad ia t ion Sa f e ty O f f icer .

6. Coverallu, lab coats and gloven.

7 liadioactive waste container.

8. Cadmium safety rod.
2. V:ork Area and Tools
a. Clear reactor room of extraneous large i teias and clean the work area with vacuum cleaner.
b. Collect the following tools and place in reactor roora:
1. 11and tools (socket and allen wrenches) required for disassembly.
2. Ilandling tool for r craov ing the Ita-ile source.
3. Fuel storage and shipping containers.
4. Operating crane for lifting the the riaal c o l utan , core tank and upper graphite reflector.
c. The following items will also be placed in the reactor r oora:
1. Plastic bags or sheeting on which to place control rods and fuel corapo ne n t s ,

and for packaging such components.

2. Labels for dismantled core components.

D. Procedures Disassembly

1. Removal of the Thermal Tank, Pa rt No.


a. Remove bolts that secure the thermal tank asseinbly to the water tank.
b. Attach lifting f r arae , T-000458, to the flange of the the riaa l tank with the bolts provided, and hoist ca re f ully f rcra the wa te r tank.
2. Removal of control and safety rod cap-sules (part No. 2-000104).

a., Insert terapora ry cadialuta sa f ety rod into glory hole.

b. Itemove t h e b<> t t o ra cover plate (2-000169) by loosening and turning

> - - - - . . _ . - - . - - 4


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hbbOb3hh. " N 23?'8Ssie? Dart No.

2-000593, should come off with the-cover.)

c. Remove Dash Pot assembly (Part No.

2-000510 shown on 2-000184) by grasping the knurled surface and unscrew by hand ( r ig h t-h a nd thread),

then lower carefully out of the main frame assembly,

d. Remove the rod capsule-and-tube assembly by unscrewing (right-hand thread). cap 2-000195, using a 1/2" socket wrench,-until detached, and lower carefully out of-the control rod main frame assembly. .

.. e. Remove rod capsule from rod tube by gripping the two. tubes by hand and.

unscrewing. .This thread is-LEFT HAND; if'the other direction is:

used, the capsule 0-ring sealEwill bel opened and the~ active.. material will i-be exposed.

f. Remove U-fuel from control-rrds,.

wipe-test for~ removable. radioactivity wrap in plastic and place-in shipping-container.

g. Remove and wipe-test the Ra-Be s ta r t- -

up source. . Place itrin'the portable storage container.

3. C?ro Disassembly The entire disassembly of the reactor core will be' performed in the presence of Professor R.A. Karam with~a minimum.
of two persons present during each step of the operation.

However, the total number of people present will be minimized.

The following procedure will be followed in the sequence- "

indicated:. .

a.- Start membrane filter air sampler-operating in close proximity to reactor core..

The two individu$ be in the.



- reactor room as the core is opened . ..

will wear the' appropriate face. masks  !

and gloves.

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s c. The-upper end plate of the core. tank will be removed, with special care-being taken of the 0-ring gasket. ,
d. After the air sampler has been allowed to run several minutes, the filter will be removed and counted on the low background gamma ray detector. Another filter will be' L placed in the air sampler-'and collection of a second sample will s ta r ted. As soon as-the absence.of an airborne contamination hazard is established, the face masks will be dispensed with.

. e. Lifting lugs will be screwed into the threaded sockets in the upper

  • main .

reflector and this reflector will


then be lifted out of the core tank.


' f. As each piece of the core assembly is-removed, a representative. area of approximately 100 cm will be wiped with a filter paper or Nucon smear.'

The~ smears will be-retained for later ~ '

analysis to determine quantities of removabic contamination throughout-the. core. Each core component will~

then-be completely wiped with " wiping tissues" and_these wipings willibe ,

I disposed of as radioactive wastes.

g. The fuel discs will be-removedLone at- .

a time, beginning withLthe tip of tho' ._

. core and working downward through disc No. 4. Each disc must'be. _



removed carefully tofavoid jostling, and thereby shifting, the remaining d iscs. - NOTC: Fuel f rom the t'op half -

of the core will be placed in'one of ,,

the two shipping casks provided -

h. After removal of all fuel discs in "

the' upper half of the core,.the ,

peripheral reflector sections 1 inspected for possible: removal. . -

1. The temporary Cd control rod willibe:

J -

renoved, followed by removal of the

' Glory llole tube.

j. The core tank will now be removed-from the reactor and lowered to floor t

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~, t level.

k. The lower main reflector, together with f uel discs 1, '2, and 3 and the' thermal fuse assembly will now be removed.
1. The lower half of the core will be disassembled by compressing the sup-port spring recessed in the-base of the lower main reflector. The thermal fuse assembly will then be exposed above fuel disc No. 2 and may be released by removing the clip ring. The fuel discs from the lower half of the core, and the thermal fuse will be wrappe3 for placement in the second shipping container. ,
m. All parts, components, etc., wil) be decontaminated to acceptable levels before the shipping containers are finally closed and secured.
n. Following removal of all of the fuel,.

the reactor reflector components will be reinserted, and the. tank. system' reassembled for future disposition.

B'ased on prior experience, it-is ex-pected that the tank system will contain no measurable radioactivity.

~o. The Ra-Be startup -source: will be:

retained and will'be stored'according to applicable regulations by Georgia.


III. Criticality and Security Safeguards During Storage of of Fuel Awaiting Shipment Storage Location of Fuel and Control Hods k

A. 3 As'indicatd above, th'e fuel and fuel por,tions of the control'and safety rods will be wrapped in polyethylene and -

placed in the two NRC, and DOT approved shipping containers which will. ultimately be used to transport the Special Nuclear' Material- "

to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The containers will be sealed and

. properly labeled. The containers will be stored in the. vault of the GTRR until shipment.

B. Criticality Monitoring With-half of the fuel stored in each of the two shipping

. containers, inadvertent criticality is impossible. A remote i

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i i radiation monitoring instrument exists in the vault.

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