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Insp Rept 70-0036/92-06 on 921210-11.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Fuel Cycle Emergency Preparedness Program
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 12/22/1992
From: Cox C, Mccormickbarge
Shared Package
ML20126F868 List:
70-0036-92-06, 70-36-92-6, NUDOCS 9212310182
Download: ML20126F870 (3)


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Docket No. 70-0036 License No. SMN-33 Licensee: Combustion Engineering, Inc.

Nuclear Power Systems Windsor, CT 06095 Facility Name: Hematite Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Facility Inspection At: Hematite, Missouri Inspection Conducted: December 10-11, 1992 Inspector: O //I-///k w M e e I Il

4. R. Cox Date Approved By: / f u nca J , , ,2.h J</ >
p. W. McCormick-Barger, Chief ~ Date /

Emergency Preparedness and Non-Power Reactors Section lagoection Summary igioection on December 10-11. 1992 (Recort No. 70-0036/92006(D_RSS))

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection to review actions on: fuel cycle emergency preparedness program (IP 88050).

Results: In the area inspected, no violations or concerns were identified.

The emergency preparedness program was adequately maintained with improvements noted in the alarm system, the new plan submittal, and the frequency of drills.

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9212310182 921222 6 PDR ADOCK 0700 C


1. Eersons Contacted ASEA Brown Boveri/ Combustion Enaineerina. I m
  • J. Rode, Plant Manager
  • H. Eskridge, Manager, Nuclear Licensing, Safety & Accountability
  • A.- Noack, Production Superintendent
  • G. Palmer, Process Engineering
  • E. Criddle, Health Physics Supervisor
  • L. Duel, Manufacturing Engineer
  • Denotes those attending the exit meeting on December 11, 1992.
2. General (40750)

This inspection, which began on December 10, 1992, was conducted to examine the emergency preparedness program at the Hematite Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Facility. The facility was toured shortly after arrival'.

The general housekeeping of the facility was very good.

No violations or deviations were identified.

3. Emeraency Preparedness Proaram (88050)
a. Emeraency Plans. Procedures. Facilities. and Eouioment-

- A letter dated April 6,1992, submitted 'a new Radiological Contingency Plan-(RCP) to the NRC Nuclear-Materials, Security and '

Safeguards Branch-(NMSS) for approval. The new revision reformatted the existing plan and incorporated changes to address Regulatory Guide 3.67, " Standard Format and Content for Emergency Plans for Fuel Cycle and Materials Facilities", issued January 1992. The licensee was awaiting NRC approval before revising the implementing procedures for the~ plan. The new RCP.

. included a revision of:its emergency classification scheme to -1 include _the Alert and Site Area. Emergency classifications levels  !

recommended in the regulatory guide and also i_ncluded an Unusual Event classification not--in the regulatory guide.

The 'aspector reviewed Emergency Procedure VI, " Nuclear Alarm l Procedure" and Procedure VII, "Non-nuclear Alarm Procedure".

Emergency Procedure VI was revised to correct a problem noted in inspection report No' 70-0036/91002(DRSS). The inspection report noted that the security force did not have. guidance to. switch the plant phone' lines to the Emergency Control Center (ECC) in.

Emergency _. Procedure VI_and VII. Emergency Procedure VI was 3 revised to include a note for the security force to switch the.  ;

phone system to the ECC. No revision was made to Emergency

' Procedure VII because for a non-nuclear emergency, the ECC would -

not'be activated.


The emergency call list in Emergency Procedure II was reviewed and was found to be current. The inspector toured the facility, including the ECC, and found the emergency kits, including fire-protection equipment, in good condition and inventoried as required by their plans._ Equipment improvements included a new fire and criticality alarm system and a new phone system.

No violations or deviations were identified.

b. Tests and Drills The December 19, 1991 exercise records were reviewed._ The scenario involved a fire and included a response from the local fire department. A critique was held and improvement items noted.

As a result of the exercise, more frequent drills were held in 1992.

No violations or deviations were identified,

c. Training The inspector reviewed training records and interviewed _ personnel to verify that the required training was conducted and records were maintained.

No violations or deviations were identified,

d. Offsite Supfort Aaencies The revised RCP, submitted in 1992, included letters from;the offsite agencies documenting their review and approval of the new plan. Comments from these reviews were incorporated by the licensee. Annual _ tours of the . facility were given to the local law enforcement and fire departments'and biennial training was given to the hospital and ambulance' service.-

No violations or deviations were identified.

4. ixit Interview (30703)

~The inspector met with licensee representatives denoted in Paragraph I at the conclusion of the inspection on December 11, 1992. The. inspector.

summarized the scope and results of the inspection and discussed the likely content of this inspection report. The licensee acknowledged _ the information and did not indicate that any of-the information disclosed during the inspection could be considered proprietary in nature.

