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Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 32 to License DPR-7
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 04/08/1998
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20216C870 List:
NUDOCS 9804150091
Download: ML20216C882 (9)


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By letter dated December 9,1996, as supplemented on June 12,1997 and March 13, 1998, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (the licensee), submitted proposed changes to the i Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3, Technical Specifications (TSs) to implement Generic Letter 89-01 (GL 89-01) and to incorporate the requirements of the revised 10 CFR Part 20 and Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.


Humboldt Bay Power Plant, Unit 3 (HBPP) is a 65-MWe boiling-water reactor power plant owned by PG&E. HBPP achieved initial criticality on February 16,1963, and began commercial operation in August 1963. The reactor was shut down on July 2,1976, for refueling and seismic modifications. In 1983, the licensee concluded that the seismic and Three Mile Island (TMI) modifications were uneconomical and decided to decommission the  ;

plant. NRC issued a possession-only license in July 1988, placing HBPP in the SAFSTOR decommissioning mode. The Appendix I requirements were never incorporated into Radioiogical Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) after SAFSTOR. On August 28, 1996, NRC published a Federal Register notice containing decommissioning regulation amendments. These amendments revised 10 CFR Part 50.36a and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1, making the Appendix 1 requirements applicable to decommissioning activities as well as operating nuclear power reactors.

3.0 EVALUATION The licensee has proposed to revise the TSs to include wording that is consistent with Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50, Generic Letter 89-01, and the revised 10 CFR Part 20.

Specifically, the proposed changes (1) incorpoista programmatic controls in the

- Administrative Controls section of the TS that satisfy the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190,10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50; (2) relocate the current specifications concerning radioactive effluent monitoring 9804150091 DR 9so4og ADOCK 05000133 PDR

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instrumentation, the control of liquid and gaseous effluents, equipment requirements for liquid and gaseous effluents, radiological environmental monitoring, and radiological reporting details from the TS to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM); (3) modify the reporting requirements associated with item 2; (4) modify the administrative controls for changes to the ODCM and the Process Control Program (PCP); and (5) add record retention requirements for changes to the ODCM and PCP.

The proposed TS changes and evaluations follow:

1. Page ii, " CONTENTS" The licensee has proposed to edd a new definition heading "8. Process Control Program,"

and to renumber subsequent oefinition headings.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are acceptable.

2. Page iii The licensee has proposed to delete headings V.A.1, V.A.2, V.A.4, V.A.6, V.B.1, V.B.2, V.B.4, V.B.6, VI.A, VI. A.1, VI. A.2, and V.B.3.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are acceptable.

3. Page iv The licensee has proposed to insert new headings "F. Radioactive Effluent Controls Program," "G. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program," "N. Process Control Program Changes," and "O. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Changes" and to renumber subsequent headings.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are acceptable.

4. Page v The licensee has proposed to delete from the Table of Contents, Table V-1, Figure V-1, c- Figure V 2, and Figure V-3. This information has been relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are a.cceptable.

5. Page 1-2, Section B.4, "Offsite Dose Calculation Manual" The licensee has proposed to revise the definition of the ODCM to be consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.


6. Page 1-3, Section B.8, "SAFSTOR" The licensee has proposed to add a definition of the PCP.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

7. Page 1-4, DEFINITIONS The licensee has proposed to renumber the definitions.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are acceptable.

8. Page V-1,Section V.A.1, " Stack Gas Monitoring System" The licensee has proposed to delete this section. The programmstic controls from this  !

section are included in Section Vll.F.1. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM. <

I The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

9. Pages V-1 and V-2,Section V.A.2, " Process Water Monitor" l

The licensee has proposed to delete this section. The programmatic controls from this '

section are included in Section Vll.F.1. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

10. Page V-3,Section V.A.4, "Offsite Environmental Monitoring Stations" The licensee has propored to delete this section. The programmatic controls from this section are included in Section Vll.G.1. Existing specification procedural details are l relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

11. Page V-3,Section V.A.6, "Onsite Environmental Monitoring Stations" The licensee has proposed to delete this section. The programmatic controls from this section are included in section Vll.G.1. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

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12. Page V-4, Sections V.B.1.a and b, " Stack Gas Monitoring System" The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. The programmatic controls from these sections are included in Section Vll.F.1, Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM. i I

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and are )


13. Page V-5, Sections V.B.1.c and d, " Stack Gas Monitoring System" The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. Existing specification procedural )

details are relocated to the ODCM. 1 The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance in GL 89 01 and are acceptable.

14. Page V 5, Sections V.B.2.a and b, " Process Water Monitor" The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. The programmatic controls from these sections are included in Section Vll.F.1. Existine specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and are acceptable.

15. Page V-7,Section V.B.4, "Offsite Environmental Monitoring Stations" The licensee has proposed to delete this saction. The programmatic controls from this section are included in Section Vll.G.1. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance cuntained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

16. Pages V-8 and V-9, Sections V.B.6.a, b, and c, "Onsite Environmental Monitoring Stations" The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. The programmatic controls from these sections are included in Section Vll.G.1. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and are acceptable.  ;

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17. Page V-11, Table V-1, " Operating Limits for Groundwater Activity During SAFSTOR" The licensee has proposed to delete this table. The programmatic controls from this table are included in Section Vll.G.1. Existing specification procedural detailc are relocated to the ODCM.

l The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is J acceptable.

18. Page V-12, Figure V-1, " Dosimeter Locations for Stations near HBPP" ,

The licensee has proposed to delete this figure. The figure has been relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

19. Page V-13, Figure V-2, "Humboldt Bay Onsite Dosimeter Stations" The licensee has proposed to delete this figure. The figure has been relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

20. Page V-14, Figure V-3, "HBPP Groundwater Monitoring Wells" The licensee has proposed to delete this figure. The figure has been relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

21. Pages VI-1 and 2,Section VI.A.1, " Liquid Radioactive Waste System" The licensee has proposed to delete this section. The programmatic controls are included in section Vll.F.6. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

22. Pages VI-3,Section VI.A.2, " Solid Radioactive Waste System" The licensee has proposed to delete this section. Existing specification procedural details l are relocated to the ODCM or PCP as appropriate.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

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23. Pages VI-3 and 4, Sections VI.B.1.a,b,c,d, and e, " Liquid Radioactive Waste System" The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. The programmatic controls from these sections are included in Section Vll.F.6. Existing specification procedural details are 4 relocated to the PCP.

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and are acceptable.

24. Page VI-4, Sections VI.B.2.b and c, " Solid Radioactive Waste System" l

The licensee has proposed to delete these sections. The programmatic controls from these sections are included in section Vll.H. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the PCP.

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and are acceptable.

25. Page VI-5,Section VI.B.3, " Gaseous Effluents" The licensee has proposed to delete this section. The programmatic controls from this section are included in sections Vll.F.7 and 8. Existing specification procedural details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

26. Page Vil-21, Section Vll.E.1.i, " Procedures" The licensee has proposed to add a new section,"j. Process Control Program."

The proposed change is administrative in nature and is acceptable.

27. Page Vll 22, Section Vll.F, " Site Emergency Plan" The licensee has proposed to add two new sections, "F. Radioactive Effluent Controls Program" and "G. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program" before the " Site Emergency Plan" section and renumber the subsequent sections. These new sections establich the programmatic controls for radioactive effluent control and radiological environmental monitoring in accordance with the guidance in GL 89-01.

The proposed Section "F, Radioactive Effluent Controls Program," will establish programmatic limitations on the instantanecus concentrations of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to Humboldt Bay conforming to 10 times the effluent concentration limits of 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2. The requirements for TS concerning effluents from nuclear power reactors are stated in 10 CFR 50.36a.

These requirements indicate that compliance with effluent TSs (which have incorporated the design objectives of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50) will keep average annual releases of radioactive material in effluents and their resultant doses at small percentages of the dose

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limits specified in 10 CFR 20.1301 for individual members of the public. These 10 CFR 50.36a requirements further indicate that operational flexibility is allowed, compatible with considerations of health and safety, and may temporarily result in releases higher than such small perceritages, but still within the dose limits specified in 10 CFR 20.1301.

The current TS limit for instantaneous concentiations is based on the "old" 10 CFR 20.106, which references Appendix B, Table 11 concentrations. These referenced concentrations are specific values that relate to an annual dose of 500 mrem to an individual member of the public. The concentrations for liquid effluents in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, of the revised 10 CFR Part 20 are based on an annual dose of E,0 mrem. The use of an instantaneous concentration value equal to 10 times the effluent concentrations in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 will allow the same degree of operational flexibility as the current TS. Also, incorporation of the Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50 design objectives values of 3 mrem per year into the TS will assure compliance with 10 CFR 20.1301.

The licensee has stated that operational history during SAFSTOR decommissioning has demonstrated that the use of the concentration values in Appendix B, Table ll, Column 2, as TS limits which are applied as " instantaneous concentration values" has resulted in calculated maximum doses to an individual membei of the public that are small percentages of the design objectives of Appendix l to 10 CFR Part 50. Therefore, the use of

" instantaneous concentration values" that are 10 times the concentration values 10 CFR Part 20 in Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 should not preclude the licensee's ability to operate within the design objectives of Appendix i to 10 CFR Part 50 and the limits of 40 CFR Part 190.

l The proposed section G," Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program," will establish a radiological environmental monitoring program, as modified to reflect the licensee's l SAFSTOR status. This is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01.

! Based on the above, the proposed changes are acceptable.

28. Page Vll-23, Section Vll.H.1, " Annual Report" The licensee has proposed to revise this section in accordance with the guidance in GL 89-01, as modified to reflect the licensee's SAFSTOR status. The specification is simplified and the existing reporting details are relocated to the ODCM.

The proposed changes are consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and are acceptable.

29. Page Vll-24, Section Vll.H.3, " Annual Effluent Relf.ase Report" The licensee has proposed to revise this section in accordance with the guidance in GL 89-01, as modified to reflect the licensee's SAFSTOR status. The specification is simplified and the existing reporting details are relocated to the ODCM.

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8 The proposed change is consistent with the guidance contained in GL 89-01 and is acceptable.

30. Page Vll-25,Section I, " Record Retention" The licensee has proposed to renumber section I to become section K.

The proposed change is administrative in nature and is acceptable.

31. Page Vll-27,Section I, " Record Retention" The licensee has proposed to add a new item, Vll.K.2.k. to this section. This item will establish record retention requirements for reviews performed for changes made to the ODCM and the PCP.

The prop;. .ed change is consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01 and with the requirements in 10 CFR Part 20 and is acceptable.

32. Page Vil-27, Section Vll.K.1, "Less Than or Equal to 1000 mr/hr" The licensee has proposed to change the 10 CFR Part 20 reference from "20.203(c)(2)" to "20.1601(c)" and to renumber the section Vll.M.1.

The proposed changes reflect the appropriate new Part 20 section number, are administrative in nature and are acceptable.

33. Page Vll-28, Section Vll.K.1, "Less Than or Equal to 1000 mr/hr" i The licensee has proposed to change the 10 CFR Part 20 reference from "20.203(c)(2)" to "20.1601(a)" and to change from "45 cm (18 in)" to "30 cm (12 in)" the distance at which a radiation survey is made to determine if an area is a high radiation area.

The proposed changes are consistent with 10 CFR Part 20 and are acceptable.

34. Page Vll-29, Section Vll.K.2, " Greater than 1000 mr/hr" i

The licensee has proposed to renumber Specification Vll.K.1 to Specification Vll.M.1 and to I change from "45 cm (18 in)" to "30 cm (12 in)" the distance at which a radiation survey is .

made to determine if an area is a high radiation area. I 1

l The proposed changes are administrative in nature, and the change to the radiation survey measurement point is consistent with 10 CFR Part 20. The proposed changes are acceptable.


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35. Page Vil-29 The licensee has proposed to add two new sections, "Vil.N. Process Control Program Changes" and "Vil.O. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual," after Section Vll.K.2. These new sections establish controls for changes made to the ODCM and the PCP.

The proposed changes are administrative in nature and are consistent with the guidance in GL 89-01. The proposed changes are acceptable.

4.0 (TATE CONSULTATION in accoriance with the regulations of the Commission, the California State official was notified of the proposed issuance of the amendment. The State official had no comments.


This amendment places new requirements in the Administrative Controls section of the Technical Specifications to establish programs for the control of radiological effluents and the conduct of radiological environmental monitoring in the ODCM. The new Administrative Control requirements for radiological effluents to be placed in the ODCM incorporate 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1, limitations on dose to individual members of the public that are much more restrictive than the current Technical Specifications. The Commission has previously issued a proposed finding that the amendment involves no significant l hazards consideration, and there has been no public comment on such finding (61 FR 18174). The Commission has published an Environmental Assessment and Finding of no Significant impact in the Federal Register (63 FR 16831, April 6,1998).


The Commission has concluded, based on the considera+. ions discussed above, that (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by maintenance in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the regulations of the Commission, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public.

Principal Contributor: Stephen Klementowicz John Minns l

Dete: April 8, 1998 l
