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Rev 8 to Callaway Cycle 9 Colr
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1997
Shared Package
ML20212E529 List:
NUDOCS 9711030234
Download: ML20212E551 (26)


. ., . . - --~. . . . . . . .. . -.-


  • , Cdlaway Cycle 91 Rev K- ,


I October 1997.

9 b



((Nk.[bPDR s .


. Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.n 1.0 CORE OPERATINO LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Callaway Plant Cycle 9 has been prepared in accordan:e with the requirements of Technical Specification

The Core Operating Limits affecting the following Technical Specifications are included in ,

this report, s Moderator Temperature Coefficient Shutdown Rod Insertion Limits Control Rod Insertion Limits 3.2.1 /.xial Flux Difference f 3.2.2 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor 3.2.3 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor 3.9.1 Refueling Boron Concentration 9,


Callacay Cgle 9 Rev g 2.0 OPERATINO LIMITS

- The cycle specific limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the subsections which follow. These limits have been developed using the NRC approved methodolegies specified in Technical Specification

2.1 Moderator Temperature Coefficient I (Specification 1 2.1.1 The Moderator Temperature Coefficient shall be less positive than the limits shown in Figure 1. These limits shall be referred to as the Beginning of Cycle Life (BOL) Limit.  ;

The Moderator Temperature Coefficient shall be less negative than -47.9 pcm/*F. -t This limit shall be referred to as the End of Cycle Life (EOL) Limit.

2.1.2 The MTC 300 ppm surveillance limit is -40.4 pcm/*F (all rods withdrawn, Rated Thermal Power condition).

t 4

' Call:way Cycle 9 Rev.8 7  ;

I l


,A N I


(70%, 5.0) '-

h5 O \

E \ '.

21 i 8  ; '

4 ca \ l s \

H g \, .;__


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d i E h 2

2 \




1 g



0 I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF' RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 1 Callaway Cycle 9 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Versus Power Level 5

~ Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.8 l

2.2 Shutdown Rod Insertion Limits (Specification

The shutdown rods shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.

2'.3 Control Rod Insenion Limits (Specification ,

The Control Bank Insenion Limits are specified by Figure 2.

P P 1 9


' Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.$

225 / iiiiiiiiii /  ! ! ! iiiiii

/ (27.78,225)l / (81.02,225)l

/ /

/ /


' j

/ /


BANK C j /  !

/ l ./ 1 I

h175 g

o j,

7 (0, (. 165)I -



f -

$ /

$-150 '

j y /

u /

H m

/ BANK D l

/ ,i

~ 125 ,' 3

-y g __-



a r m ,

2 100 /

w /

5 /

m o 75 l 8

/ .

/ -----...

50 # ~

(0, 50)i

--J' 25 J

0 ,

70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER Fige:e 2 4

Callaway Cycle 9 Rod Bank Insertion Limits Versus Rated Thermal Power - Four Loop Operation 7


' Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.8 2.4 Axial Flux Difference (Specification 3.2.1)  !

2.4.1 - The Axial Flux Difference (AFD) Limits are provided in Figure 3.  !

2.4.2 The target band during Restricted AFD Operation is 13%. The AFD limits provided in Figure 3 also remain applicable during Restrictec! AFD Operatior -

2.4.3 The minimum allowable power level for Restricted AFD Operation. APL' , is 90% of RATED THERMAL POWER.


Callaway Cycle 9 Res il

'120 l 4



( 17, 100%) L___ (+6, 100%)

100 l ,' ' ' '

s l lll , ,


2 --

,/ \ ,

!I \ l 80 l ACCEPTABLE \


@ 70 i

/ s i


  • ! i N


[ \

i g; /


50  ;

---i (-30, 50%) l (+26, 50%) F--

u y 40 ,

m 30 20 10 l

i 0

50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (% AI)

Figure 3

'I Callaway Cycle 9 Axial Flux Difference Limits as a Function of Rated Thermal Power for RAOC 9


.- - - , _ _ . , - . . - - - . . ~-


a -Y ^

Callaway Cycle 9 Rev,8 2.5 _ Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor Fn(Z)

(Specification 3.2.2)

- p nie

Fn(Z) 5_
  • K(Z) for P > 0.5 ' -i P- [

q e

p nir Fn(Z) 5 _

  • K(Z) for P 5 0.5 0.5 f THERMAL POWER where: P= ci RATED THERMAL POWER .

2.5.1 Fn" = 2.50 2.5.2 K(Z) is provided in Figure 4. ,

2.5.3 The W(z) functions that are to be used in Technical Specifications,, and for Fn surveillance are shown in Figures 5 through 17. ,

The Normal Operation W(z) values have been determined for several bumups up -

to 18000 MWD /MTU in Cycle 9. This permits determination of W(z) at any cycle bumup up to 18000 MWD /MTU through the use of three point interpolation. For t cycle bumups greater than 18000 MWD /MTU, use of 18000 MWD /MTU W(z) values without interpolation or extrapolation is conservative. The W(z),,, values ,

were determined assuming Cycle 9 operates with RAOC strategy. Also included is a W(z),, function that bounds the W(z),,, Curve for all Cycle 9 bumups. Use of the bounding W(z),, curve will be conservative for any Cycle 9 burnup;  !

however, additional margin may be gained by using the burnup dependent W(z),,


The Normal Operation W(z) values have also been determined for a range of  :;

measured axial offset values for Cycle 9. For measured axial offset values within 13% of the predicted axial offset value, Figures 5 through 9 are applicable. '

Additional W(z) vdues are provided in Figures- 10 through 13 applicable to measured axial offsets within 13% of a measured predicted axial offset difference of-10.3R Figures 14 through 17 provide W(z) values applicable to measured axial offsets within 23% of a measured-predicted axial offset difference of i

- 14.0%.

For purposes of bumup interpolation, a consistent set of W(z) values should be used based on the difference between the measured and predicted axial offset. .

s The W(z) set selected could be either the set closest to the actual measured.

predicted axial offset difference or a consistent set derived by linear interpolation a

- on the measured - predicted axial offset difference between two of the W(z) sets closest to the actual measured-predicted axial offset difference.



'r- Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.M Because significant margin exists between the analytically determined maximum Fn(z)*P,,, values and their limit, Restricted Axial Flux Difference Operation (RAFDO) is not expected to be required for Cycle 9. For this reason, no ,

W(z)uroo values are supplied for Cycle 9.

The W(z) values are provided for 73 axial points within the core height

, boundaries of 0 and 12 feet at intervals of.167 feet.

i' Table A.! shows the bumup dependent F n penalty factors for Cycle 9. These values shall be used to increase F n "(z) when required by Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement A 2% penalty factor should be used at all cycle bumups that are outside the range of Table A.I.

l l


Callaway Cycle 9 - s Rev.8 TABLE A.1 FoPENALTY FACTORS S A FUNCTION OF CYCLE BURNUP Cycle Burnup (MWD /MTU)- Fo"(z) Penalty Factor (%)

494 2.29 666  : 1 .

838 3.12 1010 3.56 ,

i182 3.19 1354 2.92 ,

1526 2.70 1697 2.51 1869 2.29 2041 2,06 3761 2.15 3933 ,2.63 4105 3,07 4277 3.48 4449 3.88 4620 4.23 4792 4.41 4964 4.30 5136 4.08 5308 3.77

. 5480 3.40 5652 2.99 5824 2.52 5996 2.09 Note: All cycle burnups outside the range of the above table shall use a 2% penalty t

factor for compliance with the Surveillance Requirement. Linear interpolation should be used for intermediate cycle burnups.


Callaway Cycle 9 Rev 8 2.6 - Nuclear Enthalov Rise Hot Channel Factor F3n" (Specification 3.2.3)

F,g" 5 F,n"" [1 + PFon(1 P)]


RATED TilERMAL POWER t 2.6.1 F,n"" = 1.59 2.6.2 PF3 a = 0.3 2.7 Refueline floron Concentratic.n (Specification 3.9.1) 2.7.1 The refueling boron concentration to maintain K,,7 5 0.95 shall be .>. 2000 ppm.


_. - . - ~

. Callaway Cycle O Res x 1.20  ;  ;; , ,

i i i ; ii ;

i j 2.10 i  !! i .

i ie (6, 1.00) i  ; 'l +

i+ iiiiii . . .

1.00 , , , -w i i3 . .  ! ,

I i i '%. I ! Ii t  !

! I iit P N_% i 0.90 (12, .924) {

i i.

, i ii 0 0.80 O

Q 0.70 ,

i 0.60 o

m g 0.50 w

-0.40  ! __

0.30 i 0.20 0.10 >

0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)

Figure 4 Callaway Cycle 9 K(z)- Normalized Fo(z)

As a Function of Core Height 14

- ~.

4 Res 4 Callsw Oy Cgle 9 EBI3NT 150.

. .. iresti witi j jl 1

  • 0.000 1.0000 1.60 j ,

l l f l --

  • 0.167 1.0000

. 0.333 1.0000

+ 0.500 1.0000 l

  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.033 1.0000 a 1.000 1.0010
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000 j

= 1.0000 '

. 1.500, 1.66 1.0000  ;

1.5C ,

1.833 1,3124 P 000 1.2913  ;

2.167 1.2698 2.333 1.2483 2.500 1.2270 2.667 1.2092 2.833 1.1979 1.1903  ;

3.000 3.167 1.1842 1 3.333 1 1772 3.500 t.t6:5 1.4C i 3.647 1.1636 l 3.033 - 1.1614 i 4.000 1.1588 l I

4.167 1.1550 4.333 1.1509 4.500 1.1461 4.667 1.1407 4.033 1.1348 .

~ 5.000 1.1281 i n g 5.167 1.1212 N 5.333 t.1137

- 1.3C 5.500 1.1042 g i, 5.667 1.1003 5.033 1.1054 h 4.000 1.1130 6 6.167 1.1191 6 6.333 1.1260

,, 6.500 1.1339

" 6.667 1.1406 4.533 1.1472 a

3 1.1531 7,.00,0

,gs 1,333, a

1.2C a 7.333 1.1618

'a a 7.500 1.1644 a 1.467 1.1640 "g , ,26 6.6 4 e .

1.1664 a " g4f 1.333 in O 8.000 1.1649 n, ,a 8.167 1.1634

_0 " 8.333 1.1635 8.500 1.1627

'l a i,

[ 8.667 1.1588

' a 4.83,3 1.1535,

,,0 0 1,133 1.1C 9.147 1.1611 9.333 1.1722 9.500 1.1825 9.667 1.1935 9.833 1.2092-

'~" 10.000 1.2286 't 10.167 1.2449

  • 10.333 1.0000 l
  • 10 500 1 0000

-1.0c. 11. . . . . ...12 10.6,47 1:0000 1 0000 6 7 8 9 10.. . 10, 33 0- 1 2 3 4 5

  • 1""


  • 11.500 1.0000 a 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.433 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 5 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU
  • Top and bottom 15% excitided as per Tech Spec 15
                                                          ~          _                                                ,        .                       =m Callawa> Cycle 9                                                                                                                  Res 4 ut t 3C:T   3000.

1.6C s - l l ll j j j l l l1 IFtt?)

  • 0.000
  • 9.147 will t.c000 1.0000
  • 0.331 I 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.933 1.0000
  • 1,000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1. H 3 1.0000
  • 1.0000 1.5C . 1.50,0 3,,, 3,,,,,

1.433 1.4004 2.00C 1.3715 2.167 1.3504 2.333 1.3252 i 2.500 1.3990 2.667 1.2755 2.IH 1.2596 3.000 1.2478 3.167 1.2399 , 3.333 1.2296 ' 1.4C j 3,3o, g,3 n 3.667 1.2152

                                 <,                                                                                                                    3.333     1.2107 4.000     1.20$4
  • 4.167 1.1996 a 4.333 3.1930 4.500 1.1857 .

4.667 1.1777 6 4.833 1.1692 a== 5.000 1.1598 N- 5.167 1.1501 1.3C ., s,3n 1.1399

      $'                                                                                                                                                5.500     1.1275 a                                                                                                            5.667     1.1201 5.033     1.1211 a                                                                                                          6.000     1.1351 4,                                                                                                       6.167     1.1304 u                                                                                                     6.333     1.1347 0                            6.500     1.1381 6

6.4(7 1.1413 O 4.833 1.1448 a .6 1.2C '; 3 7.00,0

                                                                                                                                                        ,,gs      1,14,8,3 1,13 n                                               .                                     7.333     1.1524 4

2 4' 7.500 1.1529 a 7.647 1.1515

                                                                                                           ,,0                                          7.833     1.1447 3
                                                                           .            m agan33,,aana a                                              O.000     1.1497 4 '-                                                               8.167     1.1536 o,.. ,0                                                                    4.333     1.1534
                                                                              -                                                                         4.500     1.1548 l                                                                       8.667     1.1549 3.033     1.1523 1.1C                                                                                                                                           9.000     t.1522 9.147     1 1$10 9.333     1.1657

__ 9.100 1.1736 9.447 1.1400 9.833 1.1968 10.000 1.2007 10.167 1.2308

  • 10.333 1.0000
                                                                                                     !                                              ****8"        l'""


  • 0 C.. .._....;;.. o.. ;; . ;; .. ;;. .
  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10.s33 t.0000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP
  • 11.000, 11.1. t,0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.500
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.433 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 6 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec 16 7

Callaway Cscle 9 s Rn.1

  • us!Gxt 10000.

m iti wm 1.60 l I l l l ll

  • 9 000 O.167 1.0000 1.0000.
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.$00 1.0000
  • 0.647 1.0000 h
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000 i
  • 1.333 1 0000 i
  • 1.500 1.5C . t,.., i1.0..,

000 1.833 1.3563

  • 2.000 1.3406 2.147 1.3242 2.333 1.3076  !

2.100 1.2907 2.647 2736 6 2.033 1.2567 3.000 1.2425 3.167 1.2363 1.4C 3.3,33 3,3 , 3,23,11.232, 3.667 1.2260 . 3.833 1.2219 i 4.000 1.2170 4.167 1.2141 a 4.333 1.2108 4.500 1.2067 4.667 1.1018 - 6 -- 4.833 1.1943 m $ 000 1.1996 t4 - 4 5.167 1.1832

      - 1.3C                                                                                                                                                            5.333    1.177 y                             a                                                                                                                                   5.500    1.1701 5.667    1.1663 o                                                                                            a                                             1.1700 5.433 E

6.000 1.1760 ii 4.167 1.1425 6.333 1.1878 Aa a 6.500 1.1927 "6 A 6.667 1.1972 a 6.033 1.2003 p d ' s- - M 7.000 1.2031 1.2C a y a a " 1.204t

                                                                   'A               A A              d'.                                                                7.333     1.2037 a         6                        A            4                                               7.500     1.2017 A

0' 0 7.667 1.1984 "6-.. .,. ,_, 7.033 1.1936 0.000 1.1964 9.167 1.1794 8.333 1.1752 0.500 1.1701 4.6,67

                                                                                                                                                                         ,,  33   1.16,43 1,1 a, i.1C                                                         ,

9.000 1.1621 9.167 1.1666 9.333 1.1720 9.$00 1.1890 9.567 1.2115 9.433 1.2314 10.000 1.2501 10.147 1.2681

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 18 5 " 1""
1. 0 0.. .
                                                                                              ~                                      _.     .
  • 10.667 1.0000 1 .. 2 10 . . . . -11
                                                                                                                                                    . . - - ,12       10. 33       1.0000 0                         3         4            5               6          7        8             9


  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 7 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec I 17

. l

        ' Callawmy Cycle e                                                                                                                               Rn <                                      l l
  • Mat 0wt 14000.

tFttT) utt)  ! 2.00 , t I 'i i ' ' '. t! '

  • 0.000 t.0000 l i  ! 8
  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 6.333 1.0000-

{ l i j ,^ j

  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000 I ' ' i.I'
  • 0.033 1.0000 1.9C . 1.000 .t.0000
  • 1.161 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.447 1.0000 1.833 1.3084 1.8C ,

i 2.000 1.2e41 ___ 2.167 1.2e3t 2.333 1.2700 2.500 1.2568 2.667 1.2426 2.533 1.2294 3 3.000 1.2190 l g*7g j 3.167 1.2171 j 3.333 1.2213 i 3.500 1.2255 3.647 1.2282 3.833 1.2304 4.000 1.2323

  • g*gg 4.147 1.2347 4.333 1.2381 4.500* 1.2405 .i 4.467 1.2414 4.033 1.2410
    ,-.                                                                                                                                                                5.000        1.2317     '

t4 5.167 1.2379

   -      1.5C                                                                                                                                                         5.333        1.2362 3                                                                                                                                t                                 5.500        1.2342 5.667        1.2339 5.033        1.2375 6.000        1.2434 6.167        1.2492 l                                                                                                        6.333        1.2533 1.4C                                                                                                                                                         4.500         1.2565 6.667         1.2507 6.033         1.2588
                  ~~'~~                                                                                                                                                7.000         1.2570 7.167         1.2534 a                                                                                                                            7.333         1.2470 1'                                                                                                                                                           ?.500         1.2402 7.667         1.2300 a                                          -   -

7.433 1.2154 6, _

                                                                        ,,           6an" b6 a                                                                         8.000         1.2053 RF          '"""Ou                   "O                            -

6, 5" 1 p^. g

                                                                                                                                                                       ' '.333 9    I' 7 l'.1913 1 1800 1.2C                                                                                                  u,       .ha.                        1                 0.,50,0
                                                                                                                                                                       ,,    ,       1.17,34 g,t 23
                                                                                                                 %e.'                                i                1.1782 9.000         1.1816 9.167         1.1824 9.333         1.1856
                                                                                                                                                           -           9.500         1.1966 1.1C                                                                                                                                                         9.667         1.1885 9.933         1.2004 10.000         1.2121 10.167         1.2203
  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 18*8'8 ***"'
                                                                                                                                               ^^         ^^
  • 10.667 1.0000 1
  • 0 0. .  ; ; . . ;

12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 33 1.0000

  • 11.000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP
  • 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.333
  • 11.500 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000- 1.0000 Figure 8 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no'.at 18000 MWD /MTU
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec

Callaway Cycle 9 Res 4 ut1*u9 MA2 attri) etti 1*60 l l Ili 11 li i 11 11,! 0.000

  • 0.167 1.0000 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • O.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.433 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0003
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000' 1.000 1.5C j
                                                                                                                                                         . 1.,5,00 1,   ,   t,oo.0 l

3.433 1.4004 2.000 1.3756 2.167 1.3504 2.333 1.3252 2.500 1.2990 2.661 1.2755 3.833 1.2586 3.000 1.2470 . 3.167 1.2309 3.333 1.2321 1.4C i.500 1.229e 1.667 1.2292

                                    <6 3.833   1.2304 4.000    1.2323 4.167    1.2347    '

A 4.333 1.2301 4.500 1.2405 i 4.667 1.2414 6 4.833 1.2410 *

     ^                                                                                                                                                         5.000   1.2397 5.167   1.2379 wb4 1 3C 5.333    1.2362 3:                                                                                                                                                       5.500    1.2342

4 5.667 1.2339 0 5,833 1.2375 w g o oud ig 4.000 1.2434

                                                 ,,                              0             6                           

6.167 1.2492 Ei- 6.333 1.2533 0 w os'O a O O 6.500 1.3565 o640 a 6.667 1.2587 A l 6.833 1.2508 1.2C 3 7.00,0

                                                                                                                                                               ,,gs     1.2570, 1,233 A                                              7.333    1.2478 66                                                    7.500    1.2402 7.667    1.2308 7.033    1.2194 0.000    1,2053 0.167    1.1913 8.333    1.1908 0.500    1.1734 8.667    1.1731 8.033    1.1782

+ 1*1b 9.000 1.1016 9.167 1.1826 9.333 1.1856 9.500 1.1490 9.667 1.2115 9.833 1.2314 . 10.000 1.2501 f 10.167 1.2601 ;

  • 10.333 1.0000 1.0000 .

1.00 .. . . . . _ _... _

                                                                                                                                                           . 10.50,0
                                                                                                                                                           * " " '       1""


                                                                                                                                                           .             I-lUl
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.661 1.0000
  • 11.333 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 9 Callaway Cycle 9 Bounding W(z)no
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec 19

Callawmy Cycle 9 Res $

  • NE!3MT 150.

2.0c IFEETI Ull

  • 0.o00 -1.0000
  • 0.141 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000.
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.033 1 0000
  • 1.000 1,0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 l 1.433 1.2011 1.0C 2.000 1.1:67 2.161 1.1635 2.333 1.1407 2.%00 1.1198 2.667 1.1043 2.033 1.0950 '

3 l'"" 1.7C ' 3'. "147 1.0842 3.343 1.0113 3.500 1.0711 i 3.447 1.0604

  • 1 3.033 1.0684 l 4 4.000 1.0614 1.6C g 4.In 1,0,3, 4.333 1.0592
                                                ;                                                                                                               1.0560
                                                                                                                         ^                            4.500 4.661     1.0522 3                              4.433     1.0473 m                                                                                                                                                 5.000     1.0432 N-                                                                                                                                                l.167     1.0399 1.5C                                                                                                          "

s.333 1.03i4 lE g 5.500 1.0342 5.461 1.0367 i

                                                                                                                                                      $.413     1.0418 6.000      1.0599 4,                                      6.147     1.0120 1.40                                                                                               ^

a 6.333 t.0e43 6.500 1.0944 6.467 1.1099 6.833 1.1262 u 7.000 1.1459 1.167 1.1712

  • 7.333 1.3C i ,,3o, 1.19,94 1,31 3
                                                                                           '                                                                        3 800  1 1413 1.7C                                                                                                                                                      3.147  1.1343    i 3.333  1.1244 3.500  1.1195    t 3.467  1.1150
  • 3.033 1.1130 j 4.000 1.1106 +

A.6C 4.u? t.10u 4.333 1.0979 4.500 1.0925

                                                                                                                           ..                                       4.667  1.0843    .

[' 4.433 1.0791 1.0725 h

       - 1.5C                                                                                                           a q                                        1.000 51" 5.333 1 o"'

1.0618 g 5.500 1.0560 u 5.667 1.0354 5.833 1.0427 0 6.000 1.07;il

                                                                                                                 <>                                                 6.147  1.0828 1.4C                                                                                                g                                                     6.3n   t.0,1e e                                                       6.500  1.1005 4.667  1.1104
                                                                                                          "                                                         4.033  1.1239 1.000   1.1411 3                                                           7.167   1.1641 7 333   1 1H' 1.3C                  A 0                                                               7.500   1.2011 7.667  1.2170 7.In   3.2323 8.000  1.2596
                                   "                                                            0                                                                   0.167  1.2936 a
                                                                                           ,'                                                                     O.333  1.3263 1.20                                                                                                                                                       s.50s  1.3562
                                       "                                                   b                                                                        8.667  1.3792 A                                               A                                                                          0.833   1.3945 a                                                                                                                        9.000   1 4103
                                              'a ^                                                                                                                  5.167   1.4312
                                                                                   ^                                                                                9.333   1.45f2 ng                                                                                                                       1 '"?
                                                        "'-                                                                                                         ' 8'8 1.1C                                               m
                                                               ,               .f                                                                                   9.667   1.5140 9.933   1.5399 d a g,5,                                                                                       10.000   1.5650   k 10.167   1.5454   .
  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 18 888 1 8888 1*00a c a o , . ;;,,_ o. ;;,,;o m;;4.
  • 10.467 1.0000 .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • 10.en 1.0000  !


  • 11.00,0 BOTTOM TOP
  • 11.14 t.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11. n 3 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.500
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.013 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 11 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU Measured-Predicted Axial Offset = -10.3%


  • Top and bc: tom 15% excitaded as per Tech Spec 21 l

Callaway Cgle 9 Rev 4 MttaM7 -10000.


(PtET) W(F* ,~ 4

                -2l00                           '                                                                        '                           '    '        I   *           '    ""

l * ' '. "16 7 1.0000 0 8 0.333 1.0400

  • 6.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 . 1.0000 1.9C t
  • 1. 0 " 1 '"'
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.647 1.0000 1.033 1.1483 1.8C 3.000 t.232t 3.167 1.2134 l 2.333 1.1949 2.500 1.1780 2.667 1.1630 2.933 1.1489 1 3.000 1.1365 .i 1.7C 3,16, 1.130o  ;

3.333 1.1276 3.500 1.1249 3,667 1.1257 A 3.413 1.1241 4.003 1.1318 1.6C , a 4.167 t.t1:4

                         ----~                                                                                                                              '---             4.333      1.1143           <

4.500 1.1119 a 4.667 1.1005 , 4.833 1.1041 '] m 5.000 1.1000 N ^ 5.167 1.0974

             - 15C.                                             '                                                                                                            5.333       1.0971
              $                                                                                                                  a                                           5.500       1.0959

5.667 1.0909

  • 5.933 1.1090 6.000 1.1209
                                                                                                                           .                                                 6.167       1.1327 1.4C                                                                                                   6 6.333       1.1439 6.500       1.1533

6.667 1.1650 4 6.933 1.1789 1.000 1.1954


7.167 1.2179 1.2416 1.3C , 7.333,

                                                                                                                                                                              ,,so       1,23,3 1.667      1.2666 3~

n 7.833 1.2004  ; o j O.000 1.2998 ' o 4.167 1.3239 a " 9.333 1.3514 1.2C a o s.500 1.3t42 o a 0.647 1.3904

                                                  ^                                           ^                                                                               0.833       1.4045         l 0                                    '
                                                                                           "                                                                                  9.000       1.m -

00 9.167 1. 4 * ~' )

                                                        ' ado r.A   .

9.333 1.4671

                                                                  '%6       . A                                                I
                                                                                                                                                                              ,,300      1,3,s 1.1C                                                  ,      %                                                                                                9.467       1.5534 9.833       1.5934        '

10.000 1.6186 10.167 1.4334

  • 10.333 1.0000 +
  • 10.500 1.0000 1.00 ..

t . .. .. .. . 10 ~1f""T2 I',llll U i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [lll"

  • 11.000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT- (FEET)
                                                                                                                                                                         . I('*U
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.033 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000
                                                                                    . Figure 12                                           .

Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU Measured-Predicted Axial Offset = -10.3%

  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec 22
 .1                                                                                                                                     -                  ,

_ Callaway Cycle 9 Ro 4

  • KE1CET 10000.

2.00 i i i e i

                                                                                                                                !        !      .       ,t ,,F s t,T,) t,,ll, We I                                                                                  !
  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.467 1.4100 I"
  • 1.9C . 0.

t, 8,3,3 1.0,,000 t, ,,

  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 l

1.3C 3

1. ,0,3,3 t,3 3, 1.2,042 13 2.167 1.1757 +

2.333 1.1605 2.500 1.1470 2.467 1.1347 2.433 1.1230 i 1.1150 . 1.70 3.00, 3,1.0 t,t m , 3.333 1.1177 1.500 1.1230 3.667 1.1277 ' 3.833 1.1319

  • 4.000 1.1351 1.6C 4 157 1.1374
                                                                                                                                    .---                4.333          1.1395
                                                                                                                       'O                               4.500          1.1430 64 4.661          1.1451 4.833          1.1453 m                                                                                                             '

5.000 1.1464 s 1.50 i 1.167 1.14 1 i , 5.333 1.tSt5

    $                                                                                                                                                    5.500         1,1559
                                                                                                              ?                                          5.667         1.1634 5.333         1.1730 A                                              6.000         1.1452 6.167         1.1966 1.4C                                                                                            .                                                 6.333         t.2059 6.500         1.2149 6.467         1.2244
                                                                                                  "                                                      6.433         1.2358 s                                                        7.000         1.2492 7.147         1.2678
                                                                                           .A,.                                                          7.333         1.2871 g,3g                                                                                                                                              7.500         1.2905 af                                                               7.667         1.3000 0                                                                  '.833         1.3081 0.000          1.3205 A                                                                      0.167          1.3372
                                                                               '"                                                                        '*333                    '

1*20 a 8.500 l1 '.37'"81 4, 8.667 1.3991

                                         .                             3 0                                                                             0.833           1.4259 u,6aC                                                                                   9.000           1.4463
                                         %                  o'                                                                                           9.167          1.4629 c^        ~03,,u                                                                                              9.333         1.4831       .
                                               ' 4#                                                                                                      9.500          1.5032 1.1C                                                                                                                                              ,.667          t.5a39 9.833         1.5523 10.000            1.5694 10.167            1.5719
  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 18 5 " **""
1. 0 0.. .
                    ; ;.   .. . ;                                                                                          .   ;; .. ;; . ;;. .
  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10. 33 1.0000
  • 11.000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP
  • 11.167 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 11. m
  • 11,*00 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 13 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU Measured-Predicted Axial Offset = -10.3%
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec 23
  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I Callawey Cycle 9                                                                                                                                                                               Res. 4 i

tiffGut lit.

   '       *                                                   *                                                                                                                                                                          *         "4' 2.00                                                                                                                       i                                                             i          !
  • 9.00 0 1.8000 *
  • 0.141 1.8000 I e 0.338 1.0000 l
  • 0.500 1 0000 k
  • 9.661 1.0000 {

(- . 0.033  ; 1.9C *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . g ,,n       1.,00,00 g, ,,     j
  • 4.161 1.0000 l-
  • 1. 3 H 1.0000
                                                                                                    .                                                                        *?                                                                                (
  • 1.800 1.0000  :
  • 1.667 1.0000 t a

1.Ill 1.1606 y

,                   1.8C                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3.000      1.s m     i
                                                                                                     -----                                                                                                                                3.161      1.1349    l
3. H 3 1.1014 i 3.500 1.0009 .
                                                                                                                                                                                          "                                               3,667      1.0644    i 3.033      1.0511    I I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;

1.7C a 3.00,0 1.06,19  ; 3.1. i.e ,

3. 3 H 1.0410 O 3.100 1.0343 '!

4 - 3.661 1.0339 i 3.033 1.0347 g i, 4.000 1.0343 t 1.6C 4.141 1.0309

4. m 1. 03 H 6 4.500 1.0333 4,641 1.0300 ,
                                               ..       ---                                                                                                                   a                                                           4. m       1.0166
m. 9.000 1. 01H j b4 l.141 1.0104 w 1.5C ~~

s S. m i.009, i 3 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        --P 5.800 1.467 1.0001 1.0134   ,

l.0H 1.0349 4.000 1.0410

                                   .                                                                                                                                                                                                      6.141       1.0149 2                                                                     4. m        1. 0 nt  >

1.40 4.500 1.0020

                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                                  4.467      1.0900
                                 .        -             -                                                                                                         "                                                                        6.033      1.1104 1.000      1.1431 7.167      1.1740 1.333      1.3111   i 1.3C                                                                                                                                       j                                                                           1.,500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,,   n 1.3391 g,an a                                            g 1.0H       3.8031 0.000      1.3164 O.161      1.3Sf6 A                                                                                  0.333      1.4013 1 ' 2 b,                                                                                                                                                                                                               l.800      1.4393
                                                                                                                                                                      =j-                                                                  0.667      1.4456    3 0                                                                                                                                                                         0.033      1.4041 0.000      1.5061
                                      ------                     -                                                                                                                                                                       9.167      1 5363    l
4. ... -m g 9.H3 1.5131 [

i 9.600 1.4136 7 1 ' 1 b, - " 9.667 1.6234

9. 0 H 1.6934 3 1.1333 3 10.000 6' a 1.1394 10.141 M .

a . 10. m 1.0000  !

                                                                                                              *t^           oo                                 *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       * " " '         1**     l
  • 10.461 1.0000 1 . 0 0.

11 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . .12 . 10. m 1 00n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . H.000           .0000 8 *"                                                                                                                                                                                           *                  !!.!"        !:::::

cons azzaar (rssT) 11.400 1.0000 l

  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11. 0 H 1.0000
  • 13.000 1.0000 Figure 14 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU Measured Predicted Axial Offset = -14.0%
  • Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec ,


 .-- - . , .                 -           -     _ _ - _ ~                   . . . .  .             _ - . . - . . _ . - - .         -                       .           . .       . . - _ .                         . . . _.            - . - _ _ . - - - .

Callawey Cgle 9 Rev R

             *                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (BIQwt                     3000.

2*0o i " ' ' ' ' g

  • t.'000 1.0000
  • 9.141 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0090 e 0.l00 1.0000
  • 9.46? 1.0000 i g ' 9,'
  • 9.933 1.0000 '
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.141 n.0000 e 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.800 1.0000
  • 1.661 1 0000 j 1.033 1.3400 1.00 8" 5'88 " '

3.161 1.1963 i

                            -     ---,                                                                                                                                                                                          3. m                    1.1696       '

3.500 1.1443 3.667 1.1346 g 3.833 1.1114 1.7C o 3.000 1.1036 3.1o 1. n 6 3 , 3 1 333 1.006l I 3<100 1.0914 '

                                                                                                                                                                   ~~     *-

3.641 1.019?

                           ----                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.033                   1.6166       ,

4.000 1.0760 1.60 1 4.333 1.0634

                                                                                                                                                                       ^                                                        4.600                   1.0586 4.667                   1.0631 a                                                            4.413                   1.0443 a                                                                                                                                                                                                                $.6v0                   1.0400 kJ                                                                                                                                                                                                               S.141                   1 0364
  • 1.50 , 5m 1.0335 lE -

5.600 1.0300

                           -----                                                                                                                          2    -

5.6n 1.0 m S.033 1.0414 o 4.000 1. 0l H 6.161 1.0465 1.4C a 4.333 6,$00 1.0783 1,0 6, 6.667 1.0994 A 4..*3 1.1163 7.s00 1.1344

                          ----                                                                                                                                                                                                  1.147                    1.1689       .

t.m t.301, 1.30 1.500 1.3360

                                                                      ~~--                                                                                                                                                                                           !,

1.667 1.3400


1.033 1.1634 4  ; 9.000 1.3995 n 0.167 1.3450 0.333 1.3893 1'2C a f O.500 1.4394 ede 1. 4 4 H a $ I.833 1.4428 9.000 1.8040 9.167 1.5309

                                                               ^                                                                                                                                                                9.333                    1.5644 la                                                             "

9.800 1.6004 1.10 a " 9.667 1.6350 46 it 0 ^ a" 9.833 1.6667 I 4" A 10.000 1.4944 i 10.167 1.1143  ; A'*4na- ~

  • 10.333 1.0000
1. 0 0. . .~~~~ ^...;;,,_ . . _ . . _ . . . . .
  • 10'.661 ' '. "0 0 0 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10. m 1.0000
  • 11.000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.

1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.3m,3 1.0000

  • 11.500 1.0000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ' 11.441                       1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 13.000 1.0000 Figure 15 Callaway Cycle 9 .

W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU Measured-Predicted Axial Offset = -14.0%

  • Top and bottom 15% excluded al per Tech Spec 25

.- - . - . ._.-.... . _ , ~. - _ - - - . - . . .- . = - _ - . .. . -. .. -

  • Callmy Cy.le 9 Rev. 8 Es1 Gut 10006.


  • t i 2.00 . ,4,,,

Flet, t g , ,i, l ,l ,  ;

  • 0.161 1.0000 ,
  • 6.J33 1.0000 i
  • 9.800 1.0000 l
  • 0.6s? 1.0000
  • 9. ' )) 1.0000 1.9C
  • 4.000 1.0e00
  • 1.161 1.0000 1.0000
  • 1.333
  • 1,500 1.0000
  • 1.661 1.0000 1.4,33 1.3097, .'

1.80 ,,, , g,i,, 3 161 1.1131 j a 3. m 1.1940  ; 3.500 1.1319 3.661 1.1339 3.033 1.1091 1.70 3. 3,30,0,0 1.091,9 3,,, g u 3.333 1.0996 3.500 1.0606 3.667 1.0093 3.033 1.0004 4.000 1.0949 1.6C 4. net t.0 36 S.333 1.0793 0 4.500 1.0714  ; i 4.647 1.0141 4.033 1.0708 1' - e 4, 5.000 1.0678 t4 S.147 1.0643

      -  1850                                                                                                                             a                                                                5. m           t.06te 3                               -  -

a 9.800 l.461 1.0469 1.0744

                                                                                                                                      '                                                                    5.933          1.0649 6.000          1.1010 A                                                                      6.147          1.1141 1.4C                                                                                                                                                                                              6.333           1.32ss 6.500          1.1309 G

4.647 1.1833 4.033 1.1709

                    ----                                                                                                                                                                                   ?.000           1.1939
                    .---            .--~~-

7.167 1.3339 0 7 1,3C a

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,3 3,3 1.315,4
                                                                                                                                                                                                           , .,,           g,,,,
                                                                                                                                 -                                        -~~~

n 7.661 1.3913

                     ~ >--

s 1.b33 1.3119 ' t.000 1.3410

  • 8.147 1.3163
  • 0.333 1.4154
                                             ^                                                                                                                                                              I.500          1.4404 1.20 ==            .

0.667 1.4136 0 6 8.433 1.4931 s A 9.000 1.5169 n o 9.161 1.5435 a 9.333 1.8140

                                                        ~~A                                       b                                                                                                                         1.4314 1.1C                                                m 333                          c                                                                                                            t..66, 500          1.6 m 4 Ug               a                                                                                                              9.833           1.7335 40"                                                                                                              10.000            1.1134 10.141            1.9461
  • 10.333 1.0900
  • 18 58' 1'"'
  • 10.447 1.0000
1. 0 0.... 10 ,
                                                                                                                                                               , . . . , ~ .

11 . .. . . . .12

  • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. m 3.0000 ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                      ** 11.00,0 BCTTOM                                                                                                                                                                  TOP                   11.26               1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)                                                                                                               *11.m
  • 11.500 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.461 1.0000
  • 11.033 1.0000
  • 13.000 1.0000 Figure 16 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU Measured Predicted Axial Offset = -14.07c
  • Top and bottom 15% exchided as per Tech Spec 26 py- - . . , , . . . . - - . - - - , -r.

e Callaway Cycle 9 Rev.8 e

    ' .                                                                                                                                                     nelbst   19999.

2 00

  • tr!tti Will
                                                                                                                                                                     "'             (
  • 0161 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 9.600 1.0000
  • 9.461 1.0000 '
  • 9.0H 1.0000 1.9C
                                                                                                                                                      .      i,,a    3,nn              t
  • 1.169 1.0000
  • 1.333 1. H 00
  • 1.l00 1.0000
  • 1.661 1.0000 "
1. 0 H 1.1663 1.8C -

3.0H 1. H H 3.161 1.1367 l 3 H3 1.1300


2.800 1.1013 3.667 1.0956

3. 0 H 1.00 3.0n 3, n,41 1.7C
  • 3.167 1.0110 g 3.333 1.0000 3.500 1.0069 .

A 3.667 1.0913 [ 3.033 1.0961

                                                                                                                          '                                 6.000    1.0999 1.6C                                                                                                        *                                    ***"    '        -

6.H3 1. H H i A 4.100 1.1016 4.661 1.1101 6.033 1.1106 m , l.000 1.1135 b3 l.167 1.1185

      -    1.5C                                                                                                   i l.H3    t.1300
       $                                                                                                                                                     1. H 0 l.66?

1.1316 1 1367

                                                                                                               "                                             9.033   1.1496 1                                               6.000   1.1661 6.161   1.1711 6.333    1.1001 1.4C                                                                                            a                                                 6.H0     1. a H

6.667 1.3135 6.033 1.2316 A  ?.000 1.3463 A 1.181 1.3130

                                                                                                 .                                                           7.333    1.3016
  • 1.30 -

i.H0 t.3H: r A 7.667 1.3363

7. 0 H 1.3403

_ 8.000 1.3634

  • A 0.161 1-3903 6 0.333 1.4333 8.500 1.4534 1.*20 '" 0 9.667 1.4034
                                                                                 "                                                                            8. 0 H  1.5199 A

o a 9.000 1.l434 a

  • 9.167 1.1641 a 9.333 1.l911

E. AH tA#~^' 9.500 1. 4 H 3 g*gg a G- i 9.667 1.6417

                                        %        ,n 9.033   1.6001 una
                                                                                                                                    - .--                   10.000    1.6991 10.167    1.6995
  • 10. H 3 1.0000
  • H.$00 1.0000  :

1.00;;.;; _ 1 -

                                                                                                                                                 . ;;   .n n              nn
  • 11.000 1.0000 TOP
  • 21 25' 1""


  • 12 2 " 2""
  • 13.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • H 0H 1. 00 H
  • H.000 1. H 0 0 t

Figure 17 Callaway Cycle 9 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU Measured Predicted Axial Offset = -14.0%

                                               ' Top and bottom 15% excluded as per Tech Spec 27 w                 -       . -   . .                                                _                    _-                 . .--                                 _ --}}