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Affidavit of Cj Johnson Re Health Consequences of Exposure of Cancer Susceptible Persons to Radioactive Effluents to Be Routinely Emitted by Facility
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1985
From: Clay Johnson
Shared Package
ML20135H845 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8509240298
Download: ML20135H850 (5)



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, CxHl81Y l "JNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAP REGULATORY COMMIS5 ION Beroce ene ceonse goreer and Lscentsng coceol scord In the Matter or )




(Ferry Nuclear Power Pione, )

Untes 1 ond :) )

AFFIDAVIT OF DR. CARL J. JOHNSON I. Dr. Cori . ' . Johnson, duly suorn depose and say:

1. I hold a Mosters degree in Public Heoith from the Unsverstey or Coltrornio or serweley, MD and N5 degrees from Ohio State Unsversity, and OVM and 35 degrees from Michigan secee 1

universsty. I have extensive expertence sn the rtelds or pathology, epidemiology, pubite Neolth, and preventive messesne.

I am o recogni:ed expere in the epidensology or illness due to environmento collutants such os.codionuelsdes.

2. The purpose or tnis arrsdovit ts to address the neolen consecuences or exposu e or :encer-susceptsbie persons to the radicoctive errivents to be routinely emitted by the Perry Nuclear Pouer Plant (PNPP), which consists or tuo 1 05 MUe boiling uoter reactors (BWRs) located in Lake County sn northeastern Ohio. According to Tobles D-1 and D-4 or the Final Environmental Statement (FES). NUREG-0884. each pHPP unit ts proseceed to emit 7280 Curies per year or radiooceive noble gases, 47 Curies per year or tritium, 9.5 Curies or carbon-14, 8509240298 850919 PDR ADOCM 05000440 o PDR j

_2 and less than one Curse eo:5 or vortous other radionuclides, all emitted as gaseous errluents dsscharged to the atmosphere.

Liquid erriuents, discharged i

to Lake Erie, include 47 Curses or testium and less than one Curie each or other radionuclides. It should be noted that i

these are projected releases operating experience wsth smaller i

BURS sndicates that actuoi releases may be la to 200 esmes grooter. For the purposes or this arridovst the FE5 volves will ee assumed.

3. PNPP meterologscal data (Finol Sorety Anolysis Report, Sectson and wind rose Figures 2.3-3 through 2.3-e) show that Winds are distributed from all directions, With prevailing winds from the east-southeast clockwise through the west-southwese directions, with on overage wind speed or 8.2 miles per hour. The gaseous emissions will therefore be dispersed throughout the environment withsn a 25-40 mile radius.

4 Numerous pathways exist by which on individual living in thss rodius will be exposed to the radioactive emissions from PNPP. These pathways include extern (1 exposure from gaseous'and liquid errluents and radionuclides deposited on the gecund, inhalation or iodines and porticulates, sngestson or crops, milk, meat, or aquatic roods containing radionuclides, and drinking contaminated water.

Rodscoctive elements ingested or inhaled pose o greater threat than does external exposure, os on individual carrying on internal source will be irrodioted by it continually until it is

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i eliminatec by bsological excretion or rodsocceive decoy. In oddition to the rather large amounts or trsetum and carbon-14 j (and smaller amounts or radioiadsne) which are known to

occumulote internally, it must be recogni
ed that the extremely i

large quantitses or noble gases to be released by PNPP ws11 not i

remosn inert but will decay into bsologically active elements.

For example, krypecn-97. or whsch PNPP ts projected to emit 136 curies, wsil decoy ines rubsdium-97, which has o hair-life or 5E11 years and wht:5 will occumulote in the roos chosn.

Xenon-135 (prosected PNo? emsssson or 1993 curses) decoys into cesium-135, hovsng a hair-iste or 3 million years, and which ss l

cgoin bsologically oceive, Krypton-98 decoys into rubidium-38; xenon-138 decoys into cesium-138. These -substances have shoreer half-lives, but will be absorbed by livsng organisms.

5. It is well recogni:ed that exposure to low levels or ioni sng radiation con induce concer. It is now recognized thot there is no " sore
  • 1evel or radiction exposure, and that low
  • 1evels or radiobion may in roct pose o greater concer risk cer rem than higher levels.

There are o number or mechonisms or radiation domoge to body

cells, including domoge to blood vessels, domoge to o cell's membrane, formation or hormful substances such as hydrogen peroxide, domoge to the retsculo-endothelial system (such that white blood cells rail to recognize ond eliminate foreign protein and 'concer cells), and direct domoge to o cell's nucleus. The latter two mechonisms are thought to be 1

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4 signtricant in the productson or concea, When ions:tng rodsatsen interoces wtth body cells, there are FOur cossible outcomes: (1) no damage is donet (2) the : ell is Willed or damaged such that it :annot reprosure seselfi (3) the cell ts somoged. but the damage is repatreds or (4) the cell is damaged but survives and reproduces itself sn a disturbed form, eventually forming a malignancy. Although the ancer may not become SCAarent untti 3 10 or even 50 years arter the excesure to rddtobion, the.tngury o0 curred at the time Or evCO3ure.

Thus, chroniO eXOosure tQ 10nt:1Mg rad 10tton (as W111 occur in On individuci liVang in the vicinity or DNPP and consuming rood and water contaminated ey the courtne rodtoocetve effluenes from PNPP) constitutes tereporable harm, os there is no way or repatring the coccinogenic domoge to body cells that will occur. It ts my professtonal Opinion that the FES estimates or rodsonuclide release i r. t c the envircnment indicate a grave rssk to the health of those itving near PNPP, 6, It 15 belteved enot genette factfrs play a role in determining Wh10h persons in a Population espCsed to Carcinogens wsil be arr110ted with concer, A person having a ntstory or concer on both sides of the family is espectolly at risk. It ts my prOresstCnal opinion that the exposure or such a person to the radiOoctive erfluents from PHPP constitutes severe irreparable harm and should be oVOtded at all Costs, l


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Carl J. Je nson. MD, Ms. MPH t


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SWOPn to Ond subscribed before me this b day of P j 1995.


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