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Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Changes to TSs & Associated Bases for License DPR-46
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Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/05/1995
Shared Package
ML20083A714 List:
NUDOCS 9505110113
Download: ML20083A724 (26)



        ,3,5.E    (cont'd)                                      4.5.E       (cont'd)                                           ,
2. From and after the date that one 2. When it is determined that one valve valve in the Automatic of the ADS is inoperable, the ADS l Depressurization System is made or actuation logic for the other ADS found to be inoperable for any valves shall be demonstrated to be reason, continued reactor operation operable immediately. In addition, is permissible only during the the HPCI System shall be verified to l l' succeeding seven' days unless such be operable immediately.

valve is sooner made operable, , provided that during such seven days  ; _l the HPCI System is operable.  ;

3. With the surveillance requirements
  • of 4.6.D.5 not performed at the required intervals due to reactor shutdown, a reactor startup may be i conducted provided the appropriate p E surveillance is performed within 12 -

qc.8 bt ggg hours of achieving 113 psig reactor Q steam pressure. g M t.

4. If the requirements of 3.5.E.1 or - -
3. 5.E.2 cannot be met, an orderly i shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor pressure shall be reduced to at least 113 psig within 24 hours. _

F. Minimum Low Pressure Cooline and MinimQm Low Prkssure Oooline and Diesel Generator Availability i el 'Benerator hvailabihtv I y

1. During any period when one diesel 1 Whe N i t is etermihed th one generator is inoperable, continued ,

iesel.generato is inoperable he reactor operation is permissible LPC{, Core Spray, and Se e only during the succeeding seven Watehsubsystems associate with t g days unless such diesel generator is yperable diesel gener's rsh%1be sooner made operable, provided that verified'to be operable mmediately the operable diesel generator and and'Maily thereafter. In '&4diti6 '9, its associated LPCI, Core Spray, and .

                                                                    \the operable ' iesel generatorsshalls d                                 >

RHR Service Water subsystems are ba demonstrate'd g to 'be oper\ble I operable and the requirements of immh41atel'ps e ry three dah 3.9.A.1 are met. If e+n s thereker. \and ^ N Meeew+eeeenD3 cannot be met, te - - requirements of 3.5.F.2 lshall be met. re9fi remenh rema' ming 3 thretoIremeds o.( 4,5.F.1 9505110113 950505 PDR ADOCK 05000299 -120 3/11/92 p PDR i


                                                 ._          _      -                  ~

h-1 F. Minimum Irw Pressure Cooline and Diesel Generator Availability -i

1. When it is determined that one diesel generator is inoperable, the -

followmg requirements shall be met. .

a. Immediately and daily thereafter, the redundant diesel generator shall be verified to be OPERABLE. i
b. Immediately and daily thereafter, the LPCI, Core Spray _ .!
                                              - and RHR Service Water subsystems associated with the-                                    l OPERABLE. diesel generator shall be . verified to be                                  k   i operable.
c. Within 24 hours determine OPERABLE diesel generator is
              \                                not inoperable due to common cause failure, or perform Surveillance 4.9.A.2.a.1.                               -

j f [ i i d. Within 72 hours and every 72 hours thereafter,. the OPERABLE diesel generator shall be demonstrated to be . OPERABLE if the inoperable diesel generator is not sooner declared OPERABLE.  ;

                                                                .s INSE.RT 4*r P"9"                                                                                                  :

l i i l



             ,     3.5.F (cont'd.)                                           4.5.F (cont'd.)                      ,,
2. During any period when both diesel generators are inoperable, continued reactor operation .is permissible only during the succeeding 24 hours '

one diesel generator is O 'unless sooner made operable, provided that

             , ,,            both ~LPCI subsystems, both Core
                 ,5          Spray subsystems,        and ' both RHR                                                 ,

t Service Water subsystems are operablefand the reactor power lejvel7 8- ff = vaduced to 25% of rated powerJ and thesrequirements of 3.9. A.1 are met. If this requirement cannot be met, l an orderly shutdown shall be initiated'and the reactor placed in the cold shutdown condition within 24 hours.

3. Any combination of inoperable  !

components in the LPCI, RHR Service Water, and Core Spray systems shall not defeat the capability of the remaining operable. components to fulfill the cooling functions.

4. When irradiated fuel is in the reactor vessel and the reactor is in the Cold Shutdown Condition, both Core, Spray subsystems, both LPCI '

subsystems, and both RHR Service Water subsystems may be inoperable, provided no work is being done which has the potential for draining the reactor vessel. Refueling requirements are as specified in Specification 3.10.F.

5. With irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel, one control rod drive housing may be open while the suppression chamber is completely drained provided that:
a. The reactor vessel head is removed,
b. The spent fuel pool gates are  !

open and the fuel pool water level is maintained at a l level 2: 33 feet,

c. The condensate transfer system is operable and a minimum of 230,000 gallons of water is in the condensate storage tank.
                                                                       -121-                           3/11/92        I

fpfo CA i f#W

                                                                            .pflwnny paf8 1.5 BASES (cont'd)

is available at all times. It is during refueling outages that major maintenance is performed and during such time that all low pressure core cooling systems may be out of service. Specification 3.5.F.4 provides that should this occur,'no work will be performed on the primary system which could lead to draining the vessel. This work would include work on certain control rod drive components and recirculation system. Thus, the specification precludes the events which could require core cooling. Specification 3.5.F.5 recognizes that, concurrent with control rod drive maintenance during the refueling outage, it may be necessary to drain the suppression chamber for maintenance or for the inspection required by Specification 4.7.A.2.h. In this case, if excessive control rod housing leakage occurred, three levels of protection against loss of core cooling would exist. First, a special flange would be used to stop the leak. Second, sufficient inventory of water is maintained to provide, under worst case leak conditions, approximately 60 minutes of core cooling while attempts to 4 secure the leak are made. This inventory includes water in the reactor well, spent fuel pool, and condensate storage tank. If a leak should occur, manually operated valves in the condensate transfer system can be opened to supply either the Core Spray System or the spent fuel pool. Third, sufficient inventory of- water is maintained to permit the water which has drained from the vessel to fill the torus to a level above the Core Spray and LPCI suction strainers. These systems could then recycle the water to the vessel. Since the system cannot be pressurized during refueling, the potential need for core flooding only exists and the specifie combination of the Core Spray or the LFCI subsystems can provide this. A This specific.ation also provides for the highly unlikely case that both diesel generators ] are found to be inoperable. JThe reduction of rated power to 257. will provide a very/ Q table operating condition.f The allowable repair time of 24 hours will provide an opportunity to repair the diesel and thereby prevent the necessity of taking the plant down through the less stable shutdown condition. If the necessary repairs cannot be made in the allowed 24 hours, the plant will be shutdown in an orderly fashion. This will be accomplished while the two off-site sources of po.ier required by Specification 3.9.A.1 are available. G. Maintenance of Filled Discharre Pine If the discharge piping of the Core Spray, LPCI, HPCI, and RCIC systems are not filled, a water hammer can develop in this piping when the pump and/or pumps are started. If a water hammer were to occur at the time at which the system' vere required, the system would still perform its design functions. However, to minimize damage to the discharge piping and to ensure added margin in the operation of these systems, this Technical Specification requires the discharge lines to be filled whenever the system is in an operable condition. i 1

                                                     -128-                                    5/19/93

i The remaining requirements of 3.9.A.1 ensures that highly reliable and diverse power sources remain with one diesel generator  : inoperable. It is necessary to verify that the required off-site sources are available and capable of supplying power to the l emergency buses, and that loss of voltage and undervoltage relay i j circuits associated with the emergency buses are operable. l 1 For a detailed' explanation of the 4.5.F.1 requirements see the BASES section 4.5 on page 131 of these Technical Specifications. w. i h e - 8 l l l l j

i e t  ! 4.5 AA3JJi -


Core and Containment Cooline Systems Surveillance Freauencies l I The testing intervals for the core and containment cooling systems are based on l l industry practice, quantitative reliability analysis, judgement and practicality.  : The core cooling systems have . not been designed to be fully testable during operation. For example, in the case of the HPCI System, automatic initiation during l , power operation would result in pumping cold water into the reactor vessel, which is i not desirable. Complete ADS testing during power operation causes an undesirable -l loss-of-coolant inventory. To increase the availability of the core and containment [ cooling systems, the components which make up the system; i.e., instrumentation, { pumps, valves, etc., are tested frequently. The pumps and motor operated injection  ; valves are also tested each month to assure their operability. A simulated automatic actuation test once each cycle combined with frequent tests of the pumps and injection valves is deemed to be adequate testing of these systems. When components and subsystems are out-of-service, overall core and containment  ; cooling reliability is maintained by verifying the operability of the remaining equipment. For routine out-of-service periods caused by preventative maintenance, etc., the operability of other systems and components will be verified as given in t the Technical Specifications. However, if a failure or design deficiency caused by ) outage, then a demonstration of operability may be needed to assure that a generic  ! problem does not exist. For example, if an out-of-service period were caused by failure of a pump to deliver rated capacity due to a design deficiency, the other  ! pumps of this type might be subjected to a flow rate test. 1 y s e - g aa w 6

                                                   -131-                                    3/11/92    ,

w lbl y Verification T of' . operabilityL consists of verifying . that~ the surveillance is current, and that other available information does

not indicate inoperability.

The requirements of 4.5.F.1, assure that adequate core cooling ~ equipment associated-with the OPERABLE diesel ge:<rator is {; available. This requirement provides confidence that ' diesel

                      . generator inoperabilities are investigated ' for common cause -
   -                    failures, regardless of how long the diesel generator inoperability exists.

The requirements of 4.5 F.1, provides an allowance to avoid unnecessary testing of OPERABLE diesel generators. Ifit can be - f' determined that the cause of the inoperable diesel generator does I not exist on the OPERABLE diesel' generator,'then surveillance - requirement 4.9.A.2.a.1, does not have to be perfonned, If the cause of inoperability exists on the other diesel generator, they are - _. both declared inoperable and LCO 3.5.F.2 is entered. Once the failure is repaired, a common cause failure no longer exists, the I required action of 3.5.F.2 is satisfied. If the cause of the initial inoperable diesel generator cannot be confirmed not to exist on the

                      . OPERABLE diesel generator, performance of surveillance requimment 4.9.A.2.a.1 suffices to provide assurance of continued -

OPERABILITY of that diesel generator. The completion time of 24 hours for common cause is intended to - allow the operator time to evaluate any common cause failures. According to Generic 1.etter 84-15,24 hours is a reasonable time to confirm that the OPERABLE diesel generator is not affected by the same problem as the inoperable diesel generator. The LCO completion times of 7 days for one inoperable diesel j generator, 72 hours for demonstrating the redundant diesel i f generator, and 24 hours for two inoperable diesel generators, begins on the discovery (declaration) that an inoperable diesel generator (s) exists. This information'is provided to ensure that )' consistency among operators is utilized concerning the entrance and completion of surveillance requirement 4.5.F.1.  ! Demonstration of the diesel generator to be OPERABLE can be l achieved by the performance of Surveillance Requirement l 4.9. A.2.a.1, or 4.9. A.2.a.2. I




5. Oceration with Inoverable Eculement Whenever the reactor is in Run Mode or Startup Mode with the reactor not in a Cold Condition, the availability of electric power shall be as specified in 3.9.A.1, except as specified in 3.9.B.1. .
1. Incomine Power
a. From and after the date incoming power is not available from a startup or emergency transformer, continued reactor operation is permissible under this condition for seven days. I At the end of thisl -
              / period, provided the second source f of incoming power has not been made       /

i immediately available, the NRC must (be ( plannotified of the to restore this event secondand the source.) 1 Durin5 this period, the two diesel generators and associated critical buses must be Qemonstrated) to be

      )            Perable.                g     (                        g
b. From and after the date that incosaing power is not available from -

both start-up and emergency thg, transformers (i.e., both failed), Onl3 Q f. 4 h 0 M I continued operation is permissible,F provided the two diesel generators

                                                                             $9c,tge. ding         %

and associated critical buses are - and gg pogf $00rC4- J demonstrated) to be operable,#5T1 li $00htf TC&dO' ' core and containment cooling systems are operabl@yeactor power level isl ogggI p educed to 25% of the rated and NRC

   @bkg          is notified within 24 hours of the situation, the precautions to be taken during this period and the 4,

J plans for prompt restoration incoming power. me a u .+, ew *aerb sht&oww ska)\ W mitMed and -ihe reac.ior pkted 'm M cotA dotdown condWien ' L d%iw fl4 Of6.

                                                          -192-                                07/o7/93

1 a TMSEAT ggat 4.9.A.La. !

   -.                                                                                                           S P8CS*       S*"-         l LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATIOH                               SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMFl{IS, glewirg pa@

3.9.B (cont'd.) 4.9.A (cont'd)

2. Diesel Generators 2. Diesel Generators
a. From and after the date that one of . Each diesel generator a b the diesel generators or an g started manually and loaded to not T associated critical bus is made or less than 50%'of rated load for no 4 found to be inoperable for any .k less than 2 hours once each month to N reason, continued reactor operation demonstrate operational readiness.

I g Q* is permissible in accordance with Specification 3.5.F.1 if [b During the monthly generator test l l

       *g;;,(g i

Specification are, 9.A.1 ts satisfied. p

                                                                           -i the diesel generator starting air compressor shall be checked for
b. From and af ter e date that both .S' operation and its ability to diesel generators are made or found g recharge air receivers. The g I to be inoperable for any reason, g operation of the diesel fuel oil I continued reactor operation is . transfer pumps and fuel oil day tank

d permissible only during succeeding 24 hours in accordance the h demonstrated, level switches and shall the be diesel 4D with 3.5.F.2 Specification.9.A.1issatisfied.K if starting time to reach rated voltage Specificatio and frequency shall h.y From and after t e date that one of the diesel generators or associated

b. Once every 18 months the condition under which the diesel gener'a tor is y critical buses and either the required will be simulated and a emergency or startup transformer test conducted to demonstrate that g power source are made or found to be it will start and accept the inoperable for any reason, continued emergency load within the specified reactor operation is permissible Gin time sequence. The results shall be
               ;      faccoraance       witn         Suecification/                   logged.

13.5.F.1,fprovided the other off-site 8/ source, startup transformer or c. Once a month the quantity of diesel emergency transformer is available fuel available shall be logged. and capable of automatically supplying power to the 4160 d. At least once per month the critical buses, [and the NRC is particulate concentration , level of n ified withW 24 hours of the the Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks occurrence and the plans for shall be determined in accordance b restoration of the inoperable] with ASTM D2276-1989, Method A. The ymponents. -- total particulate concentration in the diesel fuel oil storage tanks,

d. From and after the date that the shall have a limit of less than diesel fuel oil particulate 10 mg/ liter when checked in concentration level defined in accordance with ASTM-D2276-1989, Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.d Method A.

cannot be met, restore the diesel fuel oil total particulate e. New fuel oil sampling will be concentration to within the performed in accordance with acceptable limits within 7 days, or ASTM-D4057-1988 within 30 days upon declare the associated Diesel delivery. Fuel oil testing will be Generator inoperable, performed in accordance with the following:

e. From and after the date that the new diesel fuel oil properties defined 1. By verifying in accordance with in Surveillance Requirement the tests specified in 4.9 A.2.e.2 cannot be met, restore ASTM-D975-1989a prior to the stored diesel fuel oil addition to the storage tanks  :

properties to within acceptable that the sample has: limits within 30 days, or declare a) An API Gravity of within

           ,            the associated Diesel Generator                                         0.3 degrees at 60*F, or a l            inoperable,                                                             specific gravity of within                 l' 0.0016 at 60/60*F, when
                                                                     -193-                                                     07/16/93

tc 1 F l 1 Each diesel generator shall be started manually and loadeJ l to not less than 50% of rated load for no less than 2 hours j once each month to demonstrate operational readiness. A f modified DG start involving idling and gradual acceleration to synchronous speed may be used as recommended by the manufacturer. This Surveillance Requirement may_ be f preceded with an engine prelube period prior to starting and followed by a warmup period prior to loading, k  : When modified start procedures are not used, the time,  ! voltage, and frequency requirements of 4.9.A.2.a.2 must . be met. The performance of Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.a.2 satisfies this Surveillance Requirement. During'this monthly generator test the diesel generator I" starting air compressor shall be checked for operation and k its ability to recharge air receivers. The operation of the  ; fuel oil transfer pumps and fuel oil day tank level switches shall be demonstrated. a.2 Each diesel generator shall be started manually and loaded to not less than 50% of rated load for no less than 2 hours i every six months to demonstrate operational readiness. During this generator test the diesel generator starting air compressor shall be checked for operation and its ability to , recharge air receivers. The operation of the fuel oil transfer pumps and fuel oil day tank level switches shall be


demonstrated and the diesel starting time to reach rated voltage and frequency shall be logged. This Surveillance


Requirement may be preceded with an engine prelube period prior to starting. The performance of this Surveillance _ Requirement satisfies the requirements 4.9. A.2.a.1. w -

               #8                  4'9. A   .2   A     SP*0 HGG                                                                    ;


       .9 MSES The general objective of this Specification is to assure an adequate source of electrical power to operate the auxiliaries during plant operation, to operate facilities to cool and lubricate the plant during shutdown and to operate the engineered safeguards following the accident.          There are three sources of ac electrical energy available; namely, the startup transformer, the emergency transformer and two diesel generators. The de supply is required for switch gear and engineered safety feature systems. This supply consists of two 125V DC and two 250V DC batteries and their related chargers.          Specification 3.9.A states the required availability of ac and de power; i.e., active off-site ac sources and the required amount of on-site ac and de sources.

Auxiliary power for CNS is supplied from the startup transformer and the normal transformer. Both of these transformers are sized to carry 100% of the station auxiliary load. The emergency transformer is about one third the size of these two transformers and is equal in size to both emergency diesel generators. The startup transformer and the emergency transformers are the offsite power sources. Their voltage is monitored by undervoltage relays which provide low voltage protection for the emergency buses. Whenever the voltage setpoint and time delay limit for the undervoltage relays have been exceeded, the emergency buses a're automatically disconnected from the offsite power source. If the startup or emergency transformer is lost, the unit can continue to operate since the unit auxiliary transformer is in service, and the emergency or startup transformer and the diesels are available. If both the startup and emergency transformers become inoperable, the power level must be reduced to a value where by the unit can safely reject the load and continue to supply auxiliary electric power to the station. (M In the normal mode of operation, the startup and emergency transformers are energized and two diesel generators are operable. One diesel generator may be allowed out of service based on the availability of power from the startup transformer and the fact

  • hat one diesel generator carries sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover al brea fs. With the startup transformer and one diesel generator out of service, the off site transmission line corresponding to the emergency transformer must be available. Upon the loss of one on-site and one off-site power source, power would be available from the other immediate off-site power source and the two operable on-site diesels to carry sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover all breaks.

In addition to these two power sources, removal of the Isolated Phase Bus " quick" disconnect links would allow backfeed of power through the main transformer to the unit auxiliary transformer and provide power to carry the full station auxiliary load. The time required to perform this operation is comparable to the time the reactor could remain on RCIC operation before controlled depressurization need be initiated. g J The condition defined in Specification 3.9.B.l_.b.4 is entered as a result of failure to meet the acceptance criterion for particulates. Normally, trending of particulate levels allows sufficient time to correct high particulate levels prior to reaching the limit of acceptability. Poor sampling procedures (bottom sampling), contaminated sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can produce failures that do not follow a trend. Since the presence of particulate does not mean failure of the fuel to burn properly in the diesel engine, the particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between Surveillance Frequency intervals, and proper engine performance has been recently demonstrated (within 1 month), it is prudent to allow a seven day period for corrective action prior to declaring the associated DG inoperable. The 7 day completion time allows for further evaluation, resampling, and re-analysis of the DG fuel oil.

                                                   -199-                                         l 07/16/93
     <                                                                                                l 3A,BA.e
     '.9 BASES (cont'd)

A l The condition defined in Specificationf3.9.B.I .b.5)is entered as a result of failure j to meet the acceptance criteria for new diesel fuel properties. A period of 30 days  ; is allowed for restoring the stored diesel fuel oil properties. This period provides sufficient time to test the stored fuel oil to determine that the new fuel oil, when mixed with previously stored fuel oil, remains acceptable, or to restore the stored fuel oil properties. This restoration may involve feed and bleed procedures, filtering, or a combination of these procedures. Even if a DG start and load was required during this time interval and the fuel properties were outside the limits, there is high likelihood that the DG would still be capable of performing its intended function. The D. C. Power Systems allowable out-of-service time is based on NRC Regulatory Guide 1.93, " Availability of Electrical Power Sources." The two-hour limit to c restore battery operability minimizes reactor operation while in a degraded 0 condition. NJ 4.9 BASES h The monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to check for equipment failur,.gs Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating conditions to (*pg j and deterioration. demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel generator will be ai manually started, synchronized and connected to the bus and load picked up. The

   -     diesel generator should be loaded to at least 50% of rated load to prevent fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel generator will be run for at least two

}-{ h hours. Diesel generator experience at other generating stations indicates that the testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operation should the i system be required. Each diesel generator has two air compressors and two air receivers for starting. It is expected that the air compressors will run only infrequently. During the monthly check of the diesel generator, each receiver in each set of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which the corrasponding compressor automatically starts to check operation and the ability of the compressors to recharge the receivers. Diesel fuel oil degradation during long term storage shows up as an increase in particulate, mostly due to oxidation. The presence of particulate does not mean that the diesel fuel oil will not burn properly in the diesel engine. The particulate can cause fouling of filters and fuel oil injection equipment, however, which can cause engine failure. Particulate concentrations shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-D2276-1989, Method A. The frequency of this test takes into consideration fuel oil degradation trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between frequency intervals. The tests for diesel fuel oil properties defined in Surveillance Requirement (SR) 4.9. A.2.e.1 are a means of determining whether new diesel fuel oil is of the appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances that would have an immediate detrimental impact on diesel engine combustion. If results from the test defined in SR 4.9. A.2.e.1 are within acceptable limits, the diesel fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for contaminating the entire volume of diesel fuel oil in the storage tanks. These tests are to be conducted prior to adding the new diesel fuel oil to the storage tanks, but in no case is the time between receipt of new diesel fuel oil and conducting the tests to exceed one month. Within one month following the initial new diesel fuel oil sample (SR 4.9.A.2.e.1), the new diesel fuel oil is analyzed to establish that the remaining fuel oil properties defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.2 are met when tested in accordance with ASTM-D975-1989a. The one month period is acceptable because the diesel fuel oil


I ; Surveillance Requirements 4.9.A.2.a.1 and 4.9.A.2.a.2 help to ensure the availability of the standby electrical power supply to mitigate Design Basis Accidents and transients and maintain the unit in a safe shutdown condition. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium l operating conditions to demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel I generator will be mammally started, synchronized and comied to the bus and load ' picked up. The diesel generator should be loaded to at least 50% of rated load to - t prevent fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel generator will be nm for at  : least two hours. ,  ! t  ! To minimne the wear on moving pans that do not get lubricated when the engine is not runnmg, Surveillance Requirements 4.9.A.2.a.1 and 4.9.A.2.a.2 allows for a engine  ; ( prelube period. In addition,4.9. A.2.a.1. allows a warmup period prior to loading as an l additional measure to minimize wear. i For the purposes of this testing, the DGs are started from standby conditions. Standby conditions for a DG mean that the diesel engine coolant and oil are being continuously circulated and temperature is being maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. ~ -- k In order to reduce the stress and wear on the diesel engines, some manufacturers

      &        J      recommend a modified stan in which the stanmg speed of DGs is limited, warmup is                        t i

M: limited to this lower speed, and the DGs are gradually accelerated to synchronous speed l prior to loading. This is the intent of 4.9.A.2.a.1. l Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.a.2 requires that, at a six month frequency, the DG 1 starts from standby conditions and the staning time to reach rated voltage and frequency  ;


shall be logged. The timed staning requirement suppons the assumptions in the design basis LOCA analysis of USAR, Volume IV, Section VIII, Subsection 5.0, " Standby A-C Power Source". The stanmg time requirement is not applicable to 4.9.A.2.a.1 when a I j modified start procedure is used. If a modified start is not used, the startmg i requirements of 4.9.A.2.a.2 applies.

                    / Since 4.9.A.2.a.2 has the staning time requirement, it is more restrictive than 4.9.A.2.a.1 and may be performed in lieu of 4.9.A.2.a.1.
                                  - ~ ~ . . _ -                             .~



There. ce no changes do pces a o701 and Boc2 c%er doe -fo 4he , uan 'mforww4 ion hu been mkmfed l addNional BASES chtficedices 'm eqport of 4his chqe _ t e

           '                        -     +
                                                                                                                  ,e          g




  • 9 i



2. From and after the date that ' one 2. When it is determined that one valve valve in the Automatic of the ADS is inoperable, the ADS Depressurization System-is made or actuation logic ~ for the other . ADS l found to be inoperable for any valves shall be demonstrated to be reason, continued reactor operation operable immediately. In addition, l 1s permissible .only during the the HPCI System shall be verified to succeeding seven' days unless such be operable immediately.  ;

valve is sooner made operable, ' provided that during such seven days the HPCI Tvstem is operable.

3. With the surveillance requirements of 4.6.D.5 not performed at the required intervals due to ' reactor shutdown, a reactor startup may be conducted provided the appropriate surveillance is performed within 12 hours of achieving 113 psig reactor  :

steam pressure.

4. If the requirements of 3.5.E.1 or 3.5.E.2 cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the F. Minimum Low Pressure Coolina and reactor pressure shall be reduced to Diesel Generator Availability at least 113 psig within 24 hours.
1. When- it is determined that one F. ' Minimum Low Pressure Coolino and diesel generator is inoperable, the Diesel Generator Availability following requirements shall be met.
1. During any period when one diesel a. Immediately and daily generator is inoperable, continued thereafter, the redundant ,

reactor operation is permissible diesel. generator shall be ' only during the ' succeeding seven verified to be OPERABLE. days unless such diesel generator is sooner made operable, provided that b. Immediately and daily - the operable diesel generator and thereafter, the LPCI, Core its associated LPCI, Core Spray, and Spray, and RHR Service Water RHR Service Water subsystems are subsystems associated with the operable, the requirements of OPERABLE diesel generator 4.5.F.1 and the remaining shall be verified- to be requirements of 3.9. A.1 are met. If operable. these requirements cannot be met, the requirements of 3.5.F.2 shall be c. Within 24 hours determine ' met. OPERABLE diesel generator is not inoperable due to common cause failure, or perform Surveillance 4.9.A.2.a.l.

d. Within 72 hours and every 72 hours thereafter, the OPERABLE diesel generator shall be demonstrated to be OPERABLE if the inoperable c diesel generator is not sooner declared OPERABLE.




 ?,         j
    . J. -

4  !

              ;LTMTTTNG COMDITIONS FOR OPERATION                            SURVEILLAMCE REOUIREMENTS         !
       +-     '3.5.F (cont'd.):                                             4 . 5 '. F . ( cont ' d . )

L2. During.any period when both diesel j generators are inoperable, continued .

                     -reactor operation _"is. permissible                                                     :

only during the succeeding 24: hours l unless one diesel. generator- is sooner made' operable, provided that both LPCI subsystems, both Core Spray. subsystems, and both RHR j

         ,            Service         Water. subsystems-     are                                            .

b operable .and the remaining 'l requirements of 3.9. A' 1 are met. If  ! this requi'rement cannot-be met, an orderly shutdown-shall be initiated and.the reactor placed in the cold shutdown condition within 24 hours. ,

3. Any combination of inoperable- j components in the LPCI. RHR. Service i Water, and Core Spray systems shall not defeat the capability of the i remaining operable ~ components to i fulfill the cooling functions. '

4; When irradiated . fuel is in the reactor vessel and the reactor is in .'l the Cold shutdown Condition, both  ! Core Spray subsystems, both LPCI l subsystems, ' and both RHR Service  ; , Water subsystems may be inoperable, provided no work is being done which has the potential for draining the , reactor vessel. Refueling requirements are as specified in , Specification 3.10.F.  :

5. ~With irradiated fuel in the reactor vessel, one control rod drive housing may be open while the  ;

suppression chamber is completely drained provided that:

a. The reactor vessel head is removed. ,
b. The spent fuel pool gates are ,

open and the fuel pool water level is maintained at a i level 2 33 feet.

c. The condensate transfer I system is operable and a .l '

minimum of 230,000 gallons of water is in the condensate storage tank. i

                                                                      -121-                                     l 1

3.5 BASES (cont'd) is available at all times. It is during refueling outages that major maintenance is performed and during such time that all low pressure core cooling systems may be out of service. Specification 3.5.F.4 provides that should this occur, no work will be performed on the primary system which could lead to draining the vessel. This work would include work on certain control rod drive components and recirculation system. Thus, the specification precludes the events which could require core cooling. Specification 3,5.F.5 recognizes that, concurrent with control rod drive maintenance during the refueling outage, it may be necessary to drain the suppression chamber for maintenance or for the inspection required by Specification 4.7.A.2.h. In this case, if excessive control rod housing leakage occurred, three levels of protection against loss of core cooling would exist. First, a special flange would be used to stop the leak. Second, sufficient inventory of water is maintained to provide, under worst case leak conditions, approximately 60 minutes of core cooling while attempts to secure the leak are made. This inventory includes water in the reactor well, spent fuel pool, and condensate storage tank. If a leak should occur, manually operated valves in the condensate transfer system can be opened to supply either the Core Spray System or the spent fuel pool. Third, sufficient inventory of water is maintained to permit the water which has drained from the vessel to fill the torus to a level above the Core Spray and LPCI suction stra:iners. These systems could then recycle the water to the vessel. Since the system cannot be pressurized during refueling, the potential need for core flooding only exists and the specified combination of th^ Core Spray or the LPCI subsystems can provide this. The remaining requirements of 3.9.A.1 ensures that highly reliable and diverse power sources remain with one diesel generator inoperable. It is necessary to verify that the required off-site sources are available and capable of supplying power to the emergency buses, and that loss of voltage and undervoltage relay circuits associated with the emergency buses are operable. For a detailed explanation of the 4.5.F.1 requirements see the BASES Section 4.5 on page 131 of these Technical Specifications. This specification also provides for the highly unlikely case that both diesel generators are found to be inoperable. The allowable repair time of 24 hours will provide an opportunity to repair the diesel and thereby prevent the necessity of taking the plant down through the less stable shutdown condition. If the necessary repairs cannot be made in the allowed 24 hours, the plant will be shutdown in an orderly fashion. This will be accomplished while the two off-site sources of power required by Specification 3.9.A.1 are available. G. Maintenance of Filled Discharce Pine If the discharge piping of the Core Spray, LPCI, HPCI, and RCIC systems are not filled, a water hammer can develop in this piping when the pump and/or pumps are started. If a water hammer were to occur at the time at which the system were required, the system would still perform its design functions. However, to minimize i damage to the discharge piping and to ensure added margin in the operation of these j systems, this Technical Specification requires the discharge lines to be filled i whenever the system is in an operable condition.

    .                . -.    .     . _ _ . _ _                     ~ . _ . _  _ _ _ _ -               _           . _ _ _ _

l4 b



         '4.5 BASES f

I - Core and Conta4nment coolina Syst e Surveillance Frecuencies i The testing intervals for the core and containment cooling systems are based on  ! industry practice, quantitative reliability analysis, judgement and practicality. { The core cooling systems have not. been designed to be fully testable during  ! operation, For example, in the case of the HPCI System, automatic initiation during i power operation would result in pumping cold water into the reactor vessel, which is

                                                                                                                               .l not desirable. Complete ADS testing during power operation causes an undesirable                                ;

loss-of-coolant inventory. To increase the availability of the core and containment - cooling systems, the components which make up the system; i .. e . , instrumentation, , pumps, valves, etc., are tested frequently. The pumps and motor operated injection i i valves are also tested each month to assure their operability. A simulated automatic actuation test once each cycle combined with frequent tests of the pumps and  ! injection valves is deemed to be adequate testing of these systems. , When components and subsystems are out-of-service, overall core and containment { cooling reliability is maintained by verifying the operability of the remaining , equipment. For routine out-of-service periods caused by preventative maintenance, etc., the operability of other systems and components will be verified as given in  ! the Technical Specifications. However, if a failure or design deficiency caused by , outage, then a demonstration of operability may be needed to assure that a generic problem does not exist. For example, if an out-of-service period were caused by  ; failure of a pump to deliver rated capacity due to a design deficiency, the other pumps of this type might be subjected to a flow rate test. Verification of operability consists of verifying that the surveillance is current,

  • and that other available information does not indicate inoperability.

The requirements of 4.5.F.1, assure that adequate core cooling equipment associated {


with the OPERABLE diesel generator is available. This requirement provides confidence that diesel generator inoperabilities are investigated for common cause failures,  : regardless of how long the diesel generator inoperability exists. l The requirements of 4.5.F.1, provides an allowance to avoid unnecessary testing of  ? OPERABLE diesel generators. If it can be determined that the cause of the inoperable i diesel generator does not exist on the OPERABLE diesel generator, then surveillance  ! requirement 4.9.A.2.a.1, does not have to be performed. If the cause of inoperability i exists on the other diesel generator, they are both declared inoperable and  ! LCO 3.5.F.2 is entered. Once the failure is repaired, a common cause failure no a longer exists, the required action of 3.5.F.2 is satisfied. If the cause of the

  • initial inoperable diesel generator cannot be confirmed not to exist on the OPERABLE diesel generator, performance of surveillance requirement 4.9.A.2.a.1 suffices to i provide assurance of continued OPERABILITY of that diesel generator. -

The completion time of 24 hours for common cause is intended to allow the operator f time to evaluate any common cause failures. According to Generic Letter 84-15,  ; 24 hours is a reasonable time to confirm that the OPERABLE diesel generator is not l affected by the same probism as the inoperable diesel generator.


The LCO completion times of 7 days for one inoperable diesel generator, 72 hours for  ; demonstrating the redundant diesel generator, and 24 hours for two inoperable diesel generators, begins on the discovery (declaration) that an inoperable diesel j generator (s) exists. This information is provided to ensure that consistency among


operators is utilized concerning the entrance and completion of surveillance requirement 4.5.F.1. Demonstration of the diesel generator to be OPERABLE can be achieved by the l performance of Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.a.1 or 4.9.A.2.a.2.



0. f,.? ';
                   . LTMTTTNM CONDITIOMM FOR OPERATION.                          SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS                            l s

23.9.B- 4.9.A -(cont'd.) }

                   'B.-     Oneration with inonerable Eauinmant                                                                  .

i s 1 Whenever the reactor is in Run Mode' ] 4 or Startup Mode with the reactor not-


in a Cold Condition, the i

                         - availability of electric power shall                                                                      ;

be as specified in 3.9.A.1, except -i as specified in 3.9.B.l.. -

                   '1.   .Tnenm4na Power                                                                                           ~i i
a. From ' and af ter - the date incoming i

power- is not- available- from .a t startup or ' emergency ~ transformer, I I continued reactor operation is permissible under this condition for  !

                ~l          seven days. During this period, the                                                                      j two diesel generators and associated                                                                     +

l critical buses must be verified to be operable. t l

b. From and after the date that l incoming power is not available from  !

both start-up and emergency 5 transformers (i.e., both failed),  ! continued operation'is permissible,:  ! only.during the succeeding 24 hours unless one power source is sooner made operable, provided- the two . diesel generators and associated i l critical buses are verified to be i operable, and all . core 'and containment cooling systems. are i operable. If this requirement cannot

                         '.be met, an orderly shutdown shall be                                                                      :

initiated and the reactor placed in the cold shutdown' condition within [ 24 hours. j! t e f f i

                                                                           -192-                                                      +
                                                                   .                                 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ ~ ,
  • i
               'LIMf?ING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATTON                                          SURVEILLANCE REQUIPEMENTS                           l r                                                                                                                                   :

3.9.B .(cont'd.) 4.9.A (cont'd)  : 2, Diesel Generators 2. Diesel Generators

a. From and after the date that one of a. 1. Each diesel generator shall be I the diesel generators or an started manually and loaded to associated critical bus is made or .{i not less than 50% of rated load '
                         .found to be inoperable for any                                             .for no less than 2 hours once reason, continued reactor operation                                         each    month    to     demonstrate _    f is permissible in accordance with                                           operational-      readiness.         A Specification                  3.5.F.1        if      the                    modified DG start involving              ;

remaining requirements of idling and gradual acceleration r Specification 3.9. A.1 are satisfied. to synchronous speed may be [ used as recommended by the  !

b. From and after the date that both manufacturer. This Surveillance  !

diesel generators are made or found Requirement may be preceded  : to be inoperable for any reason, with an engine prelube period  ! continued reactor operation ' is prior to starting and followed permissible only during the by a warmup period prior to succeeding 24 hours in accordance loading. with Specification 3.5.F 2 if the remaining requirements of When modified start procedures Specification 3.9. A.1 are satisfied, are not used, the time, , voltage, and frequency  ;

c. From and after the date that one of requirements of 4.9.A.2.a.2  ;

the diesel generators or associated must be met. The performance of i critical buses and either the Surveillance Requirement i emergency or startup transformer 4.9.A.2.a.2 satisfies this , power source are made or found to be Surveillance Requirement. f inoperable for any reason, continued -i reactor operation is permissible During this monthly generator [ only during the succeeding 24 hours test the diesel generator  ! unless such diesel generator or starting air compressor shall i power source is sooner made be checked for operation and j operable, provided the other its ability to recharge air  ; of f-site source, startup transformer receivers. The operation of # or emergency transformer is the fuel oil transfer pumps and , available and capable of fuel oil day tank level l automatically supplying power to the switches shall be demonstrated.  ! 4160V critical buses

  • 2. Each diesel generator shall be
d. started manually and loaded to From and af ter the date that the * *** {

diesel fuel oil particulate "" #* *

  • concentration level defined in m ess dan 2 hars wen Surveillance Requirement 4.9 A.2.d "" "" * * * * * ** * '

cannot be met, restore the diesel perational readiness, fuel oil total particulate I concentration to During this generator test the within the ' acceptable limits within 7 days, or diesel generator starting air declare the compressor shall be checked for > associated Diesel Generator inoperable. operation and its . ability to  ! recharge air receivers. The peration of the fuel, oil

e. From and after the date that the new ransfer pumps and hel oil day j

diesel fuel oil properties defined in Surveillance * "# 8 8 *

  • Requirement 4.9.A.2.e.2 cannot be met, restore emmstrau,d and O.e diesel the stored diesel starting time to reach rated fuel oil  ;

properties to within acceptable y ltage and frequency shall be  ; limits within 30 days, or declare logged. This Surveillance e eme may e preceded W t the associated Diesel Generator inoperable, an engine prelube period prior i to starting. The performance of this Surveillance Requirement satisfies the requirements of ' 4.9 A.2.a.1.

           / -,                                                                                                  .. i Le 4+. :                                                                                                            !

e ,.  ; LTMTTtwa enunTTIOMM FOR OPERATIQH SURVEILLANCE REOUTREMENTS' f f 3.9.B ' (cont'd.). 4.9.A.2 (cont'd) { i ib. Once every 18 months the condition under which the diesel generator is ,

                                                                                                                 'l ;

required will be simulated and a l test-conducted to demonstrate-that- i it will start- and accept the emergency load within the specified  ; time sequence. .The.results shall-be logged. .;

c. Once a month the quantity of diesel -h
                                                                       ' fuel available shall be logged.


d. At. least once- per month the l particulate concentration' level of- ,

the Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tanks t shall ' be determined - in accordance with ASTM D2276-1989, Method A. The  ; total particulate concentration in i the diesel fuel oil-storage tanks, I shall have a limit of less than l 10 mg/ liter when checked in i accordance with ASTM-D2276-1989, I Method A. j

e. New ' fuel oil sampling will be performed in accordance with ASTM-D4057-1988 within 30 days upon '

delivery. Fuel oil testing will be performed in accordance with ' the following: ,

1. By verifying in accordance with the tests specified in ASTM-D975-1989a prior to  ;

addition to the storage tanks 1 that the sample has: i a) An . ' API Gravity of within


0.3 degrees at 60*F, or a specific gravity of within , 0.0016 at-60/60*F, when


Y i i i

           . .              ~ ~ . _ - ~                     .               - - -            --           _.               . . - - . -

a 3.9 BASES The ' general objective of this Specification is to assure an adequate source'of electrical power to operate the auxiliaries during plant operation, to operate facilities to cool and lubricate the plant during shutdown and to operate the  ; engineered safeguards following the accident. There are three sources of ac { electrical energy available; namely, the startup transformer, the emergency  ; transformer and two diesel generators. -The de supply is required for switch gear and , engineered safety feature systems. This supply consists of two 125V DC and two 250V DC batteries and their related chargers. Specification 3.9.A states the '{ required availability of ac and de power; i.e., active off-site ac sources and the  ! required amount of on-site ac and de sources. Auxiliary power for CNS is supplied from the'startup transformer and the normal transformer. Both of these transformers are sized to carry 100% of the station l auxiliary load. The emergency transformer is about one third the size of these two transformers and is equal in size to both emergency diesel generators. I The startup transformer and the emergency transformers are the offsite power sources. l Their voltage is monitored by undervoltage relays which provide low voltage- i protection for the emergency buses. Whenever the voltage setpoint and time delay limit for the undervoltage relays have been exceeded, the emergency buses are  ; automatically disconnected from the offsite power source. , l If the startup or emergency transformer is lost, the unit can continue to operate ' since the unit auxiliary transformer is in service, and the emergency or startup. -( transformer and the diesels are available.  ! If both the startup and emergency transformers become inoperable, the power level must be reduced to a value where by the unit can safely reject the load and continue to supply auxiliary electric power to the station. In the normal mode of operation, the startup and emergency transformers are energized l and two diesel generators are operable. One diesel generator may be allowed out of service based on the availability of power from the startup transformer and the fact that one diesel generator carries sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover.  : I all line breaks. With the startup transformer and one diesel generator out. of l

                  -    service, the off site transmission line corresponding to the emergency transformer                                   i must be available. Upon the loss of one on-site and one off-site power source, power would be available from the other immediate of f-site power source and the two operable on-site diesels to carry sufficient engineered safeguards equipment to cover                                ,

all breaks. In addition to these two power sources, removal of the Isolated Phase  ! Bus " quick" disconnect links would allow backfeed of power through the main transformer to the unit auxiliary transformer and provide power to carry the full  ; station auxiliary load. The time required to perform this operation is comparable to the time the reactor could remain on RCIC operation before controlled depressurization need be initiated. f The condition defined in specification 3.9.B.2.d is entered as a result of failure l to meet the acceptance criterion for particulates. Normally, trending of particulate ( levels allows sufficient time to correct high particulate levels prior to reaching i the limit of acceptability. Poor sampling procedures (bottom sampling), contaminated sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can produce failures that do f not follow a trend. Since the presence of particulate does not mean failure of the , fuel to burn properly in the diesel engine, the particulate concentration is unlikely ' to change significantly between Surveillance Frequency intervals, and proper engine performance has been recently demonstrated (within 1 month), it is prudent to allow l a seven day period for corrective action prior to declaring the associated DG inoperable. The 7 day completion time allows for further evaluation, resampling, and re-analysis of the DG fuel oil. j e


-.. .1

  .                                                                                                     i 3.9 BASES (cont'd)

The condition defined in Specification 3.9.B.2.e is entered as a result of failure l to meet the acceptance criteria for new diesel fuel properties. A period of 30 days is allowed for restoring the stored diesel fuel oil properties. This period provides sufficient time to test the stored fuel oil to determine that the new fuel oil, when 1 I mixed with previously stored fuel oil, remains acceptable, or to restore the stored fuel oil properties.. This restoration may involve feed and bleed procedures, filtering, or a combination of these procedures. Even if a DG start and load was- i required during this time interval and the fuel properties were outside the limits, there is .high likelihood that the DG.would still be capable of performing its intended function.  ; The D. C. Power Systems allowable out-of-service time is based on NRC Regulatory  ;

           . Guide 1.93, " Availability of Electrical Power Sources."          The two-hour limit to restore battery operability minimizes reactor operation while in a degraded                 !

condition 4.9 BASES The monthly test of the diesel generator is conducted to check for equipment failures _  ! and deterioration. Testing is conducted up to equilibrium operating conditions to demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel generator will be  ; manually started, synchronized and connected to the bus and load picked up. The  ; diesel generator should be loaded to at least 50% of rated load to prevent fouling of the engine. It is expected that the diesel generator will be run for at least two  ; hours. Diesel generator experience at other generating stations indicates that the r testing frequency is adequate and provides a high reliability of operation should the  ! system be required. Surveillance Requirements 4.9 A.2.a.1 and 4.9.A.2.a.2 help to ensure the availability of the standby electrical power supply to mitigate Design Basis Accidents and transients and maintain the unit in a safe shutdown condition. Testing is conducted ' up to equilibrium operating conditions to demonstrate proper operation at these conditions. The diesel generator will be manually started, synchronized and connected to the bus and load picked up. The diesel generator should be loaded to at least 50% i of rated load to prevent fouling of the en It is expected that the diesel generator will be run for at least two hours.gine.  ! To minimize the wear on moving parts that do not get lubricated when the engine is i not running, Surveillance Requirements 4.9.A.2.a.1 and 4.9. A.2.a.2 allows for a- i engine prelube period. ' In addition, 4. 9. A. 2. a.1 allows a warmup- period prior to loading as an additional measure to minimize wear. I For the purposes of this testing, the DGs are started from standby conditions. ' Standby conditions for a DG mean that the diesel engine coolant and oil are being continuously circulated and temperature is being maintained consistent with manufacturer recommendations. In order to reduce the stress and wear on the diesel engines, the manufacturer , recommends a modified start in which the starting speed of DGs is limited, warmup is , limited to this lower speed, and the DGs are gradually accelerated to synchronous speed prior to loading. This is the intent of 4.9.A.2.a.l. Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.a.2 requires that, at a six month frequency, the DC starts from standby conditions and the starting time to reach rated voltage and i frequency shall be logged. The timed starting requirement supports the assumptions i in the design basis LOCA analysis of USAR, Volume IV, Section VIII, Subsection 5.0, '

           ' Standby A-C Power Source." The starting time requirement is not applicable to 4.9.A.2.a.1 when a modified start procedure is used. If a modified start is not used, i

the starting requirements of 4.9.A.2.a.2 applies. t Since 4. 9. A.2.a.2 has the starting time requirement, it is more restrictive than 4.9.A.2.a.1 and may be performed in lieu of 4.9.A.2.a.l.


i + 4.9 BASES (cont'd) Each diesel generator has two air compressors and two air receivers for starting. It is expected that the air compressors will run only infrequently. During the monthly check of the diesel generator, each receiver in each set of receivers will be drawn down below the point at which the corresponding compressor automatically starts to check operation and the ability of the compressors to recharge the receivers. Diesel fuel oil degradation during long term storage shows up as an increase in particulate, mostly due to oxidation. The presence of particulate does not mean that the diesel fuel oil will not burn properly in the diesel engine. The particulate can cause fouling of filters and fuel oil injection equipment, however, which can cause engine failure. Particulate concentrations shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2276-1989, Method A. The frequency of this test takes into consideration fuel oil degradation trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change significantly between frequency intervals. The tests for diesel fuel oil properties defined in Surveillance Requirement (SR) 4.9.A.2.e.1 are a means of determining whether new diesel fuel oil is of the appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances that would have an immediate detrimental impact on diesel engine combustion. If results from the test defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.1 are within acceptable limits, the diesel fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for contaminating the entire volume of diesel fuel oil in the storage tanks. These tests are to be conducted prior to adding the new diesel fuel oil to the storage tanks, but in no case is the time between receipt of new diesel fuel oil and conducting the tests to exceed one month. Within one month following the initial new diesel fuel oil sample (SR 4.9.A.2.e.1), the new diesel fuel oil is analyzed to establish that the remaining fuel oil properties defined in SR 4.9.A.2.e.2 are met when tested in accordance with ASTM-D975-1989a. The one month period is acceptable because the diesel fuel oil properties of interest (SR 4.9.A.2.e.2), even if they were not within stated limits, would not have an immediate effect on Diesel Generator operation. This surveillance ensures the continued availability of high quality diesel fuel oil for the Diesel Generators. Microbiological fouling is a major cause of diesel fuel oil degradation. There are numerous bacteria that can grow in diesel fuel oil storage tanks and cause fouling, but all must have a water environment in order to survive. Frequent checking for and removal of accumulated water minimizes fouling and provides data regarding the water tight integrity of the fuel oil system. This is the most effective means of controlling microbiological fouling. In addition, it eliminates the potential for water entrainment in the fuel oil during DG operation. Water may come from any of several sources, including condensation, ground water, rain water, contaminated fuel oil, and from breakdown of the fuel oil by bacteria. This surveillance requirement is for preventive maintenance. The presence of water does not necessarily represent failure of this SR, provided the accumulated water is removed. If the presence of water is detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9. A.2.f, the removal of water to the extent practical from the diesel fuel oil day tanks must be accomplished within two days of the discovery of the water. If the presence of water detected by Surveillance Requirement 4.9.A.2.g is greater than a nominal value of four inches from the bottom of the diesel fuel oil storage tanks, then a maximum of seven days is allowed for removal of the water. The nominal four inch value is a function of the water that can be practically removed from the diesel fuel oil storage tanks. The diesel generator fuel consumption rate at full load is approximately 275 gallons per hour. Thus, the monthly load test of the diesel generators will test the operation and the ability of the fuel oil transfer pumps to refill the day tank and will check the operation of these pumps from the emergency source. The test of the diesel generator during the refueling outage will be more comprehensive in that it will functionally test the system; i.e, it will check diesel generator starting and closure of diesel generator breaker and sequencing of load on the diesel generator. The diesel generator will be started by simulation of a loss-of-coolant accident. In addition, an undervoltage condition will be imposed to simulate a loss of off-site power.


s 4j 4.9 BASES (cont'd) Periodic tests between refueling outages verify the ability of the diesel generator to run at full load and the core and containment cooling pumps to deliver full flow. Periodic testing of the various components, plus a functional test once-a-cycle, is sufficient to maintain adequate reliability. When it is determined that some auxiliary electrical equipment is out of service, the increased surveillance required in Section 4.5.F is deemed adequate to provide assurance that the remaining equipment will be operable. The surveillance requirements for demonstrating the OPERABILITY of the unit batteries are in accordance with the recommendations of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.129,

             " Maintenance Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Plants, dated February 1978 and IEEE Std 450-1987, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations."

Once each operating cycle, during shutdown, either a service test or performance discharge is performed on the 125 V and the 250 V batteries. The performanco discharge test is performed in lieu of the service test when a battery shows signs of degradation. Degradation is indicated when battery capacity drops more than 10% of rated capacity from its average on previous performance tests, or is below 90% of the manufacturer's rating. Replacement criteria for 125V and 250V station batteries is s;80% capacity factor and the maximum time for replacement should be one (1) year. This will assure that the remaining battery capacity is adequate to meet load requirements. Verifying average electrolyte temperature above the minimum for which the battery was sized, total battery terminal voltage on float charge, connection resistance values and the performance of battery service and discharge tests ensures the effectiveness of the charging system, the ability of the battery to handle high discharge rates and compares the battery capacity at that time with the rated capacity. Due to the physical configuration of the CNS batteries, two different inter-cell connection resistance values are surveilled. Each division of the 125V and 250V batteries are configured into two racks, coupled with inter-rack connectors. Therefore, separate resistance values are provided for both the inter-cell (copper-bar type) and inter-rack (cable-type) connectors to demonstrate acceptability of battery connection resistance.


Table 3.9.1 specifies the normal limits for each designated pilot cell and each connected cell for electrolyte level, float voltage and specific gravity. The limits for the designated pilot cells ensure that their float voltage and specific gravity are characteristic of a charged cell with adequate capacity, and ensures the OPERABILITY and capability of the battery. Operation with a battery cell's parameter outside the normal limit but within the allowable value specified in Table 3.9.1 is permitted for up to 7 days. During this 7-day period: (1) the allowable values for electrolyte level ensures no physical damage to the plates with an adequate electron transfer capability; (2) the allowable value for the average specific gravity of all the cells, not more than 0.020 below the manufacturer's recommended full charge specific gravity, ensures that the decrease in rating will be less than the safety margin provided in sizing; (3) the allowable value for an individual cell's specific gravity ensures that an individual cell's specific gravity will not be more than 0.020 below the average specific gravity of all connected cells and that the overall capability of the battery will be maintained within an acceptable limit; and (4) the allowable value for an individual cell's float voltage, greater than 2.10 volts, ensures the

      %     battery's capability to perform its design function.

The Reactor Protection System (RPS) is equipped with a seismically qualified, Class lE power monitoring system. This system consists of eight Electrical Protection Assemblies (EPA) which isolate the power sources from the RPS if the input voltage and frequency are not within limits specified for safe system operation. Isolation of RPS power causes that RPS division to fail safe.


44 e l LIST OF NRC COMMITMENTS l ATTACHMENT 3 Correspondence No: SILS950001 The followit g table identifies those actions c.-mitteed to by the District in this document. Any other actions discussed .r: !he m b.uttal . e:present intended or plaved actions by the Distritt. They are d=asc.r mtd to tt.o NRC for the NRC's infr.*ation and are not regulatory cotarit. .e.nts. Pleasa notify the Licensing Manager at Cooper Nuclear Station of any questions regarding t'.is docament or any associated regulatory commitments. COMMITTED DATE COMMITMENT OR OUTAGE None l l l I i i 1 l l PROCEDURE NUMBER 0.42 l REVISION 1ATMBER O l PAGE 10 OF 16 l l

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