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Rev 13 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/23/1992
Shared Package
ML20114B777 List:
PROC-920123, NUDOCS 9208310247
Download: ML20114B801 (80)


{{#Wiki_filter:-. q i gg ' h f ATTACHMENT II Y t 3 Offsite Dose Calsulatinn.Jamtal Revision 13 u !b SRER901.2/SEREVFLR --3 -

            -        '9200310247 920826' PDR 'ADOCK 05000416--


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        -GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR                                                   Revision 13 - 01/92
      +   -                 -     .                              -



4 1 4 1 Revision No. 13

                                                                                         -Date          01/92 GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION                                          [


                                                       .0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL SAFETY REldIED EVALUATION APPLICABILITY-
                      - SAFETY EVALUATION                                          ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION
                      - [X] LN01 APPLICABLE                                        [X]     NOT APPLICABLE
         ,      Reviewed /Approv      .             .. C8<O               h2-/                                                    ervisori Environmental Services /Date                                       ,

Reviewed / Approved: AM - ~ D OL Superth,ori- Radiological Survices/Date , ERevi wed/Apr- ed: / M !T7 uperintendent,-Chemistry /Date

             ' Reviewed / Approved:

(.fd.- OC I I d , Manager,- Radio 1 Scal & Environmental Services /Date

            ; Reviewed / Approved: -

Mr-IN /~22-9? Directo ', Nu:: lear Sugt/Date Reviewed / pproved: '#F d'

                                                                 -9N                         35 Sh
                                          'Chairma ,- Pla Safety Review Commif teefdate
             - Reviewed / Approved:               2 Generaf Man'ager, i'lant Operations /Date V             /

GRAND $ GULF,ldNIT-l 10DCM/SRREVFLR- 1 Revision 113 - 01/92


           'Ibe GTSITE DOSE CAICUIIIICN WERL is a supporting documnt of Grard (blf Nuclear Station Badiological Effluent Technical Specifica-2 ticms (REIS) . As such the CDQ4 describes the mthodology ard paraneters to be used in the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive liquid ard gaseous effluents ard in the calculation of liqcid ard gaseous effluent rconitoring instrumntation alam/ trip setpoints. The CDQ4 contains a list ard graphical description of the specific sanple loca-tions for the radiological environmental nonitoring program. Diagrams    2 of the liquid ard gaseous radwaste treat: ment systes are also included.

The 0D04 will be naintained at the Station for use as a reference guide and training cbcument of accepted nethodologies and calculations. Omges in the calculational nethods or parameters will be incorporated into the CDQ4 in order to assure that the CDQ4 represents the present nethodology in all applicable areas. Conputer software to perfom the l I described calculations will be maintained current with this CDCM. l l l 1^ l l 1 l - ii l GRAND GUIF, UNIT 1 Pet. 2- 5/84


ODCM TABIE OF CONTENTS Palle MANUAL APPROVAL SHEET ......................................... 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES ......s......................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ................................................. v LIST OF REFERENCES ............................................. vi LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ........................................ vii 1.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1.1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints 1.1.1 Liquid Radwaste Effluent Line Monitors ......... 1.0-1 1.2 Dose Calculations for Liquid Effluents 1.2.1 Maximum Exposed Individual Model ............... 1.0-7 1.2.2 Dose Projection ................................ 1.0-8 g 1.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System .......................... 1.0-15 2.0 GASEOUS EITLUENTS 2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints 2.1.1 Continuous Ventilation' Monitors ................ 2.0-1 l 2.1.2 Text Deleted ................................... 2.0-3 l 2.2 Caseous Effluent Dose Calculations i 2.2.1 Unrestricted Area Boundary Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0-7 2.2.2 Unrestricted Area Dose to Individual ........... 2.0-8 2.2.3 Dos e Proj e ction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 0- 10a 8 2.3 Meteorological Model 2.3.1 Atmospheric Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 0-24 i 2.3.2 . Deposition ..................................... 2.0-25 2.4- Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Parameters .............. 2.0-27

                        -2.5 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System ........................                                       2.0-35    1 2.6 -Annual Dose Commitment'...................................                                      2.0-36 2.6.1     Direct Radiation Dose Measurement ............... 2.0-36                                       8 3.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 3.1     Sampling Locations .......................................                                   3.0-1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                   111                                              Rev. 8 - 03/86 J36 PHI 86052201 - 5

ODCM LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page 1.0-1 Calibration Curve for Liquid Ef fluent Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0-6 1.3-1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System................................ 1.0-16 8 2.3-1 Plume Depletion Effect for Ground Level Releases................ 2.0-31 2.3-2 Vertical Standa rd Deviation of Material in a Plume. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0-32 2.3-3 Relative Deposition of Ground-Level Releases.................... 2.0-33 2.3-4 Open Terrain Recirculation Factor............................... 2.0-34 2.5-1 Gaseous Radweste Treatment System............................... 2.0-35a 8 3.0-1 Collection Site Locations, 0-5 Mile Area Map.................... 3.0-7 3.0-2 Collection Sfte Locations, 4 neral Area Map..................... 3.0-8 3.0-3 Collection Site Locations, 0-10 Mile Area Map................... 3.0-9 3.0-4 Deleted......................................................... 3.0-10 l l l' I 1 1 1 I l GRAND CULF, UNIT 1 iv Rev. 8 - 08/86 i J36 PHI 86052201 - 5 I

l i. OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL LIST'0F TABLES Table- -Title -Page 1.2-1. Biosecumulation Factors............................ ..... 1,0-9 1.2-2 Ingestion Dose Factors For Adu1cs........................ 1,0-10

         '1.2-3    Site Related Ingestion Dose Commitment                            Factor...........                       1.0-13                 ,

2.1-l' Dose Factors for' Exposure to a Semi-infinite

                 - C l o ud o f Nob l e . G a s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0-6
2.2-la! Pathway Dose Factors- for Technical Specification and Section 2.2.1.b............................ 2.0-11 2.2-1b' Pathway Dose Factors for Technical Specification and Section 2.2.1.b............................ 2.0-13 (2.2-2a: Pathway Dose Factors'for Technical Specification Section 2.2.2.b............................ 2.0-15 12.2-2b  ; Pathway Dose = Factors for Technical Specification and Section 2.2.2.b........:.................... 2.0-17
       '2.2-2c.  -Pathway Dose Factors for Technical Specification and Section 2.2.2.b............................                                                  2.0-19 2.2-2d:  Pathway Dose Factors-for Technical Specification
                 . and      Section:2.2.2.b............................                                             2.0-21 2/2-3    Controlling Receptors,. Locations and' Pathways...........                                               2.0-23

2.3-1 Atmospheric Dispersion l Parameters for Technical Specifications 4.11. 2.1.1,,, 2.0-26 , 13.0-l' Air Sampler. Collection Sites............................. 3.0-2 l< 3.0 ' Miscellaneous Collection Sites.......................... 3.0-3 x3.0 TLD Locations........................................... 3.0-4 "3.0-4 Deleted................................................. 3.0-10 J3.0 Deleted................................................. 3.0-11 i GRAND GULF,. UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR. v Revision 13 - 01/92

                                                                                                                         ~.               . . -


1. Boegli, T. S. , R. R. Bellamy, W. L. Britz, and R. L. Waterfield,  ;
                   " Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications- for Nuclear Power Plants," NUREG-0133 (October 1978).
2. Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109 (March 1976).
3. Calculation of Annual' Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for.the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, Rev. 1 (October 1977).
4. " Environmental Report," Mississippi Power and Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Units 1 und 2.
            .5.  " Final Safety Analysis Report," Mississippi Power-and Light Company, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
6. Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Lignt - Water - Cooled '

Reactors, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111 (March 1976).

7. Methods-for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light - Water - Cooled Reactors, U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.111, Rev.1 (July 1977).
          -8. . Age Specific Radiation Dose Commitment Factors.for a One-Year Chronic Intake, NUREG-0172, November 1977.


         -J200DCMS8011301 - 6                                                     vi                Rev. 13 - 06/98
       -PAGE'                REV                                .PAGE'        REV
      -H1                   H1                                  'Hl           HL._

i 13- 2.0-22 1 11 "2 2.0-23 13

          -- 111 -              8                                2.0-24       11
              .iv               8                                2.0-25        0
v. 13 2.0-26 13 vit 11 2.0-27 3 vii 13' 2.0-28 5' 2.0-29 3
            .1.0-1            'O-                                2.0-30        3 1.0-2           In                                  2.0-31        0 1.0          10-                                 2.0-32        0
            -1.0 4             1                                 2.0-33        0 J1.0            13'                                  2.0-34        0 1.0-6         =10                                   2.0      13 1;c-7             5                                 2.0-35a       8-1.0-8             8                                 2.0-36      10
          . 1.0-9=         11-                                  2.0-37      13 f l . 0- 10 :        0-
1.0-12 11 3.0-1 13 f1,0 0 3.0-2 13 1.0-13 2 3.0-3 13 1.0-14 111 3.0-3a 13
         .1.0              8-                               3.0-3b       13 1.0 16 8                                3.0-4        13 3.0-5        13
        - 2 '. 0- 1 -~      12                                 '3.0-6'     ' 13 .

2 ;'0 12- 3.0-6a- 13 j 2.0-3 2 ,3,0-6b 13

        -- 2.0           12-                                .3.0-6c       13
         - 2.0-5            12                                  3.0-6d       13
       -2.0-61                0                                 3.0-7        13 2.0-7             5                                 3.0-8        13 2,0-8           11                                  3.0-9        13 4

2.0-9 ;6- 3.0-10 13

        - 2.0           11                                  3.0-11       13
        - 2.0-10a             8
2.0-11. 1 2.0-12' -1
       -2.0-13              -2
2.0-14. 1-
        - 2.0-15           -2
7. 0-16 ~2
       - 2.0-17'              1'
         ' 2. 0- 18 ~         2 2.0-19            1-
       -2.0-20                1 2.0           2 GRAND GULF,: UNIT 1
      -0DCM/SRREVFLR                                           vil                Revision 13 - 01/92     '

1.0 MCUID DTwDns ! 1.1 Liauid Effluent Manitor Setpoints 1.1 L1guid Rackaste Effluent Line Monitors Liquid Rackaste Effluent Line Manitors pzwide alam and auto-matic tennination of release prior to exceeding the concentra-tion lir s specified in 10CFF20, /ppendix B, Table II, Column 2 at the release point to the unrestricted area. 7b neet this specification and for the purpose of inplementation of speci-fication of the RETS, the alarm / trip setpoints for liquid effluent nenitors and fim neasurerent devices are set to assure that the following egaation is satisfied: cf F+1, (e (1) where: C = the effluent concentration li: nit (PETS Specificatica inplerenting 10CFF20 for the site, in uCi/ml. e = The setpoint, representative of a radioactivity concen-tration in uCi/ml, of the radioactivity nanitor neasuring the radioactivity in the waste tank effluent line prior to dilution and subsegaent release; the setpoint, which is inversely prcportional to the volmutric flow of the effluent line and directly proportional to the volunntric ficw of the dilution stream plus the vaste ta.d effluent stream, represents a value which, if exceeded, would

                                                                      .-                                        result in concentrations exceeding the limits of 10CFR20                   ,

in the unrestricted area. GRNC GULF, UNTT 1 1.0-1 Rev. 0 - 8/E2 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - = - _ - _ . - . . _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -

                                  -   - - . .       . .-        . _ = . . . -

f = the waste tank effluent flow setpoint as measured at the radiation monitor location, in volume per unit time, but in the same units as F, below. F = the dilution water flow setpoint as measured prior to the release point, in volume per unit time. At Grand Gulf Unit 1, the available dilution water _ flow (F) should be constant for a given release, and the waste tank flow (f) and monitor setpoint (c) are set to meet the condition of equation I for a given effluent concentration, C. The method by which this is accomplished is as follows: Step 1) The isotopic concentration for a waste tank to be released is obtained from the sum of the measured concentrations as deter-

         -mined by the analysis required in the RETS Table 4,

IC. = IC +C a + IC ss

                                                +C t +C                       (2)              IC 2     gg                         f 3

where: IC = the sum of concentrations C of each measured 10 gg- a gamma emitter observed by gamma-ray spectroscopy of-the waste sample. C, = the concentration C, of-gross alpha emitters in 10 liquid waste as measured in the monthly composite sample. . IC,_ = the measured concentrations of Sr-89 and Sr-90 in 10 liquid waste as observed in the quarterly composite sample. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 J200DCMS6092903- 1.0-2 Rev. 10 - 12/86

l I C g

                                                         =    the measured concentration of H-3 in liquid waste as determined f rom analysis of the monthly composite sample.

C = the concentration of Fe-55 in liquid waste as f 10 measured in the quarterly composite sample. The C term will be included in the analysis of each waste 8 tank batch to be released; terms for alpha, strontiums. tritium and iron may be included if analysis of reactor water Ic has shown the presence of these isotopes. St:p 2) The measured radionuclide concentrations are used to calculate a Dilution Factor, D.F., which is the ratio of total dilution flow rate to waste tank effluent flow rate required to assure that the limiting concentration of 10CTR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 are met at the point of discharge. C. D T. = [I ] x S. F. 1 2 C C C C


({h +- +{h +h g a s t

                                                                                                     +C f
                                                                                                                    } x                                     S. T.      (3)       10 k'he re :

Cj = C and C ; measured concentrations as

                                                           ,C,,C,,C          f defirec' .n Step 1. Terms C,,               C,, C and C f will be included in the calculation as appropriate.

MPC = MPC , MPC,, MFC,, MPC and EC are limiting concentra- 10 f t f tions of the appropriate radionuclide from 10CTR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be limited to 2.0E-4 pCi/ml total activity. GRAND GUI.F UNIT 1 J200DCM86092903 1.0-3 Rev. 10 - 12/86


                                    -    -                -    - -      -- -        ~--     -- -             - - - -
   %y{w $q d~
        ;*                 S.F. =       an administrative safety factor normally applied at Grand                    ,
                      ...,.-            Gulf which causes the caiculated Dilution Factor to be two (2) times larger than the dilution factor required for empliance with 10CFR20 limits.

Step 3) The maxihan permissible waste tank efnuent flow rate prior to - dilution, f ,dis calculated based m a fixed fraction of the dilution flow rate,-F

  • d F

d.gFd+Id y M. d for F d I d (4) D.F. where F = 0.9 x rh expe.M duudm nw rau 1 d , f = maximan pemissible waste tank efnuent nw rate d D.F. = Dilution Factor frcan Step 2. NOIE: Equation 4 is valid only for D.F.>1; for D.F.II, the waste

              .                 tank efnuent concentration meets the limits of 10CFR20 with-out dilution, and f may               m any deshed alm.


                ~ Step 4): 'Ibe dilution flw rate setpoint for miniman dilutico flow iste, F, and waste tank flow- rate setpoint- for maxinrn waste tank effluent flow rate, f are calculated as follows:

W 1 F = F d=0.9x M annm W Mldm nw W af = 0.9 x fd = 0.9 x caldaW mim wam M nw rate -for the stated relaana conditions. (6) i l s GRAtc GULF, IMIT 1 1.0-4 Rev.1 - 7/83

         .    ..   .-         . . .          - - . -               .      ~ ~ - ..            -.     . . - _ _ - ,

i l l Thus, if instrumentation indicates .the dilution flow rate falls below the assumed flow rate of 90 percent of the actual dilution flow, or_if the waste tank effluent-flow rate exceeds 90 percent of the calculated maximum waste tank effluent flow rate, the release is terminated (manually or automatically). Step 5) -The. radioactivity monitor setpoint may now be specified based on the values of IC g, F, and f which were specified to provide

                                          -1 compliance with the limits of 10CFR20, Appendix B Table II, Column 2.        The monitor response is primarily to gamma radiation; therefore, the actual setpoint is based on IC .                    The setpoint 88 concentration, C, is determined as follows:

n -- d C-m 'ICg g-(pCi/ml) (7) f a where f,.is.the actual (or maximum expected) waste tank effluent flow rate. The value of C, (pC1/ml) is used to determine the monitor setpoint (CPM) from a calibration curve similar to Figure 1.0-1. Setpoint adjustments are not required if the existing setpoint a lower count rate than the csiculated 13 value. NOTE: The actual monitor setpoint is determined from the measured concentration plus background for the detector. The setpoint contains a-factor of conservatism, even if the calculated maximum

waste tank flow rate is attainable, since the calculated rate contains the safety. factor n.argin, waste tank effluent flow rate margin, and the dilution -flow rate margin. In practice, the actualcwaste tank effluent flow rate normally is many times less
                   -than the' calculated tank flow rate, thus providing an additional
                   -conservatism during release.

GRAND. GULF, UNIT 1 DDCM/SRREVFLR 1.0-5 Revision 13 - 01/92

i i 1 l rigure 1.0-1 Exar.ple Calibration Curve for Liquid Ef fluent Monitor IC 10-2



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10-t 1 2 3 105 100 ( 10 10 10 10 t l l 1 Count Rate (Counts per Minute) l Grand Gulf. Unit 1 .1.0-6 Rev. 10 - 12/86

4 1.2 Dose Calculation for Liquid Effluents 1.2.1 The dose contribution to the maximum exposed individual from all radionuclides identified in waste tank liquid effluents released to unrestricted areas is calculated for the purpose of impir>4nting RETS Specifications 5, and using the following expression:

                                        -                                      .           (1) 5 D           *'            A A t) C gy         F       (millirem)(8)

Tau tTau 3 i where: A = Site-related ingestion dose commitment fe, tor for 5 ITau radionuclide 1, in millirem /hr per uti/ml.


K, UFEF iDF, it = length oi the time period over which Cgg and F3 are 3 averaged for all waste tank liquid releases, in hours. C jg = average concentration of radionuclide i observed in the undiluted waste tank liquid effluent during Atg from any liquid release from the waste tank, in uti/ml. Concentrations are determined primarily from a gamma isotopic analysis of the wasta " k liquid effluer.t sa gle. For Sr-89, Sr-90: H-3, the last measured value from the most recent ..unthly and quarterly vaposite samples will LLD values be used in the dose calculation. Note: are not used ir fose calculations. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-7 Rev. 5 - 1/85

T = near fialJ average dilution factor for Cg during any 3 liquid effluent release. Defined as the ratio of the average undiluted liquid waste flow during release to the product of the average flow from the site discharge structure to unrestric receiving waters times the applicable factor of 2

                                  =   average undiluted liquid waste flow average flow irem site discharge x 2 K,                 =   units conversion f actor 1.14 x 10 5 x 10 3" 6
                                  =   10                                                     + 8766 Uy                 a   adult fish consumption (21 kg/yr) (3)                                  .

BT = Bioaccumulation factor for each nuclide, i, in firh, in 1 pCi/kg per pCi/1 from Table 1.2-1 (taken from Reference 3, Table A-1). DT g a Dose conversion factor for each nuclide, i, for adults in preselected organ, Tau, in mrem /pci, fron. Table 1.2-2 (taken from Reference 3, Table E-11). Calculated values of A iTau r radi nu lides which might be observed in liquid effluents are given 1 Table 1.2-3. 1.2.2 Doses from liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS are projected at least f8 every 31 days as required by GGNS Technical Specification These 1. ojections are made 1,y averaging the doser (DTau) fr m Previous 8 , operating history (normally the previous six months) which is indicative of expected future operations. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-8 Rev. 8 - 08/86 J36PMIS6052201 - 6

llABtf1.2-1 B10 ACCUMULATION FACTORS (BFi) (pCi/kg per pCi/ liter)* ' R [RESHWATER ELEMENT FISH INVERTEBRATE i H 9.0E-01 9.0E-01 C 4.6E+03 9.1E+03 NA 1.0E+02 2.0E+02 P 1.0E+05 2.0E404 CR 2.0E+02 2.0E+03 MN 4.0F+02 9.0E+04 FE 1.0E402 3.2E403 CO 5.0E+01 2.0E+0f NI 1.0E402 1.0E402 CU 5.0E+01 4.0E402 ZN 2.0E+03 1.0E+04 BR 4.2E402 3.3E402 RB 2.0E+03 1.0E+03 SR 3.0E401 1.0E+02 Y 2.5E+01 1.0E+03 ZR 3.3E+00 6.7E+00 NB 3.0E+04 1.0E+02 MO 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 TC 1.5E+01 5.0E+00 RU 1.OE+01 3.OE+02 RH 1.0E+01 3.0E+02 SB 1.OE400 1.0E+01 l11 TE 4.OE+02 6.1E+03 1 1.5E401 5.0E+00 C5 2.0E+03 1.0E403 BA- 4.0E+00 2.0E+02 LA 2.5E+01 1.0E+03 CE 1.0E+00 1.0E*03 PR- 2.5E+01 1.0E+03 ND 2.5E+01 1.0E403 W 1.2E+03 1. 0E401 NP 1.0E+01 4.0E+02

  • Values in Table 1.2-1 are taken from Reference 3. Table A-1, except for SB-which was taken from Reference 2, Table A-8. 13
                                                                  ' GRAND GULF, UNIT I-
                                                                    - J2000CM88011301 - 8                                                                    1.0-9                                                                Rev. 11 - 06/88
  -      . - - - - --                     - -.- _.- - -..- -.- - __-~_ - _-_- --- - --

i TABLE 1.2-_2 Page 1 of 3 DKTSTICri test crrNERSIO TX'IORS TOR *ADULTS (Dri) 7- (mtm per }ci _n9ested) LIVER T.DCDY 'Uh70ID KH2;EY 18 0 GI-ILI ffLCL1DE BCNE H 3 to DATA 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 C ' 14 2.84E-06 5.6BE-07 5.68E-07 5.6BE-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 ftA 24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 2.27E-05 P 32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 10 MTA to MTA to DATA CR 51 10 DATA 10 dan 2.66E-09 1.59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07 1.40E-05 FN 54 10 DATA 4.57E-06 8.72E-07 to MTA 1.36E-06 to DATA ------- to DATA 1.15E-07 2.04E-08 to MTA 1.46E-07 to DATA 3.67E-06 91 56 to dan 1.06E-06 1.09E-06 rr 55 2.75E-06 1.90E-06 4.43E-07 to DATA to DATA 2.85E-06 3.40E-05 PE 59- 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3.91E-06 to MTA to MTA to MTA 1.51E-05 CD 58 to MTA 7.45E-07 1.67E-06 to DATA 10 DATA 4.02E-05 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 to DATA 10 DATA CD 60 10 MTA to DATA to DATA 1.88E-06 in 63 1.30E-04 9.01E-06 4.36E-06 to MTA PC MTA 10 Dm 1.74E-06

                       !U 65        5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.13E-08 to DATA                                  2.10E-07 to D M            7.10E-06 CU 64        to Dm              B.33E-08 3.91E-08 to IATA                                                   9.70E-06 4.84L 06 1.54E-05 6.90E-06 10 DATA                                 1.03E-05 to DATA DJ 65 1.2BE-08 10 DATA            2.96E-09 Di 69        1.03E-06 1.97E-08 1.37E-09 to DATA                                 }O DATA    to DATA         5.79E-08 BR 83        to MTA to DATA 4.02E-08 10 DATA                                    to Dm to DATA               4.09E-13 BR 84        to DATA           to DAR 5.21I-08 10 DATA 10 DATA    10 MTA           LT E-24 BR 85        to DATA           to MTA 2.14E-09 to DATA                                     10 dan           4.16E-06 10 DM             2.11E-05 9.83E-06 to DATA                        to MTA RB 86                                                                           }O MTA     to DA*A          8.36E-19 RB 88        to DATA           3.05E-08 3.21E-08 to DATA 10 DATA    10 DATA          2.33E-22 RB 89        to DATA            4.01E-08 2.82E-08 to DATA                                  to DM            4.94E-05 10 DATA SR 89          3.0BE-04 to DATA 8.84E-06 to DATA                                            to DATA         2.19E-04 10 DATA SR 90          7.58E-03 }O DATA 1.86E-03 to DATA to DATA    to DATA         2.70E-05 SR 91          5.67E-06 to DATA                    2.29E-07 to DATA                                         4.26E-05 2.15E-06 to mTA                     9.30E-08 to DATA              to MTA     to DATA SR 92                                                                            to DATA    }O D;TA         1.02E-04 Y 90           9.62E-09 }C MTA                     2.5BE-10 to DATA to MTA     to um            2.67E-10 Y 91M 9.09E-11 to MTA                              3.52E-12 to DATA                                          7.76E-05 3.77E-09 10 Dm                10 DATA    to DATA Y 91 1.41E-07 10 DATA                             2,47E-11 10 DATA              10 DATA     !O DATA         1.4BE-05 Y 92 8.4SE-10 to DM
  • Values taken frm Referem 3, %1e E-11.

i GRA?D GUIE,12GT I 1.0-10 Rev. 0 - 8/82 r l

l l TABLE 1.2-2 (Continued) Page 2 of 3 INGESTION DOSE CONVERSION FACTORS FOR ADULTS (DFi) (mrem per pCi ingested)

  • NUCLIDE BONE LIVER T. BODY THfROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLI Y 93 2.68E-09 NO DATA 7.40E-11 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 8.50E-05 ZR 95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 NO DATA 1.53E-L4 NO DATA 3.09E-05 ZR 97 1.68E-09 3.39E-10 1.55E-10 NO DATA 5.12E-10 NO DATA 1.05E-04 N3 95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 1.86E-09 NO DATA 3.42E-09 NO DATA 2.10E-05 MO 99 NO DATA 4.31E-06 8.20E-07 NO DATA 9.76E-06 NO DATA 9.99E-06 TC 99M 2.47E-10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 NO DATA 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4.13E-07 TC101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 NO DATA 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E-21 RU103 1.85E-07 NO DATA 7.97E-03 NO DATA 7.06E-07 NO DATA 2.16E-05 RU105 1.54E-08 NO DATA 6. 08E- 09 NO DATA 1.99E-07 No DATA 9.42E-06 RU106 2.75E-06 NO DATA 3.48E-07 NO DATA 5.31E-06 NO DATA 1.78E-04 AG110M 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 NO DATA 2.91E-07 No DATA 6.04E-05 SB124 2.80E-06 5.29i 98 1.11E-06 6.79E-09 0.0 2.18E-06 7.95E-05 5B125+D 1.79E-06 2. 0bl- 08 4.26E-07 1.82E-09 0.0 1.38E-06 1.97E-05 11 5B125 1.15E-06 2.34E-08 4.15E-07 7.04t-09 0.0 7.05E-07 9.40E-05 58127 2.58E-07 5.65E-09 9.90E-08 3.10E-09 0. 0 1.53E-07 5.90E-05 TE125M 2.68E-06 9.71E-07 3.59E-07 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 NO DATA 1.07E-05 TE127M 6.77E-06 2.42E-06 8.25E-07 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 NO DATA 2.27E-05 TE127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2.38E-08 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 NO DATA 8.68E-06 TE129M 1.15E-05 4.29E-06 1.82E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 NO DATA 5.79E-05 '

TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.65E-09 2.41E-08 1.32E-07 NO DATA 2.37E-08 7.05E-07 1.34E-06


TE131M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 8.57E-06 NO DATA 8.40E-05 iE131 1.97E-08 8.23E-09 6.22E-09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 NO DATA 2.79E-09 TE132 2.52E-06 1.63E-06 1.53E-06 1.80E-06 1.57E-05 NO DATA 7.71E-05 1 130 7.56E-07 2.23E-06 8.80E-07 1.89E-04 3.48E-06 NO DATA 1.92E-06 1 131 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3.41E-06 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 NO DATA 1.57E-06 I 132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1.90E-07 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.02E-07 1 133 1.42E-06 2.47E-06 7.53E-07 3.63E-04 4.31E-06 NO DATA 2.22E-06 1 134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03E-07 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 NO DATA 2.51E-10 I 135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 NO DATA 1.31E-06 CS134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1.21E-04 NO DATA 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 2.59E-06 CS136 6.51E-06 2.570-05 1.85E-05 NO DATA 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06 CS137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14E-05 NO DATA 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.11E-06 CS138 5.52E-08 1.09E-07 5.40E-08 NO DATA 8.01E-08 7.91E-09 4.65E-13 BA139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2.84E-09 NO DATA 6.46E-11 3.92E-11 1.72E-07

  • Values taken from Reference 3, Table E-11, except for SB values which were taken

from Reference 8, Table 4. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 J200DCM88011301 - 9 1.0-11 Rev. 11 - 06/88

i i TABLE 1.2-2 (Continued) I Page 3 of 3

                                       "*%.          ItCESTIG; ID5E CafEPSICri FANPS JVR ADULTS (Dri)

(mren per pei ingested)

  • IKtE LIVER T.BCDY MfY7CID KIItEY IL*G GI-LLI IM'LIDE M140 2.03E-05 2.55E-08 1.33E-06 10 MTA 8.67E-09 1.46E-08 4.18E-05 M141 4.71E-08 3.56E-11 1.59E-09 to DATA 3.31E-11 2.02E-II 2.22E-17 M142 2.13E-08 2.19E-11 1.34E-09 to DATA 1.85E-11 1.24E-11 3.00E-26 2.50E-09 1.26E-09 3.33E-10 10 DATA 10 MTA 10 DATA 9.25E-05 IA140 to DATA to MTA 4.25E-07 1>.142 1.28E-10 5.82E-11 1.45E-11 10 DATA 2.42E-05 CE141 9.36E-09 6.33E-09 7.18E-10 10 MTA 2.94E-09 to DATA
                                                                       - - - - - .                    -- - -                   ,         =---- -- _ ---

5.37E-10 to DATA 4.56E-05 CE143 1.65E-09 1.22E-06 1.35E-10 10 dan 1.65E-04 CC144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 to dan 1.21E-07 to dan 2.13E-09 to dan 4.03E-05 PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 !D DATA 7.05E-12 10 DATA 4.33E-18 PR144 3.01E-11 1.25E-11 1.53E-12 to MTA 3.49E-05 10147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 !D MTA 4.25E-09 to DATA to DATA to DATA 2.82E-05 W 187 1.03E-07 8.61E-08 3.01E-08 to DATA 3.65E-10 10 dan 2.40E-05 ftP239 1.19E-09 1.17E-10 6.45E-11 to DATA

  • Values taken frun Reference 3, Table E-11.

G W o GULP, Utf27 1 1.0-12 Rm'. 0 - 8/82

TAP.II 1.2-3 Page 1 off



         ~;.                                           (musn/hr per uCi/ml)
0. 0 ~ 1:,+ 00 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01 2.26E-01

li-3 C-14 3.13E+04 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 6.26E+03 Na-24 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E+02 4.07E402 4.07E+02 4.07I+02 4.07E402 P-32 4.62E407 2.87E406 1.79E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E400 0.00E+00 5.19E+06 2 Cr-51 0.00E400 0.00E+00 1.27E+00 7.6%'-01 2.81E-01 1.69E+00 3.20E+02 Mn-54 0.00E+00 4.38E+03 8.35E+02 0.00E+00 1.30E+03 0.00E+00 1.34E+04 Mn-56 0.00E+00 1.10E+02 1.95E+01 0.00E+00 1.40E402 0.00E+00 3.51E+03 Fe-55 6.58E+02 4.55E+02 1.06E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2. 54E+02 2.61E+02 Fe-59 1.04E+03 2.44E+03 9.36E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.82E+02 8.14E+03 Co-58 0.00E+00 8.92E+01 2.00E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.81E+03 Co-60 0.00E+00 2.56E42 5.65E402 0.00E400 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.81E+03 Ni-63 3.11E404 2.16E+03 1.04E+03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.50E+02 Ni-65 1.26E+02 1.64E+01 7.49E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.17E+02 Cu-64 0.00E+00 9.97E+00 4.68E+00 0.00E40 2.51E+01 0.00E+00 8.50E+02 In-65 2.32E+04 7.37E+04 3.33E+04 0.00E+00 4.93E+04 0.00E+00 4.64E+04 Zn-69 4.93E+01 9.43E+01 6.56E+00 0.00E+00 6.13E+01 0.00E+00 1.42E+01 Br-83 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.04E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.82E+01 Br-84 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.24E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.11E-04 E3-85 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.15E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.01E-15 Rb-86 0.00E+00 1.01E+05 4.71E+04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.99E+04 rd>-88 0.00E+00 2.90E+02 1.54E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.00E-09 Pb-89 0.00E+00 1.92E+02 1.35E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.12E-11 Sr-89 2.21E+04 0.00E+00 6.35E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.0DE+00 3.55E+03 Sr-90 5.44E+05 0.00E400 1.34E+05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.57E+04 Sr-91 4.07E+02 0.00E+00 1.64E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.94E+03 Sr-92 1.54E+02 0.00E+00 6.68E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.06E+03 Y-90 5.76E-01 0.00E+00 1.54E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.10E+03 Y-91m 5.44E-03 0.00F+00 2.11E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.60E-02 Y-91 8.44E+00 0.00E+00 2.26E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.64E+03 Y-92 5.06E-02 0.00E+00 1.48E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 8.86E+02 Y-93 1.60E-01 0.00E+00 4.43E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.09E+03_ Zr-95 2.40E-01 7.70E-02 5.21E-02 0.00E400 1.21E-01 0.00E+00 2.44E+02 Zr 97 1.33E-02 2.6BE-03 1.22E-03 0.00E+00 4.04E-03 0.00E+00 B.30E+02 Nb-95 4.47E+02 2.4BE402 1.34E+02 0.00E+00 2.46E+02 0.00E+00 1.51E+06 My-99 0.00E+00 1.03E+02 1.96E+01 0.00E+00 2.34E+02 0.00E+00 2.39E+02 Tc-99m 8.87E-03 2.51E-02 3.19E-01 0.00E+00 3.81E-01 1.23E-02 1.48E+01

     'It-101 9.12E-03 1.31E-02 1.29E-01 0.00E+00 2.37E-01 6.72E-03 3.95E-14 Ru-103 4.43E+00 0.00E+00 1.91E+00 0.00E+00 1.69E+01 0.00E+00 5.17E+02 Pu-105 3.69E-01 0.00E+00 1.46E-01 0.00E+00 4.76E+00 0.00E+00 2.26E+02
  • Calculated frcrn Iguation 8.

i CV:3 GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-13 Fev. 2 - 5/64

TABLE 1.2-3 (Continued) Page 2 of 2 GRAND GULF SITE RELATED INGESTION DOSE COMM!TMENT FACTOR. A (mrem /hr per uCi/ml), iTau , NUCL10E _ BONE LIVER T. BODY THYROIO KIONEY LUNG GI-LLI Ru-106 6.58E401 0.00E+00 8.33E+00 0.00E+00 1.27E+02 0.00E+00 4.26E+03 . Ag-110m 8.81E-01 8.15E-01 4.84E-01 0.00E+00 1.60E+00 0.00E+00 3.30E+02 Sb-124 6.70E+00 1.27E-01 2.66E+00 1.63E-02 0.00E+00 5.22E+00 1.90E+02 Sb-125 4.29E+00 4.79E-02 1.02E+00 4.36E-03 0.00E+00 3.30E+00 4.72E401 Sb-126 2.' 75 E + 00 5.60E-02 9.94E-01 1.69E-02 0.00E400 1.69E+00 2.25E402 11 Sb-127 6.18E-01 1.35E-02 2.37E-01 7.42E-03 0.00E400 3.66E-01 1.41E+02 Te-125m 2.57E+03 9.30E+02 3.44E+02 7.72E402 1.04E+04 0.00E+00 1.02E+04 Te-127m 6.48E+03 2.32E+03 7.90E-02 1.66E+03 2.63E+04 0.00E+00 2.17E404 i Te-127 1.05E+02 3.78E+01 2.28E+01 7.80E+01 4.29E+02 0.00E+00 8.31E+03 Te-129m - 1.10E+04 4.11E+03 1.74E403 3.78E+03 4.60E+04 0.00E+00 5.54E+04 Te-129 3.01E+01 1.13E+01 7.33E+00 2.31E+01 1.26E+02 0.00E400 2.27E+01 Te-131m 1.66E+03 8.10E+02 6.75E+02 1.28E+03 8.21E+03 0.00E+00 8.04E404

                -Te-131    1.89E+01                   7.88E+00                   5.96E+00 1.55E*01                  8.26E+01 0.00E400 2.67E+00                     -

Te-132 2.41E+03 1.56E+03 1.47E+03 1.72E+03 1.50E+04 0.00E+00 7.38E404 r 1-130 2.71E+01 8.01E+01 3.16E+01 6.79E403 1.25E+02 0.00E+00 6.89E+01 I-131 1. 49E4 02 2.14E+02 1.22E+02 7.00E404 3.66E+02 0.00E400 5.64E401 1-132 7.29E400 1.95E+01= 6.82E400 6.82E+02 3 11E+01 0.00E400 3.66E+00 1-133 5.10E401 8.87E+01 2.70E+01 1.30E+04 1.55E402 0.00E+00 7.97E+0! I-134 3.81E400 1.03E+01 3.70E+00 1.79E+02 1.64E401 0.00E400 9.01E-03 1-135 1.59E+01 4.17E+01 1.54E+01 2.75E+03 6.68E+01 0.00E400 4.70E+01 Cs-134 2.98E+05 7.09E+05 5.79E+05 0.00E400 2.29E+05 7.61E+04 1.24E404

               -Cs-136     3.12E404                  1.23E+05                   8.86E+04 0.00E+00                   6.85E+04 9.38E+03 1.40E+04 Cs-137    3.82E+05                  5.22E405                   3.42E+05 0.00E+00                   1.77E+05 5.89E+04 1.01E+04                     .

Cs-138 2.64E+02 5.22E402 2.59E+02 0.00E400 3.84E+02 3.79E+01 2.23E-03 Ba-139 9.29E-01 6.62E-04 2.72E-J2 0.00E+00 6.19E-04 3.75E-04 1.65E+00 Ba-140 1.94E+02 2.44E-01 1.27E+01 0.00E+00 8.30E-02 1.40E-01 4.00E+02 Ba-141 4.51E-01 3.41E-04 1.52E-02 0.00E+00 3.17E-04 1.93E-04 2.13E-10 Ba-142 2.04E-01 2.10E-04 1.28E-02 0.00E+00 1.77E-04 1.19E-04 2.87F-19 La-140 1.50E-01 7.54E-02 1.99E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E400 5.54E+03 La-142- 7.66E-03 3.48E-03 8.68E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E^00 0.00E+00 2.54E+01 > Ce-141 2.24E-02 1.52E-02 1.72E-03 0.00E+00 7.04E-03 0.00E+00 5.79E+01 Ce-143 3.95E-03 2.92E+00 3.23E-04 0.00E+00 1.29E-03 0.00E+00 1,09E+02 < Ce-144 1.17E+00 4.88E-01 6.27E-02 0.00E+00 2.90E-01 0.00E+00 3.95E+02 Pr-143 5.51E-01 2.21E-01 2.73E-02 0.00E+00- 1.27E-01 0.00E+00 2.41E+03 Pr-144 1.80E-03 7.48E-04 9.16E-05 0.00E+00 4.22E-04 0.00E+00 2.59E-10 Nd-147 3.76E-01 4.35E-01 2.60E-02 0.00E+00 2.54E-01 0.00E+00 2.09E+03 W-187 2.96E+02 2.47E+02 8.65E+01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E400 8.10E404 Np-239 2.85E-02 2.80E-03 1.54E-03 0.00E+00 8.74E-03 0.00E+00 5.75E+02

  • Calculated from Equation 8.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1-J2000CM88011301 - 10 1.0-14 Rev. 11 - 06/88

1.3 Liquid Rodwaste Treatment System The essential components of the liquid radwaste treatment system are indicated on the following page by an asterisk (*). NOTES for Figure 1.3-1 0 --- (1) The essential components outlined on the following page tre those necessary to collect, process and sample liquid radwaste prior to discharge to the environment. (2) Only one of the following is required in order to process liquid wasse.

a. Equipment drain filter
b. Floor drain filter
c. Equipment drain demineralizer
d. Floor drain demineralizer (3) One of the Waste Surge Tanks may be used to replace the Floor Drain Waste Collection Tank.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 1.0-15 Rev. 8 - 08/86 J36PMI86052201 - 7

4 2Mi.a d AA 4 --L,--4*-mA4SiWh-A 1W<.4 u -+=w JeA= a--+d4 A. EA-A 4 4 ____L_A_ J = __m.__,. 1Muh

                           ---- W                            &                                          $

I du . t 5 ' ___i n $1 5 g ng -e E U 7 i

                                                                             .         s                                                ;         y-

u --

                                                                                            ~h  ,

N I k II 5 s- n- l

                                  =            11 =                                  li         l            T            I m                                       n


                                                                                                                -         a
  @                                                                                 rg          l             8 m                                                                                             =

r-l s l ll l _5 4-- n y a !s!  ? _ _ -e 2 kh i - 3 g-'l C U ~ 'I -l e

                        !                      !!*llI*}!                   -         o                      n u

uA h- , a- - u .-  !! tg ga jj!

                        !!                                                           18                  h                    4 a

x !I'! a Ila f!_ o ll a nN! l I I i  : R E ll_llllllli

                                                      .i l.llll ll ll ll g


2. 0 GASEOUSEFFLUENH 2.1 Gaseous Effluent Monit,r Setpoints
2. 3.1 For the purpose of implementation of Specification of the RETS, the alarm setpoint level for continuous tilation noble gas monitors will be calculated as follows:

S = y Count rate (cpm) above background of vent noble gas monitor at the alarm setpoint level


PF x Rt*OTB 12 the lesser of or PF x R, x D,, 7 Where, PF = product of allocation factor (AF) and safety f6ctor (SF), normally set at 0.1 AF = allocation factor alicwing for a total of four normal effluent release points, normally set at 0.25 12 SF = saftty factor allowing for cumulative uncertainties of measurements, normal'ly set at 0.4


D TB Dose rate l'mit to the total body of an individual at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS  ; inside the SITE BOUNDARY required to limit dose to 500 mrem in one year. 500 mrem /yr '


{;; D ss Dose rate limit to the skin of the body of an individual at the S!TE B0UNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY required to limit dose to 3000 mrem in one year.

                           =               3000 mrem /yr R      =                                                                                                                            l ~'

t count rato (cpm) per mrem /yr to the total body


C+[@ I K 4 Q'j) i l ,, r GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-1 J22FMISB060901 - 9 Rev. 12 - 08/88

 . m .,      - -      .,    .   . _ . . . _ . .      .      . - - -         - . . - .          . . - - - - . - -- . . - - - -. .                    . . . -

Where, i' C =. count rate (cpm) above background of the vent monitor l 12 , corresponding to grab sample radionuclide concentrations X/Q~= highest sector annual average atmospheric  ! dispersion at the SITE BOUNDARY or at ' UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY


4.537 x 10 6* sec/m3 in the WNW sector  ;


K g total body dose factor due to gamma emissions from , each noble gas' radionuclide 1 (mrem /yr per pCi/m3 ) from Table 2.1-1.- p = rate of release of noble gas radionuclide i Q'4 (pC1/sec) from the release point


R, count rate (cpm) per mrem /yr to the skin u


C + X/Q [Ii (L -4+ 1.1 M -)g Q' $ ]


Lj skin dose factor due to beta emissions from 3 isotope-1 (mrem /yr per pC1/m ) from Table 2.1-1 1.1 -= rarem skin dose per mrad air dose M =' air dose-factor due to gamma emissions from isotope 1 4 (mrad /yr per pCi/n3 ) from Table 2.1-1 The highest annual average X/Q.for the GGNS. SITE BOUNDARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY is' Hamilton Lake (WNW,-0.75 miles). This val; is taken from the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Final Environmental Report, Table 6.1.28.


l: h GRAN0' GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-2 Rev. 12 - 08/88

                 - -J22PMIS8060901 L.

l A * # T MP mr y T -) fr -ey M 'w' way1 -y--e

1 2.1.2 4 e TEXT DL5'ITD 2 O I s 1 GWo GnE, uCt 1 2.0-3 Bev. 2 - 5/84 l

               . _ _ . _ . .        __.m      _ - - .      . _ . _   . . __. _ _ ._. . _ _ _ _ __ _                                         - - - . _ _ _ . _ _ . _

t NOTES For Sectior_2.1.1 1

1) The calculated setpoint values will determine the allowable lI2 bounds for the actual setpoint adjustments. That is, setpoint adjustments are not required to be performed if the existing setpoint level corresponds to a count rate that is less than or equal to + 25% of the calculated value. If radionuclides are not detected in the grab sample, then the previously calculated setpoint may remain as the valid setpoint. ,
2) A more conservative setpoint may be calculated using the ,

conservative Kr-89 total body dose factor. This method may be used when there are no' valid isotopics available. The conservative setpoint will be calculated as follows: 12 S y

                                              =        count rate (CPM) above background of vent noble gas                                                                 ,

monitor at the alarm setpoint level *



  • Nt "

Where: PF' = product of allocation factor (AF) and safety factor (SF'), normally set at 0.2 AF = allocation factor allowing for a total of four normal effluent release points, normally set at 0.25 SF' = safety factor allowing for cumulative uncertainties of measurements,.norrally set at 0.8 R"g

                                              =        conservative count rate per mrem /yr to the total "                                           s. y l                                                       (Xe-133 detection, Kr-89 dose)                                                                                      -

L = (3.53E-5) (60) ll 'X7Q (X)(V)(K) J .



  • The setpoint calculation based on a Kr-89 skin done is not required

! because the setpoint based on a Kr-89 total body dose will always be more L conservative. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-4 Rev. 12 - 08/88 J22PMI88060901 - 11

 , - - ~ - -                                                             .,                     ,. ,,,.,--..,..     .. --,   - . ..-. ,,,.-                n.
                                                            --          .    . _ _ - _ -                   ~      . . - . _ . . -

I 1 l I Where, l X = Xe-133 volume efficiency factor of the detector system in pCi/cc/ cpm as determined by the primary 12 calibration

  • V = maximum designed ventilation flow rate in cubic feet per minute (cfm) 3.53E-5 = conversion factor, fta per cc 12 60 = conversion factor, seconds per minute K = total body dose factor for Kr-89, the ,

most restrictive isotope, from Table 2.1-1.

                       =     1.66E + 04 mrem /yr per pCi/m8 12 Other variables as defined in Section 2.1.1 l

l l L i l The instrument calibration procedures will i clude checks to ensure that l the detector efficiency does not vary by more than t 25%. GRAND GULF, UNIT-1 2.0-5 Rev. 12 - 08/88 J22PHIS8060901 - 12

l i


TABLE 2.1-1 DOSE FICIORS FOR EXICSURE 'IO A SIMI-lhTDJITE CIOUD CF 1KELE GASES Nuclide Y-Bedy* * (R) i B-skin * * (L) i Y-Air * (M)i B-Air *01)i Kr-85m 1.17E4 03 * *

  • 1.46E+03 1.23E403 1.97E403 Kr-35 1.61E401 1.34E+03 1.72E401 1.95E+03 Kr-87 5.92E+03 9.73E+03 6.17E+03 1.03E+04 Kr-88 1.47E+04 2.37E+03 1.52E+04 2.93E+03 Kr-89 1.66E+04 1.01E+04 1.73E+04 1.06E404 Kr-90 1.56E+04 7.29E+03 1.63E+04 7.83E403 Xe-131m 9.15E+01 4.76E+02 1.56E+02 1.11E403 Xe-133m 2.51E+02 9.94E+02 3.27E402 1.48E+03 Xe-133 2.94E+02 3.06E+02 3.53E+02 1.05E403 Xe-135m 3.12E+03 7.11E+02 3.36E+03 7.39E+02 Xe-135 1.81E+03 1.86E+03 1.92E+03 2.46E+03 Xe-137 1.42E+03 1.22E404 1.51E+03 1.27E404 Xe-138 8.83E+03 4.13E+03 9.21E403 4.75E+03 Ar-Al 8.84E+03 2.69E+03 9.30E+03 3.28E+03 Values taken frca Reference 3, Table B-1
  • mead - m8 uCi - yr
                           **        nrem - m3 uCi - yr
                          *** 1.37E403               =  1.17 x 10 3 GRAND GUIE, INIT 1                                 2.0                      Rev. 0 - 8/82

1 l l l l 2.2 Gaseogs Ef fluent Dose Calculations 2.1.a For the purcose of implementation of Specification the dose at the SITE BOUNDARY or at - 5 UNRESTRICTED AREAS witHn the SITE 20VNDARY due to noble gases shall be calculated as follows: D = average total body dose rate in current year tb (mrem /yr) 5

  • EQ K g Qj' D,
                                  =                   average skin dose rate in current year (mrem /yr)
                                   =                   EIQ             (Lg d 1.1 M g) Q i                   5 2.2.1.b Organ doses due to tritium. 1-131. 1-133 and all radioactive materials in particulate form with half-lives greater than eight days will be calculated for the purpose of implementation of Specification as fol!ows:


                                      =                 average organ dose rate in current year (mcem/yr)
                                           =                 W           P hj 9

where l 2.0-7 Rev. 5 - 1/85 GRAND GULF. UNIT 1

I W = controlling sector annual average atmospheric dispersion at the SITE LOUNDARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY for the appropriate pathway. T7Q = 4.Sai x 10-6* s et./m3 for inhalation and all tritium pathways in the WNW sector. , or 33 D7Q = 1.301 x 10-s** m -2 for food and ground plane t,athweys in the SSE sector P 4

                                                 =                                     the total dose parameter for radionuclide 1, (mrem /yr per pCi/m        3 ) for inhalation and it all tritium pathways and (m2 nirem/yr per.

pCi/sec) for food and ground plane pathways, - from Tables 2.2-la-b. l11 , Q'$

                                                 =                                     rate of release of noble gas                                       '

radionuclide 1 (pCi/sec) from the l11 , release point. < Q'$

                                                 =                                     average release rate of isotope i of tritium, I-131,1-133 or ither radionuclide in particulate fo;'m, with                             _

half-lives greater than eighi. ;0) days in the current year (pci/sec).

  • The highest annual average X/Q for the GGNS SITE BOUNDARY or
  • UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY is Hamilton I.ake (WNW, 0.75 miles). This value is taken from ti.. ., rand Gulf Nuclear Station Final Environmental Report, Table 6.1.28.
     ** Value taken from Reference 4, Table 6.1.26.

t GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 J200DCM88011301 - 11 2.0-8 Rev. 11 - 06/88

1 2.2.2.a For the purpose of implementation of Specification, the air dose at the SITE BOUNDARY or at UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY shall be determined as follows: Dy = air dose due to gamma emissions from noble gas radionuclide 4 (mrad)

                                                             =     3.17 x 10 ~0                                    IMgg   I/O    Q3 l

X/Q' = relative concen+. ration for the SITE BOUhTARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY.

                                                             =     4.537 x 10 -6*                                     set /m3 , in the kW sector Mg            =     air dose factor due to gamma emissions from noble gas radionuclide 1 (mrad /yr per uCi/m3) from Table 2.1-1 Qg            =     cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble gas, tritium, I-131, 1-133, or material in particulate #orm over the period cf interest (uCi)

Note: 3.17 x 10'0 is the inverse of the number of seconds per year, and D 0

                                                             =     air cotie due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide 1 (arad)
                                                             =     3.17 x 10 -8                                    I   N,  X/Q' Q.*

k'he r e , N i

                                                             =     air dose factor due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide 1 (mrad /yr per uCi/t.5) from Table 2.1-1 X/Q'          =     relative concentration for the SITE BOUNDARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY
                                                             =     4.537 x 10                                         sec/m3 , in the kW sector
  • The highest annual average X/Q for the GGNS SITE BOUNDARY or UNRESTRICTED AREAS inside the SITE BOUNDARY is Hamilton Lake (kW, 0.75 miles). This value is taken from the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Final Envitonmer.tal Report, Table 6.1.28.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-9 Rev. 6 - 9/85 J200DCH850829 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______

                - -.             . - . -=            _ - - -             - . _    -   -- ._--_-                   ...   -    _. .

I t TABLE 2.2-2d pxIn&Y DtRE FMICRS (Ri) mR TfDNICAL SPECIFICNfl0iS MO l Sirriai 2.2.2.n Page 1 of 2



   ~ ISUIOPE         _ItalA1ATIG4                                                                                     ~

0.000E+00 7.629E+02 3.248E+02 2.260EM3 11 - 3 1.264E+03 0.000E+00 2.634EMB 2.414EM8 2.276EM8 C-14 1.816E+04 1.385EM 7 2.438EM 6 1.356E-43 2.690E+05 ta-24 1.024E+04 0.000E+00 1.709E+10 4.651E+09 1.403E+09 P-32 1.320E+06 5.506E+06 7.187EM 6 1.772E+06 1.168E+07 CR-51 1.440E+04 1.625E+09 2.578EM7 2.812E+07 9.585E+08 W-54 1.400EM 6 1.06BE+C6 1.32BE-01 4.958E-52 5.082EM 2 W-56 2.024E+04 0.000E+00 2.511EM7 2.933E+08 2.096E+08 FD-55 7.20BEM4 3.204E+08 2.326EM8 2.080E+09 9.875E+0B FE-59 1.016E406 4.464EMB 9.565E+07 3.703E+08 6.252Ee8 CC -58 9.280E405 C>60_ 5.968EM 6 2.532E410 3.082E+0B 1.413E+09 3 49E49 0.000E+00 6.729EM9 1.88BE+10 1.040i+10 NI-63 4. 320E+05 3.451Er05 1.219E+00 7.405E-52 2.026E+02 NI-65 1.232E+04 6.876E405 2.031E46 2.307E-05 7.841E+05 CU-64 4.896E+04 8.583E+08 4.365E409 1.132E+09 1.009E+09 ZN-65 8.640E+05 0.000E+00 5.207E-12 0.000E+00 1.202E-05 ZN-69 9. 200EM2 4.475E+00 2.408E+02 7.079E+03 1.399E-01 8 C48E-57 7-83 2.475E-11 3.128E+02 2.363E+05 1.609E-23 0.000"400 A-84 0.000E40 1.280E+01 0.000E+00 0.000EMO 0.000E+00 BR-85 2.217E48 1.352E405 1.035E+07 2.604E49 4.914EMB RB-86 0.000E+00 3.428E-22 RB-88 3.872E+02 3.779E+04 2.139E-45 1.452E+05 5.523E-54 0.000E+00 1.385E-26

  -RB-89               2.560E+02 2.509E+04                1.451E+09        3.014E+08            9.961E+09 SR-89              1.400E+06 0.000E+00                4.680E+10        1.244E+10            6.046E+11 SR-90              9.920E407                                                                          1.451E406 1.912E+05          2.511E+06                1.377E+05        7.233E-10 SR-91                                                                           2.334E-48            8.452E+03 SR-92              4.304E+04          8.631EM5                 9.675E@0 5.308E+03                7.511E+05         1.141E+06            1.410E+08 Y-90               5.056E45                                                                           1.527E-08 1.920E43           1.161EM3                 1.743E-19        0.000E+00 Y-41M                                                                                                 2.814EM9 1.704E+C6          1.207E+06                4.726E+06         6.231EM 8 x-n                                                                              2.657E-35            1.603EM 4 Y-92               7.352E+04          2.142E+05                9.777I-01 2.534E+05                7.388E+03         2.075E-07            5.517E+06 Y-93               4.216E+05                                                                          1.194F+09 1.768EM6           2.837E+08                9.587E+05         1.903EM9 ZR-95                                                                                                 2.108EtO7 5.232E405          3.445E+06                2.707E+04         1.292E+00 ZR-97                                                                           7.748E+0,             4. 798E+08
  - NB-95              5.048E45           1.605E+08                2.786E+08 5.741EM7          2.318 EMS            1.426E+07 M>99               2.480E4 5          4.626E+06 5.553E+03         7.439E-18            5.187E+03, K-99M              4.160E+03          2.109E+05 1.813E-58         0.000E+00            3.502E-29 K-101              3.992E+02          2.277E4 4 D 103              5.048E+05          1.265EM8                 1.189E+05         1.229E+10            5.577E+08       l2 7.212E+05                5.240E-01         3.533E-25            3.294E+04 5 105              4.816EM4                                                                           1.247E+10 1

5.049E+08 1.320EM6 1.811E+11 5 106 9.360E+06 2.523E+09 3.979E+09 AG-110M 4.63tI+06 4.019E+09 2.198E+10 GEN O GULF, D UT 1 2.0-21 Rev. 2 - 5/84

   '                                    TAmr 2.2-2d (Continued) 1 PNDME DOSE FAC'IDRS                     _ (Ri) IX)R TD3RIICAL SPD'IFICATICNS 4.11 SufiICN 2.2.2.b_


   ~15UIGPE           D EALATION                                                             1.460E+09          3.927EM8 2.128E+06             6.626E+07
   ~TEr125M           3.136E+05                                                              4.531E+C9          1.418E+09 1.083E+05             1.860E+0B TE-127H            9.600E+05                                                              2.034E-08          4.5321.+05 3.293E+03             5.27BE+04                                            1.261E49 TE-127             5.736E+04                                                              5.69BE409 2.305E+07             3.028E+08                                            i.806E-03 TE-129M            1.160E+06                                                              0.000E+00 3.076E+04             9.167E-10                                            4.428E+07 TE-129             1.936E+03                                                              2.190E+04 9.459E+06             1.753E+07                                            6.571E-15 TE-131M            5.560E+05                                                              0.000E+00 3.450E+07             1.578E-32                                            1.31?E408
   'IL-131             1.392E+03                                                              4.287E+07 4.968E+06            7.324E+07                                             9.809E+07 TE-132             5.096E+05                                                              5.272E-04 6.692E+06             1.050E+08                                            3.785E+10 I-130              1.136E+06                                                              5.034E+09 2.089E+07             1.388E+11                                            5.016E403 I-131              1.192E+07                                                              1.836E-57 1.452E+06             1.342E+01 I-132              1.144E+05                                                               9.336E+01         5.331E+08 2.981E+06             9.891E+08                                            4.544E-03 I .33              2.152E+C6                                                               0.000E+00 5.305E+05             9.491E-11                                            6.731E+06 I-134              2.984E+04                                                               7.644P-15 2.947E+06              2.217E+06                                           1.110E+10 I-135              4.480E+05                                                               1.565E+09 8.007E+09             1.345E+10                                           1.675E48 CS-134            8.480E+05                             1.036E+09                         4.724E+07 1.464E+05       1.702E+08                                                1.1932+09         8.696E+09 CS-136                                                   1.010E+10 6.208E+05      1.201E+10                                                0.000E+00         7.730E-11 CS-137                                                  1.786E-23 6.208E+02      4.102E+05                                                0.000E+00         5.225E-02 C5-138                                                  8.322E-08

' 3.760E43 1.194E+05 5.917E+07 2.646E+08 BA-139 5.535E+07 1.272E+06 2.346E+07 0.000E+00 9.305E-22 BA-140 2.677E-46 1.936E+03 4.734E+04 0.000E+00 2.463E-39 BA-141 0.000E+00 1.192E+03 5.064E+04 1.385E+03 7.327E+07 BA-142 1.672E+05 4.584E+05 2.180E+07 0.000E400 4.999E-01 IA-140 8.886E+05 3.503E-08 IA-142 6.328E+03 3.632E+07 5.097E+08 1.540E+07 1.253E+07 2.758E+07 CE-141 3.616E+05 5.547E+02 2.627E+06 1.149E+06 1.112E+10 CE-143 2.264E+05 4.928E+08 8.032E+07 1.209E+08 2.74BE+08 CE-144 7.776E+06 9.204E+07 0.000E40 6.923E+05 3.303E-26 PR-143 2.80BE+05 0.000E+00 2.112E+03 6.716E-54 1.853E408 PR-144 1.016E+03 5,231E45 3.935E47 2.208E+05 1.009E+07 5.912E+00 1.046Eo07 10 147 2.740E+06 1.796E+06 2,872E+07 W-187 1.552E+05 5.152E+03 1.9'6E+06 7.385E+04 NP-239 1.192E+05 i l1 Units: Inhalation ard all tritium patNays - exan/yr per uC1/m2 l Others - ma . mren/yr per uC1/sec values based on stardard NUREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assmptims unless otherwise indicated. 2.0-22 Rev.1 - 7/83 GRAND Gulf, UNIT 1 _._ _ __ _ - - -_ ~

TABLE 2.2-3 CONTROLLING RECEPTORS. LOCATIONS. AND PATHWAYS Distance Origin (for Sector (Meters) Miles ** Pathway Azr_QInns info oniv) ( A) N 1481 0.92 Vegetation Adult garden (B) NNE 1207 0.75 Vegetation Teencget garden (C) NE 1062 0.66 Vegetation Teenager garden (D) ENE 4300 2.67 Inha1/Gnd Plane Child residence 13 (E) E 982 0.61 Inhal/Gnd Plane Adult residence (F) ESE 7000 4.38 Inha1/Gnd Plane Adult residence (G) SE 3100 1.94 Inha1/Gnd Plane Child residence g (11) SSE 1800 1.13 Inha1/Cnd Plane Adult residence g (J) S 805 0.50 Vegetation Child hypothetical

  • 3500 2.17 Vegetation Child garden 13 (K) SPd (L) SW 1432 0.89 Inha1/Gnd Plane Adult residence 13 (M) WSW 8047 5.00 Cow / Milk Infant hypothetical (N) W 8047 5.00 Cow /Hilk Infant hypothetical -

(P) k'NW 6900 4.29 Inhal/Gnd Plane Child res idence 13 (Q) NW 8047 5.00 Cow /Hilk Infant hypothetical (R) NNW 1207 0.75 Vegetation Child hypothetical

  • 13 Table based on 1990 Annual Land Use Census
  • These locations represent GGNS gardens located inside the SITE BOUNDARY.
                        ** Distances shown are actual mileage in each sector.

GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCH/SRREVFLR 2.0-23 Revision 13 - 01/92


2. 3 Meteoro!ogical Model 2.3.1 The atmospheric dispersion for gaseous releases may be calculated using a ground level, wake-split form of the straight line flow model, j

l X/Q = atmospheric dispersion (sec/m3) 2.03 6 k ru 1 _ Where, r = distance (m) from release point to location of interest 6 = plume depletion tactor at distance r from Figure 2.3-1 p_ = wind speed at ground level (m/sec) k = open terrain recirculation factor at distance r, from page 2.0-34 I = the lesser of (or + b,2)h or /J o 11 n Where, o = vertical stand:.rd deviation (m)-of the plume at distance r for ground level releases under the stability category indicated by T, from Figure 2.3-2. T = temperature differential with vertical separation ('K/100m) b = heiy... of the reactor building = 53.3m. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 J200CCMS8011301 - 14 2.0-24 Rev. 11 - 06/SS

i r. 2.3.2 nelative depositica per unit area for all releases is

  • W; calculated for a ground level release as fo11cws:
  • D/Q = relative deposition par unit area (m 3  ;
                                                                           = 2.55 (D )

9 r Where, D = ' relative deposition rata at distance r for ' 9 ground level releases fmn rigure 2.3-2. GRAND GLUE, LNIT 1 - 2.0-25 Rev. 0 - 8/82

                  . . . - . . - . - . - - - . . - - - ,                                          , - , , - - - -                       . - . . - , , . . - . , . - _ , . . . - . . . _ ~ . . -


     $ECTOR                              ** MILES            XfQ                                                DLQ
                                                                      -6 (A) N                               0.92            1.333 x 10                                    5.485 x 10 ~9
                                                                      -6                                               ~

(B) NNE 0.75 1.129 x 10 5.298 x 10 ' (C) NE 0.66 9.373 x 10 ~7 5.821 x 10 ~9 (D) ENE 2.67 6.609 x 10 -8 3.866 x 10 -10 13 (E) E 0.61 8.618 x 10 ~7 5.135 x 10" 3.206 x 10 ~0


(F) ESE 4.38 1.824 x 10


(G) SE 1.94 2.628 x 10 1.474 x 10 ~9

                                                                     ~7 (H) SSE                              1.13           7.347 x 10                                    3.587 x 10 ~9 (J) S                               0.50            4.057 x 10 -6                                 1.408 x 10
                                                                                                                     ~0 (K) SSW                             2.17            5.063 x 10 ~7                                 1.068 x 10 -9                              13 (L) SW                               0.89            2.653 x 10 ~0                                 4.463 x 10 ~9                              13 (M) WSW                              5.00            3.931 x 10 ~7                                 3.177 x 10 -10 (N) W                                5.00            4.259 x 10"                                   3.746 x 10 -10 3.739 x 10 -10

(P) WNW 4.29 3.164 x 10 13

                                                                    ~7 (Q) NW                               5.00            1.584 x 10                                    2.733 x 10 -10
                                                                    ~0 (R) NNW                              0.75            2.199 x 10                                    7.650 x 10 ~9 o    


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Final Environmental Report, Table 6.1.26, 6.1.26, 6.1.29 cnd ODCM Table 2.2-3. Co. Distances shown are actual miles in each secter. In those cases where X/Q and D/Q were not available from FER Table 6.1.26, they were taken from FER Tables 6.1.28 and-6.1.29 using the closest distance interval to the plant. 1 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR 2.0-26 Revisfe;n 13 - 01/92


   . 2.4 Definitions of caseens Effitents Paramters
b. =_ height of reactor buildirg (m) (2.3.1)

C = count rate of the station vent nonitor corresponding to grab sanple radionuclide concentrations (2.1.1) C' = count rate of ststion vent nonitor corresponding to a 1.0 uCi/ml concentration of Xe-133 (2.1.2) 3 D = relative deposit 9 Figure 2.3-3 (m {on ~ rate2)for ground level releases frm

                                                                         ) (2.3.

D a

                 =        average organ dose rata in current year (mtm) (2.2.1.b)

D = dose to an individual frm radiciodines and radionuclides E in particulata form, with half-life greater than eight days (mrm) (2.2.2.b) D, = average skin dose rate in current year (mrm) (2.2.1.a) Dg = average total body dose rata in current year (mrm) (2.2.1.a) Dp

                 =        air dose due to beta emissions frm noble gas radio-nuclida 1 (mrad) (2.2.2.u)

Dy = air dose due to gama mNians frm noble gas radio-a rrrlide 1 (mrad) (2. 2. 2.a) D/0 = relative deposition par unit area (m-2) (2. 3. 2) CI = pitzm depletion factor at distance r for appropriate stability class and effective height frtra Figures 2.3-2 and 2.3-3. (2.3.1) F = fraction of current year elapsed at tinn of calculation (2.1.1) k = open terrain recirculation factor at distance r frm. Figure 2.3-1 (2.3.1) K = total body dose factor for Kr-89, the nest restrictive isotope (mrum/yr par uCi/m8), frm Table 2.1-1 (2.1.2) Kg = total body dose factor due to ganta missions frun isotope 1 (mrm/yr per uCi/m2) frm Table 2.1-1 (2.1.1) GRAND GULF, WIT 1 2.0-27 Rev. 3 - 5/84

2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluents Parameters (Continued) D TD


limiting dose rate to the total body based on the limit of 500 mrem in one year. (2.1.1) , D 58


limiting dose rate to the . kin based on the limit of 3000 mrem in one year. (2.1.1)


L skin dose factor for Kr-89, the most restrictive isotope (mrem /y per uC1/m8) from Table 2.1-1(2.1.2) l a Lg skin dose faccor due to beta emissions from isotope 1 (mrem /yr per uCi/m8) from Table 2.1-1(2.1.1)


M air dose factor for Kr-89, the most restrictive isotope (mrad /yr per uCi/m3), from Table 2.1-1(2.1.2)


Mg air dose factor due to gama emissiont from isotope 1 (mrad /yr per uti/m3) from Table 2.1-1 (2.1.1)


Hg air dose Tactor due to beta emissions from noble gas radionuclide 1 (mrad /yr per uC1/m3) from Table 2.1-1 (2.2.2.a)


P g dose parameter for radionuclide 1, (mrem /yr per uCi/m8) for inhalation frct (mr mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for other pathways, from Table 2.2-1 (2.2.1.b) Q' 9


rate of release of noble gas radionuclide 1 (uC1/sec) (2.1.1)

     ~T           =

Q 4 average release rate for the current year (uCi/sec) of isotope i of tritium, I-131, 1-133 or other radionuclide 5 in (8) particulate fom, with half. life greater than eight days (2.2.1.b). t Qg = cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble gas, tritium, 1-131, 1-133, or material in particulate fem 5 over the period of interest (uC1) (2.2.2.a) (2.2.2.b) GRAND GULF, Ud!T 1 2.0-28 Rev. 5 - 1/85

l l l

  ' 2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Ef fluents Paraneters (Continued) l3 Q",  , ,=, - assigned release rate value of, for exanple,1.0 uCi/sec, i          Xe-133; y alated to definition of C' for the vent.

(Note 3) 3 Rg - dose factor for radianuclide i, (mrm/yr per uCi/m>) or (m8 mrem /yr per uCi/ts:) R, a count rate pe.r mrm/yr to the skin. {2.3.1) g= count rate per mrm/yr to the total body. (2.1.1) {

                  =    conservative count rate per mram/yr to th3 skin.

R"8 (2.1.2)

                  =      onservativo count rate per mram/yr to the total R"t         body (Xe-133 detection, Kr-09 dose) . (2.1.2) r       =   distance (m) frm release point to locatian of interest for dispersion calculation. (2.3.1) 3 GRA!D GUT, INIT 1                                   2.0-29                              Bev.3 - 5/84

2.4 Definitions of Gaseous Effluants Parameters (Continued) (3 Sy 1, =,r count rate of station vent ncble gas mcnitor at alam setpoint level. (2.1.1)

               =    vertical standard deviation of tha plu.e with building wake correction (m).       (2.3.1)

Y= vertical standard deviation (m) of tFa plum at distance r for offective height under stability category indicated by T(m) frcrn figure 2.3-2. (2.3.1) e T = tmperature differential with veetical separation (*K/100m). (2.3.1) u = wird speed at ground level (m/sec). (2.3.1) W o controlling n,ector annual averago atmospheric dispersicn at the site boundary for the appropriate pathaay (sec/m*). (2.2.1.b) W' = relative concentration for unreistricted areas (sec/m2). (2.2.2.b) X/O = atmospheric dispersion (sec/m2) (2.3.1) XTO =  : highest sector annual average atmospheric dispersion at the unrestricted area boundary (sec/m2) (2.1.1) X3' = relative concentration for unrestricted areas (sec/m3) (2.2.2.a) GWO GUIE, UNIT 1 2.0-30 Fev. 3 - 5/84

Figure 2.3-1 Plume Depletion Effect for Ground Level Releases (All Atmoshperic Stability Classes) u ll

                                                                                                ,                             g A                                         o
                     $ '- -                                       I               /                              i
  • i i l i i / I i e i l l l l l t/ j i l l l 1 I I / I I i 1 '

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a H s, / -

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C g i y o e ==3 - LD , CQ . - 4 i i i . , i' i I. i e i i e i 6 1 8 I I I I I I I ~i

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I l l l l l 1

                                /I                           I        I      I            I           (     l        I
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o o o o o d o o 6 31*.'n"Id tJ1 DfJit'lY1'i38 tJOll DYEt ?

GRAtlD GULF, im!T 1 2,0-31 Rev. 0 - 8/82

Figure 2.3-2 Vertical Standard Deviation of Material in a Plume (Letters denote Pasquill Stability Class) 1000 . . .. ... . ., . . , . 3 . . . , , ,

                      .s      .   . .       .>>          ,         i       e i e e i...                           i  f . . .,,,
                        .         i e e i            ii         _L _ _ e         i i i ieie                    _/.            ......

i i . . ., i - n , , , , ,, , x, .i,,ii 1 -l i I i 18 l/ l / I I l I i ll l / I i l l l 1il i I i l l i lll I/ I I I l i l l,V I l l l l i l}

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                                /7J                           ;      /

j ' G e 1c ' i, , ' , - ./.-' d.;./. . i i ,,,,ii

                  /    /      i x i i/ iii                         i       i     i iiisi                          i 7     /i      y' I      l_A i l i i                 i       i     l i i i li i                     i    i      i ieiiii
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                    /l Ill                  l'll-                          l           lll      Il              l      l      l l lllll l5

1 0.1 1.0 10 100 r, PLUME TR AVEL DISTANCE (KILOt.*ETERS) Te .seratw ee Cr.ani;e Pastuill Stant1ttv C a teesetes C1 et s t f ic a t'ioe

                                                       .t*>  hetent it ?! *t 'l Q 4 1.9                               A               !stre wly v astable 1.9 to .1.7                             8               moce stely unstatie 1.7 to -1.5                             C               Sing'itly unstable 1.5 to -C.5                             0               s.ewtral 0.5 to 1.5                              t               Sligntly stable rocerately stable 1.5 to 4.0                              F
                                                                                                                          !stre mir stadie e 4.0                             C GRAND GULF, UNIT 1                                          2.0-32                                               Fev. 0 - 8/82

l Figure 2.3-3 Relative Deposition for Ground-Level Releases (All Atmospheric Stability Classes) 10-3 . .. i i.. . . . . . ,,.i.

                      ...._.                    .       .....i.                                                                                                                                                    .
                              .,.               .       ie iiii.                                                    .        .      .         .                                         .        . i eii i          i       , i i i i ii                                                i        i      i         i            i               e            i.iiiii                     i
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c I i i i i ili I 4 i i e i i i t. AI e i t iile

      $                                             l         l l '      I (1                                           I       i      i l l l l 14                             l       \l l I l                lll                    I g                                   i         l         ll         ill                                            i       I      I 1 lll11                               1-            I KI I l              II E                                                                                                                                                                                                YN d


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K 10-8

                                                                                                                                                                                                        .       .           s
                                                                                                                          .       ,      . , .,..                                             .     . . . . .           .      m
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i i e e ii.i i i i i ieu. . i , 6 iiii. l l 1 Iill I 1 4 I i j ll I $ 4 1 l lili 1 Ilit i i l i liili I i i l I il li l l i I ' l l l l l llll l I I I llll! ' I l l lll l 10-71 1.0 10.0 100.0 200.0 0.1 _ r PLUME TRAVEL DISTANCE (KILOMETERS) Graph taken from Reference 7, figure 6 Rev. 0 - 8/82 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 2.0-33

Figure 2.3-4 Open Terrain Recirculation Factor



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l .= C w O o ci 801*'vd r;J1133BB03 'M Rey, 0 - 8/82 GR A*'O GU'.F. UNIT 1 2.0-34 l

l 3r

           -2.5   Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System The instruments required to be checked by RETS 3/ to ensure that the GAJEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (Offgas) SYSTEM is functioning are:
1. Adsorber train bypass switch (1N64-HS-M611) 13
2. Bypass valve indication (IN64-F045)

When the adsorber train bypass switch is in the TREAT position and the 13 bypass valve indicates closed, the GASECUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (Offgas) SYSTEM is functioning. NOTES for Firure 2.5-1 A flow diagram for the Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System is provided on the following page. Notes for the diagram are listed below.

                .(1) The charcoal beds are bypassed during startup until an adequate dewpoint is obtained in the process stream.

(2) This pathway may be utilized for power levels 5 $%. (3)-Standby Gas Treatment System not normally operated. l l l l GRAND GULF, UNIT 1

    . 0DCH/SRREVFLR.                                     2.0-35              E vision 13 - 01/92 l


                                                                                                                                                                                      , , m ,,                 ,         ,

Itmq imenn>i 40 stfe la ICD 8 ITPA83 UE W ' wr us y aw == r- .:- ' m m mArw anm ei e nut Ya i awnea h etPt e,; m na e i ratm irnim

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GRAND GULF UNIT 1 2.0-35a REV . 8 - 0 C / 8 6 I I

2.6 Annual Dose Commitment For the purpose of implementing Technical Specification 3.11.4, the annual 1 (calendar year) dose or dose commitment to any MEMEER OF THE PUBLIC will be calculated by summing the following doses for the calendar year:

  • Dire;t radiation dose Liquid effluent dose (DTau)
  • Noble gas dose (D , Dg )

Particulate dose (Dp ) These calculations are required only if the liquid or gaseous effluents exceed twice the limits of Technical Specifications,,,, or 2.61' Direct Radiation Dose Measurement Technical Specification 3.11.4 requires the determination of cumulative dose contributions to a MEMBER OF THE PUELIC

from direct radiation from the reactor-units-and from radwaste storage tanks. This requirement is applicable only under conditions set forth in Specification 3.11.4 -

Action a. This determination is made by the utilization of direct radiation measurements from indicator thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) located near the 10 GGNS property line in each of the 16' meteorological sectors. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 . J200D2.MS6092903 2.0-36 Rev. 10 - 12/86

l l l Heasuroments from these TLDs represent the direct radiation generated by the facility plus normal background radiation. The locations are identified in Table 3.0-3 by the following TLD numbers: M-16 M-22 M-41 M-86 M-20 M-25 'H-23 M-92 13 M-19 M-27 M-17 M-93 l 13 M-21 M-28 M-45 M-94 Control TLDs are also utilized to differentiate between background radiation and direct radiation from the facility. The following two TLDs are designated as controls based on the 13 criterion that they are located ten miles or greater from the facility. Exact locations are identified in Table 3.0-3. M-14 13 M-33 The difference between the averaged quarterly radiation measurements-of the indicator TLDs and the control TLDs represents the direct radiation dose to a MEMBER OF TIIE PUBLIC from the operating facility. GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SEREVFLR 2.0-37 Revision 13 - 01/92

 .                    . . .    - . - ,    ,         -      .    . .~ . ~ . . .             .  - _ - .


       . Sampling. locations to fulfill the. requirements of Technical Specification 3/4.12.1, as - described in Table 3.12.1-1, are identified in Tables 3.0-1                    I through 3.0-3 and shown on maps in Figures 3.0 I through 3.0-3.

d GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR 3.0-1 Revision 01/92

ODCM TABLE 3.0-1 AIR SAMPLER COLLECTION SITES AIR SAMPLERS HU11HER EIGM.RE LOCAT_IDli AS-1 PG 3.0-3 Southeast of GGNS at the Port Gibson City Barn. (Sector G Radius 5.5 miles) AS-3 61VA 3.0-2 North-northeast of GGNS on IIwy 61, north of the 13 Vicksburg Airport. (Sector B Radius 18 miles) - AS-6 RS 3.0-1 Northeast of GGNS, south side of Grand Gulf Road. (Sector C Radius .5 miles) " AS-7 MT 3.0-1 North of GGNS, located next to the Meteorological Tower. (Sector A Radius .8 miles) AS-8 WR 3.0-1 East of GGNS, located at former site of Maggie Jackson's trailer on Bald Hill Road near the eastern SITT BOUNDARY. (Sector E Radius 0.6 miles) 13 , GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR 3.0-2 Revision 13 - 01/92



EEdlE Alcorn State University 3.0-3 Located south-southwest of GGNS. (Sector K Radius 10.5 miles) CISTERN WATER

1. McGee Cistern 3.0-1 Located north of GGNS at the McGeo house.

(Sector A Radius 0.9 miles)

2. Willis Cistern 3.0-3 Located at the C. E. Willis house east-northeast of GGNS acrous from the Shiloh Baptist Church. (Sector D Radius 6 miles)


1. PGWELL 3.0-1 PORT GIBSON WELLS - Taken from distribution system or one of the five wells. (Sector G Radius 5.0 miles)
2. AAWELL 3.0 5 Arnold Acres Trailer Park, inactive. (Sector J Radius 1.1 miles)

, 13 13

  .0DCH/SRREVFLR                                   3.0-3                      Revision 13 - 01/92

D22 TABLE 3.0-2 (Continued) i Page 2 of 2 SURFACE WATER H@RE Upstream 3.0-1 4500 f t upstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River to allow adequate mixing of the Mississippi and Big Black Rivers (Sector Q-R, 1.8 miles) 13 l Downstream 3.0-1 5000 f t downstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River near Radial Well No. 1 (Sector N, 1.6 miles) 13 - Dischstge Basin 3.0-1 West-northwest of GGNS in parking lot (Sector P, 0.3 miles) SEUIMENT SAMPLES SEDHAM 3.0-1 Downstrsam of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the boat landing near Hamilton Lake outf all (Sector N, 2 miles) 13 VEGETATION Brcadleaf Vegetation 3.0-1 South or GGNS near the Support Services Center (Sector J, 0.4 miles) and north-northwest of GGNS near the Meteorological Tower (Sector R, 0.8 miles) HQIE: The above locations are gardens maintained by GGNS inside the SITE - BOUNDARY in order to provide a more conservative calculation of doses due to the potential ingestion of contaminated vegetation. These two sampling sites exceed the requirements of Technical Specification 3.12.1. Alcorn State University south-southwest of GGNS (Sector K, 10.5 miles) when available, otherwise a location 15-30 km distant FISH SAMPLES Commercially or Downstream of the GGNS discharge point recreationally important into the Mississippi River species Upstream of the GGNS discharge point into the Mississippi River uninfluenced by plant operations 13 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SRREVFLR 3.0-3a Revision 13 - 01/92


                                                                                                                                                                                      " TEXT DELETED" 13

P GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODLM/SRREVFLR 3.0 3b l Revi. ion 13 - 01/92 .

DDQ1 TABLE 3.0-3 TLD LOCATIONS. Page 1 of 7

         'ILD NO.             LOCATION                                       FIGURE       SECTOR    d1LE H-01         Across the road from the Lake                        3.0-3          E       3.5          13 Claiborne entry gate M-07          Port'Gibson City Barn, AS-1                          3.0-3          G       5.5 M-09          Warner Tully Camp                                    3.0-3.         D       3.5 13
        -M-10           Grand Gulf Military Park                             3.0-1          6       1.5 13 1
     '- GRAND. GULF, UlCT 1-ODCM/SRREVFLR                                         3.0-4                          Revision 13 - 01/92

DDCM TABLE 3.0-3 (Continued) ILD LOCATIONS Page 2 of 7 TLD NO. LQQATION FIGURE Ef&IQE MILE M-14 Hwy. 61, A5-3-61VA, north of 3.0-2 B 18.0 (CONTROL) Vicksburg Airport i

  .M-16        AS-7 MT, Meteorological Tower            3.0-1    A       0.8 M-17        AS-6-RS, Grand Gulf Road                 3.0-1    C       0.5 13 M-19        Behind burn' pit on fence at             3.0-1    E       0.5 eastern SITE DOUNDARY M-20         Hazardous Waste Storage Area            3.0-1     F       0.5         13
 .M-21         AS-5-TC, Support Serviceu Center         3.0-1   J        0.4 M-22         Former RR . entrance crossing           3.0-1            0.5 G                  13' M        County Road /fleavy Haul Road _         3.0-1    Q       0.5 50 yards north on power pole H-25         Radial Well Number 1                    3.0-1    N       1.6        13 M-27        South point SITE BOUNDARY                3.0-1    M.      1.5 200 yards along property line M-28,        AS-4-GJoh, Glodje residence              3.0-1    L       0.9 13 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1

-0DCM/SRREVFLR 3.0-5 Revision 13 - 01/92

l DDCi If!If 3.0-3 fContinued) TLD LOCATIONS Page 3 of 7 7LD MO. LOCATION FIGURE SEQIQE 1111 2 M-33 !13 Newellton, Louisiana, Water 3.0-3 P 12.5 (CONTROL) Tower

                                                                                                                                                                                      '13 M-36           Curve on 608, point nearesc                                             3.0-3                                                                   P       5.0 3GNS at power pole 13 --

M-38 Lake Bruin State Park,

'                                                                                           3.0-3                                                                   M       9.5 second pole M-39           St. Joseph, Louisiana, Aux.                                             3.0-3                                                                   M      13.0 Water Tank M-40           International Paper Road,                                               3.0-3                                                                   M       5.0 5 miles from site M-41           kadial Well Number 4                                                    3.0-1                                                                   P       1.5       13 H-45            Old Visitor Center Gate                                                 3.0-1                                                                   D       0.5 t

13 GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 ODCM/SEREVFLR 3.0-6 Revision 13 - 01/92

DDSli TtBLE 3.0-3 (Continued) TLD LOCATIONS Page 4 of 7 ILD NO. LOCATION FIGURE SECTOR 51LE M-47 Bridge 0.6 miles west of Rodney 3.0-3 L 5.2 l 13 Westside Road /Mont Gomer Road intersection, north side M-48 Preperty line fence 0.4 miles 3.0-3 K 4.8 on Mont Oct - Road on west side - M-49 Fork in Weathers Road 3.0-3 H 4.5 H-50 Panola liunting Club entrance 3.0-3 B 5.5 H-51 Ingelside/ Deer Camp Road 3.0-3 C 4.2 13 intersection M-55 Behind Bonner's Beauty Shop 3.0-3 D 5.0 at MSDH air sampler H-56 11. W. Watson Elementary and Junior High School 3.0-3 G 4.2 13 H-57 Hwy. 61, behi.nd the Welcome to 3.0-3 F 4.5 Port Gibson sign at Glensdale

  • Subdivision M-58 Hwy. 61, Big Bayou Pierre bridge, 3.0-3 E 5.0 ~

southeast end r M-59 Off levee at Winter Quarters 3.0-3 N 5.' Hunting Camp 13 4 GRAND GULT, UNIT 1 ODCd/SRREVFLR J.0-6a Revision 13 - 01/92

                                                                                                                                                            " TEXT DELETED" 13 1

I i GRAND GULT, UNIT 1 ODCM/3RREWT.R 3.0-6b Revision 13 - 01/92

n 7 ODCM TABLE 3.0-3 (Continued) TLD LOCATIONS Page 6'of 7 ILD.NO.- LOCATION FIGURE SECTOR 51LE l 13 l

      -M-86'         -Bechtel Gate north SITE BOUNDARY                     3.0-1                  B              0,5 l 33 H-88           River _ mile marker 409.5                           3.0-1                   A              4.2
      .M-89          ' Middle Ground Island'                             3.0-1                    R              4.4
      -H-90.          Across from Middle Ground Island                   3.0-1                    Q              3.5 b

d 13


a GRAND UULF, UNIT . ODCM/SRREVFLR? -3.0-6c Revision 13 - 01/92


      .- M- 91        Transmission line by pond 3.0-1     J       4.5 M-92        ' Fence behind orchard                 3.0-1     K       0.4
M-93 Underground cable sign 3.0-1 H 0.4
      'M-94'          Sector R garden                      3.0-1     R      0.8 13 l

f 13

-- ' GRAND GULF, UNIT l' l

i: ODCM/SRREVFLr 3.0-6d Revision 13 - 01/92 l.. i.-

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a na tocava seau l COLLECTION SITE LOCATIONS l GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION GENERAL AREA MAP 13 ODCM FIGURE 3.0-2 h ' GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 l ODCM/SRREVFLR 3.0-8 Revision 13 .01/92 l ___ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . - , ..

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                        " TEXT-DELETED" 13 i
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i. ,

iGRAND GUTJ, UNIT 1 r-; 0DC!f/SRREVTLR 3*0-10 Revision 13 - 01/92

a )

              " TEXT DELETED" 13 m

0 SRREVfLR 3.0-11 Revision 13 - 01/92 I

Q3 = cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble gas, tritium, 1-131, 1-133, or material in particulate form over the period of interest (uCi). 2.2.2.b Dose to an individual from tritium, I-131, I-133 and radioactive materials in particulate form, with half-lives greater than eight (8) days will be calculated for the purpose of implementation of Specification as follows: D = dose to an individual from tritium, 1-131, p y 3.33 and radionuclides in particulate form, with half-life greater than eight days (mrem)

                                          =       3.17 x 10-8 7g j       wi g j i

Where, W' = relative concentration at a controlling location for an individual X/Q' = 4.057 x 10-6* sec/m3 for inhalation and all tritium pathways in the 5 sector or 11 D/Q' = 1.408 x 10-8* m2 for food and ground plane pathways in the S_ Sector _ R = the total dose factor for radionuclide i, (mrem /yr per uCi/ni 2 ) for inhalation and all ' 73 tritium pathways and (m2 mrem /yr per uCi/sec) for food and ground plane pathways from Tables 2.2-2a - d

  • This conservative approach utilizes values for the onsite GGNS 11 gardens (Tables 2.2-3 and 2.3-1). As an alternative GGNS may use the'most conservative offsite controlling locations identified in the above referenced tables.

l GRAND GULF, UNIT 1 J200DCM88011301 - 12 2.0-10 Rev. 11 - 06/88

                        -Q g   =    - cumulative release of radionuclide i of noble gas, tritium, I-131, I-133, or material in particulate form over the period of interest (uci) 2.2.2.c    For the purpose of implementing Specification 6.9.1, of the RETS, dose calculations will be performed using the above equations or with the substitution of average meteorological parameters (most limiting parameters will be used) which prevailed for the period of the report.

2.2. 3 - Doses from gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS are project'd at least every 31 days as required by GGNS Technical Specifica-8 tion 4.11'.2.5.1. These projections are made by averaging the doses (D , D p ,-D ) from previous operating history (normally p the previous six months) which is indicative of future expected-operations. 1 GRAND GUII, UNIT 1 2.0-10a Rev. 8 - 08/86 J3GP! FIB 6052201 - 9

TJJ112 2.2-la PA7%E' CICE TJCIOPS (Pi) FOR TIDNICAL SPirIFICATIO13.11.2.1 and 1 u-- SECTIQ4 2.2.1.b Page 1 of 2 JdE GOJP (DWA!E) ( li. A. ) (DF/dC) ISCIDPE D0%1ATIOJ GOJ:0 PIRIE IV.D 11 - 3 6.46BE+02 0.000E+00 2.382E+03 1 C-14 2.646E+04 0.000E+00 2.340E+09 tm-24 1.056E+04 1.979E407 1.542E407 P-32 2.030E+06 0.000E400 1.602E+11 CR-51 1.284E+04 7.364E+06 4.700E406 M1-54 9.996E+05 1.287E@9 3.900E+07 ftb56 7.16BE44 1.525EM6 2.862E4 0 FE-!5 8.694E+04 0.000E+00 1.351E+C8 FE-59 1.015E46 4.562EMB 3.919E+08 CO-58 7.770E+05 6.194E% 8 6.055E+07 CO-60 4.508E+06 5.172E+09 2.09BE+0B NI-63 3.38BE405 0.000E+0L 3.493E+10 NI-65 5.012E+04 4.930E40 3.020E+01 9.ts.E+0b CU-64 1. 49BE404 3.807E+06 ZN-65 6.46BE+05 7.907FA08 1.904E+10 p ZN-69 1.322E+04 0.000E+00 3.855E-09 BR-83 3.80BE+02 1.011E+04 9.339E-01 {4 BR-84 4.004E+02 3.376E+05 1.256E-22 BR-85 2.044E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RB-86 1.904E+05 1.478E@7 2.234E+10 # RB-88 5.5722+02 5.399E+04 1.874E-44 RB-89 3.206E+02 2.075E+05 4.193E-53 SR-89 2.030E+06 3.560E+04 1.25BE+10 b SR-90 4.088E407 0.000E+00 1.216E+11 SR-91 7.336E+04 3.587E66 3.215E+05 - aR-92 1.400E+05 1.233E+06 5.005E+01 - Y-90 2.6BBE+05 7.583E+03, 9.406E+05 Y-91M 2.786E+03 1.65BE+05 1.876E-15 Y-91 2.450E+06 1.702E+06 5.251E+06 Y-92 1.266E405 3.060E+05 1.026E+01 Y-93 1.666E+05 3.620E+05 1.776E404 ZR-95 1.750E+06 3.975E+08 8.257E+05 ZR-97 1.400E+05 4.921I+06 4.446E+04 ND-95 4.70BE+05 2.291FM8 2.062EMC 10 -99 1.348E+05 6.608EM6 3.10BEM B K-99M 2.030E+03 3.013E6 5 1.646E+04 K-101 8.442E+02 3.253E+04 1.423E-56 E 93 5.516E+05 1.804E+0B 1.055E+05 0 05 4.844E+04 1.030E+06 3.204E+00 RU-106 1.156E+07 3.590E+06 1.445E+06 JG-110M 3.668E+06 3.649E+09 1.461E+10 GPRD G"F, UNIT 1 2.0-11 Fw . 1 - 7/83

TABLE 2.2-la (Continued) I PATitO3 DOGE F7CIORS (Pi) IVR nDMICAL SPECIFICATIai and SIrrlai 2.2.1.b Page 2 of 2 E'.E GROUP (DG747T) ( N.A. ) (DIFMIT)

               ~1s0IaPE              DWaAricti             ~

GKuoPIRE FCED W-12LM ~' 4.466E@5 ~ 3.001E+06 1.508EMB TE-127M 1.312E+06 1.395E+05 1.037E+09 TE-127 2.43Ed+04 4.704E@3 1.359E+05 TE-129M 1.580E+06 3.290E+07 1.392E@9 TE-129 2.632E+04 4.395E+04 1.6 N -07 TE-131M 1.988E+05 1.351EM7 2.288E+07 TE-131 8.218E+03 4.929E+07 1.384E-30 TE *.32 3.402E+05 7.098E N')6 6.513EM7 I-130 1.596E+06 9.560E+06 8.754E+08 I-131 1,484E+07 2.985E+07 1.053E+12 I-132 1.694E+05 2.075E+06 1.188E+02 1-133 3.556E+06 4.259E+0E 9.601E+09 I-134 4.45?b 04 7.578E+05 8.402E-10 1-135 6.958E+05 4.210E+06 2.002E+07 CS-134 7.028E@5 3.282E+09 6.801E+10 CS-136 1.34SE+05 2.432E+08 5.795E@ 9 CS-137 6.118E+0i 1.337E+09 6.024E+10 CS-138 8.764E+02 5.860E+05 2.180E-22 E-139 5.096E+04 1.705E+05 2.874E-05 m-140 1.59CE+06 3.352E+07 2.410E+08 M-141 4.746E+03 6.762E404 3.141E-44 m-142 1.554E+03 7.234E+04 0.000EM D 1A-140 1.680E+05 3.114E+07 1.880E+05 1A-142 5.950E+04 1.269E+06 6.019E-06 CE-141 5.166E+05 2.199E407 1.366E47 CE-143 1.162E+05 3.753E+06 1.536E+06 CE-144 9.842E+06 6.761E+07 1.334E68 PR-143 4.326E+05 0.000E+00 7.845E+05 PR-144 4.284EM3 3.017E@3 1.171E-48 1D-147 3.220E+05 1.441E+07 5.743E+05 W-187 3.962E+04 3.915E+06 2.501E+06 NP-239 5.950E+04 2.823E+06 9.400E+04 Units: Inhalation and all tritium ptlways - mrem /yr per tCi/mi 1 others - m8 . rentn/yr per ut: /sec Values tased on stardard !UREG-0133, Section 5.2.1 assmptions unless otheIvise i.Wested. GWC GUIT, UNIT 1 2.0-12 Fev.1 - 7/83

TABLE 2.2-1b PAT 1MAY DOSE F/CIORS (Pi) IVR TD0011 CAL SPDCIFICATIQs and SIL'rICN 2.2.1.b Page 1 of 2

            /GE GCUP           ( OIIID )             (      N. A.           )          (       QUID        )

ISOIDPE DDiALATIQi GPCUD PIME GPS /ANL/ MEAT H-3 1.12!.Y+43 0.000E+00 1.826E+02 C-14 3.589E+04 0.000E400 2.991EMB ta-24 1.610E+04 1.385E+07 1.345E-03 P-32 2.605EM6 0.000EMO 5.781E+09 CR-51 1.69BE+04 5.506E+06 3. 6'5E405 Mi-54 1.576E+06 1.625EM9 6,/19E+06 MN-56 1.232E+05 1.068E+06 1.901E-51 FE-55 1.110EM5 0.000E4 0 3.566E+08 FE-59 1.269E+06 3.204E408 4.943E408 CO-58 1.106E+06 4.454E+08 7.485E+07 CO-60 7.067E+06 2.Si2E+10 2.993E+08 NI-63 8.214E+05 0.000E+00 2.272E+10 NI-65 8.399E+04 3.451E+05 3.167E-51 CU-64 3.670E+04 6.876E+05 1.087E-05 ZN-65 9.953E+05 8.583E+08 7.801E+08 ZN-69 1.018E404 0.000E+00 0.000EMO BR-83 4.736E+02 7.079E443 7.425E-57 BR-84 5.476E+02 2.363E4 5 0.000E+00 BR-85 2.531E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 RB-86 1.983E+05 1.035EM7 4.536E+08 RD-88 5.624E+02 3.779E+04 O.000E+00 RB-89 3.452E+02 1.452E+05 0.000E400 SR-89 2.157E+06 2.509E+04 3.756E+08 SR-90 1.010E+08 0.000E400 8.111E+09 SR-91 1.739E+05 2.511E+06 4.128E-10 SR-92 2.424E+05 8.631E+05 2.724E-48 Y-90 2.679E+05 5.308E+03 3.806E+05 Y-91M 2,812E443 1.161EM5 0.000E+00 Y-91 2.627E+06 1.207E+06 1.872E+08 Y-92 2.390 EMS 2.142E+05 5.428E-35 Y-93 3.885E+05 2.534E+05 1.20~E-07 ZR-95 2.231E+06 2.837E+08 4.763E+08 ZR-97 3.511E+05 3.44SE+06 5.471E-01 NB-95 m 6.142E+05 1.354E+05 1.605E408 4.626E+0C 1.738E+09 1.915E+05 l2

         -IC-99M               4.810E+03               2.100EM5                            5.394E-18
          'IC-101              5.346E+02               2.2.   . 04                         0.000E+00 RU-103               6.623E+05               1.265 8                      3.127E+09 RU-105               9.953E+04               7. 212E+t)5                         4.590E-25 RD-106               1.432E+07               5. 049E408                          5.384E+10
          .SG-la10M            5.476E+06               4.019E+09                           5.259E+08 GPAND GULF, LNIT 1                      2.0-13                          Aw. 2 -            5/84
                  , . . . - -.              ,                    n.   - - .        - . = -           - - -

TABLE 2.2-1b (Cbntinued) PRDh73 DOSE 17CIORS (P1) FOR TfDDiICAL SPirII'ICATIOls and 1 SIL7201 2. 2.1.b Page 2 of 2 NE GRQJP ~'tT8[iIDOUdAT101

                                                   )        {      N. A. )       (

CHILD 7 ' _15UME GROU!D PIR E GR3/M1/ MEAT D 125M 4.773E+05 2.128E+06 4.42BE+08 TE-127H 1.480E+46 1.083E+05 3.947E+09

            'IE-127                       5.624E+04            3.293E+03            1.254E-08 TE-129M                       1.761E+06            2.305E+07            4.091E+09
            'II-129                       2.549E+04            3.076E+04            0.000E+00 TE-131M                       3.07BE445            9.459E+06            7.656E@ 3
            'IE-131                       2.054E+03           3.450E407             0.000E+00 TE-132                        3.774E+05            4.96BE+06            7.274E+06 I-130                         1.846E+06           6.692E+06             5.271E-04 I-131                         1.624E407           2.089E407             4.293E+09 I-132                         1.935E+05           1.452E+06             1.895E-57 I-133                         3.848E+06           2.981E+06             1.017E+02 1-134                        5.069E+04            5.305E+05             0.000E+00 I-135                        7.918E405            2.947E+06             8.104E-15 CS-134                        1.014E+06           2.007E+09             1.180E+09 CS-136                        1.709E+05           1,702E+08             3.452E+07 CS-137                       9.065E+05            1.201E+10             1.040E+09 CS-138                       8.399E+02            4.102E45              0.000EMO M-139                        5.772E+44            1.194E+05             0.000E+00 m-140                         1.743E+46            2.346E+0*/            3.420E407 E-141                        2.919E+03            4.734E404             0.000E+00 m-142                         1.643E+03'           5.064EM4              0.000E+00 1A-140                        2.257E+05            2.180E+07             4.284E+02 IA-142                        7.585E+04            3.886E405            0.000E+00 CE-141                        5.439E+05            1.540E+07             1.078E447 CE-143-                       1.273E@5             2.627E+06            1.963E+02 CE-144                        1.195E+07            8.032E+07            1.476E+08 PR-143                        4.329E+05            0.000E+00            2.815E407 PR-144                        1.565E+03            2.112E+03            0.000E+00 ICF147                        3.282E+05            1.009E407            1.174E+07 W-167                         9.102E+04            2.740E+06            2.176E+00 NP-239                        6.401E+04            1.976E406            1.741E+03 Units:     Inhalation ard all tritium pattways - mram/yr per uCi/m2                   1 Odvars - m8 . mrm/yr per uCihec Valtes based on standard WREG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assmptions unless otlervise inlicated.

7 tat ocnsmption assmed 75 percent beef and 25 percent stuttcm. GPRD Gulf, UNIT 1 2.0-14 Ihn'. 1 - 7/ 83



SirrI W 2.2.2.b Page 1 of 2 ME GGP ( DEMC ) ( li. A. _J ( DENE C( DENE ) ( DFNC ) iroIoP!; DmA1ATIm Gmio PLn L Gas /c m/MIIx cas/c m/ terat VIraTATIm ~ 6.468E+02 H-3 0.006E+00 2.382E+03 0.0liOE+00 0.000EMO C-14 2.646E+04 0.000E400 2.340E+09 0.000E400 0.000E+00 NA-24 1.056E404 1.385E+07 1.542E+07 0.000EM O 0.000E+00 P-32 2.030E406 0.000EMO 1.602E+11 0.000E+00 0.000EMO CR-51 1.284E+J4 5.506EM 6 4.700E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 191- 5 4 9.996E+05 1.625E+09 3.900E+07 0.000E+00 0.000E400 194-56 7.168E+04 1.068EM6 2.862E+00 0.000EMO 0.000E400 FE-55 8.694EM4 0.000E+00 1.351E+08 0.000EM O 0.000EMD FE-59 1.015E+06 3.204E+06 3.919E+08 0.000E+00 0.000EMO CO-58 7.770 EMS 4.464EM8 6.055EM7 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 CO-60 4.508E+06 2.532E+10 2.098E408 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 NI-63 3.388E+05 0.000E+00 3.493E+10 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 NI-65 5.012E+04 3.451E+05 3.020E+01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 CD-64 1.498E+04 6.876E+05 3.807E+06 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 Zti-65 6.46BE+05 0.583E+08 1.904E+10 0.000E+CJ 0.000E+00

           .Di-69                             1.322E+04    0.000E+00                3.855E-09                     0.000E+00           0.000E40 9R-83                             3.808E+02    7.079E+03               9.339E-01                      0.000E+00          0.000E+00 R-84                          4.004EM2     2.363E+05                1.256E-22                     0.000E+00          0.000E+00 BR-85                             2.044E+01    0.000E+00               0.000E+00                      0.000E+00           0.000EMO RB-86                             1.904 EMS    1.035EM7                2.234E+10                      0.000E+00          0.000E+00 RB-88                            5.572E+02     3.779EM4                1.874E-44                      0.000E+00          0.000E+00 RB-89                            3.206E+02     1.452E+05              4.193E-53                       0.000E+00          0.000E+00 SR-89                            2.030E+06     2.509E+04               1.258E+10                      0.000EMO           0.000E+00 SR-90                            4.088EM7      0.000E+00              1.216E+11                       0.000E+00          0.000EMO SR-91                            7.336E+04     2.5117.+06             3.215 EMS-                      0.000EMO           0.000EMO SR-92                            1.400E+05     8.631E+05              5.005E+01                       0.000EMO           0.000E+00 Y-90                             2.688E4 5     5.308E+03             9.406E+05                        0.000E+00          0.000E+00 Y-91M                            2.786E+03     1.161E+05              1.876E-15                       0.000E+00          0.000E+00 2.450EM 6     1.207E+06             5.251EM6                         0.000E+00          0.000E+00 Y-92                             1.266E445     2.142EM5              1.026E+01                        0.000E+00          0.000E+00 Y-93                              1.666E+05     2.534E+05              1.776E+04                       0.000E+00          0.000E+00 2R-95                            1.750E+06     2.837E+08            8.257E+05                         0.000E+00          0.000E+00 ZR-97                            1.400E+05     3.445E+06            4.446E+04                         0.000E+00          0.000E+00 NB-95                             4.78BE45      1.605E+0B            2.062E+08                         0.000EMO           0.000E+00 W)-99                             1.34BE+05     4.626E+06            3.108E408                         0.000E+00          0.000E+00
           'Ar-99M                           2.030E403     2.109E+05            1.646EM4                          0.000EMO           0.000E+00
           'IC-101                           8.442EM2      2.277E+04            1.423E-56                         0.000E+00          0.000EMO RU-103                            5.516E+05     1.265E+08            1.055E+05                         0.000E+40          0.000E400       l2 RU-105                            4.844E+04     7.212E+05            3.204EMO                          0.000E+00          0.000E+00 RU-106                            T.156EM7      5.049E+08            1.445E+06                         0.000EMO           0.000E+00 AG-110M                           3.64 BE+06    4.019E+09            1.461E+10                         0.000E+00          0.000E+00 t

l l GRNC GUIE, UtJIT 1 2.0-15 Rev. 2 - 5/84 I l .

TABIE 2.2-2a (Continued)_ PATHWAY DOSE F/CIORS (Ri) FOR TEDNICE SPIEITICATIQlS NO SErfriCN 2.2.1.b Page 2 of 2 NIE GUJP ( DENC ) ( N.A. ) ( DEME ) ( DERC,) ( DWNC ) , ISUIDPE DaiALATION G0Uto PLANE GG/ COW /MILX GG/ COW / MEAT VEEETATION TE-185M 4.466E+05 2.128E+06 1.50BE+08 0.000E+00 0.000EMO TE-137M 1.312E+06 1.083E+05 1.037E+09 0.000EMO 0.000E+00

              'TE-127          2.436E+04                             3.293E403        1.359E405                         0.000E400        0.000E+00 TE-129M         1.680EM 6                             2.30$E+07        1.392E409                         0.000EMO         0.000E+00 TE-129          2.632E+04                             3.076E+04        1.678E-07                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 TE-131M         1.988E+05                             9.459E+06        2.288E+07                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 TE-131          0.218E<03                             3.450E+07        1.384E-30                         0.000EMO         0.000E+00 TE-132          3.402E+05                             4.96BE+06        6.513E+07                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00                         2 I-130           1.596E+06                             6.692E+06        8.754EM8                          0.000EMO         0.000E+00 I-131-          1.484EM7                              2.089EM7         1.053E+12                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 I-132           1.694E+05                             1.452E406        1.188E+02                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 I-133           3.556E+06                             2.981EM6         9.601E+09                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 I-134           4.452E+04                             5.305E+05        8.402E-10                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00
              .I-135           6.958E+05                             2.947E+06        2.002E+07                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 CS-134          7.028 EMS                             8.007E409        6.801E+10                         0.000E+00        0.0002400 CS-136          1.345 EMS                             1.702E408        5.795E+09                         0.000EMO         0.000E+00 P 137           6.118E405                             1.201E+10        6.024D+10                         0.000E400        0.C00E+00
                .S-138         8.764E+02                             4.102E+05        2.180E-22                         0.000E+00        0.000E400 BA-139          5.096E+04                             1.194E405        2.874E-05                         0.000E+00        0.000E400 BA-140          1.596E+06                             2.346E+07        2.410E+08                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 BA-141          4.746E+03                             4.734E+04        3.141E-44                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 BA-142          1.554E+03                             5.064E+04        0.000E+00                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 1A-140,         1.680E+05                             2.180E+07        1.880E+05                         0.000E+00        0.000E400 IA-142          5.950E+04                             8.886 EMS        6.019E-06                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 CE-141          5.166E+05                             1.540E+07        1.366E+07                         0.000E400        0.000E+00 CE-143          1.162E+05                             2.627E+06        1.536E406                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 CE-144          9.842EM6                              8.032EM 7        1.334E+08                         0.000E400        0.000E+00 PR-243          4.326E+05                             0.000E+00        7.845E+05                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 PR-144          4.284E+03                             2.112E+03        1.171E-48                         0.000EMc         0.000E+00 ND-147          3.220E+05                             1.009E+07        5.74?E+05                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 W-187           3.962E+04                             2.740E+06        2.501E+06                         0.000E4 0        0.000E+00 NP-239          5.950E+04                             1.976E+06        9.400E+04                         0.000E+00        0.000E+00 Units: Inhalation aad all tritium pathways - nrm /yr per uC1/m3 Others - m8 . mr m/yr per uCi/sec Values based on standard NtWD-0133, Section 5.3.1 assuiptions unless otharvise irdicatai.

l GWO GEF, UNIT 1 2.0-16 Rev. 2 - 5/84 w .. ..



NZ Gu;P ( OlIID ) L H.A. ) ( OlIID ) ( QillD ) ( Qi1ID )

 'ISCIGE       DORIATIO4       G URO PIIME     GRS/CCW/ MILK   GG/CD4/ MEAT   VMETMIQJ 11 - 3        1.il5E+03        0.000E+00        1.570E443      2.341E+02     4.008E+03    1 C-14          3.589E+04        0.000E+00        1.195E+09      3.834E+08     8.894E408
 !a-24         1.610E404        1.385E+07        8.853E+06      1.725E-03     3.729E405 P-32         2.605E+06        0.000E+00        7.775E+10      7.411E+09     3.366E+09 CR-51         1.69BE+04        5.50iE406        5.398E+06      4.661E+05     6.213E+06 p 54          1.576E+06        1.625E+09        2.097E+07      8.011E+06     6.649E+08 Mi-56         1.232E+05        1.06BEM 6        1.865E+00      2.437E-51     2.723E+03 IE-55         1.110E+05        0.000E+00        1.118E+0B      4.571E+08     8.012E+08 FE-59         1.269E+06        3.204E+08        2.025E+0B      6.338E408     6.693E+08 CD-58         1.106E+06        4.464E+08       7.080E+07       9.596E+07     3.771E+08 CO-60         7.067E4 6        2.532E+10        2.391E+08      3.838E+08     2 495E+09 NI-63         8.214E+05        0.000E+00        2.964E+10      2.912E+10     3.949E+10 NI-65         8.399E+04        3.451E+05        1.909E+01      4.061E-51     1.211E+03 CD-64         3.670E+04        6.876E+05        3.502E+06      1.393E-05     5.159E405 ZN-65        9.953E+05        8.583E+08        1.101E+10      1.000E+09     2.164E+09 ZN-69        1.018E+04        0.000E+00        1.123E-09      0.000E+00     9.893E-04 BR-83         4.736E+02        7.079E+03        4.399E-01      9.519E-57     5.369E+00 BR        5.476E+02        2.363E+05        6.500E-23      0.000E+00     3.822E-11 BA-85         2.531E4 1        0.000E+00       0.000E400       0.000E400     0.000E+00 RD-86         1.983E+05        1.035E+07        8.804EM9       5.816E+08     4.384EMB RD-88         5.624E402        3.779E404       7.150E-45       0.000E+00     4.374E-72 RB-89         3.452E+02        1.452E+05        1.715E-53      0.000E+00     1.642E-26 SR-89         2.157E+06        2.509E+04        6.618E+09      4.815EMB      3.593E+10 SR-90         1.010E+08        0.000E+00        1.117E+11      1.040E+10     1.243E+12 SR-91         1.739E405        2.511E+06        2.878E+05      5.292E-10     1.157E+06 SR-92         2.424E+05        8.631E+05        4.134E+01      3.492E-48     1.378E+04 Y-90          2.679E+05        5.308E+03        9.171E+05      4.879E+05     6.569E+07 Y-93N         2.812E+03        1.161E+05        5.198E-16      0.000E+00     1.737E-05 Y-91          2.627E+06        1.207E4 6        5.199E+06      2.400E+08     2.484E+09 Y-92          2.390E+05        2.142E+05        7.310E+00      6.959E-35     4.576E+04 Y-93          3.885E405        2.534E+05        1.573E+04      1.547E-07     4.482E+06 ZR-95        2.231E+06        2.837E+08        8.786E+05      6.106E+08     8.843E+08 ZR-97         3.511E405        3.445E+06        4.199E+04      7.015E-01     1.248E+07 NB-95         6.142E+05        1.605E+08       2.287E+08       2.228E+09     2.949E+C8 M>-99         1.354E+05        4.626E46         1.738E+08      2.456E+05     1.647E+07
 'IC-99M       4.810E+03        2.109E+05        1.474E+04      6.915E-18     5.255E+03
 'IC-101       5.846E+02        2.277E+04        5.593E-58      0.000E40      4.123E-29 RD-103        6.623E+05        1.265E+0B        1.10BE+05   -

4.009E+09 3.971E+0B 70-105 _ 9.953E+04 7.212E+05 2.493E+00 5.885E-25 5.981E+04 RD-106 -1.432E+07 5.049E+08 1.437E+06 6.902E+10 1.159E+10 AG-110M 5.476E+06 4.019E+09 1.678E+10 6.742E+0B 2.581E+09 l GRNO GUIE, 'JNIT 1 2.0-17 Rm' 1 ~ 7/83 x - - . . - - -

TARIZ 2.2-2b (Continual) P/mMAY DTE F/CIORS (Ri) KR TfDMICAL Spir 1TICATIQ4S Ato


sirrlai 2.2.2.b Page 2 of 2 KGE Q CUP ( CHnD ) ( N.A. ) ( OlHD ) ( QillD ) ( CHIID )

   '212fl0PE        Dc!Af1TIU4   GOJfD PIANE       GRS/CGTIMIIK    Q(5TCOW/MFAT     VIILTATIO4 TE-12SM          4.773E+05      2.128E+06          7.377R7       5.690E+0B        3.506E408 TE-127M          1.480E+06      1.083E405          5.932E+08     5.060EM9         3.769E+09 TE-127           5.624E+04      3.293E+03          1.191EM5       1.607E-08      3.903EM5 TE-129M          1.761EM6       2.305E+07         7.961I+08      5.245E409       2.460E+09 TE-129           2.549E+04      3.076E+04         6.166E-08      0.000E+00       7.204E-02 tea 131M         3.078E+05      9.459EM6          2.244E+07      9.815EM3        2.163E+07 TE-131           2.054E403      3.45cE+07         8.489E-32      0.000E400       1.349E-14 TE-132           3.774EM5       4.968E+06         4.551E+07      9.325E+06       3.111EM7 I-130            1. 846E406     6.692EM6          3.845E+0B      6.758E-04       1.370E408 I-131            1.624E+07      2.089E+07         4.333E+11      5.503E409       4.754E+10 I-132            1.935E+05      1.452E+06         5.129FA01      2.429E-57       7.2'14E+03 I-133            3.848E+06      2.981E+06         3.945E+09      1.304EM2        8.113E408 I-134            5.069E404      5.305E405        3.624E-10       0.000E+00       6.622E-03 I-135           7.918E405       2.947E+06        8.607EM6        1.035E-14      9.973E+06 CS-134           1.014EM6        0.007EM9         3.715E+10 CS-136           1.709E+05      1.702E+08         2.773EM9 1.513E+09 4.426E+07 2.631E+10   l2 2.247E+08 CS-137           9.065EM5        1.201E+10        3.224E+10       1.334E+09      2.392E+10 CS-138           8.399E+02      4.102E+05        5.528E-23        0.000E+00      9.133E-11 m-139            5.772EM4       1.194E+05         1.231E-05       0.000E+00      2.950EMO m-140            1.743E+C6      2.346E+07         1.171E+08       4.384E+07      2.767E+08 m-141            2.919E403      4.734EM4         1.210E-45        0.000E400      1.605E-21 m-142            1.643E+03      5.064EM4         0.000E+00       0.000E+00       4.105E-39 IA-140           2.257E+05      2.180E+07        1.894E+05       5.492EM2        3.166E+07 1A-142           7.585E+04      8.886E+05        2.904E-06       0.000E+00       1.582E+01 CE-141           5.439 EMS      1.540E407        1.361EM7        1.382E+07       4.082E+08 CE-143            1.273 EMS      2.627E+06        1.488E+06       2.516E+02       1.364E+07 CE-144            1.195E+07      8.032EM7         1.326E+08       1.893E+08       1.039E+10 FR-143           4.329E+05      0.000E+00        7.754E+05       3.609E;07       1.575E+08 PR-144            1.565E+03      2.112E+03        2.040E-30       0.00CYM O       3.829E-23 ND-147            3.282E+05      1.009E+07        5.712E+05       1.505E+07       9.197E+07
 '4-187            9.102E W       2.740E+06        2.420E+06       2.790E+03       5.380E+06 NP-239            6.401I.04      1.976E+06        9.13BE+04       2.232E403       1.357E+07 Units: Inhalation a.r! all tritium psthways - mrem /yr per uci/m3 Others - ma mran/yr per uCi/mc l      Values based cn stardard NURDG-0133, Section 5.3.1 assunptions unless

! otharwise inlicated. l l 1 l GWO GJIF, UNIT 1 2.0-18 Rev. 2 - 5/84 i

I m TABLE 2.2-2c 1 FATif,%Y DCCE FN'IORS (Pd) FCR _TEDUICAL Si T!!"j 1015 N D 51CI'104 2.2.2.b Page 1 of 2 qmm) ( N.A. ) 7 TEE 2m) (TwpG3) (Tm?ami' _N _IE GiwP GkS/C&/MI11. GRS /C&'/ MEAT VIEETATIGi ISUIGE 11MA1AT1G4 GICLRO PIANE 1 1.272E+03 0.000E+00 9.941E+02 1.93EE+02 2.588E+03 H-3 2.600J.+04 0.000E+00 4.859E+08 2.040E+08 3.690E+08 C-14 1.385E+07 4.255E+06 1.084E-03 2.389E+05 tm-24 1.376E+04 1.88BE+06 0.000E+00 3.153E+10 3.931E+09 1.608E+09 P-32 2.096E+04 5.506E+06 8.387E+06 9.471E+05 1.037E+07 CR-51 1.984E+06 1.625E+09 2.875E+07 1.436E+07 9.320E+08 Mi-54 W-56 5.744E+04 1.06BE+06 4.856E-01 8.302I-52 9.'4 51E+02 1.240E+05 0.000E+00 .454E+07 2.382E408 3.259E+08 FE-55 9.895E+08 1.528E46 3.204E*08  :.861I+08 1.171E409 FE-59 1.344E+06 4.464E+08 1.095E+08 1.942E+08 6.034E+08 00-58 3.238E+09 8.720E+06 2.532E+10 3.621E+08 7.600E+08 CC+60 0.000E+00 1.182E+10 1.519E+10 1.606E+10 NI-63 5.800E+05 3.451E+05 4. 692E+00 1.305E-51 3 966E+02 17 -65 3.672E+04 6.144E+04 6.876E+05 3.293E+06 1.713E-05 6.*.'5E+05 CD-64 1.471E+09 1.240E+06 8.583E408 7.315E+09 8.688E408 ZN-65 2.067E-05 1.584E+03 0.000E+00 1.760E-11 0.000E+00 ZN-69 2.911E+00 BR-83 3.440E+02 7.079E403 1.790E-01 5.066E-57 4.328E+02 2.363E+05 2.877E-23 0.000E+00 2.251E-11 BR-84 0.000E+00 1.832E+01 0 000E+00 0.000E400 0.000E400 BR-85 2.772E+08 1.904E+05 1.035E+07 4.746E+09 4.101E+08 RB-86 3.168E-22 5.456E+02 3.779E+04 3.886E-45 0.000E+00 RB-88 1.247E-26 3.520E+02 1.452E+05 9.774E-54 0.000E+00 RB-89 1.513E+10 2.416E+06 2.509E+04 2.674E+09 2.545E408 SR-89 1.080E+08 0.000E+00 6.612E+10 8.049E49 7.507E+11 SP-90 1.291E+06 2.592E+05 2.511E+06 2.409E+05 5.794E-10 SR-91 1.012E44 1.192E+05 8.631E+05 2.277E+01 2.516E-48 ER-92 1.025E+0B 5.592E+05 5.30BE+03 1.074E+06 7.470E+05 Y-90 0.000E+00 2.285E-07 Y-91M 3.200E+03 1.161E+05 5.129E-18 1.207E+06 6.475E+06 3.910E408 3.212E+09 i*-91 2.936E+06 2.142r+05 2.828E+00 3.522E-35 2.360E+04 Y-92 1.648E+05 2.534E45 1.312E+04 1.688E-07 4.98 E4 6 Y-93 5.792E+05 2.837E+08 1.201E+06 1.092E+09 1.253E+09 4R-95 2.688E+06 3.445E+06 4.22SE+04 9.231E-01 1.673E+07 2R-97 6.304E+05 1.605E+0B 3.338E+08 4.251E+09 4.551E+08 NB-95 7.512E+05

4. 626E+06 1.023E+08 1. 892E+05 1.293E+07
  }O-99          2.6B8E+05 2.109E+05         1.055E+04    6.471E-18        5.011E+03
  'IC-99M        6.128E+03 2.277E+04         3.287E-58    0.000E+00        3.229E-29
  'IC-101        6.672E+02 1.265E+08         1.513E+05    7.162E+09        5.706E+0S RD-103        7.832E+05 7.212E+05          1.26.4+00    3.900E-25        4.039E+04 RU-105        9.040E+04

1.79 w+06 1.130E+11 1.484E+10 FU-106 1.608E+07 5.049E+0B 4.019E+09 2.559E+10 1.345E+09 4.031E+09 AG-110M 6.752E+06 l GPJND GUIF, UNIT 1 2.0-19 Fev. 1 - 7/83

1 I


TABLE, 2.2-2c (Contirtuad) i PNnMAT TOSE FACIORS (Ri) IVR TOONICAL S/frIFICATIOIS A!D_ sufiICU 2.2.2.b Page 2 of 2 (TLuiAGER) uwMER) (TEDUG'R) (TEDUG'R) ( N.A. ) VIlruCIQi

 ' AGE GROUP                                                     GRS/CIM/MIIA  GRS/ COW /VEAT
 ~ 15010FE             D{HAIKMJ            GPMO PIANE                                            4.375E+08 2.128E+06             8.863E+07     8.941I+08 TE-125M              5.360E+05                                               3.816E409         2.236E+09 1.083E+05             3.420E+08 TE-127M               1.656E406                                              1.689E-08         4.180E+05 8.080E+04          3.293E+03             9.572E+04 TE-127                                                                       3.966E+09         1.508E+09 1.976E406         2.305E+07             4.602E+08                                         3 TE-129M                                                       2.196E-09     0.000E+00         3.418E-03         F
   'IE-129               3.296E+03         3.076E+04                                             3.248E+07 2.529E407     1.447E+04 TE-131M               6.208E+05         9.459E+06                                             6.099E-15 2.879E-32     0.000E+00 TE-131                 2.336E+03        3.450EM7                                              7.818E47 4.968EM 6              8.581E+07     2.300E+07 TL-132                 4.632E+05                                             4.00SE-04         8.276E+07 1.488E+06         6.692E+06             1.742E+08 I-130                                                                       3.645E+09         3.140E+10 1.464E+07         2.089E+07             2.195E+11 I-131                                                                       1.389E-57         4.262E+03
                        -1.512E+05           1.452E+06            2.242E+01 2-132                                                                       7.234E+01         4.587E+0B L 320E+06          2.981E+06            1.674E+09 1-133                                                        1.583E-10     0.000E+00         3.854E-03 I-134                 3.952E+04         5.305E+05                                            5.832E406 2.947E4 6            3.777E406     5.963E-15 1-135                 6.208E+05                                             1.231E+09         1.671E+10 8.007E+09             2.310E+10 CS-134                 1.128E+06 1.702E+08             1.759E+09     3.671E+07         1.708E+08       f CS-136                 1.936E+05                                            9.634E+08         1.348E+10 1.201E+10             1.781E+10 CS-137                 8.480E+05                                            0.000E+00         6.935E-11 8.560E+02        4.102E+05            3.149E-23 C5-138                                                       7.741E-07     0.000E+00         2.472E-01 BA-139                 6.464E+03        1.194E+05                                            2.130E+08 2.346E+07            7.483E+07     3.663E+07 BA-140                 2.032E+06                                           0.000E+00         8.699E-22 3.288E+03       4.734E+04            4.922E-46 BA-141                                                        0.000EMO     0.000E+00          2.269E-39 1.912E+03       5.064E+04                                             5.104E+07 BA-142                                                        2.291E+05     8.689E+02 1A-140                  4.872E+05       ?.180E+07                                             1.868E+00 2.574E-07     0.000E+00 1.200E+04      5.886E+05                                             5.404E+0S 1A-142                                                        1.696E+07     2.252E+07 CE-141                   6.136E+05       1.540E+07                                            2.040E+07 2.627E406             1.671E4 6     3.695E402 CE-143                   2.552 EMS                                          3.089E+08         1.326E+10 1.336E+07      8.032E+07            1.655E+0B CE-144                                                                     5.817E+07         2.310E+08 4.832E+05      0.000E+00            9. 553E+05 PR-143                                                        1.238E-53    0.000E+00         3.097E-26 Ph144                    1.752E+03      2.112E+03                                             1.424E+0B 7.116E+05     2.452E+07 3.720E+05     1.009E+07                                             7.839E+06 hD-147                                                        2.646E+06     3.989E+00 W-187                     1.768E+05     2.'40E+06                                             2.097E+07 1.976E+06            1.060E45      3.387E+03 FP-239                    1.320E+05 Inhalation and all tritium pat 1 ways - mrem /yr per uCi/m8                           l1 Units:

otherp - m3 . mrcsn/yr per u i/sec Values insed on standard NUML-0133, Section 5.3.1 asstat. ions unless otherwise irdicated. { 2.0-20 Pe1. 1 - 7/83 GRA?D GULF, UhTI' 1

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