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ML20094N824 | |
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Site: | Satsop |
Issue date: | 07/22/1983 |
From: | Kulm V KULM, V. |
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ML20094N819 | List: |
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MONTHYEARML20150G0711988-06-30030 June 1988
[Table view]Cascadia Subduction Zone:Evaluation of Earthquake Potential Implications to Washington Nuclear Plant 3 ML20150G0611988-02-29029 February 1988 Ground Motion Simulations for Thrust Earthquakes Beneath Western Washington ML20094N8201984-08-31031 August 1984 Juan De Fuca/North American Plate Convergence:Seismic or Aseismic Subduction ML20094N8411984-02-29029 February 1984 Juan De Fuca Plate Comparison Task JFP-2. W/Five Oversize Tables.Aperture Cards in PDR ML20081C2211983-09-30030 September 1983 Draft Rept on Fish Bioassays:Toxicity of Copper,Zinc & Chemical Forms to Coho Salmon & Steelhead Trout in Chehalis River,Wa ML20094N8241983-07-22022 July 1983 Study of Western Washington/Oregon Margin & Adjacent Juan De Fuca Plate, Final Rept ML20094N8361983-06-0101 June 1983 Finite Element Investigation of Uplift & Strain in Puget Sound Region, Final Rept ML20094N8461983-05-25025 May 1983 JFP-3A - Analysis of Geodetic Data. W/Two Oversize Graphs. Aperture Cards in PDR 1988-06-30 Category:TEXT-ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS MONTHYEARML20198Q7261999-01-0404 January 1999
[Table view]Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re 960808 Application to Terminate Const Permit CPPR-154. Proposed Action Issuance of Order That Would Terminate Const Permit for Plant ML20150G0711988-06-30030 June 1988 Cascadia Subduction Zone:Evaluation of Earthquake Potential Implications to Washington Nuclear Plant 3 ML20154D3511988-05-0505 May 1988 Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Extension of Const Completion Date to 990701,per Util 841102 & 860310 Requests ML20150G0611988-02-29029 February 1988 Ground Motion Simulations for Thrust Earthquakes Beneath Western Washington ML20128K0021985-05-31031 May 1985 Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 3.Docket No. 50-508.(Washington Public Power Supply System) ML20094N8201984-08-31031 August 1984 Juan De Fuca/North American Plate Convergence:Seismic or Aseismic Subduction ML20084H9101984-05-31031 May 1984 Amend 2 to Environ Rept - OL Stage ML20094N8411984-02-29029 February 1984 Juan De Fuca Plate Comparison Task JFP-2. W/Five Oversize Tables.Aperture Cards in PDR ML20081C2211983-09-30030 September 1983 Draft Rept on Fish Bioassays:Toxicity of Copper,Zinc & Chemical Forms to Coho Salmon & Steelhead Trout in Chehalis River,Wa ML20094N8241983-07-22022 July 1983 Study of Western Washington/Oregon Margin & Adjacent Juan De Fuca Plate, Final Rept ML20094N8361983-06-0101 June 1983 Finite Element Investigation of Uplift & Strain in Puget Sound Region, Final Rept ML20094N8461983-05-25025 May 1983 JFP-3A - Analysis of Geodetic Data. W/Two Oversize Graphs. Aperture Cards in PDR ML20063C0511982-08-20020 August 1982 Environ Rept for WPPSS Unit 3 ML20053D4321982-05-25025 May 1982 Environ Rept for Facility ML20259C2141979-06-22022 June 1979 Fifth Suppl to Design Parameters of Groundwater Drainage Sys for 790331-0515,contained in Two Oversized Drawings ML19309A7921976-10-27027 October 1976 Mod to NPDES Permit WA-002496-1,issued to Wa Public Power Supply Sys ML19262A5491975-06-30030 June 1975 Fes Re Construction of Facility 1999-01-04 Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT MONTHYEARML20202C8081999-01-22022 January 1999
[Table view]Safety Evaluation Supporting Order Terminating Construction Permit CPPR-154 GO2-98-211, Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1998 Annual Rept. with1998-12-31031 December 1998 Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1998 Annual Rept. with GO2-98-005, Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept for 19971997-12-31031 December 1997 Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept for 1997 GO2-96-016, Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept for 19961996-12-31031 December 1996 Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept for 1996 GO2-95-254, Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept 1995. W/1995-12-31031 December 1995 Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept 1995. W/ GO2-95-044, Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1994 Annual Rept. W/1994-12-31031 December 1994 Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1994 Annual Rept. W/ GO2-94-036, Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept,19931993-12-31031 December 1993 Washington Public Power Supply Sys Annual Rept,1993 GO2-92-016, Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1992 Annual Rept1992-12-31031 December 1992 Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1992 Annual Rept GO2-92-025, Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1991 Annual Rept. W/1991-12-31031 December 1991 Washington Public Power Supply Sys 1991 Annual Rept. W/ ML17286B2761991-07-31031 July 1991 Rev 0 to Washington Nuclear Plant 3 Seismic Design Basis Model Validation,Soil Variation Studies ML20079B8591991-06-10010 June 1991 Interim Deviation/Noncompliance Rept 067 Re dry-type Insulator Cracking in Transformer Supplied by Westinghouse.Initially Reported on 910513.Util Notified Vendor on 910430 That Problem Affects Class 1E Transformer ML17286B2681991-05-0707 May 1991 Justification for Revised Tornado Design Criteria ML20029B3441991-02-28028 February 1991 Safety Evaluation Re soil-structure Interaction,Analysis & Deconvolution Issue.Staff Believes New Methodology Using state-of-art Analytical Technique for Resolving Deconvolution Issue Acceptable GO2-91-007, WPPSS,1990 Annual Financial Rept1990-12-31031 December 1990 WPPSS,1990 Annual Financial Rept ML17285A9891989-12-31031 December 1989 WPPSS,1989 Annual Rept ML20245B8701989-04-21021 April 1989 Deficiency & Part 21 Rept Re Degradation of Nonmetallic Components & Sludge Formation in Lubricating Oil.Initially Reported on 890327.Degradation of Nonmetallic Parts & Fouled Bearings Evaluated ML20154D3231988-05-16016 May 1988 Safety Evaluation Supporting Util 841102 & 860310 Requests for Extension of Plant Const Completion Date from 850101 to 990701 ML20147D3921988-02-29029 February 1988 Seismic Hazards Assessment for Washington Nuclear Plant-3, Satsop,Wa Contract C-20453, Final Rept ML17279A7641987-12-31031 December 1987 WPPSS,1987 Annual Rept ML20236P0061987-11-13013 November 1987 Final Part 21 & Deficiency Rept Re Failure of LPSI Pump When Energized.Initially Reported on 840523.Results of C-E Analytical & Test Program Showed That Excessive Shaft Deflection Eliminated by Use of Larger Diameter Motor Shaft ML20215C3061987-06-11011 June 1987 Safety Evaluation Supporting Application of Modified Itt/ Grinnell Stiff Clamps for Use in safety-related Piping Sys ML20214M6471987-05-27027 May 1987 Final Deficiency Rept NY-QA-8 Re Atwood & Morrill Natural Frequency ASME III Active Valves,Identified During Ebasco Engineering Review.Initially Reported on 870515.Valves Will Be Reanalyzed & Modified.Not Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e) ML20214E4681987-05-15015 May 1987 Deficiency Rept Re Natural Frequency of ASME III Active Valves.Initially Reported on 870413.Interim/final Rept Will Be Submitted by 870527 ML17278B1731986-12-31031 December 1986 WPPSS Annual Rept 1986 ML20207F1031986-12-18018 December 1986 Final Deficiency Rept Re Four Elgar Corp Static Uninterruptible Power Supply Units That Could Potentially Result in Failure of Class 1E 120-volt Vital Ac Bus. Condition Not Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e) ML20214W7711986-11-26026 November 1986 Interim Deficiency Rept Re Uninterruptible Power Supply Assembly Deficiencies.Initially Reported on 860708. Final Rept Will Be Provided by 870116 ML20215G5351986-10-10010 October 1986 Part 21 Rept Re Vendor Tests of air-operated Diaphragm Valves Revealing Natural Frequencies Less than Required Values of 33 Hz.Initially Reported on 841227.No Adverse Effects Noted During Testing ML20215G6801986-10-10010 October 1986 Part 21 Rept Re Vendor Tests of air-operated Diaphragm Valves Revealing Natural Frequencies Less than Required Values of 33 Hz.Initially Reported on 841227.No Adverse Effects Noted During Testing ML20211A8421986-09-0808 September 1986 Final Rept of Earthwork Module C3-01 of Facility Const Assurance Program of Facility Readiness Review Program ML20212N1371986-08-25025 August 1986 Part 21 Rept Re Potentially Defective Operation of Synchro-Start Products,Inc Synchronizing Speed Switches Used in Auxiliary Generating Equipment.Initally Reported on 860820.Next Rept Will Be Submitted by 860926 ML20205G0201986-08-0808 August 1986 Interim Deficiency Rept 64 Re Uninterruptible Power Supply Assembly Defects.Initially Reported on 860708.Cracked or Stressed Fuse Blocks Will Be Replaced by Nov 1986.Final Rept Anticipated by 861201 ML20203E6321986-06-30030 June 1986 Validation of Ebasco Foundation Spring Modeling for Elastic Half-Space Seismic Model ML20198N5431986-05-31031 May 1986 Addendum to CEN-315 Summary of Diversity Between Reactor Trip Sys & Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation Sys for C-E Plants ML20202H2271986-03-26026 March 1986 Part 21 & Final Deficiency Rept D/N 62 Re Potential Overspeed Trip in Diesel Generators Mfg by Colt Industries. Initially Reported on 860224.Vendor Forwarded Proposed Mods Whereby Air Will Be Positively Vented After Engine Started ML20140A7621986-02-28028 February 1986 Informs of Plans for Implementing Severe Accident Policy Statement & Regulatory Use of New source-term Info ML20151Y8141986-02-0404 February 1986 Part 21 Rept Re Colt-Pielstick Engine Tripping Out on High Speed When Started for Test Purposes at Seabrook.Caused by Source of Air Pressure Staying On.Engines Will Be Modified to Positively Vent Air from Rack Boost Cylinder GO2-86-171, WPPSS 1985 Annual Rept1985-12-31031 December 1985 WPPSS 1985 Annual Rept ML20137J4601985-12-27027 December 1985 Interim Deficiency Rept Re Rejectable Suction Nozzle Weld Defect on Ingersoll-Rand HPSI Pump.Initially Reported on 851127.C-E Performing Technical Review of Defect.Final Rept Will Be Submitted Upon Receipt of C-E Review Results ML20138D7281985-11-30030 November 1985 Draft SER Re Status of Staff Review of FSAR & Associated Submittals Until Const Delay Announced in 1983 ML20133E1111985-09-27027 September 1985 Final Part 21 & Deficiency Rept D/N 59 Re Possible Fractured or Cracked Welds on Louis Allis Emergency Standby Generators.Initially Reported on 850624.Item Not Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e) ML20209H8381985-09-0404 September 1985 Final Part 21 & Deficiency Rept 58 Re Titus Products Tension Wires.Initially Reported on 850311.Tension Wires Replaced & Air push-on Locknuts Installed to Secure Wires to Shafts of Air Deflection Blades ML20132H0331985-07-31031 July 1985 Rev 1 to Evaluation of Itt/Grinnel Figure 215 Stiff Clamp Application on Safety-Related Piping Sys ML20133P1611985-07-24024 July 1985 Interim Part 21 & Deficiency Rept D/N 59 Re Cracked Welds on Diesel Generator Air Deflectors Supplied by Louis-Allis Co. Initially Reported on 850624.Corrective Actions Not Received from Vendor.Next Rept Expected by 850927 ML20128K1911985-07-0101 July 1985 Deficiency Rept D/N 52 Re LPSI Pump Failures.Pump Evaluation Necessary for Final Rept Not Yet Received.Final Rept to Be Provided as Soon as Info Received ML20115J9201985-04-0101 April 1985 Final Deficiency Rept Re Brown Boveri Voltage Balance Relays W/Excessive Operating Time.Initially Reported on 850227. Relays Removed from Control Panels & Returned to Vendor for Replacements.Item Not Reportable Per 10CFR50.55(e) ML20115D0491985-03-29029 March 1985 Interim Deficiency Rept (D/N 58) Re Titus Model 272 Grille Tension Wire Failing to Remain in Place.Initially Reported on 850311.Existing Tension Wires Will Be Replaced ML20112E6631985-03-0707 March 1985 Interim Deficiency Rept Re Failure of Borg-Warner 2-inch HPSI Header Isolation Valves.Initially Reported on 850204. Opening Torque Switch Light Bypassed & Valve Yoke Tack Welded to Valve Body ML20129A0631985-02-20020 February 1985 Rev 2 to Preservation of Assets Preventative Program GO2-85-096, 1984 Annual Rept1984-12-31031 December 1984 1984 Annual Rept ML20113A5381984-12-27027 December 1984 Final Part 21 & Deficiency Rept Re Damaged Wires on Westinghouse Ds/Dsl Circuit Breakers.Initially Reported on 841012.Damaged Wires Will Be Replaced & Addl Wire Ties Installed 1999-01-22 |
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