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Affidavit of Ej Turk & Tg Swansiger in Support of Applicant Answer Opposing NRC Supplemental Response to Ohio Citizens for Responsible Energy Motion for Admission to Resubmit Contention 2.W/Certificate of Svc
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/13/1983
From: Swansiger T, Turk E
Shared Package
ML20083A310 List:
NUDOCS 8312200255
Download: ML20083A329 (22)



UNITED. STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )




(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

-Units 1 and 2)





State of Ohio )

Edward J. Turk and Thomas G. Swansiger, being duly sworn, depose and say as follows:

1. I, Edward J. Turk, am Senior Engineer, Nuclear Design

& Analysis Section, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company

("CEI"). My business address is 10 Center Road, Perry, Ohio 44081. A summary of my professional qualifications and experi-ence is attached hereto as Exhibit A. I have personal knowledge of-the matters set forth herein and believe them to be true and correct.

2 . I, Thomas G. Swansiger, am Engineer, Nuclear Quality Assurance Department, Procurement / Administration Quality Section, CEI. My business address is 10 Center Road, Perry, 8312200255 831216 PDR ADOCK 05000440 G PDR

Ohio- 44081. A summary o.f my professional qualifications and

-experience is attached hereto as Exhibit B. I have personal knowledge of the matters set forth herein and believe them to be true and correct.

3. We have reviewed Board Notification BN-83-160, dated October 21, 1983, including Enclosures 2 and 5 to Board Notifi-cation BN-63-160. For the reasons stated below, none of the concerns raised in Board Notification BN-83-160 affects ad-versely the reliability of the diesel generators at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant ("PNPP"). ,


4. Board Notification BN-83-160 addresses in large part the recent failure of the main crankshaft on one of the three standby diesel generators at the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station and the subsequent discovery of cracks in the crankshafts of the other two diesel generators at Shoreham. The crankshaft cracking problem at Shoreham was previously documented in IE .

Information Notice No. 83-58, dated August 30, 1983. The manu-facturer of the Shoreham diesel generators, Transamerica Delaval, Inc. ("Delaval"), is also the manufacturer of the PNPP standby diesel generators.

5. At the time Board Notification BN-83-160 was written, Long Island Lighting Company ("LILCO") still was in the process of investigating the cause of crankshaft cracking at Shoreham.

As documented in Board Notification BN-83-160A, dated November 17,~1983, at 1, an independent design review of the Shoreham

diesel generators performed for LILCO by Failure Analysis Associates has now determined that the cause of crankshaft cracking at Shoreham.was high torsional stress on the crank-shafts caused by-an incorrect design. This design problem does not apply to the PNPP diesel generators.
6. The crankshafts supplied for Shoreham were dimen- ~ unlike those furnished for any other nuclear or nonnuclear power plant. Specifically, the Shoreham crankshafts

, had crank pins with only an 11 inch diameter. The diesel gen-

' erator crankshafts for PNPP have crank pins with a 13 inch di-

- ameter. In addition, the PNPP diesel generators have V-16 engines while the Shoreham diesel generators have eight cylin-der in-line engines. Taking-these and other factors into account, the crankshaft stress to which the PNPP crankshafts subjected is calculated to be, at most, only 60 percent of the maximum stress which the crankshafts were handle. In contrast, at Shoreham the crankshafts were operating at 100 percent:of their' design stress. Moreover, if the design margin at Shoreham had been increased by;only a few percent,-the crankshaft failure should not have occurred for the life of the plant. Since the maximum stress on the PNPP crankshafts is only 60 per cent of the design stress, the t

margin of safety at PNPP is sufficiently great that there is reasonable assurance that the crankshafts will not crack from

. torsional stress.throughout the life of the plant.

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7. Enclosure 2 to Board Notification BN-83-160 lists a number of problems with Delaval diesel generators which have arisen in the last three years. None of these problems affects adversely the reliability of the PNPP diesel generators. Many of the items in Enclosure 2 do not apply to the PNPP diesel generators. Each of the items which does apply or may poten-tially apply either has been corrected, is in the process of being corrected, or is planned to be specifically addressed in the PNPP surveillance and maintenance program. A discussion of the items in Enclosure 2 in the order in which they are listed with the dates indicated follows: .
8.  :(8/12/83 ) This item concerns the recent crankshaft failure at Shoreham discussed in 1T 4-6, above.

The cause of the crankshaft failure at Shoreham has been determined to be a design problem which does not apply to PNPP. See UV 5-6, above.

9. (3/30/83) This item concerns failure of the holddown capscrews in the rocker arm assembly of one of the Shoreham diesel generators. The holddown capscrews in the rocker arm assemblies at PNPP have a different design than the design of those at Shoreham. The PNPP design is an improved design which is intended to increase the stress capacity of the capscrews and will avoid failures such as occurred at Shoreham. This item does not apply to PNPP.


10. (3/08/83) This. item concerns cracked cylinder heads in the Shoreham diesel generators. The PNPP diesel generator cylinder heads,-as with all Delaval diesel generator cylinder heads manufactured since 1975, were subjected to an improved heat treatment which will prevent cracking. There have been no instances of cylinder head cracking among Delaval diesel gener-ator engines subjected to the improved heat treatment. This item does not apply to PNPP.
11. (3/03/83) This item concerns failure of fuel oil lines at Shoreham and Grand Gulf. The failure at Grand Gulf was a failure of an engine mounted fuel oil line resulting from excessive vibration caused by inadequate support. The failure .

is addressed by CEI in Deviation Analysis Report ("DAR") 145.

CEI has committed to installing additional supports for the-PNPP engine mounted fuel oil lines in accordance with Delaval's recommendations. See Attachment 1. A final report is cur-rently scheduled to be submitted to the NRC Staff-(" Staff") by

-J'anuary 31, 1.984. The Shoreham was a failure of

[ -high pressure fuel oil injector lines caused by defective i

tubing. The failure is discussed in IE Inspection Report No.

99900334/83-01, dated October 3, 1983, in Enclosure 5 tr Board l

Notification BN-83-160 (" Inspection Report"), at 6-8. As stat-ed-in the Inspection Report, at 7-8, only the diesel generators 1

furnished to Grand Gulf and San Onofre utilized tubing from the i

potentially defective purchase lot. The failure at Shoreham

has'no applicability to PNPP.



12. (12/13/82) This item, which concerns unqualified control cables at Grand Gulf, is addressed by CEI in DAR 109.

CEI is in the process of replacing the control cables in question at PNPP with qualified cables. In addition, CEI is replacing the control cable terminators. A final report is currently scheduled to be submitted to the Staff by December 30, 1983.

13. (9/17/82) This item concerns failure in two of the Shoreham diesel generators of jacket water pump shafts caused by fatigue cracking at the shaft keyways. The design of,the PNPP jacket water pumps and pump shafts is an entirely different design than the design of those at Shoreham. The PNPP design is an improved design which is intended to increase the stress capacity of the pump shafts and will avoid cracking i

l such as occurred at Shoreham. Further, operating experience and testing of the'V-16. diesel engine, which is the design of the PNPP diesel engines, have not resulted in fatigue cracking at the shaft keyway. This item does not apply to PNPP.

14. (7/22/82) This item concerns an incorrect valve po-sition indication in the high jacket water temperature trip at Grand Gulf. The incorrect indication was probably the result of installation error rather than a design deficiency. CEI has examined the valve position indicators on the PNPP diesel gen-erators and the valve 1 ne-up was proper. In addition, CEI


plans to include the valve position indicators in the PNPP sur-veillance and maintenance program in order to monitor for instrument drift.

o .

15. (6/23/82) This. item, which concerns potential dete-rioration of an isoprene element used in the governor drive coupling at Grand Gulf, is addressed by CEI in DAR 101. CEI is in the process of replacing the PNPP governor drive couplings according to Delaval's recommendations.
16. (5/13/82) This item, which concerns improper capscrew length in the starting air valve assemblies at Grand Gulf, is addressed by CEI in DAR 099. CEI has completed in-spection of the capscrews in the PNPP starting air valve assemblies and has determined that the capscrew lengths are proper. This item does not apply to PNPP.
17. (3/19/82) This item, which concerns potential leak-age during a seismic event in a check valve installed in the starting air system, is addressed by CEI in DAR 079. The design of the check valve in the starting air system has been modified and has passed seismic testing. Modification of the PNPP-diesel generator check valves is currently expected to be completed by the end of December.1983.
18. (3/15/82) This item concerns sheared bolts in the rear crankcase cover at Grand Gulf. As stated in the Inspec-tion Report, at 10, the sheared bolts appear to have been the result of over or under-torqueing during installation. CEI has reinstalled the rear crankcase covers in the PNPP diesel gener-ators and verified that the covers are correctly installed. In addition, the PNPP diesel generators, unlike those at Grand Gulf, have screens to prevent sheared bolts from entering th::

generators. This ite.n does not apply to PNPP.


19. (12/09/81) Thi.s item, which concerns improper mount-ing location of the governor lube oil cooler, is a essed by CEI in DAR 081. Delaval has supplied instructions and materials for remounting the PNFP governor lube oil coolers.

Relocation of the coolers is currently expected to be completed for both Units 1 and 2 by January 1984.

20. (11/05/81) This item, which concerns a defective link rod at Grand Gulf, is addressed by CEI in DAR 038. In-spection showed that the deficiency does not exist for the PNPP diesel generator link rods. This item does not apply to,PNPP.
21. (7/14/83) This item concerns a cracked instrument line in the lube oil system at San onofre Unit l'. Delaval has informed CEI that the cracked instrument line was an additional line not called for in the design and incorrectly installed by the utility. No such line exists for the PNPP diesel genera-tors. This item does not apply to PNPP. However, CEI plans to include the lube oil system instrument lines in the PNPP sur-veillance and maintenance program to ensure that instrument lines are properly installed and maintained and that the instrument lines do not leak.
22. (3/23/81) This item concerns use of non-qualified motors in the auxiliary lube oil and j acket water pumps at Grand Gulf. CEI specified different types of motors for the PNPP auxiliary lube oil and j acket water pumps than those at Grand Gulf. The motors specified by CEI are designed and qual-ified for nuclear application. This item does not apply to PNPP.


b .

-23. (12/16/80) This item, which concerns a problem with

- lubrication of the-turbocharger thrust bearings at San Onofre Unit'1, is addressed by CEI in DAR 044. Delaval has provided a modified lubrication. oil drip system design which avoids the problem experienced at San Onofre. CEI has committed to in-stallation of this system for both Units 1 and 2 prior to pre-engine start testing.

, INSPECTION REPORT NO. 99900334/83-01

24. Enclosure 5 to Board Notification BN-83-160 consists of copies of a cover letter, a Notice of Violation, a Notice of

' Nonconformance, and Inspection Report No. 99900334/83-01, which were sent to Delaval by the Staff on October 3, 1983. The potential violations and nonconformances addressed in these documents concern the implementation of Delaval's quality as-surance'("QA") program. associated with its manufacture of standby diesel generators. CEI understands that Delaval has .

i submitted its required written statement responding to the findings of the' Inspection Report. However, Delaval's written statement has not been provided to CEI. To CEI's knowledge, the Staff has not yet formally responded to Delaval's sub-mittal.

25. Regardless of the results of the Staff's evaluation of Delaval's submittal, none of the potential QA violations, nonconformances or other problems at Delaval identified in the

! Inspection Report adversely affects the reliability of the PNFP 9-4',. --v-r em

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diesel generators. First., PNPP is not identified in the Inspection Report as one of the plants to which the Inspection Report is potentially applicable. In a section entitled " Plant-Site Applicability," the Inspection Report specif;es by docket number the facilities to which the report applies. PNPP is not listed as one of the affected plants. See Inspection Report at 1-2.

26. Second, almost all the potential QA problems identi-fled in the Inspection Report have to do with Delaval's imple-mentation of its QA program in the last one to two years, The major components of the PNPP diesel generators, in contrast, were manufactured from December 1977 to September 1978.
27. Third, CEI's QA program has consistently provided ef-fective overview and control of Delaval to assure that the PNPP diesel generators are reliable. In September 1975 CEI conducted a comprehensive Pre-Award Survey of Delaval. CEI and Architect-Engineer Gilbert Associates, Inc. (" Gilbert") held a Post-Award Meeting with Delaval in April 1976 in which it was verified that Delaval's responses to all of the findings of the Pre-Award Survey had been implemented. Also at the Post-Award Meeting CEI and Gilbert reviewed with Delaval the QA require-ments of the diesel generator contract and identified the Delaval procedures which had to be reviewed and approved before Delaval would be permitted to begin fabrication of the diesel

. generators.

( .

28. Review and appr. oval of the necessary procedures was completed by November 1977; and on November 30, 1977 Gilbert issued a fabrication release to Delaval. The Gilbert manufacturing surveillance plan for Delaval, which was reviewed and approved by CEI, had been initiated in August 1977 with respect to certain Delaval subvendors. From December 1977 to September ,1978, during the manufacture of the major components of the PNPP diesel generators, Gilbert conducted 15 surveil-lances at Delaval. These surveill'ances covered a wide range of Delaval activities. Three additional surveillances of Delaval subvendors were conducted between August 1977 and September 1978. To date Gilbert has conducted a total of 44 surveil-lances in connection with the PNPP diesel generators. All findings issued as a result of the Gilbert manufacturing sur-veillance program have been resolved.
29. In addition to the manufacturing surveillance pro-gram, in May 1978 CEI'and Gilbert conducted a comprehensive audit of Delaval's activities in connection with the manufacture of the PNPP diesel generators. The audit concluded that in general Delaval's QA procedures were adequate and were being satisfactorily implemented. All audit findings resulting from the May 1978 audit were resolved. A July 1978 meeting with Delaval confirmed CEI's and Gilbert's confidence in Delaval's program. As a result of this favorable evaluation, CEI approved shipment from Delaval of the PNPP diesel genera-tors.


h. .
30. -A subsequent audit of Delaval was conducted by.CEI and Gilbert in February 1982. A'May 1982 follow-up meeting at Delaval concluded that Delaval's QA program during the manufacture of the PNPP diesel generators was adequate to as-sure their reliability.

'31. Audits and surveillances by CEI and Gilbert from 1975 to 1982 did identify problems with Delaval procedures and im-plementation of procedures similar to some of the QA problems documented in the Inspection Report, e.g., review and approval of production route sheets and other drafting room practices.

However, Delaval responded to all' audit and surveillance find-

.ings; and all CEI and Gilbert concerns with Delaval were re-r solved. -Delaval's QA program thus raises no issues with respect-to the reliability of the PNPP diesel generators.

V ,


32. .In conclusion, none of the concerns raised in Board Notification BN-83-160 affects adversely the reliability of the PNPP' standby diesel generators.

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Efward J. Turk Subscribed and sworn to before me

- this /df " day of December, 1983 i

Q/ .r.

_ ,:. +t' u' t <  : .. $ 4,6, NOTARY PUBLIC -

My Commission Expires:

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C, \.; w h a.,s 3,L C Thomas G. Swansiger Subscribed and sworn to before me this /3 #A day of December, 1983 k'% 4L

  • 2 %{A ! tt -r.f. a. C-NOTARY PUBLIC


My Commission Expires:

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t Attcchment 1


P.O. 50X $o00 .


  • TELEPHONE (216) 622 9800 -

ILLUMIN ATING BLDG. - $$ PUBLICSQUAR, Serving The Best Location m the Natior MURRAY R EDELMAN * *

  • vsce rassiorut kUCU AN Mr. James C. Keppler -

Regional Administrator, Region III office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 RE: Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket Nos. 50-440; 50-441 Potential Defect with Engine Mounted Fuel Oil Line/Transamerica Delaval, Inc. [RDC 84(83)]

Dear Mr. Keppler:

This letter serves as an interim report pursuant to 10CFR50.SS(e) concerning a possible problem with an engine mounted fuel oil line on the diesel generator engines supplied by Transamerica Delaval, Inc. (TDI) . Mr. R. C. Knop of your office was first notified on October 11, 1983, by Mr. E. Riley of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company that this matter was being evaluated for applica-bility to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP).

This report contains a description of the potential deficiency, of corrective action taken to date, and the planned date for our final report.

Description of Potential Deficiency The potential deficiency is associated with the Fuel Oil Line which runs between the engine mounted Fuel Transfer Pump to the Fuel Oil Header on the diesel generator.

This problem was first identified at Crand Gulf I where the Fuel Oil Line broke shut ting the engine down. Initial information indicated that the line break at Grand Gulf I resulted from excessive line vibration.

This item was reported to the NRC September 21, 1983, by Transamerica Delaval, Incorporated as a IOCFR21 Subsequently, Perry Nuclear Power Plant was notified of this as a possible problem by Transamerica Delaval, Inc.

Corrective Action Taken to Date A review of the fuel oil line assc=bly..a t tachments for each of the PNPP diesel engines supplied by TDI has been conducted by the Project Organization and representatives from TDI.

Based upon this review, additional clamping devices were determined to be needed to minimize the potential vibration problem and the needed parts have been ordered. These parts will be installed prior to engine operation.

. Mr. James G. Kcppler Nsysab2r 10, 1983 Attachmant 1 Page 2 In addition to the mounting attachments Project Organization personnel are evaluating other recommendations proposed by TD1. Currently we are reviewing recommended modifications in ' case of a ruel Oil Line break and Project Organization maintenance activities associated with this potential vibration problem.

Ve are presently planning to submit our final report on this subject by Janua ry 31, 1984.

Please call if you have any que'stions.

Sincerely, h l Murray R. Edelman Vice President Nuclear Group MRE:pab '

cc: Mr. M. L. Gildner '

NRC Site Of fice Director Of fice of Inspection and Enf orcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission c/o Document Management Branch Washington, D.C. 20555 Records Center, SEE-IN Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 1100 Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 1500 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 i .


EXHIBIT A EDWARD J. TURK Civilian Education: Illinois Institute of Tech, BSEE, 1963 (Electronics)

Cleveland State University, MBA, 1975 (Finance)

General Electric BWR Plant Design &

Fundamentals Course, San Jose, 1975 1981 National Electric Code

  • 4 Military Education: U. S. Naval Submarine School, 1963-1964 U. S. Naval Nuclear Power School, 1964-1965 U. S. Naval Nuclear A-1-W Reactor Prototype, 1965 SSBN 640 Inertial Navigator School, 1967 t



Experience: ,

1979-Present Nuclear Engineering Department - Lead Balance of Plant Engineer administering procurement and installation specifications in support of installation engineering including cash flow and budget allocations.

Equipment qualification experience gained by complying with IEEE 323-1974.

Special Project - Reactor Vessel Safe-Fnd replacement for Units 1 and 2.

Senior Design Development Engineer - Preparing the Design Control Manual Procedures in compliance with ANSI N45.2.ll, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants.

Interfacing with Nuclear Licensing Section, Pur-chasing and Quality Assurance on the standby diesel generators. Responsible for obtaining data on diesel generators from other plant operators and industry sources and making recommendations for the PNPP standby diesel generators.

i Exhibit A  !

Pcge 2 l

1975-1979 Nuclear Test Section - Developed the Test Program i Manual, Test Sequence, Network and Manning Plans.

Lead Balance of Plant Test Engineer - Developed g Test. Specifications, FSAR Chapter 14 and System Startup Scoping Packages in compliance with Regulatory Guide 1.68, Preoperational Test Program.

Prepared Responsibility Guide and Qualification Sheet for Senior Engineer, Nuclear Startup.

1974-1975 Perry Plant Department - Taught BWR Plant Design

& Fundamentals Course to Nuclear Engineering '

Department, 1975-1977.

Duane Arnold Nuclear Plant - Outage Training - -

10 weeks Hatch Nuclear Plant - Operation Observation -

1 week.

Military Experience: Submarine Qualified. i Main Propulsion Assistant, USS George Bancroft (SSBN 643) .

Auxiliary Division Officer, USS George Bancroft (SSBN 643)

Navigator / Operations Officer, USS George Bancroft (SSBN 643)

Engineering Officer of the Watch, S-5-W, Reactor Plant.

Licenses: ,

Professional Engineer, Ohio, E-42506 Third Class Stationary Engineer, Ohio Other: American Nuclear Society, Local and National Past Local Program Chairman, 1978-1979 Executive Committee Member, 1977-1980 1

i EXHIBIT B Thomas G. Swansiger PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS My name is Thomas G. Swansigar. I am employed as an Engineer for The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and fill the position of Unit Supervisor of the Procurement Quality Unit of the Procurement /

' Administration Quality Section. In this capacity I have the res-ponsibility for the quality assurance activities related to the procurement of equipment / materials for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, including the Standby Diesel Generators manufactured by Transamerica Delaval, Inc. I also act as CEI's representative to the Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (CASE) for supplier qualification.


January 1981 Unit Supervisor / Procurement Quality Unit res-to Present ponsible for all phases of quality assurance activities for CEI procurement of equipment /

materials for PNPP. Responsibilities also include supervision of the element responsible for coordination of reporting all 10 CFR 50.55(e) items and for coordination of PNPP responses to NRC identified findings.

June 1980 to Audit Coordinator, Program Quality Section, December 1980 responsible for scheduling, planning, and implementation of the PNPP' Internal Audit Program for 1980; developing the 1981 PNPP internal audit schedule; follow-up for close-out/ verification of outstanding audit findings; program development for the PNPP audit program.

February 1979 to Quality Engineer, Program Quality Section, June 1980 responsible for vendors supplying piping, structural steel, and steel plate material for the PNPP. Activities include specification review, supplier ovaluations, procurement document reviews, vendor audits, assistance in problem resolution and participation in surveillance activities for assigned specifications. Interface with construction for equipment / material problems identified at PNPP.

I .

Exhibit B Page Two September 1978 to Quality Engineer, Program Quality Section, February 1979 responsible for vendors supplying mechanical equipment (pumps / valves) for the PNPP.

Activities included specification review, supplier evaluations, procurement document reviews, vendor audits, assistance in problem resolution, and participation in surveillance activities for assigned specifications. Inter-face with construction for equipment / material problems identified at PNPP.

June 1972 to Engineer, Plant and Substation Department.

September 1978 Responsibilities were related to substation design both distribution (13.2kv, 3'3kv, and 138kv) and bulk power. Range of work included:

Electrical station layout; Site preparation such as grading, drainage, and interpretation of soil test data; Concrete design and analysis for needed foundations; Design and analysis of steel support

' structures; Design and layout of associated electrical cable subway.

September 1968 to Co-op student under CEI's Scholastic Awards June 1972 Program in the Plant and Substation ~ Department.

Responsibilities covered drafting and detailing associated with drawings needed for distribution and transmission stations.- Activities included foundation detailing and structural steel detail drawings.

EDUCATION Cleveland State University - Bachelor of Livil Eng. (Cum Laude) June 1972, Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland State University - Master of Science Civil Eng. June 1977, Cleveland, Ohio

Exhibit B Pnge Three CONTINUING Equipment Qualification, Wyle Laboratories, EDUCATION / February 1982.


SEMINARS Management by Objectives Course, University of Michigan, December 2-4, 1981.

Principles of Reactor Operation Course, General Physics Corp., September 14-18, 1981.

Metallurgy of Welding and Joining, Metals Engineering Institute, March 21, 1980.

AWS Pipeline Welding and Inspection Seminar, February 15-16, 1980.

1 AWS Fundamentals of Welding Inspection, Spring 1979.

GAI Training Seminar in Quality Assurance Auditing, completed February 16, 1979.

ASME Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plants Seminar, completed January 23, 1979.

PROFESSIONAL Registered Engineer, State of Ohio E041386 CERTIFICATION July 1976.

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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )




(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2)' )

i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicants '

Answer to 'NRC Staff Supplemental Response (Sased Upon New Infor-mation in Board Notification BN-83-160) to OCRE Motion for Admission To Resubmit Proposed Contention 2'" and " Affidavit of Edward J. Turk and Thomas G. Swansiger in Support of Applicants' Answer to 'NRC Staff Supplemental Response (Based Upon New Infor-mation in Board Notification BN-83-160) to OCRE Motion for Admission To Resubmit Proposed Contention 2 '" were served by deposit in the United States Mail, first class, postage prepaid, this 16th day of December,1983, to all those on the attached Service List.

IC 0*b h MICHAEL A. SWIGER December 16, 1983


Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )

) .





(Parry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) )

SERVICE LIST Pater B. Bloch, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Wnchington, D.C.

. Docketing and Service Section Dr. Jerry R. Kline .

Office of the Secretary Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 20555 20555 Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

Colleen P. Woodhead,, Esqui~re Mr.'Glenn O. Bright Office of the Executive Legal Atomic Safety.and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Director l

20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. 20555 Christine N. Kohl, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Ms. Sue Hiatt OCRE Interim Representative Appeal Board 8275 Munson Avenue U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mentor, Ohio 44060 Washington, D.C. 20555 Terry Lodge, Esquire Dr. W. Reed Johnson 618 N. Michigan Street, Suite 105 Atomic Safety and Licensing Toledo, Ohio 43624 Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • Donald T. Ezzone, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Gary J. Edles, Esquire Lake County Administration Center t

Atomic Safety and Licensing 105 Center Street Painesville, Ohio 44077 Appeal Board -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission John G. Cardinal, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555 Prosecuting Attorney Atomic Safety and Licensing Ashtabula County Courthouse Jefferson, Ohio 44047 Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l 20555 Washington, D.C. ,

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