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Amended Petition to Intervene in Proceeding & of Parents Concerned About Indian Point.Affidavits & Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/10/1981
From: Rodriguez P
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20062M988 (7)


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Administrative Judges:

Louis J. Carter, Chairman Oscar H. Paris  ;'; m jg p7gg -

Frederick J. Shon _g In the Matter of .


(Indian Point, Unit #2) Dockct Kos.


1. Petitioner, Parents Concerned About Indian Point, -

recuests leave to intervene in the adjudicatory hearing initiated by the Euclear Regulatory Commission in-its Memo-randun and Order of January 8, 1981, as amended on September 18, 1981. Petitioner requests leave pursuant to the rules of practice of the Nuclear Regulatory Conmission at 10 CFR 2.714.

2. Petitioner is a voluntary unincorporated association, all of whose nembers live within the 50 mile ingestion exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone. More than half of its members live within the 10 mile plume exposure pathway Emergency Plan-ning Zone.
3. Members of Parents Concerned About Indian Point l and their children stand to lose life, .!;ood health, and property if defective safety conditions result in a serious nuclear accident at Indian Point.
4. If adequate emergency plans are not implemented, the injury to members will be exacerbated. Conversely, a W ~

well designed and properly implemented energency plan co ,'

minimi::e the disastrous effects of a radiation release.

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5. Most of the members of Parents Concerned About Indian Point and their children, living within 10 miles of Indian Point, will be required to implement any evacuation plan in case of an accident at Indian Point. All the nenbers, living within 50 miles, will be required to implement other emergency response plans. As these emergency plans will directly control their behavior in the event of a nuclear accident at Indian Point, they have a stake in any determin-ation of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board re6arding the


" current status and degree of conformity with NRC/PEMA guidblines of state and local emergency plannin6" and

" improvements in the level of planning" which"can be ex-pected in the near future."

6. The risks of a nuclear accident at Indian Point are directly related to the safety factors which are the subject of the current investigation by the Atomic Safety and licensing Board. Therefore the probability that members of Parents' Concerned About Indian Point and their children will be called upon to react in a nuclear emer6ency will be affected by the outcome of the proceedings.
7. Petitioner requests leave to intervene in the j adjudicatory hearing to represent the interests of members -

of the group and their children, including the following I named persons whoexercise direct electoral control over the I business of the organization, and who have authorized Parents Concerned About Indian Point to represent them:

l j Ms. ?at Posner Ms. Ervine Eimerling 22 Park Trail 34 Piney Point .. venue l

Croton-on-Hudson Croton-on-Hudson New York, 10520 New York, 10520 Pred & Debby Bobson Mc. Phyllis Rodrigue:

36 Heatherdell Road 64 Elmore Avenue Ardsley, New York 10512 Croton-on-Eudson Hew York, 10520 l

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8. Parrnts Concerned About Indian Point can reasonably be expected to make valuable contributions in developing the record regarding "the current status...of state and local emer-gency planning" and "other offsite e=ergency procedures that are feasible and should be taken to protect the public."

Members, all living in the affected area immediately surrounding Indian Point, are able to elicit information from local officials, administrators, emergency personnel, doctors, teachers, and parents regarding their knowledge.of e=ergency plans, their responsibilities under the plan, and their ability

, to implement the plan.

9. Petitioner is uniquely qualified by residence within the Emergency Planning Zone, to uncover and point out special problems or situations in the EPZ which might adversely affect implementation of the emergency response plans.
10. Petitioner specifically seeks leave to intervene in respect to the.following issues, which have been further devel-oped in formal contentions filed at the Pre-Hearin6 Conference on December 2:

(i) Whether the psychol 6gical, emotional, and physical health and safety of children are adequat-ely protected against the dangers of the Indian Point nuclear Power Station.

(11) Whether the emergency response plans for Indian Point, within the 10 and the 50 mile Emergency Planning Zone, conform with NRC/ FEMA guidelines, are capable of being implemented, and are adequate to protect the health and safety of children.

(iii) Whether the permane.nt closnng of the Indian Point nuclear Power Station will have a bene-ficial effect on the environ =ent of the children of members of petitinner.

10. For=the foregoing reasons, Petitioner requests leave to intervene in the above-captioned hearing.

December 10, 1981 Respectfully submitted P.O. Box 125 Croton-onHudson, UY 10520 Service List Attached M le M A-

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. CERTI?IC d E OF' SEhVIC E I here'oy certify the.t on the 10th day of Decemoer, 1981, I caused a copy of the foregoing Amended Petition for Leave to Intervene to be served by first-class = ail, postage prepaid, on the following:

Louis J. Carter, Ch;.irman WESPAC.

Atomic Saftey and Licensing P.C. Box 488 Board White Plains, ICf 10602 US h3C Washington, D.C . 20555 _-- Greater NY Council e ;- on nnergy 3 rent L. Frandenberg ,.j ,. C N ,s c/o Corren

- Consolidated Edison ,y V .\

h"f U , 26 S tuyve r e r.t F t .

4 Irving Place /,s' New York City 10003 New York City 10003 'c "

- ', Geoffrey Cobb Syan Charles M Pratt 12C Audubon Society e al Counsel '[7

, , 71 W. 23rd St. fle23 gg. ew n City 10010 10 Columous Circle -

New York C i ty 10019 Stanley 3. Klinterg Jeffrey h. slum, maq.

liew York state Energy Cfc ~-

KiU Law School 2 R c h',eller5tae3 cla::;a any, M 12223 423 Vanderbilt Mc.ll 40 Washington Square S.

New York City 10012 Hon. Ruth W. essenger Coundll Memcer Mr. John Gilroy 4th Listrict, Hannattan Ms. Hoah Holt City Hall Ff?IRG New York C i ty, 10007 5 Beekman Street New York City 10038 Friends of the Ea rth 208 W. 13th St.

Environmental Protection New Yo r k City 10011 3ureau NYS Attorney General's Office Mr. Alfred LelBello 2 World Trade Center , County Executive New York City 10047 'ie stchecter C ounty 148 hartine .we General Counsel White Plains, 'Fi 10601 Port ofthority of :2 & KJ Cne World Trade Center Office of Executive Legal New York City 10048 Direcoor US . IGic Mayor George Legany Washington, D.C. 20555 Vill?Ce of muchanan 236 Tate Avenue Docketing x. . service Suchanan, iri 10511 F.a uRC aashington, D.C. 20 _p:

Prederick Shon Member Oscar Paris, Memcer q AS & L2, R~GRC

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./ -e ' - v /, +n..w..?'l-Washington 3,C. 20555 /.




.efore sdministrhtive JaA,ec , . , ,

,3 i., U-3 2 b., ,o ou t s a . t, art er , enairman #, s4 Dr. Uscar H. Paria Frederick J. Shon ,

In the matter of  :

Consolidated Ediaon Company of  :

Docket hes: 50-247-SF 50-286-oP Lew fork (Indian Point, Unit 2)

Power uthority of the State  :

of hew York (Indian Point, Unit 3) .

Affidavit of ?.embership PnRENrS CONCER ;ED A CM IhDI.,E ECIET dtate of New York County of Westchester ss.:

irvine Kimerling ,being duls sworn, states:

I as a resident of Piney Point Avenue, Croton-on-Hudson,

..ew York. My nome is approximately 1x mile; from tne Indian Point ';uclear Power 6tation.

I am a memcer of Parents Concerned Acout Indian 'roint, a voluntary unicorporated association which has the purpose of assuring the safety of children, includin6 my children, in the fifty mile ingestion exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.

As part of my effort to secure the safety of my enildren in the face of a possit:le nuclear emergency at IPi?S, I authorize Parents Concernec Acout Indian foint to intervene on my cehalf and on cen.slf of my cnildren at hearines before the atomic Cafety and Licensing oard convened pursuant to Nuclear Regul . tory '.oramission Memo-randums and Crders dated Janunry 3, 1981 and deptember 18, 1961.

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Jworn to befope me this ~

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JOHN A. BENSoN NOTARY PUBUC. Ctate of New York No. 60 0247983 Quebfied m Westcheeter C Commission Empires March 30.1


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'iefore Administrative Judgea T 3M 2 37 Louis J. Carter, Chairman M Dr. Oscar H. Paris Frederick J. Shon -

In the matter of  :

Consolidated Edison Company of  :

D cket hos: 50-247-JF

%-28c-aP Lew York (Indian Point, Unit 2)

Power suthority of the State  :

of hew York (Indian Point, Unit 3) .

Affidavit of Membership PAREfff S CONCERNED A3CCr INDI.d POINT


State of New York "ounty of Westchester ss.:

Ervine Kimerling ,beins duly sworn, sta.tes:

I am a resident of Piney Point Avenue, Croton-on-Hudson, 1ew York. My home is approximately six miles from the Indian Point Nuclear Power Station.

I an a member of Parents Concerned Aoout Indian koint, a voluntary unicorporated association which has the purpose of assuring the safety of children, including my children, in the fifty mile ingestion exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.

As part of my effort to secure the safety of my enildren in the face of a possible nuclear emergency at IPi.P S , I authorize Parents Conc nec About Indian Point to intervene on my behalf and on 'oehalf of my cnildren at hearines before the Atomic Safety =nd Licensing conrd convened pursuant to Nuclear Regulc, tory Commission >iemo-rancums and Crders dated January 8, 1981 and Septemter le, 19ei.

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(J n w a dworn to befo e me this day of, lW

,YLG JOHN A. BENSON NOTARY PUSUC State of New York No. 60-02A7983 Quehtied m Westchester Commission Expree Merch 30,1 1

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m UfiI1ED S1 ATES LP AMERIC A TJCLEAR REGULA1LRT ULL ISSIUN MCMIC S AFE!? ALD LICE;iSI::3 %ARD 31 D :d 32:3., 1 Before .idministrative Judges: g Louis J. Carter, Chiirman escar E. Paria .

Frederick J. Shen In the Metter of  :

Consolidated Edison L;ompeny of New York [ Docket Noc:

(Indian Point, Unit c)  : 5L-247-3P

50-286-SP Power Authority of the State of New York  :

(Indian Point, Unit 3)  :

Affidavit of Jiuthorization PAREN2S CGECEREED AiUUi INDI.1N PCILT State of New York County of Westcheeter ss.:

Pat Posner, cein6 duly sworn, states:

The memcership of P& rents Concerned Acout Indicn Point has established a Special Co.uittee to supervise the organizational erfort to participt.te in the adjudicatory

. hearing captioned aoove.

Committee memoers are Pat Posner, Phyllia Rodriguea, Kathy Toscani, Sherry Horowitz, Kancy Johnson, and damantha Sczerba.

Each of these individuals resides within th'e 50 mile ingestion exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone.

Each memoer of the committee is authcrized to '

act individually in filin6 documenta prepared on behalf of Parents Concernea About Indian Point, and in representing Parents Concerned Acout Indian Point in any meeting, conference, correspondence, and/or affidavit related to the adjudicatory hearing.

Parents Concerned Acout Indian Point received mail at P.O. :ox 125, Croton-on-Hudson, 2.ew York,10$20.

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